FARM AND GARDEN. flow A FAILS= WAY LOOOll MONET.-•• By not taking a goof home paper. Keeping no account of hotne:openttiona. raying no attention to the good maxim, "A stitch in time saves nine," in regard to the mowing of grain and planting of seeds at the proper time. Leaving reapers, plows, cultivators, etc., uncovered from tho rain and heat of the sun. More money is lost this way than many people are willing to believe. Permitting broken implements to be scat tered over the farm until they aro irrepar able. By repairing;breken implements at the proper time many dollars may be saved a proof of the assertion "that time is money." Attending the auction sales and purchas ing all kinds of trumpery, becaus3 in the words of the vender, the articles are "very cheap." Allowing fences to remain unimpaired until strange cattle are found grazing in the meadow, grain fields, or bruising the fruit trees. Disbelieving the principal of a rotation of crops, before making a single experiment. Planting fruit trees with the expectation of having fruit, without giving the trees half attention needed to make them profit able. Practicing economy by depriving stock of proper shelter during winter, and giving them unsound food, such' as half rotten and mouldy bay and fodder. Keeping au unnumerablc,tribe of rats on the premises, and two or three lazy dogs that eat up more in a month than they are worth in a whole lifetime. And lastly he looses by not reading the advertisements of these who patronize the printer, they being invariably the most eu• terprising and liberal houses to deal with, when he goes to town. MOO IN OIieIIARDS.—If hogs aro allow ed to run in orchards during the season when defective fruit is fulling from the trees they will be an advantage in some respects, as they devour the defective fruit that con tain worms, as they fall to the ground, and thereby the propagation of large numbers these insects is prevented. It is not claimed that all the worms in the fruit will be de. stroyed by swine, as many leave the apples, and burrow in the ground before the fruit falls; but in many cases these insects have been so diminished by swine running in or chards, as to render their depredations of little loss. When good, sound fruit begins to fall, the hogs should be removed,"as the object. for which they are allowed in orchards is to consume the defective, not the good fruit. In some eases it will be advisable to ring the swine to prevent too much rooting ; but when rooting is confined to the space imme diately under the trees, as is sometimes the case that operation is not necessary. Some breeds of hogs root more than oth• ere ; and in some cases their rooting is a benefit especially if one intends to crop the ground the following season. KEEPING VEOETAIII.IB. —Sink a barrel two-thirds of its depth to the ground (a box or cask will answer a better purpose) heap the earth around the part projecting out of the ground, with a slope on all sides; place the vegetables that you desire to keep in the vessel; cover the top with a water tight cover; and when winter sets in throw an armful of straw, bay, or something of the sort on the barrel. If the bottom is out of the cask or barrel,' it will be better. Cabbage, celery and other vegetables, will keep in this way as fresh as; when taken from the ground. The celery should stand nearly perpendicular, celery and earth alter nating. Freedom from frost, ease of ac cess, and especially freshness and freedom from rot are the advantages claimed. To PREVENT RUST IN PLOWS,-.-A corre spondent of the Rural World gives the fol lowing, which be says he has tried success fully ; it is simple and worth adopting: None but a plowman knows the advan tage of having a bright plow. The writer has tried a great many articles to prevent plows and other agricultural implements from rusting. There is nothing so good and handy as patent axle grease. I have used tallow, paint and Japan varnish, but the axle grease is always convenient and easily applied. THE COliiiery Gentleman states that badly weaned calves way be prevented from suck ing, as may cows addicted to milking them selves, by putting a bit in their mouth and attaching a strong twine to a girth around the body of, the animal. LAME YIELD or WIIEAZ—JoeI Swayno, of Christiana Hundred, Dol., raised this Year one hundred and aoventy-four bushels of white bearded wheat on five and ono•half sore& THEY Imo harvested this year in Cali• fornia a wheat crop of 20,000,000 of bwit. A baby is old to be like wheat, boonse it is first cradled, then thrashed, sad filially heroines the flower of the GENUINE MANURES. ALLEN & NEEDLES, IMPROVID SUPER PROSPILITE OP LIME, The old stnedard Whin, uniform on 9nallof. , most Minty prelim., and cheapest Phi phi% in the Illarlint. In Dap, %OW lac each, IMO nor'"' "" AMISIONIn.‘" Aeknowledimit t• he the tenet eal.teble manure et 0 . prier, ',Cured lu the public IN the. each, INA pet MOO lb., PURE GROUND BONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. We cell only No. I—race lege Oren how Ose,Cloe. eminent. 9 GUANO, A aplentliConanure, and one that Is attraction much attention front farmers. Pitied In Barrels, $33 Ferilo9o We. LAND PLASTER. 10 80170111. al levrost market rotes. A pure article A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS ON ABOVE PRIDES Should the dealer near you not have our article', send your orders direct to us, and they will brim prompt attention. ALLEN & NEEDLES, Oftkeg & Stores, al S. Water Street, and 428. Delaware Avenue. DEALERS IN OILS, CANDLES AND GENERAL CUMMISeIION MERCHANTS. PH/LA DEL pat& Auk, IS, im4.--13t rESTABLHHICD IN leatt.J NEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE- MEN'S FUItNISIILNU STORE. ME undersigned respectfully announces to hie many friend* that he hoe opened a new Clothing and filentlemen'e Furnioning Store, M the lower room of the MUMMA Sulidinl, eautheant Cornet of Main and Market Streets, Oloonieburg, !lavingJohn retured from Fiala&lph:twitb a tare stuck ur Fall and •Vinler Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, ie., ite. Ile fat tuts himself that be con please all. llis stack emu , pews HEN'S AND BOES" CLOTHING, such as DRESS COATS, SACA COATS, 0 V EUCOA TS, ea NT VLNTS, BLURTS, DRAWORS, COLLARS, COLLARS, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS UMBRELLAS, Be, and is feet everything in the Clothing or rurnishing lit e at 17rry Lobe In addition to the above he has an elegant assort aunt of Clotherl, Cassimers, and Vestings. It? Clothing made to order at the shortest notice Can and see, before purchasing elsewhere. and tiEtURE GREAT BARGAINS. J. W. CIIEMBERLIN. October In. 18110 NEW BAKERY AND CONFEC TIONERY Mara -33.11D12116alliancsalnia ON TRIUD STREET, UELOW MARKET. BLOOMSBURG, PA. 3. F. FOX. Promisor of this establishment, would respectfully infant, his old and uew sustainers, that he has everpthina fitted up at his new stand to en• able him to furnish them with DREAD, CAKEti, AND CAN 1...DC . 110N BR I a • heretofore. S 7" Hereafter all pentane, who have been ftithigh e d with Ate, Lager neer, and Porter, by the whole, MIL or quarter barrel, will call upon WILLIAM GILMORE, at hie Manion in Fhivee' Block, Main Street, who has twee authorised by the undersiened to sell the Paw. Ile will coo stonily have a supply on hand, which will be sold at the lowest market rtes. Mr. F. hae in tontine %vim his dnk y •ud Con teeihnery„ fitted up rnotne fer the ante of ICE CREAM, in all wh , may favor him with their custom. He is also prepared to make Ice Cream in large gusnti• ties fur parties. public or social Rothe rings. us t h e case may be. Everything pertaining to his line el business will reeeive careful and diligent attention. lie is thankful to his customer■ for past pt (MC and most cordially 'Mich,' a continuance of the same . J. F. FOX. April 3, 1867. G REAT IM PRO V EM ENTI N SE ff 11 4 70 MACHINES. Empire Shuttle Machine I SAI.ESROOMS, 336 Broadway, N. 2:10 Washington et =set, Heston, P3l Chet nut Street. Philadelphia, PATENTED FEE. 14, IMO. THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles of median:mu, possessing many rare and valuable impri VOUIOIII6. having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to a sb n pll e ity a n d crfixtion Dombinetl. It has a straight needle, perpendicular Action, makes the LOCK or Stit TTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP aor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to:he finest Nansook with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAM or COO WHEEL. and the laaat possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatically alcirittelem Machtne. It requires FIFTY PER CENT. less power to drive When any other machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or Injury to health. its Strength and wooderCut Simplicity ofeonstrue. tiun renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is (I UARANTEED by the company to give en• tire satisfaction, We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a anperier article, to come and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. (Inc halt hour's instruction is sufficient to enable sl person to work this machine to their entire saL is action. Agents wanted for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established. Also, for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. X.MPIRE SWING MACHINE Mra 536 Broadway.'' STOVES AND ' NUE. DI=MUI Announces to his many friends and numerous run tomersthat he continues the above business at his old place of business on MAIN ISTRENT, 111,00 Mil. 1111RG. Ills customers and others eon be iseeontmodAted with FANCY STOVES di A until Wide, stovepipee,Tlnware. and every article found In all well regulated STOVE AND TINWARE LETAIII,IBIIIIIENTS in the elliee. anti on the molt reaeonable menus. lam' SPOUTING, for hones and barns, will be put up on abort notice. Alpo, all kinds of repairing dune promptly and upon liberal terms. Ile also keeps on baud a large supply of Milk Pane, of different eines and prices beridee a nap a .. ointment of Fisher's Patent Pelf—Sealing Inuit Pre. seving Can,. Give him a call. July In. InUll.—tf. 'EXCHANGEHOTEL, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The undersigned having perched and lately re. fitted this well known Rime, situated on RAIN ST., iminedlntely opposite the Court Rouse, respectfully Worms their friends and the public generally. that their Howse is now in order for the accommodation and entertainment of travelers. They have spared no pain, in preparing theff :change for the entertainment and comfort of their guests . Their House is spacious, and enjoys a good business location. OWINIQUIIIeEtt run at all times between this House and the different railroad Depots, by which travelers will be conveyed to and from the respective Stallone in due time to meet tha Cu.. ICOONIS /I CLARK. Anril It. HMI. FOR SALE. The undereigned will orThr st private sale ale nitwit: AND I (Y% eitunte on Blain street. and k noon as shy . .I,naiiletproperty,"containingthirty two lie," in (mot; rittratilion an alley in the rear and an slier grti and west side, with a good well or water end rows exwelleat holt on the lot The Pro* piny is droughts one The terms will he made easy, and posresoloa 'Primo.' she Orme( mem April 11. OTONNU. ilehmburt , Avg is, me. COVNTNY RCU &NiS. FARMNRS, AND OTHERS, CONNOR YOUR ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Flour and Ideal, Furs and Skins, Dried and Green Fruits; Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval Stores, hops, Ginseng, Fathers, Hemp, Provisions, Oils, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, &e., To JOSIAH CARPENTER, GENERAL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 442, 444 it 446 Washington Street, New York City, And receive tile weekly Pucu,Cuitanwr or Produce and Grottal es, the rend complete Price Current pub lobed in the United Melee. send for a Mc Current. Marking Plaice and Card' Fuliteiso:Paa. Liberal advances made on Consignment& Established May 1, 1860. First class Hebraic. fyirca when. required April 1, li+67-1. I J. BROWER, (Cot. Iron stn.) e • I. noer offering to tha Public him STOCK or SPRING GOODS e )usleting fa part of a fall lino of INGRAIN, WOOL & RAG CARPETS. Flee cloths and easmilorre for Ladlra' roam llond.oino llross Cowls of all I'dlmmo and qua/lilet v, , lnlns and Prints of sallow, qualitiso and pries". Ilidachud and Drown Muslin', Ladino fraud:Correia BALMORAL SKIRTS. loa sisormieut of Ladies and children,' Gaiter, sold Omits, t rob Groceries ■nd Spicee. New assortment of Glass and Queensware. Es-100. I Mamterel in one has(and one fourth %mils. 'Vow is the time to make your retortion., ea I am oloritig roods at very low prices. and nor motto is (Or dealing to all, and not to be undersold by any. J. J. lIIWW Iticomstiurg, April 30. I . POI. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. UNDEROMBTO The Proprirtors having renovated and retitled their itEATAIYitANT, in the hammer'', of the EXCHANGE HOTEL, XLVZ rms. they would most respeetfully:xolicit acontinwince ar the patronage or their old rusteuters. and eordiellyl n site the atteutien of new °MO to their rerrefkinenli as follows ShELL OYSTERS, oeo CANNED OYSTERS SPICED OYSTERS. FRESII FISIL Gime thews per week, HAM AND EGGS, TRIPS, BOLOGNA, kilo(' LIQUORS AND CIGARS. a 7 " Optere can be stared up to curtmuere AS • moments wire, In 'VARIOUS STYLES, STBWLD, CRAM. FR D, OR RAW. to,suit the tastes of the epieurian. KOONS & CLARK Bloomsburg, April tt9 IMIB. cATAIVISSA RAILROAD, On and after MONDAY, May 11, IM M, Pawnee', trains on the Catawinsa Railroad wilt run ut the following named hours: MAIL SOUTII, STATIONS MA I lt WORT H th : p. &IS a. M. tfilliattispart. Arr. 3.23 ._ . . . Marley. Dap. 3.41 9.12 " Watsontewn. " 3,12 . ~ 9 . 30 44 II atom. . 4,33 " " 19.12 . Danville. " 3.10 . " 19.:12 . It it pt rt. " 3.33 . . _ .. . • 10,43 " (-mare am. " 3.33 " " 11.36 QM. Riv,orrat. a 2 14 . " Eltstoiwit. " 13.48 " Qualm% P., .. 1.00 " E. Meittinoy June. " I.tkt " " 2.13 " Dine.: Tamaqua. Dine. " Ito .• 4.23 " Reading. " MA* sin Arr. UM " Philadelphia. ' CPS " ,_ „. 0 . 1 „ ITo New York via. Read. " ""''''- 1 Ing Of Mauch Chunk. Front New York 2 111 . I 440 " Mauch C$ ink, NO ehange of ears between 44 1111anteport and Philadelphia. CEO, WEBB, Supt. May 27 Ider7. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STREET, (NEARLY OPPOSITE MILLER'S STORE,) ISLOOMSBUR3. PA. THE underslined bas pun fitted up, and opened, bin nevi wrove MID TIN 'nor, in this place, where he is prepared to make up new Tlb WARE or ail kinds in his line, and do repair. ink with !tacitness and dispatch, upon the most red. sonablu terms, :Waist; keeps on hand STOVES of various patterns and style's, which he will sell upon termsto suit purchasers. Give Ile is a good memo's, sod du serving of itor oablic patronise. JACOB METZ. Bloomberg, Sept. 9, 1999.-17 T LOWEST RATES, AND WILL, 6R SOLD LOW. Owing to the Call nj Muse and Mediciaes in 'the cities, we are now mark. Ins every article dawn to old times prices. Our stock in fulland complete. Call and see, and be cony Mead that his is the place to uy. January TJ 6 IP Now and Elegant Styles fur Fulur, Nolle, etc, wholesele and HOWELL & BOITIIKEM, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets. Puma:minim 530 Oroudway. N. Y. JUST ARRIVED, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to LIGHT STREET. All kinds of good Goods. MAP' for cub or coon try produce. Light Mreet, May 13, we. CHAS. O. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, IBLOONSBORG, COMMA CO., PA. Mee In the Exchange Building, second story, over Mobiles St Co's. More, &mond door above the Ba. change lintel. Bloolooburg, April 17, 1887. WESLEY WIRT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofilee in INDIOCIAT AND STAR Bundle* M BHIVE'S BLOCK, Nardi 11, 417, OLOOMIOURO FA. BLANKS I BLANKS 11 Me m! deseripillow for sale, s this office H END ERSHOTT'S F.ARIVIACY. AP receiving more herb and it rugs, Medicines, Toilet end is . ..cies which, have beeu to g WALL PAPERS. PAPER HANGINGS! AN IMMENSE STOCK Or The public are informed that U. W. CREASY & Co. hae Just received E. W. CREASY a Co. READING RA.U. ROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT plondaY, Augurt 3d, 18($. GREAT TRUNK I,INII FROM THE NORTH and Hurt h West fur Philadelphia, Naw York, Read. ing. Potful, le, Tamaqua Ashland, Lebanon, Allen. MVO, ZanOa, Ephrata, Imucastar, Columbia, air" Re. Trains learn Harrisburg for New York, as follows at 1130.393 and 0 IU A it, WOO N. 0 03, 0 3/1 r m minamt ing with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rall• road and arriving at Naw York at IWO and Ili on and 11 43 a nand 3 341,053 r, N, and %MI r. u. Snooping Para accompanying tho 030 A N and 033 r N. Trams without change, Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tom quo, NinerrNlk,Asn'and, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia. at 0 lit a it and VO3 and 4 10 r is, stopping ot Lebanon and principal Way stations ; the 410 r making connactiona for Philudriphia and Uolumbtamdy. Par Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and ilasquehanna Rail roma, learn Harrisburgat 330 es. Roturning leave N aw York at 00 a 12 M and 'Wand ti tal ris. Philadelphia at 013 a m. and 330 Ohleplaa cans accompanying Moll AU a, N, and 3no and 0 OA P.N. trains from New York without change. Way Paseengor Train loaves Philadelphia at 7 YU a. connecting with similar trainman East Penns. Eli rstarnins from Reading at 030 r stopping at all stations; Pottsviolo at 7 W and el 43 A /11, and V 43 P Shamokin ut 323 and II fhi a N Ashland 7MI a xi, and IV 43 M and 13s e. Taillafpla at 830 A. N., and 913 and 4 33 r, N. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Suaquehanna Railroad at 7 lu A N. for Harrisburg, and 111 30 aAI Alf Pine Shove and Tremont, grading Am:ammonialion 'Frain : Leaver Reading 1417 30 • MI returning from Philadelphia al 5 15 r M. Pottstown Araomniodailon Train : Leaves pitta• town at U 4 •. r., morning lease. Philadelphia at 4 30 r. r. Columbia flat Road Trains leave Reading at 7 00 A. N., and 0 15 r. N. for Ephrata, Litla, Lancaster, Columbia, ke. Perklolllo4 UoiWoad Train* leave Poritiouten June. lion at 9 110 a. 14. and 090 e. n, Returning: Leave laltippach at 0 111 a. N,, and I 93 r. at., connectiug with aiusilar trains oh mending Anil Road. On Oundoys : Leave New York nt hi 00 I' 51, Phila. dolphin 800 A 91, and 315 P 11, the 00 A M, train running only to Reading ; Pottsville 0 00 A M. ; Ilar• rislearg :i h A M. 4 10 and 9 15 r a; and Itesaang at I In,:eland 7 13 A 111 for Ilarrietnarg and 7 110 A 84, and 1/ 40 r R (or New York and 4 2 25 P Al. fur Philadelphia. tlon.inutation, Mile/ Ile, Neilson, [Wino, and Escur• Won Tickets. to and It non all points, at reduced rates. Uaggaga enacted !Waugh; 190 pounds allowed each Passenger. IL A. rilcuLL,l4 lleneral dupertutondeut. Reading P. Aug. 111 , WOO. A SOLLEDER'd • ROOT AND SHOE STORE, [OPPOSITE THE EPISCOPAL mum:lw On Main Street, Bloomsburg. subscriber take* pleasure in anaemia* to it, e people oil lhoomebtlre, and v icinity, that be has ett bead a large end A n t. assortment of UOOTS AND SHOES, it h dies and geutiemen'swsar, to suit ail bodes. H. t:ity work is of the best quality. and Irt , te the rout reliable manufacturers; ha being a practical 4. moil and a good judge or 1.1 4 4.4(atr.Ets tp ir. not likely to be impneed upon by receiving ethless material badly made up. h se desiring anything in his line would do well ti she him a cell, before purchasing elsewhere. lie ee le 4 GOOD ARTICLE , and at price* to suit purchasers. .1H persons who desire light or hoary work made it outer cart be accouwoodatod at his aktabliohnokt. t; Also, repairing will be done with neatness and despatch. %n elegant assortment of Ladies Spring and Pill rest *hoes on band. A. 1301,1,EDLIL Lackawanua & Bloomsburg Balls oad. ifiIIIISIIIISMINSWIN ar TWO DAILY TRAINS. nia kJY AND AFTER JANUARY 2:4, DOH, PAS. SENDER TRAINS WILL RI, N AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTIIINARD, AMAM ,P M. Leave Remain'', 350 7.10 4,441 Kingitim, 0.65 020 11,110 " Rupert 9,110 $.17 Danville, 11.34 0 30 Arr at Northumberland 10.30 11,33 LEAVE NORTH WARD. A M PM Leave Northumia rims& 7. 0 0 5.011 o Ddnvllle, 7:40 000 Rupert, 0.15 P M 0.7.5 114 Kinpvton, 10.30 2.50 A 05 Arrive at Scranton. 1200 4.00 10 15 Trains IF•uring Kingaton 410.30 A: M for Scranton connect with Train 111110110 al NeWVIIrk at 5A.M1.- 1.00,4..00rf, inking Train South from Itclonlon 111 5.511 A 2.11 via %in 410i111berlaild.reat It liarrlalmni 12:1411' M. Baltimore 3 30 P NV, Wilokiiiiitun 10 OUP M via Ku pert reach Philadelphia at 7 OAP M. 11. A. FONDA, *MIL 1 ' He '. = LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! from inmumeitumu LUMAERING COMPANY, I would respectfully inform the public that they bare their PLANING MILL now in operation with au extensive assortment of Usal . CtrsisUilatiLLl and are now prepared to supply all orders at short notice and at the lowest primes for each, Their as. sortment of lumber consists of White Pine Plank, Boards, Flooring, Surface Boards, !tiding, Beanlack Plank, landed or enplaned, to suit ,purchasers Frame Stud: Juice and Scantling of all Imes. Their Planing Mill mid Loonier Yard is situated at the Railroad MIMI.. Ivry conveniently for shipping le,nber by the cargo. They are constantly manufacturing lumber of all kinds, and persons who desire lumber of every de. acription will do well to examine their stock before purc.asing elsewhere. They are determined and eni• Meetly prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest. They also desire to inform the public and especially those who wish to pureftie bilimturf t hat they have nee Mill specially pre Wed to cut timbers of almost every rise and length required. noire wishing to build or contractors for building, can save money, by giving usa tall, The undersigned would also anncunee that they arc prepared to 110 all kind of repairing of Machinery, such as Threshing Machines. Mowers, Reapers and all kinds in agricultural Implements, upon reasons. ble terms. Address, P. C. EVER, Seep. Bloomsburg, Sept. 19, IPB6. Bloomsburg. Pa. NEW COAL YARD. The andersigneJ respectfully infOrins the cilialco• of Bloomsburg and Columhtn county, that they keep all the different numbers of move coal and selected lump coal for ',Wilting purposes, on their wharf, ad Joining MeKelvv, Neal &Ws Furnace; with s good pair Buffalo sealer on the whiled') weigh eoal,hay and straw. Likewise a horse and wagon, to deliver toll to those who desire it. As we purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep ■ superior article and sell at the very lowest prices. Please call and 0/111/11110 fur yourselves before purchapingelscwhere J. W. BENI/BMW/T. A U 0 USITOB M A SION. The undersigned will lake, In exchange for Coal and Groceries, the following named srticies : Wheat, Eye,Corn.Gass, Pot/awe, bard, Ham,Shoul. der, and side meat, Butter, Eggs, llay, kc, at the highestresh prices,at his Grocery Store, adjoining their coal yard. J. W. HENDERSHOT. Bloomsburg, April 23,1864,—1y. NEW FURNITURE ROOMS, ON MAIN STRUT, BLOOMSBURG, PESSPA. 10410124 MURIA la Respectfully informs the citizen. of ih iv town and vicinity, that he 111111111 hi. Furniture ROURIP, chairs of every descriptico, Burenini, Dining Table. large and mall. Bedstead. of the Weft style., Card and Toilet ToOleo, (coking Ul tries. beside, many other article. of ?miter. of Am els., manufacture. The public are emotivity •Invited to tall, and et• amine bin etnrk Ile will roll upon reasonable terms la" Special attention will be paid to repalrfus all kind' ur furniture, cheap fur earth. April I, Itlifii• To the Public). The undersigned respectfully informe his old Glenda Odd Cll.lOlOPrO that lie has re fitted him Cardllll Ms. chines, end is now reany to be wool carding in good order. When goad, clean and well prepared woulls sent me. my p.itrone may look for good rule.. FULLING, COLORING and dragging Cloih, done to order. Wool left at Hartman's Store, illoemeburg, will be taken end returned every two or three week. with bill of work. The pay can be left at Hartman% Wool left at Orangeville, at either or tbe stores. will be attended to promptly. No wool wagon is running for me this summer only to Bloomeburg sad Orangeville, fur the mom ',lodation of (hoes et a distance. GROR,IE VANCE, Neer Orangeville. Tit COLUMBIA HOUSE. June IT. I. IL H. STOUNE it Proprietor. This tea new eland lately lilted tip far the IIeCOMMO flatten of the traveling public gmberallv, situated on Main *met. a few door, above the Vreirt Mouse, on what le known as the oltalebteon property." It is centrally located In Ito lowa.. as rot pigment place km presto to stop. beagles being la Ulitelfl of towel where the majority of the beelines Is MIME dope. The proprietor feels tionlidest that he Is prepared to glee general eatierketion to his guests. and world Goriest a fair portion of the piddle Patron p. lloorairlisme Nal I& LPL A NEW ARRIVAL OF 31ILLINRRY AND ply. FANCY GOODS, AT MSS. N. LICIT STREET, COLEMBIA COUNTY. no would reepociftilly inform the eitlione of 14111 Strout and vicinity, thet the hie Pow towns" fru al the 4lty with a lino 'sentiment or rah end wl Iter 1410.1160 1, Y ANU If ANUY UOUUtI, well Wow' Iced to cult thl: 8011iNNTS nutdo to motor, and 'cloaking dont Ism neatness and deposit*, All work esocutstli the bed and most tasty manner, upon reasonable' Mill. Parlicolsr Ancona, Is paid to dresS Making. has PATTERNS°, every descriplion: pailali ill ' 0 the Wide, 011111404 41411 for Uhl olisap. She will glee pay awls, attention to coloring, having alma time and money In learn the art its particulate, Phl , is confident in /hill/ ilatieferisuis. lATURE in Wordaa'a Bulidinga, Novembor O. 1067 MESH ARRIVAL O 1 FAMILY OROCERIES, AT JOHN K. GIRTON'S STORE ) 11500111111114161 1,1111,1. Ilis oubocriber boo Just returned from lb. eastern 011ie' with a Inge and choke stock of Illrot•eMse Groceries and Dry-Goods, o bleb he offer. to the citisens of Bloomsburg and t trinity so low as can he bad of any dealer in this esction of ;he County. stock consists of the best minim' of wree. MOLAINSIBIL $llO TEA, FISH im (of line ality,) emu, OK ICU MEAT& in their "Purina_ BUOTON , Ann corium CRACK/28, el OA V' k I /MILKS. le., Ike., CIIEBde, COAL t 1.1,1151: ED 01 Ld. Iro • nice amortmint of Dry goods and Hosiery. slid a full variety of goods of the above class, and o I other kinds. In addition to which he bar recently s.ided to his stock a line amortutent of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; in•whlch variety of goods he bee several new ticks of roodoro invention, esfensivelly used More know's, end which must come Into use here Ile also be. a line supply of French Moroccoes; nrd slop of Morocco Linings for lihneuiskere work ; and a good aosortment of ltneensware. rr Call and minima. JOHN R. GIRTON. B. E. Corner of Main sod Iron Strotto 0100111rburi. Nov. illl, lOW/. N ORTHERN CENTRAL 3./3.4D.E1LL2 leiNr e I)II{LCT ROUTE NORTH AND SOUTH Through between Baltimore and Rochester Willson' Change of Cars. pi and rifler April 68th, WO, Train, will run A.." as sollnws : TRAINS NORTHWARD. 1Z A. id leave Northumbarland, "topping at prin. Opal mailont, arriving ai Willinumpori, I 40 a. Elmira 00 noon, Canandaigua 3 13 r. r., Bothell. h., 4 418 p. a., Buffalo V IS P. a., Niagara Fails 900 r. 5. 4 45 p. r, leave NOrlhaiabeflalld, 'tapping at all "tionnua. arriving at Williamapull, 6 43 r. tt., El. morn It OS r. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. fi 03 a, M., ,rave Northumberland. Mopping al principal 111411101144 , arriving at Ilarriabougd Haltine're It 30 r. 00 r. M. 10 118 a, ipAlle Northumberland. mopping at all "manna. arriving at Ilarriaborg. ai I IS r. 111., Hal. tilaore ti on r. al.. Philadelphia 3 40 3 10 r. a , 11.41 1 / 1 .! NorthumbeCand. mopping Sam violin''', arriving at Ilarrisburg d r.M.,Phlladel 00 A. lioltimor" 7 Al A. 1111. II 31' r. r, leave Northumberland, Mnplaing mathi", at llorrivburg 4111 • a Bultionire 7 Phil delphia7 im a. g, J, 1.01.1118 Y , E. $ , YOUNG, Gaul Supli, Banishing, Pa. Gen . l raga, Agent. Baltimore. and ISAAC M. ISCHEOMERIIOIIN, Oriel %Wilton' Freight Agent, Buffalo, N.Y. Way. 4)4 4)8 . _ . 11EW FLOCK PROTISON AND GROCERY STORE. Tee autocriber lies opened a Finur, Feed, F, 11. i nii and Grotery chore In the tibiae l'ullding, on Main Str,t. Itioutusurg, Pa. Ile keep. on hand a full attapply of FLOUR, FEED, FISH, DRIED BEEF, Bacon, Shoulders, Hams, BEANS, I:IIF,EN VEGETABLES in their firming. Fresh Shed and either Fish in Tien title. 10 min eilotientre, Clinton, lltixuliee. and eve. rything in int ir line l'reporeil in evil haw and meal in SIM'S Or by the dnund to snit eilMlolllinf 0. All /erode delivered vi lien J need, rtireo if reasonable:a* tie be' fi tl ia in this .1 D. IDARVIIIIANK Agent. April et Idd& _ I'ALI TABLE REAL ESTATE. AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers hi. farm conolotias of filly. four acre* for Sale. It is pleasantly situated In Madison township Columbia county, near Eyers Mill. The land is nearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation 'I he buildingi ate a good sued two MOTy h.mse and roue new frame barn. Fifteen acres of plod limber land. There are several 'prim,. of water nu the' place and a well of Water at the door of the dwelling. A nice young orchard has been lately planted and will bear fruit in a short Porseerion will be given in fifteen days notice— end if detested stock anddt sold. Verlag earl. Ap• ply to C. G. Barkley. Illoomoburd. Pa. WILLIAM Y. MESTER. June 24, IKB-44i. TO LADIES. Tour attention is called to the most efficacious remedied ea, How o for the ramrod oiroberuc lions and de rangetnem s incident to the Walk see. Dr. Harvey's CIIRONO TIIER3IAL FEMALE PI IA , have been used for upwards of mare aII h unvarying auer.csa. They arc :Wanted ler no ordt nary cases and never fail in their acti on if taken in Uwe. Dr. Harvey's GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS. FIVE DOLLARS A SOX. are intended for special caws requiring more power ful medicine. They are four degrees stronger than the ordinary kind and are perfectly harmless and reliable. If you cannot get them of your druggist I will send them by return wail, post.paid and secure from ob nervation on receipt of the money. I will also 'end urn Illustrated and Confidential Circular to Ladies on application. Address J. BR VAN, M. D., MO OROARWAY, NawJYoaa. V. E. SAVAGE, ILO • ift Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. MAIN STREET, (near the Court House,) BLOOMSBURG, PA. Constantly on band a One assortmenl of American and Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, 6111reewara and Bpeetaeles. Particular attention paid to the repairing of Clocks Watcher' and Jewelry. Masonic Marks wade to order. All work Warranted. Bloomsburg, April 17 1867. DR. J. R. EVANS, Physician and Surgeon, L AVING loealed permanently on Main • Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generally. that he ix prepared to attend to all faithfully and punctually that ally be intrusted to his care, on tering tom/MIMI rate with the tittles, 07* He pays strict ■tteutlon to durgery as well II medicine, Nev. 23. I 1163,-Iy. I%OTICE. All persons having subscribed Stork in'tha illnonts• but( Literary Institute, are hereby notified that the last Installment was dun and payable April Ist, litii Those who have not paid up in full are re quested to do so forthwith. end get their certificates. kir order of the tloaid of Trustees. & MENDENHALL. Ttro gum. June le 'lNhibli. U , C. KAITLER, Counselor and Attorney at Law, BLOOMIBURG, Pa. Would announce In hlo (resettle and the Willa In general, that hi , has resumed the Pretence of Law again. Conveyancing and all legal Wiliness promptly attended to, OFFICE In the Etebange Building, waved story ever Eyer k snyer'■ Ilrng thorn. Elikaeallarg. May 1, DA?. pOltlo3 HOTEL, GEO. W. HAULER, Proprieta. Tie above iirellMnown hotel has recently under gone radical cheeps in Its Internal arrangements and its proprietor announces to hie former custom and the travelling public that his accommodations for the comfort of hie guest, are peened to none in the country. Ilia table will always he found sup• plied, not roily with substantial food, but with al the delicacies of the semion. Ills wine soot liquors (eacept that popular beverage known as ..Afolisery..) purchaned direct from the importing toupee, are mi. tinily pure, and free from ail poisonous image. lie Is thankful fur ■ liberal pntronage in the past, and will coutiuue to deserve It in the (inure. GEoitus W. MAMMA. June 13.1800.—tf. THE SWAN HOTEL, ITHIE UPPER DOUSE:, Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. The Subecriber reopecifully inform, hie friend, and the public, lust be ban taken the above well knowell OMSK OF ENTERTAINMENT, and will be 'steamed to receive the cogent of all who will favor bins with a call, lie will keep A GOOD TABLE, Bar well Mocked with the beet of Lbw/Land every effort will be made to render entire aatislac• JOHN SNYDER. Orangesille Match SO, 1007 The Household Gas Machine. Jro Purifiling Dwellings, Stores, Au:tortes, Churches and Attila; Buildings, Gus. GENERATES GAS WII*HOUT FIRE OR HEAT. The ritoplicity and ease by which tiny Machine is ma naged,ae also its economy and *mot merit, roy• oninienda it to public favor. CU nod ace machine in operation at the store, Manufacturer and Bale Ayeat. DAVID JONES, Tin "Dinahing Store No. 733 Green et. PHILADELPHIA. Ir' Send for I liestratecl Circular. A ug . to. istio-3m, REMOVAL OF C. C. MARK'S NNW STORZ TO SHIVE'S BLOCK, FIRST DOOR /WOVE ' , DEMOCRAT OFFICE." 'rue undersigned having received hum the city full and complete supply of SPRING AND SUMMER Dar GOODS AND GROCERIES, Notions. Tinware, Hardware. Ce dar and Willow Ware, Drum retaken. cry, Glass Ware, Tobacco Hats and Shoes, Flour, Salt. Fish and Meet ; ell of which I propose selling at a very tow figurelim each or produce. or rail and see. C. C.MARR. eloonliburg, April 3, IPII7 IC. HOWER, li• hag opened a fkat•class 000 T, SHOE, HAT AND CAP STORE. at the old stand on Main Street. Ilh u mbburt• His stock is composed of .b.• very latest and best EV . 1 . 11 ever offmcil to Ike thiamin of Columbi♦ County. lie can accommodate tbu public viltb tar following tools and at cheap price.: Melt's rail hoots, floc, wen's kip, doable sole. Boys' child's boots. Men'e glove kid, Congress, &c. Men's glove kid Raliumul shoes. Men's. women'. boys', and toisore` glove kid ia•. - cog guile* a, %Vanities glove kids, very line Wometi•• lice goat morocco 'm101.'4410., Woui•n's men'. nit , foll . o And calf oboe*, rflnininn rime,. Woos' and child'. 'hoc*. Men'n, women'.. 11116 , 111,1... b o y,.', and child's slippers. He 11110 fermi a great variety of HATS, ('AN. AND STRAW GOODS of every Rind, lit the lowest prices, bulb for cash and country prmlnce. Remember the attraction is in our goods. Don't M• alarmed at the cry• of high prices. but tall nd ACC fur yourselves. RespeetfußY, 11. C. MOWER. Sept. 4. 18117. TAKE NOTICE. The undersigiled. manufacturers of Matt 1,1,0 0 , in the Tow nelop of Wilkes 'Lure. Luserne county, Pa , hereby mve notice that, to iaccordanee with an Act at Apeembly, approved the fourth day at April A. I). tsl.. voluted •'Ao Art in 1,1411,111 to the sale, use and disposition of butte, hogshead, barrel, casks or kegs, used by the manufacturere of Malt Liquors," they have tiled In the office or the Prothonotary of the county aforesaid, a descriptaiin of their private mark, branded upon the «sternal outface of both heads of each butt. ho a head, Lcrcel. cask or keg, in which they offer their Malt Liquor for sale : that said mark consists of the following letters, via; ' and that any persons who shall appropriate to their own use or refuse to deliver to the undersigned or in any way mutilate the brand wino any such butt. hogshead, barrel, cask or keg, will be dealt with according to law. NAN{ 4r. PTEGMAYER. N. R. lip the act of Assembly above cited, it is declared to be unlawful for an,, person other than the 'awls owner to use, sell, mutilate or destroy. or reluse or neglect to return any barrel, cask, keg, etr,. duly branded or stamped by the owner, and any one so offending is wads punishable by a floe of Sot for each barrel, hie. on the first offence. and by a doe of rat 411.1 imprisonment trout alas kr tires rkulikii• An u very StlllnlpriUrnit offence. August 3, lefo••ed Germantown Telegraph. .1 Family and an :Igricultural Journal: Devoted to choice Literature. including Poetry. Novetetts.'Pates, and Moral and Entertaining Read log, Set'wail). In the Literary Detiartineot we rhall present the rhoiceit varletlei. within the reach of our extended ineutio. The. Noveletts, Tale., Poetry, etc., shall he aupplyed from the beat and highest saltines, and be equal to anything tube found in any Journal or nineosine, Agriculture and Iforticalture. embracing Farming. Gardening. Fruit-Reining, etc. Our tabors lu this department for over thirty years• have met the car• dial approbation of tbelpublie. Our purpose has been to furnish useful and reiliti•le information upon these very important branches of industry and to protect them so far as within our power against the false doctrines and selfish purposes of the many emperic■ and sensation adventures by which a farmer us locum• smutty assailed. This portion of the Or...asters retrgrearre is alone worth the price of intist.ription. NttYtl DEPARTMENT.—The came industry, care and discrimination in gathering and preparing the stirring everts of the day. ea trendy for this paper. which hitherto has been one of Its marked features lining such universal eatislactiou, will be continued With redoubled efforts to meet the increasing de• mends of the piddle. dollars and fifty tents per annum, No orders received without the cash, and all subscrip • thins stopped at the end of the time paid for. elpect toen numbers pent Address PHILIP R. FREAK Editor and Proprietor. June 17, Ineft. Gerniant nen, Philadeiphle, LADIES' DRESS MIRING. SEW .I..VD FASHIONABLE SPRING GOODS. THE undersigned would respectfully Invite the ettention of the titillate of this place ■nd vicinity, to their new end fancy goods, at their store on Main street, twsnud door east of Joseph Barkley's Cabtuck and Chair Rooms, whore they are prepared to Furnish Goods cf• Muke Up Dresses, Coals, am, In the West style. Also sell patterns fur La. dies' Dresses and Coats, and for t hlldren's wear. Give them a call. They have everything of the host In their line, and cheap for cash. JULIA A . A BA Dig M. BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, April RV, NEW CARRIAGE AND SMITR SHOP. A. S. CROSSLEY, Has owed' ear rime sad darlib Shop on Iron al. s taw 'Mots below Main, In Illoottoburg, whore he will be Nund at all timed ready to repair old work. wag. sew, and in abort, do all kinds of work per• mining to big hoc of bottom'. Al a carriage Ironer ho his no superiors In this aectioa. lIIP lolanda also tobulld new wagons. Give bent • call. HI, terms are liberal. &Tait "Oak Mel IMO@ rpm., at. 1111111011. 0106011 Neu) Stock of ) irmagialauAn Spring and Mummer MAI= IItoWIECENE Pi ooral of thaap mod lV r ab l e i gCkh itn to ia thl Mora, on " AWN STREET, BLOOMSBURG,. Iwo door. above lie Ameriran num, where he has just ratelvail from Hew Uri ael Pattelphio, a run mortar"( of lien and Roy'* Clothing, including Om moat funlilounble ■nd gunge conic, druci gamin cniinictiligur Box, sack, Frock, Gum and Oil Clot/. Coals, and Pants, or all forts. slam., and colors. Ile also ban replan. imbed his already large pluck or Pall and wintay Shawls; striped. awed and plain Vests, shirts,' cravats, studio, collar., handkerchiefs, gluVell, otte• panders and fancy article.. N. 11.—lie hes constantly on hand a large and well selected aseortiueut of Clothe add treating', which'. lie i. prepared to Mkt Up tar ortlate, lima any kind or eluoini en ~er n short notice and in' the best of mu. Der. All his clothing le made to wean Sall "609101 . It II of beam manufacture. WirdA42ol2lol l ffit AND Ciza3%Ncratmlauagiro e ,.rn nontriptinn. and Cheap. 114 ease or jew.:," iM srorpaswed in thin pfnen, rail and iv Mine hi.' fitment; :" 4,0100 " 1 mishit, Wigebnfit Jewelry. Sic. ' 4 'AMP/ Kikee b A V el r April ill) NO GREAT BARGAINS AND Reduction in Prices. The uellerrigned will O'er lu the public GREAT BARGAINS in an Ivso4. of &XI as• ErCnOtaeltlndli/OCIP, Such as DRY GOODS, QUEENOWARE, HARDWARE, Boots and Shoes, Bats, Caper and Nation, in every variety. Our bunion** from the Apt of Jtine, will be oam• ducted on a strictly CASH S YSTEM. and perroone wishing to purchase anythlng is •ii Ithacan do so at a very email percentage as Current 'Wholconic Prices. Ali kinds of produce and grain taken la esehaavyr tt.7" We riedielly tame the publit to GIVE US A CALL and a abate of their patronage. idenitNell It tint/ACV Vetswiesa, June 10,18$$ rpuGs, DRUGS, DRUG'S. e m e ,ocioc o , at John R, Moyers Urn, Stook corner of Main and Market Streets. A good awe men: of INURE DR14410, hiedicinne, Paiute. Giln and Varotehoe, hard, and will bn fluid cheaper than at any other tins nom in mien. QUALITY GUARANTEI4,D Prescriptions carefully compounded at Atoned Iraq Stem, Ayers and Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyers Drug Store, Melton'. Tar Cordial. Bak Cad Liver 014 Winatow'e tiouthiag Syrup, void at Moyer'v Dias store. For any reliable patent medicines, call at Mayor's Wog Store. heather or all knots, wholesale and rani!, at it a Ntnyer's P-us Store, Bloomsburg, Pa. May t, Irtai.—tr. VALLET CHIEF Mower, Reaper, and Self-Raker WITII SIDE PELIVESII. minscrAcTvrieu 'or S. 31A10311 Al CO., LmvivotittG, towirry, PONN'A. "erri 11t8 underoiirrool appotioe.t comor fBr CO 19 tibia Coultly• for tie cite of ttie above Mathias,. Ai.o Anud reaper.. And mow. , ilk bud other Ms Wee Illatilddeliltitti by said company. J. H. tKELgt. Miliville April 8, 1888-3111. DENTISTRY. 11 . C. II 0 W E R, SURGEON DENTIST. offers his profs's. Pell/keit to thP lads.. and poll, la.' won of lit iouishuriiiind vicinity. Es is " •4 se pr..par , d to attend to all the viarione oporal long in the line of his profession and.. provide/ with the Wiest improved PAL'ELAMI 71:1:771;whit4 will h.:lll.4.fted on golil.plutilicsilvet and rubber ha • to 100 1 / 4 16 .11 .a thr nolo ial tiwth Milernl plate and block teeth manufactured sr. all t•eth.rare(ully and properly attended ts. Ite.idence and office a few doors above the Cum* WOW: 111"m/burg, June NO rut TO STOCKIIOI DEO. " he r ") liven that the firat tn.tal Intent of •überrip(ions to the Normal srh•ol BuiWinf, Wes due on the Aral of June, anti a re pored to be prompt. ly Nod to the Trtetttrer. Also opaid atthaertyttona to the Illoontrburg L 11• erary Inruurte. which wort he paid an the old 'lock moat be settled. ELI MENDENHALL, tiltaou alturti, Aug. I . :, la.e-:It• /referee.— E. R. IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office, 2nd floor, in Exchange Block, nab the "Exehnnge Hotel." All hurineen plated in bin hands will be %Rendig to with prampinea• and care. Collections made silk the levet poenible delay. [Sept. O. I OVELY GIRLS AND FESTIVE ROM ernd an I add.... envelop! and 2. reniciind I will send you come valuable iiirermailnn that will plea., yin Address MARY MOORE, e , 311 Broadway, N. Y. May lg. 1866.—1 y. = WOLF & BARTON, (s4 . o.,:ssons To strt,) 11140W1s11Uliii, PA. suberribers haring Awed the Natrona kill and Machine Shop formerly octopi. A by Simon C. Shire, will continuo the !ropiness of inatirtarturing Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings *advt., Am They ore also prepared to furnish DRESSED FLOORING, SHINGLES, and all oilleeLllndwr required in the ronstruetlnn of buildings. All kinds of Turning done at short notice. Bills for Joint and other Frame Stuff ailed with promptness and rare OftlefP re.pretiiiiiy solicited, WOW , & SAILTUAL. Illoombburr, April IS, INS-11. ORANGEVILLE HOTEL, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A. EDWARD EV ER ETT, Proprietor. Would respectfully in formhis friendsland the poblie in geseral..that he has Welt , taken slime of this WeIIAROWn and conveniently located House. lon, kept by Samuel Everett. Esq-. and that this House is in co mplete order for the accommodst ion of hoarders. and lilt the entertnitimmit of travelers who may feel disposed to him with their custom. No pains and expense hove been spared in repairing and refurnishins this lintel for the rtiterhuenient of guests, and nothing on the part of the Proprietor will be lea notions to inintster to their personal Winn/. lite Her will always be furnished with the best and most chow., liquors, unit his Wide with the hest the market affords. (lily 3138. NEW RESTAUIUNT, In MOW, Building, on Main Sir WM. GIL OA 0 R inform the ritisens of Bloomsburg end yet he hie optned a New • RESTAURANT, n this piece, where he invitee hie old fr customer@ to call cud Nutlike of his refre it le hie intention to Leap the beet LAG ER BEER A ND A con.tamly On hand ; Porter , ear oral Water, }Nancy Lemonades, Baia gyrups, can alwaye be kid at hip lu tbu eating line he 1.1(t: IMMO a *ILL 01 not eurpaered In ilia pinee , bnrdine■ Floh, Barb Tripe end Burl Tongue, dec. article of Cigar* rtml for his customers. Vr• al filuousahung. Juno IN, frc DE. E. RUIVISSoIt TO nu tab's Roma' at dots holt thtta will bp biamsbuti, Ott 3) I , ke , GROOEIIII9, CZEIS=I