110011101111 ; Eft/Wtrat. iC= WM. U. JACOUV, Editor. WEDNESDAY, OCIT4I, Democralic National Ticket. Fon PRENIDINT, /1011.11 . 10 SEYMOCit, op NLW FOR VrE titr.4llllr,NT, rIIANCTS I'. BLAIR, OF MIN,4OCRI. ELECTOII.3: William V.3l43ratb, C. Erv.t. camerly, 11. D., Chaii, M. Loiminring, Simon W. Arnold, (=cum! R. Berry'', Ilany lt, Coggsball, lienhen Sublet., IL Emmett Moog! Davit] 14 Wonriyh, .11- , m3rd J. Mlirano, Willinm Shirk, A, (3. 14friheta, John 111 aiding. Gem ge W. Cm , s, 4Teiye C. Ationermon, IV. Potter William B. (I., rga s, William P. Si4l4, L Perrilting, Anni 4 4.. Noye. , NVilliam A. Caliiraitb, John lt. l'aekaril, James It. 11.mtanil, Edward S. i/oldim, Samuel B. 1V ikon. Our County. We Oil the uttoiti.ii of PomearA4 cut the Stat.? to Columl ht County, the STAR OF THE NORTH. he I.a; given Letjolity f.r DALE Of 1.8%4, nearly (soil to the whole Remildkan a nd for ihsor a majority of 2,110, t.tect , iing the whole Repairman vote, in the county ! And all this after majorities eon-eiattively given so enormous that ineres'e was supposed to be eat to impos,iltlo. What a his t) the nuonishment of our liadieal friend,,, that for several year; past they have had the assi-tanea of a most iridustrioos lora) press, and it is during these identical that our majority has doubled up. It i 0 1 06.1134 that rte.., paper.:, normal selv szadoinh..i, and other like institutions, are laituival to the Ilopubiican party. MEnent's majority in Bradford County is 3,-El. This is the only county in the Eve, composing the Conga , !dwell District. that gave him a majority. In Columbia County, Mullet's majority is I.Co.ab and in M-intour he receives, over his aisila ion com petitor, .05 ; making in the two emulate -2.4..A. The official vote of Sullivan and Wyoming counties are not yet ree e iv, d : but it is sufficient to , ay that Col. i heater), if reports may be conret, vote , We don't doubt that ho is defeated, but we doubt that Mercer's majority is 350. The people came very nearly doing what they should have done—left Mereur at homel TittNlY , nivitso.—Thc President of the U.tired Y!tatet. has hsued his lc ol'ama i to reoontotottiing that • Thursday the twenty ti :th ty of Nsventhey nest, be set apart and efts/arc/1 by the people of the United States as a day for public praise, thanksgiv ing, and rya:. er to the Almighty Creator and Divine Ruler of tlie Universe, by whose ever watchful, merciful and gracious provi dence alone States and nations, no less than families and individual awn, do live awl move and have their being." GEN. WELLINGrox 11. ENT, the late CRII• dilate fur Surveyor General of this State, made a spkwlid run in Columbia County, receiving a majority of 2.126, a larger nml - than was ever polled by any candi- date in this County. The General esbildt: personal popularity el:ewhere as well a: in Colombia County. For instance, in Phila. Uphill, where the political cold: ware drawn tightly, he runs ahead of the why; candidate on the State ticket Anne enwid era*. No Democratic candidate, at this time, considering all circumstances, could have made a bettor run. Orn ratrins trill notice that notwith standing the unprecedented Democratic ma. jority in Columbia and Montour Counties for the general ticket, Vlcron E. PIOLLET, our candidate for Congress, did "a 140 , better." Trifling as the difference is, it is rmvertheless a tribute to known worth ; tor unexceptionable as au our candidates were, rioLLIT,OW!' tol as he geographically was. in the verytgypt of Radicalism, had our crreiul Pymporhy. He is the very vidette Pr Numeracy, and is ever true. Tut nest LT of the lute election by no means discourages the true Democracy of the country. Money ham done the w, ,k. • • There were gross frauds perrtrateil by three impowered, but money lifter nil, wns dad agent. A change of one iu a hundr‘ will give a Democratic majority at the No vember election. Only think of it. A hundred votes ! Let us go to work. The money and other means of the enemy are nearly czhaustcd. LET US GO TO WORK! 7^=l2 Tu. Republican majority in Ohio will be about 15,000, but the Democrats have pined three members of Congress, and dc• fated the **loam' impeacher, Jim Ash * COW, CHAPMAN CRI ! COB 6 , OLD COLUMBIA*" THE ELECTION. Odicial Vote of ifolumbi i Cann ily of the Election held Oclu■ her 13th, STATE AND COMMESSIONAL, A, iIEN. OEN. coN's4B., er..l t't et 7 .1 %a z* s r P tonna. • : ; Beaver, 1111 r 1 1:9 21 1:07 23 it 'mon, 190 53 190 t,..3 1 4 10 fl . l 11..iwick, 72 424 75 121 71 124 111551 u, .433 ISIS 3 111 301 333 315 11,44re:eel:, lig 1;5 174 61 172 tai l'Rlatri ill, 115 213 147 212 115 213 Cent ralrt : 1 3 1314 ..3 13; 1, , 3 1:1 97 I:15 tl7 C , 11C1,..v.'2.47 57 2*,5 . ..!" , 1 49 1 •„' ::, , ei 1,1 ter 114 1.:r1 161 •k, 175 61 I;.r 61 17,; 114 : 115 4 111 5 • 12.; 2 , 41 125 2G9 127 47 2.r.1 47 :10 31.1;it. : II 123 11 1 Its 1 . .1 41 1 , 4 4:3 194 43 f,7 s 0 55 77 7%1 I%,:wtot, le 52 117 fel 115 410 oIN, 149 (15 1:,6 59 13.1 (5 1 , i5 :14 I‘ls :=4 . 15 54 4=t fe4 40 f,7 11 : 4 cott, 14S 1(4 174 )4.4 144 177 Sugarloaf, 19 133 19 133 19 Total, 2075 4129 *..! , )03 4thlt,' 2070 tilsj. V. 126 1996 DL= I 'OCT AN 0 COUNTY. 4 5 ^^- •, ; 4 7 SC w ro t.1" 41 ~ 4 :0, • .; 4 ~. tr," 'Po c.. 40 r" Or. ..-. I ilf 4 4 PI te` iv. e: 2 ... eo ' . Pr s. et, .r. .C 4 r::: P tv t' tV - . . . .... DIsTaICTIR . ;I' . - . . . . . . Beaver, 197 23 197 197 197 197 11..149n, 190 53 190 190 191 L!' 11 , twick, 115 132 74 74 74 74 hY , 111, :1:14 314 335 n:3l : - ,no 171 e=4 172 172 1;2 17 . ... 201 144 41.: 4", i 1%-. 91 1`91!x5 195 t , 7 195 IYS 1•" , o 1 49 )94 . l"' 1 9. , 1"- Ft ~iitt.ttlt it.'2.4 6.1 t;..,` ) %, 1' .1:1,111,. 54 r 0 53 53 I; Ili, 1-0 161 1-5 1"", , J 1"), 1:6 ( 60 176 1:6 11r1 k.oq, 111 ** 5 114 114 114 II 1 1,4 , 0114, 1 . ...7“ 126 270 od,v11), 294 47 21 0 1.1011 109 269 124 10 124 124 124 MitiOn, 1 1 4 43 1;t1 193 193 Nll.otonr, 77 rll 74 •77 77 77 ~lll'f.,lwuiG 116 60 116 116 116 116 oge, IX. 141 10 119 11. , I'll 1..(1 11.5 101 105 Fro :7 41 57 ,17 J4') P-1 154) 15,1 Jai) `+t•etit Sugatta, 133 1 '.ft 1.13 133 133 T 14.41, 407,0 20i7,9 401 V 40K? 4uuty 4t0 . 4 7 ?Itij. ItlSl 'Had no opp,,Nnon Represeutallre Returns. The feI:6%MR. is the otlivial vale of Col umbia and Montour Counties for Member of Assembly ; Sett. D. Jueltsnn. lt 41151 I:0119 Montottr 16#3 11.13 Total, f:rl MaJority for Cott, 24111 Frani: 111:11r at Home. PIIILADFLPIICA. Cle sober 17. —A so eclat di.patelt from St, L7nis9sys: Vneral Frank Blair arrived bete yesterday flout Cincin nati, i,i i tact vvrnitn: ad tressed some three thomatol people Istr hale au hour from the plan tof bi- r..sidete.e. ILA than,el them osr the* ovation extcosltd to Ent by ohJ ft; •tt 1-. Ile came 1 Mitre thew not di•tnay ell or di— , suragetl, Minding to the recent radi vat victories, he regarded tiketu as the precut-care cef the deft,at of th,tt, tqtrty.— Demoetacy would win. They had every thing at Oahe in the strusqle, ate; it they failed the, Republic would 14;1 with them.-- Military tictatim-hip would he estubli,hed tI miormneed that he expeeted to y 0116 1 ,1 1,, to be their candidate for Vice 11e.idt and wa ready to make any e if the people demanded it. The uttlence greeted him with enthusiasm. Count) Fair---A Large Attend- mace aasd Greal huccems. The Fair of the Columbia Country Agri- cultural and llortiekihural Society, held on he er , unal- of the Association, at this plum, on Vi edoestlay, Thursday, and Friday of last wt. ek. wee. a Seel:o,N, as indeed has been the Fax d trti ory year sine," the Soeiety has can rwtal lished, A general interest wit< aninTe.-ted, and evetal thousands or our mro as w l as twiny ;'com adjoining man: it•s, at tended. The display o f agrica I. tural products, of stock, and of articles we rui and ornamental, of domestic manufae• tare, was full, and creditable indeed. Where there was so much excellence it is impus4 lole for us to discriminate. The list of pre u tuns awarded, to be published next week, will, to some extent, tell the story. This li s t could not be furnished us in time for our preKut Thu trotting wax of unusual interest, and held a largo portion of the crowd nail Bat• bit Etvert true Demnerat draw risalli'eenrs age oven from doti , at. We fought s good Oght cud tallied 1110 Stoic on on honest ROIL We were Awed, A 4 we have been for some years past. But .t 9 we not learn some useful lessons from expitrienee eau we ilot "fight the devil with fire," and on the third of November beat him, if we must, with his own weapons? The State is nit Iffq. to Seymour and Blair if we all resolve to go into the Presi dentist etnitest with fresh vigor, with re• newed zeal and energy, from this day firth to the'elose of the polls. The tVosands of HiChl itilpOttel Amu New York and New Jolley into this Moo tst carry it on TVionfilty hot will not be here ott the third of November. They will he needed at home, and our Ames will be so tomb the greater. «....~ Courage then. Prepare for the aecond great battle. Never de-pair, is a good tao:to. Adopt it. Put on your armor again. When the eloull- lower and danger threatens. the ex porienecl mariner bring all his wit-, all l i b, enereie, into ;ohm. Let it be is, with you, Demoorats of Pentoylvania. Summon all yndr o.uragt, be Am determined and ac tive. awl you may save the Ship or State from the wreck and ruin that threaten.— ristrrg fitrr tet. • MM. What We May Etpeel IC Grunt Tiro r: road: the announce ment or the tlaguerreittype. Yabloi reached the atone result iu u diffeteut ty at almo‘i exactly the 'aloe title. But Moniitiur etl.d take pietures only of th;m4s that but keep still ; it took neatly half au kat: for hint to make his pictures, and to he qui et for that length of time Was more titan poor hotoanity mold hear. Ile eottldn't e.eit take a ;tee and a, to taking people Europe gave it up. So Atoeriea took it up and did it. The universal tddlosopher of the New Yolk University, Ptole“ , or John W. draper, began to think about the idea, and it was not lung belnre he produced front hi.. den in "Cloys tits College," a sun drawn port.ait of a fitee—of one of the *Lend. of his class, we think, which is stifi extant. Europe was astonished at the good thing that hid come out of Gotham. and 6,At ha in very properly glorified itself in Lasing taken the first human photograph, inert nr...4,147ith -Th. Phrenological Jour- Noventher. vonhainitte I'ortrl'o , 4 ;Intl 11;0;qm:halt' t.ketelet6 Sfax the Sch,lar ,4.9. r .; 40t1 .1 1 4, ; 1b vin! of ; I nom Immortal? (letting Bich; The Gorman Muriere-s. F,hereenyi, or Culture and Crime ; The Crisi- in her life ; Emerson on the Eye; lleeteation v 3. Stisn Toluceo and trail betels; . .‘lay Twins Marry? An excel lent mintier. Terms $3 a year. Asliln , sQ S. It. WELts, 339 Broadway, New Fork. RADICAL OrTitAGE.—The Radicals made n organized raid on the house where the ele lion was hdd in Wilkesturre town-hip. Luzerne comity, on election night, fractured he skull of one men will woundoll two or rhrce others. They tried to whim the bal. lot-box, with tin intention of dostroying it, as the district give*H large Itemovratie ma jority, but one of the oflieers escaped whit it. Pistol shots were fired by the Radicals in the melee, bitt fortunately no one was killed outright. This is a specimen of the iludival method of teaking up major hies. ger Tttr Ameriean Jnornal of Ilortieub tore and Florist's Companion, poldished at Horton, loyTilton Co., is-not lior October. This igileeitledly rho best uurienltoral, hot , tieolottal, and Florist Journalpublished in the United States. Two fi ne plants of the Wildar Strawberry and a Colored Illustm tint* ogogiveo to every sologgibor oo rho to @Apt Of $l.OO fefr rho Gottrgiii !fever Desoeir. Mimsld be Elveted. =ion THAT NAME * 6 OLD _COON 29 HE WILL. VS ON' BIS BACK AC'. /X IGN NU UMBER I Pennsylvania Election. The fi4limina are the utTtoi,rt tuujorities r or A 14Wrir Cloutrul : lloyle, (D, )1 Hartrun ft , (11.) .1 , 1:1100. 343 I Alfegheny, 5957 1:0( . 160rd, 394 ‘rinstrong, 527 Ilerk „ , 650 s Beaver. 1 0 66 I3nek4, 557 Blair, 658 Canada, 738 Bradford, 3863 Carbon, 6431111111er, 431 Centre, 379 :Cameron, 103 Cloion, 1014 ,Charter, 220 Clearfield, 1142 (Crawford, 1636 Clinton, 773 Dauphin, 1655 Columbia, 1`,r , 3 I /Oa ware, 1252, Cumberland, 632 ,Erie, 3171 Elk, :515 Foregt, 4 Favette t 104 s Franklin, 43 Fulton, 330 Huntingdon, 975 Greene,l6s2 [wham", 2552 Jefferm in, Is Lancaster, 6743 Juniata, 4'15 ilgtivrenee, 1975 Lehigh, 1;72 :Wei ~on, 1407 Igizerne, :042s I M!Ketin, 174 IA mining, 351 Mercer, 616 Mnroe, 20:54 lifilin, 30 Montgomery, V6l ferry, 44 :41 outonr, 4• , 9 !Potter, 79:1 N.irt 1 0 moon. 3. lo !-zlV:iii..., r/..!:2 N'trtiliblibl'il3D . l , 4 Imo. 1 '''. ~ V ei• Pt, 131,6 I'4,e, 9.:0 ;149.0.11,1eli,iiina 131)5 PI. * ,4 4tlll a, 175, I i 4.: I. :3359 1 . .•1=i Cmon, 714 . 3 4 toi dizn, 670 • • . ::. I Warren, 110$ ( . 0:9 '..% . . , .4, 1:136 21'; Tvtal, 39,933 49.717 ITurtranft'w majorit7, corhey Can't Tax Mc" e have ri.eme,ily henrd t oo n• men, I:I -t-eine men •ny, remarks the thi!l.ll - Ais ir4fiteh, have MR gilt any invit e:ly. riFq mti't . . . ntly tact ont! thiA el return il•g alter to Inuit day's work, evar,‘ int , : air i;i arm a rock of in.nd ; wo ceeostei.l him, and the foilow intt t ouvol-a, ion wooled.; Jousts - wdo you get on ?" "Peer enough -cow: iro tier to make a , upport if and hoo.ly than ever before. I wink hard, live fluor, kia't drink or lounge around, end yet it 6 all 1 eau do to vt% i - V4ll, that it trlt tO h 4 Vtoriel , i'ed at, when you, anti utt,cr 'ittinniug nwn %.,te yc.,ir t r year ipwn will grow harder itat •,:ou cliango your way anti tats "They can - t tax :44 HMI, fut I've got nothutg !" Thay calk eh? Let's see? What did O v a retik tit itmll cult you? e L outo," Doo Lott kotsw how :ouch it costs to roi,e 2 W 404 of weai? it e=rrs ulooottt tirteol 114 - ellty evto " ray yoost tooomooorhcaoloo too t t o ) ,ry to tit.te•qvt.t woo t.ttlt„ intro. Attu' t.t..:111 tots ltd' t.l is, or lotssw envy 4.11 t lt,, I UN:I4. cak t, try; • .•t ! • +t:.4 aka, COI,/ Dtt'til pt - t It. bca%i y taxtoi id,tt for „%tt t to do it, tlitll." cam the meal Wa:4 taXoi fain, Oncti , d ity it taxed plow, tiraWcti k,y taxed !Ft!' e bit ,, • ed ity taxvti attar . It twit a ifivA hoe, with taxed in a I:ixiat id% lax . eh home, thrtwii in on a :aX , I 111 - ti•:Cow, itiC,,, , w,el la a to c+t !hell - oho, lai;”a its a tax , a ,101, and gr.aniil tats a taxi a 14iNesi In a 11.N1:+1 Airrolt will: a tax..til with • ; tato a tax. : ,t i•tiiva, hid i• .1 t olt hi ova t a l ktdtii cat( : retry heavily taxoti matt • Whow Fit , wan, Brit's nearly all taxe 1(I a•la-e to griteiaus 1 never look ed at it in that wty lad'oro." It it wore iaa lot the taxes yam could buy a 1, 11: 101 meal tit, what that taadt eost you. itesiiieS, it is not on that alone that YOU are taxed, but =ut 4".'1'0 thin,: you have to buy. A putout or ~ t , g ar , wqs only three or tour cent-, but yoa have to nay from six t, on to t wont v. A Nom! tants ton ly teo omits. b u t you have nay forty, anti if it c 044 you three tow !rod dollar. a yoar sa l plan t your l'autily. you way 5.,1% say that af this is tar.. Non. is it any won that thous an: hard and that ynu ri n d it taifli:•uit to live? "It ensn; inn LIMO than flirt e htindred doiiars a year to list. I trawl to o n ly get fitly vatits a day, I;l.Pa a ; matt +teal hot ter that, 1 do 110 W on and a alluvial.. 1 see thOre s on n awh e r , .!, and 1 am going to tike pot!. •ottioa. pod 7 c a r it I „r y ,t, ,w, ,•„1. A ,„ ; anal r tr tale. 'l'l, i sk 60, hot aaad &!`• 1 . .1 hit ttse a yttar, Val , el lot' Mt' • 1. 4 11 I lori 1.1.ad , 51 ~,. • , , A u . h e ßrre,, I )4yit i to if 1...e.1 W eowe r s nal aid I•V:Oit: the eleetitm, and he so peoiling and and why Mrs. Kook woulJ •tl ills mire mile.' hint. nick-iliPkS er owr. ; be get. gold fol, th e haik for his bonds 1 work to pay this. 11:s teat+ , are not taod, 1 pay rat a year all in little thins, teen a hox nr nottelie: ix taxed. I thank yen Mr. Editor. fir this talk; it has d ate tie go o d, a new light ha broken in on me—rand I ii not keep it hid under a bushel neitlur,. I'll tall: to the men about it. It now ill plain. I declare I'll never forget that petk of' meal." 11'e gave the bout follow a hearty grip and passed on, tort fieVTlllitl4l titan ever to work fir the enligitentnent and redemp tion of the toil, worn sons of labor Sow: of Itadhal whvhoi have started it report that SOY 111111 r 111)(1 Blair were 111 bo withdrawn, Of cour-o it hi nothing hut a liadival /.e. Nn doild would lilac to op it thine. 11 , 111 enlitiot I=e :.joymour aril Blair will the -tandarlilioitrors rho Doimieraiiy the. 3d of November eller which we rind! have the tiltiaorro el imootirwimit umpluint elevtimh dark the prediotion. Stir Pltiotic LEst.E'R LADY'S MADAMS for November is on or table. It is a (*pi. tal number. and is MN to captivate the airs if they will oni; give it half (thence. The highly collwril tloolilmlii-hinn plate , arc not sarpti.t-Pd, f coalctl by 'l nv Ilk,. rut ligation in this elintry. This %cub.e i 4 the killing tteriiitioal in the U. States. Freak Leslie, Put:44er, 537 Pearl Shutt, New Ted?. Penwarsitia , iiiW4e ma Am. untmllfee. DEMACUMW STATE: Commtrtre ItoomA, ) WM Ain't, ST., 1'1111.,% 01.33'111.1" Ti, the Iletimerary of twfranits: int u reneht fight. hare pellet' a lar rote than ever bifitre, reiluead th Hatfield iuuj wily (44 4iir i by nearly one haft: and httYil proven the immortality or Y"llrlitlfivillied 09'1 the vitality (if your otganunition. has carriel the State by MOM, of the urov-est outrages; IT openly and eorruptly buyinir thou-ands or voters; by dritior bout the polls foreign-born citi zens reautailf nitt 111 al mod ninny years since; by Middies: the votes of thousands who were levelly made citizens of the Uuurt of 'Nbi Prins; by violating anirtflOitpling upon the -eel of that Court —a recionoized symbol of die law ; by alerting legal voter. , front anpriewhing the polls throneb threat cried penalties for imaginary offenses ; and by the despotic onserupulons use of power by election officers in Paling! dis tricts. Under the, specious charge of' fraud upon your part, Radicalism has perpetrate 41 the vilest frauds. Thousands of voters have beeneolotrizA, paupers as-essed and voted, repeater, lured loaf voted five tintrk in Rail ieal preginek, returns of election altered and ma t anuluted to suit there own purposes, and fraudulent naturalization paper* Issued by the reant• In the contest just closed you have learn ed their eapaeity fist violence and wrong. you have tested the strength of their organ ization, and discovered the weak point* in y o ur own. With the experience thus gained in the school of advetirity, we will go firrward to victory. The enemy are yet to be taught that ma• rage , and and wrong cannot is verpetratrif with impunity; they have yet to learn that you or,- neither dknetyild nor d minurzoil, and that in the, porunt of the t iL ht pHs Low tot %I.ndt Wool tr. thil. Arouse II i' ptophr ittico runic f r Brine to the roll- i.ve;*. vote, Eng tight and j , kt:ge give I,'! , • and jtkri ,, e. For otorit t os o.ro Ut , . *,,or ;e.rite soio letlitoaiotr Tito work to i c id , nn is no holiday ;land. It is tin. la t battle fir the »ideation of the the pre-err:ohm of the Constitu tion, and the sus ronney of your race, Vs us k and fi rht as men emoted in such a can,r work aw l ti, : rh t , Hy order of th, ottoeratie State Com mime, WittitAst A. ‘VALLArt, - 1 We Lave flemeethere read the statement preminm: paid O u t in one year a fir,d -,,qa.5,, Dn.; I,4,,ritAscr, CoMPANY. It wwl n0.. , ;:e-tive. and were-ring tah'e There new per,idei in ail di..m (4.16, att.'. fried every part of the eimiltry. There was the hour 00,, whes,e earnina,‘ roily perioit ted !Coo to luy ror piiiiec 1 1 4 fire batvlted Wt.ta. ath ettlittt to Lion, atei, in-tea dof Cie Aitte.ll”ll4. Pir hi. lifthi ewe, there na, ledt,rtiiiez with t , thiieli to eholie the hah-- and read the ' , West hey tri Thfre wd, the >'c3loere» Wito had save i PI,11.:It at, it.: irea rho 4 , 1 Per the pier eid neither. hU &upped into the grave-1101,-3 hy hard work, we msoilie,, ,he hit .0111(111;11g In MO to lit hton the dark an i f 1. ••arly ! ,, e , -1 ' I here P It. tht e tinrtt httarne 111311 uho leek a Blatt I,ertion of his tiretit. 4 mei .oenriel an in-urimee of lei,utttt The 10,,aew - vr bits its the Is LIP^ a hi." 1.0 t! tee ,ro.4+ 10, t',ollo , +: itl/.1 vein- Pelaily. tahio wet, the weevil et wel reveih.ce ezed. vyndo nee. No human fere ...l4ld P mr 'l'd"re . lhi hoi ' ir d , nth, Inwto . 14 fist r very nom to pot away tiV4"l-t, rt,,r, that at i. , aitn,t4 etitninat h, t0.q4i. ,, t this when ive have a vont. p l ay lint- * HI *1'41` ,. 0 to -I,;oty ethetti-teeeld idrewhete pal i'~hr,l, Ilerr at 1,111 ani with a litii:i0111 #1 , 11 . 11 , , p - tiL at lireet.tr'. ti'' ti, , leienarieti Pi; int, , ziliy 11.1 II t.tc 1`!“- 'miry fa ;omit featitr.e. wit 1•Is st fill -I hi 0,, •eh,, Pon tt, r a ittie stvo: hem a .lav Intl )"111* t , 4liiiipp.n the par mew of a then -lad thirdire. if Stott .`4PIIILI die in a multi h. i,et vela day , Le 1 , 412 t mlihrt, you have no right to negicet this pro- CaUtion. "Imw (TILLY 'nu EVENINCS b: a oirotnon yet bora , few think uh the ilatiger tig+ilie Ina theitowlet ,, to tht it he& nee? la all lee:1'101es Plante anel rt.% t‘r pre vtail at tit:. atia-ott of the year. Itt this tihe theri b. invariably utut 'ttr loaa deraieuo. moat or the heee &goal ki , orgitiß, he rt.:111'1110:; th.1.11 , V V.. 01 ted tit 111 , 4! rt.rcrilire 111 piateq,lll breakhur, np the thb 4 ia effeettal witleett re• tuuvitoz the eate-e, a Yolav-e i. luerit , ;llo. 11 0 41'.. " 111,/: S sTWIA(II 111171Ais atriko direeily at the beitehitioon !J . the evil. by :mina . Oil the liver awl rnrre , •tirn dige'- titut• The etill•C rethooveb. the pure!. vent tints evaae, and the I la• tiaillut retinti. the patient w u ;tk and flobilisart.d, the fv,ined to, a, they au - eat:thou owl tutu. ti; , * kumateh, allay ttli uervoil. , irritatii•li,marl itit'ave renewed animation int , . the liidaa drool:int! apitit 4 , w ; !!`eolit entailioe.f . the .i.ul.,:er of' re,sethei lit ),'11:11 . 1.1VS lin - FENS irfffY ft ph'. Ott ;feint*. roloictillt.T. ,%(.1) t h e 1 . , , f46 , 4 :In nrOfifflif‘ MA. ff. a filsrifffillie :414 aiti f• l i`f , flC. fiff,,f , 11 , 1,10 it If.sftWflfilfrfelfbif., :01,141 WI PIP' St Ito %.a!u-, to dr, withwu it. F-r::-• lit; A; , l, itv-sim .1 'O , •••• • ' the - Chill , of •t-41•••..'y Esettite: •• •• . • 110 UT, tr for yOlf Ncw VuteK.Attattt.t 7th, 'Ma. Einem: - Sever.d of your corre-pme +vry oh! awl e vet bilde to droll I, seem to be witili.rfully text rt-i-ed a s t o t he Drip in of our Phonation bitters. So long as tiles.- lltticrs arty all that we repro-rut thou to be, we do not know that it makes any ditiorvure koni Whom thee route, or liom whence they oriainatisl; but for the infirmation of the public generally. and old Capt. Went/ iii particular. we will .say that he toll the troth, a tfri that these Bitters otieinatt,4l in the West Italia Island--that ?Witty of the ineredients hare been favora lily used for over a yellowy. but our eionlii nonion of Celisaya is entirely new, and our oWII. The runt and other materials are the stone, and, as your correspondent says, ii better Bitters teal Tonic is not made. We reeminnend them particularly for dyspep ties, fever and ague, debility, loss :if app.. lite, and in all cases where a tome and stim ulant is reiptired, P. 11. t1ti.1.1:10.. 2l Park Row, N. Y. NAOWILIA WATER.•-Sfiperinr tOihelic.4 imported tiertoln Coloptie, owl ut half the ”rice. N. 3, c►IAIUtIEn. In Bloomsbury, at the residence or the thilwa, by the nor. J. A )Iplirk, Mr. J. W. Ryser, to Miss Lizzie L 4 harpless, all of this place. In Illoomsborg, at the residence oft J. Thornton, by Bev. Thomas (Wen, Dr. P. 13. Pteeso, to Miss M. V. Thome, all of thlo two. Ix spite or all they frauds of the &Whatle and the Heetion or it Imre number of legal vote., the lkonocrats of. Philmielphitt clods e.l their blay.tr nntl the other citycent, except How Wm. 4 W. li. Ilirat, for Po' °IA 1 Juil,:e. of t h e District Court, wha balkiecte mooted out by en nlieced intOority of '25 attainst him, by the Radical wire-wrokter„ The majority for Fez, for Mayor, i. 1,81 , :t. In Petmsylvattin the Democrats pia three Congressmen : Moliet in the 341 District, Dr. ltvailitur in the sth, Foster in the 214, who delented the notorious John CovoJe by 41 majority ; but the thst . , liatlitatk o wt attempting to cheat biro out of it. The omferee judges split into two parties, mud lug two separate certificates to the (lom et nor. IN Indiana the Radical return Judges threw out the votes of whole diAricts where the Democrats had large majorities. liy se doing they counted out Reid. a Democratic candidate l'or Colicre,•sottel sevured t h e show of u Hindi majotityilot ihe randidatc for Governor. The gallant Vorhers has, how ever, leen elected to Cungteq., übieh is a great Bloomsburg Normal School amid Literary Institute. BOA II D OF INSTRUCTION. HENRI' CARVER, A. 31.. Principal, Prutc•Por of Intelicepial mid Moral Science. aml Theory .and Praoieu of Teaching. )li-s Satah t'arvt.r. Preceptre4*, Tetteher of Ft noel,. Botany and Ornamental Braoche, Floe O. 'lest, A, IL, Proll.wor of Atap.ot Languages and EN. 11.1 t t;eatootar, J. W. Ferrer, A. :11,, ElM===fflr;l=lfa 'toy, t"..J.,hn s A. 31,, t , tut.try aucll'hy3itts. F. M. Teacher of 0-0gi.,1 , 144•, History and Hoak tlrown. A osistan t Teacf , er of' Mathotoatieg and Eng h ti run mar. lis4 Met. M Carver, Toneher of Mu , ir oti I'ian4tanal Me:odeon. Mrs, Italie L. Bu t, 'feather of' Teach er of lo,trufflimital :11tHic. Cis Ju'ia firop , t, Tparhvr of .AI de rell4a~l. MEE The 'Whiter t-rtn will cononcnee Sovirst her .2.1. !sets, and until ttur .I;f , arlinz 11411 iw ready t: , r , it-ourrotey, on altr,tivatioo to rim hinvird, wtil bu ru rnithed with ho tl y to I , lea•ant If is I , o , tt'r 1;)r •tft.:eritS to crountenee at the opetune ft!' the feint ; hnt when I hi r i is itultracticahle, they can cuter at .enp titter. NEW ADVERTISIMCNTP. XECC OW+ ti,,TICE I:}tatc or Philip Srdzig, of Centre twp. 1e..40,00.0.0ry the ilv• 0t PhiUp Rd *1 I.or , it 1 , 0% , 1 ohliliblt etollaty 0.4,7%1, I tV. •• ti by ti,, Rry,,,w, oft 044.4 0, I. rp.. 1 1 Ole t. w0.,1111. All it of 0:01414 • r• 111, Ere.... 111 u. muur to r 004 111 , .1 , to 1b.... tat , iil r tlt a Imau.kn rrutur.sbutu puya-rou t.ttrie 01,......1411, %WEL NCV WAD i1v.30:4 C.nur, , h,t 21 , PtuiSs 4,0*. %N E HAVE COME %Yoh trrnt sllthicerm:nto to agP int. to mvoperatt nrth i't ANT 1 11011Ait SALI-A I IN , : rn n r,r fi,.t uo or r AtoPP,4I,, 11; Vrt 0! Itai •t! rt. , t , t "qv! Airst4. SI. it Ooli VA 111%1,- UP.. Oi PO.l IA !Writs. ft!• •t! 'tt rt., ttt rl/0101 ftltir• 0 rt rfr, Si , ha. 0.1 ot • Iv'tlll. 1014 )1:3 t• nit' t ett t ittt . 4t tit* Isr< tram ul e 1 A.,ttottlt (t, tt tj I, `, l?•,ftiefg J;Je ml] . frail ICor tirc tygr, whe JUNi. CAVetrt 316 t & 4 I ey :!•trytt.. w SELLIAG OFF AT REDUCED PFUCES, TO; k CI OSF OUT! • L. L. SILARPLL'SS, WIIt cdtr fur or fi, w weeks at very if IN Ores DRY-GOODS OF ALL KINDS, NOTIONS, 1100P-SKIIITS, Bogs, AWES, G HATS awl CAI'S, t3toveware, Queunnwaro, Great Wl' be Oven as army pail! w17,-tr,l %VAT ECLOW COST Give sin, *toll if yoti wish to salts Maury. Ott , b.., 1 , U.--9w, 1.,V VIN Splendid ludo< entente to Nub. The , L41. 1 " . 1. rt. 1 , 0 0 000,0 iho fiarwing nay. 4,,r -• Zitl. 10 ?s $ nit 0010 ,, , 41 11 , 0 ;Ne , rsl 0.14 4t41. Wa) " 44. c.; re 44 t a.. 1.114 , ." Awaida 11), , 11 01 V F 011.10...” 61.0 ; 1,40 I. l r V1...100 ; 11.1.0 1 " 0011 4 N. 0 .01 .1 / El4lll , 10. " Ili 100040, alth 1111. MEM =ll t „ , , , titfrly ut.t , tittt.leittel t t,t, t 4 1..r.t0 too 401111vot ' 'lilt, Mt . 4,411*11. r 4 14 1 11.44 In "y imOt "Or It tv oil sle CO ai MllYie wutitl the pat) ni .041 4 414:,Z411 11.4 n vv , .y own. r A t.yty 01 111 , write 1104 tt , skeet L.itioto , 4 11P, aiott4 u. How .‘" tut-4v ,, 6.1) tof +tilt 14 , 01 , cr, at .‘l,O tol itto.tilitivimit 0044 of $..n.! Wl l l 1, 4 met. p 1ain..14 • toll 0114 14 v, I, 0.41 u tug all e.leu 71nrtialt Vlll4 10 4 8r.11.4 Am! iLit 'lO AO% Htt 31.,e4 bv.- Att. ittibittat.r. WllO .9. to !nett luutu , e tor flint tit• (444.11,4 the 1/‘ t 4411 140 , 11t4o t 1d.411w1. 41 this y. or 111 a 441110, 4 , 44144 1.4111 , . ti, ,, 1411. /4 461 44 A. pub • t. tot Witt 11/4:111fi,04 • 11411.116,11,11/4 1 q. UM teen tiovotils to Atli TEILMS : I ropy, and lb* large pr*Ktitins entravifti. sl3g 44, pi.. . . . . • . . . , . . /wit 4 •• . . • Ullki tION Walla, . . , bCO II • . . . . 4/11141 OW. 01/414, „ it,ill) 4 .n. I opy each .1 1.1* , ) , * 1 , fleito dad ?mit, Attu er.ltoum huhrier t , N. 400 "I n t iliti It, II MINOS ff.teiVP a ropy .1 toe Yl. 10011111 t.tt NI, not It. utiwt uta 1111i1 1011 ehe 11, t.issss to.str.,s mut I rood (;11t! ~Isl4sl, ept citutu (up' , aos 111 MMI lee, sVt.ls4 & 11:44 N. 311' Wriuwi rtrwit, r 1810 - 3w, 'V • U. tt L P tounsrlor and Attorney at Law, BLOOM 4131 J t G. Pa. wood NI t $ er adder, Hann*. an. Ilia palate to CPMIIII, that h. , ha. rattan., d the t autt.j ui t apt... Cam )atttatt and b +mese wooly atrapdad ft), rICK rbe Irbebeiree Aualdiil. &wird Am weer Eyre & Moyers Drug Ikeerk Sioneobtre, Mg. I, toff Stectien Items: dE,c. ! BASKETS, :term. it.tht 1441.,xy iatiy T • A. 10C so 0 / • I I , , 101.1a1,117.41.14' ZDIT IV NVI NT rim Goons, uol vi p ahl p awiti . lo ht. rtork nt rhoop oak ass. toookto Ckibrort at his Sbarn. nit /Ar A Tilt: 7', 1/10 1 ).11SEURO I tiniirs (limy, the .I,n riran noise, vow,. hr har lontl r.rritoot trout Now York mil l'hiVoirlphOr. u SIM 110.0$1111010, at 111, so and 114 y's t lattting, inriodin g ilia moot r9oblmi4loo duotwe and body ...me. divot) *twit /fox. *Sack, Prork. Gum iluel tlotli Cotes. mid PQ?,!,, nr 411 won. 0%0 .6 , nad,colnra. He 4,{1 hoy 'wee. b Ind his slopoHly trert, , omit or Poo net{ and Winialt 141.,,ai. 1.; .drin...a. Haar.: and piano Willa, abide, cravat.. .trod Na dollnra, banoldcriinla, stoves. anilo pond«ra add raw y tor ttle.. N Iln bas can.don I. nu hand a lame and well ondraard 1104 Alit 'HI ••1" c:,4a4 •wutell hi. is Pr 110 1, an 5 !ad. any hind 01t cinthinat on vary ants:« nod ia the Nl.' of win. tier. All lA. efotolog i. tondo to wear and mart of N if or home MOHO factilre. _Gra, (41 , 0 aau Vi.Vor/1250 tlacto \SP:e t ' et Pry *ft t 11101.44111/ jf.Wl'lfl tr Itlg .01;$11101,1 I" 1 1 / 1 , ;out , I PM 1111$11/11. 81111111 , 1140 geft• rat a sS,itunuu at I 114 blog, Waldo*, lew,ity. LiAV I It WWW , 111139. illmfin.betit. ttet, 116.1. G uKAT BARUAINS ED "'eduction in ri • iccl4 The undermined *l9 orst to the 1.45,10 G it EA A 4:11,4111(Sliv in MI t ode of &X: CP /1 4 'MP:1Z Ma:l4la Oa. 6ich ii Litit COOD*. QVCENSWARR. 1111101rWA2.7 , Boobs and sisurp, Fiats, Caps, cod Notinns tit 0 , 00,:re0 vitiett tour blietre.oo (00.0 u the Ottet et June. 101114 leollo. ducted on • 1147037 , CASII 01 r ST U. mud pruous it , hio: Io ouretor-so tosytherg la 04 IWO tan do 444 i 3 very mo4di pan ou CurrresiDielitlaie Price Ol« AU kinde et produreond 'rein token If% tnnthsfor o LIP We turotail) inrttt the !J3 A CALL and r Au. of Moor pot.anite, AtNlN'li 4 POUVAL Ch , lit'dlo.ll, Jun.. VI. m 4n tow rt A latniFy and an A.,aituti,ril jaatroird: int.fi trp rh.dce 1.400 , t0r. 4nrhttinft rftottc, Tnlrti, phi Votht 0,01 Vat R, y 4 110% 10 (401.00 , rry 11.,r4rttxtat Al. 444 prem. t .o . oal 1.011.0 v r:fr la the fetieb aP Hy, T.ttoot. raw,. *4 , 0 that 4.0 , tad firskpas 1.0 tte , •ot 1111 40:thint4 Witt ra,,a4 Sa MI or 0010atto , Aito irtu" , a thothhittire. o:ohrteifte ?armies. 1:41.04 *lt r,ar 10 , 0t1 #atltie It , p ttno owet thirty yooo*, bury tint 1,40 tar. of v. 11101,0.0111001 H.!s*Or„* - Irbutbroil to Nor if ua• 1 , #14ft4 Iv-1 , tor WiLliolt Ulids than, t. ry 111 , p.rt4ot bra. r4.r ,r wra:fy 1111 10 1.0. W. tn. at h fibio 4it pi , 4•or Itit,ost the fahliat 4alrll)aap Ott 11e=1irb 1 , 4 . 1 fke warty evaptrla4 8,1 10trroiat. tyAl.r.•lr tott*'.t I. 0404. p or t 4 tt. tbramettoto , 0., , th !, tta al.tart Vi sit 1 %lE.. ••• loth tiottahlry, etre tod fitw. , “14.1.40 , 11 i ot,t. I'.• • o , rrlef 44* rilit.o4 rot - air ht the t• •,y for part,. 00..0 r 0 wte tto rr%11•1011 4,, tI 001 h lt"11% , T 4 ~ t taaatt tab, V. a, gaa,taaa4 Iv aat4t4r • Uana At lot. I thu Ail., L 1414 di. or to» On) f16:11 per pare. N‘,5.•10 , ./ r,evrAoo. 444.05 t r0!!..,0•.0 aft Vital thertat v! 414140 14:114i eq. aped. IS CO 1ut10441, oral rot P, rraCtr, I , ,,pte tar . , lute 17. trik, rmns ra TAM. leo un 4,, r.11 , 0.4 minltaonimr, MO, t.iKn~r 11 the Tow f1e , 410 .'e 0, 044117 . ti OA, or , tlro thia, to i0.t0?,!....ctrt• WWI In AO it ‘1,10.4.1.thr firthf ,, leo 4t! , cfoy at A prif A, It o V• 471 I N 1 1 .4,1 Ael IMO .11.0 kr ti 1 , 1 , ad, Olthi t •+fl 1 ;L.', 1 , , to:11.41010 8 , 4 Alt loirroN." $.111 , .. tio. erottiotiol4t, 1 , drbe'll',l tit 411 .I# prirritor wart, br.hr , .. - .t ni . ` 4l l th , qi r•refrto , et :bell* h. 3 .0 4 0 to I.' reel. c. 104 Of let. iO terl. rt r liwtr W 4 ,1 T,11 ,, +r 4ot sail* toro "I" follotftrot I Cl." ; 114 ihrit any rrlPth , *.rlAl.ll,tt ap pr Arort 4 v• to trwir 11w n aee eff 1,11.1 e 4.%t0t0k rf,” 11, anA ••r , rpnad trig woo, 1,, 4 ,y . o tid, butt , 11•,g,tr-rod bourrl ca,4 lo! the tleutt Waal LC. Soththt; 11 PA ft 4, .1 9 AMAfrit. N. 14 MO er Aatta.b , ,y A . .e. ci4-4, it It► drt her. A t•. vse l r.u.t Wtet *Walk , , I ~ troy.• f ittto +.11,41,1, tft alai .oY RAN ,trr.tr,Al.ol.o I. 100114.46 e by a rikA , of 111r4 IrEW elf hb Ur r,f` 11,13 telpfe.efiatel Reeslv thyrd i5..4340 pt tv , fw .06., 01,A 011 , 04 e, Aug ,t ,•0 - t 13. C. thAvEit., 111441 , pftiPel 4 6,0 tl4O, i 4O r(4l', 144411th it AT ANyf rAr ?IVAN. at Ow 44 -'Port en M:1,11 ~,,,,,, ,L, p,,, 1,3 re. tiro 1 ra ,, ea 1. ft , Mr.C.P.I a ih , . V, . V NZ. 1:3041 (041 Of r 0 (tvo. 41.rtnt,i in 110 4 Intl no Pt 4'. on 1011 fr 4.111(). it • 4441, , act,italts ~.0.. 1.. e $4.4414G 14 U. 1. , P 1.44.14 ill i4lllO. till 10 4.1.4 , -4p 4.4 ve 4 . ' i 1 1.0 4 tai' no tf. (40,, 44tit 4 4 li tp, 0. 4 111.1. 1 , 10 0 1 ii ,!.,." 1 hl!,1 . 11 6001 , . 9 1, W. :I , It tits ( 4 .4100.4, 4,44 vob'f, 1,1 , 44. Ito 0: to , 1:4 itt no. !iit,it a v 14,00000 1 hwy.' owl *rots,. o' gi ,, v. kta 1404444tt 4,+41,4., W.,444444.* 1 pt, nn kW*, if , ir, it %V, Ho o', flit. , Ow ( Uttlintnio l i t lt itlittli 0, WO:Ontl', 110.0 t. ”.14 , 4 4. ca 4a 4 ~,01 .40,..4,, i r,,11 , 1a`• ,, 'inn . .. 40 1440 4 4 NA( that:'. Owe.. Abdo. it(not: 0 4 •, 0,0440, 4 . 1.•44 - ... 4 , 14 4.4.114 . 4 "tippets. tiii 6,60 10,004 4 Krell vfitsoti of II 11%4. VA,' t- I%D ST.IION 60/11/4 of or ty knit. of t il t' I.west pf Iv . ** 1,4 U On 004 4411414 4 4 4 4•1 4y irtt. - 44t .. 1 - 4 , 4 4 1 , 11 , 1 4 p 4 OP 41 4 14441i4441 1 4 4 in OW g444j0. 144.4 Le alarmr4 IA the cry of 1041 k 1 , , arra, bat (YU 111‘ 440 (Jr yOufseiVri. fittiOsta.l:7'. R. C. COWella &pt. 4. leo. I I`ol'lC* 4 110rEL 4 f. .... i GEO. W. MARTA. Prepric:or. The ^thorn wellit atm e hotel het reeeithy nUAtr s o i ,„ radkar chnivet fn ft. illt ,, tlllll 111 - IgeMeryti And PA mow wtqr $o tomer euetehi stud the tr.SVO!Silr, reltole , 11141 111, , nettotheeeletiotte for the Erfttiwri, of bra gu , ir.t.. two , wri.o.l In none IN Urn rouittry. tatth wiU ti I wAyA he fottlid stip not 4t with ngi,rt tttti lord. bolt with tit the dehe - teitt. a the arts tth, lit- ti tti , t ow! !Nonfat ,ffio pouutaq br., , fay. kmeeA utw `.Mr Nalrtr ,'j tow .ittee# tr o ut 1 , 0 furnnrtenr lmtive A. are re. ltiedy wit And free rn m All itth-ohnti erupt. Us it thaelsitti for it the Inlets tale cuuttilluefo tif.S.ttVl , It its the future iiktfrltnir. W. at tia Jim , 14 lii 441111.1' IlltEv. NEW ANL, t A,SiIiONAIII.2 WIN TER GO,. DS. TOP: iitievi iannd woola ti,iiiqtrally Write. the of tiro Hiy or place old vitsitity. to tiwir nevi and falai' it" Pori' oil aioio op ph Hark! )'s nita f hair itomor %twit , tiny ate priliststl to PnorAli Ot,odi .11(gb , Gjr Prow, CNlAttt in the West at vie. AIo yell waterloo tut Lsr, Woo' Itrvor Ghtto owl tot hthltttte* Weer. o lv „ o w ," earl I hey hhve everythir4; r,lthe best is their lrn nrid chrw, f r carat .111. 1 1 A A & ttA Mt M. amticurr: Bloomsburg, Apr.l tht. lend. 'rill: SWAN HOTEL, [TDB VPPER nou.sn,l Orangeville, Columbia Co, pa. The atotweitiwr teopeilfillly Worm' N. crieoii. and the public, loot tio'litio Mien Um above well know.' VNTI.:11111NIMIT. and pleitsoil to receive ihp 4` , 10010 et ill wi l iy will favor hint will* amt. Ile Will keep A GOOD SILK a Ita, k.O otitekiP4 onto the boot of Llooomitot toPtv offott volt to atoOp to rootlet rottlto ootioitoo. tioo JOHN nuns, nnwrimn. mob so mot, 3 inoctsita,