Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, September 23, 1868, Image 2

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illoomoling Inattrat.
WU. U. JACOBY, Md r. _
Democratic Naiad fiat
rott virsorminzxr,
/ , 'ILINCI4.' I'. 13LAllt, JIL,
Ilienioeirtle Mile Ticket.
or colLuxem :Vuttrar:
Denioc rally I;letrki-T-leket
Democratic Comity Ticket.
1V 11, G. QUICK.
We are constantly told by Radical news
impers and Radical orators that tlid results
of the war have enhanced the glory of the
country, and strengthened the reiksons fur
ust national pride in its citizens ; that our
government has so wanilbsted its strength,
and its people such a determination to main
tain the government against all enemies, in
ternal or external, that hereafter we need
have no fears of assault front any quarter ;
and more than all, that by wiping out the
"foul blot" of slavery and making a huge
step in the direction indicated by our talkers
when they proclainicd that "all men are
horn equal," we have given each indications
of a higher civilisation in the future that so
far from the blood of our brethren .having
ken shod in vain, it was the fuel to the fire
from which l'hecnix like our country has
arisen to an incomparably higher position
Among the nations of the earth.' All this
we are told by our Radical friends; and the
people arc constantly exhorted by them not
to let these golden fruits turn to ashes in
their hands. It is said that the prize is a
rich one, and that we should hold fast to it
not only for practical uses, but to be exhib
ited to the gaze of an envious but admiring
world: •
It is not our purpose now to gainsay all
or any part of this. We have another ob
ject in view ; and our readers shill see how
little genuine logic is necessary to show what
sophistry instead of argument these Radi
cals put in the. mouth of their Janus-faced
idol. liet your Radical orator or Seribler
exhaust his vocabulary ui praise or the re
sults of the war, give him time to bicathe,
engage him in conversation on the Fuliject
generally of the political condition of the
country, and then ask bin:, who caused the
war? Without winking, and thinking he
has got you, lie will at once answer, the
Democrats I The egregious ass does not 'see
that he thus stultificsliimself; and accord
ing to his own showing the Democrats are
the primary source of all these glorious, lithi
efits, past, present, and future, amftlie Re
publican party turns ont, after all, not tote
the party of progress, no so earnestly claim
ed for it by its adherents, but a party which
can be arimonisheti into activity only by the
prick of the bayonet. All this the Radical
himself proves, -and we give him the benefit
of his argument.
Is IT possible that the white electors of
this District will re-elect Mercur, who voted
for every inenAire that was calculated to
elevate the negro, and take money out of
your pockets for that purpose? lie voted
to give the negro the right to sit in the jury
box : to give him the right of suffrage ; and
to compel you to pay for those rights! Will
you continuo such I man in office? We
think not. Vote, then, for Col. Victor E.
Piollet, Congress, and assist in redress
ing the wrongs.
Mosront Cot:tem—The Democracy of
Montour County are not idle. They are
holding meetings all over the county. Dur
ing the tea. , t week meetings were held at
Washingtonville, Columbia, Mooresburg,
Sharp's Ridge, and other points. They
were addressed by Hon. Thomas Chalfant,
of Danville, Jesse C. Ammerman, of Cooper
township, Win. IT. Shoemaker, of Hem
lock, and others. The Democracy are full
of life this 11111, and will sweep this" pestit
ewe-Radicalism—out of the countly on
the 13th of October, by electing Irovu
and ENT, carrying a majority in the Penn
sylvania Legislature, and gaining in our
Congressional Representation.
`Tim troubles in Spain, which have been
long brewing, seem about to culminate in a
civil war. Late aceonnt:4 inform us that the
Spanish navy, with the chief Admiral at its
head, has declared against the Queen. This
war, if it should come, may embroil the
whole of western Europe. The esure.of the
trouble seems to be, the alleged bad govern ,
tient of the queen and her ministry.
1111 L =1
JUMP: WOODWAhI) since his notnination
has devoted most of his time to the pans°
of' Democracy. He has spoken at fifteen
different pnints'in his District: Tho county
of Sibimeliantut will be pretty thoroughly
canvassed by him, and the Democratic vote
n the District greatly increased.
THE Chairman of the Democratic Stand
ing Committee, of this musty, this week
".ounces more appointments for mooting,.
The Camp. Wires are Burning !
r In j'i
oil a mos
In all ewe where we are able we plkll give
the names of the officers. How well this
meeting was attended wo have not learned,
On Friday afternoon Robert F: Clark,
Von., tuttl'Ost. Jetta 14... PM!" smoke at
Benton. this meeting VOW well Attended.
A large dtklegation, headed: by the Orange
villa Brno hand, came into town about
1.2 It., marched through the place anti was
joined by a. delegation from Sugarloaf, when
the two delegations formed into one, ander
the direction of the Marshal/1)r. Edwarl
Everett, of. Orangeville, and ,passed back
through the principal atrects,,reociving
cheers and waiving. of flags, banners and:
handkerchiefs, by the ladies, to the groutid
prepared for the meeting. The. delegatioas
were then disntisaed. The horses Wu;
properly eared for, all who desired to refresh
and replenish the "inner man," With some
of "Grant's policy" and a good dinner s were
nettotuutodated by "mine host," Andrew T.
Ikeler. At one o'clock the meetiug was
organized, by appointing Perrat FAT, Pres
ident, and quite a number whose mines wo
do not remember, Vie@ Presidents. Chu.
Conner, , and two or three others, Secre
taries. The weather was delightful, the
Democracy all over the country confident of
success, and the result, a large turn-out.
Tito speeches were good,. soundly Deno
erotic, and merited the thrilling rounds of
applause they received.. The meeting ad
journed by having $ll campaign *mg from
Judge Dom and three cheers for the ova•
tors, the State ticket, amid fur our Presiden
tial candidates.
to' or: Inw,;smp
On Saturday ovening the Damoeracy of
Scott Twp. were addressed by IL F. Clark
and J.G.Freeze, at Espy. We unde.rstand
that the meeting was well attended by both
Dentoemts and Republicans. Mr. Clark no
doubt made them a good speech, as lie rarely
if ever makes a poor one, and thou they
returned to their bonigs, at knit better es ;
Wed, if not fin with their minds made tip
to vote fur llomtie Seymour and F. I'. Rlair.
Party hues are generally drawn pretty closely
together 'in this township, but the Dentoa
racy there confidently anticipate a majority
over Grant and Colfax this fall.
O Saturday evening last a political dis
cussion between Captains Brockway and
Whit moyer, was held in the town of Csta
wissa. They spoke, time all told, over an
hour and a half each—alternately though—
at the rate of thirty minutes at a,tinse. The
attendance was large and orderlY ; awl no
doubt in our mind the Democracy were well
pleased. The township of Catawissa has
bean iu the Itabitwf giving Republican ma
jeritie3, but it is mtpectod by some to join
the Democratic column this fall. 'Rah for
Capt. Brockway, , Detnoerat, and Capt.
Whitmoyer, Republican, discussed the po
licical issues of the campaign beforei large
and mixed audience on :Monday evening last.
This is the last engagement announced, wive
one in Bloomsburg on Friday evening next,
that they have to meet. They have spoken
at quite a number of places, to large assem
blages, in this county. Timely notice will
be given should they conclude to continue
the discussion at other points.
C. G. Barkley. Pwq., addressed a political
meeting at Buck Horn, on Tue:day owning
last. 3.1 r. 4. is a capital stump speaker
and draw' Large gowds wherever he is In
pounced to speak. The meeting, we are
informed, was largely attended by both
Democrats, Cotrzervatices and Radicals.
coL ,Plollet.
The Wyoming Dcmorrat gives our candi
date foKongrose the following meritcd com
"(101. Victor E. I'iollet, who has the
unaniwons voice of Wyoming county, and
we believe of the District, is a man so well
and favorably known in Denim . leapia. that
nothing that we might say of him would
add to the esteem in which he is held by his
most intimate tiiern/s and acquaintanoes in
this District. As a limner, as a projector,
contractor and builder of great public im
provements, and as a legislator, be hes
shim himself to be the peer of the ablest
in the country:. As an intelligent, though
unassuming ertisen-farmer ho ranks above
all. The door of his hospitable honso has
never been closed to any honest man. His
hand and purse have always been ripen to
the appeals of the poor and uul'ortimate.
While he has been a most Beldam and ac
tive participant in great public affairs, he
has never at any time neglected the small
eotrtesies of life—the loval neighborhood
affairs, which have made his township and
neighborhood a model one in his eounty.
The people of the whole District, with a
unanimity never before felt, now look to
him as one of their deliverers firom the fa
naticism and corruption which havei.pre
railed in the councils of the nation. lic
has proved to be a pure. incorruptible and
sagacious leader. The day of the triumph
of truth and right over ridsehood and injus
tice, is drawing near. Let the masses be
true to diocese - Ives and their country's best
interests, and we eannltt dot& that the re
sult will be, the triumphant election of Vic
tor. K Pioflet, the people's candidate for
TrIR eleargeld Republican came to our
sanctum last week in nn enlarged form. It
is now one or the largest weeklies published
in the state, and is, as it always has bedn,
ably edited. SIICeePIS to Mr. blomilander.
11e hope that his enterprise reeeirealte
patronage thaeltio justly merits.
Tim Democratic mooting at. Ilarrisburg
on Saturday last was a "rouser," and con
tinued day and evening. Dauphin is doing
her share of the work, mind you. Eir(itOr.
Bigler, es-liov,'Johosom Hon. H. Clymer,
and others, made speeches.
I'VE latest returns from Maine put the
Republican majority at 18,558. 11ow are
Tun 23,0001
C,oltiradn all right after all. Belden,
Democrat; Ibt Congress, has a majority of
she ft
Great Mass Meatball at Beates.
inAring o the Peop
't in, d its 'pc Down,
tit le f/ nil he mere
mak . w licrefore
irpr tic he sting at
*May I so I nil trended.
I, a - alg t 5 calcu t to cheer
_ ocart... ;very right-minded man. . -
The Orangeville Brass Band was present,
and flags and banners floated in every flirta
tion, ?Ye rj 4.1,1 3 , 4 .1 ti
, dotmt h ditgeti
si4tt •-
, 4 1 . 2 &AA& the „laudingwas called to
order by
,the election of the following A
etna! •
.I'resident.-:--PETES ENT, of Scott.
Vice Pmaidents—J, L. Cory, of Cumbra;
K N Tubbs, 'George Gearhart, of Fair
mount; John helm-, Abram Young, of
Benton ; Trani Derr, of Jackson ; iVillintn
Iketer, J. J. Rance, of rishingetvek A.ti
drew. Latibach t Jesse Hartman,: of Sugar
leati Aaron l'atturson, Kline, of
cte,taries--Chartes Conner, J.)lea. ,
CI R. '3lefieriry, Peter Came, 8. W. Mo.
Henry, Samiiel Rhone.
Tile meet iug war first addressed by ltubt.
V: dark . , Esq.., and we seed hardly say that
he wan lt.tened to with preftnol attention ;
denthtlestcriot only otf account of his well-'
known ability : but because of Lis previous'
political posit inn.
John (L Fjoese, Kai., followed with an
address in his usual easy style. which elicited
considerable applause ; and then, after 'it
campaign song by Judge I terr. the meeting'
adjourned with three elkaira for fleysimw,
nod Blair, for the speakers, nod the song., , v
pr,TEr, ENT, Prey t.."'
C. CoNsm, and others, Secretaries. • 7
Meeting of the Centreville Club.
The Democratic Club of Centreville met
on Thursday evening iitst in aceorilanoe with
the time fixed at a previous locating. There'
was a good turn-out of both memher‘ mind
othors, including owe of the moat promi•':
rent Itepublicaus;he togo a l i ii i .. l Tke
l i g
meeting Was called +Met.' 1:0; 1 the 'rim
(lent, Henry. D. litabrt after *Wen
the Seert•tarr road thartniitota of Mot tnObt
inig. . • !:
On motion, the Constitution of .the Club
was reed and an opportunity given all thole
who heti not yet become members to come
forward nn4 put dowu their names. Quite
a windier Stepped up to the Steri-etttrit's desk.
MO joined the Club. Next bushiessitrouplit
before the meeting was the propriety of
purchasing e flag to be!oug to the Club. It
was, after little discussion, decided to pur
chase one, and subseriptions were tinincilb
scaly taken up for that purpose. Sufficient
atuount.of money to purchase materials, stud
Jotter it with the Haloes of Seymour autl
Blair upon it, wag soon subscribed nut paid
over into the hands of the Treasurer.
Ile President then introdueed William
-1100 11. Jacoby, editor of the Destoeluer,
who, addressed the audience ter over en
hour on the iegtes now brine discussed, tg
this campaign.. !Ifs exposituin of Cnvess,
relative to the Reconstruction and 1 reed
wen's Bareau acts,. together with other
n i o oe s o f 4 , ,eious legislation, was received
aide great attention and vatisfaCtion. kre
dwilt slightly on the finances of the-entftt
try, exhibiting, as' far cc he went, a clear
knowledire of the subject. Ills trorteirh,
closed with a Idyll ttibutr to the ab il ity and
patriotism of lloratio Soyirwar and Frank
P. Blair, and with en earnest appeal to the
electors of (7oluniblit (bunt to AKA 17
one of her noble *end patriotic cons' shore
name is on our State ticket. At the close,
three cheers wore giten lot the speaker, and
three cheers for the Presidential candiduset.
Adjourned to meet on 'Must* evening,
Sept. 24th.' P. KNORR,
See'Y. Pies' t.
Government bondholders arc not, taxed
and the interest on their bonds is paid every
eix months in gold. worth nearly oneerhird
more ut this day than the money the firmer
must take fur hie surplus crop, the dsy
laborer fur his wages, and the .meelitode for
his work. Mani of these . bondholders
Mille their money in the tnilitnry pertice
duting . .t he late War, probably la the . quarter.
master e deportment by 8u P 14 " 4 " 144
soldiers with shoddy, clotbing,. poor beet,
lame and spavined horses, and settling with
the governthent Oti honest terms as far as
the govmstment was concerned. These
men teeling loyally inclined, invested their
ill-gotten gains in government bonds, draw•
Ae from to S per cent. interest in gold.
ll of these bonds were bought with green
backs, atpar. when gold KM worth from
$1.150 to $2.40 in greenbacks. They have
already received their gold imereet.for up
wards of three or four years. anioueting to
from 8 to 12 dollars ennnally upon each
hundred dolturs so invested. yl'hey demand
ulna this must continue until their 'bonds
become due, nod then they want to be paid
the principal in gold for which. theypaid-in
greenbacks worth at the time probably nut
more than .10 cents to the gold dellar.- 7
These aro some of the rich maa's extra
privilegds. But this is not the worst of it.
%Viten the assessor conies rowel—mid tills'
will soon be—he calls on the 'linnet's fits.
their list of the Warble property, their
horses. cows, carriages—if any diuuld be,
so fortunate as to have one—notes,inert:
gages and all motley on interest. 'file labor
ing nian end the I nteehenie t toe t. ,gre cants!
on by - the usSessor, and tfllicy should Ira:
so fortunate its to have a house and lot, Or
cow or horse. or both, the aseeeser puts it
down to ho taxed for county, Stew, school,
and road taxes, Dad If Heine in a city , or
borough. an additional city or borough tax
is added. But when the assessor comes to
the bondholder, ho is told, I have this house
and a span of fast horses and a buggy, this
is all that is taxable. I have ono hundred
thou•and dollars in government bonds, but
this is not taxable 'on account of .nty loyal
ty in giving to the government is time of
need. Now look at the inequality and in
justice of this taxation 1 Here is the me
chanic and laborer, worth probably only
four hundred dollars and pays as much tax
as the bondholder, worth one hundred thou
sand. There aro many cameo whore the
bondholder is worth a million of dollars
and 'MAMA at lifittlttlhiss hotel with nothing
taxable halt gpan .of match , hones and a
splendid coach. These men and families
have the benefit of the sehnole, of the roads,
of the courts, of the city, boroUgh and
township regulations and impreventinte, and
yet pay not a cent towards 'keeping the
same up. When a school house is to be
built, he has the benefit of it. but puvs
nothing towards 'erection—if any public
building). to be erected, be .pays nothing
towartls it--the'poor have tO bo_kept, but
be pays nothing towards ketifing
ln short, the bondholder pays nothing to•
wards keeping up one affairs, yet entnets,:in
f or the advantages. Thi s ( ; rant and Col nix
say most continue—no (Mange date he mania
it. is a pelmet enetered into by nor leya/
Congress with those loyal bendhoideris for
their saippLot of the government and the
met•hnnie and (My letterer must put
flit with It. Let there he no grumbling
shrg :it, bet lee thorn rn to work. e snore
indastry nnfieconomy,aml quit Poling' tiway
their time ie talkMß polities. about
the an?wet the people pet from (rant and
the Republican leaders when they complain.
Will they submit to it any longer I .
J, -
an increoe of 8 per cent. upon the rote of
In 1866 Dem()erney them received di ;047'
votes, awl in ISi* it receives '5h,728 , veto.
This is strincreatte of 30 per cent. upon the I
vow of .1)160.
In 1r916 14(D:dim roceivqd in relmsylr i
vaniti ITII 274 votes, and'Denicierney reedy
ed 290,04 rack
Apply the tar of Maine to this vote, OW
Radicalism will receive iu l'
increase of it per. cent., or.<2. 0;81 voles,.
making n total of 331;g35 Vtltrg, and De
mocracy will receive au increase of 30 per
eent., or ti 7,0214 votes, making a Vital of
3771,113 Dewocratie vetes,showing that we
will hare a clear Deinueretio inuleritY or
4,5,2(19 votes. '"
hilst the totals shown by thin' cmtintato
Drew; fare foe the trete that will be east in
October, 119 hones the yomlitiep
of public yeutiineut iu Rs
wit that the relative Pitipertion will be les.
tinned. • 4 '
Meine'reted far Juhh -C. Fremont 4 yet
Jairtea: lleeltgnstiwas elected i'residout, atilt
Pennsylvania the nolnibo,of States that :
made the "Chief
,Eaccutive of the
tion. ,
•The hem' or the &pane Is in *the- De.
moci.acy of the Keystone.
Ax is 1&4, the responsibility of deter
nurinirtho contest bop , rests with you. ,
ateo proven that you eon Mk
Wing triumph to the principles yeti love.
Let as drew°. to renewed energy anti more
detcriMued effort.
By order
,tbe Democratic State Com - A. IrAt,I.ArE,
Keep It atter, the People
That slfnee the Raffle-aim have hnd prnwsbehrn'
of thA State Onvenintent. SIXTY FIVE
M1141411),N14 Oh' DOLLARS have Wert
rieviveif it the , tare Treasury, only four
mallow+ of winch Lave been applied to the
payment of the State debt.
goer it , ofore the pmple.tliftt shire. file
flanliesin eame into tosseiegion of the State
fiov..rutneut, twenty-faro ; millions of ciolkitt
were received at the State. Treasury, which
umler the law,.i.ltnuld have gone into die
PitiLhle . Puertfof the:payment of-the t!tate
IMist, end th3t twenty-one millions of that
sum went eumewhetc else.
• Ka" Pforc the pqople that: tisettßadjeala
have ineraaled the i ratd iuterast, pn the
State froin 41 titiTri tot p tr , cunt., likaking
t h e im ere4 t te_412.1111,1 per annnet mare than
it we tinder IPeranerstio rule:
keel► li (*Wore the people that florin.: the
ten yaarsotlittniielli aeoantisitcy in the Leg.
42.14tare i the expeuiica of that lenity wore one
littnilred Ina twenty thee:awl tiollitra tuory
that rite preceding ten year:* of Pt , tooeratle
IN7ilel3efore the r 1 7,1 r, tlrtt the A Inlitar
Gett4all4 ottioe, uni or II artr *aft, has coat
nearly r2.o.tivi) wore than tinier tia twetle
p r w p ,•/ fl i f:prvi e Ma l t Radical
Anditilr FFarrtantt; and tfill'llitdr
cal State Treastwei, pnil out to Vottial omit
tuivaes of she *Legislature, soariy .10.0
Ipot yaw, lo Ot/aoco of the law forlatkling
the Ntine. •
terry it Iffyre tit" pe opfr that (taimil
Hillman, Mt. Kathie; the State
Committee, not, a single Ita , litsi newspaper
in tilt State, 'late deny these facts.
A c c ,,p it t v i, rt. , die prude that we will
forteit One thoe4and lintlamto Antlitor (;
eral Bart rank or buy other Radio:it if. up
on a pal,he investigation, before an impar
tial irilmnal, the alma atatoiansitapre Nowt
c l ot, tq lie,troa.-41iirriatotrg iiartut.
A Ft kbicitt newitn' per recently pttlalktl
- ' "
A*EMPiltOßlrm in Paris
have timea. They attend obent
ono-kilt their time in prison, and the
other half they are .watched as closely as if
they were connterfeiters. Ilut woe to th 9.41
who dare speak their minds. The binterne
paper, his,lust been utterly extin
guished by the authorities, not for what
had twee published, but for what the editor
Vas 44 , oxt„te say, according to the
. conjcp.
tore of the detectiveP.
The "lively timeli" eraloYeil by editorain
Paris `tintler an lirnperow" were also en•
ittYoti hugely in dila country under a I;adieal
Preident. • For four or live dreary years
the Radicals persecuted, in every c(ineciva
ble way, any one who dared to speak his
mind: Sfiieti and detectives were act :upon
every man's trawl:, nod the prose was !nuz
zled as rftectually here. as it ever we. in
Paris. Men were arrested, thrown into
oi.driten into'esile; their bllgine-t ,
&strayed mut ;their milditation oltieks
Ware planed in:the hands of military satrap* , ;
and nheitan else fa4o4 to. intiinidato
then hi the exerelSe of their ronstittitional .
rights, hrutal mobs were instigated the
Radical leaders,
tlfe:priblie peace was, Iwo.
Teen,: ands ' privste riffeperry - was reel:les:sly
tititto3l4i. loe ns tiWuiatpudeiwe of there
wen aulaxinf, who now prate about outra
ges upon a free pres:i "under an Emperor,"
when their own 'hands are stained with u
thousand crimes
Mat:tr..--The Una test to judge the re
sult by in Maine is this: In If-q.; their mem
bers of tun/tress were elected by a lleritY
of 27,07. In tsr,ct the people of Maine
omen to nevi ildpment upon them, aided,
tut the Medical* hoped, by the name of'
Oriole; ..What is the verdict? Seven thous
and to eight thousand of their constituepts
condemn them, althoneh the ante was in
undated with money and all the best' speak
ers they conld command. The same pro
portion of change in the other kitstgs.will
not leave Grant ten States in, the Union.
But it is not in the New England States that
We expect the great changes. ft is flir to
calculate that the mot of the States will ex
ceed the etophatie change in Maine at least
lift" per cent.
The efforts of the 'lndica! ;tress to com
pare the result with the vote of Isfl'f is 'a
transparent ettempt to deceiVe their tend
ers/ The honor law was the great issue '
bath an Name and Massachusetts. In the
fajta State the Iladieals were defeated ; in
Maine their majority of I sAtt was reduced
1(000. How silly, then, is the attempt to
impose anon the imblio by measuring the
great result of 1868 asentding to the o . "
a.,}ecal imue. If' their victory . .in D el p
rep e nt.. ell.oQr the ruin, we ag say',
e . :
not ten Slaty will he left to ROM: ‘)" •
We colipeitiliett alPeguit patriets ‘Attt
re,:tilt. ft 1,1 lit - mining mot of 'tot .
casting ite gloriona sliettow;beibrivisagg., ;
;. t.........................., m 4-1..
..., i
. —ln tier drieks;couitt,t4 ~ I ntiitints tt elan
nagned.famos4lioier ate thirtyitco peaches,
n couple of{' utpsktuelons ono raw sweetp
tato, and rank two &aliens of buttermilk;
lie leaves a widow: ' • * ' 4 • . 1
Put up Your Mumps, or Shoat up
Your Gab.
OMS, 1
A. J
WO h
t el e urt)
ti t
In I(
I, )0
Now Yor
o have
In thoy
pan the
nt thn
er vote
'NI her
*l,OOO that Seymour and Blair will curry
New Jersey.
$l,OOO that Seymour and Blair will carry
ourll4 VC/ carry #
1 1 1)4 i :ware!' . 111 4
Ni ru ,
n. 4 they
el,yta) that Scynnotir and Blair will carry
81,000 that Seymour and 'Blair will carry
el,OOO that Seymour,uud Blair will carry .
$l. .thilt.l dtbdt'indShiir will cif ,
I hoar and Bluer pill tarry
• 4 ft.'
pit Do79l3o.lgllkeiiir will carry
(.1 cgon;
$.1.000 lintillOp r ythewr sett Blair will be
foot that no. Radical tlnre Like the let.
rhip amount oi woney u to t e bet as statea t _
has been placed tho Bah ing Ifnuso of
W. P. Ileynnlot• ik Co., end• the editor of
this raper will inane the nenessail arrange
ments with any Itadieal ot any prey of
Radicals who desire tp take it. Come on,
gentlemen, of slop ydnr blowine. Ire are
going hi trumped thiejal7. Tf you think not,
Leek up your °Onion+ with your gold if you
are bondholders. and with your greenbacke
it you du not belong to that tio;ored clam.
11 - otehmon.
Pen and Mclosorr.
...The election etteiteinent throughout the
Country is on the increase. Both , parties aro
marshalling their farces for the great con
flict: The Rails are getting desperate.
...The Republicans a thejlitidford dig
triPt have miliiinated ITnn. l'eter M. Oster'
!tont, of IVyurging county, to emceed - Geo.
Leaden as state 14ceator. went sixteen, just back front Saw
toga, tie there is twilling uteatt about her.
lover. The other day he gave her a ring
jealorm of the headiest rooster,
prtinut to a Svc years old boy without a head.
his feat i 4 lituatud iu hi* breast, and 4 41
a reload:ol@NC,liee Jig singiug-
•.• In LIN the motto of the Ilepulkean4
"ip the devil with the forpign born
eitizenii; htine but unfit° Atherieltns." To
/ .'"Pe the, devil with - both, 'none bet
t—The Radical pros is rabies the cry of
limn& and 14,jonianinii, for the purpeze of
covering smile premeditated villainy of their
own. Ntrateli diem well. They are base
enoui;ll to commit any erime fir the sake of
...A 'ear on the Erie read, containing
dozen or nitre Jews ws the incite of an
exciting, political di.axission a ftitx days since,
which re.ult4in'ti eete being taken. The
monk stiixl; - Seynintit 45, thank 10. Ad
the Jews but one4nted for Beyntriur.
—Gen. 31c4lothin, is tb • arrive in Ns*
Bork, tisiiAttsck, *ad the Demouracy are
making extencive preparations for a. grand
r..!cAsion for lihn. It will he one of the
fittest stills! of tho - kind ever iteti in this
—The gmand militia law of Pennsylvania
reiptimititli,abk) bodied we under 45 years
of age to pay one dinar annually ht lieu of
re nice etpesit in timo Of Star Or invasion—.
.the fines to flirt** 'wield() land, and each
nom who drills in a.edunter company is to
receive twelve dollars a year.
...IVhalup was found guilty of tho RAMIS.
sination of lrArcy /lee, and cornmeal to
be hong• on the }nth of Deecinher. lie
reale quite an eloquent thouch rambling
address pretiotts to rewiring his I.i:titmice,
iA which he strongly proteqed his innocence,
'IA.O 'Pays he knows who committed' the inur
eflitr. (hi his return. to his dell he dewed a
Aorapipa and sang a song.
- 41 , 111411.1.4.-
violi t ti.oll,), Pa September 20.:A
hi near neenrreki 'l4l:treen this plum. nnol
(}reeneit9tie on Sattminy night teat. While
patty Ira* returning from a Reptiblieun
tneetink at ‘‘'ilyncoitioro• a party was raze
yawning ,frein a I)einneratie meeting at
(.1 menvii Ptte • They met :Abut midway and
n difflenity ennned, in which a' yoting matt
named Lacrone, living neattLis place, wan
idiot ao l l,Mttantly will a Dear
• < •
/Inv= TO PisiothE • whieb, Itsr TWENTY
rug* lips Leen winnuig "kettle° opinions
trim all gerts peonte" u m
nder the mie of
It is nn intioliern of the most ercellent
tonic, anti-bilinus, anti-goo:but in and altera
tive herbs, roots and barks, in the puritigd
This question may be briefly answered as
follows : It operates „
As a , „.rowarful Itivigtant.
As a 'Preventive yf Fevers.
' Assn • Anti-symositedie.
As a Gentle Pardee.
As a l'romoter or Appetite.
As a Cure for Indigtwion.
A f t an Acclimating; Medieine.
Ala Ssfl4rntird against Malaria.
AS-R , Remedy for Low Spirits.
',A. a Specific for Favor and Ague.
As a Cordial fur , the Aged.
Aan, Antidote for Sea Sickness.
'all Anodyne for the Sleepless.
As a Wholesome Stimnlsnt.
As a Balm for the Weary Brain.
As a • Wild in kkviil,f Anguish.
An_ttas a, protection to, 1441.1.11 AND
I.IC under idl depressing And devitalizing
infienees. • ""
is thossnly tonic in txistence, based upon a
ituous medicine, that is A.,BSOLUTE
At the hritiegroont's reeftiktice, on Thum
day afternoon, Soptentber Bor.
a C. Snyder Mr. William Wrtor, of AN
yhetly Cify, and Miss Matte , Mtenight, of
ItlntitnAurg. •
• On the 6th of Sententber t by Rev + J. , r.
Tuttin, Mr. Junes Ind to Nisi • Susannah
Boon, all of Itukert. •
On the loth Inst., 1w antes Kitetten,
Esq. at the residence of the hrfde's father,
in diett‘on, Mr. Jertenislt H. l'ansiekle and
Miss Margaret Rhona, aU of 'Sugarloaf. •
In Tiorreyillle, Iluntingtnn township,
'Friday, Petit. 11th, John- Halsey, infant son
of' it: J, aid H. Y. Headley, aged 4 months
add 22 dayt
_R ivera, .3fiekigan, bent. 15t11,
F., dau c htor of T. Nfcr ) . nut) l l l TY
l'riee, aced '2 yam, I'month and 27 tittyc
In Catnni4sa. on Sat nnley morning:Sept •
1441,,`edthnen0 aged
,y ORM
Wheat per b ar b e l , $2 ao
Br b 0
. .
Egpo per dozen
Tallow per pound,
Eohrie of Jacob nri., (Ire iitle4.
rim ilhdariniond4 AnglPor fonconintnn- nll 4 ) 1 1 1 ‘ 01. *
Court or Volum hist rounly. t o ,11.011, 0 1,e
tie Mono+ Of the •IteptillatrlitOr or mild estate, berets),
fives maim, that lle will meat thu parties IlaarestO4
on Wednesday tau fourth der of utivetub,, ll' l ut at
JO o'clock a, L. 0(.21.1 day. et lilt of lrr is
at Whirl, lime a ad plow oil persoris are rept...sled to
present their elelms borore the skid ahittar or he de
burred frotomewing to for a snap: 01 OLIO s P. Olll
Brat. M9.-4w. Auditor.
I'll'ilLlC i MI:
in pitman,. of an or let of the eriort of
rolombil County, oil eAll•ltn aV. fa"Toltlilt
MIA at 11l o'ilock is thr footstool', Peter iloimbach
ORA PROM Hay lnr, ' fro.trre momintod or the egad,
Ciotti. of John Ukylor, late of Montoll, townetilp. In
tai -1 ettoolV. /I , l•ltrr , l. will expo.' to We, hr 11;toltlir,
venom,. .pun the prototras, a carton G0C.0161110 Of
sltnab , In itlnntrinr Itrtenatitp, In raid roomy. ',remit
odWo lawiir W JrwepAr-Olootor sit lon,-wet, John,
Amiga oii prat, Henry Wrrlnatn'r hrir4 on 111 ,
glinrill:iffror lee irho •no 'II °
north, containing itNit Ilt:NORIllt Atli Ed
holm or 101/4 wornion are eveted a two
story stone dwelling hone!. • log barn a
rprtng holm+ two epringe of pond water grin the
hour', slot torn good app'• orchards on the
1 IP' r.. •ro also two V«111111 or
ore on 111. §llOll predilafte non or Anil and Ilso
other of hard ore, runninrthrngyh said rre•
nuit.r.. from earn In Wert. ran had la in a ~,,, I
Onto nt•rottivntioo ; tiler Nolte of amid ilreeno..l.
Monte in Itot toworhip of Montour, and colour afore
said, Jews 17.101 , 14111. 41 , V11.
lig" Condition. ems*: known no day of aide.
I' itl'En 11E1%1'1ml,,
Sept. 21. 341.8.
General Election Prociainatton
Winentan, by the lowan( thin Cetoottontrealtb
mad , the duly .f thr Vlttritf of every conolv to I:Ivo
nrltrr of ow emend Etoction•,llY yobll , otino In one
or lo ..r.• or w.totatpor• IS the county. at least twenty
doge tu - roto rho oterr too, and to
the to 'l9 oteettt, anti to dotnittnite due pl
St u Itlrh the Ologrltru II In br bold .
Tlo•tefote„ 1, MtiItDECAI MIt.LAIIII, lllth itlttqat
or I'olo4'll4s collortf. do molt- ltnowu and pro.
chain to the qttatill .tt elettons r cf.i a ,„ tua
o h m a a•it.r.l Kliett.on Will Int Mid no Tuitgm.vv ,
TIIF Tiiirrenn iv I) it V OF t1C•I 0111t:R.
(being the nocon,l 'fu-day In slid month . ) at li lt
,eveptitAtltrirts within On county. to *lt •
Braver tottuality,at We public bona, of Dun) .
town.yeit,, at not public house of Andrea
in Abe town 0( itenion.
Illoum town.litit, at the Court linil4o, in eolviii•
11 ,, r1n01 Iteraqe6. at the Town House. le the 11 , .,
°Loth of Ucrwick:
stomach Contralie. et the public host.. of 11. A
Weiiictiii•tet. •
•41 , illirei re% toohoohip it lb* pooslie oehool
nrnr von*v ilia.
Crolwes.m lownoblp Al tell public hmeue or Pa -
uel K•41.' 11 b118.1 , .r. 1n Lb. 14110 , 11 or ea110w1.64.
Centre iownship. it Coe reboot lima, tr - ir !Army
Clt- Croupy'
eonynilliam tiranship. at ttro . lvotto of fMniol
Firlisottereek taisaglup. tkr hour , : Danici
nn the titre i114e4.
Irrenklin town. hI rt ITheltee'll reheel
Orreetwaed (owe 'hip. et the !twee of /oomph It
ll*edge% tnwn.htr, at the pnbiir brwre. cf J‘,llll
Uargalll4l.l4l Stir Luitaot.Buck
Jackson town•hip at Itt, tunif.r. nr E z oki•t coin
hacitittalprosAttp. at tie, 4411 , 18 Paiv 11
v,.ner, in ttlabtr,w
Minna s"wit.ll4l nt the pnSllt howe of Aaris
the *awn of blittlinville..
Madison tow, .hip. tit the iildae. of A 4111.101
P.itotkv. in Jervytow%
Mt. I"enseni towilship. et the loose sr 11. W
Moutour town Alp at the house of Wm. Itotllngt
Mninv township. at the public home Or -
Noilmtertook townithito. et lb. hoot , ' forni..riy Orem
plod by Oiiiirgo W. Ittii , iphork
Omen lownalito. at On pohlie bonen of John
Stivilo!, in ibialigovilin
tieleolitwitelop at Ills tieboni Wm..% lately
Ili" bri l Vete of the n# of east t n ebi ii.
Ilibrunillip at the Mtgsa of mem.
f"it twiwv.bip ai the public hours of C. IL lien.
At Which tamp emit, Ylecce Oft qm.11f19,1 electors
Will Sleet by ballot the lullwing State grid Cminty
odium, via:
trot reform for Auditor General nf rennoylvoollo,
roir Munn for icrroo or flooorol of l'onooylvoilio.
D.lid retools for Member a one person f
ilfehrtior Assembly, nor 1,N...0n for PI. Dirt Attor•
nos, on, rFq.e l n tirr I `On.!V l'onmesoon..r, ono
fi m , r oam]; purr, yo.. nn4 nne m fur Co).
It I. farther directed tint the s;ec non polls of lii •
fkreivill Moroi* shell he opened heloreen the hoer.
or l.ght and ten o'ilorik iu Ilse Itaenoon, and i dled
COrlllllll. open w'ilhoat Intrrrnp,lnn 110.1
until weekto O'rrtOrk ID Ibe evening whoa Use polls
obeli be (lolled.
It if flirtstus Assisted that the Mll.lllllll of the rdorn
/edgiest the I:wort IJunge. In 1/11/011.10I1jrg. In make
out n General Ntection. shell be held on Friday, the
lbatreesis jay of to rotas. nest.
l'he Return Judges of the Representetiee Ristriet,
tampoled of the counties of Columbia sod Montour.
„shell meet at the Court /loose, In Illoomsborg, an
Tuesrlay. the Twentieth day of Ottober. nest, to
alike out the retires for Member of Assembly.
Return lodger of the Congressional Itietriet,
composed Of tile eitanthie of OreOford, Oolunihia
.11ouiwir, end Wyoming. shall meet at Ilse
Court floss*. in Tionkhanneelt. on 'Neville. the 60 111 1
day of October, nett, to make out the ruturns for
Member ,if Congress.
The following Art Of Assembly. regulating the
mode of voting, in the roulmono eullh of V•nneyl
ream, was passed titrett Ititti. IEBO. and reads Intl.;
els(Moit I. Ile It coasted by trio Seem.. nod I loos..
of keareseribiliees of the Cominimonalth of Penn•
Ilitinitu Ili General Aesembly met, and it is hereby
Iltllll.`a by ille of the same. that the lint
lira riders ,of toe eeverel districts in the several
remind.. or Commonwealth. et all g•meral,
township, trivolieh and special election,. ere listelov
hereafter 11111horisted and win wed to vote. lay tickets
printed or written, of partly printed Neil partly
written, severally elsselied as follows : lJno ticket
.11311 embrace the names or 411 Judges or omit.
voted for, and labelled, moot& ;" One
ticket Abell embrace the nano.* nii State Airco,
toted ter, and be labelled 'otivsle;" one ticket 'trill
embrace the eaters of all county /Aces. wind for,
Including the Melee of Senator. Moldier, and ktent
bets of doseaskily, If voted for, and Members of
Caltetlhie, If yoked for, and be ;abellad. ;"
ono ticket shell eliabreee the Nantes of all Utwhelup
Glitters ruled foe. mad be labelled, "roe oils," one
ticket shall olobrner the nano', of 1111 borough Micere
led for, and hit labelled, &dowel). "
1,710:4 .4. Ti..o n 111011 63 Ott Only of site Ah••ritr,
la the eared' 'mantle , . of this Cirronoowealin, to
insert In their election proelainatione, hereafter te
sued, the first foetid° of thie art,
hol'4o;,lg liEltl.HY
'Thal rvtrY Person excepting /itemise of the T i rade
who shall hold not otßce or appointment of ittitett
or Inlet nude? Ibe Coined Stales. or of this Otate,
nil/ tior or earporatrof district. whether • ounimis•
stoned iiiiiser alt othernose, a subordinate oilier or
aped who to or shall be ernployerr blider the •
lame', eaeclitign air judiciary drparunuut of ibis
Ittilte.Of of, oily of Iy or 01 any incorporated iltotrirt.
and 111,6. Obit emery meinlier of anogrells arid or the
skate tonisidlltirefed Oh' sdlect, roe
lit n
wl . 'iiy city, ( tom alio
mit.ner's of soy -itterirtiO
tided rira; y law witiopedito of holding ar 101
ettleingat th e It iii Ili omen nt neloillilieeril of
Jeers, lttypeelor, or Clerk of any denten -of this
connommenith. and that no inepector /Wipe or
tither oricer of emit election shall be eligible to be
vol , d
'itolllll l be the Anty of the several A ... .. Ora 75•
primitively to attend at the piaci of holding every
general. opei int or too nolo p election, during 1110
whole haw ellen election Is kept open, for the pur
pose el giving information In W. , la•pecterp and
fudge, when called am, Iu le :Molt le the fight clt tior
person nasesend by (born to vote fit With election, and
nn ouch oth , r mutters In 'elution to.
la the said inspettorn or either of 111101 shill from
"No peroon olio,' he permitted to vote at any else •
lido as aforeeaiil, than it wittite,eit.seu of t te one .f
twenty Mot nr my's, who shall 'have resided 10 title
kilts st itait IMO year. aid Ii the itletton district
,!link, niece il Ir To)' tee .Jay' hoomoliairlY Pre'
'erisrftteibreti trisostse, and within two year, paid a
liar/. id Foolery jai 77 Much shill have bee floasiiii•ea
al Pali! iloVittihrore etei•tlnn. the I Misery
of the Veneer !dote Who nil PrevoidelY boot iv
tiled ewer or iron thew and r.'tu toed end who o riall
hero resided ill the ~ion thstrltt end paid Varies,
04 AN/U.4 1 14 0411111,bn 1,1111110..1, alter remden•
In thug sts tomoh• Pisyided. Th at the while'
Orme*, Almon, of the United State', tetweou Got
age tit 114,401 , 0 M) and twenty dwo year, erlio hay,
ressidod an slid ./eatou heron top Says as sforaaa Id
be entitled to vote althoosh they shall not hale
paid tat
attmastiriller pis imnd.atniy otos. in U100'1.11014,
tits I,lStl dap of BeitelillWg. 1468
111‘41.01:fell etdoliff.
ita w ne it s .5
SOW, Choir,
obi H. Mlkiild4,
v; day^ ,
r•pi. JL, igoi.
13 00
t. wotar,
lint 11.1 hire r
ill ail iu hranrl,,,,, w th.
Ni/i0 St.,
01100,01 is the Mein proparty. asi4 Imo NOW 16 ta w s
A FI'LL .101!1'31.1.:NT OF I;001)8,
tip , line, which if IPy h7ve retn•teo with 0 pod
dieol of two. nod %111 euU at Ma
Lows.l Pb 11,17 fluff.
Th. 4, gt„ciki. rdkurielln ay y.putlailar, awl la
1 gilalsly and price ...ono( (all In siva full stliefaelvin,
:the Ilatalililkilkilfr.siiiiih rislb4rs or
garnnew thitat
11It IIAtiIIVIRGQQII4IIO4 II imiliDimareit,
nifty hi %oat tm vitow4t..l,
I; iv.• them it libel. Thrir IN hot 111.1/o.lwlit,
old Hilarity fond.. NO With PAW 011411, aad With aim
mad IoW prirt•• •
nwrnuuu w4svii , l to IMP MOP
Id. lan, for Ih. Pall and Wfuler Inds. Goland pro.
curvtbn bla ri atns.. .
. .
illitilnot markrt pi ice► snowed 'or /di e q u ihq
tPIP Vooido
otrcel, bon (font. with Ilege rises
vreminw.. tt♦pj a, nm,
_ -
kat HUM AN übl phrd
i t f lo l P l o. PAe•lti;eiii. l4 l Ireg il "I".
re oath,
improafinitameat 40.1 radical ten a
, eunsell ‘Ventineep at tlyerwiterboell.
h m uem siVelf 4 Abifto,.. proinistArt issolosiefta. P*.
pareary. Nersloa. Dewily sad. isp•dimeta to
', i m ago pourollgr ; , Vonbuseptioa. Itpilimply, awl
Fit. e
• isteastil $O4 I%volt/it Inenpacityp ire. Ily
Rnbert .1. tholverweil, M. p.. mutkor of Ow lima
Honk.' kr. ,
The lisped frenW nod author. in lid/ admirable Lela
roar* from hie non eireffettre. that
tat awful c”u6vitoreg of golf +Abut* may Ha 'fact
natty rtnioved without Miran we. and Withal daa
0.11/1 , ,1tt iiptratinn 4. I 00000 gig 4. ill oirligp•uf
ring.. Sir tni4l l ll ,l . rhiatitle 0111 a ono* or ruing a
fmcr rennin aid et/actual, Hy which t very wilrerer,
an u,„11" whit Hi. annilityin way be, way cafe
h in ,..ii riwawy, nrivattly fond radirally. Thus Lee.
our v e in pruv.• • I to ihnurand• and lAOIIIO4OO.
Pent neatersiao M oily sidaftro his a piahllcaMY,e.
nn rtteint of ail twill.. et Iwo pommy Nampo.
Al4O 14t. VilliVetVrtiPlS Monier OUllde.prltort genic
Attar , if, CHAtt. J tl. CLAIM at CO..
117 Bowery. 1144 v York. P. 0. boa 4:.e6
eept. le. I OOO.—ly Perak Co
raw to the 'premises of the,ber, In (jilt. n•
Wand Wait/hip Colwabia foamy,
, On pr 1,4 yr Stifirao.r, a
m.Ark 011'. /th a what , 'put an
bYt brYaot row lilippoNPll 10
be &beet Ave yparsold. 'roe ovirn•r
I. requetaedoe ~ , ,,se lament. prove
(barge, u , .d 1,,k, tire away, 0 114 , f111.11
the elll he dI ypon d of OA lIIP laW etre, t.
id tilt; 1ME1.41.
Gyoynayondtp., Sept. 14, P6?-31
62s UooP' mums
rotISETs. coiter.Ts.
7 0 ) .fi t il Alum el illarr. riiiiskup.Plllll
Ilannfitet neer of the alchroaal (14 a Rolm
/loop ,Skirts fqf Wit% Nauru anti
The latest eetertin•ht, sdllrrsl tehhly and Idyl/
in the Aintirl‘ao h. t. ;Every fatly thed,ll try
Mem. ail they recommend Ilelteelleea Iv weeds*
rt4arem4 Chair sine oaht,w, hoar
more cliff tie than ell re te• rt. Whithsted is 'miry re.
specs, had .old sit rot, low pytello.. A* for llop•
Itseo• Champion Ski It.
Noyes - 1W heed moot,. whale hobo eimun, h i in.. e
dilfert nita.etetl l / 0 Imperial ant Ttootio.
un & eeet• , e'. (Pnte' Pettit - , erect, in ughie le
pr,,.., ft el e.•ntf to $5.511; totem./ wish Jo**
11,.0,,floopfebyittoil rifli 4 a ..ere ue.
shfyino and loftily, tend fl•riet erelt-e. erm. $5,10
to $$ 41. Thew &ferule II:lett and best pads for the
roofs. ever imported. The 114.1 e ouhylicit With
Hoop itikirl• and Co, intb,t rats
Thow trolling the City ehaell4 not not totals 4,14
examine our G'..,fr find prices. al vb. defy Mime.
pouilooi• e 1041
Pl' n Lic s LE
In rtltoUnnt• of nn nrelor of thp * Orphanc Cowin(
Counantoto minty, on THIIRSO AV, tiirriottat
Ipp , a f ar e w e ll in 1116 Wil•oun If Ilsen•
buck and Wll4llll D. 'linnet'. A Juithoiratora re.,
/4.101, InIP of Fecal Inovu.loo. rn •11.1 county. J.
FP /W/1. 11 1 /11eX1 16.1 * IO lulu. by !Mole 'endowed lb*
dwollent h rioa Nter 51 - ,13A, 10 111:011
"Wns4.P. Sit 0 0, Cefilllfl
sigrit n 1 11 1 . 01, townahlr, /AM enmity, tinundrd by
k w i o r George Keller an the wed. Jamb /Sella us
the toulh t ha,ar Krum no Inv east. and /Am
00 the niPth. vat:gams ti%r (WM
4 0 Jutl Ai 'it EA, whereon er•ct , ,l ta n
s t,••• iryme 0 Wr•ilillg Ina... train* bast
larlt; and other ontiintldiogit. mad nolapple orcbatO.
Amon a Ml' OP' VVOOIII AVU. situate in
Orange township, In raid county. containing
tell Nato. baanded by laud n( Pnin Vanliew
tot the wrist and wills, the lir rof George
Ilridly on Om oat. and !gamic' Wiley on the north.
Late the rotate of mid dreenttd. situate is Meiners.
ship 01 Paoli and coOnty aortal('
Jitter, COLEMAN, Clerk.
llinumabigp,Pent. 19. Inild-td.
CCoslit ion. of +iate:—'r.•n per cent ally, yarding*
moony 19 AoIIM of tho pro or.
; on...fourth. kilo lb. ton per cont on enniSrmsti"a
ill pi.. nod 04 balance in on, yew fr,n paid cnUOt•
nintif.n. With interest from corifirmallifin 111. It.
j r•
MR ,
ikor• ii.kub, th e ALDIVII 4.11.111LA1.
1 ", 44 rth ' , rent three*, Philadefpliia.
ftepiesebv! ltlo-1 ,
Notice to Teachers.
Ezansitualonn of Tele/lite for th , several thottlete
of col u moil County. %111 1.4 held At the following
teases end place.
Fur Cutsolueend rra mkt n, nl Ca Wtl.m.
h-r 11:h. : Itrrwirlt and nrstrerrek at li•
tom. Isth : Maine Ann IM. vet. ttataVlll , t OrPt. leo
1,,,nd and Ittutrineee..elt, at. Glehtown. el^Pl. 17 th
MIGIon at Mt:nth% Ille, rept (PIN ; CMltra Valot!ilt
villo, rcpt. 11 1 th :tl.l4ltirtf. at Ileatrtcb'e Sehnel
Sept 44th; tlemioeit, at Duch Illutt, grill IWO;
Mono?. L'letteht, JUOtatt .Boat! littoar, Sept ;Mb ;
Ogunge 'at Ilentteelottei, Soot. 111hh Senn at I.teht
Ittreet.elept. riehlngereek al hlllitu4t , r, Sept.
Nth; eteuton, Pugntl..nt and Y.riceon, et Itentun. Oe•
totai lrtt Greehban.l and love% at Millettle. Oct Mt;
51n.110..n and Jerretton to kt
rpeetal tocrtniflatimia till! Ito hold it Ito*
the C , lonty upro M 1.111,111111. W 151.0.1100 , 2 on th•
4 h ,o u,.lob‘t and the t.:tt t of , ttretutter,
The eethunatione %%111 be opened at In o'oloel it,
101. en *Nett "IC.
I ., quher. 111,04 appgrat IllittrlttoTOlttolol l l tbi the
dittrl.t th whi t h h . / thnho nholientinn toe situutiona.
I) bettor,. fire reitie otrd to be prerent.
t', G. ItAltKlL,elf.
'County ttup't.
Rlommoburf. Rept. 4, 19110.
E. W. CLARK & CO.,
Nu. 35 &nab Third St., Philadelphia,
osmium. AgiNT rot Till
911i10111l1 Life insurance Co.
n. 11111
Strap, 1) . 1 . P nrylrania and Southern aVegu
The National I ife Juana:an erif7ernpany Ism corpop.,
atorobilditteraid by Special Att of commas. sppte
..:4l July Istla, with a
Cash Capital of $1,000,000,
.n.I 1. note Moron;loly oryttabled sod protruded for
!maniere ,
L i p,, r3 l soling riiihrodio steals ant seltrioors, who
are inv led id apply at nor open
Poll pnlitithira to by h4l on applwatiore at ton
°Mee, Inroad In 'lra *wood Mire of IMilf Asinklny
!loom, whew , rireuisra nod Pallsoillatt.felly , &nerd,
out nob onnoniant• Orwell hp ihe Cowpony, way L,
Applieneionn ror tlontrA I and Weatorn PrionsylYt.•
tilt lobs anaMi to B.B.llllWToso,thd &
Ca.R Pt.
Nu. Id nn uw ll Third Street,
—. I ht'•Atiphloo.
New OfitlIADV fN 1;orelt1131171(yol.- A ph, . 1 .
( 1. 11 . 0 0 0 hAd Cannownpikvi fine several pies t with
Joe ionerit tihierbooprol tunas. cured lionsahof with
pp Oteella 001101.111 In ol 0 profasatou,schan his
trier appeared hopoolsaa. tie is goo only physician
11.1 1 d it In ',mown parson. or who boa any
lohnosiady.• oloone•; mirth. nan ascribe Ilia dro
iree of besith below/ ecologya to ticahinh but lb ups
pf his hi.tileilie; Id nettling hut niter despair and
Ototirdesifoietion all hops of nenverp, ousialhar
will, omit iif (I , l4flUn“ in till olltielw iltolliesd his. id
named oho e5p,11,10,11. tboro aue , elag wilt Any
disite. 6f Ityl.losl, TN & oraidopoois no tool.
glehtly beitAvr. etndlAilt WA A loon,. Price Esc'
pair hi tea de tilts half Sousa twit by expects. &end 011
13-7.' t..1 , 6 1 11470r0 latevioN,
Ka *i . Nottb *leutit oimmt.tialadoLinia.