Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, September 02, 1868, Image 1

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President Judge—Hon. William Elwell.
nn e ,
Am I D
oriato Judges— 1., ..• .. . •
1 eter is.. 'mown.
rroth'y and Crk of Courts— Jesse m
Register and Recorder—John 0. Freese,
(John P. Fowler,
Counnissionera— i Montgomery Colo.
( David Yeager,
Sheriff—Mordecai Millard.
Treasurer-4 awl) Yohe.
iL. B Rupert,
Auditors— John P.Hannon.
Jacob. ai riot
Conuniasioner'n Clerk—Wm. Kriekbaum.
Commissioner's A ttornev—E. H. Little.
Mercantile Appraiser—W. 11. Jacoby.
County tiurveyor—lsaac A. Dewitt.
District Attroney—Milton M. Trani&
Coroner—William .1. Ikeler.
County superintendent—Chas. 11. Barkley,
Areesors internal Revenue—R. F. Clark.
(John Thomas,
Assistant Assessor— 1 S. R Newer,
1 Daniel McHenry.
Collector—Benjamin F. Hartman.
Bloomsburg Llterary:luslllule.
HENRY CARVER, A. 31,, Principal and
Professor of Philosophy, 4te.
Miss Sarah A. Carver, Preeeptress,
Teacher of French, Botany and Ornamental
Isaac 0. Best, A. 8.,
Professor of Ancient Languages,
Charles E. Rice, A. ILI
Profess,,r of Mathematics,
F. M. Bates,
Teacher of Ilook•keeping and English
Miss Alice M. Carver.
Teacher, of Instrmucntel Music.
Tea, , iwr of Viwa) muje.
Miss Julia Guest,
Teacher in Primary Department•
spring term commences April 13th, 180
Bloomsburg, March Is. lsr.s.
(Late Assistaut Medical Director V. 8. Artny,)
l'hypician and Surgeon.
QT Oftca at the llortra Ilatrt. PI monatutra. P.
calla prutuptly attended to bola night and day.
Illonsurbura. Nay. dl. watt
FIB tobteriher, propnetot
wr the above named et
eatobliehmerit , i 4 now
Wed to welt e orders
cosoliso, Slant rumens. Stationary Entn
tin in *len prepared On wake gloves, all vises end
volume, plow.trone, and everything uslintly wage in
11, et.elase Yonnoiries.
Nie ectsineive racilities and prartirott workmen. war.
rent him on receiving the lergert contracts on the
snot remnonable terms.
dT Winne( nil kinds will he taken in null:lnks for
EP Thin esiabliplinient in Inca.eil near the Latlinivi
nn 4 Illoomoburg Rudman MT.'.
11"1.1131. HI LLM V Ell.
Blonenotiurig, sept, 114, IR G 3.
In Eillive't fluilMor op Mon Street
WWII* the citizens nrelooinsnuse and vicinity tlvo
Me has opt end a New
h ibis pleee, where he invitee hit oid friend. and
refitment to can and "Wake of hie refreehtutote.—
It to his intention to %eel, the beet
4'4+11,441111y nu hand ; Atsa, Porter, narsannttlin- Min
OW Wsusr, ralley Lemon:Wen, nn*pherrY and Leno
of ey rupo, tan fti ways he had at his Reatau taut.
In the cairns lane be presents a
not morselled in this Ozer ; viz. Pickled oyesers
elms. Hardinee. nee, harbectied Chicken. Pickles
Tripe end Heel Tongue, ke..lser. He Men has a gum
emelt of
eignrsrtttdrhetrt.itg ni/ff CCO
Mr rustouttrc CT Gsve tula ot
Blounaburg. Jima MK
frllf: underpinned would reepecifolly announce to
/I the enamor of filoometturg, and the public gen•
many. that he is running
tween thlsl lace and the Mr.
Arent Rail Road Depot* dm. '
ly. (Sundays excepted) to
eonneet with the several Treins pint Month x Wert
on the (*mown** and Willtimerport Rail Road. and
with those going North and Routh on the Lack. it
Bloomsburg Road,
plt.OMNihUdeRS ore to good condition, tomato.
thousand comfortable, and thanes reasonable.
p. person. wield** to meet ur inc these friends
depart, ran he areotamodated, upon ledaohohle
charges. by leaving manly notice at any of the Dm
flteontsburo, April 27, ifind
New Millenary Goods
.ite the P,lney Same
("mu** TO MARY SO Ittft,)
11LOOMST11:1131, PA.
The public are respertfully Informed that they ran
be furnished with everytuino in the Millinery line
upon the most reasonable terms, end in goods not
surpassed far style, beauty, or durability to into
town. Her Wpring styles of halo, bonnets,and other
articles for Wolliell and Misses wear, are beautiful
lad well calculated to suit the tastes of the wan
Plididious. thee her avail Moro on Ma in turret
(north side) below Market. Caprd4 Bw.
1111.0011111011 MG. PA.
3, P. Fox, Proptletior of Oils estsbllsbuient, would
respertAilly iarmin his old and new customer., that
he has everything fitted up at his new mend in Po
Ole bins In furnish them with RHEA D, OAREtt,
AND EVlNPlMlncrintes, as beretnlnre.
.7,7" Hereafter all permute, who have been furnish
est with Ale, Lager WE I', and Porter, by the whole,
half, or quarter barrel, will tall upon WILLIAM
GILMORE, at his Selma in
Ehives , Block, Main Street,
who hne been eutherisehl by the mulemened to
the same. Ile willeouwantly hive e supply on hind,
which will be sold at the loweet market r tea,
Ailf. F. has In MIMIC with his Wan y and LON.
frerirwery., fitted up rooms for the male of
to ail whe min y favor him with their matron. Ile
iv eon prepared to make Ice thralls In large quenti
tern fur partici. panne or andel gatherings. as the
nave may be. Everything pvrlaiaiug to lii. lane d
billows, will moire eitreful and diligent nttention.
117" He is, liOnnkllil Its his rueu»uety in peel 111
Tern, and Moot cordially oulleita a continuance of the
11611110, J. V. PDX.
Aptil 3, 1847.
ruineoetetue, Mardi let, ISM,
We Sella inform you that we OM pli•
it r WWI le on , for you liteettao aut u s ual
nesonnisol of MILINICILY pI (1001101
Censielentl of newestsinip es In Strew Silk end
OIMP 11W, notteete, am Velvets, nint 60011 Ilib.
Moo. rlosPere. Peathera, Wire, Crepe' "Irides.
o ntieitmst, tea. et, WI/ elm n he hippy to
ws , ton you at our Store, of 111CCIVe_you, ordrie—
rgirAg tow for Cern, rotors, &e. WAND.
Nor, llff, lui C to; Nurna 'hood
Mlieui 1111C/011111C
ponnoburg gittnotrat.
111.003151111110, PA., BY
TE11143.-1.3 00 In advance. If not ;told trithla
RIX MONTHS, $0 tents additional will be 4 aped.
rr Nonaper dlecontinued until editor . grape
are paid except at the option of the .
One square tele or three Insertions 30
Ever, subsequent ineertion Woe than 13.. .30
!WACO. 111. 2114 3m. In. le.
One square, 1.00 I 3 00 4.00 I COO
Tete squires, 3.00 I 3.00 6,00 I 9,00
Three ', 3,00 I 7,00 0.60 1 i".0o
VINO 111 , 1111111 1 111, 6.110 I 8,00 10 , 0 0 1 14,151
Ifiarrolunin,l 10.00 I 10,00 14.00 I lir 00
One column, I 13.00 I 16.00 21/00 I 30.00
Executor's And Adialuistrators Nome. f 300
Audllneo Moller
Other aithertieemente Inserted scoordl no to special
fluidness isetiree, without advertisement. twenty.
Cent/I pee hue.
Transient adeeetleemrisis payable in alit/ref all
other. due after the first Insertion.
Democratic Rallying Song.
With Seymour and Blair
We'll make the Rads stare,
Till their eyeballs pop out of their sookets ;
Their bonde shall be paid,
As the c o ntract was made,
But no Jacobin raid on our pockets I
Cuons—Then throw out your banners high
up in the air;
Let your flags flout at morn, noon,
and oven.
And our glorious cause, so up
right and fair,
shall be smiled on and prospered
by heaven.
11'ith Grant and Colfax
And the terrible tax
That would surely succeed their election ;
The country would go
To the vortex of woe,
With no chance of a now resurrection !
Then throw out, /to.
Then rouse, boys, and rally,
From hilltop and valley,.
Your country save from confusion,
While with banners unfurled,
We'll show the whole world
Our respect for our loved Constitution.
Then throw out, &c.
Then hip, hip, hurrah!
For good order and law,
With peace and good will thro' the nation ;
Let Radicals rant
About Colfax and Giant,
Hut our Seymour's the country's salvation
Then throw out, &e.
(protium for the Northern In.
du! trlisl Clanses.
Who is it at present keeping white me
chanics and laborers for seeking employ
ing!), in the south?
Who is making a barren waute of the
most fertile and productive section of the
Why is the burden of taxation so oppres
sive and employment so scarce.
Why are there to-day hundreds of thous
ands of white men and women in the North.
living in dread of starvation within the
present year.
Why aro the commerce of the North,
and the ship-building interests almost to
tally parylized?
Why i 4 the South threatened with a war
of races, and civil law trampled under foot
in that section.
Why arc millions of white men not rep
resented in Congress.
Why have all the guarantees of the Con
stitution been broken down, and the rights
of free born Americans subjugated to the
arbitrary will of irresponsible satraps?
Why are thirty millions of white men
taxeu fur the special benefit of a claw; who
pay no taxes on the great bulk of their
Why should there be over two thousand
millions or dollars exempt from taxation?
Why should there he special legislation
for one class of the population, to the seri-
OWs injury of the interests of every other?
Why should the great agricultural popu.
lation of the West be made tributary to the
manufacturing lords of Yankee land ?
If the national bankers are enabled to
make twenty millions of dollars a year out
of the industrial classes by their speculation
in the necessities of life, why are they tol
If negroes are fit for freedom, Irby has a
great poor house system for their support
to be kept at the expense of Northern in
dustry ?
Why is it that the products of the South
havo fallen off to a great extent?
Why are murders and outrages, and rob
beries so fearfully frequent all over the
If tho war was prosecuted for the pree•
creation of the Union, why are States kept
out of it?
If the South is permitted to fall under
negro domination, will it be fit for the hab.
itation of white men?
The industrial classes of the North will
find an answer to all the questions in the
destructive& It is to them we are indebted
for the evils by which the country is threat
ened. And the worst is yet to come. The
negro refuses to work, and the great pro
duetivenesm or the South is lost to the coun
try. The white men of the free States are
oppressed with taxation, that they may be
supported in idleness. Of the four or five
hundred millions of dollars which are raised
upon the industry of this section every
year, a large portion is used in the develish
work of reversing the natural order of the
Working men of tho North, will you,
can you endure this infamous work ? Do
you not we that the perjured, plundering,
Constitution breaking, law-defying, gang
called Congress, is otribing at your rights
at your freedom, at your dearest intermit',
through twoonatrucdon.
There bee not been a single act of legie•
lation, a single nteasnre paned in Centrals
that has not been aimed at you.
It is you that the National Bauke aro
It is your families who are made to suf
fer, that the South may be Afriesoised and
converted We a wilderness.
It is out of your pockets that the taxes
to pay the interest on untaxed bonds is paid.
Nearly. one half your labor is mortgaged
for the support of a privileged class.
Your loaf of bread is the cents, because
the South instead of contributing to the
resources of the country from the fertile
soil, is a drag and tax upon you industry.
Look into Radicalism, and you will find
in it the true cause of all the poverty, all
the misery, all the wrongs front which the
whole country is suffering.
0 00
00 00
The remedy is in you hands, and the
time is hastening on when it can be appliet!.
Organize and be prepared for the day of
action, the day on which you can settle all
sources with the party of ruin and anarchy,
the party which seeks to maintain its power
through the sacrifice of every right and
principle vindicated in great revolution.
Organize for the salvation of the Repub•
lie, and rescue it from a beastly, degrading,
Organize to save the land for white men,
and make it the white man's inheritance.
Organize to protect yourselves and fam
ilies from the conspiracy of an unconstitu
tional Congress, and from the nefarious de
signs of an unprincipled bondocracy.
Organize for the emancipation of eight
millions of our own race and blood, from the
most galling, crushing, binding despotism
ever inflicted upon a people.
Think of what they are to-day suffering.
Think of their ruined homes, their waste
fields, their prostrate trades, their thousands
of poverty-stricken orphans and widows.—
Think of the fate with which they are men
aced. Think of the outrages perpetrated
by a half savage race, instigated to their
deviltries by Radical friends and cut-throats.
Think of this, and resolve in your hearts
that the accursed party which has brought
this woe, which has brought this flood of
evils upon this land, shall, when the day of
retribution comes, be crushed into the
earth, under the tread of your triumphant
majorities.—.3frtropolitan &cord.
Facts for Workingmen.
"While the producing industries of the
country are unjustly taxed, and the almost
intolerable burdens of the war rest upon
those who fought the battles and made the
sacrifices, those who tilled lands to produce
supplies, and those who labored in the
workshops, the organs of the Radicals are
asserting that the bondholders are the men
who pay all our revenues. They sneeringly
say that "uot one laboring man in every
hundred pays a penny of taxes to the gov
ernment directly." True, the laboring man
does not pay his taxes directly to the gov
ernment, but every man of sense knows that
the consumer pays the tax upon every arti
cle manuti►ctured by capital. A practical
working man, a few days since, handed us
the following, which in itself is a volume of
argument to show that the poor man does
pay taxes:
Radical legislation requires the consumer
to pay all taxes.
it taxes the hat on your bead.
The boots on your feet.
The clothes on your person.
The food you eat.
The tea and coffeeyou drink.'
The pot it is cooked in.
The cup you drink it out of.
The implements on your farm.
The tools you work with.
The paper you write on.
The pen and ink you use.
The apers and books you read.
The f urniture in your house.
The gas or oil you burn.
The coal you consume.
The stove you burn it in.
The match you light it with.
The medicine you take.
The tobacco you smoke.
The pipe you smoke it in.
The dishes on your table.
All you oat off them.
The laboring man of the country, who
owns a little house and lot, which he has
earned by toiling from early morning to
night, pays State, county, school, and road
tax upon it; while his next door neighbor,
who is a bondholder, owning $50,000 in the
bonds, pays no taxes whatever, draws inter
est in gold, laughs at his unfortunate neigh
bor, who has his money in a little home
If the masses of the laboring men desire
the equal taxation of every specie. of prop-
erty according to its real value—government
bonds and other securities included—if they
want one cut rency for the government and
the people, the laborer and the offiee-halder,
the pensioner and the soldier, the producer
and the bondholder, they will not vote the
Radical ticket, but will vote for that of the
A MAnnixo lady who was in the habit
of spending most of her time in the society
of her neighbors, happened one day to be
taken ill, and sent her husband in great
haste for a physician. The husband ran a
short distance, and then returned, exclaim•
ins, "My dear, where shall I find you when
I come back ?"
A TEACUIS said to a little girl at school ;
"If a naughty girl should hurt you, like a
good girl, you would forgive her, wouldn't
"Yon, ma'am," she replied, "if I couldn't
catch her!"
BRADLSY, the nigger jailbird, is a aoo•
didate for Congress in Georgia. But what
of that? la not thief Butler a member of
Congress, and Dan Sickles a shining light?
They are exponents of moral ideas.
A Thrilling Sketch.
In the year 1836, the inhabitants living in
district bordering on Rock River, in the
northern part of the State of Illinois, were
much incensed by the depredations of a band
of horse thieves who infested that portion
of the country. Every exertion had been
made to discover the men engaged in the
nefarious business, but hitherto in vain, and
valuable animals were stolen, and lost to
their owners, in defiance of the utmost vig
ilance and care.
During such a state of affairs, the citizens
residing in the region of the thieves became
thoroughly excited, and were wound up to
such a pitch of indignation, that a body of
men wore formed styled Rangers, whose ex
plicit duty was to expunge the district of all
suspicious characters, and endeavor to put a
stop to their depredations.
Shortly after this baud commenced oper
ations word was conveyed to the leader of
the Rangers that a valuable horse, which
had been stolen the night previous, could
then be found on the premises of a man
named Burt, locked up in the stable. Al
though Burt heretofore had been looked
upon as an honest man and an upright citi
zen, yet the captain deemed it his duty to at
least examine his farm and learn the truth
or falsity of the report.
Accordingly he summoned some half
dozen of his Rangers to meet him at a spot
not far from Burt's house, and before morn
ing set out for the same place himself. Day
light was hardly discernible in the cast, and
the hazy light of coming dawn had not yet
penetrated the bottom, where the suspected
man resided, as the Rangers, charged with
the fearful mission of life or death, silently
approached and surrounded the dwelling.
Leaving three of the band to guard the en
trance, the captain opened the door and
found the missing horse, as had been stated,
safely stalled inside.
Not a lingering doubt now remained of
Burt's guilt, and with a stern determination
to make an example of him that would de
ter others from a like transaction, the Ran
gers returned to the house. In the mean
time Burt had risen, and upon coming to
the door was seized by those in waiting, and
upon demanding the reason was informed by
them that a stolen animal was found in his
stable, and that be was considered a thief.
Muttering something about "be knew it
would come to this at last," he quietly sub
u►itted to whatever his captors had in store
for hint.
A short consultation was held, and it was
resolved to hang the criminal upon a large
elm tree that grew in front of his own house,
it being thought that such an act would
strike terror and dismay into the ranks of
the horse thieves.
Burt had asked half an hour to prepare
for his death, and the sun had risen in all
its golden majesty ere the total moment had
arrived which would launch him into eter
nity. In vain his grayheaded father and
mother pleaded for his life, with trembling
tongues—they tottered forth from the dwel
ling, and kneeling in suppliant mood to his
apparently merciless captors. In vain had
the wife of his bosom knelt in tears of agony,
and entreated them as husbands to spare
his life, for each Ranger had suffered more
or less in person, and they deemed the ex
ample absolutely necessary to deter others,
and it seemed as though Burt must die.
The dreadful preparations were complet
ed—the half hour had expired—and the
criminal was arranged under the limb of a
stout elm, over which a rope was thrown,
one end being noosed around the prisoner's
neck, and the other held by three of the
Then came a moment of dreadful silence,
that awful stillness which proceeds the
launching of a fellow•being into eternity—
while the three strong men, who held the
rope's end, gazed fixedly upon the captain
for the signal. It was given by raising the
right arm; and already the noose was tight
ening around the doomed man's neck, when
the wife of Burt issued forth from the house
holding an infant a little more than a year
old in her arms.
Rushing forward, she full on her knees
directly in front of the captain, and raising
the child, with arms outstretched, towards
him, she exclaimed in tones that would
have pierced a heart of steel—
"lf you will not spare him for the sake
of his grayhaired sire, or the wife of his
bosom, spare him in the name of God for
the sake of his infant boy 1"
Another dead silence reigned like a pall
over the spot ; then, as though inspired by
heaven itself, the child also stretched out its
little anus towards its father and exclaimed,
in a voice heard by all, the single word ;
"Papa 1"
And then, as though despairing of euo•
coo, huddled into its mother's bosom, and
burst into a sobbing cry.
It was more than the Rangers could stand,
and, after a abort oonsultation, the rope wail
taken from the (Minima's neck, and the
band left the spot; end Hurt became a re.
formed man through the powerfkl effects of
his "b/lanes Appeal."
When intoxicated, s Frenchman
wants to dance, a German to sing, a Span
iard to gamble, an Englishman to eat, an
Italian to boast, a Russian to be affectionate,
an Irishman to tight, and an American to
make a speech.
Tenaeasee bu produced a big scrolito,
that frightened people u touch se the great
snake, and made a deep hole in solid rook,
from which leaned smoke and steam. Par
eon Brownlow foam it was a message to
A Wedding' Night Shirt
It wasn't hardly the fair thing that the
boys did to Joe Thompson, the night he
was married, but the temptation was irre
sistible. They could not bare helped it to
save their lives. I'll tell you how it was.
Joe was about the most fancy dressed buck
in town—over nice and particular—a per
fect Miss Nancy in manners, always putting
on airs, and more dainty and modest than a
girl. Well, when his wedding day came,
he was dressed trunk empty, and his pants,
especially fitted him as candle moulds, and
his legs candles, run into them. Tight was
no name for them. Their set was immense,
and he was prouder than ahalfa dozen pea
"Aren't they nice, boys?" he asked of
the two boys who were to be groomsmen,
and saw that he threw himself away after
the most approved manner.
"Stunningl Cleorgeous I" replied Tom
Bennett. "Never saw equal to them. But
1 say, Joe, aren't they the least bit too
tight? It staikes me that you will have
some difficulty in bending, won't you?"
"Pahaw, no, they are as easy as an old
glove. See I"
To prove the matter, be bent down so as
to touch his patent leathers, when crack,
crack, followed like twin reports of a revel.
"Thunder I" exclaimed Joe, as he put his
band behind and found a rent in the eassi
mere from stem; to stern. "Thunder I the
pants have burst and what shall I do ?"
"I should rather think they had," an
swered Tom, getting purple in the face, as
he endeavored to:control his laughter; "but
there is no time to get another pair. Itonly
wants half an hour to the standing up time,
and we have got a mile to go—carriage wait
ing too."
"What shall I do, oh ! what shall I do?"
"I'll tell nu what, if mine would fit you
you should have them and welcome, but
they are about a mile too big ; they would
set like a shirt on a bean pole. I see no
way but to have them mended."
"Who can I get to do it, Tom ?"
"Well, T am something of a tailor, and
can fix them an they won't show. Hold on
a minute, and I'll get a needle and thread."
"Can you ? May heaven bless you !"
"Off with your coat," commanded Tom,
as he came back.
"Now lay yourself over on the bed and
I'll fix you in shortorder."
The command was obeyed ; the pants
mended ; the coat tails carefully pinned
over, so as to conceal the 'distress for rent,'
and all went merry as the marriage bell un
til Joe followed the bride to the nuptial
There was only a dim light in the room,
but it enabled Joe, as he glanced bashfully
around, to see the sweetest face in the world
the rosy cheeks and bright lips, the lovely
and loving blue eyes, and the golden curls
just peeping from out the snowy sheets, and
he extinguished it altogether, and hastened
to disrobe himself. Off came coat, vest,
fancy necktie and collar, boots and socks in
a hurry, but somehow the pants stuck.—
The more he tried the more they wouldn't
come, and he tugged vainly for half an hour.
"Thunder ! muttered Joe.
"What's the matter, dear?" cause in the
softest of accents from the bed, where some
body was wondering if he was ever coming,
and, forgetting his accustomed bashfulness,
he blurted out:
"Moll, that cursed Tom Bennett has sew•
ed my pants, drawers, shirt and undershirt
all together I"
"It is too bad ! wait a moment my dear."
A little stookinglete foot peeped out first,
then 3 ruffled night dress, the lamp was light
ed, a pair of scissors found, and Joe releas
ed ; and althougt he denies it, Torn Bennet
swears that his wedding shirt was of the
shortest possible extent, reasoning a poste
Speak Kindly to Ulm,
A farmer once saved a very poor boy from
drowning. After his restoration he said to
the grateful fellow :
"What can I do for you, my boy ?"
"Speak a kind word to me sometimes,"
replied the boy, as the tears gushed from
his eyes. "I ain't got a mother like some
of them."
1 kind word ! Think of it. That farmer
had it in his power to give that boy money,
clothes, playthings, but the poor fellow
craved nothing so much as a kind word now
and then. If the farmer had ever so little
heart the boy must.eertainly have had his
wish granted,
Al land word I You have many such
spoken to you daily, and you don't think
much of their value; but that poor boy in
your village, at whom every other boy
laughs, would think he had found a treasure
if some one would speak one kind word to
him. Suppose you speak it! The next
time you meet him, instead of laughing at
him, speak kindly to him. Then watch
him and see how he looks. See if his eyes
do not brighten, and him lips smile. Try it.
Kind wOrds I They are blessed things.
Speak them, children, every day. Scatter
them like sunbeams everywhere. They
will bless others, and then return to bless
your own heart. Kind words forever
AMONG the gitts to a newly married pair
at a town in New Jersey, the other evening,
war a broom sent to the lady, accompanied
with the following sentiment:
"This trifling gift accept from me,
Its use 1 would commend;
In sunshine use the brushy put,
In storm the other and,
iNCSIEMUNG —Democratic oath wimp.
Song of the Colon.
Raise the Baoner of the Union,
Sound its music, keep the stop,
'Tin the signal flag of glory,
On the land and o'er the deep.
Rally, freemen, mull the Union
Bark! the battle cry we bear;
'Tie the covenant of our fathers,
Sound it far and sound it near.
Fight for it, our precious Union,
Ms the heritage bequeathed,
Bought with blood our fathers treasured,
Dearer than the air they breathed.
Strike a good blow for the Union,
Ye who've loved it long and well ;
Old men grey in freedom's service,
Let your blows on treason tell.
Strike a good blow for the Union,
Ye whose hearts with passion glow !
Young men panting for distinction,
Lead the battle on the foe.
Ask ye who despise the Union ?
Ask ye who the traitors are?
They are those who seek to break it ;
Judge them by the fruits they bear,
Hatching hate between its sections,
Bringing forth fraternal war,
Under cover of religion ;
Such as these the traitors.
Beat the long roll of the Union,
Wake the guanls and man the walls;
Drop the drawbridge of the Union,
Brains for ballots, votes for balls.
An Epleode In the Uletory of
General Butler.
When in New Orleans Butler was passing
at the bead of some troops, the residence of
a very respectable young lady, who, with
some lady friends were enjoying the cool air
of a balcony. This young lady, whose name
we omit for a reason that will soon appear,
was one of those impulsive, light-hearted,
joyous creatures, whose life is made up of
smiles and more demonstrative outbursts of
joy. Just as Butler himself was opposite,
some remark was made, or something visible
to the eye of a mirth-provoking character,
caused her to break out in a ringing laugh.
Butler stopped short his horse, and looking
up said, in his rough and repulsive style:
"What are you laughing at?" Surprised
at the question, and insulted by the manner
in which it was asked, the young lady in
stantly ceased her laugh, but made no re
sponse. Butler turned away, but had pro
ceeded but a short distance, when the same
clear ringing laugh met the oar, and turning
again, he with still more brutal insolence
demanded : "Young woman, what are
you laughing at ?" There was no mistaking
his meaning this time, and the hot blood of
the sunny South flushed to the cheek of the
maiden as she scornfully replied, "None of
your business, sir." Butler, with a threat
ening gesture, but no reply, rode away. An
hour or two after this a file of soldiers ap
peared at the residence of the young lady
with an order for her arrest. She was torn
from the bosom of her flintily, taken to the
military prison or guard-house, and there
kept confined until the men in whose society
she was thrown, either as keepers or fellow
prisoners, accomplished her ruin. These
facts can be sustained by parties now resid
iug at Kendall, Orleans county, N. Y., or
by Dr. 'McLane, or wife, and others of New
Orleans, the latter having witnessed the
transaction related above, from the opposite
side of the street.
persons gathered under a circus tent is
Ilemingsburg, Ky., on the 30th ultimo, and
the riders were about to enter the ring,
when a rainstorm arose. At first, there was
but littie excitement among the spectators,
but when the stakes of the outer canvass
gave way, and the immense center-pole of
the large one commenced to sway and groan,
the sides to flop and give way—when the
lions commenced to growl and roar, the ele
phant to swing his large proboscis around,
and the horses to neigh and stamp—the
confusion was indescribable, and the ex
citement the wildest we ever saw. Every
body rushed pell well for the entrance,
gentlemen and ladies in • confused mass,
calling alternately for help and friends. Of
course, on the top of seats some jumped to
the bottom, some fell through, some were
caught and suspended while falling, and a
great many cut their way through the can
vas. At this juncture the elephant broke
out among the people and created a terrible
excitement. Tho rain was falling iu tor
rents, the lightning flashed and the thunder
crashed. Men, in their fright, ran against
the ticket wagon, over ladies, to and fro.
Many of the ladies screamed, fainted and
fell• After the storm had abated the great
canvass was explored, but no one was found
to be seriously injured.
Tua word "rebels" should never more be
applied to the white men of South Carolina
The great Democratic ratification meeting
which was addressed by Hampton, Kershaw,
and others recently, was held in Columbia,
S. C., in the open air, in the very midst of
the ruins created by Sherman's army—au
ill:unease opening in the very heart of the
city—and covered with fire—scarred walls
and chimneys, as the victorious army left it.
It was known that Blair commanded the
famous Seventeenth Corpse, which swept
Columbia, and yet this vast assemblage of
Carolina's sons, including Hampton, whose
own house is among the ruins, rent the air
with cheers for Seymour and Blair. Why?
Because Blair fought for a Constitutional
Union, and not for a military negro govern
ment.. hie is for the same Union still, and
these people—having accepted the lines of
the war—now stand on his platform, and
ask no more than constitutional liberty.—
Will the American people of to restore
them this ?
All Sorts of Items.
Bind•erpest—Throwing waturmelon
rinds on the pavement.
He overcomes a stout enemy that
overcomes his own anger.
The high destiny fur which Butler is
reserved—the gallows.
The greatest portrait painter—a fash
ionable belle. She paints her own face.
......The height of impudence—taking
shelter from the rain in an umbrella shop.
"Don't swear, boy; you will never
catch any fish." "I'll swear if I don't, you
......Beast Butler declares he never fell is
love. Ben, however, must feel spuony at
Molly persons may become lean by
eating elate pencils. It reduces them to a
mere cipher.
A grand mum temperance meeting
will be held iu Steele's grove, Chester Cu.,
on the 3d inst.
An Irishman remarked of a lady who
had been very kind to him, "Bedad, she's
a perfect gintleman l"
Mang a man thinks it is virtue that
keeps him from turning a rascal, when it's
only a full stomach.
.....The Supreme Court of the Sandwich
Islands has decided that a man cannot be
hung for the crime of suicide.
"No man is perfect," is a common
aphorism. We deny it. We have known
many who were perfect—fools.
A. sentimental bard wishes to know
"what is a borne without a mother?" A
motherless borne, we suppose.
"The cradle is woman'a ballot-box !"
Yes, some of them deposit two ballots at
once. Now, isn't that illegal?
The colored Odd Fellows of Penn
sylvania contemplate having a grand parade
in Harrisburg on the 15th of October next.
A. man who claims an extraordinary
amount of veneration, says he respects old
age iu everything except chickens fur din
The child's idea of' a smile the
whisper of a laugh." Soave folks' idea of
a "smile" Li something that comer out of a
black bottle.
A. Fort Wayne gander charged upon
a couple of timid young ladies and fright
ened them into convulsions. Was it with,
or without feathers?
The fewer relations or friends we have
the happier we are. In your poverty they
never help you; in your prosperity they
always help themselves.
Children wouldn't cross their parents
so often when they are grown up, if they
were to cross their parents' knees a little
oftener when they were little.
It is said that the reason why the
Radicals reduced the tax on whisky is be
cause it will take such an immense quantity
to carry on the Grant and Colfax campaign.
"Row long did Adam remain in Par
adise before he had sinned ?" asked an ad
mirable cars sposa of her: loving husband.
"Till he got a wire," answered the husband,
Et. young lady from the country, now
visiting the city, writes thus : "Nobody
isn't nothin now which doesn't hole up her
doze, and:the hier you hole em up the more
yu are notised,"
Miniature photographs of Grant, Pet
in breastpins, have been served out to the
southern negroes by the Radical party, and
are worn by those fragrant suffragans in the
bosoms of such as have shirts.
A husband complains sadly at the
price of "ducks." His wife recently bought
three for two hundred and twenty-six dol
lars, via: A "duck" of a dress, a "duck"
of a bonnet, and a "duck" of a parasol.
A married eouple has recently been
discovered in Chicago, who have actually
been living together for ten years, and never
applied for a divorce. Barnum is about
concluding an arrangement to exhibit them.
At a county fair in New Jersey a lit
tle boy, who was running about bawling
loudly, was asked why he cried so, replied :
"I want my mammy; that's what's the
matter. I told the darned thing she'd lose
A CERTAIN steamboat captain had become
popular on the river as a commander, and
was about to take charge of a new boat, one
of the handsomest that was ever built in
the West. On the evening proceeding the
morning she was to leave port, he was in
duced by one of the owners to visit his
house, where there was to bo a party of
ladies, some of whom were to be his pas
sengers to New Orleans. The captain felt
a little queer about going; he was more at
home on the hurricane deck, or the social
ball of his boat, than in the drawing•room
among ladies. He summoned up courage,
however, went, and was introduced to the
"Captain D.," said ono of his lady pas•
Bangers, "you must bo a happy man to be
master of so beautiful a boat"
"She is a beautiful boat, madam ; aits on
the water like a duck." He was "in town"
as long as the the conversation was about
"Captain 1).," said another lady, a blue
stocking of the Lydia Languid) tubs,
"what do you think of the immortal Shake
spears ?"
"Think, madam think ! I think she
burns too much wood, draws too much wa•
ter, and carries too little freight."