floomoburg fitittotrat. • Wedneettty t 20 1000 , ultras . Coiorct.'vs Bet.tAs, 01 Qrat►go, will brll on the September, per property and nne town lot, !imam in the town of Orangeville. See advertisement in smother minium ark A tii.lo) Democratic lx,y between the ages of la mot 20, in wonted to barn the l'rinting business in this tffiieo• One , who halt hull Pomo 'aperient* in an office pre• fermi.'ly immediately. I TO'NitinT (Wedne , tlay) Captain Brockway. Ikni., and Captain Whinnoyet, wilLdb,cuss the political issue* of' the day,' in the Academy at Orangeville. A large turnout et' both parties is anticipated. fib" l'ur, Democracy of or ganized a (lull on Thurelty evening tut. The following gentlemen were chowon of i eers. .1. McHenry, Pre islent; J. S. SecreMry; John Dre4her, Treasurer. tfir A I?ISTIVAL will be held in the new Lutheran Church st Buekhorn, 4 ) 11 Frilly 'evening and Saturday afternoon and eve. !ling, August 2stit and 29th. fur the benefit of said church. It is biped it will be well *mottled. 41 - 04:' Till: 'Radical 1)4.3 , -; are organizim , 614 county, -eetnitntly in lull earne.4. to • ive the Democracy one mere fight. It tottA be hard work fur than. 'Utley might jut as t4ell "bang up the thhile." grant and grab-tax can't win, this time' 1110 - A ntl.llt.vt: hah broken ont among they cattle ht Union anti Lycontinp e tt o mi,.,. % It ktoultPut , tltbat the tli..ea4eettine frotti Ohio, ns large numbers of cattle have reetlttly ar rived from that State. Measuros AGhenhi be taken IQ prevent its qtreal into thi enunty, SdY. (Iti.tufxs tx. IlAntar.v, Esq., ad dressed the Democratic Club of Scott can Monday teeming The meeting nits teen attended. Thu lfmao , rat, of Sow art alive to the importane, of the ealuitaign will give a goo , ' report of dome-elves on the .1:;th of ktolwr, tt.b••• ‘s:4 31 EITINO AT OItAN4IEN —We understand our friend;' have co nc l u ded to hold the proposed meeting on Saturday, September sth, and that the spe.ikers invi ted and cxpeeted to l>a great lit, are Senator Huctimm, nen. Mcr.ttint.kss, of Phila delphia, and Col. Pnr..trr. of Bradford county. air Tut New York Modivalllole for Women will begin their Sixth Annual Term of twenty weeks at their now College in Twe)ftli street, earner of S , •eondllol4.!, the first Monday in November. For au nouneement4, plying full leuticulat, ad -1re.,,, with statnps, the Dean. Mrs. C. S. Logien, or the Seeretary. Mrs. C. P. Wells Box 7,3“, st4-(IENERAT, )1(V.001.1 , .4N, p m .kh. o t of t h e Soldier* and Santini ' Cofil.t.litioil ~ f 7'eunrylvaui.i, Las ap pt,i titt .l „ stmt. Colit- Ulittee—MlP welober from (..31.11 Cofwre , - :loud -to a,t, a.: a e ,, nt.r.tl thin or the I )000eratie atitl Cooservatke .soldiers mill sailor, of retio , ylvania. The Comtnitteo will meet in l'hihelelphil to morrow even*. Capt:zia liroi4.way the inetitkr from 101r11.tnx —On Wislnes , lay evening of bast week the barn of John Art ley was destroyed by the with all its con tents. The barn Wa:4 struek by lightning (luring the hard shower of that evening. His crop of grain and hay were entirely crow swell. The live stock was all saved. No iusurauce, The loss falls pretty heavily tat :Mr. Artley, The barn nearly new. r DRIIEK will please ac ccpt our thanks for thus: large cabbages presented the family of the editorial gall of this paper. Mr. P. raises the largest cab bage that ia generally raised in this town, and he is uwre liberal with it than any man we know. It is a fine mulent: and "the sweetest meat we ever eat," is cabbage in winter. Long live the old gentleman, lite" Ft nv..—A tire (warred in Hughes. ville, ou Wednos=lay night hurt, dostroYitig the barn awl an out-house, belonging to Mr. Lawson Hughes, and a barn belonging to Daniel Flick. A large quantity of hay and about sixty bushels of wheat in the barn of Mr. Hughes was consumed. his large new dwelling house wa s on fire se verel times but was saved by the aid of a small engine. We have heard HO eAlllati: of 1.110 los4, or whether it was in , nred ur not.--Mollry LUM (HU ry. ikgrliAus Iluustat !tows.- -On Monday night last the barn of 31r. Win. K linetob, cif Voundryvilk‘, this comity, with all its contents, was ilestroyed by lire. The tire was discovered about one °Aid: at night. It originated in the hay lon, and is supposed to have been the work of au incendiary. The barn with its contents, consisting of hay and grain, was valued at about $2,50n. N o insurance. The building was comparatively new, and the loss will be severely felt by Mr. Klinetnb. No One has thus f or b een had as to the perpetrators of this devilish erianc, but certain parties are strongly sus. peeted.— &slack Gfnegte,::l.4l. Clltt4N—Pau t;ardner k Kenyon' s great . Circus will exhibit in Bloomsburg on ‘Vednesday, September ;.:d, aft , :rnoon and Evening. Everybody knows Dan Gardner, and crowds will flock to hear him in his great character of clown. The whole troupe or performers ere highly spoken of in places where they have given exhibitions this season, and of theirpas. t is un standing it necessary to speak. They are known to be first class. It is worth the price of admis sion just to hear and see Sam Sanford, the noted humorist and Shakespearian clown. The face of the agent, Charles ‘Vhitney, has booome familiar from his frequent visits, and all who have had doting* with him will boar testimony to his gentlemanly demeanor, etirrikel Nl:jct.:, babas—fan cc 4., and libel.. silty throughout. SYNATOR tittewaLrw, 61. Mutt, and lien. Ent, will speak at 011111Mii1O, OU Saturday, September stb, bar it" C. It. DucitALEw and Robert F. Clark, will addrela a Democratic meet ing in the Coen 'low, in Bloomsburg, on Monday evening, September 7th, PrrEusioN for September has been received. This is the best two dollar maga ine published. It enjoys a wide circula tion, and is daily increasing in popularity. C. Petersen, publisher, we, Chestnut street, Philadelphia, A Itumialt Xl' C1.1:11 was orpnnized in Benton on Wedneeday evening last, and officered 118 fOIIOWS Prosident, Sronuel Rhone ; Seeretary, John J. Stiles ; Trea surer, John Baker, The Club was :1(1. dressed by FRANK COOLY, Esq., of this town. Smttnes Aceinrwr.—Mrs. Susan Ann Tate, wife of the Senior Editor of this journal, whilst titling with her brother, Jesse B. Carpenter, on Saturday evening in Anthony township, this county, at tempted to jump nut of the buggy over the wheels, as the horse was apparently backing them down an embankment, and in the ef fort to eseape danger, fell upon a rock and fricturtsl her thigh bone near the hip,— She was then brought to Williamsport. Dr. Rittenhouse, of this city, and Drs. R ea l and Finney, of Jersey Shore, dressed and set the broken limb ea yesterday mo r n i ng , at, her residence in lletantrn street, and the patient is doing ats well as could be expect ;l nndr:r the eircutostances,- 11 "iflicuirst,;rt - Daily ,N't,lndara. ire" FRANI: IX*-1,164 MMlk- ZlNE.—This publication for September is 11116013 H by any former numbers. This is one of the magazines that grows in popu larity and interest with its numerous patrons as it advances M years. It never retro tirades in interest, but always maintains its steady pace forward, and adds to its number or friends tibilsupporterA as each monthly * O O- ne its appearance. Its fashion plate.: and patterns are, to any lady. worth inure than the price of ,obwription. The large anioaat of reading it contains makes it a valnahle publication in that particular. It is not surpassed by any magazine in this country. Published at ;i:;*; Pearl street,. New York. Vigilante Commitierm. lowctiberg, J. 11. Far man, K. I;irton. rir 4.- • INtiall Bawer, A. I). Seely, J 4 Ileiareitik—r. F. Steele, .lubta G. Jaco bs, Albert. Smith. Penton— J. J. 31'11enry, !lemon Cole, • John 11 eutwr. /1.1r , e---31o,e.:SeldwItor, 11. Hinterliter, George P. Droshauh. fnil t rivitutts lioharty, John Sioulinger, Immi l haut -Or. It. NVolforth, .laron Per , on. IL. Thor nom. Gabra;...va- 14. J. K. It ohhib , l Wah r ; 4 00..1d:tin FeJero)E Abraham White, Satnuol Ney. hart, Satwiel lower. Fond.Ca —J. H. Knit'le, IL J. heeler, AV, M. A. .1.1)1110.1mi:1H, Uriah :11'llolty, E. rote:;-t. W. t'tt, Ww. K:•amer, Ju,vpii R. Pati,A L A IL Shoemaker, Hugh t;0,r.10 Ifurliumn, John 31% S.lvay, P. K. lierbitie, Daniel 1;or4 ilnutor. ~Jain K...-ner, A. .1. t'arr, .)1.1 itri,4, G. J, Cau.pl.l!, .1913 - 1 'Sus", C Kt:l; H —lTr. Montiomery , Samuel : 4 441WITIkVIIlit . 60* 1 1 " 40,* Lutz. ,limmo, r — I", ter Ilcintbach, 3. P. Farns worth, l'eta Evito4. P h frmlat —Thomas. , John Jr#llll-1111. (Jrf Cutmer, Cr. ll:Wl etts, W. 11. Snyder. Purr— )n :.140emaker, Jut.vilt .Inllrow W hittuoyer. fin ger', k— 1). I touck, \Villi to Priesi,aeh, Peter Levan, S , ott---1)-1;.ir Fait, Daniel Snyder, C. 11. kiteriek. Saggriwif A. Ltubmth, David Lewis, (,e4oge Steadman. By grilcr “r the Standing Committee, .arts A. FrNsTos, Chairman. Illoom,turg, Aug. 21, 1.44,8. Netiteei A. .1, EVAN it determined not to be nut &old by vary of his competitors in the d o th- Mg trade. Ills large and varied stock will compare fivoraltly with any stock this side of the large cities, and his prices will stand below all others. Ills neat fitting and fash ionably math! np amts need no eoMment front 118. All who have an eye to fashion. dnrability and cheapness, will patron i;tv Evans's Clothing Emporium. • TT WAS reported up town thi4 morning that since the notice published in the last I►t;uocnrr. D. A. ItErtit,tx had divosed or every pair or hoots and shoes in his es tablistttent ; and that sonic one of his ens• towers was aetnally chasing I)AN• around the counter to take the pair of leis j t. The former part of this report may have, been correct ; but lot that pass, we arc warranted in stating that he has note on hand as fine and large assortment or !kit-class boots and shies, for gentlemen and ladies, as was ever brought into thi.4 market. DItY inOPS, —lf you want to get your cheap dry potb, DOW is the time, and .1. J. linowyn's corner store is the place to buy them. Buy and be convinced. It is the common wonder how Jerry Brower can PO ebeap. It is easily explained, ree the large erowda at hiS store daily. VALI'ABLE REAL ESTATE. AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersilled alThro hieflrintuneiwtinßof Aft four arras for Male, It is pleasantly situated In filladilinll township rolinnbia rosin". near Kyer'a awl. The land in nearly all cleared and In a pool slat', Olf raltisallon he buildings are a mod 1.111.4 MO story none', and good new frame Nap. Fawn acres n 1 pond limber laud. Theta are several slitins• of water no ihrophieu and a wall of water at the lone of the dwelllnp A aloe )nonll mallard has bean Wyly planted and will hear Pratt In I 'hart lima. Poosireplon will b.. Wan In Aileen drys notice— and itsleswell Omit rad all sold. revile eau. Ap• ply if) C. U.llilikley.iloo msbory. Pa. W1L.41/IN Y. KFATICI. Juno 19M1-4w. _ . WILL OU 'VO ISSOWIIII I O TO BEY NY 600Dt• SPECIAL NOTICM DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Colamb, wood with alio gloom ouccooo,lay IG AMIII, M. D., Oculat end Aurfot (forsonly ofLayr don, Noll d,) Mo. Nua Arch Plum, PIIIIOAD'A. , -- Tootlmonlolo, *maths moot rehabla ounce!, MIAs City and Country can Im mon stilloolboo. The sod , Rol faculty ore molted to accompaoy tbelf putouts. ec bo boo No meiotic In bia ptactiat ARTIVICIAL NYE,D mooned wsthout rim. No che►re tof maw Mahon, I April US, 11114.-1 y EltitOltS oi , " YOUTH. A If*IMIPMIIII who starred for pm* from Nervous DeWitt , . Premature thetty. and ell the efforts of youth Ad ludiecretten. will. for the make of euirering hunientiy, trend free to ell who Heed It, the troupe sod directions fur bodkins the simple too by $ Welt be wee enroll. rierferers %loins. to p rofit by the advert Wes experience. run do so by addressing pi perfect confidence, JOHN U. Uttithhl Id reds direct. New York. Mil 20. Mit ROUS OP YOTJTH. A Wittman who in early lib wee a eirtint to thti &honor( ethe so common to youth. which revolted in 1 4 entoini Weaknese. Ifiaolontere Emiosione and NtIVIS4 Prolamin/nand colon 444 r ending toe Joy* hopplerm wisory. After tieing M 514110410 MOP. 4140 without atieceee. he obtained troths friend some yuppie rules nod preemption* that eittWied 4 pet mount core. On behalf' of smearing her anity he wilt teed the mune free of there to nit with MilY dgitito it, Addrews IO A r itt N N rtution O. W Hi K t& H ou se , ew York Voventher PC I N It MATIO Information guaranteed to pruners I luxuriant growth of haw npon a held head or banrdira» Moe. IJo a rerPi pe f o the retilteni 14 ' , minks., Blotches. Bruptians,etc.,oathe skin Marina the same soft dear, and beautiful can to' obtoutml without theme by widsoorans VI 0:4, , Clt A AB Covuost, litottway. New York T 1 , .5, 1111 A N O OL, Also tiorsE unwarj v0.0086'00 14,101.. Par vorso MF on the CRIME or toil DE, and the 11l R. AtiVilivi and iiintniel . ,B tvnien deAvoy the maul povrtk, and eredte impediment., tv itAKUS tdUK niter more inennd at retieP. Sent in rented 1.11,1 en. 'eltrite4 . free, of ehatae• AO,irevo DR. J. PIC 11.1451 tlt4,l;llMN,!lnward And...nation, ehinielphie, ed. June 5, inn? -I.A. TO CON sympTivEs.: 'rho Rev, EIMAIIP A. WILSori won *Phil (free 1 4 charge) to ell who dash* it, the toreiorrdoton. wOh Ito! 444415t/001 for *Wimp, and to*Olog the onwpoe remedy by which he w - 4. roor*.l of a Wont Nth o tom and that dread rtithomply , ti 0111.0. jet t henetio 4 / 1 41 44Hi4r1ea 44(441 he hope* ecery .otr.ror w 111 try 'two pr+.*rripti•o•-4444 wII rmet them so.thing., anoi Hwy prove * bfrioltl4. addtae• 11. v, 1:1o1V Ann A,WII.AWrIII. No Iti.) duuth &Toad 11 ,4 1,4 set, WM/twain/re, Nvw York , t',7* PRAttilrsol,!iiilollo eittdirs treated with the ut tanA rucce,n , t.y ,I. INAACrt, M. D .. oculist Pad Aurivt (formerly fit 1,4 yiltn, Iltin041). NO. Nif, AD 11 *Dem. PhD Teotianfifials from the 11404 .1111 h. in.en at hie antra. The Inedit.4l ratan) , ate tamte4 to Or 40111plihy theirpatiento.a. In* Wm 11 11 tremetti in hi. prat It .. ANTI F14:1 AI, 1YL4111.4.1-41 tmilmt No charm. ow fltflitlitiAtaii NOV. 13. PO Iv lIAPPINESS OR )IISERV Tho ftflon of youthful imit,, , tiou 04atoy0 hi+ haypior,o 1111110 1110 1 1 111opet 10 for ON1»i tin}t~ytu~nt voirroe and tho puroot Of boo moot and ends 11(1' to 11110 C y ; but by the Itoofy ifo, of thu loog ti tot ah,l Idoititta retoNly Bell'. Specific Pine hi, Imm. make tiusr rfore no do lay is unioq this rrtnsdy, Ii nivor.poodf ratlrf mot Witt *Amin t trVil ft VIA Ft. if{ alt 144,14 , 0 bi ti4atlneFl Wrath noo4, rbypocal and Netvoile Lkialttv and armory ornano. boo, dorit , d by u-in* n 0 , 11.0ti0 nay It is oninrodv voplaldo and harian , o* and no thdone of dal, to bev'snuy whit,t uoiait throe, rtiee rote Hottar per bo.t tante/all diport /Mid. Said by Druegoos keuemily. to filittl . V. whet , 001 “stiont bn ,rand I WI I N4+ e lim n , by trait p0,4-paol and ,vistro In .4o.qvdtton tompt of do motley, Ati4rea ,, , tilt V.l, lg. bilt Lonna 1,v.,,yr New Volta. Privufr nud runfidcrititti vitclitarA atilt be cent to hero etuni9t. Conjugal Love, AV t) TUE 11APPINE044 ITV!: .t 1 ft pi Aog, lievet run Yurmu 1144*. as qtr Er , not. Ainue.4 un4 Wthlv row. r. um! ca.ut” thtuPwl* in Inutiolt , . with ttuxn MehtAi fthrt. Saar bt vea,lo4 lvttet fro velolw fray ii , AVAUU NiII4UCIATICeri Hot p Pbtiu.kl plua. PA 1..f0i iv, I 4,VELY 611110 4 AND Vri, ...LW an I 4 N,l.lrrorwil 1 welt YOU 9.110* V iltiflifile Itototlti:lll , llthst Addreour MARY r3l broGolo Ay, May 10. A NIA' MOIRA IN 11 INOTIIIIIIIV.- A Plipi I 0 Who hod Coohowthrytion hot oevr.ro tear,, nith weeth hl the hith.etif with a totdicrlie unknown to U r prr , fecsinn, ttfleii bie Co tot ;liquored 11141.1,0 Ile it tht tort ph,yttit tor Ito 1134 11+ ,1 it lit hlr Own tit fit AV irn 114.101 ktottrit*ttgo or dm virinca t andllq *too tteetthe the de, toet , of Iteolth Ire n o w otloyo to honour; toot the Mot Mier t lettiotir and trttiortoto or till hour of iteoorty,amrth rr of cohlteetoe in All uihrr< ifirlitri.it Rinito Itettr4 the I xperto t ent, To thane .utr , m g witch wily tier bine he prof , l4 a trooldtelst he rottli do kitty' Itelrovee oil, lei^ .1,40 liar hotel, ov at roll dnxnn Wit ly etput te , d d for a rirctihtt of call tht t•it. t 3. 0 0 1 1t.ve14'lli d WK7 , 101/. 'llO ein kofth Tenth ,C4ra4l Plubsuebuisa June :Id, IIitYAN.c(INSPLTINkI PHYSICIAN $l9 Broadway, New 'Fmk, cnve. si'Cri TRVAI4I PAT in nil Ulted , or Sand. selont, Urinary nod N.l.vnini Dowases in ottilo ur frntnitr. A MICE l'ittin nod corre , npooddoce stowilit CAM tOISA it tr. 4*M4lt.ittettn.-1 Wig scud,u erlVnto and mitifi• footles oicolarc /re of shape, and lot to rent* knitillnkt trinttlett an brlttintit Wcaknoaa, by Or, Roil lUD page's, To Limas —I rent sein,l n,y PrlVOlnit Cirrolar with Anatomical f!lianivinga free of Mere% 4114 for 10 moan a cola aliM ireci., by Dr, Junk II 44%.0,4 rya woo Ingo tattlfUndiltll Winn ettniet,le ta mest to the *et Shvrill Salc% 14V *orbia of ot wtitot Veiont nor Karon**, to mu oliroctetl, 0.41,4 or of the rtritt of Crouton Olen* of Colombia County. Will be untoseti to riblir *tile or outcry at the roort tbot*e to nl o om*r si g, on Monthly. eepOlober 7th Irbil, at one o'clock to in. of kaid 44y, ibe following real et , tistrt•, to wit; All that (obit* lot of grott! Oftetto , to rfallittin Voluntloto trolly rontnining eight :ore* rote or trot, bounded on the *with toy toad of Moro. hem Lllty on the *mot by land* of Philip ttoo*holitt. on the worth by public roast and on the e.itit by land of Aba*han t Utley, Ito which t* omelet' a frown *tory and a flair dwrlling Welton with the apporie. Moore.. ktriged. 4041 taken in r neention sna 'o be eohl the proinaty or enamel ttb et dull. @MI tannin lot or Ileum, pitunte in Itorytr tournottly l'ottitbut county. cattLetntog ton note., bounded on tut ofieit by latot Idllllol Ofrdhetitier and uu tho Smith by In id floury Ilttni/ttn. Maroon arm .rented a log hototo and a •oral! (MOW Altilbit; With the stntwidell.lllel.o. ru•txed.takmninrtarntion and to Ito sold as the property ur Conrad ltro.tuenrut. QED A "A wn t r e,A nr 14001 of tend Fituat , 4 in Brier creek township Columbia er OMY, elthltdthOlf 4 11001, six b011itilo41( , 11 the South by the North Month Canal, oh the west by Mode of Hannah hbonenbef Jor, end Stephen Thomas, on the north by lands of ohn ii, Jeroby, end on the nest by lends of mephso Thomas., on whtelt see erected a flothe &Milos home. P (Caine grist mill, plaster Min end NM Sian a ith the appetteasuera, mused, taken to emetttion and to he gold as the property of Jortato Thmtas, MtskttECAl MILIARD, Pheriit illeamebtot, August 19, lens, S TEW* MILLINERY GOODS AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. The neilereioed most rexpertfully informs her La , dx rostoillem and the piddle in rieneral, that vhe bas jaxt 4 0 (104 to her Already law and varied assort ttient of PAM Y KBE GOON A NeW SUPPLY, well ondlamofully eelccted for the preeent soil cowing renton. Ilor NKW tiONNVI'd AND HATO ere celenlnteil to tette the lend In thin pinto trig vicinity. She has everything found in Fancy %tore*, end lulu , ' tinned wills her leak upon the 111011 rem. rumble term Etre her • coil! uid 03111111111 P her now stock Of tredo. LIZZIE DAAILET. STUMP, Ileln *Wet, (1141Ull DOMINO WOO, O. 1567. 811511.61tE6 6 ifileaaNkiill WHOLESALE CONNAGelonas AND FRUITERERS, Ao. 101 North Third Serer!, PHILADELPHIA. ler Orders promptly attended to. ree. 1160,-sith CAMBAh. and noommonto I 1 Thu underelviud wool Inlnrut Ullorillng polo. Ile, Mu lin hum Gallo become Mu proprietor On shove intuited 111 w, Anil lino Iryilarl4l hlmrnlrwoe the brill MINA of HONORS unil • OONCON COAI:11, fur An arermigoodtalon of On truvolcirr p.iWk. Ms Conch will run Willy betwein BLOOM 11D AND CAMBRIA Leaving Moho* at h o`aloek, A, arriving at Bleu 114$11K hat( a nal ll Wolort, A. M., in time to connect with the Phliniletphia NM Lackawanna at, ftlenomohuri Trona at aortal, and Lackawanna SloestoSti, g ptatintt and Woof, Lois v ing Okatistehtirg cash tiny or the ogular trip. on the arrival or the ehlt4delphta Malta. and arrive St himbrlt nt half peet stet:lock maw evening, Regular Mopping plasm on said Rome as follows. New llnloothan, Orangeville mug Lightetreet The ostreompour the monionnity /4 IMO itl•d, MIN wired that it will he the ambition or the Proprietor in render general satleractiom The ontleteighed elan own* the Vambra which he has Wawa to J. It. Hoyt, who beam* a Rend holnor orte ur the hest in the a eintrY. where he will he happy to accommudate all who may mop with him. BATES or FARE. From Catottol to Illoootaborit 73 rants " rota* 37 Fucks to Orangeville 4 grime Ya k, to Link Istreet 14 " ot Li g h t to t e,,t to Waltman , * 13 " 10" Popov rtan. Exproas Wow.* %ludo, Arty 1 1111 1 1 14111 m coo , . ; Ahy pounds and ttowarda repot*, HENiti J. YANA Ang. 19. POI, Orangeville Normal Scheel. Tto• next *PIIOIOII of this kiehool will etonto4lllt* UFt Monday, Anna kith Imo 4 , For plattroltmo whims* Prot Irt, it Walker, Ptill VII, tlrungavtib, , t olutuht t county, A 19, Intiti4t. Trial Litd tiepl. Term, 166 S I. John Slowk vs John Cain. :2. John IL lllukiston et al vs, the Lehi::ll and :klahantov It. It. Co. 3. Peter Seling .— use" vs W. A. Vase et al. 4. Samuel Waters vs I:ettrAN NVillets. 5. Same vs Same 1 . ,. Sarah A. Stine vs Jacob Stine. ir. 7. Wm. Voltam et of Aa.signeesar th e West Branch Insurance Company vs Simon C. Shive. s. Edward WCall et al vs John 'Sweeney. 9. F. 11. Person vs John Cain. I:idean, Arndt vs John U. L'iby. 1. Thos. J. Vanderslice vs Itob't Lavina Davenport ts Wm. M. Kfinetop. .1. John U. Leiby rs (lido'', Arndt. 4. John Coleman vs Michael Cromis. 5, J. B. Hazleton vs IL C. Hartman. 6. John Cutipee vs 1 andel Honer et ul. 7. John Gilroy vs WM. E. Sterner. s. Conyngham Township vs Peter L. k Ince et al. 19. Win. Sehuyier vs Eliha T. Tiffany. 20. Edward Sweet vs John Anderson R Co. 21. Isaac Feely vs James W. Sankey. 22, (filbert Fowler vs Reuben Miller. .23. John Laverns vs Margaret llreheny et al 24. Stacy John vs Geo Lonomla'rger 25. Elias George vs Aaron Per-on. :N. Eli Creveling asbu'r vs .1. B. ('a-n. 27. Lucas N. Moyer vs tleorze W. Calla inn et al. JESSE COLEMAN, Proth'y. Bloomsburg. Aug. 7, lAN. Grand Jurors for Sept. T. 'SOS. Ilkirot—lt. Crereling. t;yo. Mttrinitig. Cortro—Steirlmo Conytigham—F. li. NVolforth. (*own linro---.ltrmes Kr*. rataiv6sa—i;,eirrge Suit.ker. Franklitr---„hrstrua, ,Mendenhall, tko. IV. I:elgem:H.4ler, John Artie y. ;tl4lnWouti—i ;en. W. Cu, B. J. Ever. 'woe , t --John V. 1 ,01% Maili,mr--.lrrel ;tar. M. Daugh erty, Malaya Dettortt. M.mtorrr- -I). Ileimlravh, J. Q. Barkley. Maine—NVtri. 11. \lt. llea.aut —Henry Kitylv tr. Orartge--Abralt,thr fine—Valentine WirratT4teett. Seart—Aaron SugaCoar— W. Harvey, Ezra Stephens. Titus cyst. Jot EOES tor t. IS6S. Itletter-43,11 11. !Martian. A. S. Cro- , lev, 1, S. Kohn. N. .1. lien tor,hott. Sb utr , :+t a tk a r 4. limn. .1. r. Smith, t'. Whit mire. - IL ("oh., Beni, W a r thz Beaver-- Allen )lanti, ('ataat,ka— NVio. CI 131,y, *ft kel.h Urea h, 31.44 Motto:oh S. Water..., Wm. 31il1er. vitro—Wm. h. 1,4 •1 1, 14anklitt—r. 31en.latthall., J, Knittle. Fkltitthereek --Jona. , Ihity. reenwood—Jerentialt II levk. Ilemlork— Wm. Ilarrk, John 14:64 3:10,,,m—`16.4, W. Y 4 iiiith. telemt—John Sopler. Dine! I xldietilli Mt. Plmoant—Joseph Ikeler, Samuel Hartzol. Heine I. Ilartzel, J. Ilrekeh, Rudolph Shuman, Orange- Eli Kline. Roaritmereek —John Levan. Smthrhtar—Peter Lutz, Alittas Cole. COURT PROCIAMATION• lIEREAS, the Hos. Wtt.t,te Preentent l i ng el the onrt too). r and 'I erminer and (tee mot Delivery, Voutt of quarter n,eninitne of the Peace and inert of Common Pleas and ttephee's Cohn is Uri, telt indicant Diego% contiroced of the cottage* of Cobsinhia,thilliv an and Wyoming' and the Hon. gam Pere and POW K. lieritein, Arendaniforittertotentinn. b ra 1:44, have Issued their oreeeoLbedrina date the 15th u‘y. Ifi year of our Lo r d one thousand eight b e mi r ed and erity,eraht. to me directed for hohling a r mitt ofOyer and 'rerinincr and tiene ra i Jar! delivery, Gou r, r , r i Q uart e r Sephiosto ofthe Prate, conthen, Piens and orphan'', i`ourt, in Wattilientita t nth the canary of Columbia, on the r u st athnday, them, / the 11.14 day) of September ne xt , t o rouging two weeks. genre , to rr'hv given, to the l'otenet. the Ja*ltet're of the ream. amt Conetablep of the said c o u n t y of Col. n it t in a that they he then and there in their plo w er per. goo at la o'clock in the forenor n ofsatd day with their Hoptiert c row and ether tatitomanemee to do !twee things te lett to their other,. apprirtnon to he done. And those that are bound by recognisance, to prosecute atratovt the pttahttent that are or May ha to Out iatt of .add co mi t y of t 'ontinnte to he then and there to mow eat* them as shall be jest. Ju r o r s a re renn e a nni to be N aming, in theft attendante,agreeohly to their tonices Hated at Ploontabung, the :19th day of,tul y 1„ in the year of our Lord one thousand eight *woo, S nUntittiti and .0414011, and lathe ninetieth year of the independence of the tinged State. of America. ttfon sir Ttla Enallanateleettillit MOH ECM. kuLLAUD. ebenff, Utoottiatmtg. Atm It, lean. t~tEACIIEItS WANTED. F'iVE MALE AND TWO FEMALE TEAcHEits For the pubitt aehonte of Canynetimn tnwnahip, E" amino inn to he Reid at Centralia, on Thursday, Au• Bust Fith, Pair, tninmenring It 10 o'clock. tty otter of the boned, 0. MURPHY, Acting Secretary. July 18,1840-n, NOTICE IN DIIONCE VenARINII MCCORmic, by her natal In the Court or Wend Jame.; Slat:nrinte Common Plea; of v'. { Columbia county, S :I/ a TonoAmino, No, au, to hlay ) Toy nt, 1611 N. • 011.141 , I.IIIPrISRA or maw F. Amply tho Kenton* of the Conn: ill' Common Plum Id Well CHUM) , INTIM ILIA 114 IMO conlillllo , l : Pley 4, MS. on motion et O. C, Kelaer, Emu., and due proof, lb, cow order that the sbnrilf hive poke ou Pralines by palliation for foil; metal', of shove pruss,„osis Hi, the Illenntsburg Denocusv, end also appoome Robert S , !Innen. Soo , Comsoloeioner to tittle testimony, 144, Cortidol from Ihu, venni Au. sort IP. 1104. inset ctol.S.Mns, YrolloonntnrY. To Thome, McrOrtitic, respondent above nerved, toile Mine, lo pursuance of the above cooler of Colin PM are hereby untitled to appear et the nett Court of Common Pim of Colnruhta amine, to he held al the Court llonse in Bloomsburg, on Monday, the seventh day or September nat. in elms enure , ofany you hove. ern/ the neiol thsitua SleUnalle. your wile, should tot be dlvnrcad front the bonds of tostrltnrony,egreeehle to the set of the tioneerot se. paddy In s u ch Gage widened prowldedu ISCHIDECAI MILLARD, etterllP /tempt lot, 181101. o'flowne• Malorntle, the above named,rueiternd. est: 'take notice that the undersigned, egpoinled Clorawlssauner by the Conn of Women Mid el Volnotillh county, to take testimony to the above luattli $lllll, wilt attend for the permit refine sp• Watson% at the °Mot of 0.I: Meier. 1114„ its Notalibtai4 elatirdity, the der of Avenel A. U. MOO,' the hours or one and Iles o'elosk P of Id day, whin sad id ere you mar anend if you thinlkopper. 1011511 T MOW LL, Aug, Vommiletongt. TAKE NOTICE. The underolyned. ntanufasturora of Malt Liquor in the Tower,'lp of Wilkey 0111/00. imolai? county, Pa, hereby give notteo that to noperilancro with an Ast of Acorn,lily, approved the North day of April A. O. WM. entitled "An Act on relation 1.0 the 014100 lea and ,iierioeiliou of botir, hogsbosiLhn.po,.°llo" or hom l mood by WI u m ninwinolornin Of alt illeure. - they have Mad in tiie office or the tiro'hoe airy of ine county aforeenl4, a dwierinuart of their private wife. Wooded apse the esternot softness of both Wilde of each bait, hogshead, Wirral, east, or nag. In which they offer their Molt 1.1 , p010r ror rale that sold merle ennsign of the followom hunt*, via; "ti. and Um any pommy *holdall appropriate to their own 000 or Worm 1,1 doll vor to thy lin , h.r,oolloll 10 any way 11 , 1111Inte 11119 brand atom any earth bolt, hupeliaad,barrel, coat or keg, will he dealt with according to law. HAIR et WI'EUMAYI:II. N, n. By the art of Assaraisly above sitiot, it it drebivet to bs uulrwbii tOr •l pOrsoll other 1 , 11411 ibe WWI/ 'moor to use, salt, litOttlottl or destroy. or retOto Or tioll rot 10 rtollrO any barrel, reek, keg, Am. doily breaded or stamped by the trWlter, and any one so offending is mule punirhabio by a Ono of $ l O for oath barrel. ke • on the first offoree, and by a nos of iblo And itttlatinfilli o llt front ono In threw months for t very anbacqueut offence. August 5, lbarb-lit NOTICE TO TEACHERS. 'the neperinteadent of cowman Schools of Col• umhia roomy., win etom ine persona who desire to Ae conployea at Twice... In she &WWI llPRifia of Ohtnln. nt Oho ileildettly, in Inmethotori, an AA II AY, MUMMY Om IMO, at moo o'clock u. At the talon Mow the Director* of said District will he prepared to emotoy Teachoca Ape the coming term of Seven Months, commencing on the tityt Monday, Ming thel`th day of doptember next, recently &Nip lea to teach in this district met attend the P 1141114111. MUNI' W, WIRT. President Dowd of School' threctorc ti, Byancity, Supt. Com. Schools Columbia Co. ineunlyburg. July tat, leheyet. FOR SALE. The undersigned win offer at private see his tisittelK AND ion. oitlitior on Main street. and known an the "Bonne.* property," ronintuing thirty. two leet in front; eituate on an alley in the roar nit,l an alley on sooth and weld role, with a good wait of water end woe etemlentTrnit on the lot. The pro. rity in it desirable one, The term. will bn Hinds envy, and pnesetivion given on the hpit of nett April. B. 11. 1iT01110.4. Bloomsburg, Aug i 2, Nftri, NOTICE TO STOCK - 110i PERS. N°11 " " ho'uhr SW" that tle. Aria iastolloteot pf retworiptome to the Normal School Builthot, was due on I ho Ar.t of June, end is requited to he prompt. ly poid to the Tretwurer. Al" odlood *OftliPt.oll4 to the Moeutebutg (M. 'quo , Justuluto « which moot he lead me the 014 stock Wst he retoted. EU' At kIN WI; It A 1,1., Moon ourt, Aug. it, 11160,-3t• 'l'reesurer. WILLIAMSPORT DICKINSON SEMINNUT. (Fon 1:0TII SEN Tilt* Institution has rasirthing in t h e way of tistoity and heaftittittussa nt tiKritilon, eivromcp a n d ability .f faculty, and eat nest and thorough instruci than in a rvid, roans, OF STI'IIY to minuend it to Me friend. of elocutiom Chtirsior nimierute, Nest Trim Sl❑ commence August Mtn. I:dialogues sent on apotieni ion. TIIONINOX Mtrent3.l.. Williamsport, Aug. I'n:rodent. GENUINE MANURES ALLEN & NEEDLES, tAII'UoVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OP IMP, T Obi *No+lard ottiele, uniform to quality, the moot finely prepare,' 4tittrhcottutit Moto phmm to the MittkeL In Bags, 20t, Ithe earl' SA per TIM Ma. AM tl„I X I ATCD rgit i lr ILI,: sjr wet A..ft gems e Acknowledged to Pe the moot. v,tt *Able moor., at the pure, uttered to We ttbtte, ttogx, KW lbs. cath, 11:13 per 114109 mu; GROUND HONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. IVc evil only No, I—received dirctt from the Gov FISII GUANO, A splendid msir lire. and ono that is sttr.icting touch ftlf , ntWil fimn fistitielS. railed ill littfrehl, $35 For dm USAIR PLA%TER. In Harrel,. ;it lowest rbt. , , , L A pure art Ede A LD 4 rOUNT To I:EALERS ON At OVN nucEs kleould the danh•r near yon n , 4 hove our att , clee, trend your order. direct to us, and they wdi Uate prompt atteutiuu. ALLEN ...V. NEEDLEB, titoreo. 41 S. Water Strect. Ithd 42 S. htlaware Avenue rr 'UMW l'l 4 lf ta:NLI;AI. UuIIMI* , I,IOI mciteilANTA, FRILADELFIIM fErrrAtIL!SIIED IN Itle.j Anc - 11000 Jluii /Ate, ncstHred. Just Published. n new edition or Olt LVERWEI,L,'S Celebrated ttauay an the rad• kid ell, (without limit inn ;ofSpernintori bona. gum. Mil Weakness, I nvolconlary sennhal Luelee, teary. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Inipedinients to Marriage,ele• ;also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Edo induced by setf•sndutgeuen or isnual estrava• ganef , C e' Prim in a sealed envelope, only *I cents, The e , lebrated author in this admirable essay dearly demonstrate*, from a thirty yearn" success• tot practice, that the alarming consequences of 'It'll• abuse may he radically cured without the dantyer• 00$ use Of interval medicine or the application of the, knife—pointing oat a mode of cure at once aim• pie. certain. and r CU. lust. by means of which ever♦ amierer, no matter what hio condition way b., may cure himself cheaply. privately. and radically. Ity This lecture should be in the hands of every ynoda and every man in the land. Sent, under seal. in ir plain envetope, to any ad. dress pool •yaid. on receipt of .4x cents, or two post stamps Mao. Dr. CulverwelVo ..Marria,o Guido," price reeti. Address Oto publithers. COM'. 3, C. KLINE dr. Co, 127 loW. ry. Nevi York, Nat Whets tot 3, 43t-6. July l‘t lOW Iy, BALGII'S COMMERCIAI. MANURES O DE MARK Qh EVERV PACE:MAI BAUfal & SOW App Xorth- Pstern Fr,l 'Vag Meg!" 1101 A IM A Nl.l rACTIIRERS PP lURS. BAUGH'S RAW ACNE PHOpPLIATC. Prim i f %ROO PAUOII% CHICAGO HONE FERTILIZER Price, $, per it,eeu the. RAMPS CHICAGO 111.0011 MANURE: Price, $.O per 2,010 The above Manure■ are furnished in bull holland Nude, whichever eiirionirre prefer Cr The bags are uniform In weight lOU pound'. The attention of Partners I. eepecially directed to the fact that the SOUITVIS of the Hew Material of which the above Manures are computed. are an wall under control that we can furnish them or strictly litlifOrna quality end condition, and that they contain a large percentage of ammonia than any other clan of manufactured winners in the cornet. BAUM' ai SON& 20 H. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, NONTD - W cirri:lw r ran . ' z on, Car, lake & Lasalle, Ms, ' Chicago, try flanah's Com:mini al Manures rune be Ornenrod from dealers In any of the prinripal towns In the United Mates or Dominion of Canada July VU, 16.58-41 u. ORANGEVILLE ROTEL, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A, EDWARD EVSILeTT, Proprietair. Would reveeatfully lutorm,ble friends and the public Ingenerel.,that he hoe lately taben I horpr ol waii.anowit and conveniently located Ifouen, long kept by *wool Xvvrelt. Sou, end that thi• notion le in complete order for tba accommndel inn of boarders. end tor Ye,oinfollainnicrill. egr o troyeista who may reel diapered Ui wi their custom. No pains and 111141114 111111 MEI eland in repoirlua and rethrniallign this lintel Mr Ma entertain Want of Illeete, and Otithliv on Ina part or 04 F rO p t l i to, Will be left anthillii to nilttielat to Choir pra wants. Him Nat will always st fornialwal w bast end tonal ',end his halo w a hoot ipa furies affortivi LarylslMl. TUlss OF TOVE TEETH, AND RAVE THEM ATTENDED TO. DP. Chalflint Having lowed In Martiniiturg. for the prattles of hie prefearion, le astaltrue to neraltrin a new ififfiffidi upon the subject of Dentistry, 1144,/ Proe a a m Your 2Viaurn? Ara, Tale whir torperraol brand' off/eerie Up he Oluovoro me never here preporiy intro Mired, Nn truthle more obvious', Mau abet a natu ral eel or teeth nigh proper 111141, will DM If. pee. 114Ilifsf a 1 / I tlfinge, yet he Ands ninny meting who °Neel to having their teeth ailed, Judging by bet. ter etpertenre that It is' undue. To seek he entnede the cordial tnritntion. COW; tr DR. COAL, ANTI! °mot, no WM*4lOlllll.. poor tooth free of charge, sod eon. vines you of your WOK. Ile bee eirohno• of rube teeth never before priirtiewl In Hite section of coi,. Sty, aid WPM or proving Is the moat ekeptrati that the 011101 flifillot 111401111411, be refonfoved frees the cam. hoes, Oa contitlvot is be of this that ul this de• pertinent, KR W 11.4 INOURK Ills WORK rout TEN YEARS. Ile ohm Motu portion+ equally prejudiced nyionot TIKIVEIf objecting that lbeys cow polo, and produce 4111P111.00 1a ibo nothoh, Out they timer tot token 011111V11141 nod Out r, opiently they Ihrown HOW lo vicw of Wu ho %iridium you to READ MS TERMS ffe wits put up any net of tenth upper or lower, Or point' etthet, and insert theta 00 that they tartan' bn dietinguiehed from nature, teeth, and mterranten tattiararttoli ferrety raw. Any person not pleased with hie work is every pwlieuter, need not lake it from the office or pay for it as ho atiowu nn atm In leave his office whteli produree the slightest pant, Or would br buoy toe/emu rotenone in the mouth, lit Marts teeth by the use of Nl7'lloll`B OXIDE Thar being the anuesthetir in general tree, and theoinmended by !radius dentists throughout the United elmtrit. Or will administer tither however to those prefering it steam and see him, he wilt esionthe pour teeth and give ditertiont for preserving them free of ebarsm Pound at all lIMPO in his °Mee, neat dour to ii,. J. EL Evans, Main .trust, below Markt t. Hthoutolturs.Pa. July t, lafri , . V W. SAMPLE & • 8 • Machinitols & Enginerr4 MAIN sr. k I. k R. R. R, 111.1105104A11R15. PA, ImPartld to Capitol; all kinds of Mothille such or STEAM ENGINES, Pto ter*. Flo:611hr, Pulleys, Hollers. Coupt logs, MW- Miring, Mow mandrils sir.. It mho cocks, Pot rocks. Strom OPC, together with ail kinds of shown Wimp cowtiottly Oft tufo& Ihotshoor Mat toms and Morse Powers mode to ordm Ah kind% of Atiiiculturol MAchowiry etwirett. Mow 34, tone. NEW CLOTHING AN!) GENTLE- MEN'S FURNISHING STORE Till 1 uaAerr4gnrrt , repertfitny announce, to hi* ninny Crtettd,‘ that he hit. Opt 10,4 A lICW . I , 4biti,l And tirodtch , n'a Fltrintaitna Stor..• in the tower MOM of the Wittman Ituilding.onitheast curl/14 01 Will and Market 0 , 47t5, 0/011.3.40/ re, Oa. BnaiHl just roored Crusts Philadelpt. Austn a large sock Fall and Winter Clothino , and Gentlemen's Tarnishing rants, & e , lle flat. lets himself that he tan please ail. tiie stock cow. prises MEN'S AND no I.S" ( °THING, shell as DRESS COATS, SACK COATS, 0 V Ell OA Ts, 1.,t . % '. ti I I , I) 91 : . COII 1 b CI ,Ai 1 +I ra l', 11.1.1VDA TRVII I EFS r.l ELM S. 41',, *nit in facteverything in the Ciuthing or Yurniabior, e at I;Ty bor totottion to the above he han au elegant mutt SUMS or Clotho:. Ciminters. Hod Veotings. nothlo¢ totole to urderat Upt ohortrot notice Call 41114 Nee befute pun:ll4oin* elsewhere. and tiEIIUEE GBGAT BARGAINS, J. %V. CHEMBERI,OI. Oct bbcr 10, leo G it EAT BARG AIMS MEI It educlion In Priem ooderrigneil will offer to she public GREAT BARGAINS in oit binds of IX.C