r=2 MI 11 Di AGRICULTURAL Inscets on remit Tree,. will begin their work as soon as th:ar is any young growth l ) work on and it not 411,14,41 continue it to the injury or the trees. Don't stop to wait on us, to ask what shall l e !lour ; but dill the insects when thst discovered, by $Olll.l means. We have w;itten in there part years enough about the tout caterpillar to till a small volume. We 1 .3 1 v xhutru its eggs, and set forth the im portance of removing these. White this Lis been thoroughly dune, there will be but little trouble, Where it has been neglected, they will not "fold up their tents like the Arabs," but jest keep spreading them all the time. W hero:l,er a nest or tent is seen, no niiitter how - and they are very conspicuous when the dew is on them in the morning—do not lest until the nest is de )troyed. ]lend down the limb, climb the tree, get a step ladder, ur in some way reach the nest, and pull it out and crush the young 1 400 1 S o me us e swabs charged with soft .r ap. petroleum, or other substances. There Will do it' faithfully applied, but to our no tion there is nothing as sure as pulling the nest off by hand, and putting it under foot. The !lin-lin:Ai Illay wear gloves, Borers are tc be probed or cut out. We hasn't much faith in squirting any Karam- Cn; into their holes. (Streitlio will now begin its work, and trust be met at once. void all vaunted tents dies and washcs, but follow the only sure plan yet known —faring the trees, catching the insect on a large cloth, and killing it. The whole gild) will often make sail havoc among seedlings and young nursery stock. When a young tree in the orchard wilts, dig down and that the borer and kill him. Lice or aphides will appear on the young growth. I t the trees arc small bend down the ends of the invested twig.., and immerse them in tol two) svaicr air t yp e ,,,,..1 3 t • I , I,ONING —.ln item of itnf,ortane , • in plowing is to sec. before beginning, if there is any defect in the surface of the ground that can he modified or corrected. In the commonly adopted course of plowing round and round, we produce a rise on the outer edge, anti a depression in the eentre, which iu manp cases lays the flamdation of a ru inous - wash" and in picoes of fine level land we see deep depressions created that hold the surface water, making a "mire" that drowns out the seed sown there.— Starting in the centre and plowing "back furrows," is an ample and simple remedy for this, which from mere thoughtlessness is seldom dune. In finishing off the field, leave a strip on the sides equal to the width of the turn rows or "headlands," and plow round the entire field. It will then have a clean, neat finished appearance. Soul: shoulders in working hers es may be effectually prevented by cutting n piece of leather into a shape so as to lie snugly be tween the shoulders of the horse and the collar, This sends off all the friction, us the collar slips and moves on the leather and not on the shoulders of the horse. Chatinj is caused by friction ; hence, this remedy is a plausible one, and is much better than tying a slip of leather under the collar. WEEVIL IN 13.tits4.—There are many barns ,so infested with weevil, that their owners stark their grain for one or two years to get rid of them. It 14 said that if the barns be thoroughly cleansed and the ioiee and timbers well rwept, and fresh lime be shteked and sprinkled plentifully around, the weevil will ail be destroyed. 14NON SHEIMET. —biz. tare r. pound and a half of loaf sugar in a quart of water, add the juice of ten lemons, pros, the lemons so as to extract not only the juice, but the oil of the rind, and let the skins remain awhile in the water and sugar ; strain through a pine. and then frerm it like iee cream. PLANT :mall trues. They co:t unc hail' less at the nursrry, less in transportation tuttl in planting you will lose , careely none at all. You can form the tops to suit your self. Form the head: as you plcuse, on prairies, is absolutely necessary to to cess: PuTATo n potatoes boiled Eoft, six or eight eggs, sugar to your taste, oue cup milk, quarter pound of butter, nut meg, essence of lemon, brandy and wino to your taste. Mash the potatoes very fine. CliousE perfect fur breeding pur pow& Let your hand,: lin free from maie while handling eggs to lie sot. An egg be .marcd with yolk sill uut Latch. TN hot weather milk is worth more fed to calves, which are to be ow.. and usen, than made into butter. TuF. best time to buy a farm is in August and September, for then the poor spots ap pear. =I IT la said that cattlo can bc raised hoot on rand blow., and fattened boat on limo atone laud. Bum:, and mike obould be kept in a tin Leta ettwo jar. ridlodelpt ll ; & Lrie 1111 Road, ~t` -- fileSileit Tl3lll TABLE. TlMOrell AND !oink:er IDWEF nrrmeN viimmmi.l , lllA, 1111171 IMUIU !OAR It WHIM, 1111,14AMMPLIRT, Am" lIIU 44REAT OIL REalioN = ELEGA%T SLEEPING CARS On all Night Thine, On and after MONDAY, MAY OW. 1808„ thti Verne nn the rbilndolphla & Erie ittsil Deed will rupee follown w csr WARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Phtludolphl4, II 15 p. 111 Nottleituberlithd et 13 a, is ° 0 arrive at CHO a tat p, us. ERIE EXPRESS Navas Philaileiphi4 11 Oa noun ° Aterthumbettand a fol p. in. arrive at Erie 10 03 a, la. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8 Oa a et, ~ Northumb..,laud .1 V, p. in, , .. 7 id p. ht. arrive at Leek Haven SAWI3V ARIL NAIL TRAIN leaves Erre II ha a m " Northumberland II SU a. iu salvo at PhAladulphsa 10 a, m V.Rin EXPOESS leaves Eno 7 4u p. m Nardiambminmi 9 4a a. ta " arrive :A Philaalelphfu (tilt p, rn Moll and Eixerriev oinnect with OH l'reek and Allegheny itiver Road. r/s" raw gage checked thOrgh. A. b. G octal titipl. NSW 'SWAIM IZDP. he undersigned respectfully announces that he hap reditted tt 41011, VIM dour below Mayer's Dolt Store. m the Exchange Mock, whore he is protium! to conduct the barbering buskin/is In all its branches. The art of coloring whiskers and moustache.. ie practiced by hint most skillfully. He also cleans clothing, making them look nearly as gruudAs new, upon the 1110$1t reasonable terms. Having procured the services of a fashionable hair dre toe ho is pre , pared to visitirandhes in cases where it is desirable to put 51) or CUL hair upon reasonable terms 1:7" Hair Tonic 44 th, very best quality, used for gleaning hair, kept cooptuitly on hand, loafer sale. S.C. COLLINS. ploomrburg, April 1, I%it. E. R. MEM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. floor : in Exel±ngt! !Jluck, nea the "Exchange lintel." hueineve placed in the hands will be ottetoli'd to with prOinotilese and tuna. Collect thus tootle with the icapt possible M. M. I'ItAUGII ) ATTORtEV.AT-114 t UT, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. wit) practice in UN . NeVntill Courto of Colutubm and adjoining roontsro. zr MI 1:olloctiotm promptly attended to, Juno 110, I rtili. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. DiTire in the Exeh*nee !Wilding. :meowd gory, over Btohnet f. StOtt. Second deo! above t e Lx• change Hotel. Illdwwitinrg. April 17, 1,C17. WESLEY W ler, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ottitt iu DEMIWR AT AND STAR Building, In SHIVE'S BL OCKI 31erch ft. *67, UL,oO3lStirRO Not:Timm; CENTRAL DI MECT ItOtTE NO !'ll AND SOUTH Titt"Wh 14 tr't a ntfliftitt , re r i he ti t Change of (7a/94. ON and after Apr il t.!=th, If67,Train4 will via LI 114 gallows TRAINS NORTHWARD, 4 1,5 A, at, leave N , lllllllitaterlutiti,ttntlying at prim copal ,jations, tirriviag at WH'sant.aori, i .a) 4 , chuir,l II oU ttoott. (tatittattaigatt 3 14 e. n.. 141,01,4 , wi 4 46 p. VAISTAW r. zt., Niutara Palle 9 WI r. 4 45 p, M. leave Nailliaiebertaatt, etnapinr, ut att et , tions. arriving at Wiltritielent, 6 45 v. N., El mira It Oti It N. TRAINS SOUTHWAR9, ft 63 A. M., IW2IWe Norttlttlitttertalld, stottistit4 ptitirtto t t 4latjoils, itrtlvitte at Ilitm.litittt ;Pt A. , 1 . 2 :In It. ht., Philadelphia t 00 r. n. M. Inure Northunawrlawl, youviaa at all stationr, afrit at I 15 It, M., 1:a1 , . ti ow+ G 66 P, M.. Philadelphia 5 .10 It. ht. 11.1 r, M. i.temiitir at all stations, Harrishurr ti 3U r. x., rinWa.,ll. plea I 00 A. it. lialitinorn 7 at A. M. It 00 r. M., have karthumbarlaad, s'apoing a plitipipal stations, wtrivirrg at Ilarri,harg 44 Aia „Paltnaorei ou delphia 7 in A lc .1 s. IlcltAtUi't 0. 8, VOlr'hill, dapl, Itarrist,urp, Pa. Gaul Paya, Acatn, Maltiwara, aad is AAc M, t.ll Fa 0,11:31 Flan:nit Again, hiiil4l9. N. V. May, a, NEW FLOUR. PROVNON Ern GROCERY STORE. Titd i.tilezeriber lifts opened a Mont, r, eft, rro, i4 inn mid Grocery Siete in the eltive puil4iiip, un Mani eircet. Illuortipurg, Pa. en hand; a full truppply of FLOUR, FEED, FISH, DRIED BEEF, Bacon, hhouldcrs, Balm, BEANS, PEAS, GIWEN in their pert.ort, Ire-,41 Ettad and 401+4. Fish to vita titles to rust co.totto.vb Chewer Groooks, mtd eve t)thiag to 1111 tito , Prepared to twit h.. , and meat iu ntirra br by the pound to quit 4. Alt Mod -4 ektivt r-4 vi to4l 4 , -att ed. 'filet:. tV , l,• , thaill , l ur wu La found it (hip market, J D. MAroMbANK. 111 , Arnisirtqa. Arid 'V, It.:?. LATELY OPENED. THE on:tersittrat teanht terheetrally inform the I.lt . Ithenurburg and vicihtty, that he has pet 01 , 1tP4 a Shen on Iron sircet, bi'llvisi Alain and 1 had, where he hill fallow the thaws la all its biatictim Oritt3d fur Metalic orlOther Coffins, and despatch, tiep tiro cheap ig imbkWail ktnrls Of furniture. including the re Martins of minebsttonted ritalre, nphoistnrimp, sofnL and sofa bottom chairs. Patterns fur castings made neatly and expeditiously. and orders are fOliWotd either ut person or by mati. Picture frames mode to ordrr at short notice. 81051541ag, April 15. lAA. VI ARE CHA NEE. WU' iv e cmarol and FA' or five valuate in vellum's, needed in ea. -0 family, and payinz lutr , wait., van be secured by applying either per.nonny ur by Utter to J. S. LASH & Co., 12 . 7 Market Street Phila. =MEM WOLF & BARTON, (6UCcESSORS TO S. C. SinVE,) BLOOMSBUIM, I'.t. 'lli ft subscribes having leased the Plaining and Marione Shop lorteerly wawa by tarpon C Slave, trill CUM WWI the busitwis of ruanufetaurinp Doors, Bash, Blinds, Mouldings Brackete, rite. They are elan prepared to f MESSED FLOORING SHINGLE. , 4 lid 01 other Litieher wolfed in tile coital rnnh , n of ildpip a, AllkludentTurningdoneoletinn Haire. ttitls f o r Joi n t and ether Frame stow tilled with prow ptnras and tare. WV'S 11.$1,erti ully solicited WOLF it DA 'a.m. Bloomsburg, April IS, lenWtl. DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. firm Medicines. nt John 111, Moyer's Drug Mgt corner of Main nod Merkel. Streets. A good news , went of Priain DRUGS, Medicine,*. Paints. oil* and vinio.d., always o n hold,and will he mild elwayer than at any othet Dreg Morn in sawn. QUALITY 0 U AIIANTE.E. D. Oreeeriplion e carefully compounded at Woe* /mg Store. Ayers end hiyuas Methcines sold at Muyer'u Drug tdolg. Slit Mart's IV cordial. Baker's Cod Liver OD, Winidaw's gloothing Syrup, sold at itoyerM Drug etore. For any reliable potent medicines, fell st Moyer's Ding Worn. Leather of all kinds, wboleirale and retc,ll, at 1 A lloyer's Prft Stem, Bloomsburg, ra. May SI, 1066.4-44, BLANKS I BLANKS ! I Of rsfty destriptionn for filo, ai this Wiles A . s 0 riscE D I , llo' S 0001' AND *UOE STORE, (OPPOSITE The EPISCOPAL, COMM] Ou Main Street, Bloomsburg. MLa o ubwiner tows pk a pu r o iu ntinnn tieing in II .0! PaVrh: nl 010 '1 1 1bUtivlind vicinity. that he has oil baud is large unit UM, tiligniltlinilt FOOT'S AND SHOES, ti hAties and gentlemun's wear, to snit all fancies. The City work is of tha best quality, and (r , 114 tho I' , 41 141410 manufacturers; ha being 4 prat tit:al •r 1; utun and a goodjudgu of nv h UV( likely to bo imposed u p o n by rom i y i nc artbleos minimal badly 11111d0 up. I b Off oeririon anythine in his lino would no well tithe bun a uUI, button purebusinp elsewhere. lit ye Is a GOOD ARTICLE, t+,l nt priroa to ruit parrhaaarm. ill pererata who desire light ar heavy work mode tt 'near tam he .ircuailliodareti at tlll4 wittibli4hmotd, Alen,QS repairibig will be done with nentiwee and (L4 , 1100'11. to elegant nseortment of LAllons Spring and Sum n HiOVN on Wind. A. SOLl,Elilag. 16i7. Nuw (J(ML yAnv. The unitereisned reepertfatly Informs the citizen. of likonnehurtt nod (mumble coooty . that they keep nIl the different ouni4ol4 of Muva coal and ,0,0,4 lump caul for inniihionpurook , 34, on their wharf, ad jolt olf NleiCol vv. Neel &Co's With a good pair Buffalo voiles on the wharf,to weigh roal,hay and straw, itiai'aide a borne and oititetti to deliver con wt these who de.lre it, Al Wit pllrCitaile a large aillattlit or ow. We Wend to keep a talailiiit atliala and sell at the very tweet price.. Melte. roil and ea/111110e rut yourselves before porehavingelsowo..te J. W. 11l W+tltllitr9'. AVG UATUS rdAroN. untlitlxittntiil will take, in exchange fr ig ii n io I and 4:rworfro, the followlette hunted nrticlti,i : Wheat, nye,Cortt,flat , i.Potittott i o, Sheill der, and aide moat, /Suitor, klgga, tiny. &c., nt the highestrnsh poem tit. hot Grocery etore, adjitthing their co,' ylird„ W, IiENDER. ,4 IIOT. Itlemit:iburg, April' s,lFt,ti,—ly. WALL PAPERS, PA PER RANO' NOS: AN IMMESaE STOCK OF T.l A 1 IL TP ;;X r 2, New rata Electra, Stylert (or Parlor, Haifa, ett., whole 031 e and retail, 110WeLL & n01124:C . 5, Corner of Fourth and Mother rarer 14, IhrlllF-301. AGENTS WANTED FULL THE BLU . COATS AND lIU%V THEY LIVED. FOUIDIT AND 1)1E1) rolt Tilt 1.7%1DA 5C111P3 'and Incidents in w NElrpot Lebenio, Comprising Narralivvs oTcreenal Advettosre, TWA Itne tguldott+ Dating 1:x10014, 100 m, W. 4014 wit re.rapec. Life 0, the i',llol, rj aid thlstitt.it ; A4vvritutotes ~ ( Epte. Mid ticntrte toether with Ow Xam and htill.ol. A twctietus Ihtmotcrus Incident* of the War. SPLENIIIPLY ILLNTR WEI/ wlinovrn ruitTRAITA AND 111:.11 7 111121. EWILVVINGS. There=iaare.rtnin portian uf the War Oat ICU reitil Lir 11k - tot - WA, nor 4v .ooottjo,f in romance , ar 1), ,try. which la a very r , ol part and vvj'i, if if to,vrv-d, rrmy,y to .a,rifostiihr eon,— ratiwt. a b , Ver id , Nt of ifs , .pirit nithin coUtlfet tinny oar many dry reporivhf rnrefui rosoip, thin fan, lb , polio', of the war, 1 . 1114 frit , lrates thin characters of the lethierif, the humor eef th , n uolaith A. lion of wonton. thin bravery of men the pluck of o u r herva• , .. thin rOolf1111:efitof hie t , Altrito4 of the Pile Valiant mot tlruvtt Ilirro,i, rho hiciito'sine mt,l etram¢tie itoti Wi'.l4 1 .44 V , ln , ; 0 0*, the • and halbert, and the Whole 1'allor:1,ot,, are here thrattiu gly pnritay,l in ‘, ma:tv, , y aomma!, Wormiyal and oi O 4 nowto, mvitio. b^ tihlN't Uhl tub Hint the war has o. hindihnn Anin.nniOtt.. Wen ni inqat , litni trtny I r-nn l in i!very pazi , . us grhp 41 , it, and ovili iu tt.,, k i !dem y art essr :'ircoltir..4 and war Ida ! hi: work. 14.1 , 1ter,i, JUNES WWl' 11 Ulm dr (10., 1 1 110 0 , 41,11“, p. Juon4ry 15, 1/44.-4w. Lackawaolia & Bloomsburg Railroad. a at IPSERNPVINgffiI &it-- Two DAILY 331.11115. 'VA O N AN' 11" Tit 'IA "'itaY '' 1"67. I.A3' tiI:NGER TR. A IN;- , WILL. RI Ni AS 1 - 01.1. t t't , S I, t; A'V 1.: t.; OIIT II W A RD. A NI A NI P NI, ir9v4., 5rv9.919, 5.71 -,, in i In " 9.1.94 , 909, 94.1 tl. ,X 1 lOW itUl.tt 9,V11 , r, , ii Dnor Lilo, 9 4 t t :At Art DA Not thundtetnunt 9930 P. 37. LEAVE. ND ti'l' ti W AR D. A 'A PNI i.4v ft Nortliumbr t WM. 7 no 3.t9+ linutlite, 1 tO f, VII it :1, it+ , rt. r.t.5 P M 9 9i Kinjonto, 10:,0 ::.....a 9 tr. At sit .• In kr3Dion. P.:11.i 4 MI IU !..; I , tivirre tirozr.t , ol Pt "' 30 A' "ti for PCIPOI ,, O ("WWI r r HEi Tr.,10 nrrwlng at New York. at .5 Al P•4s 4, ollrr , taki Tian; S.ntrh from Ar: ra moo at 5.5 a A SI via No,thoiph , rtaotrealli Itarrt.fhortr i.3il P M. Baltimore 5 34 P 11.. %Va...hingu.a to cur m via an. pen reach Philadelphia at; pop M. IL A. FONDA. Supt. 14+3,400, tau. 30 I'o7. i)2B, .11002 SKIRTS.. WM. T. liiiioPKiAN, After more than tier years esperi..ere and expprf siwiltivtg tan the 11113151113 3 131til Ittyrt.Y WWl' qv !ATV floor SKI WIS. we offer aJr , ivaiy erda in i n l .ll Randri in ITV Anti the pa . .:re in Nil ronli4 , ll+ , •0111,, , rt0r0 over all eillet3 in Aau 11l all Into 101. ame th , y nee ,+! by net whn went n , ; lent in .hem as then ars • wit vshtel too th.sti ivy "114 , -r , z•xlv aril reantn. nd th , m evety re,peet. Itealers ,n Novo t,trt. nine iii 1111 . 3 veh,i Will Shinji Our 3,...priturut es , ory style, I, eon, std strte for html,.., vlist.es toot rhtlofien, Also, Skitts MADE 1 4, 1 tot ft Mt altated and repairro, Ask fur -Hopkins' Owu Nlako," aadtnn ant aces that the letter -II" in 411'iven un the unpin Iwlckre"nr , ch hoop..tiol that tlwy are stampe•l etV I.ItWKINB, NlAlifheturor, tin Arch street, Phiiii dolphin," upon each tape. No others ere gottuito , . Also, constantly on hand a full line New lurk and !;astern Made Skit's, at very low prices. tt'huitsale and Retail, At the I'IIIt ADELPIIIA WSW KI KT Ma huhu ory 1,04 4mp a rium, No, cid Atch Street ithilud.l h W PK NS. Oct . 16. Ni 7.— Dina. EXCII \NCI HOTEL, RUMAT ROAN itt,O4)Mt l .llCRO, COLUNIGIA 'OUNTY, PA 7`h, und,r,igo..l having purelasts , d and Itihtly r afr a thi» w 0.1 0 ,,wn !Nom, M I inimedialety opposite the Court House, reeperttetly informe their friend* mitt theubllt penetellv. itint IhPir Hoe ie row to Orikt tor the accootephitition anti tett thtilltitelit. , 4 titteeters They hnac bp.treJ no inking in pre purl'ngthrC lain Inn. for the entertathineat and Comfort or their g0 ,, 04 Tacit House is agariotte, atid ettjoya a good business locution I=l oNtainstqWEA run al atl limps between this nuo, and the diliemet 0P114114. by which unveEers Ili be conveyed to a n d trent the tee:too:Awe Stations itt due time tti meet the curs. Ku'& CLARK. Auril et). NO. nrcti! ITCH I! ITCH lI'S Krltvrciil set; Awn 11 SCR:ll'li ''l in from 10 to 4$ tooltx. WthOtoXV% Ointment rums The Ittiv WheJton's Ointment curve Salt Rheum Wheatan's Ointment tiff.** Tatter. Wbentaket, ointment auras Barbers' Itch Wheaton's Clntment tares Old Form Wheaton's Oastnent rotes nvery kind of UOsnor liku Magic. Pfb,, 59 wax o box; by mail relit*. Attittolgil ',VLLKS & pornat., No. 17u tVo4IIIO O OII Street. Chown. N 1 ,14,3. For sale by 411 Druggist.. eept.'4s, yr. A rull.blooded Mackhawk Neloon SY . ..twirl, two years old Wet Aprti, Oirined rot sale. Ho is re. pitied to be the boodeometit unit hi the. minty, nod wilt motto It eery vitiouble hum, Apply to the ha. di reigned , at his fang two mile* below Alithlnvillie, Colombia wooly, 13.11AZEit seirwcprommit , Eß. July 180-3 t, Entrants teeth without pant Lyn now nottbod. It isispnrrutty now used 4 0 kN st il sy tlll eo l s: 84 and lA I branrbrot nt meattstry attended to bet tits latest 1, 1 Ott moot approved stst«. Re . l4 and Ace, tate door v 1,4 a Evian' Mem*, **to, 11400sobtag, Miry. 6.1‘)Q 1 ISM "Our Orel Jllake," I OLT FOR gm it. ill ilitlitlAl, l kurgron Dentist, A NM ROCK OF COON, TIM HARDWARE TRADE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, AT TIM NOV IMAM or W. SNYDI4IR, BILOONISIIIIURG, rnniiiiiin4 of every eMelo found In n flert , elned ilurdwner Store, union' which am the following IRON. NAILS, and WAIION SPRINOd Linn AXI,ErI, 0114 and °LAO, ORRIN and NYTII and OVIIIRRNATIIO, GRAIN CRAMS, RAKER, kr., ke„ KIRBY'S COMBINED READER & OWEB, nosTETTER'S CELEBRATED PATENT BAG HOLIER,- AND THE IMPROVED CH ER R Y SEEDER. A 14Ni, O'4IIE3IOEIIM Oth POLtsll at Who!cattle and itatatl, GIVE HIM A CALL Olootokburg, June 19,190. Glt BAT 1311'It()VIOI ENT IN 81:ft ING MA(7IIINKS Empire Shuttle Machine pAhmoihouhist, 53si hrondwoy.N. Washhieton eet, Rost m, t9lChei nut Street. Philadelphia, PATENTED PEE 14, ISO, 1 1 1114 MAC DINE is constructed on entirely new prioelplea of loe4ll4lli*M, loooitoodog wally faro and valuable imprt Votoentl, havool bOOO trAtuintql by the most profound elpeels. and pronounced 1,0 Dtaiddifrd. it bas a straight needle, perpetolicular ortion taken the lel ir K or r eTrren. whit h w ilt IWith , t RIP 1144 RAMA. and is alight:in both stiles performs perfect sewing on every dot cription of ne from Leather to 'be Ilnest Nansook with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from the coarseet to Cot finest number. Waving neither CAW or cot; W SEEL and the !cant possible friction, it runs as s ue'eetlt as glass, and is i'Lltphiraitertip rr Yficiteirgit lforhim% It yelnirall rIFTY SEE CENT, less power to drive iteh.eoarty other machine in the market. A girt *helve yearn of :WV can work it steadily. wittiout fatigue or injury to health. Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity ofeonstruc• 11,5 u it almost Logic:sib!, to let out of 411111 ARA:WEI:It by the company to sic, ems tire V,iii,l:ll Wi 4 re.W . CI6/14 ' WOO, at, those who may t h ?O i r , to noplOy theiontiv..s with o uvprrior artinty. to Emile and examine 70,AeltINC, Core half how. It/Ma/I:WM t anthriellt to enable arrp pe,noo to work thin itiothiou to their enure sat tat.if 1'4 , 100 want. , 4 trey utt„towux 1.1 th. Itnitett s weft. ttlfrro.mtencleoure u 4.1. alr,toly P 004441,01 Al,m, Al Cubit. Atexicn, 12,1'144 and South Amt. rice, to v.hmu n itNrrui eiiitcnunt 11,01 I :OPINE; lit:WiNG ,MAf'tf 4:16 IlumilWay. N. Y. I L DERSHOTT`S ARMACY. n•rniVlag, MOE!' (refit :MI :•ar•• ih thZie Aladiritt,,,Tmlvt ;obi 1•:Jeo , dr , dlPR +d bleb; bidve been petedtpd AT 140/11:ST :VMS .9 ISt) HI: t7L,ix Lo W. ing to t h e Lit ttiol t :ret , ttow lama. oaf ..lio.ty ;mit = pact 10 lir do aluCtc V. 141 I hut , t , 011$1$! , Alta xce, :114.1 ' , MI' Irianl that hi; ir3 thrz dace, to u. y . Jatit.ay 94. *O.!, OLD ritIEVON AND NEV.; VikIEND. ,,, , THIS WAY ! U t turn tli'St NEWS TORE ROOM, r+, m.th ,Str• t, t Ittot, , , , ,4uttt,p, OWDS, NOTIRNS, BorsTS, GDArVA,I).-4. e 4 a nor awl .100 A, .f' VE i ACi . TI. WARE. Having f.,.e r tir,tl 3 al ;I W. lt• Walt, 1N 11f , 10t1 , 11 tU p.7kt2 Oi N. tit ajat pairlog to .4,1,•r, spouting Made to Order. Ali t twap (Or CO , II tra , '!, , 111-• t all witl r, fir:4_oore oft ar, , t.1.1111 4 Solth M.sut e r tf r oq. A. It AU FM April .4,04 r. , . C N CI'IONE . ax tind. ri.itot , 4 would ros'pootfutly ttonooore to Ibe pAhltc i 1144 h 3.4 0rn. , „1 Fllts'l'-Ct.AsS ti)NI , IIOI+YNEItY sp , lt C, in tlo , buti,ll4 , lutuly orrnio,l by tkita , where Ito IA prepared In forot-li WI It :lids .f & eitNint*Ak ritENvil cANitiES,FoitElfV4 AND 1.0:111 , A. 4 111! NrTS, KA 10 INS. , &C., e.c., Act W1101,014A1,E OK RETAIL. Otott n Nil gfo,t hip •111 v ui baslll.^,4, d gn=at kartOy of I.S. TOYS , &c suitable for thn Nutirinya. rittioliar ato ;Nyco, In 6213. II % 11 AD AND CAKC: a HI kinds ftvOt cr , ry tits). k.iluisT 4 . llloPotA* TOY# A real ,othrited, and eAttplactiou will be guar an ileC Itwa. ECM! AuT cons. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! have theft PLANING MILL How in operation with 210 asitothlicot of and am now prepared to supply nil orders at abort nnthre and at tha lowest prit.ea for road, their iv.• tadtment id lumber wastats of White Pine Plank, Board , Flooring . , Surface tlo:aa•d2s, tliding, Hemlock Plank., landed or ounlaned, to twit tutreirm , rrume joie, and smutting of nil $1214. 'Their Platlint Hitt aa,j I.lfrrithpr Ford it, sltunled tit tbr iwEilt• very C•llll . (nicialy I . or bt thv cargo They ale eonsiantly onienforturing loodier of all kind!, and pers.ollo who dmire lumber of every 3.• serintion will 10 well to examine their atork before pare.dvdng e,suNbete, They 111 . 0 ;Md ein• ttiptijly prepared to tell at !limp nu the dampest. The,! rlen deuire to inform the nubile and eapeelut ly thwie W.. V 0 WI to purridoe d,tutit hat they have one Mill upecially imitated to gut timber+ of almout even)* etae Una length required, Thom, whaling to build or contractor!' for building, eon 'owe money, by 01 , 110110 a tail. The undersigned would also a tairlitli'a that Ihey ore prepared to In all kola of !emoting or Machinery, tilt lo.Thre,hing Airtehouni. Moue/a, Hever. owo all hint .11 naritulturai tuinlentutite, upon renallina• ble termini. tddre P. C. P. V ER, srey. ittraamohara, Sept. Po, WO Bloottistilitg. Pa. OWEN HOUSE BERWICK, l'A. T. Bent. 'taylorl.Proprietor. proprietor begalcavo to iiftOrin the public that he has mom c harge of thin 441,11 , /i1t , 41 . 0 iitau e, which has or undergone a complete change ht both rte exterior mid interior appeuttitleo, making the House in every respon MOM CMUruttable Wad inviting to the traveling publ Ic as wet as its local pair onngc. The present proprietor wit I flinty n pains to nonfinite this !Muss what it ban been, viz A all conducted littliSe of mitt rtatinnolit far th traveling public and Others whose hurl trans actions have made thous !Ileitis , (April Of VM. To the PubLc The undervigneri renyeetfully inflowt . his old friends and ogisintiters dun ho hits re till ad hrs Codttill *Ils• ehtlicit, told is nOW renslf to lin wing tan:log in 41,041 anise. hutt good, eltaik and well prepared %mill• vent tun, toy y pavans trisr look f,r gond roles. FULLIN, 4001.0111NG and dressing Cloth dote in Want , Whill hrft at Itarkalau'a Store Blnnwruurq will he taken Mid tinunted every two nr three iveph A with hill or Work _To pay gun he left at 1111.11143 WM, lest at (Mingo at either of the pioreg„ will he attend:id 10 proininly, No wool *wit is running fur me this gunigul only to illoottidurg and Orangeville, for tier mow Wodritiort of those lit a diglance. ti CON VI VANE, J 43.0 f 7, ftlgd, Naar eriingsvitig, A NEW ARRIVALI/lORMILLINERY AND e r FANCY GOODS, AT call.:. le. ay.:m*44 LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA COUNTY. Sho WooltlrooPertftiny ,trans citizena of Light Strcet and vicinity, that she hail ju4 warped Tr en t th. city With 4 fine 44E4404.W or Fall and wi Ipkt M I t.I,INIALY AND FANVY tini)De, well coley' ttP.l to mutt thla undo. PUNNETS made to order., and repairing donf With us/o,mo and despatch. All tvt,rk execate , li hew, and inwit Ludy utunnor, upon reitAutiablei :two. Natioler attention itt paid to drods making- Sit" had N ArrERNS of every ae,terintien, pertain thg the trade, on hand find for ole chanit Sim will aka pay spacial attention to coloring, boring i4o•ot thus find UWIWY to learn Oa art In nil itrpartirOar..ahe 3nrtvingxatiorartton. Wirrilen'x nuit , liaga Nava:abet 0, Will WANTED. ANTS TO SELL pit. AVM. SMITH'S "1)IETIoN.111Y OV THE BIBLE." IL rtottnins ove t Ithihelo•th'y pr toted, double column octavo patron, rrotO new elertrctype Motes, ou good i t s I,,.nnrtteapprnpriatriyitla4ratedwithmoretbat in engravings no sten l dad wood, end a aar ries Or brio nn Online loans. ihn. It comprises the .int ignition, It ingraPhY., GengthPhY Natural ltirtnrr, Topography, and is a torripielo Cy. ei opeolot 44 . Ute ezet ;WM.. It is aeroastoy to every lirbie reader, indispensable to eacry Muds' , r and bunchy School Teacher, and ought Lob , m every Way., It is huth.y COMIIitqItIVJI by all learned and eminent mph, and by the fort 0* generally in all parts of the roan try, as the itest bouts of dm kind in the I:oafish language. Do nof Gr prruktai. Owing In the to prreedented popularity or tinc ark, n puupl Poo istr abriduoluout, iu duodecimo form, 14 about firm pager, hiss been reprinted tn Hair country hi larger !tip', mot spread over eon octavo gages, ev , aeut y , - by making 4 tailor book than the givesthe Hribrussirin easier than it is 'or oar edition. It hos than half the reading mutter of burs, and Is sold considerably higher than the Eir glirh editi o n of *moo hook ,co this country. Smrie g.• 01,4 art. vn‘ll4uvoting to roam tir Urns Per WWI 're 0,01114 , , Students, 'Mired clergymen, Farmers . , and energetic women ritorttlit fat trite ' 0 "1,1 bath tacasaut and Int rative rioploymoot. Send for circulars, giving full put liculirro, toms, kr„ SCRANTorNI, & ileokyubloters, tee) Asylum at., Hartford, Coml. Frbruary L'IUESII ARRIVAL (..)1? FAMILY 1. GROCERIES, AT .totni K. GkRTON'S STORE, 2. X.O 02iStint1114 1 VARNA. t hna just returned from the est.tern „ uith a large and choice el ck of OA clave GI Oct. ric and D r y•txoOtht, web Irr rfr, ti cifil (Is Of In' cn4ntif nna tint! , a 'on a". 6,0 or any ifrnier in tills non 01 riu. ''aunty k t o nri*i*, of On nem vnrl,tice of MOLASe.E.4, St'li , Gh, TEA. rist, :or fi n , ofit Et) NivATS. a in In , ir WWI . A Nit) 01' , 11: It 'lit ACK LitS, p No OLKS 6,47 &Lc, CIIELtW o COAL a. 1,IN.S1:1:0 011,3. 'sn n nliP eriniint 4 Dry OrroffA and 11"4...ry. "o n tali vyrfrtr of noon+ of iliC nhnve eggs, and nln,r khr , is. In Ittion to n , Jinn no it. 4 in 0 : 11 4 1 , 1,4 to in, atork n 1140 iltzwrim , ,,s of C EPA ItWAIIE WIL I,OW' W.A E ; whims 511 Mgt' of {l.koda h. , in r-Tal new 4 invo-rn inve n tion, Ztenorolly % , ,,Te lft.% tt, and w4ireb t 0154.4 ‘.tqle toto toqs u).O ha., n OW oupply of Freuch Moroccoes; 31, Lit. , llaS I , r 1.-.400m,h-e.. oork , kolkt a goo.! ti.ortitif of QM' as .104 . :4 rc . v — .•• r3 , l3n.l....tantvie, pitiN FC, urn . r an , l Iron str,te, PI, • b•irg. Nwi I X FAA OR I S NOT ii E. .1 •hitt, ". t t, • o ! . 1• e.j,johty :11clien , • •J• ••••‘• j• 4. to county, 4, • 1,0 - r vf.•• .p• y n^ WO r 040 r+ , 01,;), 1 , 1 111117,11 , 11. hnd ! ..r...*, co,ttny. !anti , .! • • r 4,1; • ••• Is It 1.4 1.11. ,i 1 t Wier I . V CO, f e i ••••d 6 I" tit, , : 4, pBy u., nt ekrtut,,t• 60iItt Alt MARV. LAV , I6 ,, A 111 vitt t, I , fo. Lt. • ..11,,,r5, NEW FURNITURE ROOMS, ZIAIN 111,00MSHE'RG. PS:111;*i. •j Sil j 1 DI Roopectr4llly ipl‘ttia4 tltt , t Are. tbt of 114444 town and ‘lrtuity, tn. 44 la. 4.01,4 :41 iu r4:thit4o4-11444:41,b, Ihaira ,-, 141,1114: Ta,61,, itme gum , :ha hitt, t siyht4, et ad 4101 Tot , l t„ titing G .1--tv. , 4/1104 malty t=tllet aau .1 4 , C d ttfirtlirt , trt 01,1 cl4.te Illtattfiretub, Th - p 1111 , .4.- 1 L..r4'44411, 4.0.4114.41 to 4.411 tititt f•tlr .01trirt , dirt , Irrt • 01 rrrl Ilprrit 014ttrItratir 1414410 / ittltltlirto 44 it hl= paid to tquir IN; all kiaun of turatfit; 0, ct4,44p for En^ l l April 1, 1.4.0. Tit coo7‘;tlTA itousn. B. U. STOIIIA ig;lt, Proprietor. I.lt 114•11 ;L'•alttplottbraloatmtat. t/Oi , tn itt l b rz Ira volthr to :0' V.aa.t.tliv. .oittaita4 on Moth a , a it . a. 401 0 ., .•}, lip 4:onri kn)l , on Et n.tt 14 10 the —ltablm..fta propao) " U to t A o• loan. Ant ”tt pletist,tn't pht k putt 111. W 4311111, tv tnt Iott-; ,,, . 4 n. 1 . -1111: i 4l+ t tttt ttt, F , ota.ot,n 11: tt im Is prt' i ttao4 to co., to.r • t kot. , ltta titan w ill, ' O ., MI , / Vo MAW r tits , warier vitroalso, EW E AND TIN SILO? m i v wrftErT, (NEA OPPOSITE ILLEWS STOUL.) ELOOMSIIMI, PA. undersidnad had j•tet (hied up, and (va ned, his adv. s AND TIN 110 e s in this ptaec. wh , re he is pri4 pared to make op 1111 , W Ti; tV ARE of ill kt i tR in hie title, nod do fr puif• to 4.ith iP tneas and 419 , opoo the most roil dhoi ki , ep, cro hand STOVES of various pott2.oo , IA bleb he will sell upon terms to -4111. oortho ,, rit. Nov, crtni mechanic. hod de. 4erviiii; of e nh=tc pattodof , •. JAI !OE M ETZ. EloeinAiltg. Our 9. Tov '4. N E ." 10 $ ' ' ' A M. RUPEkT, Anhouares to his ihiais had toonerrms ens.. ne lb, above business a t hit old hart , or t1 , 11.10 , 8S Oil MA I . * ft EWE. BLoome. Ilia rustorner.k and Othere eon be atrunnuodited with FANCY STOVES Or ail hind*. Ftavepiprs, pines are. and *well ..41{;s 4 article ;bard u well rettatate,l STOVE r{'+''.l AND TINWARE t STA la 0.1; mENTs in the etties. and 1 , 111 the most retit , othatitt•Legi rtNa, for bowies it tar, will he put upon Mont notite. Also. an kinds of repairing dubs 1)11).111111y and !won liberal terms. He also keeps on baud a lame supply of Milk Pans, of ditfersut sizes and tutees ; beside. a mot a tt . herittletit of rii.imeo Patent self4ealing Fruit Pro. serving (tins, Glee Mill a tall July IS, Irsin.—tf, SCRANTON BOOK BINDERY. Marino set urea the sip:viers; or Mr IL Zorhe, one or the twit Weiler," to be round to the Shire, ' , Nimrod to rurhhill to ttANKS, IiiiMinANVII COMPANIES, Aiiit4, MANUFACTURERS. GOAL 011MATORA, MOT LAX and °theta, with ULANK ROOKS ev.iv doneription, on short pollen bound in an v 004. ifooireff, in Ow Mi.% ,0160.11111ial 11131111 Pr. at rerytmoilllo Magfizo , l4bototl, book.* rebound, at Non' rot k priP t• Orders len in the , Nilo, of tho pavr puhltshing 1111..davitleto.ient tit root by I..xpre,o, will ba al tinolvd in 30 , i 1”11111eil winiont untinninniary diday. L.. 0, Scranton. Pa , June l k. 14674-41% WIJ4. On TO OWW3 TO BVT 16001%. J. MtOWER, Witt: jimit di ) If 00W Oftetirtg to the Public his SITIVIC QP SPRING GOODS r mslatong iu pad of a NI llna o f INGRAIN, WOOL At, RAG CARPETS. Pht, cloths tind rnorsitoore for Imetfirie pods. 11,E ad-Dare ilre4A Go4ll/14 l'attaatia aad qiuditiar, 1", h,ioa and Prints of vatioua yurriit&ae a0E 1104494 11,40,60,1 pad Wow', Muslin. Ladies rrancht:nr.av a , t BALMORAL SKIRTS. a rod i , tmainenr or [Adler and children*. G a i ter , Roma, rd..h Urocerws and Spices. New ansurtment or Glass and gneensware. Ass„ t Mesterei in ono halloos) one fourth Derylo, Nfro, to ow won to snake your oelectiono. n. t UPI osi s srsot goods at very low pries and our motto so 'r defiliNt to nil, and not to los underoold by any. J. J. itILOW MM. I. sonsburn, April Mb PO. Lightniti&; Rods The undersigned is agel MtiNtiONl4 COPPER. TV LIGHTNING ROD with spina flanges. This eel. tunduetur is the must at utpt< tet•.tian ugninst dignider by hi ever invented. This rad hue received the now ist tilt several iota STATE FAIRS and all: tits principal CM., haohion the endorsement of in - wattle wen in thurenitnil Always prepared vr receiv and put uproar, at SUORT SOTTO Mey be seen pereenally or a , ed by Mitt' sr illoomt-burg,t, 13104.,nwhurgt, May 0, liV , 3m. . tiou,sE AND LOT FOR ti ALE Will hp gold at private Sale a iffit'Sl; 1.(01', taunted nn ciiath anti Railroad Mt tAlrtnln illowe ton. Way tiwriaining Miff of J. J. Robfiete et re, in Munini.tvirg. The hirni , e in a OM tram , . tinilitiag, two high, with cellar. and aril tioishii. Thu tat in of 11003 prix, in ex• in!feat , andlti.an.andtchtt Wanted with avert' tir prription of chnpP fruit. At; tiefxwalr, nuttinifjimt, ant tnetWd 'Ella tartan aOl be mail , liht , tal, gatni tale given ret farther partit Wart ingiiire thin office. Niar. 13, T IIE s\V N h OTEI., ;THE LTPER lioUelL; Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. Phc Subceriber respectfully foloroof btu frfenfk and dm public, raw he ha. taken the , above well kflowu , t HOUSE Ol ENTERTAINMENT. and wtll be plea , ed to nteetaftt the ell*ltlth of all who will favor hint witla a call. He will keep A fl; f)OD E, a liar typli otorkod with ttui too.t of Ligoor4.tool Pt..ry Onot will be mode to rend.o , , atiro JOLIN SNYUCit. '4O, JUST ARRIVED, NEW GOODS! NEW (MODS! The tmt,lie Are mfaribAtl that U. W. t'REIST 6; Co. 113. j 1 4 ,4 r.T. Peed Tlii: LAltri EST AN D BEST SELECTED STOCK OF Si:TTNO AND Sl7 M.M ER 11(1- ever hrotwbt to LIGHT n i • All kluo c,ne. Cllf:Ar for fri , il ar run I 1 11. VV. CREASY Nit'n. I.)ght ttr t May 1 3, 1,0 SAM ti El 4 I.?, WE ll{ ET T Walt . . !NIP () RTC Ks AND DE: ti.C1.104 WINES AND LIOIJOPS: NO. I Ii WALNUT STREET, AND NO. t 9 rrn STUF.C7r. BARBA If ErT7 , l,Kit. G Co, A. GUtUN. August 7, 1347. PLASTER IFOR BILE. TIM undersigned buys fitted up a, Plaster Mill nttlw PENS FriltiArt: MILLS, and «111 otrtt to OSE flUVlntElt TONS !MOT Nolia Scotia While Plw,ter, parot ro.vty for oo+ to foutotito , to suit joirehal ere, of ony time from the 14,4 of April. MeNINCII 44. SHUMAN. valatvoivt. April I. NEW OYSTER tiAWON, in the h,tteutent of the (t'o Ta ll 3J P lEPTP2 Ja BALTZER LEACOM, SEPT, IPTC . OI Oysters nerve) up in every style and at alt hours 1 With 01 the other •tfivine" found in first alaAs Restaurants. XX Ale constantly on hand, together with choice Lhetors of every ttraind. t;vcrythintt in tip*tep order about this Saloon, Bondy trin not tolerated. Step in and find my Bitloon in dean neat ( trier, Bloomsburg, Nov, 13,14347, Coopering ! Coopering 'MK roamer iher toopetfulltt Announces that ho to prtqua cti to manufacture - BARRELS, TUBS, tll l l. BUCKETS, CHURNS, 1 4 ' A L'ils and everything In the line of Conporins. REPALIUNG DONE TO ORDER and at short notice. 1.0 - II Ix shop ha locaNl on Main Street. Bloomsburg, near the iron Company's ;railroad, M. ld• WILLIAMS. bloomAiurir, April V. WA. The Coming Conflict Vt`e give greater indlicentents to Agents than any other Hong,' in the Undo Ladies and Gents get nil Clubs in nut grCat ONE DOLLAR SALE of Dry Goods, Fancy Golds, Silver Ware. Plated Ware, Fr.c., Ac. Thourands ran test try to the raper , for quality and the large niantrieration reretved for selling our woods, Wit' wilt prerent to any person. (free of rending US a club, goods worth $8 to CVO. or will pay earls if necessary. Ail gond4 old at an uniform prise of one dal lee rer each article. We have made special arrangements with the eel ebrat ed (blatant 'I Company, to supply their Stan' Bard roan end Coffees, at their best prices. Agents wanted everywhere. Denceipsius Circu lars will be putt free, on application. CHAP. LETTS rir CO,. Mttirrs' Agents, 114 and CU Federal ntreeto Dustin, Maas, June ntoo-Ito. N OTICE TO CREDITORS. All porgono knowing themsetweit 11111kbterl to MO ourtpr,ugiut, uru rvuw.t.4«,l to make. payment without &thy J. C. RU TER. M.O 1110..otokbortt. Feb 13 190. ri Lou yOI MAN Ili riTIMNWI 11. A gentle i man who ouli , r , for years from Nervous end flannel Debility, Nightly klunmiiono, and skeane) Weakintio, the result of youthful Indiscretion, and rame riot andthe hi. days in hopeleos misery, will for the sake of lathering man, fiend to any one Met. &A, the *holds means used by him, whirh effected a cure In a 03W weeks after the failure of numerous medicines, Send a directed envelope and stamp and will coot you nothing. Addreos, Etr:AAC Tfl 1 :111"747 it. Oh N ". Clty - rjni4)- IPMU -71117111 Spring and Slimmer Good Itiougkrivlll4.,o sat iwo N IVSti.li *n Is., stark to Is twit or t • , a pinatas Clothing ill Gig Morn, on .11.1/X ATR ET, LI two doors allure the . 1 1m, :it ft , ! wtwre Is: has rut' rPctiveil trout N• a York . Iphia, a trill aallorttnei` . t • i cu and liloy's 1r111.1.11 ts.hionsms 14 #9 1144. . dt' . .P g(aidli 01186 tl llac, Sack, Frock ) Gum up ,` (7 0 (*ow*. and Path' I alt sort,. tiro-, and color 4. Ite t•• • Y. p; shad lit,, alipaity Life NifitA or Fait and 4'r,• 'll.ip. ; striped, thrtirtd and plain Vtati. at. lotatt• shotkm, coffins. htindkerchttlo, g Nivea, • prislPro and rarity artichi. N. hug ronstantly nn hand n taw and •••• i•lierttol titsortnisnt ~nil Yt•t,nua, 110 to prepared to opalse up to rush 11110 ntby tPII clothing us very short notes soil is Olt Leaf nor. An 111, 6'1,4,111141a Wide ru 15 , :314tid ruNl or home manufacture. C'' (4.41 on %VW' cro — tl9k A I\ tj l)4,rrlptfott. ritee and Cheap. JewOry jrl net .1)00.0W41 iu thi . place. 4 31 J ."' amine til* grit ertktl OF hUrlllient qi C 10.1.:• 1 1 1WeltY, &c. att. ILI V ID 1.0.A'. ' Hi tri rtl t. COLT tY 'o.lElto i 1 PURI—UN, t yrit A c itE. BEESWAX, BEA „ti 7 Egz , 11.1 r ant 4 1 awl flrptiii I; t i t i m , • El lath top Lard. T 4 - „ E. U. BIDLEILAN. .m.ta.rt A .If)Sl. 4 lfl CAIRIVE% :*!t, AutAl. M NrSSION 42, 111 IVa,4,ie.• • New Yurl, And f 1•1•4•11 CI 1114 row I .• . and Ur