girl rat. i;;i BY, Editor. lUM3=I Ilona! Ticket. 411.H.;S'i' . , ''.' YORK, rt3ll ENT 8L.1111..i 1Z , Mate Ticket. u ra - vEn.i E. BOVLE, i-orvvv. iTON IL ENT, IA :MUNI Y unty Ticket. 11,L V, ,gym F.R. I% 1 , litti 11 IT:1%-W; Lil:\vFrT EEEK=I!I or g y Detnoeratie Con n Monday 1.14, rairly an.; (I,terminntion of nt • west. The eon eftot of the Comity to: , 1 throughout with t otly on the part, of 0 on the part of their ho liopublicans of the ie strife ns one, Out of retion might ariAt in Dealers in tolaico, selling not exeeeiling 10,000 worth annually, pay a tax of 52, and 4. 1 2 extry for every sl,nno worth sot;L— RaiHers artrnot taxed for sale of their own pr,eluotion. Dealers, selling between itlim and $1.009 worth, are taxed $5; those Aare Sl,o^to worth, extra for every additional t? , 1,0n0 w or th :oht, .. racy. They were lips in chagrin, : o ur.. mien in sewsuOn, men of the County, th victory of their dl working with more amity. The proceed 'it the Columbia county 'or the battle and ready all re Teets, and par. at question involved .1 Com!reAnnal east ermined to net for the ic nation's prciperity, w.o: made and we bellow irti C..httulda County a Sections 63 to SO provide for the manner of collecting the tax, for penaltic=, stamping and the general (Infix: of the asst.-star and manufacturers of cigars must pay $5 for every thousand made, without regard to finality, and on all cigarettes, if they weigh less than three pounds to the thousand, t 2,50 : if over that weight, $5. The time in which the bill goes into effect is fixed by tz,, , tion—iml he it fartico. carocic,/, That all ow/I.:tons of this act which require the use of stamps shall take tficet, at the end of sixty days from the pat of this art provided that it . at -lac time prior to the expiration of the sail sixty day it shall be shown to the satisf tetion of the Secretary of the Treamry that a longer delay is De ets airy for the p , , atiou and due delivery of any such stamps, he shall he a uther liod to fix a day not later than the fast day of Septemb next for putting said pro visions relative to the use of either of such stamps into operation, and shall give public notice of the day so fixed and determined upon, which shall then be held and taken t=o be the time when that portion of this act which requires the use of stamps , shall have effect. tic wholo. rts.noictrol !e....: 0 .nte4 to votori a men truly r4ttre4tntol in ioit ti,t , win of votes rot , Int 11 in a nontina- M. E. inek- :oral 3tlehar+l trorkerg t 4, the In; ; ttprling to-tiny, pr;11,:ook Or JCIDT:'en Pi :Icy !.... , rl;:tm their ;th the 4, •:re of those foor. Doter (lade , G. IMUrphy. hone,t and faithful. t0ta.,,,1, 11,4 ottly in this Moo- having been one 1.111 48 during hi. r 11: . country's good, ir TWIT. of intelliaonoo ti is praised for hi-. )o , ition to ltopublioan , the ehoiee 61* tplinn a,'(,:: atlas a word of • enrrt, is known, t hen e• arm him. A , this District in I•:53. whi h he will ever he wishes of his con ch hi nomination at wnt!. lie was dole , ' l'enttni in mint:tined the interest h and her p,..tide until •in •*.ttt. after the sale Of these. Ilk public tert - im we will ;peak t . ttli. • Esq., (.Ur ca n~lNlatc nor i one or the very Ile h hi position by State upon the N. IL on. Georg Scott was and hi 4 faithful as given him sueee lagement of the same Szate and hi the eta- Ito still hoblA prom thr lUS patient Inca , rztUM awl competency most worthy officer. the nominee Mr Ns ‘lmittell to practice at in c, ; 1 ., at which time ith as one of the ors of the Coluothift, t i tin Nnetit, the then sr published in Blooms ; has continued as be lt and has gained the saint inn of nearly every y. Ilis practice at the ),rte,f Wet of bccotnim , In his office he will anti pealsr or law, Ili, influence will make at of all nlimater,„ as County .lutlitnr, ruler anti ItionAt Alp f economy, will t Ee at or our emu- t;U~lflifi ois 11,111 the orti , o tlivy yu.iv raw 1)100..11 The whole ticket will receive the support of the entire Democratic party, and, throligh e n their popularity and distillation. , we material aid in :•welling the Ara luntl 1 1 of Columbia. 111111•11=IIII1111111111111:1 The Tax UM The president bfu affixed his Higonture to the Inv bill, I lemlio:1 features may be brought within a Mid space. The first section taxes every proof gallon of cli tilled spiriti filly cents, to be paid be- Uwe removal from the distillery or ware house, which tax is a lien until paid upon the property and aparatuN. Sections 2,3, and I provide for methods of testing quality and taking measurements. Section ! provide.„ that distillers shall register with the USCSSON or the respective district,. within sixty days from the (hue the hill takes acct. section 6 provide. 4 for the manner of Wa king registry. Section 7 and 8 provide for the distiller's bond and securities. Section 2 to 12, inclusive, designate the plan of the distillery, and provide for sur veys and location of buildings. Section 13 imposes a tax of two dollars upon (very twenty bushels of grain convert e I into spirits. Sections 11, 55, inclusive, provide for the gcocral management of distilleries, the rel ative duties of assessors and distilleries, for check; against hand, for draw-baeks, meant of obtaining, purity, and affix penalties for ail violations of the Sections 56, 5:'3, ineltbire,regniate deposits in !sanded wnroloires. Section 50 imposeA a special tax of !,;i rt annaelly upon every 100 barrels of Spirits oromfacturel, and al, 4o providei for licowe 4 of $lOO for every i 525,000 worth sold, and PIO increase for every $l,OOO increa-o of Matauftetnr.o.s of &deice') pay Stlol, and additional for every .1.110 their bond i in e s-cc,,, ; ; of 5t5,101, Manufacturer.; of ci gar= pay 1:'10 whore their sales do not ex ceed 'F5,000 annually, and $2 additional for every- $l,OOO in excess of that amount. All snuff and chewinz tobacco 16 cents per pound. Section 62 provides for the packing of tobacco and snuff so as to facilitate the col leetion of the tax thereon. The cnactuwnt took elLtet innnAiately on tea-faifv• IM Tittle to Sirlhe. The Radicals are disorganiud and dis couraged. Their hest men, their leader , 4, in fact, such men :us Chase, Doolittle, Dixon, Cowan, Wvlloll, Ewing and twiny nth en.,, have repudiated them and joined hands v.itl; the Democracy. Thad, Stevens, toe, the "great (I.immoner," as they delight to c him, has denounced the "letter and plank of the Chicago platform, and declares in favor or the Democratic financial policy. Tllll3 divided and distracted, the Hadieal party will be easily beaten, if the Democrat.: make a determined, well-organ ized effort. Now is the time to strike. The man who will riot "strip to the buff " to win this battle, is either a coward, or has no fititli in his principles. The man who works for the party Now, is the man who will be hailed, in all the future, as a true and ti worthy patnciot. Strike, whilA we have the enemy at a disadvantage ! SOMETIIIMI NEW. —A firm or PhiKM phia builders are now tweeting a hotel at. Kane. near Erie, Pa„ in which thick, strong paper is used to limn the walls and ceilin in lieu of lath and plaster—the paper twine put upon a backing of common hemlock boarding. Another improvment is intro duced to supersede the common walls and ceilings, viz: Panels or wainscotting made of fibrous slabs or componition hoards, emu po-c.l of fibre mired with clay, cement, or plaster of Paris, or other similar substanee, and rosin, size, or other adhesive matter, the sheets being passed under hot calender rolls, whereby the materials are compressed together in a solid form, and the sheets are pressed to a hard, smooth, finished surfaec. The fibrous slabs are made to fit close to ;tot hcr, the whole being covered with orib. mental wall papers. The fibrous alai. , are about one-sixth of an inch in thittlinc.-. and the fibre used being cheap cane fibre, disin tAiatoil by the explosive fur .‘ of stuato. The new material is estimated to etn t not .1.).:e than $lO per ton. r C reportc IZatotall, :110 , ) t her la( nib cn, or the etthinot, who Pro h !Idol tot totpport Oen. Cratit, w:tl ti:oir pi , 1 0 ,:too . ', MAW Win I! :!oy L; i rt,t; aui 01 , • •ut.. , +h. 'AI • I, Democratic County Convention. Pursuant to e lf of the, Democratic tad 400 tt the OS - rney of ; County th ur now routibi ur 11411, at " I% oa 311 yof Au. 0 8 I, DC At the hour of one o'clock, P, at., the Convention was called loonier by the Chair• man of the Standing Committee, ,JoiN I/. Faun; who opened 114 u proesmaings with a pointed and well-timed speech. J. IL Jamison, of Maine, nominated Wm. %num, of Madison, for President of tho Contention °; which was seconded by Rea. ben Knittic, of Franklin, and carried. James S. MoNivich, of Cat.awissa, nomi• noted Noah Mouser, of Montour, and Con. rad Kreitmer, of Madison, as Secretaries, Carried. The list of Delegates was called over and the following gentlemen admitted to seats : Beaver—Charles Michael, Nathan Brett. bender, Benton—John C. Wenner, .lax. Conner, Blootn—john a Casey, C. B. Brockway, Bor. Borwiek—lludson Owen, Hiram Bower, Bor. Centralia—Thos. Geraghty, Martin G anginal, Briarereek—E. Trowbrilge, C. V. Steele, t'sttawissa —Jag. S. MeNineb, John Scott, Centre--H. A. Schweppenheiser, S. Bows er, ConyngLam—Thomas Brennan, Patrick Brennan, Fishingereek—John Wenner, J. C. Run. you, Franklin—Retthen Knittle, John Zigler, ; reenwoml —Adam Utt, .1. D. NV ikm, Hemlock—Wm. Girton, .1. Shoemaker, Jackstm—Jaeob Knouse, (the other seat contested.) Locust—John Hamer, IL Y. Hower, Maine—Wm. Mensinger, IL Jamison, Makli 4m--Win. Umber, C. Kreatner, Mt. Pleasant—D. R. Applemati, A. J. l‘iontour—Noah Mouser, P. S. KarllnCr, Mifflin—Lewis Eekrote, henry Iletier; ()rang. , - E. G. Ricketts J. B. Harman, Pine—Jos. Shoemaker, Wrn. Kushner, Roaringereek—Amzi Craig, D. llouck, Scott—James Lake, Jacob Terwilliger, Sugarloaf—Henry C. Bess, Cyrus larish. There appeared to be one contested seat front the township of ; for the Ills pond of which, dames S. McNinch o ffered the fiillowing preamble and resolution Tr4 , fe,ts, The rule, er , iverning the Colurn• bia Comity Democratic Conventions reytire all deleea!es try be aim's I by tt t, majority of ballots east C r suelt delogatei to entitle them to suits, th, iv;we, /41,,ir.-.1, That Jacob Knonse, a duly el wtert dole-ate front the township of Jack son, appolor colleague in the alcona , - of the other duly eleettql d e legate from that township, which right is Allitited by the Standing Balers of our Conventiow. After :.oute little debate, C. B. Brockway offered the following, as an, amendment, which was voted down: .R. , 0/r))/.. That the dvt , gata. , frut.lack son te•wn-hip he admitted, Om))) are on the credentials, signed by the Pre,:dent and Secretary. A vote was then taken on the original resolution, and resulted in its adoption : yeas twenty-eight and nays twenty : where upon Jacob Knomte came forward and named his colleague, William Young. who was added to the list of delegate, , , and ad mitted to a seat in the Cranventien in ti,- absence of Mr. Ede, the duly elected )12e gate with linou,e. The Convention beim! ready for 10 1 4. • . Conrad Krcanter ollim)) )1 the following rc-).. lution which was road and adopted : ie,oictd. That M. E. J.),( b.-41x. of Der wick, awl Ilion:tun ritt 11, of Madi,), :),) and are la rely appointed Congre,ional C.a)- forcet. to meet Andlar Coolbree, from other counties in the Ili-trict. at Danville, on the loth day of September next, for the pur pose of nominating a candidate for Member of Congress. Jame.: S. :lkleNinch offered the I'4h:wine r e s e lmiow4 which read, well tiweit ed, and adnptcd with am R, cote, 4, That in I I (imam Stxttotm and FRANK P. BUM our vanilidatc,4 for dent and Vice President, we rcemmize non of ability ; stateimen and patiitit.:, and we hereby declare that we will labor Ey their election with :lit ity and entVittle.-. firs , ./r , 41, That the Pe nwera cy (2,,t, um . 14 3 county heartily estilw,e and the Platform of Principle.: adiTted at th e New York Convention, and ef:i.ecially do we recommend 10 the tax paying eitizem of Cic lorntiM, the and fidh artichts of the emu to wit: E q uo t.ixatim) of evil,. , proi orty iveopliro4 its r , al ratuo. government bonds and other I,,thliv sth, "Oe currency fur en, gov,rnm,u, unit the people, the laborer and the other. hoidor, the pen.letter and the soldier, the pcmhicer and the bondholder." C. B. Brockway °Kona the follo king, res olution, in addition to the above, which were read and adopted with cheers : R..tch cit, That this I . nion has never been dissolved, that the Southern States have always been and are now integral parts of it. That they are now and have ever been since the surrender of their armies, entitled to repre , entat ion in Cons , ress and equal con. , tiottional rights with the other States; and that the nelien of the Mellen Congress has twin tle•tructive of all harmony and unity. and has prevented instead of Nvorod the restoration of the States to their civil an d o ineiitutional right, ./ZcsJied, That we have continued confi dence in the wisdom, integrity and ability of Charli , r , • rnited States Senator front Pentallvania, that we fully endorse his course and action in said Ofliet) ; and we hereby instruct our Senator and Lep re,,cntative in the lieltb latent :upport his re-election to the S. Frnate. After the reading and bAlire the adoption of the above resolution., Jam* S.Teti inch race and made a prat ilft/0 ' 4 /4,0 , 11 ; their adoption, and alluded to Mr, Brei haw in the highest and most tle,erving terms. His tomarks tee re entirely proper, and etahmitetieally Cumad K reamer ofh Tot a to-,IR t ion aim Cent Mary ttt our State Senator, fan. ro. Jacusit:st, mil to lion. TtlomAa Of A l, FAN r, our lute Member, whieit tuna fhhlo red resolutions of similar import, offered by C. B. liroAwnY. They road as rollew,i, and were adopted That the course of lion. Gee. It. dookson, State Sallow-, with the approbation of his constitui Ws ;II 0 44)- V. Slll.l shay renew to him their 4-,lin ionce in hi. 4 vi Malice and integrity. • 4,1, 11..1( vrn tenet." 6 , Tho... Cl t ira li t, cur late itl‘ - mbor. the of our hi it rerard:4 an t eiealialeo, and share with him tit • 1 . •n eat' tie : --- -- , - ..._.----- retiooting " . '°' ._ upolhinigf and his Dia- Wetly Softies S. MeNina) thArtmented to the Convention a resolution UM raOWN RCSaVed, That the %Hewing named gentle men be appoload the Densocratie.Standing Committo qol' Vol mbia County for the en suing year : CU' 4 G. Barkley l Bloom, A Chairman e...rn Xi-earner, Madison ; Rohr Mellißry, Benton; Andrew I). Seely. I lerwlek ; - Hiram j.. BOA* Franklin ; John H. lletler, Mifflin ; Charles (4, Mur phy, Conyngleun ; Benj. F. Tarr, Beaver. C. B. Brockway moved to amend the above resolution by etriking out all after Rio word year, and insert the tbllowing: John A. Funafon, Bloom, Chairman : Wm. J. Allen, Madison ; aWilliam Lemon, Briarereek ; Albert Hunter, Pine ; Hudson Owen, Berwick; John D. Houck l Roaring. creek ; Daniel Lermilmn, Centralia, A vote being taken on the resolution as amended, or rather on the respective chair num named in each resolution, and the, offi cers being unable to decide, Mr. MeNineh withdrew his resolution a n d moved the unan imous adoption of the Conimitteo as offered by Mr. Brockway, which was agreed to : niter which Mr. McNinelt moved to add the names of Charles G. Murphy, of Conyng hem ; Benj. F. %err, of Beaver ; which was unanimonhly agreed to. J. It. Jatnilon moved the Convention now proceed to the nomination or n candidate for AsKtuhly. .Tamem S. Ale Nitwit nominated Geroge Senn, or Catawi4.l. Elijah G. Itiekettl nominated Hiram R. Kline, of Ora n e, On minion the nominalior e 4 doted, :Ind a ballot wa; then taken with the re sult Senn.,—Bretibender. Michael, T. Bren nan, P. Brennan. S. flower, Sehweppen ,i‘leNineh. Scott, Knittle, Young, Kn0n.,..0, Shoemaker, !Lerner, Hower, Kreamer, Barber, Mouser, P. S. KarAtter, Applentn, Ikeler, Jos. Shoemaker, Kasbne, Jamison, Mewinger, Craig, Houek, Latish, 114.....4.-3.). KtaNy.—Brockway, Ca , ey, Owen. Bow , cr, Steele, Trowbridl:o, ,1 no. C. Wenner, Conner, e!eraghty ' Gar Then, John Wen ner. Runyan, l'tt,Vti; on. tiek rote, ilotler, Itiekett.4, Barman, Lake, Terwilliger. -20. lleorge Soral, of Cal was then de elarol duly nominated, amid. 4 great ap plause. On motion, the nomination was made unanimon , :. J. B. Jamh , on Awed the appointing Hepresentat ive C , mkreos, which was adapted unanimously : ecd, That Peter Waverer, of Bloom, and Chubs.; C. Murphy., of Centralia. he and arc hereby' apprinted tritresentatiro Conferees to meet similar Contimes from Montour County, at Ilioonviburg, con Wial nesday, the l'Ait day of ‘ I N#;Z"', to 11011111011. , a enliMafet for with instruction:4 to use all fair and honorable means to secure the nomination of I inn. kgrgo. Scott, the choke of wit: County. After Oct nothination of Mr. Set - err and the adoption of the above rv , elutton, Col. Kt rtyv hi the Convention and proposed duce cheers for the nominee, which were given nit ft a will. O n i n .-,tion, the Convention ed to the nomination of County Comnaktioner. C. It. ibuckwity noinimitt , l Montotir. I:..Tatai-on i•bon ~r Th. I: .otiliati.,;; , . •.11 , - 1 .1 t ;:t • !..".. , •a. P'4llttA I'.l -- I :rAtl,[7aV , Owt , n. Bir.rcr, .4;...•1-. 'l' VVf Penner. 3nlin Wenner, Bun ran, ni t Wi!#on. 1-Arotr, lictler, :trouser, Ricketts, Harman, 304. maker, KaAner, Craig, Houck, Lake, Ter rentr—Breaben,ler, llichael, Bren nan. T. Wenn:tn. Bow , r, bok r. : 2 cott. ZirAor. •,• Stith , nalst , r, Nqinve,Vonnc. Ber n-r. li.t.atner. Cartier : .Ipplenkan, lko:or„ "rietNiner, (;. Quiek, of 2lont4mr, was there upon declared duly nominated. On motion of Conrad Kreamer, the nom ination was made unanimous. The nomination of a vanilla:tie for Di-trio', Attorney hexing next in order, James S. Me- Nineh nominated fLader, of mom, C. Stevie nominated M. M. Traugh, of Briarere-k. .T out.: Lake nominated O. C. Kaliler, or The maniteltion , : ele 1. A tl..m taken with the me-nit : kit:LER—T. Brennan, P. Brennen, Me. Ninth, Scott Knittle. r. oitton, .1e- Shoemaker, 1 Ournr KRIM' P, lie: nor. flow er, Kreamer, Mawr. Appleman, Ikeler, l‘lonser, Kushner, Jami- , m, Memsinger, Kashner, Latish, II OS,S. —23. ‘rint—ltroekway, (32, , y, Owen. Bow er. Steele, Trowbridge, J. (. %Veinier. Con ner, Ilre:lberter t Miehael,t era b ty, thing nn, John NVetmer, Runian, t*lt,, Valens. Harman, Jess. Shoemaker, Craig , I awk, .21. Kant. M S. Bniver, Svhvalipolwker, Erkrote, Hetltr, I.ake.—;l. There hPirig no nomination a c..!..0l bal lot was order..ll, when itlr. L,ko withdrew the name of O. C. Kalik.r. Thu vote is as follows : IKRl.F.ft—tiredbender, 71.ieliael, T. Bren nan. p. Brennan, Sehweepenlmiser, 8. Bow er, Mel.ilitieb, Scott, !insult', Zi.4lPr. Slmenntker, lout , Know", Bernor: [lower, lirentner, Barber, Appleton!), Ike. leP,Mmtser, KRESIIIIOr. Jamison. Monsitmer, ohtietuaker, KaAmer, Lake, Latish, s.-29. TrtAu,sit--11n,ekwar, Caqey, Owen, Bow• cr.Bt vele, Trowl,ridge, 3, C. IVenner, Con. „ nee, I tertien,y, „, IL ,Willi mew, ilnii)nn. lilt Wilson Eekrote , Itctkr, Ricketts, Harman, Craig, Houck, Terwilli ger.-21. The Suretstrit.. , agroeing in their tally, E. H. tninottnett,i n tlt rimy nomi nated mntlitintt; for Pi.nrict Attorney. This notninetion we 3 also make u nae i. mow. Adam Litt nomittatol batte A. Dewitt, of Greenwoo,t, for County Surveyor. There being no opposition, the nomination tram made by aeohunnation. A. J • Alberbym, of ( 'oroonvool, was !MM. mated tur County Auditor icy noelamution. The 1: ! .4.:,.;erenrb .ed, :%leSineti otbuol the t'wHowim.! lowitition which ~ co : Thtt trt rivommeild Lo be Pen: , (' dutttl7iu (Anuny ibc tivb, t, t I.; Ow,7,ttt ifl lloitwirmttioti, Its~ COM ', • • -I • . t , irw,-11‘ , ffiet gepery. bug , and pledge ourzelves to its carnet and zealous support. C. 13, I3roukway moved that the Conven tion tb adjourn with three else icy tbr the Providential gooodilates down. ;,,. ho deers woilkheartily iwen, making . . ]bail tromblo'll'ont wore to apex, after * ieh the Peleftates disp e rsed. WILLIAM 13A118E11., Pre,:t. ' Comm v Tint :AMER, 1 5.,, Noatt Morgan, 5 AAA. Ilryositing ;•eiktilisary. ANNUAL REPORT OF 1 U CX tN All I'l'l . By appointment it beeline our duty and privilege to attend the final examination and the twenty-fifth Anniversary of IVp wiling Seminary, occurring on the 22d, 28i1 and 24th of June, Istis. The students, throughout n most rigid exnminaton, evinced a readiness to answer, and familiarity with the studies in which their proficiency was tested, highly com mendatory of application and ability, as welll to the thoroughness and and skill of their teachers. Entire freedom from that austerity which tends to embarrass, and a kindly, coneilfa ting manner and address characterised the Professors in their intercourse with their classes, which was truly admirable, Throughout the entire Examinations, and Anniversary exercises, nothing seemed to be done merely pm forma—no salutatory-- no valedictory--no hackneyed Latin senten ces in can ferrirer degrees—no Latin oration —nothing comic among the nineteen essays end speeches which delighted the audience. Throughout there Wii,4 a striking correspon dence between the highly suggestive themes and the well wrought essays and orations, every one keeping to the text, and evincing decided talent. There was not a single Nl two. The gentlemen spoke remarkably well, had no prompter, end exhibited no hesitancy, embarrassment nor haste. The holies mil with enunciation clear and dis tinet, without apparent trepidation, self posaseseed awl dignified. The style end thronehow, would have done credit to an y of our The interest wels etti it in the beginning was billy ',wit:limit to the cheese. The ti•isay, and orations we re all original. end 44 stall uniform excellence that iliserimilett ion is not de , ttoil rtdri able. notAe, violther vocal ur in,4 ument al, Ira.; of hi,giz grads., NO the thrilling effect of it.,l harmony and St!ieriet upon the appre eiative multitude was antrered l=y rrwment, emphatic .applatve—of which it Iraq the mere deserving, king wholly from the re sour. We enjoy the ens is or a hand, h e t we loot. upon this: arram;ement a,4 in excellent taste, and worthy of unqualified efuntnendation Vt*e cannot in too high prai , e, the departuolit of numie in th in-titut The dream and painting -2, the: handi ,, rrrk of the 1,06, :itowed a high order of tallent and mperior instrnetion. The :oust adntinNe order funded the stole I. 4 .unittavy exer,ivo. Every •••tuklent reap ready nod in ;,tare at the proper time, and 0. , Ontrall'ent movonPist ntiV:11)001 without friction e', , Xll,ion, like Leantirel. perr,•et tliaolib...ry. Th. Ihrea hone , oeett pi *ei then. rain p.t• -ed without or riti dprotrently to the an a, t o It', tie y • lou of T.,. able An A 11,. •by 11,2 v, f 1),, in the ,rt, w.f.. li4tent , l to with protiond attention. Ws thledly American, well coneei.vra, w e lt ar ran,4ll and fitreild, , , and uttered in hi:, own elwittent intiwes,ive style, it wa fropunitly interrupted by applatve. Then followed the very appropriate. ex -I.' rt'at 31• 4 1 tunchitti; allre*, of the talented hitt-it•ol, De. Nekon. to the graduating t.las or tee front a noble heart, nal many tear c‘ineed the lodtpuftt it had made in other heart:. In contemplating the gradurting class and others identified with the exercises of the occasion, the thought occurred, that if the worthy chief and his learned assistants had made their own selection from the thousands they could not have succeded better in commending their own taste and skill, or in contributing mere to the interest of the Anniversary. Christian education is unquestionably vital to the permanency and continued pro gress of our dot institutions. It is, indeed, a trite aphorism, that they depend for their permanency upon "the virtue and intelli gence of the people." Every patriot, there 14e, mutt be a friend of Christian educa tion, and Wyoming Seminary, in this con nection, is a blessing to our country, a splendid monument to the wisdom, per servanee and lilierality of Wyoming Confer ence, and an honor to the church in general. The very extimsive,beautiful and commo dious buildings; the erowdoll balk; the glorious results—moral, religious and literary —developed in the history of the Institu tion, and the inspiring prospect of enlarged usefulness afford conelmive proof of the ability, efficiency and fidelity of the patrons awl managers of the Institution, and great cause for gratitude. Tito Commercial College, connected with the Seminary, and under the superintend ence of Prof. L. L. Sprague, with its tele graphs, bank and various offices, and com plete appointments throughout,. furnish superior advantage:4 toall wishing to acquire a thorough business education. N. B. The Fall Term of the Seminary and Commercial College will commence August 12, 186:!t. JOHN A. (I ERE. D. C. OLMSTEAD, F. L. HILLER. ASA IlItot)Ks, C. L. meg W. F. DKNINTs, T. H. H. LEWIS, IL IL PAINE. THEIIIE is quit° it lively titno going on in Luterne county for the Democratic nomina tions. Thu names of Samuel Van Loon, Daniel F. Seybort, cx•ShoriU Puterbrielt, Nathan Weak'', and Col. Rhoades, aro among tho 111036 prominent for tho Wilco of Shelia: There are row three or Poor per *no named kw State lienator. Samuel ._ ..._ . _ ! 'nit Nt:w Post' Ovrtet: Is tw. —The p os t o nio n , law jest pa .se,l by Congress eons taina somo important etymon; in the mode cif nominating the Itusinov a the departs meet,ll and as H._ Our readers are more or lees interested in senditce and reeeiritfo, letter* - and newspapers, we publish retniS of the I pr o v is ion s of the new kw tot their t an g . I motion. The law provides that all letters 1 on width the name of the sender is otolorsol Ishall be ret orond to him it not called lim within thirty days; it floubles Cho ewe poi. maim+ Or postmaster+ Mr the payment of imoney orders, but reduces the fees on the same, It permits weekly newspapers sent to regular subserils , r; in the county whore published to be flavored free of lostlotf' from the post office nearest the place of „ it , .. . .. publication ; also authorizes the issue a duplicate moony osl o rs. Tbb 4 l aw a l so , makes it II felony of high character to IMO 1 postage st a mp s a second time knowingly, lanti authorizes the Postmaster 4 ieneral to i prescribe a unifortn fir letter carriers, and 1 makes it A tnikslemeanor for any ono else to wear the sumo, Ttm army worms have LA this reihnef. how do you like that, soldier-eitizons, you who fought unfit r Illair, Hancock. Pranklin, Ewing, Slocum, Averill, Daffy Smith, Knipe, Ent, and other?, who attend ed the New York Soldiers' Convention ? brace Greeley, the bail of JOY. Davis, the negotiator fir a "dishonorable peace" with rebel commissioners in Glititibi t cast this cowardly slur upon the bravest and best of ficers of the army, and in the same breath asks you to vote for his automaton, t/rant ' What do you say "army worms ?"—.The. riabnew 11,friut, FA, ' or Am—On Toes Jay of last week the Israelites throughout the world v e l e . 'mated the annual fait rounded on the burn ing. of the first and second temples and the other misfortunes which overtook the Jew. islt race. The day is spent in reatlit. , the aeemmts of the troubles that assailed their people in days of yore, in abstaining from food and drink, awl in supplicating the 811- preme Mier to re.estahlish Israel once more in their own latch, so that they may serve Kim as in days of old, in accordance aith the predictions of the prophets. CoN , lnEso. has adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman of the :Republican Campahrn 'ototnittee. What a spectacle ! The National kciltturc adjourn to meet at the call of a partisan fur mac partisan purptyie,:. Is there any lower : depth or thg rellation beneath us? ren and St i.0.10r.4. returned Californian hum.' the t,y he had left at home a 1111,“ or five :•trt. Dior:. (inc day ho offended her and :die irefully eielaimed, wiAt you had never married into the Iluni The total area of Philadelphia i 'quart! miles. !hatter there if :ening at 90,./ nighty cents per pound, and 131:telilwrries at thrty-five vent, I;er quart. Three-fourths of the ilermans will vote flit eeymour and mini,tter boa , ,tol of preaching notcs don't to he tutdcrstood .1/ n1%11 4 ,112. to , :rectlbovk4. The t,, t cf loyalty--Lov‘ , r‘t . the nc ro, owl nitniration of carpetlAttgery. .Na`4 , 1..111 p i i ovor 1,40,050.qu0 ire vuitt t , kilk+lorr awl Char bat't --nt to a mad bow o. \Vim ,livetlilarri-JoAr e : c.:(3111 tion ;:nil lluv. Curtin from e3pturc by thc rebel. , in 1 , 63? ilorntio 10,4 tho Natio of Belmont by ,irtmkenness, ate) WI 4 saved nt Pitt,bar g lemtling only by the timely arrival, of find. It was hoped rant N. Loon would rethrin, but he is seen growing tighter and tighter on the streets daily. Tonne ss: cc has produced a lively four• legged girl. Orville Grant, a brother of the Gen eral. lives in Chicago, and has just given $lOO to a Seymour and Blair Club. The accession of the Republicans to power brought on war. Their aim on retir ing front power is to bring on more war. The Ramis harp on Grant. They don't allude much to that Jew's harp ho played in Tennessee. One of cur CXCilftil,qCS advises Forney to change his mune. Isn't it enough fur kiln to disgrace one? The five spans of the Pennsylvania railroad kidge over the Susquehanna. new Harrisburg, which were destroyed by fire on the morning of the 17111 ult., have twee re built, and trains are now running over it. Whisky, pistols and Browniaw arc depopulating Tunneitsee• If a man fails to the amount of million, it is all riAlt ; but let hint fail to the atnonnt of hts board bill, and he is a scoundrel. The telegraph brings tts the glad tidings that the rebel Joe Brown, and hi• earpet-bag ally, the notorious 11indget, hare been beaten in the Georgia Legislature, and Joshua Gill and 11. V. Dialer, Denwerats, elected to the U. S. Senate. The Bureau niggers in the South draw their rations regularly and feed them to their hogs. Keep 'er up, um-payer & They have a new drink down east that they call the "Butler Cocktail." Yon stir it up with a spoon, squint one eye, think the liquid down, and put the spoon in your pocket. What Gov. Wise said was, "Seem shin is not yet dead. The people are going to secede from ltadiealism." Yet the Rad icals (including the Columbia County R n) leave off the last sentence and make the first a test. Such is Radical hon esty! One Eaton, from Salem, Ohio. got himself elected to Congress from North Carolina, through the fiery ordeal of sleep ing with the niggers of his district for six weeks. His example is cited for the encour agement of other loyal carpet-baggers, and to show what endurance can accomplish. Greeley says that in order to elect Omit they must get out every voter. Yes, but there's the rub. litany of the voters have not yet been pardoned out of the State prisons by the Radical governors. The mat ter should be attended to at once. ~,,The radicals intend to emigrate to Africa after their defeat in November. A party has been sent out to select a location for the colony. Negroes arc to rule over them. They mean to giro that thing a full test before abandoning it entirely. There is a rumor that Sumner intends to paint him self black, so as to render him eligible to the Presidency of the now kingdom. Char ley thinks he would then be all right, pro vided he can prevail upon Thad. Stevens to transfer to him his acgro hterickeeeer, so as to supply him with the pri,pt,r cloction in Kentucky came off on Mouthy last s and rosulteil 41400110 w D em . f‘Vrltie f rimnrb. Tht majority for sturr..n. ion fur (Liven!, (...tinsat , ..l ut ?,",,trot. nrCICWALTE3, 3 retrie s MOH oet and %terling Nummt Philiviclphia, the :N inst. death el‘t itoito 3 gloom over the entire city. LAssil viru,— A fulling of las:riturle it gen erally experieneeil throughout the the sift mer r.rlstree. Weakly constituted, persons or thme or t.edditary habits invariably imn plain of this annoyance, The scoreline heart of mid-suumer relaxes the system and mauves the vital energies. If the pa tient i s of a nervous temperament this de- Wiry unfits him for even the ordinary rou tine el every-day life. When this state of trxhallAke comes on 110STE'llkilt'S STtIIIAGII BITTERS will prove a sato and never failing means of strengthening and restoring the physical organization.— This health-giving tome purifies and infuses renewed vitality into the blood, tones the tomach and digestive organs, and acts like a charm en the nervous system. It effect ually removes all tendency to languor or de iire,:sion of spirits. 'To the weaker sex it it invaluable, as it Fnot Ite3 and braces up, while its poweiful effects are of the mart beneficial character. The infirmities of nec are alleviated by its use. 1t revives the strength, increases the appetite and gives vigor and drytieity to the constitution. When mothers are herring 110STET TEIt'S ST( IMM iityrr EltB should es pecially be taken in regular doses, as in this country, most always. the nourishment is heolerniato to the wants of the child. In suoh VI/SeS this inestimable tonic Is wonder fully efficacious. Its strengthening virtues arc at once apparent. It is free Mutt all properties valeulated to impair the system, and its operations are at once mild and soothing. “t 4 ittino it twtly, Wolter I.draae y, f; rrra Scare t:141/. bill. O, hrowo now ft,. When to , in Of:Own, 'Awe and rort,town. Whnt taut tot aid man do hilt the I Why, take Plantation ititter:.. to Li me, tall with them a new lea at of lire. The old are made young again, the middle-ay d joig«-,and the young become doubly brilliant by wing thict splendid Tonic. Ity,p ; Waltham, Liver Complaint, Headache. Pain.; in the side, "Crick in the Back,” and all symptoms or Stomachic Pzaingeinent, yieht oleo to the health-giiing ittlinewe of Plantation Bitters. They add strength to the sygeta and buoyancy to the mind. WATEIL-A ficlittlitrul toilet ttrtiele—mtperior to Cologne awl at half the F= rice. No. MARKET REPORT. Wla at per bushel, $2 lt nye. Corn, nuckwlicat " Viax,4 api Hour per barrel- Butter, perlloZetl... IttliWir per pound )gird llumz, Illy liar ton II 4111111 ED. ot, rho lA% 3, I;v4 Mr. Wilfpio 11“tx1., of Iswtwt. to 1 1. 4 1 i :, Mary E. K utd.44, or I{aquint:o4 NEW 4101118TINEMEVI'S. To TEACHER.% W OP p rP ,, f , ifi'.2 ll 4,1 1'4 , ,,14,15.4. 'rem, 412141. 1 , 1 , 441444 - 44 , 4 1 41 , raj, Et , e/Welli , t4 ie be 130.17 T Ow , gel Orb. , I,ox.r4rt r 1,14, ity "r 1-.14A tti, Vioß ;;.cy t W 4014,1114, TAKE NOTICE The totilerclyned, ininnfartarera of Walt I.hpeor in the Town4ton of Wilke. Harr% l.tre-rn.,; . ntinty. P.I. h..r..bV 111Vr moire flint• in ne.111,44111,: will, an Art of v. approved the fourth day of April A. It. PIZ,. entitled •' An Art in relation t tha elle, iito and .:1,1...a..01 of Lau-.,101.411,a5. warm. cruk* 0. 11..1: 4 • nerd by 16 , . ittallkitAt tiller. of 16141% rh,. y n nvr in in, office of the Proil Mary of the runny af,reanol, seri:Mon of their private mark. bridled upon the external of Wel hands or earl' tnl4 huadtenJ, hem, ea..% or heir, lig whah they ofpr their Malt raptor hit axle • that veer mnra enn,14,0 or the ((Miming lottore, VIA; & tat." ; and that any pertlllBll alto Mall q i iptopf int. , to their own nee or refoon to deli r.:r to the tool riot:ilea or In any way Inutdole. the brand noon iiny antis Mitt. hoe.lienil, barrel. raalt m k-g. ww ul be dealt Willi err:pt:mg, RAI:a tr. P rrCMAYCn N. FI. fly tiro art of Assembly nbovr erred, it is deelnr••d to he lIIIIaa NI for any person other than the lowing owner to use. NMI, 'timeline or destroy. or refine nr neglect to return any barrel. rase, kos, tr.. dirty hfillitleti ur elailipeti by Me owner, and any inn to offending is ands punishable by a hoe, of WO for enrh barrel. te. on tltr first offence. and by a fine nt 'Zoned imprisonment from one to three monies for t eery suesepisnt offence. A Aurora 5, irnb4-bt E Iti MOUE 1.7011,1,+s Mt Comm*, by ber nest 1 In ihn r mitt no i Wend Jaino• McCurunc. CAW Moll 19..1111 ul 1:11114.111bial CO3 ht) . NO. ;S. 10 iti 61 y J Taus. 1110. AEI iS Stsrotv a or znyunce. Tao: .$ YFVo mit: Anion; the Record* of the COsit. of Cognition rlitv• 01 lOW coimly Olvli At O. It if thllo CIllit:111112.1 N. V I. 101? , . 1.11 inetien et it t'„ Klall•r. Esq.. and duo prow', tb. Court order that the eit, 'II' give noliCe to defendant by publinitittil fur tour week*. of above procuiiiiinge in, the eloetnoburg 11,40 bet. and bldo appointed Robert d. linuell,£u' l;umrot•riuner 10 tube trail ~,,, ny, &c. Certified from the retold Au go.t Irt. Nue. Jean 1:01.EA1A1V, Yrottionotary. To Thomas Mrformie. respondent above named, take notice. In porstianre n( the above. order of court volt are hereby notified to appear et the am Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, to he held at the Court House in Bloomsburg, on Monday. the seventh day of September nest, to show cantor. of any you have. why the said Catharine your Wire, 'horrid nut be dlv.irred (rnot the hoods r f matrimony, agreeable to the act of the. Ueneral As mnsibly in b oth mole made and provided. MORDECAI bIILLARD. Sheriff AtltU.€ Ist. PM. hiceormie, the above named reepond• env 'Enke notice thtt the linderalgued, appointed rinninie.iinner by the Court of Centinen I of Columbia (ento, to take testimony in the above etat , d eitee, will attend fur the parinwe of buy ap• pointment on the attire of V. t'. Kehler. Err., on Illeiint,letrit, cut daluiday. the taw day of Aughst A. U. !elm betwero the hoer' of Imo and rive o'Llork p. M. of pent In), isllelt and vel ere you may attend of you think proper. AUBERT Il 110WELI., Aug. a, IdOd. Commitutoour. 'IEACIIEI{S 11'ANTER VI VF MAIS. AND TWO FT.MAT.F. TE.M . H ER!: For Mt , public school , . of CitilmOmni u.vmsiti 1:x -401mi/011 111 he held ut Centritipa. u• giht 13t1s, Irtih, comonotr mg at RI o'i h,tlt. Ily erdta of the doJed• C. G. mt:10411', Acting ScettlarY• .I,lly NOTICE TO 'rEicituts. The fitioritntendrnt of Common School, of Cm. sionhisi Comity, will colonists& persons who &ow In hn rinpinyed no 'l . .nelsecs in the School Dlotilct of Bloom. at the ACIII/1) My. an 11.1100MON11/, on etAl MR• AY. A t!ltt'S Ilstit. Voila, of nine o'clo‘k At the stew time the Directors of *aid District will NI otcpatiol to employ Teach , ro for the coning; tam or Nonlh*, common , log un lho firkt Monday. bring th. 7th nay of tiepicnitict nett. l'oroono &oft inn *0 Work in Moo Distract must littc n Ihu elation allow I%*. wirr. 'Woolens ilosid or Nrhool Director/. C. la, floantos, Supt. moo, $(. 1 10 , *lo Columbia Co, Itionnoomsir, July 'l,l, led -fit. (OL'r SALti. A NI illrtelihnwk "Mime dTAl.golt,twn your old In*l April, IA olitted rot vole. Ho Ir te• paled to be the luierbromevt colt in the toitely, and ivii I woke a very Valuable Mime. Apply le OM &remora. at bio farm Iwo Milt* below Marmite. l'olonibio comity, EI.P.AZCP twliwiatcsitEtock. Jo% TM I t, I u .