=2 AGRICULTURAL ron for Fruit Trecti. ire ha. 4 been much difference of opin e!' in respect to the value of iron as a ma nure fm. fruit tree, some asserting that it is very knelivial when properly tipplied, others that it is perfectly useless, A cm, respondent of the 7►lassachusetts /lett/A mon, wtiting from East Woodstock, Con maaient, says that in the year 1819, he plantod ran eatl:,. Madeline pear tree• It 'IVW find: anal commenced blossoming when two years old, but did not yield a bushel of fruit in five years. The fruit would set well and then fall off. He tried various experiments, such as tying down the branches to the ground to cheek the flow of sap, but all without (greet, and as be ha I about one hundred and fifty trees, he - al:eb a wry peer invest this_ not , wore ri .1 fin 4 p ,, iint'll, , of pears, and t that the tr.,. -;00,1 where titr opin?-, of the, I,l:l , l4nith v,),:, 1.1 to the (-nicht, ion that iron L , l ti Aotin:: on this ho un 11 a ytantity of honing, and iron; a laa , and a; he ' ' t i n' =MN i er.rp.! One year 4t - worth or pears. He •.:, !Le i:on on several other trees with q . •:vt • A corre4pondent a the I' m r 6011: - taro I ' ollol6lla :I • pr:Nt, .., _ ,~; Cd" , •l. IN 11.004Eg, —Give LAW illn, l, ,er .; rit of calliphor 111 11. pint of v•ario witor will do); if not rcliev cd in lift, en toilette • repeat the (lose, give notliiin.• el—. I have never known it to fail in 3 prs:licc or twenty years. No after had offtit t NATLR tv 11.11'. FOOL—To relieve from the terrible effects of running a nail in the foot of a man or leo 3e, take peach leaves, bruise them, apply to the wound, confine with bandage, and the cure is as if by magic. Renew the application twice a day, if fit waseary : but one :application usually d oe , the work. I have cured both man and horse in a few hours, when they were appa reutly on the point of having the lockjaw. These receipts remembered and practiced, will save many valuable lives. fig Buou. A Powi..—Split the cowl down the back, seztson it very well with pepper, and put it on the gridiron with the inner part next to the fire, which must he very char. Hold the gridiron at a considerable tli , taneo franc the fire, and allow the fowl t o r, main until it i , nearly halt' don,., t h e n tarn it, taking great care that it does not hum. Broil it of a fine brown s and serve it up with stewed mm , hreons or a sauce with p'.kh: , l lan-brooms. A duck may be broiled the mile '4l ay. If the fowl is very large, half r.. 1 ,! it, then out into tour quarters and h on the el idiron. .=„ugh C`~r Uil!lil:' • . • ' ' •; ta;.. ! , r. • avil cat Aart th:tal : aft r takes LL u, nut r.:urtL, ar a tolitil, of =t er::p vain Attatitr! , l . \I 16. tr tu.o -tic,. • fully ninl r, t.il 1.• (lot Na.o• I %CUI Iralcr, Th , in inz..toa I rd'v,,f.. tf . , ,, r Ilt ti t t , t i , I I V.' • 1:;11." rq,idly that the taste 1101,i t to the chickens. Give aim o the mixture as they can eat. The o Met uosi this in a number of cases. s ith ^ • It M...N I 111:NS. Afflet • -..r4 • — The Let tl..Ad for young obi lei awl turkey poults, is sour milk curd. Libber, boika until tolerably bard, till On uliey ieporate., entirely. Mix with eorN or little boteinY.— DRY JIAX I It% Cttv.' IN St MMER•—Cows t 'CLit Pt: 64 EY ELI w. athi•r, !:- 1 the grase, • , ,e •• sil,:nt• atel r•.. , 1 di Mteads the 'kr.% I . ;mufti' of thy it ,y osis., a slay %PIS ;•ell , . 1 4. •sornc tl t ! eh , fit the cow in many nh. riot: mailuv.( r I . rail to be tht: 1.1 i,itte,%ll G,r i.h totteuF('uutt +lcr in 1t0t, , , totit,flinttl:: on dill wring that U 1.1.41. al.adt a r pia: .1 11414, t. Bloomsburg Literary Institute. BOARD OP INSTRUCTION. ENR I . CAM' A, M., Principal awl Proprietor, Protester of Philosophy, &c. Miss Sarah A. Carver, Preeeptress, Teacher of French, Botany and Ornamental Brancliev. Isaac O. Best, A. 8., p ru f t ,„„„ r of Anvictit Languages. Charles E. Rive, A. 8., Prolcosor muthvuaks, F. M. Bates, 'readier or Book-keeping and English Brandies. Miss Alice M. Carver. l'caelter of Instrumental Musk, Teacher Voeal Music, Miss Julia Cruest, Teacher in Primary Department. Spring term commences April 13th, 1868. Bloonkitug, March IS, 1808. 011Fit'EOS Or 11'4)111.1.1111.14 CO. President Judge—llon, A e illi un Elwell. As"`iatt' Judges- II PPerr eter K. Peer, Proth'y and CU k of C'aurts---,le—e Coleman. Register and Recorder- -John li. Freeze. I John F. Fowler, Counnisbiote I— -I Montgomery Cole. David Yeag,er. herit,---Mor,ketti l'reasurer—Jraveli ( L. B Rupert, Auditors— -; John P. H a nnon, Jacob Mork Commissioner's Clerk-IVm. liriekbaum. .Attorney -K. 11. I,ittle, -rieteautile Apprais.-r—IV. 11. Jacoby. County Sin vev or Isa A. Dewitt. Iti•triet Attroney—Milttm M. Traugh. Coroner -NVilliam d. Ikeler. r.ototy Superintendent--Chun. 11. ll:tales. A -01- Itttprual Reventte—R. F. Chill. s'• SClfig COW. I. V I.! CH S. D. Diviner, I Daniel :ktellerity. l'olleetor—Benjamin liactiaan. SKOP. I .1 it 'lll :•.t ~ .•:1 .1 'II I i tic , tlldeniiVied roopottfalty Room/toms that he A w I ti aI AN), 0111, 41001 . WOW MOYeeo Mint, th , fxr haupn Most, whore he 10 pruparcd . toe to, tot/lwing Gusto( is in sit its brooches. Tbo art of coloring whiskers and IllittloitachPtl ii ptliCtiled by him ilinfq ikilt idly. He also stenos ranking then, look nearly as new. ;woo the ra s a ronoorishle Wring. 'Having proruPot tho ....two,. of a rkahlonatito hair dreg/40f he is pre pared to visit rfamilleo ill raises where it is desirable to pa , np or rut hair upon ron4otintoo tests Haw 'Conk a thr very toot quality. used for erkounii hair, kept cotist , iitly en hand. ittolfor -ore. 14. C. COLLINtr. Bloomsburg, April L P. =II OMNIBUS LINE. tinder.itimml would respectfully announce 4,, the citizen.* of fithoimiturg, and the nnblo coo, rail! ,that ire ix running Wit.. , 11 • and the ail' s• - • ri iload at y 5 , 41« 4) • •.w. connect with ihr o,v , ral Train* VI 02 flout b 4 'AL nn Itie rumwt**o mot Wtlliatnal«net Roil Road. and nom in... pith* %oath and Koala on the lack. & iiim*buig frond, rUs iJMNllirSiithi are in rood condition, rominn• 110114 and comfortable, and rbarf.cii reasonable. PCISOII4 Vii*hisK 10 meet or .PC it"if friend. &Tart, erto be neromouutilt, , d, cbargec by leaving timely notice at any of the Ho , tens, lik , om‘blrg, Apt II 1-44 Wade! phia Erie Rail Road, si 31111 ER TIME Tutu:. THIOCI:11 ANII filßf:cr Rourn RETWEEN PIIILAIif;I.PIIIA, ItALTIMtoRC. Hilt ANTI MEC; SLEEPING CARS On and after MONDAY, MAY tith. Mita, the en the l'lniatieiphia Ar. Grin Kati Rana moil Nona tatiena: tVIISTW ARO. MAIL 'ERA t 1 I , lv os Phitadatphia. II t 5 p. m Nmilmiaboland G 15 a, m " arrive At Ette , ".. Mt ii, ni Ottri EXPltilrirt issues Philadelphia 12 On noon t , tt Northumberland ti SO p. in. 0 ' Ulll'4 at Erie 111 ha , a, tn. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8 Ou a in 0 . o Northumberland 4 21 p. m .0 ittflit , , fit Lock Haven 1459, ro EASTW AND, MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie Uti a in Nutt hiimberlatid II 50 a, m arrive at Philadelphia 710 a. ERIC EXPdEtiel leaves Erie 7 40 p. Niatiumtheriand 0 a. zin;ve p. ai Atuil t wit txpre.# connect null. Oil Creek and ktivtt Ttaii Bola, g l ee d ie ,k.,a throAgli. A, L. TYLER. G uvrAlStipl. NORTIIERN CENTRAL 4L.`ir s DIRECT ROUTE NORTH AND SOUTH Thrott!jh tri hererg iiiriCrnrirr nrttl Rrdit'Strr iblrithani Change of nit,.l. April *Ai, 1 , 67, Trains will rtio r+ IcailnaM . lIMI Nvitittutowtiand, ptopptha t ot 0 ttrru tag at Witliatuttpot 45 P. M., Li {RAINS SOUTHwito. two, :40 ',Hon .14 M t t 00 v. M. to if, A M. Northithit...ll.lll4. ,topping tit till ii , tlll , 4ooC. at I t 3 r. at., Bal. tilaort , 41'.. Pal ladApaal 40 r. to P. . leave Notthuntheettntl, stepping at all .•htt , ols, arriving at thtto.ltury 301 r.:4”rbtladel nn t a 144 a a. n 6, ItaltitiOrn 10 A. N. II 50 P. n., heave Northurnitetinna, .!01 , ,t‘ing a 3 . WWI stationta, arriving at iinttl-tnott 140 A. N , Hattllll , l , '7 aq VlOl thlpiti 17 40A. Yot, J. %. 1411AI:fly, 6. S. YOUNG, Gen . ! egt ilortiAntrg, Li. PhaF, Agent Baltimore, and ISA At M. Sill VOMltit WAS, Gehl We,v , tti Freight Agent, tlutiltlo, ttly, DRUGS, DitUGS. t 0 e+ir , 11. drinks, kt Join R. m.yee. Prtig Mato and Market Streete. A grant new. ~an of PLUE DRUGS, Paints, Oita and VarniOnor, always on d, and will be Fold ehhaper than at any other Drug litore in 14W11. i'rcscripeits carefully compounded at Moyres hog sLon, Ayetit and Jaynes Medicloos sold at Moyer's Drug Awe, Wt.hart'lt Tar Cordial, Haker's Cod Liver oil, Wi"low'e 14,4 1 111 ‘ Bunt), sold at Moyer'm Itrue Mere Ent Any reliable putout medicines, ran nt Muvrr' tug elora. lwathrr at all MU! • • I StbrtC, HI, lib 1 43 l nbilb A 1"r o itNliY AT L 1‘ ta:MuURAT AND STAR Haild""t " Zilch G. I= TOE 1111b041bPrIt havtq tooled th 6 Mit Alld 14110:111110 ktimp rottiintly otturiVa bY'WM ' %111 continuo the loisiloois 01 mmturacttitintt Doors, Bash, Blinds, Mouldings titatktt,, ht. Tin y arc aluo propnriol to,f uroish DRESSED FLOORING, SII INGLES. and ail ono r t,uuil.9' royttrutt iu tho construction or buildow, All kiwi., 'no-Hitt" dim° id *bon mimeo. Riga 1.4 3 , 10 t anti other Etooto Stott Moot with p rum putt mot rate Orders re gisctiollt* solicited Mils! et DART9.I. Motto.' April I± IYtl6 JACOB L. OIRIQN, Prow ietnr Es.l=lll= lIMM=I On all Night Tram., 11N , ; NO Tll4t 11111, 2: ,trooping Ryan • . 41 . 11.1410.0041., 1 40 M.. • • 01 3 133/3113 3 15 0. M 41.00.11 , 2.14 1,01 . 4,,1“ 9 IS 0. M., Ntagaru QUALITY GUARANTEED AV ESLEY 11' IEI SHIVE'S BLOCK, KAIISIIURG PA. WOLF & BART ON, UcrEANOIIB TO S. BJA)OMSI3UI{G, WALL PArate. PAPER HAilaiNGBl AN IMMENAIS STOCK OF W LSD {Si PAPti4ll4. Now end Mlognolt Solos for l'oriur, oriole oak ■od retail, 110WEI1, k 110IIRKETI. rorner of Fourth and Motkm Virreti, Apr 'llO-310. flims‘ormrrisA. A. SOLLEDER'S HOOT AND SHOE sToum, !MONTH THI EPIAKIOPAL CUUMNI.] Ou Main Street, Bloomsburg. rto inbnetlhor token pleasure fn nunounentit to e reelde nI Illoentrbutg, and vicinity, that ha bay ru hand a largo and !km nneortmont or 1100 TS AND SHOES, tr. iodise and gentlemen's wear, to suit all fancies, it t illy work le or Om best quality, null from the `4l 11411/40011 0100010ClUr0f0 : he being 0 practical NOV Pod n 01/0d Judie er 1:434:1 1 41)3131:2.• ha f rim likely to he imponed upon by receiving sardilese malarial badly made up. ae desiring anything in his lino would do well u iii a him a coil, before purchasing elaawham lie GOOD ARTICLE, surf to prices to Pun ourchontoro. MI persons who desire light or heavy work Made to wooer ran he ocrommodated at his ell/0104110mM alp Alto, repairing will be done with neatness and d .opatth. %If elegant atiamment oP Ladirs Spring and Suns di Sheers an hand. A. itkALEDER. API II X. Irea AGENTS WANTED FOR THE MU COATS AND DOW VON LIVRO, FOUGHT AND Din FUR TIM UNIDAL Scones *and Incidents In IGreat Rabelllno ComprkinglVarratives,nrrernonal Adventure, Titril ling I ildtll , lll4 Daring Ex 'Anita, Heroic Deeds, WO/141MI E.rapnr, hire in the tlitinkrinht and linnpita ; Atlvoitivarra of SliteS and nittn tnui , tiir with the itnn ZS and Valletta A nninioles 111141 iltilit0(01111 Incidents of the War. srox•imDi,v ILLusTRATEu O, , ER 100 PINE runTRAITA AND HEArrala. ENUKA %AVM. There is a certain portion of the war that will never go into the reglitat tintlOttol4, nor be embodied in romance or poetry. wind) is a very real part of it. and will. if preserved. convey to wurceeding gene rations a le Per idea of the opirit of the conflict than uric many dry reports or careful gossip, the run ,tlw willow.* of the war. 'Mir illustratew the rharacterw of the leaders, the homier of the 'fiddlers, the um°, lion of women. the bravery of men the pluck or our heroes. the romance and nifttiftiqls of the servo,. Elie V Eitiant and Bravo Wafted. the Picturesque and &Amalie dud Witty and Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic, and the Whole Panorama of the Wm' are hete throttle ray portrayed in a masterly manner, at tome hootori cal and romantic 'iliflettott it the most amitit, 'moms, le:llium, and Eadable book that the war halthied forth.. A l su.swor us well us instruction may he found to evilY P 414.% as graphic +Wail, brilliant wit, and history• lire skilfully interwoven to this work or titerwryart Send for circulars nod see our terms. and n full itescriptirs of the work. Address, Ju'VEs uttom co.. Philailelphi. la. January 15. NLW COAL vitt), The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Idoimishstra and Columbia county, that they keep all the different numbers of store coal and selected isms coal for smi thing purposes. on their wharf, ad joining MtMelve, Neal &00's Purnaee ; with a goad Is4si Baden, scales on the who rf.to weigh coa fluty and straw Liken tees horse nod wagon, tg itch Ver eon to those nho &site it. As Wv porchase a largo. tefifent of coal, we intend to keep a superior article toil sell at the sure lowe.t prices. l'i/40 Van and v X7lllllll e fur yourselves before purchasing esi sew here J. W. 1111.NOUSII0T. ACU eSTUS MASON. 1111dPISIeTIPti will tako,in pacrhanne for Coal aad arsorerws, the G,Mlott 113210td Untring P.I3l00•S, 1011,11, Pahl, ,101". Httll ,, r. re 24 at tht, I“alter , ar aph prii,s, at his time r ry store, s.l , ffitierta Ilwor 4,011 ya J. W N141:11$114ST. nloott , ,boirg. April I) I arkatramia & 1110”10„thorg loiliond. ea — Ait IX Si le 4Stglig SRL efor TWO DAILY TRAINS. lib OAND AFTLK JANUARY Sol, MO, PAS. SENDER TRAINS WILL, RUN AR FOLLOWS: I, F. Ali E 80 13 Tti WAIt ft AM AM PM. Leave ¬ion, AM 7.10 4.40 Kingston, 6.33 S 1.9) hAnt Rupert 940 rt,l7 . Danville, 9.31 830 Arr at Northumberland 10.30 9.33 LLAVIK NORTHWARD. A M PM Leave Northronhi rlauitl,9o trAlli Danville, 7.70 666 Rupert, 5,15 P M 63. “ Kingston, 1 t) In 250 9 97 Arrive rat Seramen, 1100 4.0(1 11l 13 Trains leaving Kingston at 9.30 A: M for Scranton emitter* with Two arriving at New Pork at 3,M1-... P4s,eptreir4 Inking Train South from Sera DOM. at 3.3.1 A 31 via iin thu mberland.reach Harrisburg to 30 P M. lialtlptore 530 P M., Washington 10 00P M Vitt Ru pert reach Philadetplup ut 7 d o eM. IL A. FONDA. Surd. ingston, Jan. 30 Itgi7 READING RAIL BOAR WINTER ARRANGEMENT M ay 2utl►, l fls• ttREAT TIO!NR LINT FROM TPIL NORTH and North We't tar Philadelphia, blew York, Ruud• ing, Potown la Tamaqua Ashland, Lebanon, town. Easton, Ephrata, Lilts. Lancaster, Columbia, .. Trains I«nee tinrrishurg for New York, ns follows at •4 3n. 4 , J:tait sSP A ZS, M, 05, 935 PM CSMITIPPI, MP SS ith vimilar Trains on the Pennsylvania ltnil road nod arriving at New York at 50 and In no and I I ;Ai A M and 3 40, 740 1 , , M. and 111.30 r. M. Sleeping' (as nerontpnnyiag the 050 w 14 and 935 P M. TSBIII4 n tthoot Oman. 10,, Vebarrt x b a rg iOr !leading, romstitte. Tama Minorsvalc, aahlind, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphta. at e 10 A x and it 03 and 4 In r sr, oomiloa nt I.ohaniin and atineinal Way etations ; the 4 In v 4 wahine connections for Plillailclphia and rolainbia only. Poe Pottsville, NehuylkHl tinven and Auburn. tut Schuylkill and ma a quemarima Kam root!, barn ltarri, hare at 3 55 PM. Returning Leave New York at4looa m, Ii M and 3On and e, Pm, Sievpiiilt cart; accompanyina the 9 PO A. M. Mid 5 on and r (NJ P *ratio , without ttigc, ritsseopp r Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 a At. felt& from Itradine 40.. ti 30 a M',topping at a il stations i Pottsville at e and d 4.5 P M ; A eh. la Pli a 4.40.1 i 4 Ito 31 and p. a.; Toinavia at ri 30 ~ M , owl lOU and 5443 P. K. 1,444,4 Pott,4 for Ilarri,lnirg viat rhuylktll and rSu..#aahanna Railroad no 7 10 A a. and no neon, neading Amltomodatitm Train Itenvos Heading 4 t 730 ♦ g returning from l'hiludelphni at 5 13 I'M. P+ntrt , nvn Agrounundatinn Train : !Aive% Potte• tutt 44 At 4; 43 e. at., ttatitililig (naves Philadelphia at 4 30 P. M. bla Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7 00 a. M and 0 Li r. at. for Ephrata, Lids, Lancaster; i'elundoa, kc. Perk none it Railroad Tralna leave Perkiotnen Line lion at It 60 A. at. 1001 5 4.5 P. Al, Returning: !AIM; gklitpatk at 643 A. at.. and 15 r. connecting with similar trains on Reading Rai; Road. On Sundays ; Leave New Vara, at $ 00 P M Phila. delphia $OO A M, and 3 IS 1' IL the $OO A Al, train running wily to Reading ; Pottsville 9 00 A U, ; Mar. vivito* 3 ttA A M, 4 10 and 0 33 rat and Reading at 101, 30 and 7 15 A M for Ilardelang nod 7 06 A AL and 11 40 r at for New York and 423 PAL for Phinidelphot. Commutation, Miler ate. Season, School and Patna. .ein *pickets, toned from all polotcat reduced rates. Baggage checked tht °ugh ; 100 pounds allowed each I'ossono4 G. A. 'Alt :01.1.11 General Superintendent. Itiaidiog Pt May la, IS6-, 28, HOOP SKIRTS. 028. M. T. UOPKENS, Alter more 11ton five years experience find expert eteetine in the msentat rote of $ rttwrLY PiltsT tit . A Lrry S. wt, or..r uur jttptly cele. b^n, l needs to rtWirtirol l . l MO the vitiate in fall rrgthdauce of Iteii Ant r 411 other , in the Amy Henn work , 1... •• ntknOwletlstnl by +liwhnit if 'i• • ...';,'y'.:ova more net 14lictine n • . ib every r , 1.•. • • • ••, .. . •!, mph, sr note ot t,•,, ••• s • k...•ty • . !. • V.lttett them a itl •: •• • r ihtf MICA'S iffirtit : ;•. • • . .•• •• inZe lot I.4lllleti, Virnt, 0. k MADE TO tOttlEtt •••:. Ask Ptr "Minton.' on, est, Snit shut the toter 1.• • t , . g•,,• between each hoop, t:r.! ter y. T. IIoPEINS, Alsouts , tur• os ArEll trt..l 1.1111.. Ain 'Oita." upon etith trip-. glitters 441 , Also, ennittantly on nand a Putl lin, York and Eastetn Matte Skill*, at eery ;nor . EINIIIMEI 1140061dr all(' Retail, At the PUMA veumi .1 110 , 0 P ClKllZr oar awl Einpuriain, No. tad Arelt Olivet Phlplholoipilm. W5l, T. HOWKINO. vu,. wow CM] "Our Owe n Jllukco • A. J. EVAN. CLOTHING EMPORIUM. !Nearly opposite the Rpisespal Church, CLOTHING OF All DESCRIPTIONS. m V Block In confirmed of Ono clothing, medium 11 I IMO low priced—odapted to oil nondltionii, lentos and want,. On hoe the Intent dyke for the mason —a Ono meowurnt of Overcools sod Genllemes's Shawls, from low to the very heel Ht Good/ are lamlatunoble andtoelf Vide. In addition to my idea of ready•mode clotting. have piece goods for canton' orders. Clothe, Coweimerre, &c., &c. And having one of the first Mare eottere, I omen. tee aAt la all OW/ and g ive eatiefaetion. Alcu variety of WOOLEN AND LINEN ShIRTS, Storkinge, Neckties, Collura, flocks,, Handkerchief' —everything In the gentlemen's Ilue of clothing. Also, Hate, HOgill and noes, Trunks, and Carpet berm I will mall at the lowest Market prices. Please give me II rail before purchasing Pi is whorl+. ANDREW J. EVANP, Bloomsburg, Nov. lb, WM A NEW STOCK OF GOODS, !Ma THE HARDWARE TRADE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, AT TILE NEW BTOEE OP C. W. SNYDER, 1116001118131111 G, PA., rottoi ding or every arlleln found in a Ilrut , claes Hardware Store, among which ere the following IRON, NAILS, and STEEL. WAGON SPRINGS and AXIXdS, PAINTS, OILS nod GLASS, GRAIN and GRASS SYTIINS, and BM SNATIIS, GRAIN I:RA OLES, ke., kr., KIRBY'S COMBINED REAPER 4: MOWER, HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED PATENT RAO -11OLDEIt, AND THE IMPRoV ED CII EERY SEEDER. ALE P. LIM II ERMA'S OIL vows!! at ‘VholeillSlU anti GIVE RIM A CALI. Uloomolourg, June lU, 11'67. GREAT IMPRO V EM TIN SEIIINO NACIIINES. Empire Shuttle Machine ! SALESROOMS, s3fl ffrondw4Y.N. 2.10 Vt'ashington itccet Heston NI Chesnut Street. Philadelphia, PATENTI:D FI IL 14. ISO% TMACIIINN is constructed on PrifirOy new 1 principles of feeclutn4m, posccoslng many rare and cnionfne Impr4 vemetat+. having been examined by the most profound experts. and pronounced to be Si'mairity and I'olll Am Thrirbill,ll,, I t h as a straight 'm e m, perpvtiiiitliiiir amino, makes the Lock or T r•Tril fl wroth will neither RIP sor RAVEL, and is mike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing 011 every description material, front Leather to she finest Naneook with cotton. linen, or silk thread, front the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAR or COG INUEEL, and the Mast possible friction, it runs as srrtoath neglase,and is Eittfihatie , /lly aNagile,ts It requires FIFTY PER (SENT. less power to drive it than any other machine in the market. A girl twelves years of age can work it steadtly, witnout fatigue or injury to health. Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity oft:oestrous, lion rtiniiPrit get oat of order, and ietiUARANTEM) by the company to give Cu. tire eatiefartion. We respettrolly invite all thawt who may 41w*ire to RoPPIt - oh , otfly ,, s with a sqwrt , r grt lOC, to come and r•zaliline thtir t3%HIVALI,Ett Al 4 IttNt. (the, trait" hone. , inotroetion to outhrotot to enable any hereon to tooth, this itetchote to their entire ratt. 1.-Irtel tun. Agetita wanted for all towar. in Ibn Theitml trtatca, wh,ro oitevieleo ore not already a tnultahod. Alan, for Cabo, )1,..xir0, retarrol and South America, to whom o liM. rnt.haronnt will be wen, t SEWING MACHINE', MrO CO.. rib 01Vildwil} V. I I ENDERSHOTT'S PIIARMACY. ARF. receiving more fresh and Pure Drugs. Medicates, Toilet and enury articles width; have been purchased AT LOWEST RATES, Alt it Will, lfl AOLD I.OW. Owing to the tall tty Drugs and Medicines in; the cities, we are now mutt. tug every article i*stwri to old times prows, our stuck is tolltont complete. Cult and see, and Ire convinced that his is the place to uy. January ttn. lens. OLD FRIENDS AND NEW FRIENDS, THIS WAY A. 11A UTM AN'S NEWS TORE ROOMS, 3lntn Sonet, below Market, Ditaausbura, ea, DRY IIOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCER! ES, PROVISIONS, &C. &C. Also a new and good supply of TOIVES ANIL, TIM WARE. Having aerated a well .known and superior work 41514. 10 prepared to wake new work and execute re pairing to order. Spouting Made to Order. All tut cheep for snort or trade as the cheapest. Li' Call and me, first store on west end of Sonth Mato Street. A. HARTMAN. April n , lett , . Anent. CONFECTIONERY. Ina undersigned would respectfully announce to the public Ihutbe bad opened u VIRST-CI.ASS CoNFECTIoNthrty ;norm, in the building lately occupied by ;lemur ; Stunner% where he J A prepared to furnishBll tondo or, pt,AtN FANCY CANDIES. FItLNCII CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS. &X, &C., Sce 11111 In short a full assortnient of all kiuda of $OO4l to his line of badness, A grout variety of DOLLS, TOYS, &c,, Al the ilolitlays given to BREAD AND CAKES, of all kinds fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES. CHRISTMAS TOYS. A cull is solicited, aml stßiefaetitta will be guatan teed. Het. 11, Itki7. ECKHART JACOBS. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! THE ULUUMANURG I,UMdFRING coM l'A Y, L wauld vevilectruhy ihlerak the talhhe ghat they have their PLANING MILL nnwin 'venom, with an tXtelisiVe asSOrtiliCtit ul Lta - 0011:131:11:1Lia WO are uow prepared to supply all orders at short notice and at the lowest proves for rash, Their as , muumuu of Walter consists of White Pine Plank, Board% FloOting, SneAce Siding', Hemlock Plank, landnd Or unrilsorldi to *hit parchtiver* Frame Stair, lutes and atitliad of all sizes. Their Plaiting Mill Tate t situated at the Railroad Dowd, iv 0.11,4 I ~ r :‘lliNtitto I , l!tittel Itt Ibv cargo. 0 It. 1t1041 , r ••1 all • : :-• • ~! -q • .I,„re 3 " • , „ „.. I: ...• rr ; , - e• .j.•. , IfinclllimrY• I, 1., Thu.. on., I:. 1...1... Reaptrii and • , 1 Clll , lOlO O l 111 1 / I .IeIMIAIIII, upon I'ollol4th tile ter t. G. itirritt, Set 'y ilittouliburg, urpt. la, 1604, Uloutm,butit. A NEW AKRIVAL.,OF MILLINERY AND TANCY GOODS, AT. • L KUNZ% LIGHT STRET, COLUMBIA COUNT!. /the *mild reaperinttly Worm the eithgen. or Wight Ptreet and vicinity. that eke har)u•l returned Irmo the Or with a One asoorlinent at rah and ve , titan Mll.l.ofrittlY AND FANCY UCH)Int. well calve dell to cult this trade. BONNET@ made tool/der, and repairing don , with nosiness and despatch. All work esseittedi the best and muss tasty manner, upon reasonable' :nos. Parturielnr nttention In paid to drroo rnNMlnp. Rho hoe IVITTERNS of every d Ncrlption, portal, Ing m the lade. oil Mood and for sole challis. Oho will ellen pay imperial attnntion to coloring, having spent none and money to learn the art in ail ita particulars. rho in rontlemit In giving natiniraction. IQ"' STORE in Worilen'n Unhinge. November li, ftO7. WANTED. AOENTS TO sEid Pit, WM. £OllTll'B " DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE." tt contains *vet 1000 closely pr Wed, double column octave pages, Prom new electrotype plates, on good Rafter and.lo appropriately illustruted with more then strit en gravings: on btee t and wood, and a series °flute au atonic maps, etc. It comprise* [WS miquit les, 11 ingraPhr, Geography N neural Ilistory, Topography, and in a complete Cy. cl (media of the Scriptures. it is necessary to every hible reader, indispensable to every Minister and Sunday School Teacher, and ought to he in every family, It is highly commended by ell learned 'and eminent men, and by the Press generally in alt harts of the country, as the best book of the kind in the English language. Po not he ftweired. Owing to the unprecedented popularity of this Work, a small Entente abridgement, in duodecimo OHO, of about 600 pages, has been re printed in, this country in larger type, and spread over tOh octavo leages,rvidentty —by oinking a larger hook than the original--to give the impression easier than it is -n OW edition, it has less than half the reading matter of ours, and is sold considerably higher than the En giisit edition of *WWI hook t in this rountry.Stone agents ore endeavoring to pnlin:of this juvenile mil: tion for ours Teachers, Students, Retired Clergymen, Farmers, and energetic women lind the agency, for this work both ploteeint And lucrative emMortori t. Stott for cis:Wu/ 4 o giving full particulars, terms, din,, to SCRANToN, & llookYutillehers, led eiv)tion at,, Hartford, Conn. February Ott, -- Vitt:Sit ARRIVAL OF FAMILY 4 : GROCERIES, AT JOHN K. GIRTON'S STORE, SitOONINAVReI ll,,!„.ulorribpr tots tact returned from the ca , tern co Jos with a largo and choice stock ca' tirst•claus Groceries and Dry-Goods, which 1w ()fliers to the citizens of Dinonitthing and t trinity as low as ran t hod oi any dealer 10 this 'pectin') of the County. Nis ft ock cenetete of the hest varieties of et tr PEr., AIOI,ASSEB, DEO 'tit, TCA, FWD (of fine snooty,) SPICES, PRICI) M civre. (in their seesnn,) DOATON, AND WED ED 4 ItACKERs, oA P 4. CANDLES, Atc., ate, EttElttie, COAL & I.trf EEO rlft.s. too a melt nsoortoont or Dry Goods and Ilooiery. Ivo' a toll variety of pools of the uttove class, nud t other kinds. In addition to which he has recently ft Med to his mitek s One assortment of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW ; 41 • whhh variety Of gootlA foto several new lidea of modern invention, eltensivelly toted ‘.% hero known, and whirl; moat ClAw: into alit here 140 alga has a line ratpnly of French Moroccoes ; or or Ono of Morocco Linings for rdnonnakees work ; and a good asnortnoin of ry- Cull and examine. JOHN K . GIRTON, 11. Corner of Main and Iron Streets. filoom,berg. Nov. a iNt7. stc til' .14 it :Ile J n se.. 't tqn bqco.ship.Cblinfili;r rcnrtity, die%t Getters te,damentary on the estate of John Xi t iten. ry, or.. late of Mutton tnwnaltipr Columbia rowdy, hove been ponied by Me Register of said comity. to tiotirltenry, of Penton town-hip, Allll Llll4 P.lll ought. of Pugintwill,, hymning roomy. All person, having claims against the mdate v re“ roi tlt to du , authenticated to either of the Ex creels r p Memel) and Moog indebted to the tertian t Pimiento payment to the under. ruined cxecutur ROlllt Melt CARY, LAWSON HUGH ES, April 15, IC6I I . Executors. NEW FURNITURE liOOMS, ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMS 1:11'11G, PlEli NT' A. t.ArEulAll Respectfully informs the citie.mi of this town and vicinity, that he idis at his Furniture Rooms, chairs of every thiscriptisa, Humans, flit t ing Taw s large and $lll IL Bedsteads of the latest st)lits. Card and Toilet Tabire, Looking Glasses, besides many other artirh.4 of eurnitore of first class manufacture. The piddle are rordialiy invited to call and ex. amine his stock Ile will sell upon reasonable terms special utv.ntion will be paid to repairing all kinds of furniture, cheap for cash. April I, leo. THE COLI*3IIIIA 110I'SE. B. ti. STOUNER , Proprietor. This IS a new stand lately fitted up for the acrommo Mateo et the traveling public generally. situated on Main ntreet, a few doors above the Court house. on what is known as the "Robinson property." It IN centrally located in II e town. ain tit pleasent place for vileirte to stop . betides being in that part of town where the majwav HI the Imsesess is bong done. The proprietor feels confident that he is prepared to give general satisfaction to his guests, and would solidi it fair portion of the public patronage. Bloomsburg. May 15. led 7. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON M AIN STBEKT. (NEARLY orPoSITP, N111.1..M$ STORE) HWOMSBUIC), PA. THE under.igned has Om fitted up, and opened, hi. new orrovE AND TIN ltool' s in this place. where he is prepared to make up new rtlt WARE: of all kinds in his line, and de repair , hith fleetness and dipatch, upon the meet yea. stumble terms, :le also keeps On band STOVES of various patterns and stylus, which he will call upon terms to suit mai - ieser*. (live in a good mechanic, and de. serving Or ll' tlyibliC pitonUV. ACOB METZ. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, Isa9,—ty, STOVES AND TINWARE. Announces to his many friends and numerous ens• totem* that he continues the above business at his old piney of business on MAIN STREET, BLOOMS. BURG. the Customers and others can be accommodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes; tinware, and every prude found in all well regulated S't'ove AND TINWARE ESTABLISHMENTS in the ciiiee. and on the 0, 0 01 reasonable terms, Particular alto aTr sl'utJTlNl, rar houeo and alfna, will be put up on oho,* notice. Also, all kinds of repairing done promptly nod undo liberal terms, no also keep,' on hand a loran supply of Milk Pau*, of diitarant wines and pritos h e .lj es a fin s as. sortment or Fisher's Wont stlf•Nealing Fruit rho serving Coos. Give bnu a call July Id, lielb,—tr. __— SCRANTON 13001 BINDERY. )I;ovin,f ,retired tfie eerV IMO Of Mr U. 'Melte, one •$' te•st hinder* re be found id the rime, we ore preenre‘i ru furra.h to hANKS. IN6I9.I.ANCE coMPANIES, M MICILANTA, MANVFACTUnEwo, COAL OPER Avott 4 , ituret,e, and ethers. with lII,ANK BOOKS et every derrriution, on short notice. bound in nn y tope desired, to the most 1404lantird 01:1111IPT,; at ~.lioollable pi OTtl• , 4 , VOTkont hem nd and old bunko rebound, at New t k offire or the paper publishing th,i, 1 , 1 ,,, r11; , .111111- or Soot I , Yrti , r oo ., will be at tens , ' ,attuned WithMlt tilltieet".sllr, delay. o, M. HILL. 0.. dune 14, 11307,—tt Dn. E. W. WELL*, succusoß TO i 8. F. C. HAMMON. Hos teloito Rooms at the American Mum All or dere left there will h. prompt, attended to. blempothurtt. Oct, :10, Queen ware X EAU I OR's NOTRE A. M. RUPERT, NAT 'FOUNDRY. - I.OOAIBBURG, CO. ,UMBIA PA. sobserlher, proprietor I of the ;sheet. hAlii/oti rr 91*Itiv e,stahlishatont,is new rowed to resets., order* #ll, Kind of Machinery, for Cutleries, Most Furriness, Hixtionary Engines MILbd,THPCBIIINti MA44IIIEB, &AL &1,. He is also prepared to make Attires, nil sizes end patterns, plow.irons, nod everything usually made In firstodssit entoolries. His extensive Luddite and practical workmen. War. MM. Will in IrPrViVing the largest contracts on the most redsonahle terms, Tr Groin of all kinds will he talon in exempla for MOUS. Er This establishment is Pieced near the fruitawa ed d 11100111AbUtt Ititilfo44 Depot. PETER HILLEYER. illonmoburit. Rept. 12. J. 1 3 R2W ER, ((or. Mart tt „Iron 81,0 I. now offering in the Politic NI STACK or SPRING GOODS elnelating in pod of a MI tint of MOAB, WOOL & RAG CARPETS, Fine cloths and canxiinere for LWOW COM*. limns Ganda of all Panama and goal Rica, ia•laine and Prima of vorinow analitieu and prire.s. Bleached and litown Mani ins, Ladies French Clirdtid at BALMORAL SKIRTS. voortmetit of Ladies and children.' Gaiters anti hoots, rush Groceries and Spires. New assortment of Glass and Qneensware. et.e., I Mackerel in nne half and one fearth (Weeks, :Vow is the time to make your meleetiorw, as I am oftniag good* at very low Wive,' awl ear Matta i 4 tiCttlitilgtO alt, and not to be nailereold by any. J, BROWER, fttramshurg, April 34 1 . ten 7. N EW RESTAURANT, In Shiver Colliding on Maio Simi WM, GILMORE, Informs the titinetis filiininritiertt and vicinity WO 11.! lid, crptned a New R NT, h this Ones, witsys hs invites tsi4 nt4 friends and tnetemeto tncnit and partake of tug refteebuteets%— It tK hto intention 1,1, Steep the beet h.l(. 6,11 BEEIt .4 NP 1 hr. e m i.taito r ,tti bawl ; l'ort. , r. Stsp“iporill3 Min oral hater, Fahey I,ettettmle , , Ita , tthertrY ntt ,l hem mt YyrapA, can alwart be had at lir,' Re,tattratit. Itt thu eattel line be presents XIZA rofar not tiorpnocti in Mir place ; via, pickled Oyster: 41 3 3 13 , tiurthuu3, mirbecued CI& ken, l'islchu Tripe unit neer Tongue, &c., kc. ile alto !lAA a poi article Uf / "Nir e g 1,0.1 Chew; fi g rfibetero for hts custottturm. •• ntve him 3 cult. Rieninelirg. Juno X 13, 0%6, TVEW BAKERY AND CoNEEe. 4 -N TIONERY 1.113= a*llbliagarx.o.loEtaa ON THIRD STREET, Ht!.OW MARKET, BLOOMSIII'IIII4, PA. 3, F. FOX, Proptietor or tilts estilblinhinent, WOO! tospeOrtilly iaftnu him lAt anti hew cm,toutera, tha t Ii" has evt.rytiling fitted up at his new stand to eu• able him to furnish MOO with 1111Eit t:mtEzt, AND( •(4 FE1114)1; L:l4 I Ett, a+ heretofore. ;;:;.,- new earwr a 0 to.,:sons, who Pare boon furniA rd ~ritii Alo, 1.0„or hear, and Porter, by the wboio, belt, or quarter barrel, o tail upon WILLIAM LMOtte. at his Saloon in skives' Block, Main Street, bewn owthotite.l by the undetstmtad to styli thw sno!, Ile will I'ol4 ..tu t y have a supply on hand, whicli will be sold at the lowest marital r des. Mt, F. bat in forme, Fhb his Haw, y and fectfrnery„ fitted up rooms rot the Bahl of It E CREAM, to nit wh may far him With their rnetnm Fie Is 4 1,4, prepared to twine Ice Cream in hont quoit Iles for p.iritri, mimic or P ,, (131 gu hC ir-thim as tha rase may Etooytitins p , ttatnintt to bis line d tailittnan t.ove t^ irorol and ttilignot allol,lltw, ICT th•inklut to hlO to,tmlolo. for post Ca Vnr., and most ctraiotly tathcits a cunt magneto of t tn *amt.. J. P. FoX Ap013,1-0. New Millenary Goode Air the Riney sew, AMANDA \V ER KIIEISEE, 00^cCL0s011 TO MARY PAPALLY.) Bl.oollBlll'llll, PA. The public are reritertrulty tufottued that they cant be forniphed with everrtiting in tba M 'Monty tine upon the moot rett.ntible tenni, and in goods not gurpagbaul Put rty auty, durability to itch town, Ilex Sprints Ay Of tl.l{S. 1101114. alTd tether amgles for Worn, u and VI,SC-4 wear, arc b,a , tlttal and well ealettlated to *nit the tai,teriof the wort fn-ridinus. tltee h.-1 a can ~t are nn %lain strut (north to/10 below Markrt. rapr :flair,,-3 [DOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE p . a, Wili he void at private Sato a 1101N1.1 1 3 .„1: and lAJI ', imitated on divi 11 and itniiroad lit%! Streets above iron, near the Mining Hot of J. i Rohhoth k Co., to Etootiodiartr• The b'tilt. is 4 11 , 'W frame building, two *voice high, with eelidr. and well tinighed„ The lot is of good size, in ii• getlent condition, and we 11 fi'aotil with ever,' de Ott iptton of choir c trait. Ail Of CC$ riaVY , ltbUil.llll/10. ate erected. 'Etw tarns It I 4 he 111411 P !OM!, lie good title given For farther I , ollli War. in pule this ioneu, tiov. 13, 18ti7 .. ...._ „ . .. .._, . . THE SWAN II OTEL, [THE UPPER HOUSU, I Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. The Sottscrilwr vviteedfally inform* hi* frtentis and the pnbife. tout he has token the n: rrn above well known' rim Hou,E OF ENTERTAINMENT, and will he pleased to receive the custom of all who will favor lino with a can. Ho will keep A GOOD TADLE, hor well Pocked whit the Iwo of Liguori+, nod every effort will be made to render entire soilothe , thin. JOHN SNYDER. thangeAille March 20, WV. JUST ARRIVED, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! The pubic are intarmett that IL W. CREASY &. fine just received THE LARGEST ANDBEST SELECTED STOCK OF SIRING AN!) SUMMER GOOPS ever brought to LIGHT STIIEET. Alt kinds of good Goods, CHEAP for milt or c 44111 try produce. H. W. CREASY & Co. Light Ptrftet, May 13, We FiIIIAMILPIIIa., Mardi lot, POP, We . beg t o: wenn you that We are pre pored to offer . for your inorellon out Usual awn no , nt or MILINEIOI6OvDS Consii,thol of lila neWest shapes in Strove Silk and GIMP Sabi, flannels, &e, WWII', Silk Goon Rib. bons, Flower*, Feathers, Soho', ("rap*, landea. ((raids, O,IIIIIIINUA, bee. &I'. We 'khan be happy to wait on you at our Store, Or P'll iVe your rititotio.... Priers low for Cork. Yours. kre. It, WARR March $s Into, Nos. 103, 104 &10 Nolili Snood Street Phi liiiiel ph in. I ALIJA (MIFF Mower, Reaper, and Self-Raker W./ T NIPE IrELIYER I, KAtivrAiy - tier UY T. Si MAIOII t l / 4 CO., LEAVl4ittintt, t•NtO, , I'OUNTV, PINVA . The unileridgood luta boon 'appointed ago% fot,t:o tumnia Coonty, for the sale Of t h e above :Wartime, Ale" hand reapers and tutinteta, and ether articles manamurt ti by said company, 1. 0. MELIA, a, labk MIAMI; CIIIIANCE. The vselipive contvarand sale at five valaabto neeaea to WittlY fatuity, and paying law pratita, i an be secured by applying either perainially or by toilet to J. S. LASH 121 Markel Street Phila. NOTICtI TO citEDrrons. An !mom; knowing thPutoolvos intlfhteti to tit.. uudpfelgntiti, nrn tliiiitrietiol tohullo tinyturittt without ttritity J. C. UUTIIIt, liktorusbutil, Cc 11,13 WO. EXCIIANOVI RESTAURANT. The Pro tutors having to niPd and retitled tfoir RESTAUKANT, In the bowloont of the EXCHANGE HOTEL, they woohl most reooptetrittly poluit arouiloo Ito« :4 the pelt noose or 14 1 11 1411 t11,40114.ht, 4114 Fot4lottyur vitro the 011.11111.1141 UI new Mit* to I/44r terte.lso4l4 AuirOlt4ws r I ' MI 1 S Shill. 01 S ) CANNED OYSTERS 14Hogir ovorms, Eurnit noti, thine t u nes inq week, HA Al CGIN, T Pg, 1101,044,0, Iwo of LI r 0 s AND eta.% It s , can be served up 44 etodruliwt* 41 4 moments 11,441 , . In VAIRIOIN STYLES., WITWIAL it4W, 111411'01' 11.011.4 ‘Jr PO:Winn, KOONS AL CLARK itloronolturr. April 'AI 101.0 , r tf Wilt )1. ES.S LE CONCECTIONEIg AND rinITED r.D4, Ao, DA North 7711,,1 Serf, t, I'llll.lollllll t, th,lttl priqoptly a ttquif t b. ID, WO. -31 a, EXCHANGE HOTEL, 111,00115111116, PotA!AfillA COVNIV, PA Thn tonflerogm , l buying virelthoP4 and Nfrir tho 4 weil•knx,vit Oro— ,"t0m.7.1 ttn M initowdi;,fr'y I., IFIrt ilnurs , r , rug rtdtl!T thr'ir rtiOtids and thel,ol4l their MAW', 19 COW iu ortkr and vntof UMW , tit nt IrtiNfb.r* 'I WI ,spored pnios u.!:r. , for its ent.rili 'moot : .r Mucus, Their now., ie Krti • Ausinet,4 10t ution 011 , 41,13'5.Ere r•; .t!. • • ,•••., tool tho tlifiort of It 0!. o t .tt, I. It 'at! wtll tot f414V4 } , 4'; t 4 4, I t••• • ;••• • • !I , • , due boot to Ho t..t. 1,./• April I.^A 150 le, llitiaL; I ) sin won lientiO, th tvta gat p.tirt Lv s 11.:Y fuctliod, It 1.0 lotutl , s4 tvoti N:tut • A Ali•a • I•• hit, si Sire. 1 • 3 41,01,tut 4rAt. s '3, Po.; GC► To ItitoNlElt S To ht' y (, >i VEW MIFLLIN YERTRIMMINC,Y (;( s,mrs AND ANc The. tind ,, relord woo restm=ltully tolle f r in rt. 4,1.0 tilt ..fte 1 , 1311 jatt a+91,4 to her Wrrady !Argo , and vans i an art. Witt elf EAU I lELLINERI GOODS A VEAV TrtNIX, ondt:td , -(tilly* ,, D,ct.4l for iha pre,,ent and 4 , 0 9,i04 11,1 , NIVIV HONVI:11 1 1 AND DATA aru vordlaDA to law thra trsud to dog plur , and vttifity, tald has wvoithDil; found to & Fancy Moro, notkol np and .114 :nnf‘+ upon the moat r• I Inoable trnna Give inr u Cult and exontoe her ntiv stack of good., LIZZIE BARKLEY. rl'Otir, Hon Street, fluttin: Oct. her up...m.hurg LADIES' I)ItES NEIr AND I.IS1110.1".1111.1, SPRING GOODS. TIM tit:de - 1.4 , mA wr.ul,l r,op«ctrally uttttat qt or a, A rittz , l4* aj IhF. plan 1407 vl , 4mtv, to lb.-it it , w and la 8 ,444440 . 444 I low Ktorri+ o wtr , l.. rcomd door rant of Jo.',opit glarhfr)'. rmt.itt.t , 41:3 4 'hair itaaam hvra 001 1043 prepared hr n Mika rp dcf .to the ha.... 1 etyir, Alt th 1 phtitlnn tt , r it" jllfflfgo.o 11114 r.tftfoffilfifi for t. hiltiros',, WPM . _ tavn them chtf Ittvy boti f vrtyttithit ot the lt , t,t in their tint: and tto, , tto fir r.hth. ,111,1 A A At SA PC at. OM: Apr,' t.t.1,46 , -lat, 011 N (.; EVILLE Eh . coLrmittA couNTy.IK ' cv ERETT, pft,prul,4. fltt ie.pecti n vitly• ittc,,ritt' t ta , (newt, CM tha t ittfit'l , ' • iu gi'lwittLittrit he ill. tatty hsikth thew at thi* w. , kh. , wh ntifi t,OVoltiolaty ttgated 11+440, 11 , 11 g kept by 14 4hitt , i Ev , tett. 101. and that tin* How& to r comtli3O itt F ot t.f tto3lttiol , t, ; attd / , ,r ,t,t , rllinollwilt 4,1 travtters who tnay tt Gatti him with their rti.twit , Wu p ,tlo4 tad t'Xio tow hot, bot. 4 ttparctt 10 repairing and r,l=trt.i.itio.f. thi4 Hotel tJr - entettatr mutt) 4,1 41111,10, nlO it,,thihe on MI pxtt ttl the Proittiet , 4r writ t' tool,. in p.tltll,ter to th, , ,r wont*. filo 1:4( VRIII 41W030 with tht7 iirt. I • 11, with liwwt t , t 10TICE f ilWaSUtt (tt P',o , fto , loiglAfrttity tt,,,t11,,te,; . ,te 1010.5, t0,101 , ,1 that (hr. I apt Itwattoppto i4ml Altitt 1 , 4:1 wit 4 have not ',lid hp in n o 1$ ; 7 ,1 lir. if tettifit utrinrof lbe Ituar4 at trt :ViLNDENIJAI.i. Jture• Tr! -"Jut, DENTISTRY. G. C II II 0 W E it, . SURGEON DaNTIST. RFIPIPIXII'IIithY tiWers iitv pr=' , lie , Mklonal here iceu to the ladiee and tt, tali , men of lit ioniaborgand viestoty Ile ie prepared to mend to at the varierie nftdrat lone to the floe of hie profentoon tindis prey; .i d with lisp hat,* loin/owed Pf#RCE:I4.I.IP TEEM wilt, w,II ho in sorted on gold.idatina,eilver and robber I , to I nohwell en the nation! teeth Mineral plate and blt ek teeth totthottethred • • et ltrotien. on teethonirefully and properl) .. it, t. ' • r t . , ROSI t i i Hen 410 °Woe a few ti , • ero whey !!. item( fl=ab, .14110 t aide. flldronaburit, June 0 1063 THE POOL, AND iMrSE in , MERCY. iinWard 'loorintirm krCmrt4 for YOUNG !VIN an tio ett e.„0,1T4'13F, anA tits UtAl,Oll. Amatio, and 01:41..Atf:$ +Own deettp'tbn mull powers, **tart unrytlimlynta to AIAIMIAGN wile parr ny of re 11.4. Sent in :Mier *barge. A.:l:ryas nit, J, rihmuN U S Itqw4l-1, Philtnieletr inn.. 5, 1r:.7 I'l'lll I 11111 I 1 114 12 111 kicit 111.11 * Kit ATtli ' in from to to 4. home. Weltaten's Ointment cures Tho Itch Wheatoo's Satntment curet Kan Rheum. WheottoCs Ointment ores Tenor Whooton's to:mount cocas Bothers' Itch LIIIMICUt stores 014 Pores. Wheatou's Ointmont (VIVA Every Mud of Humor him Mute. ritt emissa box; by mati,tin roots. Males* WEEKS & POWER. No. 170 Washirtglon ateeth Boston, Mass. For sale by all thuimistS. rept.lttli7.-1 yr. ■E. r 4 A V A (I 11, ret Le +Tactical Walchmker and Jeweler. MAIN sfit Err, ,11%-ar the Court 'bum!, M.OO)ISIUTG, PA enwoonny on ham! 3 line 113{.,ortlimnt of Aine t kar, and Oliolos Watches, hwelry, Silverware and Operta oleo. part motor attention rniid 10 the repotting of Chock. Waleheo and Jewelry. al aoettio Marko made h. , orrler, All work Warranted. Ithoootaro. April 17 Mgt DR. W. H. BRADLEY, Ast.uttaht hietttot thrrelthr P. S. Army,) rhyoiciau and Surgeon. r- 01lire at tho Fiorito lintel. Btanntwlrnrjr, Ph. rand promptly attended to both night and day, Hlomaybarg, Nov C. KA II E It, • Counselor and Attorney at Law. BLOOMSBURG, Pa 4111110111141 , to his Mundt* and the public IR Mitt it; ha, ret.hittott hho pe l i t u r e of again, Chnveyattetttg 711111 legal promptly atimittett CIFVII , }; in thh 11‘clthtte tholdthh xvt mitt .11. t, oral L'yot 8c Noyet Drag eto t t. ploototburg, May 1, tdo, . 1. •' I. ' S it /1