AGRICULTURAL, Where to Locate, We Americans, or at least some of IA are rather uusettled in our choice of low Lion, If there is a spot in the UnitedStatel or any of its Torriwries where money can be aomuumulated faster or with less labor than where we aro domielled, wo want to find it. The matter of pulling up stakes is a small item of consideration, but whore to replant them to the beat advantage is the all absorbing inquiry. Some "look before they leap," but this is not the "nulling pas sion" with all of us. Young America is inspired with such a passion of go-a•hesd ativeness that the leap is taken &stand the looking afterwards. In looking fur a location, the purpose of your business or calling should be the first consideration. If you are a merchant or miechunic, select a city, town or neighbor 'hood where there is an appearance of en ergy, enterprise and improvement,surround cd with good land well cultivated. If you locate there and make the best we of' your time, talents and capital, feel that you arc a part of the community, that the growth of the place will contribute to your growth, not forgetting the old adage, "keep your shop and your shop will keep you." These, with common courtesy and good behavior will insure your success. It you propose to Grain •rotriag, look first for a railroad station or landing on a navigable river. next land or good quality easily cultivated, and calculate the cost of transportation to the sea-board markets. If all these arc favorable, you may venture to locate. If Stork growing is your object, you may go farther from lines of transportation where you can get more land for the same amonnt money, but be Euro that the land is of good quality and natural to the grasses to insure good pasturage. Stock can be transported short distance to landings by thbir own lo comotion, and being a little retired gives them less disturbance w'uich is a matter of anuch importance. If Dairying 1:1 your object, select the neighborhood of a city or town, and within n distance that will enable you to retail your own butter or milk. In the selection of land. the hints. given to stock growers will Le applicable. If your object is Garth.niag, or what is familiarly called "Tntclang" and small fruit growing, the advice to'dairymen will be ap plicable. with this difference, that the Foil should be light, as well as deep and rich. If you aro a J'lorist, locate in or near a loge and flourishing city. Your labors there aretnore fully. appreciated. People who live in small towns or in the country see Fo much of the floral world all around them from spontaneous nature, that the florist's labors arc not by them fully appre ciated. Pn t icssionat men of good education, re fined manners awl kindly disposition arc wanted every where within the limits of civilisation ; they draw their sustenance from their immediate earroundings ; their usefu:- ness appreciated in all neighborhoods ; they should locate wherever they find an "opening"---ilmtricanl Stuck Journal. THE BORROWED Toot..—A boy borrowed a tool from a neighbor, promising to return it at night. Refute evening he was sent on an errand, and'.lid not reach home until late ; but ere he started, he was told that his brothers should see the tool returned. .liter ho had come back, and gone up to bed, he inquired and found that it had not been carried to the owner. He was much distressed to to think that his promise should not have been fulfilled, but was finally per nuadJd to,'go to sleep, so that ho might rise early and carry the borrowed article home. By daylight he was up; and nowhere was it to be found. After a long and fruitless search for it, be set off for . his imighbor's workshop in great distress, to acknowledge his fault. But how gnat was his surprise to find it on the door step. At length it appeard, from the prints of little bare feet in the mud, that ho had got up in his sleep ana carried the tool home and then gone to bed again, walking quite unconscious of what had occurred. Of course, a boy thus prompt in his sleep was prompt when awake. lie lived respected won the confidence of his neighbors, and was placed in many offices of trust and re. sponeibility. This boy took the best course to succodo in life, though perhaps he did not know it. Whatever we have to do, we should do it with our might, and do it promptly. Espe cially should we be able to keep our prom ises, strictly and faithfully. If we are care less in discharging these and similar duties, we shall suffer for it. Ano in one Of our Baptist families, the other Sunday morning, commented black ing his boot!. "Why, Barber," said the mother, "didn't you know this is the Lord's day ?" "Well," replied he, "if the Lord does come to-day, 110 won't find me with a pair of rusty boots on," WI" all men ray you. arc an asf, it ie time to 113 C. ROWER, Imo opined II drocrlooo bout, ifIION. Hder ANECAlfillTat. m the old rued on Mali Perm, ttloororbird. Ilio Mock ie go/ Ned or lb. ..rrkrou sod wit Piero liar offonso to the Worn' of Co ismOlo County. Ha .as antelrinindotv tko rob* with U. *lowing kind. and at gimp prlyoo: Ilien'a call bartr, dai, •maS't Yip, fl nett,. IMO, Boys' child'. boot., M a n's lime bid, Coogrveo, Moo'. [lore kid liolmoral sbooo, warmth', hay.', and mimeo,'glove kid Nn oo Wolove'e glove kids, very Ono. Wootra's lea gent rnomeeo WMlll'll'll inee'l morocco awl calf shoo*, eonuneo. 101114111, Were.' and child% Moor. Mon'r, 1 louvres' , . onlorer', bil•', sad child', Mippolo. Ho oleo seep. I grunt variety of HATS, CAPS. MVP IbTR A W GOADS of every Mod, at the lowest prices, both for sub and salinity prodows. Itsmeinbur the stleartloo Is is our good., o,nl b Warmed sL OM ere of bleb prices, but call lid see (Us yournelves. Respectfully, H. C. UOWEIL &It. 4. OW. Xew Stock of Clothing. 7111301111 AialEuerikal Spring and Summer Goods. 261MIVIM(0. i NVITZB attention to big 'Met nt cbeap tOd flik• auabte Clothing at Nu Mora, on 211. V .V STREEY', RLOOMSBURO, Iwo doors above the Ameriraa !louse, wberit he hie pit received Rork New York tad Philedelphla, II full •eeortment of Mess and Hoye Clothing, ji,fildi rut lbe Watt rdiejeneble dyable aed And 'nine, am goods consistond of fox, back, Frock ) Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of 1111 angle • algae, and color'. 1111 also hu rewire. jo i ig hie already large flock of Fall and Mater Shawls, striped. Awed nod plain Vests, mama, emote, stocks. collars. handkerchiefs, gloves, 1114 a. ponders and fancy 11/111t11.4. N B.—lie hoe coUstantly on hand a large and well "efeeted eisortiattal t 4 Clothe and Vaatiarte. Veatch h• le prepared to make up to order, into Day Mod of clothing on very ehorrt notice and 111 the best of a,.111• Der. Ali hie clothing le made to wear aid molt of It Is of home manufacture. ciacoadi "ClRPeckilaptlacs 60 AND Et ulawratil:taLla grOre Mr every Description, rine and Cheap. Mr Cain of Jewelry Is not surpassed In this glue. Cell awl t n. Amine his Relent issortruent of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, Ac. DAVID LOWENBURG. Blooms berg. April 110.186. COUNTIIT PIERS HAN i S. DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS, CO' SION Yoill ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Flour and 3leal, Furs and Skins, Dried and Green Fniitg, Grain, Wool, Game, l'onitry, Nara) Stores, Hops, Ginseng, Fathers. Hemp, Provisions, Oils, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, itc., &c., To JOSIAH CARPENTER, GENERA!. COMMISSION MERCHANT, 442, 414 & 416 Washington Street, New York City, And receive hie weekly aim Crania: of Produce anJ Ct(trel lee, the mont compute Price Current pub• Ogled ,o the Called Mmes. .Send fur a Price Current. Nuking Platen and Cards FCRYOIIII , O frre. Liberal edvancee mule on Consignments. Established !Jay 1, 1860. First class Ilefereaccs gicen when ruptircd April 1.1841-1. NEW CARBINE AM) MTh SHOP. A. S. CROSSLEY, Ilan opened :t Carriage and thuith Shop nn !Ma NI a kw Joon. I.:low Mein, in Illrxittoburg, *hare he will be found nt all limas ready lo repair old work. snake new. arid in short, do all binds or work per. Mining to her 1101. of hariosepe. Ai* earrings ironer he Ina no superiors is ibis pectins. Ills amends aipo sobaild New wagons. Give bias a cell. Ili striae are liberal. Repair ma Will reeeiv• rsovial et. [myblief-tt FORKS ROTEL, GEO. W. MAUGER, Proprietor. Tie above well•knnwu lintel has recently under ;one radical changes in its Internal nrranseuieuiv and its proprietor aolinUilera Whig fOrinef Cur will and the travelling public that hi, neroturnodatinni for the comfort of his gaol*, tan orronit in none in the country. Ills table will alwaye be found .up• piled. unt only with oubstential tood. but with al CIO attlitaCieg of the seavoll. 1111 wine and Itquort. (except tont popular beverage known as . .illklicery.'i purchased direct front the importing house*, are en tirely pure, and free from all poironou■ drum Ins Is %tankful fora liberal patroller to We put, Ind will cuutinue to deserve it in the future. °pokes W. HAUGES. Said 13.1111111.-4 REMOVAL OF C. C. PURR'S To SHIVE'S BLOCK. TIM DOUR ABOVE ..PEMOCRAT OFFICE" TIM undersigned hevirle received ►rum the ell) , a full and winplete supply of SPRING ANT) SUMMER DR! GOODS AND GROCERIES, Tin•irare, Hardware, Ce dar and Willow Ware, Orlrea, Conroe-in •ry, Clact•Ware Tobacco. Hata cad Peace, Flour, 0:Or:FM cad Meat 1 all or which I propose selling at a oar, low llglArallar each or predue.. O. Call and see. V. (OVUM. Bloomsburg, April 3,1807. CANARY BIRDS AND FANCY CAGES FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale a lot of handsome Oanary Birds and Fancy Cages CHEAP rotrrAdll. The bird' tun of the beet tine. mend for beauty they are not surpassed by their kind. ALSO, the subscriber is desirous of buying Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, in lam and small quantities, for the fall and win ter market. for whirls he will say the most liberal pried WILLIAM 0114 1 101 LB, filliwip'• Building, Main Etreet. October 111. hioooleburE. MANHOOD: lIOW LOST, ROW RESTORED. ti/ llip "T e. P r r r' i ll e b e l e hi c h e e n d ie. ln A a )seta,, a e n n tire 'e' a zn to u r n e a . t t wrcit.talneetio pertand oreilmrkalitelgeeelir. Indireed by Half-Abuse ; Involnntary bduiesione. Int potency. Nerrooe Debility and, Itopodinsente to marriage generally; Coneurnytioa, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Illyileed i n capaci t y, e ie. 8) , gehort 1. Ltilverwell, MOD., author of the 'Green Bonk,' Ott, The world renowned author, le this admirable Ler lure, dearly proves from hie own experience, that the sterol conecqueness of Sell-Abuse may be effect win ) , removed without Medicine, end lepton! den herons Pulite' oPeretioes, becalm'. instruments rind., or cordials, pointing out a mode of core a one. certain arid effestual, by whieh every eulgrrer. as molter what hie condition may bo, may cure hitneell cheaply, privately and radically, This Lee tore will prove a hoofs to thousands and thousands, gent under *sal to say oddreie, Is a plain envelope. as romps .4 six came, 0% IWO p 0.1140 *lamps. Alen Dr. Culverwell'e Ilterttge Oa e, pries 63 elate , Address, CHAO. 3. C. KLINK et CO., ICT Otersty, Kew Yorb. F. o.bos 4W Tett. 13, IM.--ly hill 4 Os I vtu. go To 'MOWS TO ET MT GOODS. 6118 1100 P NWIRTII, 628. WM, T. 110PKINI1 "own multi," or '.lCarys time porta," era Ore bead tnA cimayingt law priced bag 0111 , 11 IN the w AIN, Trnil gitletr, aprinic in 30 sligri atm, sl.lloi 40 spring., 61.46. Plain akirba ayringt, Pb minty . 13 'prints b 3 30 81 •IC SW 33 sPO O IO, 61.83. Warranted in grata renown. Our own mites" et "Polon SlOnta,'' *lama. tape trail., from lb In OD 'brings, $1 11111,to $4,36 sit tapes, SO% 60 raring', giro. up an tot/ MI Thai* skirt.' arc better than %hos. gold by olbaP tabliabnients at brut dun goods, and at wueb lowfr prkori. "Our own make of 'champion eblrta" ay• IN ry— a!, gray asperlor to 111 °Olio Hoop Obirts before thu public, and only hues to be examingd or worn to Mg. g.g(l.• Ivory 0110 of the tact. Millanitilred of Ma bait Won lialikad Unita! *Mel *pinta, very rona• rlor topes. and, the atyln of the militia fuctentnca au' manner cCarcurinp them fur durability and ainailnana soy Labor skirt in this country. and us lighter. more .11.110, will Well? 'anger , five mare aotlaraetion, and are Paull, carobs, then all Ober,. ?awry lady should try them. Piny ye being *odd esterialgely by blurchanta throughout this and the addoialoir Ortntas at va ry . moderate prineg. ion watt the IMO auk fee 'floplowe ch i mpi o plublyr If you do not find them, get the, merchant with wirOwl you dual to eider thew logbook or come or mod Or " c c i o u i . birrghnotir wtll find our different ITIONS of aklrtactacity what thy :need, and we Papillon, Arita thnisitu call, and examine our eatnualre wort• mount, or send fbr whoreaal. prlry ti's, i it b., hod at retail It Min. Inc tore, and of the retail trade generally, and at wholnaala of the manuhclurer only, to whom! orders , .knell be eddreeeed. m iln e ßv i nf it mod aalogrontn. t6tt Arch One, be bib and,7th straits, Phil aigniphis. saartliN WM. j Wm, T. norktrie. Nir.l4 - 1411/111111 ?see undersigned respectfully announce, that he bap rebtatt.l a shop, one door below Moyers DWI Store, in the raehatiga Pinch, where he io prepund to conduct the barbering hu•lniiss In all It. branches. The art of enturing whisker@ sod monomania Is prsetfeed by him most skillfully. FM also cleans clothing, meting them look seamy fis goodas Dew, upottthe meet Trammell,: tonna. flaring prwirad the services of a fsebionahits hair d be Is pre• paled to eirttlfamllies In tapes where It is dealrablit to+ll_l. op or eat bur upon res.,nnum term,' TT flair Toole la the very best quality, used for Ormolus hair, kept canstimUy on hand, AndfOf sale. N.C. COLIMA. Sleoensburd. April I, rittl, OMNIBUS LINE. THE Undersigned would reopectfully announce to the eititene of Ulnonishurz and the public gee• erally. that lie ie running an omviuce LINE. twren thisfive nod the • , f t f r.;tr recent Rail Road liepote dal. •extia • -•,1,.•• al at 17. (tmidity', excepted} to connect with the several Train( g Han Routh a Vero% on the Calawimm and Williaiutpurt 1011 i iloarl. and with 'tinge 'Meg North and South on the Lack, lk Bluomnburg Rued, Me OMNI Ht I B , ER are in gond ceindltinn, commo• dlun•and comfortable, and Marren temionable. 11:7 - Perform wi•blig to meet or are th-lr friend. depart, Can he accommodated, upon serisnarble charm, by leaving timely notice at any of the Ho. tele. JACOB L. GIRTON, Pinny) yhurr, A pill VT, 11414. _ rh 'Ladd ilhl4 & Erie Hall Road, AI:3I3IER TIME TABLE. Ttiaotymt /ism DIRE(' r Dorre BETWEEN PLIMMIELPHIA, HALTIMORY.. II ill miaow, wz 1.1.1 &uvula, Lim 1111 C GICEAT OIL REGION OP PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAM Oa all Night Trams. On And after MONDAY. MAY 11th. 13att. the Train• on the Philadelphia k Bela Rail Ruad will tOl3 al fulluwa : WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN levee Philadelphia II 15 p. Northumberland 5 IS a, al •" arrive at flrls• 8a p. in. ERIE RIPREI3BI learns Philadelphia 13 00 noon " Nurlbututietiled 430 p. tut .... '• atria, at Erie 10 03 a. in. ELMIRA MAIL I Philadelphia ill 00 a in. • '• '• Northumberland 1 V 5 p. m. 0 •' Strive it Leek Haven 746 p. 13 EAI6TW ARIL MAIL TRAIN leaves Brie 11 Ni a in I. •• Northumberland II 30 a. in • Arrive at l'hiladelphia 7 Its a. rn. SAM EiPeErizi lea eee Erse 7 40 p. m harihumberiand 9 41 a. gn: If r;Ve at litiladriptua bOU p. Mali sad Erpreaa mined. t (h Oil and Allegheny River Bail rt. ha • gape rherked through. A. L. TYLER, metal &pl. NORTHERN CENTRAL L.V...1Q.U12.0 'UIf;IP 461.7.. r. DI R ECT IRO NORTiI AND SOUTT Through 7Nurrrn Paliimore and I?odasfer 11411110 W Change of Cara. ( 04 and after April 2tth, Pla. Trains will run aa TRAINs NORTHWARD. 41 *. v leave Northumberland. rtryping rat prln. 400 Ptullans, arrtvlng Wituamepmt. 40 Elmira W nona, Cenatrilnitom 3 la P. at., Roches. ler 4 4,7 r. r. liutralo 9 14 r. x., Niagara falit 9 00 P. at. 4 43 r. W. leave Nnrthilmberland, gapping at all station,. nrnving at Williamoyoat. et 43 r. x., EI• Rana II U 5 P. IC TRAIN'S SOITTIMARtI, 8 83 A. X., Isere NorthumbrfornA. 'topping at prinetral ptailon*, Arrivins at Ilurrisbnrrq 30 •. M., Nittraore It IN r P 1,113. 1 ,10,1 I 110 r. . 10 lb A. N. level. Niaihninberland 'Ananias At all at/alone. arriving at If arri.hurg. at 1 15 r. Ilal• Witmer 0 00 P. H.. Philadelphia 5 40 r. 8. 3 10 r. st , leave Norihumber!and. atnpping at all rterloar. arriving it Harrialiurr 8 30 r. at., Philadel. phis I VO A. al., I:Millar/fa 7 JO a. It. II 30 r.r. leave Sorihumborlurd. 00Pring a p•ineitoll station., arriving at Ilarriehurg 2 40 A. MI thilliinore 7 MI. Y., Phil delphin 7 10. J, a. POMMY N. YOUNG. Gen') Sup% Harrisburg, la. Grill Nes. Air at. Ballimnre, nel , l IPA AC M. 80115:“ 11 Ell HORN, nerel Western Freight Agont, Buffalo, N. Y. May. 0, IE6B. pRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. (ire :q.,dirine,.. At Jnhn R, Aforor's Brux Ate: earner 01 Milo and Market 'Streets. A good avios meat of PURE DRITGN, Mediciaes, Paints. Olb and Vernieho■, elweys ne hard, end will he Bold cheaper thaw at any other Drug Wore In tawri. QUALITY GUARANTEhD. Freecriptiona carefully compounded at Moyer's Drug diore, Ayers and hypes Medicines sold at Moyer'. Ong Store, virivhart'v Tar entrllotl. bakers Cod Liver nit, Winelow'r dootbin Syrup, void at D nyer's Drul Store. Per Arty reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer's Drug Store. lAather er all kinds, wlinlr male and rett /I, at J.l Iloper's Nig Store, Dloomilaurg. re. Iday 2,lolC—tr. THE HEALING POOL, AND DOUSE OF MERCY. tinware Amu:Wien Equine. for YOLINO ME ne On CRIME DP SOLITUDE, lad the ERROR AlitldEll and DISEAAES ',Mtn &retro) , the manly powers. aril create Impedimenta to MARRIAGE, wile lure menus of relief. tieni in mailed leiter 41r. einem No of ethane. Arldr•se UK. J. PIK HAAN HOUGHTON. Flesiriad Ammistlon. Ph I instil phi n. fa. June 5. 1607.-1.4. atillY NOW. a . r. SARTORI WOLF & BART ON, (BUCCESSOIitiI TO R. C. SNIPE,) BLOO3ISBURG, PA. TOE subeerlhers brining leaned the PIC Oise Ml' rind Machine ithop formerly octopi , d by t'iwon C Strive. will viaticum the burl:reef of wart.r.lafing Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings &Ewa. •e, nag ire slim prepared to ( [Amish DRESSED FLOORING, SIIINGLES and all other Lambe► ',mired is the construetkin of bu ildinic All kinds of 'sins duo. nt abort entice. Rllis roc Joist and Ober Frame Btu/ 'flied with prow plow and tare Orders re.pectruily aolleilad WOirV Bloomsburg. April IS, 18013-ti. cATAIVISSA. RAILROAD. oil and .her MONDAY, May 11, IMP, Yalenayer trains on the CulnWillrl Railroad will run at the loilawllli amid heats: MAIL LOUTH. 41TA1'10 , 45 MAIL, SIORT II Dep. 5,13 a. m, Will leareporL Arr. 11.1$ p.aa " 13.43 . Mosey. Dap.0.41 • 4 9.1 e " Vistenntawn. " .3.11 " .. U. .1 M MON. .. 4.35 " " ILIA .. Danville, .. J,13 " " ICA " Rupert. 10 3 . 4. 4 ~ .. 10.43 " 014111riliair 11. Las ~ .s 11.36 . am. Riqtuwn, s to 1, lI L PI A 1 1 1401 MI . un " 0 a ZA. 4ei .. Canal Kkr, Y. Mabee , * /atm. " lie '' " ILLS " tliae, Tesaaelaa. WWI , " .0 0 4.13 " Reeidiiii. " aka', •.*t Art. ILO n Philadelphia. oI 11.0 .. I To New Vora vie. Read. ' Ic4" •• f lax Of Mauch Canna. r,n New York via. I i ~,. Mauch Chunk. 1 """ No auntie nr rare between tWaltanwnre nue Philadelphia. GEO. WZOD, Supt. Ms 17 Dee. WALL PAPERS. PAPER RANGINGSI rrocx Or MIIIII4. New aid Magma sitie ow mow, stiv *toles/It sud tetsll, HOWELL It Cotner of /math sad Wart su,.*s. Apriff-3•3. Ifitasocits:*. A SOLLEDER'S HOOT AND SHOE STORE, [OPPOSITE TIIE smicortu, CHI/100,1 On Main Street, Bloomsburg. ilia sabreribar takes plaints is Annountleg to Ita people 01 Illoonsaburt. snit •lelnitr, ibis ha btu on baud a large and Ilat, adiortainnt of HOOTS AND 8110E 9 U , Ifidhee and renthenten'o wear, to rot oi Hi, Oily work le of the beet qnallty. an 4 It“ 117 the JVIII reliable manothciuseee ; ke betas a practical :rl , man and a Rood Judge of a3311 1 4...)CLM1L1M br• 1...p0t libely to bn imposed upon by twirls' wOrglifnes material badly wade up. ae nearing &watts in big floe would do well else him a call, before purchastap elsewhere. Ile nit Is it GOOD ARTICLE, rrd nt prices to colt pathology All plums who desire light or ►eeTy work radii It trout eat be accommodated at klls establishment. SIT AIR.), repairing will be done with Neatness and ihypateh. elegant assortoseat of Lodiee Opting and luta tvnt Oboes on hand. A. ii#OLLE.DO4 ino 1,437. /W I'S WANTED FOit HTE BLUE-COATS. AND HOW THEY LIVED. UNOULG FGHT AND DICD FOIL THE H. Bonne, and Incidents in latent Rebellion. Ceenorleing Narratives of Personal A dventure, Thrll flog Incidents. Daring EsPfotta, Heroic Deeds, Wonderful Retypes. Lies in the ramp. Field and llospi in I ; Adrentuturee of Soles and Scouts together WHO the Snags and Halted • Anecdotes and Humorous Incidents of the War. SPLENDIDLY ILLUerlt wren werN ova l 100 yore, PORTRAITS ANU ttentirivuL ENGRAVINGS. There la 'certain portion of the wits that will never ao Into the reviler hietoriee, anr be embodo.d In romanced poetry, which la a very real part of it. end wlll. if pre ee ee ed. convey to sere...dine he „.. rations a to Per idea of the spiritorthe coadict than Id many dry reports or earn ul rueelp. the NH, the with.. of the war. TAI' illustrate!, the elms/gars of the leiolcre, the humor of the snide* fa, the devo. fine of women, the bravery of own the pock of oar hdiwu the romance mid hartisnipe of the ee r siee. The Valiant and Brave (leaned. th e Picturesque and dramatic and IVitty and Marvelous. the 'feeder and Pathetic end the Whole Pendant* of the War are here tlicillin ely portrayed in a [nester'? wanner. at once historical and rulialallE andoylEE It the moat awl., trigae . b. Maid sad tadable tow* that (hewer has ,led Relit. Amuwnient se well as Inetruction may be found la every pain. as graphic detail, brilliant wit, and ambentie NEWT. are skilfully tutatwoven in tale work of literery art stead for ea-cuter. and one our terms. and • AIR neseripths ri the Work. Addles, JONES k , a. Jaouary Itilt3lllool.o LOBf, now, Restored. Proprietor. Just Published. a new editing cir Da. CITINERWEI.I.'S Celebrated Essay on lAr rad• lent cure (without medicine 'ortiperinsiort h 0.,. Sem inal Weakness. I nyotastitry rtUlblaal Losses. Imp.. teucy Mental and Incapacity, Impediments In Marriage. rte. ; also C 01 1 ,41114111011, Y.pllrpw, nod Pits induced by self.indulsence or Bestial eatrava• puttee. Prier. in a reeled envelope, only a cents. The c4lebiat•d author in this admirable essay clearly demnastrates. 'rota a thirty years' poetess. ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self. Native may he radically cured without the danger. our use of internal medicine or the applicstion of the hole—pointing oats mode of cure at nice rino pter certain. and effectual, by means of which •vnirj sufferer, nu mutter what his condition may may Me himself cheaply. privately, and radically. Thus h•rture should be in lbw hands of every youth sad every iron in the land. tent, undo, real. In a piano envelope. to any ad. dies. purl •yeiil. en receipt of ng emits, or two post stamp. Address the publishers. CHAR. J, C. KLINE', h Co. itQowe,y. Neu Yore, Poet uffice ai 4:stl. Nov 47, I ne.7._30, UOAL AnD. The iin de ri iened respeetfnlly inform* tbo ritIPPPs nt lilwei.tnire and Columbia county, that they keep all the different nnmberr , 01 stove coal and sektileu lump coral for 'within% purpose*. on their wharf. nJ Joining PteKelvV, Neal &CIO'S rillaaeu ; with a good pair Pedalo scales nn the orloortto welsh enal.hay and attaW LladWia , ` a horea•and wagon. to vc r run to those wbn desire It. As we purchase a large amount of coal, we Wend to keep a superior whet; and 1011 at the very Inweet pure,. Plea.* tall an elllialtle for yootoeivro Wore jeureliseingelmovhere J. W. AUGUilTtle 6141110 N. $1 , 14E undersigned will tako. in exchange Mr Coal I gee Breerriee, the following named amid/se:— Wheat. Ityo.Corn.olo., Potatoes, Lard. Pam, nhool der. and aide meat, Butter. Egg*, Ilay. 41r., at the higheet rash prices, at his Grocery Pore, adjoining tbelr coal yard. J. W. lIENPERSHOT. illooreetarg, April 2.5. Lackawaltha 4; Bloomsburg Its Meat hiciatiMMlWllt2aal agg , TWO DAILY TRAINS. •iiia ON AND AFTCR JA ' , 4 UAW( 28 , 1p97, PAS. SENOER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE' BOUTIIWAIID. A M AU P M. Lean Scranton, 330 7./0 4.40 •• Kingman, e. 53 0 AI 0.00 ~ Rapp,' SIRS 11.17 Dmivilis, 9.31 p Au Art at Narldamaerland 10,30 V. 34 LEAVE twirl , ti bV ARD. A M PM Leave Naftali's/pi/laud, 7.00 SAW Danville, 7.40 Coo . , I up.rt, SAS I' M 11 a% ' Kingpton, 10.50 11.50 0 0.5 Arrive it Avronvos, 1700 . 1 100 10 tA Trains leaving }Clayton at 5.30 A: M for &moron Connect with Train arriving at NowYora It .i.go Fabian ger. talon( Train South front kill num at 331 A M via No, thumberland.rea, h Harrieharg It 30 P M. halt:wore t3O P ,M., Washington 10 OOP W via pert Nigh Philadelphia at 7 00P M. It. A. FONDA. 0001. illation. Jan. 30 i 0 7. (b. Surgeon Dentist, Fairies teeth without pain by a new method. It • is perfectly harail•se end ie now used with rood Puccini. Ail branches of • Dentistry attended to In the intuit tA y and .a“st approved sate. Roo once and Want, one dont east tg Evens. Clothing stnrn. clinnuirntirn, Noe. 11. PLASTEII FOR SALE. THE uodrrtlinmd have fitted up a Plait, r hllll etthe rnstm PI:IINACE )111.14, and will *fee to the paDlle ONE LIE:NOV.ID TUNE Noels Scotia While Piaster, lrepirad ready fnr use In ctlllAtltieo to Wait ;mote its. et any time free the Avistaii‘Virlill !HUMAN. Cambia. April 1. laM. Erdlialab; IKOILT72IIIIO ii WIIOI2IIALt CONIZISLIONEIS AND FREITERERS, /No. IM North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Orders promptly attended to. ring. fir, poll.-9w. EXOH . A.NGE HOTEL, BLOOIIBOCRO. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAI The ondorsiyaod having parehased nail lately re• fitted tills well•teewn Bonet. altueted on MAIN IT., immedietey oemnalte the Court House, respectiully inlhrme their friorids and the pnbile gentralliy, that Unti: !louse Is anrr In order for the accommodation and entertainment of traveler& They have eye red NO peins In properlngtbelleahaege the the entortelootrot and comfort of their /nests Their limos It speciOlis end enjoys a food business location MAN lOLINBEfi fink At /01 time. between thin Rogge Sad the different no treed Depots, by winch travelers wilt be convoyed to and from the respective illations is doe time to most the ears, KOOll5 k,CLARK. April Itien. I= A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Nearly opposite Mt Episcopal Chw►th, CLOTHING OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MOW. Y mock', onmposed W *hi alotblitg, edam LYI sod IM Psissd—adapted to all enedltlnea. taata■ and want,. He has the twit mt.. tut , the moon floe aisortmenl of Overcoats and Gentlemen's from low 10las very hat His Grinds ore irt.kyornhie ost4 wen Made, In addition to iny stock of 1./qty.'s/ids slotalog, 1 lave plea roam for tooloa weirs, Cloth r, Catcwinierei, arc., lie. Aid having ows of'tns first class cotton, I soarsa. Ise aat In all and glifo satletl floe. Alto a Cutely or WOOLEI ANINLINEN SKIRTS, Stotkinge, Neektiee, Collar.. limas. Hentlkerehtelb —everything in the gentlemen's Ilse orstathing Also, Hate, boils sad dime, Trants est Carpet bags, I will veil at the lowest Merkel Ogee, Pleat* glee Ille a tall Iterate portheeing elsewhere. ANVIISPV J. EVANS, Bloomsburg. Nov. 13. 1841. A NEW STOCK OF GOODS, FOR THE HARRAH TRAM OF COLGMBIA COMITY, AT TUE NEW !MORE OF C. W. SNYDER, BLOOMSBURG, PA., reneirting of every article found in a argt.clais hardware @lore, among width are the Wowing NAILS. and tITEEL. WAGON SPRINGS Bed AXLES, PAINTS, 011.8 acid GLASS, ("MAIN sad GRASS BYTHEI, and IlitTilr.BN &TUB, GRAIN CB A OLEN, BAKU, ke., KIRBY'S COMBINED REAPER it MOWER, HOSThrrER'S CELEBRATED PATENT BAG.HOLDER, AND THE IMPROVED CHERRY SEEDER. A Len. LI $1 REVIEWS OIL POLie/1 at Inoirsal• gad Retail. RIVR RIM A CALL. Moom.bnrr. June 10.,067. COMMERCIAL lIIANUtths. 17" We nenennett to Waters eon dealers in Pertil. item that the golinwing pricey hers bean adopted for the pre.ent spring season . BAUGH'S Rev BONE PHOSPHATE. Price, $36 per 9,000 lbs. BAUGH'S CHICAGO SONE PERT/LUCE. Price, RR; per R.NKI lb.. BAUCH% CHICAGO PLonn MANURE Prim CIO per :At* tbri. This well 'therm petiole, E MARK trarte•ntark will he fettnd upon every package a the ,hove mioire• which tiskothoutvirirtzti.nemt: sow have been held. &tr ine fourteen years past. we shrill fully stistatin In the . / future. flaying now the en• tom control of the great re• route«. ef the ,sty of Chicago, for furnish' ig Am nion's sod Plin•ph.,te yielding material. via!—Rotes. 't r i e d , we hive. in reflation s tII our were. In Philadelphia ll' largest raellities for furnishing these manure*, at the above low prices. BAUGH k Waif!. Philadelphia. NORTH-W EST ERN FERTILIZING CO.. Chicago. JOHN RAI.STON its CO., noel Apt.. New York. orttncE W. KIRKE A. CO., " Heaton. uccium DI:GDALE. Whrierate Agent, Baltimore. rn, ell infortnritinn reepeetier the above Manures. iflttreee other of the above /mem =I HENDERSUOTT'S PHARMACY. Any reecisiss mare fresh and pare• Waco. Medicine,. Tail •i and easel articles which' hart Uses purchased IT LOWEST RATES, Ah O tSil.i. NF: SOLO LOW. ()wine to the (all ej Mut, and 4ifilitiOelt in the it.• meg pow puck. InY t.very article I ri to odd tune' pr ink. Our otticit So 1111180.1 tr4Orifir. Call and et, and be e. , or 1m...A that blip Is the plate to uy. January 111. /Mb. OLD lIIIENDs AND NEW FRIENDS, THIS WAY! A. HARTMAN'S NEWS TORE ROOMS, O Siam Street, below NOM, Bloaataburg, Pa, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C. &C. &C. Also a new and good supply of PiTsbiliTA Al'llll TIAWARE. Having "...ruffed a well •known nil SUptlfiOf work. ir prepared to 'mite new work mod meow iv. pairing to erdsly. spouting Made to Order. All or clomp for croh or trade thecherport. 07. t all end roe, ars% alma on welt rad of Marra atrect. A. 11 AIITMAN. Avail..., Wt. CONFECTIONERY. Tag slupandsnod would respectfully announce to the public that he bar °welted a FIRBT-CIANd CONFECTIONERY ATORE, in the building lately occupied b lleruacd 6 tote r. when be la prepared w furat•ti nil Mune GC. PLAIN at FANCY CANINES. FRENCH CANDIES,PONNION AND DONEATIC NUTS. RAISINS. &C.. AC., ar.C., AC r vNO LLLLLL OA YaTaIL. 1n abort a full assortatent of all YHA, of goods h Me line of business. Ao M rPst RI, of U 01.1.11, TOYS), to., suitable for the liolldail. Particular sue to HRRAD AND DANES, of al' kinds fres% •vnrr day, CURItITMAB CANDIES, CHRISTMAS TOY? A call is tol citan. tad satisfaction will 14 settee Wed. 006 U, 1807. SCUM? JACOPL LUMBER I LUMBER F! HE NIAXIMINNYMUI LOINdEBING COMPANY, 1 'mid reopectruny farms Um public this they bars tie', PLANING MILL sow is *peaklos grltb an extensive 1180MOIllt Of Lto UTZ= ai Lib L-12. and an now prepared to supply all alders at short notice and at the lowest arms, for cash, Tholt u• sortatera of lumber coosists of White Pine Plank, Hoards, Flooring, Stiff:tee ill•)ardo, Hemlock Plank, landed nr uppirined, to butt prirchmiers !rano Stuff, Joke) and Scantling of all Mae.. Their Planing Mill end Lember Yard is sltwated at tbs Railroad Depot, very conveniently for shipping !lmber by the cerau. They it. ennitantly ruarafastoring limber of all Mona, aid Venoms who deists lumber of eV'', li• acripilon wilt do welt to examine their stoat before pure. eeing eleewherv. They are determined and GM. tacitly prepared to 'MIAs cheap as the cheapest. They Also deign, to inform tbspablic and eTipecially those who Wish to pu 'chats blll•etiff that they bay. no. Mill glacially prepared to tut timber. of almost every Mae and length required. Timm, wishing to build Of entitrettore for building, as save money, by yitringuea till The earterelgried would also lIIROCUOCP that aka, prepared to 4001 bind or repairing of Machinery, each as Thieebing Marble... Mower., Reapers and all Mind, of agriettitteal Implement., upon reams. trirr terra.. Addren, 1. C. RYER, litiey. aktorusiturg, Sept. 11, 11561. Ilicitinceborg, Pb. BLANKS I BLANKS: ! °revery doomptioun for Nile, at this office A NEW ARRIVAL ,OF JIILLINERY AND • al l° FANCY GOOOlll, AT' lila/. ie. LIGHT STRE6T,COLONBIA CKSTT. Pha woirld evecreethilly inform the ratite's of Light Asset nnd vicinity. thet she Swipe% seturnoil four the city with a One sesatiment of roll end wl .ter ee ILLINKIRY Ara/ raNcy tdoubli. wci 0,104' , tc 4 Iseult this Wyk. DOTINNTB made lo oath sad repeirins don , with wenerosee And drerulteh. A“ work eleetitedi the but and most tasty masses. open reasurnablel vane. Piriteulsr anemia' fe DOA to drool miring, Phi Nam PATTYRNIi of every dencrlptino, inlttokl jag " the Inds, on Yawl and for sele obsso. Phi will also ply .pedal MOnlion to colorlog i having spent urn. end mono, tolearn the Art in el l Itsparticulars, sne is (middens in prise enrstactsoo. in Worden's November 0.160, WANTED. AGINTS TO SELL DR. 1511. EIMMeB "DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE." It contains am tore closely pr Intmd, /nobler colons new , yesoa, from uew electrotype plane, on loud Piers sad Is I prurrlatr ly illunreted with more than Min 'vinyl's,' OS Aetri and wool, nod • aeries eilani iSitientie Ulljot, age. It comprstmli the Antiquitiee, ItipgraPhYgGISOSTS phi Natural iiionev Tainstrsibi, inn la • complste el opreient the eteeipteree. It b In • y to every Intilopeneabli to every Minns r and Funnily ecbuol l'encher, and onght to be is every fletell4 It In bight? sommended all leaned and eminent see, Bad by nes PreSS /sunnily in all parte of the country, ai the nem book of lAc klatl in the Easiieh language, Do not le Decticed. Owing to the unprecedented popularity of this Work, a small Eng ish abrlagentont, in duculteinin form, of about %O pains, has heels :sprinted in this Country In larger tvpn, and spread over CPU °Hari Plitectivideutly—by inakine a larger WOk than the original—to give the impression eerier than it Is 'fl one edition. It his !mistime bull' the reading lustier of ours, and Is sold considorably higher than the Eu itish edition of urns book On this rowan'. Nunn , ugents are endeavoring to patio ut thlt Juvenile edi• Hon for EMU Teaebvra.gtudents ' Method Clergymen, Farmers, and energetic women (intl the agency & fur this work both pleasant and lucrative emplogneet. need (or Circulars, me giving full particulars, terms, dm, to B.d, s caro & v m, co., nook,oilshm, tot Asylum at., Hanford, Conn, tehruaty 26, 166641 w. 'OREM ARRIVAL OF FAMILY' 10 . - GROCERIES, AT JOHN K. GIRTON'S STORE, Dri00.2157117110. PZ.lllla. Ilia eddsevider has returned from the eastern Mine. *RR a large and choice stock of lirat•eluss Groceries and Dry-Goods, so bleb he offer, to the citizens of Bleomehork and u-lefty e. Inge 1111 rsn be dad 01 any dealer in dos non of tbo County. mig swat consists of the beat varieties of CligsrEE. MOLAddrld, FCOIII, TEA, rims (tif !inequality.) MEATS, (in their season.) ROOTON . A Vi 0 OTHER CRACKERS. rtoAr /lc ULM. dm ! ec, ClifrAdEs I'OAL sr LI zsErlD lac a nice assorrolint of Ury floosie and Mimicry. sod a full variety of goods of Ida above Floss, and c other kinds. la addition to which he has recentir . a 'tied In his stork a fine assortment of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; which variety of goods do has several new .100 es of modern invention, estenstircily used .there known. and winch most came into Itinl here ile also has a tine supply of French Moroccoeu; .d also of Morocco Linings for bdotitiaker's work ; and a good assortment of Queensware. ty , Call and examine. JOHN R ntwrov. P. E. Corner el' Main sad Iron Streets. Blown Falai. Nov. '2O, lac 7. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John illellenry, sr., late r?f .11en- tot timnship, county. dte'd. Lettors testamentary on the, eet4te ofJahn :Steffen• ry, v . , late of Winton Thane!' ip Cnlumbia county, deceased. have been granted t y the P./toter 4011,1 county, to Itohr McHenry, of lienton toivnkhip, and 1,0,W PM narhe tig hr iv file, I.ycomine roomy. All rwromns twilit claims •yultist the rstai.: nill nicont ailing mi. vd in tither of the ra i• I. ,illetnen and those indebod in the si , t. n On ate licitenta payment to the undor- Myrird attester Holt M,IIF.VII LAW WS FillON April 15, PO. Executors, NEW FURS ITIIRE ROOM, ON MAIN STREE'P, BLOOMS BURG, PENN'A. J2E2:11 Lttz;NLOIRATI Informs thy omen* of int. 'Own and vicinity, that he us. at hi. rurnilure itnurno, ritaira id every destliptif 0, iinrenno, Dining 1 . 101011 laras and urns 11. itydatands of ilia Patrol rtYlea. Card oini Toilet Taiga', Looking Nissen. by.oiloii many other article. of furniture .1 tint ciao, manufacture. The public sea rnrdinily invited to call and ri• amino his stork 11. Will sell upon rrniu.nubly ' , vela' attention will uepmW to repairing all kiwis of tomatoes, ciesp for cash. April 1, latitl. TUE COLVDIBIAIioUiE .11. n. STOUNER , Proprietor. This lea new steed lately fitted 'triter theacemokitc (Winn of the traveling public generally. situated on Main Pt re..t. a few doors shore the Court noble. on what le known a• the "Itobbionn property." It It centrally located in ti P town, a m rat pleasent place (or &tome to atop. besides bring in that part of town whore the niejority of the Wooer,' is being 4011 Y. The proprietor feela confidant that he is prepared to Rots general smisfotim• to his guests, and would solicit a fair portion of the public patronage. Flioomiburg, May 13. pint N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OV NI A IN STREET, (NEARLY OPPOSITE MILLER'S MR BLOOMS DU R. 3, PA. THE: underslined has .risi tilted up, and opened, his now AND TIN ' I OOP, in this More, where he is pre pared to make up new Tif WAIII-1 of all kinds in his isan,lltid do repair• itu with n•etneas and Minitel), upon the limit rea• eensbie term, :lesion keeps on hand iSTOVeN of •arhoue patterns and at;les, which be will salt upon terms to wait purchasers. He is a good mechanic, and de• messing of I?. nubile patronage. JACOB MM. Bloornabnrg, Sept. 0. 1008.-17. STOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Alleetece" to his many friends and numerous one. tomerstbst he continue' the shoes buolnelie tt hie old place of business au MAIN SPREET. BLOOMS EI.'SG. Hie evatomers and others can he accommodated will FANCY STOVES ofall kinds, etoreplpecTineeare, and every 'f• article found in all well regulated STOVE AND TINWARE PPTAHLISUMENTS lo the due,. and on the moo: reasonable tome. ag- SPOUTING, for houses and torn., will he put up on short notice. Alen. ill kinds of repairing dorm promptly and upon liMnl terms. Heal.° keeps on band a large 'uppity of Milk N Pans. of different ies sod price. he•iiie" a Ann 11J• sortment of Fisher's Patent rfelf•Sealing Fruit Pre. nerving Cana. Give ism a all. July l':,lMl6.—tf. SCRANTON BOOK BINDERY. Having muted the aerate', or Mr. tr. Emote, o ne of tM kit binders to bi found In th• Sums. we ate prepared to (ambit' to SANER, INSURANCE COMPANIES, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS. • COAL OPERATORS nor ate and oaten. with BLANK BOOKS of aver! deter/lotion, ow short smite. bound in an y style desired. In the woes substantial manner.. ■t reampvlde prises. blagesines bound, and old books rebound, at New York priers. Orders left at the °Mee of the papnr poblishlsi thin nlyertleeetunt, or sent by Naprese, WIN be at tuntloO to end returned without unnecessary dully, Z. st, hi. (JILL. Bcranion, Pc, Jane Id, 1807.—t f. DR. E. %V. !MOM:AVM TO Mt P. C. ITARRIFION. Mao Olken Room , a ilto AClOlitsfl Rolm. All 01 den felt throe will be promptly atiutded It. Illotoorborg, Oct 30, IN 7, Mathlotry, An Co!WWI, lUau rurnatro. kt alionuy Digine. 14114,6, TRPeeltlal(l MACII I Ba. ace.. ace HI iv solo prepared to wake Otover, all sisals and pattern'', plow•irmay,aud everything usually wedge la IlralKlur eoendrine. Hie eatunsive facilities and practical week men, war. rant hloi In receiving the largest contracts oa tlw 00M vajeonable tarms. trj Grialicif all Muds will be token in escheat's Car caelinge, Thisatabliehmnni Is loyead slyer the Latham' nal Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. YLTEIt HILLMYEtt. liloomaburg, Sept, 1863 J . 3. BROWER, (Cur. itan 41. Iron og.) to num offering In the Public hip OTOCK 01' SPRING -GOODS elision, in Fran of a full line of INGRAIN, WOOl, t RAG CARPETS. 1 0 {n3 cloths and ra.oimere for Ledive coat,. Han Gionin of Ali Patter on and nun' Wca. POIOUS otod Printo of various , lur.littedt aad pricaa. Bleached sod Brown Illualine, Lather French C BALMORAL SKIRTS. ritorinient of Wins and ebildeeiiii . Gigue?. aq,l Pools, t re*li COQMite and Npiccs. New nosottnient of Glass and gatensware. Ak.i. I )t I in nno hair and one montib Vow fit shY Illna to male your selection+. us I no, t ittielno gOO,/s la very low pricey end WI? VIM., iv (NOM to sib, and not to be uodervold by any, J. J. tilt Uri, bl , timsbure. April 4L Iso7. NEW RESTAURANT, 10 Slihre'r gniHine nn Mein Stfro. WM. GILMORE, Informs tan r Miens of blownshurs and vrelnity td ha has op, riPtl a New RESTAURANT, n this piste, where he Invites hi. old friends nod. ettotomers to call and partake of hie tetteshaletli..— It Id his Intention to keep the hem,. LAG Lit BEER AND ALI:. constantly an hand Porter. Amapa, lila. Min oral Water. Fancy Lemonades, Raspberry and Leh& en eyrunn, can always be Pad at tits Restaurant. In the eatins line he presents a RIZZI Of 7ARZ not otorpnoted in this plats viz, Pickled oyste r s time, gftr.i n..N. Fish, tisibettied Chi, hen. i'll.ool. Tropp mid Deer 'Poops, Am. 4c. 110 ul•u it is n 4 . 004 ■flub or rgors and Chets.;,,g 71,10teeo for his customers. tr Oise hiss n tell. Illuoitishu tit. Jane 13. INC NEW BAKERY AND CONFEC ." TIONERY , J.S. l =3o ma:s)=a ON TlliuiD sTlicia, 111",1.0%V M A It K BLOOMSBURG. P.A. I. r, FOX. rropiiPtot of this e stab' ishateh t. I reepertNily in rot in his old ami new cIiStIMIY(4. has ,•rerythlnl fitted up at his • hew stand sills him to furnish th, , m u o h lin EA it, cAio:s. t) Cool FECI It Ai En I Es. a Iterctotorp, all µ•:son.• who base ell with Ale. Lager Beer, snit Porter. by.tto• half. of ollnflf.r barrel. %, ill call upon WIGLIA ututtonE. at blot Saloon 111 Ehives' Block, Main Street, who hi. bran olithorian I Dv the. tinderiiianeil to aiiit the IMMO. Ile ‘4l:ltnllataiiiiv have n .apply au hand, which will h.• anti, at the 14%144 eiarkiv r Mr. F. hum its elpon, • •• Ow Hag • y and :. illioft Up room. f,,y the ode ni ICE CREA .11 to nil lih• rimy favor him Mith their custom itit, is also sastorsil to dinar' tat Cream in largo quanta• ties Cot telitte, 'titbit. or tineadl 440 the case limy be. Everything lisrtisialio to his line tg busanes• will rsdrive careful nod diligent altralion. Ile to his riieteisierio tor pit.t fa nynr*. and iiohtt cordially Soliche admonitions,' in the J. I•. Fax. April :1. troll. I rivci,v faiths' Axt) rEsTivi: ..nol LA 114i4frOrit «nretoite antl/5 rPtoo.ond I iNdtstll4 t.ll II ti plow, yi, Addrope NI Alt V MUU111:.e.:11 I.toadWitY. \.l. May In. leLik—iy. New Millenary Goods At the ihnry Mort rf A)IAN DA WE It KII ISE lt , (NI ccel , loll TO PUTT PaRTIKT.) 111.00)1$11tItt1. I. •rtin publir are remprirtfully that , •an turotrAti,i r vcry wine, ;“ upun the font rrovounisle hinir, and in 4rtimil hot imrpossoil (or role. beauty. per in 11 1 1 . town. Dor 10,orrins irtyleii per hide. hionnoto.nnil nth. r artiClus I . of %%Mien and M 11004.• wen?. are,lwal.togui nod Well cal.rillatail to Mini 1110 taller of mint loptidioss. novo ker a cat, alter. on MO io tippet (forth vide) below Market. HOUSE AN!) LOT FOR SALE Will he wild et private Sate a tiot*Qi: Odell and Lirr, @Minted on OM to 141).1 ttailrontt l! t o !limns above I Nut. near the Pluininn ..r J..Rnpbina 1c rh., rn Itinninobtorr. The honer to e new frame hiiiiding, tern otories high, with epilar. mad well rlniebed. The lot in of good size, in rte eellent condition, and weal planted with reef,* de• ecription ofehnlce (vitt. All UPC! OOOO) ntittonildi 11211 !tie erected. The tem. win he made *it UNA tulle given For further pinto ulare inquire thin °dice. Nur. hi, 11,7 N• 'IV NILLTNERY WON AND FANCY TRIMMINGS; The undermined meet reopertially informa her I.n• dy raolowere. athl the publie in general. that ehe haw fart attend to hat already large and vaned wort- Jamul of PANCY MILLINERY GOODS A NEW IRUPPLY, well and tartetulty ',elected ter thy 'wont and coming *capon. Iter NEW isoNvor ,4 . AND HATS are calculated to take the teed in piece end vicinity. She hae everything found in first.cleen 41c. Fancy SloreM, ■nd wake, np and nen* her com. upon the most rem• 'Mumble term Mee her a tall and examen , . her new stock 040644. LIZZIE DARNLEY. INYORE. NOD !Wei. tkurtsry Building.) October Eh 11M7. Bloomsburg. TILE SWAN HOTEL, [TUB VePER lIOUdE,) Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. The eunecriber respectfully tarorm. hi. friend. and the public. tint be has taken the im... above well linnwni DOWIE ENTERTAIN:Sit:NT, and will be pleiteed to receive the ruinom of all who. will favor him with a call. lie will keep A GOOD TABLE, a Dar well cinched with the heti of F.1 , 11101%111,4 every etfoit will by made to render MOM! eatieta..- lion. MIN dNYLWR. Orangeville March 20,1867. _-• - - - JUST ARRIVED. N EW GOODS! NEW GOODS ► The public are Informed that IL W. CREASY 4: Co. hair Net received THE LARGEST AND BESTS ELECTED' STOCK OE SPRING AND SUMMER GOMM ever brought to LIGHT STREET. All Junes of food Goode, Cflr:Al. for cub or toun• try produce. H. W. CREAB7 & Co. Lditit Ittniet. may 13, WO. lOpPostai:T6Ln — ia, Murch Ist, II it% We her in.thforou yoe the, we Pifn rte. pared to unr,for putt inapertum out 0 maul a.autt meat of MILINERY GouGS run el atius of the newest .hop ea,ln ettraw Silk and GIMP Gala, liontiets, kr., Velvetr, atilt tioue, Mth bona, Flowers, Peotherc Ruche'', Crowell,. ..londea. Braids, oreauwata, atr.i&u. We stall he happy iu withan you at our Store, or recuve your °Nara Prltea low for Cub, Yours. Ilit. 11, WARD, March IP,—lmo, Noe, 1113, 103 ae 107 North Second 'Meet rtuladelptua, DRY. taw , CO. .r, prnprietur nasund •%. moon. Is low .crl% u ordera