floozdveg littocutt. Ell WedneNdaY o Jul/ 1, 1111010 :NOTICE. After tho kOth of August next we will not s e ta out the DEMOCRAT to any of our sub Lathers who have not paid their subserip flow. All the material used is cash in advance; besides all the labor we employ is paid, for in cioh us it is performed. When a subscriptiou hangs over a year, the little profit we would hue. upon it, if paid in ad• s am, is lst. Lt is lost in this way : We have invested that money in material and labor and laid n year out of it, thus losing the nee of the asst of paper, besides the small ihetional profit. On one subscription the profit would be small, but in the aggre gate, (say two thousand subscribers) it would amount to a snug sum of money to the edi tor. Those in arrears will please heed this notice, and attend to their subscriptions in UM lOW iSISAEL P. 1114aTii, ofJaekson torn tolvertkes in to-day's DENtocRAT, his real eAtito. a n d personal property for We on the 10th of July. tor Nit. inn:moot, next door to our is a good praetieul tailor. Ilk work will bear doe': inspection, and for durability and nealmN , it is not surpassed in this town. Mir TIM Fullall in this town willkr ebrateil with appropriate ceremonies. Tido National Independence day will be more gvnerally übserrea tbwyeti. than has beeti for the p,t eight. FENSITRMACIIER & Co's. saw mill in Sugarloaf township, this county, Was liurneil down on Friday Inst. The loss is pretty heavy, and the insurance light.— They may not rebuild. iftb" ST. M.vrrit EWA Lutheran Church of' Catawi, , u, will be rededicated to the ant.- Nhip of 110. i ou Sunday morninp, ut o'clock. July Til. The public are cordially invited to attend. Ar - A exvhamm advises young men to —wrap theinselves up in their virtues." - We think that -tone of th© men in Mums. him; w“ul 1 be wrapped in very thin cloak if' they Amyl , ' try the experiment. {tom NV have been informed +hat one of the roe ennipanics hinville will visit this since on till' — Fourth." Right. Coma along. : yon'll bo P, ztt 1 ren,eotfully. and in nittiov..r to di , it praise Dor Fri*.. -1 )11 Friday last, between the I , ar I I and 12 u'ulf.wk, A, :t,, our yid s:. 11., w.•n thruwit into am excivtinent by the cry of tire ! had hroknens in of Mr. Millard, on .:outer the flames were uxtinitui«lied nitwit dainty:A% The ettin.l t h e A tire-enickyti in the liana:, '.~:'s carp °l' t+vv.~ "W I onier:4 noel; ralt‘e ' iti the .'7.1 'oration uf the bunth 'Ai who Evans' Merchant Tailoring hn: et, on Main street. to ev.nutie o:•vorttnent of fr.-Itionable %t—i.ticr. , , &e, . •.1 in .piality and cheap in prim,. tipmi people of Iflutnpliurg • amok pri.arationi fora - g.,,w1 eirth. The grove d, being • •:;.itin•ra6hed oratprA have been es; ;lent nuple nil be in at 'n • e frrAtaents, and every nom:. tai itriNntqlry to satisfy the wants of way attend our celebration, have r,re aroil. The "Injitis" will be out L I 4140':;.)N11; villainous intiMtlual nn Mon cut off the tail of a fine cow, be mng.io.- 11/ our neighbor, Mr. Ilowlings. 'Chi' cow is greatly disfigured, Ex:shies t ly p inished, and annoyed this time of vs ar without her defense against flies. v. a in a lot grazing at the time. The ,itould be ferreted nut and brought to justice. By milling on the humors cow .ails can be procured for 4th of July ptirpo -41 'n making up Indian costumes. Sol - Tim citigewq of Berwick wilt bare a 41:trt , i on the elth ofJuly. The Indian c' , .tnpany from Bloomsburg will visit that :ipecches will he made, gond music .xe , .nttsl by the Berwick Brass Band, and ro close the exercises of the day, a pig will be:: shared—if it can he caught ! Make your tracks for Berwick on Monday next if you •.,:fly fun! 04" *, call attention to the announce writ, in ',wither column, of lion. George efiti, (if Calawissa, as a candidate for tho aik ssombiy• This is the only candidate an *teemed as yet in the organ of the Amin erati4 party of Columbia. We italicize the word Peirmemtie and not 'organ as is the custom with our neighbor the ColtanUan, We recognize that as an " togor, very similar to the hand organs that %bed to grind music on our Streets, push e &Jews (Greenbacks) and they play a d if rent tune. P. S.—Since writing the above tie name of Col. Kline has been handed in. lin PAM:as—There will be no paper issued iron) this office next week We notice quite a large number of country papers have Oen in the custom of suspending cn the iptek of the Fourth and between Christmas srd New Years. The printers need a little tecrication us well as "other folks." Our lllea will net be dived during the corning .ek, but open for the reception of adver ting and execution of all .101) Work, as it ifno (tome in. 'e titian endeavor to pro tire the print, proceedings of the Nation di Convention I r each of' our renders next 4telt. Tiv.l tination for President will marl.? hog) , the istaitn: of out next. its. RtiPA6aftmnstgliADililtUal6llo aim. n.--At this Restaurant elm be hat everything in season, such as yielded oysters, sardine, clam and turtle soup, fresh fisb, pickled heart and tongue, barbecued chick en. Balmer cheese, &o. &o. Ample prepar ation is being lade at this Saloon to mom modate the people on the "Fourth." Call in and andel , your hunger or thug, as the case may bc. * sir IVE, learn that morel gentlemen of distinction Will attend the New York Con• . vention from this county. Itir AT the late ration] held in this town by the Firemen, TIIOMAN Wino was the recipient of the Howe voted for, ho having received the highest number of ballots. Well bestowed, and all are perfect. ly satisfied. large preparation being made by the °kismet of this town and vicinity to• wards the celebration of the 4th of July In Bloomsburg, has not in the least attract ed the immense daily crowd from J. J. Brower's ch ea p store. 1W FIRE.—We learn that the steam sew mill in 3ackmon Town4hip, belonging to William Yorks, of Montour County, was destroyed by fire one day last week. The particulars we were unable to gather. "SmALL profits and quick sales" is the motto of L. T. &yammer, and as he has adopted the cosh system, he is prepared to offer inducements in nil kinds of goods Give him a call, and satisfy yourselves that it will be to yoltr interest to patronize him." lir WHAT a pity it is that Cyrus McHen ry withdrew from the campaign as a candi date for Assembly; thus preventing a cer tain official in the Court House, vit : John 14. Freeze, from spending that fortune for his—McHcnry's—election. Mr. Freeze may not have made any such wild assertion, that he'd spend his fortune, but we give it as re• lated to us, and would not pretend to say that it does not sound like expressions we have heard made "when this old hat was new." tar Mn. ISAMU:IL M. EvaNs is burning most excellent lime. in Montour township. fc.r farming and building purposes. Farm• ers and others can be accommodated in large or small quantities nt the kiln on reasonable terms. For land this lime has not its supe rior in the county. • S" Ttit FfrAmEN's FEKrtvAt. was well attended and patronized by the citizens of , this town, Irot Thursday, Friday, and Sato? , day. The net receipts were $240:25 the expenses sl3+: leaving a clear profit to the Company of $101.4:1. The outlay would have been considerably larger had it not been that the ladies of the place contrib uted gratuitously 'tutu articles to the Festi val, for which they hare Ow entire thanki of the Company. Itir LITERARY IN.:TITUTE-..Vormoti During the past week we have had the plea-nre of witneN•ing an examination or, and exhibition by, the students of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute, and the cur. emonv of laying a corner-stone of the pro ptzed State Normal School. The examination and exhibition exercises were of a character that speak, for the stu dent~ and Ilieulty of this Institute most excellent accomplishment and work. There was not a single act that did not reflect hon or upon the eoreluot of the school. The layiiet or the ourner-stone of the Nor mal School was attended with much interest, t ;or. J. W. Geary and Superintendent of Public Schools, Jame* P. Wickershani of ficiatinv, Of this will he fbutid io another minion full reports. from 14. Ward: i , r I ad ford comity, and his Bee. Judge I.lf Bloomsburg. delivered appropriate and interesting 111141(4u:sem ; and Judge Rupert read a history of the initiatory step* and progress of school interests in Blooms burg, all of which will be published in our columns al early a.: possible. 10 CARD. The Friendship Engine Fire Company No. 1. of Bloomsburg, take this method of re turning thanks to the citizens of this town and ?kinky, for the liberal patronage and hearty encouragement received from them at the late Festival held by the Company ; and those persons who furnished articles gratuitously for the occa-lon will please , ac cept, our special acknowledgments. W3I. 11. GILNIORE, Prest. liAnyr jtloomsburg, dilly 1, lab,. SrECIAL NOTICES. A NEW REMEDY IN CONPUMPTICN.- A l'hysi elan who had Consompthin for several years. with frequent bleedings of the longs. Cu red hiniimir with o tuedicent unknown to tl c profession. when hit case appeared hopeless. Ile la lii only physician *hobos used it In his own permion, nr who has any knowledge of its virtues: and he eon ascribe the de area Of health he nuts enjoys to nothing but the roe of hi• medicine; and 00(111111 bnt utter despair and entire extinction of all Mlle of recovery. toeriber with want of confidence in all oilier. induced him to hazard the ex pc rinienL To those auSerirg with any of the lons. he proffers a treatment hereon deutly believes will era.ticatii tbs. isease Price .140 per bottle or fiPti half dozen gent by ttpfeslt. Send Pit a circular or call on MR. E. IIOYIrteMiNACKRON, Na 230 North Ten th , ti treet, Phlladelabia. June 11,1Kin—ly. TO LADIA:S. Your attenlion is railed to the moat efficseloub ?mettles ever known for the retvoloil of obouructioue and de rangrittrntr incident it, Ow female spa. Dr. Harvey's CIIIMNOTIIER)IALFENIALEPILLS, have been used Nr uk_warde ?mare Tut* with unvarylut sumac •re adapted for all omit nary ewe and never fail in their aril on if taken in Uwe. Dr. Harvey's GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS. FIVE tin)l,l,Aßrl A ituX, are intended for special Pee r.lUifilig M." power ful medicine. They are (nor degrees stronger than the ordinary kind and ■ro perfectly harmless and reliable. If you cannot Fri thorn of your drusxist I 1011 fond thorn by roturn n•nll, prior-:raid and Incur., frqm ob ovrvation no tempt of the elem.) , I will ale,, ennd en Illuotrated and Confidential Corrolor to 1A0.41. nu appliention. Addrnts J. BRYAN, M. 11., did adoitatiM, Neer YORE. DII J. BRYAN CONSULTING PHYSICIAN 919 Broadway, NOW York, Ulrsr Pritel Al, TREATM F.NT in all rases or Nemi• nal. 14•auil, Urinary and Nervous Diseases In male or female. ADVICS faea end correspondence araireidr roweirorertAL. To 4111T1.11(111.-1 Will rend my private and court • dental') circulars fret of etnegt, end for IO cents a valuable treatise, oil lSuminai WO/11111fil, by It. Rua C. Btu.. lOU payee. To Larisa —I will send my Prima Circular with Anatomical Engravings free of charge. Ind for I° feet, a valuable trrallite by Dr. Jolol II*RVrY roe- As Min 11 , 1Porlant Ititurtnatitoi eti all culvria In• IF P.llO flit lot yourro or arm, si te ?ft Olson 0 alsonebers bar te elebrato die easiapediedrenmap of ea of indepeodeaeo. bypath immense se, ilklitliti euvertalv and aware 111 MUM, sod Slim ins • arreagemeste bade been made, amid a re a d old dna. loved eelebtalloa 11 eatleipand, The follineivp ie s pan of the prepreassoe plowed: FORINOON, nopremmtation hi pr epee ebaraeter andapproprl. ate genuine of darken sweats 'hi ion Innen& mad linaCtietoey, Jaelodulit PENN'S fItRATY tho Wpm; toureetat Onus do I* st Ef=l3ll=ll Rosouo of John Hartle fro. Ow Make Si Van Campo% running she Owlot, &v., . A br NOON, R 4441118 of the Dedarmloa of ladopeodeoes ; ad . drosses by distioselebod °many. from bow and obt..ad ; cad a Grand Parade by sowers' Fin ovis• ponies from ellowasboil .asd giber plow. EVEN int A torch 11y11 dance in tlie Grove, under the anent. yea of leo illuouniburg Hook and Ladder CollifilloY• Citlieim'frion neighboring towns and roosting a.e cordially Invited to pm tlripate is a celebrawan cal. culated In remind as of dines manly day.' when were secured for us this bleselada and iniellegen ',bleb as Artiorinins toe ruler. 7' Tile ehlowsburif Brats Nand ball been secured. Altarillan ants blurs been wade for esturasou tick. Me on Cie I It U, 'Railroad. Caine ene I COM. nil I Uy order of Committer, of Arrnagemente. J.ll ROBIMIN, P. 11. PIIIEOZe. N. It. IKSIXI. Committee of Publication, Bloomsburg, June 114.1 clad. Sherilirs 'male Illy virtue of • writ or Fleet Foos. issued WA of the Cahn of Common Mess to me directed will be exposed to public sole on the premises, on Tessesv, /144 14th Mi. et one o'elock In the afternoon, the fbllovving property, to wit: All then certain lot or piece of groond ilium. In the Borotlgh of I:entrails, IS the County of co.u,oblu and the Wide of Pennsylvania, ghosted and lying es , Adlowleg : Beginning at a sinks in the west side of linens% Avenue, thence south three degrees can twisty live feel, thence smith mlehty.seven deur see wed, one hundred and forty fret to an alley, then& along sand alleenerth three degrees west, twenty• flee feet, thence north elghty.seven 'tepees east, one hundred and forty feet to the plate of twolnniiii, anti menu the lot marked in the general plea of null Brd nugh with the number two in Mock one hundred sod seventeen, together with the appurtenances. Reined tate.° is «simian lad to be sold as Ills lytoperty of Edwin JetlWie, DRADECAI Pon., It ISO Ph. riff. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE KALE. The undersigned offers Milken) ennsisting of Ally. font Items for 841 P. it is pleasantly situated in Medford,' township Columbia minty. near giver's Mill. The land is nearly all cleated end in n tided state of cultivation Ihe buildings are r WO* 0 IPA two glory house and stood new frame harm 'Violin acre. of gond timber land. There are several springs of stew ou the' place and a well 'of water at toe door of the dwelling. A nice }nuns orchard hoe been lately planted and will bear fruit is a short tone. Posseeeinu will he 11141 in Ortega days notice— end if desired stock andel, sold. rereas easy. Ap• ply to C. 0. limit ley, Bloomsburg. Pt June :14, TM— 4w, I= Germantown Telegraph. A Family and an Agricultural Journ:al• 'Devoted to choice Literature. ineluding Poetry, Noveletts.Talas, and Whitt and Entertaining Head WI, generally, In the Literary Heuart inept rre rhatt present the choicest varletlee within the vireo of our extended metes. The Novelette, we«. Poetry, cm, align be Involved Trani the beat and bigheat sources, and be tomtit° anything tube Mind in any journal or nutgasirie Agriculture and Hort iralture. embrae in( Farming. Gardening, ' Fruit-Raising, etc, Ilue tabor* to thin delmilfilient for over thirty yenta, have met the req. dial approbation of the) public. Our purbone him been to furnifh useful and emirate information upon theo4 very iniporlant br.inchrn of indontry and to protect than eo far as within our power aaaleat the Wee doodling and netfielt purposes of the ninny elitherics and *meat len stilveolu tee by winch e folltiPt Is Ittryn. 1 , 111311 , awaited. Tfija portion of the fiermentrorn 7' le Mph Is alone worth the price of sobscrintion. bi.WS DEPARTMENT. , • The same induct rv, Nee end diectionhintion In gathering and oreptirota the etteritut eVeltlr of the nay. i n ,reasly for this paper. who h hitherto has been one of it, marked feature, giving such UtliVrfCti satigisetion, Rill will inr control,. o with redoubled Miens to meet the itteregeing Mate of the poblic. TERMS,—'t'a'n&Mare end 'fifty cents Wer Sfa orders reerived Withnutthe rash,e ndtaieuberrip . tome popped at the eud of the time paid for. Speci men numbers sent Addreve rillistP R. PRTAA, Editor and Proprimos, June 17. fatitt, Clermont lien Phdadetuht, N. 11. 'S A PL St CU., MaChilli's's & Engineer• MAIN sr.. I. &N.H. tt , iii 11111NWRG. Are ettpared to Liruivh till INnAs a Machine work, such as STEAM ENGINES nailer*. Shafting, Pulleys, llansees,enaplinsin Saw Ulan drill, etc,. fi lase secs p, Pat roots, Ream pipe, toselker With all kinds of steam finings win-14141y on hand, 11 reahine Marilyn. an 4 tin, MP Power. wan. to order. All kind/ of Agricultural Machinery In;)a June 3d, !NO, i L DMINISTRATOIC NOTICE Lenart or nAmini•trnlinn nn the leo of Inteh Markle, late I ithingtreek towtiohip. rotoionin rowdy, 'l.•rd„ /04 V.. he. • u gtioitet by thM Regi.ter nr tot - rountv,i" John Wom• r. re-titling in the t o wo.hip An., cou n ty uriretoid, Ali prrwon• Wm, Mount or 440404• onaititt the ..tate or the ,lovt, , nt are re qtetted to pre4elit them to the 101 Mitt .•rater for 0.-t. thr , Rl.rt. nod those to h nttel to the ettate will wake pot hunt to the under Ignerri forthwith J•+IIN %V INNER, Adtor. Fishingcreek, May fn, NO i It E TO CILIUM. s itotere it IP'rtita /iron to all thre indebted In Wei.toy Bowman. of Oranaeville, either on o o of Nook snout, In et we forward and settle th.lr ere Ilh heath' wet wild a berry lore th the dr. art', torn tit hits mill property be mart bare Wt. tout r tending acenunto payed up In enable hiut to rebuild lir beetitng atilt notice costa end trouble will be raved. W MAY BOWS! tN Wave, June 11 intl.-4w. Coopering' Coopering ouh•er troeectrUilt annoenree that he lo prep tred U. menuftelui, BA It lt E , TUBS, 8Ut61.18, C111:1INS ' and t.verything Ia tae Ilne nf '~mpwl•.~. 1)()N1;'lu uRDEIt and at phott none,, ag- tl le .bup is !petit,' na %lam eltreet. tlloutusbartt, near lb« Iron Conitinnya trititrnad. ALB. WILLIA.III4. itionnieburi, April V. Mace of the Lehfah 'Valley Rail road Company. No. 30.1 Wdnuttq., PhiladelphlA. A meeting of he Sincl. boldere of the Lehigh Valley Railroad r company, will he held At the oglre of the acid VillelottlY. 40 . 3UI Walnut Street, in the rlty of Philadelphia, 04 Mau rde yt he thlrtemith nay of /tine. 10.14. :ot iy 11. when And where the J mint Agreement entered into by the board of ilirottni a if the Lehigh Valley Railroad Uniiiiiney. and itle board of directors of lb.. Lehigh Luzern e Railroad Cionraciv be virtue of An tct`rif the Gene•al AssemSly of this Caution. 'moth entitled •"sn Aet relating to Railroad 1 4impa Hies enacted on the 1150 day of May. /MK for tbe eneridernttiiii of mild cola puller and Merle, of the Lehigh Imsorne Railroad Company Into the Lehigh Valley Railroad enuitiany, pivot ?thing the tem s and tv einitintis thereof and wanner of converting the capital Mock of the emit Lehigh Lucerne Reitman Company into the !trick of the Lehigh Valley Itellined 1,01 .4 11111 y. and coithinitif all such other provisions, lie have been eeented nett:miry, to perm Anti% consolidation win merger, wilt ire submitted to the paid Stockholders, and a vote ley ballet in person or by poky liken for tie adoption or rejettiou of the same. This notice is given In aeroplane , * With the pro. of IA ennui A vortriltly. LLOYD CFI MeNKRLIN. Becy Ality ifleti—tft. EIV 1111:NTIA. Never wall far the toothache before you go to the Dentist, DR. e , ,P,I:IIALFAIVT, the new Dentirt of ninnm. hum, %nut. /enmy to come andel their teeth CO 'mined, and be &defined how to teen care of them. Pewits having detated teeth, end believing tooth filling to be but in little acconi, be le particularly anxious to gee. Persons wanting ARTIFICIAL TEETH. run no riot In tieing him a call, elltrnua °aide Oar, or Ether administered for ea• lurtnQ teeth arlthart pain, Other opposite Lowenburre Clothing 'tore BICHNS111• burg e 4 Mar Anti heat ERRORS OF YOUTII. A gentleman who Myatt) , lifi was a victim tniba debasing ale, so elabtao44 se yl.Oll. which roeultud in Ameinal Weakness, irittalimlary &Merlons and Nervous Penetration and Moue near ending his days in hopeless inlsvey, After' owing toiatstroiro rems• Me. without .1/COlllll. he obtained iron, a friend Ample rule' and preseriptions that affected a per • mamma run. On behalf of wafering bee unity be will send the seine free of chugs to all who may desire it. Adders. cvuAtt vint4tAlNE. t) Bib!, Hour. New t Prim &Oft itIC MID Re Indian In Prices. The viderfiend silt Oar to the public 'GREAT IiIIIIIGAINS is Anna, of XXlOPZ: 6 4Hatitilaldall6sol/ 0 1, Ouch as DRY 000911, 0103111111114 HURENOWARL HARDWARE, Gots and *hoes, MIR% Caps. 114.14ntiorts in ovary vs rims, Our airiness from she first of lune, Win be son Vaasa of it ettletiy CASH SYSTEM , untilikanne . xxiablar in tniiihnum lingtfitng 1n our lino can to au ate very email percentage on Current Wholeaate' ricen. All AWN or isklia iri exchange, 115" We cordially invite Ike public to GIVE US A CALL Nod a Oats or their patronise, MeNINCiI Catawba*, June 10, lOW tuNn.),TE Bu,' aIAIVRIE Menufactured b 7 BREINIG & HELFRION, ALLENTOWN, PA, To insure good and lure trope one the proper amount o( the above farnotte 'manure. Farmers of Colniebie Unholy ad and no manure that will bring their hind to a state of ,01004.. sa rapidly as the use or lireinig's Bone Amore. Gee it and yeti niil never regret the experiment. Were tilled by either PAXTON k HARMAN, evens. Pa., or by A. J. ALligaTittiril. Agent. April en, litn-.3m. Rattanma. P & . A LLEN & NEEDLES, ICra3 MA NII`FMTI,RER ANII PROITIETORS OP THEIR IMPROVED StPER PHOSPHATE * L3O:, OE3 dTILIZTIR4 PURE GROUND BONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. WY OPII only No. I—reeeired direct hoot the Coy erninvilt. St PNtlrPl!ATld ix Dnga. TO lbs. each, PRO E.. VI) ynr Ihmio itro. Arareautated FtIItTII.IZER in Bags. ISO Des. each. PRICE, $3.1 yer WOO A DISCOUNT TO = EALERS ADOVE PRICES fr,rkir, jimel e 47 Mom St&, t flee. & Starve. 41 S. Water Street. aad 4:: xi. Delaware Avenue. tor r,grts CANDLN ANI) nEVLKAI, COMM18 , 10:1 "PULA DLL I 111.1, Aprill.ll, 11404.--it To the Public. The toolorrirtied respectfully informs his old friends see retort." re that he has re fitted his Carding Ma• retries. and i$ now fenny to ho wool tattling in Wood orde . N hen rood, clean Sod well prepared wool is sent me. my p 110115 may look fon good roles. PUIAJNIti, COMOU.INC; and dretitOtt Cloth. done to order. W tOt at iitlttl , att . t , Stile tttoott),11111 w ill he taken end roomed every two or three weeks with hill "Twill*. The pay cah I.e left tit Hartman's. Wool left a, ttratige v tile. at Other or the stores. wilt hr ntltqldult to promptly. No wool %wren is running 'for tar this simmer ordy to Ilionmstoirg sod Orangevilie, for the 4=olll tltMitlattl 01' those at a distance. ti LOB tiEVA NCI!" June Year Orangeville, WHIT To MIXERS ‘A. , new, AMIN, 111.1111411 D and ready 10,1 mu (or PON ht f(1110% Olt rates: Run of Kiln at Kiln, • • gm 110 per 'bottom,. liflA bard • • • 131x1 •• •• Of • •13 Olt atilt • - • oilt •• hail in building • • • 17 po It. WWI!". & April 13, 1101. Apply to!. „ , VW ELL DIGGING. The'unaleroagnell given notlre to the public 7.•ner• ally !hot be is a warms' WELL DIGGER. sod is prepared to gig a ella nn rirntt t. aloe upon the ca.. .t reueonah'e term,. Go brae had au hap long e%perl• rare in the boollieela relharkitlale opera•. Those i -Wort nitYthatig done in lius lino would do well to gave him atrial WILLIAM Rot; KM kilnonl•bure June. 11, lOC. 28. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. WIT. T. HOPKINN, "Orr Oun Maks." After more than Ave years experience and experi menting In the manufacture of RTUICTLY lINST QUALITY illtUY WKIIII4. we offer our justly cote bated bode u, merchants and the puhlic in full maiden. r of their superiority over all other* in the American market. ace they are so arknowldged by all who wear or deal in them. as they Eire more sat t.fuctimi than any other salt'. and reonimend them In every respect. Peelers in limp Pk ma should mate a note of this fact. Leery lady who has not elben them n trial Amid do on vi•lthout turther dr lay. embrace" every style, length and Me for leoltes. vilrres anti Children. Also. Akins MAIM Tit tiltltElLatthred and repaired. Ask for ••lit.pktus' Ow. Make," and be tint decet•• eft Sete that the letter "II" is woven on the tonne Wilmot etch hoop, end that they are stamped ..VV. T. HOPKINgt. Manufacturer. tile Arch millet, Phlla dolphin." upon each tape. No other. are genuine. Also, constantly on hand a full Ilse of pod New York and Enatrrn Made Skirt., at very low prices. Illalesale Lad Retail, At the PIIILADELPIIIA moor SKIRT leterinhetory end I iponutn, No, e2e Arch Street Phltadel phhe . T 4 UMINS. Oct. le, 1067.-10 me. TO CONSUMPTIVES., The Rev. EDWARD A. WILAuTir will send •(free of charge) to all whd anise it, the prrocrihtion with the directions for mating and limn the Pllllpit. remedy by which he Was cured of a lung affection and that dread dle,.ft se Consumption. His only oh, lenf is to benefit the afflicted nod he hopes every eidyerer will try this prescription, as it wi'l host them nothing, and may proo f , • blessing. rignse addren Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. No .1M lgouth Second Slum, Wlllignisbung, Dow %ut. ---- The Coming Conflict We aRe greater indnremeetr In Agents then any nthee Heim in the trade. Ladlea and Gents get up Clubs in out. pr gat ONE DOLLAR SALE pry Cond., runty Urals, Cheer Ware, fisted Ware, kc. , ere. Thousands ran testify to the super tut onallty and the large remuneration retrieved for selling nor goods. W. well preset' to any person, (free of uprose,) seeding to a club, gouda worth $3 to $3lO. or will pay rash If necessary. All goods surd at an uniform pots of one dollar for each entree We hose made special arrangementsith the eel. ebtated Oriental Tea Company, to simply their stun (lard Teas and Careen. it 'herr best prices. Agents wanted everywhere, Iresuriptirc Circu late will be omit free, m, appllcatlon 1.E.17.4 t CO.. NW's' Agents, 61 and 66 Votittial Street, Boston, Mask Juno 111, WALL PA PE It S t IVINDOW SIIADFS, COltDB, TASSELS, • FIXTUILES, &C., Jot mowed at On runs an gait , ilatna. t tiOnw Marlin, by J Tllolll4' ON. Olonnasburg, Slay 4. lEIA Ini.. SE Ff JNO MACIIINEB. tnopirelhauttle Machine ! SALIM/100Hk, nit Brototwa . u, N. T,, t3O Wasklabton Meet, Boston, NI Obesaat Street. Ptiladelphift. PATINTIS YEN, 14. IMO, TH'MACHINE is aonatructed oa en !Oily new rine/pike of mdeben/im, porweeing yam? oars and eatable IPripri cement/. 'items born x sanitised by the moot profound experts and prosou aced to I be kS'implicityivid i;rfrerion DombineG'.. It hoe a straight fluent., perpendicular att fob. Make. the L..,111 r' dill TriA lonvii, weft', ,vill of Ithi.r RIP any RAVIILuand is alike en both rider ,• performs perfert tsarina we surety description .•rf material. from Ii &Mir to be driest Mansook mum is, with rotten. Ilium, or allk thread,from th. coarse. itt to 'lie lout number. Batista neither 1:/tal or WO Wh RBI.. and the least possible friction, It rune al l aw,th ii. iii.a, Anil le . 4 corp/itt/irvillp IV Notteless Ablehhie, It relit free Cirri , PER erxr, leas poivor to drive It than slily other 'wahine in 'the market A itiri twofee yeArs of alto can work It steadily. without fatigue or injury to hentt h Its /Blew hand wonderful PlmnriEtty u/Condleut• Sion render' i' almost itope.ible to get nut aerber. and le GUAMANTECH by the company to give in. tlresatiorartion. W. tulTectfally Invite iii those who may deilre to ,supyily themselves with a outwit r article, to suite and etaidlne this LINRIVALLEP MACHINE. One bolt hour's instruction it Otillicicol to enitth any pvreent'to work this machine to their entire Mt. lerection. Agents , wanted for all towns in the Milted Plates, where agencies are not already metabl;shed. Also, for Cuba, Heileo. Central and Routh .Auterica, to whom a liberal dlecount will be /riven, L WIRE SHWINU HACIIIIVE %gra CO.. =Broadway, Id, Y, ' ' 1: ' B. B. siountak Innomsberg. Shwa, MBS•J.. QNIATGD NEW • CLOTHING AND GENTLE- TUE uneler•oltned reoprettnllv announc.a to hi. many Nand. that h. haa opened a now Clnibta: uul 0..110111 , 111' 0 Pnruialtint Store, m 111.• Inwer r o om of the Hartman Building, itnatheast cornet of Main and Markel Otr..eta, Illoornaburg, Pa. Ilavingpast retured from CAJladelph •with a largo 'tact .4 Fall and Clothing and Grntlentrn'a Purniobing Ganda, ace.. kr. 11. Mit• leis bluuclf that he can please nil. iilk stock coil , prime MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTIIING, rock ns COATS, SACK COATS, OVEIi CO A TS, PA NT3, DRAIITR,‘ MBIE:AY. and In futeverylbing in the Clothing or Furnishing alt T; rg bar Prices. In addition to Ms shown he has an eleannt twain Mehl or Ca•sitners, and Vt.stings. Clothing tonne to nyder at the ahorte e t ~,,cc e calf and ar, tn•Nre purchasing slarwhero. and !‘ Et ERE bit bAT BARGAINS, J. W. CHIEN 1.17{. Ortolorr 14 114,6 READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT May 200. 1 artgAt TrtuNK LIVE Frtom THE 1111 , 12 TH and North West ror Philadelphia. New Vurk, Read. inc. halfwit le, Tarragon Ashland, I.•banon, All.m town, i:41.{011. Ephrata, !Mts. Lancaster, Cultintbsis, iv.. Ice. Truth' leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows al 4 50, 13i and s l 0 A N, 11 10 X. 9 03, 1133 r N connect ing nit h aludiar Train+ on the l'emisylvalfiry Rail road and arriving al New York at 3 ial and in i, and I 541 ala mid 3 SO. 7 11l P, N. and 10 30 r. N. elei•pilig ars aceompanying the 9511 a m and 933 r N. Trams without change. Leave liarrionurit for Fending, Pottsville. Tama. aim Ash`and, Pine GrliVe. Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8 10 • r and 005 and 4 10 r ItOPPIIIR It Lebanon and principal Way station. ; the 4 10 r N making ronneetion• tor Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Poloovllle. Pr huyikill Haven and Auburn, vin tichuyikill and easquehanna RAII reed. leave Harrii‘hurg al 3 r N. Returniag ; Leave New York at 9 00 • N. 12 M and W and 0 tat Pa . Pliepplpf par. acceinpartying the oo A. N. and 5 oo and N no r N. trans without chanae. Way Palmate r T rain Ica ves Philadelphia at 770 • a. reinviiiiis from Reading at,o Mir at *topping at all sutloo.: Pottsville at 845 A a, and 9 45P r ; A sh• land 6101 A stand 19 19 M arid 9 MI r. a ; Tamaqua at 3u A. m., and lOU and el 43 r N. Leave Pnttsvllle for Harrisburg via Schuylkill and Su.quehanna railroad at 7 10 A a. and Pi lal noun. Reading Accommodation Train : Leave. Reading at 730 a a returning from Philadelphia at 3 13 1. a. Pottstown Accurnmoilation 'Pram : Leaves Potts totvn at 11 45 a. N.. returning icaVes Philadelphia at 4 30 r. K. . . Columbia Rail Road Trains Mare Reading at 7 00 A. M.. and a 13 r. a. for Ephrata. Llttz, Luncaater, Columbia, Ate. Perkionueu Vulmad Tralna leave Perkinmen Jane lion at U 1.00 A. a. and 3 3.3 P a. ROlOllll4 • heave skippark at ft 43 a. a.. and 1 12 P. N., ebnnecting with similar trawl on Reeding Rail On Sundays: Leave New You. iPI W P M, Phila• dulphta 800 A al, aud 3 13 P M , the 800 A VI, train running only to Reeditly ; Pottavllle 8 00 A M, ; ilar• ria..urg 3 US A M. 4 10 and U 33 r a and Reaatng at 1 01, Y 30 and 7 IS A 41 for Ilarrientirg and 7 all A N. and 11 40 P ra for New Vitt abtl 493 PM. for Philadelphia. Colll.4lUtilliUfl, Miler 0, Petition, School and Eccar• @inn Tickets, to and Ilona ell pointedt reduced rates. Naito tartited through; 1101 pomade allowed each Paelenuer. ti. A. N1C01.1.8 Genartil Supbrlnteudont, Reading Pt. May 77 isrsa• Mower, Reaper, and Self-Raker WITII SIDE D'ELIVERT, /01111VV4CTURID ar J. S. 31:11t8I1 k, CO., Levitiotrka..UNlOW I.X)UNTY, PIYAT'A. The undersigned haw been ■ppninb'd agent for Ca tumble County, for the attic of the armee Merhine. Alan band reaper' and atOW,.rd, and other art Idea utanufactortd by paid company, I. IL IKCLIR. Mill/1110 April It, 1808-3 m. - - TM victim of youthful Whit:teflon destroys hi. happiness, rains his pros beets tot portal enjoyment marriage and the pursuit of business and end* his lite in aiiacry ; but by lb' limit, use of Ike long tried end faithful remedy Bell's Specific Pllle, he may recover his health . Malls thsrefbre riot de• lay in using this remedy. It give, 'wady re'lisf told will soon cercet a cure in all rums nt SeisiYMl Wenk• nee. Entisolons, Physical and Illarrous 11ablJlly sad dcrauicieruts al 1/1” whore wiling. rmirie Wits' fit la derlyril by using a single boa. It Is entiraly vegetable and harmless and no change of dint is necessary whilst using thew. Net I$llE 'Mint pet bus with fall directions. Sold by Drugglats gullentllY. in Places where they cannot be procured 1 will send shout by wall post-paid and Ptrtarir fraloblierinittuti I 111 rrecjiti of the money. Addree, J. $lll ttuiio MO Pilaw Yritia. Prttalt• sod ronlidontial rirrolore will br pent 10 tent:tllten Irr, of rbai;r MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. VESTA, PH IRTrt CY)L4CRS, CTJLLARS. IitIi•PENDEIRS, it.iNnKEltrinEFS VAIRELLAs. VALLEY CHIEF HAPPINESS OR bIISERY LINES' DRESS MAKING. NE W. AND FA If ONA SPIIING GOODS. THR unectolehee would reopeethttly inerka the attentio4 of the eithAes td this pleas and vlcteity , to their new and laßey goiato, at their *torero Moen street, mann 41 duet *net of J fleapit Ilatelry'e Cabbala and ebalr'Roouts, where they are prepared to Furitt:4 l / 9 Gonda N u k e tr p c oats , &t , in the latest iltele. ' Alto 4911 paftetlll l 44049' Dreamt, eed 4114 for I hildren'e weer. Olre three a rill, They hive everylblig Ow Ma In their line. en d cheap for ecoh. JRI.IA A. /Ir. BADE N. BARKLEY, Bloilliebert, April ORANGEVILLE HOTEL, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PHNN'.I. v.uwAkb L'VERMTT, Proprietor. Would reaportfully in fortnrhis Mende s!`:4 On public 11 , Nentl• that be ha. ll'ely token starve id thin ire ll•known and conveniently located House, long lap; by Salim"' Ev.'w'tt, and that this liaise Is in eititplete ceder for Ihr aocomovoill lon of boarder', and ft'r the entorlalunislit or trovoior• who mny fhrl 'Ivo! him with thrir Elwin, N o pains Rik] etpensehers been spared in repairing and refora 'shine Ibis Hate' for the elltertateuieat of iNeit ",. nothing no the part of the Proprietor ha Iris undone to tulni.ler to their prisoenl Wants. iii. her will always be hi roishrel with the heft and most theirs hquersiand his table with ON tireelhe mark , t afford', ExcIIANGE RELITAURANt ITte Trenrietors having ren sind ratted their RESTAirRANT, in the tmornient dlr the BXCHANGE B %WEL, they woul4 moot respectfully solicit troolloosnre of Ilse patronage of their old c whim:ern. •"d •ite th• attention u: new ones to their refreshineote as follows : ShELI, OYSTERS, CANNED OYSTERS FiII'ICED ()MEM FREEIII tbrne times per week, HAM AND EGGS, TRUE, tkiLOGNA, best of 1,1 Q olt S A N 1) CIIIA 11 S. ?T Or 1, 79 can be aimed up In cualome►, al a moments notice, In VARIOUS STYLES, sTEW ED, CIIAFII) FRIO, OR RAW, to suit the !AMOS of the tpieorisa, KOONS Ir. CLARK Bloomsburg• Apr '22 leg& RARE CHANCE:. Thn rontrnl7Andeale of five vnlinale In• .entinue, nuedud to every family, and pig) , mg hue prat+, p an he ecrured by •pyytnp either peroonally ut by letter to J. S. I. & 4'0.. 111 Market Street Phila. TNEMLOAV OF MAN hi ITNINOIII. A gentle man who suffered for years from Nervous mid iltnttal Itebttity, Nightly Entlesions, and Seminal Weaknese, the result of youthful thill•cretom, and mime near ending his dayr in linpelinie misery, will for tl e mike of eoffering non, rend to silty one ornot• ed. the wimple means 1110.11 by him, which erfOrtsd a core In a few weeks sifter the riOlitre nomoroO6 medicines. Bend a directed enrchme and stamp and will gold you nothing. Address. EDGAR TRH.% A IN. Moth St. N. Y. City. IQ' DEA/Plllll. BLI Pi Mill Of MID treated viith Mie utmost macre., 11 J. ISAACS, M. M. °caret sod Auriga (rmaleelY of Leyden, I ylnni). No. 1..1 Arch Street. Phsladelphla, from the MOP( rateable .mireed in city and country can be teen at hi. office. Th. Medical facility are Invited In sr hoinpany their relent., a. he has n,a morels in hip practice, practice, ART VICIAL EVES mooted withio pny. Nu charge PO ezaininat ion Nob. I:1. Isll7.—ly DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh. treated with the ultimo success, by ISAACS, IL (kutiat end Auriet (fdrnierty orLey. den, liollind,) No. titir. Arch Stier'. PHILAD'A.— Teetlinonials, from the mom reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at hi. noire. The ned• ie.il (aeulty are invited to accompany their patients. an he has no accrete in his piaetice ARTIFICIAL EVEt3, saaarted 'theta rAir. No thrge for eiaw. (Mini—h ERRORS OF YOUTH. A sofiliemen who ruerfold for ye3ro from Nerconr Decay. and all the of,ets or F)aotlithful iudiecret tun. will. for the sake of moieties haiwaally, send free to all ohs need it. the teCeipc and directi.olo for making the simple remedy by which hr was cured. Sufferer, wtehotc to profit by the advertiser's eipmener.can do so by addressing perfect courtdenes. Wit% E. OGDEN. eras Street. Nets Vora. May ft. 1°67. L'NDERI4IIIRTO LATELY OPENED. 'THE undrr.ignr.l nmrLl rroprrtfultr inform th► crown► of Bloomsburg arta sichaty, that hr has just opritrO •Shop on Iron +trrr t, brtwevw Ildn in awl 114.1. who... he Will follow thr rabt urt um•to bur Incas in all its branchrv. Older% for .VECKTICS, Metalic or Other Coffins . . (flied with promotive.. And d,vroatrh. Repitra cheno • ly made to kind* or furniture. includine the re nf rane•battomed Oben.. uphol.terone. sad sofa bottom chair*. Potters. for ra.tivve. natty aim espeditionaly, and order+ are .01 vev:ed *ober in person Of by Wall. ?Mate framer made Is order at lawn twucc. ROHERT 110 A 'll. Biroimsburg. April OWEN HOUSE. BERWICK, PA. T. Bent. Taylor, Proprietor. The proprietor holm leave to inform the public. that he her token charge of this well-know n Ilmtee which bee of late onderenne a complete change in b o th its PiletriOf RIM interior appearance. tookina too Honer on every respect more comfortable awl 111%11111g In the trovet pith' is so terl i .e I t . 1"1 patt The proprietor red I *pare n prone to enntolue thie Hour.. whet it hes been, via A well conducted Hoare of entertainment for th travellnr public nod alt other* *llllo}o. hurntes. Irene et lion, have made them inert.. April 13, 0z, 1 11.:i . ,21 t(917.11.11, CONIVECTIORMIS` AND ravetnamts, Ao. 161 Atorfk Third Siret, Sir Orden jitottptly attended tn. reb. EXCHANGE HOTEL, BILOOMYIBUNO. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA The uaderij fwnl haviat Ilurthar...l and lately re. filled this nell.ltnown House. siniateil on WAIN Err.. intmedlnt•:y opposite the Court !louse. respectfully ittraffslP thrle frietidit end the politic ge nerally. that their Houlie is now in order for the accommodation and entertainment of travelers They have efoi red no pains in preparing theEschanfre fin the entertainment and comfort of their poems Their House is spat lOUS, Will enjoys a guotl business location OhlhilaUftftErt run at all limes between this Honer and the different railroad ()i.e.'s, by which travelers will be conveyed I nee from the respective dimities In duu time le inert the ears. KOONIS k CLARK'. ADrli fa IPS+. retracts teeth without pain by a new method. It is perfectly harmless and in new used with pond smelter. Ali branehem of Dentistry attended to in the tweet Ve (e so , . and meat approved style. m"...i ence sod oMee. one doer east c 4 Event' (Indite, Otero. Itletenthere, tier. I. lie;7 PLASTER FOR SALE. THE undersigned have, fitted Alp r Mill at the PENN PrRNACE MILL H. ■nd will offer to the public ONE HUNDRED TONS HEST Notts Scotia White Plaster, 'rope red rt. sdy rot nllll In quantltiew to snit purehas •ri, ut any time front the Arm of April. IlleNlNUll el SHUMAN. Catawiess, April I. Md. NEW MILLINERY GOODS AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. The undamped ;omit rn.pertfully Inform. lit dy tIIIIIIIIIIWM. avid the public In general. that the has Oint at added to Yet already large and varied wort. N r CY MILLINERY GOODS A NEW Iit.IPPLY, well and tartnflill, aelsetad flap the pownt and coming *coma. }kr 11CW 1401INETS AND HATS ere ealsolsied to Inks the lead In title plane and vicinity, Bei has stnrythlne found In irst•clars !Millinery do tahey Storeys, and mall: s tip and ~ .118 he Roods upon the most rye -o,ll.toit tnrina Om' tivr a call and swum. , r olocli ul goork, 1,1271 E IIAhRLEY. KM 'kr,. Main lttt. . kßir % wp,ou:s.ttE . tz] aris Iv Sur g eon Dentist, H . C. HowER, Mai opened a tirel•clsai BOUT, MHOS. HAT ANII,CAP :icor p: at trif. old eland on Rain Streel. rflacinirbers do k ia coinpoped of lb. very later,' lad be,it mole toterod to the eitivna of ectipailipi room , fie ,49 isreouinineate the public wild tee k)/1 0 0. kado and nt elven prier... • _Men', call toms inen'e hip, double ioeo nOkti . bails: IN ea's glove kin, emigres?. Lc kien'a gory, kid Ifillinhral those, If 'Wm. women . . heft% and fillaMele //WV. kW lasting Rattails, Wantre'e gimp, km., very WIC goat Mllfytte, husrtile. Worateira ineit's miaow, and calf chows, COUIMMI 91,40.4, Ailepro' and child's aline., Mcn'e, Wye', and child's slippers Ile Silo Seeps a gr.st variety of RATS, 1411%, AND STRAW (MORA Of every tilutl, at the Jewell prices, kolb fur rat., Slid rev gory ptodasa. Remember ISA oktrartion f.. in our rood,, he alarmed at We cry of illth Prices. b4t eel od ere for youfeelikta. Rerpcitfully, Ir. I?. Iltfarilt. Sept. 4. 11417 Aim Stucky' Clothiso MIMIC ELICIVIZI CAP Spring and iiindinirr Goada, 2).LVVID uziomommtz. 1 Nf i0 V 4 1 , 14 , 14 , 7 1 1 , 1: 1 1: i t 1 i j o g n iii l t n h p . i. o r n op re it e o l f , ::!eitr sod figh AMIN STREET, 81,00.4188URG, two.doors above the limertran /louse. where Le has jug received from 1 YorM c! Phi !ndesphts , o lull tootortoient or Melt sand Boy's Clothing, including Om nmiCreahionrabl.. dumb:e and final 111/1111., No. goods cnnatetinsof Box, Sack, Frock, Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of ell vortr..iar., and rofoin. Ur al.n ha. roplre igril for already large pock of 11111 and r wlp; ptrtpud. lisurb,l itluf plain Vrttr. shirt., crbv;.tr, collar.. handkrichlrfo, gib.sra, au. vndar• and fancy artielro. 11.—lir hat ronst3ntly on hnitil a littg7! wrlttrteil itrourtiornt of Chdlie and Vr.iingx. .4)1 pt-p in mak,. bp In Order. CI O OIIIS br: very short iodine and In the brat of moo MI hia thittrlng Is made 10 wear and moat of it t-. of how roF':nlrulu•r . CC:4LLL aU OD CS A N I) zrurclu.. or „,!,y 0! .h.WPifli 11 00( I , II,PIIIIIWd in them him,. rail and •s• smnn nle amieral 4.4urtiurtii of Clothen:. Watch. m Jr wdry. &c. hAVID i. IR'EVIiI'HI: Blen,.bnrf, API! WOW _ - - CYOlmd 1161141411106. DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS cossn;N TOM ASHES. BEESWAX, BEANS, . Rutter. l'lweß, Eggs, Hour and Meal. Furs and Skins, Dried awl I ;Teen Fruits, I ;rain, IVool, (;nine, Poultry, NtiTal Store,. tiinsent; l nth er, , . !letup, Provision`, „Oils. lairJ, Tallow, Sorghum, Mot:toes, To J0t414,111 CARPEVITR. OZNERAIr COM3IISSION MERCHANT, 412; 444 it 446 Washington Street. New York City. no receive hi. w ettoy Potrolettorot Of Prodote and I;torrt iv*, Ibr matt roundel!. Nice Chabot pith. I lobed lilt C istlrii St:item. Send for fit Mee II eroli. Itirking PIMP.; oild Card, Liberal advances made on Consignments. Established May 1, 1860. dam kfrreaces giros 'don requirt,i April I. 1067-I. NEW CARRIAGE IND SMITH SHOP A. S. CROSSLEY Ifv eto•nril n l'arrinte an 4 Smith Skimp nn Iron ot a few doors WM/ Mnin, in Itioonirtiorp, %bete In. • ;n4lllli at alt low* really to rI•11.1i 14.1 work. make new, and in short. do all kiwis of work par loaning to hip hilt 011nreinr.r.. A. a rattrap. Ulmer ho h.. gin snifnfloen In Ibis rordinn. Ilin intends nice trilt.sil.l now wagon.. CI., limo n call. Ilia 11tH,. ale labetal. kepis , worn W i ll rarlve . p " ta i at 1104%. if FORKS 110 TEL, LEO. W. MAIGNII, Proprietor. The above well•knOWlt hotel has recently under ,tone rattiest changes) in its tour:oil arranveun itt• anti its proprietor 101f1.1111111:es to use former copious nail the travelling public. that In. accou t iounintion4 for the cowling of his {ar.ty ate .eritind to none lit the country. HI. table will .Pinny. be Ithitid sup. plied. not tiosly with sulo.l.untuol 1004. hot w oth .ol the delicacies or the weal... Ili• wine nen Ii iaor~ (eetepl Mat populist, Itevenige k nownas '...11 , 1irery.7 ponchaeont direct frost the 'town,' ,it hotioex. 4110 Fil m/1y wire, and (the Im m all I:oi.onuo• ti rug, le 1 1 / 1 111krIll roe a liberlll ratrunege 111 the pet. 01 10 Wall Continne to desert r, so on Inv lunch = June VI. Viit; —tr. I:3IOVAL ui 4'. ititirg. TO SHIVE'S BLOCK. FIRST DOUR A MAE IT ()Hill TIM dpflrrrian..ll havine n CI red from a full and Colllllllfit supply of SP! IN(; • .I\D srMMEII DR 6901'S AND GROCERIES, • NotittnA. IlanNittr,ll'..- dar /OA WIIIOW Ware. Ilraa4 enftrPC , M• *Ty. t:laaa•Warr, Tnitnern HAI , ;Mil tiliovm, Flu o r, Salt. f'soh and Molt ail of which I ittopo,e aelllnp rt o vet, Inmaissernir ca.ll or prodocr. t r eall aid are. C. C.MARR. Mouno.burg, April 1. He 7. rANAIIY BIRDS AND FANCY CMIES FOR SALB. The nnderriyned Mille for Vila lot of batudrome Oanary Birds and Fancy Cages CHEAP PfIR CASH. The gird* nre of the hest eirst• er, and fie beauty they are ant puryarred by Ikea Alnd. ALSO, the wohecriber to destrouri of buying Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, In large and mall goontittee. for the fall and *to ter market, fur whlel he wit! pay the moat Ille rat Pritev. WILLIAM GILMORE, • !three's horttlitg, o Hata Street. October Aer. tiltauo. , •org. MANHOW II0pD: LOST, IT.E HOW RESTORED. toJUST, published, in a reeled env , lope. Pelee ti teats. A lecture oli Ih« nature. trentnieut aril radii"? tom of Seminal Weakness ut ttperMatorhoea. fii,t .:‘ ,,,i by pilf-Abute ; Involnittary Erufssione. Itii• "weer, NervolM Debility and. Impodionals to Marriage generally : VehOtnl , t l ^ ll . epilepsy, and Fit. ; sleutal and rhyme! Immunity. &c, fly Robert J. Cultrcrweti. hl. I).. author ot tlet 'Green Book,' &c. the world renew mod b o ther, In Om admirable her , lure, clearly proven troll his non eXperlritre, thal the awful eounimumices 0, tlell•Abuse way be etre. I rally removed wilillOilt MediClllo,. nail without dais "areas mantra" operation*, honk". instrnment• rill**, or codials. pointing nut a mode of cure:`. once certain and entrain!, by whirh tIM•Mr. hi runes alert two eondition emir tit. MAY rum himself cheaply. privately nod rsi,i , ally. This h.,- sure wlll prove, II 11000 lb thusinlillr, mile thetticol.. Sent 1111Jermem, to may iiiiilresm, inn plokint.lll/1.14.p... 14 teeetpt,.44 ads. omits, or Iu ii poellige slums.. Also Lit. I:lllierNalri. Morel 14toile.tittit It sio.. Addle's, WI M4_l i , . NIA 'S' , a t ti., fle flowery, New % wit, I', it 11101 4.1.41 V. , ry I. fwd;,—ty Peach I'n • wtt.t.c., 311LOWNZIO TO 1111 MT 1,00110... Tobacco. Seed• ELK.IIIOIII9 ER.*