Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, June 17, 1868, Image 2

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WM. IL JACOBY. Editor.
CrO (1 . 4' Aid rit4C.
Democratic Slate Ticket.
FLU AI 1)1111R 111ENERAL,
Call for the National Democrat•
is Convention.
The National Democratic Committee, by
virtue of the authority enforced upon them
11 the last National Democratie Convention
at a meting held this day at Wasthington,
It. C voted to hold the next Convention
t?t• the purpose of nominating candidates
fir . president and VieesPresident :of the
Uwe! States on the 4th flay of July, ISO,
at 12 o'clock in the City of New York.
The basis of representation, as fixed by
the last National Demoeratic Convention, is
flout lo the number of Senators and Repre
sentatives in Congress of each State under
the last apportinoment.
Each State is invited to send delegates
Aruner DELMONT', Chairman.
FnEt,no. O. l'tu CE, Secretary,
1 1'101;141ton, February 22, ;scot.
After the ':,(ith of Augnst ri;lt we will not
pr ml 01.11. the DEW - WHAT to any of our sub
oetibers who have not paid their sub rip-
All the mat4rial used ie cash in
pdvanc. , ; besides all the labor we employ
is paiil , ror in cash as it is performed. When
a subscription bangs over a year, the little
profit we uould Lave upon it, if paiil in ail
vane,, is lost. It is lost in this way: We
have invested that money in material and
labor and laid a year out of it, thus losing
the u-o of the cost of paper, besides the
shed,' fractious] profit. On one subscription
the profit would be email, but in the ag!;re
gate, (:ry two thowand subscribers) it would
amount to a snug sum of money to the edi
tor. Those in arrears will please heed this
notice, and attend to their subscriptions in
Politics and the Military.
Altlinugh we believe that it is time all
ve-tires of the late civil war Flmuld disap
pear and that political organizationscomposed
exelusively of military men are detrimental
to the interests of Peace:yet in view of the
not:wenn-1y unfair attempts of the oppo
sition to make the world believe that the
soldiers belong almost exclusively to the ne
gro suffrage party, we are not unwilling to
see the extensive preparations Which are
being made to hold a grand Soldiers' Con
vention in the city of New York, on the
F o urth of July next. This :Convention,
and the signs me that it will be no insignifi
cant one either as respects the intelligence
a it:, members, or in numbers, will he con t .
,eti of men who have foughf—fought for
the anaintenanee or a white man's govern•
ant, and who will mote as they fought.
They will tell the usurping Padieuls how
grossly they have been deueived. They will
point to a dissevered Union, (Heaven save
the mark :) dissevered offer the bayonet and
the blue had been laid aside, and when they
thought that their arms had gloriously ne•
eamplished the mission for which they went
rat] ; and they will .ask : Has or has not
the war been a failure.? They will Fay to
that man who led themselves to woundsmnil
their brothers to butchery : "Why do you
still hold the sword suspended over n pros
trate foe, and join with the meanest and
most =ldiom of Badieals in requiring a
fallen people to eat dust ? We fought to
botiatre'a the Union ! we supposed it to be
intact when we came away from Appomat
tox, but now we find you, General, the chief
of a party which says that ten States were
all the while nut. General Grant, you have
tleeitive&us l"
TM..lorts evidently is getting tired of
"Old ;ism Achenbach's" twaddle to one
Mr. Moore of this county, for he tries in his
last paper to make his correspondent he.
lime that he has placed his untagonist
Mr. Moore—hors du combat. Pont you be
shoved to one side so easy, Mr. A. The pro.
plc that have been reading both sides of the
great question baween you and your oppo•
vent do not yet see the hors, the du, nor the
combat. Write ahead. Give him another
two column article. It's more interesting
than aclverthierneuts.
IT Is currently reported that the politi
eians are busily at work, in Washington eity,
in the Chase interest. The "movement,"
however impolitic, will gather some strength.
It is sustaineiby the heads of tho admin
istration as a means of dividing the Repub
licans, and destroying Radical influence.
Hoary argument that I We suppose it
eould draw here and there a Republican
office-seeker to Chase ; but how many Dem
e..rats would refuse to be whipped into his
support ? His nomination would bo a death
blow to the old Democratic party!
WE have not yet seen a single Democratic
paper of any diameter nlvocate the nomi
nation of Chase by the Democrats for Pres
ident While therm arc some weak-kneed
Democrats in the country " talking Chase,"
they (hire not go into the papers and advo
cate, his nomination ! It %told he
propftsterotts, to think fir a moment that
the Democrats would be obliged to nomi
nate a Ito publican to beat t ;rant.
Mit acknowledge the receipt of the speech
of lion. Thoniss LnurenA Jonol4, M. C., of
A Pictorial Campaign Paper.
MONVII• -Bra tton & Kennedy, of' the Car.
lisle Vvientrer, will resume the publinati'on
of Tue. atdcastmt,' an illustrated tome
eratitcampaign paper, on July 10th, PIO,
to eatinue until after ti e elec.
dun. Leh number w ill - be embellished
with portraits of distinguished Democratic
statesmen or humorous cuts illustrative of
the times. This feature made the CAroAs•
/AN a decided success in J 866. Terms:
(cash in advance) Sin4le copies, f,O cents;
ten copies, $4.50; Nadi, - $8.00;
thirty copies, $10.50; fifty copies, $15.00;
one hundred copies, $25.00. All clubs must
be sent to ono address. Orders should be
scut in at once.
Tn Lancaster Intelligencer, one of the
most reliable and firm Democratic papers
publiAcd in Penn4ylvanis, closes up an ably
written editorial, on the subject of "Recoil
strultion, Suffrage Lod Chase." with the fol
lowing paragraphs. We invite special atten
tion of all Chase men of this section to this
" It is to the feeling of the Northern peo
ple on this very I.llbjeCt t mit the Democratic
;tarty in mainly indebted for its recent as om.
t.hing. successes. The passage of the first
Rectum ruction Act or Congress changed the
political currents of the country. From the
date tit' it, °imminent, the Democracy, almost
obliterated but six months before, entered
upon a eaten of victory, which has contiuned
until now. We unhesitatingly ray to the
Democratic National Con ye n ion, In Hoe
511110 Knees. The people have determinedto ext i rpate these mongrel State (;orernm
ments. They will no more tolerate negro
supremacy in the South than in the North.
They will no more 'permit Southern negroes
to make laws Jim Northern whites than
Northern negrnes. They perfectl under
stand that the Representatives of Monthern
negroes in Congress will rule the North as
well as t h e South, and are resolved that this
shall not be."
"To give up thiS issue would surrender
the contest; for the masses of the Venom.'
racy have it so closely at heart, that they
care fbr comparatively little else. On this
issue Judge, Chase has been their consistent
and lifelong opponent, and they will not lid
low him through a crisis which he and his
friends have brought upon the country.
Illetisive as General Grant is to the Penie.
cratic teas=es, Chief Justice Chase is not
less so, and success with the latter would be
no better than defeat. Itre can tell the
Wurll that the appetite of the I fenmeracy
for office is not keen enough to induce thou
to support an enemy to their principles,
merely because he might detach a few votes
from the opposing candidate. And we can
also infirm that Journal that its present sup
port of Judge Chase and attempt to ignore
the suffrage question, will prove as miserable
and disgraceful a failure as its advocaCy of
Negro Suffrage in the North, after the fill
elections of PAK"
A tint wi NUR Ex row. —Through
the exertions of 3lr. Fred. Deppro, special
agent of the Post office Department, Mr.
A. 11. Reed, of' the Paymaster-General's
of ice, was arrested on the charge of sending
out circulars to postmasters and others
throughout the country, soliciting, on behalf
of the "National Managing Committee,"
five dollars from each person to whom they
were addressed to enable them to retain
their positions. Already more than twenty
money letters have been received in response
which arc retained by the department.—
Others, it is charged, were got out of the
lock box by Reed before his arrest. He as
serts his innocence, and says ho is the agent
of another person. Letters have been found
in his trunk by Mr. Deppro, which, it is
alleged, show his (Reed's) conneetion . with
the affair. Reed is held for a hearing.
COLFAX A KNOW-NOTlnsa.—Colfax,
the Radical candidate for Vice President, is
a politician by trade, and hos always been
notorious in Indiana as a chronic office beg
gar. Ile was an original Know,Nothing,
and as such was elected to Congress, being
one of the most Litter and loud-mouthed
detiuncrs of our foreign horn fellow-citizens.
Like others of his class he naturally allied
himself with the Republican party, when
the fusion between the Kti9w-Nuthings and
the Abolitionists took place. The resolution
in relitrance to naturalized eiticm 4 adopted
by the Chicago Convention was merely a
tub thrown to the whale ; and when that is
quoted every naturalized citizen will recall
the antecedents of the party and of its nom
inee, Schuyler Colfax, Me Knoto-Nsithing.
THE New York World is blowing its
horn loud for Chase. We well remember
the World being a strong Chose organ at
the out-start of the war, and it would not
seem strange to us that it should support
him now. That paper was fiettely de
nounced in the war times by every Detnecrat
in the country, and its patronage came from
Abolitionists and Wur.Dentocrats. We for
ono are not willing to accept that paper ae
an exponent of Democratic principles.
BUTLER Mill seizes all the private tele
graphic dispatches from Washington, when
he so pleases. A man can telegraph to no
ono on the most secret private affairs, not
even to his wife, but the beast Butler will
have the reading of it. Free oountry I
model Republic l— fully as much so as pun
dimonium I The "best government the world
.ever saw," if Satan's own kingdom is ex
Pnrrry much the same men who were
loud for HANVOCK a few days age, are now
quietly working for CIIASK They are not
among the steady and uncompromising I)em•
ocracy of the country. They are a vaseillating
set—not to be trusted—demagogues and
politicians of the most dangerous class.
Ploitical gain and plunder being their
whole object they would sacrifice everything
to bo successful.
THE "cattle disease" has again broke
out in Illinois, and is sweeping them off in
large numbers. A great many western cat
tle are shipped:throu,gh and into Pennsyls a
nia, and the farmers of this State should
guard well against the spread of this dis
llAntusnuati has been chosen as the place
114 holding the annual State Pair, which
will come off this year from September 20th
to October 2d.
Off With Their Heads.
IfPrenide neohnit' tn dons his duty the
entire batch flitadical gentiotnen who bold
Clerical poeitionin the whim departments
OtWashingten will be sumuskrily discharged.
During the istspeauhipeut trial, when it was
deemed morally - main that the President
would be convicted, then pensioners upon
the administration indulged in the foulest
abuse of the President and of his friends,
hoping thereby to Win favor In the eyes of
Mr. Wade's new administration. It is
stated that of the three thousand clerks in
the !Treasury Department not more than
five hundred are conservative men. The
remaining twenty-five hundred are red.
mouthed Radicals, who Anal be made to
'walk the plank' anti air their politics in a
more fitting and congenial atmosphere.—
The Prodded ought by this time to have
learned that every one of' these defenders of
impeachment is a spy in the service of the
managers, and that they have left nothing
undone, and will scruple at nothing that
will aid his enemies in furnishing the polity
of the administration. It is to be hoped
that he will make Risen work with the whole
batch of them and supply their places with
better men. Had Ben Wade been made
President, not a conservative man would
have been left in the departments. It is a
bud rule that will not work both ways.
No MORS MAN JUSTIVE.—Wt; concede
that there is something to COMM He is a
nol,le•sonled Row, and deserves the success
that awaits him in November. Hu is a be
manitarain—he is. Ile goes in for relieving
the widows and orphans—be does. He
went in for helping the "Widows' and Sin
gle Women's Home," at Trenton, New
Jersey, the other evening, and the way lie
drew on that occasion was s caution to All
cock's plasters or Barnunt's elephant hitch
ed to a donkey cart. The gentleman had
$207 20 in the house, to hear "Across the
Continent." Ile only charged the commit
tee $2OO fur the entire evening's labor of at
least one full hour, and handed over the
sum of $7 20 to the poor widows' fowl.—
A' here is Mr. Peabody now? Talk about
the great philanthropist. Nonsense. Make
room for Colfax.—Day Book.
Ft RE.- The work of an Incendiary. —Fur
some time past the men employed at Jos. M.
Freek's coal works, Centralia, have been on
a strike, and we learn that numerous threats
have been made against Mr. F.'s life and
property ; in consequence of which ho has
had a force of State police guarding hls
breaker for the past week. About '2 o'clock
on Sunday morning last his large stable was
fired and with its contents—five mules, two
horses, a largo quantity of grain and hay
—entirely destroyed. It is thought the
obi et of the depredators in firing the stable
was to draw the attention of the detectives
from the breaker that they might fire that
also. They were dig ppointed in this, how.
ever. No further demonstration has since
been made, and the detectives are on the
lookout tbr the guilty parties, and continue
their nightly watch at the broken—Ash
lend Advocate.
Press says:
"In connection pith the monthly .statc
ment of the national debt just issued, it
should be stated that the etedi balance is
larger by fourteen or fifteen millions than it
would be had all the requisitions drawn by
the War Department been presented before
the close of the mouth. This fact, and the
heavy interest payments in July, will pre
vent any decrease m the national debt fir
the next two months."
The people can see why the debt is in
creasing. In connection with the other
alarming extravagances of the Radicals, a
huge standing army is kept in the South to
control the negro votes, at any expense to
the laboring white men of the nation of riot
less than 5160,000,00t1 a year. Let the
people demand a complete change in this
matter. We have no use for a standing
army in time of pence.
A NOVEL Stour.—On Friday evening
last a large number of our citizens (Litwin
bled on the bank of the river to witness
canal boat descend the falls. The boat had
gone over the Nanticoke Dm, and was nav
igating the river to find an inlet into the ca
nnl. It passed the falls with as much ease
and grace as though it were towed by mules
in the placid waters of the enaal.—firricick
WE erroneously stated in our last issue,
that the woman who gave birth to triplets
last week was named Mrs Mu.r. We be
leive her name is Mack, instead of Max.
Up to the present writing the children as
well as the mother are doing well, and a
great many visitors have called to sec them.
(Minton Demnerat.
INJI'RED.—Two men, Samuel hinter and
Silas Lynn, in the employ of Messrs. Jack
son & Woodin, of this place, were badly in.
jured ono day thin week by the falling of
some timber. realer was severely injured
on the head, while Lynn bad his arm badly
sk inned.—Bericick Gazette.
TIIFI Ilnllidaysburg Standard has been
greatly enlarged, and clothed in a new and
beautiffil dress. The "gay and incompara
ble" Traugh is always doing something to
improve his paper. • success to him !
cm ma
TIME aro four months of the present
year which have five Sundays each, viz :
March, May, August and November ; the
month of January had five Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays.
tional Bank of Berwick declared a dividend
of five per cent. free of all taxes on the Brat
of June.
As far back ns the days of the Apostles,
this world wits blessed with those whom
"copperheads" so delighted to abuse—Rad.
icals.—.oungrel Exchange.
We believe they did exist about that time
and the apostle Paul seemed to know them
about as well as the people of the present
day have reason to, when ho described them
as "those whose a nd is destruction, whose
"God is their belly, and whose glory is their
No MAN who favor* the equalization or
Are *ola initt on Prilicipie.
Beforeile g of another moos, the
National C'unvcntlonor the Democratic par
ty will have decided who its standard bearers
are to be in the great struggle between the
masses ofshe t people who believe in their
capacity Wind right to govern, and the
pampered adherents and claquers of a mili
tary oligarchy, great boater the peo
ple is beyond all question, right upon the is-
sue involved in the approaching contest.—
They have felt, and continue to feel, the bit
ter, crushing burden of taxation and debt,
that, while exhausting their energies and
sapping the life of the producing millions,
coins wealth in the coffers of the opulent
capitalist. After a night of wild delirium
in the faalici possession of competence,
the laborer and produiter tins awakened to a
reailization of the terrible truth, that what
he lordly believed to be an enduring pros
perity, is an empty bublde that a spurious
inflation brought to the surface, only, like
the egnis fawns of a disordered brain, to
vanish when its enjoyment seemed nearest
at hand. It is not at all remarkable that
this sudden awaking from a pleasant delus
ion to a reality altogether its opposite, should
produce a titre'. of discontent and foreboding
that only the strongest remedies can subdue.
The leaders and moulders of popular sen
timents, if wise, will give heed to the un
mistakable determination of the masses to
fight the pending campaign purely upon
principle, leaving policy for the nonce, to
take care of itself. Tinkers, trimmers and
political wheathcr-cocks anticipates a storm,
and per consequence, are casting vigorously
about, and trimming their sails in order to
be in readiness to mount the reactionary
wave that instinct tells them is about to
sweep over the political ocean. rho only
difficulty experienced by this clam of non
diseripts is that they are by no means certain
from shish point of the compass to expect
the current, and therefore their line of poli
cy is or the " good Lord and good Devil"
style, with the chances about evenly bal
anced and a keen lookout fir the main
chance. The question uppermost then, is
shall the people select their own standard
hearer. or shall a few self-constituted leaders
and caucus manipulators do it for them ? If
those who claim to be wise beyond common
wisdom think that success can be aubeived
by turning aside from the plumb-line of
principle, they will, to late too remedy the
mistake, disto:er that the reseeding wave
has let them nothing but a dissolving quiek
sand of' factions, in which they will speedily
be hurried.
In this crisis let the people insist upon be
ing heard and let wire pullers and political
brokers keep silence. From Connecticut,
where the star of Democracy first rose out
of the darkness and chao., of puritan intol
erance to where the slogan of vietory bursts
against the snowy peaks of Oregon, the
rank and the oflte lieneeratic party de
mand a leader My can elect and one that
can be trnstod after he is elected. '!'hey de
mand a standard bearer, fresh from the peo
ple, with a head full of brains and a hear•
which ejects warm, sympathetic Mood
through the arteries, instead of the chilly
tide that creeps sluggishly along in the fos
sils of another age. The wonld•ba War
wicks will find that in this campaign the
people will play the role them , clvcs. Clin
ton Democrat
us. This number, we see, begins the Nip
fourth volume. Like old wine, "Prieriuns"
gets better. It has now been published for
twenty-sevenyears, and its unrivalled circu
lation proves it the most popular of the ladies
nmstmes. The present acme is one of the
best we have in teen. A splendid steel
engraving, "(incline and the Knight," leads
off; then follows a mammoth colored steel
fattion plate, with five full length figures:
and then we have numerous wond.elit4 of
now bonnets, capes, bodies, &c., besides
a score of patters for t lie work-t ; among
them, two printed in colors. The literary
contents, as usual, are excellent. Mrs. Ann
S. Stephens continues her interesting om
elet, The Bride of the Prairie;" while
— The Tragedy of Fauquier" deepens in mys
tery and ',owes. Frank Leo Benedict has
a charming story. But, in point of fact, all
the tales are superior. Now is a good time
to subscribe for "Pierson." Terms, 62.00
a year. To clubs, three copies for $4.50, or
live for 118.00, and in this lot ter ease, an extra
copy fur a premium. Address ('has. 3. Pe
terson, 306 Chestnut :;:treet, Philadelphia.
Detaructlve Fire la 1111lchlgan.
Clitv.ton, June 12.—A very destructive
fire occurred at Marquelton, :Michigan. last
night. Over ono hundred buildings in the
business portion of the town, including forty
stores, the United States Land Office, Cum.
tom I louse, County Treasurer's Office, with
all the records, were destroyed. Tlio rail
road office of the Lake Shore 'Road, and the
Superior Ore Docks were also burned. The
loss is estimated at *1,000,000. Insurance
very small.
MIA? IT MEAVL.--Tho supporters of
GRANT and COLFAX, wherever it is neces
ary, deny that they arc in favor of negro
suffrage, notwithstanding the fact that their
resolutions declare openly for it, throughout
the entire South—the only section of the
country they have the power to enforce the
obnoxious doctrine, The avo sal that no
groom should vote in the South is simply an
avowal that one of these thick-lipped, long
heeled wooley-pated, congo's if he should
happen to reside Smith of the Poton ac.
shall have the MOO voice in the election of
a President that a white man here shall. It
means simply that a Southern negro is as
good as a Northern white man—that the
toiling taxed maws of tho North who do
not believe in Freedmen's Bureaus, shall be
outvoted by Southern negroes who do, be
cause they are kept, clothed and cared for
by them— it means that the Southern darkey
shall vote into office men who will tax the
the laboring white men of one whaion to
keep the lazy black men of the other—it
means that the mongrel party is .the party
of negro suffrage, anti is too cowardly to say
so at home.— Beltehnte Ira tehmo a •
3lttliNaroN, Mich., Juno 2, ISM
W 11. Jacoby, Editor: Pear Sir
doubtedly you have wain:mood to think
that your old friend Y- has gone into
oblivion sonic way or another if indeed you
have thought anything about him tdnee he
left Pennsylvania ; whether you have or not
I can assure you that I have thought a good
deal about the editor of the Drotoritxr and
his paper, and have often thought I would
give anything to read it and know what is
goi , on in of Columbia county. When-
liatlet at ills Old Trick.
Ile Ma to Steal a Thrnidand Dollar nal
The Beasttail before his loqui-ition Com
mittee, on Tuesday, Mr. Ransom Van Val
ketiberg, and what occurred between the
chief of the Star Chamber and this gentle
man is thus vrelated by the Washington cor
respondent of the Philadelphia Age:
Butler's "inquisition" was in session in
the Judiciary Committee room of the house
again to-day, and Postwaster•Getiond Ran
dall was examined as a witness. Mr. Bing
ham has returned to the city, end a quorum
of the so-called managers being here, it is
understood that Mr. Woolley, will be called
to-morrow. It is said that tiering the ex
amination of Mr. Ransom Van V alketiburg.
yesterday, Mr. Butler asked, the witness
what he had been doing in SI ashington so
long? To which the latter replied, "None
of your business, sir." The examination of
this witness was further continued, and the
Erprats of this afternoon publishes the fol
liming report thereof:
Mr. Butler asked: What beestm: of' the
mommy that Mr. Woolley Jolt in his room on
the centre table?
Answer —I have it in my pocket.
Malec —IV ill you produce it and the en
velope containing the other papers?
Answer—l will produce the money, but
the papers you shall not have.
The money was then Wit on the table
amounting to $17,10, in seventeen one
thousand dollar notes and snail bills making
the one hundred dollars.
Immediately after Puller received the
money he ordered the witness out of the
room, but he declined to leave, giving as a
reason that ho was responsible for the money,
and he could not leave it in his (Butler's)
hands. Butler insisted on the witness leav
ing the room, but the gentleman refused,
without he could take the money with him.
At last B. was forced to succumb, and the
money was counted in custodian's presence.
Butler counted the money, the clerk of
the committee taking the numbers of the
After the enuntinf Butler. looking sUr•
wa y s , said to the witness : l find. sir, hem,
sixteen thousand one hundred dollars.
Witness—Mr. Butler, if you will take the
trouble to look under thatpiece of paper
nest. you, I think you will find a thousand
dollar note, which I hoc" no dotted was
plaecd time thmugh mistake.
General ;Aran, rising *out the polh, raid :
Yes, Butler, I see one corner of it sticking
out •
Butler—Olt, yes; 1 did not notice it b^•
Cougreqftlonal Dentocratlc Ex
r4IIIIVC Committee.
WAMIINOMN ettY, May 21. Istr,3.
The undersigned requesta the Chairman
of all State, County. City, Township, or
Ward Democratic and Conservative Com
ntittces, Associations. or Clubs, to furnish
the Congreoional Pemocratitt Executi.te
Committee with the names of members o
their associations, for rekrence during the
pending Presidential campaign. Domunents
will be furnished l.v this Committee, on or•
ders aceompattied Ly money, at the follow
ing rates :
For sisteen-pacc doeturcnts, in wrappets,
and franked. $l2 per thousand.
For eight•page documents in wrappom,
and franked. $7 thousand, or at the
same rate Fe. a smaller number. In . partic-
Oar they furnished grattntonsly.
Communications maybe addre4sed to I lon.
Saumel J. Randall, M. C., Washinet en City.
By order. J. IL DOOLITTLE.
Chairman Ex. Committee.
A Nirm T ()wow. —The Pictorial Phren
ological J nurna I rot July contains 'port rails
of many distinguished Men. and Ileautirul
Women. European and Asiatic lleautie4—
English, French, German, Russian,
Swedish, Austrian. Polish, Swiss, Dutch,
Turkish, and Japanese ; also. Lori Broug
ham, Abbott Lawrence, Zadok Pratt;
Peter Von Cornelius; Verdi ; Miss Pitts
singer ; and twelve Roman Catholic Prelates
awl priests; Mehemet and, his
. The development nem, by Poor ;
Lady Merry, or the Wonsan Question ;
Thirteen National Types . Female Beauty;
Protlmsional Instruction in Practical Phren
ology ; Indians and Mountains of Oregon ;
a French Educator on American Schools,
and much other very interesting matter. A
new volume Legins with this nuinkr, only
fi3. a pa.. or 41.50 thr six months. Ad
dress V. 11. Welts, ';!,9 Broadway, New
3I t, El% EIS! tal du pres
slim is a disease of the nervous system, and,
of all the ills Lids is heir to, it is the one
that excites the least sympathy. It is a
subject of frequent jests, and is called by
various derisive terms; but, although it is
(Men laughed at, it is not easy to laugh the
patient out of the belief that his ills are all
real, flu it is a real disorder—the general
features of which are constant fear, anxiety
end gloom. The external senses, as well as
the mental ftteulties, often manifest
toms o f deratigentent Noise, as of falling
water.and ringing:in the ears are complained
of, while black specks and fiery sparks flit
before tho vision. Admonitions like these
should not be disregarded, as they may, if
neglected, terminate in insanity. The seat
of the disease is in the brain and nervous
system, and to control the malady it is ne
cessary to use a powerful tonic and alterative,
which will correct and tone those organs
without inflaming the brain. This is the
secret of the sueec's of lIOSTETTEIng
STOMACH BITTERS in cases of this
kind, Ibrwhieh it is the safest as well as the
best of restoratives.
. .
In feet it is the only pure and reliable
tonic stimulant known. !tinny noArums,
purporting to he tonics, are puffed up from
Limo to time in the iieWvaperg, but the
sufferer had heifer let theni alone. nos.
proven itself, by many years of rial, to bo
an every respect what a is represented to ho.
"Loot• on this picture, and then on that."
Hero feu behold the infirm step,
The pallid cheek, wastiug form,
Untested fond, and a social atmosphere
Poisoned with tales of aches, pains, •
tileepless nights, and mental despondency•
There, laughing health, sparkling eyes,
Mastic steps, erasing appetite, forgotten
Oenial thought and ambitious resolves
Show the contrast and mark the picture.
One took the Plantation Bitters—the
other didn't. They am very beneficial fir
weak and delicate persons,
MMINOLfA WATER.—A. delightful toilet
artielo--buporior to Cologne and at half the
price. No. 13.
Wheat per bushel, $2 so
Ryt", 15u
Corn, _ " I 35
B 7
suekwheat " 1 00
004, 80
Cloventeed " 7 00
Flasseca, " 251)
Dri'd apples " 2 GO
Potatoes, " 175
Flour per barrel ' 13 00
Butter 30
Eg o per dozen, 20
piii ? w pet pound A 14
On the 2qth ult., .I,v the lier. J.
Eger, ileniantin 11. Hannan, to lliasCiitha•
rind Menhinizer, both of Maine townAiip,
Colombia county, Pa.
In Tidoom‘hure, !L u te 141).ItIS, nt the
hour. of Oliver F. Wilson. by Her. Thome.
If. Cullen, Hr. William I), Stveppenheioot
to Miss Lizzie M. 'Wilson, both or Phila.
In Oringevillo, nn the 15th in.t., Mr.
John Harman, after a seven and lingering
illness, aged about twenty•four years,
Ix Bloomsburg, on the Itth inst., Mm.
Gordan It. Goff, aged about 45 yearn.
iptl..4 of hdollriletrglihg nn non miksf• at keel
mtpki,., h i w of vithitrer•ok inwriontp, eninaillPa
coo,' H. deed., lie Ye lot.l Vollte.l by film Krgi4ra n"
wild comely, to John Winner, f.lllll/11 in Ike townettob
awl roomy ni.rosail, All perVIII• hi, 'ta. :tag ..-
4e111111111.111111111.4 Ib« ooto l , of liu ter , 0 f.. 1 , 1 100
onorted 1,, loreaeolf them In lite moiriontertalor fur
skalent. nrnl 14..4 to the e AU , / Will sr. ,
1• 4 101. ht to thq Unit. f•lgued t w o ti w ok
rishitgemelt, Moy
Candidate tor AsseniAty .
Fri. Low 1 / 1 11r1,141111 —Throllelt the iiolleltp.tmh o Poolllrre tiabrrelts.
ni, 4.oormril frlo rule in tho (Won," of Cnl.unbin , woke I r I d raw fi t r iu to N it ith,e
I "" 6". 1.! ""u " d to b "" u " "" di "" Werley 11uvri„*.s. 101ths•vi110, eilh..• , 11 .1 .
•••••Wv 1.••• It• prntentuity, of lonitot Anil. 1.1 Inrwo.l
the enompo of I folulohl4 all I mokimir ; •o , l"ct In lievrnt not wild heCIVY loe. /It I h..
lit notion of the Democratic enov.otioo of 1 . ..10 nr WWI at hi. hlll , properly h.- set. -1 11' VP hi 4 • •
WU County, K. J. MtlliAlt V. ' ,N o o n's 5 t .„,„,,,, payed up to i•nnhl.• lam to 0.1 0 , . •
Fl•hingrrrok Jun• 10.
Ry Ireding Ilel• make toots tint/ Iflollsle *Ol •
151:81,EVIII , WIl 1 , 1
1.411110. Johe 31 Iw.
Candidate for'A•Nrinbty
To TIM VoII6IIOCRI.T or C01.1 , 4111t rN , TY:
flaring been inirnrinly rolirlio 4 I.v my friondello'
h•ronin • roil dilate for Aforniblv, iu tht. I
hove consent ed to iho nee of my name for Ihat 0m..,
to 11., decleion of Ilm County enriv.ntion.
end 'nowt( ally aril toy r their ..tappno.
Fiehitigrfrek. June In,
To the Democratic Toter% of
Columbia County.
Faunw PaNnemate:—lltring been earnestly *Mir.
Keil by toy Democratic fricnila to Geome a candidata
for the ntrica of County rottinfleoloner. after duo lon
■lJernllonrod coneoltetten with my Mettle end en,
worker* it the ramot of flontorraey, I howr eon sent
rd an al inw my name to he oiled roime, with
that orbs, atthJert In the dertelon of lie , fbonnerntie
Convention: and I pledte myself. of nominate , ' and
pleetpil to perform the duties nf that entre In Ihr bar(
of ability and to the Interco:, of Olio citizen, of
the Cootsty
Centre toep.. May 27, 101;4,
To the Democratic Voters of
Colmnbla County:
rgt.LoW 11117.. mg, lig v bggg ggliritool by many
of my I)..Howrithe frfro.l.. I therefore 1)11).r nqoalf
gg g tnmlldptn f o r Cotuilty Cmaiflligaiggog
In lit' nen Dr wortatle County
blontosor Township, May, 27
To the Public
h•onderriened rerprNMlly iiiformv his old Mends
and th it Ito ha. N. h u t ht' Cantina Ma.
rod ie now really to ho wool tenting to goat
ord.. When trout. eh alt nod well pr pared woo Ile
sent me. roy p Irons MRY Inuk for pool role*.
Et; C01,U1t1 . 1,41 and Omitting cloth. dons
is or,ler. Wiwi I . f 1 II trtutan'• SNOT. innOnlehiStS.
will be taken tut rolorlieJ every two or three weeks
with bill or WOO. The pay can be len at linetniaare.
Wool left at Oranyeille, at either of the Worm
will be attended lo promptly.
No wool wisest' le for me Ibis ounollOW
only to hluomvbngt and Orangeville, for the lICCOIII.
umiletion of Owe at a diAani . p.
Jure 117.1: 1 61. Near lifthr:Ville.
Sheriff's Sale
fly of a evil, of PIM Varies {.peed nut of
tbetfaugi of Comma'. Pleas to toe stiteeted wits he
eerier., to public sole on iliot promisee, nn Tres( •r,
14th ISCH at ono o'eloek to the alt,rnuon, the
fuliowloa proper,. to wil :
All that assist til.a Of pteee or monad equate In
the Itettattib of C. lit the County of ('n'uothin
had the Oat, or Penni/ liter t.itunttil hula lying nos
: !legittuina at 0 slate is the weal stile of
Lolled At. south three degree* t•ae
tweety five let t, Ih••nce month eiftely.e.teeit dett err
weal, tate h0011t...1 and OM test td as Kiley, (hirer
aloes nth ulh•yrnurth three elegises West, twr•rty•
nee t thot. north eiglaraerea defines PA.', one
hottille..4 Nod forty (tett.. the plane of bypassing, Rita
Wens the IM marked in the get...eal plait or data Ilor
whet telt', the Dumber two In hlat 1. our Minaret, sad
seventeen. I oet iteAr with the seputtottautee.
tteis••a taken to eseettoa ea I W be said as the
property of twleto Juttlec
June 17, MB filivreff.
Germantown Telegraph.
.4 Family and an Agricultural Journal:
Iterated In elude,. (menden. itteludlne Poetry.
Novel , lta. Tater. awl Moral and li.t.qtat Wag R.• 4
11" 11 "foll.l• In the Literary preidtianNt yea ehyll
Pf. , m•nl the fltnifeet vartetlf. %titbin the reads or
tett est...toted ,neon., The hinvetell•. Taira, Poetry,
elf.. @hall be suppler.' (raid the beat and high,et
sautf,a, UM, be clue' to aulthiug ('be ra.thj in any
journal Or ontraatne.
Aaron:lWe ao.l ltarttratture. elehrariat
Moen la:, riot. ttlirlllll. Ile Ina et.eite Ie thie
dep fitment rot ate? thirty yams. hive met the co,.
dial apprithatinn of thus public. liar purpu.e ha. heel
to famish nis-fiit rad mil:tide inceitu twit ni•on thew
very talloortalll branches 4.1' ministry and to rriiterd
thew hie as st unlit ant to ow aratnal the raise
dortijupe and lt or the ninny einperies
auA Ws adventure, hy winch a larinr r It largo.
satitlY awaited. Thia punkin or the Mewl worn
VcArgreepa Is alone worth the to ice 011 .101,44 WIWI..
hi.Vt`ia Rr —The •not.• onturtry. rare
and diecriwinattiort Ia galberotg si $.l prep:Mini the
it De %Chia Id the nay ••t 'rare') for el• thiper.
et bieh ito Meet. has been use or its features
R i e tsiii midi naivete:o satialactleil, a iit be continued
with redoubled aorta to meet the increasing de
11111,111 of the public.
TERM*. Tun titulars and filly cents per anneal.
No orders ,calved Without the cash, Niel all etibecrip •
!ions atopprd at the end of the limo ;mot fer. brpoet•
teen 111111411eiel seat Addrea.
Pllll.ll' R. Fit AA,
Editor awl Proprietor.
June 11.1840. 'Unsaid ern. Pa.
AII porsoas hiving oubwribeil Stork in the M e mo..
Au it Literary linititure. are licrefi) nntide,l too the
!apt toritaiimear dun and replan, April bit,
WOW. Thous who Ac re hot fated lip in (Ho are re
quested to do so forthwith. and act their certifiratec
111 order of the iloarJ of Tiurfec..
str,stiVilll Alit..
Tree titter.
June k)
Am]Hoeg Notice.
In the Orphoing' Court r' the County of c*,,,,b13.
Pointe or .I.l.eph Stole lece3.o(l.- The auditor ap•
pointed by the Cann to iti , tritott.. the hind to the
f the laindaistraini ui %Aid deceased trill
meet the parties intereete.l ter the 911,11nse or hie
appuintwni on rrlitav the :Mit Aar June .1, 1/.
VW it 10 ~ 'eleek A. n at hie oilier ill Illnenulter l.
whoa all persons intetettett meet prepent their
chime of b.! 110311,6 rfOVI
K. coin
R. ing in
.I.l4Jitur. feet
it'noninitifirg. /use 34 le6B —4 w.
Auditor's Notice.
The nrkritlyted, Aa•lit„r appolute4 by Itrphen'm
Court of coltinthin county In notlo th.tributton of
the fund I n the helots of tV“eloy Pieuunuie, ouovtv
or the ■dminietretur or Cherie' iitrwort Into of oeid
County Atroa.ed, to and moony the peroonn rotated
not... Hint tolew In receive tho oano , . wthl proceed
to the thoott ,itto or his dully% of 1114 I.lllea in 111onm.1•
bare on Pattoolay, the Vat day of June lethi, at 10
o'elock In the forenoon, tvh. n and whom All persons
will moan' their chianti before oui.l nuditor or be
debuted mu, taming in for Aare ateid fund.
WEJILI:v WIRT, Auditor
June 1808.-Iw.
tlY'Repubilran pksrc copy.
Shcrilr Mnle.
NY virtue of a writ of Venditioni ikttponae, to vie
dirdeted, leaned out ni the Court of retortion
Pleas or it:0 1 011ton roomy, will be triaged to nubile
Bale ear notery at the Court [Wore inWombed'. on
Saturday, the illah day of Julio, low, at I o'cioci in
the toternonn, the following reel Wale to wit :
The following real estate, Or the life estate in
certain Inc of 'fantod gallium in the town I.(eata.
wises. Columbia county, been' too hondrrsi and two
that deep and twenty four feet wide, bounded en the
south by let of Walter I.asbel an tag woet by an ed
ley on tie nurth by lei of J. 8, dlttlittat% nod flu the
eget hy etscond Street, on which is «weird a twe
story frame hotnio and ditelv•ti with the allprrute
Seised, 'and Wien In eteention anti to be sold co
the property of Jai oh ttorrouti
dittitilECAl MILL/din, 81teritT.
Illooutsburd, June 1,186 n,
In the Orphans' ronit In and Me yard County.
In the UMW of the account of Ileinuol Achiiiibach
and Jacob It. Britt, Illseotors of the ISM *Wand
ointment of Win Britt deceased.
May 0.1110, nn taintloit of Mr Clark. F. 11. 1 , 11110
Is appointed Alltlllo, I. Witke ttletriMsilen of 1110
b.i lane.. In the holds of mad aecoautant■ to the u. d•
Mors of 081,1 dervoter.l,
Mt the Cowl. Yrino thn 'mod.
JIP 4 SE COLEM AV, I ',irk.
Notice le tifrshy Rlvru MR I will 'twilit to the
duller of al. 10111Ve ITttoiltin,ent at thy (Ai, in
Mootnrhurg, on klimirdny. thr StOth dry Of AIM , flat,
al top, o'clock g, its , uth..rn nil
fogulcoil In profirtit tio•ir Irnforr mu 'w hi CIO.
torrid this eomind IN fa a obarokr
LrITIM, Auditor.
(Juni, I N - /w.
Mlnchinisti Ilit r.n;l let
1 %MINOT.. drl. & N. N. NI NON i GC. t. ,
1 omit • Are propared to Wok& nil M.n4 of No rdin. •
Pon* rhanivr, hooky*, Itsme , g f :1! •
Plve ipriorffch rlf.. U thin rot.
rrm yfpr • {pa.A•►MIHA slt Yrio'• vl •Irw.. firth
.m.rently rm forol.
1 lirrabing *Nato. • NIA flour* Pow►ra taa,4
r 4,./. All minds of Agricultural Igacbtn►rf t•yatr.
hum 34, lAtle.
Coopering! Cbopering
T1111:001borr 0.1 re+p ,, i(allv en tiontova lb a li. •
prepired 1n mann Cul urn
1;.1 1:E I, M T
itucKm, cituitss,
and "crYthond th thr lino! n(
REP.% I 1)1)NE To)
and at onott nutter. Crj" I. .hop to torn!
Main Strrrt. kiloomobons. no lir eh.. 1,, n c„, ,
M : 4 .. 1%11.1.11
Illoornr.b,tr4. April
Office of the Lehigh Valle)
road l'ona patty.
Nn. :110 IVldnu;St„
A m eet ing of .11e„tion:Shoblsrs of 0111 1,11110/ V
aiiitrnakd Collinithy. VIII 1, held at tem ga t ,
s od Company, Wolnot FitPOt In Inn
Philadelphia, 00.161tifirdis ylhe 11140.64 th day
Ir.s.att , 4 L. when and when. Om I , ini ago
seteeld into by the board or dowt , s, of the •
Valley Railroad rompatly. and the board of di
of the Lebuyltylmsrfne Hattioad Clomsnam be
of An Act of III" Gene al Assembly of !lilt f'r
Wealth, entitled "An ALI ' , motto* to Iti•Ornsit 1'
Slit., enacted on ihr Itch day „ r sl , r . Istje .
eottriderettoo 01 sold 'L010 1 .1,111,1 and tnef g s• •
Lrbiyh Lusefike Ifstlmatt Company Into th,
Vallee Hi 111 ,, a.1 Company, wear 'Ani l , fa t s o •-•
1 . 0 n 411110116 1100.14 and manner of snows •
Copilot mock of the said Lebsoll
Company into the $lOl. f t he 1 0 -h ig h . .
Comimity. and conttionsg 101 oieh , •
ae Iwys been .'rimed ne y, t •
stotsoltdation and tosser, w i ll sqlebi t t
• Slocitholsers. and a rats by ballot to ,
by prosy t teen lot the adoption Sr f tj, It
This onto's. Is porn in aren't:two *tit
• of to east of Assmomy,
May V 7, 1141n—@t•
. .
Newer send f,, Ibe tenthurb• before .1- •
PL 8. P. CIIALPANT. the ueur Dentist t f
bum. went, Ptiooltio Id cow• and gel their
mulneJ, and be adv ierd how to tali , !RIM .1
P. , rdons baying Cheated th, and bellow:n.l t
11Peur to be bus at little atcnuot, he is grattit....a:q
staziotio in se«.
i' , l,..rts wanting A RTIFIC/A ;ff. rqz ro
VIA in rts g htta a c.4(1.
%11 , ..11• I 'Aids. Of Imp/ adessitie ft 4 ri
I, I lOC I .uth WittiMA, pain.
I .111 , I.pyu.ita I.owefdatrg'oetotbirlg tmet:
teirg l'a•
NEW .1 Al) FA S///0:: 3/./
THE undri .ign...l wouIJ p•spsetf“ sit•
out allot. of Ih • mown* al this SolV't •ne
te their h.tity and laast meals, it tle•t• ft.or•tur• Mx:*
I rl rrrt. sec deer earl of l es•rh 1 / 1 1 , 0• - y'r 01:• , t,ts
I and thu r 119111 Not WIWI! 1110 are prepared
Istrnigh Gonda & Nat
hr . .n the latest able. Alpo ' , II poth•tos
AIMd and for I bite:ales wt::
Give thew a call. Ibey enety.nany vi lb. a. , /
in their hoe and sheep hr rash
Inanonaltourg, Apr.l dri.,
Eiala Kfr:STA URA
The ,
REPTAr 11.1 hT, in the I+lllllnooll% of th y,.
they W.W.I moot Trepectfutly *Meet Ncettlab
the patronage of their NM r uhotomeht.No4 .1. ,
vile the aitentieit el nett one* In their
si wto overcool. i•rx, •
timpn per pee&, tc
LI() U . I) lt S AN I) C I (1..‘ S
Of•tt•ri , tarn be mervol up to cu.! . -
111110111ept itifiile. lll
VA It 11111'N STII - I.lE;k.
wrinvEi), FRIIID. OR W.
Vinod the lolled of the rpiturlsn.
Sloomours, April %I lFfw
Juot r,erivrd N lb. # , nrr nn Mato effort, bait,
aitho , t, by r..
to.,4)..burg. Mar 6. IIIG9-2
Tim underalened le rigerl for
11.1011TNINU ROD
rub 'plat flange.• Thta celebrated
conductor is the most ci , inplite pro
. .
111~om~Auq. Melt, if 61004
Mower, Reaper, end 8611-Reker ,
; 17 /1 “n): b'ELtre ftr,
moivrActintio pr
.T. S. I . ItS !CO.
Lrwt•ntinn. 11N1nv vonry.
tilliktiligurA hal bt/1.11.11111 , 011111U111111‘111.1 riff 1:4
lumbh roomy, tho Of libb 060 V/3 "11.1111111..
len %Awl reipPrt mow•tro. red other an to,.
mitnnbirtily, d by 1111111 Cfllllllllll4,
141i11%111, April I , ‘,A
Olt AS I VI T, TIE it OTE 1,
(111,T • 11111 . .% ((TNTV,
EDSVANII r.vgarrr, Pro7fitiot;
Wonll ro 111/01110 , ' Itiettileshd f •
Ile lOW In's :•• xt,en tb%ritt. '
rt.ll.iistowil Nbd rowwulewly immitrok
I 'o hy frlt, INA ,
In rn:upinp• order I.lf 1110110WirittlIQM I'm
owl Wr Ill" mit , whilitiweint it trtswihvp WWI WO:
11.- I Mr rine it trollivot him with /b, it commit.
'thins and ~ t iwitte hut , . amend ilr repOrt...„ ,
and rerllrrirstslog thin linlnl 64 the antertveinft,l
111107.4001 t;",
1,41111:;8' PR Esl - ititKIVG:
1 H. 14 WA