siloomotititg fitstocrat. 8 IR M. .1 AMORY, IVEDNE7q).II', JUNE 3.;068. 1P 4 111EEN11ACK8 AlllO, 000 1, , Exor1;11 rAY THE 1 AIOIER, 51EPHANIC. THE LABORER, THE MERCHANT. THE SOLDIER, AND THE SOLDIER'S WIDOW WHO PAY TAXES, ARE HOOl4 ENOllltl TO P. 117 Tut:BONDHOLD ER WHO PAYS NO TAXES,- --Demo , . oratie. Densocridic HMO Ticket. V 4,11 ittlirron CIENERAL, HON. CHARLES E. BOYLE, OF FA YETTN COUNTY FOR SURVEYOR OENERAL, tiES. WELLINGTON U. ENT, CIULUNUIA COUNTY, Call for the National Democrat ic Convention. The Nationl) Democratic Committee, by virtue of the authority en6reed upon them by the last National Democratic C' o nvention at a meting held this day at Wasthington, D. C., voted to hold the next Convention for the purpose of nominating candidates for president and Vicc-Ponident of the United States on the 4th day of July, Fins, at 12 o'clock u., in the City of New York. The basis of representattou t, 4.i fixed by the last National Ihnnocratie Convention, id double the number of Senators :;10 Repre sentatives in oingmss of each State under the last apportinmeent. Each State is invited to scud delegate. accordingly. ArOVFT BELMONT, Chairman. Fattimmc O. PniNcE, Secretary. Washington, February '22, ig6s. !Death of IN-Prepoldent Amara 13uchonan. Mr. Bitelionon died on Monday last, at his residence,unir Lancaster. Ills m e re is eminently a bkorical one; and by his death the nation loses one more of the old and genuinely patriotic class. In haste we write this, but more fitting tribute will be paid to his memory in our next. Me Corning Man Numerous excellent men have been named in the noeratic press, and have been spoken of in private circles, a. being each proper and available candidates for the Pres idency. As all know, each have earnest and hard-working adherents. The claims of somn are urged for what they hare done ; and of others for what they have 'not done ; thus bringing positive and negative qualities into the political balance. Certainly the friends of Gun can claim little for him except his ability to lead men into battle. The tame may be said of Ilmiencw ; but noth ing can be said ogaitut either of these men as pilots or guides in public civil afraii 6, for the very plain reason, if for no other, that neither of them Lave been before the public in a civil capacity giving them any proud nenee. What is wanted, (and we sincerely believe the great taw of the honest men of the country rill agree with us,) is a man who, havin; a FilirleiChtly extended replan lien throughout the whole country for labor eat and acquired administrative joined with a character for unswerving integ rity, can command the raped as wen as the torts of the hard-working, tax-paying peo ple of the land. It is time that we should awaken, and discard the principle that, because a man, perhaps insignificant in every other respect, has led his thousands to battle, (mayliap he has brought only his hundreds back,)—that for this reason he should be made President of the United States! Or that because another has made -what was called a telling speech in Congress, therefore he should be President. It is not expected by sensible people that. the man who occupies the White House at Washington shall wear spurs and sword, or that he shall dance attendance at serenades, or before elf constituted cent. tuittees, to make set-speeches. Ills work is of a practical character, and forishieh a proper qualification can only be acquired by thorough intercourse with the people. The class of men thus fitted for this high office, is smell, lett it is time that their claims were asserted. Mere managing pal iticiansl, who have nothing but their own intere:ts in view, may turn aside at the men tion of the name of GEORGE W. WOOL wAnn, or MA PACKER, but we believe that the time is near at band, when the mom will t/einand a chief executive from the class to which these men belong. The history of both these . persons is a part of the his tory of our great State. The first is known as one of the most able jurists in the land the second us a man who has a more thor ough acquaintance with the business inter. este of the country, and a knowledge more nearly complete of its wants as well as of its capacity, thun, perhaps, any among the 4,000, 000 of our State. Such qualifications, when combined, with unquestioned integrity, and moral character of the very highest grade, are not to be overlooked. The people are begiett'Jig to reflect, and we predict that sterling worth will, at the next election, be the sttndurd t,y which candidates for the Presidenq will be measured. *4 letspetathment." were matter of form, and not be eau,e the iotelageneo will bo fredi to our readers, wa announce that impeachment is "". We ate 119 PPY to add that there was no partitular apidog of tho entrails of the ,Nation attending the toveetis or death. Tim rlyini off at a spill rate .sinve the impeachment faro. Congresc IT IS übwlt time the Demooratecommenee f organizing • leilvely ~ peigl e fit's hie • 00naressi I Met, an' . 'Op 'it t, . et man a Congrensional :min , thee not even been ',Weil who w Staid . hat mition from amen he .teenY goo ill eetegattebtiben in the Dis trict. What the Democratic party want in this District is a sterling Democrat and a gentleman in every way qualified for the po sition ; and in the event of such a nomina tion, we feel confident that the Democracy would make a manly, noble fight in defence of the great principles of Jefferson and Jackson. The question to be decided by the people this full A the polls is, whether they are in favor of supporting by taxation the indolent negroes of the South, or wheth er they, the negroes, should do as all poor white men are compelled to do, starve, or earn their own support. Wo need have no fears of the result in our District i: the is. sue be fairly made and met. Mr Mercur, who will be ru-nominated by the Radical party, has made for himself a record on this negro question that can not be misun derstood by a single man in am District. This county will be expected to express her self iu favor of some suitable person for Congress in our next County Convention which will meet on the 25th of' July next; and in view of that the above suggestions have been made. The editors of the press in the District have a voice in the selection of ean•lidates, and it is their duty to make it head. The mere fact that a man edits or owns a paper does nut sacrifice hie individ uality in these matters. lie has just us much right as " any other man" to say who shall be his representative in the Halls of the Nation. Make good judicious nomin ations and all will bo well. The changes will be great this fall. The people have gotten their qua open. They are utterly disgusted awl disheartened at the reckless and extravagant mismanagement of the Radical Itumpites, and nothing short of a complete overthrow of that party will satis fy the country. We have a great deal in our favor while the Radicals can use little or no argument to our disadvantage. To; Lt.mvsts LAw.—At a regular meet ing of the Central Democratic: Club," he bl in Willte4-18arre, on Tuesday evening. The License Law, recently passed by the Repub lican Leg; 4ature, came up for consideration, Stanley Woodward, Hsi., offered the follow ing Preatilble and Resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Whrreit•, President Johnson has been ac quitted by the Senate of the U. S., on the I ith Article of Itnpeaehment ; and, where as Mammal as his acquittal is the triumph of wrieten, consit'lntimmf /me and the dicta lion of a mad partisan spirit, be it there lore I?r;.eG•erf. That the nineteen Senators who rated in favor of acquittal, each and all, are entitled to the highe4 honors which belong to those, who, in hours of partisan strife, recognize neither self or party, but obey the (Hewes of their consciences, and seek alone to viirlieMe the cause of truth, or justice, ohd of law. That the not of' Assembly pass ed by the Republican. Legislature of Penn sylvania. nu its last session, and approved by the Republican Governor of the State, eittiteled "An net for the protection or the SVholesalu and 11utail Mordianis in the Comity ref Luzerne," ix oppposed to the in• terests of the people, the spirit or progres t•ion. and to every 11), , nmeratie princip e.— We denounce it, as eitizens,and Democrats, and call upon our representatives in the next Legislature to favor its immediate repeal. defeat of the impeachment trial ham taken all the good feeling and vim out of the editors of the Republican press, and infused it into the editors of the bread-and. butter.brigade-organs. While the whole country feel pleased, gratified at the result of that great trial, the new press through out the country are more than jubilent over it.. Their whole maintenance and continn :nee depended on a favorable termination, All good, conservative people congratulate thenmelves upon still having a "govern ment," and one too that will live to see this lladival party sink into the lowest depth of ruin. That party is hourly making itself more infamous and degrading. The more sensible men of that once powerful party of "high moral ideas" are fast leaving it like rats from a sinking ship. The business of the Democratic party is to guard well its lines, and not be too hasty in placing these repen tants in prominent position. WE notice that the ilinitour ,Imercan of the 23th ult., repeats the slander on the people of Yolk respecting the alleged as sault on Gen. Logan, who recently passed through that place. in the ears. The libel haying been retracted by Forney's Press, in which paper it originated, this persistent attempt to render a whole community odious is utterly inexcusable ; and when wo say only this, we are drawing it mild. Moro than a week since the Press, through a card published by the Republican Executive Committee of York county, denied that any thing of the kind had occurred. tiliame, brother Brower! SAWBERZAVEMPITO'—Wo notice by tho York papers that lion. A. J. Glosshrenner, recently met with a severe domestic afflic tion in the death of his son aged 23 years. He is spoken of' as a young man of rare promise, and his loss will bo deeply mourned by a lurge circle of loveing friends. We tender the stricken father and family our sincere Fympathics in this sad bereave ment. =22l=EllEl A LOVER of radicalism and negroes re marked in our hearing the other day, that he could "see more copperheads and rebels now than at any time since the commence meet of the war." We have an idea he'll keep on seeing them until after the Novem ber election, when he'll 'go up the river --=I DEAD. —Oeorgo Derr, son of our esteem ed friend David Derr, of Philadelphia, and formerly of' this place, died of eonaumption, ou the 21 st inst., and was brought to this Owe for burial. 110 was a young lean 'highly esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. (In Ole arrival of' the remains at the do lot a large emik.ourse of our citizen, friends of the dei , .ased had iv.t.etubled who follow ed them to their last resting tine Intelkvsicr, Altoona School Dilation Tito following is a true statement of the 1. , . rei by the Board of , • t 1 year coding on the Ist day of Judi, • pv.. Ree'd bal, fro car, E. Men. eri denball, Tre r, $.161 63 " of Bounty fund from Ms Mendenhall, Treasurer, as pnr Auditors' sottletnent, 168 48 " State aperopriation, 21411 02 '"From IS, .V. Hartman, col. 1865 M 03 " Other foam% 33 25 Duplicate for 1867-68 3724 88 Leas errdNilAdik onerationn, 61 . 46 . 14v cullectur'ocom.lB3 17- 244 62 3480 26 Net receipts, 4,423 27 EX PICIDITTIIVI. Paid 7 male teachers for 7 months, $2205 00 3 female teachers for 7 menthe, ON 41 " 1 female teacher fur 5 month, 150 00 3053 41 " Repairs at Iron Dale School House, 165 38 " at Welch Hill School House, 38 75 " sundry repairle,stoves, ttovo pipe, &c., 110 90 324 00 " for fuel, 152 62 " Secretary one year's salary, 40 00 " advertising sad printing, 11 00 " for furniture, 25 Ot/ " for maps, crayons, ctn., 26 1$ " for 5 months rout, 1 room, 15 00 " fur 5 copies/IL School .Anir'l. 500 " far deed,g, P tamps and articles of agreement, 7 35 " J. Evans on set droll ostate, 200 00 K 31ondenhall, do. do. 108 48 " Treasurer s commission, W 55 Balance in hands of Treasurer, 316 59 4,425 27 The Board of Directors have bought one lot of ground of E. Mendenhall, in Esst Bloomsburg, for the sum of $5OO 00 One lot (Wheal) Evans, adjoining the above fur 800 00 1300 00 On which bas been paid 34 aim') 3GB 49 $931 53 T. J. MORRIS, Past. Attest: J. K. EPOAR, Secy. Al Murderer Ttsree Times Sen. teneed to be Dunn. In March last, the Court of Appeals in this city affirmed the judgement of the Oy er and Terminer and the Supremo Courts at Poughkeepsie, which condemed Tomas Fitzgerald to death for the murder of Elen Hicks at White Plains, Westchester county, in August, 1866. Fitzgerald had twice be fine been sentenced to death for this mur der, his life having becu saved by appeals and stays of proceedings. Iu view of the judgment of the Court of Appeals, Judge Gilbert on ;Monday sentenced the prisoner to be hanged on Friday the 20th day of June next.. When the prisoner stood up to receive the sentence, the only evidence of emotion were a slight flush of the face and a trcn or of the lower lip. Ile was then re moved to his old quarters at the White Plains Jail—whence ho is certain to go to the scaffold unless the Governor interferes. The circumstances of this murder are re vived by the Poughkeepsie Eagle, On the of A g ibt, 1866, live or six soldiers sta tioned at Throg's Neck proceeded to a small town in Westchester county, and made a call at a bakery thcre,kept by a man mtmed Eliot. While there an altercation ensued between Eliot and his vi4tors, which result ed in a fight during which Eliot's arm was broken. The soldiers retired, but late in evening returned to the sconce, accompani ed by Thomas Fitzgerald, one of their corn radca, who was duing,pieket duty.'at . Throg's Neck. Eliot seeing them approach his house concluded that trouble would ensue, and prepared to vacate his premises, By this time the party had surrounded the house. Eliot seeing that his chances were desperate, jumped out of the second story window, in the rear of the building, his broken arm in a sling. Only one of the as sailants was in the way. Ile grappled with Dim, but getting the worst of the fight Eliot made good his escape. The soldiers turned to go off, when they observed two young girls, about eighteen years of age each, standing in the door of a dwelling near by, watching the proceedings. One of the girls was Ellen flicks Ste stood with her arm about the waist of her com panion, when Fitzgerald deliberately raised his musket (the whole party being armed) and fired, the ball penetrating the body of Ellen flicks, and she fell to the threshold a corpse.”—A/haay Argus May Ma ADVERTISINO.—The country is full of men who have got rich by advertising. In fact, no man expects now to keep his business running without informing the people what he is doing, and where he can be found. They have been so long accus tomed to gaining that information from newspapers, that they depend upon that source altogether, and govern their trade from what they learn and read at their homes and by their own firesides. A lively adver tisement is a friendly talk between business men and their customers. It is a weekly invitation for people to come and trade.— And every mail day, the readers of a local paper expects to bee and hear what the morchauts, the manufacturers and the tradesmen have to say. A local newspaper is a traveling agent, taking his weekly round to the family of all their customers. No matter whether times are good or dull, no matter whether trade is brisk or otherwise, no business man can afford to take down his sign, nor withdraw the pleasing influence of a weekly chat with his customers through the newspaper. For a business man to stop advertiring, would be equivalent to his say ing, I have stopped lansines and ask no more favors of the people. GEO. W. Zfiroutit and J. J. RZYMINSNY- Dxtt, have announced themselves as candi dates, willing to se rvo the electors of their district, composed of the oounties of Dau phin, Northumberland, Snyder and Union, in Congress. Thew gentlemen are citisens of Northumberland county and either of them fit and equally anxious to go to Con- A 1 411POWOUve nl i n t:iiiiii by Llibt• On Fang last, during the hail storm that visited this section, the train bound east on Toledo, Peoria an d allow Railway, George Bides, conductor, and C. A. Martin, En• gineer, had jug left El Paso when the storm struck it. When about a mile and a half east of that city, the lightning struck a telegraph pole. Instead of shattering it and going to the ground, it burst the insula tor, snaking a blue of light, passed ,oasshe when to the nut insulator, and bus that, with another blaze of light, as Utopia, looker-on informs us, as a thousand gas jots, and no on for five poles. It then ran down ono polo and leaped to the track, and ran back without doing any damage until it struck the engine. It ran up one of the drivers, and burst aigection of two feet out of the solid tire, and passing along the boil er, without doing any damage, it reached the lever and went upward with a blaze of light similar to that on the telegraph wire, and with a detention like a small cannon. So intense ants the light, and so violent wan the shock, that the engineer was nearly blinded, and almost stunned. Our infor mant says that the appearance of the light on the track was brilliant beyond conseption. It looked as if there was an immense lake of fire ahead, into which the train wan about to plunge, and the contrast between the light anti the ordinary daylight that followed seemed 119 great as that between the brightest day and the darkest night.— Peoria (III.) Ihper. tarA WORD FOR NFWSPAPERS. -We clip the following from an exchange and give it a merited prominence: "Nothing is more common than to hear people talk of what they pay newspapers for advertising, etc., as so much given in charity. Newspapers by enhancing the val ue of property in their neighborhoods, and giving the localities in which they are pub lished a reputation abroad, benefit all such , particularly if they aro merchants or real estate owners, thrice the amount yearly of the meagre sum which they pay fur their support. Ile-ides, every public spirited citizen has a laudable pride in having a pa pr which he is not ashamed of, oven though he should pick it up in New York or Wash ington. A good looking, thriving sheet helps to sell property, gives character to the locality; in all respects is a desirable public convenience. If, from any cause, the mat ter in the local or editorial column should not be quite up to your standard, do not east it aside and pronounce it of no account, un. til you are satisfied that there has not been any more labor bestowed upon it than is paid for. If you want a good, readable sheet, it must be supported. And it must not be supported in a spirit of charity either, but because you feel a necessity to support it. l; Da. JOUN, in attempting to enlight en one of his thick headed correspondmits, tys universd suffrage is allowing ail to vote without conditions." how about the women, Dot-ron? Have tby no rights you are bound to respect ? NA BROW EVA PE. —On last Wednesday a child ot' Piker Treas, between two aril three years or ag e was playing on the track of the Catawissa Railroad when the freight train coining along throwed the child be tween the fire pan and the rail and 44 ears passed over it. The child we learn was se verely but not dangerously injured.—Peen rile Inidligeneer. Honsg DitowNED.—Dr. Strawbridge, of this place, had a valuable horse drowned on Wednesday morning last. Ilia hired man hail backed the horse with the buggy into the river for the purpose of washing it, but got into deep waterand the horse was drown ed. The man made a narrow escape from the same fate.—Atnrille INCENDIARIES.-Ou Friday night last a fire broke out in the Slaughter House of Zlowrer & Lenhart, situated on thumb street, near the Railroad. The building was consumed, together with a valuable horse, two dressed beeves, two sheep, &o. The whole loss amounts to about $llOO partially insured. The fire was the work ot' 20 incendiary.— Dantille IntefUgencer. M VITA DEPRESSION.—MentaI depres sion is a diqut-e of the nervous system, anti, of all the ills flesh is heir to, it is the one that excites the least sympathy. It is a subject of frequent jests, and is called by various derisive terms; but, although it is often laughed at, it is not easy to laugh the patient out of the belief that his ills are all real, for it is a real disorder —the general features of which are constant fear, anxiety and gloom. The external senses, as well as the await' filculties, often manifest symp toms of derangement. Noise, as of falling water,and ringing:in the ears are complained of, while black specks and fiery sparks flit before the vision. Admonitions hke these should not bo disregarded, as they may, if neglected, terminate in insanity. The seat of the disease is in the brain and nervous system, and to control the malady it is ne cessary to use a powerful tonic and alterative, which will correct and tone those organs without inflaming the brilin. This is the secret of the PUOCCIS of HOSTWITER'S STOMACH BITTERS in cases of this kind, for which it is the safest as well as the best of restoratives. In fact it is the only pure and reliable tonic stimulant known. Many nostrums, purporting to be tonics, are puffed up from titu to time in the newspapers, but the sufferer had better let them alone. HOS MITER'S STOMACH BITTERS has proven itself, by many years of rial, to be in every respect what it is represented to be. " Poor Tom's a'cold." • How warm soc'er the genial sun Mny look in kindness on the earth, In Tom Jones' veins no ohoering warmth Dispels the gloomy sorrow of his soul. Dytympaift„ like a goblin, hunts him down, Ague, nm chamberlain, lights him to bed. While Dullness,Vertigo and Headache dire. While fiercer a ches oombine to make him groan. Harken, Thomas, to instruction : For all thy ills a remedy is found, A Panacea. certain, pleasant, sure, PLANTATtost A wonderous Tonic, made by Dr. Drake. Ws presume " Poor Tom's" ease Is not worse than hundreds who are cured daily by this wonderful medicine. MAMMMA WATFIt.-A delightful toilet •rtiele—auporlor to Cologne and at half t he No. MARKET REPORT. Wheat, per bail* $2 $0 • r, ity "it ir ... ... . ..... t ~I A . rib 1 35 .. Buek . whent " 1 Oii ~,, s i go i ni. ovetped " • s. 7Cu zgiSt' I, " 3 150 i'dtpplcul " A. 1110 Pot ~ Wes t i , 140 Flour per barrel, 13 00 Butter, 30 Eggs per dozen,2o Tallox per tfud,............... .. ........., 14 HatuK " 20 Shoulders, " .......... . ..... ...—..... waif) Hay per ton, WOO MARRIED. On the 2Sth ult., by the Rev. William J. Byer Benjamin 11. Harman, to Mims Cath arine Mensinger, both of Main township, Columbia Co., Pa. In Williamsport, on Faiday Mat, at the rosidenee of the bride's father, A. Howell, Fsq., by Dr. Lincoln, Mr. S. IN. Kimble to Miss Sallie J. Howell, both of Williams port. By Thos. J. Morris, Esq. Freeman Cole man, of Rupert, Pa., to bfahala Dreidlei, of Bloomsburg, Pu. By the same, Sanford Pegg to Sallie Gei ger, frith of Bloolaidourg. ANNOVNCEMENTS. To the Democratic Voter's of Columbia County. Femme Demon/me : Waring been earnestly tone. tied by my tlemitermie frieude to 1,19t11411P a MIA dote (or the oaten of Comity Commissioner. otter due eon. gideration and einteahation with iny frionda and ed. worher4 it the mien 14 tremor My, l Guys em#l4efit ea to al low WV name to be bird io - m0110(11°11 with that Ohm subject. to the demshm of the Ihmwtetic Convention and I pledge myself d , if nominate I en elected, to perform the duties MOM °Mee to she best of me ability and to the ititetoias of the (*MUM, of the Cottnty. Centre twp., M 4517, WOO. To the Desnocralle Voters of Columbia Comity: rimotv llTlZlVlll,—tgavioit boon solirttod by many or soy Dernotratte irk tido, t for rtroro atr r loym if OR a randttbito Lembo Often orLoamy Cooktuiwoner sobje.t.t to the dtcision of ttta next Lb•urtocntttc County Convention. WM. GUM MAACK Montour Townrhip, May, 27 Id 6r4. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auditor's Notice. In the Orpheus' Court for the County of Colombia, Esture of Joseph Steele deceased.—The motor sm. pointed by the Court to dietribnte the fend is the Minds of the edeileiewdee o f said deceased will meet the putties interested Or the purpose of his appointment on Friday the With dos of June let* at tO o'clock A. M. Hi his °Mee in Monmohnrg. when all persons interested must present their claims or be debaried from corning in for said fund E. R. MELEE, Auditor. Wooomsburg i Jutte:id lettO-4 w. NO ram TO CREDITORS* None* is herein , elven to all thee indebted to weeiey poweain, or Orangeville, either as note of Bonk account, to mine forward and Neitte their at , corms. lie having met wild a heavy loss In the de. @traction at his mill property be must have hie out. itauding ascounie payed up to enable him to rebuild. By hrodiup this Make costs and trouble will bs graved, WESLEY BOWMAN rnalle. Jinn 3.1 IRP.-11w Auditor's Notice. The Oldonlgoeil, Auditor appointed . by Orphan's Coati of Colombia setry to motto dietrihWiors of thrand w o the bonito of Wesley Pleinotorg, surety of the admioistrator of Charles Stewart late of said r r iouty deceased, to and among' the persons entitled areordiog to law to reetivo the satire, will poured• to the 11110.1111 w of his dorias at his wilco in tiloreos. biro on Solway, toe l'lth day of June 181311, at 10 neloeit in the ft/Iria - HI, Wilt'', And whore all persona will presant their ri,i/111* before said auditor or be debarred tom owning or for abate of said fund. WI SI4IT WIRT, kaditor Juno 34, 1108.-4 w. pleawc copy. Sheriff Sale. gY virtue of a writ of Yonditioui Ezponas, to mo ilirsted, issued out :of the Court of Common m oo s of Coiainhia County, will be expueed to public sale or notery at the Court Soave in Illoomsbutgi an eaturiliky. the :nth day Or June, IMO. at I o'clock in the alernoon, the following real estate to wit: The following real estate, or the life estate in a certain tot of ground militate in the town of Catn. w Mint, Columbia eounty, being two hundred and two fret shop and twenty tour feet wide, bounded an the south by kit of Walter Umbel On toe west by an al* ley on Igo north by lot of J. A Shuman and on the eaet by Mond ihreen, on whirl' is erected a two story frame honk and kitchen with the appetite. itanece Seized, and taken in ezoeution 'end to be sold as the property of June itoffinan. IdtfittißCAl MILLARD, Sheriff. lihmtnattueg. June 3, IdIMI. COLUMBIA COUNTY S.S. In the Orpheus' Court in end for amid County. In the minter of the account of Samuel Achenbach and Jacob R. Fritz, Executor,' of the last will soil teatitonet of Win Fritz. deceased. May 0,, WO. on motion of Mr Clark. E. IL Little le appotnted Auditor to maze distribution of the 1 , 3 lance in the hands of sad 44CoutilitIltd to the crud• itore of *aid dettii.ed. By the Court. From the record. JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk. Notice le hereby given that I will attend to the dlitica of the above appointment at nip alike in 11100Msbrard s en SratirdnY. the 200d:oaf June next. at ten o'clock a, ia.. when and where all ',amens ere Immured to pre4 mit their claims before me Of be de. barred from cowing in for a ahare of the article. ti. LITTLE, Auditor. [June 34'68-4w. N. W. SAMPLE & CO., & Engineers MAIMMT.. & I. & it. ft R, 10,061ffe117R6. PA. Are prepared tof,rrnirtrall kind. of Machine work, such as STEAM ENGINES: 'toilers. Ph:O6M Pulleys. Hangers, reuplings. gearing, Saw mantlrils, tic.. 6 urge rocs*, Pet mks. Steam pipe, together with all kinds of steam fittings conetantly on hand. Threehing Machines and How Powers made to ordr. r. All kinds of Agricultural Machinery repaired. June 3d, Jew, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Jacob Markle, late of rishlnpreek township, Columbia vuutity, decd., have been granted by the Register of sold county, to John Winner, residing in the township and county aforesaid. AR python,' having Menne or Ormond,' against the estate of the decedent are re. quested to present them to the tiOinielettntor for set. Reorient, and these indebted to the estate will soaks pa) meat to the undersigned forthwith JOON WINNER, Adair. Flabingereek, May 27, ItiO„ 17.0, lIIPILEI/AN, May,l7, INOI UST or DEMLEIRSI OF COLUMBIA CO. 'NTV, • For the year ono thowend t Indeed awl sixty-eight, of goods, lve ' rchgn• o t dille. diPitine grit Mini. Wnilill Om U . r um urned and chaerill n . tis fir sever e! Dots a " 4 M lir by the A pproiger of mercantile taxes ul maid count)) mt Aillvws. to wit: (Ykeos. Lieraec. Bloomsburg Iron Company, 7 $4O is) McKelvy, Neal & Co., 7 40 00 J. Ikikbins & Co., /2 12 50 ',line Mhdenball, 10 20 00 Rev, A. Hartman, 13 10 00 Arnim, Solleder, 14 7 00 David Stroup, 14 7 410 John K. Oirton, 14 7 00 Chester C. Mars, 13 lo 00 1 Andrew .1. keens, 14 7 00 Charles W. Snyder, 13 10 00 David Lowonburg, 14 7 00 Misses Harman', 14 7 00 L N. Moyer,l4 7 (Na Widmeyer dcJaeoty, 14 7 00 Nieuwe John, 14 7 oo Andrew J. Sloan, 12 12 50 John R. Moyer, 14 7 00 Daniel A. Beckley, 14 7 00 Joseph L. Shannon, 14 7 00 Lloyd T. Sharpless, 12 12 50 Ephraim P. Lutz, 14 7 Ou Andrew M. Rupert, 14 7 ou Miss Lizzie Barkley, 14 7 Ou James K. Ever, 13 lu Oo Amelia D. Webb, 14 7 00 James W. Clianibeiliu, 14 7 00 George W. Ci‘rrell, 14 7 90 11. C. & I. W. Hartman, 11 15 00 William Eraqous, 14 7 00 Stephen 11. Miller, 12 12 50 Hiram C. Hower, 14 7 00 N. J. Hendershot, 14 7 00 Jeremiah J. Brower, ) 3 10 00 MINI Lizzie Peterwan, 14 7 no Henry Klei;n, 14 7 00 Oliver A. Jacoby, 14 7 00 .1.,, , .b .+letz, 14 7 00 C ci.b Bart.,n & Co. 14 7 00 Paxton & Harman, 12 12 50 .10-01011 Hendershot, 14 7 00 .1. D. 1111,-hbank, 14 7 00 Miss Aniauda Werkheiser, 14 700 Joseph Correll, 13 10 00 Eckhart Jacobs, 14 7 00 Miss Sallie Ale, 14 7 00 Julia A. & Sade M. Barkley, 14 7 uu James Cadman, 14 7 00 Fox & Webb, 14 7 00 BOR. OP BERWICK. STCNIEN POllll Bowman & Jackson, 11 15 00 Abram Miller, 11 15 00 Henry C. Frees, 13 10 00 I. & 11. It. Bower, 12 12 .50 Miller & Hughes, 14 7 00 31iss 801 l Bertran, 14 7 (XI J. B. Dodson, 14 7 00 Jackson & Woodin, 11 15 00 Rambaeb & Stecker, 12 12 50 Leonard Nicholas, 14 7 00 James 31. Seesboltz, 14 7 00 John J. McHenry, 12 12 L'A) Hiram F. Everett, 13 JO 00 Samuel Heacock, 13 10 00 J. E. Moon, 14 7 00 Cloorge G. Wiser, 14 7 00 Beßifunin McHenry, 14 7 IX) VISA rza. Abraham Rice, 14 7 (11 Franklin L. tzbuman, 14 7 00 W. Longenberger, 14 7 iio B. Zunwermun, 14 7 00 JIMA RCREEK. Stephen Michael ,t, Sou, 14 7 01) Peter M. Traugh, 14 7 00 William I're:l4, 11 7 iio lleubun Miller, 14 7 00 A. W. Eaton, 14 7 00 William Klinetob, 14 7 00 Baker St. Crewling, 14 7 00 CATAIiNsA. J. K. Sharpleial & Son, 10 20 00 MoNineh & Shuman, 13 10 04 M. M. Ilrobst, 12 12 50 Isaiah John & Sims, n 15 00 Gilbert & Kline, 10 •20 00 Goorgo Hughes & Son, 14 7 00 Walter Scott, 13 10 00 6. D. Kinard, 14 7 00 Campbell & Harder, 14 7 00 MeNinch & Shuwau, 14 7 00 George Rishel. " 14 7 00 William Hartman, 14 7 00 Fayen Weaver, 14 7 00 CENTRALIA DOW. William Torrey, 6 60 00 A. IL Fortner, 11 7 00 J. it' T. O'Connor, 12 12 50 AV. D. Meiliac, 14 7 00 Martin Monaghan, 13 10 00 John Siglinger, 14 7 00 Shuman & Millard, 13 10 00 Lafayette Fetterman, 14 7 00 Daniel Wertman, Agt. 14 7 00 Mrs. William James, 14 7 00 Reuben Walser, 12 12 50 .1. Christman Co.,_ 10 20 00 Abraham Southward, 17 7 ta) J. J. Hoagland, 12 12 50 Richard Thornton, Agt. E. W. M. 8: G. L. Low, 1310 00 Samuel Peitterick, 14 7 (H) Mahlon D. Dicks, 14 7 00 Abraham Deittenek, 14 7 00 Henry Lohman, 14 7 00 Jacob Sponaler, 13 14) 00 Jesse Hicks, 14 7 00 S. S. Fowler & Bro. 13 10 00 Whitmire & Bowers,' 14 7 00 IMANKLIN. Clinton Mendenhall, Wellington Moo, 14 7 00 1,4 D. & 31. gene , , • 14 700 Joseph a Banyan, l4 7 00 George 31. Bowe, 14 7 00 J. N. Jones, • 13 .10`00 Solomon Buss, 14 7 00 Bernard Ammerman, 14 7 00 J. B. McHenry, 14 7 00 James V. Wilson,l4 7 00 ORNWOOD. Schuyler & Black, 11 13 00 Bogart & Kreamer, 13 10 00 John Leggott, 13 10 00 William Kreamer, 13 10 Ott Co-Operative Store, 13 10 00 B. & IV • Masters, 11 15 00 James M. Root, 14 7 00 Hannah Henry, 14 7 00 RVZUCE. -;+. M. G. &.W. H. Shoemaker, 13 10 00 Jacob Harris, 14 7 00 mictrisf. J. Milne & Co. Washington Yeager, Jacob Yeager, Charles Fetterman, P. & P. M. Yocum, Joseph E. Sands, YAM& Campbell & Co., 14 7 00 thish Berniuger, 14 7 00 mantv. low K. Seliweppenholoer, 14 700 °nosy &Brown, 13 10 00 K. a. Milkrd 13 10 00 aphn 11. fierier, 13 10 00 ra E. A. noNi, 14 7 00 xottorn Paxton tt. Ilartarm It 30 00 Tubbs k Coleman, 14 7 00 Iklargerum, 14 7 00 William Butler. A(1 10.00 M TOW !MITI% B N ON CONYNIMAM 12 12 50 RS. E~';il~ii!i: 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 700 14 700 14 700 MT. rdas,axr. I 4 7 M. MAOIAKIL Conrad nrenmer, Andrew Madigne, iN titiNtl"ltEltli .1. Cheri:loml & Non, mutifig, IL W. Bowman, A. a SLevm t, P. IC. Simi, !slichael Alexander Um id Herring, &COTT. ClOlllO9 S. Frfir J. D. Caldwell, Samuel A. Wormnn, Benj. F. Reighard, Peter Ent, Isane Crevuling, John Jacobs, 11, IV. Creasy Co, William M. Rot, Om W. Creveling, HintIlL4,AF. Ezra Wed, I I 700 All pewits who may feel eirrioyevf by tho shove clamitiktion, can have tut opportunity of appealing, by calling upon the under , signed at Ine ()Ace. in Bloomahurg, at any time until the 27th day of Juno, ISO, at which time an appeal will be hold. W. IL JACOB Y, Mercandie AppraiJeF. May 27, I S#lB, °glee of the Lehlott Talley Rail road Company. , • No, 303 Walnut ht., Philadelphia, A ineetint of sho,Shlei holders of the Lehlith Vallap s p a a d r Com c p o nly. a N y 3 03 n b W e a b nu d Str aho. io ff t i h c o e e of yo o f Philadelphia, 00 Aalimis sibs thirteenth day (Ohm*. et 11 **PP and where the join, aireemens entered into by the board of alteetme of the Lehigh Valley ;Whom! Company, and the bond of &went* of the L.l)//117 fataurno HeNtuad thiMPOIV by •ittua of An het of thy Neomal Aasiverly of this Outmode evealth. entitle d relating to Railroad t 'mps. Dim enacted On the Inth dny of May, 1-f el. for the gontn.latatton of paid conairanias and merger of Om Lettish LUlttlin OnifendegiNnapany iota the L i pp, v , Voila, Railroad Company, proscribing rho terms and renditions thereof and manner of (misruling the Capital Stack of the bald 1410;h Imeetne kailtmet Voluosh) , 10 4 0 the Stock of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, nod eouttintng all such whey prnenpopa an have been deemed neeneeary, to perfect Not rail anneolidation and merger, w i ll no auhmi tt ,d is the said eltnekholdera, and a vote by bailor in p*r.nn or by prosy Velem for the adoption of taieetwa of the This entire In given in eseowleace with the pew• eieloito of ih out of Am...wilily. LLOYD pee', May 47, 10414—ti, ExcuANnE RESTAURANT The Proprietors hewing reiterated and Witted men KNOTAtt KANT, in the Wiseman of the EXCHANGE HOTEL, they would most respectfully IKAltit WMlllO4l4* of the seismometer flow old tifidontera, and cordlaity te cite the etteptieu ofnew ones to their refreshments as follows: Sal ELL OYSTERS, CANNED OYSTERS ttPteett 014 TR IP. FREPII risn, lV , eerr" , THAN AND asMIMI, lONT, best LIQUORS AND CIGARS. VP Oyster* tan be strred up to customers at a moments notice, in V/111101111 STYLES. KrmwEn. (MAIM!). YRIED, 0111 RAW. Wean the testes of the epleuelen. KOtAil • CLANS Inomeburg, April 19. IBM. NEW.FLOVIL PROTISON A A D GROCERY STORE. Tam soberriber hen opened teYloor Peed. Noel. inn and Grocery Store in the shire ruilding, en Main Street. Mom* um Pc Ni keeps on band Cnit Itlypoty of FLOUR, FEED, FISH, DIIIEVIIFEF Bacon. Shoulders, Mimi,' BEANS, PEAS. (;REEN EC/ F. TA 11 I, ER their aea.on, Pena% Shad and *the, nth in Mira to omit manager., Owego!. Outdated. sad evr t)tning In Chia line Prepared In sell haw and roast in *Woe at *flan Pound to OUP rustots.m, Ali rode d«litroto J wh,ni 4. wed, Prwaa ai ',palm:mai* at tan as found to Shea Ularbbb. isitocaaANK. tfio.uu•butg. April 84, hlfli. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Eviaer r f Edward abllenry, drcensed. Letters of Administration on the estate of r4twe.pi memory hate of oftthjilt township. Cotentin* router, drerase4. has here Granted by the Resisterler said county, to Thomas Sellout, and eerier Ittellenty. who both reside in (trans* tneraship and tonate Nforxsni•l, All parson, hawing claims or flagman* aping thn estate or the deeeiltat are ionise wed to present theta to the **hotfoot nitwit wittmt daisy. and all petanna indebted aro re , tOfoittli to make pay mut. Tight. y. l Ad inie , o. CYRUS *Sett Wein% (trends tow nebip , April IS. letW.--thr, NEW DENTIST. Pierer wait (3r the inotherhe before ye* en to tht- PR. et. I'. CHALFANT. the new Dwight, M Bloom" bort, want* person, to room and gat their mutt ar mined, and br whirr& hew to Me ware or flow. Pawn' having &mad teeth, god hollering tenth• fIllIn& to be but of little &agouti*, he it partiguletly ell ~IOUa to aim Persons wanting ARTIFICIAL TRIM. Nit no., risk in strips him n Mt, 'Grua* Gas. or tabeendatinistered tr.r es, %mune tooth without vein. °lnce opposite I.oweuburrs Clothing store riteo s' burr Pa. my vie Ito ORANGEVILLE HOTEL, COLUMBIA COUNTY, YENN'A EDWARD Evil: :Err, Proprietor, Would respertfully in form his friends nd In general. that he has lively taken ergs e of this wetl.kuown and conveniently lionatail House, lung kept by itanotel Everett, Use., and that this ileum is in complete order by theism mm 04100110( boarders, and fur the entertainment of travelers who may feel disposed to farm hint with thew custom. No pains and, expense have been spared to repaitles and ref - tarnishing this lintel for the entertainment of intits, and, nothing on the fart of the P(3)141410? will be left undone to Milliner to thew penmen; wants. His, Oar will s Iwsys the furaithed with this best sad ntost/chniee liquors, and his table with the. boat dm porkdistrords, L0y131311. 7 VALLEY CAME Mower, Reaper, end self, Raker • rirm 61DE vaLrrmar, awituracrolluly • ,7. S. MAIISII t CO.. Lasvitouno, UIVIOW COUNTY. Pltldel'A. The undereffned hoe betaOP_P 44ll l.d adult 01,47 * Nimble Connie, fee the .Me or the above Nasiine. Alio hand reaper. and nortwere, and ether art lePte maaufsetured by bibil 6131WII"' J. n, nErLat. hdlideille Apriti, 110111.3. EXCIIANOE HOTEL, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. The underviped having purelmeed sad lately re. Sited tide Irell•linown House, rhymed en MAIN ffT.. Immediately eggoethe SW Court “Iblllen, teepoellully Infirm, ilthir lid the Puldk thee their linnet, 10 kr* mdse ref the uestmatoodettoll end ruterreihrheht ee Daniel's: They hey a 90111111 t Mt pales 10 preparlngtheleshange (Iv the entertoinmeartitsd ementert of their gauge. Their House is epvious, and veiny, a good business Ineettort WIN lOUSt I E. ran al ill ;Sow lisiw.“4 thee 1 101 0 1 and the di ff erent ruin* Depoiejry which travelers will be convoyed to end Mei the talon'' , 101411 . 66 lo due time to meet the cue. Anrll MP. toOlinl 4 CLAIR. OWEN BOVSE. BERWICK, PA. T. Dent. Taylor, - Proprietor The proprietor Dego loovelthiliterth the paw lie hoe lalirn charge CI.. thin erethihr ens h which ham of Imim undellbool R templet° ghoul bath its exterior aid Wane* ithlobithenee, 110 UM In every reopen there leninfortable Imm/ to the thavellerp prebthO he wit GO Ito I ipiroultga. The proremb proprietor *lll there pone to e ontinue thth itheiter_pribith it /4... A r ogtiotheit 'toile of_ehterrenthbotit hot th tmveling . othereerboith business tree o ortiono mat mete thee) guests. (April 13, thee, I WI4L GU'rtr 1111011111111/1 TO KT MI tOODS. i .~11 1:1 14 Do 14 7 vo ELM 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 U 7 00 14 7 00 111 7 00 f5O 00 H 15 00 11 7 00 14 700 00 :1114 IS 00 7 14 7 to 10 2)00 14 700 11 ou