VOL. XXXII. GREAT CLEARIEG OUT SALIN TO RAKE ROOM FOR TOR NSW SOWN HAIL, to be emitted or the corner of Main & Market Its. L. T. SHAItPLEBB Now offers for Cub or /Ready Pay-- raapani fiItRINOES al 03 Me SLACK A I.,P4VAN sr Of and OS cot AMMI WAN MSSI OIJ st 40 Ma. mimeo POPLINS al es it.. worth 00 cu. ALL TOE ABOVE from fll to 90 per cont. below the resllllll plow CALICOES frown cts. to 181 for best, maxima BROWN MUSLIES 9 la IS eta bat. 01101) bleached and brows Mullins at SM. MI wool (Alsshasms at SIAM to SI.O &ELM. Dag Ski rfa, Comoto. & notion. tow down! MATS A CAPS at bargain. SCOTS & SHOES for Mon, Woofs. lls Childna at greatly reduced priors. or Int Salters & Slum, for dudes. II IMO% WOW' *4.50. One lot Ladies. GIUTII.BI4 Balmoral, sad Gaiters St pas, worth •/M). Colter, Teas, Sugars and Syrups. The balance of our stock comprising all kinds of OrKifrd, CARPETS Ac., at pruportioaably low prices. Country produce wanted. Cash paid Itir butter ad Ms. More on,ain Street billow Market.- armory 29, 11.-0 1. A SOLLEDEIt'B MOOT AND SHOE STORE, 1011'081TE THE 10111COPAL CHURCH.) On Main Street, Bloomsburg. subacribea take. 'ltalians in announcing to 'am patina of tilunnibarg, and alit ha bu band a large and auk apoorinseut ROOTS AND SHOES, dies and reellarnelell wear, to roil ell lanelee. II id City work le or the beat quality. and Ines tie ne. , al reliable inenpfeetarets; he being a prartical It 71. men and a good Judge of al3galCIL)381:115 h, I not likely to be imposed upon by feeelirlag übine' inniersol badly wade up. Ili .1w desiring anyibios in bill lie, Would do well ei ate bleu n Call, before purchasing elsewhere. Ile MC Id •t GOOD ARTICLE, lOW Of pikes in nil parekasers. All persons who desire light Of heavy work made I. order ran be aeconinwdated at hie establishment. a Also, repairing will be done with lacunae* and 'patch. to olugant assortiriesi of Ladies !ring wad Slow dl NOW, MI hand. A. BULLEDEIL Api d Pia. J J. BROWER, (Cor. Main 4ff Iron sta.) lc cow eilifelinig IN the Public Me STOCK Of SPRING GOODS r .41•Ibttni la part of a fall Hue of IIGRAIN, WOOL L RAG CARPETS. Mina clods and enordroere for 1411 Pr. emits. bond onto Mere fond. of all Pratiorno and viola/et nud Print* of various qualities and prim, Illearhyd and Drown filurlios, Wive rrenera Carreto a , I BALMORAL SKIRTS, r of a.fortment of Ladion and children,' GsKora n , ..1 Nolo. t tuot ()coterie/ and akiees. New alwortment of Glass aid QattISWIUT, fry .No. 1 511114.1 cm! in 000 half and one 'birth Barrel. No* to thmtiale to stake yOlit *election', is 1 tit ains hoods at very low prices and trr motto is t.,;r Ilcalias to all, and nut to be unclertold by any, J. J. NUM ER. Itl~urmsburg, April 7L tee. VIRESII ARRIVAL OF FAMILY a - GROCERIES, AT JOHN K. GIRTON'S STORE, 31140111111111111.0. PUMA. 'I he Fuboeriber ha• Nat retuned from the eastern rr ivo with • large mad choice taw . k dra.chigo Groceries and Dry-Goods, I,o ' be offer. to the citizens of Bloomsburg and wity as low as can L 4 bad ut any dealer in this a tioa of the County. Ills stock consiate of the beat varieties of COVVRE, IVICILAtitiErt, Nl/0 IH, TEA, 1141 (of fine quality.) BPICIL', DRIED if EATR, ``fn their aessou4 BOKTUN, AND OTHER CRACKERS', ADA P CANDLES, dea., ec.. COAL. at LINSEED OILS, leo a nice asvortmint of Dry floods and Hosiery, and a full variety ofgood. of th e above class, and other kinds. In addition to which habits recently a Ided torus stock a hue 11110,1101ent of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; lo • whi'h variety of goods he has wavered new Ni tidies of modern Invention, extensivelly used *here known, and which seat come iuto use here Ile also Isar a fine supply of French Nioroccoem; 'd also of !Wormed Linings for elhoemakeee work , and u good assortment of Queensware. rr Call and alumina JOlltf . GIRTON. B. C. Corner of Main anti Iron Street'. Sloorusburrt. Nov. ‘.10,, laß7. TER' BAKERY AND CONFEC -" TioN Eli :31323(1011:ba116031=10103:02 ON TRUID STREET, BELOW MARKET, BLOOMSBURG, PA. 3. F. FOX, Proprietor of this establishment, Valid respectfUlly inform hie old amd new costumers, that he has everything fitted up at his new stead to is. able him to furnish three will BREAD, CAKES, AND ceNrEcTIO.IIIMIES, as heretofore, vd wit v. Hereafter l persons, who have by tbeenhe fUrnlsh h Ale, til er Beer, arid Potter, whole, h o ly, or quarter barrel, will call upon WiLLIAN 6lliklOHE, at bin 81110(e is Skives' Block, Main Street, Who his been authorised by the endersigmed to toll the same. Ho *III constantly have e nipple on hand, which will be raid at the lowest market t-tee. Mr. Ir. hos.ln enense . u with his Bak•• y aid Coe. tienery., lilted up m e ng the sale of ICE CREAN. to all wh•. rney favor him with their atom Ha is also prepared to alike la Cream is 14/014 gaantb tree for parties. public or eoefel lathering& ILI the cane way be. Everything pertaining to his line d business will resielveearetni and diligent atteation. icr He is thankful to his enetontere for peat iota. and moat cordially sollelui a euntisiaanee of the IMMO. J. Y. FOX. April 3, 180. NEW RESTAURANT, In Shiver Building, cut Idala llhreet. WM; GILMORE/ P.A.,me the citizens of Bloomsburg sad ',Welty that be kas ripened a New RESTAURANT, plate, when he invites Ilia nld friends and re to esti and partake of hie refreshments.— ifiteuttus to keep the b ee t LAGER BEER AND ALE, Rely at laud ; els., Pewter, leareapar ilia. Olin atm Posey Leroosaites. Raspberry tad Lem rips, eta always be hada% his Restaurant. tha eating lice he permeate a ISIS Or lain snryaswd is this plate ; ala i Pleilled Oyster!' • a, Bardines. Pleb, Barbecued Chicken, Pickle' xi sad Reef Tongue, dm., Ike. He also hue a goo' ,le of agars and Chewing Nowa) is sustorners. e 7. Hire him r, twrnabliril June 13, • +BO , qt. UOOMSBLIGH k • ' . ,„. flossollutig lomat minim IVIRY WZDIUNDAT IN BLOOMSBURO, PA., BY WILLIAIIISOIII U. JACOBY. tllllllll,-01 00 In Oconee. It not pelt, 'culls el Z MONTH!". IS canto additiouol will be I aged. paidKopoper discontinued ontil id i ot miss Gn tamps it tho °Woo of the UT= OF ADVEITIIIINO. vim 11511 00111111r1M/TO • Maw One rime nits or three Insertions . . ...... ...I 50 Beery substmosnt losenion less this 13. • 50 once. In. tr. 35. OM. Is. _ ..,.,.,.„-- ..—.._. „„ ....„ .. „ ~. Cloo gloom 'SAO 3.00 4. 6,0 1 Immo Two prone, 3.00 Loa 0,00 0, 14,00 Throw e. 3,00 7.00 9,60 1 0 , woo Poor otooroo. 0.40 Bill 111,00 14, aka pridr f Oilllllll, 10" 192/1 14.00 1900 3000 Ono col own. 13,00 10.09 90,00 3090 01010 Szseutor'• and Administrator's Notice. ..3AO Auditor's Wake IA9 Other milveriimniasste hiserted amtordind to special aontram. Muslim mellow, without adreillsesmiot, twenty. emits per Ilse. Tnnd•at silvertilieweate payable to sit aaq all other. due liner the Grit Inension. Out of life ever loniful, Out of a land very mournful, Where in bleak exile we roam; Into a Joyland above us, Where there's a Father to love =— Into "our Home—Sweet Home." Delivered by Oliver C. Kidder, Eeq., on 7iteaday eveniny, 12th of . Max,, 1868, be. fore the Order of G. T., i n Bloomsbury. WORTHY entr.v :—Brothers and Sisters of Bloomsburg Lodge No. 1 39 1. 0. of G. T. That intemperance is the greatest moral social and political evil, that ever afflicted the world needs no demonstration here.— The intemperate man violates all laws both human and divine ; and rushes headlong to distraction, uncalled fir and cutting off all prospects for eternity. There is a great work for all of a to perform. A special work, which should be done now. A work in which every person can engage in. A work which can never be done better than at the present time. This great national curse must be fought and conquered. The power of the strong drinking interest must be met and battled with. The putting down of intemperance, and the reformation of the drunkard, is the object ef our organisa tion, and a worthy cause is that in which wo are engaged in. Every person should be found engaged in this laudable work, and set a good example by abstaining from the use of strong drink. How full of hope, then in visions of peace, temporal and spir itual on earth, with the speedy triumph of the right, in this nineteenth oentuary, then things and men's actions would be based upon the laws of divine order, and the im perishable principles of universal love, jus tice and fraternal sympathy towards each other. Temperance, while it destroys the worthless, constructs the better, builds wiser, conserving the good and beautiful, grapples with the great giant, intemperance, and re &Baena the lost independence of run. It demonstrates to him immortality, and that tie is not a beast. But on the oontrary that he bath been "created by God upright and a little lower than the angels." Its watch words*. Progression. Itunderliee the 'flight iest movements of the age, and its destiny is certain victory. If by abstaining from the use of intoxicating drinks any of us can prevent ono friend, or brother from becom ing a drunkard, the aacrifioe on our part will be worthy of the highest praise and commendation. We should take the inebri ate by the hand and with a warm heart, look in his eyes and say, "brother, go sin no more, be no more a slave to your appe tite, but be a free man, God and the angels, and all good men desire your freedom ;" and then away down deep in the better nature of that person thus addressed, is something which tells him to strive to be a sober per son again. It is from such slavery that we should endeavor to save arui redeem our fellow mortal. It is not because intemper ance erects the gallows, and supplies it with victim, or causes pauperism, and fills our prisons with oonvicta, that it undermines the social and civil institutions of our coun try, entailing misery, horrid disease and death upon us, have I learned to hate this evil. It is became I now kink upon man as having a great and noble nature. It is be cause that I believe that the stamp of Di vinity is about him, upon him and within him. It is because in that mystery of mys teries the human soul arc wrapped up odes• [From the Benner of the South.] DEATH. BY DIV. A. J. RYAN, (MOINA.) Out of the shadow of sadness, Into the sunshine of gladness, Into the light of the Blest Out of a land very dreary, Out of the world of the weary, Into the rapture of Rest. Out of to-day's sin and sorrow Into a blissful to-morrow, Into a day without ;loom Out of a land ailed with sighing— Land of the dead and the dying— Into a land without tomb. Out of a life of commotion, Tempest•swept oft u the ocean, Dark with the wreck drifting o'er; Into a land calm and quiet ; Never a storm oometh nigh it ; Never a wreck' on its shore. Out of the land in whose bowers Perish and fade all the dowers— Out of the land of deesy—:. Into tho Eden where fairest Of now' rets—and sweetest and rarest Never shall wither away. Out of the world of the wailing, Thronged with the anguished and ailing Out of the world of the sad ; Into the world that rejoices— World of bright visions and voices, Into the world of the glad. Temperance Address. BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1868. tial and immortal capacities, and that I de sire the unfolding and developing of these tremendous powers, that I cannot bear to see him brutalised or enslaved by himself or soother. The question that now presents itself to us is, can we not each and every one of us exercise an influence over the so cial circle we move in, by inducing some of our acquaintances, already far gone in the habit of intemperance, to renounce forever the intoxicating cup, and thereby produce the effect above suggested ; if so, what then is our duty to our fellow man, it is to re monstrate with him, against the practice of indulging in the pernicious habit of drink log spiritous liquors, and thereby exorcise an soave influence in the promulgation of correct principles in the mind of such er ring brother. Has any of us ever thought that if half the amount of intellectual and physical energy, which we have given to enterprises of infinitely lose importance, bad been devoted to the cause of temperance, it would no doubt in many eases been the means of redeeming many poor inebriates from their fallen condition. And if we have never thought of this matter, nor acted in the proper manner in regard m it, are we not self convicted of being engaged with matters of comparatively little importance, while an enterprise of the greatest moment to the human race has been left to pass un noticed sod uncared for by us, and mankind has offered on account of our omission of duty to him. Does our brothers of the ministry preach and reason as frequently, pointedly, and fervently of temperance, and the evils of an intemperate habit, as they do of right oneness and of judgment to come ? If they do not they fail to fulfil the commands of their great master. Does any of my hearers, young in years, obey the voice of paternal affection and admonition, which bids you to beware of the delusive and dangerous temp tation, presented daily by the gaudy splen dor of the drinking saloon, heed their warn ing voice, and avoid those treacherous places which if frequented would in time probably lead you to a death too terrible to be dee cribed. It there a sister within the sound of my voice, whose parents' hourly pray ascends to heaven for your welfare, and are you sufficiently thoughtful and obedient to their loving admonitions, and do you wil lingly receive the addresses of any young man whose breath is tainted by the odors of strong drink, if any such there be in our assembly, to her I would my that by such a course you are working out for yourself per haps a future that will be strewn with all the miseries that render life miserable, in which perhaps may be seen the gloomy pic ture of a comfortless borne, tenented with hungry, half-clad and uneducated children, fleeing from the violence of a drunken father to the feeble anus of a trembling heart broken mother. Let me warn you to be ware and shrink from the pollution of such as from a viper's touch. There is not the least occasion fora man in health to use liquor in any way, it does not render his head more clear nor his footsteps more firm, neither does it make him more industrious, more useful or a more worthy member of society, but on the contrary to be temperate contributes to all these qualities. Intem perance stalks into families, it invades the domestic circle and looms up in every com munity, it peoples the grave-yard with vic tims, and recruits tLe armies of eternity with souls lost; it breaks the hearts of pa rents, blasts the hopes of children, gives brothers to destruction and sisters to shame, it hangs like an incubus upon labor and robs industry of its reward, it is the great source of pauperism, the foundation of crime, and strikes at the root of religion, and is utterly destructive of all Christian principle. It overturns public tranquility and social order. What we have been endeavoring to con sider and portray to you of the evils of in temperanoe, as connected with and affect ing the social affairs of life, are not those of mere fancy, but an the contrary, they arc sound unqualified facts, and the experience of many have demonstrated their sad reali ties. It is in the light of these reflections that I raise my voice in behalf of that Law Prohibition which is for a time feeble in its effects, but which in time will be potent in its strength, and thereby stay the pro gress of the accursed thing," then will that word of awful power spoken by the will of the people "Unconstitutional" fall like a dead bone upon the vender of intoxicating drinks perhaps as I now address you, one who has had a praying mother, a fond tither, and a loving sister, gni a hip py home, is dying far off in a distant place, away down in some obscure cellar, dark and damp, and deep, amid rags and filth, and foul corruption, curses, blasphe mies and horrid oaths of abandoned women; you will find this once noble young man.— The hamd of death is upon him, the hot fever of delerium is passing through his brain, the foam of poison is upon his lips, he groans, shrieks, and dies. Who is re• sponslble for all this; is the question forced home upon our hearts, and oonsoienoes We ask the question and leave it for some vender of intoxicating drinks, to answer his oonscienoe and his God, who was the cause of the death of this young person.— But one matter more, and we are done. There generally is a disposition upon the pert of most people to abuse and ill treat the poor inebriate, this is decidedly wrong; true he has become a degraded specimen of humanity, he is besotted because of his beastly appetite, but the appetite has been fed and goaded on by the vender of intoxi cating Liquors, and such vender has been permitted to pursue his fiendish busintwm, with but little hlndemnee on the part of the ohristian community, beyond an occasional remonstrance. The drunkard Wen though he be, is nevertheless our brother, and we cannot avoid our responsibility by sayin,g "am I my brother's keeper" but on the contrary it is our duty to endeavor by all propper means to do all we can to reform him, and restore him to decency, to fimily and society. This is one of the great ob jects of our organization. The Good Tem plars' principles are to "not only abstain from what can intoxicate, but to prevail on others to do so," and our secret is "to save the drunkard, and make waste places glad with hope and happiness again." We should then go to the inebriate, holding in our right hand the olive branch of peace, and lifting the other towards that angel realm musical with life and lime, prayerfully asking the Father's ministering angels and all the holy loved ones gone before, to look down with compassion upon our fallen brother, and grant him strength and resolu tion enough to break the chains that bound him I► slave to his appetite, and to find him with spirit sufficient to become a man again, and thereby Le the means of scattering flowers along his pathway of life, and pre paring him also to lead a purer and (Iris tian like course preparatory to becoming a pillar in that living temple of God that knows no beginning nor ending of years, then shall we have fulfilled our sacred duty to our fellow mortals. 46 The Carpet—Banters.” There is a class of political adventures prowling through the South, watching their chances to become Judges, Congressmen, etc., of the new era. Of a large share of them the remark is generally true—that they bad nothing to loose at home, either of character or credit, and the carpet-bag they carry contains the sum total of their effects. They are " truly loll" representa tives of the Radical faction, and never hay iag followed any honed pursuit, they are sufficiently unscrupulous to carry out to the letter the requirements of the political jun ta under which they expect to flourish. They talk loud on the excellence of giving the ballot to the negro, but give him par ticularly to understand, that with tome in ferior exceptions, it will not do for him to hold offices at present, lest it should injure "the party." Great is the carpet-bagger, and Radicalism is his profit. A looker-on in the South sketches this class of adven turers with peculiar richness. He writes: " You find them everywhere. On the cars, and in the towns, and priting about in country places, and you can't take up a paper, hardly, or hear a man speak, but what there is something about the carpet. bagger. Few know where they come from; nobody knows how they live—perhaps nothing but an itemised account of the se cret service money of the Reconstruction Committee of Congress could tell that—but here they are bussing about like gad-flies and seeking the weak points of the country with the unerring.instinct of carrion crows. Hounded out of the North for rascality— for everywhere now and then some ugly past is brought to light about them—they seek and obtain employment in the cause of Reconstruction and come South. Some sworn into the Bureau, others foist them selves on the Revenue, others again play pimp and spy and call-boy for the service, and outside of these, the great bulk sustain life by taking up subscriptions from the freedmen, and levying contributions for the good of the party on enthusiastic Radicals at the North. Like Jonah's gourd, they spring up and flourish and We in a day, descending from nowhere at daybreak and ready ere night to run for Governor. " I know one case, where, on the ap proach of election, one of these gad-flies came on the next day, announced himself as a candidate, and, on the third day, was " elected," and,now sits in a soverign con vention to reconstruct a State. Still anoth er ( . 42460 occurred, and it is susceptible to verification on oath, where another of these creatures, on his way to take his seat as a " delegate," pawned his carpetbag to pay expenses, and never coming to redeem it, had said receptacle opened only to find therein some Radical documents under Con gressional frank and a few little personal ar ticles, not worth, in all, over two dollars and a half. Such is carpet-buggery, and just fancy its beauties to yourself. You are a Southern man, let us say, and sitting at night-fill in some little country village, and here, at dusk, there comes striding in a strange man with a carpet-bag. That night there is a Loyal League meeting, and the next day, before noon, the strange man has poked his noes into half the houses in towh, knows everybody by name, and has a list of all the negro voters in all the country round about in his pocket. Pretty soon them comes an election, and in the strange man, whom you now begin to recogninees a " tier pet-bagger," you see the judge at the polls. As such he counts the votes, declares him self " duly elected" to a convention some where, and as the day of assembling ap proaches takes up a collection among the negroes sod departs—be and his oarpetleg. For awhile you hear nothing of him, but pretty soon it appears that he has framed a SUde Constitution, and is coming book to run fbr Congress. And here, after a few days, he is again, some of the people's money in his pocket, and a bran new suit of clothes, at the post, in his carpetbag." No man has been able to tide a clothes horse with the " spur of a moment." The True Democracy sad the SIMMS We have noticed in several of our ex changes allusions to some wonderful and mysterious agency, which, it is supposed, is now being created and faustered in various sections of the North as well as the South, to help the Democracy of the wintry in the coming contest. A terrible (l) and crushing power; a Ku Klux combination of the mil itary and the political, with a sprinkling of the midnight•assessin thrown in, to lend extra terror to the scheme. Some of the country journals are dreadfully exercised ; dropping startling and soul-harrowing hints about the growth of this great and formida ble order of patriots, whose secret meetings, of the hatchet-of-horror character, are held at the noon of night ; when the dissuasions are blood and thunder; and sadden on slaughts upon the enemy, as unexpected as the lightning's bolt which comes from the unseen cloud on a summer day. We see certain credulous journals, the craniums of whom conductors undoubtedly show immense "love of the marvelous," catching at this sort of stuff, and swallowing it. Democracy is not supported or aided by any snob machinery. The true Democrat is no Jesuit. He wages oo secret war. He participatesin no whispering midnight meet ings held by a revolutionary cabal, nor fm ternixes with mystical daylight organisations. He plans no Guy Fewks explosions. He never strikes his enemy in the book, or pounces upon him from behind in the dark. The true Democrat does none of this. The Logos Democrats are usually prominent in such undertakings. Your true Democrats fight in broad midday, face to face with his adversary. He matures hie plans through firee and loud discussion. He holds his counsilis with open doors, not in secret con chive, like knawes who plot treason. He is bold enough sad strong enough to &char hie intentions like a man of courage and honor, relying upon the righteous justice of his cause ; and his good right arm, if that cause, political, civil, or religious, is uncon stitutionally assailed. Your true Democrat hates intrigue and deception. He despises signs and the dirty clap-trap machinery of egeaking stratagem. His principles are plain and simple, and can be easily main tained by honor, honesty, reason, common intelligence and manly courage. It is false hood, treachery and crime—it is Jesuitism —that needs those diabolical aids which are only wrought out under the cover of se crecy. The honest, the real Democracy of this country require no bidden agencies to enable them to cope with the miserable horde of political vagabonds, rotten with corruption, which they will meet at the November polls. The real Democracy will conquer this mass of decayed humanity by the strength of right and the power of num bers. Those Mongrels are not so utterly stupid, sodden in crime and iniquity though they be, as to fail to recognize the ultimatum of that victory. We shall need no mysteri ous agencies to enable us to entre at once upon the great work of national reform. The told beasts which have so defiled the places of honor and trust they have occupi ed, though not filled, know too well the men they deal with, to resist the verdict of the people. Disband your silly secret orga nisations, Democrats ; your powder and ball will not be needed. This is government of opinion. Democracy is light, and peace, and harmony, and progress upward and on ward. Mongreliam is banes, and secret sessions, and obwardiee, and assassination of the weak. We shall see these cowards tremble at the solid tramp of the sturdy Northern Democracy toward the November ballot boxes, and they will yield up the pow er they have so disgracefully used, sod so infamously abused for the past eight years, With as much grace as the occasion calls for, which, thank heaven, will be very little.— All we shall ask of them is to go ; and go they will. Away with your secret military clap-trap. The voices of four millions of earnest Democratic voters are more potent in the conflict in which we are engaged in than all the guns and cannon, powder and ball in Christendom. But, that those voices may be thus potent, get up clubs which shall discuss freely, sod with open windows and doors, our great principles. Get Democratic. doeumenta.— Employ Democratic speakers. Read Dem ocratic journals. Procure Democratic pub lioations. Circulate them through the length sod bredth of the land. Let us go into this faith strong in Democratic truths, and we are invinceible. We need no other weapons to-day. " NOISY CHILDREN."—WeII, how do you like your stupid, quiet blockheads, that never make a noise only when some one pushes them out of the way ? " I cannot bear the noise of children." Then go and shut yourself up in some quiet nook where the music of childhood is never heard. Shut yourself away from the world, and thus grille the little music stirring in your heart. If you wish to crush the life and spirit from the souls of children, !top their noise, instruct them to play carefidly, avoid. ing all outbursts of Joy. We like the noise of children. Not that rude, wicked, wild noise, that is heard in the retreats of the profane and uncultivated, but natural out bursts of ohildhoods innocence and mirth. As well may you command the spring brook- let, swelled by recent showers, to run over its rocky bed without making any noise, am to expect children, full of the springs of human Ilk to play and make no noise Do not banish your children out of hearing that, you may not be troubled with their noise. Lit them feel that you love to see them happy and cheerful; and then they will not seek to avoid your promo. to And enjoyment. The *swabHenn Party. The new condition into which the Repub. lioan party has passed requires, at our hands, a careful examination. As it is organised and led now, it is not only a very different party from the Republican party of 1865, 1861, and during the miler years of the war, but it differs widely from the organiza tion of 1865 and 1867. It is to-day, under the acknowledged leadership of Butler, Ste vens, Logan Schenck and the military poli ticians of the Grand Army of the Republic Clubs, as avowed partisan body of men, which teaches that fidelity to party" hi the highest duty, not only of the people, but of the representatives to whom the pea. ple have delegated the administration of the government. It is a very harsh thing to say, that the Republican party and its represen tative men hold obligations to the whole people of the country, subservient to the claims of a fraction of the community, but it is true, and it should be said. The infa mous teaching of Thaddeus Stevens has brought the party to that condition of mind when its members "have thrown conscience to the devil, and stand by the party." Re failed to effect this lad result in the Buck shot War, but, now, the most fearful excess crowns his efforts. We moat now look upon the Republican party as a purely partisan body, which will be bound by no constitutions, and which will respect no laws. The welfare of the coun try, in the embittered minds of the zealots of this party, is to be found only through the successful application of mere party measures, and all opposed to their plans, schemes or principles so-called, will be look ed upon by them as enemies of the country. Treason, to their minds, will consist in op• position to the Republican party, not in en mity to the country, and all men will be con sidered as Rebels who do not bow in obedi ence to the commands of this body. The kind of argument which has always been held by intollerants in religion and politics, can easily prove to their demised minds that mere opinion is an act—that words are acts and that a merely negative position is a men acing offence. So we shall bo told that be ing a Democrat, or anything othr than a Re publican, in opinion is to be a seditious trai tor to the people, and that the attempt to put Democrats in office will be an endeavor to subvert the government. Are we making this argument stronger than the condition of things will justify?— Let us see. first. The Senators of the United States sitting in a Court of Impeach ment, under a judicial oath, have been told that they must vote according to party dic tation, and not in conformity to their sworn duty. Second. The leading minds of the Republican party—Trumbull Fessenden, Henderson, Grimes, Chase and like men, in the most insulting manner, have been de nounced by great numbers of the party pres s and party convention, for the simple reason that they refused to listen to party dictation and Third. We see Stevens, Ruder and Logan, to whom the Republicans would not listen a few months since in direct control of the organisation. Their political and personal character is well known, and can make but one impression, and that is that they will manage the party and the country in the most unscroupulous manner to get and to keep the party in power. Are all the Republicans prepared to Mow them, or have the old leaden, the power to carry a large body of the party with them ? Must we be compelled to admit that nearly one half of the American people are false to Consti tutional government and that they cannot so far govern themselves, that the vile par tizanship of the mind cannot be put aside when the existence of the State is in danger? Not one Republican in ten :will undertake in argument to sustain the course his party Is taking, and yet but fbw have, as yet, been brave enough to come out of it, or bold enough to oppose the Radicals who are now directing its action. Perhaps we may see some more satisfactory condition in their minds when the impeachersksve shown their position more plainly. But in defkult of ordinary patriotism on the part of the Republicans what must the Democrats do ? Must they not rally to pre serve the Constitution and the country?— Will they not see that, everything must be put aside which will draw them off from the stern duty of preserving the liberties of the people ? We Feel that they will do all that should be done, and that in that greateffort will the country be preserved and the vile spirit of party faction be struck down. Let every man, for himself, look the condition of affidre filly in the Ike, and let his mind receive the most decided impression of the dangers, which threaten our liberties, that he may determine to do his duty to pro. tort the country form utter political destruc tion. The struggle is on us in which we must fight to preserve democratic institu tions and we can euceesellilly fight if we use the energies which we poems ; but if we kg In our efforts we shall sudsy go down, and the Republic will be no more.—Liowwe theien. Tito Working Poop & The New York paintors report that the eight hour system bas been adopted by near ly all the employers, and in one shop the journeymen are on a strike to secure it, The Painters' Society Ls considering the proprie ty of adopting a report about apprentiees, requiring them to serve fire years as weekly wages. The third year they are to mein one-quarter the wages of journeymen, the fourth year wages, and the fifth year NI wages. Several laborers' strikes have oc rred in New York, two ftfr an 'bunco of NUMBER 15. wages, and one for the eight hour system. The demands were refused in each ease, how ever. The New York Carpenters report a general acquiescence in their demand for $4 a day. Only one or two employers , refined it. A number of New York coopers still re main on a strike, and their employer having heretofore got his barrels in country shops, arrangements have been made to get the workmen at them to strike also, unless those shops refuse to supply him; The carvers of Now York, mostly Germans, are contem plating a strike for $3.50 a day. They now receive an average of $3, and their trade union numbers about five hundred members. The masons in New York, now getting $4.50 a day, have demanded $5. A colony of New York mechanics, last Tuesday started with their families, to settle at Atchison Kansas. They number nearly2oo persona The coal beavers' atrik, at Jersey City, continue:P * Bnd there has been some rioting, arising from attempts to prevent new bands from going to work. A large pollee force is at the Jer sey City coal docks to preserve order, and severel arrests have been made. The strike at Prospect Park, Brooklyn, of eight hun dred laborers, for $2 a day, continues, the Park Commissioners reflusing the increase demanded. The Mahoning Valley, Obio, over a thousand coal miners have struck for an increase of 20 cents per ton in their wages. The brick moulders and their laborers, at Louisville, Kentucky, ore on strike for high er wages. The moulders ask an increase from $3 a day (the present rate) to $3.50 and the laborers from $2 (the present rate) to $2.25. In Washington the plasterers' strike is nearly ended, the employers hay. ing generally acceded to the demand. The Edgfield Cotton Factory, in Connecticut, has stopped work for the present At Erie Pa., the coal-beavers have struck for higher wages, and work is at a stand still. It is announced that one-sixth of the population of San Francisco is out of employment, and all accounts from California are dis couraging to those who intend to emigrate there. The excessive emigration has al ready more than supplied the demand for labor. At Windsor, Vermont, it is said that seventy-five of the penitentiary prison ers are employed in making scythe soothes, and make ten thousand annually. This is complained of as a serious interference with the regular trade. At Elgin, Illinois, in a match factory, where 250 persons are em ployed, one-half are women. Females are gradually working their way into this trade. New York, three women have formed a partnership as designers and engravers on wood, and advertise for business. The gen eral strike at Bologne, in Daily, continues, and all the trades are engaged in it. Bug nose is said to be at a stand still This is a strike against taxation more than low wages, though the latter is the moving cause for it. In Austria great discontent is said to be pre vailing among the working classes, owing to low wages. In Lynn, Massachusetts, the shoe manufacture is said to continuo very active, and although the season is so late, orders are continue to arrive to a large ex tent. All kinds of manufacturing in New England, are reported to be much brisker than they were a few months ago. Josh Billings on Tomatoes. It is now about 8 or eleven years since folks began to hanker after the Tomatoes. About that time some doktor ov pills dis sekted ono ov these vagrant vegetables and disoovered some doktor stuff in them. As soon as the folks found out they was hie, they begun to be very sweet on the to mater. At that time they was in the habit of growing in sly plaoes, where they want afraid, over behind stone wells, among bra ked j ags, ded hats, and old injin rubber boots, for people wouldn't let them grow in gardens many more than they would a kens dy thisseL They was vagabond weeds, and even a wood bog wouldn't eat one ov the berrys that grows on them enny quicker than he would a bawl of red stocking yarn. But it was decided that there was sum pills in them, and they was put to nuns, in pots and vases, and lived on the phat of the land, in hot houses, along side ov tiger lays and rows ov sharon. It Weir most iblks 18 months ovpersever awe and sea sickness to get the tomatoze to go quietly down, and from a vile weed more smelling than a deceased clam, the tomatur has aotooally got taw be more honored than a buckwheat slapjack, or even pqmkin pi. This shows what love and allocation will do. 1 haven't enny doubt that if Professor Ratabane would say profeshionally that wasp nests was good to make a mustash grow black, half tho men in the country would get a wasp and go into the nest busi. DM. I don ' t believe a tomatur will keep a man enny more healthy than red clover will, but I am just like every one else, I wanted to get some better than I was, and I went to school to the tomatur, and lave got learnt how to eat them, if they aro filled with salt and pepper, and soaked well in good eider vinegar. But tomato:43 have worked themselves into necessary, and I am not the 111011 to in hure roputashun, for I believe un innoocnt umbug is as much right to wiu (if they kin) as any other man. I have seen folks pick them oph from the vines in the garden, arid eat them right down alive. I would u soon undertake to eat a handful of putty. There is one thing I do hope that nobody will undertake to make kastor De ono of the luxuries until after I am dead, for kastor Ile and bed beggs is 2 things that I solemnly swear I wont Jaave, if 1 Fit to he ever so fashionable.