AGRICULTURA L. The Importance oVARTIcalta II hat r a ins be the theling4 of happinext and contentment of the man who, by ly turning to proper mount hl4 intimate knowledge of the peculiarities of his land, sueeeedol without increased labor tr c apital, in gaining 'from it a permanent in• coaqe of m oo,: ? For emelt a result is not only a personal advantage to himself, but a important benefit conferred up on all mankind, how unimportant and in tignificant do all our dideoveric4 and ioegn tiond appear, compared to what, id in the Bower of agriculture to achieve. All our advances in arts and sciences arc I.f no avail in inereasing"the conditions of human existence ; and though a small frac tion of society luny, by their means, be gainers in intellectual enjoyment, the load of misery weighing npon'the great mass of people remains the same. A hungry man wires not for preaching, and a child that is to learn anything at school must not be sent Clem with an empty stomach. Every step in advance, however, made by agriculture 'serves to alleviate the suffer ing, and troubles of mankind, and to make the human mind sweeptible and capable of appreciating the good and beantiful that art and science present to us. Improvements in agriculture oonstitute the only solid foundation for further progress in all other branches of knowledge. CU= VitEsti ENIMI volt STAltt.Eft AstmAt.s. "IL" or )lorri,tovn. NC,II Jer.x.s.y writes follows "From an experience of' many years I am sa'isfted of the beneficial results from giving "tabled anitnals—horses, cattle and swine— what fresh earth thou will eat, say twice a week, or oftener. It promotes end regu lates their digestion, gives tone to their ap petites, prevents disease, keeps their coats in fine condition—promoting their health, usually lay in a good supply o f thi c kly rut sods, and throw some into their trougl twice a week. Let those who have doubts try the experiment, giving the same to part of their stock and withholding from the rest fr a ivy. weeks. and their doubts will he 'moved." All cattle in grazing occasion ally pull up a tuft of grass,'ntl rat it, roots earth and all. ;This certainly does no harm. We are not surprised to learn that in If's long experience he has found earth to sup ply a want of the:animal economy. essential to the highest state of health.—_l AgrA.,tit/ a rid CCOZ3 liNnsins ron Kcgmol Hotter made in May. June. and July, of good quality, keeps best. When put away fn. the fall trade three-quarters of it some times goes to grease. The trouble is in keeping it. Butter containing whey or lime, or milk, will not keep. It should be made dry, should become bard, of fine color, solid and properly cured. All oar people salt too high. It should be salted to the palate, and that is, nough to keep it. Better have no salt at all than too much. The stable and cow-house should he at a distance from the milk. It must be borne in mind that cleanliness and :an :entire :exemption from disagreeable otters, is essential to good but ter. CM= LIME FOR SMALL Fin IT.-3iany ,have hesitated to make the above use of lime, fearing it might produce an injurious effect. It is well for us to state, from experience, that the application of lime to Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, currants, Rhu barb and Asparagus will act benificial, un less the ground has been previously heavily limed. or there is very little vegeta l& mitter in the soil. Burnt; shell lime should be applied in preference to stone-line and not mare than twenty-five or thirty par airs siiva fresh over the sur face. rsetl in this way, with frequent and small yearly doses, it gives the best results, RAMINO PlOs•—On© dew unit iwpor-'• tent requirements in raising swine is to produce a thrifty, docile breed' and such a will fat readily, requiring but title food, and at the same time large in natural size, and early in maturity. The food of a row when rearing a litter of pigs, should be varried— dry corn and cold water arc not sufficient.— Nothing is better than slops frown the Lowe with some milk and corn meal. It is ad visable, if the sow does not have range of a field, to give charcoal and a little salt and sulphur every few days.— Western. Rural. I= Pummtvist Etuts,—A fresh egg fills the shell and will not make a noise when shaken In a short time a portion of the album will crape by transpiration—a partail vacuum will be created, and the value of the egg be come diminished rapidly till it becomes rot ten, If the air could wholly excluded from the meat of the egg it would rewain in an eatable estate for yours. The best ordinary preservative is to place the eggs in apex downward, and fill the crock or tub with water. In this way they will keep quite well l'or momll4. X,w i`orktr. voinc:N it dm inn their too in OMNIBUS LINE. Ile ntitterrdined wield reepectrellr ninttomaln Tthn Minima of and lii, killahhe (dd. orally that la in ralintbit an 0)4111110)11' 1,11 , 11 f, hyena tbli Once pad the dlr. pretty tail Road likpold dal. • 'Ai% . ly. lay* nacarAd) In nutmeat With the artvonit Tinian poky thmith a Weal MI the Catewt•ea and Wttliaingtert kali Mall. wad a Rh rhos' pain/ North and *utak on the Lack, & tUnomshurp IIi.I.IMNIIIIIC , KC err In pond condition, column dhow, and comfortable, and thart,na ream:mottle. frr renting wielded In moat ur nor tt.tly Menotti &pact, ran ha ncronduoilatnil, upon onasinirtile it harps by leaven, glutei) , mulct, any of tha lie tine, JACOB L. GIItTON, eropriutor. Illuninokehr, Aprll27, 144(41. R r. m 0 V A la C. C. MARK'S IPMW SWORN TO SHIVE'S BLOCK, VIM DOUR ABOVE •°UEdIOCf4t OFFICE." undersigned hying received from the city full and couplets supply or SI'R 1 N (1, A N SIT)1 31 It DRY GOODS AND GROCEJLIES, Nonionic, Tin-ware, Hardware, Cr dar And WOWS' Warn, Drags, 011411C1111.. Cry. tfasr•Ware, Tobacco lists and t?hors, Maur, Noll, PIA and Zan ; alt of MOO t proporu selling at a very tow ligarepor cannot produce. UP Call and ree, C. CHAIM Dinnairbarg, April 3, 1043, ZEMBrio Surgeon Dentist, ritrttris Weill Witlend pain hy a new withal. It is perfectly haradsss and is now need rt- 4 1, with good 'arras. All branches of • ;.,..!• Ministry attended to in the latest ''• ft no and most a pprifited style. itsodesce and ollice, One door en, of gstitts' Clothing Stara. Bloonteinarg, Noy. 13, 14407, CHAS. Q. BARKLk, Y, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA, thrice in the second story, oVer litoltner k co'.. store, Second door shove the Ca clange 110 , 1 Illoontaintrg April 17, ieti. Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road, WINTER TIME T cam melt poirrr, PETwErs rim,mini.rinA. BALTIMORE. IlldalLG, WI 1,1.1 A 1114PollT, A 1 ,41 TIM = ur rENNOWINANIA ELEGANT SLEEPING CAM On an Night Trams On n rut afteT MONDAY. tvoy mum •Slh, 18i.7,1tw Trnino on the Philikdelphirt & Erie ,Nnil Rind will f un ne NHOW WESTWARD, PAIL TRAM leaves I'loisdelphla II 13 p. m Orthutuber law, 3 31 a e arrive at, Erie 9 tin p. In. Cal I; EXPRESS leave ; riiiimiclpliirt lino noon .. Nmthumberfand 6 44 p. in. ~ arrive at Elio 9 43 n, m. EINIRA ItlAlh leaves 1 . 60340013 n no a iii, .• Northumb....6oo 4 o;t p . pi .... 0 0 arrive at Loa haven 143 p. iu EASTWARD. MAIL, TRAIN leaves Ern , in 11 a m Northumberland 1511 a. m arrive at Philadelphia s3sa. in CRIE EXPP4I446 leaves Erie 4 2i p. in I.4.ohuln!witted 5 31 a. Ill: arrive at I'llitaMphil Ioop. m K 1,41111% MAIL leaves i.od' navel, 7 10 a, in. li,,flll4llllberittall Iu alt a. m arrive at Philadelphia PlO p. at. Mail and Exam,* monad with ail trauo an WARREN & NS/WU:tett , leaving Philadelphia at t' 00 M. arriva at ItViitatall at 0 40 a.tit.. and Oil city ar 0 a m. Lowing Philadelphia at 11 t 5 P, M., arrive at Oil City at 1 L p. All trains Da Warren & Primkiln Railway 11104' doge eoun,rtionr at Oil City with traina Prank • list and Petroteam Centre. ItAtIOAGE CIICCEEO pint:WWl. A. L. TYLEVI, General Sup', Erie. Oct. :to, 1007. READING BAIL 110 AD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 250. 1 NC. CRGAT TRUNK LINE FROM TIM NORTH and North West for Philadelphia. New York, Read. rig. Pottsville Tamaqua Ashtaud, Lebantot,len• own, Ltaston, Ephrata, Laic. Lancaster, Columbia, Trains leave Harrisburg fur New York, ns figlows t 3 tin. 3 P.i and to 10 A X and dOS and 935 rit connect ng with Similar Trains on the Pennsylvanta Rail road and arriving at New York al SlO and 10 13 and 11 30 A o and 3 40, 930 P. M. Skarilla Cars accompti. nving the 300 A X and p a. Trams without change. Lettvn harrisburg for reading, Pottsville. Tama. qua. Minerswille„ Pilot Grose, Allentown and Philadelphia,nt S 10 A a and 003 and 4 10 r a, m a pping at ',citation and principal Way stations ; the 4 IO p a mak lug connections for PhiLideignia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill anti gatiquehanna Rati roe Cleave Harrisburg at 3 33 r m. Returning: Leave Now York at 9 00 A a, t 2 M and 3 Ott and tetra; Philadelphia at rt 15 a and 330 it Way Pitssenger 1 rain leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A a. rat trn tisf (Mai Reath tig at a 33 P M tarp ng at all stations; Pottsvide at e 44 A At, and 0 4 Pa ; Ash. land 6 al A Mond id 19 M and 0 00 P. ma Tamaqua at 30 A. M and 100 and 45 P. a. Leave Pottsville for tinrrisbarg yin Schuylkill and Sasquebanna Oaiiriwd at 7 111 A a. and 10 00 noon. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading a 17 30 A it returning from Philadelplua at 4 00 r m. rattglatatt Accommodation Train: Leaves Potts. town at 0 43 A. it., returning leave,. Philadelphia at S lal r. m. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7 00 A. it., and It 13 p. X. for Ephrata, Litia, Lancaster. Columbia, acc. On Sundays Emote New Work at it 90 PM, Phila. delphia SW A al, and 3IS P the 00 A al, train sunning only to Reading ; Pottsville 8 00 A M. ; Hat. risourg 3 23 A M. 4 111 and 9 33 r a and Reatbmg at 100 and 7 IS A Al for Harrisburg and 7110 A M. and 11 49 I. a for New York and 403 P :IL fur Phila. del phia. Con mutation, Who go, Season. School and fhteut , aim) Tickets, to and ft am alt points at reduced rates. Baggage mocked through ; 11.0 pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. kIiNG,LS. General Superintendaut Lackawanua & Bloomsburg Railroad. ENINICINSIMPIIMME air TWO DAILY TRAINS...I4 OON AND AFTIA JANUARY 2/ 4 , 1807, PAP. 1131INGKR TRAINS WILL RIAli AS FOLLOWS: LSAYE SOUTHWARD. AM AM PM. Lowe Scranton, 3311 7.10 4,0/ " Kingoton, fi.33 8 10 CM " Rupert 9,00 8.17 Danville, 0.31 8511 Arr at Northumberland 10,30 10.33 ',RAYS NORTHWARD. AM PM Leave Nortlmmbi TWO, 7.00 3 :Ai 4: Danville, 7:40 000 4 ' Rupert, n. 13 f' M l 33 4, Klogrami, 10,30 0.30 90.; Arrive at Scranton, NOD 4.01) 10 1$ Trainn leaving Khognlrin nt 4.30 A: M for Scranton connect With Tron arriving et NowYorlt nt 34:0. NartIIIIVFO Viking Train Smith from Scranton nt 3.34 A 31 vin Noithamberhind,reatli Harrisburg It 3)) P M. Raltimore 31x1 I' M., Warhingion 10 00P lii via Ru pert, reach Philadelphia all 00 P M. H. A. FONDA. Supt. lagirlon. Dm 301007, ~.... —_ THE COLUMBIA 110118 E. 0.0. STORNI?. R, Proprietor. 'nig tsn new 1.1;1114 lately lilted up for the ncenunno dutlon or the trovelina public generally, eimmen on Mein Ptrrel, n Pew doors 4bnv the Court Mum, on what is known a. the "ilveibleno property." It I. crotrolly Menton in tl e town, ■in On {Assent plume for guest. to stop [ermine. being In ihni purl of town where the majority ul 11m imaincee is being done. The proprietor feela rennilent thus he in prepared le Owe ItelOeril l sa U 4fhetlou to his outline. anti would solidi! a Dar portion of the public rintroon go. Illoormiburg, Mity 13, lail7. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who roftered for years from :Vernon. Debility. Premature Decay. and all the et eta of youth od fottonrettnn, wilt, for the rake of refining humanity, send free to aft whn tared it. the reunite and direetiona for making the simple remedy by whwb he was cnre.t. SIMMS tV iiihrmi to pant by the advert tear* experiente,ran do an by addreardai fe pilled continence. JOON OUMON. 42 eede 'tweet, New York. May V. 18P7. OVELY WNW ANU rwrivu BOVA, arnd en addressed envelope and vti crats,and 1 win ~ ,004 an some volontde inhumation that wth plea se vo lt Address MARY aftwthg..:ll Moeda ny, May 14, tr, ZNARY 1111(1)8 AND FANVY OAtlliti Y()1t SALE. iiihrelined offers for WO • 101, of hendeome Canary Birds and Fancy Cages . so iii ir , Ca°Ar beauty they irit itle eurt a not by their r., 1 * • 4 Ind. A ' h the embeeriber le treireise sturins Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, in w i n, and small inantliler, for as pm and win ter market, for which he will pay the meet liberal price., WILLIAM OthhloßS, Ilheve'e Wilding. Nein Street. October In, 1067. I ti ono Lung. TO„FARMERS AND PLANTERS. The subscanc offer fur rule, In Ins In cult 'scr olls "rot. Orixl TON. Of novntx. MINED YOUDISTTS of the Lull Mandkimorlon Co., made horn the ninht eoll, blond, nod dead animals of New York city, for whirl the Co, have enduing minima Price only TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER TON, Freight chi charges from New Ynrk Gilded Warranted by the Go intc equal weight far weight to any high priced illiwirphlrplinta in twiny!, 'rho rfrnitrno corn, Cotton, Tavel and Wain ,have burn arinlabing thii part anon. IL MUM' the crop (lion 111 diva to two work* earlier, and doubles Ole crop, Pa mphletlwith cortllicaloa of hominid, of will known p Micro and (aroma and carry infor mation, pint free to any one applying by letter or otherwtio le MWOLLUM & PURNELL. Elm Colombia CO. ro. Or to Oic,LodillManunwtorineCompoky, Now York Yoh 13-9 war. MOWER, has epened'aVireVeines BOOT, SHQH. HAT AND TAP STOItE. at the old eland on Main Street, Oloometturg, ilia stork is tudopeered of the very latest and boat o ryt" ever otPred to the citizens of Cohrodita County. Ile can necommodate the public with the following kinds and fd cheap prices: Men's con 11044111, tine, doubts sole, (MN . * trots, Men's glove kid, Congress, Ake. Men's glove kid Delmore! shoes, Men's. women's boys', nod misses' glove kid booing ;Woos, Womett's glove kids. very floe WOOlOl . O goat mermen balmerals WOUlen e ll 111 4 1100,04 and rat( shoes, common ;hoes. Misses' and child's shoes. Men's, wouten'.. boys', and child's slipper., Ile also keeps n past variety of MATS, VAN. AND BI'I*AW coons of every kind, at the lowest prices, both for cash and watery protinm itettientber the ativertion is in nor rood,. Don't br MANUA (11 the cry of high primes, but roll and sue for yofireielves. H. ttoWgK. Sept, 4. Wit FALLON Tor. subserlher having purchased the "rdttort ituutt." In LOCK n A VEN, Pa., property of 8. 4 1 V. E.% woubt ray to the fiends or for Mame his sequalstssees, she ifs. pub it generally, that ho thietta. to ti,nit, with the arroatatadatian 4 and enthralls of a limn. and humbly solicits their patromise• .1, Orr lINKIRK. Leis nr the ItlaMona:lluase. PhilAdalphia, Lock Haven. Dec, 2t, ittan.-4084 New Stock of Clothing. 1;1111B51E AVLalrfilLra Spring and Summer (Anodic Mk= 241,V=Lvallai. INV MS :mention to hts flOrk of chetap and fash linable Clothing M hie .OCW. on AM'S STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two doors above Me dmfriran Muse, where ho has Joel received from New Vert Philadelphia, n lull amottmeni of Men and Bay's Clothing, u di t halm senot rashOnathle durable and hand some, dress goods ennststinanf 110 x, Sack, Fr ock, Gum and Oil Clot Coats, and Pants, or nil stds, sizes, and colors. Ile elan has replen ished his already large Stock of Veil and Winter 81leleis; striped. figured and plain Vast*, shirts, cravats, mocks. collars, handkerchiefs, gloves. pow panders and fancy articles. N 11,—Ile hat constantly on hand a itirita and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vaattous, Whit+ ite is pupated to Wilke op to order, into any kind ig clothing on gory short notice and in the best of mum oar. All hie clothing is made to wear and most of it is of how inntinfacture. C.Wr (DU Cii 'CffiZIP cisoaa co AND X/ 1:23 Utt T 22 Tr Dr every Description. VW and Cheap. Disease of jewelry iP not enrinewed in this pram rah and ex. amine ids general assortment of Oohing, Watches. Jewelry, Ice. &c DAVID LOWESDIDga, Illoowburg, April 20, 1863, Tile 1111dERA01.EH Of 'big. bright and cbternd torrid Wine Dyrpeptice. Without a good infection there can neither be bodily comfort nor mental enjoyment, He tweets the stomach and the brain there is a close and wonderful alliance. If the one is digordcre4l the other is gloomy, dejerted, incapable of effort,:and indifferent to all that makes life agreeable to the healthy. to this a condition that any intioolii norm wog is willing to mince. whenstlin IneattO of certain. im mediate and io relict can his and - ord every , whom t The Dyspeptic has his fate%in we own hands. U he chooeee to denieh forever the chlorine that racks Ws hotly and disturbs the mind with nameless horrors he has only to step to the eearest drug store and pro. cure a supply of Ileftetter's Mitortiacldlidters. No phase of Dyttorpsie has ever yet resisted the illterotiVO, tonic and anttbilioni oParelana 01 ' jtbia patent vegetable specific. It letsrally regenerates tl.e tether pie stomach ; re uses into healthy action the dormant liver; puts taillight the dismal fancies that beset the mind; gently relieves end regulates the bowels ; strengthens the enfeebled nerves,: re. stores the appetite, and makes, as it were, a new erentare,of the desrouding attJ debilitated invalid. Ladies who suffer Ham Indigestion have only to take a email dose:of t his pure vegetable corrective, once at twice a day. to secure entire exemption from the pains and penalties of kweak stomach and that perfect functional regularity, which but few at the fat main tereptedleroloy. BEALE'S LATE powrays EMBROCATION, FOR ALL 'HORAN:A INCIORRT TO HOMO, E=2E21:13 FLESH,HUMAN remitting the use of an external application. This new Compound, prepared by a practical Chemist, Milne a full knowledge of all the medical virtues of each ingredient that Were to HP eon o• wine, is warranted to exceed anything of the kind ever yet nifered to the puhlic an an external appli cation for the disearies for whir:hit is recommended, We me satisfied that it wilt work Its owl road into the confidence of an who nee it, and those who try it once will never be without it, and therefore we rely On experience an the beat test of its usefulness It is pronounced by LIP L12.123M3E1T12 end all who have tried it, to be the beat application ever aped. This Embrocation hoe been put up for over eight ;Tarr, red it lonely through the increasing demand 81111 urgent requevt of my friend. and the public that I send it forth as the grand remedial annul fur the varietal' Motives to Winch that noble and useful animal, the horse le mat:et. Many rehtudiee have been offered to the public under tilderunt forme, room of these ere ndurlouv, Where at beet of little use, and malty wholly lnr wort to anower the purpose, fur wltirh.theP ore fl.Cllllllll.' A billiell/UP mad really useful comp° vhlan, free Iran. those ohleetiona, harelorore Wag Won sited by may who have VAI.UABLE HORSES, end ere unwilling to treat frouderign• ing end pretendt.d Pollen/. Their labium ire at length fully gratified. by (Dr, Beale) bring prevailed upon torelluvr tide valuable itudirweation (which hits Proved soeliatelou" to the venom" diecuarte) to be prepered end brought nut to the public Phi• Enthrtlerltinll was eetenrively used by the Government during the we; Aiturnips all order to I*. CIAOND MAI Pouth Second alt. Philadelphia, Pe. March ile, 417—erno. DU. E. W. WELL 0 1. summon TO TOL F. C. HAMMON. INS tillteo gnome ni thr Aware', them. All or dere telt Moro will be promptly attemlod to. , Ittoethellore.Oet 30 PO' yoncE TO CREDITORS. AR peArmit knowisist themseivevo itviehted to the outlet Nitwit, Orr rippiediti make psyiocut wnhunt &IayMATE*. al mtminflmr it ., r2;!3 OrEIVXMOIP coLvillillA CO. Poisident Jullge—Hon. William Elwell. Innlhlr, h" einte J u d g m— { Peter K. Ilerbein. Pfwth'y and Cl' lt, of Courto—J ease Coleman. Register and Itglorder—fJohn 0, Freese. John P. F owler Commissionary,—{Nontgomey, vele. Il e. David Yeager, Sheriff—Mordecai Millard. Treasurer—Jacob Yoho, L. ilI lupert, Auditors— .Jjamohnb 1 14 % - l t i rix antion. Commissioner's Clerk—Win. Kriekbaum. Commissioner's Attornev—E. 11. Little. Mercantile Appraiser—W. 11. Juooby. Coolly Surveyor—Latao A. Dewitt. Dietnet Attroney—Milton M. Trough. Coroner--Willium J. Ikeler. County Superintendent—Chas. (I. Barkley, Assemors Internal Revenue—R. F. (lark. f John Thomas, Assistant Assessor— J, S. 11. Newer, I Daniel McHenry. Collector—Benjamin F. llartman. 4211, HOOP SKIRTS. 628. W3l. T. HOPKINS ) "Oar Ors Nato." Aflrr mere lUan dye ram experience and experi menting in the mennfisctime of arraucTbY FINNY allAbrry floor SKIRTS. we offer our justly cede• Wooed anode to snerrhanlu and the public in MI conadence of Mar imperially over all other in the American market, ono illyy are en acknowledged by all who wear or deal In them, am they give more eat Wartime than any ullwv dklrt, end reommend them in every reran. Heiden In Hoop Ririe .l,ould ulna, a note of this fart. every lady who lina not given tlooo n triol ohoutil do go rurlinir de Iny. Our imenriment embraces every idyls. lamb and nice In, Wier, Nkomo and Children. Aloe, elkirte SIAM: Tut WIDER. althr , id and repaired. AM for “Ilopkina' Own nodal not deccly• rd. eve INA t h e letter lo in oven on the two between tld' hoop, a n d this they are pumped "W. T. HOP K INV, Alnnufarturur. UM Arch Surat, Philo de labia," upon viols tatty. No More are genuine. Also, cooplontly on hand a full line of rod New York NMI Cowan Made Aim., at very low pricer. W bulesa le and Relail , At the PIIII,ADEEPHIA 1 1 1IIIRT Wentornetory and Wort/lulu, No, u. 2. Arch slrcrl Ph118(10101hr . W5l. T, 1101%1N11. O*t. 10, 1117.-10100 AGENTS WANTED FOR HT E. BLUE-00AT3. I=l CEO &OM'S . arcl Inel4ents in A %Creed Rebellion einnprbring Virtatiarr niTerannal ida"tintrn,Thril boa inrident4 Daring Egninitni 'Wok' pu , •.14, Wondri I Crow,. LIP in tin* vamp Field and Ibrapita I ; Adventaiiirna and Scoot% trigidher with the and tiallado An, tdernaand Naauunna Incidents of the W4r. OPLUS ATEO urn' orva MO FINK PLIWITAITM ANII ENGRAVINGS, There is a rertnin portion of the war that wit! mrvar Cit Into then galas histntl e, nor be eat lied io romance or poetry. which le a very real part of and wdl. if warmed, convey to .1014.0iiiiiit rationa a to Per idea of the oftlia erudite* than nor awry dry reports or (Aren't 110010 p, the fon, the pathos of the war. This illustrate* the characters of Ma leaders, the /moat of the soldiers, Ih,r dire. lion of women. the bravery of ricn the pluck of our ileffwo. the romance and hardshipa of the perviee, rile Valiant and Prays Hearted, the PirtilrNilite wad dramatic and Witty and Marvelous, the Tower and Pathetic and the Whole Panorama of the War are here thrill in Foy portrayed in a maraerty wanner, at oueehiatnricid and romantic taiderias it the weer athlete, osiqu h . Mani and radahle hook that the war has r sled form. Ama=anent us well as iaatrurtirrit may Ma fraud in ever r hale. as graphic detail, wit. shed authentic history. are skilfully interwoven in this work of literary art wend for vierulars and roe nor terms. via a fail iteiettpli in ri the work. Address, JtINEVI sawn; ERs & eo.. Phtlath !ph,: . a a. dauttary lu. len7.-4w. HENDERSUOTT'S, PHARMACY. AR sveriviag mars fresh awl ive Moms, hiettieholS.Toitot and Intl otitis* winch have been nichased LOWEST RATES, AND Will, DB pow Lnw. Owing to the NH 0) Drags and INedisines Woo , , a e are now mark. tug ovary article • 0 In 10 old t;nv r triers. nor meek if , Wilma eaasplere. Ca i and See, mot he convinced that his is the plass to uy. ;anoin , iPtr. N EW MILLINERY GoOns ANI► FANCY TRIMMINGS. The underptpled nowt rePpertftilly informs her Li k Ay t not - micro. and the public in general. that rho has lust added to Mee already large and varied awn' went of PAM Y MILLINERY GOODS A Pam syrin,v, Welt and tastefully aeircted forma present and coming cocoon. Iler NqW hONNII`ci AND HATS are calculated to take the Watt in thi. place and vicinity, She has everything found in firevelare & Fancy Mores, and makes rip and xello her amid,* upon the wit era. renulde term. (live her a cull and eraintne her new .iuck raped.. tIZZIE BARELBY, SWIM. Main Firer!, ttlarwey huildona.) October tr 3, ltlbl. Ilitanurburg. NE" CO" YARD. The undersigned respectfully informs the citisens of hloonishurg and Columbia county, that they keep all the ditfcrellt annthers of stove ram eel poried hoop coal for foundling purlinsea, nn theft Wharf, ad joining Ntrifelvv, Neal itOn's Furnace; with a good pair Buffalo sealer on the weigh coal,hay and erase. Likewise a horse and wagon, to deliver con to those who desire it. As we purchase a lace amount or coal. we Intend to keep a superior art tete nod sell et the very lowest priers. Maw+ call and examine for yourselves before pnrchasineelsewhere 3. W. HEN OltltStlt it% A trollaTtitt IN MON. Til e Lu n na r r o i . s e i r a i, e ; :i l wal r l n tit o k o a ,, , in ia or o n it n e n l i i . ar erticlre : Wheat, liya.Corn,Oate.l'atatieee, Lard, naan. ghoul der, end aide meat, Batter, Ens, Hey, Itc., at the highest rub prig:44l,la hie Gravity store, adjoining their coal yard. J. W. HENIMR.SIIOT. lhoompburg, April 25, latiti, —ly. Al 1:1I I N NUMMI' 8 NOTICE. Mittel Amid W.rinek,letref Ammer Ter., derma. Lettere of administrstion on the octant of fetid w . Clark. late of Montour Too ostler, Columbia County, deceased have been granted by the Rill der of said County, to J ea, Rheum, In retawlsva. Col . County. All perinea !milli elating boldest the col late of the decedent are immune ted to present them to the chola tolerator for settlement. and than knowing themselves indebted to the estate will tusks tutundi• ate payment to the undersigned. J. It, PIIUMAN, Adutinlitreter. CalawistJaa, it, 1660--Ow. E Wltti the COTTAIIE PRKdd mud the printing materiel ne. Mohan y I t,every man eon do Ids own printing neatly, gnckly and cheaply. They are Plllimpio in emeetrutri on that bny It years old Ran easily menage the largest Ilse. HIS Prink d inetruellons aro sent with each othee, mudding the reiteharkitir hogostwork with. out 0 previous knowledge o OWN l,4in i t ru iff. de A n t.i r r i ci s i l l o n n e ?INN lestaiounials. eel l Iran to all. Our Sperilen Sheets PRINTER. elßlZluMti.gin.,gen". PO Ann Street, March ti, 11017-Iy. NEW TURK. _ _ DR. W. H. BRADL ~Y, (Latit Aleletent llledge., Dllvgiarlf.' Physician and Surgeon. Ir 7" Dike al the Narks Hotel, elvnaletnirg. Calle promptly attended lo Mak night and lbw. Bloombarg. Nov. VI, INK y Removal of the Dead. IN romans* Ad of An Aof the Login'atom op. provede April IMA NM, nailer 11111 brebY RIV"" t° oil pareane having Moods or rolativas Wiled within the apace of Ira foal no Mal. Omit by to ram on hen Vireo, en the pouthwoot corner of At. Paul', Clara Yard, Bloompliorg, Ili* *a Notion nook rtonovolf by laa aortlviag fratalla or radallvoo. boftaa tiro Aryl day of June, ulna 1W Shtd Noy will bit mewl nod it! Iniorod by the %y or raid Church bY abiborily Ny order o che Voatry. .1 J, lIROWNR, evesident Annat P Non 0,41., PerretorY. fisonmaioira, April uois-31 A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Newly opposite the Epiiro Church, CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MY rtnrk la computed or the rtothlns, nottdigas anti In* priend—adapted to ati ennditinns, gamins and wants. II S , hail the leinst styles rot the sauon—a fine anortugeul Ur Overcoats and GentlelNS'S 6haM:B, frame low to the very heat Nu Goode tire booltionulde ant! well 41,ide. In addition to my stunk of ready wade elothi us, I have plow ramie for custom onion. Cloibs, Camnimerrii, &c. And bovine one of the Ant Clif cutter*, l suaran• We aAt in all saw. and give sallhflClloll. Alm, ■ variety of WOOLEN AND LINEN ShIRTS, illorkinge Necktie,. Collars, Nock'. Ifondkerrniefe —everything la the 110 tlellllllll'll Ilan Or cloth) w Also, flute, Mons and Moue, Trunk' us,' Carpet bars. I will eel! Ai the lowest Wirket prices. Please give me a call before pureheeing eleewhorre, ANDIISW J. EVANS, illoomehurg, Nov. IS, NM. A NEW STOCK OF GOODS, FOR THE HARDWARE BAN OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, AT THE NEW OTORE. OF C. W. SNYDER, BLOONSMIEG, PA., coma 'tang nr every article Nod In • If , •t OA'S flardVeglre Pane, arming which arc the fol low IRON, NAILS, and sTtIP,I„ WAUON RIPRINOR mid 1X I.Ezt, PAINTS, OILS and WASS, GRAIN and GRABS BYTIIEd, and ISYTIIE SWATHS, GRAIN CR RAKE O I, kc , ka., K III"S COMBINED REA PER & MOWER, HOSTETTER'S CELEIIII ATEI) PATENT BAG - 1101.1)E11, AND THE IMPROVE!) CHERRY SEEDER. I.IMSERGCR"..4 OIL POLIPII a %%110R:solo and antald. GIVK lIIM A CAW. b'aee•batf. June GI. IMO. ILIVGIrs CoMMERCIAL 111.1nims Cr We nelinimer to (arms. Ind .ionlf.r. u 1 t r r1111• ivro. lost thy 0.111..w1ng par e•: hare t nn adopard for OW prevent rpring oemoiti - PIi()SrITATt: Price. t. per 1.1.91/0 lbs BAUCHI' riliciGri now: FER1'11.17.81% 311 per lbs. DAirwpß morn) M VMURE Pri , e. Vol pPr LOC lb.. c..., Tide rtll known pepnler i mDE MARK t. , •.1.:•,,,,,,1. will 1. fonntl ipini rr , ry pirkeen of the zmr,hove ei.lll,lo'ol. Tip , ilV:11 ertiintitinn in ,5,th.,..,A,.,..i.•,:,,..m. 411114 ha,” barn h”1,1, ihir In, hilirtn , n yeller part, we A in !l folv int•tain in the fiiiiire Ilevine non' the rn. tir......nir0l 4it g ply I rn• ~,,,,, „f i i i . city of Chit evi. Inr hi , iiiphi It Am- M 01111( WO I t litt 4 ittt.ol ,, 3, trlthittt 'martial. v a.: —Rouen, Ilrtrti neon hlt.tul Atr . wr h lye. in tt , tourrtiqn t, ills .ttir tvnrk 4 en l'hiltittelpitjA , the hirgert fin 1171te, (or rii.rilAtmq !twoa inanui..i, et Still utrove low puree, Hirl;11 & rt)NP. Plifinlelphia. 111'111.-WKSTEUN Feta I 1.141NG I'o., t.'h:eag.). 3011 . 4 1: I.STON 0., Gen Ag'hi, New Nefl. G11:010:f: W. K 1 F. CO ' flooton. fi MUG t: (WC; (1 %I.K. Agtni. Itults mot,. em , nil lurnruntinn r ,, apwri ma rh.• •hove Manures, vdarer. nith•r no' UP. above Duane f. January 'll. Infi7 SCRANTON BOOK IHNI)E1t1. It a ya nr. 'ern, r e i the pen; Ire! nr Mr 11 One nl ihr 1..,t hinder* I. 11,11.11110 111 the elate, WI: ;IV iimpared to furoi.lll.l DANK 'S. irvevitANI#I:I I IMPANICO. /1/ cues, awn+. AIAN VALTIIRERK 1.1):11. OPERATORS. 110113. 411 1 1 111111 . 114. AN tin 1111.1117 K nook Pi of errry ilotiortot loin. on Ono milli, holmd in nu (vi. dr'air.r . d. In the moil rulortntitial ti oinitor, at roitoinionle prirrr. YlilAf/17111.11 bound, and old book o roliounit, at New Vorli prix. a. trader. Irel nt Ow calico of the paper toililishina 110. I 1 1 ,. .1' 1 • 0 .1 ,•1 / 1 . or loot by Lior•••• • r.,11 1,,, at tendril to and r.Aurued Without iiiiiirre—orry delay. li. o. M. 1111.1.. Hlrantini. N . Jane Id. Itai7.—tr. IDEN'fISTRY. lIC. HI 0 W E R, . SURGEON DRNTIST. RPAIPECTYIII.I,I( oltern WI profeea SMinnal services to Om ladle* and gent', turn of 111 inivirhuritittol vicinity, Ile to nrliareil in Wend to ati the en Hon. ap•mil ion. in the line of prole/won omit, pro, otod wilt rie latent improved PORCEI.4I.II 174:771, m bicl• w II twin...W..l nit rolil.pliitine,otlorr antl rubber br e tolotosw..ll as the HAIOII3I berth MI ter al Witte and block tooth manufactured air. all area. tiros on torth•ritrefully and properly a in•nded to, Ittooplelire and OM c a maw door. above the Court H tone. ram,. stile. SI to.nahara. June f IPII3 C.E. VAGE • - • Pratlital Walchmaker mad Jeweler. MAIN S'fitEr,r, (near the Court House,) BLOOMSIIVRG, PA. Constantly no liana a dna nerorlureer of American and sari.. Watelies,Clocko, Jewelry, 1111vcrwineand eprtecles. Particular attention paid to the repairing of Chick* WelLhee and Jr wftlry. Maeotin: Nlarke made to °H.q. All work Warranted. Illooniktiorg, April 17 1137. N W OYSTER SALOON, in the basement of the ADITEarB,ASS BALTZEIL LEACOM, SUPT. pr,,,bo r itt,s served up In ryory style end at all !inure ; with all ,the other ilisios" found in Orel claim Reetauranie. XX Ale I onatniitly on hand. to ether with choirs Lipton' of every brand. Everything in order ■bout alio, Stilonn. Rowdyism not tolerated. ttnp In and find my Aaloon in clean neat order. blOonisbuil. Nov. 1807-3 m. STOVES AND TINWAIt E. A. M; RUPERT, Announce. to Ills ninny friend...lnd niinierona fill• towers thut lie continue. the 'boy.. buP.0 4, 1 , it hi, old place of huoluees un hints eniEEr, 01.003114. BMW. • . Ilia Elleiellaefill and (where enn be acenonniiihted with FANCY STOVES / 1 1% oral' blade, ftteveripee,Tinware, and every ankle round In all well regulated wro v AND CIBTAMAtIHMENTIJ in the Otiose, MI ea the moat reaounable tering. . . Cl.7' MPOUTINM, for hooves and torn., will l i p p u t lip on short notice. Also, all kinds of repairing dorm promptly and upon lii,ornl term', Ito also keeps on hand a large supply of Milk Pans, of different macs nnd priest im,,,,jea a aria ap . sortment or Fisher's Patent rtelf•llaallag Fruit I're• 'Prying fens. Wes him a call. isle IS, Italti.—tf. NATNUEL EvensTr eiMl HERTZLER & GUION , AND DEALEIRN IN WINES AND 1.1% UO. NO. VIA WALNUT AT MET, AND NO. iv GRANITE, STIIKAT, 11111111 Y itcrtmeit, UNO. A. UUlopi, Augliqt 7. iffo. BLANKSIBLIRKs!I 01 propy doserftftiorvi for pale, at alio office N()ItiIIERN cENTItAI. "ZIPQr4Q. - X • Din "Am Rolm': NORTH AND SOUTH beitrren Miltimnre and Roehrder Trillion' Change of Caro. ON and attar April Vlh , 11 0 7, Traino will run ar lollolga : THAINs NORTHWARD. IS 01 4. pl leave Nninhamborlan4. Plopping tit prin. rips! 'tawny, arriving idWllqum. p n n, f 41 e. Rialto lit 00 moon, Contaidaigita 3 13 p, N.. loath, ter 4 In Otor.i in II 13 r. 5., Niagara Pang 0 110 P. 5. 4 4, r. N. leuve Nur l llo l ohorland, stopping at all atalinna. arriving at Williataspuit, r. la, El. mita II 03 P. N. TRAINS SOUTHWARD, ri 03 a. M., Ivavn NnehtllllbPplail.i, ptoppinr at I: r :: 4lN1 1 11 7 '" : "5 e ljr""" % 3U w ILSiI,c 11 N.7lladlAtalitr. 10 10 a, r IP•P• Nunbntnberla,i 1 , Ptopping al all datinn P. arriving nt llarrkbarg. of 1 13 r. a., Ital. donor' a 00 r. m.. Philadelphia 3 40 P. N. 3 l 0 r. N , 1..av0 Alortalitolweand. plopping it all lotions, it rriv ni II r. N., Phllade I phi& I IMI •. N Unltimora 7 tal ♦ N. II SO r. N , leave Northun,o,,rlao.l, eoppitig a palrietpnirtationo. arriving at Ilaret,aeri '3 go ♦ N ~ Hatt' more 700 CM , Phil de Ipli is 7 U%. N. J. N. ill/DANNY, VOUI4II. eup'i. Ilarriaburg, Pa. WWI Pisa. Agent. ISAAC M. Sill Komt:Rilinl Oral Weplerti Preighl Agent, Hntralo, N Y. May, 0. 11407. M. M. TRA UGH/ ATTORNEY-AT-I. 131; 00 II 1117? Pa. will prartire In Ills several Court/ of Columbia and adjoining molting. t r All Collection. promptly attended to. June 110, - - 1. "7"" Diatom. autumn** mit) e trealaA with 4 the uttnort .tircera by J. IS A ACM. M. 11.. Oculist Aitriet (former ly of Lupien. II o No. $4 Arrh tltrrel, Philadelphia, Testimonial, from the moat rr.ltubla •oorces turity sad country ran be saes nt MI. °Sire. The Medical faculty or , Invited to se 'm111,1.111) , their ontienta. a* he Imo au fowls in lo• prnr tvr. ARTIFICIAL EYLS Itowtt..d limo,' pay. N charge Alt eSilliinllisms Nov. 13. ItOl3.—ly TILE HEALING POOL, AND ROCSE (IF MERCY. 'inward H , Tort. for YOUSIII MEN on th.• CRIME lIY Pol and the COMMA Alit'sES whirl, de •troy the manly pwArre, tin.l creAte imprdimrnl• le MAIIR I AGit, wear rnr. nn•nn, of Wier Prat in o.rnied 1,11,1 en ,rlopro. Cr,. , of charge. Aeffro.... Ilk. J. PK 111,'1; II l'(011. RowAlil Auaintion. l'bitsdrlphir, I'a. June S, _ NI A 71i 1100111 : `'l. o Than Lost. ILoro Resitired. Jed Published, a new r.litlon of AR etIINERWEI.L'S Cal , brniv4l Ca•ny no thr rAft • iarlcur. nuMirum,of ripermMorthoum, Sum WelllkMuug, inemlorilliaryl 4 4.llllll4l 1.1 1 .1 , •. SPUrgr. 141 , Mtal au l Pliyi.rui 11,1.41 par st y, I mprdu u .• n 1 oi In Marricsy.., eta. ; rotmo romPliMpliom Epslut , y and rd. induced by snit Indulgunce ur b••tual I . xtraVr. ignoble. (17. 0. Para. in a 991111" fl envelope, only fi rents, Tim eelcltrpted author iti this ithinirithle vainly dearly denentatrater, porn a Thirty year.' eueeevio int prod i.e. that the alarming eon.ieloeueee or sell' Shims may ho radically cored without the dun g y,. now use of internal medurisie or Ihr application or the Maitre..ptillitilla out p mode of Cliff. al oarn 91111. pia eeffaln, and freltaal. lay menus of which ever; odlotrir. an ~antler what IIi• anallition ins) , 10., Ins) cure binspolf 9111.11p1y pnvulriy , 111111 ftnlnally. Thl. teeter« .thotthl be in Iha hauda ut very youth and ever) man in the 0..111 under ...ill, in s plum rilvethpe, to Any ad, firr.. on ref ripi of r‘ii Lent.. in Iso pool Staillp • Ad.lien the publislwra. riIAK. J. t: KLINE 117 flowery. W. 1% York. Post tlifice tp. ft. 43041 Nor /7. 101,7.-310 NATIONAL FOUNDRY. co. ,UMBIA CO., PA. Irotb4rriber, proprietor I of elm a hove morel e‘• •iteive eotablislimeett. to no., no.ireil to recent! ortlere All Klink of illachloery, for Voltaic., Maio Fiirnaces. laintinnary Engines TIIM r:1 4 111NI; M v ere. Ile ion atone prepared to 'Rake Stove% nll .la,a sad ;Pitfalls. Wow-irons, and everything IMUMIy made In itt.t.elniin riindrien, Ilia co.:naive fiirilitivo and prnetiralivOrknien. wnr• lent him in reeVleiel the larivnt Goistrnetd on Um 111 . .0 re.nonalite tenon. ri" Grain of ell kinds will be taken in exchange feet ramino. glr Thin OP tabli.hinPlit in lora.ed near the Lacknwn. na A flioniumbura Railroad Depot. 1111.1.31YV11. Itlonninbiorg, Sept. 114.3. . _ ItARE CHANCE. 'rho e%cla•ive (moire! 'and pale ef flee In ventions, needed in every family, apt I imyine tame pret t... an be vet tired ay app() tug either 141114011311 y or by letter to J. S. LiSII & ('O.. 7•27 'Market Street Plellse. G It EAT DINtOI'E3IENT IN SEII LNG MA CH INRS. Empire Shuttle Machine ! N A 1.1:5114)0M4..1.16 New!way, N. V„ lela.bingtnn rt eel . 110. tun. 1.111 Cho. mil Street, rbiladelplain. r %TENTED r1:11. It. let.f THIS MACIIIVR renetructed en entirely new principle. of nierlian;roil, pi. Ha 111/111y rare coil valuable liner , veuieul. haviur been ...airliner by the wall profound expert.. and prolinunceil to Ur: Si'mplie;ly if di, rat)lo Dnnadifed. II !VI , a straight needle, perpendienhir *Won, make, the I.ut'K or Sill 'Fri.!: hl•1'IY;l1. u Well Will neither KIP ►or It A Ylll.. and in Mike on both ,ode. ; perform, perfret sets mg on every dear r jpr i on o f material. bum I.rat her to he Kneel with rotten• linen, or silk tinned. from the rharseet to the hovel number. tiering neither I•Atl or 000 WIIKEL. and the leint possible friction, it runs as smooth alrylit4o, nail is Empliirtieolly n AV; IiNfICAR Alttridise. It requires PI rrY rER veNT. lees power to drive it limo any other machine in the *whet. A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily. witnuut fatigue or injury in health. Its fitreogile and wonderful, Piinplleity ofConetrne. lion renders it al atom impneetbte 10 gel alit of order, and is 1111AIIANTEED by the company to pies en• rqperlimily invite all those whin may derive to ravply n rtiperwr nrlirle, to come Soil 'asinine. Os/ t7i.iIIiVALLIEU Coo Nil( hour'. in•truttinn Fiallirient to rnnble any purron to work thim mod - Pine Iu their Potter 541- I.laclion, /tamale at "mod for all towns i t the United States, where aariari, are not already eetahlieheil. Also, for Cahn. Mettro, Ventral and South Mortara, to whom a lahrtal di.rrourt will he statram. LMIIHI kILWING MACHINE MPG' CM. Soli Broadway. N. Y. WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL DR. WM. SMITH'S "DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE." It eontnino aye, 1000 clonn'y pr inted, 'lnutile column nettivc twee, front orw electrotype plelrr, on wood palwr,rindl• appropriately illii.trated with inore than WO ,11 , ON ger' and wood, and a series orbit,: authentic maps. kr, It eviiiprinen the A ntipiii tliogr iphy, Geography !,;,, la w Topography, and is a tomplete Cy. ch, pPilin of the tteripturee. It in neceniarY to ,very Bible render. Inillopentahle to airily Miniatiy and hunday School 'feather, and unlit to be in e%ery 11 in highly rinotuctialeil by nil learned and eminent men, and by the Preen generelly in oli part. of the country, a. the beat bunk of the told lit the English language. 1)0 nut lw Arrived. Owing to the iiiinfrrr‘iontrii popularity' of this Work, a mall Eng Irh abridgement, in diindoeilao Ibrio,l4 about ate pages, Itae hero n printed in this roatitry hi larger typo, ant rpread over irOn ortavri loseee, ovideNtly —by making a 'Warr book than the original -4a give the nopreiviOn easier than It is n nor edithot. It has lore than half the wading loaner fir outs, and Ir toed ronsidornbly higher than t h e AN gllob edition of pause book in this reentry, Some agent. ore endeavoring to paint of thli Juvcalle edl• thin for ours Tea. ker., Student'', attired Clrrgyinrn, Farmers, end energetic women floe the *growl, for tale work Walt pleasant rail lucrative rioploymei t, /trod (or circular., givisa full onr Orators, teats, kr., to h.i. IlLitA/Vl'llN, a ti).. 114.0 k 1 1 0.1141er., ifiti Asphalt at., Hertford, Gone. !shrug'' , 26, 11068-41 w. ---- I)EAFNIII3I3, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated With the Monet tr,rreolr, by IdAACS, M. U. °culla and Aurlil(Pcsirsteely MIR) , den, Ifolland,) ho. iris Arch Put rt. YIIILAID'A..— Teakinotritala, from the nine retiarde *mimeo lit the City and Country ran hr arra at the office. The med. kid (witty are Inv licit to arrompany their pallor,/ 0. 1111 hr hap no aerate in Ili. prartice ARTIFICIAL. I:Yl:tl,mr , rudhuh Crum.t. kimito tor , 141111 lyrri Scrofula, or ICing's IM a eonstitationsd distort, a entirtrpikii Of the blood, by which this field brooms vitiated• weak, and por. Being in the circulation, it prevadie the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any port of it. No orlo; is free from its attacks, not is there one which it May not destroy. The serofulous taint is varlaasly caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure sir, filth and filthy habits, the dmrtweing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection- 'What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the Con stitution, dewending "from parent' to childreet unto the third and irth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, I will visit the iniquities of the fhthers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulconnis matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tilberclee ; in the glands, swellings; and CM the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul eor riiptilm, which genders in the blood, depreesee the energies of life, en that scrofulous con.titu dons not only suffer from serofukrus e6m. plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other &leases • come quently, vast numbers perish by disorder* which, although not semfulous in their natere'e are still rendered fatal by this taint in tise system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or arc aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their henith is undermined ,by it. Tocleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy Mod and eseteb'• Such a merh.erne sti e supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the natclic-d skill of our times can devise fur this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the moat active rernetiials that tiara been discovered for the expurgation of this foul dkordcr from the blood, and the rescue of thu system from its destructive consequence% Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other arm tines which arise Mari it, such as ERVITE/8 and SKIN DI4r\IIF.II, Sr. ANTHONY . ") ItiNr., or Env' Ptart.Es, Pumrtivts. lit.‘ms and BOMA. Totem!, Terre. and 14 %LT ItoErm, Sesta) Hest), Itisnwoi.m. lin 1:1.4 troor, SYrIIILITIC a Id MERCURIAL/Alt. DnoriY, DTarrril.A, DEIIIUTY, nut, indeed, AT .L Cowetatars I RDUNO rennet VITIA TE!' UR ISIPCIIE BLOOD. l'heait I.lllief in " impurity of the blood' is foam for scrofula is a degeneration of thebnod. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sanape villa is to purify and regenerate this vital Said. without which sound h'elth is impossible 1,1 contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, arc so composed that disease within the Tango of their action can rarely withstood or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleans*, and insigorate every portion of the human oreat.• correcting its diseased action, and rcsrortu 4 • its healthy vitalitics. As a conoNIICIICB of thews properties, the invalid who is bowed down pain or physical debility is astonished to find h health or energy restored by a remedy at once 'MTh, and inciting. Ant only do they cure the erecy•tlay emnplaints of every body, but also many formidable am) dangerous diseases. The agent below named IA pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, sontainlng certificates of their cures and dircetiotvt for their use in the following cennplaints: Cortece nets, whit ht nrising . 6 . nin disorder. Sinwarli. Amara, Indir,dion, Pant in and .Vord , Inaction qfthe Mnrrls, flatelsey, Luis of App.. Or. Jmnar, r, and other kindred complaints., arising from a low slate of the body or obstructs •a of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR IL\ P 11) (I.IIE op Couglia, ('olds, Influenza Ilciarsenc“, Croup, Ifronehitis, Incipient Con.uni i;- *ion, and for the relief of t'onfiumptii Pntienlm in athaneed stages of Ow disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and eo nu merous are the ruses of its cures, that hiverlt every section of country abounds in persona pulp heir known, who have been restored hum alarming anti even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its I irtues are known. the public no longer 'imitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of OA pulmonary organs that arc incident to our dirt vt.. While many inferior remedies thrust npor, community have failed and been discarded. i'•i' has gained friend* by every trial, conferrer' beret or on the afflicted they ran never forget, anti ru diterrl curer too numerous and tno remarkable to be forgotten. • PR EPARSD By DR. J. C. ATER Jk, Co. LOWELL. MASS. Ayer's Ague Cure. rot ?MR i t rritnr crWrinf run nr lorrit tritrirr Frrrn. tM rnILLa ANN Primp, IlliirrrinT rFv.. P.TLi. Wes Apra. Pram.Hai. I.t. wafts hums Ileasurnt. Axe KUM. rwrillt• ; taribign- N itoirt I I Apo or RiffArta. NRIINNININ4 IN , WU.* DAP AP I:.M • NT, I APNEA/ tT TOM MALARIA Or r:e• lII' 11.4, Tlis• remedy hai r , n oy fulled I n enrnthe Bevoin!,,t CR.% of I'hillo and Fr ViOr and it hnr tbs. great ad. va.strig” over other Agnirontnltrinre, that iI subduer IYe complatn I it lltinni injury In the pnti , ga• titinitne osr of h v dr It teri/ ter prit.tftw nor iititni it pytklue anv injltrinii. ogre', Whitt ieterannr d 7 1 4 1, 1 um bp: ill ,b • ef t 1. % I me tile .. ci t r . r no uy v o. r tele wett,try P , ePar.d by Ps 1 I!. A V Ik Lowe./ 01:1 1 m. mudoni.l by ill Ifneryi•tr matt Osier, NI 11 86 kIne tvorria here. A NEW ARRIVAL OP 31ILLINICRY AND kF FANCY GOODS, AT'A INDLC AL L MIMS. LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA MONTI /the would re•peclAilly inform Ike citizens of I 1 4 11 , C1 Mild VictitilY. that *be hie Ju.t returned Ihr illy with u Sue usunttonemt of Fall mind wi ii, r MIGIANERY AND FANCY GOUDA, well calve 0 to .tlit liked trade. BONNETS made to order, end termini', dent v.,. , fle/4111C•II and deopatch, All work rxecntadt !mot and moat tasty manner, upon rearoneblei ,r, Pat 'pular mention is paid to Are,/ making. tzh hus PArrmaNs of every deseriptirm, pertatt tho trade. un hand and for sale champ. ltr will also pay special attention to haying PpeNt time and ;unary inleartt the art Ii Its partirularr, she is twilit...ll I In Di 'tali oho tr. T 7" etTolt It in Werth's . ' buildings. November U C. KA II E It. Counselor and Morsel at Law. BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Would a nenunre to Inc frimada and the public /Clll.llll, 'het he haw resumed the Croak.: of Low again. Conveyancing and all legal trotterse prontr.•: , attendmi In. firm': in the Exchanae haddlng, ntrosid ato over Eyer L Moyer,. Drug "ore. Illonmaburg, May 1, Ire:?. . . LADIES' FANCY FIRS I AT JOHN FAREIRCS Old Ketahliohed I , IIR Mienketof N 0.7101 ARCH frraver, shove 7th. IL Ar. 1 Italic now In State of my own Importation al.. Maanfeeture , orte rtf the leftism Ind mole beentip, eelettsons of FAIiCY FURS for 'Adler,' and Cbildren't Wear In the City. A r , a line ariortinent of Gest's rlll illlnirce and Ctor.. I am minbled to Memoir n( nil geode at riff real , ' am• arirea.atiA t would tlicreftire solicit a tall fp ray Rlnuds n 1 Colombia Comity and vicinity. Remember the Nuns, Xamber and Street' JOUN FAREINA. NO. 710 IRV!l tat., above; tb. mouth mule Ttritt , 0 - / - I 11AVV. Sol *Mt Inners tint wt? p Krim!, IN Pllit V 4 ,111141 ! for;;