100_ We410410.•,410,400,,g..f,•*:. Ei Si 012k 4, .nt to Wrielttinftlot , totito. War Irasitattatition to tbe mpg— wit of: k4tort,.: Sharpluire eje emiluttlsttaawillt,l}4 ,9 WA, ita ll ( 14? ror)d in Ilia store that enetbe4o~ l 44shikcni irt,t(4a. lie vitas , * Craw awi' tit 0.1 . .u;i1,444,n of Lis gods alb& effe sw 4 Oitii;,lt:'lo Y tit hs 3 !• , dft tit ifh , cl and proved. the iteut vat of Lis 1/1 og Store, y the introduction of two large "shore ult.- owe, " thus enabling him to make n largtr nti better amplay ol" the atieles in his line f trade. Mr. Moyer _,has fue'eeeded in .uilding up k large,eta 101011,1110144V11 44441 II this town and vicinity. liar CON SI UNKARL& excitement halo bean uifested by our citizens tho pst few bye n seeing melt a grout rush of people to•. min Market btmot. We inquired into tLu •aw,e, and were inforneri tha i kyr. l3eckluy, t the Keyhtoue stoi l ," - tuta rininived las .ew ,touk• of bixitihnlibiikatfintflialinpli Bing at almost cost, aud.•everybudy wax akitag sdvslattige of,tlac lot! prices. • . • . tIQJ - Tnts citizens or ITaniiile hard Ultra tops toward Ant iotrudititiou ur water itt their town. A. meeting was heki on Men- Jay evening of last week, •atni , tt pernatreat riganization of a Water Cotupany'plirotcd, by tho election uflitoutas 13.averi heti dent ; L X. Grisri Stiiretwry, arid ' Clark, Treastuer. *huh's and :crept! Counnittoos wont appoitite44, awl the enter prise now bids fairto ho tarried to bueuess. Stir WEAR your leorniug like your watch, in a private pockekind don't pull it unt to show that you have ono ; but if you ow asked what o'clock it br, tell it. Itio if you are asked where to 1.0 i 4.1 htg the best and, cheapest flour, groceries, prov i,ions and reg. stables, tell tbLiu to g 6444 Lisuk'i store, in Shfivetillttlick?" rtu l aws the Lest quallrY of AA' I= lir Mt aro indelitCd.tni*n.'W;lV..ll. Davis, editor of the Doyleetowu Defeat:rut, for a copy of the Hretrainf the With Bop hood, of which lie:lstheauthor. The Gen eral during the greeter portion of' 43 servioe, and it was 1.0 moo than fitting that)in :should have, been selected to setae its historian. He Las pm. dared a wait rare ability, alai more than iuterentoehiekwill add to his repute. dun sea op,i:ot 4114.‘ . tiir. Tun signing tit leh It peal eu the license law of 1867. virtually renews The law known as the "fhtelzalsw Law," which punishmtpoinewitniay lino of five (Whirs and eosin.. , *The amti ment in the Senate. when ilsis,,Kw e iding, law pass 1, we.= fountlndion the-drenlemtia nm that when slave which 'rPfealetl 011 1 111114 is itself repealed,' tlir first.tn lttte t l§ flte‘iitY revived without any fJrnial, womb% ,fur that urdoie. Hence, the litiekale.w Law, being the former statute, is revived Ly the , repeal of the license law of isf7. bar R. Srousr.a, of thia town, tilv4 vrrf". eared a license to -keep a hotel. A yea , ego the Court granted Lim a FAloott.lieew. Th SI (101"ddf " Will he conducted in the most improved Style of a IlrAfehtssemin try lintel for .he entertainment and enmror or sojourners and travelors. Floardinz can be procured at this lmeme en rea , nrriMe terms. - Nis bie alwftys be ntrnitibed with vinous, spirituous, malt and brewed liquors of the beat quality. rir We hear it suclested a row anyt nen that a collection:would hiye to : by taken up for the farmers, an the in neat ions were Ant there would be a very taint wbent crop year, there beinzArlitintity lellotv7.l4tuNt near the bottom of the stnlb. null too mueit wet weather the fnenteri wefild . bie unnbh. in fret their oats lodgern in th%gyound., -We favor the collection ! They. have not been getting the prices they would ble to lin , v ?Mired for the productions. of Abele, labor the past five or mix y,ars! IerGENTLLIIIN, IPA* AT MlN.—Romp tliing leis than 6cn Imnd:ea por‘oriq at A. J. Erato' Ckabing . i4uporiunt during loaf week awl left 'their oracrs for Spring and Smuttier clothing. The peopin ore be ginning to understand that 11,,w do bettot citlEvans''thnit anywhere else in tdan, as he ham rubbed out high prices, and takei pride in giving*to his oustoniers tkn enuira lent for their motley. Ilia work cannot be excelled, always rendering e wt. fit, goot~ work and general satiefaetien: Mar CHARM It. Nitit.int, Sup, died at his residence, in Williamspert, on Wed nesday morning lust, after a protracted ill ness, of eonmumption, aged thirty-eight years. The Williamsport Daily S1(04(144)11 auys : "We will all tnim Charlie, for we remetnLet him in days of y when his musical laugh and good natured jokes were the life of ka associates. Of a kind-hearted disposition, his aitu ever, was to shed hahpiucss and pleasure upOn these with whom he came in contact in the intercourse of life, and we .on safely say that ho goes to another world without leaving an enemy upon earth." =l=l GRIRAT attraction at C. C. 31arr's cheap dry goods and grocery &tore, ono door northeast of our office. This store has within thkpast few days added to its already fine assortment of merchandise a large and complete selmtion of goods, which the prr prietor purchased in tho eastern chins dur ing the past wsekfetieeduosd prim, Tha most varied Ind almPptt ltu of ,dry goods, groceries and nhthfllS, 664 'brought to this sloth can be sees there at this time, NI root), as his flier's ere raridly wslking o' %vitt the bargains: JOIIN W. GEARY has once more ex poised the pardoning power in the Nos of law and decency, in the qv of Purim Eves and 'Vincent Erwiit, Whd weir indinted for 'itilt.oting t o jot& of a atitalideit °leen of OtretiNcitul. .townsbjp, Colunkina County,. At tuuv.4y 4cotorf,„ditow4i rusts opon riNti win) 44 kitu bold audapity to pelititill (tg. this Ere , .(it /Yl/ elotpelicy um upon theits eautive .1111;14 :i W'duldr bo atiedmil of theitoittives if there wore any ritautu in them. zI They Au lin. ON 411iWpr the tl,e4ious of,Alte, Supromo tad, ogler Courts. tt -- : -. 0: 1 9 1 F 1.t4 11 t -IIA'%(1 tr. , t on 'AO Lackawanna Lik..tiloointlorg Itsilroad, esannioneed:',,ritrining int. 'entire!y pew tithe-table oh 'Monday of this week. Thu roi)roing up mail train ptuviem Blown 'Sta tion at e.even o'el;)ek and forty4ik minutes, V I !! 'l' brirni 1, 11410 /tastes mts at tht, )mt, abd the ttls.eVening train arrives ut , biz o'- olvek and sixteen- utinutes. The morning pea tenger train going south page* 114 Station at eight o'clou,k and thirty•Eix uteA, aid the evening mail , tritin running the tonne direction 1,11146 Cd 114)0111 JUI)Ot AL sift o'clock antl, :fifty -pee Inintttes.- .Thim arrangeinept quit/it:4 tyith ge,9 31 . 4aliptettirt ell along the lintfio tern 4 we elin V.er attention ta ealL•d to the mo.t rfliritiotta rent• Mel ea.•r iaoWa.Ga tiaasomrsoval .41. 1 .sonsinsoris YYJ duitiorstuoste incofttet to Me 14Ya.Ie fol. • Dr. Harvey's CIittoN(I•IIIERMAI,VEAIALEPIT , TI4, kgo/0 b..ra udr,4 Mt lopeArdo tit TWIST"' TWAIN with uhvorytnx:elireovb. I. hl 8114“lolunr.1 un oink. 'Noy colte/ Mid ileac/ InAroM eti'uh it NUN so gigue. ••• . • • Dr. Harvey's 0(.11,1)liti ME)I.X1,11; I'll,LS. " PIV 11 1101.1.Altd, . fut opfsint 11ou.0 1,414101 - swop p,swi. t . yet H e t hr tee. They son 1.,01 sktfungiet thisu th ordionr7 Lind golf are pct It ally bfsfiul.4 bud .01 rnbnol stimn of root drono.l I Will pool! IhPso by rulion n AIL port p h 4 not 0 , 011.. fral bb sniviA 101 l nn mit , lin of lu.• y I Nil, til o n Proof An I tlu-Vol.A Anil l:nn4.l.tiltul (*.Ulm In Lads.a un applonb.m. An f dres* J. Us&V V. IL D.. AO 1W VOi g. DR. J. DOT Al. V't Y'l4 Pt I: I,T .N t; I'll I . SICIA 819 Droa:may, ICca Yorke atypic Op s Al, 'l' N ATM eia SP. Pr demi. Ital. N. in N. t lippry 4111 Nr►vn4r 'Horn infl in wide or 6.11111 1 0 ADVIII c rink litld cutter pothleuce $1111.4.11.11 COMPIDEMITI tu. 1 . 4 too tutus, 4111 ftell4 41) priv op, end cod. dAnlyd anoo.its fro if floret. 444 fog 10 C 444 1, 4 y:44,44y tr. Ili 140. oh hi 11111141 Wt.:4111 . N, loy Tor. gm I,%vics - semi my Privnto Clreolnr 0.1111 Answoulcal rnouvised free rf charge. 004 frow e••r•t 4.linhable trriittv. by 10r. Jona Warn crIS .11 004 100).4t4ia tangemilins ea all *104t04 • r 1.0 Ibd 0..5. .1,411,1,1 I! 111.43 t tiVaVrt.lll oURATtIIIit St/AV:UM . . he Iwo 10 to Id boots. 'Wdhstrn•s CL hates twee The Itch Who:awes t Milan, Mr/ Platt Itheitti Patotines Ottoment ' fame Tater re , th . n .B Nit I 11:111 !IWO "'Orbits ' Itch iwat , ,it's t.. tr ?went caner Old sets. Whsootes &Moven, tyros Pon kind cf littitor Mk* gligle. cowl o 10a ; ti ittail.im rout.. WckKek porl'Ea. to. 11,1 t% alhoisAlie &Kul. %1461. V.if 4y •11 Utwll{lrq. roil* Ly ir. • ' infortratiaa atsatattatpb la Weaves a latatrihhi math or hair nitorl a 1.41.1 bead t.y• hparthea• (turn, aft.° a raattpa f the roaravii Flabola. hial«haatt Et ..pitatta, .. on tea aim 'ravish; the .atoll obri tbrar. aria ht•aulhful tan b. ,brained hatalhaa, charts by ibbhearstti Toth+. F: Cll %MAK, I ea lboadway, Raw York. =I I WILL 64 To frIIgnIATItV nP V.:1! llttrtertill IT. A relish. I beta tr . ‘ ' Cm leave from Nrretatv . tad n• n 1 ,41,14 Vithttv Coowtione, nii,f deis,juji ne. - the nerwithf64 ineffectellon. tittol efitt.. It •or !I. , gLt. ..i.; • It; Will f.,r I 'le nrontretire noist:.v.,hi In nee nto nilticb - the 'Wide UMW./ ii.p.149 , him. utters «IT: 0.1 st knon oi a fk•tv tt w.f.:cadre the whit.. .o.aarrel. ineJlens - •. Fen., a .11 , eetet1 envelope and .lamp rad w4ldo.t y•ot nothaie Addre.o. Eiii;.%ll Tk:3PATS-Weili ItiVPItT. T 0 C X 1' TIV I; 3.1 Rvir IlittlY A. SY 11.0.1 N wool (fr.* of elmx..) to all *WI 1 1,1 1/1 1 it. 1111. PlN . ..l'o'4 ll ln 14 nil 10 1" 1.1 111 1 .111 1 4 ft ir Mob ig %girl 01 ".'" i f bacritifil Woo tur.ll nt 4 101414 Sato:lien on.l apir ~ley 1111 • .1,0 •. In Iraft.lll 110 UM eriOil and it.. I: o .ps vvvry , I;tr•iri•r w ,l: it) .this RP it IRO to.' di. at n. Wiuy, 11116/ r...% ftr.,y•t btf,oint. Env. NOW lift A. I I SUN. NMMEG=iMI ;E.% Li) p The thilchill 111istory of line War, hs Charm.Mr, Conduct Its. I/17 HON. ALEX. 11. STEPHENS. A Book for all Styztion3 and a:1 Parties. Mid treat work preernts the otily entephoms end itt.eivot. eqqs,*. o f the y, yet .1 1.1,100). " 1 . 0u..1 th. , 140 intrri , r 111¢Ilie AM{ 01.01 IMP rl th 9 C , ..- 111 I Malin entv hn.twu n thv.e high 1 , 111....111 lithe wetchvg the A w.d tide of tevnialioa Pm its Amman' r; rings, mot which sere in Vim. !gbh? to Sir. rh.iiiwita from his iwaitoia as sPooshl 'Salem . II? the ()w.s ecru,. ptiblle tl.l t his born outfoitail ir Anil la Ilene ne paelist+ a ch. oao of horn, kWh egf,t bb Pc WM malgritly. an an into 1. anal mat of the hi g h...e etriler. The Orval AM •rICAR Nor 11• Al 'at lad 1,,t0.1 it hi. Ilan toti , rttly ..1 * it. te.porlotite. rot bi ii . h.m , / bend it wilt vor.ive dud iiinitetal., rilpild po4 impartial treatment which truts and jigs. tire ill urlV4ily .ieuviii4. TI intro., f^.•nr ..v.fl , whet,/ 11111111.(*04 la soli cphn tine work. n'• hhtl.i.l th.hrerrer en,t orthly sal*. (.11.140iti with an oirmiteil eonsiiiiiijnii, soaks it 11.1 br►l ftibactio ll•ai 4 mit ever pu411.1,0.1 One AIIVIII Ili Milton. Fn.. r. , eel to 7t mitiocriberit is thin ..14 , , It fink evitno, tfun.. 103 rsth•rtibots; in (or dark Oint ‘lonselil. To.lll/.. iOil annacrittri eve dile C•id , lht• and inn/ nue inqius. anal %fell Oesntipisuu 43' Inc WIN M, with Vivito Mullen. 10$ Pd. titian saincLA. Ate Aden 2o7lf)).; rent •I gIiING :11. Atolls *venial it., Nbilawelphia, Ps April tJ. latil-41. • CAME to the proisitear of Ilat arib4reittra in Pen Ira arwnebtn. tf..litits hilt r.. , 1 1.6 y a t.r qiwut the :Su. of I)areaawr that, a It It 111:11't It with with, to-44 *pan it. and 4 WV' t 4id4 fre inaat Yam' I , a; >al batik/ l• 1 , 11 p 'mord It. about 11 1 0 ) , 'Nr• md. 112 • owner Ie trio. bled meow* tot noird.er..reproperq. raYanJ lowa her away, arbairwi•e alt. *lll mold accor 2 cina to taw. ANDIteW /MAAS. Costa iwp. Aril 1. I.(41. I=ZiECU WOLF & BART ON, (81 , 00ESSOIIS TO 8. r. Suivr.,) PA. TII otth•erlbers Int•lng leaved the Plelning Nit Pali Madam, 'hop faros. sly °druid d by rilunui Wave. will e..utinoe 1i4.1 bISPHIP•S of nutertieturing Doors; Bash, Minds, Mouldings Bracket*: ice. Thui aro also prepgrnd to Curni.li DItES:SED FLOORING, ..SH .INGLES, and all tunas Luitibia rtqui,e.l in tli,rn nstrortiPti of buildings. Alt itlidlearTtlrning dour nt .hurt antlrg. 111 .1 s ri'r Nut rilni other trawls !qua tilled Wlll* promptues gd alas. MI to ravoctrivly solicited WOO' BAILTWS. raomabuor. AprlllS. 1601 t-u. RUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. uM st.di r i n ", ynnn It, wh.yer's Map met corner et Motu and !duke% &nets. A saual want of PIKE DIIfIWS, Medicines, Paints. Ulla aid Vagoalalon, alwnya on lard, aid *III be aeld damper floe at any other Dal Store In I.IWII, QtJALITY GU A RANTEED. P uptlotta cattially aampaaaditil •at Noss r. Drlll Pnor., lip di and Jayne•M.dicincs anti at Maxora I)ru( Banta, W.t.liatt'a Tar Carrlial, Boiler's Cu 4 Liras Oil. Wtaslow'a 180( Whit Pyrop, aold at .) nyet's lyuit Mare. Pnr*TlY reliable patent tnadietnte, call at Illnpata Mat tktvre. loatlne nt all kind/, arkiliesala and !doll, at J. linyree Store, 81W)m.butig. Pa. Mal 'I. tf•lai.•tf. .•. BITOLA L NOTICES. TO LAMPS. INFORMATION. nowntls To nil Div 4.0111111. IIES'fRAT 11111111PINI. TREASURER'S SALE or scfro:l) I.Axot ouilinta QuuMpi. Agreeably to the onsirion+of Ilia Acttof Ansietubt , , entitltel un Act to Isditee the St4to t, pitssed the :loth day r 1h44, the Treasurer of this ()minty of Or luutbia hereby gives tiOlion to all persona enneorned therein, that ,unkiiih _the C oll lltYp 1101id i liehoul, Pear awl State Ttiitt, due on tho following real estate, situate to the ]:eittet at Ovhearbiec.,ara IM4I Istforp. the ibt,y et' sale, the whole or bUell 1.441t0 of I tfailt at Will pity the charges and tsuuts elturge7 aide thereon, will be sold at the mod douse, In Illootosburg, on the stlt day of .1 une. !lids, awl te.bo tiettotitted by .wljetiettutt4lt! flow .lay to day, for at rearaints el' taxes doe sold t'nunty, snd the oohs sixrued un ouch respaetively : . Vonr. Mtg. the. 1 1 44 441 901.4,141 lioaleu. **yet 11119 11 4 114 tt 51auta Myer • " lir 44 1511.-7 4119 ,1 , 41.9 4:91111 1# ' Of un' 104 77 John Joho4on . 1 ' 0 :1; 1404-3 Julin V. l'rratmoil 5:0 Irlis 1;41 Anthony Davie . Oa 1.4i4 a 7 NW 4 9 M. fluin • 107 P 3 9 4 44 59 NW Mar in 4 11111 , 4 stt 1.191 30 31499 11.1.44 erletwell V3l 1,9111 31,11 Miller, 91.941' 4 1.05455 bi:rgar 44 99 411 men It 11. %v. Maornaltla ~ 111 0 64 4 hi John Knout' Baboon la: 33 43 a 54ey Whim " le intot I Ilassnali 11 , 9* 41 1,5 73 11 Irani sellfreld :5 IM;4 $4 - r echo on.iiis • • • " # 141 ) I , Int tgatt4 Ittentla 117.000, 411 1P63 Ito Alston'. 4414 ( 11 4. 1 #' 14 k ""r I 591 e int kale, - t.'onkarbsur• 191 +1 1-'4-0 1 tot Wni A.litte4ll 7 40 I m o, I i o ta owes 1: 1n I • " 714 401•11 I lot .1 , 044,40.•011.4 • ' 93 Isits 9 iota MIMI 1191419 " 9 1•J 4949%4 44114115t0, Litototunah ken' es 184 Iha ./..11n n. 311.1,04114 40 hl3 I int 111411..41. NI 4 Go • - - .. . . iIINS 11.1 Alidisilt. rya.lp* "' .' 6. .. . 733 . 1:: , .. 1 ii,a 1771311 Pull..n. hoe a otherials's ••• ' tx4 77 1.43 a 1044 .I.lin Sh.ow. 4 0.1 Si.' .1 I 1.4 1 )14114 Uailltillar , . .' ' " X4O 1. 0 0 a 1 , 4, Nn non Ashton qp e‘llll 40 •PO4 11.4 0.4.1..rie1i l'imuit .. , 3 fi., Imo 11 I 1,4 /Om 10.1pkoa . 1 . 10 1.01-1 11 , 0 Pitt , .? Iti.w..t 6 7 ,_47 eke/ / 1.4 4 - 4'648 ON/11/tan .. , I Ou 14'4 • lill funk Stsytlot 1/fenk4ls II 11l 1114 a 11. 1 1.7vock Fiobisigemaig • it II la/4 el H. Kimono • 3 .3 1.1.4 Si Jacob I • 41•18 •• :'• ild 1,4,3 144 julon 110140 ,4 hAt CIIIMUMOD4 A. 164 I 4.4 IMAM. 11.114• .• 1 PO 1.14 0 Jorkw•n A. Mitts .. (.. lAN I 1. , 1 ilk., A.lose, • lal tow kVA W1A.0,41.10r •• :17 14444 11.4 r.twatd lovits thoulue.9 . 9. 1 ato4 11.4 11 . 4 1 101411.4 Ptoostf I. :,ics I NI (1.... f r, We.......r ... 4;... 5.,4 4011- !Wad a gintibst Joulimwn 999 INI 31 1, .;. K. K. clef I 44 14.:1.56 44 It.ruy rl...l..aorget ... to 91 t't . 4 .4 II? Ih/id 91.911.4., .. a r•i .-•+. 147 J do., t....tv I..mi I. 19 HI i•i It C. lotim litsJ Parc, IP/4 VI. James 1141. to.: 1,01. ytl rlr..• Loin..* r. t . tom; No II %I iiholles UPI. •., Ili 1e.41 1 lot A.l3us tVellsver 14/ I•.. 1-5 104 Was smbvtlis Psis. J.. 4'.1 1f 4 4 - U INA 13J 144 , 1 fluek 10 11114 M itAv .4 sw.enwy blormaire 1 1 / 4 44 Aht N otota 1164 Mr lie in •• khGcro •• • /I VI/ Th"ters, Vu.Ols 7 Yd grbl.4 LU r,•lro Yo[ M! Ivo $, b.' wI. rAL " GA 1* , 44 1.0 %li.ll I Mew, ' " V I/II /NW 101 Joh:lo.llre* Gt lOw to 1: , or John I 1e.5 :15 I. , lirs Y..: Y In pc; 117 j.,1t0 C. eroll 4.1 11143 43 Ai lirro (*WO%) 3 CI 0.0 Ittotty tinldr► 103 140 lot C 1144144 81u13 y Btfift I 33 atelt'S t.ALLI OP UNitATII) LANDS I.Y CuLUMßLArtt.trxrr. Agreeably to the provi.tionA of tot,Aet of A a , ontitlY entitled an Aut dircet iv the tootle . of soiling tin:tented lands fur torten tool tor other purtinsea, itektul the thirteenth day of March, 1815, awl the further mtipleittenut thereto paved nn the 1:1th tiny of Mart+, 1817. and the With day of tool the itth day of March. 1841, the Ts easut er 'of Columbia* entety hereto! giro* oot,oe to intraotot coutxtrneil therein. that %valet* cite tloratty, Bond, eclieol,. Poor. Moiety itna :irate tnvem duo on tho following tracta of tut-ented lauds, sit tote in Cultintloa eons, ty. UN pull! before tha day of rule. the whole or site!' parts or Oull Olga We Mill /may the costs chargeable thereon, will he ohl at the Court Iton-e, in the twin . o f Bloom*. hull, PM, Ott the nth day of Julio. 1845,• vi t a to continue hy etijourtnueot from Jay to day Ter arreaingot• tot taxes tine .aid Comity, and costs acecue4.l Ott ea.dl tsa4 ru• No. or ACtele ar rirvn.r•. no I.: A Ann JAM J. nary %rb,to 1: Pmts buriati %Icll-n Sad/ 1.. a. 4q 401)t 41'U Sara* fl. enalguis Was, ri•wort, Cu!swim Coot k lrag C. '''.993 So al.. Filo4o ; re el 4.len Ural* 9. 01 .01 1114.93 2 Copt , f. 1.1 1.0 Elms Milt, 019 11.9 111..1 1 .4.91. Ritteolioise 6 Von ti joe. .4 , 4 iradifirus« bial.r I 41 140 911iluitten . 14". 091p19049 ' 4:,4 BRAIROttiJr. ZIA Paul Npple . 44 94 la pip.wo toutik - I 44 49 Wril..l.HllW.l 7 Vt 4 glO Gay 11049 IS 111 10 J•4/811 . 11101 4 99 24 44 NI. J. rtensaa ' II 1 :9 Wm. 1.. Yrea4 10 1.11 1.1 Was. R. liastwas 1 7.4 1 . • 6, Y. 11.441 y Oa 41 1•"1 7 f'rollarlor Perm, 64 1•41.• VIA., ikon 11 2% won Ahr , 11... Reeser 11 1 :1 S Jacob dotter atl 4 t.i 110 i IPI I Jose pb Statklautles 17 4 1 1 0 11 , $Ol , .1 , 41(111, 104 16 1.1 4d John Yaps C Sr CONY.A . ISII,AIJK on .104.? Con :7 10 II I ',nil, Wol9tt ~ NY Jobe, 11940 a ` , .1 44 11111 into:l T. ire tr, V., rs vet.. t , bierionn ICII l'o Ms G •u. hickhaus 1.914 Ud ;di John tlen• , l3, 3 , 14 limo Mush. Imm, f. N.". Wtrliorolairs '', ° • . 111 : 14 . 3114 : ''' C l i I : 6 00 :71 ll' twit Jordan 11/.. el :9/3 Agate, Porwr MO I.tn I. Witok..r U 1 41 /of 110 'l. Guiana -I1 if artsonnh" il 4: of 3191 Mary I, Waal do , .. 4.3 of h.)) T. v 5..." ". v & hIC r o a i.CCOIII 4. i. 4 3O Kity t.u..t..n ita , fillp 11 03 411 , hno4l. int *ambito& ' 1 .',kV, , I. PO Iwo) 4:0..0.ht. 114 44 Out J. Ho V °NMI 144 7,1 4:9 Joonunlien.n . . 141 9) 00 rot. r i.u , •llw.r a) MI ..., 4.0 Joathoosol bro*A /04 GS op '''' ' Joists Mina 5711 * CENTRZ• 3'' Boojornlrs Altobartl • 101 33 111101 Coroner's o.t. - IN ci i..,,1it k Itottroact it 40 33.4 Wt... LO.ll - $4 7 rrlis'a gototol '34 . , ' %I Juror, Good SI Ito! II 1. Ilf.W• n 74 5.1 tot Polos.llair4.Surl! . 3 to CEECI:=I 11 Thotoktbi. , o in .1 nn 7 I•npjamin R. , iber t 40 II j r ,,,,. 1 ,1, ( . 1.4r• II 3 IN 44 .1, $ i'r,•l , 4 993 11.0 ' J. Y. Flotticr k 04 WI 44' rillther 4 7.901077 . 97 73 49S 9 DITIII 63‘1141./ 00 111.4A7II.IN: 3 7' Jon , 4 enz 10 69 Ll.p.b ittynolAs k Co 0 04 10 4;4, swink To 01411/I.4lCilii.i. 4 Orn, J. Fui&unt 1 40 QM J. N. Joon' - 9 ft 4 03 John Al.rgar 1 44 X. 4. Ww. HutAnlow'r L•thle 91 74 900 Fr.n. & llttrottol .11 34 91)0 lialwaril MEllenr, Ile WtII, Nterila 3 ill oi l o t "tit ..P.iiii 3341 it i 14 53 3 ° 3 C. u. "tit tot% %V t.. Hotthin.l . 4. ei7 O.f PS 1Vii...11111.4004 ~; I S ';• • 11 g tam , .II.:PIImIrr It Kr le hues . • " Ilk V. 5 I:yrno I. 11 - 11 t to /I li'; 110 Itittaligna Vottal. A 10 17 41 WO. 1141W' , 1 ' - 1 ' 7 04 '• Op Mr .VlllO/00. J t.. ;03 tri . 4 1 6 . ti ' Altdrow ill .1.. r • 1: 1 0 .. 51090 1 / 1 0t twarrin i' , ..' 14 'I jfl; ~.. ~, .4'llt ' • 1 40 il rAull, 014111 ti • 1, 1 ' tligviit ~ Ed, ";, 111 , I T'? :03 a! tl t Wl* 11 Ir V /V EC tl CO it % M 1'..411 1811 A. REJULOCT. ' - """" 7 - z 11 .4 4 117 4 j/RIMIW •• • en in 73 . . iippOld ma ~ 7 111 .. Arplommo I, 3.i ~ . s; 41010101.1 11 , 0407 44 u 4 , , Nothl to eii,d4dio/1 3 74 11. V. Iru4nuld•44 1, 40 IL It 31r11i1,10 ' 3 111 Ig - John flfuldsii . • 1 91 U ZObillOti Koli o .loB 1 33 . J ICKM...Y. 151 IVoi. Irmlis . . 3 11 so, tkopliroo . . 1.0(314rT. 111 1. , .wi• rii.h end 11,111,4. minnow • 40 J , 1.• 1 0 1. b , ,• I or lr , .1 Ma r y l,.l. ~ 11 r... . tn r it o . O n fienou gh" lti of i t do I/ NI of 5 9 //WIWI 11/woo do 17 10 uritee Miry 1.111.10 n . of VA , I.linclS7 K SIM do I) '4.1 u 01 O .14A0' d 1041,14 do Ilt Ai :H 4 , , IV 50 / ' of It s lo 'AI eritotlf& 1144;r11& • 440•7410.: , - 10 10 I 4 of 100 ThoOl/1 . 9 lig.iffn Ps ' 914 lof l'.'9 l_tonll4* Item. • 43 17 10 I'3 01 •1 nun , 14••t414 de Is IP/ 14 .4111 l'lliti.dtpltolloti .. it, 19 :NI 4,4 WO J Ari avvel,alt! - ' le If 50 '4llO mni4 J.- Jnfiu midi J WAR • V!tyytit • .13110011/Ir ( P . A. 1 4.1iUre %% M. Monoiturir fitiolopooer k 1101teree Jn•hua Z1111111131113A111 Jil4 I It litinitoty Jot 1'44,1111 11lot!141 terlei Der ol Wrown, or. .Wf Probiel & loout Yoitot 14100 triter thlrght J Esni tier 11, n.glllar, doe'd, Collin Miller 1111111.4 Noonan, dee d. Refit ten dliblll.lo Jnolms Webb Philip Wall JIA 1)11A).Y. Joseph Rrotet Mr. ri.c.414J17: Jelin Ale .470,%"710011. Michael Grovel' Jamey ht ervit's Jerefirrifit ilngerthift& 44444 otl Jobb Merit I (leo maim/ HAW RE ;PO William 118 1 / 4 1111 . U 40 f:1 J l' More,. '' 4 44 Juo • Wtn . Wollobbomer 2.4 go 9, Po"tot-, 'kith I i 1.111 Ni Int 10teliort 2' , o 4404 1b....n0 tienfieht 7J t.th PPAR I .III7OIIOEZ. 0/ r. ler ItY , toner 3 o , tti Ttiownii skimei :1 1.1 3.1 G... 1...w00 II 43 ' 1111 J 'IP. 1104' , 414414 P 4, 5 4, ./ . l'lsi;ty Koh IP :I." iv; I on , •4'. 1.4..v411 4.1 ,110,11; Tito, 3 ,e, Ma Abr:ati iin Holier I ..: 1... I'. frr il'n-11Y V 71 , 7. , . (... 0I l• f 1,.. 151 t.UGAPLO.fr Vil A14411,11'1 lowlier 114 . 5 t 71 v 5 JA,..s•on I:.•• 1.1 :1 .4I 4 - I 444 ,, 14 , 1 Fritz 4 V :*4 Woy, J 11, N. 111 IPS JIIM. Ito. Raton I+ ~ ,1 54 I rcni Over 4 • I 75 Mar) riv•v4r4l 7 AI 4w Jasiol er,srhus I 41 !.., 31 3..., lb ;•.h.,st 7 0,1 11.3 It Am,' to o 1.1 '.... t.. 3 4; h•a•t'li Zit /9 1 i Ani1. ,, 0, (Urethan I' ''' l 11.... 1% DI 11. nilhot Su r .11v Ileas Widow 5 21 25 Abtah.on Klifte 2 71 .43 0 R , 4l.it 31uot%oirsery gal l:••.. t .4 ,d.) flu 1.1 110 i. 4 Pout , ' .1 Ai'lleory ti ~.“ ti ' notabias Young h :1:o J.11.:U11 YOliC, Tr er.surtr. Illnmootorid Apr 11.4416 IN.d. BkEINIG COMPLETE BONE MANURE Maio eticteted by BRE' I ELFRICII, . PA To Mimeo, con ats.l 01•.• 'top% 1110 the WWI r tsy Ilta -have fs 1122112 ft.. r:lrm,r , nt plimbla I • •aity eari firt,i nv 11114,11121 c• that Will hru 2 Itt•lt 1%.511 to a at•t:s of tlttutte.. ea rapidly as tli.• Itr.intes &Timm. Us , It 4.22 y.n Wel 221/26 , f.tyret 1.11 22 efillie2llll. • (111, 2220 61Mdb1 ...tart to.iXTUN & IIAII.)1 tN. I!;:rart. • ."m by a. j. ALSKIRTW . II, Agent. April 0. PdS-32.. .212/111•221.40. PA CALL EN 4 1 : XELDLETi, S.:Le NAN L:EAI rit CA:6 MI) PR Orr 11:TnU3 u? 'Ell hi a LIPROVED afElt FiiOFITATE LP izr, ALSO, THE A UAlloNIATI:0 'eTILIVP • PURE GROUND TOO NE 413 Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. We cell only NO. 11—folatired direct from the Coy trument. aura 144101.4 , 11A1T. in Bari. COO ii, . erth, SSo p r :MO HOC Amwnaial•.4 1 , 1111T11.1Z — : • 1 3411, LSO lb', each, nileS. $4 p• •." •"' A INSCOUNT TO t E ALEN& ON Aeon PRICER Iriorta. Bear); Iloon ulliec, 4 tiorro. 41 A. 1t eter Stre , t. and It el. Utlewire Avenue DPAIAT 4 IN OMR. I'ANOI.III ANTI CIENCLAL et*lSlisrltlN MUNINIAtas. NULADEL rum. April N. le , f4k--it, HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALE WIMon roll al 'whale Bale a IliWag 11, , o !d! and 131% jaunted un Slain and RWNW ai IFlreeio alma^ Irna. near the Pt,!nine al.!, o d• J. Ponhh.a dc I'n., In Itannaiebnra. In.n.e 14 • now p ion , boodulnciaan, etneles high. with cellar. and wrll anlehell. The kg in Itr nand n ow., on nt cnitellimhllo.l will p law/ with qv..., dim *rriulinti 111 cinder fruit. All eeteieary non :weed . The trams gig an made liberal, an tiro title given For Nether padhalar , engulf, thin *Mee. ' An.v. 13, 11.10 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate qf John ileum, er., late of lien tim 1,11.-Inthip, Columbia aamtg, dee'd. Licters 14srsotentery an 0/Trott:Or oyjobt s 11.11.• n ty, sr.. lat• of Pantos tawnship Columbia county, rkreesell, have We* stunted I y lbr Hostrior of *nod rusty. te, G.•hr McHenry, of towse.hip,.4ll.l Itwson tough. ,•'f Hughesville, I.yrornle t s county. Ail porsens liar As tinimm imam the estate tt.ll presses thin .ru oultweitertiod to votties of the I's ..roters ter set 'Mehl ;and 'buss indebted. tp Inc es auto will ifinke Imiutdiat , puytoont to the undue +ivied executor MUIIH 3lell Will V, LAW KM 1111U111:111. April 13, IbMll. MieritHOSS. NOTICE TO BEILDROS. ••• •-•nik ntric, Jure'. BLAINE() am, reedy 1‘ 3 3,11)J15 far role et the rollwine Altos! Ben of Kiln at Kiln, • • Ilia to pry thenesed. Beet linr4 • • • • 15 Do • • ..a• Go .. „ft .1 — • • • et 00 " Lail la building • • I? tel Jlimpiff ka.4III.PIiOLI Aprlt it 'flak, I ' 7 " Ifilkaleas nrs • ..... E L DIGaING. Thii•niontsignell gltaa isotis• lath* politic goner. ally UN* Inn id a. prartissil "BLitt:Mt and is prepared in .ll g Mali* oil 1.. upoAllio n.• , 1 reasonable flits A is • loligpiperi• . tnrn in tine 444 , iitnini torsiatitablo ' , winners ellinse ahhinp anything Juno lu his lii.a *wild do Well to (Ivo 4siti • WILLIAM ROG Milli • • • litmvAohlot Juhe, I Y, Isi;?, BLA.NKB I BLANKS; 1 01 owl' detbcriptionn tvr erle , at this ulltctt arriusharisvvtw FittENDO; 141 ; Ti4lB t • • A. 11.11111 TM 4 ritsvisiPaar..aoomei Oh WWI !Wel, btliov 51mikal, 11:romb , r4, r!, DR GOODS, NO'fIONS, 1i 9.1 COQIJ 'SU/Mkt arfr (31!INER [US, novisrosg, ; et* n new ilt An 4 gps4 by WI of to r f 4 1, Vie A NI ib tJ Navin; rsrorod a writ .irraW4 and superior work OWN. le 1m par' larivalbrilaW *OM ttld ccccc t• Iria• Vairlas to mays, MI Epouting Made to Order. All up/I'lpp Mt yeah inade Our rhea rent. rr I ull lk 114 sir, MA 0106 oil wt.t rd,f,,f Smith 5141$ FlrreV A. link fJ1A:11. VIAAA , a tai ti Pd !FORKS 110 TM,, (10. Prepeotor. H kit Own betel brie tic : ditty 'toiler plot radii el eltatille• in Its internal nrrA rte.:memo Ohd its propro.mr sonnente• In lit. un m. r mime and tuiv”ltiog p.thlfilt tbai blii f ttenilmloitu;t.m. for the refilled or We /next. kte ..r4 , • Ilse coisittry. Hie tattle will always we Pmeit *tip ;tiled. On( 001) with eithelfteloil I•eltl• WTI WWI al the delleacle• of the Hi , win.. • 4,1 111..41 (accept loot jeweler lieverate art 'Aff lireet../ pr heed direct front the iurpnrla.t 1011.... rife en tirely pow% nod free freist ell smi.ntiniiii erne', Ile theoltrill rut n Hneral pattoonCe is the rust, tied Will continue to tlesetee it is the B9'i 1 411 V 91 Gl-1 V 09 13 in 4.4.33 7 100 6 fig NI too 3 73 03 51 110 1 lii Jund 13. ORM —U Giu" ;"Ar wilitiAuis 3000 AND It eduction in Prices. The ttodeeeigned WNI ore, to de/ publle ult EA PA SWAIN* FE in all Irifola of Cii) Such as PRY nOODA. EENSW AU It• AltliWAß Boobs and Short., lints, Curt. e n d ' mg in ..very VathitV. IN, ed tnnu the 0114 of Jahanty. Win he con• ducted on n otriell? C SYSTEM. and peroono wlabin♦ in porchw nnythiriz in our loa. Gab do ao nt e very •n u ll et•truittage toti Clorrtut Tilihotexialc Prices. All of proatmentul groin tntr•n ir. cichettge CY 11rrnrdLdly invite the pOhlte 10 GIVE VS A CALL and a *hate if Unit & ItIUrAN Cater,lsga, hussar, it. Oct. Cosuusl%%issiser% of iL:oiusu. Lois County • shoos ors ..board of lionelnion la 111 hold ghee, ID . faalr o it in ag t buns, on the foll.onlng named Jaye said Sates, contelet,,,ion ;4 tau :dock B. M. 01 taxi) day: Keaton. fueatioe and 117r.y at 4. 1. 'Wier's. Penton. )1a) !d. st Unaot•t•ol,o. tPI Fulosoners.en, nil Ile ler clay, tiny nth, it I:.nitt line', In Iht,,,,n.hu qr. 11- -Titur.day Ilny 761. at the root n oo ., In Woon.,nofg, lliUosn-.VI Wyly, Ylay at the 6.lrt Uleinimbu re. Itnent heasaut- Hatutday„ May at WWI'S 114.4.11. lin•nnerqui s line aid Maaistas—..llonday, May 11th at Altiavalll• 11.40. tikt 121lt.at Soydreattool, eunite—t% v.:nen Any; Wnll3th. at half Way 11.411.0. brieftliefk ai.l Pvrtvttk 1:01.-1 burials", May 14th. at Mon Owen Ilua fire** k. enta.ttnsi sun raatialaa--Erld.r. play 13th, at Mist.lo 44101. Cialettt ;nen. Lauri bad lanolin -....0k--13atuenay. May 1610 al li , rneer betel. 1 6 1,34. I onytiot s min elli.mtla Dor —Monday. May Jeth. Ink Welllrti, AO 1 . 0 ini4Cl Cent (attn. ntenihrt--Weditt4l4).)lay e.ta. at D. P. Mares ho. it 1 " Thoi.mlay, Mao 41 J, t oI sralw rit".l twirl .:11.d ov t At Helm Ple--Viiday. May ol*i tit A. W. litres ho. Minhavalta.. • JOIPti P. FOWLittli, 111 . :)VT. I.AVIII Y ChitEtt. Attwit W. VW% LUSIBER I LUMIINIt ! - 1 1111.00SPlittlitli LOSIdERIWn COSIPANY, wonlit roseptctfuily Jolene the Public that tha have their PL. A t 4114 0 MILL . 14W14 epars.ion With sit ifteinavp asdottuntilit . ol 3„,! au., at tb^ 101,ine. prUt► tuf vaob. flttltr af• ►at:eu'llt 41 111Y:9Pf C.lllll/•iS %Visite rim Piaui:, Boards. Flooring, Nll • rface iLoards, Midio«4l Hemlock 11.11dr., or vilirlaned, to mlit mireltiver. Stra. : burr 411,1 S.:111.11in of alt 'Asses. 'Choir I Mill mid l.r ieher Yard 1.1 ritsale I ..nut. very conveniently? for ehipplite los•viter ht , !ltt . mega. hey era toorianily 1111.561.1 M all and Kravis* who drove or uvery do. acription will Ii wig WU% *dire Pike .111011.1110 1 1WW1111re. Thor are determined and top iarnity prririr ed in collne ...an no llso vale' 1.1 anima. Isle public nini e.poeinily th..4e v% nick re reivrhft... LVII•Nits et ha% Oft y !lava non Mill aperlally 'enaced to rut timber. of stoma vi•iy iliae and lend. reystrod. 'lames wishing io build or contractors lor budding, eau acre mosey. by riving lir :a all The undersigned would 111.41 1111110111 r. Mal ahoy are prienarad w iln all kia:.l of reparrinf an• le iir Threrbind Sll.6lliii 11. lan ere, ilraprrt and all kinds Or agrlrallurnl Implement*. 111.0111 lensona• ble Wliva. F. (7. BYER. &NV. hlownsOurg. Sept. Ite. I•G6. “inuusobutg. P DR. J. K. EVANS, Flip:Wan and Surgeon, II A VING :Seteilß , !...t.i It• 14/ M>•in ••reef. MAN INISHIqin Pa • •xagl•l ; ortnerally. Mal h•• it prepr,r , ..l to attend In all ha.taelos iaultll•11y Teel pitartaaily that amp he Intruded to kts tate. ou coauuca►u rate• milk tltt ttuit: . .. plyi Wir et etteilies. W stlrierras Well otr item' 'rine. Nov V 3 I SO, Ir [2=Mt!MMTi . The tietsin of youthful indlonikiiiin tloostoyo his hoppitteas, Etl/11P bill preopetie hit rn iai enjoyear t eig marriage e purees% of 11441141 M led alidis llr Ilk , 111 MI rr r y ; wit by the thusly use alliUte Wag lobed Cud (bound tumeoy Dell's Specific Pills, Ito moy reroyor hamthorolbro oo do• his 11110 ?Shindy. It gives • ~h. I Via woo ~..w.. CIIIP 111 1 , 11 rues Weslt• 11,4 n., Physiriii and PieSin.tis I)ntnliis ant 4.-raloyelorrito 111 r unitary nriuto• bolo tit I! 4 0.1ivroi by .3-Inii r yloyl b. , x. It if, ootirely y,' rlcUla au.l borsaolcos vAo.I uu shunts ..1 Jwt is heenstilfy w bllitt nylon tb..1.4. Pr leo slue ilidliir per WI wit h full dirontlons. • Bold by Iltu/Nlytt senelully. wh”rn they Callao* u. htttlirod I Will .and Moot by mail pO,l-paid sod .scum fy. n 1 4,brervution p•ixipt I It y Athlreoi. J. ISILY A .li. IJ. WAY Ny.w Vols. l'rtrate and t ooli &taint circulars ,will be_avot gobtfrouto hun of cluirge. Coopering ! Coopering roarer/1m rorpentfully analogues* that kr sr prepared W manunseturie 11 A IIItELS, TUBS. Beextrs, cilunNs, and everytbbig la Ike lies of Osopetiag, IiEI'AIRING DONE TO 0/IPEIt anti al short not4CO. •-0 r ii le phop Is lut i .d no Vain Street, alOlNSOittryl, ne•r the Iron tkomparty' s M. B. WILLIAM 8. hinoindwit. Arfll 111. 18811. Removal of the Dead.' porsuowoo - of An Act of the. f.e i laturn. np Provodnpnll3th IN notice to hereby liven to *II polioins having frilioile or rolotivts buwil eUDIu titn %rico 14 lOU loot on Minn direet by SO fret on Iron rtrret. rot the Southwest r , ,rore of at. PO Oho Yard, tito.oriu4,2, owl t in oitooviol 4v in« pore lvinr frirniton'r n isli v.., brhare thr firpt day pr Juno. IA > or that tlwy wilt tio So. Khoo .1 ..505 ii intottmi by tioi Vnotty o.e ntSll Chinon by with°, it y hvreoC thy order of the Vrotry. J, J. lIKOW kat, 1...61 , 1unt Attrot • ti, r. ii.Rlß.s,ll.fteturv, linwimobore, Aptli al. DAIRY MIC Neal'l* Sib VaRREIr • altt i *S tan( u roan. ilk Grain, Woul, Gams, rualtiy, Naval Fathers. Romp, Provision., 0:14, Lard, Tailow, If GROCEIIIEd. Tobseod, Sorghum, Alolaup t i ti p ell Ai, COMM I. 8F110'.N: )11! R (11144 4 1T4 442, 444 tit 4441`Wigltint!ton Street, Now York Cite, .AO.l receive M. weekly *Ririe ordonndod , hau nt , •nd[hoed!;ay yid dealtwaplutaj'ricaCttrraal pii %lobed to tlliellrldie.l Nate,. ,' . 4 ft Price Crieni. SI lirkii; Copts F caning n FOEt. Lihernl allynneos made on tkonsignmeutd. Established May 1, 1000. clam 161erencti glee% when reiMired Aprll I• NEW FURNITURE ROOMS, ON )1A IN STII I:, Rl', imoomeittrid, PICAIVA. ilttfirtZl CithAril nc thror„,..tin r9lz*vis of tl•I • totYn a, V 1 ,411117. Shot h ..lo It M. l'i.ettO or" tholro of it Imo . tleoreiptit Ituromoo, Table loran Phil P, 11. 1111:401Va4111.31 . thr iftle.t MOE., unj 4 101 1 .11.1k1ei11, Smoking Mauler. A. 4.1,, switty other eurnlllifo m end (loge toancfitrlho.. Ow public Ilrq toe . d, lly nod e rt. *Who boo ' , melt' w - .00 upon it7P tWeint ottettiolt %tit I.c to nyhl. INS 411 1111.1... , (tirt.lturotoacitp rot tomb. April I, folio. s Tile underild ned Pew: Oiled up a Mane r. Mill Nitta PENNI ruitvArr. 11111.L.11. aont arl4 c r a to the public UNIT 11UNItitED Toms mt. i%' is kiefotta:While Plaster. leepared rewiring ,eareph vuotitior to ask podia, Ile. al any tune Nut the hr agi /Zeit ikh4. WALL PAPERS, 'PAPER • ffit N 0 I NG 8 ! MI smmessß errocK . PIIPIESZ.. New and infogret (u ridge, Hater, ate., &tole a.le und.teirdl, ITOWF3.I. & ROI9tH :W. reee of Fount, red Market P11.P.14 . . 1k,' ‘ % , ..1 - 17' 3 ABUZBt 211.011's 'the nederoiatierl respertfully announce* that he tilo rectified it •hop. one door belttwloyer's Itrup More. in the Earli.ii.e.• Illeik . e brre hei. prepared to emuluct the Iterttt , lng he•int a. In till it/ brandies. 'flit art t.. r ultiolt,TP and iii.totele.pee to prprhred by btu. *melt lie oleo demu elmai 4 l. ulnkliti Int.k 'wetly a. et.ettlee upon the Wort e^neeniible term+. flattops pi' M.IIVd Ihr VOIVI , OIO 1.1 1:1/1111111.1bit. hair .Ireerer h 4 le pro pencil lo vt.itifnituilwo in cowls snore it to iluoirablo lotto , op or rot hate upon sen...nowe term. 9..7 . Neuf 'MOW the eery n.. 1 quality. us, 4 (or eleauias hitt, kept tonguing on bona. a ndfor C. LULA.INII Illonaesburi. April rathaatt.tHia. Morels Jet WI% I to lareeui poi that we aro gem pared In ~ t rer (or,your its.pr, lot, out usual tie: 10001 i of MIL' Ni EBY )09/3 Coo platliolg tol . the 111011/0114•Iiiphlr,ill 144f4W Pah end 01 , 41' (W.. 1 /" , .,.""15s 4, 1 0 . V"v edit Vow. 17.1,W boo*. ft. w•.. •,. Enid,. lke. kr. 11'ir *lB4ll IM 11111. y 14 • , 40 ”Ilf I , llofe, Of receive row orJerib•-• reser. low for 11 . 44/1. &t. if, w Ann. . . Maoris IR.—lnes Nos. Ku. IQ tr iu? Nord. Sewed etret t phi NOHOW. Bloomsburg' Literary Institute. BOARD INSTIICVTION. 11EN1tY CAIIN Lit, A. M., Principal and tqr, Prniwrut of Phihoutlihy, 3lisis Sarah A. Carver, Proccptious. Teacher of Vrent.h. Bounty awl Ornamuntsl Ilraischev. I •wm 0. Best. A. 11., Preff••:mr of .tunient Languages. rinalQs Aim. A. if.. Po)Swrir irof Mutlmmatios, V. 31. Bate„ Teacher or itook-keviiing and Engr....11 WA nal N. Carver. Terwher tit' I tcdrumental . Mrs.--. Tt;athur lir Vocal Music. All,: .1 alio tiucq, Teacher in Primary Depurtmcnt• Bering term weitiienceA April lath, I 8&. limotwburg, March N. 1S1:3. 11001' Skllitrs. 62% WM. T. ll' PI ..o.va folk*" of ' K..yo tone fikitta " ant t e best WO rhraprrt btotp .kirt* ih tha 10.1 4 1•1 Ttail semis. 23 •prinse 911: I)..pnnp•, SLAP. and 411optHija, 41.43. 01011 ollo.to Ctape*.;.b.pna**.l'oCtotr ' , rings 93 cent*: 40 *prangs, j 1.13; bad 33 springs, a1..33. Wernuttc.l it* !Vet **Our own MOW' n( •Toion Patric" eleven lap. trall•. It: ri, 50$1 to 1.,$ •10 pillar.. to •50 spring.. lions ;•4 Collin to lliir told hy tli..r 151. ea% 1,114 cl.iss good,. and at much tower Oar a wn melte. of •retromolon skirls" ere in V , li• may aaparior 14 all other Ilo.p • Mar 10.r.0e p ' • and /helytee, tobloapirriaarl woos to 4 , 11* a One 4 t he Piet litrtooreetatid of the re.t 1111110 Omaha , ' 44114 ateatopropps. very 41111. e• riot tktrea. origin Lebriallkia and .ottor of seeprioa thane •iirpaaa fop ,darobillty and varallarra 00k other ih Ihis room", and are iiihter. mope vlaviia. will hoar looser. 'lvo more as li.lhatinti. and are really eitesper flora all Wore. ro v ry lady r'oralrl try them. They are being •oI•1 eatertelyely l.y ilarthata• Uirooslooll Ibis and the adjoining ratataa RI arty moderato privy*, If y•.O want the beet Roll Pr , If poo do hot Awl them. I , a the'onerchnoi Milk a lima yon deal to or& r Il^m ins sn or rums nr ritiol peat toys, hod our ihnrcut gra.les of akin. einmy %hat ibuy need, and 0.• .UVltt/ Ora. to call riiirli..cntallle tart extentilro OPI/Orl. tUrtil. or send 105 0 Wreak price 11.1. • r, by landai retell al Niistiufwe tory, an.l of the Weill I rid, georrally. and sal a IMlVfliat. of Om inaltulinturer unty, to %haw rill Oilier. should be a.l.ltreseed. :11.nora,m.ry , and Nal , alT o fana. ISO Atch *Wet, be town alb nod 7th grout., Phil ailelplll4. talle4lo l tern.' w kl , T. tiopK INV. CONFECTIONERY. Too undernigned world rrnpeelrellly announto to the public that Ito Isqx opened rittsv-ciattle comPrerloNEav wrone. in the building lately confused by V .1 Cuban,. Whore bt I • pit pored in Anni•ll ott kind. ni MAIN & FANCY vivo Cli C4NDIECVORMCIN AND I'ONtESTIC PRUIIII, NUT M. RAP% INS, &C... &0., 411:., 1µ; IT widOl.to•La oR lIRT.LIL. In *Lori o full nom.fliurnt of all MWds or SW* k his goo a boron:too. A omit vorigty of Dffl,l.R. TOY*. ouhoidr ray the Holidays. rartimilauf stun to RRVA 13 AND CAILIIS. I=,l2===l CHRISTMAS HIS CAN. ett Toy' A tall is solicited. sad O rat larsetieu nirermAß be guar x, { ,11, WT. • ECKII ART im,:001, ERtu►RS Ole YOUTH, A svoillasaiil **in Party lit , was a victim to the a n biteiglit Rico 4144.4440,1410011 141 youth. %bleb rnotliod In 011961111111 WIRIkNoSII4 itivolttntory 111111•Rlool and RpJYhtle 111 1 1610 1 and via. n Rear N 44114, 2 ,111/ day. in hOpRARRIA isdatet. Altar lowa lilltitermlos /011111. ale. Wilbelat su t c llUbaltbl.lT d Iran 'ORR rimpla rules ord preirriAtiollo alfectiro • per. stanettl'eurto; On'b4 ball of s,ort rota httrawlty ha iritl ao4 Ilia =AIR free r4t* t•tiario to ell v 4 moy , iiesits 114 Adar..sr b1)0A11. TPV,lAisiti, 'cation*SlP house. Nviv Vormultet ti. Ibli~ rise La rips top ti (Virtripat vwx t, at trot/ r nes 1 in tilmitylraninr. I.•sra.rrn Intatmennnas..l.inbli.hid In 1790, Ito NI fiy• knnven Vol Hni pa mil I%,•*.nni.r. Viti Weary Intollgthror 14 1 nnw tqe latY.nt Indlin:totk,pnidor pn.11.11 .4 in enfili. 1.11,1111 id. it by 'noir Iwniftnrnno) I{IIIIOOVPO In n'i toxpatto Not outli a pyrer MO ..11,1y 1/011‘ ItlMild lOW Tbt pahvitlore of no loirillr.rat..r /vinyl il`10:lpd for ittity 11( ea..ry beYlOarallapurpwl hie ..int riot • pi,. in pirProar.. r shy oth,r,,ibut is th,in Ilf manyll4l9 10,11, 10 , 11414 y la aaaikgabs fat lawn lbws "He palh•l do;ihe sh"Ovediall campaiia. lEidv I.ava m110144:10 "fir the Weaaly,lntelltileit• tar at tbi 1.,t1 tom.., see yr 4; 41 It fly• N 4144113, 1 0 4• re lea 11 1 7; twonly eopool SII; 114.1 y 0n0..• pity reopue.. to ode tollatomo. IS; eighty ouptooito of$011.1• ittooo, •Mt. Nay totollid.oloot, p..r 4444.4 ,e/.• p.W.9011“1 N 1101 rnsiirogimess, rithl 41. better adverll•tigealsdtuwthan too Wotkly rue. r. AOrsd itAlirti • Va., sotal'444 J t Laktitater. P 4. HIV CLOTHING AND GDNTLE. MEN'S ItuNifrtNo PToRt. TIIR thedritreigtowd respectfully annotates to tall gqllany Um* that M hao opet.thl a 11. wr9. , illlog 414 nom 1”mon'• rtlinteleint Seoto, in the lower tonna ne the Ilartutati it al141141:004 1 01ne.1 car Iria at Idwlu and law ries NIrI U., ftloossittbuis., Mt/iris ju.t rt tureJ (tow rhilatlctpt. %a with ■ tarp a4ak of 8114; C 101111,14 i 7.71; and to I.l 4 .'non'e Furnishing Goons, Le. lie flat. P hutieulf that lou tau please 111. 1111 stoat cue•• MEN' 8 AL\J) 13 0 LS" CL 0 MUG .ao, a. DRI..t;S coat , sick ttiTs, GITILCOA ?ANTIC VC"TA, oiDLßethllkTil ilit.lll FAA COL LA R S, CULL.4RS, . SCP:I. tient:KS, HAND KLECL I:I A. UAIR R ELLIS, Ite, •11.1 in Atel everything in tne Clothing or l'utnitbing line at Lion • In clgitlon to the above he has an elegant itatott went of Clot Cussiweri, and VPstitipA. Cr Clothing made to ingot at the OM, teat aqua LA:till and ono b4ure purebaeliq elsewhere. au.* 811111 RE GREAT NIRGAIN4. J. W. faismsfsLlN. October WI N% 4,5,V1V211.2, 1129:1 AND FRILTI:EGLEIO I ,] Moithnlard Shot, Orewri promptly attetidel to. "I". Feb. Wos.-34n. N EW trrovE AND TIN 9110 P. ON MAW tiTA RIM. (NI: AR F.Y oPP(NITE MIGLER'S Wfoll E,) 111.001ISCUR.1. PA. Irttfl unflerelined has Jiri tilted ep, and opened. Ine oinv. STI/VE ATE 1):T Nino is, hi Ai. plari. whorl tio to mike up Rig, Tit WADI of 111 k In hie line, and do report. 141 KIIA iwitiitio nod dhqi..tch, .11 , 011 the mo.t 9nillktile teem.. le also keep• qui hand ST. . 1 ; F.. of melons pnlitrn■ and styles, which he will will upon fern,/ to nalluurclan.erc 01rr. HelaageoA nirchanic. and 4. Berting of ill. ov4lm Ratronx:e. JACOB AliriZ. Oloons.barg. Sept. 9. 1.9t10.--ly ► E SWAN HoTEL, ITIIE LITER 11101:6r4 Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa: The IlabreNirr re/pee/full? ishverie hi. friends 1111.1 the &kik. Intl bo rae token the above erell knoiven. iltit!Pli Or ENTER* %POWER?. • • and win pleased{ In receive the cortege of ail wise laver bits wiih a rag. He will keep A G4104!0 TA 11111. E. the Well .I , totked 4{l:!‘ the brit of Llgooto. 004 evory etrod wilt bi ma4r W reod!`r ontirr *I,IOIIIIP Vrangeatlle Match SO, In/ NEw TATLott SUOP J. N. 011E1:ENDER, . NM" Tailor Nhop en %IN 1111 l w 111 bit pf , •mairil to ere OH who may Aver him with their commit ile Rum. on to „t i a wa is it Iveltlii 1.4 *.f r nem vest • Inns. which he will spoke up to order with Goalies' Attention, paid to entilna g..ntl..men and bora atntAing. Alan 011111.1: don•' In; the Indira' line. R/P3•04.; delis *Aori Letlre. All wort *Aer.entod. V" Give Ws nil I illonieabara May 14.111 r GO TO BROWER'S TO REY YOUR CILVX)3DUDA.tI. Nitily Tt r a riAoCo AND CIROCEitIr H. H. Hunsberger, Agent,. M„,•„',\!., oppc..,..;te the i...rztepii,(hureh, - • •••• XiO 021ZSAII20 1 PA) ? gnehe nn hind NMI rilitifithell to the home silo,dia try trade, at Philadelphia (Pietist) prlceei FINE I'UT AND PLUG TOGAIMOS, onmrs.fic D IAI TILII einh pp. an ku l d, Ptunk ins . 1* Must v.,. Photrw.M..eforilitllll 114141, W mil type*, on 4 all ortriltm4rnyttplair to ttm ty,hroy rn 1,44 m. 01001 41.414. F, WM44 .In tvolg to IRO hiss a t4”.lll4te4ii U pendia" to the titled tor their pupping Or patrimaimi them oltrav«is tie 41.0 tin. eenatent en elltr baud a fail replay el fres& " COFFEES,TY.ANSINIARS, MOLASSES, Ap. reifier• tied, e.. &e. •&e OM he 0w.1 , * cle np fur cads or cutluitry prtkliKe Uetubee 91. 1147. MAN 11006: HOW LAYSt, 1110 W,•„11, In STOIL E I). • tripJUST ptibilahrd. Ina angled ellTrr• or, tape. Frier 6 cents. A lecture na the nature. treatment iiiiJ rndrtal cora of • Kruninnl lVenlinenv Or Nrrininortio.•o. Induced by Pelf-Abuse ; Involuntary Lniireions. lin PolrorY• Nervous th•bilitY nod Inip..diniroia to 6141614 a generally . ; Consumption, rpilepry, Arid Tem, . . Vi e nini and Pliyalc hl Incnpacity. I.e. ily Robert J. Culvetwlell , M. IL. limbo, of tht girt out Bonk ,• &.r. Tiro world rennwna: l anther. Is thin adniii able Ler. , bur. elenrly proven from tun non riperlener. that Um ON 1111 cullocqueoc.... of Sell•Abure luny tpc! cfrert• unity retoe‘ed without Mcdreine, and without ,i.in• 11 , ',.)00 aurviral operntiono, tonvi-01. inatrument•. riling, Of cordial* , pointing nolin mode 01 tyre at onee certain and rtrertnat, by whirl, 'Au, 'wi11 ,, ,,r. no wallow ghat lira ennelitlor, may he. inhy cure himself* chenply, privately and radically. This i.e„. tine will prove* II boon to thnuranda and tbnusands. Neat und e co.a: loamy aduraii• in a plain VOTtlopt•, on rf.ef4pl Olt all retail, or two postage oilman& Alto Pr. Vtilverwell's Mamie Oui,lo,proce 23 rent, AtiOrPoo, CHAS. J C. KLINE. al (3.1.. In Bowery. Kew li 01 k. 7. (1. boa 43litt. fib. 13, Idate-ly Peas& Co I.ADIES' FANCY runs 1 AT JOHN FAREIRAT Old Krtobliotuoi FI9I Muodforloty. NO. 7 /PA kW STItHET, above 70. I'll I L 1 lIELP II I A nn, In stop. of toy o*ll 1111011.10111 and d nlOOOlO,O , USW of , the lerseet nud wo•t tosawhAs *Melton's of FA)\;:tY FUNS f'611.10•01 WO, is An vary,--. 41.• a isle isro.o.iwto 4,1 Ct. he* (e. 11;14.ver 01.4 "*ltara 0111kA4iliblitil shrpot« 1 410! 0 ,04 0 at IF sty- frli•0111. 114.• plitr., and I w , 41111 t A•re so' led rail Amu sly 114014;11..1 0111.611.111114bent0 and 10einott. u rnintabet the Name. Trumbe. arvl stree! ji) SIN :,,(t 7:A tOrli 8f talool , :14 11 , I u.vo. ,get 01114 1 111 tt I, I A 1 . 113 1.04 tOP M.O. 141.1404LP/el% thetqlet . t. litXl ras. IMECIUM