AGRICULTURA L. Macelad Whitewash. As the house cleaning time wilijoon be here, it may not beam ias to say a few words in regard to white washing. There are many rocelpee publiabol, but 'we beleive the fol. lowing to be the best that can be: White calk is the best substitue fur lime as a wadi: A very fine and brilliant whitewash prcka ration of chalk is called Paris White: 4 This we buy at the paint stores for three cents a pound, retail. For each sixteen pounds of Pads White we procure half a pound of thelhitetwilfent glue, cost lug twenty AVe-oenia Mty oats a pound.) The sixteen pounds of pails white is about as much as a i;ereen will use in a day. It is prepared m follows. Tho glue is covered with cold water at night, and in the morn• lug is carefully heated, without wedding, until desolved, stirred in with hot wate r enough to give it the proper milky sonsist enoy for applying to the walls, and the dis solved glue is then added and thoroughly mixed. It is then applied with a brush like the common lime whitewash. Except OD very dark and smoky walls and cell ings, a single coat is sufficient. It is nearly equal in brilliancy to " zinc white," a far more ex pensive article. Growing Onions The high figures at which onions hare been sold the past season will probably in' duce a more extended cultivation of this most valuable of vegetables. The mo,:t successful onion, grower, on a somewhat limited wale, we ever saw, kept his ground in high tilth, forming a deep, rich bed fo r the seed. The soil was thoroughly stirred to the depth of a foot or more, and finely pulverized. When thus prepared, the par ty commenced:tramping autos; the beds in the lino of the extended rows, thus compact• ing the soil quite hard. This dune a rake was used to stir up or scarify the surf►ace sufficiently deep to cover the onion seed lightly or to assure its germination. In thus tramping the onion beds down, after the soil has been properly stirred and pre pared, the onions was grown, during the pe riod of its growth, upon the surface, caus ing it to expand with more freedom than would have heel the case if covered deep in a mellow soil. The result of this mock of planting and cultivation was the most prolific yield of the best developed onions we ever saw. This mode was pursued year after year, :and with unvarying .-tiece:ss. Rural New Yorker. Orchard Caterpillars, Yellowish brown moths or millers deposit eggs in cylinder, or rings, encircling small branches upon fruit trees in the fall. Those bulbs usually contain from two to five hun• tired eggs, and they arc protected from the wet and cold by a coating of peculiar water proof tarnish. In the spring as soon as the weather is warns enough to start young leaves, the eggs batch out into worms, and they subsist upon the foliage of trees—lf not destroyed—for a number of weeks. and then encase themselves in cocoons and un dergo a transformation and appear again us moths or millers. The eggs arc usually deposited near the extremety of a branch, and on be readily seen. The best time to destroy them is ear ly spring. Take a common fruit ladder and go through the orchard clipping on every twig containing a bulb, awl put it into the fire. Each bunch of eggs thus removed de stroys hundreds of caterpillars that would require ten times the amount of labor with coal oil, soap suds, etc., to eradecato one 111030 later. Lime for Small Fruit. Many have he-itated to make the above use of lime, fearing it might produce an injurous effect. It is well for us to state, from experience, that the application of lime to Strawberries, Blackberries, Itasber ries, Currants, Illittbard and Asparagus will act beneficial, unless the ground has been previously heavily limed, or There is very little vegetable matter in the soil. Burnt shell-limo hhonld be applied in preference to stone-lime, and not more than twenty-five or thirty bushels per acre sown fresh over the surface. Used in this way, with frequent and :Anall yearly doses, it gives the best results. TOADS FOR GARDENS.-A correspondent of the Lamoille News Dealer says he success fully defends his vine patch by laying boards between the rows:in such a manner as to afford shelter to toads in the day time, and leave it undisturbed, so that they will make their home wider it, which they will do in great numbers. 'At night they will sadly out and devour every hug, and grow fat as alderman. Ile says ho has a dozen or more of these little philanthropists mak:ng their home wider a single board not more than six feet long. IT 13 satin that tho N'aluo of tho horses, sheep and swine, and horned cattle in tho United States, is equaLto the sum total of the nation hlubt—,ooo,ooo. A valu blo stock of dou►estic No man has yet boon able to rise a clothes li , with the "spur of ;4 - moment." t . OWO BUIVWNII4 , a-t Tnt ' if iv inadt,tx t • • arall i 01 - ' • ' ' - 4 an. Ai - 1 1,111 ... if Swami title 1 sad Wm &V &Mint Ball load Newts OW ly, (11aNdiegi eaceptsul l t to 6 6 moaned with the severe Tyallie liaill i [oath a Wee on UK ifte*lspg sad .Igueselegese 11 Road. and witil Son Oleg Korth gati Ilmigth ess the Lank, is mrirrommeoo o4 o,44lo. comma diets and sumfottabl ' 001004ble• (.7 Pardons wields , j V etre their (shade depart. elm be area s sWatens aria to atiM shape, by leaving ti ambit at any or to r. JA M B L. (IRTON , ... Bloomsburg, April 07, 1864 REMOVAL OP C. C, MI &RR'S NNW OVULE TO SHIVE'S BLOCK. rim DOOR AUOVE "DEMOCRAT OFFICE." TUB undersigned hewing received from the city a fall and complete supply M SPRING AND SUMMER It I' GOODS AND GROCERIES, Notions, Tinivare, lierdwate, Ce dar end Willow Ware Orem Conferee. cry, Giass•Ware Ware, Haw and Shoes, Milt, Batt, Fish and Meat ; ell of which I propose soiling at a very low figureltnr sash or prelims. Up' Cell And son. C. CA ARR. thoomsbure, April 3, lOW o r .t4 MODIEM surgeon Dentist, Estrada teeth without pain hy a new method. It Is pWortly harmless and is now ti , ed with good sneers*. All branches of Ministry attended to in the latest IF fr 0 0 and most approved style. lieu elms and Utlict, one door east of Evens' Milani thorn. Illutonsborg, Nov. 13, Ititi7. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. °Mee in the ilechnnitn Building. POCOIId etnry, over Malmo it Co'n. Store, Second door above the Bi ch:men ttotol BioninAtirg. April 17, ititit Philadelphia & Erie Nail Road, WINTER TIME TABLE. TllliOrall AND ninitcr 110111 - 11: BETWEEN HALTIMIME, HAIR IV/1.1.1 tiVolrr, APO 'Mg GREAT 0114 REGION OF FENNSYINANIA. ELEGANT SLEEPING EARN On all Night Train,. On and after kIONDAY, NOVEMBER Cob, 1807. the Trainr an the flailadelphia 6r. Erie Rail Mond will Fun as 011.1wa WESTWARD MAIL TRAIN leaver 111114d0111114. II 15 p. m o Northumberland 3 39 a, m ° melee at Erb. 9 00 p. ERIR EXPRESS 11.11VOIS Philadelphia it 00 mum Northumberland ti 44 p. m. arrive at Erin 943 a, tn. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia $ 00 a in Northumberland 4 7 p. rn .. a r ri ve at Lock liatio4 143 p. MASTwanu. MAIL TRAIN leaves Edo 40 e a m " Wttlannlwrland 1 II a. in arrive at rbiladulphia PXia. m ERIE Foortess leaves Erie 4 :15 p. Northumberlaad 5 W a. or arrlve at Ehiladelabia lOhp. m ELMIRA MAIL loaves Lock Raven 7 la n, in Northumberland 10 16 a. in arrive at Philadelphia t tU p. MO and Eke revs connect with all trains an WARREN & FRANKLIN RAILWAY. Pa...engem leaving Philadelphia at Id 00 M. arrive at Irvinetan at 640 It. M., and Oil City re 0 an a m. Leaving Philadelphia at /1 13 P, M., arrive at Oil City at 4 Xi p. m. All trains on Warren & Franklin Railviav make cinati enanectione at Oil City with trains far Prank • tin and Pettateani Canto,. ISAUGAGI: I,IIFCREO TllltuUtill. A. L. TYLER, General SIMI Erie. Om. an, 1867. R EADING RAIL ROAD. WIN TER ARRANGEMENT. November 25th, 1867. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE; NORTH and North Wog' rot Philadelphia, New York. Rand• too, notwv il le, Tamaqua. Ashland, !Ammo, A Ilen• town, Earth'', Ephrata, LW*, Lancaster, Columbia, Scr., kr. Trellis learn Harrisburg fnr New York, to foilows At 3 00. 343 and 10 AN /Odic:, and 1133 RIR connect ing with similar Trains rot the Pennsylvania Rail. road and arriving of New York at 3 lu and la 13 and II AN and 3 40, 930 r, rt. sleeping tars accompa nying the 3110 A JI and 933 r a. Trains iiitliaigt change. Leave Harrisburg fir Reading. Pottsville. Tama. nun, HinrraVille, A ell 'and, Pine Grove, Allentown and l'hiladelph od. at H NI A M and 2QS and 4 111 r stopping at to toinon and principal Way stntinn• the-I 10 p M mak /Mg ibr Philadelirlita and only. for Puttsville. Schuylkill 11 :wen and Auburn, via Schuylkill and assquelianna Rail MR R. lease Ilarrliburg at 3 53 rig. Retianing : Leave New Turk at 9 00 A a. 12 M and 3 Inland n 011 ra; 11411110.1401 R RI Fl 3 • a and 333 N Woy Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 • N. rrtunlin[ from Reading atG:I)P /4 stopp bug at all stations; Pottsville at N 43 A 11, and I 45 ra; Ash. land 000 • naiad IV 10 M nod 11 Uu r. a.; Tautaqua at 030 •. , and) OU and H 43 r. M. Leave Pottsville for ilarrlstnirg win Schuylkill and Surquehanna Railroad nt 7 10 A M. and 12 (HI noon. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading all 30* N returning from Phitidelnlita at 4 00 r a. Pottstown Arconinrodati nn Train: Leaves Potts. town at 0 43 A. 01, returning INiVOS l'lllladelphla at 300 r. M. Colutothin Rnil Rna.l Trnino I,•nrc Reading nt 7 00 ♦. M., 804 0 13 r. K. for Ephrata, 1./tin, Lauranttr. Colombia. &c. Or Sunday, r Leave New 'Yea at 1 4 q 1 P M, Phila• dciphia 1.1.10 A M. and 3 15 P I+ IN) A SI, train running only to Remhag ; Pottsville B IX/ A N. ; liar. rosuurg 3 VS A. M. 4 IN untie IS p rt end Henning at Ilk, and 715 A Al for Ilarripburst and 7 AM, and 11 411 r M fur New York and 403 1' M. fc.r Cosontstation. Mlle. se. Season, School and rotenr• *lon Tickets, to and I, am all points at reduced rote*. Ilaggage c necked tat °ugh ; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. O. A. N General enpsrititendent Lackawanua ik Bloomsburg Railroad. a is VIAIRIS4ERP. RED• TWO DAILY TRAINS. -414 ON AND APITR JANUARY ~ !,s, Pm% rim BLNGLIR TRA INA WILL RUN Ad FoLt.ovvs: I.e.•vE souTimnitn. A fil AM l' St. Leave derantnit, 5..) 7.10 4.40 " Kingston, 43.1 c o 11.114) " Rupert 9,20 t'...17 Danville, O.:it P SO Arr at Northumberland 1ii.30 9.35 LEAVE Norris w.% n D. A Al Leave Nortliumberlaud, 7.00 7.40 f ~.... . . .. Renert. e. 15 P M 33 Kingston, 10.30 9.4 9033 Arrive at Scranton', 12 00 1.00 10 13 Trains leaving! Kingston at 0.30 A: M for Scranton connect with Train arriving at NowVork at 3.-.31. Passengers taking Train South from Scranton at 3.3 d A 11 via hos thninberland,rearli Harrisburg li 30 P 111. Italtlaiore 3 3(1 P Al„ Washington 10 OOP hi via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at: OOP M. /1. A. FONDA. SUM. tampion. Jan. 301007. THE COLUMBIA HOUSE. B. H FiTOIIINER , Proprietor. Thiel tan new eland lately fitted up for theatentnlitu dation of the traveling public generally. unmated on Main tltreet. a few slows shove the Court Iltinsti. on what is known as the "Bahian', timpani." 111 le centrally located in it e town, ain tat pleatent place fur "nests In atop Windy, being in that part of town where the majority of the !Mathew Is being done. Tint ptoprletot teeth tottheset that, he is preparerl to give general patisfsetion to hie lineal*. and would solicit a fair minima( the public patronage. Bleoutsburs. May 11 thia. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman iolio "offered for years from Nervou. Premature Decay, end 01l the eiTheto of ynoth lul ludioeretime, will, for the Falco of coffering humanity, rend free to all who need It, the receire and direction' for making tho simple remedy by which he woo cured. Sufferer" wiahin: to profit by lire advertiser . ' experienee.ean do on by addresoina In perfect confidence, JUUN B..i.XIDC,N. 49 Coda blunt. Nor York. May 29, Idb?, f °VEIN CURIA AND FEnTIVE BOYD, rend en nildreniond envelop., and t 3 rente.and I will mend nn nom valuable lnrnrmatlnntliat will please you Mitre*, MARY mouar, nit tlrnittlwoy, N. Y. Msy It% Itinn--ly. sIANAILY BIRDS AND FANCY v. , ' • thtaßf3 FOR SALI4LA lliilkitteigeed allbritior sale p erg bandsout. Qty Birds and Panay Cages CHFAP FOR CASH. The *lids are re WI best sing *« fur basely i Z i l i nt not summed by than *lnd. ALB% laylleilirries of baying Turkeys, 'Ducks Mid Chickens, in large sad smallnuantltiestair Ow *Oland win tor market, for gelded Its wilt the 01, moot World'. Prices. WILLI LWILIL' Phi vu's Malt e n trgt it i oetobar RI, IPI7, proprietor, TO .FARINERB AND PL4NTERB. The 'subscribers offer fur sale, in los* to suit per dueeers. tiff* TONI OF MURIA RIMMED POUDNETTIC of Ike Lodi illenuflcturlng Co, wade from the sushi soli. blend, aid dyed mussels el New York City, ; fir whiled She Co. Nave exclusive mired Price 0017 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER TON, Freight it nrkehergeefroms:Nove York ad tied Warranted by the `No . to be !weight for weight to say high prleed:Purrphi ate in market. the results on Corn, Cotten. ,co and Grain have been getenishing the past mimeos. It matures the crop from 10 days to two woe►s earlier. and doubles this crop, Pamphlet with wellies tee of hundred. of well known planters sod fervors, plod every infer. mutton. Pent tree to any one api4ingky letter or otherwise to bIeL'OLLU!d draPILIZEIELL, on, Columbift Co. Po. Or to the Lodi hionothcturiroi Coorroony, Now York VIA I i—V mos, as C. HOWER, has opened ejfirst•class SOOT, PHON. THAT AND CAP STORE. at the old stand on Mein Ptroct, itionntsbure. His stock is composed of the very latest and best styles over milled to the citizens of CoMinbis County. De Witt tirenteelefiete the pehtie with the fonow fing kinds nod at cheap privy: Men's call Mons tine, men's itip, doulde sole, Dope r Mid's boots,' Men's glove kid, Cengreva, Men's glove kid nalmoral shoes. Men's. women's bays', end misses' niece kid lasting gnilets. Women', glove kids, very fino. Women's flue goat morocco Inflator& Women's men's morocco and eillt" shoes, common ;hoes, Mitres' and child's shoes. Men's, od.aet.', boys', and child's slippers. lie alto moms a groat variety of HATS, CAN, AND OTRAW ROODS of every kind, at the lowest prices, both for cash and count typrodnce. Dentstober the attraction is in our goods. Pool he alarmed at the cry of high prices, but call nod are far yourselves. Respectfully, 11. C. COWED. Sept. 4. Inat FALLON HOUSL nutiperlber having purchased the oFailon How." hi LOCK HAVEN, Pa., properly or E. W. Dignity. Eeq., would nay to the /bums of the House, his ecounlutntteee, nod tit- pub is gr, nuttily. that he Wends to "keep a torn, with the necommodutioun nod comforts of a Hoes', and humbly solicits their patronago. .1. OTTHNE IRK, lone of the Madison House. Ph iludelphia. Lock Haven, Dec, trii, 'New Stock of Clothing. umazira „LLuzinum: Spring' and Summer Goods. 1217:4) 'ILVV4aZZLZia, t g lll 4 o s hisstro:,:k nn cheap and fash. ittillN STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two doors above the .Imeriran House, where he has jokt received from New York and t hl ladelphin, a MI assort Meat of Itilen.ond litoy'o Clothing, nutadi as the west ihOl inttlAle durable and hand some, dress goods ennsistingof Box, Sack, Frank„ Gum and Oil Cot Coats, and Pings, of nil sorts. site,., and colors. Ile Mao has t plea ished his already large stock of Pall and Whiter shawls; striped. figitred and plain Vests. Cravat 4, storks. collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, mt.- pendors and fancy articles. N 11.-11 e has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Veatings, which he is prepared to make nt loonier, Into any kind of clothing on vary short notice and in the hest of in:lu nar. Ali his eMthing is made to wear and must of h is of home manufacture. Zia Gp 41 `3s;7 l (neace:Aaaaspa ANA om'coziaTatic2.2m.%726, Of every Deneriprion. Fine and (lmp. Inn tinge of Jewelry in not nnrpnoseil in thin place. rail and en• amine hin general itivortninnt of Clothing, Watches. Jewelry. itte. arc DAYIp LOWEINOURG liloomvliiirg, April 10, of this. I cht ctful world are.lbe Dyepeptice. Without a etoid oleo Um Were CU noliner be bodily comfort nor mental enjoyment. Rc ttxt.en the vtettiach and the broil, there is a close nd walklerful alliance. If the nna is ilianrdsronl the miler is gletitny, dejected, incapable of rfrift,,mid ithiiiiiacst Ui all that makes life agreeable to the healthy. Is this a endition Ihnt any rational !town bolngln IA stilling 1 0 1- 1 1 1. 1 1112, wliciirbo wails of certain.ll• 11113110110 cud ytruiantnt Wirt C llll l , O I,l, l4incd every. where? Theepd pile has his fate ;in ble"Town hand,. It he choodes to liZlll/04 firmer the eleorder that racks hid Wily and disturbs the mind with nameless horrors he hie may to step to the coarest drug store and pro. cure a siipply of ilostetter's Stomach' nutters. No phase of Dyeacpria ha. ever yet rewind the alterative, tonic nail a nti-bilioud operatonn or Ale potent vetetabla epecific. It laterally regenerated ti.e !ether sic . stoinach ; to epee Hilo healthy action the dorion:u liver ; puts to tlight the donna' reacted that beret the mind ; gently We eves and regulate. the bowel. , strengthen' the enfeebled !nervite;; re• stores the appetite, and rnaktiv, an It were, a Dew creatare.of the deptxmling rota d,hilitated invalid. todies who uißer from indigestion have only to lake a small dose of I his pure vegetable corrective, once at twice n day, to setup, entire complicit from the pain. and penalties of a . wo ak et oniach and that perfect functional regularity, w hi. h but few of the sex uninteruptedly enjoy. BEALE'S LATE POWELL'S EMBROCATION, FOR ALL, DIMAIIRS INCIDENT TO iluiterds, HUMAN FLESH, requiring thn upe of an esternnt applirstion. This new Comporind, prepared by ■ practical Chemist, haling a full know,..dge of RI I the A...diem virtue. n( ench ingredient that enters Ito its comp°. 'oleo, is warranted to mitred anything of the kind ever yet offered to the puhlic as an external nppll cation for the Measles for which it Is recommended. We are mittsfied that It will work Its own road Into the confidence of ail who tire it, and those who try it once will. never be without it. and therefore we rely nu experience as the best teat of Its usefulness It is pronounced by LIP L72.1:1L3111Z1P-513 and ull who have tried it, to he the beet application ever Uted. Embrocation has been put up for over el ht years, rod It Is only through the increasing demand and orient request of toy triendo and the poblie thin 1 wend It forth as the grind remedial agent for she volleys dlsoaves tin which that noble end useful animal, the horse is enbjett, Stony remedies hero been offered to the piddle tinder ditterent forme, come of these are itiptriotiv, others et best of little use, and many ninety Int• proper to enmity the purposes for whir.h.they are recommended. A Judietuue ■ud really useful composition, frve !rem those objections, has heretofore Wag boon du• aired toy Amoy gentleman who have VALUABLE HORSES, and ire unwilling to trust them to the cart of dellen• Ing and pretended Fettle's. Their *labor' are nt length fully gratified. by (Dr. Erode) being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Enthrocatlon (which has proved so edit ,cirrus to the various diseases) to be prepared and brought out to the public This Embrocation wee extensively used by the Government during the war. Address all order to 14. EDMOND PEA LE. Ma South Second at. thilaJclpila, Ft. March SIO, '67.-Ortte. DE. E. W. WELLS, SCCCTSSOR TO DR. P. C. ITARRISON. Hai taken Ronnie at the Aineri ran Ilutsre. All or &re ielt there 'MI hr promptly attended to. Illeont.bori, Oct. at.l, 1 - M ISP R nut GATTI., AAP TUX OFSIIC 7. : 01' CalettilirCO. , trycidentJudgo—Hon. IVilliam EitsclL firm Derr, "melaba Judge" — 1 Peter K. I llerbein. Proth'y and Cll of Courtsletust_Coloman. Register and Recorder—J: 4R 0. Yreese. annmissioners— Datia'Yeager T m o o h n n t i 0 In I'. F e e:1 0 0 0 ) e . Sheriff—Mord ',. hard. I I , 1.:. Treasurer—sr 'Om Auditors— .1 . anon. MO , ; ems, Commissioner's Cletir—Wm. Kricklmwm. Commissiotwei Atturnov—K H. lAttio. Morcandre'ArlOkior—W. 11. Joidoby. CountylurreYor—lstmo A. Dewite District' Itrontly—Milton M. Tumid). Coroner—William J. Thelon County Superintendent—Ohms. G. Hartley, Assume Internal Revenue—R. F. Clark, Assistant Assessor— B j . nl ll l . Th DieTr s t, Daniel McHenry. 1 Collector—Beulamin F. Hartman. . ~. . ... .. 628, HOOP S KIRTS . 02 $. Win. T.HOPKINS, "Oor Ors lakil." After imam than Ave years experience and experi menting In the numulltrture of STRICTLY rum QUALITY fluor SKIRTS. wn offsf oar inatly vele , Ureic! Roods to merchnnic and the public In NH eonfl.tenco of their superiority over all others In the American mnrket, are they are so acknowledged by all who wear or deal In them, ae they glee more eat • Israel/on than any other Skirt. and /commend them in every respect. Heaters In Hoop, Skirts should make a.nme of this. fact. Every lady who has not given them a trial should do so without farther delay. Our isroronent embraces every style, length and PM for Ladles, M1N0,15 and Children, A 49. Skirts MADE TO (ADEL Mthred and repelled. Aek for ..11upkins' Own Hake, " and be not deceiv• ed. See that the totter -II" is woven on the tapes betwnen each hoop, and that they are matuirod W. T. HOPKINS, Manufacturer. gild Arch Otreet, Phila dolphin," ppon each tape. No ethereal'', MU lite. Also, constantly on hand a full line of vnol New VUI k and Cement Made Sidon, at very low prices. Wholesale - and' IMO, At the SIIILADELPIIIA uoor SKIRT Menurnetery rind Emporium, No, ht 3 Arch Street rhiledelphin, !JOYKINS. Get, 10. Iso.—lhme. AGENTS WANTED FOR HT E BLUE-OATS. AND WM THEY UM. FOUGHT AND DIED Mla=l I=l Ecenes"and Incidents in A Nereat Rebellion Comprielne Verrativen rectonat Adventotr.Thril ling Ito ohm,. Patios lispioltn, Bernie Dee,le, Wonderrni I:reopen, l.ifn in the itemp n e ld and Hospita t ; A*Hottotoses of epien and Scoots together with the Snots and eallad a A flIT4i 01.'6 and 11111111MM/11 Incidents of the War. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED nrgit 100 FIND, PORTRAITS AND DEAUTIPUL ENGRAVINGS. There in a Tortola portion of She wet that will never go Into thcregular hintorion, nor he einnudi e d in romance oy poetry. %nert 14 a very real part of it. and will, if pronery ed. convey to ,;to reeding genii rationo a hi t•.er idea of the spirit or ho conflict than Mir many dry reports or carefd ginagp, the gin, iha million of the war. This illustrator the characters of the !cadent, the humor of the yoldier4,tho devo lion of ;amm), the bravery of men the pluck of our hermit , , the romance and hardships of the Termer., The Valiant and Own Hearted. the Picturesque and dramatic and Witty and Marv;•lon r e nder tad Mallen, and the Whole Panorama of the War are her, thrtilin ;ay portrayed in a masterly Milner, at once OWOl'lO3l and romantic '4llderring it the most ample, :agape, Innht and ;TTlahle hook that the war Has r fled PIMA Ainn-eulent as welt as hint/notion may WI found in every paae, as graphic detail, htilhant wit. nod unmentie tuntnry, are skilfully Wet woven in thin work of literary art blend for Ngmlara and pee nor term*, and a full doneripti rn ea the work. A. 10444, JO' L'S Haunt. ult. , $t Co., rbilodelptAh ,a. lENDEUSIIOIrB PHARMACY. Attr receivi tjr mor, , fre.h and qv Drug?. Medonexr, t and incy articles whirls, have been Ircitased I' LOWEST RATES, AND WILL Bri SOLO LOW. Owing to Om tall ei 10nas and Medicines lo ' the dries, we sre now mark• mg every ankle .oto 10 old Cott a i ►icra. Our stock is Miland complete. Call and ace, awl he convinced that his is the plate to ny. laniinrY NEW MILLINERY GOODS AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. The undersigned most respectfully intOrins her 14a. rty rusiemere. and the public in gene/M.OM she Pas just iteded to her already large and varied assort spent or MiYMILLINERYGOODS A NEW NITPLY, well ondtaelefelly selected Pulite Prevent nod cumin, ammo. Ilcr PIIRW itommers AND llA'rB are calculate., to take the lead In We ptore and vicinity, kihu has nycrything (Wad ilk fitst.clora Millinery & Fancy Siores, and make* np and arlla her good, upon the, moat cell• ormahlr term , ' Give her a call and minim , Per new elock of amnia. LIZZIE BA RKLEY. wroac. Main Street, kltandey October V 3, Mt Elinont•bura. NEW COAL YARD. The undersigned respectfully Informs the citizen• of Ithamostturn and Columbia county, that they keep all the ttiticrelit withbaro of stave coal an d r ,fr at ,,, l ump ... oa t for F amilial:purposes, on their wharf. nd joining meiceive, Neal &Co's ; with a good pair Buffalo scales no the whartto weigh eital,hay and straw. Likewise a horns and wason. to delis°, eon to these who desire it. As we porrhase n !arce amount of foul, we Intend to keep a superior privet. nod sell at the very lowest priers. .e roll and ttamutue fur yourselves before purchasitutelsewhe re J. W. 111.:NMEHtl1101'. AUGUSTE:in MASON. rHeE nnectslined will lake, in exchange for CORI I and Groceries, the following nninoil officio.. : Vl,'hoot, Ityo,rocii.llat...l.oiiitnna. Lord, Ilant,Aluntil der, end aide meat, Mutter. Erg., Hay. lir., nt the Mews' rash pirinell, at Din Officary Ptnre. adjoining High , coal yard. J. W. HENDLR: 4 IIOT. Illoninnhurg, April XS, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate rf narid W.aark,late qf Xontel r Trop., let toed. Lettere of edn.inlel atinp on the ...Imo of David W , Uinta. Ice of Montour Ton nship, Colombia County, deceased have been granted by the hell net of maid Cnnnty. to rt. Shuman, In Cat/MIMI, Col , Canal,. All perions havtatt claims Lisinst the es tate of the ducedeni are requested to present them to the administrator for settlement. anti Owen knowing themeel rep indebted to the emus will Make immedi• ate paymeut to the andervi •. rd.' J. •P. 1114 1111MII, Afininistrator. Catavvlssa, Jan. b, EVFY With tbn INPTTAER PRESS and the printing material ac eintipanying it,nvery men can do hie own printing atoll?, MAN madly:lnd cheaply. They me roeimple In emimentrion that a boY If yeses Old ran easily mangle the largest elan. HIS Printtdinstrtietions urn *pm with each often, enabling the putrhaner to go atwurk with• out u protium , knowledge n OWNrftririnrutiiisig.dpAeLtl:pctUil,::nr.cornritawilits, instainunintil, kr , arm free In la Our Speriliwn PR INTER• oADAMr TypoS PS£S6 t.Cuts, kr.. ,n cents. 26 Ann Street, Much 13, NEW YORK. DR. W. H. BRADLEY, ( , Ass'plant Mt4ial Director D. 8. Army,) Physician and Purgcon. Err opnc,. at the Fiorito Ilotel. Bloomphiirg. Celli promptly attended to both night and day, Olooarnburs, Nova'. UM, E. R. IKELER,_ iLTTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG PA. Office, 2nd floor, in Exchange Block, near the "Exchange Hotel." All buolnono pluerd In hio bond' will be attended 0 with promporon unit tom Collations mode with hr least poorible 1P67, A. S. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM• Nearly opposite Me Epileopal Church, CLOT/11NO OF ALL IiESC/11171ONS. M Y sock i• crunpmiad of tine flotillas, median and low priced—adapted to all rondltioric tides sad "wt. Ile ha. the totem style' for the avaion— a floe areortment of Overcoats and Gentlemen's Shaw:l, from law to tha very Het Goods ors tasAtunnbts and wall it In addition to my stock ready.tnelo elothing, I have place good. for lustros orders. Caselnieree, Ste" &c. And having one of thargrat class cutters, I gonran• ten ait la all emote and give sotietartion. A iro • variety of WOOLEN AND LINEN DbIRTS, Stockings Neckties, Collars , Stocks. Hasingeretters —everything in ilio gentlemen's line ordaining. A g lsn, lists. Bolts sag /hose,, Trunks and enrpot ba . I will sell at the lowest Market prices, Please give :no u rill &lore purehaelng el Now he rs. ANDIMW J. EVAN*. Illoninsburg, Nov. IS, lOU A NEW STOCK OF' GOODS, EMI TIM HARDWARE TRADE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, AT TOE NEW iTTOPC OP C. W. SNYDER, BLOONISBUIEW, PA., cons mina or ovary articlo found In a Pet eines Hard W ato More. among which are the following IRON, NAILS. and WIWI., WAGON 13PRINGel and AXIS" PAINTS, OILS and CLAM GRAIN and (MASS SYTIIES, end SYTIIe BNATIIB, GRA IN CR A ()LEA, RAKES, Arc, se., KIRBY'S COMBINED REAPER k MOWER, HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED PATENT BAG-HOLDER, AND THE IMPROVED CHERRY SEEDER ALM LIMIUOBILII OIL MOM it Wholciala aid Gin RIM A CALL Mowslisrlt. June se. lest RAM's tOMMERCIAL MANURES. TT We enneitero In (ertnrr■ and deniers in Frrtil• elefr.ll,4l lb•• r Mowing priers Mire been adopted for o w pre,ellt spring reason BACGII'S RAW BONI: I , IIOOPIIATE. Nice, •56 per 2,00 n tut an a rntr,nro 11 , FNE FERTILIZER Price, SW per S:.000162. DAlll3ll'fl (7.II(CACO BLOOD MANURC Prire. Cre per 2.0)0 [ Thie troll known popular oDE MAR K N 1 4 , 0 d ri e. e n re r r k , pzc i hr i I . : : ° A riz : The high estimation in . J r 1 , i• wii.,„ ltsvon's nova MA It`MIO have M., 11.1.1. dur mg tolirken yeah I. pd. we •haii fully pa.imin in Ilia f romrs. Having now 11.1. en • -so" 11, control 01 nu, pp-,d (I , 00.1rOtIlnr thv city of t'hltsg i. for furnish' ts Am mount nod Phuspnate ytoldlnr lunlvrial. r 11.:—gonoo. 'Wird Flesh. Wh.d. kr, , we hart. in conneetiou will. our %grotto to Pliotin..lphia. the latiestiatilittea for furoishina theme manures, at oho 'Move luw prices. 841:611 & illiNtl. Phitadelphic NORIMATIteirI'MKN 11:11:111.1:6ING CO., 4 :kirkirl• R&I,ItTroN A•. ro., Ag'is. N.•w York GEORUN W. KIRKE & " lk)Aton. (MCKIM IWO') %IA:, Who esalc Agent. !Whitlow. Vo l all iscarmation reep.efine the above Manures, whirfoi. either "I' Ow abOVi, boudec _ Sd %ANTON BOOK BINDERY. oneureil the nen lens or Mr 11. %only , . one nt III.• brat hinder• to be iu thu ettatu, wit are per ynn•d to ItA SKS, cOSIPANIF.S. blEltell AIM/ At AN urActuaeßs. COAL UITSATOrtg, HUT U. and others. with lII,ANK BOOKS of ...v.') description, on short notice bound in an y Ft yl. desired. In the most sulottantial manner,, at reasonable prices. Wen:lnes hound. and old hooks rebound, nt Now York priers. Orders left at the office of the paper publishing thl. iilvertiee.oont, or sent by Erbresit, will be at tended to and returned without unnecessary delny. E. 4. ki. HILL. Scranton, Pa., June lit. Ifti7.—tf. DENTISTRY. 11. 1 1. II 0 NV E R, 111JRGEON DENTIST. RPSPECTPULIN offers ~is profess aggvenal servals to the ladies a id geniie men of Ill.lolllllilll rig aid virinit!,, Ile is prepared to attend to all the cartons orration• in the Hue of ilia profession.andis provided with VW Meat improved P91(01.41.4 TEEril; % holt will hein•eeted on gald,platina,ativer and tubber ba e tnlooltwell as the nem& teeth %lige, il plate and blr.elt teeth ionnufartn red ar. , all of eiretietio on teetli.eliretully and properly attended to. Hr./Went, and othre a few door* above tlis Court H in .e, some side. Itt "nnburt.Jonn6 1043 CE. SAVAGE, Tracheal Watchmaker and Jeweler. MAIN STREET, (near the Court llouse,) BLOOMSBURG, l'A. Conetantle on hand a fine aimortment of American and 011 . 1., WatChee, Clocks, Jewelry, sllverware and Particular attention paid to the repairing of Clock, Watches sad Jewelry. !throttle Mark. made to order. All wurk Warrantee/. Bloomsburg. April 17 1667. LADIES' FANCY FURS! AT JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Fatahßolled FUR ManufartOrY, NO, 71r Aitell tvraaKT. above 7th. 11111. A Hate now in More of ivy own importation and Manufacture, non of the largest and moot hematite selections of FANCY FURS for Ladies' rind Chlldren's Wear in the cily. Also o flue alum/uncut of Gent's Fur Gloves and Oollare I am enabled to diepoee "1 my goods it very reason able pricer, and I would therefore solicit a call ilrOto my Meads of Columbiu County and vicinit. Remember the Name, Number and Street! JOON FAREIHA, NO, 718 ARCH St., above 7th, south Bide ICi in•vs: , PION COMM:110S WITH £lll 0111.1 Kropl IM 1'HIL11111141111•. li~udltlr Y . leti7 —416 STOVES AND TIN WARE. A. M. RUPERT, Announees to his many friends ■nd n timorous cus tomers that lie rant/nuns tato aborts business nt hie "id oinea of business on MAIN KTIIEET, BLOC/Md. BURG. Ilia customers and others can be accomnindlted with FANCY STOVES 413. °fall kinds, Stovepipt ',Tinware, andnunrY attic'. found in nil well regulated STOVE • ' AND TINWARE IIITAHLISIIIMENTS In the eitieg. and 1111 t he mot rennonnhin tonne. Sr hPoll'llmrt, for bootee sad Irma, well besot up on abort notice. Alpo, all kind. of repairing dooe promptly and upon Ilhernl terms. Ile also keeps on hand a Illnte oupplY of Milk Pan., of different Mane nod Wee.; Modpans a ring a• 111/rihlrnt of Pralter's Paten. self-Sealing Fruit Pre serving rano. files him a eall. Judy le. SAMUEL .EVERETT HERTZLER & GUION ) IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN I WIRES AND LIJOS NO. 124 WALNUT STREET, AND NO. W GRANITE STREET. HAIRY 11RsTi1x.R, ORO A. wort Aurilt 7 1867 NORTHERN CENTRAL 1,13 4.11211 a N.D.1,0 Avizz DIRECT ROUTE NORTH AND SOUTH Vsrough WIG.'" Baltimore awl Rochem ? 'Without Change of l'nrs. (11 , 4 and after April laii7,Train• win ruu av 101101.• ; TU41113 NORTHWARD. 003 a. mi. larva nt prin. tire rtattorit, arriving iltaira HI 90 noun, eannuJnigau J IS r. ie., Mocha., tnr 4 4.1 r, x» Hanle 0 13 r. Niagara rail. 900 r. x. 4 43 r. x. lunvn Noriburab. , rlon.l, 'rappi ng at „ II stationo. arriving at Willianiriaxi, 0 43 r. x, kl mire 11 OS R 11. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 0 03 A. L. Mere Nortbumbnriani. slapping at solarlyal Illations,, arriving at thrrlshurg .1 30 A , a , Nultfworo hi 10 r. N. Pl,ll4.lrlpbla I 00 ►. N. In 10 A , N . lenvelYnrllournberland. •topping nt ull matoms.arrlvillg at Harrlrburg. et 1 13 r. N., 11111 , 111 . n OK ►. M.. P 111111.0.100111 3 411 P. K. 10 P , lenva NOIIIKIII/1000/11111. atopping at all tt..tiollS. arriving ni Ilurrirbirg N 70 r. N., phis lOU A. N.. Balurnorn 7 00 A M. 11 30 P. N leave Ntorthutnto•rland, flopping a parnriyal ma nn a. wiring at Harrisburg 1 44.1 A N , lisltiulorn7 DO , 119111 delphilt7 1.0 a. N, J. N 11011AltRY, P. P, YOUNti, Usn'l Nuy'l, Harrisburg, Pa. Gehl ram Agent, Itattlnoon, and IBA AC N. Of eti Ilia 3r, (Isn't Westnrn Freight Agent, Buffalo, N. V. May, N, H 167. M. M. TRAUGH, Airr()ItNEY.AT-Lll, W, BLOOMSBURG, lb. Wll l . l l ll Wee In ilia several Conte of Cu!mho' and whoinlng cam:tire. co , All collection s prow ptly attended to, Julie W), 11,011. _ . Err• • nLINDNYAN AND CATifilltli treated with the 01100/lAIIWe. I,y). 1H A Ant. M. Il . 000.1 mid Aunt* (formerly of Leyden, Holland). Nn, pl;6 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Teettmonlale from Me moat reliable +mime in eity and country ran be seen at kin Once. The Medical faculty are leaned to ec 2nmpany their he has nu seesols in no, practice, ARTIFICIAL EY1:8 Inserted *Won poly. No charge tor examination Nov. IL 1,47.—ty TIIE lIEALINO POOL, AND 110 rs E (IP MERCY. Howard ‘orneintion 12 , 1“n14. for votTivn smv 01, the CRIME tip WWI El DE, end the Eitlioßel Alithilia and DIPEOOEN which .Ic.trhy the thatily power., ,Ad create impeditunnts to MA RRIAGg, Wile sore means of roller, 81.111 In real,ql letter ch ethnical. bolt of choice. Arldterr Dtt. J. SICILIAN °Mill EON. Howard Avitproatimi, Phliadulphi /4 Pa. Jane 1. 1801•-1.4. Mfg MANHOOD : Bac Lo,t, How Thwtortd. Just Publ hoa. a new PlllllOll or PS. CPI•VERW ELL'S Cekbtated lionmy on the 1 , 3 , 1' kW CUM (Weitiatit 111..diCUM ; ,, rdpUrlll4lol' I HMI Invoinntary Lo.•ei, bop, Soucy. Mental end Pby..rni Incapacity, Inopodiun•ne• to Atorrlsoto, Pte. ; oko Conmthiption, Epileptoy. and rill induced by sett I udulionco ur eleauel extrava• Pence. IrP . Prier. 111 II 04 , 41.11 envelope, only() cents, The e dpbsagoil author to this admirable PPllly eleorly ninnntrates• front a thirty years' success• fnl prnetfro, that the alarming consequences of self. alms.• may no rnilically cured ovithont the danger. Ouli use 01 internal medicine nr the opplieation of the oat a mode of cure at mire siiu• pip certain, and effectual. by moans of n hich every suflorPc. uo inattPr what hi. condition may I. may sure bimsell cheaply. privately, and radirally. 1.,9. This IPeturp should ho In the halide; of every pinin and i . vi•ry man in the land. stm, and .r • 111. inn lawn e :et Melee, In any ad. Ares. p0•1.y61.1, nu receipt chi' • i cents. 1%1t.. poot .1 Add rerol the PI AR. 3, C. K LINE & en, I?; Il we y t,• otyk Nov 117, NATIONAL FOUNDRY. ,00 . 1 1813111tG,C0- UMBIA CO., PA. • HE isiiiwri! , fir, prnprieor of tin. •nnive Potahliahmnot. in now repored to recrit• order, All Kinds of Machinery, entli.rinl, Mak Yuman% Ptailionary Engine. MILLS, TiII+ESIIING 111 ACIIINER, &C.. &C. than provarett to make Stove', Mt nines and pion-irong, and evvrything usually made in II i.xt..iielve facilities and pc:1(31ml workmen , war• Intn lino in recsivins the largest contracts on the • , t reJsiinatile tering'. Cf•Urain of all kohl' will Le taken in exelannio Cot LI This establishment is forced near the Larkawa. na 4 Illoniusbure Railroad Ilupot. PETER DI LLJIYER. Itlonnishurg, Sept. 12, 101433. RARE ciimicE. Thn exeltiFive roulrnl7and %nip ~r five, wilitel,lr In• ventiona, needed in every tinnily, and pitying Lige profits, nn lin secured by applying either personally ur Ly Niter to J. S. LASH & Co., 137 Market Street Phila. GIMkT IMPIWYLUNT IN SRN ING MACH/NA' S. Empire Shuttle Machine SALESROOM: I . 3:11; Broadway, N. Y., UM Washington t eel. Booton, WI (Anima, Ntreet, Philadelphia, PATENTED FEB. 14, WO. -rips MAC 1111.11! i• rmutrueted nn entirely new I principles of mechnu;em, pomvslus many rare and valunble Impr, vemente, having been examined by the most profound 'spent. end pronounced to bu SYntylicity and eifect ion Dombined, ft has • straight needle, perpendicular action , nukes the LOCK or OK TAB tITITCII, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL,, and is alike on both sides • performs porfect sewing on every description of material. from Leather to he fittest Nansook with cotton. linen, or silk thread. from the roorsert to the tined number. Nnvina neither CAM or COll WUCEL. and the least possible fr non, it runs as smooth an glass. and is Eritpitrakitilir rT 2V;rritelorg Airtridrie, It requires PIFTY 'PER CENT, leis power to drive it than any other ntarliirte in the mark. L. A girl twelve year* of age con work It steadily. without fatigue or Injury to health Its Strength and wonderful Pimplicity ofton.trite• lion venders it almost impossible to get not of order, nod Is lIIIARAN'ECEU by the company to itivn eit• tirotaiisfartion. %Vs reopeettolly Invites nil thou., who may &Piro to flupply ifiemortvee with n impeller article, to coma and ozoinine thlo UNRIVALLED MACHINE. - . One half hour's Inatrortion h aulifirient to enable any pereen to work title netchlne to their entire alt. isfattion. Agent,. wanted for till towev Li the United Stales. *lsere aitenelen nee not already etatiblitthed. Alan. for Cuba. Mexico, Central and South America. to whom a liberal 11010111 M Will be given. LMIIRC SEWING ■ACHINK 111 PG CO.. GU Broadway, N. Y. WANTED. AGENTS To SELL. DR, W3l. SMITH'S "DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE." Ii contains 00011000 closely pr Ingest, double column octave. pages, from new electrotype fplelrs, nn food paper, aud la or ploprialnly illustrated with more thtin engravlngs on ►feel and wood, and a 1.41f1el aline authentic num gr,e, it Clllllllfiliell Ilir A ntiquilillat FrOgraPhi• G e o graphy IllittUral II isiory, Tcpagraphy, and Is a complete Cy• clopnd la of the Scriptures. It is necessary to•cvcry Bible render, Indispensable to every Minister gild Sunday School Teacher, and ought to be In every family, It Is highly commended by all Isarnihl aniTemlnent men, and by the Press lumen' Iy In SII parts of the country, ■s the brat book of the kind la thu language. Do not Le Deceired. Owing In the nopretredented popularity' of this Work, a mall en, Ish sheidgement, lu dirodneinto form, of about MX pages, has been reprinted In tide country In larger type, and spread over Irani °rialto pege,,,..trideettly—hy making a larger hook thanttlie ..rixitiel—to Ely. the IIIIprr.op". easier than it in one edition. It hes Ipso then hulfthn rending matter ~f mi t ot o omit., pod corteidorehly higher thin the No suet million of Sallie Wilk in this reentry. dome .centa are endeavoring tu pninetsf that Juvenile eill• tiun fur our.. Tear here. Students, Retired Clergymen, Farmers, sad energetic women end the exeuey, for thle work both pleas:mt and lucrative etoploymet.t. Scud f o r circular., Alvin* full per Ueulars, terms, ke„ to S. d. SCRANTON, & CO., Hook,euhliehers, 191.) Asylum at., Hartford, Coca. rcbrual y 20, 11.38-(1*. 1)1 0 ,AFNIC88; BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated wish 111 H OMNI seemem, by INA ACI4, U. U. Oeuliet bad AarlB.ol3:alert), °rimy. den, liolland,) No. Rd Arr.h &met. Testimonials, from the most reliable heurere in the City and Country can be seen at hie office. The med. ieni faculty are melted to ecenmpary their patients, av hr, bee no secrets in hie practice AKTIFICIAL t:YEe, lyipertrd without PAIS. No charge for rosin. leation Irtil 1 , I;t:.#l. ly Scrofula, or King's Evil, dillell46, et (gumption of the blood, by which this field becomes vitiated, weak, a n d poor. Being in the eiroulatioti, it porvadi a the whole budy, and may burst out la divide on any part of it. No organ is flee from its etteeks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. 'rho scrofulous taint is variutudy reused by mercurial disease, low living, di*. ordered or unhealthy food, impure sir, illth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above ell, by the venereal infeetion. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary is the COVI• Otittit lon, descending " from permits to ehildrcr unto the third and fourth generation ;" indecci i it seems to be the rod of him who says, " 1 will visit the iniquities of the fattier' upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood re corrupt or ulcerous matter, which. in the lungs. liver, and internal arms, is tong tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and 06 4 the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cos. roption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous corutitu. lions nut only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far lon power to with. Amyl the attacks of other d isea ses; enov quently, vast numbers perish by _disorder. which, although not scrofulous in th eir nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. 'klust of the consumption which de. clmntes the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people aro scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in. faction, and their health is undermined by It. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and In. vigorute it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active rernediabi that hare been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. /lenee it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Enorriva and Sass DISEASES, ST. AITTHONY'S PIER, Rosa, or Enverrat.As, PIMPLES, Perstmrs, Ilurreirm, BLAINS and Boris, TUDORS, TXTTEI and SALT MIMIC, SCALD HEAD, BINOWORE. REEVE ATISX, SYPHILITIC and MEECIIIIIAL Dw RAKES, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DM:HUTT, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS A 1115150 PROM VITIA TED on IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief in .• impurity ef Ms blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is Impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely Withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanes t and invigorate every portion of the human organ. ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Ivot only do they cure the every-day complaints of every lady, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to flarnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their live in the following complaints: Chair. puss. Ilcartburv, Ile attache arisiny from disordered Nion•ach, Nausea, Indigestion, l'afn to 01111 Morbid Inaction of the llasrels, Flatulency, Lou of Arpss Jau'udiee, and other kindred complaints. as i.iog from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, POT 111 E RAPID MAE Or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. Lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced Magee of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and an nu merous arc the eases of its CUM, that almost every section of country abounds in persona pub. licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the hangs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the disueshing and dangerous alfertions of the pulmonary organs that arc incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has trained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures tco numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. r.r.% RED air DR. J. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Sold by all Druggests in the country. May 22d—ly. A NEW ARRIVAL OF MILLINERY MD it° FANCY GOODS, AT MRS. M. Z. %I MO, LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA COUNTY. Shp would r..rpectfully inform the citizen'. of Llyht fltrect and •leinily, that she Millen returned feint the city with ■ tine nornrtaient of Fall mot ati iter MILIiiNERY AND FANCY GOODS, well Cale' lcd to mull thla trade. tIONNETS Made to order, nml repairing don. with nentnoss one tic/patch. AU work executed, the hest and most tasty manner, upon rearonablet »rllll. Part ICII tar attention it paid to dregs making. She bag PAT'PERNB of every deeeriptioe porter' in ttt trade, on hand and for sale chap. She, will also pay special attention to coloring, having spent time and money to learn the art In all its inttirulnre, she in confident In siving *miasma& EL,T. rauite in Warden's Buildings. November il. Intr7 CONFECTIONERY. Tits andersigned would reit:tearfully announce to the public that Mt has opened e FIRST-CLASP CONFECTIONERY STORE. in the building lately occupied by Strand !Dahmer, where be is prepared to fbrnirh all kinds of PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES. FRENCH CA NDI ES. FORE lON AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS. &C., &C., &C., &C. ay wnot.sssts na IIST•110. In short a fuli assortment or all kinds of goods is his line of business. A great variety of DULLS. TOYS, /sc., suitable fbr the Holiday,. Particular often' given to BREAD AND CAKES, of nil kind■ fresh every day, CHRISTI/AS CANDIES, cis RIWFMAS TOYL A call I■ sulkited, and eatisfaction will be guar teed. Dee. li, inu 7. ECKHART JACOB ERRORS OF YOUTH. A sentlenian who In early life wall II "Finial to Iha dehaving vice in common to youth. whleti relieved in 9eanittal Weakness, lavolontair Rentselows and Ns ramie Prostration and moue near eneting bla days io hapoless misery. Aft., using Dualisms taw• mem without auecema. ha obtained Irmo a friend scale pimple rates and prostrlptiami that Wearl a pet• Maiielit CUM. On behalf of suffering horsimity will send the same free of chkrge to alt who may deems it. Address EIIOAII TRIBNAINV, blouse, New York. November 0, leiG7 O c. KAIIL E R, Counselor and Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Would onnonnee to his Mende and the public in gent:sal, that he has reamed thn traction Of UM again. Conveyancing and all legal basitiosa promptly attended In. OFFICE in the, Exchange Auilding, secoad Moly over Eyes k Moyers Deny Store. Bloomsburg. May I, MI. BLANKS 1 BLANKS!! 0 1 °Ten' . 1 .m.r;rtionn 4alo, At 'hi: ?Ate' •