AGRI - WI/12AI« nil;t . s &nolo I!Fre 7 rl , t ,. no t' hens to set tatit;titiviviteiiter l ie,st, thereqs AleivdtiMitr hfis the 'eke 40414 when the LeAtaw l iP ( dt , nesta,,, WA 4 waysibetn otttteenhberiondor •thetit, 4 1 61 make a Cae l h 'Witt'alead penc il,' . b 0 as to Israluo io kiew )401144d ia Fji wove, when other /nail; 14111, t *Ulf nests, as Welton the ease.ACievew eggs the ultla %eel" to P.1014F4T ilegr« • Thl4 l they ar!,epmfi?on hens' oaf but '; of the'Xillatie breed's, are abOti,ili to put wide( &valve fand. M do) e 1 tof . I I: weeks, ) hbt each Ogg up" to the out, your Land ineielisoe; tyla 4;i .. If if'tbi 4r4t a lad,4 addle, sai ihould be dittlini many/ adtalit , ng all of aW I ooPs fqrtbo ~41 h er ssi c torut o o ,,,) I .:1 t. 71 ail/ T " 1121 If two root& bow* dip newt° ball; of posure, plaoa , theto jnnter, , rcniala fryni Aware ko turot,k2nts .1. is ft 'i gs Deep plagtjn u;# ,great. Agon country and rrobablytnoti' trees die) MO; this engin; ithen.llthi- bttinfki fl The thrive for a year or teroli they soon languish and diearitarently.whhout any cause. The surface roots should novel. be more than four inches below the soil. Before planting, prune the largo roots carefully with a large knife, cutting off all the bruised or deseaqcd portions. Avoid injuring any of the small fibres. Also, cut back correspondingly the top having in view future symmetry.— &change. 'To KILL Ticits ost SllEEr.—Thomas Jamesion, of Harmony, Rock county, fur nishes us the following receipt; fur killing ticks on sheep: Take the sheep on a warm day and lay it upon its aide, then, with a piece of chalk draw a line from just back of the car, along the side to the roots of the tail. Seperatc the wool, beginning immediately back of the car, and lay it open to the skin along this line and :;prinkle in Scotch snuff, dos ing up the fleece as you go along to prevent the snuff from being scattered and lost. Servo both sides of the sheep in this man lier and in just forty-eight hours thereafter you may look for live ticks in vain. NLW WoonEN VEs&r.t.s.—A new keg, churn, bucket, or other wooded swine!, mil generally communicate a disagreeable taste to anything that is put into it. To prevent this inconvenience, first scald the vessel welt with hoiling_water, letting the wtaer remain in till cold. Then dissolve some poarlash or soda in lukewarm water, adding a little bit of lime to it, and wash the inside well with this solution. Afterwards scald it well with plain hot water, and rinse with cold water before using it. DRINK FOR Jltt.cir Cows.—Cows that give milk in winter, says the Maine Par ma, will add much to their profit by giving them a bucketfull of warm water twice a day with a little meal, or even the slops of the family in it. Every one has noticed how an extremely cold day will affect their milk, or whenever they become wet iu sum mer. A little salt, with meal flouting ou the surface on such a drink, will soon teach any cow to drink it. STRAWBERRIES.—PIant one foot apart each way, and after olio or two hoeings spread over a coat of manure, aud, after a few rains, mulch the ground so as to keep down the grass and weeds. If one cannot procure plants enough for a large patch, set some for the purpose of making plants, to enlarge your plantation next year. BORE FEET IN SIIEEP.—The Irish far mer's Gazette gives the following remedy for sore feet in sheep: Pare away all loose corn about tho feet without drawing blood, and aanoint them with butyr of antimony, keeping the sheep on a dry standing for a few hours afterward. POTATO Buns.—One of our correspond ents writes that if farmer's will plant their potatoes near the house or barn, when the hens or young chickens can have free access to them, they will keep the bugs off. lle says be has tried this plan for two years— last year and this—and has not been troub led with the "varmints." HAY.-it has boon asoertained that well cured hay weighed in the field, July 20, and then stored in the barn until February 20, had lost 27f per cent of weight. It is, therefore, better to scU hay In the field at Itls a ton, than from the tarn at $2O in midwinter. I=l 11INTS ON TRANSPLANTINO.-If your trees, &c., aro received before the ground is ready, unpack, water them and bury the roots in fine, fresh soil, and let thorn re main until your ground is ready. In no case suffer the roots to be exposed to the wind or the bun. lIPPLE SNOW AAl.l.i. —Parc and core tiome large apples without dividing them; prepare the rice according to the above re ceipt, and boil thou for one hour, and eat with wiuc sauce. iasitfili4ol L'ltttif 1 L'l t.h wok teepeetfully annonnen lAi It's cilium. of Olofinuttorimil l 4 l #9 public imp ( 1 nig a ilur 61 Ti ' n this j Inertina In? ......„—' "--—.• t 101 l !toad n „ . 0: s ....., .. 1 tedndnye es to env/Ith the to : rig South II Welt tr4Utim, i v r d ei re i ll , I'l ni c e , po t rt Mill Knott. and I 6 u ht on the Leek,* 11,0, 7 11 ". 1, o'in t i4f rt . , ;I1 WI 1,.. s Old ItIIIdeIES are In epot Hos, _ Roma t. o and cuinturtable,`Mta ni ow Amsonsir. rdfIllill• Iftiebillg,ll..4olll yesmo hionds rt, MIN 'l4'. a I k 4 WAN nudWilifr ," Upon leasorinble 4fi f: 4,,f 1 44,144Une1y notice it aay of the Ilu• lain* JACOB L. GIRIFONA. ~1.,i1 ~ (if 1 ~,litteinrlttor. B M *burg, A pill?, .114 , 1k1i I I 4.4.n.1---_. 1.141‘42 Vdm.LTO F 7r 1* la crt• t 0 0 v 6 ' kw t It" g A • 'the tiol C. '"'" 1111Priereitill N. 4 TO! IiNWIPS 81100101/ 4 INO4,4IOI#IILINPMOOI4IVAPIRICat N n undersigned ,Ilifirlhillttedisillit firorn the city 1 a411 4 ,40443 1 00 , 44Mis f is..”. ,i •.1 ~^ h l' i rrt.rd n ' " m g t i r d "El:trar,i4 MC," - %. N . I, i.• II G retrirre .1,11 .rarwoo 11 44 .7f: 4 24fra t r,upei , i, 1 4 1, w e a ry, e: 7 ' 4=lo ta .V4 1 4 11 : I :%•1144 , i ta i•%•ViV4l4l , * or produce. Cali and see. C. C.BiIARIt. B. gi. 3IOZIEZW D Surgeon Dentist, garnets teeth without pain by a now Me hnd . It • is perfectly harmless and in now used with good success. Ail branches of •'Dentistry attended to In the latent "I r we* and innst approved style. R e . , e ats and once, one door anal of Evans' Clothing Btoro. Bloomsburg, Nov. 13, itiG7, CHAS. O. BAR K LE Y, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. °Rico In the Esehnnge second story, over Stohnvr & Co's. Store, &coma duos abuse wit Es• chimps Hotel. Elloouvburg, April 17, ISM. Philadelphia k Erie Hail Road, WINTER TIME TABLE. THBOUBII AND DIRYIIr RITE BETWEEN PHI L A DELPII lA. BALTIMORE, IlAkt WILLIAMoPuRT. AllO MU GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trans. On and alter MONDAY. NOVEMBER Oth. 1867.th0 Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie .11411 Road will sun as follows 13:321338 WAIL. TRAIN leaves Philadelphia II 13 p. in .4 •• Northumberland 3 39 a, na. •• arrive at Erie 9 00 p. nu CRIE EXPRESS loaves Philadelphia 12 00 noon •• .. Northumberland ti 44 p. in. " arrive at Erie 043 a, in. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia i 00 a in. •• 4. tt Northumberland 4 23 p. in. " *Rive at Lock !liven 743 p. in. EASTWARD. MAIL. TRAIN luavaa Erie 46 T.', a in Northumberland 121 a. m arrive M rhiladviphla 855 a. in. ERIE EXTI 4 ESS leave* Erie 1 a.; p. w. .• Northumberland 5 32 a. m: •• arrive at Philadelphia lUUp. i n ELMIRA MAIL leaved I,,mk Ilaven 7 lu a, ro. •• Northumberland lu in a. In •' arrive at Philadelphia 010 p. tn. Mall and Ewe's connect with all trains on WARREN 41. FRANKLIN RAILWAY, Paseensera leaving Philadelphia at 12 Ca.) M. arrive at Irvinetun at 040 a.m.. and Oil City at 050 a. at. Leaving Philadelphia at 11 13 P, M., arrive at 011 City see Ii p. m. All trains on Warren & Franklin Railway make close connection• at Oil City with train' far Frank • lin and Petroleum Centre. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. A. L. TYLER, General Sup'', Erie. Oct. 30, 1007. READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 25th, 1f167. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and North West for Philadelphia. New York, Read ins. Pamela Is, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, Ephrata, Lila. Lancaster, Columbia, ke.. &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follow. At 3110, 313 and 8 10 • a and 103 and 035 ra connect ing with similar Train. no the Pennsylvania Rail road and arriving at New York at S 10 and 10 13 and 11 30 A a and 3 40, it 30 r. x. Sleeping Can acronipa• nylon the 300 • a and 11 33 r a. 'trains without nhangn. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville. Tama• OUR, blineroville. Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 0 10 • a and tt 03 and 4 10 r stopping at Lebanon and principal Way stations ; the 410 r making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Sesquebanna Rail road, leave. Ilarri.burir at 3 ..33 r a. Returning : Leave New York at 900 • 11, 19 M and 300 and 00 r Philadelphia al el 5 • a and 330 r a Way Passenger Train leave. Philadelphia at 730 • x. returning from Moduli at 6 30 r a stopping at ail etas' ; Potter lile at 843 • st, and Y 43 ; A sh• land 0 U 0 • maind It ld M and 0 W r. a.; Tamaqua at 30 A. 511 00 and 8 43 r. a. Leave l'ottaville for liarrii•burg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad al 7 10 A a. and 10 1)0 noon. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves heading • 17 30 • x returning from Philadelphia at 4 ou Pottstown Accommodation Train : I.i.nyett l'otts• town at U iJ •. a., ruturning 'payee Philadelphia at 3Uor.x. Calionhla Ball Road Trains leave Readlna at 7 00 •. ra.. and 0 13 v. N. fur Ephrata. Lift, Luntaater. eniumbla. die. On Sundays : Leave New York at 800 P 111 2 Phils• delphia 800 A M. and 3 15 P M. the 8 00 A M. train running only to Reading ; Poitsvllle C 011 A M, ; Har• rinuurg 5 13 A M. 4 10 und 995 r ti and at 100 and 7 13 A 11 for Ilarrieburg end 7on A M. and 11 40 r r for New York rind 4 d PM. lur Phila• delph la. Con imitation. Season, School and Escnr sion TiLhets, I and It n all points at reduced rates. Ilaguitge rnetked Olt (nigh ; 100 pounds allowed each Pasicni;er. G. A. A General Superintendent Lackawanua A; Bloomsburg Railroad. aillllllllllllllllM.ElMill oar TWO DAILY TRAINS. —rim ro AND AFTER JANUARY 98, 1667, PAS. 1./SENDER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD, AM AM PM. Leave Scranton, 3.30 7.10 4,49 " Kingston. 6.33 890 6.60 " Rupert 11,20 P. 17 Danville, 0.54 800 A r r at Northumberland 10.30 9.33 LEAVE NOR'PIIWARD. A M PM Leave Northumberland, 7.00 520 " Danville, 7.40 500 Ropert. 6,13 P M 6.33 Kingston, 10 , 50 2.50 003 Arrive at arrntiton, 1200 4.00 10 13 Trains leaving Kingston at A. 30 A: M for Scranton connect with 'Prsin arriving at NewVorlt at 5.20. P.iasengers taking Train South from Scranton et 5.30 A N via AvithumbertamLrearb Harrisburg It XI P M. Roll iNIOTC 530 P M., Washington IS 00P M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at 7 00P M. IL A. FONDA, Supt. tniaton, Jan. 30 11167. THE COLU3IBIA. HOUSE. 13.0. STOIC% E IR , Proprietor. This tea new stand lately fitted •p for the areonano dation of Ibe traveling per Ile generally, situated on Main Street, a few doors nboy the COtirt House. oe what is known as the "Ilitebirtioet property." it Ic centrally located in tte town. a r Pet pleasant plate for attests to stop , beside. Wing le that part of town where the theJorhy of the business le being done. The proprietor feels confident that he le prepared to give general sotieraetion tcritle (nests, and would seilklt *fair prolloisof the public patronage. Ilioonisburg, May IL Iraq. ERRORS OF YOUTII. A Geniternan who entered for years from Neiman. Debility. Premature Decay, sod all the duets of youthful indiscretion, will. lot the sake of eulferivia humaally, send free to all who need it, the retelp• sad directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Outruns wiefuna to profit by the advertiser's experience, ean do sobr addre's's/ !s perfect confideecn, 101116 B. OODZIC 41 Cede altreet, Aim York. May 10, 1867. I (WEIN OIRIA AND FESTIVE RoVN, erred av 1144rOalled cswelOpe Sad M 6 erntuAnd I will ' , end you tome valuable Informationtlatwill Wale you Address MARY MOORE, 0:11 Broadway, N. y Nq lU, 100R—ly, llf' emir. ~ i11urir....,.'i....,-...,..i, i...„.111,.....0.1,A,,,imrythh00t vt nartntids malthiti* Cages; i .1.o1,1“i^ 4,1. u —di 4 CH AP PHA HA 11 . Thonings sirfrepth. b i nd ,frig.,, re end h,r beauty they MO hall sorpiimed by their. ii s adipiogyaiseubeptiber HPdtitstell. of buy,nl am 111 , 0. :•11 htio teriPierinCP:'ll44:,l3dckenit gr u ki a i n . d irSixi ii t t lig is. oat, . tat " 23";47•"1" h a tb l' Uri... ITS Lee CT the 1 'wit ER bakopened altirsttlass BOOT, *IIOE, HAT AND CAP STORE. al Ike old stand on Main Street, Illoornxburst. Ills stock is composed of the very lalitst and beat stioes ever offered In the 4:Wiwi's of Columbia County. lie can accommodate the public with the following kends and at cheap prices:'a call boots, nee, nsest's Yip, double Sole, Boys' hoots, Men's glove kid. Congress. ace. Men's glove kid Balmoral shoes, kfen'e. women's boys', nod misses' glove kid lasting gaiters, Women's glove kids, very line. Women's dee goat morocco bilaterals. Women's men's morocco and cult sines, common shoes, Misses' and child's shoes. Men's, wuawn'., rolsse.', boys', and child'. slippers. Ile alto seep, a great yule', at HATS, CAN, AND STRAW GOODS of evrry kind, at the lowest prises. both. fur CAA and country produce. Reneaseber the attrartlun Is In our goods. Don't Ir alarmed at the cry of high prices, but call and ■re fur yourselves. Respectfully, H. C. DOWER. Sept, 4, I ect7. FALLON FHOUSE. I. u u rub , r i rlber harlog purcha n sed um LOCK "LIVEN, Pa., property of E. W. Eiseny. Esq., would say to the fiends of the Douse, his acquaintances, and Ow puti• le g..nerully, that he Intends In "Itecp a 110716, with the actomniodatlons and comforts of a limas, and humbly solicits their patronage. J. OTTENKIRK. Lela of the Madison Douse, Philadelphia. Leek Haven, Dec. lOU. 16643. TIIE bf ISERABLES Of this, bright and cheerful worlikareftlie Dyspeptics. Without a good digestion there : can neitherbe bodily comfort nor mental enjoyment. Be tweet/ the stomach and the brain there testicle and wonderful alliance. tribe ono is disordered the other is gloomy. defected, incapable of of/Dm:mud Indifferent to all that matte life agreeable to the healthy. Is this a condition that any rational human being's is willing to radar., when,tbe means of untie. ini• mediate Mid permanent relief can be obtained every. where The Dyspeplk hos his fate7:in hlsv'ewn hands. If lie choose, to !bough forest. the eicoriter that racks his body and disturbs the mind with nameless horrors he has only to step to the content drug store and pro cure a supply of liostetteri dtomach'Buters. No Ogee of Itysorpeia has ever yet rented the alterative, tonic and anti•biltnua operntoun of .this potent vegetable spicitle. It !eternity regenerates tLe tether gle ttornach ; to urea into healthy action the dormant liver; puts to flight the dismal fancies that betel the oiled ; gently reli eves nod regulates the bowels , mrengthena the enfeebled ,nerves,,; roe stores the appetite, and maker, as it wore, a new crcature:of Lthe desponding tool debilitated invalid. Ladies who suffer from indirection have only to take u small dose of I bis pure vegetable corrective, once of twice a day, to secure entire exemption from the pains and penalties of a • we nk 'optima and that perfect functional regularity, w hilt but few of the In uninteruptedly enjoy. BEALE'S LATE POWELL'S EMBROCATION, FOR ALL. DISEAPES INCMENT TO HORSES, CATTLD, ♦MD Till HUMAN FLESH, requirinir the nee of an external application. Title new Compound, prepared by a practical Chemist, being a full knowledge of all the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters Ito Its tempo. salon, Is warranted In exceed anything of the kind ever yet offered to the puhlie as an external art.,' cation for the themes for which it is recosouneuded. We rue satisfied that it will wort It/ own road Into the confidence of all who use it, and those who try it once will never be without It, and therefore we rely on experience litt Lk hest teat arils ussfuluels It is pronounced by 111 Lift l:12. RIO and all whe have tried It to be the best application ever wind. This Embrocation has been pot up for over eight years, rod it Wont, through the inrrcasing demand and urgent request of toy friends and the public that I send It forth as the grand remedial a foe the varies" dioceses to which that noble and useful animal, the boric Is 'object. Mao remedies have been afforest to thr public y under different forms, some of these arc tujurteus, others at bast of little use, and many %holly im proper to answer the purposes for which.they are recommended. A prdleicura and really esrfal composition, free I rom those objections, has be re , ,fore long been de sired by way gentlemen who have VALUABLE Illeßt4l6B, and are unwilling to treat them to the care of dasign• log end pretended Farrier,. Their wishes era at length fully gratified, by (Dr. Dealu) being prevailed upon to Allow this valuable Embrocation (which lies proved so enistclous to the various diseases) to be prepared and brortgbt out to the public Thal Embroolamo Wu eateasively u.ed by the Government durisg Ile war. Addrele all order to DL EDMOND BEALE. Out Smith Deriond et. Philadelphia, Pa. March 9i, 'AG —dam DR; E. W. WELLS, BUMF:MOIL TO DR. F. C. BARAD:VC flag token Booms as the A mere can Boom. All or dere lett there will be promptly atleaded to, Bloomsburg, Oct. 30, IBM itiFICERAI OF Ciil6/1411#11011 CO. ,11111111 141 ~,,,, lent Judge—lisp. 41*(111. . n 1 414 ° Jud g 6 " I o tai l boin. i t r i t. ptitf and Cl' k of CoriA 4 4laliolOolornan. riA s tic and Recordef‘il*Vose. 1 v y JOhnprZZO Intnuidionera— M OrY 0. Da g rt i oar 1 ..1 1 •• " T =-Mordecai Mflfirg..i • ~. .14 r—Joisla..liake. ~.., v. ...i. wor 1., BRu ... .JOO . l .41, , X ..... h i) p . .. , 1 7:1 1::, ,,, ' 1 1:: { brel.:l,WO .141 t, to ion') 4.3grli .' ~ I,'Arkibalgi. ~,' toner s Attbrn I— Littio. ilo Alpntiser—fflit 0 . , outipri:': , i .lurvaior—lmaao . I '.' i A ~., :. _o f Matey—Milian .'• . h. ~, ‘ • ti , wilt= . .. 1 , . n o - aow a , Superinten en aalarkleY, loamy Internal Recut . F. Clark. we • iiek tait % . into, illtipt Asoossorm ;It 1. .„ii, 61.1 le I. 9 4 . ' ' *. my. l4tlhr—Benjamin '. Itarturan. __ ir — HOOP MORT& 628. Will. T.HOPKINS, N '7R~ MI C. Co Co "Orr Ors J6kB." After morn than eve years experience and experi menting an the manutketure of IPPRICTLY FIRST QUALITY 1100 P SKIRTS, we offer oor Justly Col, hatted goods to merchants sad the public in fall confidence of their superiority ever all others In the American market, non they are en acknowledged by ell who wear or deal In them, se they give more sat ',faction than any other Skirt, and reocumend thorn In every respect. Deslora In hoop Skirts should make a note of this feet. every lady who has not given them a trial should do so without further delay. Our ',eminent embrace* every otyle, length and use for ladies. Misses and (Ink Hen, Also, Skirt' MADE TO ORDER, alibied and repaired, Ask for "Hopkins' Own Make," and ha not decely• ed. Sec that she letter "I 1" is woven Of/ the tapes between end] hoop, and that they are stamped •• T. HOPKINS. Menufarturer. ilen Arch Street, Phlls dolphin," upon each tape. No others are genuine. Also, constantly on hand a full Hoe of good New York and Eastern Made Nkirts,•t very low prices. Wholesale and Retail, At the Pill I,A DELPHI A HOOP SKIRT Manufactory and Emporium, No. U$ Arch Street Philadelphia. WIL T, 00VKIN4. Oct. 16, !CO.-10mo. AGENTS WANTED FOR HT E BLUE-COATS. AND DOW THEY LIVED. FounllT AND DIED FOE THE UNION. IMEI Scene■ ■nd incidents in tt .!treat Rebellion. Comprising •r.arratiees of Personal A dvaisture. Thril ling Incideitis. Daring Exploita, Herein Weds, Wonderin I Escapee, Lill is taw Camp, neid and Hospital Adeentutures gales and Scouts together with the Bongs and I.lallada.Anredoreg aid Humorous Incidents of the War. EMEND( DLY ILLUSTRATED wrrn ono 100 VINE •VORTRAITA AND BEAUTIFUL. ENGRAVINGS. There lea certain portion of the wnr that will never go into the regular histories, nor be embodied in romance Of poetry, which is a very rest port of it, end will, if preserved, convey to ourceeding Gene rations a 1p t•er idea of the spirit of the conflict than am many try reports or metal gossip, the fun, the pathos of the war. This illustrates the eltarsetews of the leaders, the humor of the guidons, the devo• lion of women, the bravery of own the pluck of our kraus, the romance and hardships of the permit*. The Valiant and flrave Ilearted, the Pirtureipme and dramatic and Witty and MfIf,MOUIII, the Tender and Pathetic. and the Whole Panorama of the War ere here thrillingly portrayed ins masterly meaner, at once historical and romantic 'r ridering it the most ample, ucique. br.illain and foldable book that the war has r Ited forth. Amn•ement as well no instructine may be found in every page, se graphic detail, brilliant wit, end authentic history. are skilfully interwoven in this work of Mersey art Heed roe circulars and see our terms. and a full description of the work. Address, JUNlatt 01110111. Eke & Co., Philadelphia. l'a. January ') >7 _r l r ~ ~ ~ti PHARMACY. RE receiving more fresh and Drugs, Medicines. Toilet and articles which, bane bums , urebased _ LOWEST RATES, MID WILL. BR BOLD I.OW. Owing to the fall m Drugs and Medicines In the thins, we are nuw tuark• to` every article down to old times prices. Our stock is full and complete. Call and see, and he eonv laced that this is the place to buy. January 2lib. NEW MILLINERY GOODS AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. The understjned most respectfully informs her Lk dy cltetotncra. and the public in general. Wt she ass Just added to her already large lad varied assort• meat of FANCY MILLINERY GOODS A NEW SUPPLY, well end tastefully *fleeted fur the present end earning season. Iler NEW BONNETS AND lIATS are calculate,/ to take the lead In this Owe and vicinity, She has everything found In ret.e lass Millinery AC. Fancy Stores, and makes np and sells her goods upon the most ren• sonablo terms Oise her a all and amino ber new stock of goods. LIZZIE BARKLEY, STORE, Rain Street, (Ramsey Building.) October 23, 1L67. Itioomsburg. N EW COAL YARD. The undersigned respectfully inforins the citisens of Hloornsburg and Columbia county, that they keep all the different iitintliers of stove coal and 'dories lump coal for smithing purposes, on their wharf, ad joining McNoisy, Neal &Co's Furnace; with a good pair buffalo scales on the wharf,to weigh coal i hay and straw. Likewise a horse and wagon, to deliver cos to those who desire it. A■ we purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior article and well at the very lowers prices. Please tall and examine fur yourselves before purchasing elsewhere J. W. HENDERSHOT. AUGUSTUS MASON. H E nodeisigned will take, In exchange for Coal and Groceries. the following named a rticle.4 : Wheat, Bye,Coru. Oats, Potatoes, Lard, Ilaw, ghoul d.'r, and side meat, Butter, Nip, flay, fae., at the highest cash price', at hie Grocery Fiore, adjoining their coal yard. J. W. 111 EN Bloomsburg, April 515, ADItIIN I STRATOW 8 NOTICE. Estate or' David W. Clark, bet itrilsolvie Thep, ilsemni. Letters of atittinhitratlon on the estate of David %V . Clark, late of Montonr Township, Columbia Comity, deceased have been granted try the Regi +ter of said Conn'', to I. 0, ethereal,. In Calm' sea. Col . County. All perlons having claims bgainst the ro tate of the decedent are rebel tell to pressed them to adminlstraior for wilier/tent, and shore knowing therriselres indebted to the estate will make immedi ate payment to the undersigned. J. U. hitt:MAN, Administrator. Catawba, lab. b, 1868-6 w, Eiff if a W n i d th ai t:e pr C i V in T a T i A m G a S ie r iiti aUS ic., comps/tying lt,every man cue do his own prlutleg neatly, MAN cluck ly Ind cheaply. They aro en simple In construteinn that a bny t( years old can easily manage the largest Ilse. 1113 Printed Jammu:lions an) aunt with each Oboe, enabling the purrbsier to go atwork with• out a previous knowledge o OWN printing. A circular contain log full description, prloes. tastamonnals. &c., sent free to all, Our Specimen Sheets PRINTER. l'ilrliC;llileirge,""' SS Asa Sow. Huey 13, 1007—iy. NEW YORK. DRi W. H. BRADLEY, (Late Assistant Medical Director U. 13. Army,) Physician and Surgeon. Irr Ones at the Storks Hotel, Bloomsburg. P 4. Calls prompUy attaaded to bath night and day, niowaskels, Saw. Vi. VOL E. R. IKELE ATTORNEY-AT -Jew, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office, 2nd floor, in Exahange Block, near the "Exchange Hotel." All buslncos plated Is Ws hands will be attended wltb promptness and tare L'ollettloas made with e least possible delay. [Lept. Ida. ' 1 . 1 l i .;, ,l i llt , / i , ,,i 4 fr lr tt.. ll ; . .•. r... 1 cl 4:f r t.A: ilOt iii i - " git • ',. raittliliienait ki , r .‘ , , 1 • , ) 1 1 44 /ti J 51144 tog 11 *Aid , •iip.4464aLid'vteitt an ii ' , lit • a % Ma• i , t a tattotsaiultiaaata.' AM *Gitlin talaittalktf 44* Oro PnrImiI•PPMPTIMAI ° ,f4tjuliolte../ 'lt ' lob 1 • Yfirellaiti 'ASC. iiiidarlill'ii. . . fro* ittigito 4 thireirMi Mika ,•,, hit ',brit (r im / Ist i. 41odit art,4414146 1 / 4 0 toadied &Wet) , I , : Orili;4ll.ogr e ! -, •.' 4 ' . C al hi,* 1C1L541334k o 404 isk,; An Ilittssittalasol6o4sl 40,11 q, MulfAffh ~ atria. we at la all eases sad give saastaattok. , Also a va et, of alotitltaltoluturniars, stl'lt ta N Collars, ot n kt t t h e e si i;rie r, It , ?TV , 4 11 . 1=r ft reat lef t .44 tit, 7.1, Boots and goof, 'Franke and carpet bag „., , ~,z, I 111sisi lat the lowest Market prises. Please glee mu a call before puruhaslng eleewkere. ANDREW J. SVANB, Bloomsburg, Nor. 13, MM. A NEW STOCK OF GOODS, FOR [HARDWARE TRADE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, AT THE NEW STORE OF C. W. SNYDER, BLOOMSIIIIRG, PA., tonalking of every article round in a drat elae,' Hardware More, among which are the roilowing IRON, NAILS, and STEEL, WAtiON SPRINGS and ARLES. PAINTS, OILS and MAR& GRAIN aid GRASS BYTHES, and RYTHE BN Arne, GRAIN CRADLES, RAKES, &c., dx , , KIRBY'S COMBINED REAPER & MOWER, HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED PATENT BAO-HOLDER, AND THE IMPROVED CHERRY SEEDER. ALSO, LIM BERGER% OIL POLISH at Wholesale end GIVE HIM A CALL. Bloomsburg. June IS, 15117. BAUGH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES. CT We annoonre to fermeva and dealers in Fertll• item that tho followsni prices have been adopted fur the pru.ent owing season : BAUGH'S RAW BONE PHOSPHATE. Price. $.% per 9,000 ibi. RAUGII'M CHICAGO PONE. FERTILIZER Frier. VP per 2140 lbs. BAUGH% CHICAGO nLoon MANURE Price. S3B per 2.010 This well knewn popular trade•lnark will be found upon every package of the above manures. The hlsh estimation in which HAL/011 . 4 Down Slis• guess bane been held, der. Ing fourteen veers past. we Atill,fully swain !in the future. !laving now the en roADE MARK Zqr tire control of ihr great re• 'thirteen( the city of Chlen:N , for furnishi tP Aiu moniaarut ph o .ph a t e p 4.1.111., material. viz Itrird Plogh. Blood. &c.. h tvc• in connection with our weittl in Philadelphia. the largest• ferilitirs for fettle shine these manures, at the above low prices. BAUGH & i 4) iB. Philadelphia. NoRTLI-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO., Ctoeugo JuIIN RALEMON & CO., Gent Ails, New York, GF.GRGE W. KIRKE & C 0.," Roston. OCCRGE DUGPALE, Wholesale Agent, Baltimore. For all information roweling the above Manures add res. either of the above houses. Jannery Yll. 1e61.-3tu. - - SCRANTON BOOK BINDERY. Having serum] the servings or Mr. U. Zoche, one of the beet binders to be found in the State, wu ire prepared to furnish to HANKS. INSURANCE cOMPANIES, ISERCtIANI'S, MANUFACTURERS. COAL OPERATORS, II and others, with BLANK BOOKS of every description, on short nntlee. bound in nn y style desired, In the most substantial manner,, at reasonable prices. Magazines bound, and old books rebound, at New York prices. ordera tell at the once of s h e paper publisbina lhia advertise...lent, or sent by Express, will be at tended oi and returned without unnecessary delay. E.O.M. HILL. Scranton, Pa., June 12, 1867.—tf. _ DEN'EISTRY. fEr C.FIOWER, SURGEON DIINTIST. R FSPECTFULIN offers him profnne tonal nervier, to the Indite and gentle it.• 110 f illooninburgand vicinity, lie in .4 ^ p re pa red re to attend to nil the vnrions operation, in the line or his prefecoon.andia tow/Med with the Intent improved POIiCELAth 1166TI1; which will ha inserted on gold.platincailvoi and rubber he e te lookweil as the natuial teeth. Mineral, plate and Hoek teeth manufactured err all of PrPliong on teeth.earefully and properly attenitrii to, Hetidenee and edict a few doors above the Court Hoene. same aide. Shuts 44444 . June 6 1663 SAVA G ••• • • Practical Watchmaker aad Jeweler. MAIN STREET, (near the Court House,) BLOOMSBURG, PA. Constantly on hand a tine assortment of American and Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles. Particular attention paid to ihrrareirjrit of flocs. Watches ■nd Jewelry. Masonic Marka made to order. All work Warrarted. blootosborg. April 17 41147. LAuz Est FAI CY FURS ! AT JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Ertabllshed rtiß Manufactory, 140.718 LICH diritElCTothore 7th. NOLA Ot:1,1'111A Lave now In wont of any own Importation and Manufacture, one of the largest and most banutifu attentions of FANCY FURS for Ladies' and Children's Wear in the City. Also a line assortment of Gent's Par Gloves and Collars I am enabled to dispose of my pods !livery reason able priers, and I would then:4oli solicit a call hum my Mends of Columbia Daaaty and vicinity. Remember the Name, latimber and Street! JOUR 110, 718 Aso! 9t., above 718, tooth Ride ritmAti•., 11:7 - i RAVI NO PARTAIR, NOR OMPRIIOIIBI RITh 11X11 011111 870 RX IN Putwamt.rgu. October Y. 1867 --las. STOVES AND TIN WARE. A. M. RUPERT, Annovnees to hie many Minds and numerous rue- tomersthathe cOlitinuol the above business at his aidplace of business on MAIN ISTREBT, BLOOMS. BURG. His customers and others can be aceotwraedited with FANCY STOVES oral! kinds, Ftnverilpt I.Tlnernre, and .very d 1•. - article round le all well regulated STOVE AND TINWARE ErfAtILISIIMENTS In ige cities. and On the mom reasonable terms. RT SPOUTING, for houtei and Woo, will bo put up oa ahnet notion. Mao. all kinds of Impairing don* prampily and upon liberal terms. He also keep. no hand a large supply of Milk Pane, of different mime, and prices lbesldes doe sort MOM of Fisher's Patent Ylelf•SeaJlas trait Pro. salving Cane. Glee him a call. Jul In, lientl.—tf, ni HERTZLER & GUION, IMPORTEIIe AND DEALERS IN WINES AND LAUDS E U NO. WALNUT EET, AND NO. 19 GRANITE STREET. GARRY HERTZLER, GEO A. OUION AVM 7, !Ad nails 11 OS P. M. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 6 Ce A. M., 10141,11 Biorthundieritinil, stopping at principal stallions, arriving At HeirieborgB 30 •.114.. Vi l ithoofe 111 SD P. M., Philadelphia 1 00 r. II 10 •, IsavoNorttliumlierland, stepping al all D ualorig. arriving at Harrisburg. at 1 15 P. Al.. 1041. Unwire 6 NI p. Pi.. Philadelphia 5 40 r. P. 6 10 P. M, leave Warthumibarland. stopping at all mations, arriving al ILarrieburg A 30 p, s., Philadei• phis 1 Be a. A., Baillnaciea 7 00 ♦. N. ll 60 p, A., leave Nontiumberland, aloPpini painclpal Mationi, arriving al Ilarriebitrg 9 40 A. A lialtirnote7 OUA.P., Phil dalphla7 00a. r. K. P, YOUldfl, Heal Sup' t. liarrieburg, Pa. Heal Pass, Agent, Baltimore, and ISAAC M, Heal Militant Prete:it Agent, Buffalo, N.Y. May, A, 1i417. M. M. TRAUGIi f ATTORNEY-AT—LAW, BLOONSBURC, Will pre Mee in ja. several Court§ of Columbia and adjoining nonie ttp. All Collation gellingtly attended to. June nn, 1d66. _ _ Da•rivass. OLDINIIIIS AID C rested with the ulmost NUMMI, by J: ISA ACS, M. D.. Oculist and Aurist (former ly of Leyden. liolisnl). No. NA Arch iftreet. Philadelphia, Testimonials from the moat reliable retirees In city and country can be seen at Ni. once. The Medical facully are invited to an. 2ompany their pelicans, as he has os secrets in his practice,ARTIPICIAL EYES inserted wilhot pay. No charge for examination Nov. 13, 1207.—1 y THE HEALING POOL, AND HOUSE OF MERCY. [lnward Association Reports. for YOUNG MEI on the CRIME OP SOLITUDE, and tha ERRORA ABlldEll and UISEASEM which destroy the manly powers, and create Impediments to MARRIAGE, 10,it. NM Wane of relief. sent in sealed letter en /eloper. free of charge. Address oR, J , gg Lim/ 01.1011 EON. tlnward Anoclatioo, Philadelphia, Pa. June 3. 11367-1.4. MANHOOD : ITow Lost, How Restoral. Just Published, a new edition of Da, CIILVERWELL'S Celebrated Heiley on the rad• Ica! core ((without ruedicine)orlipermateer hole, iteiu• Inc Weakness, Involuntary !Seminal Lnasea, Impo• teney. Mental end Physical Incapacity, impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also Conautnpttnn, EptlepAy, and Pits induced by stitindulgence or Sexual ertrava• Retire. trr Prifn. in a sealed envelope, only 11 caste. The celebrated author In this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success , . ful pram lee, that the alarming consequentea of self. abuse may be radically cured without the dander. now use of Internal medicine or the application of the knife—poinUng nut a mode of care at care pie. retain. and effectual, by means of which ever( auffersr, no matter what his condition say be, may cure himself cheaply. privately , and radically. Et Tills lecture should bo In the hands of every youth and every man In the land. tient. under • eal, in a plain envelope, to any ad. dress post •yaid, us receipt of Mc cents, or two post /damp. Address the publishers. I'll Mt. J. I'. K LINE 4. CO. Ir flowery, New York, l'ostUdicalea, 45191. Nov. 27, 1k67.-3iii NATIONAL FOUNDRY. PONISBURG, UMBIA CO., PA. 11 B rnhorribnr. proprietor of the abeve named et• ieive ettabliihineot,in now 'pared to MAYO (Mitt' f Machleery, for Voileries, Pleat Furnaces, Stationary Engines MILLS, THAESIIING MACHINES, kE.. &C. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and &Hems, 000 , 1rnno. and everyaing usually snide In Brst•ctnss Foundries. His exieneive facilities and practical workmen, war. rant him in receiving the largest contracts oa tbil meat reasonable term". QT " Grain of all ktudi grill be taken in exchange for castings. lop This establishment is Inea.ed near the Lsekawa• na 4 Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER BILLXYL:II. Bloomsburg, Sept. 12, 1P63. HARE CHANCE. The excinfive eentrni:and sale or Ave valmilde In• v , :ntinns, needed in every family, and paying Wire profit., be secured by applying either personally or by letter to J. S. LASU A. Co.. 7 Market Street Phlta. GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN SElf ING MACHINES. Empire Shuttle Machine ! BALMER/OMA, S:l6 Broadway, N. Y., 230 Washinetnn Meet, Boston, Che.nut threet,lphin, PATENTED FEH. 14, !POD. 1111111 MACHINE is constructed nn entirely new principles of merhathsm, possessing 'natty rare and vainablo impmvenients, having been erunined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simpl ;city and e'fctinn Dombined. It has a straight needle ' perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or Hill TI LE which will neither RIP an, RAVEL. cud is Milt/ion both sides performs perfect ecwing on every description of material. from Leather to ;he finest Stowelt muslin, with cotton, linen, of silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Ilaviog neither CAM or 000 W SEEL, and the lean possible friction, it runs as smooth might's. and Is tie/ Ily (7 21"niseless ifachine. It requires FIFTY PER CENT. leas power to drive It than any other machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age con work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity nrConstrue• lion renders it almost Imposilble to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to gave on. tire eatisfaction. We respectfully invite ell thole who may desire to supply themselves with n euperrior artiste, to coins and examine this UNE' VALLED MACHINE. One half hour's instruction Is suelleient to enable any person to work this machine to their entire sat• Olfaction. Agents wanted for all towns in the United Elates, where agenelea are not already established. Also. (01' Cube, Central end South Alneriea, to whom a liberal discount will he given, LMPIIIII SEWING MACOMB Mira CO.. 3.313 Broadway. N, Y, WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL DR. WM. sman's " DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE." It centaina over 1000 cleric!) , pr Intuit , double column °May,, pages, from now electrotype plates, on good paper, end,le appropriately illustrated with more Ilion Mk unpitying' on steel and wood, and a "cries of hnir authentic maps i It comprises the Antiquities, Biography, Geography Natural H leinty Topography, and is a complete C. clopedin of the &Antares, It le necessary to'every Bible reader, indispensable to every Minister and Punday School Teethe', and ought to be in every family, It le highlr i commended by all learned ead'emlnent men, and by the Press general ly in all party of the country, as the best book of the kind in the English language. Do not Le Deceittel. Owing to the unpretedented, • posoilarily 'of this Work, a small English Abridgement, In , doroloeinio form, of about 600 pages, has been reprinted in this country in larger typo, and spread overl2oo octavo pAges,avldently—by making a larger book than:the original—to glen the impression reeler than it is . n our edition. It has less than half the reading matter of our, anti Is mold considorably higher t ban the Ca gush edition of same book is this rointiy. Borne agents are endeavonng to palskof this Juneau' , kW' than for ours, Teashers,Btedents, Relined Clergymes, Tamers, sad energetic women !Mike agency, fin this work bath pleasant rid lucrative employment. Send ItAi circulars, giving fall pat titulars, terms, ere., to 8,8, SVaANTUN, VO., Hook,Publishars, thei Asylum et., Hartford, Cons. February 2s, 188841 w. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost seems. by IR A ACM, N. It,. Oculist and A unit (formerly oH.e,. den, liolland,) No. MA Arch Street, PRILAD'A.— Testimonials, from the mom reliable MOM in the tiny and country fan be nee at kimonos. The med. ice! dtcultY are turned to accompamy their statiente, as be has no ferrets In his practice ARTIFICIAL BYES, Inserted without ram No charge IN eaaat• (April 16G6.—1y O - " internal viscera pnrifj **blood and Wm late it Into healthy action. They remove the obstructions of the stomach , bowels, liver and other ermine of the body, and, by restoring their irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the tint causes of disease. An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, Physicians, and Patients, has shown cures of dan gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not substantiated by penons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Their certificates are published In my American Almanac, which the Agents below named are pleased to furnish free to all inquiring. Annexed we give Directions for their use In the complaints which they have been found to rue. FOR COSTITIBMIII. —Take One or two Pills, Or such quantity as to gently move the bowels. Coe tivenese Is frequently the aggravating cause of Pau, and the curs of one complaint is the ems of heth. No penon elan feel well while under costive habit of body. Hence it should be, as It can be, promptly relieved. Pow Desexems, which Is sometimes the nub of Costiveness, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses from one to four to stimulate the stoniaels and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and the heartburn, bodyburn, and sou/buns of dyepeosid will rapidly disappear. When it has gone, don't forget what cured you. For • Pout. STOMACH, or llorbid Inaction of the Bowels, which produces general depression of the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills at fret, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to the syste m.; FOR NERTOVONEB4, Sect HRADACHS, NACINZA, Pairs in the Stonsaeh, Back, or Nide, take from foot to sight pills on going to bed. If they do not oper ate sufficiently, take more the next day until they do. These complaints will be RN ept out from the system. Don't wear these and their kindred dies orders because your stomach is foul. Fort flostornat,, and cal Diseases of the Skin„ take the Pills freely and frequently, to keep the bowels opera. The eruptions will gener ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many dreadful ulcers and sorca have been healed up h the purging and purifying effect of three Pills, and some disgusting illnesses which seemed to saturate the whole system hare completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health. Patients! your duty to society forbids that you should pantileyourself around the world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your system wants cleansing. To FURRY! THI BLOOD, they Alt the best nu li• eine ever discovered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the Impurities which env the seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the System like chaff before the wind. By this properly they do as touch good in preventing sickness 1v by the remarkable cures which they are making e% cry where. Livan Cost**LUNT, JAtnnien, and all Bil,aus Ajtertiont arise from some derangement— either torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the laver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the Idle and render It unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the health, and the constitution la frequently under mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the bile into the stomach causes the bile , to oserflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a tong and dangerous train of evils. Costiveness. or alternately costiveness and diarrlitea, Feverish symptoms, languor, low mdrits, weariness, restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsi n ess ; sometimes there is severe poin in the side; the ~kia and the white of the eyes become a ereoniot ; the stomach acid; the bowels sore to the twin,; the whole system irritable, with a tendency t. , fort, which may tarn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious diarrhoea, dysentery, /kr. A medinm dose of threw nr four l'ills taken at night, followed by two or three in the morning~, and repeated a few days, will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer such pains when you can cure them for 2.5 cents. 131111USIATISIII, Oar?, and al/ Iti/lasamatolf to are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of • , the blood and the stimulus which they affbrd to the vital principle of Life. For those and all kindred comp:snits they should be taken in mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely. An a Dirernit PILL, this is both agreeable anis useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to take, and certainly none has been made more effectual to the purpose for which a dinner pill is employed. PREPARED BY Dn. J. C. AVER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemiita LOWELL, MABB., ♦hU POLO PI Ayer's Ague Cure. FOR TDB &MDT AND CIRTAIN CURB Of INTR IMITTI rayon. oa CUMIN AND FIVES. F•Va MI. FANNIN. llama Aeon. fall °OKA L lIN DAM[ 1111.11M4 IIk:ADM - 1M AND F 11.1. 1, Elm vie: 'sot •D. o TIIR CLASS Or DUIPANNII DRUNK 411 N & 11l VoLi•A AAAAA ORNIART. CAINIRD NV 11111: XALARI• ON DIANN aTIO This remedy has rarely failed to rurethe PPvere.t c•.tres of ',sills and ?ever, and it hap this gr,it nd• vantage over other Agee medicines, that it subdips the complaint without injury to ,the patient, Ition• tame no quinine nr oth.'l de oriou• rutwu,ner nor Goes it product oniiiiion ur any injurioni I% het ever , Makin, broth.,,of the army eft he net t,try it and you will endorse therm nertmoe. Prepared by Da. J. C. AYER k t•n.. and wild by all Druggists and dealervir medicine verawhere. A NEW ARRIVAL OF MILLINERY AND & IP FANCY GOODS, AT'A% MAL b 4. Z. =MIS, LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA COUNTY. she would reopectfully inform the citizens of Light Sired and vicinity, that the has just rellined from the city with a fine assortment of Fall arid WI 'ter 11111.1.1111PY AND FANCY 000 DS, well talcs' tied to suit tiffs trade. ROA NETS made to order, and repairing don , with neatness and despatch, All work cs,tiuu•di tlio beat and must tasty manner, upon reasonable. :rms. Particular attention is paid to drew making. She has PATTERNS of every description, portal; wig to the trado. oil hand and for sale cheap. She will also' pay special attention to coloring, having spent lime and money to learn the art In all its particulars, she is rotifislent in giving sati AWOL 110 , dThile in Worden's Buildings. November 6. 1867. CONFECTIONERY. Tns undersigned would respectfully announce In the public that he has opened a FIRST-CLANS CONFECTIoNERY ErroßE, in the building lately occupied by Bernard [Hubner, where he Is prepared to Airniih all kinds of PLAIN & FANCY CANUINA FRENCH CANDIESJOREIGN AND DOM LVITIC FRUITS, NUTS. RATS INS. &C.. &C.. &C., &C. CT WHOLIPALL nll INTAIL. In short a full assortment of all heads of roods in his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS. TOYS. &c... suitable for the Holidays. Formeler moo - lion given to BREAD AND CAKES. of all heads fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES. CIIDISTMAS TOYS. A call is solicited, and satisfaction will be gwitar, tend. Dec. 11. lAA R. ECKIIANT JACOItB. ERIIOIIB OF I()11T11. A gentleman who in early )11' , was a elettin to tha debasing vice so conillUM to youth, which remelted in Seminal Weakness, levolnntory Rmisslmte end Nervosa Prostration snit 0111,e near ending hie *lay* in hopeless misery. After using numeroas reffir airs without ourcess. he obtained Isom &friend Immo %Wapiti fides 11111 prcerriptions that atectsid a per care. on brkalrof angering hsdiaetq ho will send this 111114 a free of charge to all who ui& desire It. Address EDGAR ThallifAlNE, Pacition L, hale liaise. New York , Novembe r 0, 1807. O C. KAHLER, Counselor and Attorney at Law. BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Would ammonia , to his Mond* and the public in /anneal, that he has stamped the Practice of Law again. Conveyancing and all legal business promptly attended tn. OPFICII In t&e &change luilding, second story over e'er & Moyers Dula Vlore. Bloomsburg, May 1,180, I WILL GO TO kiLOWZNIS TO BUY'toot'.