floometurg fitisocrat Wednesday, April la, VISS. Virilow about those potatoes we who , titled for? Clot any, oh? 1 Wild pigeons ware sold in our mar- Irct. on Friday aud Saturday last fur 871 4na, per dozen, Ifir AL!x. B. MARINO will sell a lot of Tersonal property, at his rekidenee in Or- Augeville, on Saturday next, ltith inAant. MP WILLIAM HOWELL, of Mt. Pleasant, till,' County, will sell personal property, on Lis prethiteq, on the 231 hot. See venilue ter WE eon the attention a young men about to enter upon the great highway of business, to the advertisement of the new book entitled The Road to Wealth." sir J. J. Batiwgn has removed the old building on the corner of the Robison lot," opposite the Exchange Block, prepar atory to the erection of zt line building in its stead the cowing butnuier. air THE dwelling of John lialcAnn, in Tamaqua, was entered nn Tuo-fiay night of Imt week, and robbed of a gal watch and chain, and about fifty dullan4 iu money.— nufteilft St , i,ufurt f. agir 111 DENtotTAT %%ill he found the applicants fur Tavern and t•ittloint Li :cases, advertised in compliance with the et of Assembly. The list is somewlm in. ireased in nuniliers over that of lad year. Ate" publisher of a paper has recently ecovered at law thirteen years' subwription nd costs front a subscriber who Wailed he statue of Ihnitation, which he claimed erred the claim for all exceeding six years. be Attire kid that it was a continuing ontract, 4er TUE contract for carrying, the ' , tweet' thia place anti Eupert ham been 'ardetl to Oen, 11. Brown, of this town, ta at present residing in Wilketdtarre. he probabilities are that Jacob L. Girton, e former contractor, will continue to carry e utak CROP.—From lire4ent dieations, the next wheat crop will be a od 01110 iu this county. FUEIII(TH in dif ent acetion ugrce in rtatiiii that ii stml e whiter very well ; that the largo amount snow which fell and remained fir a long eon the ground protected the young nti.4, and prevented them from freezing Enoismus has removed his fectionary business front the hoild opposite the Exchange Block to last onisburg, on Main Street, near the Laek . nna Railroad crossing, %here he will pleased to receive calls from all his old otriers and as many new ones. (live '..rasinus a call ; he keeps a good snppli rtielcs in the v•infeedonery " lJ .nother milituut it will be seen the Owen !louse at Penick ha, fallen the hands of a new proprietor by the eof T. Rent. Taylor. We have met gentleman, and have always found t.im and nyreeablo in his manner and con . dun, and in every respect worthy of nblie patronage. lie has the ability will keep a good house of entertain- Give him a mil. NATURAL Cl' Itlf I% tlivl h, of Salem, Litzerne County inrorms at a cow, belonging to him, gave Girth days ago, to a calf with t wo wins ads, four ears, four eyes, and timr legs. If is full grown, though dead. Mr. di has saved the ,kin and dosigns stuff for exhibition. lie thinks there is a xt for homebody to make money out of 'ussibly.-11tralek Gitztue. Sutctue.—A loan named l'eter UV et,iding at 3lontana, Columbia county, miles from Ashland, rays the A-bland it, committed suieide, on Friday of betbre last, by sbooting himself in the ith a ig.ttol. It is said that he has flinging for some time past tm ler I On:ration and was in thi• condition be committed the deed. Ile leaves a ul family of children. 'BROKE Ms 111118. --We are hill mud gentleman named Liideou Ness, of Ica tuwwhip, met with an ac,ident • last week. by which he broke a of ribs. Ile wits engeged in building a house, when the scar!' JI.I gave way, tatiug him to the ground among a stone and rubbiA• tie is under the I care of Dr. Little of this place, and as well as could be expected under magnum Uo.utte. =2 John Hinter, contractor on Ole y and Ilnzleton Railroad, and his ero arrested for trespass one day 1a,4 ud brought to this place, Thu whole •omptly entered buil for their appear nd then returned to their work, hurt. Wu ""cry well remember the of trouble the Lackawanna Comps• in laying down a railroad track this county, and today there is a 11 who would furor its being Ir. Hinterliteroperatcs in hearer , thin county, ARLY TOMATOM—To have tem .., plant a reW semis, n , ky time this t the pots in which the plants are the kitchen window, They will late and grow very rapidly, and pLiuts are two or three inches one of each in boxes three inches very biotin flower pots, and give same attention the house plants As ton us nfl danger from &art der the tomato plants which budded, and perhaps covered tare fruit, to the saitiolh aide of oe or sunny Nide of a build*, . rich. Boa, and you will hive • a on the fourth day of July, if icnce and a favorable season aro ing. Try it, ler Too attention of our milers is di rected to tho turd in another column of Wolf & Ltarion, successors tq Simon 0. in thetnannfsmutins Oilnors, blinds, knouhrings, 441 ko. too their advortisement,„„Thq tokkimotAld7 50. licit a continuance of,the former mistook. Mr Now is the time to subscribe for a campaign paper. Thanks to our friend! for the large acquisitions made to our list , dur ing the past two weeks. Continue to send them along. The DEMOCRAT has long been established, for the promulgation of Demo crat'', principles and the support of sound and wholesome measures. QUARTERLY REPORT of the First Nation ni Bunk of Bloomsburg, April 6th, 1868 : REAM:WES. Loans and Discounts, $101,2411 86 Current Expenses, 1,609 72 Cubb item. 2,459 47 Due front National Banks, 69,709 73 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation, 50,000 00 Other 1% S. Securities, 8,350 00 Notes of other National Banks, 1,395 00 Other Lawful money, 31,492 00 $353,352 713 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, $50,000 00 Surplus Fund, 30,000 00 Circulation, 4:1,596 00 Individual 1/eposits, 2043,961 53 Duo linukr, and Bankers, 6,666 oil 1/i.conat Exchanges and Inland, 8,671 65 Profit and Loss, 7,181 51 $370,382 78 The above Is tru.l. J. P. TrsTIN, Cashier MAi It Ili ET REPORT. Wheat per lAt-hel, $2 40 Bye, i. 125 l al it 0111, 1 30 Buckwheat " 1 00 Oats, it St ) ( InrerSVed '' 7 tat Flax , retl, " 250 Durtlappio " 2 50 Potatoc4, '' 125 Flour per barrel, 14 00 Butter. 40 licaa lUT 0107V11 TAlow jrL pottud,.. ...... ... Lard I, Maw 4( Sli , Rll;ler 4 , " Hay per ton SPECIAL NOTICE 3 To LADIES. Your attention is culled to the nowt effirarions reunotios ewer knew' ror the reetoeiti of obstructiotis mat ilur snip:moo' , int:Went to the !mate •es, Dr. Harvey's (111101OTUEilMAI, PENA LE VI LLS, 1.. ,, 11 11.4 for upwards )f 'room re.nx With iwearyinn ,oer,ne. 1111 at* 11. alif.4l tor nil ordi• nary canes nod never (nil in their tiCleoll if taken in time. Dr. Harvey's i;(iI.I)EN FlOl kLE FIVI euLLAtte Aro. int# rulud for rqu,rial thSoll* . qtairillif MOre vivre., ful uordo.inu. 11,41 are four utriunwr tkuu tau ordinary kind and are purle , rly barmier* and reitutdu. if yon rennin get Mein of your druggiot I will wend them by return n nil, intwt.raid And littcUrq (PIM Ob , Servation nn receipt of the money. I will ft1, , 0 114.11 , 1 an I lingwitted and Canddratial irridat 11, Lath , MONS'S J. CR Y M D., 1. y o " . HAPPINESS'! OR A Q v The virtim of youthful Ituitscrution tie/drupe hie 11:1(4 , 1114 . 14. Mill« iris urusprctio for hj ..uptym,,,it tir.r , ofv• nd th. lutroitt bn.doems tool ends lis 111. of ouot.ry ; hut by tor, timely use t r the lung tried and teuhlui p.uoty Bell's Specific Pills, fpp r0011 . 1.1' hioo hcalth. Mak. thnteroom nit de. lay in inolato Hint remedy. It gives 0t0 , 0.01y relief and no oil soon "dirt n cow on all eases of rleulinal Weak. nos.. 1:M604014, Phywool and Nolsrus WWI ots and ileiitivqbeitt. of Moo unitary Offlift* P 4, 911V • lame• tit 18 &mood by awing a single hoot It is .opto r poy vn,to.noliln and harmfroia and no chime of drat Is whil.ot wins tbaat. ht it n itne Indoor prr boos, with fall directions. eoold by Orman:too groerulty, In places whrote onaind PrWlitell I nits 8894 mods by mail a 0,4- 1 ,3111 and Perilf.t it in " 011,1 " , " r".*lPt of 111011eV. J. !MA'AM, M. U. 010 b 11.04.0. wAy •tiv V.rtz, Pert 1.4.1 roothkotitil circulars witi be tent to P. 411,1, Dlt. J. BR VAN, CONSHLTING PHYSICIAN $l9 Broa , way, New Turk, vf, CI Al. Tar. AT vit rAT in nil rim. Of Semi. B..sital, Urinary nevi Nervous lit.esi.e. in MOO rofnut, An%icie cortespondence t onrno,n 10 Ist 0114 my privatY nod Yonti .loothti cryrorturo fret of Otero, and for W rontr a valu,khic tr. to t on ...'.1:141111W INeahoess. by Sr. Rea MO ohm. To Lotto. - t hsll scud my Marais Circular with Anmootiral 'ttyrt.Yinure fret of charro. and for 10 otY a vhluehly tyratiw by hr. /mho tl4avatt crn Worn* imp information on all oulleetb ye in- Imo( L. the opli. ITCH Irma" II ITCH I! ! vlvu ecnATill ! i ocuvreu iu from (U to V hoots. Wchaton's Ointment came The Itch Wheaton's Ointment cures Batt Rheum Wheaton's Ointment cures Totter• Wheaton's ointment cores Ba rber.' Itch 1A41..40114 Cillt2l/00 tares Old ewes. Wlioatou's (hutment tillredl Every kind el' Humor like NI ogle. Prir.. CCM f brX ;hf 1111111.00 routs. Address Wl3 K, & PO l llll Nn. 170 Warbitiona Otteidi 40,..t0tt. ' , 14145. 1 , ,,r Kilo by WI Druggiots. zept.ta. IBta.-1 yr. TO CONSUMPTIVESJ The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (tree or clttitt) to oil who desire it, the prestritolon with the .14m:who t'r hoittoig and natn the pimple remedy by hick he wise rifted or a lung atertion and that dread dl,4ediiv tlnn a dmptina 111. only oh. (*cock fits rankled and he hopes every , otister wilt try this prescription. es it wi'l cost upon oolong, and may prose * lassoing. Moods addITA. kcv. LIAVAki) A. WtI.NUN. 10 .10 South S. and NU set, Williaweburg, New INF()RMArIION. information ituarawed to produen a luxuriant g 'Toth or Wilt Ilium a bald head or beatdien. (ACC. i , ts a reetipe f the removal of Pimples, Illotrber, I.:motion., etc., on the Ana leaving the name soh (*.or, and beautiful ion tin obtained without amp by addrentind ThOS. E. ('II S MAN. (Autumn. Ihoadway, New York. DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Piro attArbsed, at Juba 11. Mayer`a Drug Itta* comer of Main and Market Streets. A gaud sow went of PIiRE DlirG94, rAit , tt. Oils and Varnishes, always wu aar,i, and will ba sold cheaper tints at say other lin-g Stara iri QII A Li IN ODA RANI% ereneta•tiona eararnily conVonaded at Drna Same. , 00l and Jayne* Medicines onld at Moyer's Mug !Moro, Wt.hart'a Tar V0t4141. ttak.es Cod liver Oil, Window'* doothiod Syrup. sold at Oyer'* tOrWi 14449 VW any reliable patent ute,lieinea, eat! as Mow'. tiont down. hintihrt or an kind*. Wandnaale And ratan, at J. it *oyey's rola latora. Utoodirbutd. ?a May It, lenti.-4. WESLEY WIRT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OMee la DEXOURAV AND STAR Dail het so SHIVE I 9 BLOCK Muth 0. 'O7. BLOOMSBURG PA. VOA 131.011 V OP MAW 119 STRANOTIf. A froth. 1, moil who with/rid for yooro how Moroni', atoll 040141 00114. illighily ifoloonoso, and esiolitoi Weilknoilli. Om moll of ocoilhfullodloofotlim. and 9 1 10/ sok , elidfol iiht Oslo le foopilles. in ivory, will' ill rot *gooks doofiwOritroi, toMsioso ilMoi• od, ii 34 qiinplogr NOW A 1,4 whl oilloooMi a COMA t• • tow ' i omit OM lure onworawg loo.litiloo. Mr ilifftlitilld it ir Alpo ail dopy Old will roof pro Nom., Adiflots, MUOAIt TIIINFAIN, PERM Pt. 141,Y. City, TREASLIWPS ULU or temp was tecoLumazo *Awn: Agreeably to the proviAone of the Act of Assembly, entitled an Act to Wow the State debt, 10., gamed the 30111 day Of April, 1844, the Treasur er of, the Voun of CO. !amble hereby gives „pruolar co n e therein, thst unlesse vounty, Road, School, Poor and State Ts" etc., due on the following real estato, situate in the Count, of Columbia, aro paid before the day of sale, the whole or such parts of' each as will pay the charges and coots charge able thereon, will be sold at the court Iloww, in Bloomsburg, I'm, on the Bth dal of June, I tins, and to he continued by ad ournment from day to day, for arrearagcs of taxes duo raid County, and the coots accrued on each respectively : Year. AMP, Owners. Tenants. 11Mn. 144, 1004 1017 Col. yogi k Iron ea, Resent WOll2 no 11014 12 lineal' Moyer " 10 4/4 MM., 400 1,4111 NI .4lalls ill 91 16 1004 37 John Joho.o• .$ 9 70 14404-3 131 John V. Croswell " 33 131 10th 1111 Anthony DIM " II 00 1004.6 7 3041 'l' N. 111144 n .. 107 91 1164 5.01110 Mann & Mills, GI 93 91 1 , 400 30 Mann. Viably & Crlotocell " 0 31 oroo 300 Miller, 91ther & Losses .. border 31 46 16041 11 11. 14' Mcßeynolds " II PO 1006-7 MI John KOONS Renton IN 33 lOIAI 40 '1 cncy Whits " 0 * 11 1 114 I 111,,onah I'oo4 ~. 44 1104 73 Hiram Aoinfeeid " 6VI 1604 50 rater Ithalti " 131 1000 lot Nancy Preemie gloom el 1613 lot Ausooltin Schnell Belrolch Igor IIV Ictk lot Jowl' Maley Conyalltsla 1 VI 164-0 lot Win Aohmion " 7SI 10.15 lni I/wan 4'Blll .11 7 * .11041 lot James l'olller " 191 1103 Ii lute Mien Durkin " 9 le 1014-7 110 Kline, I.ol4,olnutb &Cu " 916 190 I sot John M. Moresis " 4 00 10113 1 lot !Wheal Norio " 4 WI 1005 I bit Ant batty ttlkinnell 0 7:13 104 6 7 130 00, Kline & 14bstpIess " '417 1144 Itt it.b.Julut POLlw 400 =ID tg IMP $llllOll *shun irool I lot Dewerick (MIS WO 1 lut John Ilowkiuil 1 luirriur Iluwrr ;WA 1 lut Win. Chapman I 111 1141 Jacob Stiplar II Al IEIO z ii. 11%; •yck PlahiaAcreok 111 10( 1 3 fa It. Kur.os '• 3 OLi 1063 50 1000 b Viiplo 006 ISO I Int John nvueletshott Greenwood ni ifori int Griffith Phillip* WINS $ Jarkaon A. Watt! lOW I let M ' chary A 1169 149 1699 1191 Win Poixay . 37 1a644 4 lot ralward heals Miloloci 334 044 4 1 , 9 E 90041 P10441', o itill , 10404 f Int George WCIII/01' '" 4:4i .661 409 Woo higolOor h4klloo 903 1694 31 John K. KNtler I 11994.38 46 Hoary 6holooltoyor - ot 6S 1, , 94..8 11l David Iti.hlioe , .. 9 vii 1669 117 JameathiW6l4ll .. 19 iii 1t , 99 IS lieu, 01101 and Party 94 IHM 219 Juoo P ii•IIII Ma . I Oil INi4l 29 cyruo Lards ro. Mad va 1 6 66 109 11, Milhelui's Kitt. •• I PO 1,6+1 I lot Adorn Welliver '. 90 I3*A-3 WO Win eltimborlia Pia, IS 93 .. 15 ...... 12 to ou Imil 17 Jacksmi INlii 14.11 1. 1 01 IlurM FhLLtA 1t461 61 M. ShneinOtt 331 1 4, 64-6 2 Ahr Wrf.ph 4 7 111 1664 lOU Thomas P41..1016116, 6 *AI Ir , b3 lOU Thomas Smith 7 60 12215-4 02 John Fug .. $Ni 1 , 04-4 102 erhuykr liWallser .. 9 Al 1194 CO Michael Kreider " 2 00 j+.os 102 John Cooper's Est .. 11M1 irki hit dole John I Iss Ihs4 hrs JAH Yolk "` it 79 1.05 117 jiiiiin c ierdir " it 50 14“3 43 $S Polly Hoop (wt 4•4) Ptigarl“at tl V.l Infr pro flenty E==== TREASIAREWS SALE OF UNSF.ATED WINDS IN COLUMBIA CC. rh7T. Agreeably to the provisions of an Act of Assembly entitled an Act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and for other purposes, passed the thirteenth day of March. 1815, and the further supplements thereto passed on the 13th day of March. 1817, and the 25th day of March, 11%21, and the tith day of March, 1847, the Treasurer of Columbia county hereby gives notice to all persons concerned therein, that unless RITTITIT - 831451, — P00r, Bolfly and State taxes due on the fbllowing tracts of unseated lands, situate in Columbia coun ty, are pail befbre tlo day of sale, the whole or such part. of each tract as will pay the costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, in the town of Mooing. burg, Pa., on the Bth day of June, 18igi, nud to continue by adjournment front day to day for arrearages of taxes due said County, and costs accrued on each tract re spectively, No. or Acre,. Worrontnro or Owners, Dol, Co. FNTtiXlr 4 , 1 Ann Claktoron $lO 411 11 John J, !invite V Us 41 Trim y tfhite II 415 Kit .14 , 11” B. Vroing ..:3 Peanut, laciiPllll iturEß. 466 abo Colombia Coal a Imo Co. 7.1 46 3eli ,iiiii Sarah 4, Coltman 14 On II Lear li..vis .56 IV() 1..0r rilaaa 7 MO J.Gn Grstir I:I HI wit Winn ti ltont 6 V, :PO Minos Miller IPI Gel 6:1•Q 111elsiinell. RlWallops' I Tuft 614 911 gin) enlhn - in , Noyes, It 4I IW Haim nun 'W. 61661666 613 4100 Paul Apple 14 73 10 leninuel 11Inat 1 44 49 Win. J. lirttia• 7 Pin 010 limy 1b7.. 13 39 10 John 4'40 3 90 19 Is m. J. r leunni 119• S 30 Win. 1.. Frei. 10 u 9 23 Il i a. 11. llama. 1 79 Sea j 110' 1 11, r, Ileailly CO 02 kw 7 Insiberine rparen 41 RI J Its Parkerson Abraham Reeser henb dntct 4 1 1 Po y Joseph ifinchborn• 37 74 100 1 fo. 30u John 11, Solt 341 40 40 Juba lrool I 44 CONY.I I IOMAJK 430 Judge C01...._ 17 16 $ I mil. Walker um 3 3n 111 John 1110 ton 34 44 1110 Jocub nice $7 On 374 Wm, rhonorm 119 6 On Mg (Imo. Ilmkbam 3 1 0 00 384 Jureo 11cmIlY 109 On 384 Thor 1111001.imor 1.311 1$ 9.74 6 moo Workor.ham 3311 On 977 louo. l l human 1911 n :05 Audrey* Porter 383 16 31.3 1.1.11/1.1 Welker 394 It 1 07 Vin T. 1414.'411.0 IV Gresonth" 41 4 9 1 of :11.6 blorY 1 ; 16 0 6 6 do 47 I'3 I or Ive I'. Monona N V LAIC l'' ilitaCC•3l 43 iof 3cu Mary 101,0 an du do 67 83 441 Vboorsor Uranium 311 MI 103 Ileol Coombe 114 514 4ul John V miog 114 7,1 400 Juohuo Brom 131 11 100 I'M , r IluchoBr 39 30 450 Nathaniel brows 150 05 OKI John Kline INi 30 CKATRS• S nettjaatln A liptuitio 33 Isamb t'onNt's lAst. 3 N 11/I.Wilt & Ileufolki 3A.4 Will. Dnionis 7 rirox's &tato V .111 Coll 000 d I 101 111. Brno 1.4 liot Fear Ilsweo.bueV A Thomas liothli• 2 06 7 641041 W 6 Holber 0 40 II ioftph Clewed 3 PO 34 ' J. e. Probst 003 110 J. P. Faucher 10 Pm he 0 1 Moiler 4 Theme* 37 73 1 , 1 0 Devoil Gamma Op rnAmmir. I Jauwo Voa CO IM) Mitish Itryseldia Cs 9 94 10 Ulm. Miwenk TY FI4III,NOCRICEN .. 4 GM. J. ralh.er 1 411 9$ J. N. Janne 964 64 99 6999 Alumgar 1 MI 34 Wm. Butkolrw'e C.lOll vl 74 In Prrar 411411949 11 39 Ile 1.0111 1 / 1 1rd Welker, 33 191 Wm. Mom, J 900 Pommel J. Peal*, , 11 it i 3 61. m. Pm4l9r 63 04 Wm. hahbloo 4 Co 11193 MI Wm. 1419mors 1$ 44 OM 11,99439 m le selehair 11 131 93 e 191114 11. Wllhe § 1 113 Abrilhain V. 491 41 WOW lhorr V.llll_' AndkW I 161146144 140.4 , 64 SONO 14111660a144' ... 1 Ikt n 389 as I 10 t Joh* Oita Pa is as w 40 3 6 1 ' I 30 7 47 MG IMIM veto 7 3tl BRIORC'REF.E. t2* 14 = ORS,VVrniiOD, 1 R. Applemati 71 P.R. AV's 7 N. Apo 0 1011 Romisol ouphor SO POrthoo Campb4l $0 H . W. obr ß i •soldo 11 John Illordas 0 Zobolom Robbins iAOIIOJI, Ili Wm. York, I Wol. Stephan, LOCCIIIr II b co o s Dash 000 rbo 011111uptai 111 1 - 09 40 bibo 910901 :1 04 of 100 Mary Illymro • Chrooodeb" 111 10 of 100 Thos. 110111011 dO OCO of 100 lionlo/ Rippe do 17 10 of 999 Mary 411•111111 do 10 011 o=o rharlollo Ploolia do 10 110 of SOO Jul,,, 114yooldo do 111 00 of 000 M 0110ProN 11 1 / 4 11C1/ It RR. Cool CO. IS SO I 4 of 100 Thollll.o ISSIOSII do o`oo of 100 Virile' anal do 17 10 of 900 HMV iiiirt4il do 10 90 of - AM Chorlolin 1194100 do 11 1 11l Imo of 0 0 0 J. bo Rpiroplds do 10 00 /oho and J or Rlivid• V Oa VO Wu*, Ooprro 1013 MIFFLIN. 300 Den, Latimer 10 Win. Mangle/0r 100 Nungeinier &leafier 17 Joanne Zlniaseruian 70 Jacob Oniiibily 31 Joel Millie 31 111111nUtl Park', Kat, 11 David firoma. so. AMINE 130 Daniel & Issas Toner 171 lianki Vetter IW Jacob Illininer 133 J Pincher V? 11. U. Miller, doe'd. 110 Philip Miller 1.7 Daniel Nhuman. don't lIU Kennon Phninnn WWI Jo. hoe Webb 7 Philip Wall XI 120. V. 300 Joseph Sisreteh M7', PLC:AUNT. John Ale 10 Micheal tirover fittAKOK. 43 Jllllll,O Elfetttrit 211 Ilaiseribucti II emus! (,reveling 14 John Melia 3J Deo Millet 7110 Huffman J 14111111 Win %Veidenhamer liyiveider Death WI Jog Lockout 100 Thou... Penfield 1410.4RINVON CAW. Prior Hurlifict 3 04 ISU Thumns Ilutnes 3 nn 3:1 Geo Howe. IV 03 Ina John 111,1 n 13 433 Philip Kolb Itl 30 I.ase. Lined! 7 74 '441 Jamb Trivlo 3 in no Ahrahnin °ember 1 wa On Pro., airn.en Y 7.1 So Keep Muss 1 31 ELI SIVA RLOAI qqt Atfahrtin itmts'd get fI J. 1111041 ttOtilla 12 3 3t 12== 3ti 1V u J Amu , . nurtalei, 30 I. teal Voile 4 1.4 73 Vary Cuidord 7 34 4do Nob., Elvi , rhart 41 4$ 33 Gei 44pli t him 7 PO 24 Robert Gray 10 1141 405 nimio's 1441 49 94 iiS dinibiioy tirorbort II 'di Vi , o Wm blowbort ID s•r 30 roily Woo Widow 3 XI 35 Abrobato Klioe V 74 1130 Itobrirt Alwitgotwiry Set IV 3o Wm do do 45 Go 114 Danirl I 40114.1147 9 Do 63 Abraham Young b 33 IA ;'VII YOWL Tramarer. Bloomsburg April titb, leirki. COVRT PROMILITIOIII. WHEREAS. the Hoc {Name* Emma.. President judge of the Court of Oyer arid Terminer and Gen eras Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Simmons of the Pew' and Court of Common Pleas and Orphan's Court in the With Judicial District, comporeil of the corium. of ColumbradMillivuo and Wyoming and the lion. Irani herr and Peter IC. freeborn, AsairinteJudgesofi`ohim. bia Co.. have issued their precepideinring Mite tint tat h Mirth, in the year of our Lord rim thousand eight hundred roe Maly-eight, to the directed for bobbing a Court oft ryer an Terminer and General Jail delta-err, benerntiguarter Sessions Mom Poste, Common Picas I and orphan's court, in Bloomsburg, in the county of Columbia. on the firm Monday. ibong the din day; of play mitt, t I continue ton weeks. Noon , is hereby awn, to the Coroner, the /makes . of the Peaee and Constablea cif tho said county uf i MI. umbra that they he then and there or their proper per. non at In o'riork in the forenoon Of said day with their re. otos, inimicithine and other remembrance to do timer Mince with to their Mitre* appertain to be done. And Moo , that me hound be recognizance, to prosecute against Dm prisoner* that are or may be in the Jailor avid comity of Coombia to be then and there to lim'. ante them as Shall be just,. Jurors are requested to be punctual in Wirt attests to their entices ..........1 , D, i ic i l at Ithroureburg, the With day of Meech , 1., II „.' in the year of nor Lord one thousand eight f 'ewe.. ) hundred rood a illy-right and in the ninetieth year of the Independence of the United Plates of America. ( Got, lova trim Crinensiveszos. MOR DECA I MIL LA RD, theri IT, Ilivouniburg, May $, lens S Grand Jurors for May Terns 11565. 010," -w Eiger. ttr ever- Joh , ' Vitch4.l, Utiltremek Canner. Weelty R. 7117111.Z11011 is Adatisti. 11.01 , M - 4 11t11 , 1”1 Appl.men. Centre -William Se.itr^r. ratoiwssa-3 , ha krise. Centralia Bor. -Thew,* en:nailer, rreeklie--11. I. Reeder. Grreewonit -Geo. Derr. Mr bard K it(bea • William W Hong, stamurl rrrne. lixotOork -Stiniti.4 Ohl. W 'loam rry, Lot 61.....aubeft Waakias, , elltsgtos Yeager, Jacob Flo eft, offlon—Abraham *tshwappenheiser. Mattionts --tailto lA/Olivet than—Jormhi,hriossin, Francis f". Masters. Itearrnsestett- charts* Dyer. Traverse Jurors ter May T. MS MOM -John 0. Casey Rudolph IL Ringlet'. Itrisrerrea-Jr , hantban Gardner. Santos -Ahrshain Moms& assail F. Mann. shipohl fisher. c.nlmlin Hoe. HS Vid Camp. Criers- Mooed Hughes. Daniel iSISIIMS. rioloniterstk-Juba Hess Jr„ Wm. Alms, Philip A ppleinui. Ilreseweed- Franc is P. Leans, Joseph tenet. V itoblees. Wm, Lew ten, Welter it -Jacob Hums. Jackson-John F. Horr. Lomr s t -Jioeph teat's. lease oyer. Ms.isun mnatural lathy, Isaac Natal* othli.. John Hammon& Pleasant -John 11. Vanderslier,Genrci Grime., *seen Kesler, Joseph Crawler& !)rouge--M, 11. Pctrarsen, Henry lieclbemr. A. IL Pins-Jnseph P. Peattersond, Hogniforttrk -O. It. flews. Stott-Juba dhow s& Jahn IL Fano, I. White. Ells it Krum, 811Enirrs SALES. SY virtue of sundry writs of V enditioni exponas, to tae etr feted. is.fted out of the Court of Common Pleat of Columbia County, will be exposed to public sale or outery at the Coon Mouse in Bloomsburg. nn Monday the 4th day of May. Istht. at ► &clock lit the afternoon, the following real estate to wit: All that certain lot of *retold situate in Locust township. Colunthis county. cootaining aixteea seven more Dries*. bounden on the east and south by lands of Elijah Cleaver. on the west by lends of George grislier, and on the north by loads of George Itri. on which is treated a tug dwelling house with tits appurteonoces. nelson, and taken in execution and •n be sold as the property of Augustus Groves sad Charlotte Goma, 14 el 1 The, following piece and tot of ground situate in Catawissa township, Columbia county. bounded and described as MOWN. 10 wit; 'routing en llailreed street 140 feet. and fronting on Pine 79 INOI. agtoin • ing and bounding on the east by lot of Ilenjanint P Penner, whereon is erected a large frame wsre.hou se rind one eirinil feline dwelling. *laud, taken In execntior and to be slid as the property of John J/11001)11. 1114.90, All that piece nr parcel nr land or Ph of ground, situate in tne norriunh of Centralia. Columbia noun• It,. bounded and deeeribed NO follows. l Wit the 11/01.1 by Wean Avenue. on the south by thillrnad sires , I. on INN OW by u wiry. and on the, north by tot al' Reuben Aril his, upon which Is erected a (pine dwelling buitecetitubs, and other out buildings. ihrusedoirken In ONNeullue and to be gold as the property of Joie Menem. MILLARD, Aboritf. eloulaolitirg, April O. IMO. MgQI=I=MI KaWH! be sold al orients kale kilovolts - wl Luir, ablated on int h rid Ilford Otilike above Ivrea nsn the ;gaining Mill el at t'o ,le IllneeirWerb, The Imo re a arta Noe briilillos. owe movie!" blab, with cellar. 140 well Ilaiehird. The lot Is at said slat, to ea m 01011444 ills*, sod wol i ljii ty lkM a ltier infra/ de earielto Awe troll, A . •Italballdi age ato :, 'rho ter.. Oa • liberal, as olives Fur Wilkie PAU gilt lagaire Ale • Nfri. 0, 11*7 Nortek', TO CREDITORS. All portions knowing thoiosoloci 'WA tbo mlarolgouil, cro loquostuil mato p nt withinit delay. 1. C. R NN, rott,l3 lea 410 SI 1 4MI 44 i 2 s so To 0 PI 140 O 1" 0 Is n 4 16 VI 6 90 10 21 3 6 16 011 1 1 00 i I/ 63 10 11 4 4 Stm 6 Ou 2 MI MI 1 s '(so, N Inharooo AND ontxmar H. 11. linneberger, Agent, Main St,, unmet. the 4.. , 1 Church, 111100111111111 111110tPA Keeps no bend sod ferelehoe to thebssise ease try Weds . et tbiladeiplits (lowest) Owlft " SPINE COT AND PLUG TOBACCOS, DOMPATICI AND ihIPOITED MANN, all Made ol Plutoklng Volumene, Poulte, Illrerechauro 'ad Urlar Wood Piper, and ell artchee pertu tabu . M to the tab. no Midi, PIII4II doolere would do well toiler bon a call Indeed 01 rending to the titles Per their unppliee or prrthaelni thew of trarell pedlove ll* oleo hieemollient , r On glattatin hand I Cull supply lint, frock corFEES,TEAS,SI3IIIII,MOLASSES, Mill, IF Ire, Pepper. Spleen, kr., &c. all of which he offer, cheep for cult or country produce. Orono, eh, IMO. _ FORKS 110 TEL, GEO. W. M&IIGER, Proprietor. The above well•known hotel hie recently ander pine radical chemise In it. Internal errangement. and Its proprietor announce■ to hi. former custom and the travelling pubila that his accommodations for the comfort of hie gussets are second to none In 1110 country. 1 / 1 41 table will always he found sit plied. nut only with eubstantial flan', but with 41 the delicncler of the Illrlfoll, HI. wine mod liquor (except that popular beverage Mama Di • iftlirilry.',# purchased direct from the Impartial bottom'' , are tirelv pars, and from from all poisonous strums. Ile is thunkr.ii fora Itheral patronage in she past, and will continue to deserve It in the future, lIAWUr W. MAUUZI. June 13, IRA—tr. Niov Goobsi NEW GOODS! Tin public should bear in mind that H. W. CREASY & Co. base constantly on haul TIIE LARGEST AND BEST ST LIII:TED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN LIGHT STREET. 411 kinds of good Goods effigAr for cook or COUR try produce. H. W. CREASY & Co. Light Ptivet, Nov. e, GREAT BARGAINS AND Reduction In Priem The under:filmed will DIP, ti, ihe public Guctur BARGAINS all Mode of IX/ osnra ca. Liu cit dila co. Hach ■ . uxr cnOOI. tWECNSWARC, HARDWARE. Boots and shoes, Slats, Cops, and Nonni* in every swirly, Our bust m•se from Om Arst of Jannitti, will be con• ducted on a strictly CASH SYSTEM. and proms within, to porchate anything in our line can d moat a very small percentage on Current Vl' olexale Prices. All kind. of produce end stain taken in egnagnie, re. We cordially invite the public. to GIVE US A CALL mid a Ow of their patronare. MENINIII k VlllUal A N l'atavviesa, January LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! have their PLANING MILL now in Operaann with an extensive assortment 01 Lta %Mt -...CU-3 and are now pr. p , trrd t.; supply all orders nt short noire and at Ow InAost priors for rash • 'their u• sortnu•ul Oi C0M.11.11 Ut White Pine Plank, Hoards, Flooring, Surflice Boards, *iding, Hemlock Plonk, lauded or onolaned,lo tuft purchase's Frame Star. inner and Synntliag Ur all sizes. Their Planina Mtll and I.l , inticr Vaid is .Itoated Ni the 1141Irviol Depot. very coat euty oily for ship puts In ober by the cargo. They are rf:ll.iantly metiularturing lumber of all khans. pen.l persons who deure lumber of every err lotion will do well to eft.imine their etnclt before pure I npieigt elmAvliefe, They are determined aunt ew. torn I y prepared to Bell nu cheap as the. cites peal. Tlwy also de.tre to inrirnu the public and repeehlty those who wiela to port:lime bed•sturrthat they hare one Mill specially prepared to cut timber, 111 U 1.11 . ..ty elan and length required. Those wiel.ing to build ur contrarian, fur buildiug, eau save homey, by wing usa 'all The undersigned would also anticiffire that they are prlt.tr,lio do all kilo! 01,0puiri.g .1 . 31a•hinery, omit as Threehio: Machines, Mowers, 'reapers and all kinds of agricultural implementa, upon tease:la. ble terms. A dolrro., F. C. EVER• ticc'y. Illoonirburg. Pr pt. 19, WC$. illoomsburig PS A LLEN NEEDLEN, SOLI MANUFACTeRER3 AND PROPAMORA ur 'NCR mine o;WD FIFER' ITOSPHATE OF LNK, AL 40, THE AMMONI %TED FE hTILIZBR, PURE GROUND DONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell only No. I—recolr ed direct from lko Gov. element. aII:PERNATE In Bags. ^ •ao Um each, Pitli,E, 830 per :.%0 lb.. Ammouiett , .l FERTII,I7.ER in Ra=e, 1.50 114.eac0. PLUCK. $43 per VA* the. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS ON ABOVE PRICES .Igriculistral Woelor, Beach ,S; Plum ,S'ls., (Armes& Stare.. 41 B. Wider Stroet, sad 4Y el. Delaware Avenue.' DP•ALRRe IN 011. VANDLVI AND GISIIikAL LIJIIIMIMION MERCHANTS, PEILA DELP/MA. 12=21= NEW OYSTER SALOON, in the lasu is natait of the aal BILTZEK LEACOCK SEPT, Fresh ()pomp periled up In e••rp ktyle unit at all lours ; with ell the other "Oxtail" Need I■ Orel dune Iteeteurente. XX Ale e'onstantly on baad,,together with eloice Liquors of every brand. Koerytnlap In tip top order 'bout this Palma. Roardyiem not tolerated. Pup in and dad my "aloon in clean mat swim. Bloomsburg, Nov, 13, 1110-3 m. E. R. IKELE &TTCIRNICY—AT-117, BLOOMSBURG 7 PA. Office, 2nd floor, in Exchange Block, near the "Exchge Hotel." All ballots.' plowed la me WM. will 1141 attended o w ilb promplane• and earl. Lloßatlines made with a least potwible delay. (Sept. 98, 147. DII. E. W. WELLS, 111.7ccizsAR TO nn. r 0. HARRISON. Oa, learn Poore, m ohs Americo* Hole, Al' alt Ono cell thaw will tio promptly atteackhl to, bloonilirp Onl. an, war, COVNTkT X MUM DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS, ACONAif YOUR ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, Butter,lChsess,;Egp, Flour sud'M'esi, Furs and Skins, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval Stores, Bops, Ginseng, Father. , Hemp, Provisions, Gila, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco,' Seeds, Sorghum, Molasses, &c., TO JO6IIAII CARPENTER, maw. COMMISSION MERCTTANT, 442, 444 & 446 IVaslington Street, Now York City, Aid receive Pie weekly Pugs Coedere.erPreduee *id °merit% the rings complete Price (Argon pia• piked In the !Jelled Sates. Sciallor a lirke Curreat. Narking Plate, auttCards F moony Feu. Liberal advances made on Comignineuts. Established May 1, 1800. First ekes let:Prows:given when required April 1, 11167-1. NEW FURNITURE ROOMS, ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. :MD= ILITALAR: Respectfully informs the citizens of obis fown and vitt nity, that he ono at his rot ntturit Roams. chairs of ovary deseripticn, /lumina, Hiatus Tables law and srim4. Iledetaadsof qte 410' 0 4 styles, Curd and Tunas To,t, s , Looking (0W44 tWt , ities many other article* of furniture of first clam manufacture, The pablic urn tordially invited' to roll and o*. Whine his stack Ha will *ell upon res t *siinw,.,,,,,," 117, 0 " kitlettO I emotion will ha paid to repair tog all ki rids furniture, cheap for visit April 1 , lean. PLASTER role SALE. THE untlereigned ve: Out ayleettr 31111 at the PENN FURNACE NMI 9. and will olifet to the public ONE lIUNURLU 'l'UNd lIEWV tiolia Seolia*While Plaster. 'reputed toady for tittle plum die. to suit purchut NO, ut any time front the hod of Aptd. AHNINCII at SHUMAN. Vatertiesu. April MR. WALL PAPERS. PAPER lIANWING#S! AN =CNA: arocK qP W and Meeaut ratylos for railer, liatheMete.. wholesale and feted, HOWELL. ea flOtAtlilrff, ('u reef of kourtirand Markt , ' 0414 19. Aprl*CP-3m. hilts lieLPltt NMI" BARNIZ GROCER'S& The undersigned respectfully annomires that he 1130 rehttted n shop, one tilN4 below Mayer's Drat Store. in the Esrhangs Mock, where he is prerred to romlust the barbering liti.oro to all its branches. The art of coloring whiskers and moustathes is praetieed by him most skillfully. He also evens ranking them look nearly as anodes new. Iloilo the most reasonable terms. Having procured the services of a fashionable hair dresser he is pre pared to visit families in rases where it is desirable to put op or rut hair upon reasonabie terms C' Hair Tonle et the very best quality, nerd fur chirping hair, kept constantly on hand, andfor sale, H. C. CULLIM. Hinioniburtt, April NM ADELPHIA, Marsh Ist, lerft, We4tei to Worts you t 0..; we t aro pro , paretlao otter for your invert ton out usual assortment of MILIN Eta GOODS rr,noi.tibg of the newest sh pee in Straw Stith gad GIMP Gate, Bonnets, qtr Vet v.ts. Silk Good Me• buns. flowers. Feathers. Itudtry, Crape*, tondos, Braids ornaments, etc. he. We abaft bo happy to wait oto you at our Store, Or receive your orators Nita.* low for Curti. Yours. Ate. H. WARD. 01.trolt I# 4 -- Imo. Nos. IU3, 103 At 107 North ff mad Street Philadelphia. Bloomsburg Literary lustiltate. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. HENRY CARVER, A. M., Principal and Proprict•r, Pgpfessor of Philosophy, &o. Miss Sarah A. Carver, Prceeptress, Teacher of French, Botany and Ornamental Branclici. lam 0. Best, A. 8., Professor of Ancient Languages. ('harks K Rice, A. 8., Professor of Mathematics, F. M. Bates, „Teacher of Book-keeping and English Branches. Miss Alice M. Carver. Teacher of Instrumental Music. Mrs.-. Teacher of Vocal Music. Miss Julia Guest, Teacher in Primary Department. Spring term commenees April 13tb, 1868. Bloomsburg, 3lareh IS. Itit3. 814 HOOP SKIRTS. 628. %%M. 7'. 110PKIN'S o men make" of '•Kcya Pine Milne." are too hem and cheatingt low priced hoop Akio in the m tract. Trail nights. epringe. 30 aprinv, st.w; and 4Orprings. 81.45. I ekirts 0 tripes, 31 fittings, ill conia• :3 swinge V 3 cent.; 311 alwinal e • $ 1 . 15 ; and L. 5 kprlnga. Warranted in every forocet. • Our own make" or Pe iris," 'eleven tape trail., from Al In SO noting., $1 20 to $'.511 moo., era lapei,lU to 30 site ions learn 115 cents to $l5O Thi , v emi rim Ito 10 - llt•i thou .huee gold by r.ther pg. fah liiihniente as first cla,u , goods, and at much lower introit, '•Vur own make . of "clinmplon skirt." are in te ary way murmur to all other Hoop skirt' tv.r , tro the public, and only have to be etrilitinell or worn to con. v . n..e ever, one of thy fart. Manufactured of the best linen steel apriny. , very .trpe• roar taprol anti trio stria of the fuoir.nlege and welsher of ' , Turing them •urpana nor durability 'tiller akin to Ult., country. and end girellence any are lighter. more elnoic, will wen, lung,-r, :Igo more la ti , ilaction. and are•really caespe, a ll ~ia„r a. Every lady rhotild try thorn . They are being ',old filen...tailh by leurcliame throughout this and the adJoi•ing Mace at very mod•tate proaa. Want tint Lost melt for "flopeln'Orhanipion Pkirt." If you do not flud them, get the merchant Will/ whom you deal to nrder thou tor gym] or come or mend di. act lona • Motalluillii Will And our dillretent Sn Idea of eliirkielactlY what they lwerVilind we oefwelallY .ovito them to call and eitainine out crieaslve assort inimt, or pond for whuienelo price lint. , n he had at.retall at Manufactory, and or the retail t mule generally, and et wholnsale of the nillittalatUref only , IR,. tioni ail orders shmild be add re•i.ed, Manufactory and eeleernoru. MN Arch street, be *wren nth and 7th streets, Philadelphia. matron Idat.J Whi. T. UOPRINfr. The Lancaster Intel Wearer. Thc .La ryes! and 0/Impale DemocratieJuur mil in rennrjleunia. The lswcsma bITILI.III .i•tabli•hurlo799, has it h itys been known es a fleet rime Pul4kitlend Family Newspaper. The Weekly Intolliatincer is now Ott lateeet Inormuatic paper pohlished in Peon. Sylvania. It hue Intel) heed Greatly improved In all reeprets. end typist such a parer as every Democrat shdold tike The publishers or tho Ititelligenter regard it to be the 'pity or every Democrat (antiphon his county pm peti in preference In any other ;abut a there ors nutty who will beltholy to subscribe for more thee nee paper during the pending Preriden URI canipoigni they have concluded to offer tha Weekly Intel ligsm ter et the fOlhawilig low rates maw comes, one year art. lee copies SD; ten fop. lie $l7; twenty copies copies !OILS; IlAy copies. to use address s l u o :eighty rupee, to one ad. dream, IhnO Dnily.lntelltgene,f $ 3 per annum dj- 1.4 rooms to Intl ;eel estate can Bnd no better advertl•ing Medulla Dias tun Weekly genrar. Add rse b 0. kIiWITII t CO mariPtiti 3 Lancaster. Pa. WELL DIGGING. The n aderswM glee' motleys to the pahlte. doterr ally that he la a prattles! WKLL and to repared to Cod walla on 'holt r den upon the m.ot tiaaosable terms. IN hen hnd fn hto loss eipoti• per, to the hoolomoo romotkoble oueetom Thny wishing anything dome la blo Ilao wool,/ do welt lo dire Nina atrial, WILLIAM Ottlittlite Dtbeasbuts June, It 1011. Trial List tier. May Tern') Me" 1 John J. Shank VS. John (lain. 2 Ww. A. Marr vs. James Dyke, J. It. Blaekiston et.al. vs. Lehigh 4 Mahanoy It. R. Co. 4 Samuel Waters vs. (lee. Willits. 5 Samuel Waters vs. Um Wink& 6 Clark D. Stewart and wife vs. E. C. Cleaver. 7 Sarah Stine vs. Jaeob Stine, Jr. S Win. Feapon et. al. As-ignees of tha West Brandt ImAtranee Co. vs, Simon C, Shive. 9 Ed. Veal! et al. v5..1,,1in Swee.iy. 19 14', 11. l'ermm vs. John Cam. 11 Iwo Vetter vs, Henry Moyer. 12 Daniel F. Seybert vs. Jaeob Hosier et. al. 13 Daniel 11. Ent's Mint., vs. Jas. W. Sankey, 14 Lavina Davenport vs. Wm. M. Kline. tob. 15 Daniel Vetter vs. Isaac Vetter et. al. 10 Josiah Thomas "use" vs. Henry C. Frees. 17 John U. Leihy vs. Gideon Arndt. 18 John Coleman vs. MiehaelCronenat nl, 19 Lntt Parker vs. Silas D. Eiger. 20 Henry Yost and Wife VS Geo. Humeri & 21 John Been vs. Joseph F. Long. 22 J. B. Hazleton vs. Henry C. Hartman. 23 Wm. Renyson vs. Butler Edgar. 21 Wm. Clark vs. Hobert C. Clark. 25 D. W. Montgomery's Ext.'s. vs. O. A. MeG ;argell. 24 David llehvig vs. David S. Trelwig. 27 John Cooper vs. Denied flower et. al. 2$ John C. Mann vs. John !flint:lliter. 29 Joseph Hess Samuel Evt.rott. 39 John t lilrov vs. Wm. E. Sterty , ',*. 31 Silas D. Edgar vs. Abraham Hamen loadi et. al. Edgar v tgard 33 Reuben Reeser awl with vs. James Thomas. 21 Isaac vs. James AV, Sankey. 35 Wm. Hancock vs. tleorgo Leib. 30 Philip Mowry vs. Sarah A. Bowman, 37 Thomas Bond vs. John dowry. NEW CLOTHING (;ENTLE- .31.E\' FURNISHING STORE THE un4Proar,..,l r , ,rvartfally anunantra to hi• many frwa44 ;tint he ha. 01 4 4 wa a fr , A y 0.4 h," C)entleu;an'ta rarniahil.4 In thb of the liana...a Pa } .O- 1 11 1 , 4qt , ar 44r n( "44,8 anti Market Strecio, HloamAairg, 14. 1114ving jupt rvtore4 from PhilafLAph;•l with a largo StrlCk of Foil and Wink.. Clothing and Gent teeten'a Pure6bing (bowie. Ike . &e. He Eat. tete himself that he can Nene,/ nib 1114 mock oter. prises MEV S J VD CL 0 MSG, IWO MO DOES'S COATS, SACK COATS, OVERCOATS, 'tNl LIST ' I , I COL LA PS. CO 1.1,45, /, 70 srsprxppla , ,, !I,7.I'G6BRCIIISr& C.4i BR EMU, 4'C, and in fact everything in tao Clobiag at Fumigating line at Fri Lot' In addition to the above he has an elegant *lsar% eli4simerg. and VP4ittrfl< rl7 -- rkoninl mna4 , iu otdrt at t h . mortp.i anJ Iwo in lure parcnasina ul.eatere. and bEt [RE GREAT MGM& October 10, 1,4,6 MANII001). 1101 V ROW RESTORED. daffu b :l•'"s r 61 T7 eir.r.,A, o,t; nature. treatment and radical cure of Neiman! IVeaktterot or Sportonlothota. / e d uced by p e ir-Abuse: Involnindry Emir slimy. lat. potency. Nereime Debility and. Imp •dimenti to m a y y j are r mleraUY ; Conteduptiota, Epilepsy, and Pita: Menial and Phyeical Incapacity. &c. Ily Robert J. Culverwell, At D.. Wither of Di, 'Green Rook,' &e, The Mori., renowned author. In thin admirable Lee. lure. clearly provet rim 1114 owe experience, that the KINN consequences of Sell• Abuse may but effect• ually removed without Medicine, and without 'reroute comical oper.ittone, boogies. initruniebre, rine+, or cordials. tinintina out a mode of cure at once errtalli and effectual, tip ii to Every palterer. no malt, r ohm his eoridition may he, may cure ;women' cheaply, privately and radically. This Lec• titre will prove a been to rhearalida and Moue rode. Bent snider peat to any address. in a plain envelope. On reeeilir of ail (gala, Or reio postage elampe. Alin hr. Cul vuroiell's Mame itruide.priCe 113 cent*. Adduce, CHAO. J. C. KLINE. It CD., 117 flowery. Kew Yo r k, P. U . bud m o b, lab. 13, vv.— ly has& Co R 1211210 WHOLES.II.II IIiNTIICTIONZIII AND FRVITEREDS, Au. lul 31c , rth Th;ttl Streci, SW' Orders promptly attended tu. tab. 19, 180.-3 m. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON itAtv An err. (vim Rim OPPO24ITII ILLIAVS WINJUF:.) IILOOMISBUIU. PA. TIIB undersigned has jut fitted up, and opened. bis n. STOVE Ali I) TIN Xi nor, in 1104 Wart, whew he I. prepared to make up new. W ARV of ill kind. In his line, and do repair , Ins with neutne.• and dlrpyteh. upon the mo.t tea. amiable term.. I. alms keeps on hand STOVE'S of various patterns and style., a Atoll he will sell upon terms to mot unrchnsers. Give hie. 11. Ile la a Revd mechanic. and dm levying of thr toildlc Wrongs,. JACOB MM. Momuctmorg. Sept. 9. 1d09.-Iy. TUE SWAY UOTEL, Erne UPPER HOMO Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. The tlubeeriber reepectiolly ibfornie hie la friends end the puhlte. that he has taken the above well known 110( rig OF F.MTERTAINMENT. and wilt he pletieed to receive the tanlolll of all who will favor him with a eat!. Ile will keen A GOOD VA ILILIE, a ray necked with It, • hest of I.lln era. sad every effort n It be made to render entire aatiafae• non. JOHN tiNY DEP. Oranyraille Match It . _ DR. J. R. EVANS, Physician and Surgeon, 61AVING located permanently on Mein Street, BLOOMSBURG. Pa., would in iorm the public generally. that he is preprnred to attend to all business faithrwily and !meow!y that may be intrusted to be me, on terms eninsuensu• rate with the times. U Ile pays etrict attention to Surgery as well at ntedichie Nee,* 1 , NEW TAILOR NOW. J. N. OBERENDIER 9 • HAN opcned a Nr* Tailor Shnp cii Milli Street, ill.Dmrlotri, be lie ti 111 be pleaded to see ell who may hro, him with Muir tUmlatn. Ile keeps on hand II we II 'sleeted lot ~f cloths, eei l imiere, vett. tent, Whirh he trill mote op to onkt with entice. aad despatch. Attention Pei./ to culling scett•msn and bey's clthing. Also cUttleill tient in the ladies' line. Rehatring dune *pint Ours ootke. Alt work watt:l,4.4. (1P Vtve him esti. ibleintilebsits May.. lir. GO TU 11t ' t~t:lt'S" Tt► tiuY'~'biJß UNDeltAtilltTß NECK 77,1, J. is. (ilk:11111ER! IN