A4UICTIe't RA L. GUMMI) WAOONS.fIut few peep re ware that they do wagons and carriages more injury by greasing to plentifully than by any other way. A well made wheel will endure tananion wear flout ten to twenty fire years, if care is taken to uw the right kind and properatmont of greA ; but if thin is not attended to, they will be used up in five or biz year& Lard should never be used on a wagon, for it will penetrate the hub and work its way out around the tenons of the spokes and spoil the wheel. Tallow is the best lulaieatur for wood axletress, and castor oil for iron, Jot enough grease should bo applied to the spindle of the wagon to give it a light coating; this is better than mum for the surplus put on will work out at the ends, and be forced by the shoulder-band and nut washers into the hub around the out ride of the boxer. To oil an asletruc, first wipe the spindle clan with a cloth wet with spirits of hyper/. tine, and then Apply a few drops of castor oil near the Shoulder and end. Ono tea• spoonful is sufficiont for the 0/110 runtcr. FARM AvOVNTi.— Mr. Weduce tf the /Weil Ihraq, iu a 1 , 4 t -i awrieultural discus sion, strongly mid properly nth-irate , the ahsolute 110:"ii:i of 1, 4 11,4 ear , .. ria books of account of the operations on the farm. Ile balm very Justly that, many far neis go on from year to year, raising and scllink without having any emrcet knowledge of this profit or loss of tho ddrawit crops. It is natural that ovary lirrmor should know exactly what crops pay and what don't. Ito toys he has known farmers to grow outs plar,after year, and selling it at thirty cents per bushel, who did not kdow they were doing it at a loss. This Matt of things ought to be remedied, but it can only he by f ir mem who, just as much as manufacturer, metohant, or storche Ter i —should h ave h i s regular books, whore the whole operations of the farm should be distinctly Ingteil and his receipts , and expenditures appear to the hit EMIZI=II & a early, plant u few seeds, any thnethis month, in the pots in which -the plants isre growing in the kitelien window. They will -4 cer m4lllll an+ grow very rapidly, and when the' l;tntu are to or three high one of each in bo.zes *roe inches square, or very mall Hower pots, and give thew Om t 31114 attention the house plant revive. As coon as all danger crow frost is over, trans fer the tomato plants which will then be hulled, and peihaps covered with minia ture fruity to the hutooth bide of a high relict:or sunny:2;lde of a building, tutu not ov:ir rich Ind putt will have ripe town t,-,e,3 on the touch of July, if pact experi- Lnee and u iltveralle seit.on ure worth any thing. Tor it. taTIACLES.-Afitl luny M. Car,..m., Clark C. Ohio': Vito to the Agriculturist describing an arh receptacle oiled " Llall'o Ash House," which appear; to consist of a hopper with a rive at the bottom, forming the top of the iron-lined, woolen wdt-hold• er, which may 1.. c used as a I.ateli tub as well. When the ashes are leached, by undoing four hooks the Lox may be taken off from the ashes awl set up again. The idea seems to be a good one, and ouch an Lib reeeptaele would not he difficult of construction. Mr. 'Hall ma; have a patent for it, but if he does not enable the public to buy k, he mug ri,k people making use of his ideas. lEEIGI= SAw "Wax Am Vint , Mitittnt.—Vine pieces of wood and bark from the wood hope, are excellent articles for promoting the growth of vines, ,hrubs and small plant.. They should he thrown into a pile, after reinoving the mane portion of the mass, and thoroughly saturated ow urtwice week with a mixture Vf urine and oar suds. This will induce, imipient fermainev tAtion, and se far.braak down the texture of mass as to prepare it to act with energy when applied to any soil or crap.— OD., Germantown Trlegrai.h. 1!=C11 Lyn FOR Canti.trits.—'`Gardener,'' who lives on rand prairie" bind in Illinois and can get no btablo manuro, wi,bes to ome . lime as a substitute on his cabbage fields, Lime is ptotorly no substitute fur animal manure, yet it may be, and probable will be an excelent application for this crop. As a rule, on pretty gooc laud lime alone with goo& culture will probably insure a fair crop of cabbages. Salt is usdill at.o, and an ca dent application is lime 1.1aci.0.1 with a mtrong brine. IIII=E!ZIEl==1 Um: Pnrr r a Pr i 4 said that pulverized, uoh aebeil lime shaken ov er plum trees, from the titno when fruit has set" until after the eurculio suspends op erations should he performed when the dew Is en, or the good effects will be lent. :Largo grains of wlict.t. tucked in turpts tine, for eix hours, sivuu to ehiokow with the "gapes' is said t 1 bo a oertala cure. The turpentine kilth tho worm', yllich aro OFFICERS OF COLVMRIA CO. President , Ju dp V MII,II I ierlDell . Amooiste Judge— . , I nt PeetllandCl kofAtColm Coleman. n. tiniaentul HAM nbrrtL Freese. 0 , John v. Feyder Connulateinent— j t Monromery al or-.. David Yeager, Sheriff—Mordecai Millard. 'froasuror—Jacob 'oho. b. II Rupert, i Auditors— t i t P ua l t i r s i t s n . non. Commintioner's Clerk—Wm. Kriekbaum. Commissioner's Attorney—N. H. Little. Mercantile Appraiser 7 -W. 11. Jiwoby. ' Cony Surveyor-4aaae A. Donft. District Attroney—Milton M. Trattith. Coroner—William J. Ikeler. County Superintotnient—Chas. G. RarklrY, hawsers Internal Revenue—R. P. Clark. Assistant Assessor— S i . nb li n . Th Uit ( t i i in ne7; Daniel McHenry. i Collector—Reniatnin F. Hartman. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. The Proprietor having renovated and matted btr itEeTAURANT, in the hasenetot of the EXCHANGE HOTEL, ha would most respectfully solicit • solltillummol of the harasses or his old customers, sad cordially in ket sits the stteut of new ones to his reteetituieste as follows : SHELL OYSTERS , c4NNND OYSTERS math-ott4eto OYSTES, FRlklel PT tI, Ittft Owe per week, HAM AND EAK 4 s, Tait% IVIAIaiVA, beet et Luirolls ANO CIGARS.' 4.lyrter* Mt be timed up to eat:tomer+ at a 1111:11141001 M$ VA MODUS ST L LS, STEWED, CHAFED. FRIED. .OR RAW, Wien the tones of the eplcuriele, JUIIN r. C 4% LOW woorn.butr, Auxust VS. 628, HOOP SKIRTS, 625. ZVlt► T. UOPKINNi t "Our °V II NAL" Atter more than five years experience and experi menting nt the manufacture of mums t attsT (or A LITY troop SKIRTS. we Mier our justly vele heated goods to waerchanie and the, public in full - confidence of their superiority over all others in the American market. amt they are so acknowledged by all Mho wear or deal in them, as they give more vat faction than any other Skirt. and reommeml them hi every respect, Dealers in Hoop Skirts should make a note of this fact. every lady who has not given them a triabshonid do so without yurther MOnv, our assortment embracer every style, length not size for Ladies. bosses aortehtldren. Also, Skirts MADE To ORDER, althred and repaired. Ark for •'llopkius' Owu Make," and he not dccely• tt. See that the latter ttii" is Muses on the tepee between eech hunt , . and that they are stamped •• T. HOPKINS. Matinfacturer. 6*l Arch street. Phila de labia," upon emt - tape. No others - are *entice. Aka, constantly on hand a full line of good New York sad Meateril Made WM. at very , loW priors* - Wholesale and At the PM LAIW.LCHIA U(VW AMR r Manufactory EqlpUtlUlo, 140 , Arch t WM, 7 40PICI1S. Oct. 16, 104157.-lUum. AGLI FS WASTED FOR MI AND 110 W 'MEV LIVED. ►UIIQIIT AND DIED I'VE THE UNION. Sohles "and Incidents in ♦ Grant Rebellion Coraprieing Narratives of Personal AdventuteiThfil ling incidents Daring Exploit+, Heroic t) Js, Wonderful Iforeriporr, Life in the 'atop Emid 11 , ..pami • Aarrnititnreo (mild &Mita trrgethar with OP Snit 11+ 411 d DalladuArteedoierend Iluntoeurag Incidents of the War. kirhENDIIILV 144UOITRATED into 'mot 100 PORTRAITS ANN BEAUTIFUL, 1614111 RAVINGS There is a rertaisi portion of the war that will n,;ier pt into the real ler linitnri,c. nor h. ••iii in romance iAr poetry. in !Urn la a very real port of it, avid will, if preserved, convey to -m•reeilint E.nm- Winne a IM Per idea of tho spirit Mon, conflict limn liar many dry reporta or Cnrerd I vosaip, the fon, the path°s of the war. This illustrate• the charnetere of the lenders, the trintor if the muldtern, deeo• Venn of women. IN. bravery of ion OM pluck .( our neirree. the Putt/trice and ha ht,iliipa of the Aerate*. rip. Valiant nod arrive lie4rbvt. thu Ylctiiresime and dramatic and Witty and Maly. lout, the Tender and Pathetic and the Whale anorama of the Wm' are here thrill in Ely ctrleu)ed in n niamterly mailner. at 1111 e• lir Mori cn t and rotnnIIIIC r infeclng is the until ample. tciqu.,b Waal and .idable remit that the war has r iled forth Alan court as well as inidruction may he found in ever , Mlle. las graphic hrstiinnt wit and hialorY. aru skilfully interwoven lu thin work of literary sit &hit fur t:t-euhire mud see our terms. and • fall deseripti ri the work. Address,. /1.04114 BUM 111 EK - a Co . rhila 'slob. a. January IS. Irat7.-4w. N" c oAL y ARD. Th" undersigieed reepectfeilly Informs the citizens or phiorostiorg and Colombia county, that they tier p .11 the different ituallo•r• of stove coal and arterial tamp coal for siiiiihiog potpies, Mk their wharf. ad JUIIIIIte 04CKelY V, Meal 11.09'• nuns, ; with a load pair Maul° scales oa the whortto waist' etiolate, eau straw Liken ise a bores arid wagon. to deliver coo to those who denim It. As we purchase a larg amount or coal, vie lalerld 10 keep • superuir article and wit at the very tow ,L priers. Plane call and «swami for yOlitic:Nt.4l Imfore purCiMpitsErl.e•WlWre J. W. IIEAULADIHOT. AUGUSTUS MIA6OIII. yrHE unddislgried will take, in cleanup for Coal and Hrwerim.. ibn following naentd arlirlo• K pt.o (MU. Potato... Lout, N 4M. dams, der, and aide mem. Butter. Elmo, Hay. IC , at Ow Itish.,tt nub prim, 41 11111 Uructity Stura, ad w hiny their coal yard. J. W. lIENDEBOHOT. Illuoutibirs, April lA. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 14141 e ef ;acrid tr.( rk. ls eof Aleate‘r dertaird. Legere of min ini.t , atlon on the ean l e of !Wild W . (lark tide of Montour Toy , nahir, Columbia Coontv. tlereartd have liven granted by (hit Hey{ tier of mewl Cowles,. to J, 0, Shun - inn, In Catawlem.l:ol County. All pet-lona haviel thump b.lalnot the tate in rite rticedent are requested to peewit(llrera 10 lOe admlntatrator for patftenvent. and thorn knowing Omuta/Ives irtolebted to the will await uuoiedl• at. it tyattnt to the unfleralencd J. M. etiltIMAN, Aduitnisttater. I`.ttawisee, Jae. F. let( -4w. EVEY ~,,, the COTTAGE PRgdird and the printing dinteriql de eampanying Item,' mound do hid own printing reedy, MAN buck,' and cheaply. They at. so Win is la enuitruit lON that a boy llyesrd 0111 can dully amnia' the Impel dip,. 1113 Printed Instructions din dent with each Aka. enabling the ptirchawr Ingo atwork with out a previous knowledge o OWN printing. A cireuldr cattalo log full drum/Wm pries, tedtalooniiis he , snot rya to all, Our Svclino) etiert. PRINTER of TY¢^A PRE4tI 8,7 ,""" Ann !Wept, Nlnrcn 1867-Iy. NEW YORK. DR. W. H. BRADLEY, R.Me Asriatant Modica' Otrtatur U. EL Arlo,) Phymiclais mud P_Aurgeon. rry.• Otter at tbe Burks Hotel, Al utorburg. Pa calla promptly alteaded to but Waal and day. ervorrmbury, Nur 4014. WESLEX WIRT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Davocavr AitO'ITAR 1100 4 1 . 1 ( SHIVE'S BLOCK, March 0. 'O7. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ali perogni knowing thmntord rot loolobtNl to the. Uthiendsued, ale teguastg4 to make oiymoot with"delay J. C. mimic 111.1.1 14iemookorgi, ht. 1007. 100,000 811111OLB- At A LARGE LOT OF, Fill'iwyc BOARDS I. Oft vat.. ?be taplaraisaaa copra fw sale up' Out molt r. aoonaliht Ifirttla lace ef Yu Ammo, In lIHNTOIV, (MA/ %MIA (MUNI , on* hundred thou • nn ,1 olinaloa and a lora. n feurtof board*, of 011 l , Intl; via,. and lo rol I=l PLOMNOUIIO PA. A. J. :EVANS'. CLOTHING .114P,ORIUM. fVea•ly oiposat .the Epihrepal 17/troth, CI °ENING OF ALL IiEIdtAIPTIONS. rilY mark Is compned of ine clashing, foodi um sod low priced—adapted In all etinsitiaus. taste* Mid weal*. He hes the latest styles the the sealant--a flue asafrillaeitt or Overcoats nod' Misnames's skim s o front low to the very boot fir , . Goods oils fooSenttalVe ata lOW Mae. In alkinkke to inritnek of rotoryOniths olothing, I Intve Wee poili,Sholt !Worn Orders: Ca. , 011 were *,.&r., AC C. And basins ono of the Ant plass cutters. I {'anion. in *St in *lt eases and give intel4setinn. Also s venety ol WoOLEN AND MIEN,MIRES, gineltings Norkt rolthrii. Storks. Biogliorrlonr. ....sverstlons in tbn sent Mums'. foie of r:othillS %lsm iiato mons sod Oboes. trunks atml rfirpo bass will sail kl thr~tow.•st orb , orirm. Plonso goo Me a raft botiore oUrohn 5ti.. , 1 4 11.*V AN ,, t{nrV). girApt. Bloomsburg. Nov IS, A NEW STOCK of f;ot MTh 111E' Ir 1111,1i:ill lit ,11, OF FOLFMiII% AT THE NEW STORE OF .SN )14:R , IL, OM 4 ,11111:KG, ISA., , Thudioat at every ettlet. Dialed in * first thole nerds el oth ore. ti MOO/ 14 hit ft are the fid tow : ittON, NAtI.S. and $ll%l , 4VdtiON BPUMOd add S',XLIN, SAINTS, OILS and GLASS. A 1 1 1 end OR ASS errlll:4, and SrEttliiS Avuo. GKA N CU, MIKA. KIRBY'S COM DINED REAPER & 31uwEll nosTarmrscHLEBRATEP PATENT BAGAIOLDER AND THE IMPROVED ' ' • CHERRY SEE; 4,..11 Acill". LI HERGEWS 011. Plll,lsll of Wholvc,P. nn GIVE 11151 0 4 Julie 11, INV/. 'CIIANTUN BOOK BINI/klKl' Having twcutr,t the Nervteos Of Mr M. 7,0014., Wit 01 MO , Iwo* binder* to 4a l'utitsu iu the IMMO, MO Sto prepared to humid' to HANKA. Ilti3tALV l lll7, es, Elt1:11 AN id AS Ur MrI"I'ItLIKS., Ltai h OPER ATOR t 4. tioro, and °Own. wilt' riLALNK HOOKR at every deprriotion, Oa abOrt neth , “ bwind to an styk rteeired, to the toed sub , dattlial inalta.:l', at reartioutde prices. blealmines hound, and old hooka rebound, at :hew York wire*. (Mere lett at the office orthe paper pnbri*hing this !fiVenirle writ, or rent by t sprete%, wilt be'4t tended to !tad returned without ttntwee-wary delay E. t , .13.. HILL. i NEI T ' (. I;I2 A CCO AND GROCERY IL H. Hunsberger,, Agent, Aktoit' twhoo t/' .loorriltit HUP at,oorssauto, Ket , pe ea bunt, and fttentithr.e to the levee linden,' try trade. 4t Phitatktiphith(thweet) grime. FINS 1 UT AND PLUG TOBArfils, uomurric Axt• I lkf POSTED CIG ARS. NI k tot% of Potolorte l'oborros. dung.. Sit.rortottro arm Wood repo., and MI anther ert witiNgr lho. li.h.ir f)ifaffr. triort,l donlvro would do well to giver hem o rail iort.td r.l *coding to IN, titter for their 'peyote. or P" rain. 1 ,1 4 r I'm , . 0 , trov , ll.l prdlertr Ile 01.0 loot tol“.113trill 'it baud rupply ot fresh ' key CI)FFEEs, I . I.As,SUG IIt4,II4)LASSEs, Salt. F. err, PrPPer• k ke.. kr . all of which bir rbtoto for earl, or rutintry prroloos 1 1 / 4 144/01 trio kW. DENT Y. C I I (1 E It, • 11011GEON DIDITIST RFIP1:1 [TULLY Miner H. pran.- . Iona! ••••evi.r..A., en Ow 1ada0...111411111111111. men of nisn,burinutloicintty It. • prepared .1. Mt end to •I the elm., or !ration, In th•• Ihn• of liN or ofes•low noel w•thl'oe towel improved 1.1.10441.011r0.6rm, whir w II I. J tet ...eta,' oh yold.phetthe.tilvor and rnhhen tnlnnt•w• II at the want al teeth 41 tier tl phit• end hi 1••••• Ill ininnfaribir•••l at nil 01dr: 0 , 11111111 terth.cii or, ly and pf. , 1...0.1 . It uce and 'qtr. , • Om door. ahem , the meet mo. Phut* aide. 111.,natabiltir June • ir1413 G E. SAVAGE, 'PO racilcal Walebiaker and Jeweler. MAIN STEKET, (Berl the Court Ifouse,) 111.00 MBI3LT Itti, P. eokitantly nn hand a Illne elevintment of A inerfoak gii4 !diets' Watches, Clacks, Jewelry, attlegratare and 4pectaalrk Particitlat attention paid to the repairing tsf 'ingots Watches and Jewelry. kiaannie Marko luailo 1,0 order. All work Warrni.tel. Illnonisnarg. April 17 Itas7. LADIES' FANCY FUlt%! AT Jolll‘ Old Established KIR blannfastorf. R0.71r AIWU flt CRT, stinte7th. PHI 11.‘ II•ve no* 10 01010 • I Ing uMn alsnufnuture tsar of tha largest and cost basittife INIOGUOIII 01 FA'' , CY FURS for Lather' aml ebildrea's Wear to The Ctty. Mr. r►orlwenl of Gent'e For 1:11,1,11, And WI,. Km enabled to illetkose .4 my goods at very r«nano Mao pricer, am! l would thereroro aolle , t rail Irmo my (Item's of rolumbla Count, and vlein.lv. Remauthof the Nuns, Number ■nd street! JOHN FAREIIt4. NO. 710 ARCH 54.. above 711 t sixth &le . 10`" 1 ■ove no . 101 COLIACIION Wi7R ear MN 0.1 [MI IN Plaul.eaal.rlel♦ OCIAtt 'l. lea Ata taTO VES &ND TIN WAILE. A. M. RUPERT, Annauurrr to Id. ninny frlenrln and *amerces tut. tomorrollunt lmuiltittitris tin aboyc hu.inerr nt hi. i. 1,1 ;Own t buslocor on MAIN STRIIST, 111.0061t4 Ht/Rti. Ills tuntoniers and , •1111,(4 Call be accolurnntltted oitk FANCY STOVES of all kind., Ittovepirol.Tin a are, sad every art tele Piling All wyll regulated 1.11/Vg‘ P AND TIN WARR I on the taloa. allot Mr tin win.l reitwon.ehl.lollll.l. QT PPMITINCI. for Iloilo , All.l b 1111, Will he put Spin omit A 1... tl , kholt of ' , Takla(' don. promptly limit coon litoiral terms. llc 41,0 111411111 on 111041 It larte attpzl i y or Villa Pin.• of lillr"rvltt .114.4 pricer •, t,•i fine no . I , lrllll^fil o f Flobir'i relf•Prallaif Printers Olva 111111 a cell PO in tyinp,_ty, SAMUEL EvERETT WITH lIERTZLER Sr, GUION, impnwrimi AND DEALI4IO IN WINES AND LiQUOS. NO. 111 WALNUT teliiIKET, AND NO. IN INIANIII6 1374111147'. HAIRY NiuTZIAI4, (MU. A. 1,11,11. UN. Antal 7, INT. t OYCLY UtRIA AND EEKTiVit MYrll.paisd s. La ad4realu'd envelope and 43 centa,mad I *lll tend y o u vomv valuable Information that *IR please you. A.t , lreu MARY MfIOR6, P3l P , "" ay, N. T. GREAT BARGiTNB Amo 11/eduction At Priem The loadetigoir4 will Wier in stiF public fa It EA T Or Of LVQ:101k1114:14 1 31.0.5010 1 en eh Ai it • DRY GOOD*. GROW:R.ISL • QVUNSIVARe. IJAILOW Daataand Pikers', Illalla t Car*. •nd Phoinno ►very varlotY. NT bii.ith.. o (Mel the Orel of Jammu, will be roe disetrd on a efficity CASH SYSTE.q• and itrr , otts inh ing tet ntirrh.cint 'ltnyttlips: 10 om' Ili tnn n WOW/ , Csovoritt VVltottiniste I*,-(••••,. P!' grail; 11111' ,, !:v t 4,4 11 ell! plito••• tiiiii - . ii - .A CALL t pa , • ,4 4 ,,VFN :II .da,-0 ti)lt -itC3ll 0. , 11121•46 4.114reA V , Ittoroir Ur• polder. that tiro Crave the.r PLANI'VG ivi tww iu otwratiott wish htt 4 1,teti‘tife aCtortiotvit MO or, now ntinnonl to iitsrply nil mi nt* sit s.ts Wile. , and at I ett . towott wives lot rash, laClLlelitut lumber coneo.t. of %White rine Plink. liosirdii, Floormix, urr we dotards, lireaslock lainfrd 1411111111111 , 4. 1.1114 001 , 111. , * 1 . 54014. .1. , 14 4 P /OM Srantlin or all 4 i7.# , .. T11• - t1. • 1.0,01••• V,lrd I 04 lito • ot COIIVt 555000 y for V 5 114115i1111 t 0 =,tre , .1••• 11 , 1 are VI 0.15.00% 001004 5 IALIIIII# ' ril 541 P 45. and (Wl'o,o, who 51# 4 61. 4. 105010 ~:;tinn Wri#dawrU to et 1.011041 145. 4.5. A 11141.1. dowina &trewititre. Their sir,, *WI. 4,0 .1 • • :toy prettor tol ern 4A (.0 4 5415 4.4 41, The 44 Aro in'ortu littlt• “. • • ••• • t. 14 wi*lo nt irnn-na.a Wl—tort • *II NMapeciu l lp pr4iniv..l t. , col itna • , nninst evoy size and knob rlNUlrrql. TllO.O . W 4.4 4.; og h4llO or 101.41 . 000,11 frr bushui,s4, ran k4k, toy n*n a#l toderAillned woeitti ri.o nnficitiwe 411,4: th• ) • nultatnd to do ail kI ow dt ' repairioft Of Ilarbil• - •ry, • hnoThrrrhins Morinnnr NI 0%4 Pr If 1.,11/110. MOO Ott k Old ogrootou nil implement*. utoot rt'oomo• bir Ixt Mt rose. P. V. CV int foon,6lt.t pt. 19, I 4 1:(1 fittlton.. l +o,V na 1 ii.W u SALUON, in tee imminent of the ii.iregzul 11.114111t.11 Marin, Ker. Fresh eyoters served up to every style and at ntl hour. ; with all ths other -Moos" rhuhfi iu first class XX Ale emulootly nn hand, together with choir*. Liquor,* of every Nand* Everything in hp•tvp nrriggy Wino this o.loon. Ktfik4yo.ill Wit ttoodell. flee in a93flnd _ i{v " , aldou in clean flout outer, Olooluoihurs, Nov, 13, IN7-31a EXCHANGE HOTEL, Tho looloroittotol !loving porokolool motly rc llst. wolf Remo lloo.ot oitootto oa M $.1%. illiftertintOy oppo,ito the wop , rtilliq tp,p, thi , ft 1 ,41,1. rootoolly. Moo., I. poor hr DLitt itile (1,4 Ll'V'tt's4totiati rp.i.tititts!, lit fit 1/11 tut - rrriti4F In growling ihn 1 1 4 th , ' entottaiblawia 44..1 c0mf..11.4 gto sia H 1140uot im ppactutic Old 19 1 10)11 S ;MO bUint , go.* gro 11>V4InITSSF:$ tun at n't tune* ht , tw,nn Huron and the ditkqetti ta , imnd tbghos. by Which traltWett IV Hi be eonveywd to non trout Wu tiopot.i.tVo ettvtlJos in dun thaw tn Went the ears, AW.fai ISN E. B. IKELLit, ATTORNErV-AT-LAW. BLUUMSBC LW, PA. Office, 2nd fluor, in Exchange Block, neat the —Exchange lintel." All businpos placrd In hi. hand. will da allandee to with prnmptne.. and cam. L'ollpetenii• wade Wald the leapt in..aiLla delay. itept. C. MIR. lANARY BIRDS AND FANCY CAGES FOR SALE. Th.. mftdrfrienr.l osirt•to r.r tile a 1.4 of h.o. nary Birds and Filncv , ‘l , V.ll . AOII rho khrflo r • ' I•.r L.. 411111447 MP* nM •Nri • ' 41 ".. • 1.4 1 4), Ibr int.ersbet er dewett- of bu! ur.re7S, Ducks and Cbtekaiii &Wel 44448,4100 for AO tar whoillih.• will Po th • WIL WAN 014.1 , 4031. euslalmq. sista Alltorl. u , l , h.• . a. liN7. ALL WISHINI; TO BUY 011 MI, REAL ESTATE, elloli.D ►►9 o ►OO. Tat 11141AIN EATA'I'E A nee , otitsooto e Jourioni. Je• uotral.. 511 mottaro, •w. foci? , mud tulu• of Inter. •*t rrlntillus to i rd estate; ,uniainth.g full de• onsiVtions, wails ke.. of sevrf.ll thousand 14 0 0•Pgdua. Ihclutling Friel*, Truck, Grail' Si. Grazing Istarntr, Cottager & Country tieutr. :11111 Itropertlcr, IVantatione, 7Vu ater Tracts it Mbiera I Lan* FOR dALE IN Penogylvonla. Now Jew,. Dolhviare, Mitr)lawl Ntrionta, North Carn Orntria I=tEt==n Send for a copy--Free. Towsmcvn & No. 9i7 south Plith Stretl, Jmotinry 9A. INW.-21. Puot.•LtuitiA, PA 1' FAIIIIILitS IND rIANILDS. The subscribers Wei fur /ale, In line io loft per theo.r., dear TOM ,F nornix IiEFIVEn FOCI/1M Te or the Ludt Ildanufecturleg Ce„ made from th.• nub,' sett. blood. and dead animals or New York City. Ow obicl the Co. have exclusive contract Pike only TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER TON, Freight and charges gem New York added. Warn Moil by thu Co toile !Wl' *filen for welsh' In nor With priced will, .rp bey .nhele in market. The raiiiillii ill 'qua. Cotton. Tolneel and Crain bare boo. a •timistaimi the Dn.( Mitlitree the crop from 111 days to two w.. . eel rile r. iloUbliii ine crop. r. in ph lot withaertJflratoa of lin odmd. of weq ailown plat ioril awl (Griller. , 11114 pato) , Info? !nation, vial true to any one applying by letter Or olharWilie bIeCOLLUM k PURVIRLL, gum. o , le,inblit Co. Pm. Or to the Ludt Mobancturtog t:umporly ItIPVI Y.Ol !el 111-11 C. llowEß, his opens!, a Ond•Man PHI 76. HAT AND PAP FITOiIE dIIIM old 51414 on Hein t. “Iniiivrauce. lii. stork la ciiiiipived or the t«ey 1 . 10,1 Slid 1 . 14 et'''. aver offi.fi.ii In the of Voissobta rowdy can acronnendass Me piano win' for foilowiiir Imola mid id &rap paws: fail loads. One, noel's klp, mild , sole Goya' 'Mid's Nana, blas's flora kin. Con/nor, ke Men's cosh kid -Halsomoll shoat Mews. woman'. boys'. add isloras' Slava alit woos' 'moo w0t0.0.. 1 4.1*. vary lino , 41111 sod likaroCro krn NWIr.II/. W l 9lloll'o lOW/ 11141/0,46 &Rd calf shoe,. snimuddi shins, Alkso a' and chddia shoos. MINI O. aratuso'•, 111101.1', boys , . and child's sillsocs. Ns *Are swing a remit cal Mt, of Nllld. WWI, AND ATRAW.DONON of 0 1.'rY et Ow Morel prlces, bell rot trail and tau tat pronnon. I.lllNellibt , a allrartion Is In nu. /011411, Don't ing alarmed id the cry .1( hlyh prieys, Mil tall raw see 11.. r yourNalret, Ncepotifully. H. C. DOWER. Nape 4, lec7 ew Stock of Clothing. lINE2ZItt diaTIX7III4 CIF nad Samsuer Gumbo. t a..6..72 4 Z IVT.trik 'pVlTFltatetttlunlo h' •t -k of thPip RIO nt•L• If /i.V TitEET.lll,ofiNsllf7lo frpn doors folknre Ilir thri , rican OOP. WIWI' h.! Ins 0.1 petrify. , from ►lw w V ntli vief Phi ladftlphls, a 1411 Ill."ff$1111 , 111 of y'•++ iv, m.i el l (4.h I i.robl. du 11110% and 1111,4- 0...4.001,0. go eno.t.toncOf 'eke. k,. f: :if nil one., •111.0., Al • i.. r• pl.•••• ..14.4 yb. "vett I',` .Irlptui.. ger ~.41 . •.., ! , 31 voi !•'.- .• etwo . • .1. , 1.. hot; ttetit 44 , 0 • '••••••• ' it,'. •It 4 . t.* '441t.i 4 .I,l' • t V.. , • to ••tt v .• , s 1 ed Irt , rt• tri ; •. .e,a .• • ,tf1i.14,.• t Opt ....A itt.efift. .of rionmeend Wilted Owl • 111 Inlet +•ID itutiOs. No Omens! e.iwrtitan. Alf t:I.NRIn*. t.•tv..hJ. Am. DAVID 1.4 1141" Illoinu.itiri.Aittsi 111. lod3. GitEAT IMPROV f . 011;;NT iv • NEHINI; /AWN . P.to piri—Mhisil . YNhichiste AM r , 112.1 , 11te 314 Pitr.adit „Mt yr • 4, r t e 14.0 pen, OD 140. Wet +f thk.14.0. tple.ll. P •'.`• lerft.l4 f*Mr U. 1.401 11113 NIA.1:111%E. (.‘441 , 1C4401 Wit pf....oltojr of mot b.iiO•lo •ndri..; • •,,.• r 110.. r• 11. On now" jll l• 1 :11.4 At ithOrt 11441, l trU. bio 5';,4•,;; , ! .,. / ., 44 ,., M1 P,PII/41, it I I p otrp.pld 6 , . ?tn . '. Mitre f,... K or .not—h wpl with , r kPr RAVM.. and in II Mean 11.41 ode, •. iworwmp porn•rt I•vory dr.morlottoo .4 from lostrwr to Si.' Iltor.d Saapopa mdplon, .-001.. n bowls, nt *Mt Shroud. tar cp eeeee to our Anr.l owobrr: Ihrrosst ithor A ll ~ r COG• W.l cf.:E., not in, Idavi pneaibl. Pectidn. it rune se 5100n. , 4111 0 gliov, awl I. Em ph at ically rr Siiiseliw 11 woptoree PER CV. VT. len power to drive it thittetty other machine In the market A rill tervivr veers of nip• ran work It strudel. witnout fatorm or tojory to tin. if h Ito Strength an 4 wnna..rfnl Ilimpticity of ronsitrotr. Linn h•nder• I .41111 , .itt itninb.pible In get nut ordar. ato i.NI'ARA'VTELII by thu entnyitty pt ytvc en• tir.rult•bst W.. t...p.citolly invite oil i boat whn may .1e.4.4. to .opplylll..l,..otra HNIi b Import t artirlo. to vont. 110.11 tlottuitte Otto UNRIVALLED MACHINE. tear hair firmer Inetrut Iron i. annicient to timbre any oarwra to work Ora machine to their entire sat laid two. Agnuts wanted for all tow the United I , tislne. oh, P. boiviirt..4 , Art. not nlrradr notahltsli.ol Also. pir Cnba. mralco. Central and South America. to whom disroolit will b.• givrsi, L alkiVl/1116 MAL:IMM ra CO.. 630 Usuadsr4y. N. Y. BEA LE'S LATE POWELL'S EMBROCATION, FUR ALL I) MCA 01.: 4 ILPICOMIT TO 1101VItil, Y.rl. H u . requiring the Ifiro of * 6 441 spsissil too This noes Uttualawis.i. rroptred at a yttatical firtnirt. Mane *Call ..110111.:' hll tba awaits, volia‘•• o.4l.laacesaarut that irloi..tp daft, eidapn. s nte...fin any thidi or Iho kik.: .vt.r yet neared with, ratlic, AO ne VIM:IWO gaol etaina Tot tfi- .4,r010t0 fnt. whisk st 1. r. We err onit*llvn theta. sit. Work old own Mk t IMP Coillidrke....( oh.. 0 , ..1 it. an 1 tlyfinr oh. try 0111 C.• 0511 ' , WV'' , Mk kr , 1110.114 coal laeretoto Or r,ty ad day the tu• I 4 its norfulfie.• It is pratuafireJ fiy jullri F. CANLOW LZ" LES. LS.: LC and all u Iss• have $ fled 11, to be the bvol, reel ~,, , ,I. Thin I;to,nrrusints , up MI ~V cr tL 111 year.. fad 11 I only the.leido e• r mete/ 1:”1111111•1 Nita NtUtel 11 , 0°,4 8.1 Ira iti 8..1• Pllbi lil tln aN II 14.'01 1,1 , 1 ro.rerdilsi Jidet•l for Indlone oi.ru e• to IA nlrh thal 11.4 a. slid usussoil amnion, tier: bin a.l. onujecl. , 111”) louVr tires ear /141 MO./ dlll.lenl 1,,,„,,. Ike* , aft! „t„,„ ,5 11 , s1 s,• sunny wholly pr is f P. , he NP t ids* puti....a, lee Whirl/ Wei ade el*".• Weeded A j.,•&k . i.m• 111111 .s:l3 o..fi pn.lHnrr. frei• irom 11•••••• oil. , 1t,,,. Uu • het tom, hucu do h) r,) are t 1 I • II Id 11 It SES, .. I thu cot , . goo •,1 os .1 F", ,• . or.. ul ••• I • ' • l• , ~.0.•....10.41 IN.IIIh boo oti , I. v.. 110.18 .11•.• N• s'hia V. 1401 . fit' ; .1. 1,1. 1 .• si.it ••F'::1 1 C '.! C. owl c n4lO 444 p . 4 PI 1114.44441444. P. 441,411 la 4i. cow. • 0 1 ,' . .NIBUS LI E. Ilk; I I .01.•rm51i..,, would reopeellinly @@m ono. t.. . Otriamishisrs. and the Public rem erully. that 1., 1, runniup an 031‘111110 VINE. Do-..471.1, 1 ka Mora Silo late and am k 14 , 01 Mut hum! .141. .). %;;a.. aceplea) to chutsect wish ibc aev'raft Ttlll us joint South • %‘' tel On the Calowies• and Willistutport Mall Kant sad wlth try" ' `..ln/ North and South (In the Lack. k 111. otl N I NUS - Ell ar. In frond eunilition, ennitor. @OHIO and eumfOruM le, and char. , * tralleittl.l... reriout w0. , h1.4 Io meet or ant their friends depart. tau to , actoinfoullatod. upon owsonr changes. by leaving timely ounce at are/ M the Ito , leis. Bloomsburg. Apill 117. R EMO V 4.1.• OF flair 11103111 TO SHINE'S BLOCK. nun DOUR AOUVE • lIENOCRAT OFFICE," Tile: emterelsnee bovine maitre/ front the al 4 full end eompletu impel) , uly S RING AND SIT3I 31 Eli UILV GOODS AND ~SOCERIES, Nnli• , nr, Tin acre, 11n rd ware. Cy der Ana Willne WaN, Urapa, l'oefceen• Clnn•Warn, Tnibaccu Hut.. mid Pouf, Malt. VW! and Meat : all of which I prop.tre selling ■t a very for eguteibe curb./ ppnlnett. • 0. rail and wee. C. C.MARR. NEW TAILOR 81101'. J. N. OBERIENDER Ili, vponn.l n Nivw Tailor Nhnp on 'Odin ellraft, plimmailliwryi. where Ho 9011 Ma * l .*Piwl eII whn may rel/Arhilli WWI IN* ekli4olll korwa Oil hand A we II ',jetted 114 nr I• 101110, CePel yr.l inv. whir* he will sushi rp to order will Ileellif•Am •1111 A 11.111601 field 14. PIII,J111( gentlemonn and bny . 4 Al.'' v.1i11i419 to 13diefe KVA, thus dune spew short hull**. All work ifranfrol, Ml= • ettllela Mak Witting' pint by sow Noittiml. It IsporPelly hull& u soil is rinw so " . wnh snimi insoir.sii. All 'stanches of 11..ollattv to In IM 'sllsrl 11 j ,dis n Ind ity_4til approved ol)lo , dam slot mit fulmar 1940,"6 11 unnow a t, Nov, 3,100 l OLOOMEICIO. COLOMBIA CO., l'A. OSleo In the ltdelosOdo flolldlod, second story, oiret @inhaler & Vo's, Moro, decolid duos s►we the Es. diode Hotel Sloomnlaund , April 17, INST. ,y.'A, IBM 4 .P•S * . JACOB 1,. GULTON, Proprietor. C. C. 1111 A KM% ID. V, MEM/ 0 Salvia Delia*, CHAS.O. BARALt V, AlWrite,' of Lai W 4 Philadelphia & Eel. Nall Road, WINTEIIII.TIMB TABLE. mount, Alto nimenr Poore molting PHII.4OIIIILPHIA, l IALTIMOItt MAR It lati WII•14 A %i WORT. OIL GUI.; ur REGION or rev vrovi.voollit. ELEC. ANT ALELPING CAR Oil nil Vidal TraIMP. °N ANA alt.r MONDAY. NOVP:MIIMIYMA, DMA, rehire* ihe k Vole kali µgad wall thilUtti r Weartt'AßD, it AO. T 14116 Ivarr• Paliaielphla II VI p: .s 141 .athurolairland • 63 a. ta. arriv• at Erla p._AL 111 KlPllttobt Illar.t.ralitdcipala If arias. 1111, Ni.r l Pi ll a64/11140 4 #t:lB4' eirrltry 41 Pllll MAIL I PAlimalphla im'a •• • 0 1 1 1minh , r1Ind 4 IR7 p. - • •rrov• nt I. t,aven 7 to. at. EAPI' MA I 'rot riv 1.. 11r1“ 44 Pia pi ritmithPriand I pl .}.-p. 114 .pj 11.0.111011tnit 110 A. M. 1 1)10.1 6. . 1./te 4 14410 t.i.011.1111'...i1m14 4 at a. ao: • , hit 1 , 10.14 .p. 1 .1 .11 1 ' • .1 7 Oa. M. 4•., 1011g..11.1.1411.1 111 m 1 6r..v.• 61 01416.1.•104/0 p Nxu 11, p. Ni. ~01 I. v.t• row N. rl 141111 all it , tlll• 11.., IN . t.l •is As..st At , lug 14 ou Al 61'446 Al Itiquelim 4 dv 4 4.11 Intl 11 0 1 'ov 311 11 111 4 f.1...1111141 11/111t..11:101111 61 /1 1.7 P. M., arm... at 011 .1 4 7 p .1 /stews'," Wasrms a Primula Railway make alma manatistas• At 011 Cily 44 0 11 tr.1144 r.r E/41111 tut 4114 rairillo , “ is) ISACIIIAON 011S:C1C1111 1 .14, 101/Gll. A. L TVI.LII, I dap', Bala. Oct. 706 Itin. EZI I .takiiiia4UA U. Bloomsburg Itailioad. 4114 n iv 411 M 4 .1. 1 110 WITIE 4 TWO DAILY TRIIINS. lie I 0 AND AFT. k JANDAIIY '...R. 1017, P. 1 7 PENWER TH41198 WILL 11.1.19 As FOLLOW,: 1. i. a V E 011 1.1111 WA R D A 91 AM PM. 1... , Sri .",,,n 8411 1.10 4.40 1..33 NW . 0.00 II .! .... %WI " 8.11 941 BOO An i/t 1 1., Ibul• .^.:an3 1111 Al ' 9.33 A 11 PM . fmas 4 : Nottbusist..rll.,,l. 7.1111 301 t0.i.b,.1r. i. 441 414/0 • • 11. I•ert 0.0 P M 1311 e. , steirtm. tutu 8.30 Stu MO hill IU 1.5 lr .: . Oh, Y . fir Klairdinn 1,11139 .I, IS for gerantnn .•1111.11. wllll l'ibiii .0 riving all VearVart at 3.111 . 11 !..warift1f1f 0 Ima ilia Trd In :Ilona. from Ile Fa ritun at 5 .1.1 A 4 vie % , Ili umbt rlaml,ria. a 11arrIlaufa 14:$1 P M. Ni f ,„,„„. 3no P m IA hghlteitnn 10 001' N via Ru pert roach l'oo4o.lpoia it I ImP M. ingetnil. JIIII. 301067. READLNU RAIL ROAD. WIN TER ARRANGEMENT. November 23th, 1567. GREAT rittrvg LINE rEoNI TEE. NORTH and North Weal (or rhiltlelphla.Noir York, E.a&• .ae, votieville.Talanlaa Arbtam, Labaaon . Allen. town. Eaatna. Ephrata. 'Atm. Lay/rarer. Columbia, Truin• !rave ffnrri•hori for 14cw York. Os follow" At 30143 Z and :•• 1 1 1 aat Nu.' 05 and Uri rat ionnert lax %MI 4 1,411ar Train, 4.a Ihn l'etorio.) lemon Rail- road and orre'llltt AI Sew Viork al 3 111 awl IH 13 and 1131. A X owl 3 40. 30 r N. Sleeping Cara at CUinnl4 . Awing IX., 3DO A X rad 93% r r. Trains Without • Range. Lo•a•.• I owlet:oars for 'tendons. Pout ititl.. Tama• mom Mineronrolle, A•li and, Nina Grown. Allentown and . 1111 • 14,1 1.111 m at 11 10 • 14 /wit 2 113 and 4 lo r a. irospirit al Ididninine and principal Way erosion. Ihit 4 lit r r 'motor C4olll4:Cll4.tis tor lliiiaol•loinon and Pot calorific. Schuylkill 11+ veil and Auburn, tI. sch„ vik 1 11 nn,/ Kill men. lenre llarrioloms nl 3 33 • /4. Rrtnroon• Lent , . New York $t 9 00* N. 11 11 nod 3 Wand noor 14; 111.13• n and 330 • Parovairr rain 01214,4 1111001e10111411 At 7 341 A N. fPIIB Itixf froom Itesolong at I s r a pinyon at all .411 1 0 1 110041 . n 4 11 45 • N. suit 141 r M ; A 440 hind 0 01 1 •'lll.llllll 14 111 M and tl 011•. N.; Tamaqua at YIA N , auJ lOu nod •43 r r. Lens.. P 4 Alot Wu fur Ilarrobora via Schuylkill mid RO•nornallrla I kilrouil Nt 7 10 A a. and 14 nil n.wit. 70.10110 A Arrellim. o llnlloll TfAllt ; 1,04.1.11 It paltilig a 1 3 1 1• X rrlolla;Int (rote PloMilelplila al 4 IM rr. f Ai•ou'roiilaisno T•ain : 1... a v VIM.. ir/Alll B Ii 43 A X., frtIMIXIX 1 11.110141 ri110‘..14,1110/A at 3 111 P. N. Rail ans , l Train. 11,2, - :leading at 7 On s• n IS r. al for k;pliraila Lancaster. l'..l.nashi I. Ike. Uo P 4 .111.i9)• : Lanve New York at •:.011 P M, e , •11 , 11.4 r ( NI A 11, and 3 I.IP If. lite #. IM A if, train tothrosig only to Reading ; Pottsville A IP A •t. orts 3:3 11. 4ID and 9 :IS Pif and 4.-ea all at Oa an ' 1 Ii A • Gar iirife.k94,ll WM/ ; lid A M. and .1 40 p y far •tv Vail' and 4:14 P If. re, PON. 0.11 111146.11.01. a... 8 4440n. ' , fir.' :i(111 Ci 11r. Tif I", ill eqd 1 , , 1111111 !MIMS f.,4141:r lA. Itionptle rlietked Ulf 048 h: lOU 10. nMfg allowed G. 4. Nic411,1.8 St.i..•rinfroidro HA .iOoD : //ow Low, 1k,,. Rrstorott 0.1.1. , elinjoili or 1.11 1:1 1 1 V NWV.1.16.0111:e1-br.i.l U.-ay nn lAr rid 1 ,3 1 VIII' ( i v:lithos'. ouwillirtiv• ..(MporuiNtof Smil• loyorletniory 4 1.1114 u al 1,13.•.. r. Lupin tow V , .. 1 . 1 4 1 411.11 . 11,4, tui I nrowirily, impt•dinti tit ;Of.. 0111•1/1111.11011. pol..poky, bud *rig ..r Lltsual liiNee in ..'.l.•d utivelarc only rt real.. 111 , r .1 , •n• area &Mr otliniritb.e essay ' riemortglrat-0 II iiiii a 111./I4 oircess• p. f.:tf+•..l.al the 0,1 Mine rolo.o,ito.fires of yelr *Mr*. maylvilh nnt dot.* rt. ou• we of lillccital Medicine rr Ih.• application of the hn•le_r•.,l, •s , ist a stride *1 itire al 011( . 1 . •1114. pie reitalit . lfectual by flirting of which ever! ildrir-r. n 0 matter o hat it,. c indium' may In, may our biw.ulf cheaply prtv.iiely, mot radically. Icriu i1r.u..1 be In the hands of carry yinith and carry man in the lead. ttcnt. and , . • ail. in a plant envelope, to any ad. dreg,. •I aid. ufl receipt of tin cavil', Or MO post Athireds the publish4l.. J, C. KLINE Co. powe r y, Ne yoro t , rodt whet ka, mia. Now 17.1047.—5 r NATIONAL FOUNDRY. slaOmsHUKO,co. 1 . , . LUINBIA CO., PA. . . ' . . . . 4r) • ws - - 0i•P1.„1 , . , -rin,,,, r pn,94,,, I of 111.• aliwve nain..d e't. t"H•lve ..itlibliiitnif.nt, hi fin* -...._ . . it_ , prepared to revive orders "` lOr Kinds of Machinery, (or cetp , ,i.,, Rlul Furnneve, Plati.mtry Fnitioes 101114. 4 , TNPKAIItWH IMACIIIN CS, ke Acr. tie iv nlan prepared to make Morel, all 'leen and , attar - rip, p'ow•lrose, and everything usually uiuJa is Net-class Vriandriew Uhl ear nerve facilities and practical workmen, war• 'lilt him in recuivlng the !lupin contracts 00 Orr in let I , 4lFormble urn's. r 7" train of all kinds will be taken In ezehanso for nastiest.. Thu ...tabliPtlfll.rlll,l Inrs.ed near the Laeknwa• na A oloonisburi Railroad Depot. PETKR BILLSYEkI. dinnieburg, Sept. IV. lan3. • COLUMBIA norsE. B. B. STOIII NE R , Proprietor. Tfil fie new eland lately Wed up for lite/wont OW Ilpflon of the ire yeflng public generally. situated on Milo ' , Urea a few door* above the Coast Mouse. os chat Is ktiosva as tee ~ 11obbieon ptoperty." It I. coatratly located in 11e lov.n. ant at Wawa plane fort Uellt/ to amp . humane being is that put of totals where the lookinrliv of Inc fondue., fp heinlf done. The Prol , . trim Kola ronfident that he fa prepared to girl: ;ellen, I pas Welton to life gnePlb. and would aoltelt a felt portion of the pubfie remota se. linvoluseurg. May 13, 1,0,7. l)H. J. R• IN INS, Physician and Surgeon, AVINI; mrN rit ~,, r filatirolly on Mai! , HI,OtiMsHING NN. r ' , full , ' 11, 1 , ./111 the public estmerally. teat PP im prPplerell to iliend to sit e,lttes. rtkanc , illy and punctually the .416.! en:Nitta to Pis are, on toms Othi1111r•011 rat , • WWI 111. tiWeß, INP pays strict stilenioll le elutgery as welt At WW.ififte, Norse& I P63.—ly. N iiiirioltllll. - :WY. %VIII Ito onlrf el relent,. 1410 it Ifni's!! 'OiII.IIT, situated no ttiel n red Railroad, ebovr Iron neer the Phelning will Of übbi n , r 1 . 0 , In Olnonieb,oti. Tee hne" 1 . a '" w Ire** bnlWlnl. lw 4 i stiivies high. whit cilia r, end *ell elated ol The Int le of tend oho., in Pt ellvul contiti inn, end well wanted with every de ecelhlldeo ref tenrc trait. Alt accretive umbel ton tort , ol l'he wont toil lac tread linnet,. en lllnd lllla liven Put forth.* purl,. Idr• Inquirl tit.. oilier 41*. i 3 lOW/ ARE I MIA 11;t 7 1 . 14111 /id polo a Mrs itolonblo IR irrati.dm, Prode to tod•ry nastily, sod poets Mlle profit., an bo ottevrod by apply lnl Obit ere/molly or by loner Kr J. S. I,ll‘ll a Co., 1a? Market Street Phila. Scrofula, or King's E' is a constitudestal Cassia, a enetuptiad al Oa blood, by whielt this fluid Immo vitiated. weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, It pervades thi *hole body, and mry bunt nut is disuse on Any part of it. No organ is lest from ite stocks, uor is thereat' which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint 44 variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, die. ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depress* eiem int at en above all, by the venereal infection. ever be its origin, it is hiseditary ht the eon. stitution, descending .. from pinata to childros unto the third and bOdi elliarodos I" it seems to be the rod til Lm wbo 1. 1 7 14 1 1 1, will visit the iniquities of the Wars up= their ohildron." Its effects earansimee by degawitimi from the blood or corrupt or ulcerous nutter, which, in the lungs, liver, and interrustorc wi le termed tubercles; in the glands, sw end on the surface, eruptions or sores. lad see rupticm, which genders in the blood, demons the energies of life, so that scrofulous connitu• dons not only ;suffer from serofaloue tart. plaints, but they have fu lass power to with stand the attacks of other diseases i quently, rut numbers perish bs disorders; which, although not scrofula* in 6:nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which (le mmata the human family has its origin direetly in this scrofulous contaminatiewsad Inlay destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, belie; and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from et are aggravated by the same cum. One quarter of all our peoples', scrofulous their persons are invaded by this lurihsg in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy !bed and ozonise such a medicine we supply In AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times am devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the moat active remeals that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the Hanes from its destructive csnsegutmert. it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other tions which arise from it, such as Eat num and BIM Musses, Sr. Awrnovv's Fay, Ross, or ERYSIPELAS, Ibtxrtmi, Porn:rtes. &omit., BLAIN!, and Boms,Ttrwoas,Tute e and SALT RREL'II, SCALD HRAD, RIROWOII4 STPUILITTO and lidenctratst Dv eases, Daorst, Durum, Deauxrr, and. indeed, ALL COMPLAINT' ARMING now tau on. larvae BLOOD. The popular belief in " impurity qf th. blood" LA founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose nod virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purifyand regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible rp contaminated constitution/. 11. A. FONDA. supt. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are ao composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely vrithatand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and in% igorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and wertoting its healthy vitalitiee. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find Ls health or energy restored by a remedy at once simple and inviting. Not only do they MIN the ereryday complaios of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous disease*. The arm below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Cleave. Ives, /karat/en, Headache aridly/row diary/fires SrostacA, Nausea, hungerfion, Pens in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Fintideacy, Lou of Appe tite, Jaundice, and o th er kindred complayste, arising from a low state of the body or utntructioa of its functions. dyer's Cherry Pectoral, TOR TR* RAPID CORR OP Coughs, Colds, lalluenta, Hoarseness, Croup, lironekitis, Incipient Consumer. tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stager of the disease. So w ide G the held of its usefUlnesa end co nu merous are the mutes of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in permits pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by lee use. When once tried. Its superiority over every other medicine of Its kind is too apparent to occar,o observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the dietressing and dangerous act:lions of the Dolman iry organs that are Incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, th is has uitinert friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the ritflivied they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. WASHING MACIITNI. It so rnesilly concedrn that "the be.t la also. the cheolA t" anal that twins the rote great weavers fa taken iN tntrodueing to the public. DOTY'S COMES WASHER which is rapidly beenaslag popular se. wtsk Mashing the bard week at Wiebirti is; nit 'sated toes enssfhrtattle end ;distant task. The simile. are placed in hot sods, sad last he. WklieDholitinoWn , ' ed and the steam outfitted, the Machine le loplerefed as seen shove. Thus the work is stusettr., Weevil sod easily done, an/ that too without Warhol' sod west ins out the clothes, which tell* great atom is the enema wider !ha old i115b14711114 rUbSIIOII pwces► Iles e OILOTIVES Ilv RUW Ellt the . . yet tlns eentpered with lb. foisted Mode of 1.(111114. AND euAKINII, aad twisting end %Hovel% Ta Ares le as dissolved by the HG Slinerthat but liati xotokeeeelon to oecestary I" expel It. No Moll I the LotreteOtoeld be vitamin DOT Y'S CLOrIII4B WASIIEY. Awl in. VNIVIII.4I, (=MU vnimutt. The pekoe of a,.. Millblatte faits as fellow. Fatally eta' Weber, • • • • • 111 i lintel • • - W . • • • 4.• • lb Validly wan, No.l ?Moder. glee No. td. • • . . . .... le Oeid by 11. S. L1U1.1... March V 18417-17. Ir OIL E. Et, BUCCX&SOH. TO DR. Y. C. HADAIIION. His talrss iiooll3ll a; Ito Arntritas 11100111. AI , dos till thert V 111 ho prompt, sHonded tr. n" 30, lOC, PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AITR & CO. LOSS ELL, MASS. Sold by all ltraggeat4 is the Country May WA-Iy. ■ Z'
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