tnNdwy ► IMII6 A load of soot, dry wood 'mated at this oleo, is. Now to tlte time to =biotite for DmicocitAt liergox. U. Idzartm, M. C., had our thauks for polka 4ocatabonta, - The attention of our renditra is di rected to the new advertiretnente in to-day'. pa peti. itirWo icibooriCago t o receipt of rtt)- lic doeumeote from ow able repriucoteivo THOVAISCRALIPAWM ------ •~ Ser Tin CobambileouutyFacincre Club will moot in the A.eadonly, at Bloonoburg, on Monday evening next, •at 7 o'clock. A full attendance la dcrired. ..... lir A. T. Atnorrso'N was elected Judge of the election, in Greenwood Towmbip, by a kuldsotne majority. That was a " victor Ibetb• old fashionri Democracy. gar I. S. Krim pureitased the brick Louse sae lut ou Main Stigat, known as the Mans property," of Maj. W. B. Koonm, on Saturday hit. He intends converting it into atom rooms. =I wir A• HARTAIAN otter to-day will be found in his new store rooms, on Main street, below Market, oppottita Clorrell's Furniture store. )Ir. 'H. has opened a Tinware room in connection with Lis store, and is prepared to execute work In that line. VW ON eacomst of some little imperfec tion in the spelling of names, and of the leaving out of the na►ucs of the Overseers of the Poor of Orange township, by en oversight of one of our compositors, we re- print the entire list of officers elected at the late township elections in this county. =I W- Rev. J. A. Price, Methodist Minis ter of this town, leaves this District and goes to.tia Baltimore District, whore ho will preach hereafter in the Exeter Street church, in Baltimore. lie enjoyed many warm friends in this plane, who were loath to part with him. Be works earnestly and faithful in the MN(' of religion. I=M111111:1 lifiir Os Saturday last Daniel Bauman moved a frame holm off a lot on Main etreot, nearly opposite our office, to a vacant corner of a lot owned by himself on Third street. The Immo was sold by I. S. Kuhn, and taken away to make room for a larger and better building. Thus goes on the march of improvement in Bloomsburg. II :tut J. CLARK has sold hip hotel property in Catawissa for the sum of four teen thousand five hundred dollar (SI 4,500) to Samuel Kostenbauder. Mr. CLARK kept a most capital house. He has purchased an intereot in the Exchange Hotel of this town, of which further notice will be read In another article in to day's Ih.stocnAt. • gfir WI ,soars that on WeJae sy a our Representative, Mr. Chalfant, called up an act authorising the Trustees of She Bloomsburg Liternry Institute to levy end collect a tax from the cinema of the Bur aegis of Bloomsburg, Columbia County, to purchase cdlitlentil pounds and erect a a building thereon. TI a bill passed the lower House finally. Mr The Democrats elected Judges, ni the elections in all the Districts in Colun►bia County butficc, viz: Catawissa, Borough lletwiek, Franklin, Roaringcreek, and Scott. In these townships the Radicals carried the wain ticket, which, had the Democrats turned out in full force, they could not have done. At least they (the Radical') could not have carried the entire five. ittirWr. learn that one of the Churches, in Espy, was burgiariously entered, a few evenings ago, and robbed of a silver set for sacramental purposes, together with a collec tion of money, which had been paid in by teachers, scholars and others, for the use of the Sunday School. These scoundrels should have condign punishment inflicted upon them. It is hoped they will get their just reward, J AMON° the numerous larcenies re cently committed in our town we have to record that of the chickens of Hon. Judge Elwell. The petty but abonmiable pilferers which infest our town paid his premises a visit on Monday night last, and carried off the greater portion of his poultry. Of course the ion is not a serious one, but these marauders will some fine night receive their deserts, is a serious fact. 14T THE Bloomsburg Literary Institute was entered on Saturday night last, by one or =WV ma/icious scamps more for the put , Pee of doin g mischief than committing theft, it is snmsed. Whey effected an en• *ranee by taking out a pane of glass from osae of the front windows, near the portico. We have not learned that any property was stolen, er any damage done, save the Lreak • ng of ono or two lamp ailing neya. Wr. are informed that John Burger, practical miner, has succeeded in: finding, fter several months of diligent search, a air specimen of stone - coal, in Fah ingcreek ownship, mew .denes' mills. it is said at be has found a vein of four feetiu thick ass ; and every indication is that it will pay -lite work it. A gencies article of coal is hat de people of the upper end of this aostesed. Hope they have found t. blooms Avg will opeL _ spring . summer ems on the Gth hat. We are prepared to ley without prejudice, and without the ex ,ectation of favor, remunerative pecnnittrally r otherrrise,".thst the qualities of :kirk ynkoop u a teacher, and her character as estimable lady, are not excelled by those any person of her clue in this portion of Butte. Tho excellent moral training eh her scholars hare received, and the fkriency which they hare made in their dies are the conclusive proofs of the or ients of the Sebool of Mrs. Wrnkonp. iflrEiran Bonito JACKSON will please swept our thanks fltrltitladotematsts Wattast 11. 011Mortet ha pine to Philadelphia to purohaae au engine for the Fire Compaq of this Went. lie expects to pay in the neighborhood of ($11000.00) tbreo thousand dollars for it. Mir The "aid and comfort" to the Rad icals, from the so-called Democrats in this town, came entirely flom the Columbian clique this spring, at the tato election, if we may take the tickets as evidence. On Oeunting off, it was dicovered that the ticket as printed and voted by the Columbian Party, was scrotchal to the number of some thirty-fire in the matter of supervisor, and on constable something less. Peter Bill weyer'a name for supervisor was erased to that extent. We might ask by whom, but it is not necessary. The Democvag, pretty generally, know that it was not done by men whom Brockway charged with being prom inent in a certain "bolt of 1866," of which lee does not know sufficient to give any thing like a true amount. lie claims on the Judi.7e a majority of (57) ally seven, which is right. Now, this being so, how is it that Peter Bilhueyer falls short of the Judge's majority (29) twenty-nine votes? Answer this question distinctly, and while doing so, please place the scratched tickets upon the right party. "Vote the whole Democratic ticket" was not the watchword with this ('N/•imbinu clique at the late election I— "Groat Jemimu" was not about. IffirExcit.t Nue IlivrEL—This valuable pro perty has again fallen into the hands of W. B. Koons, who has connected with him Mr. Henry J. Clark, of Catuwissa. The last named gentleman is well known to the trav eling public as one of the most obliging and efficient landlords in Pennsylvania. The general public have not forgotten the genial manner and the earnest desire to please, manifested by Mr. Clark in days gone by when that gentleman ministered to the wants of the wayfarer in Bloomsburg—to say nothing of his later and equally Cul career in Catawissa. As for Mr. Koons, his history as a hotel keeper here is so re emit and fresh that comment is unnecessary. iVith all the good landlords who preceded him, it must be said that the pahniest days of the Exchange were those of his regentie; and ho and Mr. Clark, having purchased the adjoining fine building of Mr. A. J. Sloan, to be incorporated into the hotel property, will not halt iu their work until this public convenience will equal any one of its class in central Pennsylvania. This property has been procured at an expense to these gentlemen of twenty-five thousand dollars, not including furniture or other goods. 1:3=NECIIIII Var. THE following are the appoinnients of East 13altiworo Conference fur this year. Northuwberland District-B. H. Crever, P. E. Williamsport, Pine Street-T. M. Reese. Price Chapel-D. H. Carroll. 44 Third B. Pol!.grove. Mulbury St.-B. B. Handle, E. J. Gray, supply. on urairille-,N. W. Colburn. - Laporte- (W. Antes, supply.) Muncy-41. M. Ash. Hughesville-E.51. Chileoat, A. If. Meath. Washington-11. Wilson, T. 0. Mese, Washingtonyille-13. P. King,(l to be sup.) Milton-K. W. Kirby. Lewisburg-S. Creihton. Nlitiliuburg-J. T. Wilson. ;lliddloburg-J. P. Long. Selinsgrove-J. W. Oluwine. Sunbury-W. W. EYana. Snydertown-J. Craig. Trevortou- W. H. Norcross. Elysburg - 11. S. Mendenhall, W. H. Reese. Shamokin-F. B. Riddle. Mount Carmel-John A. Dixon. Preston Mission-('1'o he supplied.) Nortbusuberlaud-j. N. O c kp riniin . Danville-Francis Hodgson, J. 11. M'Cord. Catawisse-11. G. Dill. Ilaxleton-E. T. Swartz. deaniville-J. IR. Cuddy, (one to be sub.) Bearer Meadow-G. Tarring Gray. Ashland-A. M. Creighton. White Haven-Wm. C. Ilesser. Bloomsburg-J. A. Mellick, A. Hartman Supernumerary. Espy and Light Street-W. M. Meminger. Orangeville-J. P. Brown, (one to be sup.) Bloomingdale-M. P. Ctostbwaite, A. C. Crosthwaite. Berwick-J. A. Gore, G. H. Day, supply. Berwick Circuit-P F. Eyer,A.g.Bowman. IterA GREAT majority of the Post !qv tors in this County profess to be among AN DREW JOHNSON'S supporters, simply be e:lll4C he feeds them, and some of them have an extreme hatred towards the Dtato- CRAT. They take ever) , occasion to make this known, officially and otherwise. They do not like the DEatocitAT's DeinocracY, for no other reason that we can conjecture, than because we are and always have been opposed to the /me school Dernoonicy that a few hungry and crafty politicians have at tempted to establish in this County, as well as throughout the State. They have aig tiu'ily failed. The Philadelphia August Con vention was the first movement made in that direction. There is not a Democrat to day who attended that Convention in any official capacity, who is not ashamed of himself for doing so. It was conceived at the Wigwam that the best policy, and the moat expedient way, to manage and make inroads into the ranks of Radicalism was by taking all such Radicals who had a hanker ing after spoils by the hand and welcome them to our party and give them the boat office that could be procured. Nothing harsh should be said of those men. 0 no ; that would not be policy nor expftlient. The word " Democracy" was also recom mended to be left off all political hand-hills. That was considered by these Wirvamites to be au offensive word ; calculated to keep those Conservative,' away from the Demo cratic party. These Radicals, who once abused, robbed, starved, and would have hung all Democrats, had they possessed the moral courage, must be handled with Yolvet gloves or else Jou:fames policy oonld not be sustained. The party of this State accepted the line of policy laid down at that Convention and what was the result? We loot the State It hu been carried farther, and what is the result now? JOHNSON is *bout to be removed, and there is no party to stand by him. We must be radical. Away with your " policy" and " expediency'" Ear SAD ACCIDIIII7..-All We go to press tee Sr. informed that Andrew bass. a Centro township, one of our most rospooted citizens, mot with his death yesterday after• noon, by the ruining away of hie team. Partioulare boat work. sirecAsce—Potstoes, in lilootnabstri. Not a peck could be had the other day in the whole town. trIU some of 'our friends forward us some on eubseription fir Au immense stock of Wall Papers, Paper Hangings, &c., adverse(' in this issue by Howellik ;Jonrke, Fourth and Market Streets, Philaaolphia. This is an old and reliable House Give them a call. tip?" BUTLER is supposed to have been in town on Sunday night last; for Senator Buckalew's spoons disappeared from his residence on that occasion. At least some individual or individuals "went through" the house of the Senator at the time men tioned. Seriously, some burglars broke into the house of Mr. B. on Sunday night and gave it a complete rumaging. What they carried otl is unknown, as no person inhabi ted the building et the time; but persons who visited the premises immediately after the burglary, describe things as having been in the utmost confusion. "No blame at tached to any one." SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LADIES. Your attention le PINS to Ilia moat Mu. remedies ever knurly forth* reconeal uf obstruct ions and derangements Jubilant to the female gel, Dr. Harvey's CIIRONO THERMAL EDI ALE PILLS, hove litenueed tor upward' or THIRTY with uovnlyin: eurre•l 'they are a , 'apt.d for all ordi • miry castit and never fell in their actiera if taken to time. Dr. Harvey's GOL DEN FEMALE PILLS. FIVE DOLLARN A SOX, are Intended Air special Mel requirlog more Power ful medirine They are four degrees atturilet then the ordinary kind and are perfectly Itrusive. and reliable. It you cannot yet them of your druggist I will rend them by reborn ri ail. posit.paid and secure (rem üb. ion ill reeeim of the money. I will ale., prod an Illustrated and Confidential rireu..r to Idolise, eft Ofrbelnioe. Address J. M. ..flhiallOahMalf, NM YORK. HAPPINESS OR MISERY. The victim of youthfill ledlrieretion derilleop• his happiness. elfin hlapreolleela for mortal elaJoyseent marriage amd the parisait of bulimia and mirk Pis life is misery ; but by the timely u.s of Ike lOW Wad and faithful remedy Bell's Specitle Pills, ha may rerover hi. health. Make therefore nei sta• lay in using this remedy. it rites rperuly relief and %tit 'mottled. a cute in all rase, n Itemitini Weak. nee. Physical mad 1 4 ierVUtill Ds to lit v and derangements of the urinary organs. P.Pisve hetto• et is derived be using I* single hoz It is entirely vegetable and Ninnies. ,and PO aline of diet IS necessary whilet using tiler" Price tine Dollar per to.: with full direct/one. Sold by Druirglet• genera'''. In places where they cannot be procured I will vend thoto by mail poet-paid and secure fr• no otwerVelien ou receipt for the ninpry. Address. 1. lARYA.I, ff. D . dill 4tloao War Private and confidential eirealars wilt be mat to VIM le men rrrn of charge. DR. J. BRYAN CONSULTING rnysloAN 819 Broadway, New York, Giver Prect AI, TRP,ATIIICNT in nil or Pemi• nal, Prins!. Urinary and Nervous Diseases in male or female. Apvics Vaal and correspondence rrnorris CON /11,11 , 111 k L. To Issavutass,—l will send my private and ennti• dential rirculars frt4 of rbarfl. and Inr 10 rents a vslouble Mails, on nominal Weakness, by Pr. Roe lint,. 100 pages. T. le - eid - ft,y - trivats Circa lay vr . Anatomical Engraviat. foes rf rateret. and for lo root. a valuable treatise by 1/r. Juno Ilsavav eon ruining Important inforwation on all oubjecis ut' Ha ir:rest to the "VS. ITCH! ITCH!! *Tell !! ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH I I SCRATCH II! Oa from 10 to tri Wehaton's Ointment cure. The Itch. Wheatcn'o Ointment tures Malt Rheum Wheston's Ointment cures Totter. Wheretcn's Ointment cures Ba there' Itch Wheaton't Ointment cures Old store.. Wheoton's Ointment rures Every kind of Humor like Magic. Price, 50 cents. 'hoz ; by atntl,fitl mite. Ad,lrr.l WEEK?) hi POTTER. No. 170 Washington !Meet [Mellen. Mee. Yet Ws ►y all cent. U.S. Idllt-11 yr. TO CONSUMPTIVES.: The Rev. EDWARD A. WII.A.N will rend (Deg of charge) In all who desire It. the prescribtion With the dlreelion. for 'Tinting and ',sing the ritopir remedy by %Welt lin 1111 P cured of a lung affection and tirat dread d Owner I 'IMPUSIipIIO , I only ob• )e,., is to bon. flt the 'filleted and he honer every ..uff•rcr w ill try dna r, loon. as it wi'l ro4 th , in nothing, and may prove a Ukraine. rleere addres• Rev. KDWARII A .W 11.80 1 41. . l iU Routh &fund Hpart, Williamsburg. New York. INFORMATION. information Inaranteed tograde , ' I hitnetent growth of hair upon 6,1 hi bead .14 Antilles. face. alio • rerripit to !lir retnovol or rimplea, Blotches, i:reptinna. ete „nn the thio Ivaylna Ihr ramp eon near, and beautiful can he obtained wtihout [hers. Ly aildtuseing Tllot4 ,F. Cli I'M AN. rnetattat e 33 Ltuadeay, ricW York. EllllOllB OF YOUTH. A gentleman who in early lin was a v Irtim to that debasing vice so common to yowls. trk hirh resulted In Sentinel Writhe...a. looolentery Endselons and Nervous Prostration and C 211.4 near ending his days In hopet,:si misery. After U•111g alloie roe. rcure• cies without success. he i.btaltied from a friend some timple roles and printriptione that Ofectsd a per. insovot cure. (in b, half of siieuring her anity he will send the same free of charge to all who may desire it. Address 1..:I/G AK TREMAI'Ve.. Malian U, thtile Mouse, New Yort November 0. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the atalatit Ile_eillelatt by ISAACS, M. D.. Oculist sad Andel ttbrinaly of Ley. den, lialieue.) No. SW Arch IStii et. YHILALPA.- 7'estlinntilats, from the most reilatils soarers in the City and Country can be open at his °dire. The med ical Welty are seritee to aecnnipary their patiiiirts, aa he has no si.erets in his pteetiee ARTIPICIAL EYES, inserted without PAIL No charge for PIAUI. inlaiOa.(April O C. KAII L lt, Ni-Jr• Counselor and Attorney at Law, BLOOMBURG, Pa. Would 'snow* to his friend. and tha public in pared, that tin has resumed the Practice of Law again. Conveyancing and all 'cull b . ulnea• proumtly attosideel to. OFFICE la ttos Exchange Building, Penang story. over Eger & bloyer'a Drug More. Bloomsburg, Idly 1,16.7. maaltaz a Ma WIIOLFSA LE CONESICTIOILIZS AND FRUITERERS, IVo. 181 forth Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. & Orders promptly attended to. Feb. 19, 191 A-399. N EW STOVE AND TIN 8110 P. ON MA IN lITRZFT, (NB ARTS OPPOPVE iIITORI6.) BLOOMER:AI, PA. TER tudersigsed ■e Jul fitted •p, ••d •pined Al. nevi STOVE AND TIN SHOP • !n al, plane. where he le prepared to make op saw Trik WARP: of all linde In his line, and do repair. ina wttb nertasee and disputa, upon the most win aonalfla terra, :leafs° keeps on hand efrOVEn of various patterns and etylem, which he will mil risco terms to sat eushatm. GUT' Mao wilt. He Is a red mechanic, and U. aerflfirid of the labile paizeitags. lAOOIS MITT. Illooillttirg, Sept. 0, 19041.-1/. STATEMENT OF TIIE FINANCES Or TRIII 43011/ NTT 0W COMM 1111111, new JAM. l et, 1867, I v JAN. Ist, 1808. Tile Auditors elected to pettlo and adjust the accounts of Columbia County, respect. fully beg kart to reporMhat they haya e!• *mined the same from t i e that day of Jan. nary, A. D., out thousand eight hundred and olsty•seven, to the find, day of Jadua6 A.D., one thousand eight,hundred and mitty•eight, and respeottully lay before the Honorable Judges of the Court 'of Common Pleas of said county the following statement and re. port, agreeably to the thiction of the Amor General Assembly of this Common wealth, passed the 4th day of April, 1834. JOHN J. STILFA, Treasurer oft:Wom ble, County, in account with said County: IE7. Jan, 7. To a'noont oehlandlris for Dee •nd previous year*. . To Wilson. In hands u( Troia*. afar, as per Auditors' re port. Jan. I*l7. 119 N Feb. 11, To Corh nf Pastor! Ketcham of Pit,trarsek fur kesplog Cart!, Pull. War. 11, To Cash of glamor I Krlehnar of Prinrcresb fur keeping Clair. June To amount of County tag as. erased. fur lii67. 1631111 GO • To Amount addrd to Duplkatis of zentt Township. To amount of Tea day merit, I eii7, G 3 Cl • 10 Cash of coat *Wye Impro►• nd Cthil Co., land rederined. Post 1 To Cash of A. IV. Rea, Agent, land redeemed, 109 OS To Cosh of Iluodry petioles L, redranoad. I. 19 T. cash of Thayer at Noyes' Dec.Ci veil., Me.l To Cash of noorss,Faans of Prousreelt for beeping Coll!. 1011. To t'ash fo• ten day ateasantant PPM and ldG.. VI 13 o 19 Ti' Cosh i from Nortammber'and County due Columbia Cu., fur repairing Bridge. Tu Caals paid Assuagers, &Irma- Ing dos tat, 1107. NI 34 • Tn carts for !molars Taxes 143 to Tn bamoro outstanding. 411 Tn Cash of so n dry persona, ra• detuptiou moony Ilan outitending for imo7and preview, year., &MI 33 F.sonerations • Pornid collector.. lirl 01 Comalesion allowpirollector•. 3 , 01 Pit Amount of County nrderi redeqn,il. 134 69 1 , 3 Trraporer's coma. on 1111004 eO at 4 per wit. 4.41 YO 41alanci4 UN 73 Job:al. Stiles, Tres., in account with tax on dogs: Dr. To amount outstanding for 1866 and previous years, $ 947 00 To amount n.ssessed for 1567, 1264 50 ii2ll 50 Cr. By bal. due Treasurer per auditor's report, January 1567, 515 51 Amount outstanding and uncolllcted 376 46 Exonmations allowed collectors, 96 00 Commissions allowed collectors, 83 40 Amt sheep damage orders redeem'd 1055 75 Amt pd. for assessing dog tax in 1867 2S 54 Ault pd. Treasurer's cow. on 105G.75, 52 84 Iltatrinerit thawing !ha amount of Criarity and deg tazarseraed for theyear A. D. 147. lit each district in the county, as villa thn imnent due from each, also °renames of thy coliectors of raid dittoes. Districts. Cottertms. Ca. tat Ptted. DM. Inc. Mount. •Matihew Virynkoop, VOW P 8.197 91 iiriareteek •DRlrid Miller 113:1 MI 11.1 KI Deaver Namur! Nuolteitirer Denton lnlu a Ith , mcs 410 41 333.41 11C,01 irk James Jacoby 371 SI Centrairt Patrick Killeen 340 10 143 49 i 'onrushes:l do do 1 Ind r.,1 PA) td) I Centre 11. A. Sehereppenbeleer 1007 43 441 44 011111W111111 P. G. Campbell 7171$ /di I rig Etanklin •Tbnmea Hower 481 Pil 143 le Vie hingeek dnetph Coleman Gtil 44 334 47 Greenwood *Jacob 01. Evans t 4433 /A 1/3 He mlock Ilantel Neyhard Gdi ild 1 , 47 34 /matron Abraham Winning let 33 11303 Imemel Christian Small 1441 34 136 V Milik , ll lollutes Ki.ner 09 30 131 37 Moutour John I.eiby 3484) 131 411 Mt. Pleasant 3 Annum J, Welliver 349 44 leo ill Main Rudolph dhilma• 3N7 3d 113 73 Mimi. •Peier 1. Lantz 744; 71 zu S 7 3 mole neutoot -Reuse Pine Jamb Imne 1.5 33 Keetingereek N. Dretibm:h WI 43 890 49 tinearlese C. 1., alneen 1331.3 10794 1 Oanit JimuLi 1 CM' illigre 12.4 73 .22, 4 13,i46 70 11,943 41 4 De‘luet ten days err'inent 1.1413,33. 1 .1 " ext.'s' e•a'asent *cot*, 11.111 7097 Leave s evil Co. tax a lana'J fur len?. 4133713414 Gipt recto. Cohectors. Tar on doge. Bel doe, 10 0 1,1,1 •Slathrw Wynkoop $74 50 $ 3 O Priarrrerk:o should !kWh., 0350 !tearer Samuel Sullaesser li , SO Menton Antnoel ftly•no 3.1 50 IC IQ Her , 11 irk rotors Jacoby 17 Xi Cilwal oa rotrsok Killee• ill 511 2 50 Conynstiani do do 1530 7 50 Centro H. A. Pehweppenheiact 75 50 21 50 Calowlooa F. G. I• 51 50 9150 l'esiohlin • I honing llowrr on 00 Fp.oinovr ic Jooeph Coleman 5..1 00 30 00 Greenwood •J0e.401. Eirring flO 50 ii P 111 lock !mnon•l !lie) h•ir‘l 51 541 1650 hick Ann A hitiliarn Mennin/ 30 nil Loci, . g VI iiiiii Jfi etll/11)i )16 Y) ft; Al Millie NM • Jmale• I( loner o.'o Miiittour John L.•iliy 3.151 350 Ml.llessant Timmer J Welliver 45 110 b 1 0 Main Rudolph Phurrier 3.50 Mann) •I'i.t..e .3. Liiiiis ?1 00 Orange lifrution Hellas 49 lel Pine Jacob I...rig 3.; :PI Bowing. k V. Mreiebeeli 3: 6 0 flugarloal C. 1.. Moore 46 30 Scutt 'acct., Oran' IP, $1. 1 5.4 50 g1r.331 More.—Tbove asniked with a *have mince been I.tild. Statement ' , bowing the amount or county and dog lie due for 11.4'4, 1444 and 101.4 (tuna the ditterrut die. ,rick Ia lb., county: Ain't co. dae. Aml dog due, Polearinar leaf John W. Kite, $ll6 16 ass 00 Kenton Irk. 3 M. Appldliain, 44 NI 3 511 Fisbiogrreek `• John batten, .5 54 6:,0 bladiauti , Jacob Iletlityl, 6 .111 Pine " Albert 'lower, 63 01 AIR 'trivia MIA J Ilitiierli4er, 139 34 40 30 lieninn " 1 1 ., 114 47 it 3111 Centralia bor. " W, 11. R. inhold, 210 1 54 19 04 1 onynahain, ` 1 W. 11. Itelnbold, )37 ap 17 43 Howbeit, .. H. A. Hamnas, PIM IP 3,04 Ildadlatiii, a l Jacob Utcl4l, 11,5 57 10 511 1171 . 71 e 15 — 5T01 1 70.5 4941 40 103151 Due from 1967, eidt 74 T,i3 EXPENDITURES. 04.104T0R1V AND CLERK'S PAT, By &want phi Audtior* and cwrig 74 00 140.aorouct paid C. 0. Brockway, aiditiai. Crowbar.. Nary sod Rcgoitcra SCE glitit. IS 00 ASSEAZORW PAY. Bloom townehip Heaver Demon Briar Creek Ton nualp 11E1 W ck Unroosa l'aten urea Tow whip erntre Cnnyndhem l'entrviia Hatanaka F,stialin Ton Dania riellingereek Green wood Hemlock JACK Sen C/DC VII Maine MilGfs •• monioar Madloon MI. Pleaaaat orange Pine Rnaringtnrek Eindarloar " Scutt •RIDOI CONTIACTP. By amount rstA WlBlew A, YIN, bridle en no Ingcrovit YUA CIO By amount paid Peter Bwank i. brldre on County Ilse between Calernbia and Montour Ptl tle BRIDGE REPAIRS. By amount paid Montgomery Cola. • Shinales, Se. 1133 04 By amount paid /IP* Harem 103 33 By a.nount paid George If urirman 130 30 PI •IBMInt paid Jorhaa B. Mts, .ritono." 40 80 By auwunt paid Phillip Hartman, lumbar. ritl 311 tly Amount paid David Bile t 97 By amount paid Josue Batwings!, 118 40 by somevni paid Joon. Pahriager, Bridge ea Comasy Ilea betureas Colombia aid 901,11t nvisbnrioad 111 00 By amount paid Wiiiime itvaland Se V 0 Sy amoaet paid M. C. Woodward 53 10 try amount pel4 3. 11. Purmat 73 00 By amount paid Mao Millar, littleglaa. till 00 By amount guilt Joseph Malater 953 93 By amount Hid Jobe Oswego 00 00 By swam paid loodry porgies. 100 II raittuat ill,AN vits k 1100 "mmtar n, ***Wirt /aid ' • 1311000, r Mos MA r too Os •,4;s,T WOK 317 ' 0, •• , 44009 00+ INorai'r tVrftt v Ateresy, 930 oo COUlgal& , Sy 10001104 Maim fat UN ration Wts 0011111*ANGINV P. Wrllltolik Ilj gr i..,•t w op,„ O ultUtta ousistablua dur• gctITIO, , ' OROS BO Ify ootoutti POO SktfOßYl o , o "9 4 t .0 0111 .1111 1 19.1iii11,, it WAS. •$4 iiirsou nqu si t t pa Pa ld A J: 1 1; * . " roittlititooto liir'totu'r ousuilat void Mat poet* Ohuto seastol., ino 00 11 7 stt i tt e l . Paid CUM_ Y.ollo_ %ra id ifguit u l i tutir4 Ot Ottumwa, pula KeletilaU u . I, WO Murk. Br amount paid M. M. Town! SW 00 i.ocTiori EX, Sy a.nroitnt paid sundry parmar, spiny Jolont. $133 I; OF 'mown paid sundry Famous seams! IRO fly amount petl4 A. Meson fur coal Court Howie nn4l Mo. 1130 50 roX AND WILD CAT SCALP& fly ar.touon paid sundry persons $143 33 INCIDWITAL EXPONOCd. Dy ►wnunt pill ptatoonery sic. for uorri 42 03 OEI ME By amount polka Ideuming Immo Co., ••Yowrl." 42 if 3 I ntaues - rt 07 o ,oo uni Mid Jobn Doak in MN body of John E. YoWier. ill 37 By amount paid J. M. CbemborOn on bud, of E. E. Hilburn "- By amount pond U. O. Crevollng on body of a crionli child 14 70 By mount pad Wm. Ilonesnd on -body of I.l.Charlen. In 14 EMI »s 1 ITh3 N 7 31 JURORS' WAnfll ANT/ MILEMIE =2=Zl=MZ=2= MEDICAL NOW HAL By amount paid Dr. Y. C. Ilarslame , attaad• anal oa primmer@ PROTIIONorpAIty, Or amount paid hula Coleman Prothl. for taco/ding email "lethal returns. 34 4. PRINTING, Hy amount paid W, il. Jacoby, J. P. HAPIdUre. C. O. brocaway, MEI 111473.3 Ikt By meant paid Jhn K. Plerno, P. M. 7 IJO PENITE'CIIAitY. By remount paid B. S. Penitentiary for sup. porting colivicto 299 37 fly milousit ' , ilia rime Lunatic Hospital fur OM suppuri ut C. that. VI iS By amount paid windry p•:rsons as viewers. 27 00 KOAD DAM AUEd By amount paid E. ti. iligns. Bloom township, 30 00 Jacob Gerrerd,tiroeuwood 30 00 Henry Klcbre. Pine " Sin On . k lwia Jones ftcmluck 03 00 Conner Greonerno4 Hi 00 • Gee. Ilesirle. Mt. Pleasant •• IS 00 '• P.:sre Pine 00 Br amount pßeallituuleluyiler fur boarding primmer's. 143 By amount paid BomorlSnyJer for eflogroyrog Jame. llootropi to the lloule of Bolus*. 7V 1111 13.55 o 5 EEME2I Marlin lownship Newier do [2:=l %war Creek township rrotre townsilip Franklin do ?I/Woof:mit towooldp Green w io(1 do Hemlock do Jach son do I-141111i do Mt. elessant do 141oioo do Midito do Mootoor do. Maot.oo do Orange do rind do Roaring Cloak do Soar [.oat do di,mot do P 81%1 1 ;81. fly •toornt paid al the e evergl emirt4 88 13 TE 11E8'8 1,:( ;L:tl'V I httTrrilTE. By •nmp,,t pill U. (I. Il r.l.y Cuunt) tcpdcut ier per 601 ren,lered luf 1.1 Ina, 73 4 .1 lily I om‘liesiostas Hi rmount paid knish' Ito wan, Jury Cots. ,ulllnur. 17 64 Dy amount paid Thoi J . Welliver Jury Coin. uu.nuu ,• r, 16 Ay amount nal.l John 0. Freese. rectudlel Treaeurer's WO etaino., 10 73 TA Xklel ItErtINDED. By atnaunt of row!. •clitnil. pour and botillt, tetra re.timit..l to the several towuadip. Mid redemption fuoii.:Y. $lOO4 97 By um's, cf netters issued for lie year 1537, IS,wu Se ported sheep orders Aft yeti 16117, 111119 is 'rave refunded to lownehipt 1 , 44 97 31...17 Actual cap:oats for the year lOW. $ :Unit 30 • Buitem •nt of Jos rof sat 1:314. By amount doe (rem coittors 176 hi Deduct come. Es. "say." lon IA n 0,411 4Mtlae4 mint sheep rdet • ente.44o 413 for 1817, 1003 30 Uxe,se 4.4".14ccp Juisuat per cell lueJ, Cot said yeur, 789 04 =I PTATEM wet or COUNTY onuells l . 39M Amout t,1 in in Ito.; 39 •'re•de..oood In , 13860 P 3 Deduct old ordure redeemed 43 30 New order* redeemed, 313e41 33 Deduct dew orders redeemed •1 33 Amt new oriter• (toadyiew orders) amen& nni, 45 00 We the untlereureted Auditoria of Columbia County being duly elected to adjust and settle the accnunta oft lie Treasurer and elnlllll/11 , inntti do her& y surlily that we wet et the office of the Cnibmijs.loncrs in litimpu•berg and crirendlyesamitried the account,. and withers of the same front the drat day of January a. 0., 1667, 16 the I■t day of Jan., Mel, and dud thesis comet a set fora, its the weirdos statement and we find a balauce due Columbia county of three thous. and fent hundred sad use dollars and geeenty.dvg cents. (J 4110 73) from JUUN J. dr11.4.4, Trellattra of marts county. Given under our hands till. , elah h day of .1 7 a, la, out thousand sight hundied 144 silty tight. U. ill311:alT„ 1 Al:minty J WWI HAMILL f Atkuitare, Attest: WM. hit:Kß/WM, Clerk. We, the undersigand Commissioners of Columbia County, do certify that the foregoing la a torrert Piillollllfmtuf the accouuta of the said Comity for th a year 1e67. Witutea our bands January Pth VOWLEII,I 1110 T, C01,f,, Colas: Attest : ViU VkIAtIRB, W3l. KRlfifflArM, Clerk, February 14, land. r 9 00 /Pt IWO. 11111111. r 0 00 tO 19 25 19 75 trit 20 21 20 123 SO 73 923 13 00 SS 93 22 75 t 173 93:3 VI 13 36 73 1/11 113 75 17 73 19 73 21 111 14 75 13 123 V 73 9023 110 73 1/0 93 10 73 V 15 SI7 75 1913 11.73 110 20 Id 75 11 23 14 75 97V$ St 4 211 43 *I 32 12 15 *1 73 111 23 13 7S 19 74 II 75 19 60 9U 75 13 13 Id 73 NNW CLOTUING AND GENTLE- )111L.N't3 FURNISIIING STORE, TR aadersigned renpeetrallt snowless to bla many friends that he ha. nitened a new elntitint end Gentlemen's Furuishing Store, in the lower room ne the Munster' Building, pouthenni tor nef of Male eud Market nireeta, Illouawburn, liavingjuat retunid (row thiladelph {With &largo stock of Fall and Winter Clothing and Clentto aten's Vu retied i hit Goode, &c.. ke. Its tlat. tot I himself that be can plass' di. Ilia stoat cure prises SSII so 11.104 sit so ENS AND BOYS" CLOTHING, a l COATS, SACK. COATS, OVERCOATS, SIIW 23 PA NT& VESTS, SD HITS, UN DERSII I a TS .111130 SO DRA Ifißl4 COLLARS, COLLAR& RTC" TILI noairitY, 1173l1UfD1118, HANDZKRCHIRJrB. te„ to m t t fiat everything In UN Clothing or Tursightng ❑at al Vrry Low Price,. In aildillish to the above he has as 41411011 UMW Mat of Clothes, Cullom' s, sod Violins. gCP Cicabliut wide t• olderal tilis shorted Pones QCelh lid sus herbal purchasing elsesrlsrs. old SECURE GRNAT RARgAI% , I ). w, cwzmuutgAll. Woke* 10, OM MI On 110374 00 DUITRICT ATTOINIT. CIXIM I,IBIIIIA NCB P 5 CI ROAD AND BRIDGE vtrws PIIERIFIII DILL Sitar OA* AO Mk RECARNER NEW MIL N099D8 AND --Trg; I • :..q.:44M4M1N416: . .. t lis ma a h. Ls Nat 041100140 liet already lass mud varlal Hood roost v , ANcy miLusay vin A / SSW PLY.lreilond alitiNtsp , present Oil Nompli seitene: — Set a , lON AND SATII aro esloutarod to aelts•lNS kat Stade else* eitet *WO. She hM lirettiOrtat fount le Onitotineo & Fancy SSAIM• end *ekes np end lone her goods upon Om wet tee sonottoe ono* Gies her a call end exile one otoeit of nitride. LIZZIS SA • STORE, Main Street, teenage, ing.) October tO, ttl6i. thooSeberg. • 1) • RUOSc DRUGS, DRU9s, e Medirtinte. at Solon R. lloyer's SNISSISS 4 "tne't or Mate Sad Market at Walk A good IMO moot or STS 00 ll= Plait DRUGS, Ildoilielmoo, Palate. 0110 end, Voroloboo. always on hard, and will bo sold ehoopoi Wm at soy other Dios Moro in lowa. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Pragerlptlons atrotally compoundod •t Mimes Drat atom Ayers and Jayann Madistnes Sold at Idoyer's Drug MOM, WlNhlkir • Tar Copdltd. inket'n Cod hitter cc, 117 top: cold at loyal'/ Dnp {tors. CM . 8 0 id Par any reliable patent yeadiclise, call at Solari Drug Piton: heather of all kinds, wlmierale and relall. at J. a layer's r•og lora, Bleuriabarg, Pa. May V, Isoo.—tr. RHO'S COPIMMI.CIiIa MUM rr We eartounoe to formers end dealer, taFortll. item, that the raltatveito primes Moo been adopted for the praise's spring ouou : 10AUGIVS RAW DONE PIiaOPIATE. PAM •3 per 2.000 1100,741W0 CHICAGO BONE nursing* Mee. $46 per LOOS lbs. 10 1 BAUCHI CHICAGO BLOOD MANURE Price, 00 per LOA Ibw. SHOE MARK 41tilt 050 132 10 Ot 01 IA till se tire control of the great re• roamer. or the city of Chicago. for iginlishi tit Am monia and Phoephatft yielding litadogigl• vial—Rohe*, Dried flesh. Blood. /Ise , we h tV4I, rn CnnnectieuEwtth our works sn Philadelphia. the largest`Jarilities fur furnishing these manures, at the Mow, low plisse. BAUGH Is FO? & Philadelphia, 304 40 oiTii-w Etrr mug PARTILIZINO amigo. JOHN @AL►ITON k CO„ Gen'l AO., New York GEORGE W. KIRKE: k LIO.. Rouen. 131211 (MCKIE DIMBALE. Wbo:erale Agent. Baltimore. For ell informatins reeperties the shows Manures, addrese rubor of the shore noises. Jkauary gl, 1e47.-3m ALLEN is NEEDLE/4p ROLE VAIMIFACTURRIII AND [TOM STORS THSI3I, IMPROVED Garr SITPERFOOSPIIBII OF it ME, ALDO, THE AMMONIATED FERTILIZER. ffEl W i - Gc S u i6i 5u PURE GROUND BONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN, GUANO. E 7 re . 115 Oil 50 ono u $3, 'A 1W55 4 a i 19 le 4e ao 00 103 a s 61 All We Roil only No. I—received direct from the Gov eminent. SUPER PIia,IPIIATE In Base. too Ibn. nu% 1011 inn SIJK lb.. Ammonlat•,' FERTILIZMIL,Bage, 130 lb'. encli, 011,1C31, 013 per t 3100103. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS ON ABOVE FEWER Agricultvral Mrks, Brach& Plum Sts., tomes & stores. 41 S. water street, and 44 S. Delaware Avenue. 9.12 35 DIRAI,rRe MLR. CANDI.F.4 AND OtSEIIAL CuNISIIBSIOII MBRONANTII. PHILADELPHIA houary V), IFIR.--l3t Ella T LOWEST RATES, AND WILL nr. SOLO I.OW. Owing to IM fall nj Wog* end ginlielnea In itin cities, we nen now mark• toe vt)ry Ilfticl.! down to old tj PC priren. our smelt is fall and enmplcts. all sad sot, and be roue lased that this is ths plate Se bay. .Vinu,tr y Ml. INNI. - FALI.ON HOUSE• subsifitect having purchased the “litilon .1. iluuse," In 1065 3fl LOCK "LINEN, Pa., prnperty of E. W. Away. req., Rettig say In the ricinte of tile floosie, hit acquaintance'', and the pub ic yeeerally, that he Wends to ..keen a flown., with the ecrommmlettana and comforts of a Ilan'', anti humbly 'Omit. their patronage. 1. OPTENKIIIK. Latent the Mintiann House, Ph iladelphia. Irnett Haven. Dee, et. Maw IVKW.GOODS! NEW GOODS I TINI public rhould bear in mind that H. W. CREASY & CO. hats constantly on hand THE LARGEST AN D BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN LIGHT STREET. All kinds of good Cnods. CHEAP for each or teal• try produce. U. W. oteasy a CO. Light thrtet, Nov. 6, Inn FORKS HOTEL, GEO. W. RUINER, Proprietor. The above well-known lintel hes reeently coder fine rattle', change. In Its internal aftengellteeta and its proprietor ononatices to hie former r.uatuni and the tritretlina reline that bin accommodation, rot the comfort of hie (Unite Cr., tontine in the eouniry. the table will always be found •up Wind, not °lily with seimiaetial fond, hilt with al the dellenele• or the con•on, Hi• wine ii•d (recent tent popular beverage known as .J/frlbtary,') parehased direct from the litipnftleit Mellon. arc en tirely pupa, and free fronton poicunous drutt•• lie a thankful for a lidera] patronage in the pact, and will continue to dasorve It in the return. U&tki 6 W. MAINZ*. Juno rt. 1R66.—t6 CONFECTIONERY. Tog undersigned would rsvpnetfully utbaneM to the public. Ida& tse has Opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE. in the building lately twriiitletl by Bernard Stodgier. where he le prepared to flirnivd all kinds of PLAIN k FANCY CANUIPIA. FRENCH CARDIES,FOLZION AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, NINE, RAISINS, CC.. CC. IC., CC. at wtoatsata ea ■atatl.. In abort a full assorlaurat of all kende of goods In his line of business. A great variety of DOLI.S. TOTS, kc., suitable for ID. Holidays. FsrUcdlM Sttenticia wen to BRBAD AND CALEB, of all kinds fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIIIIK CIIIIIRTMAS TOYN. A ego is bolielied, ud batidatUbb will be giant. teed. Dee. 11, IM7. ICIINART JAMUL GO TO BROWS 'S TO BUY YOUR . BLANKS I BLANKS 1 1 01 every diiiilptiololOr We i at ad. ollioe M This well known penalty trade-meth will he Pound span every package of the Miami manures. The hush estimation In Which HAUOU'II HON. Ma Rothe have bran held. dui , ins fourteen years yard, we than/ally analaln lin the Mare. Usviog sow sheen. - ooirol of thi ' , Mat r HESDERSUOTPS PHARMACY. ARE enceivln more fresh rind ire Drune, Ililleilirinegi,Toolut and incy &melon 'nimbi byre been irnnaneil TUJI MaiSANAS *OW* SOO MI diet* w,dd int 00DMleselee, Wlthout fibilithistilia Utest ON misuse balreitity kWsiNOOO splisijklitiffe rota thin Is soles, 1411 irmuktrifilli t jf the ens Is 0,144114 the othir y,ltipsobill, lac of MOW red `titillh isallis VI that mikes hfe astettaloht Ai the bialthy. is sbhr thee isr fettenslifantin testivia ItOrllllaite vitiate, when we mane of getutie,tot. 11.11Iiie aid eletweitost rebel .all be elisitted every. *here The DiopeOlte hoe hie Ate In life ewe bawls. II Ito ammo to Mitaish fofiloor the oloardao *at W. bla body sad Motor he the solid with aanolooo rren he boo only to moll to the ocaroot drat offaMll/ 10 " curs a supply of Noototter's 110talach Dalai Nu plume of Dyneepels Imo ever yet resisted IMO alterative, tonic end anti•bllieus operetta's' 0! lMls potent vegetable walk, RI leturelly mgenerslcm tb lellingle slaatell seen Into bee */ act * IN. dormant beer ; puts to digbt the diem& Welds tbet beset 1110 mind; gently relieves otad eepihtsi the bnwels t litrenstbene tM esfeebled sorts) ; store* the appetite. sod Ando., se It were, a flee creature of the Per.ontling se J dteldlltated layslld, Lathes wbo sugar from Milli/Ml*o bees oelp to take a small bee nf tato pure vegetable corrective, taco OP Wee a day, la NMn entire movies from the paints and,penaltles of s wish Mowed end Ibis -Wild functional regularity, willth but few (Albs era itninttreplediy W molly. - OOL!'WOUL!! WOOL ! ! 4111..0T11 6XI7IIAIIIOND 1,04 WOOL; Till undersigned aril! pay the highest Market pries in exchange fur sloth either of his own tuotuiftialura. White Deer Mills. Williamsport, or Lily, Heins Oa cur Wool Wits !Avant I • lvassat Mille, It MurJsas• villa, rd. J. C. SAWA Montt. 4. 1867. T SWAISI HOTEL, (TIM UPPER lIQUME.I Orangeville, Columbia Co., Fe. The stubettiber respectfully inform his frienni and the public, tuat ho has tabus thv ,e• above well known 1101113 E OF ENTERTAINMENT. and will be pitied to receive the cuelnin pir 6U Wl* will favor him with a call. lie will keep A (1/l/11 a far well 'plucked with the best of I.liotore. and every effort will he wade to render entire eatirfaco .1011P1 tilhlY UFA. Orangeallte Match fM,InIM. WANTED. AOENTA TO SELL PR, 'WM. SMITTIsA "DICTIONARY 01? THE BIBLE." It contains eves woo eleme'y printed, doable rolumil octavo payee. from new electrotype plalre, on enod paper, eedoe spproprlately illustreted with more than StKI engravings all steel and wood, and a series °Chem 'wheedle maps, gae, No, .It comprises th e Ant Null les, biography, Geography Gain rel II isiorv, Topography, and is a cutaptide rinpedlaof the Nell pierce. noroarciry ugevery Bible regally, inglifP•asibis to xv, , ry minister and Funday natio, 'I rather, sail ought to he in every family, It is highly commended by all learned tadamlnent men, sad by t h e Press genitally la all parte of the cumuli, as Glebes% book of Use tied in lb, English language. Do not be Deceived. Own to the unprocedentedipripularitr of Oil* Work, a smolt Rorie,' abridgoment, la duodecimo form, of about GOO ragas, has been reprinted in this country in larger type, and'spread over toll octavo pores, evidently —by making a larger book thent.tho original --to giro the Illireeololll easier than it i s 'a nor edition. It had less them half the Feuding matter of out', and gold coneidurably telpher than the in • gli.h edition orliamo hoot to thra country, Some ..seats are endeavoring to palm of this )overlie toll. hull for nut. Studrnte, *Mired Clergymen, Tormormi, and compile women find the mimic,/ roc Itlii work loth o:event cod lucrative complainers. send roe drenkt.. Mains full particulars, ierum, kr„ to SCRANTON, & CO., Hookyubliphero, 12G Asylum ot., Hartford, Cell* rrbtlity Vd, /8684 W, A NEW ARRIVAL OF ,StrunlEttr AND • - I f FANCY GOODS, AT* MIL Me L. MUNI% I,IGHT STREET, COLEMBIA COOPPIT. flue wt Wllr t.pic.trully inform th Ilene of Ugilt erreet nail 'leanly. that ant hue , t return*, kern the city with a tine notortincnt ttl Full stud wi Star IILI.INENV AND FAN4Y GOO US. wcll cage' 'Did to cull Oils trade. BONNETS made tn older, and ropainaly flak lielth neolnoss and dor.patrh. All work r!aveuted tba beet and moat tatty manner, upon reatooaLia• Particular Mimi.n is paid re Area* mallet. Me has PATTERNiet of every d , Acriptien, yertaft the trade... baud and for sale await, She will al.n 'pay •rieeial attention to eriknlng, haying spent tint.: and money to learn the art In all its particillara,slie is confielent In Elting utieramos. 61 ORE in Wordnien November 0. lnt37. MA HOOD: 110 W LOST, ROW RIESTOREM aitMST published. In a sealed *nem lupe. Price II route. A lecture on the astute. treatment and radical cure of ftentioal %%teahouse or Elpermatorhoea, 1n d,,,,, n b y a e lf-Abuse ; Invointit.try EllllsPlollll, tm potency, Nervous Debility and. imp .iliments tit si nrr i.",.penilly ; Concutoption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Menial And Physical Incapacity, &e, my ttobert J. Culrerwell, SI, D.. author of the 'Wee' Book,' &c, The world renowned anther, In this admirable Len lure, clearly proves from his own esperlenre, that the awful eiiiiicquencee of idelf•Abuse may be effect• tinny rrmovrd without Medicine, and without drum proud aurrical operations. boogies. Instruments. vines, or rnrdiail, pointing out a mode of nasal once certain end etfectual, by which every sufferer. no matter a hat its condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically, Inu Lem titre will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sept undersea' to any addrees, in a plum envelope. on receipt of alt cents, or two polices stamps. Also Dr. Colverwell's Mamie (aide, price IS rents. Address, CliAd. J. C. fiLINIIC at CO.. Itl Rowney, !Yew Volk, P. U. bat OK Feb. 13, IPo7.—ty Feu& Vs The rwleowing Remedies are old and wall sat b• fished sae thousands have been benelitted by ;belt fee. "'bey are rot rain by &MIMI PIM ally • 7"11F. PEA II .^ 1 P. a prntected onlittirin of the PrntotriJa of DION still. plies the Woolf with it• life clement. Isns, giving strength. vigor and new life to the whole roi itrapevia, drbthly, female weakners, etc.. it ta• wok. A 3 page pamphlet containing . ' vitlintils trontire on 'iron asa ariedichiv. " with tettiticatii• sad teeutaimandslinue. will be rent fres. J. i', Proortetnr, Nit :tit My at., !la* Yurt. N"ISTAR'S lALM.V op WILD CHERRY'. has Ewen sin.d for nearly half a century for coughs. colds, ronanniril on , and • very atrection of the throat lungs and rimer. It cur..s &cough by loneentne end cleansing the lungs sod allaying Irrltathm. thus r•• moving the rause instead or drying up the cough and Icari4 the come behind. H W. IFOWLE k PAN, Proprietors, No. 18 Tremont at., Ouston. DR. D. JIXDERS' ront.vit w.frzit, A pure Nolution of todiue bleolved 113 water *Wrong .11101Vellt, eontaiiiins 114 grams of lodine to emit Auld oun c e 111 water, lodine 111 admitted ►y all gibed• 'cal men, to ►e that beet known reutedy fur iterbfula, ulcers, cancan. eyphi ie. emit 'brute. ek, and trod _ monde eau testify to the wonderM vinare of t►to preparellun ite sorb meet Ctrceinvb free. J. P . IIIVdMORB, Proprietor. Na. De/ Street, New York. eItACX'S CLI.LBRATILd SALFJC 'mks like a mingle on old sores, burns, wilds, cute, wounds, bruises, sprains, Oa prool baud., chilblain'. Ate., &c. It is prompt in action, tooth' the pain, totes nut anreness. and reduce' On moil softy lookial swnllints jand lniantations; ibas a ff ording faller and a templet* can. Ouly 313 teals a box I sent by ntsil fur dkoont. BETU W. ruw & BONS. Proprietors, No. R 1 Trs wont it,, Boston. _ I WILL at/ TO SZEOWLE T S TO BET MT GOODS. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A (Uptick:me who soWered ror years horn Idereode Debility. Premature Dycay, bud all the ether!' of yueth tul ludieerettoo, will. roe the sake of utterly! Isommity, staid fees to all who need It, the reeetpe end dieeethine rdr the simple remedy by which he with Mired. tholfcters whilesee to profit by the adverlillt erperlintie, Car do en by r perroel eonedesee, A.H4N D. OGDZN. ft Cedii Street. New York. Mayll2. itl7. Ot'ILY OLIO Axv fterhY Rote, imtid eh 11ii41111141114 envelope end 2A erkte.othe I *illegal, yeu iomi vallahte lareepei on 'Sol 111 plethitoyteek, Addresi MANY MOM C. 1 1 31 Hrharetay, Ikg. Ildsf lb 11166—ty,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers