AGRICULTURAL. "'reparation tor agouti. If no lath' lum Leen t ultirattill itt altntuts, zd ht ipg ini a ton. I tate ft r mat Tel 11111' ;111 , 1mq.: los, any nitro cidun 1111100 cqrlf•gti!! li! wilt do; ler if the rows he. een tho yip kt were well cultivated tart sum. o', it hi a very fair preparation for the of crop; and if dung is hauled from the unesteal (lining the winter now---a load w t wo, f rnn the pow stable, then from the .e.itung heap. awl POMO from the pig ,ry and i thrown together in heaps. in e &Id, so n• to be mixed together, the dl can be turned over again in April, and ill ho in evellent order when wanted ; and g on the spot, the planting can be pro oOt d with in plod tbne and will go on tegether notch more es peditiensly than erery thing is driven on' till spring. A rooti are $0 very vaitutHe for F , tnek irr winter, awl not only bolp the young an :al: to grow, firel )(cep in good Health ,;•ry kind of beast, but cave arch a deal of —tl, as r nnbliug any cuu to carry through vol.] 1 , ..t5,911 a much lieuvicr number of 1 1 , i Furpli;i:ig that nt,re tent: not girrn to the raising. of ad, raluabbi crop ; fur by simply ferwar , l and setting onward every dill., operation, them is nu real difficulty overcome ; and 83 the English farmer, does not VVSf a I . oot of the soil ho farms ,it-st roots extol! -ively thr the salire of kecp , up the fertility and stamina of the land rents, surely di -e who own their nmi, a,tto rrako seine (Mort to boihil: their of all *mtcs a:„1 deseriptions--their ~1 by the inerea• ed quantity of manure tde by the con amiptien of roots, and ftuselve: , by the eater amount of I.e from the ground nod the ioprtcred n lition of eve; ything„ i '.)t) of th • year to think on C `C't ---i i ....I. 0 , 11;111Pilti1; d to deride on a ccur.4- of proceeding 'utliu por;,.tinify for growing zt roi.'irb)/ (All a,- 1.1.'1 . 1., lINI S.—Wooti ashes ml C• 734. V.-t with 11'3`.4r, tciil step thu eatelz.4 3 story ; 334 i.revent the smoke frown CS- , 4 tir WWIII Start, it 't‘ith r evall.r , n can and it will tot . and it will 14 . 1.•cr 'Jinn or Firs k:a i• 1:•,• 1 ., to of I gli't !I •••:" !, •:•• vcr , .. i• , !: f;d: kottlk• :ivy r..c.0 1- for 171,1N1 pintits. al , for bo.l . dion sa n dy. \\*a , l yct sr tca trap with Ltdd a lit t le !lour ru 1 rub with a dry f't. t, utaise ittoro st:o 4 l tPrun -11 - ; they.o Mali , ' Lice cake;;. bet shovol boll over vami , hr , l furni e till take not white ;=poo. l it “E Utun Arabic t1i.,,41v0d in 1... k ik and water will reAore crape. Itibbcws or any kind rlyyuld be 'washed in bl :.... , ,,ap :ma:: and nut rimed. r your flat inlet are rough, rub them 411 , 1 it 1:111 EWA t. th n 1.1.1i40tt1. I iat :4.41\ Furl:Wog It , 1 1 .4 1 e vlvevt. , l once If y , u are buying e,kl , cta for aural4;it, oe,o ;HAII rtgurPs. Ot CIL : 4 11”f1 WM in :111010 Wl/11 . 0 crick t ~ 1.t!: 4ieztroy i 1 ni 1. canon or ,frong he , put in a Liam) watcr, make, it as rain water. lA' a cranberry on a corn will Non kill l'A It M rcorsTs.—Mr. Wallaaa of the lire Ikea hi, inn late agrieulturial discus at, btrongly and properly !elem.:des the ,solute neees:.ity of tamping careful books ' aceount of the operations on the farm. b.any farmers go on )31 lt'.4r to Year, raising and senior:, with t hating any correct knowledge of th e ofit or hss of the different crop , . It is .o t al that et...Ty farmer should know es .;:is w h a t ; pay and what don't. He c. lot has kn..wit farmers to grow oats y.!ar 1r...., I 'Aim it at thirty cent , : per t who, did out know they were doing it a 1 This F tate of things ought to be medied ; but it can only be by no, ju-t as much as the manufteturcr, the a..liant, or the storeheoper, should have s regular honks, where the whole opt a oma the farm should be,alissinetl. : stub '1 el his r ecipta and'exi.carlitures appear to a NW, vt.f: I."Eyrrut , .--cake, twu or aroe. rii.,:(Aing apples, pare ti etu thin, cut on! lr&It an inch thin, lay them on a pie p-oir bramly oYer theta, la, hour, , ; asa.Le n think batter, using two gs: intv hud, and make it quilt! :S v Iwo 2t a that , v brown, t.if t Ihetn. xrnd f, , talk: A IVA A ettrre , itootiont of the —; //cc . filtit.ttrotter: to h e -;tt ctot:tri- i :w tit y at.,ptt, i t lir.% cool oil, I , ct ',hr. t!!. (14 , . tit tilt tytto , .; si tr. 4.4 by the:4l in-m . llod rata, , ;, the c toisc, , woritt borer, etc. lie we. , 1:14,e,t with the tott4 eueoessfulroottit,s. , p.mtlent or the colour ti , inhirr „fir from dm vintgar plant -14 o.tre for eliappnl hand If'aL but th • tl • I orriccus or co vliMit to. 1 President Judge—lloo. IVllliam Elwell. Inn Derr A .r.#o Judges •" '' '..-- i Peter K Verhein, Protli'y msl Ol l k nr Courts , --JunstPoleman. ll,iistur ruin Reeonli r—Jolin B. From. John F. Fowler, Commis-loners—Montgomery Cole. ((David Yeager, F.lierifr—mutilecal Millard. f renimrer—Jacob Yvhe. L. B Rupert, Auditors— John 1 P Banton. Jacob hip ris. C'ommissioner's Clerk—Wm. Krieklomm. Commissioner's Attorney—E. H. Little. Mere:wile Aiii.raker—W : if. Jacoby. County Surveyor-4:am A. Dewitt. District A t tniney—M ilton M. Tr:mei. Coroner --William J. I keler. County Superintendent—Chas. (L Barkley, Asbesori internal Revenue-li. F. Clark, ( John Thomas, Abziitant Asseiwr— J S. B. Noma, Daniel Maletay. Cullettor—Benkuuir4 F. Hartman. EXCHANUE RESTAURANT. The Proprietor having renovated and edittol htr Rt in the basement a the EXCHANGE HOTEL, hn world rennertfuky or.liett a ettutinttlnce of the patronage M his DM. Wietnereiand rot,lntily in vile the tstittclit , 6 of nett' Matt It, tie reftePittnehte 410 follows : I S F L OYSTFRS A. I. CANNED OYSTEES p m e t l ee E i opsvr p r e eam, r k am flil, m r wee, HAM AND flail, IsoI.OUNA, Vat or LIQtrORS AND CIGARS. served up tl) ClUV.):» , 11. al flolitti, iY - 'V At 11101 A STVLIA, PnlvEn, enArtilt, rianD,„oft RAW, tt~.u~t lira tastes of the cßlCUritil , . JULIN P. CARLOW. I , l l 4ffikAurg , AuguAt 5, 1897. n 28, HOOP BNIETB. 628. WM T. II OPK INS ) (41r O,rn Make." After Into , than flee yens rs:tor,..rtee and expert mm tting to the tonnotneture of wrutemy itiwr QUALITY furor SKIRTS, we olTtr our itt.tlY heated good* to merchant* and the nohtic In hell cootideore of their seepotinttly over sit other+ in the A ~,etirlia Maikc t tee they are en teeknOW ledge et by MI who wear or deal in them, as they ghee More flat fdetion than any other Skirt, and ten amend them In et eel teoVtt. Itetthrr in Hoop Skirts alnultl mit , a note of tine fact. Every lady who hat hot Sive a them a trtat shoold do on Weibel:l, farther elelay, aloe asanruuextt elehtseeto Peery style, length and pit.: tor Ladtee. Miners and Utithlren, Abut, ektrt4 MAIM TO OltlMlt.atthred and repaired. Ark for "Itttpkitta' (Pau Make," and be n , A deceit/. ed. the that the Ivor,. - IV to nn the tapes talio l""7 Cr" T. Mot% INTS. MattutAt tutor, b . .tri Arch Sort rht,a dolphin." up ,, n Peril tape. No others are genuine. Aloe, toi!oltelitly on hand a full of New Tor b suet i:Uotern Made Otitis, at very lent, l sus. 'Wholesale aud M the ['MLA DELPHIA 17 4 7 , zkh p h , ri. fartory „ I d va,vorium, , Arch _ Oct 1,c;.-101no. AGENTS WANTED FO4 7H E BLUE.COATB. ARIL OWN TurV I,lvcit r4lll'DifT AND Pit:l) rie umum. IMZEI Ec, nes 'and I::6,lents in •Crest Rettaiun p r i ON! Ntirrativ•vs of Perponal Adventure, Vail lung te,t.tente Daring rsplaita, Heroic Deg dr, :tut gerapro. Lite in the Catrip,rieht -4.1414 4440+441 itV431U4141440-4444444 *ad kir .004 t r With the Bmtto Vol eulirol. A 0rt,141 ,- § and filinott3ti4 utiOittfi of the War. 61'1,1; NIA DIN I LLUATR WITIf , `'‘CM IGO FINE. 1"1 tITI , AND 'MAI:111 ENOR A VI NOI4. nere a terrain portion of th. war that will never ytt Into the retro tar historim - . nor he embodied is renlnere or poetry. which is a t ery real part of it. and win. if presersed. convey to tmecoonine gene. ratiorer n hr Per Mel of th • *Writ of that reanirt than her many dry reports or earefdl towel!), the fun. the pallor' of the war. Title illustrates the rharmiers of the bttlers. the humor of ile soldiers, the dtvo• tom of women. the hnerery of men the pluck of our r , roes, the tomentre and hard:dope of the servo*. yhe Valiant and Iltave Warted. the Pirtorotopie ~ •d arnomtw and Witty and Marvektua, the Trader and Patitetie and the Whole Panorama of the War are here Omit to ply portrayed to a masterly manner. at on c e histori eal and romantic ^.l ederille it Pie meat ample, neiqua. tooliktnt and tadahm hod, that the war Joe t iird ftottt • Andoeteett as wall ae in rtructi,n may he found to every page. is graphic delnil, 101114 nm wit. and ambooke history. are skilfully Interwoven in this watt: of 141 , 1•31 y art. wood f or eirrtilapi told are our terms. end a WI ,frortiptum et the work. ittt4tego, JUNty inturn , 612 4 &Co— PhttadelplOs. t January tS, Itni7.-4w. NEW COAL V ARD. Thr undersigned rtapoetfatig inthrtris the eitirenti of illootissliurg and Volutnida county, that they keep nit the diesrent numbers id stave rind and s s kried lump cold for aluiditiatiPnriMPO , • on their wharf, 44 joining Mlrdistvg, Neal gat:Ws Furnace; with a gond pair dpitrani *caisson the wharf,to weigh roatilutY and straw, /Attu ise a horse and wagon, to deliver ma to Cause 'oho desire it. As we purchase a large :unmet of coal, tag Wend to keep a superior:utter und not iat the rnty . laV, prises. Plett.e call aud i , sait die fur YOUracilhao h Mate NI hurt J. W. OUNDEGGGOT. AUGUSTUS hIAdON. PRE utH'etalleed will take, in exchange for Coal r sm t, Wong ies, the (Gnawing named attic:lac:— Mit:o, itye,rore,Clat.c.Potate , e, Lard Ham,Hkeel der, and side meet, Vetter, Rego. Hay. Ate., at the bialleateasa prie,;, at 1k Hrerery, Store, milmitieg their mai yard. .1. W. HENDEIWIrkr. Illoometmte. April ser, A 1),1 I N 1,6 TRAM 1 NOTICE. it%Gark. to, ,bertsfit. ttera of 104110.1nd ion on the P 4 3 ,1, of flovid W . CiAsk. late Montour Tow n 4 ip, rt,lonsbta o.ttaty, derense.l hove (wen granted by the !tart der ut t :114'4 rowdy. to 3= s. sbu man, in r!attitt hot, Col , "may. Ad parlous having rlainw bgainet the ca -1410 of ilia dortatent Itre requested to peoent thorn to the ntwthigtrotter for iv afrtneat. and thooo knowing ibenwel eat indebted to the estate will woks tinutedi• ato potunnt, to the un3l , iiiigtsed. Adminlatrator. irsa , 1140. b tau"—tW, LIT? With the PRESS 1111 the itri allay materiel ge , rompanyme it,every tonneau do tin oven pliantly a law It year* obi rsn ealilly manage the largest Wren HIS Priatt d instruction* eta sent with each arace, enabling MA' pill clinker to go 'twin k with• tut a previa,* knowledge a OWN priuting. A tirculor tannin mg tali dererititiau, lit iv , tertatuanials. Acc,, sent free to O. Our !Venatin 1011 , till. imiNTrirrip urTypn,Culc,itt, ten cells*, AN* *2 A ADAMS V.RESS MP. 26 Ann Semi, Mareli )1 4 IS-67—it. iVrinV VORA'. .00. W. H. BRADLEY, t late Amiist opt Medical Director U. S. Army,' r itYSician and Surgeon. Orrice nt the Mork* Sorel. 01901110klift Pa, promptly attemicd to bells idea Mid daYi motottitts, bract, WESLEY WIRT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, otneu Mu DESSXRAT AND STAR titiiolng SHIVE I B BLOCK, rh Ul/)OMSUUR4 PA. N OTICE TO CitErtITOP.. Ali 1., rano" kauwipg 111m:tumbrels ladotoo , l to the aro toquoott..l to Win" I . l:Ctrtelit without J. (*. I:IiTTEIt, 14.0 1:117,4,44.W. ra443 'OHL 'lo.o l ooo' SiIINGI , ES et A LeAltUI LOT OF FENCINC IiONIIDS I'oll rajo.:l7lti aZd^r iitictroffNe rift ludo, noon tha sown a i nonnoto 0.04, iI hit of ONNTIIIN, MU:A a 44,101iVririOau bond roll lb w ,. 4111 d ®Mottle; , and rinsole kJ o( ni he my bout fluidity, both 01141' and how 0,, J J, ..tY ISei,~+~~+~ ~llay ?'+, IL'b~s- A. J. i'VANS' CLOTHi WM* 'W M. N ea rly opposite the tpaeroV'eltutch, CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Y stock to compoecd of gni clothing, medium al sod tow pried—eilopteg to tilt renditi o n s , taste* and wants. Ile has the Intent styles for the ceneon—a tine somnolent of Overcoats and Gentlemen's Shwa, from low to the very beet Ms Goods are ilacititonnHe and wet/ Wig, In addition to toy mask of ready•rtutde clothing, I have piece geode for curtain orders, Cloths Cannimeren &A' ace.'.l And having one of the Ant elm cotters, I game. le, aAt in oil nice. sod give setlefection. Mau variety of WOOLEN AND LINEN ShIRTS, Atnrking* Neckties, Collar*, Sleek*, Handkerchief* —everything io the getit , meres glue or gli,thf Also, Huts, hoots sad Oboes, Trunks and Carpet i,114.2*• I will sell at the lowest Market prices. Please give we a cell before purchasing rho/where, ANDItM J. ENANS, Ineernaburg, Nue. IS, 0303. A NEW STOCK OF GOODS, EMI TIIE HARDWARE TRADE OF COMMIX COUNTY, AT VIA NEW ETORk Ur C. W. SNYDER, BLOOMSBURG, Pit., ronsinlng or every Snide, round in 4 titst•chino Mt:thaw Store, among which UM the Wowing : NAILS, end STI:IIt., WAGON sritiNGS and AXLES, VA Nrs, on.s And GLASS., tiltAiN and ORASS 9YT11114, end emir, FNATiIs, latalN CitA RA& Vat, &c., KIRBY'S COMBINED 1H 4 , MOWER, HOSTETTER'S CELEBRA`TEI► PATENT BAG HoLDER. AND THE IMPROVED CHERRY SEEDER I,II4ItCRGEIVII 0114 POLISH at Wholesale awl !Gut'. f; 1V PI HIM A CALL, Blomtwburg, June 1%, 114. a. SCIUN lON BOOK MN DUI Uneinpgeroro , l the servleem or Mr t,ot of the beat bittOrs to be routiu io the Mate, we *to ItANtia. ANVE COMPANIES, IMERCII ANTS. MANI:PACTI'RERS,, COAL Ot'LHATORik, Hort% and other,. nfH BLANK MOOKS of ecery tkocription, an short Wrijeft hound in an y sty! , &vim!, to the most substantial manner, at rearronalrolo prices. !!adenines bound, and old book* &mond, at New York prireo, Orders left Al the otlico of t h e paper publishing OP. odvert ignsinnt, or soot by Ezi , reP4. Wzil he At tooled to 1441.1 returned without unto , rv,,otry delay. Smut Jone 13, 1+4,7.-11: A.IIEW TOBACCO AND GROCERY STORE. IL IL Hunsberger, Agent, .111ilig Sired, Wan the Amfrican n e WitiOClamituza f %WI - 4 hn hand and furnirh , .p in the home andenun. try wide. ut Phi;atimphin (1 , 44 e , d) pricer, FINE t CT AND PLUG TOBACCOS, nom rwric AND IMPORTED CIGARS. all Omuta of PsdrAttne l'obacroa. Pronto. Moaravoloto and Briar Wood ripPP, and all artriirw pens:mins ths Whs. , eo trade. Smart dotalera would do %% t ot to eye mo t 0, call in stead of studios to the eitira for Host auopltes or porthatunp thew or traveling pediert. He Mao has tonatantly on band a full supply ol fresh COFFEES,TEAS,SUG ARS, MOLASSES, Dire. Popper. P Orr*. kr, &e. all of which he olroe cheap for rash or country pro:lute. October 23, 1007. DENTISTRY. W T . 0. in 0 1.1• SURGEON PRIM= lIPSPPI. ',TULLY on'ers his profess sot - vises to the and gentle men or hi omstottgantl teinity. Ils ter("". prepared to attend to sit tits varioas orrations in the line of it's prnfessionAnfis.prownisi) wt tit thr latest improved P.AeEI.9IA l'Ertil; whir! bein %sae,' on goI .platinnsilvetand rubber be 1.41,0c0v.41 as the flaw& tenth MI wral plat, ;tad blot i[lll Iliflatinteturtql are all of err+tinth oil tPttit.e.forel.l!iy 41111 fir4l , rly 1{0 , 44101CP awl ogire akw durrs at/lid OW court II .0,, puille Bl..w.usburg, June fi leita C E. SAVAGE Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. :‘L IN BTHEEI', (near tlw rout Ifouse,) BLOOMSBURG, PA. ennotanth an bawl a fine assortment of American and Swi4M 'Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, eilvcrware and Ppertaciee. particular attention paid to the repairing or Ciocks Watches and Jewelry. Masonic Marks made to order. All work Warranted. Bloomsburg. April n mot LADES' lACY FURS?. AT JOHN PARMA'S old ralabttOnet FIJU NlNtintat tory, N(), ^ld A VII STlttill',nboyolith. PHIL "%OMNI A Hat, now In Store t4' my own Importation and Muuntneture , one of the largeo nod most benutitu yttections of FAVVY FURS for Lather,' and Children's WPar in the City Alen a am , ii.o.itownt of Gent . * Fur Gloves and OoHats I not enabled to diepme of my goods at v Pry reasom able pt keo, and 1 would Mort:fora talicit a CAI, from toy ftica , inni t.•.,iuinbia Coma/ and vicinity. Bolt:want the Name, Number and Street JOUN PAREIRA. NO. SIR ARCH St., above 7th, south side PauGsa't Wald hP V A tri Nrit. NMI c 0824.611.0 1 ,1 %ITU 010 Wit it Pratte IN htIIALIMAPIRA. Ottlibtf 5. tOti; --ant ,. STOV ES AND TIN WARE. A. M. RUPERT, Anhouneee to his loony friends nod tmuletnfie tom Pro t lett h. , continues the above beeteree at hie old pitiee of business on MAUI erg HET, itt.tX)Ml4. MAIO, Mitt ettetttistees and others vete be moratuotiMed with FANCY STOVES °fall klub, Storepipt 6,Tinware, anti evPrY nrtirle ftnin4 in nil roll renktlalnd F4TOVC A I%Ct TINW AI; LierA ma-ooms in 41.141 on the in" tout.. e'7 srown NO, for Pollees and bares, will 4P oli shell notice. Also, Alt kinds Or tepttirinf promptiy 31174 alma Girona ttqati. Goals° keep* rra hand a lanf , of Milk Paw.. of diKbMef eizes snri priemi ; bevidee n Buo sea *oilmen' of Plehers P41,44G eeli.liealing Fruit Pre. servings Critic Give him * call. Pity IS, SAMUEL EVERETT WITII HERTZLER GU ON, imporntws AND DEALERS IN WINES AND , LllOlO3. li 124 WALNUT wntecr, No,. I"LANISVNAZIAR. utlu. A. MION. August 7, Is?. _ .. I WILL. GO TO li f TO KY MY 600D*. GENATOOO4 4 93: A/ 6 f AND Reduction 1u Priem The uriderelland kill O'er to the hilblie itoiltEAT BA 1144A1l NS In all binds of SJUCOSiticbcol)aamuciallascau4 Sash as DRY 000thlk OROODAIRd, QUCENOWARR, RARDWARR, Boots and *lmes, Mis t Caps, end Minim, Memory varintY, Our bilpirypos from the drst of urinary, will be can. ducted on a strictly SYSTE CASH M • and persona wishing In perchnsit snythinir in Our live WI do en at s very small patetoneste on Current Wholesale Prices. All kinds of produce and grain taken in eilehnnits. Y 7 We cerdisny invite l a ke truant . ta GIVE U 3 A CALL and a share ur their patrunsce, MeNINVII k SUUMAN. CIOWNI6II4, January 2,180. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! HLUONISHEIRG LUNIdEItING crairANY. Would rosructrully hifurin the pubic that lhoy have their PLANING MILL noW to ePetatina 'Mb an a atanaiva asamiturat 01 3ja117174.11a3 1411 and are new prepared to enpply nit *Here et short notice and at the tweet prices for each, Their se. eorlinent of lumber ronsOts of While rine Plank, Board", Flooring, Surf:ter illoordts hiding, Hemlock Plank, landed or tinplating', to whit porebiniorii Pram* Arum Joke and Stantling of all wine*, Their Plitilittil tool Loather Yard 'Mooted at the Railroad Down, very convrittently for whipping Wither hVlini ettritn. They are roar tautly aintionieturiag Wilig' or ito kinds, and Iteroonw w denim lumber of every din orription Wtildo W.ll 10 PiAlOjile , lilPit At , wk before port inving el wowhero. Ara deteraiiiittil and eon ineptly prepared to 01.1Isot cheap aA the tho:ipeot. l'b' y MIOO de.' H,itum thti public and expecially await who w hill to porehate wil.atillf that they have OOP Mtn specially prepared to Cut 111111 lot AMOS( ywryotxtc Ana length re.tofreJ. Tu.. , tviwbit+d to bold or contracting tot bonding, tan woe money, icy giving Own The undertigned would oleo awn intro then they are prepared In .1401 toed of rapnii my 4. 1 1.' 1 1M 'tY, totrb /IS i n ttreattt: Mari,inew Slow ei r, i eup , rrean,t ail kind* net agricultural , Alton rcasun;t hid terms. Ael.:rosm, F. LH , S , er. 1:1:4 111.041 , 54 f: PA N EN% OYSTER SALt)UN, in the; bat/valeta at the Wzillii -- Ir'" 'z'''''''.'l',li - Aili ilii)lL::.:.:sq, LEACotK, stPr. Fresh oy-tors nerve) up to eV , ',V .tvie hp+, nt ati bourn ; with nil the other ••Kxius found in find slum Ke-teurenio. XX Ale cowiithotly mt band, topthiir with diPit* Ligll4.lls ovar y brand. Lrrrythind in tiptop order arm, this tudneil, Itowdypin Dm tolerated. Step in ittoi find uoy in ri , •nn aunt Dlootomburs. N0v.13, ItOV7-301 EXCHANGE HOTEL, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, LA The understand having purchas , 4 and lately re. fl+tcd this well karma 1110140. 'Metaled on MAIN ”hhh,dhtte.y 0pp0,11. , the Court Miner, rivoemitilly informs his friends and the public generally, that hi• Heusi. is now in order for Om ocenniumilatien and entertainnwnt of travelers, lie has flowed no pains in preparing Ills theta e.• le this entsitat motto. o.lns His Ilinise is epoch/us, and enjoys a gond basMerg lion iiMlWlllt'SdEct run at rdl times belown this !lOU so and the thlrerent railroad tiepins, by which traveNisil will be conveyed to ;MI Own the respective Stations is due time to nms the curs. JOON CAIILOW. April teed, PM'. E. R. IKELER, ATTORNEY—AT—LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office, 2nd floor in Fxebange Illoek, near - the ".14ixeliange Hotel." All !malacca Oared in Me hamta will be attended to with inmaistneac and care. Callectinas made with the least poswitle delay. (Sept. 115. POT. CANARY BIRDS AND FANCY CAGES FOR SALE, The uoileroleued oleo Pit sale a lot of ltaufliome Canary Birds and Fancy Cages ?OR CAritt The Viols arc of the hest tins , re, find row beauty they are not surpassed by their Cud. ALSO, the rnbarriber is desirous or buying Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, in largo and small nonntiti , s, for the fail and 1414.- ter watket, for which 6a wilt Sti 'm thrt noon itbottl GIL 4I BE. ev WILLIAM y teir M M olding, Main Arrei. °abbe), A ALL WISHING TO BUY OR SELL REAL ESTATE, SUMILD VEND ►OX Tollt REAL ESTATE RECORD, A tarp sixteen page journal, issued monthly, de. voted to all matters, low, facto and imam or inter. ett pottttionot to RPM Ett.tte; containing full de. oorimiono, with prices, dce.. of *event latottstapd properties, including Fruit, Truck, Grain Gruzlng raruni. Cottage,' I* Country a=Zl733=l a hit ionF, ber Tracts (t'' Mineral him& FOR PALE 114( renntigirenia, New Jersey, Optaware, MarOand, Virginia, Nona Carolina, Georgia, FiOrLIS. Teta*, and other states. Send for n copy.-Free. TOW NNEND W., No. 2I? south diith Ntrert. Janunry et), iero,— , :t. i'IIILADVII , IIIII, PA TO FARMERS Aft PLANTEO. The subscribers (ger for sale, in Me to emit per* cheerio, 2000 TONS DP DOVIII.E REPINED PODDRETTZ of the 1.04 i Mannfertorina Co.. made front the meta roil, blood. and deed animals or New York City, for which the Co. have exclusive contract Price only TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER TON, Freight and chorea Crum New York added. Warranted by the be equal weight for Welt ht to bur high priced telmulMaratratti in market, rho result, 0 . 1 corn, Cotton. Taborer and Grain have been itmoniehian the past sewn,. It tumors* the crop from to days to two weeks earlier. tied doable. the amp. Pamphlet with eettitleatennit hundred. of Weil known planter. and termer , nod every Inter fuptittn, sent to auy tutu apptying by letter or otherwise to MeeelAAN k PeaSELL, Essy, Columbia CO. Pa. Cr to the Lodi Mantitheturiory Company, New York Feb hi-4mo*. EI~ c: bee opened n:flret•eleis HOOD, 0110 g, DAT AND (AP PTORE4e et Ike old is it.nd on Alain Street. flfoomsbere. 1110 stork iv compered of the very lame, and best styles ever Wood to the raise*. of Vontrabin County. ran firewtimmlute the publics with the iollowins Mode and at cheap isles: Metes roll hoots Ate, 'etea'o kip, double 00111, nay.' 0.11.1'4 boots.' Mee', gloms std 044410.14 Aa Metes afore kid flatmeral. 0110041, MVO% tlitOeUttl'. bone. nod snows' glove kid lasOoljakiteo to, Waraika4 glove kids, very Ow W01111.0'0;11 41 6. not !wet*, be fluoride, Wouselaea**** ateletee, 1114 eitito94o. gOll4OO Mulct), atioree red Oh ild's abate, Wye., veneeter4. Week', boys', S ill skid's slipper,., alp mope a groat ill/d447 of kW CAM AND , "TRAM,- coops at every kind, at film 'olo'ol WOW both far %ash mai gere et ey proftnee, ' leteesalrer the attraellea- 11l DMA ite shamed at the ere of bleb prim, lAA 'eon sad see fnnyuureviv.rl, neepeetrally. if. I. 11()WEITt , Kept, .1, 17. Nay stock O . Clothing. Spring and hummer Goods. zu ss ivozp) IN aa r iL li ctni4":ll.lh."o:!,7;l` cheep an d ("IP 11MIN ST111: ET, IILOONSBURO, Iwo doors above Me ditncrican Roust, whore he hes jog received from Now Yolk end Phi 'Adolph* II tnt! 'worriment or Mem and Doy's Clothing, Issehsdi nit ar want fludannibin durabf• and hand same, dress /nods ennotntindor lox, Sack, P'rock t G urn and Oil Clot Coals, and Pants, er all eerie. else., and totem Ile oleo bee replen ished bill nitendy large •tuck or l',lll and Winter ititnwic 'drive& nottroil end pinto Year, Aldo, cravat'', !media. collars. handkerchiefs, gloves, Yule ;waders and fancy article''. ;41 11.—Ile lonernn.tuntly on hind e larße and well iisowilmelit or 1:1011). and viiciihi t c, which he 1. pripaleil to evoke ep Is order. Into any /led of elotion: on very eb qt notice and In the beat of wan• ncr. Ali him clothing In minds to wtar and moat of It to or home Innnufacturn. c.:21 co LI di ' I 4C3P ale coil:Lao as AK \ - -13rP 120 Ll 3. (Jr every Vererlptin. and Cheap. Ilia Case of j..wrlry I. not ..nrpat.sett lu Ilinipinee• roil and et• amine hid dvueril iiisortinant ni nothing. Wntched. wtdry, kr. &' DAVID LOWLNIDURG Illoomoburg, April 211.11.10. G REAT IMI.IIOVEMENT SI:111N1i MACHINA' 8, Empire Shuttle 7111 a chine ! PALrpnwom.i. 5:46 Broadway. W. 4.111 $Ml' n on ht. rel. U///d on. OW Cho. hut Pt ,w t. Phtimlophia. I , VITNTED rEll. 14. I stin. 1 1 1/1P 'll/O'III7.JE I. conotrurtx.l on pritlrrly new proiripito saochisu:sits, 1.4.••,..ein1 many litre and valuablo wroo•nla hay tog 01.3 nrJ by the most prorunad eSperti and prollogisced tO S:raiNeilli nut? erreetion naraldurat It ham a straight merlin porpsaujeuinr a r um,. Naar* the 1..411 or 13111 'l' lid; wawa will any., -1, RIP Lot NAVEL and In alike no bola aura ; preforms pfsrfrrl religion ran eirrlr Aeorripitnn of ta.11.1131. Ptithat to 'be Owlet Mows.% marlin, %lin • .01.. n. or sulk thread. Ito',, Ilif . rolfneof In illn f1u..l nsiother. flairtnir nrillnor • a so o r ryoo sill ihnlnast paisiblo friction. it tuna as s mo oth mind fo Yagehli.g gicidar, Ii r. quires rim pl R inorr. lasi power tO6lllll 11 , 111.0 any &Owr machine in the nisrlus A girl years of Min ran work it prorraily. wr r norrt &lisle or injury in henlib Its iltrnsollii and tvolot..ant ftintpllrny ofronstrue. rentil.l . o I. &IMMd tOttlligletblit to fel nut Of order. nod is tiIIANANTe,Ei. by lb. cowpony to sive en. llrn tAali•fng re.prrifollr terrifies MI rhom who may &wire to r apply themr.•lrr. with r arlirlr. to *um* not .•.lamina Aro USH VA1.1.100 II At:IIINR. One lOW honr'► lortroction it wretch-1W to pottiM any ',moo to work thm machine to their wire eat• i•fermee. Menlo wattle., for all Irmo'. I.• the IlniiO4 ponies. where ligencie are not .+tnhlnh••d Also. Por rrittrol nn.l Mnath Morrie*, to wboio a lib.•rnt ithienoint will be Mrro,. t WIRE dIKWIIO MACOMB 31,41 CO.. 3.16 Broadwity. N.Y. 13EALE's LITE POWELL'S EMBROCATION, rut/ ALL DiSEASEA JNVIHENT TO lIORSge, I= HUMAN FLESH, redninne the ere of an external application. Ttile new Compound. ' , rewired ht a practical Climoi.t, halos n toll knowledge 01' all the me di c al irt nos of oncti ingrr4h , lll (kit eut.•rs 110114 Coottiftl• j• w orralliftti We treed anything of the kind e," Uttered ht illo puhtie no an extiltial cation for the dpiesois for whirli it is recommended. We me satisfied that at will work its own road into the confidence of all who time It, and M 0... who try it once will norm be without it, and thefettife wC rely on exporience so the best teat of its usefulness It is pronounced lay 2 -4 Lt./ Lita and all 011.. have tried it. to be tin. beg applientiOn vv.,/ tiv.d. Embrneatson Ito , been p.. 1 up for fly i right ye/lly, pi"; 014/Mir tbrongit the 'net...sing demand alld urgent request of my Itimtda and the public I 101 l I fend it forth as Ili , ytend retnedial agent for 111. E vartnny dwa en to ninth that noble and upeint 1111.1111111, t h e twiw in aohjett. deny remedyr have brill offered to the publie under dillerent ful uu. Pnilit of these ate injuro , ue. others at be.t of little 'l,, and numy w batty tar' prow t to nnrwen the purposes for which ‘ they are ro•nr1111111rIlded A judo - sone and really lIAPPIi routine »Won. (tee Dem thn..c &Ireton's, lieu hen:tutor,: lung been de• aired by 11:utly gentlemen Will/ have VALI/AM."; HORSES, 1111.1111 ,. unwilling to trust them to the VIM of it•eign• brig and rretest.frd ratewrs. Their .Ashes are at !eolith fully gratified. by (lit. Ileale being prevatted upon to allow We valuable Etetbritrution (which has proved No cite ciao,. to the Vnn..o4 iblieltee.) to he prepared and brought out to the public This Embrocnisou wu. eateutiively used by Ibe G.,,,ccaumni during the our. Address ill order to Wt. r.ogro4 I) PEA 1.111 it I t:auth Second $l. tbiladel phis, Ps. March OMNIBUS LINE. r , II!E undersigned vi ri vett fully announce to Ithe citizens of Bloomsburg, sad the public gen. eralls. that be is running en SINIIIEN LINE. be- oe !woes this this ;,. late cad the — ,r`a 'ar"Saa, recent Lull Hoed Depots dal. .1 4 2. 1 .4riuriAgInt, ly. (Suuds)s excepted) In 4.4lllituti wilt tbe several Trains game rimat it a %test on the Catawissa sad tVilltaiii.port Rail Rood, and with those going North and Sleuth on the Lack. & 111UU11114011f11 Road. Nis 01INIBERce,f, are in good ronditioe. commo• Mout and comfortable, and r lia ries ressonable. ID?' Persons wishieg In meet or sea tbitir friends depart. can be accommodated, upon iiiationotile charges. by leaving timely Homo at any of tbe tele, JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Itloomaborg. April R 7, P 64. REMOVAL OF C. C. 91 AIM'S TO SHIVE'S BLOCK. rum nova AtiovE • vcmuostAT unrlvrolgnoti having reneived from dm elly a full and c.iiiipint” guiltily of S RING AN S 31 31 It DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Tin•witre, hardware, Ce dar and Willow Ware, hrtiaa, CnnG•ron •ry G IM4ll•Ware l'oharen that and Salt:l44l and Meat; all of which I propos,' welling at a very lu« figurepor hall or ppodoce. qt Had pee, C. C.NARR. Illonniphnrg. April 3, 1. 4 177. . _ NEW TAILOR SUCH'. J. rif. 011 le IE I/ F. It, Has n 11011441 11 New Toifos Shop on Maio Pltert. wh,•te to. 0111 ho ',loosed to goo all who may INVOI him with Owls Vuitton Ito keeps on hand it wet fl at ft`Cleli lilt of cloths, folslll.llefil, veal the.. which be wilt wake up to order with neatness end .I , ..ipateh. Attention hold to tutting gentlemen end boy's clothing. Also coning noon In the lodine lion, Ropttlring dorm upon short notice, All Work tl7 nitro him all. I Blaafaabart Mas ajar . V , . 11131152V0 Surgeon Dentist, without pain hy a new metheil . It iporrertly ha►wt•*, nod ii now lord rich pond rurcigio. Alt brnuchrs of olitl.try attended to In the latest nd nni.t a pproved style. id tines, one door east a EVAII4 . Illnoinitoire, Not. 13, lelll7. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ()Men In am onrnn,l Nary, nwet ononnor eon., Second li.V.t atIOVP tho 111. H1.111 , 11 , 1rg 11 , 1 r, Vilna&lpkia & Erie Rail Road, WINTER TIME TABLE. Tilaormr AND prispwr noun nr.TwECTI Illdlll Roy WII.I.IIANBI'oCIT, ARO UM GREAT OIL REGION UY rENNsyLvANIA. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAM On fill Night Truinv. On unit aft MONDAY. NOVF,MBEKV3th,IOn7.the Trains nn the Philadelphia & Erin / Rail Road will tunas ((MUM.: WEPTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leave* Philadelphia. II IS p. m •• Northumberland 3 19 a, no. " arrive at Erie 9 OU p. ERIE ENPltErin luareePhiludelphia 13 00 noon " Northumberland u 44 p. " arrive at Etta 943 a, in. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 3 Olt a in. Nortinimlwrised 4 93 p, m. " arrive nt Lock Ilavun 743 p . EANTWARD, MAIL TRAIN leaves Erin 411 93 • in " Nortliiimhrriand I 01 a. m, " arrive at Philadelphia ii 33 I. m. ERIC EXPiIF4943 leave* En. 4 03 p. " Northumberland 3:17 arrive at Philadelphia Ioop. or EL31111.1 MAIL leave. Leek Cloven 7 to a, in. " Northumberland lo 10 a. ni •' arrive at Philadelphia t 11l p. Mall and /Areas rannnect wilt, all tonne en WARREN at FRANKLIN RAILWAY, Payeermera leaving Miltrtolelstitit at It 00 M. arrive at Irvinuton at 4C, a la.. an OM City ai 950 • in. Leaving Philadelphia at 11 13 I', M., arrive al Oil City at 4 33 p. ni. All trams on Warren k Franklin flail•ap make cho, rimm.rtion• vet Oil lily with Mine rev rfetal • lin end Fetrulerin Centre. HAOOAII4I I.:NECKED A. L. TYLER, General Sup't Erie. Oct. 30, 1367. Lackawanna /v. Bloomsburg Railroad. iiiii lilt WINICIAVIIIIK NigiiS_ a n ,- TWO DAILY TRAINS. —O - iu riN ANI) AFTI:11. JANUARY 2-4, 1467, PAS. LP HENGLII TRAINS WILL RIJN AS FOLLOWS: LKARR 11011 T II WARD. AM AM p iii. Orrantcut, 3:.0 7.10 4,40 •' It Ingtion, 6 Si 8110 9.00 Raped 9,10 11.17 11.tiarill ,, , 1151 8 50 Afr at Narthuathettand 10.311 9.33 I.R,t V I. N OUT II W AR D. AM PM Leave Northallalturlatt 3, 7.00 3.20 •• PR nvillo, 7.40 6.90 Rupert. 8.15 P M 0.33 I. Kingston, 10,30 2.50 903 Arrive at Oirl,lllsllop. 1200 4 011 10 15 Train% Lavine Rintraton at 8.30 A: al for Scrautuu conturrt WIOII Tomb at twine ■t New Vora at 3At Pta.leurri• taking 'Praia:tomb limn al,ta Mon at 534 A M am No:thautb•rinorl.rearb llarttabura 12 At P M. Ilalttituart 5 MI JP le.. 1,1;1.018210u II) LIU r M rta Ru pert reach Philadelphia at 7 OOP M. 11. A. FONDA, Vopt. snow. Jan. 301967. • t EADING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November :11tb, 1867. GitEAT 'MUNK 1.1 , 014{. FRuNI TIIF. NOnTII nit.t North Ihe.rt P1it1.,.10 don. pNcw Turk, 11”iol• my. Tootwill !mon, Alkn• t o w n . ighstna, fe,:iihialta. LAIL lADCIIIIOf Colombo", &c. Train* leave Hard*lmre for New York, no foll owe Al 3 orl, 543 nod n 11l a x and it* and town...fl ing will. similar MM. mg 11w PrfulosylWanta timid .rod ortiwlng a 1 te4V York al 5 11l and In 13 ;rod llbk a N a nd 344. X34p, N NL•epin; Care Uri/11114. icing Ow aMI A N awl 933 r N. Trains without doings. Lenge I.nrrithura (or Reading. Pottsville. Tarna• ram. alitirtsvolle. Ash and, Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia. at ri 111 A X and CB3 and 4 li) r N. snipping at 1,..b.in0n and principal Wcy stations; 11,. . I pi) r x mai. log c ,, smertp•n• for Philadelphia and Poe Pottsville. Nei/ull, ill [liven and Anlira. via tt , hisylkill and alasqueliauna Rail rned.lea re Harrisburg 4i 3 Si P M. IttlUr111311: Leave New York at 9 00• N. 12 M and Sti6an4 lair M: Philadelphia al rl5 a M and 3 30r I Way Passenger '1 rain leaves Philadelphia at 7 3U • M. reliening from Iliad lag at 6 30 r v st opping at ull stating's Patirville at r 45 AN. and 43 rw ; Ash. land 6 Oil A v.and 12 19 M rod Y I.IU r. w; Tamaqua at 311 A. w. and 1 11/0 aad 8 43 r. M. Leave l'ollck ill.• fnr4oira via Schuylkill and .1 at. and 1.1 00 noon. Sending ACcO/ 1 1111111171ii0111 Train : Leaves Beading 01730 a return...ll from I'hiladelphi4 at t♦ Du lww•,. ■t fi 1.5 A. L. • relUtLitlirg IVIVet Philudelpbla at S r. n. I,loutthrt Bad Rosa Trnins leave Reading 7CO A. at., and I. I. Ephrisia. Litho, Umtata,. On Sundays : I.eare. New Vorkat d 00 P hl, Phila. delphia r+ (HI AM. and 3 I' 41. we Aof A ft 11,11111: only to Reading ; Pottsville i 00 A 41. ; elo,llfil S ti 3 A M. 4 Io and 9 ;IS r r and nean.nic at 7 15 A M for Itarri.hit , e nod 7 un A St, and It 1.1 pat ho hew root and i:5 I' M. fur Phi la• delobia. l!mi,ointation. 1111er se. Pennon. PrilOoi and Ceellf• Olen rickets. wand II um nli tr.ints at reduced Baggage rowelled tbsou;h; lire pounds allowed each Ifissensee. G. A. h1e01.1.14 General Superiatenilent PIIANUOOD How Lost, flow Restored. loot Published. a new edition of Pc MIS CRWEI.II.II Celebrated homy on the rad • ecni cure ( without medicine;ofdperma tort town. Sem. 1041 Weakne.s, Involuntary Seminal LON•ell. 11111/0. Wiley Witte! and Physical Incapacity, Impediments In Marriage. etr. ; also Con.uniption, I:010mq. and rite induced by aellindulgence or Sexual taltdvii• saner. V' . Price. in a sealed envelope, only II COMO. The c •lebrated author in this admirable really clearly demonstrate.. Irmo a thirty year.' success. foi pram that the a Is 'Ming muM4P.IIOIICON of cell. shun» ninv be radically curl d without the dans cr• one tine of int. nal niellicine or the application of the knife—miming oat a moils of core al once slat. pie. certain. and effectual, by wane of which every #lllrefet. no wetter what Li, condition may be. may core himself dwitply. priv;itily. and radically. LI. Thin frettire be in the baud& of every )volli and every wan in the land. Pent. under peal, in a plain cureiope, to any ad. dress post laid. on receipt of viz eente, or two post Address the publishers, tit AN. J. C. KLINE & 127 Bowery, New York. l'odtt)thce Erg, OK. Nov. V, tre;.-3aa NATIONAL FOUNDRY. BLOOMSBURG, CO UMBIA CO., PA. HE Puhocriber, proprietor lor the above MIMI I. .opive eitebliohment, le now , epared to receive orders Ail Kinds of Machinery, for C 11,410.1, Mast Furnaces, Stetionary Engines THReSIIING MACIIINCH, &C.. &C. lie le RIPO prepared to make Stoves, all slues rind mittrens. plow.irons, and everything usually Wilde In 1i stKiagv e'onndr es. His t•AloIlltiVi!r361111 1 9. and prneticsl workmen. wer• wit him in recsivlna the largest contracts ea the 701001141 , 1 i. I , qmv, i 7 groin of all Linda will be token in escheat', for 111 Thi 4 establishment I. loca.ed near the Lactates. na Hioolll/41111Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMYER. illosinishort, Sept. N. PO. _ - COLINBIA HOUSE. 1111. 111.8TORNER, Proprietor. 'no, is a new Mond lately fitted up Mr the neeemetto dation of the traveling public renetalle. aituated on Main ittri•ut a few doors above the Court !louse. on is bat le known as the nktehhison property.'• It Is e.•ntrally Witted In it P town, aan nil Walston plate for murato to atop besides being in that part of tows where the majority of the humors, la being done. proprioor feels rotifldent that be is mitered to give 'frontal rattsfolten in his gllr*lf.. mild would SWIM a lair pnition of the public patratwgu. Itinoiesinice. W.) . 13. 1,167. Di:. J. R. Physician Rod Surgeon, AVIN(; „rrinatieritly on Main ' ittOI)NISI3ITRG, Pa., would in 1,,t in the r , ll)lfr srn.rally. flint he I. prepran•d to attend to all buolliPts (2111004 , and punctually that may be ilklitiotril to his care, on terms commenau rut. with the OM% rr Nr pay. strict attention to I urrry it. Belt a nufletka, N0v111.11111130-li. H otisrop um FOR SALE. U Will be sold al private Bale a 110Ut4E end LOT, situated on Alit!, and Railroad 118 . • 'Uterus storefron. near thePlsining Will of J. , otihius 4 Ito., its Olootosberg. The house is • now Immo bolldillf , two stories high, with cellar, and well Anish , d. The lot is of good site, In ei• gollent condition, end W4ll WIMP.) with every de Scription ofchtueo fruit. All necessary outbuildings Ore erected , 'I lie toms tool be made liberni, no good title given rot further pdrti,ular• Inluire I ibis Mlles. Nov. 13, Itio7 R ARE CHANCE. The variative rontrril'anil sal. of (Iva valuable In• veniinga, noitilaii In every and paying haulm malts, van be rotated by applying citho► personally nr by Wive In Jo %. LAS./ IF‘ ( . 06 1 . 11 MO sitt.l Nirect Minn. CATIIARTIC PILLS nPERATE by their powerfill infinenee en .! • 1/ interne! viscera to purify the blond sod ot.o late it Into healthy action. They *move e obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver and , • organs of the body,ind, by restoring their in'. ;•:'•r action to health, correct, wherever they exist •e derangements is are the first senses of An extensive trial of their virtues, l.r Prof. Physicians, and Patients, has shown tyres •,• geniis diseases almost beyond belief, yr, s' tl substantiated by persons of such exalted and character as to forbid the auspi,ion of i t , • .!. Their certificates; are probbehed in my As e. Almanac, which the Agents below nem, ;demand to furnish free to all inquirina. Annexed we give Directilms for their use in the corsplaints which they have loin found to ciao. You CosTIVEMIS. Take one or two Pills. or such quantity as to gently move the bowels. Cos• licensers is frequently the aggravating cause fir FILM, and the cure of one complaint is the co r , of both. No person can feel well while n. , 44 r P eostive habit of body. Hence it should be, ea le can be, promptly relieved. FOR DUFHPFI4II, which is emmetimes the 'it of Cortirenru, and always uncomfortable, tak , doses from one to four —to stimulate the stemacu and liver Into healthy action. They will du It. nod the heartburn, bodyburn, and souientrit of dyer?* will rapidly disappear. • When it Ass gene..l.h't forget what cured you. l'or a Poet STOMACH. or Jlorbid Inaction Bolivia, which produces general depresoinn the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight OW at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until actisity and strength is restrned to the system. Foe N killVoolllll/{lll. Stex H v Anse it a, NA I , . Pain in the Stomach, Back, or S,dc, take fror f to eight pills on going to bed. If thee do not epee , ate sufficiently, take more the ne‘r ant;! dn. Theis complaints will lw swept out !roe; Hue system. Don't wear these and their kindred ole orders because your stomach is foul. Fos ifonorena, EiTIIPILAPI, and nil biamato of the Non, take the l'illo hrclp end frequenti), 1.• keep the bowels open. The eruptions will gene: ally soon begin to diminish and owappeer. dreadful ulcers and sores hare been healed up the punting and purifying effect of throe Pills, s o me disgusting diseases which seemed to aster the whole Pesten+ have onmpletely yielded to ts. influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect. hea'th. Patients! your duty to society forbids that you should parade yourself around the world cols : rod with pimples, blotches, UleeTS, 'owes, and till or et,y of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your system wants cleansing. To Pciatey TUN BLOOD, they RTC Mie best tredi• eine ever discovered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the Impurities which sow the seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out . tho system like chaff before the wind. Hy !his prooerie they do as notch good in preventil g ofekneee a the remarkable cures which they are making es cry where. Ltrea Couer.stscr, Jars:meg, on, Atm/ions arise from some derangement...-. torpidity, congestion, or °listen...times of the L. , . : Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and r...• it unfit fur digestion. This is disastrous to 1...• health, and the ennstituan is frcitueut • mined by no other muse. Indigestion is the .t torn. Obstruction of the duet which emptie. bile Into the stomach eanies the bile to Into the blood. This prrainves J iusiJire. v long and dangerous train of evils. CO.tiECV: yr alternately coativenem and dilative', prevails. Feverish symptoms, languor, l o s, spirits, w e al 3 . )e.p,1, restlessness, end inelanchnly, with emisetirers in• ability to bleep, and sometimes great domain ea; sometimes there is ',evere pain in the side; the skin and the white of the eyes become. greenish ; the 'stomach acid; the bowels sore to the t..m.1"; the whole system irritable, with n tenchner to fever, which mar turn to bilious ter( r, bilious colic, 1.'":oos diarrhme;ilysemteey, Inc. A medium dose of zi or four Pills taken at night, followed by tweetln the monling, mid repeated a few days, will rer.••' a the cause of all these troubles. It G wicked 5 . `..• sue t pains •sa CAA I t Item u /114111:111ATISM, Gull', and el fn animal a; Pert are rapidly mired by the purifying there Pills upon the blood and the atiuthlu. they atibrd to the vital principle of Life. F., and all kindred complaints they should be ttl., mild doses, to move the liosishi gently, but heel AN a DiNNitit Pri.t„ this I. both agrees! i. tvwftil. No Pill ran be made more pleaaan , t , • Awl certainly none has been made more Wt. t • the purpose for which a dinner pill is mt'. Ts PREPARED PY DR. .1. C. .1111Clit it CO., Praotioal and Analytical Cheni.niF, LOWELL, MABB., ANit POLO ST Ayer's Ague Cure. Fox 7111 VIMIDIr APED f1167/1N of itort r Fives. OR rilil Ls awn Pt yap, Pl3lll - 110.11 . (Att.. Fovea. lICMi AGM r0it0r,....t. P.. • :•• • .0/.. AID Ulf FIVI - 110 . 71111 W 1101.6 CLAM nr DIOVACKA nRIGVIATII. I , ' Diikafollf MITY,I AXIOM iT lax Ix COUNTIIII., Th r , 111 ,4,0 y ti3vprOy fatted in ratett , At _ . vista of Chilli and Fever, and it ha, Shia vantage over miler Agile medicine.. Mel it torSdo.. - tho complaint without injury to the patirtlt. on 13ill• no quinine or other do !.ter•oto vi t b. ,, to.c too dors It produe4 quintem or any lei nature offeet wh4t ever, Minato, brotht re a the army 411 ha vr.ter.t: it and:3 lin IVill P1141 , 110r 11:4• , ( Hall one. Prepared by Va J. C. A VER A l 0.. , Main , and !told by all thumete [and deaberte,”. .:1.1... %err Where. WASIIING It la generally eone.dr , A that "the be. , utu.... A the timpani ." and that Lying th« case port pH 41111,11 ie taken fit introducing to th,: UOTY'S COTHES WAVI ER which I. rapidly I,ernming popular arid with Machine Om hard work of washing is aim:weal to:a comfortable and pleseant taek. 'the lath's cre plated in hot .uds, sad shut In. While;thas IMMCID • ed and the strain confined, the Machin* I.op , tsie4 an seen above. Thus tie work is speedily. richer and easily done, and that too without harms taw: weatingnut the elothrs, which lois ;free extern MO rants ander the aid hiahiutiad rubbles Prate** Willi a lIINIVERSAL CLOTIRES ustiNGER time comps - Ind with the GI • . AND rOAKtliffi, twieting end dirt is 64 dirrolved by the Hut tatTus Stint but little eompreesion is neeoseary to expel it. N 0 10m1y in the County should he without • I)OTY'S CI4()TIIES IVISITER mid the. liTilitir.ftelfti , C 1,011410 W6MICIERE, Thu priers of these Machine' range qs (1416,11.. ranilly rine IVanlier. • • • • • • • alf ON Hotel Also, • • • - A 00 Enmity use, No. Wringer. AO Pile No. • • • • • • • • • Ili OA Null by n. 11113.; Agent. 'Herrn ty.ileiw P . Dig. E. IiV.VV — IELI,N, • • SucrEsson TO mt. F. itAttptortN. Ma taken Rennie et the Anwrican noilro. Alt of deft/ tell there Will he promptly k neaded W. ilinope.eurg, °rt.:lo 1.17, L ovrt.v OIR IA tocwE AND rr 1001e.itli Rii.lrelleed envelope otpl rent,nuot i yun impte velnnhle inrnimellon I het 1v pteller VON M NI(h)til: 1.31 hittmllll arq 16,