foomolluvg fflemocrat. EMMEN Wedumdny, March IN, 186 N. • Jou WORK neatly and expeditiously exceutod at this office, cheap fir cash. sip• Vitacrn—A dwelling house, fur a Bunn family. Inquire nt this office. • ==l SM. The Spring Term of E. W. Wyn , Co.'s School will commence on the GL h of Apt it next. Mir Finv BUIIIIELA OP POTATOES Will be reeitied et this offico on subscription. ,Vying them along. =IIrE=MINCI:I Sr Tut a troets are drying off rapidly in this town. It it not bad getting along uow for lady pedestrians. 111:M=C1 i. The Democratic ticket formed ; respective townships of Briarcreek and Cen tro. is of the right stripe. HAVE put a new Carrier on the town route, and thew not receiving their 'paper will please notify na. `GREAT preparations ore being made for putting up a number of fine buildings in thi.s town the coming summer. Mr Several flocks of wild pigeons were wen flying ore and about this place on last Monday. They flew too high for sportsmen. WILLum Lnwis sold a lot at public sale on Saturday last, to Moses Hurst for $261.00. The lot is situated on Iron Street, in this town. NutsANcEs.--Misellief making women, grumbling old bachelors, dilapidated side walks, smoking titoves, inundated cellar kitchens, dirty postal currency, and a sub scriber who does not pay for his paper. Sir ArrEniois is invited to litilinery goods—nll kinds—advertisement in this is sue, by 11. Ward, tna North Second street, I'hiladolphia• This is an old and reliable house. air GSM. ENT is stopping in this town for the present. When tho eatupaign is faitly opened up he will be found taking a ohost active part. llowill contribute his full share orthe Norma. E. J. Mutimsnv, of Fishing creek township, will offer for .de his entire farming utetp,ils, together with a lot of fine live stock, on Friday, the 27th instant. Go and procure a bargain. I=l lir JAMES DELAMATER, who was tried nitti convicted for the murder of !)r. Durkin, at IVilkes-Barre, has b3en granted a new trial. The murder was committed at Scran ton about tho first of Juno lust. 1:!:=MIIMIIIII: 111 ... St. Patrick's Pay, the 17th instant, pa.seed off in this Waco very quiet and order ly. There are quite a respectable number of peaceable, intelligent and well-to-do Irish citizen living in this town and vicinity. ifir LARUE SAL.—On the 36th and 27th instant the administrator, J. S. Shuman, will sell the entire personal proporty of the estate of David W. Clark, deceased. Sale to take place on the premises, in Montour township. Beside. , the large lot of farming utensils and household goods, there will be sold a lot of valuable live stoek, horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. i CURX ron TOOTILMIE.- At a meet ing of the London Medical society, Dr. Blake, a distinguished physician, :-aid that two drachms of alum, reduced to an impal pable powder, mixed with seven drachms of the nitrous spirit of either, applied to an aching tooth, will effect an almost instanta neous cure unless the disease is connected with rheumatism. It is at least worth a I ON Friday next the electors of thiz county will hold their tovnviiip and borough elections. At present writing (Tuesday) the roads in this vicinity are heavy, with little prospects of being any better by Friday. The elections, will, notwithstanding, Le Ivan attended. Elect good Democrats in every District and all will be well. Too little care is often taken in the selection of township officers, and the result is a reckle,4s manage ment of the township affairs. Mir Tem ice moved out of the Soque henna at this place without doing any dam age. The river is bank full of water, and will remain so for days, there being so much snow back swelling the tributaries to the Susquehanna. P. 8.--Since the above was written a heavy rain has fallen, and the North Branch is rising rapidly. It already overflows its banks; and if the water produced from the snows in the north should continue to be precipitated on to, we will have one of the heaviest floods witnessed for years. sir Tug District and County ticket for the ooming fall election will be composed of one person for Congress, one person for Member of the Legislature, one person for County Commissioner, and one person for County Auditor, Our County ticket will be small but of large importance. The office of Commissioner is of no little importance to the tax payers of the county, in view of all the improvements about to be made the coming year, besides those already content• plated in the not far distant future, The pee• pie of the County will look well to the selec tion of "the right man for the right place." Tnz BLOOMRIII7O LITERARY INSTI wrs, under the management of Professor is 54ei Wont success. No ono of 'at the County Seat has beenol more benefit to the whole commu nity awn the essablhthment of this place of The want of a first-class Institute 7-4 1tinifilis for a long time felt, and the enterprise of our citizens, and of the gentleman in charge, we With a first-class building, a • pa of instructors of prime and do their duty as ,iety, and rates of the Institute , ronolincell it Sir THE landlords of Columbia county will try and have their petitions tiled in the office of the Prothonotary by the let of April. By attending to this matter in time, may save a great deal of unnecessary an noyance. It will be remembered, that the law requires that the bondsmen also sign the petition. This was not generally un derstood when licenses were last granted in this county, but it is hoped that there may be no rejections or delays in granting limn es at the coming term, by this neglect. Ve have neatly printed blanks for this pur- pose. Bonds and petitions for twenty-five oents. Parties sending or writing to us, can be furnished with the necessary papers. IerPUBLIC SALES.—BiIIs for the follow. ing public sales have been printed at this office during the past few days: Wednesday, March '2sth, John Shipman, of Mount Pleasant township s will exix)Fc his entire lot of farming utensils and house hel.l goods at public out-cry. Tram Derr, auctioneer. Thursday, March 26qt, Andrew T. Ikeler, of Greenwood township, will sell on his premises, his full and entire stock of farm ing imp lements , tocether with several hor ses, colts, sheep and hogs. Saturday, March 21st, William Shaffer } of Centre township, will sell off his farming utensils, together with a fine lot of live stock. Joseph Wintersteen, auctioneer. Wednesday and Thursday, March 25th and nth, Simon C. Shiva will sell, at his Manufactory, in Bloomsburg, a large lot of new furniture, besides many other articles. Wednesday, March 25, John Hill of Cen tre Township, will expose to sale his entire farming utensils together with a Eno lot of live stock. Thursday and Friday, March 26th and 27th, the administrator of David W. Clark'a estate, will sell a large lot of fa mmit p ut - sits and hou.iehold furniture. Set hand bills. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! The public phould bear in mind that H. W. CREASY & Co. tam conitantly on band TIIE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN LIGHT STREET. MI Lind• of good Goode. CHEAP for rash or coon try product. 11. W. Cl/EASY & Co., Light Bind. Nov. 6, 1567. FORKS 110 TEL, CEO. W. !WAGER, Proprietor. The above well.known hotel hae recently under Anne radical changes in its internal arrangements and its proprietor announces to his termer mann) and the tra% citing public that big accommodations far the comfort of his guests are second to none an the country. Ilie will always be found Ink& not only with substantial food, but with al the delicacies of the 0e31 , 011. lii. wino nod liquor( (recent that popular beverage known as •Alcifraey.') porchased direct from the importing holism urn en tirely pure, and free (rem all ponionons drug.. He Is thankful for a line rat pat (0118de in the past, and will continue to debervu it in the future. WHO IS W. MAUGICIL June 13. 1603.—tt. E INERMILEB Of this bright and cher rful.vverld ate the Dyspeptic*. Without • pond dinertlon there can neither linbottlly comfort nor mental enjoyment. lleterceu the stomach and the brain there it n close nud wonderful alliance. If the one la disordered the other ie glnomy,dereeted, incapable of etfort.:aud Indifferent to all that makes life agreeable to the healthy. In thin a condition that any rational human being!, is willing to cloture, who, fn.. means of certain, tin• isoclinic and per manent relief can be obtained e very• when: f Tho Dyspeptic has him fate In hie own hand,. If lie ebonies todanish forever the 'decoder that rocks hie body and diaturbs the mind with nameleas horrors he has only to step to the ',fermi drug store and pre• Curt a sapid, of liostetter's Stomach Hitters.. No phase of Dymoepsia has ever yet resisted the alterative, tonic and antl•bilinui opermloon of this potent vegetable specific. It laterally regenerates lethergic stomach; ro are. into healthy action the dormant liver; puts to flight the Menial fancies that beset the mind ; gently relieve, and regulates the bowels ; siren pitons the enfeebled nerve, ; re. stores the appetite, and makes, lAN ft were, a new creature of the deer, ending and debilitated invalid. Laillem who oilier from indigestion have only to take is small dose of this pure vegetable corrective, once or twice It day, to secure entire exemption from the pains and penalties of a weak stomach and that perfect functional regularity, which but few of the see uninteruptedly enjoy. Thu following Remedies are old and well eatab• fished sue thousands have been benehlted by their use. They are for sole by 'harslet. generally. THE PR RUN SYRUP. protected sedulion of the Prole:l4e of Imo, sup , plies the blond with lig life element. lane, RiVing rtretigth4 vigor and new life to the whole eyotem.— Vol dy ape petit, debility, female wenknems, etc.. It is n Joyride. A3l page pamphlet et/Militia! a valuable treatise On .1 run en a medicine " , with certiOcalts And recommendation*, 40., will be sent free. J, P, PINSMOAS, Proprietor, N 0.30 Dey et., hew York WISTAICS BALSAM OF WILD climitur. hes been used for nearly half a centnry for coughs, colds, convirmptlon, and every affection of Oro throat lenge and chest. It cures a cough by loosening end cleansing the lungs nod allaying irritation. thus moving the cause instead or drying up the cough and learibg the collie behind. BETH W. POW LE & EON, Proprietor', No. Id Tremont at., Goon. DR. R. ANDERS' lunmrf: WATER, A pure solution of lodine disolvrd In wilier without ■ aoivent, cootaining 1 I 4 Veins of lodine to each fluid ounce of water. lodinets 11111111ited by allured. itel men, to be the bort known remedy for scrofula, ulcers, cancers, syphilis, ealt rheum, &e.. and tooll sands can teellfy to lba wonderful vlrtnea of NW pu.paration In such neer. eircdere free. J. P. D I Netilli Olt& Proprietor. No.NI bey litreet, New York. MUCK'S CRZA:BRATICD MIN works Ike a magic on old sores, bum, scalds, cuts, wounds, bruises, ermine, chapped hands, chilblains, &c., &c. It is prompt in action, limbs the pain, takes out soreness, and redness the moat ansry looking swellings and inllsmations ; then affording teller and • coniflete cure. thily g 3 cents a boi ; rent by malt for cent. PISTIL W. Ft.tWI.C. & BONS. Proprietors. No. Id Trewont et., Unstop. GO TO BROWER'S TO BUY YOUB ~ril.T3l) I WILL SILI TO TO ET MY 6.00013. WELL DIGGING. The undersigned Riser IMllee to the public genen ally that he Im n prettiest WELL 010961, and le prepared to dig wells on abort notice upon the most reasonable terms. He has had In hie long ettperi• enee la lbe beelemal remarkable fumes T h ose whittle; anything dome la his line would do will to gleehhu a trial. WILLIAM KOOMIUL Moolusburg Jung, IS, M. --- - FALLON HOUSE. TDB eubserlber hiring purchased the "Fallen House;' la LOCK HAVBIII, Pa. , property of M. W. Bosomy. Beek wool 4 say to the /Wade of the House, hie newealutenews, aid the pub. he generally, that he Intends is 4 .licep a !Isaac, with the accommodations lad seinfbrte of si 000111, and dumbly eolteits their patron J age. rrvotins. I.Par 114 the 1111 41 Wow, Ilatlttlphip. Ilit vot, I).e, VII, 140104. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LAIIES. - - - Your attention le tallail to the Mud elltaeloUs remedies Pero known for the rIIIIIOVILi of obitrasUoas aid der 11,1149111714111a1l lacWem to the filtUale Dr. Harvey's CIIRONO THERMAL FEMALE PILLS, have bees used for upwards of TVIIITT with 11111•1111711111 Otltr,eoll. They are adapted fer all ardn eery cases and never fail I. their 'ell au If wish to Dr. Harvey's GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS. tIVIC DOLLAU A BOX, ■re intended Orr special eager requiring men power ful medicine. They are four degree* stronger than the ordinary kind and ere perfectly Moulage end reliable. If you cannot get them of your druggist I will rend them by return nail, poet•paid and immure from ob• ooroation on receipt of the money. I will elm rend an I Ilartrated Md Confidential Circular to Lndiee on applicnUnn. Addrere J. BRYAN, M. U., MR II 0 I•WAL NOW TOIL HAPPINESS OR MISERY. The victim of youthful ledlearetion &greys his happier's, reins his prospects for reel d enjoyment marriage and the pursuit of heelers' and ends his life in misery ; but by the timely aim of the long tried sad faithful remedy Bell's Specific Pills, he may recover hie health. Make therefbre no de• lay In using this remedy. It gives speedy relief and will soon effect a cure In all rwsra ar Seminal Weak• nese, gmlosions, Physical and... Nervous Debtlity and derangements of the urinary organ.. Postlye bene• fit Is derived by using a single box. It Is entirely vegetable sad harmless sand no change of diet is necessary whilst using them. Price fine !teller par boa with full direction,. Bold by Druggists generally In places where they cannot be procured I will mind thorn by mall post-paid and secure fr. m obierwation on receipt of the money. Address. J. DRY , .D. kilti Bloat , WAS New You. Private and confidential will be lent to gentlemen free of charge. DR. J. BRYAN, CONSULTING PHYSICIAN 819 Broadway, Now York, Gives SPECIAL TREATMENT in all caser or Semi. nal. Sexual, Urinary mud Nervous Dummies in male or female. Anvil.' Pass and correspondence mums emismasert AL. To Gairruricire.-1 will send my private and rood • dential circulars fra of awl., and for 10 cents a valuabbs treatise on Seminal Weakness, by Dr. .Ros E. 1111 A. lOU page•. TO LAD= —I will send my Private Circular w lib Anatomicni;Engravinse free of efruirre, and for 10 cents a valuable treatise by Cr. /one homey non• limning Inipiirtint Infurnsatlon on all subject. of in terest tulles mi. TRaII•ORT Or MAN lii STRENGTH. A gentle 1 man who salfered for years from Nerrolla and Genital Debility, Nightly Emission., and Seminal Weakness, the result of youthful Indiscretion, amid came neer ending hie day. in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of suffering man, send to any one afflict. ed, the simple means used by him, which effected a cure in a few weeks after the failure of numerous medicines. Send it directed envelope and stamp and will cost you limiting. Address, EDGAR TitgINAIN. NOM 154 11, Y. City. ITCH! rran c t mu Ist iTCII i BCRATCII II /CRAM i In from 10 to a hours. Webston's Ointment cum The Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Balt Rhea= Wheaton's Ointment tures Totter. Wheaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itch Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Pores. Wheaton's Ointment cures Every kind of Humor Lae Naito. Price. MI rent ma 'box ; by ritall,01:1 rents. Addrasa WEEKS & POTTER. No. ITO Washington Strati. Roston, Mao.. For gala by ■ll Druggist.. rept. 2.5, tAl7.—l yr. TO CONSUMPTIITESJ The Rev. EDWARD A. W11.11.)1.1 will senit;(free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescrihtlon with the directions for making and non, the simple remedy by which he was cored of a lung affection and that dread dlseaee Consumption. Ills only oh. .I,rt Is to benefit the 'Mole/ and he hopes every eufferer will try this prescription. as it will noel them nothing, and may prove • blessing. Plea', address Rev, EDWARD A. WILSON. 63)11MliEMMial INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produrn a luxuriant rovrth of hair neon a bald head for lbeardle■e face, ale° ■ rreeipe fur the removed of Pimplee, ntotrbee, Erni:alone, air., on the akin tearing the rime inn clear, and beautiful. can be obtained without charge by addressing T 110.4, F. CHAPMAN.Cnetoost. 817 Broadway. New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who in early Hl'. was a •ietimin that debasing site so eonmien to youth. which resulted in Seminal Weakness, Invoinntary Emissions and Nervous Ernstration and eau. e near ending his days in hopeless mirery, After tieing numerous mine. tiles without sums'. he obtained from a friend some simple rules and preemptions, that alTectest a per manent cure. On behalf of suffering hveanlty he will wend the same free of charge to all who may desire It. Address EDGAR TREMAINE, StAlloo If, Bible House, New Eon. November 6, 1867. • DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by !NAACP!, M. P., Oculist and Mirka (formerly of L.ey. den, Holland) No. 519 PINE 011 eel. PIIII.AD'A.— Testimonial's, from the moat reliable coerces In the City and Country can be seen at his office. The med. ical faculty are incited to accompany their patients, as be has no secrets In his practice ARTICICIAL EYED, inserted without PAIL No charge for claw. (April Pt. 1505 .—1 Y ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who angered fat years from Verrone Debility. Premature Decay, and all the erfucte of youth ful iudiseretion. will, for the sake or suffering humanity, send free to all who need It, the recelpe and directions for NOM' the simple remedy by whreh he wee cured. dulferers witticism to profit by the advertiser's, experience.can do lin by addressing tn perfect confidence, PAIN B. OCIDILN. Cedar threes.. New York. May SP. M 7. cu- Ds*two. fitAntiMie Ain CATAllen tyinind with the ui most AUcceill by J. IRA ACS, M. D., °culla t end Aurist (flume, ly of Leyden, Holland). No. pits Arch Ousel, Testimonials from the most rellabla sources ',lcily and country ran be VW at his oMce. The bledkal faculty ern invited to me company their petients, MR be his no secrets lo hie practice. ARTIFICIAL HYRI3 Waffled *Mud pmy. No charge for examination Nnv. 13. THE HEALING POOL, AND HOUSE OF MERCY. Howard Association Reports, for YOUNO MEN on the CRUISE OP PtiI , ITUDE, and the ERROltie ANUPEII and DISEASES which destroy_ the manly powers, powers, and create Impediments to MARRIAGE, wits BUM omens of relief, Rent in sealed letter en rianes, free of charge. Arhiress Pt. J. AK HAIN OUG TON, !Inward Association, Philadelphia, Pa , June 5, 1807-1.11. M. M. TRAUGH ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, BLOOMSBURG, 1 1 / 4 Will prs etlee Is the fevers, Courts of Columbia and actlninlug counties. ty, AU Collections promptly attended to. Julie 911, 1202. 1:32311141Bg 4 IFIDIWEat6, I wnotssAls aosTIGIFROFIERII AND FRUITERERS, Ao. 161 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Dir Orders promptly attended to. Feb. 19. NEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON M AIN @TRENT. (NEARLY OPPONITM MILIAN% STOIC) SLOOMODUR3, PA. TNT anderelanad hie pun fitted op, sad opened, bhp ago STOVE AND TIN BOP, In Ibis place, where le prepared to wale op new rip, WARR of ail lifaide In hip line, and do repair. Ing with neatness and dispatch, upon apt most tea. ocnabie tonne, Heals' keeps on nand of cartoon patterns and styles, which bo will soli upon terms to suit purchasers. Give imam cull. lie is a good mechanic, 46d de. *erring of 'be public patronage. Bknewobarg, Regd. h. tedge—ly. JAOOIII fri - ovs - trai Will be sold alpipits Sale a JlO l / 1 11 lA-I add LOT, sheeted two tiialh and Gsilread Immo &bowel/ea, twat the Plalning MITI of r• bias Go,, is illatimplcum The bowie Is a 11P1 1 1 frame bidding, two merles blgh, with tailor, and with Islebed. Tito lot to of good ales, In es. (wheal conditloo, and wall sted with ovary do. wription otehocce fruit. All accessary outbuildiags Iwo Greeted. The terms will be made liberal, an cowl title Welt ror further put Plays iltilre IN 4 911 , 1 f it STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES • or TUN COUNTY OF COLUMBIA, vaom JAN. Ist, 1867, TO JAN. let, 1868. Tho Auditors elected to settle and adjust the accounts of Columbia County, rertpoct• fully beg leave to report. that they have ex ammod the same from trio first day of Jan uary, A. v., ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, to the first day of January A.D., one thousand eight:hundred and sixty-eight, and respeotinlty lay before the Honorable Judges of the 101ourrDi Common Pleas of said county the roila*ink statement an re port, agreeably to the 22d Section o the Act of General Assembly of this Common wealth passed the 4th day of April, 1834. JOHN J. STILES, Treasurer of Colum bia County, in account with said County: ISM bit. IV/, 7. To 1111.43 st outstemiling (Or 1* and previous years. .333 i'n. To balanee in bads of Treas. urer, as per Auditors' re port, Joe. 1967, 103 rob. 0, Tu rash of Samuel Ketchum of griaracek fur keeping Cott. Suit, 3D Mn. 3, Tn rash of 9amun I Kele/titer of griarcreet for keeping Cott. rot. 3,13 Jose To amount of County tax as• sseeedi fin 1817. 13370 09 o Tn amount added to Duplicate of Stoll Tower/11p. 1490 " To amount of Too day lIISSI/1111. mrnt. 1807, 33 111 " /1 1 o Cash of Coal gidye (mercy • ed Coat Co., land redeemed. 177 10 Sept 9 To Cart of A. W. itne, Agent, land redeemed. 100 C To Cain of goner y.persotis L, redeemed. 30 )1 l' 12 To cost of Thayer & Noyes' Cirrus. SU VO Dec. 2 To Cash of Denrge i Evelio of grimace/1 for ket plat Ceth, 8011. 145 SP 'To Cash l'm ten day &imminent 18'13 sad 1891, . VI 13 " 13 To Cash.from Northumberland County due Colombia CO.. for repairing Bridge. ID 00 " To Caen paid Assessors, mom int do( Um, 18117. 911 54 ... Tn cart for oundry Taxes 143 la To balanoe nistotanding. til To Caen of sundry perilous, re• demptium wonky 9711 70 A int outstanding for 1807 and previous yearn, 0240 53 Fanneratlons allowed collectors. Ititl 94 . . . Commission allu*ed eollecturc 3014 MI Amount of County orders redeemed. 1341631 1 1 3 Treasurer's comm. w 4.1110101.14 BUM 4 Fir Hog, OS tO 14lance. 3406 73 $2413 s John:J. Stiles, Tres., in account with tax on dogs: Dr. To amount outstanding - fur 1866 and previous years, $ 947 00 To amount assessed Pr , 1887, 1254 50 InWM Cr..' By hal. due.Troaseror Or auditor's • sip report, January 1867, 515 51 Amount outstanding runt uncollected 376 46 Exonerstions allowed collectors, 98 00 Commissions allowed collectors, 83 40 Amt sheep damage order" redeem'd 1056 75 Aint pd. fur assessing dog tax in 1867 28 54 Amt pd. Treasurer on 1056.75, 52 84 $2211 50 Statement chewing the amount of County and dog tat assessed for the year A. D. 1P67, Meath dlstrictin the county, as well ai tho ikinntiot du, from each, also the names of the cal lector, of said distrirte. Districts. Collectors. • Co. ten ase'd. BM, doe. Bloom. •Slati hew Wynkoop, $2642 tel X 29793 Kriercreek •Darld Miller 833(81 11280 Beaver Samuel Nungesper 38403 Benton Sumo!! Rhone 410 41 393 . 41 ilitfWiCk 11114E0 Jaroby 371 32 Centralia Pet rick Ni Ileen 349 40 143 49 l'onynahain do do lie* 1 4 2 196 ti 4) Centre 11, A, Schweppenhehrer 1007'43 411 84 Catawlssa I'. 11, Campbell 797 10 601 18 Vianklin eTtioniari Hower 441 ei 14310 Plrhingrrk Joseph Coleman fill 144 334 47 Greenwood *Jacob et Keane 06131 10409 Ile mlotk Daniel Ncyhard 021 65 167 32 Jackson Abraham Manning 101'.' 33 113 443 iMrllrt Christian Stull NM 34 156 Mt Madison *Janine Kilmer 09. 30 155 37 Montour John Leirry 3411142 131 Rd M t. Pleasant Thomas J. Welliver 31/9 49 t 6 itt Main Rudolph Shuman 307 38 113 73 Mifflin 'Peter J. Lents 740 71 9193 39 tirunge Reuhon 11.81 as 457117 4x459 Pine Jacob lams ISO 33 Roariagrreck N. Dreisbach .207 43 920 46 Sugarloaf C. 1.. Moore 135 63' 107 Pe &Mt Jacob 3 etwilliger 11111173 ile 844 $13,440 70 $4,042 40 Deduct ten days are'snent 1867 ,33,P1 " UV& asentnnt Scott, 11.20 7O 07 Leave' amt Co. to 'd for 1867. $13376 00 District,, Collectors. Tu ea dogs. Bel, doe, Bloom *Mathew WI/aka:so $74 30 $7 39 Briarcreckj 6 D av i d Miller 631,0 Beaver Samuel Nungesset 311 30 Benton Simon! Rhone 3.150 16 '.IZ Berwick James Jacoby , 17 30 Centralia Patrick Klllesta ti 1 30 9 30 Conyngli am do do 13 30 7 31/ Centre 11 1 . A. Schwepprobtiser 7330 41 M 1 Collieries& P. 0. Campbell 181 30 34 341 Franklin *Thomas newer 411 00 nohinger Joweph Iloteusen 59 ton al 00 Greenwood *Jacob IPt. Evans Hemlock "Ditliel Neyherd 3130 16 30 Jackson Abnkam ilanslo4 00 1.0011/1 Cdroothis 'mall 110 30 96 01 Wadi eon *Jetties Meter 35 30 MOIKIRIT .1001 Lethy 7030 330 Illt.Pleseani Themes J. Wellitrer 45 00 800 Main Kudol Ith'imui" It so *Peter J; Lams 71 00 Wimp Ilcuboo BOW Co Pine .14,10 h toms. , " 30 So Roarinlet N. DteistOkch '- • ' o 0 Sugarloaf V, I. Moore - 10 SO Scott hscubTvrwilliger GU UV . , 41164 50 $10331 Nora.—Those marked 11/ ith 1 ' , have since been paid. Statement rhowlith the manetitt of county and dog tan due for 1964, 1863 sad Idnefrolo the different dim. trios in the county: • ' Awl ea, due. A m't dug due. @uterine 11411 John W. Kilo, 1110 16 $24 00 Benton 1963 B. Appleatio, 4403 330 Fiehioicreek " Joan mutton, 33d 630 Madison 0 Jacob BeelarA, 630 Pine " Albeit Iluithre 3309 aOO Beaver IWO I Hintarliter, 139 30 40 30 Benton " 11. Appleman, 114 47 11 70 Centralia bor. " W. H. Reinbold, 199 34 19 litt I (reptilian., " W. IL Reinbuld, 137 39 17:3 Ilendoek, " 11. A. lientiten, 210 19 3006 Madison, " Jacob Becittel, 103 57 19 30 . liNars WITS Due from 11312, 4941 40 14315 1 Mini *NO 10 EXPENDITURE®. AUDIT° ROI Aro &LARK'S PAY. By amount paid Auditor. aria Clete 74 SO By amount paid C. B. Brockway, auditing, Prothim. otary sod Beglatere account. 13 00 A 1356.801", PAY, IiMIIVO, TIIIEN. Bloom township ~ 50 00 113 to Beaver .. 111 23 IP 73 Benton Wil 13 91 35 Briar Otte . ' Township 90 93 IN 7$ Berwick Borouirk 9 13 13 110 Catawipes Township 90 25 29 TS Centre .. 91 73 9173 Conyngbaot ~ 91 23 30 73 Centrvila Borough In 00 93 73 Franklin Township 17 73 19 73 Vishispereek •. 919 i 9173 Oreenwood .. 93 13 97 73 Hemlock .. ' 911 13 96 73 Jackpot' 11 2O 13 111 73 Locust 0 117 II VI 73 111 a I ne.. 19 13 16 73 1111111 n .. 20 00 96 73 .._ __ ... M oala., . . 11 SS 14 1 Madloon . 13 9il 014 00 1111, ?Them . , IN 03 110 30 WIWI 4. 99 NI IS TS Pine 16 113 CI 73 R. eeringeteek . 19 7$ 11 73 Eluipirlog " 19 08 90 73 . nem 0:4113 18 73 --.-- 8011 so 8389 73 r:, f 311 30 ------ ;i 91109 ill Pal DOS corriAm By mount poll Elle t ;Irldoli at fis OD h , Interest DOD By egeoust palat PON , T Cu Canny Ilse between Mumble nnillll64iceit MW OD BIM 00 OBIDGIS 9.119A11LL , --- . By smonst paid 10.04001syy Cole. Illinois% die. 1183 91 By enneent raid Plint Hams ir • c • 104 33 By Lamm OM Genet• 11014•11400 - ' IV 39 fy. swain pild 6001,10_11. Me% tine." NI 04 N, isloant paid rh11,41 Illiiiimin, Ile. 111 30 By seinnit pal* ljnell Xl* , - ~ 11111 07 By amount paid Janie TW i s ol - lIS 43 0 By mown 0014 Jove .. - lirldge on 060nly Ilan Neat UM sad North. uitherleid . . 114 00 By soma pall W 1111614881,001 On MI By *Weeks pall M. C. Woodera 63 IS By erwernt paid J. 11. Fannin 7100 fly Ramos pal/ &lie 6011Ier. II Ingise. WS 60 By amount pal/ Jolley,' Holster MU 93 By 'mown paid John eleveye Sli 00 By 'moue, paid emir, reireene, go? 41 --9:,iiiBo ANK Rqollll. , 117 ninwint p' til for Ida,l4anks r3o3hon- Warr ape. lhauildlit). multi WON aai lit COUNTY DUMPING& Ity among paid rot NIHON' a; Coen Ileuse. spa pod la Mil ynry UN year 011 CLEAN LNG COURT HOURS. 137 menus; paid Mrs, Ovenlorircleanlos Coin Muss. 130 03 CORM to/storms , ATTORNEY. Or amnuat paid Z. U, URN, Commtulas., pee Attutapy, 075 IN COURT Clint Ay amnpat raid Moser Uollaaa fur 1k yew Idb?. 7 00 CONSTA ROTUR , OO, By `s t unt y pita tb sum* constables Sur. lAA 00 COMMONS/ CA IMO MEM By amount paid sonar, Demos. 1103 FM COMMIISIONBAB 1k 171.P.81C. By imolai pad Anon Mono coutoilsolooor. 0104 00 Ity mownpold J. P. !owlet rommlooloonr 438 00 By otoottot paid Mlontromory Colo oonoulo olooor. 430 40 By amooaat pold David Wogs! consentooloner. SO 0 1 Dynamo; paid Wut. Krieltbautot to Jon, IBM Clork, 530 00 $1374 00 DISTRIM ATTORNEY. By anoint paid M. M. Trani& VS 00 BLOC rION cxramlito. Op mount paid sundry person., lopring Onetime. SW 17 By mown wild sundry persons general elections. 1 .5 23 Dy amount pald A. Eamon fur coal Court Ileum and Jai,. 11132 St, 11 , 0 X ANU WILD CAT SCALP tt. Dy amount paid sundry purloin •It.l 33 INCIDENTAL 83E1'1E 1 12331. By amount paid stationary atc. for Coirt 32 03 11,10111111 A NOE. Ely amount paid Lyeopsing Ineuranco Co., "Mutual," $32 23 INQLJEdITO. Or amount paid Jolla 1kM14 , ,,,rai the body of, Jobs O. Fowler. Olt 37 Oy amount paid J. M. Chamberlin on body of 10. O. Hilburn 10 12 By anment paid H, Cl. Creveling on body Or small child 14 70 By amount paid Wm. Hoagland on body of U. Charles. 10 ID •17 31 JURORS` WADES AND lIILSADE. By amount, paid Jurors during the year 1807 •18e3 MEDICAL SERV ICE. By amount paid Dr. F. C. Harrison . attend• once on prisoPners ONOTARY, 9 $0 ROT By amount paid Jena Coleman Proth'y. for recording syrinx election returns, .114 4$ PRINTING. By amount pald W. 11.incotty, PH 40 J. P. Sanders. oo 0 0 C. D. Brocaway, 136 U 6 •U 733 Ott By amount pakl Jahn It. Pursol, P, M PENITENTIARY. fly anment paid IL B. Penitentiary Mr sop• poning convicts 800 37 By amount raid Stets Lunatic hospital fur the euppurt of V. dull, VI 45 ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWS By amount paid imodry psrsons as viewers, 272 00 ROAD DAMAGES'. By amount paid E. U. Biggs, Bloom township. 30 00 • Jacob tiortarol,gretinwotl " 30 uu Homy JUclde, PlOO 00 00 Elwin Joins Hemlock " 03 00 Eite•l Conner Greouwowl " 10 UU " Goo. Bois& Mt. Phossont 0 13 00 •' Esther . Eves Pine " 40 au = By amount paid Samuel Snyder fur boarding prioonera 4.:10 83 fly altlol,llll paid nnennel Snyder for conveying fawns lionwood to the Ilona) of Refuge. ~.7 0 Iq 13.1Eer DAMAGES Hlonm township II no Heiser .do :41 tat Heaton du lu7 on NM:Creek townahlp 31 , l Col Ventre township llil 30 Franklin do 0 SU risbi n4 Crank township 07 VI Green w xxl do IN tIS Ilminlock do 113 no hitittiOlf do ito Locoid do lOU 50 Mt. Plosaant do 331 'd3 Matlo do .14 00 Mann do 60 09 Montour do 30 00 Madison do 19 MI Urania do 49 00 Pine do 40 00 Roaring risk do G Oil Nagar Loaf do 101 7,1 gaols do El 39 TIP CT All Ry amountpaid Al the oeverni ed 2.5 COULITY imsTrroTe. el amount paid C. D. Ilarkley County duperin• temlent as per hill rendered Air same, 73 41 JURY COMMISSIVNERS. Hy blnoullt paid Mena Moulin, Jury Com• nilsetuner. 17 6-I Dy amount paid Thos. J . Welliver Jury Unto mieeivitur, ID V By oninont paid inhn G. Freeze, recording l'resouror's liondo 10 7$ TAXES REFUNDED. By amount of road, seined, poor end bounty tares refunded to the several township, and redemption money. CM 97 Ry 4111U'L of order* issued for the year 1e67, Ib,+lll As Deduct sheep orders for year 1607, MN 25 Taxes refunded to townships 11164 97 3847 Amid expenses for the year 11167, 009 36 !Raiment of dog taut RPM ity amount tine frem condors iteduci comic EL *sal," '274 46 Ditdoet Met sheep order , . unrodemt Ow 14* 7, WO .30 er .h.ep damage per raid feed, for said year, 709 04 EMM/!II!!!!M!iiiEl Amount Wiled in in ISM' 13909 33 " redeemed led 7 13$1 e 3 Deduct aid orders redeemed 4 d 50 New ordere redeemed, •13e13 33 Deduct new order. redeemed $13823 33 Amt new orders (road view ordereilinrede'nnl, 43'00 We the undersigned Auditors of Colombia comity being duly elected to adjust and settle the accounts fibs Treasurer and Comelier inners do hereby certify that we met at the office of the Connuismoners in Bloomsburg and cerefully examined the Recounts end vouchers or the seine from the first day of January a. D o itio, to the Ist day of Jan„ 1808, and end them correct as set forth in the foregoing statement and we and a balance due Columbia county of three thous• and four hundred and six dollars ittui cents (3.400 73) from JOHN J. lITILK N. Treasurer of re Id county. Hiroo under our hands :hie eighth day of January one thousaud eight hundred and sixti•eight. ILCVEIIT. / (minty JACOB HARK'S, I Auditor.. Attest WM. KRICKHAUM, Clerk. We, the undersigned Cormalseioners of Columbia County, du certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the accounts of the said Downy for th year 1807. Witness our lands hosiery Bth 18 , 18. 801171 V.VOWLES,WAIT, L 131.6, }Co:u Attest: DAVID VEAOSB, WM. BRICKBAUM, CIerk. February 14, 1808. 1110 GO NEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE. FURNISHING STORE. TITS undersigned respectfully announces to his many Moods that he her tiptoed a now Clothing end Gentlemen's farnleklng Stale, In the lower room of the Gartman halldina, seuthenet comer of Milo and Market Streets, Illoonteburs, Haylegjust rehired from Philadelpe Is with a ism stock of Fall and Whiles Clothing and Geetlemenl Forslehlni Goods, Ike., ae. He dat um himself that ha can please all. His stock cow. prime HENS AND II 0 ES' CL 07711N0, each u DEUS COATS, SACK COATI OVE COATS, PANTS. TERMS, SHIRT% UNDERSHIRT* DRAMS, COLLARS, COLLARS, ROSMAYt NZCI.TVIES, 1C11PZ1470.118, HAND IIIt*CHIEFS, VNIIIMUL" tv and In hat everything la ins Clothing or Famishing hoe It rm, Lo Aim. In additive to IRV steno w he hhas en Wept* uaert mint of Clotites,,Conimera, and Voting". Er Clothing mega to order at the shorties natio, ELI and ells Mire purchasiug eleawhers, and SECCHE - GIINAT BAOGAINS, .1 W. CllkAl GERI. IN. lilt ober In, at," lit= i 9 MO 364 40 POO A e uo 8 MEI 34$ 111 MI RECONIMB I t un STEW 'EMPIRIAVOA!'D oaderiagirie boort ribigiorifullylabienuo Pier La. di customers, and IN pablia la puma, Unit rbe bar Juel added to her Wordy largo and varied wort. met of FANCY EMERY WM A NSW SUPPLY, well and Molehill wileated rat the present and rowing eimoun. Her NSW BONNETS AND HATS are calculated to lake the lead In this weep end vicinity, She Yee everything (woad to tlrel•clare Millinery It Fancy gloves, and maims no and sells bar goods upon Om mnat ram• minable farms Oise bark soli and maniac bar msw amok of goods. LIME lIARELEY, BTOIS, Kiln BMW. (Barmy Building.) October 23, ltii7. Bloomsburg. DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Fore Nadirlnes, at John R, Mayor's DIV( that earner of Alain and Mudd Illtrefia. A good aeon' mans of PURE DR1T4414, Medicines, Palma, 01la and Varniehon, aivraYn nn hard, and will be veld cheaper thou at any other Dui Morn in Sewn. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescription, carefully compounded at Moyer', Drug Wore. Ayers and Jaynes Mobslass gold at Mayor'. Drug Store, Wishart's Tar Cordial. Daker's Cud I.lver Oil, Winslow`, &peeking Syrup, sold at Moyer'■ Drug Sore. per any rellible patent medicines, call at Moyer's Drug store. Leather of all kinds. wholesale end retell, at J. R Mnyer's Drug More, Uloomsburg. Pa. .May S. lelin.—tf. BAUGH'S COMMERCIAL M&BURES. rr. We announce to farmer., and dealers in Peril). iacre. that lb.' followink pricey kayo beau d for the prorent spring Nelliioe : BAUGIN RAW BONE PIIGARIATE. Prim, $3O per 0.000 lba. BAUGH'S CHICAGO NONE FERTILIZER. Pries, $4O par 4,000 lbs. BAUGH'S CHICAGO moon MANURE. Price. $3O per 11,010 lb.. r LIiRK ..\ t ra T ,M7 I I: k t i v7l7 " he l" ri l n ° ll IRAN Pui [ (II ; ,-; ? , . upon every package or the above mamma. The high estimatien in which havon'a Bele bla• suet* hare been held, din. mg fourteen years past, we ehalljully eitaisin in the , fume. Bovine now the en. . 0 ' the control or the /real re, maitre:en of the thy of Chicago. for forniabi ig Am mon'," en d ph oe ph e t e yi e lding materiel, vir.:—Bones, D r i e d mph. w oo d, d ee , we have, in connection with our anal in Philadelphia. the 'Meat facilitiee fur furnishing theme manures, et the above low prices. BAUGH la riONS. Philadelphia. NORTH-WESTERN FERTILIZING CO.. Chicago. JOHN RALSTON & CO., Gen, Alla, New York. GEORGE W. KIRKE ik CO., " Beaton. GEORGE DIJOILILE, Who7esale',Agent, Belli more. Per all Information 'repenting the above Manures. eildrere Wilier of the above houses. January VS, 11107.-3 m. ALLEN & NEEDLES, ROLE MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS VP THEIR IMPROVED SITERePaOSPIVITE OF LIME, AI.BO, TIIE AMMONIATED FERTILIZER. PURE GROUND BONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN, GUANO. We sell only No. I—received direct from the Gov eft11111:11l. IL PBR PHOSPIIATP. In Rog.. COQ lbs. nth, PRIIJB. $3O per WOO lb.. Ammohinv.4 FERTILIZP.II iOlll , OlO, 150 lbs. each. PRICE, $3O por 11000 lb.. A DISCOUNT TO OEALEIDS ON ABOVE PRIDES Agriettifsmi 11T;prkg, Beach R Plum Sts., Oaken 46 Store', 41 S. Wnter Street. and 11 S. Delaware Avenue. DE ALERP Pf OILP. CANDLER AND GENERAL CUMNIMION :NEWMANN, PHILADELPHIA. January 29, k6P.--131, C. HONER, has opened a tirst•elass ROOT. MR, HAT AND CAP STORE. at the old stand on Main Street. Oloontsbarg. Ills sloek is composed of the very latest and best melts ever offered to the citizens of Columbia County. Ho can accommodate the public with the following kinds nod Id cheap prices: Men's call hoots, One, men's kip, double sole, goys' child's boom, Men', glove kid, Congress, dm Men's glove kid Mammal shoes. Men's, Waimea's boys', and misses' glove kid lasting gaiter., Women's glove kids, very tine, Wunieses hoe soot morocco helmet's's, Women's men's morocco end coif shoes. tmemion shoes. Missts' and child's shoes. Men's, women's, boys'. and child's slippers. He also seeps a great variety of HATS, CAN, AND STRAW woos of every kind, at the lowest prices, both for cash and country prodnce. Remember the attraction is in our goods. Don't be charmed at the cry of high prices, but call and see for yourselves. liespowfulty, H. C. HOWER. Sept. 4, 1887. iEtiDEßSuorrs PHARMACY. ARE reeriviqg more herb and ire. Drug. Medicines. Toile, and iney articles which brive boom irchßied T LOWEST RATES, AND 1911. G 111 PALM LOW. Owing to 11w fall m Drugs end Viedicinee In the tithe, we are now mark• mg every article down to MA Mace prices. Our Mock la tall and complete. Call and tea, sail be convinced that title is the place to buy. January MI. Ittild. STOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Anr.unce, to hie many friend, and numorono 11a tamers that ho continues the above bueloesa at hie old_ place buoincas on MAIN MEAT, BLOOMS. BUG. file claimer, and others can be accommodated with FANCY STOVES of all klnds,llloveplpte,Tlaware, and every ill article round la all well regulated STOVC AND TINWARE ESTASLISHISEPITS to the cl ea. and on the mall reasonable terms. 0.7' SPOUTING, for bootee and barns, will we pot up on short nodes, Also, all lands of repairing done promptly and upon liberal terms. lii oleo keeps on band a large supply of Mllk Pans, of different shwa and prices ; be-iden a Ana air sorterent of Fieber'a Patent Pelf•ffealing Fruit Pre servina Cons, 411,1 term a all. July IP, 1140.—tf, G. SAVAGIa,' Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. MAIN STREET, (near the Court house,) BLOOMSBURG, PA. Constantly_ on hand a gine aastertinant of ANISOCSII end Swim, Watches, Clocks, January, iiiiisseware ass Spectacles. Pori 'tutor attention paid to the repoiring of Cloak, Watebee and Jewelry. Moronic Marks mod. to order. All work Warranted. illoonteberS. April 17 1967. LADIES' rvicy FVIIIB AT JOHN PAREIRAI OW &tabHOPS FUR NhoodittiorY, NO. MI ARM STRIONT, above 7th, PHI URIPIII A Nye new to OW, of roy too Importation mod Manoraature Ma of tinl 15154111 and most 1410C410110 FANCY FURS for Lathes' Rod Childreolt Wolf in-thy City. .Also s Rim arionotast of U,'III tar 010 , 1011 and Qollars Iso sable{ 1 lose of my sonde N very reason. abtO stkoshioNl arsold Menhirs Wise% a sal l OWN NI Moods al Valoobloand Roasasabor Ow Nato% Niuohor mod Mom! JOHN FAREIHA, NO, 71S Sam si.. above 7th, me side rilalkleA Mi' I SIAVII 100 rotinn, Wok clMscfll wan I w Is 61011 IN IN PII14•11114144 1 • QtkOß Scroll)la, or ICing's Evil, b a constitutions' disease, a corruption of the blood, by whichfluid becomes vitiated, tlr s4 weak, and poor. in the circulation, to pervades the wholi , end may bunt ee l s in dimple on any part it. No emu; le 6„ from its attacks, nor is there one Whisk' It Mil not destroy. The scrofulous taint is rarioudy caused by mercurial disease, low living, die. ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth end filthy habits, the dmreesinir vices, end, above all, by the venereal Infection. What. ever be its origin,. it is hereditary in the con. itilutiour 090t,tithns . 4 train parents to children unto the third and tburth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod al Him who says, " will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effaets committee by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In the lung', liver, and internal Orlin% is termed tubercles ; in the glands, swelling"; and ou the medic% empdom or sores. This foul cor ruption which genders 111 the blood, depresses; the ene rgies of life, so that ocrondous conflitu. lions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far lam power to with- stand the attacks of other perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in th* nature. are still rendered fatal by this taint ht the ;cistern. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its mien directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, wise born or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of oil our people me scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking ht. faction, and their health is =dent/Wed by it. Tocleanse it from the system wo must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food end macaw Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our time* can devise for this every where prevailing end fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remeala that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the Teem of the mtem from its destructive consequences. Rime it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Raurriva and Sam Dresasim; Sr. ANTDONT'II Pune, Ross, or ENTSIMLAIa, PDAPIAIf, PUTTULIMI. Burrensx, Burrs and Bowl, Taxon, Tiro and SALT &mum, SCALD HAD, RINOWOLD. R01911A.71611. SYPHILITIC and Maarentar, Diu was, Daorsv, DTsrarsu , DIBILITT L and, indeed, ALL CONTLAID7II An MX VmA. TED on /arms BLOOD. The popular belief in 04 impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify Ind regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in coutamiastal coostitutioas. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURSES OF A FALLS FNMA are so composed that disease within therugs of their action can rarely withstand or evade Mem Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ. Ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring Its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility Is astonished to end hle health or energy restored by aremedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the everyday ravish* s of every body, but also many formidable sad dangerous disCasce. The agent below named is pleased to hunish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Costive Heartbarn, headache ariairryfrowe disordered Stomach, Nausea, huiiyeefiew, Pam in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Fietatlerwy, Lose qf App.. lite, Jaandice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of Its functions. Ch Ayer's erry Pectoral, FOR TIM RI•PWD CURIO OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Constunp. lion, and for the relief of ComtismUr° Patients in advanced Wines of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu menus are the eases of its ewes, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored ho rn alarming sod even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of Its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where he virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distreming and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have railed and been discarded, this has gained Mends by every trial, conferred benefice on the afflicted they can never forget, and Tra duced cures too numerous and too remarimble to be forgotten. PREPARED eV DR. 3. C. ATER & LOWELL. MABB. Sold by all Druggestlin the Country May 22d-Iy. MANHOOD: HOW L 0 T, 110 %V It li STOII ED. zitJUST published, la a peeled rave. , sE lope. prim. is cents. A lecture on the nature. treatment end radical cure of Seminal Weakness or Opermatorboes. lib i tum by stelf•Abuee ; Involuntary RAIN ilua•. lat. potency. Nervous Debility and , linpodimente to Marriage generally ; Consumption. Epilepsy. sad Pits • Mental and Physical Incapacity, die. by la hell J. I:nitre/well, 11, D,„ author of Dm 'Green Book. , &a, . The world renowned author, la this admirable lee. tore, clearly proves from hi. own elperlence, that the awful consequences of Wolf-Abuse may be effect. belly removed without Medicine, and without don. sengsu s oa l cor l i i a l o s p , e p ra o t in o t s ing boouotg a i e mo dien storfu v m e en e t m e. once certain and effectual, by which every sulferer. no matter what his condition may be, ma cure himself cheaply, privately and radically, Thi s Inc. titre will prove a boon to thousands and thoreande. lent ender seal to any address, in a Phan ealrsieri. on receipt of ale cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr, Lluiverwell's Mantic Guide, price 13 mtts. Address, CHAS. J. C. KLINE It CO, 127 flowery, New York, P. 0. bog 48311: Feb. 13, 11487.—1 y Peas& Co DENTISTRY. 11.. • C II OW2 R. summon DillTlill. GIRRPOPECTFULLIT Whys his profess, Waal ursine to the ladies and pestle men of 01tornsburiend vicinity, lie le prepared to attend to all the various oparalleue in the line or Isis prolkelion.andle provided With the tritest improved PURCUALIi reXTJA whidt will betaserted on gold,platlncsilver sad rubber bri • to looknoll Is the natal& teeth killitenti plate and block teeth manalketured er r all °risottos's on teetbsarerelly end properly atuisaired le. Residence and °Mee a kw doors above the Coat Hulse, same side. InOollhoriti June 0 lOW RARE Mullen. The eaniopive tactual:and see of live valuable In. Tensions, needed le every thely, and paying lam pronto, t aa to be Heated by applytog ei th er pertheally or by J. S. LASH & Co., 7.21 Market Street Phila. SAIRVEL EVERETT HERTZLERWITU & GUION, AND DEAL BS tN WINES AND LIMOS , NO. lel WALNIPT 8 BET. AND NO. SU UILANITtI ,tI7"It RTC !PARRY lIKFT7.I.IIR. GM A. CUM. AutPlot 7, 1567 WOOL ! WOOL!! WOOL! I CLOTS! 1:X1711A Nnrn FOR Titr nmts.r•ignpd wlll phy the high , it matt pelt, In eattioiito for 'loth eithet nP hso two niettellitions whitsts., p Unto. Wiltrimetmet, nr City, Oa ntu Wo4l tome Montt 11,:itant 12iiIi,tit Itirntaitas. villa, Po. J, E.sAAl td Pt% 4, teGii