oviointrg EcotaM. LOCAL DEPARTMENZ - 4 = Woilowsday, Feb. 10, MS« An Apprentice to the Printing bumi will be token et this dim An oxedlent cow win be perclutsed pplying immediately at this office, In another column of toAtty',B paper be funnel a complete stiternt 1V and re. of the espunditure= and reePipt4 this toy fur The metulr.pi of the I:ll4eupal Con- :Ilion of this aro taking titep.i tu b, the erection of a nor church. Sue• anew! thou The Orangeville Brum Baud will give and .114.1eal Soiree ut Aeade• lull, in Orangeville, on next 4atnnla,!,.- ing, the 2.2,1 The uninbers and friends of the St. thews' Chureh. in Catatrissa, trill hold a ival on the 241 th, Nst and 22.4 inst., for benefit of the Church. The public are hilly invited to attend. ..ANDREW FRE t ,of Coon. town,hin artist 4 in IEII4 paper, hip f timing utenrils tiler with n large and valtialde lot of to he ~, Ad on the ;oat of Mari+ lie will hav t a large sale of good coy. fiionil in need. timc '4 d'elebra `alve is a friend 'Who has not it sueli in curing eats, burns, bruises, Is, felons, boils, and even the most oh to ulcers and other soles. It is a lerful eumpound, suited alike to the of the elal and of the utitea. (nliVe:4l to the ern State Penitentiary, Iftwt weak. two awl one toy to the llettie of 'Re , from thi comity. The eettoty jail at place ha 4, at rt- , but 00 :ornate.— ruputed hnm thief who e-ear.l !Otte t tee: , till at laree. .Wr !twice that our Nyti;i , er, Iloin. Haas t 'halfaat lons introdneyd a 141 i u.qa• Ong zr Litz ht etthittatho Chun -I,'e inivo not ye,n thin hill. neither • di, 11, , 61,1“ art, ilia ( . ..!!1ne . !..., We WOUM 111!1'.. fl euVy or!St he 'flit to tit , ~ove T k p," o r ib eoutiV puhlitllt;eu he its pn. , stigt,, utilx,z4 it should e entiiPls • n't owl eonttn , neett.ent n,xt tn, twttna Aim ! ' improvi utont,4 vtp-r. We n , , , 1 81 lopartn„en , , mil w orfli r ttt meet teil,oe.t. am 10% - tr in ,1 that ice t l'•' ; bir , ,1 41 . Mir ritriql+ t "We 11 ,4 if , fr the OW n 4 well a., the volnwe -Itottlit no he awl we hope i, will 'OIM M. ." : te!. in, 0 11:.(111011. tl„ .r. is am l rom lvhhin fifty ~r ~r rlot had ti:At46la the Itiverqhl. la4:tete .1,11 :Ai, • • /,:' : 1: • 11 vAtir tos P 4. I,* hiqi leAalquarters and we wily hitt) a lover of r,m_ratllati-”, 1,” eh-Pr:l'lly 31111.ttltItte tit , ' i i thtt mvh o,lr ooh non- n one t.,1" the rare won ,•l,t litughter of Jae-hy tv tS t ion S:ttilr'hY brat fey I* . t.llll'l 410,0111 h~wer Otitl ,if won. The Lan "ilm, whivh was standing in an alley at root nr die hid, throwing the girl to the :tot :00 tr.fait,A, the 1‘, , e1 , 11 iittjottl 11 v. I. :•ot: bone. .10 n. it (he Hui*: girl ,fl - ThiN riding .lown hill i itterons prteticy anti :....honed be dkoontitr de-titoto tither itr ;"+, L l mis had enough ttnlll':y to procure a coffin tlrr his child, :"..9 taking the 1,4,1 y in his artn4 carried it a long distance to the ect,tetery. on arriving there disenvort-1 that he had leeted to ohiain a burial certificate, and compelled to retrace hil shit, IA ro t his sad journ, , y, carrying hi.. dead child the 144% 'CEP. Eii;: , or, 11ftr,. Aty Fartner4' 1'10) met this, erenin . Buten in tittY Chair. rite" titnNti•nt" up aw l ad in an able tinunwr ;vrai most woves.ful rannt.l,. 'wing to the interoas tlt nn tit- , rat of Itegnt, the :.iti t iect wte. for ur 4itomatv.ion et one I,.xt ofeeting t held to 1b..... on T u . ,lity, nary 23 i at 7 o'elnek, P. M. yolirs truly, . e. LI bouraun4 rr r.. Ming of thid town have beeo practicing prey' ..nsively, during thin winter, dm datr If "rifling ilown There are :cot to town wboro them•elves in tills .heir 51e,14, at ~uve rowk by ore and lumber . nightly haranling have not ken called `a accident from run• sa,hut it k really a • fir eseapd ;• at WI 613 As yet lroniele a teams tee tb '.lt they liar p o se was Cenvent •, *ere ul die Klf•et Ounty, nr oninted 51 being tie i iiireated tit iy,ogg Con" otrictly Itl g overning ,v ol uocrsel We ni 40 . De* tato I,Ant: Wed Mweipto to tritt/4, Columbia Co., $4O Mrs. It, Herman, 2 00' Stott IL. Colloy, 2 00 fI N Ammonium 20 1 )' Vanderslieo'N est 2 fit lj dor. llagenbuch 2 00 Geo. Manhardt 4 00 1)r. Mrlicynoldo 2 oo 11. S. Arthur 2 00 1/ 11 Stohner 23 50, A 13 Shoemaker 2 00 Cotillion Party 2 00 J McHenry 2 00 Milton E Co,V 2 00 I Ileieltrd+' vit. 7 001 John Wenner 2 tio Martha Long 2 tad hob Long 2 0 0 Th. , Winner 2 001 i 3 no Mclteynoldi 2 00, I G Mouniog 2 00, Henry 11'011 2 Pt' Robert Roan 2 JO Simon C Shiro 2 03' Seicntiflo Amon 2 ts Je.-e Coleman G ut). P EVOlllll4'Ol C,t, 2 toll I) Snyder 2 80 , . .1 31 Priee 2 1)11; 111 31. S. F. .1.2'7 50,1 Philologinn Soo. 2 S. ling6ell'm ;)1 1 Benj. l' Sqvaige 2 00 , ' Samnel 1C1.4r, I 00', 11 H Whitmire 4 old Els.) 13n iwn .11,1 n Awn 21E1;1 1)vel.) 2 MI! S II 11;ttrhiAm Y 0 ; Nathan Swill!, 206 (Thomas Ato ll 250 Peter Ile Isnw: Stipler 250 Step. ltellnown 0.1 . %lords]) Frew+ 250 Sm 1 Chawherti n 2 Swonenheiwr 2 1 t S. Zimuierniao 240 1 .13enj. Fetterman 1 31 Wm Fklwr 2 tio L Ilelwig 1 15 H W Fetter 400 i Lloseph 11 Ling 950 Leonora Adams 2 01hilam Ia Hnrst 50 4;c. ( an. 2 o , l,l:cargo Thiel, 250 Theo )lel3 Price 2 0111 4wepenhei,ter.ubl.4llo William Eva ie4 200 ; ineh & Co. 25 u 0 William Pettit 4Su John Dresher 250 Doni. Tlnowt 15'1 Philip SiA Stroup 450 .1 If Knitiie 200 I .lms. S WNinch 759 Andrew I,auba Fretti 11 50 I K Kriekliamn 00 I. J. Kline, 500 I K 00 aener, 2 00 IV II Hartle 200 Daniel Lee, Kot., ArctnEvr.—On Friday t 4 Henrietta Boice, yonne daughter 01 Han'el of this town, tint with a serious nee blent, I,y her clothing catching fire, whlk she wing sitting near the stove, which severely burned her whole body.— This girl and a :mall child were the only person , in the house at the time. In her fright and ts she opened the door and ran into the et, where her shrieks brought several neighlporire women to her assistance. and with snow and water they succeeded in ettoinrai , hing the Baines, so as t o tat able to dive 4t her Of the turned clothimt. At pres ent she is doing as as could be expected, but IV • in rather a ethic II condition. In titi ea-e, had the girl r, mained in the house, all wool have been turned up. We can ...iv no othor alternativ Fortunate. it was for her and the little chill that she went into the strec . , thus savine their lives as well as the propel ty which would undoubtedly have been eons:tined. I rinott.—Th, cdumu,,,, announced wit hon. 04.4o 4.4 uttll,,,rity fry)! tt, or any el,o, that I'. 11 i•NY111:11. Wwild take CHI go of the .1).0R,4 . ::.yr thiq week, and that th. 2 prot ut editor would retire. Wheth er this announcement was made to itj:tro u. and our business. or whether the icealive was over anxious for a little tr dy haw ,ire leave for the I ', , /ambi,ta t o explain. We it-ver intended, nor even intimated such a thing as wit Ink:ming from the 11rm 11r:l'AT through our co:noms and co t , t , ' , .+N not to the editor., of the Coh:„,le"qa : ui thott;th ;le are about making arrangements to take in an a , istint in the pngemion of the pa 1.1..`r it the e..tonnmeemeat a the ;text voltunn, which time has not yet oto:round. When we make any chance in any of the departments of our 141per,p_litori si courte,y trill allow us, at Tea=t, the pow boon of ma king, the iir,t atonetn‘ennent. It would be high flow after that for ememporary to "have his put. When they speak before their Cute comes they generally receive a "rap okt r the knuckle 3." lirly CAN V 1 111,0IIM St, FllE I 1 %Nfl ymn?" roes the old ,SeotOi song. flow? Why, tho:J , who 416%* you the bloom of beafth on th ,, ir cheeks take Plantation Bit tern which ha the power of l'ortitYing the sr.teni agait.:4 tlimm , e, and of rtwie.arinv. the thee-two Are you dy.prp• tie, weak, volt; of energy? Have you little or ito appetite, Iteadutlte, contiont tudo and oepr--ion T a l„,, T. 11., an=i Ihnion and beauty will ro turn. The. Bitters have btvotne a hottte hold friend. MAGNOLLA WATEH.-.1 deliatful toilet to Ct. , lottne and at half the [Flee. Vs'o. 50. It€l)...Licetn,2 wlt: granted to the following , cl.onl at tuun. February Tenn Bloom. Whltnyit & .laecby, E. Howe. Berwick. Reittard Berger, do henry 91, 110 ,, L:tuan, do Lewis Enke, Hotel, eatawi,t.a. & store. "lrectmc cal John I,eggott, Hotel. Maine• P. Longenberger, " Roarinacrech. John L. Wheat per I)tt.licl, • ',..02 $5 Bye, lot 1 25 I 'am, )„ I 3o Iltwkwheat " 1 014 Oats, ). sl) Claverseeil " 7 tit) Flaxtvol. " )) 't a ) DriAapples" Potatoes, Flour per Butter, ......... Am turu•uut at Monday last.— , 'toil. 4% Con. • ernes i 1111. (20161410 Con- was t4ot his at our meet- Eggs per tiozeit,... Tallew per pewit!, hgr.l t:houlder4, , Huy per tun, Un the uth hist„ by Rev. R. A,. Stoke, at hie residence in Danville, Mr. William Er uost, of NVest Hendon:: township, Montour county, and Miss Catharine llleriela, of' Madison township, Columbia count f, Pa. On the I3th inet., by Rev. William J. Eyer, Mr. John C. RAPT, to Miss Francis C, Kostenbader, both of Locust township. with Von a nod r t he Brisrureek Township, on the 30th el_ ,t. 'leery rhetoric!), aged 73 years 11 mouths and 19 days. scalosimmit" ftr = the Clinton W Neal $2OO D A Barber 4 00 14 T Sharpie:oB 717 IJohn Robison 200 Geo *Ewen 200 Stephen Dresher 4 00 Miss.! ItShuumn2 00 Chits T Shuman 2 00 Isaac Winner 750 bane Snyder 2 t 4.1 ;Darnel 'parr, 200 18 B Johnson 2 00 And Hirlingor 200 1Je ,, ,0i Coleman 300 'Levi Beishline 200 Mich, Brittaitt, 3 15 IStepheu Polio 2 0:1 William Shaffer 7 50 Jos. Triblebis mi 14 A nutehison 2 oft J 11 Carpenter 2 oft !Ab.o. McHenry 4 75 John Girton 400 Luther Ever, 150 ithiniel P Palmer 2 50 IS S Linn 2 no I S P Sehlieher, 250 S M Gearhart 250 Pollnow' Sehell, 2 50 Daniel Reinhold 2 Oct Mrs A Pornbeeh 2 5o (114. Haldeman 100 David R tlottling sQ [J o eph Myer 250 11eo. Meriting* 2 :111 Nyill Shun)ln 250 %mon Berninger 1 11:1 Miebasl flyover i I-, William Parr 250 MARKET. EPORT. 20 16 16 00 iI 4 It It I): DIED. FEW AsOVMSETIIIIMINTI. VIUNCIN Thu ettlelve self.ollied* R 0 le In. moons, assitif le Orr/ 4111 lb 110 , 4 0, la or potato, ear he sivol4 *Wm Portent 7' or by hater to I. 1. WILLIANINt 121 Market Parcel. Pallas otSlibtalia iztOMIY:4II---; C ONUCTIMULS AND WarITEDERSi o. 161 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Star• — • Orders promptly attended to. Feb. 18CP.-3m. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Th. rontini winners of Cri Wehrle county wilt meet at the hffli s e of Alt tots rote, nn Tlvitstbtv, the sth dr y of Montt lOSSI, at io A, M. to receive propo .loo fo r erotottig an upon, PlllOlll itllfk MINN bridge,, now aver cook, in binge, Ida( ten enhig. Tha beldee will be Mot hundred, feet tors between inn* of rhutmebto, end HI feet wide from nut to nut, to hi built upon Anne abetment* With wildelde winrwrll *, Alio, on Finlay tolinwiiiT, ni the mime tinny, Mil. Ahfndcuball ~ to receivepiniannir, to Open single Wick true. bridge aver Wet creek, nenr n. in Benton township, The bridge will be Oity feet WHO between tape of tiblitmenbt, and Id Port wide froth null tow, to tin built 'l i mn ',tone ulna, Henley; Peet high, with ovitalit , itigwallAi JOHN r, N. AVIA) COIX tp%viu yr.uut, rdirnary PU HU U SA LE PERSONA 14 hilt OPE RTT. Thy! unileraignnii will ntfi , r nt pnbßn sista, on his premises in Centre Township, Coliontitt taintity, q•ensday the Inth day of Maf.lit, 110 4 , the following v:1611010 personal property viz: FIVE IIk:ADM ! ' WORKING HORSES Tw0,000,1n4 Mae!' Hawk Colts, corning three year* old I!di* * print, six bead of cattle, six bead of ale eP, rJ head of Imes, one top boggy, non span, two bum, .v.4lgonw, ode *WWI, ono sled, one olokeyn Reaper tool *lower, one Lancaster Groin 14111,0ne Roller, 01$011 large (11141+110r. It plows, nay It Ow, liey Pork,. and Koper, one Tb erring rdnr lag Wills, fork., rakes, n lot or barns's* of cry descriplion, Hay by the ton t Sou wi.ke r id of pont toe a. botiGtOti otioq artitlea lOU illitttetutio tit Fete to vimin4.ltre Id 9 n'eleck A. M. of *aid day when atteu.l4:ien Will be given, Centre, PROS PECTISM OF TIIE AGE FOR INGS. A Dr Incit.mr Dmi,r AND W EVK NA IN i'llll,Al/ The attention of the Donmeratie and Con servative citizens of the country is called to the Daily and Weekly issue of this widely circulated journal. The dissemination of sound volt:Mal doctrines should command the earnest attention of every true fri e nd of the Union and the Constitution. The events of the past political year are full of significance. The uprising of the people in opposition to the destructive policy ° m a d_ ivithstm . clearly shows that the masses are determined to restore again to power the great Democratic party, every finia'orwlinse history is filled with the glory and prosperity dour cutworm country. No more effectual method 14 presenting the Truth can ho de vised, than in circulating Denweratic jour nals. It is the intention of the Proprietors of Ttir, Atir, to make it, in wary way, worthy of the support and confidence that have heretofore been extended to it. Ito immanent, are contemplated in every de partmn nt. and no pains or expense will he spared to keep it in the front rank of Amer ican jottruali-ari. The DAILY Am: contala4 the LATENT ExTELLuirxer. ruom ALL r`,1"1"..: or Tor WORLD. with articles on Gevertmemt. Pan ties, Trade, Finance. and all the current Mestions of the day ; Local hitelligenee, arket Reports, Prices Current, Stuck Quotations, Marino and Commercial !meth genve, It.iprrt.4 of Public t;athetings, For eign and Domestic Correspontleme, Legal Reports, Book Notices,'Theatrical Criti eisms. Reviews of Literature. Art and Mu sic, Agricultural Matters, and d; ussions of whatever subjects are of g enera ~,roxst and importance. 'lnsides special t e le ;zra ms it has all the despatches of the Assoeiated Press from every part of the Unhol States, and wisp the Assoeiate4l Pressdespatclies re ceived by tle. Atlantic Cable; and the nnws from all farts of Europe , brom.la. liy the steamers, is instantly telegraphed from whatever point ti steamers first tench. The lettekly Age will be a emnpletc compendium of the 'toys of the week. and besides the leading editorials from the Daily, will contain a large enema of interesting matter prepared expre.sly for the w,•ekly issue. It will he in all respeet. 4 first elas ,, family journal, purfividarly adapted t o the Politician, the Farmer the. Merchant, the Mechanic, the Family Circle, and the (len end Loader. having, in fact, every charac teristic of a live newspaper, At an early day will be begun an intensely interesting serial, by one of the most popular and fits chiming authors. and it is also the intention to paalplish, front week to week in the course of the year, three or four of the best and latest Hovels. TEJON or 'run ”Airx.—One copy, one year, ss`9.oo: six months, $4.511; three months, * , •.:,,:rAt; for a n y less period . , at the rate of one dollar per month. Poym , at in m:troa,,,, Postage ott the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, or one doll a r an d twenty cents per amine, to be prtietid at at the office of delivery. TI HMS O TliE copy, on e year, ; fire copies, one year, 11 , ,.;1; t e n copies, one 3on e, ; twenty copies, one year , X 33. To dubs, idio re the pipers lir, s+-.t In m i e radma, the Mowing reduc tion will be made: Five copies one year, ftsi.:lo ; Ten copies, one year, I 0.00 •, Twenty copies, one ear, ff•ltt. A ropy will be furnished prit's for elub of ten, or more, to one address, for one year. /by oi ulced invarinbig in adranre. Post age ou the Weekly, five cents per quartet, or twenty cents per annum, to be prepain at the offiee of delivery. le" The above terms will be rigidly ad hered to. Drafts on Philadelphia, or Post office orders, payable to the orders of the Publishers, being safer, are preferable to any other mode of remittance. All who send money by Express, must pre-pay Express charges. Specimen copies of the holy and Weekly sent gratis, on applica tion at this office. Advertisements inserted at moderate rates. Address W BUM & ROBB, 430 Chestnut St.. Phila. %11S8 LIZZIE PETERMAN, ItOnottoro to the ta,tfro of litoonraborg and he public aettatallY , that she has just reettved trout Ile eastern to let her . 2 4 'lb )4 Cs) ... 40 : t o morns; and Summer Stork or MILLINERY GOODS, constrains , of nil articles usually found in first elm, Millinery Storer. lier goods are of ihe beet quality and among the most liondseme and cheapest to the. market. Call and examine them for your*elveo. Nobody should luncheon elsewhere before nantain. ns WEI PROMO:WiII ruck otorriudo Bonner made to ordei, OR the shortest notice, or repaired. Stott On WWI strest. 34 dour. Wove the Otsto of Mendenhall it Rupert. Bloomsburg, May 13, tdlsti,•-tr. I WILL 01) TO akio7l/Wil TO OUT NOTICI TO eItEDITOBS. All person, knowing themselves Indebted N tho uoiloniisuod, are requested to twtko payatont without delay. lUTT6II. M.D AlOolhohuti. roaa VUn.mLs ANDR; V PRE tP 11001 lig ut, Autuonetr. SPECIAL NOTICES.. DEBILITY AND EMACIATION tbmi llatb r ffi es o ul a t u f ir r oun tr . nf ooe tt o tt o l oa li3 .i t u es en tr m ir e ert on t outterint from these alarming symptoms to Intottedi• ate!) , rowed to a remedy that Will strengthen the etnesaelt and dierowitoi intone. For, ne *eon s. thin drodrahla object lino tow!' orentoplielsed, ern health lasproven, and ratirot rr wawa hlr u, , Pif fief' diff of Off' Isearittwe. tit trel'Er I'l UR'S raft 41,41 'II it I IMO hare tiititinerl a world Wide pirpultirity iir nn a ewe. and Itave been !woven the bast and eapten manna of removing con ati patina, toning the aidataelt. , a 1140 1 11 energy to the liver, and relieving every wealglafil Is tialveninees and deprearion of eptSti. Its tiW 4 l4lOll and beneficial ethic to are highly *pollee of Ire ih 4ll _ ll. ands, who ewe to it their reeterot inn in heal th , -rot reenerative In the annals. of medicine hoe attnini. l l wove popalarirr IA the *hot apace of tithe st bet Mien before the public. or hoe won the high e toterwriatendif nreorded to this eteellent Wale. Mont other Mfrs rations, perporliolt toile retractive. end realoretives 11440 beet IOtrOOOG.O, nod inner perished one Wet, ohile the popularity of IlintrErrms sro, 011 ill fTlifiel coot lentos to increase, end le now recent. nixed man hisesiehold werileinoi The atm eeiot Which attends the Iwo ut the 'littera evinces at oirre ids virtue* io ail en 444 or debility and dbrerillea of the stomach. Certitii3te*. at mrtat 'MOW WOO. low, novo been publialted. sunning its truly mirarift lute power In removing theme painful and reefed lierumea. And at this lima it eerilye idle tr do more tiro, cell attention to tho great remedy of the ate. its Ord4t to aw alien entitle attention to %tee areitenro It he the only remedy or the kind that i 4 ?climate in all roar% and it to therefore worthy of Witt colloid^ ermine of the Witted. I*, - .6. 3-4 w. A I 'F,IOI AN EN vms Every one at limey! Pelt{ tire erectility ol suntaihirrA to MO up the eyetein depreesed by mental Of Wily eilmurtitin, At *ugh times let every one, Mewed of Mailla alcoholic or medicinal stimulants. reinvis orate his Ott diluted spittle by the natural Mule elie meets or the Peruvian Syrup, or l'fblecisti otoution ot . the Protor.do at In t o, Which vit.dtree and enricher the 'Newt by supplying tt with its Ws Wiliest, Isom. Belli, Ace nom Akolml in any form, its energising elf:quilts nutMweii by corresponding reaction, but are permanent, infusing strenmh, vigor and kw lifu in.o all purl* of the system, and ',mining up an IRON CONSTITUTION,. WM. 14Eit Erv., nr P n utti t iteenrin, N. Y• rays : •• Sintq the Pero inn Syron I Not heti, r, my et rennin to iwpuoved, my bon ele are regular, iny appetite not rate. There in an old Phyricten In MA city, older than I nut, who has been in the 4riti b.►inere for 4tlyearo who ka , 4 non the syrup for three months, nd 0V4.11 it litchi* derided opinion, that it AA the bent Alice Wye Medicine he ever knew." ror Ilywiwpsta. and PPIIMIS W.. 741108001 the reftivr:lll Syrup td a ap«,eide. A V pan+ , pattipli let Brut free. Ilift yentiine had ..rbiItUVIAN SYS liP" blown in the ginan. J. I', in NeM0111:, Propriniar, Day xit., New York. Sold by all Dingials. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. Woof e constantly hearing favorable reprorre from rh o , who linye 1,4 , 41(1414 mutely. Amy Atithoor, wife or Merit Anthony, of this city, Wirtltviu# ot hio, 6 Lortint. Street, afflicted with a felon on the tin• ger, war f' ,. rent ly Oilfired to atria.' a trial Milo. Salve, h o o or . Fyf'r lesert.fl refinf frost the rose, whirr, ; hero A, . 11 , 411)01dUt41. Vvr ry tallernt , tr who haVl :1b • ./111.6e , t at its nniftt , , situ will in.. 4 .0111 to be withoo a imply ball Herr,' ca. AU, WISLIING TO 111 OR S'ELL REAL ESTATE, I== REAL ESTAI E UECOIIO, A laver sittrrn pagPjOUrlint. 010 1 1 1 111)% volotit" ati tontiNg, Into, furl% and ileum or ino.r* e,,t, pep:1111111g to Veal Cs:tate;,,oilltitniitot dio ,eflptio44, vtatli of s...verai thousand hropnittes, ifientling Fruit, Truck. Grain Grazing Ennui+. Cottagts & Country' Keats, 'Jill itroperiics, rantogi *, .,ne.'l7,,tber Tracts err, Lands I'un ~►n~.c t*r Pcnintylinnia, Ntniv Jern,-v, 041awarn. Mar 4 ,1/41111J. N.kfill Carolina, Worp,ta, Teta4, aa4 otl.nr ntalPn. Send for a topy.-rree. TOWNSCNO & , No. V; South I....iath Strt , r, Jab th , ty `.!, tOTA,- !Immo t.VIC a. GREAT CLEARING OUT SALE TO NAKE Room FOR THE NEW IOWN to he erected en the cornet of Win k Market tzio L. T. SLIAIIII.E-zS NOW (31 - cfs for Gash Of Heady Pay— FR Evr It MEI: VII CS ar ft 3 ete NI,AC`K .1.1"A , ' As ut te,./ and 1,3 op. AMERICAN MERINOES at 4o cis. rirtlth h I'OPI.INS at 4:4 op worth AU op. AII, TUE A , A. 12. flout IU to go net rent. below tine rriint :r lOrep. CALIcoES fruit D rIP, for !wet. IlktA% N MCSI.INS 9 to Id its 104 tr:t bh ached anti liroWll Aluslitte at Ht. Au wool t stesitnerert at SIM) to & 7r.. Hoop *Mop, Cnreale. k moron.. loer down! lIATtp & VAI'S nt hargion, brOTS & SHOES for Men. Wool , lll. & Children at greatly rodured priors . Ono lot flaltrra & Shoop, your choice at ill U.). north *Vet One lot Ladino' Glotre , ktd thtlinortop and L.:odor') at s3.go, worth VA. ( VAX& re , ls, Sajtta ono The hah.hre cur Mork rotnntleing all km& of Gott DO, CAP PETS he .31 proportion:My low wire., Country poolore wanted. t7aph paid for butter anti ergo. Store on Mato Street below Market. Januar) 0, . . . . ALLEN Si NcicioLem, Pout mANI: rAcTr URN AND PROPII TH Kilt nirie 0 VEO SEPEH PHOSPHITE OF LIHE, ALso, THE AMMJNIATCH FERTILIZER,. PURE GROUND . 110711 E At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. We cell only No. l—receired direct froth the Gov ernmeat. SUPER rilOol'llAlll in lingo, 1110 IbP. each, PRICE, 150 per ItWO !bp. A ininonini.4l EllBlll,l ZEE in Rego, ISO Ida. each, I'D ICE, $35 per ntiOn A DISCOUNT tO DEALERS ON ABOVE PERMS Agricedieral trarlex, Beach & PT»a sts., OffiCt7N & StOITP, 41 S. Water Street. 11//ti 41S. Delaware Avenue. 141A1.1iPlt IN 011. 11. CANDI.E4 AND GENGIiAt. UOMMIS!U NIEUINIANTN, I•II.,LADELPHI A January IN A e sOL4 1, El., BOOT lk I 1 SEMIS STORE, [OIPOSII( TUR EPISCOPAL. COULICII4 On Main Street, Bloomsburg. Thn anhaerilssr Wks. Wiliam in noinnioneina tP ti.ii [monis id iiinninsbusg, and irleinlivohat he has Oil band a large and lint assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, sin if for ladies and gentiamon'a wear, to suit an (nodes. ilia City work is of the bort quality. and Irmo tie most roindito itionoformoono ; he Was a pfootical workman and 11 good judge of . . 13119 9 LPAD , ..1:13reito `.. he ie oat likely to be 'engaged upon, by receiving evorehleas material badly made up. l'hnse desiring anything In Ills line world sin' well In alve him a call, before paragon, elsewhere. Ile 'mile GOOD ARTICLE and at prim to gull purchswrg. All persona who deglre light or honey work made to older can be accommodated at his entablishwout, cr Aloe, repairing will be doss with Dolmen and desp An atch. eleggert oggeweesent of Ladles liwrioi ad 0 1 114 , i MCI dhow oil hand. A. IlltiLI61)13. itpi id h. tdll7. BLANKS I BLANKS I I 01 every devcriptionn for hie, in till', offices SPECIAL NOTICEN. VANCY ME DISMAY trestd primal/ b therisenits a/ Mon Wis. ff it obeittillio aciddenty ammaneed tbratothout the tinned thatee. Canadae, the West Indies and Open. tub America thin en mere IfOOTOTTER'eI HITTERS wenld he magufeetured, and that henreforth the o.„,l„p„iik for errisqoats, Ahtt lit*tfatittitiVot of oli um Whet* dismiss* would be lust to the world I The htflous, the tboble, the despondent ; the traveler, Otit voyager, the mines, the sedentary student; the settler on the frontier of ; the toiler, cooped up in crowded city tenement* ; the rotiva, limeept, needins an insigorant ; the *hireling vie. Ant opirtie. and the nervous of both sets* every *how, would More with grief, ton deep for words, elm the most eel , hrated corrective, invigoreet and alterative of the age, had been blotted taut of eels lents. As a preparetmy *athlete to epidemic die. said. a general stimulant, a promoter of mmetitu• tionai vigor, an Appetizer, n shensshiei and a reuse lip for nprvolig debility medicinal prepitruthin bee ever attained the reputation of lIOSTETTEIt'I4 11117ims. It is the HoUlitillOLD WSW of the ANI lIRIVAN pthiel,g— has been so An twenty years, and in all human probability will be so for centuries to come. The meows of Oriente rtisintitile its WISH ; end that it is emphatically the medicine of the masses is preyed by ita vast slid aver increasing sale.. ERRORS OF YOU'TIL A Gentleman who ettrfered for yearn fraill yereoug DeWitt). Premature Om ay, and 01l the ettorts ar youth rut ittiorretioe. Will, for the peke or oul t. r i ng ttomettily, aeml free to ell who heed it, the tereipe and direeti.tta for mak totr the uoottle remedy by %Inch he was cute& sotferers wiabttta to profit by the advertiaer'4 experience. rau do PO by . otiareetoint perfect confidence, JUN N 0. 061)0N. 42 Cedar Street. New York. Alny 49, iota. OVEL,YRITibw AND rurrivc tows, sem! nn li nil4rpswi anYr inpit and IS PPtits,tilid I wtii wild you wmie valtnib!4• untorwolon that WIII plen,A. you. A.l4lraso IIAItV lthat:,r3l Broadway, 1411. Y. play ItooL— y. rpllgal.tiitS OF RAN. I WTREV3III. A polle 1 woo WLtt vulrored for year* firms Nervous* and Gen }Nightly Eolorson“ and Seminar Weakliest's:Or trunk Of ital4ef4llo4. and rums tseur etodioittrta Jaya in hooelesa misery. will, for the sok* , or martini man. nand to any one atnirt. rd, the situp!' menus used by alto, whirl* effected a core iu a ( * OW weeks after the Worn of numernm , medicines. MOW a directed VOVelOre a nd *damp and will co** you oothitor, Address/. EDGAR THEM A IN. WO at. ai„ Y. City. rrclus rrtlus mist!! SCRAnu, scr rcuii OCR Vrell in from 10 to a 8 home. Wehaton's Ointment r ft`i Tfl e Itch. Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum Wheaten 'a Ointment ewe., Totter. Wheaton's ointment cuss B. there' Itch Wheaton'a tintment.urea Old Sores. Wheaton's Otrittnent CUP' , / Every kind cd" Humor like Magic. Pries., 7.0 crnt • ; hg rtsnil oat rants. Address wEEKA & No - T ot, N o , lo Wftshmttrm Street Mass. rot' sulk by ept. 14, Itni7.-1 yr. TO CONSI'MPTIVESJ The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON? wilt .end (trap of slinrile) to all who desire it, the htssstilition with tie dirsttions for oinking snit rising Ibe simple rsiissity by shish h. 1%44 torch of n long alisstoto and that dread I*i iniptioption. llic 0,1 ry nb jest is to benefit th , ntlt Wind soil he hopes etery ntreter will try Ibis prestriptinn.nr it ropt them nothing, nud may Prove * blessint. Please 411140.4. hit. EDWARD A .IVII.httN, . 11'4 Routh Second Ottkot• Wlthatooburg, New York. INFORMATION information ituaranteod to ;motive n Itmitiant o rowth of hair upon n Grad or twain.... Im,, n!ro n reeeir f the removnt of rimpte,i, ftym,hp i ,. Eruption=. err ,on the Atm !caving the %11(110 •of! Hear, rind hraatrfol. ran be obtained wit hoot charge THOS.r. A I'MAN.Oneinta. 1 , :t3 Itronieny, New York ERRORS OF VOrni A gontlownst who in early WWI n vie tint to that ilebusiog vtro so eowhion to youth. tt loth resulted in Seminal Woaktiess, Involuntary Emissions nod N, mous I'llekiNiion not onion non r on.flutthtto OOP , VoIoOIOOS 11,11.0 f y. All n VOW , ~,jo w hoot , OCCVSO. ho If-Mat:lM i Inn aet ionl ,010 P ...00010,411 1, 4 tool prostrintions that nnoot.ol n fist unguent von'. on 6ett.,l( r,r sotrornta her airily h tt will Nowt the KIMe rive.bathe I i AI: who way desire it. ,kohleotot LOGAN Tit 11MA INC, Ftution it, Itihto House, New corn Nocomtier 1651. DAPPINESS OR MISERY The viotlin of Footlfrol imliorrotitei otoofroyo 6appim we. moto, hie p foopvrt,, ro , tnrHO pajoy,,oil foorrino of -' qtk por.ott or Lo.fifie 1, 310 eofty rof off : hut Iry the timely tioft or UPI iota tried vitmly Beira Specific hr may n tower hrolth. Yoke thoroforo off an ky Ito opsou this redwraV. it oriVOff fr ,, lier Rid wOl ...on oil", , rt n rim so oft ruot•o of Setoloal Weak. Etob..tolo+, l'hypo•4l and WtVPll$ ih.bi lit V ;Old ti , nottv,pent, ot thn ”rinnty lit P. by ti.ite4 If J.« vntir c ly vo,tott.hl.a and totroth - gs a n.l no awn, or dki, is oopoponry Wnitrt o.ing *twin. Prta , tine Dollar per ht.,‘ with roi Sobe by preseNte grecrWtY. In piserx nhere th:•y ("anent bra 14.1 , 1 fed I Itol :en,' them by ieed poehproW owl secure fr , int Ott" tVa , f , lll ipt rai the 41101.,V. Addre44. J• glit VAN . tir 1t0.4 WAY NI ir Yeatt. meats end 1.041 , 1 , 11131 rift:Wart. Will be evet tar grew le Mee Crew 111 etietge• ])II. J. BEVAN. coNSULTING PHISVIAN MO Broadway, New York, Give THEVI'MnST innHrapes nr Semi• opt. tromitir. rrinniv an,' Nervous, tio , o,o•co in nod.. or 1411131, ADVICE rOME 1111 d cnrrorpnndcuru sMIL'II.It 041.0 MINATIAL. Gfr:POIWIEN,-1 r.na• detail - 41 t ;molars fru+ of charro, will for JO cent* tt valtHible trratire o,a bonittal Wrrtkorer, by tor • 0 ,5 11 too pages. L+PIE4 t+lo semi my rrivate Ciro, tar with Anatomies) Engrav irtZsi Pre of fitlrge. and (or 10 rem/ s volouble ((Totems by Dr. Jou:* AlV4ta cr.n to itotog itoportott ittform4tion an ali 0 ° to terra to Unt eivE TO LA DIES Vt altollttott to coned to Iha nth.t tlftetirittro ot.ott.do , o ever M 1104 n rhr tipt r ,,, amviti hrh.lt,ttsutso and durangenwhi4 itlO‘lont to the feihule Dr. Harvey's T RON() TurAni.u., FIN ALE 11 LLS, have been need for omordo »f THIRTY YEARS With 1111Vil wog bto cress. They are rolopool for aU ordi• nary cages OW never fait in rtiziraclion i P taken in time. Dr. Harvey's GULDEN FEMALE PILLS. FlVis pou,Aas A mix. are intended for suede' COPS. a requiring mote poeref. ful medicine. 'They urn four degree's stronger than the ordinary kind and are perfectly harittleaa and reliable, If gnu rennet get them of year druggist I *Meerut 01 , 411 b 7 mtunr a nil, pont•pnid and bemire tram ob. tservation tin receiptef,the motley. I wilt tilw penif nn liluntrated nud thintlamitigl circular In Didier ea itaglicutiall. Moire... J. niIVAN, M. 9., tll9 bitaioway, Kim Vomit, AGENTS WANTED FOR NE SLUE-COATS, AND 110 W TDP:r LIVED. FOVUHT AND DIED MR TI!I eADJA. DIM Scenes and Incidents in Ike Great Rebellion. Compri.lug NlZArretivPs of Personal Adventure, ThriL lino Willman. Dor ino Coolidte, Heroic Heeds, Wonderful RAcore, Life In tho Comp, !Field and lloepilnl ; Adveruuturre of Tiptoe end ecouto tormitsur with tho Sonia cud Hallado,,Aneedeles ono Humorous Illicidouto of the Wit. srLeNtHruUritA DLY ILMI rrs T A RRA NDA TED VA M UTIVU R . TH M 100 FINE I ENGWAVINKK There is a certain portion of the wet that will never go tom the regular Materiel, nor be embodied In roinenee nr poetry, which Is a very real pert of slid will, if prerorved • convey to soeceeding gene rations aln ttar Ws the•scrirlt of the conflict then nor many dry reports Of careful /oohs, thu fun, the panne; of the war, Thls Illustrator , the charlotte,* of the Wedeln. the humor of the roldlere, the deco• lion of women, the bravery of own the pluck of our heroes. the romence and banishing of the service. rim Valiant and Provo Hearted, the Picturesque and dramshe Pad Witty and Marvelous, the Tender and pethmte, and the Whole Panorama of the War are here ihrtllln gly portrayed in a masterly manner, et (MCP historical and romantic ilidotingi it the How amide. unique, le,lllert sod 'dal& book thet tric • war has e lied forth. Ainuartaiefil as Well as Instruction may N Mond io every page, aa graphic detail, brilliant wit. end authentic history. are skilfully interwoven in ibis work of lilerery art • Soo/ fop circulars mot Pee Mg gem' lOW a fall deseriptkan Of the work. Address, 1071 . rit rlltYl I. tßswot.. Plillarlielphla, Pa, liottitty Li- lc AL NOTICES. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And fleterrb, treated witU the Olt Nucenn, by NAACO, It U., Oeuliel end Anrlel(fnttnerly of Ley. den, Nollend.) No, 31U PINE Iltrrrl, PNILAD'A,— Teillmonhtle, from the moo rethinlo home. In the City end Country ceo be torn nririefike. The med• lens faculty ern lurked In Nftottillalsy Bleb poli.mte, no be tine no arrrets In his 101411141 C ARTIFICIAL EVER, onsertud wilhuul MP. No charge log (Aril Flu ri TO EVnEztYiioPY. A ilfle 6 pp. Clreniar, giving information of tto , greatest importance to the young at both SPICA. it tverher how the homely may eremite brautifet, j the despised respected. sad the roomers loved. " No young holy or gentleman ationid foil to «pert ; their address, and receive a copy r e . hire MO. Mitres PO. Ora wet, 11, Troy, N. Y. Feb IT 147 ly K NOW Tll Y 1.; S I Y. Melons E. r. Thol'Man. the groat Loath+ A0t0,4 ogle, Clairvoyant and Poyehonour,,,,g, whu bus astonished the petrottfc clawFrs of Um Old World, tins now located horrid( nt Hodson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such Wonderful powers of sec ond sight , as to enable her to Impart knowledge o the greatest importanee to the single or married or ebbe, set. While in a state of 11,014.0, si,e deli otos the very features of the person you are to tent. ry, and by the aid of an inotruawatior intense pow. Or. known as the Nyehnieotrope, guarantees in pro. duce a life like picture of the future lotsband or wire of the applicant.togerber with doh• of o a tiningo, po• oition in life, lending traits of char4cfrr, Ace. This is no humbug, 8911101iwilids of tootinion,nlB ran as. spit. She will Fend when desired n eertified eertirl. cuts, eo written guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be, ity enelooina a small lurk of hair, and orating Waco of Writ, age. itiooromon unit cont• plezion.ned ebeltorog fifty cents and toolotb..leht , i4• ape 3,ktri,0,4 to )ourihuif you w,p receine the prc tore and iletOr , 4l itibouintami by nollri, mo t/ . Ail .rocredly roplboqtt.ot• Marv.. io dense. MADAME 11, F.TH4INNTErd. t. 11. Box ildtrou , o,N. V, IFeh h,7-I} A YOUNG L\l) BETUBNING To her country home, offer a poloorn of n few menthe in the City, was hardly recognised bV net ftlettils. Iu place of a memo.. Ostia tMvflrd face, she had it sat ruby completion n 1 Mumps marble smoothness, and instead of tueoty•lbree she realty appeared but eighteen. l'poti tnquiryaatothe motile of an great a change, she plaints , Odd them that she used the Circassian halm, nod ronpolered it an to. Voloolde arq•iistlion to any 1.1.1 y .. toilet. By its tsm Orly Lit.ly or 44 . 1111 ertmll elle , improve their personal appenranee no hoodsed foil, it it tinipio in its cote. bi l i t at eh . a. Nature herself Is simple, yet ed in its titirlicy to draw tog Minorities Cr no, also beallogideamtAlit and beatifying the skin and mom WeNI3II by Its di nett artleo rot the smith. it droo. from it all its imputitimo, kitolV th ,, " 4 ". and leasing the surface an Nature mu tided it should be, stem. silt. mouth and bettaltritt. It. sent by mutt or express. on rseeipt of an artier by W. la CLAIM & CO., rhelel4lll, Ni. 3 West Soyette Syracuse. N. V. The only American Agents for the Pale Or OW *IWO.. Lri It V 1 ty A IF LitTED! ta, siTrim No monE!! When by the use of UR . jt NVII.I.E . A ELIXIR you run br t tired pe t munent Iv. and at a tritilin,a tiOunt.hioa alleles* which has aitentt.l this itivithiable motto toe for l'hyAtrul tint! Net vow. I%i tlknrss, G,.h e rat Debility and Pro.trut ton, Loos of Viiivailar thiaraY impotency_ or no)* of the .-on aeque ores of youthful tuittorrPtion. t ;uteri it the iacrat Vollni 10. preparation ever diets % ere& It Nth retool , nil tierYtele rafeettotte, a t itreamion, excitement. turn parity Malady or 100.10 C.. Iran I,l * utr•uuna rrniagninO, I “1121110 or arif.aa s rro, rum, retire of inrantly t Ars, r. %tore the ppnetite. renew the Stealth of Ow who have ‘letdroyed it py selfeeld crass or evil prat tteett. Vomit: tort, be liontbodaed no Mare by •Ittaet: floctor*" and illtioraut prartionerd, but cr ud without delay for the Klixtr, and be at once raptured to !wait h and happtue.oa, A porpeet cure is goarantt in every 14Htittlee, Puke $l, or 1 urbolll 5 to on - ad. there, $3. Otte bottle is itribeitot to t &et a rare in 11:l ordinary rust rt. Also. Dr Juiuvilhi s Fperine Pilla, f,r the array and perntannot car.. of Gonorrhea, Gteet. Frelbtal lii4rltirtht, Gravel fltrietuto and all affectiona or the 'w h ey., and thrulder. t4tOrt.tii in front tine to fiVt. &Iva Tnev tiro oteoared from veeptulde ,l ta rr,o, h t nee h mho., on the o . 4teot and hover rtnrt L=ate itteetoittnett or in,preanatr the breath No Chant: 01 diet is 1014 , i...it( y white emit them our doe. their action ht any nrinn:r tat-o , ra with bunt• to , top pur,tita. Price per Citherof oho above meutiwo mutt liter rk tll he Aleut nay atdre,,, closely ...pale port paid, by maji or it prep* on receipt 1 f Adolreito all or der. to PIAUI It. sill Chemists, No les 1$ N. 2.q., TroY, N, I W* Wars Balsam of Wild Cherry For the rure of r,,uphs.eol4ll).!lourentom, tottoovrt, twup. Wtompitw, Cough. Uroart.ittf. I'rlaa:irhn~ln ,11 14 e 0 111 4 1 1 11(40 111 . Ate.) 6,r, 1 - 11101 pt.•hi rehooly t,4 too Noett low% o at, -1 io per fo , nii.o! too mortt good to Mai.. ii ilere.l4:ll4 14/#4l 111 -101114 101114 Phaotrate , I+o , of Pr , inr I it - A' tit/n . .4)11 in that it 111111114041t41111. it. )4411111111417 iu ,ttrout lan ma oa,l mate (howler. said 1:1,,t MI oho rotr.r from tho ahoy , toool , ', attar 114): 111, 1 , 4t 4 "1 lOLA tontoly. Pt Wow 11,14 moo (001101 It ppijOlltt'4ll to instlfe a iterfo I r0 , t,,r0,, toot to twolth. Turn MON V of 2011.1 W. WEAT Wihritt Pfc. Meviirv, W. Fos , . & floadort, winter of 145,4 1 w,o, mil, out or with It anirsrr `0,41f, i'o ll 4 in 1,4 side 1104 tmue., 0,14 ilrotter4litypreo aim) ni hp 1,114) yolv.ll tea 041 , 11l as rre,llli to ;114 , 14: I" II itnJ irlell o4 a• 1 0 the 1 , 0 4 111 11411 nit thi t tote I well ortionl log! , ly rer,inownhied roinedlios, with lint, or no good rxruit, and had root:holed to try the Igoe ora Phiallortt e!'l44tx Upon toy 1104 ft ; hot. on re,,rototom into ,44 . 1. I oat 0,1 by Iba imoria Soltrahliott of your flteot. Nit. 111101100 10 give Pr, Woonev Oa iniiin or Witt Choi , ry It trial I did so, ittl,; to foy ete4t jrl mediate and pertininia la r+'ii. (by the sow of only oft 4 WO I nt now in of 4 4 4.110 . 31 th 1 1 . 4 ever' , 1 6,4114ve plot' 114154131 Ow nt tho iienindirei, for Co't It , and all Lung HI 4efuo•tof, now and etni 04(.111100 , V) feenni Went! II 40 :344-11 Yourg.truly. rt, bared Py own! 1V r' owLK & 1„,,, q q,,, and for ruf , Ilroggi.to g , tvrally, A Positir IP Cure for Scrofula. to un tts mantr,,t t,rmo. J.W . lioriyott. F Q, of Parkerybure. Welt Ta., wyfing to to. hotter*. Jolt J. 1:431. Ao : •'I hod 3; Homing t=irrrw to Bent cotorn.ffired iak inst vow. Wine Water. uud om now (w orely cured ui tfitrotola." Dr, Auden*, lodine itattr is a rote Poi Moo of Wino. witlowt W *pity ot. the toast opytetttfl VtialiZing Agent and Reeturat ive Issuer n. Circulars floe. J. P. N SMOK FL Prep riPlur, 16 Dry Street, New York. Sold by oil Druggist*, January W. WWL*,-410. NottniEßN CENTRAL 1.12 411, Lra sec. 'ars DI It ECT notTE NORTH AND SOUTH nonigh between Butamore on,/ il„d ir ge r Without Change of Cara. H and after April :PM, 10670'B:ins Bill run O as Inflow. : • THAINs NORTHWARD. 603 4. N. leave Northumberland. stopping nt prin. deal PtiliPrilr, arriving nt Wililumpport, 140 4, it., Elmira tit UU pOOll, Vannuilnigea 3 IS r. N.. lirieh.p. 4 , 4 4, Buffalo it 13 r. r., Magma Palle I)00r.N. 4 43 r. N. IrolvN Northumberland, plopping at all et:ilium arriving at Williumepott, 01.1 r. N., EA. tuira II 03 r. Tkhns SOUTHWARD. 0 01 4, pc, lucre Northumberland. plopping at p r i n cipal elatione, arriving at Ifarrlpburgi :al kialtinkUflt tll 30 P. g, Phlla,lolol4 I 00 I 0 16 A, N. Nate Northumberland. atepping at all 'minim arriving In I I 111110hUrg. at I IS V. 34,, Ow. limnre 6 00 r. N.. 111114iirlphla 3 40 P. N. m r. N, More Noriliumberiand. ettipplill at all etationii, arriving at Harriebarg 0 30 P. o..Phllatiel: phis 1 IN A. AL. Isaltlinora 7 1111 a. tt. II 30 P. MI leave Northumberland, Popping al paineipol gallons, arriving at Ilarriebnrg 949 N. Bptluntoru7ollA. ,o l., Phil delphol7 VO 1.1, 3, M. 110 BARRY, N. el, yulln Owl Buy% IlarclOurg, h. 1140 . 1 Pan., Agent, Baltimore. UPI ISAAC M. NCH 31014110/IN. (IMO Western Proligh Agelit, 014410, N. Y. MO. s, NOTICE. The wend **Wooten of the Imo ptibger}ption the theamohoi went tortittoe vino due en tho Net of mintier 10~beite wilt rico me thy their retroactive whey% rod tthlthit t rartioc 0, 103 Plat Niteto Oct 0, OW. DR, J' . l a INA Ns. Pbyolelan and Surgeon, grAv loohltul ;term/ritually on 'Mein I II BLOOMSBURG. Pe., weo'd in foto the public / m oonily. that he is proctored to Wand to all buolnece WWI ? end punctually that may he Irortictod to MI care , on wrote COMMOSIO• rate witki tlat tunes. Err Ite pays #tria attention to dowry It wail er ittedtritie. N.,r,' , 13. I t 4 Cl, IV. STAYVith COTTMIII PRESS anti the printing ittaterisl sc. .1,4,1 4 w in; itsivitry Mum* 4,, 1,, pritithatisses% MAN q „, yty !rod elisapty. Thous t0.th , p1..1 ft Cultstrittflall thia II hot , It yeses 4,141 eon easily Nsil4,4 tll4 14. ii”ot 1.1 I ' rtgr!lettirri. SW Vert tltt i$„1:1$ Of) s , s4 r t., at.iar k with. $4O a 1.t,e3,i14 :.te.sol , s , 1 I flislstql. s $ Irt taut contain thet full tivr , tioloott, Wee.. eke fro° In , 11 411, t St - 4'llollg, Sfiexto r y 10 ,4 ,0114, f. Ceuta. p NTE 11 • ° 1.13 . .1b1S 1 EES:4 Cf :Verdi 13, 14.37-4 STOVES AND TI,NWARE, A. M. RUPERT, Anne+ann~r to leis mu iv faiante putt nour..roets tottieto shot he cow Huya the I,hova bitalaaaa at hi; old toltice of bit ttile.to nu MAIN h 1.003113. Ur Wt. nth ctiotomers not! oilers can will FANCY STOVES trlnda, I , ltnrepW are, awl et , ry nrthle found in all wolf rerulated *ri)ve . Atif TINWARE 1, r.TA111.1/0/A/LAT:i Itt the cities, nod nu the miu.t reuxonulde temp.. ppm:1114o, ItnoNo% and Ir.rua,, will hr put ' up nu slp , rl uurica, Al.u, all 'nolo of tuswriut: dutut uPn:: :Itural tema. Ile repo k4 , 0 1e on hand a larJe .apply of Milk ; a line am. I. , olueuit Fp.ner", I' trot I^el 4 •Sc an Pre. set 'dug litu, a Ufa i JO} IM 11 . VAL 01' FAMILY IL 1;10 41,1t1L,, Al' JOHN K. GIRTON'S STORE, GOlNtatilt O f TrSKA flo stil,wrritwr finv just returned from tho ots - tprn clue* IA lib a hinge uuri rboire bum* Ark.titits Grocerivei sand Dry-Goods, hich he tlfery to the (intent; of Ph (Inhabit,/ Phi virinity 04 tow as ran he had + , l Shy ti..414:1^ IS this se; 1,411 nt th, rflthlY. Rte vto of the beet variet;es of rfirunr., moLiaszt;t4, Prt: tn. (4,1 Oh, luoity.l 1 , 1:1Itt in their , mtnottO AND 01 . qt:a ru,Acti Lim AN ill tirt . CIILL6II. I ttAl. lr !ANSI:CD ()MS, etch h Islte h.potimllit 1.11, GOWN a n d Hosiery. Rill t affrty {roods of the above einem, owl 1.1 . ether hinds , In n , lii,tnin to which he has rltently whted At/ di a One alwroar nt of Ei E AND LI.Mt" IVA ; !twit vt.i,tv of gi win he has several new arlit s .4 soot, ru tot tly Sect %shot • IthOWll, and which mu,t eq,o • Into h*C. het , : I/ flat :414;,p1:, 01 . French Moroccoca and a? , O rrf Nt, , ,rwrn far tnifternaher'.4 *ark ; and a pod a.o.rtirto ISCC swa re Cali mid ..X.titl, Jotiv k N. C ,, Ttlet ref Main and Ural Strettl lirainftrag. N.w. 0, 14167. EX(IIANGE RESTAURANT Prosrist.r having reiovsted nail rutted Itu 1(En : 1%1l` t NT. in Ws. Viistsunt of tAa EXCHANGE ITOTEL, he wee*.l mast n^spurtfal?y' xniicit a rofttlft , l4oCP of OW 1 42f01,114V 1,1 icier 0/4 I , I.lollllt*lo, and mtnially in %Ile the htittilthil t,t IMW (Met , InLia telt , o/11041111 ax rollOW - 1111 I SI) Et I, 01 S cANNED ovsTEr z J riou. 'awe per week, II AM ANO 1101.01 INA, ke,w bt u Q I,` 0 S AND CIGARS. r opt, t. enn be varied up to vtitaluera at a moments notice, in VA IMOD* STYLES, STPAVEO, CHAFED. rill RtW tht.ta.nts of Ow WotoNbutl, Augu , t j . 1,!7 C. nowEil, 11/10 f pf•lttfoi et-4.0344 Fite“*. r ft CAP nt tht.m,i ,414‘ , 51 ,`” rf e,, L.41.1111C2. ttut .1", , k tx rt.itipoi.,4 or ;Ai" c. , ry late,t (Nor tr, tt,e :Ai.... t,tr Ito can ncnrutmn,taro .11.2 p , thite urn. fl/a),%4 bog 101,,ts and la cleN,p pre, M. fl rsill IMMO, MOP, men'', kip, doubt,* Rote, thq kid, i kp. glove kPd 11,,Inmpil wipoon'.4 and „bike kid Luring Worsion`k gh.v, ki d s, yr r' fine, W0111 , 1 . /1 lOW gnat mororen hn 1111111,414. WillneWS 111 , 11 . * 1110111VetI ri , lll VII If shoes, rfaiiiipoi Awe., 111111 chthi't+ Owes, woman' miseet`, onyip, and slippers. zi 41 , 41 vAIP.ty of .1D: 1 , CA Pi, AND sTs %%If Goons of tt , .ry kind. nt Ow thikeet pill=s, boat for emits awl I Ills Iy tenders, Poe Pv.ii,lier Iho mtrnet i , at iR in ^Ur 2te,t1.1. flphl tie aisrotrd at the cry tore.. but tall awl see tot 7nur-+eivrn ltespseifut4 . . 11. C. HOWER. Spilt, 1, t NEW ARRIVAL uF MILLINERY Atilt it l" FANCY GOCDSs AT*. LIGHT STRUT, COLUMBIA COM T. Vqte wanta J./4 , 1101,110v 1114 , m the eitiZeha Ai . Debt tnat Fhe bus jn-t retkirtted trnnt vulii • the B .4,,rimpni of roll and winter AND VANCV tiVii DS, well cnimilatt:4 to Wait thin trade. I.II)II,NETS mathe to tohtm, and rsuM , trts done with tte-ums. and drspatrh. AU Work ruesti,t in the bust uud must tasty 111111111),C, upuu ruasumatit. turwa Port tell lar attention is paid to dross matting. Shit has P vrEtuvs of every deserintiml pi , ttaiiiiiog to the trnav, un hand nod tor sate vitano. sill ftiom "pny neerial hilrflthlll to miflriM. living 9,044 time awl mmoy "Vali the nrt all itn she is enliti4elit in giving antirtnetion, ORE in Worthies littihi:ogn. Nnvamber d, 187• 428, HOOP SKIRTS. 628. WM, T. HOPKINS, "Our Orit Maks." After more than tine years experience and ether,. tiWtifillg'l , l the manufai taro of STRICTLY FIRST QUA IA Hoop sKIRIP, t‘tr.r oar Jaw), 'l ie• hotel meek to merchants and UM public to full confidence ai their eaperiority over ell there in that American market, tine they are fig acknowledged by MI who wear or deal In them ots they Rive more sat , Manton titan any other Skirl, and renounced them in every welter*, Dealers in Hoop Skirts 'Mould make a note of this fem. Every lady who had not given them a trial should do so upbeat farther delay. Mir assortment PrObfiletti every style, length and too tortatdies, Misses and Children, Also, IMMO MADE TO ORDER, althred and repaired. Ask On "Hopkins' ()wit Make,. and be not deeetir • ed. See that the hater "II" is leaven on the tapes between each hoop. and that they ant :damped T. HOPKINS, Manufacturer, tiltt Arch Street, Phtl4" dr Iphia," upon earn tape. No others are genuine. Also, eanststally on hand a fait line of good New tot k and Eastern Made Skirts, at very lois prices. Wholesale and Retail, At the PIMA PELPHIA 1100 P PKIRT MenePtetory end Empuriute, No, Uts Arch Pm& Phitedelphie. WM. Ti VUVIKINPI. Oct. In, 111117.-10mn. frilE COLT COLUMBIA HOUbb. MIL 'TWINER, Proprietor" Vat , to a anW Pt 4114 !ii.h• fitted pp rftir thagernmeati filitiMlo( tar Ifll , ollllllPllallt ip,aelaif V. 410104 Oa Mliilll o lrPet, a t. - kV demfok 4, Airt . ;,f", vt hat, 01 000'3 41 1 th. tloo6llWit It P l4 ltrihY I . 1 , 11 , UP 10AVIlk aal plealarit , Ipt SOO berg ',Pato lo b1.14.101a0414111a Oat part at wlrtoo *here tiw ttowlntv nt kag la WM/ 40110. Tity vlO4lllOO fatla iiiiildrut that hi ie. 01114(M*111 Itv., L.. 111 1 1 40 ,1 41 . 10 . * h" . LlhAt• , w , 44 .41,1, a ia.• 4fUlta Of 1,0111 , N!titlatiOW May 13, 20 Ann 'growl. PI LW 119 W r. cm+Low