''... ...iiimottaig--:).i7:-.'''.'iii. Mii VI M. U. J fgCOMIC, Editor. Wedneolny, Feb. 11,1111404 Democratic State Convention. IfAttantruno.' Jantory 18e,s, The Democratic StateCommittee of Penn e)iwania have fixed WE.DNESDAY, THE touttin DAY OF lens, at 12 o'clock st., us the time., and the 1611 of the Ilott.e . Itcprere.:entativec, et Harris burg, at , the dace, for holding the annual Couventien 43r the it is ordt rod that chz,... Coovtttion he coin pond of one metliher tor each Senator awl Reproentative, who.hall he elected in the trual manner mei thew will meet at the time and place aforerat,3, flee tho purl o•c Ot nominating. candidat for th e orrice. of Auditor elencral and ,!! in favor tleneral. of selecting Veleptee to the ( h coition tnr the nomination of eandlitite.-fu,i Prosidont avoi Vices he u t, The mintier- and eottimity ,, •l of the nr• gan agiut: ripi all va , on unite with lc, is II I' e , ao sti. tunas! • are i• (el to the election 4,r ti 4., 414 14 in their le rpective district, .11y order of the mneratio 4, , (` on• nottce. WILLIAM A.W G. 0. DrY Sc.. • . Chi IMPEACIIMENT , — , :qmiIy a;il Tne..td ty evening ' s d lily t 0 ,.!: ort a fl' ping on at ‘Va ‘l , :th t v : ity to imp:tali Poo : km. earls forming that I • , u.l and likeomtruoti sr) r •••; too Ltd n tothor stormy • • • •;'• : .:e : or illopeavit mont, and it r..t. • ot.. t -, • • the hislol -I,lt, si;tl, 2, ao • .; t • , t, !-, r :h . .: ' rho romm : rt • • o :,:• , :o o'; worit. ' o as tilt krt - Sd ' 1 1 :1 New l ' ork 11;‘,1 4 . 1 1 .•• co% • or Ilystat ; ,0 , . . :,o, D•nit I.;,• :St ! T . „ , Sterol, i I t ~"1 . • . V 1 .• favor of rty , -; :', • ~r i :4'110! , 41'1,.:. uf a fcat e 3'%1: ire the n 0 ,;,• sations. , t cea ay, !;H. and all the u• ok , • t 4• ,rig palled to toe ?.! z‘!. Ihe i- to u WiceL i it ta- , *: very ramill r ea:: eat. Pre,4lo, tinD lone, if h e plc ,e, I e his attt!torky , Chief f ti.t: - io t ; the rtu t;n:ler of h:4 .;t4t . •.; of ullieP, f , ae , ; 1„ T.:',oitition4Aa of t!, ~:e tiug i is i' • t:.1 1 • v 1, VI r . ; t , 1; se t • : t. : .. 11 vatita,4 , o!"1:.i,;• ••! •, - • :tr , _ I •-: that 1,.,t • • Up ti Ca - le 1 I :.t • • mutvlin: • r •••.1 /••,!•••, ; :• • t !.., ; Ito (troth! tht harp; •. I ' ' 1 • Guar • r t ~r 0q.20 111 a. , l r charactt r ro , : . one. tiro tho r , 3 1 ) ror Itre On Saturd ',cut ti .e er.i Ctedas of Coluruhia County v it: rpeo., their :es' e,,tivn t.,:cerh n dibtrict:, for tie , purpea,.• of checdog, by billet, I .••• gates in Convention on tit tollou M(}111b. at (;curt in 0. d to appoint atariao an.i Ccefer4e.4, dot:, to no o Code:nes LI: the .• r ', , nut:,-.a..: • t one Itepro.,..,:otife 1 : t• : In.l 'gate, to rvpre I'. • e . • Convention, : t! or Mar. 3 1, ,- „at. : the turps toe ards th, A • ii State ticker, : it. or General lorreror General. Our • • : ut ref theeehiation of tl • I,:nd o men hi the .::.. V, e. r.t thiK roue ), hut men nOrCe, C ;373, us in kil.tinu. thr I 1.1 ti -;r tl Con , thutin trod the :.C.l I ;it.. handed down to of byt!.. • , country. And to hr:ri •ot : ni ••• the firatgood t:..r .itr• i u L::: •t purl:R..lH at hon,:. ,r ..ar.rk, and wuk that we • :fro; rho right kiwi Qf I a., I:cier.tte our Cou:ey Co.l.e.tt:ua.. Taro to that is t Ao rve said hen fro it 1- th.a inlthvo.; upou our an 'AT • d Ten] A battle fir before :I, —the en s.ey are o:rea 1/ to ir r.hdinf tie itt da 011.40tt to moot and the victory h ,•I:t3 to be on the side of the 1110nr. CHANnE OF BASE.---In IS+i4, Charley Sumner, Ben Wade, Zuelialiaii Chandler, Henry Wilaon and other leal;n; "{miler jenatora addle-sad a t• rident Lincoln, with the view of inducing; him to make a Chang n in his C.ll.inet. Iu that communieuti they xti "The theory of our (;.ivcr,inittit., thy: early awl uniform prat titql con , trootio,, i 4 that the PraWent 411•411 Irair k I I .? rahinct agreeing with him in oldie larin , eiple anti general policy, alai Oka all inipot sant meamtreti awl alo tirthnvnts honk! he ttte re,ult of their aid deliberation." Now t tbev tame F,ll it=l:-.4 combine t o thrust upon PresidArt Am 3 Cakilil , iffeil 011 ,1 ,109 tl %Sit% Ai tom, h e rap hold to) c,Ailidt;triAl yr pemrad eon) tpubjeation withtia quitifying hith4elf in the e.5•.15,1 th 4 peopt”. . C'u • ;ftattas NI t. 1.1 IS Tito Senatorial Conferees fat Nortbmaerlatt 3101 1 tour, Columbia and Sullivan tlount;cs, aill meet St the Hotel of Charles Savage, in Dant ill. co Monday, February 24th, at I o'clock P. M., to menet a tiv!Opfe, to ro plastlit the Senatorial Ui£triot, comprising the almve courtriea in the 4th of :March Convention.— Yordiumbertarti runty Derrocrat r', , rT,ik.ii''i• - f:i -, z=ij General Omni is going under. Fi le bed faith toward the President In the 'Shinto!) aGir delighted his .amass add diegust4 hit frit. l ,,h; ; a n d hi . i 40114 vi talk about aiwthi l tur but len .es when 141 volitieftl 'AM, has reaultisl in finite; the mmi of all parties with distrupt tr• to his integrity. Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, who was one of tint prime num ers in the New York nomination, has reean• ted, and written a letter to Mr. A. T. Btew att, stating that he cannot support Grant, and assigns its a IVIVAuII his infidelity toward the President in the Stanton affair. Mr. Wendell Phillips, the "pioneer in the cat party," is also after !lotion! Grant with a rather low and ;sharp stick, whil.t not quite katistied with Itis soundnoss negro question, says : 'Tumors reach us from Wallington, coming from turroient and trustworthy sources, that Gen, Grant has teen sops unmistakably drunk in the street of that city within it kw weeks."--E, , (4,10,y, tt ftpi,r,v4ANr ProerrrT Attt.3lo. ;. fart,i42 , l Irmo thlt...6o%. , rtneeto rowe.are in amthiue bqt. S..er tar 41. i.rh4,04 term, th 4 lit , t :114 ninth: yet the daily roes ipt from t retet ool• tiaatnt t. , gr•or hc try little, if 3:sy. reAttetit.o io the yublie tir the e..ntr.try, it i,a—rq't.lth.o next ;,ozoiar , 4 0,0,...t1V0it!‘'11! will h.tw a eon iocro thereot. .N.4.-Aith.tatermg ti. to :rho= tr , g..lnt XI I mow.. :Iry kna ( . 4.:1,Z1: • tlik •• •ti •rt t!,; Vt:rt eit i t 1 0 olitjua. : ' . ;i, • 1.• It••• • •!. 11.! t•! . lA; , ,!t ala •e; t ha.) ver ri'l,-1 r 1r a, th • • 0, , u.' ki/NAA )11 v, '',„ • •; 4 the NIV tAsi •';DELI. —The S , llee”:.• .urt, in tln ci1,41 or the ‘ll,, of Lanonswr Smith. 7-!: a !.-.4 rm...e to i,h,ei.lo the 7lio 'le \fay reteiritt,' t !rlsin..b 4, wools, 3'1.1 counti...: to pay th,ve cloP ar : t,,..‘trity to ail veteran r,olkiiers uho hat rc an.l h.t.l en el t o any r NO: hai tiu m tb,.l,4,re the aty !t I err tti., • itaihorizei to b rbnOit. ity 4 , -ter to rek'....vr law, : . : 1/ ••1 V• : i• tiri# 0•1. 1 ` I , :rtn'i'ts;., • . 1 .4 y, Jul.f.• A n , . ; 'a. r the - 1' -It 0. a • • it ' I'• •••a l - th•• ;:t:th ;.„, • . , ;It; 1...i . V.”; State.. %Itlt rm , ..ta l ,t , tot - , p V.• . tVe' '•• I • I '.. • ip‘ CI- I to! to l: ,•L:, 3 to f• • II ilk , ' fact is, nothing of tiot 'J.:J. I (:F# 'Y in; iniatt3 on.: ;I',! astilwri • ty. ut:+l ;, y ;to tit: •lo Itto 1, ts, - to • i• to tin! party N‘l.:, r CY, 04,1, Wee hung ?be I/0 r I 1 •• !: • ~ t=x4u of CheYollllo l 4 • 4• ~m , i ry 01.1r!r r,cy iv cUrm';ay in Ow "a , : ,, •11 , 1:mt " m mat, I k, Vel cut - ti.i.4l. th.. Wttl :slv,o t thvir ,ert. Three or * h rotor "rut till'44l, 4 4.4* Wt 44. !'.ld- fit' the Chi 0 p•r;i( •,. 7).• • Ow f ' , •!ow , / c % •,:ito rrt dio:lw 11:e I:00 .V,4:•„ t...: 4 , 447 • 71:141i.,a1 11 , 1, 4 4. 441 s.he4l :-.te iictk 14131 t,yr c PAC' • 3 rvilhial owl L ! ; • ••••..... v , :ciol+oni , l to he c••0I•I Lot rid ttm get atliong Whitt wen iur hi , initials. 'filo tliLd ivzis a! Lo ft:l.'4i par. :>u. on out c't•rh. o tion wi'lt a lit:h. oirl. ciao ,IntiLelle , l.ol,...ive a New Enirlan.rtillatre. At tit , ewe the tokritc ueil fiend.: nod hh. cont.', marching along' willi.itoitN icon t iv. , du tod knee oh Ina too. prn ...wow ion i:, if he had be ti a white man he ivoni.l not I;•..itli Len in Fuili Loioi rotise .Dem',erut. TUE Hunt CAST. David Immisen, John .114 i don. jr., and Thomas S. Smith who we: e arrested on representations one { Lterr_:+rttt, :IS haying I ti eonneetedwits; the t.uppee Hinle, ut Copt. Tanenra, Satt3 !kill county. u-re on Moo ddy or hart acook, after thorough iutuatiga lien, :i.eharce.l. It I+ now well estaEished that a.: the stwiaa told by this roan who a 1 1 , 141E04.A hi r til , 4 W.' , r. DOW tVe, Pere lalnittations and told for the purpose of procuring mumty Crete the relit tires and friends of Capt. Rohrer. The vie lain has ken arrested and lodged in the Pottsville jail, charged with otdainins , money by Edse pretence=. Ile will a`,./ he made to suffer liar the : great done to the par ties whom lae caused to be imprisoned. The disappearance of Cwt. Rehrer is still a mys tery. An Act was !mute , ' hi the Sato Se; - a t o nn the 2stli of January erecting a new Judicial Kuria out of Lyegalitur (agility. to be called he 2uth. vote stood to to ; sji rim Democrat, Voting f or t h e bill an d eight Ilepultheans. At present, Montour, and Northumberland counties ectorion a Judicial Di,tria, ya cNi. rAnisoits, Mit, EDrroa.—Pursdent ttt enii the Co. 1 '444 Uf. l o ll tY rituals' Club met at Ehil, g " ttrytA, t 1868,e mooting *as AO to orier by Thos. rAing, sr. Ililtdeb Hinton wto eivoted idont, awl hot. ereveinz.Seem tftt y, pr tent, The committee Ist4 muting „ , reported the Domini: t ototi taunt : Sce. t. 'this Association %hull hi known trt the Columbia County Farmers' (lob, Ser. 2. Its object -hall he the nacelle,. meet of the ft ieneo of Agrieulture anti lb,p, titmlthre in the bounds of the enmity, Sce, 3. ItA tneothow , •itip atotikt, ammol member* paying au annual &oaf one dollar, and of hatowary member,. who Atoll cort 4 4 , to dy .n r dipititvoit..hod tow tits its lemma. , or fruit inlaying. The wives srf nwinh, , N .ball be toetobons withoot Metither.hip shall eotap with tho expiration of tho yamr tisr whiolt the lee was Paid. Sw, 4, 'lt. 01110eri slain eara.imt of a Pro. .itient. %leo :'re s ident, :4-erotary, irorre. , potaling Serratiry. stud Tren-twer ; ail or what:: he eleetell sit the regular Jaml. meeting:. and »erver until their Nucee4ors ore el ,, vied. atsd shall ean,titute the LAtt,ll - eatootittoo. Ylie ex.! *Wire eommittee irVe €4l3llSe tif atl thrf pruperty (*LI!, blvf. thaer to ell( meetings awl itteml to all executive limincss H): 0%140,1 Mr in the By-Laws eial vot , UI 11,. ChM, Sr.c. t. V.% 4 , 19 r 10•!;,. , fluillud by V:, - 7, TM , laity anion I natit ;my vi•. OP: Po ;41!•,.. ; j..p h3r. '!1 1.. ..t t!;,' pregetlM.! r.•. :11• , ;:;;;;; m r, 11,1 %%h. II :•••' Chili /I ' o . 'o'l'4 1 .' ‘ .. 1 • .1 • I! • • .•,r ts 4... 1 .4• 1 , It Irt I' . ~t , 'nett. 4're4. S•••,. • . . I I 1) ir • . I; •i ; I .• . .• 11... ; "I' l l" :I •'. i...t , .1% 1 t'. ti • th.`T.. t, 1,0 a tr;•,-.1 , ...13 Ott tho . . i 'II 1,1 : : I ii‘.:!1••• ::: Pendleton out* the Pir There ria•n, t tt,.u. r ).4 t tl.tt n nni N ati,, (;edit,,kt ers,l4 i j ,:trtre the tion:tlC,,nroa:_ion to the E•t.otTn ring ••1* ••;••111,11.. 1 tli.! , isorit', , !t! 141- tr,all;• of W 02.1 :, ). art!ut is, I I Now V rh 11 , ../ !. That ptoor, witi!etlal Intlr•w,.v ...I • tumpt 111.4 .I. l t le ,t the vitro ici-•.tion. 4 tits ,hr. i! , , the try,tittativo or rho, AVo • ••• tlto Pre-ia. rtrp w,tll a • . 1 . ..•,..,•,- n•.r.ta atilt lit ri.l y lIG • , 1 1..1 I'd IT the vonr• ortho /1./.4•/. n•ft kirk I,wt••t• e Ad4l ;. .111 • qt.-I' Irdd ,11.:••••1• .; t , tl• • • , .L; .o . •r 1:- •Ir.• •t. • • i 1%, • !' • • ". • ' ••• ,o 1 • • 11. •• ! :I I 11 , 1 .•'•• 1:t••1 tix:!1; I. I ' l I:14 Mit ti. f' • h*!:: 11U1 , .t }Sr, ,J 1 "1; f I••• :t 41:11,::. it 10,y 'Mr. Poi • tut tit lour .. `. •i• et/ 1 131/61-h/ tatl.er •• ;,1 the trtirt . . .‘.., • trit.',o :•y t•r 1,..1 1... • I : ! • the rtie rot tt ti i•-ro • of I CI :•• z!.., -itt• t 1 ,3 ti,' , ,••••t.,; titvi •I;• T.: :t .1 ttterxt arc. ' . . ', m,t 7 :l; .• !. ;.:• • ..• ry way 1.11 the ! a :41.•:1 ty I tin .t.•. 1! t toil' ny. .'• 01 . -11 i • .1, ! ( • • alp! •, • t. 41 e , 1 Ini th, : ; a • urn' n 1.1! azt.l ,11" in hiu fate •r ! •t! e i• its really tot t'o„ ,flthio. Th.• .11th, 1 , 0 , 1. • t ;•••n 1 •i• , l 1.;- 4u as the lat.! ! t o, • ,•I 1: • •; and •• „1.• • hire. inz. an 1 Vdo,o. v 10,+ i , itt 111:.• tslll. •...6 t 01i1.0 and tie!. neat N,irtlttv•••4. V, .111 1 1 , and lonnlrt .1, tit,' igh , r tll t 1... 1 0; ttnnwd. it evident that t 1:•• !wart 21r. ton. an I that . titis ;1 4 ,Itlitvapt3 1.3:30,C, L.-. r onbin,,th.ti id' Etotern bondholdt-trs and Linktri, ttithwit. es:tn.-Inc peril and a foarful i onpli ttition or our tt. fintllit troubles. Potvu•racy (ir the are new united , tiny hat,- not been for year-, in fat, , ,r of Mr. I telletnn, and if they do but. ine4er. , the vindlenee th a t should charaetrihte a free people in support of heir liberties and principles, as we Le rinstt they will, they ennlint he defoated either by the bonds of the Illithseltitrk or the nrehinatioty. Mane c oniflinat inn o f Wall street money dealers and political tritanw;J, lhc flh;11 c- l i vcs tounize ;, rm. the I.a&and flower 4 may a , . 1 "Mt,' to glaildon the lo arts of a I , oowc at ' Venn: moo ii&irtsatltl ii eattnot I,olie Tyranny must bo %onset] `Vitt FOR Ael lON trAS ( 1 M u iri, w ti i, Pre , hlont o 1 thu Cnito l State , , 1-N -!tut THE CoNsTrttrrtos Tho Supremo Court is still out court of lust peaceful re sort,—t boy lung be sustained l C,urpurs anti tionspitators most be met, it' not stleef44B* roily with ballots, fitful wrrn nt-tlr re! tAltanizt rott r trtmt r , tt,ntiLNlN Iteinoettit4 must he MEN, 11:4 AV oil ant Donn. (Int', and teve their eroottry crow anarchy, nnn 4" 0 "1 y fta! death' FItODI Watt14401.0:4, Pobrwtry 4? 7`11& Arr.s R. nvotton of Mr. Edwin IM, Stant.et to It romfriution Or yei.turally tbr conies o r all eorrespentlem between hintrelf" and the President relative to the limitation -of hisiStAtion'•o power tt $ et MY or War, rd 100: 'VIA and road t the ilousf 114- AfteinoOn. It, attracted vtirs Attliwral at en- Ooti, owing to the t' et that it wit, otoomiint. nieil by wok , ' of' all the eorresiaoplene e that passed between the Pre , idettt and lien. oral ;rlot, concerning the bortem conduct or the latter its ;+iirruncior3tlz. the War (Mee to Swoon. TIE 411111 1 10. 1 4:. riot Kt IN V N.,I4OATitoN Th olll ,u Cmitmittee thss morning took up the remintiou adopted by the Wouse the other day, tiireeting them to itrptire into the truth or the paragraph puh. rtAinni in the Er , hOr r 1:.-peass i of this fury, to the etTeet that "owo or tho Jte,tie e s of the Supreme Court bud tleelanal at a social gatherio•-• that tho vo.ealled reemettiption acts Wero 110011Stillitional, and that that Court would to thieile. The tomuntter md , reti that stthisetuts ho i4sue3 for several witnesses, among whom is the islitor of the Keprrts, who will appear on Friday illum ine; 11'01;t1 - 1.17, W:tt, , ;-- anti INleati.-4 Coointitt.', have -t., hold ev•mitor t-of,,itrt. in su,t,r • tie W'11( • `lento . •r4 think ILA tax bill cannot Ito complotod itt d well t h - ne k,;, Tice vrrtrt dint it smut* roporto,l in thr-to or non . soirtrltlo not appo3r to Ito null roan-led. 11XINti 4 ...1%W.:4 P0:41,t4 A ' , hi, • 1 into th, • c-ally, r. w, of Niutii..hut ohl ~tol to, proviliq 1,4 , r taxing roitv , t Statt ; iw6 1. , r.,•:ta. on and 3ltvr the Lira I.l' Joao next. riPitr B.RI ;`, Git {,N'T Tl, • I' rt ,, n , • 1 rhq) , .. bet:41.4.4 idcnt a wl 4 ;AKTII /4 1 ;,^ , -;4 r. 4 ;r tot. tit pt I.y Mr. I'.•!`,a: M. St..o! .11. • •;1! I,riw.ipal t•0,,1. , :! • eon• • .1:11. ;1 , 111;10k Ita•1 : riot , over.4' I:3'.•?t 1'; • ',l• tart 0..- 1: o 4; 1:':m ,:,- nom l'rc 1.1 , : IN•1144:710:4 • z- , •1:-. i r•lnoiu t . ,••t 1 1. out - I tl!t, i•4l. tlt .;;•,;.-••• 1,,,1'• t 1 1:• 1:1 a, in 1 1 :.• Tl , ipl 1;;-: ,t:t •t041 , :r 111, , o 1 . "I" Al t,rntr,v-t ,;.• t .%.1, 1 , 1 4 1 . :InI P .11 1 1;11%; rit.“ to," 3 1 !*3t33, )63 'it ro .0. ,:t,• 1 , 1'• ,• 114, ,tight 1.) e•Atttl.li , ll 1 , 11; ;•,,t -; in t. tit 01' IV Vfl TRtA , e * tl , l:t . 4,9 En ils 4 e•I11) . :01'1: '1 • • io • Caw •..1••liti r , prltt• ;•!.I\e}ll4lll . llt +••Xl• ••.1••• th , rOl . l - Zt tr! . th , " tli triCG ,lCt~ltH'ti' ...••••in•• .1 En. tho Itiri!e.l ;1'0.14- -•,1, 1• ...i•••• %vvr•• ri , lto 4 14 Li, 'ti t, . {l. A t%•.•11•111 i'•.‘ In. 1 1. :,Cry 1.••• 1. :vv.! • to. -,:•• :!,.• .!; ; i.:•; • •••• . !!'t :. ; • •,.• I t;t. • ,•;',.•:.• ...• • litt.r • " ,'t,. I 1.. r..• I u. iktiuY •••1 • l'i• '• - i. i , •••• . • 1' • •••• h•'`l'. : 4 • “. • !: • • •', :i• i.n 'll •M . 'i • a ~,r1 or ai4l tho i! un !!!,. •,•• r!1;.! .r.,. 11.1.1 t. t!p• —11.1.••• r, mu ! iut 1.4 , t1P. •.• 0,...41 :;.•• tilt! • • ; I,'•-1 lit,: Li. ,C:4l vn• ; . : • •117. il•!: , .1'11 trIN 111Lf.',t ,T,.t .0., 1..1 1:.;;to p.. ff. of ff.i. fo;•• ti.•! fry 1. M.•• iq of .ifo „,, 'Ol : II a ; -t..te {;-.1!0,1 Oaf: .•tria..f. - t!i • •of ;Iv , • fr ,, f •I; . dff tiof alpi• , •, of f , I I . ...I • ;, , •f• ; Ca. 111:' ,:EM' 7'.#x Imo omo u 11'ro7..”.ter Ik...qv to •• , • ~•1 „it!: • Way , . ;JO %lettn Contwit• •,• • . . They t.anto to the , tt u t t tits tasv , fl Too,ra. • • .botin be very newt) t, , ,novel, si • • • !is I • .1 • 1.4,11)e to retoitt fist +tit t: •t- ft• pf tit. , 10'0` , ..1it tX: I :.1 61 , number' 14' ittli.titti- ii tho lit 4.• t tt" it: I id: I ,, qp , totti tiwy aceortlintily re ti • y 4. * VI to counter:wt. 1 , 0 rifiN n!atc 1: Esittrit Con:rditteo mu 3.n on ttp , tr.inbitrati4on : , I*.Mr. to Chinn 1:11 thoy havo furthrr io'orruatinn to tiw cirrnor ,, ,tatoe, tindrr ‘s bleb Mr. I:Adinfmnic !,,ft his p., , t to go to ita• PEAO 1 whii If-aving th- 'Fp-A -ttry 114 , ortnit y e ,t oa l a y n ••. :a • from the graeit.. step leabittr tae rellTathar heavily 11V•ti, toe several st‘vere brtti• tba• Ile is not able to leave hi, roma lot ex: • ot , to be at the I), /tart [ilea to-ittor row. vet - !IV!: MAN:goN !wrack trittwber of visitors a t tlO Exemitivo Mao,inti thk M. tt hoot httd intertimm with the Pre,itletit. StYroar;e, Soward, Wpih, and Browning Were with the President this ufternth,n, relaitary 7 Tar, ;RANT ouutoca Thor.. were nn tp w e:opn,.= tourhit4 eolnot' .....I:en:ott, oflohtion afft.r.. the Pe .i. and h. "rntio,b l4 l4te th NEh t , t . I) artont iv of 'ht, g " eiliMent iv ex neet. i t- to •;- tr'sht . .te tor ita,4 v , t • •I: , • . t. 0 40$ it tsiav i't' t. 4.1 ' /: 1. Tho ..,i. ; t e 13,4thi, 1 8 , (.IN'iart. 111. ClO , O h. ,1110 0111thm h room tlt ofrPrt , 0 f 3 011 th Trea-ttry ,tops, Atilt. UM; Trvi jj tly tWFfC HILL The ;.'ensite that flew are quite a lar.t ,, etas of ellitials reached by the tentiromr office law, passed an amendment to-day to that inlinnons act. which turns all the atPititti of the se veral executive ihmartmeots tat of otlt * in thirty days., and nainires their augeesimrs to be nominate ! ! y the P,.. ',lard, an I con firmed by trio r nsrte. The next thing will t . be the en:lemma nt 14.1 riaintring an the clerks and mes.eneers the Department to be nuotirtned hv that mitt uFt (P) tOlYi Whet* they not. his I , ,Tinitt draw I.goo per oa. Wronmug sltiap e—elethrle*Thmidotres." ~ The I.:(mutit Committee in Territories tifi 0 nix ',A to ritort, ftiv ,, ratiV itpnti the lot Ike whiii—ion or - Tolortnio into t Aton,,which, it will bi- - -rebiettibonnl, . .. ponsettlni4-lil vet0444:411.-PilisiOeni Vonhoints. Two rolitiml "ii , lei nhrers- skyline. ill etIINO I vt , , , Srli I f /PIS ( led from t Ito Territory, urn here mom; initimiliate uction upon thi• hill. NEU Ain EUTISIMEN iIItIIEKS 51111 PIANTIMS. The eubecribete ore, for sale, le Intl 10 Nei* per- WWI TONA ttV DOVOLE It REMIT) PoVORETTE or ihn loon 313 " 414 c 01, Co.! tnnds tram Ihl Wahl pop 6hititi."3ffi4 deed anomie of 'Vow York ow. for %Ind the fro. iltlire exelitvlvc enntrnet Ptitn only TWENTY-Et VE DOLLARS PER TON, rrPight and chary* fv.in Now York a4,1«,1 Watraittel by tt H iNt. t( be ego ti s att tit r s , to 3ity bith priced oct . terptt 0 4 0, 0' tA , I. reeotta ol rote. tlottott, Tok.teeo ittt4 fitttii httyp tiftltti titottttilihttll the part 61 , 44ttit. It .Itt tt 111 , ` crap (1/ , 11 HI thlytt t.. ter arch. t . .ttltt , r, Witt dttottle,4 '1 0 1 ) P*.ittillittt V4llll cett,tin of of sr.!, loom, p 11111 1 ,14 NMI fttrtn , atr, MO ovr.y Matttfit. Itt ttt if , tftt.l any one Itltt,tyttt,t l,y lett , / or whet able. la Or Irr tltn I.trdt M 01 , ti to I , e , a 4444, : purti,lcsALE '1 1 1 4 ' , 4.1 4 4444. 4 4 0. 4 4 444.. 4' 4 3 ,4 . • ••, • r •• • I 14454, 444..411. 'trirl 11V.t.r. I ••• . 14y, 10 440 114 • • • • 4 r . 40, 4 , l rev o 4 11016 , flo V , 141 .1" •••• . 1 414• 4 '0, '4 ONE TllltEilllNO MACHINkI I I dill, I Cm 14 , ,vv.i, 4';' , lwon 1 'VT flovey. 1 or , i , Tv, t”1- Sk.l, "fie Vora VIII Iler, I PA( E.wr flora" Ita,!.• 1,1 , 1dr, COW,. r g t4,,st C 41 1 1112 It s,tt SPIS Tt1e.11h(11 , .,, 11 , 10.1 , th,g3y rt.o4 A. c.. Mc. AI., a ur,aatirr tlti{,l' 44'4 to << },, , t‘t ad.te.s sub, 1,, corp,wil• est to k , A. hen ewnio time n gat t. 140.1. Avn by the ntolrt..yt.f-i %VI (AAA 12 t't.re'r J, OIV 4301.0, AUCIICmnur lIIIEEIE PROSPLCrt S OE THE IGC ran 14444, A 14 .It , ,, , Lvrtc Y AN ir WtT: 7 l3Fit NA: IN PWA, The attenfmn of the, - ...tr.:tatie an I ';` , 'ott. ~ ,ervat Iv, the country called to the ihtity and NVeekly h•;iutt , to* this widely circulated . , jonrual. The di.—entination of nnnd imhti. al drtcarit. PLOklia , 0111111:41,1 the attention of every Lim , friend of the Vitit;tl awl the Ctnt , titution. The evt nt • of the past Ito:hit-41 year t .. rod; • tn..... The uprt,ing tle 11c , 41'.• iii 1-iii,lll to the d ~t rimtive policy of lad -1 ttly -imws that the hvot., are ( 1.. h: r:011.• tt, to power the I.t r i• tarty, et: r; vottv ;m.0. , I hi- oy i • Ili!. with t tot :dory and, pro , perit:, F .ntr ometry. .No mitre effeemal lire eating the Truth can he de. I %1.e.!, titan m circulating I)en t oora t ie jetty . I , the (.1 . the Pr-ri,tors • t THY ..I'dl make it, in t . vetY way worthy. the ; "et and conFtlt ur that , have itt retohtt- tele I to. it. Im. qro o ry • !‘' Pattni . ' 0 * 'al will he spared tit keep . .• the !cam. I..nk rAnter ieln iottrtrthstt). imLy ell r elattain- t . ..eATE...4r VKI.I ftENCE FROA E, ' wottfo, with article; on t ;oyernmeat, Port , t Cnettre, and all th : e q t r tu t t!„„ , 11.17 LOOll,l ket'lligen!.'. HO , -•• lar;tle Cot:tape-oil; • • . ;;e; Vehtto i;e , . et' Lit e .ottc-.. .1r: mg . sdatmm, en 1 di•cm;-Mn ..e • r le.: ii lit, :at de,t;amhe , of 11! 1- to iatt'el fr(dn every t „r.h, the .1.,-orittel Pre, dc , ple re. • .-eivc.l Atlatoi- and +he new. , , front All ! Mt.. of Etiro r o 1 r ,, tl by toe ! a.oem, I itt-tanOt. 11,1 front , whatever t i iut the -tmer , (o%' h. Thv ¶i cefk r( will he a complete • , tai tm of the n , w, t.f the week, and thet;• from the tily. ;;; hir, , . of int. rc-ting omtmr tt-,;.re. , dt. Ay the weekly i-„no. It will hi in all relt-ef: first t , artiellarly mtatito , l to the the Parana the :11erAant. !'..;R• 4. ye tr ht fh =OE tlei catoiiy the Gen .-re! ileadoe, foot s every eharv• t.•ri • of a eve th er-tetta...r. %•!!! ! •4 11.1 rati)rl7.dy • .. - t• tit' the toiet pototivir im I fie, !;:s, ait I it is a!so the ir,tcntion • • r e' :;•h. l'reat wet.k t week, in the eour-e •ii":!i: ;,•ear, three er friir er the I.,•st and I,ov n•Ae!.. Ififths THE ?)AIL".- orp year, sl,tutt AN, mom h 4, $4.r„ , • three nit ott'lN, i1i;2.50: for wry rtt the rate tit' one dollar per month. /11,0400 air tly Post axe on th, htiity, thit veots per, Inarter, or one dollar and twenty 4, , nt, per atinotn, to he prt paid at at the , olit t• ofdelirery, Imtm • or 'rim it EfiLLY. copy. one p'ar, ; lica, copies, one year, $9: ten c,440 , 4 on • vt , ar. $l7 :at 'e ; twenty cop •,• - • T• t • 4 ,, -, t h, 4;o ‘ t.i • relo lice en t ries one year, ; e o pi es , one year, e,pes, one year, c 01. A copy will he forttb•hed //rot'' , liar each dob or ten, or tote•e. to one f ehh.,, t;,r eme year. i'og nif it( 4 o'pr , ,, , ' , 4, l ;, trr r . ~ rr;a.~ ^ .1 ) 04_ ago on the Wf ekly, 'lke cents per quarter, or trit Illy vent 4 per annum. to be prepain at di, efli,e of delivery. 4.,•,,- ) • , • The above tertos will he I igidly ad hered to. Drafts on Philad e lphia, or Post ! office order, payable to the orders or the Publishers, being safer, 9.6.4.• preferable to any other mode of renittanc... All who ,:end moray by Express, muck pre-pay Exprt•os eharti.e-4. Specimen copies of the llhttly and Weekly sent gratis, en appliea ti.--1; at this ofhee. Advertisements inserted at ni•eq•rate Address iII I LKIII & RORIE 4:totite , tont St.. Phila. 11.41610 4 toN IiII:IIIIAL MANURES . iirtnatinei. to Wow,* and drat. to to rertil , here. that the following 'wires have been adlopled for t h e prn>ent i.ptitig AtNti,oll BAr6ll'ol ei!trACO 111.0nIt hi trNt'ltt:. Price. Sao per LOO lire. —re r"..... \\ ~,,1 ;tt. r . r , ,7 3 4 , 1 : k ‘ i t t . r: l o i :I , Jr 1 ., ,, , n ,, , , i if‘ADE MARK ~,..., rt . ery package of the above rourruree. r .. 'llor WO' estimation in I,r/ v ' , ' which 0.1141 e. 'herrn ht 4 1t mites huts herrn held. der• inn fourteen ~sure pir.t, we r omit fully miotaili in the 1.7. , 1 future. Ihrtrinn now the en. tiro control of the swat ro. ott . tats tit) , Chsengo. fir ft asts' tg Am "),"3 and PhOOPhat 4. POMO' nturr.rink viZ Di Vs! Flesh. Mood, we hive, in connortion with ma work% in Philodolphia the toe" f"0"0* Ibr furnishing throw Manures, at the bloom too Piles pAursil a. MONK. Philadelphia. Nrshall-W ESTER& tocoritAZlNG CO., l'hirtp. JOB% RALSTON & ('O, Gen', AO*. Now 'Pink. GllolOttl W. KINKK & 0. it Poston. GLOM: MUITIALE, Whamle Aloft. ponmore rOr 411 info/11 1 1111M% hilopPrtillt the ve Ituriur, , i 444,00.0•1ither nr the ahoy: - ht..i.f,A. „Inn , mry VI. 1.417 In 001.01tA + , A+ Inevoi,Lu bi 4 PHlllif 1 ;. f',Tl ItEVOLIINI; RAW PONE ptiospilATE troo pry 1,000 Ihs UM, CHIC AGO lIONI rnturiuzEn Price, $4l; per I,itlO COVIRT ADVERTISE:3IE3MS. _JURORS FOR COI iltT PIXAS, -WEB ARV )1.t,. sionni..;;Jklanig it. W oratilT••••wv.r. likporr. Jahr, )4privittra.,J. , .l , l , glare %V. lift, Olto14) IC !. o.4,4l44lRWulluNte. Larvik Votiot tteithp.....04144* , 440140 11.. it. 4*- I`mornitturn--1)3014,1 I VlrKietorm, Pi ohl Nek— tir,ot , TIMM so J . lina Prouklin—ftinuOilsoven , l4 lii A ryt, , ,,To..lmosi t 4 ii 31104 W, 114,r, Lu , tt t t rett,ructo, 14-a 1.1) , f A root Mtvll4 , lo- 40.401 7,, , 1 4 +ff, Rd at A ltiod Vr. ter4, Ellt4l h. I' ;t, Onitig”—John With. Niva—i.ntbcr A, tarsals, •Th t,•tt.ik bet., ztrutt -JalWor Lahr. TUA .11 . 11()P.A. FEB TEIt.M, e Mooisi—John wrol h. •lby. ri,toon—iNrvln M4swro. i'vntr , t--Aarott Volimnr, rac3wl4.4 , t, , orge falPplf, 4:vahk, flora-,t.,septs 14, b.,. rjohtiUrryrk -.1311Ws P. 41, El. I, 1:8 lee St. riltilkll.l-I.VIIIIIIOI, Re44lblf 4), Ure.qt ...4-41.41,2.1 ft (444 , oy. N.Cri,11,14 Kthdt. J“fit l JoArkoon-Johil.) Magdwy, team -117.1.1441 tiq Mtviton -Rob , rt Wel v..r. - Jahn F Pf .0.-0/r, lantllfe W. A 7. V ., ' 11' * l , I. WO, la. 11 , 1 , 01WYPOIC fr., • ‘,0,,g0 •:• •,!k, AlOll- '-f4,T. OM I I, r . v ' . A ', 1.. th , s, • • • r 1 • • II I tl, 1 1, .';1.1: .! ;- - I Y, , 2 • 3 W , PPPft, A 14 * , ..14 • 4 t''.'Mf bi,ot v • ', , y.!• 101.0VIR .111,•22., ' •.• P1 2 2 . 11Pt9 r.. 1224 r. r yl•of • . 7 W 4 ,2001 ft, " fwi 14 *PIP?• ' Of - 124 - r• 4 ,L*lirr Irequil.y L 1 •*.. vr, .4**J 1 • . • * 19 COPO #:, • • • II V% 1,/ Pr, • ..., 1 ..•. r •. • nig %;• • •;, • • N i• • . ••• N • 14 I` , 1••• lor • • •. , t v. 1.4 •r..• • r h. V It. I. •2.1 •• • .1••.1 . 1 1 2•. I; ,P.pu1..21 L t rL 0r1,1v,41 Art, I.* t WtllttAl Irt.t rv • 1•4*.1.,,,..t" , I si • Ismss C., EU , 4 . 4 0 4414. V., • • , 1 1 1 55i1 .44 . ths Drown t o p s ,/ I,tino r v.. I•tav I J.t.:44 llvot*t. urn yr 111 , 111, 11 !Witt L' I.voLy 1,.11.1* 1111 t'•.llt 1211 . • y 0911 MO , ttl, V 1.1 .41 v... vieDlie 11t t, • J. Ilial*Lui vv. 11. t rt - I! ,rtat. tfenry hlopp • Vt'llhatil I hiri. vs. VS.itiSt 4 . rts4, • 1 4 .V141 Ilrirlg ve 11/221•11/ t 12.40,112., 31 Jon. tJmrpnr v, I) t 2.1.1 ,11 Mary Metsp,rty vs Hobert tr. 11, dr c**, .13 Jlovph Ws. L*** rLitrut.l Ji.r,Ect; t;.'y glom•b:nr, vtt. ehßadriphla Rail Read. ESTER TAUf..r. mitorc 11 As1:0 Pl4t3Cr noun: nr.f.'W LI"; 1,!4'1 rIII,A, 4ALTIIPtItr, 1/1 Kt: 4 .4Tel, tvt ,11.,1::tit't t, Gin; otiz. Or YES V= I'l.l AN lA. ELEGANT 0413:EVING t APP: t tf) ItO Nt„lst Tr—ilo .ift4 r 50'0;11 14. %EN t'Ailst*,l4 I .7 r‘ , l ta ., '/Tt itsii/ G.i Vol. l ran it 1.04 . VVAT'S' AIL TRW; arrive Etta 9 U.l, rn. 4:1413 rli., t!A , 4,l') ,rivr rf 111 , y a. us MAIL ivavr.ls P110,4..40:11 V 1 4 rt Spolt'eutriv•V c1..1 4 arriVo 4 114,3 7 43 e ai K.lBr tV t R I). II tit. TR rst S; m .• N. Of. ! .'! ,•• p h , 7 p EI.41:11.1 4.1 a. I. At* 2, ,, e 7 '" 4 ni! Hi .4 41 1.1 , Waif and V. tr.:,nt • 1 • 4•%1.14 EE AMA% • p rh.pHotph,4 ILI .Nt. 44414 WI. 4. 4' 3 tom, t•tt4 00 '0 IrtO,ltta rt•li , t4 , :pititi....l r. NI . 4.4 O it 4 tl.t p tr • rni 44'441... & rtnn%l'o 14014 ay ';,'" I+ . .t. CO(' ht In! Oily ••••.• I • , • cm. A. r. MLR, ti , !yr..iMki,•": 11, I :In P.C. I.v LW SI t. AND . TIN SH OP. 1 lV I. V , nr.A nr:01 , 4 jiff, tsl S 1.14 14: v , l • - % Tina; AN r) 114) 11 , 33 OW; 13 3 **.t , 330 3i . 1 ,, , , 13 , 31 3: . t.1 up 3333'''t El: %33 ra 333; 3 pa r.• `, ,• 3 3 , 3 r. 3,3. 3, it., ',IA '3 333 t ‘3031 tit t,33, 1,3 • 1:10•33 rfa .0131333.3.....• II • . 33, , • •pt STI C,S at v4;1".0 , Pctrr ,, ;I'4 ; sets up3ll term I, itt 1,:f333: .R, tk */. P, VI! lied de 4ef% Ma Of ii $1.014. 1. t . ry AOA i NDA it AP )fl'S "NOTICE 11101.6 tr.! :2 , I On the o ^l. W. tYttrk 14! , Mribt•WIr VOW ' r Omni'', it. ry3,.s have been gr fro. , •d t " 8 ,04 t0.t 1 07, , tO tOuttu - t, lo itt AA I.+ h4vtoit (1,41:40 1.1J..011t t tats of ih,...iore.klt krY P . 1 , 1..1t , 11 to 1•• k!l.•:tt to tt••• 440.14.1.tr0t0r for .CW1..101111 h,A thou 111100 , 4 to I tit , r,...tltte Win •r.' p1V141,411 J. st. %lAN, . Catawisoa, Jar. r. wx. e. izzl“ztv, Riablished 1820. G. W. CARI'ENTER, HENtiZEI & CO. oIiVtiGIUY 731 :Wont} .r ;51. onn do , r vtk. riT4A.ARLV:I;A• 1.1(t'138, AWDICINI , O I , timmic 4,1,0 PAINTS Alec IMILS, itta