MC LOCAL ,IMP,A,RiIiZNT. Wedue.thiy, hut. $111,115410. towNitt CoryesTiom. .ritt DP Mee/4M* VOtettr ' of ti.e several 1.1 'kV% in county PM relocated to ti set tit the Uutialpltuse of holding the gene• nil sp,•4l, end township elections, on Bat• t,tclav the I!th of Navvy, WS, between Ile !WWI of 3 gild 7 o'clock in the after• t,..,en of that day, and elect by ballot two Hon( to tvpreient the Markt in a Comity l'Avontion to be held at the Court How it►Sinentsburg on Monday, Fubrnnty 17, tit 12 o'clock, noon ; to ticket two Seontor; Cett&reea and two Reprecentativo Con l'etent t.. 3 meet tdmilar Confereo, flout the oda.r countieq of the District to agree upon k Senatorial Delegate to repreont the County is a StateSonvotion to bu held at liarri•e Lee Mora 4. 13ES ; to nowiliato a Slate ticket and 1100 , 40tui the SAtjawil 1./utuo. ~retie.Coucettbon agreeably to the mike of the State Central Committee. By urdtr of the Committee. J. G. FREEZE, Chairman. tt. lt. MCHENRY, J. C. WENNER. I}. W. UT% .1. I), MILLArtn, E. J. ALBERT.ittN, J. I'. HANNON. ter lion. 1:44;:s Moctir, M. C., lens ur thanks ta puhhit dommenfs. C Rarkloy, Cunoty Sup( !intend. Itt th:tvvrt,i an oduontion.xl addrtiar at Iset Wisincaday tvenlng. Itoient vuow fa on I ,slnnltx lag t.. level up the rough cover the bare and itnpr.,ve the tleighitig geuertilly. ifkir Attentik.n i dirt:to,l w flit new al' rti4 inuits in this PI:3IOCRAT. n, rsyi iee what our 1, , T1,i have to t,tfcr. titxr Stfv,,,a,C• zlhire ha+ hid aIA of },rlittive Wht , h he v6ll E4'll (,),+:31) i+ in, A II- 11.€4,. We haNt. sr Ver3i potiol tifu.jom i. awl n the uutliorgico us his w.ll nal tor thtui in the Nt%: , I:Nr I=ll nalk, tNIIS 1'4t31.Y. triTtl 4IA rt);32l ftir Atm! suit3l , le , for isn uffinc , , tailor 01 , 1 , , Tit( On the t...) , ..04 rust e4l !icor or lu.o 4,:'!;1 iu tl,i4 Pc) \V 1.1 , 1110 . r u 4 j u.1.1..rn an} vi , iriity Dr.. 411tming brktk ti ,trt ctu I3u khott Thy are CI Lc in St , ' Lutheran t ttvit pl.wo 'ft niunLt, r 111 w-11 known enr 6,n7en4, them., f l ou t th e t „r. liou4o one 44„ Il e xa< v etv ,n Mr J. t, Stolury IM=Ol u. l s.r. —lle knrn thit B Tee, t St. -/ ri %,Liltl w. rkinx rho -4. The in , nie 1.0.4 n twti,4l, to,it 1.1.4 :044 to u.e it,at turn - - lap U4,1.-.A111,.. IN rxt tA..i.tNtA , to:lAtnr.p., 2.uople "7, I In.: ;au t year . Feretni lon x4,,1 0144 yet let akta. any Ntkl!ation what finer 1.1 ehc p Sri !On,' tit.r.. S., por , t .ti Lt - stool tote lint Lod (riutpie ImaNwthi a F 1,070 ”f the editor •1' the 11‘ k t;a»rt.c fiat fall and hat not t rpturt...A thouid like to know .4 hat 1 . n , in4ss u printer Las to own avlioven t:usus the feitho had Lttt=>r Lop it. I.llThr, of reotOn. 1.34 utdiaq.ta the .. Walhut Ituter' property, - 'vi ate' in Light StriA.t, for. 2.31:#:t 0). TM. rail . ' it tic int} gaild, anl Mr. S. will m.d.o. a an.l uimAtinolating 1“n1 Sa,:o.-; t 0 hire. JatiZsoN, ortlw Pthtc `twat!, and CAPT. TITOIAS CIIALLANT, of llvu.wof ltepr, , .. ait2 C.esm; azetqlt our thrtn't, f:r Exports from the mneral Po partineut4. /,),,or ; , ;e C. C. Mor a call, if 3ou &sire 5 avail cheq) gra;eiles. Ile ks j:et d s I , t 4 fre , h gro ,, eries and invites is tfilia arae. (live him a trill!, aur tarlow that 3 - at win tit. F inhabituntd or this ,•"oity 1,41 retwouher A. L. Fos. foals of thhi county, who died • inst., at Hekley, boar Mauch in the 70th year of I& age, steornd by zit who knew Oa ~~au ~`~ an~~ htu, ~. • tne , l that the wog ex. ~l ie school house in Clr R erected t t routt4in etir, at a cost of over elhillition of the tef " EIM EMT IT 'y •.:). • t lid J . It is y t JiititA~ thy, Th 011: ' ad 2 i ) re mu e CM volt a 'rratutlk;`?`' ME if 'fhe. ber. This is n cheap $2.00 it yetr.-tren worth the subsertytiett. Soitistpl fat it At aineetiop At itrlt-Iteldere of the First National Bank of UmW4, ToostioY, January 14, the following tamed igentlrtorn were rhosen &news fur the manna M. W. 4111060% Jcaw Ilowntan. A It M. E. Jackson, Fmk EVIMS W. 11. Wo. in 41 It Fowler and 9.11. Boum:II 'M. W. Jackson wa- P• .••• I• • • B. If. Davis appointe , i r t hip.. . (Amite. Panama Mtatata,—On No ;3. 3 morning eb a (ye 1.4( the Neph Kline, of Selinqtrove, Soy.ler 'owe ortot run over by the down Expreot trl'a Wattaintownotnd horribly notneled. It i thought he had been thundered and the body laid on the emelt. The remains were taken to Stdittalinve, on the 10.25 triitt, on the P3llle 111011111112% lie leaves a ilitoily.--Ssot bury Sentiutt Flux—The dwelling Howe or Anthony Foust, Washingtonville. was burned on Len Sanday. Mr. V. we learn will absent at Lite tiute. The entire building, and noa:'y all its (a - intents. together with a small groin house nu: sled, containing a quantil v wheat were consumed, and in additiim P" the alithn, several hundred dollars in trop! silver and greenimeks. No insurunee. Dandle hitriligtmerr. 1.004 t. Parrni4,----There are many per sons who either take no paper at all, or elke tike one from a distaut city. and when they triA to see what i 9 transpiring in their own n tighten hood, they bog or steal the r o yal pa. per from acme citizen more liberal than them elves. Many men of this kind are engaged in tordnesq and freqnently grittlible bee .11 e poople do nut patrenize home intitt» try alien they practice the very thieg of which they complain. "Mt ill4At It ILL We learn that information 111. I.)T.ll.rived relatitc to the tuPtetikm- 4i*:tillnarance or Mr. iinEtti it, an aged an i rt-ptet, eitiwo tit 17- , 1 kill county. lie t trnnthB. A tot:iC • made upon th alleges to have • • .. , : to put this unro.tni: • : r u , - way." Diligent search • - bfoin, th body, whieh said, to h a v, into a shaft, full of water. It ;" whole twitter will be ferreted out n 1 , lie guilty partie.reeeire puniAttnent to the furl extent or thr taw. native by the S 'nate proecolinv that lion. fleet. 1). JAI .H. , ..;0N, Senator from this Di-triet, has presorted petitions from eitir,eni of Poll- Berwiek. Benton, Franklin, theen trod, !lumina. and Soot town.hiy, this eouuty. a.king th,lt the ismple el this Uot monwe.ilth may he allowed to .tote on the qin.stion of — lkcitie or no "license." ter tl.e -ale of i,itr)xislititis.: drink a be% vtatte We al-o nota , . that Mr. CIIALrANTII , .., le several pntithm. of iike imp C4tt.rittti.% Cot - NTV ----We are itnlebtel ! . our Menibor for a copy of the Atalitor Geo- Brat rrport tur th- year en :ing Not etob, , , , 1, 17 , 07, The whole retTlllle of the stile re," the fi , eal year teas $2 , ...423.3.4. To. Or chi:4 inn mut Columbia County pail. 1111 1% aunt per,mial estate. 1,122 , 42. The amount of tax paid, iuto the Stive Traa w ; !mut thit C,...ualty, tin lieeti.,es„ :: 7, toeks, im:lttilittif that on real en 1 vermitial e,tate, lb $13,907.15. '4 inakc.l , olllo bait exhibitions, el,eeinll„ tha - of the Investigating Com toitteeN which w kAaritited by the telblature of I ,•.•417. FATAL Aorl'llit"NT.—Az.on of Dithiei Pat- BA met with ac neei.lent on Frilly l:e near Ittiokhorn, n bile on the road milling. to this with a tour-horse load of ore. 1k at ' tempted to get cn the saddle hone while go t in,7, ttiiic the boy slipped and MI, the front wheel tiasking upon his body. The team ' stopping at the boy's call, the wheel did nut pa-s off the holy, but remained on the yew- tnan's breast s ome fifteen minutes or ;• . . more, until h i s ales brought geveral persons to the spot. I t was with difficulty that four persons icuteved the weight, so heavily was the wagon loaded. Ile li.ttgered under to extreme suffering until 3londay morning last. Ile was about 20 years of age. DISTRESSINti ACCIDENT.—We learn from the ,)Ittney Lunthutry, that a most ing aeeident occurred near Eli import, ir I hi , county, on Friday lam. Mr. Sunny" Mit rich, aged about 24i years, s o n oP .bse r i. ' , Mirk'', wail instantly killyd by the break ing or "bursting,' of a saw with which be was sawing wood by Nrse. lowa. A ' , Mee of the Haw cut hint through, eummotwing at the neck uud parsing down through the breast and blteic heady or quite to the wait. Mr. Deitrielt is said to have been a hard narking, industrious man, and much sym pathy is felt for his sa I fate. AVL dirty sp. 4i.` to ?be ad vertisement cf T. • • i p goads, which he is •:.. Ile is disposing of his large •• • • • •• prices, preparatcry to • .11: first or April, to give room ror the el. Nrge hrick block which is in contemplation by the Market Street Improvement Compa ny. Mr. Stmirmas has a very thut assort ment of dry goods, notions, &e. Also, a lot or splendid gaiters and shoos. Give him a call—all who desire to procure the bars Heil settle' that aye a new Court n stir it is Convenienee Oftl.l. loortst,t of .ER To TIM TEAIIIIIIB OF COLUMBIA lini:N• Tr.—The Teachers' Association to be held in the Bloanmburg Literary Institute on the Ist of February next, will be addressed by Pea. Henry Carver, on the Hulled of School Economy. It is expected that some of the classes et the achools in town will be present, and tale tart in the exercises. It 14 hoped that every teacher in the county will feel a deep interest in the cause of edu cation, and manifest the same by being remit at the orgauization of the Associa• II - "H ouM MN night Cast the more of Aar, at fotakolotifia, tvazi I of wow and'gtLetakto t .01001 A —Rfrobitoo. • Ind ow tete% atthe cotilite,y will rule the counter, &tad on the oharuts of lerelay. made their mewl mica e from the Ail of Montesbora. It Is hut a few weeks sinee the sown t arts . Is a well another pttAtriet mimed estel• i ‘g e) . l4 , l l of p• nue eveninA tt , enjoy for a sin.. wept. 41iherty. The peat/ ! Im o .§0•• m e hate spokett retuned . . . lot ties 0-4 ape; " ' •:" tertitt . _ to- reitlyit•t. • .; the ..I§. • t ll'bre'srft••. ''t• t• 1. • , ‘Ati• h •!. 1. • ' . 1 . 11 4 errape iii this: • eve, K. ick haunt. the rettintistion • erk. who officiatid in the absence of • • herds. heti taken into the eels the tiri. e t el N . suppers and n'llf*C#l. Soon after, the p; !sorters walked out, and at prevnt aro non ttit it.rchttot t tot ly its strompo, np ft AttiMpti, The hens which the Sheriff had Placed on Sybert were filet' off, and the u-e -.;.•e 'eft b. bind. Wootitte key% are stlppcsed tts• he the mean , 1 y which those ner n w a the 'tut cleft+ 1.• orivilege of • 11' er y. tin Sybet; ! +I: + I *II "++ • to SP v r ' it 114 . . . 'tl. k t. wa , :At lra law is t ta r i i t g isl a tore in 1:061, witeo titer t wa+ a hop majority against the Pettioerney, to pay the interest on the ltztute bowls in paper money ashen the al authorizing the issue of those same bomb , made them parible in coin. Thrust it in their teeth that Governor Curtin art provt'd the net, anti that it know the law ; show them too that the Republiean legisla tures or Ohio anti New York have pursued the same ; clicy; that the immaculate Rump by the pumin , :e tf lie net making Legal Tender notes le: in lwmen* or all debt's. have stultified themselve.. They are the last persons who loathl agaititt mho, for Om fine preeedent, ettni li bed b. h. HI qui,pt kt+ •At re, NM : 01 , e a year' rig . ;.ft .ing.le copy or $12.60 14 five Edited by S. it. Welk, No. 389 nroadway, New York. fidr We hear from all sections of the vomit*. fatly of freud—fraud, corruption*, an! 1 . 1 , !! Lt" : 01) ; fraud, in whiskey, from's in teliaey bal=l* in .iotton, fratub in stamps; in hrirf, frauds in every channel of the country's revenue. Wherever we have Democratie mai:wide* anil them frauds are t v,t, o.trocracio 1 the thus:ll,th,party' will .1.12;.r ut the po!h. I i r.°,, w• ' h • si(! ;ti. n }:e long and statLefu:l, ji- EMS -li• V. I :i;;:eahtv c- • • r! ,iltn • ' ! , t*, to to 1, . • • . 4) that Bat t slong a , 11! . t.iht:lll to te siaughtt.lred. ...-:,- -ay, that 11.4ve fortucti the oulf rurrotwy of the country since the election Liucein." We thought t hat negren , ,Lad been aisnut u ourrout ta; rrt , x Nino. that calamiton* went. At any rate, rti f fS owl ne:pwes are the only current things in that ror'y, EtiI3=MIIIII The Lew; says fl gptll ber ennnt ‘F O .2 Ilftft , i the Na' 7 l nal 1 7, 1i.iti 111 , • KN. 14.1•10,..... Nex Vork. w , re w,•i r t . ,a 1 , 4 - int' anti e”ani,k . r. Thy:. r I'4 A iltattor's 'Wire att,ottpt,til toot.e him with h, :r tears. — Atm," sail! he, "tears are u-clits;. I hare analyzed them. They contain a little phosphate of lime, some chloride of ,oaitni, and water." Rike' I lit tiiiii;ti....onimitteo on railroads is strongly in raver of a free railroad hoc So says the Staff guard. Thu Bonn commit tee tin'tg so strongly free railroad, fietker ple to the contrary not. withstanding. VitarThe legisimurt California have elected Eugene Case E‘q.. a prominent Demottriztric I,ltvier of 'inn Francisco, U. S. i:.ettlittir in place of Mr. escnine4,4. Rt” .tn. . 7 • ko• • 4)f, Mr. • - 311,14 11a • • . , en, or IL. . A t t h e ~roue: .khoont, in Benton tirwn hip, by Key. Ntlthaniel S' l'ear, Mr. Fro M. LUIZ to Miss Altuira 111, Kline, of the eitue place. • IDI ED. fn Madison, on the 3tl Catharine, will; or Wilson Kitchen, aged about 38 ycarri. - . midreacirr . , _.. _..... .._,. REPORT* .. Wheat per bushel, $2 34 44 Rye, •••••••••• 1 2 Co 44 Corn, Buckwheat " I nit (late, 46 44444..6 ** ”•”•••••• o , o • o • 81) devolved " 7 ti, elaxseedt " . ... ••••••• - •••6•••••••” 2 5 .1)0'd itpplet " 41 l PotttlXE% . _ .: . . ...:... per bUrcl, Str 14 II •., 441.1!....,4. 4 , — 4ook (knee, ........ ... ....... ........... Lo ~., ...: • ... L jter rum], • 14 ,;„,! 1.• 01.•04140e . *••••64••••••• 16 11 1=0 '' , 4 " "... ... . .. ....... .. .".... W 8 , " . -..."..........,....... 16. A • 1100.0011,111 N). Thry or no likely to get it t th .7 . I mlno. a nroto ort their "inheritance: fite• Deem unottir t 611,901 turn, !me, at t 1 ,6 ownhovit t o who mishit 11111V0tmon olive aDd wcil had they pled that grant lifs preserver, limitation Bitters. Lot the liv. ing lay .% to Wirt that they ere the beet keowe'lVeedy for ell dyspeptic comptninte, memo* dersonsementkied renewal &Wily, pit a deltetoas cordial, eteshieed With %test ;AMA vittOes. their gaol tone** itottd. Debots retuldeN Ow , n. eten Nistobsitta, femora 044 per so or sedselio hebitt— imittettlitrlithoso *ho are week end wafer with mental deprgewion, tine greatly benelltod by these ilitteni, MUM MA WAltit,..l delightful toilet, article—si4eitior to (Apple anti at half the prim. Nn. 4s. XOW ADVERTISEMENT;. T Lowr,ST 4 T 7 ft WILL Nr SIP U I st*. Owing to the tuff ej Ore P and ble.ifelfter to the • we ore now work the #.eety , aftlete +fawn t ot I limo* ply**. Oot Mork tO Intl and complete, ''alt mot ope, an I be rotlvlnce , f thof this to Use place to buy. J4nll4ry pool. AIA, WISIIISO TO BUY On ::111.1, [ti tl, ESTATE nEconut A lane ..iltePn parjournal, 'moil month'', do• wohidto nit otiotryo, I,tw, awl llama of into , cwt p ,, rtnitunit to tqo Coate; ittnlCrylllo furl dh• semptjott4, With pticPc 4111,c., of saver4l ItiousanJ proiwttio., itwitidthh Fruit, Truck, Grain & Grazing Furnm Collages It Country Naafis, Mill Rropertles, P 14, 'hill rr rrtertß& Mitt-ral brad:, TO !AI ROOM Ir , 'R TNB ROM ,OWN 11A . L ui nn erected ego the cern,' of Mum 1t whirlot L. T. SHARPLESS Now otters for Cash or Reaey Pay— FRENC METINAEM hlete 111,ark I. H FAr'AR at s at ad 94 Os A M Ett Ica . 4 MtiQIVotS at 40 rt. rItH , 9 Eli Pon, at r, CI worth An etc ALI. THE AR •Vir, from 19 to 94 per rent bolo% the regular mites, cALtrop,A front ri its to +el for tti.C(.'N'lt & iotolAN altirll NOV to Writ best. GIAID blenched a n d brown An WOW t ft... Wier... at $1 aft to $1 IA & $1.'.5. limo thin, Cowls A notions tour dow ai H aTs 'AP-. at blr:ator. Crane 9. 1 4 110E8 to Mon. Mayon. & inn It ercittly rtoloced wiz.* ne •...0 thie•ril k vour 1 1 40 .v ntt . ".14' -i_ve t,sOA-rito and t 7 VI :5, ts. eh hi 09 \k' 4 , 44 f..t1 , 11.f .itte II kutd.t (14 1,4 e el; p :r. E:.,: f., N.lff 1 .11! • f t. t f f tpf, StPEO FdO , I I IIITE OF LIME, 1 R PURE GIROEND DONE ..t Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GEIANO. We roll only No. I—recolved direct from Ole Got • eminent SUPER PIIOOI . IIATT. in Paso, 2 0 0 lbs. *vb. PIRICE, Sid pal 4000 FP:RTII.IIER 153 16a. egth $ 3 3 Pre .200`11". IDWOUNT .CO OE ALEXIS ON ABOVE PRTOEO A IVorlm. fetich 41, Plum Sta., Oewe+h Stores di tF. Water tAire,,L hittl 4 : 4 . U.{4,1411tU AVeMle, DP A f.flv iNI 111 11. rANDLE4 AND OEN AI, commidsius m 91 A NTH, Lunn DELPUT A Januo,rp fly virtue of a mandate, footled out of the rooft of (NMI /11011 Plena of Columbia comity. to ma directed. will be ea prove! to outdo': pale or out cry at the tlitT HOUSII. in istmosiontlia. on MIMMAY. the THIRD day of FitilROAM MOM, at ono waleah In the afternoon. tho folios ;HI real estate to wt.: Att that thoethater, piece or tract of land, 41414414441 on Oho Winship of Mount Pleasant and (/man. is the yntutty of Colombia, bounded and deitettlattl as follows to wit:—floginothon at I pICC, thence he land of (1141410 !towel/to, Mouth no &awe Wed/ 30 Ottf cher tor while unit stump: thence by land of Hiram bowmen, Mouth ti7l derives West 75 (40 porehea to a stone: thence by lend of Samuel Alchttran, Mouth 47 3 4 degrees West. 17 0-10 perches to • ptur stump. thence he land of John Crouse. Mouth 41 3 4 dolmen W at. 04 5.10 parch.* t• a pine (arose); thence by land of the same. South 43 3.4 &arena Mut, 44 3 10 porrhoo to a Meek oak (dynie); Acorn by purport warted ttn". North 37 degrees Coot, 170 Ingra m , t o a send pone: thence be land of I dear.; McHenry. and, oh id riveter. , Woof 33 two pooches to a pone. the pts , c of nontontna; containing 57 Acres and 6 Perches . ~,„. „,.. 'f• ev r rev r -ot „, I,Jin •k 414,8/444, • ; ; • ; , Ina ,••• i X fit X DlthittOtifl, On Main Street, Illonmeburig. ouboorinor tokro pleasure in niniounritin to the P OO l llO 01 Inonempbutt. nad ' , chilly, that he had on hand h large and to aseonadiat of BOOTS AND 8110E8, ft On ladle{ MA parnhativo 'met, 1.6 WI all landist HIP eitY 111 Oft l Of IMr benitatlity, ind tr , 911. 0 Wool Ds twin II workman aud I toeipsdos Of he 1. net Neely to be impend upon by raeoloing tearitin , na meleriel badly mad* up• Thole deeiring anything in Ale Ilse would do well In give his • tali, Wore ptitebnling elealvhdre. Ile .e le a GIOOD ARTICLE, owl it Arians In Mir porsloo4i, All por.ona *lea Actin I or heavy work mein to ohler can ka wopaawaslgtodi Ala ealabliallaornt, I %lan, rrptirlral Willbe *Me With besume *se 'hip itch rovisnt wa.arlawnit or Lararaa April And Sow hod r hind . A, NI tibia. %In 3. Irv/. To the Testa tor as of Colehthift fit (Neely,re itlitlk hie 1 ,4 ' , .. by fr,1111 4 14.11 111 11111,1 Om vim 1 1 4 Y of 1 , 150.0 AII Y. IWitl. et Ifl o'clock. 11, 111,4 ,10 HALL tn Of the blooektari 1•Iti ng. orkry Wetti. flbf the purpose of organising II Cminty Triteberk . Aonoreothoo. The ottoodanoe of relay Toooliof In Ow o*aq to uiregioa Chairman Of C ltpl, etookoorOttg, he Ilk I 1 ENDERNUOTT'S PIIARMACY. AO' reenivint woo herb and rr. Oruir, Woon....rniiqsnd onry erticl*4 whirb hewn bon porchalvd REAL ESTATE, 11110 1 11 D 11NA /al Ili r Aix cm , , .t M141:11r1 •. •• : ••••, • , 1,111 MIMI • ; ,r kaows 4;;I: IMPROVED MAIO, TIIE AAIM %NI %TED SHERIFF'S SALE. or hi alien/oh, more confidentiafly than ever ? the oympathy and support of all patriotic eittaanst. Aptletious work has been gloriously be nn. Deep *heady ein %worm to deep, The long fidelity of dal journal to the cause of Liberty protected by Law stands nobly vindkatcd in a eplentler of victory ehinieg from Maine to California, Uotineeticio, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jet-- IRV , New York, have thundered forth their verdict upon the misrule and madness of the Past. 13ut much more still remit's to be done. Never was the peril of the own• try greater, 'Fhe Radical party still deorests the death of representative self-government in ten sovereign States. Armed with mili tary despotism and wholesale N egret Suffrage it desperately grasps at a permanent beim, or power, in defiance of public opinion, at the cost ofenortneus wee and of crippled its dustriee itt the cost of Union and Peace. the great Ladle still to be fought TUX Willie') will give all its efforts, all its enete glue. It asks of its friends in their turn as touch ; it asks of them more readers and a wider influence. It mike this with wee• deur in its claims as a newspaper and as an ergs n of oration. The chief use of a Newspaper is to give its readers all the news. For this the flteiliticet of The World are unsurpassed by any Journal in the United Steles. It socks to eicel by an accuracy and candor, a spirit and freshness in its news columns which shall commend it to ritatiers of whatever party, sea, creed, or As an organ of opinion the, The World is the unflinching champion of a liberal erogrePeive Democracy, whereof the corner stone is Freedom restrained by Jitst:ce Freedom pure and simple, in the I irgese collective measure • the office of Justice being to protect }tree bow from encroaeh wants ; Freedom of' the individual • i isen, in his tights of thought, speech, religion and locomotion. In his tight to chimer his orn foal and drink, in spite of meddlesome temperance laws; in hie right to make any money har/ains he thinks proper, in spite orally roolteh usury laws; iii hie right, to buy and sell in ail markets, domestic and tlireign, in spite of unjuetproepetivo tari ff s; • in his right to representation in the legiela- tivp burlier which tax him. in spite of un constitetional eselutione • Freednier of col lective citizens to asseudde for discussion of : erieee t met,; Freedom of ell local eomintrui. It) manage their local affairs without e, •:: interfereree ; Freedom, in every •fts country, front the arrogant ,:-.. i .0s! r'oinillation of other and comprehensive 1:',••••• "I .4 ..i lip the polities of • ••',' ee. ' etc+) Neil: never be found ••• ertietei interest of the coma ••lshe human race. k sp-r published in the metropolis is est , rely looked to foreareful Alarket Reports aril setheetie infurtuation, and intelligent di c Otisions relating to trade, commerce and finance. = In those feat►trer, The World" invites comparison with en; other journal. • MB= The Weekly World, a large quarto shit, same size as Daily, is now printed whololy in farce type, and (since its union with th e New York Argus) has the largest circulation of sny weekly lnurn..l publiahcd. save one. It is an unrivaled journal for the Farmer, Live Stock or Produce Dealer, Country Merchant, etc. Published Wednesday. The Semis Weekly World is n large cumin .11f.set. muse size as Daily. which. by mum big 'he great MN ‘,l of city advertisements front the eontains everything else that spnonrs in the daily and weekly editions. ..- Pill lislied Tuesday and Friday. Tho Daily Maid affords a uomplete com ,et:Jinni and discu,,sion of the use:; of every day. TR3M.I.—WECKLT WORLD. One copy. un. ypar, II 2 00 r' , .ur I yr.. act•sratoly addrea'd 7 00 Ten mitt,,:, I yr., sepataudy addree'd 13 00 Twenty copies. 1 yr., to one addrefts 25 00 'rattily oopiee,l yr.oseparaly addr'id 27 00 Fifty espies, 1 yr., to one address 30 00 Fifty copies, I yr., wigarately addrou'd 55 00 SLIII-WEMLY WORLD One copy, one year, $ 4 00 Four copies, 1 yr.,separatelv ailareted 10 00 Ten colleA, 1 yr.. to one a rld re s s 20 00 To copies, 1 yr., separately addrcLsed iii LAMY W t 'XL% Vac copy, on, ivar, CUD TRIM fnr Bittl, of tO, to I address, 1 Weekly, 1 yr, II I • 1:,1 • I SI 6. $ll " " 50$ " 1 Semi-Wee kl y " 46 14 100 , S. ti I Daily,.‘ DIRECTIONS. Additions to Clubs may be made at, any time in the year at the above dub rates. Changes in Chao Lists made only on re• quest of permilis receiving club packages, slating edition, post °lke add State to which it bus pre% iously been .cut, end enclosing twenty-five emit to pay for trouble of the chance to separate address. Terms, cash in advance. Send, if p~oossi• We, Post Office Money Orders or Bank Draft. Bills sent by mail will bo at tick of sender. We have no traveling agents. Specimen Copies, porters, &v., emit free of charge werever and whenever •deaired. Address all orders and letters to THE WORLD, 3.5 ibrk Row, New York, NEW CLOTIIIN AND GENTLE- MEN'S FLTNISULNG STORE. TILE tinder.;ene4 ref pertAilly samoiseres to ble ninny Glenda that hp hitt opened a IthW geno.nswir, rural, ht Fig StOrill, in this linnet roam W the Itartinhn haltniog,.eatheaatcOliterof "thin WWI Market sits:etc Hlotliat,burs, ra. UtvingJnet retureil trout litiladelph a with a lugs &inch Of Dull o~nd Wiisser Clothing sold aotilteeten's ritrntsk.ok Goode, et ,et oh, eat logo Uleteelf tint lie esti titykse etc. 111• stock coop plikOk 11E1T A 2 BOYS CLOTHING, slob as DitEhS COAT;, oVEECOLTS, k NTS. V 911, UNDUSHIRTI pity's= COLLARS, COLLARS, HOSIERY, SURPENDER!, lIINDKER,CHIEFS UMBRELLAS, lye., and in fbet everything in We Clothing or Furnishing line at Very Low Mee. In addition to the above he Lai an elegant molt milt of Clothe, Cokinieft, mid Vettings. it r- moon/ made to oilier it IN. ahnrie.l notice Call and i.e tiefure putelirsing oiliewhnit. and bEtlfliE likliAT BARGAINS,. J. W. Cilablitigilant. Odle*, IL I* • THE COLUMBIA BOUM 11. A. linom E , Proprieter. Thi• tan new atone lately Stool up for tha atomism; dation of the trarellni Nitrite ireperaliv, situated on Minn Parent, a tear dome abort. the mart Itoottlio• On whni Is known is the ntahltlene property." I, la centraily located In tie town, a ro let pleases% plod for nest. to etop . freakiest helm; In t bat part of town where the 'milord v of the foottneet to bolo. done. The proprietor feel, coaddetot thy% he le prepared to giro Panora! ratleflieetlent to Ills peso. and WOCIId tellelt elk'? pantos of the peal,! patroospe • Ilteasetiurp. Map 13. Ito,. FANCY TAM DISMAY ~ And Catarrh, treated with the 'rigout itaceree, by 1. 1 : I : Ali t 7: 4 . ,. "" 4‘1 i""4"4. 4 "I"°. '" ISAACt4-11, D. (Mullet and AuPi , t (fefutofil of boY. -. 3 'P.34l 16 ' MenT711 """ 644 thrn eg h " t "" ,' den, Ilolirrol,) Ne. 319 TINE our m l'llil.RD'A..,,, United 11Wilite, C4inadee, tbte Wort Holies sad !pen. r T es um o o t ols, flood,* meet ' , alights ertaritee WWI lab Riinerlda that tie mere ROPTICTTRIVII NITTP.R. 1 city and Vnuntri (ha Ft. Ran at hie ode& VW Iladle would be manufaelorml. aid that heeretorth the i tii i (I,lly ~,, ~ ovf hot to Iwamoto, their elalltilie Grind 'paint: for dyepoprix, and preversteilve of ell Übe bee nn • riolb 111 !;1* ptertio ART /ICIAL abolou I dietaries wneld lbe lost to Ws world 1 'flea WWI. toe , o r :tett hoirt PAWL Nu theidie MO e , rag' N11*.., the feeble, the despondent ; th e trestle,. . 3 Pd3 1 •11. • et . [Apfll 23, Ifidt—ly the voyager, the toluer.the P C 4.1114? ), flUdelit i the----- ^ 401 i luf an the fleetly, of elotiluttom ; lb. taller, FA --------- ISE TO EVEitYBODI (toped up to ernedeJ city in neutente ; the t eeee. Isseent, needing en intignreitt , the otovertal wko titu of ult. cud the nervinte of berth gesso oven. wen re. would lo.rn with trill, too dory Po wertle, that the most telArsted correcilre, Inc learnot anl alterative° , the ode, hid boas blotted sit of flats truce, Ag a preparattor a/Aldine to eplde iflliC Aix mass, a lellotal d.timulant, a pfOrfloit, of tOl l, lll l l . tiunal vigor, an appeitter. a storme.diir, and a remit II for itervotte debt lily no nredklunl preparation hoe river 'named the sopetaiton of 110STETTERni RITTERP, It le the lIOVI.LUOLD TONIC of the AMERICAN pr• PPLE— bae been re for twee ty yule and In all human probability will be se for centuries to tome. The teeznatee of tielente Pocognlaa Its 100,11. ; anJ that it ie etnphatleoliy the reedier NI nt 1t... moors la paused by It. east sae ever Increash . c Cling. __—,......--....---........ .. Ei itßohB OF YOttll. A Ot111111111•111tho titreted fey niers from N* Promotort Decay. one an the *Mete 14 yeueb Jodrorrellun. will, for the eke of ',rioting humanltir, mid free to all who need It. the receipt' and dirpotiono for maktue the elerple remetle I y *both he war cured. &delete whittle I to pro ft lq rho aJoeritoor'• roporloote.tllll do w by ador•romit :hhetfeet conflirrioo. JUITh 1. OGDV4. 43 visor dituo, Vet& nit 9D. /crr. 00111.19111111.• AND PEST'S% 110141. pad ea a a iddrdaseo develops and crawled eitimae roe woo fir *WM.. tantmakielitbitt will plow oe. Atlerese MAIM WAAL, t3l areedear. N.Y. May T‘7ll.oltV Or MAN 111 ATP 'Awl H. Aet ntle I matt who .uff. rt.( (nr ) rare Ante NertronaillSii ilk4ll4i Itrhlltty. Nightly Eetteriana. and tieusitual Weakneae, the tiNult of youthttl le , bortallon. Mad tame 11441` 1910111 U him it:lye to hopeless weary. Car the stake of au& w tnp Inas, attbi teeny onr MAW, ed, the simple tat eae mace by him, which effected e Cl,"1 in a New **rite after the White b( nulinittotol S.ntl a dl meted eneetepe and stamp ettd will an-t ynu entitlne. Addices, t11)1:Alt TR CM AIN. JINN St. N.Y. CH,. ITC.'! ITCH!! ITCH!!! SCA 4 TI:11 dOlt A'roll :1 11CitArkm • in fo.ti 10 to 48 Avert Wehoton't Cilittnetit lint. The ft•tt Wheaton's Ointment Itil•11 ben Ulm= Wileaton's Ointment , Itts tester. Wneeton'e ointment twee Darters' lta Whe,tun's t letreont roof Old Perot. Wboelott'• ()oatmeal. tent beer) Cad of Hamar like Neste. Prier, 34 rent/ Act ;by mail ,'A n boo A./r e , WecKs k PulTek. Na. I:II tVitshinitan gte4to Bows.. Mass. POI oak 14 Ili Dtatgn u. tort. TO CONSTIMPTIVES.i The Nev. EDWARD A. W 1111,W will lend (free of %befell) to all Who desire It. the pteecrihtlos with the directlooo foe wahine unti mein; the nos e mord, I. %bleb he wan e.,tel I Ihre rieftson and that &reit Mows all f'4 , oeurapilan . llu owl' ill jeer a td be , sdit int eello , f +old he h'ioti overt nlf..fer wUI tip the prosCrlpliuti. 111 It wt . ! Coil thew nothing, 104 moly prone • bteastne. Nolae e4drve• key, EDWARIIt A. . 105 !pith iltwah ['Left. Wt,hathabaii, New Vora. INFORMATION inrnfivitinn Ifinuanterd in rfewluea a horstlam rowth of npon a bal,l bead of beafdiee• fat*. Dian a trntl•irM the removal of Fitsplini. bletehos Eii.ptiAng. tit . on the rain I. , aving tam oasts and t,auhNl , can be nbtained wiahairt by a.l.lramsang r Ili A PlMlMll.Coseasfet. 823 Sitailway. hot Viisk ERRORS OP YOUTH. A deall•man rhola eddy life eras av•ttrat to o,4,6awic ee c"lnoir.o to youth. whch resattad is detthittal Wesanese. larrehsacery Etnlesiees aad Namara Preoretion and am.a near en.aue pia ails In papoose eileerv. After vent Ittiaairoas lama• ale. wfteoat .utters. he ohtainal 'ram 'friend sego simple rules and p tptiOttstkit ii-rtre a pet. spao..tit Cart. oa brhalf of aufraritig by , mold hit Caw. , free 01 Charge la sit wen lisp dreoise It. 'Chas* PIGAR Flation lr. Dail. Usage, New 411 Not t.11.011t 6. 150. ITAPPINESS OR MISERY TM eittito of yoMbrial Indler 'mon destrsys big happioesi. rains big peirpeeis re., roe& en)oyrn•nt marria g e aro th. pursuit ha:slues' and ends 1 s Mir In siisory : but Ey tb. titusly use Of this !wig tried sad lisittitul teased, Dell's Specific rills, he may mamma hi. health. Malta therefor. us oto lay In using thle remedy. It fives tyathly 'Olaf and . 004 street a tau. iu RH eve fleteleat Week• nee.. troieslong, Physi al end Metveue Debllltv and derenEo.bente of the tumefy (aim. Poettve bitua• it re Toriv 4 .,l •logle Ont. It is tot , rel) va r tel4bie and harming 4[1,1 no cheep of diet Is ei.temte,y abl4t UPille Imolai. per boa wilt fdf dlribmioec Pala by Lirusglata 'genitalia'. In .laemi lett.te they cannot be prettaimd I will mad theon by mall post-paid and eacuret trio nbeeryattna on rootlet of fba mangy. A,datese. J. BYWAY., w. (9, sle bkoa a war new You. 8 10 OU rm.** and confidential circulate vrtll be tent to gentieuten free of aerie. DR. J. BRYAN. CONSULTING PHYSICIAN SO Broadway, New York, +Divas FPri'l .IY. TR6ATNF.hT in agcases or Bawl. bal. &Build rimer* , and sirrvntle DWI'S! , In wale AD it • FILL •od coriceporida Inn STRICTLY mi privet. and aeallal ...Twilit/a Pet (Aerie. and I , ir 10 iiePte a valuable lrt emit. en otiulosi Weak aria, b) br L. Haat, 10 4 1 papa. To LAIRUte oil' sacra pry Private Circular with igattiadnal F.ntrnvinta IMO ^J aarios, and for JO rents a valoabia trautie. by Dr. Pius !lawny eta taints's Important isforratina on all suli!ecia tiv ta t to the wt. TO LADIES. Tour attention le eallod to the Meet tak•fle•• tem.:tee eYtt tnnwn for the removal of n.biplitx4ofrai and thlfloollll3oll4 Inel.lent to the female sea. Dr. Harvey's CHRONO TILER AL FEMALE PILLS, have Oren used for upwards .4 TIMM elan With iinvaryina tutees,. )'hey are aeanted for ail ords• nary trice and foyer fail In click acliou f I taken sa Dr. Harvey's GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS. rive DOLLARS A VOX, are Intended for speedo) requiring m or. yo fees motileint. l'hey are four deerres strneyer than the ordinary kind sod ars perfectly harm's,' and If yno cannot set them of your titopilat I %111 teen] them by adorn 13.0, pnel•pald and ',curs from ais err% scion on receipt of the canary. I will 5100 send an Illustrated aad CoallJcalla Water to ladles atepyile+tion• Addrasa J. BRYAN, U ,htd liaotaer se , New Toss, /DENTS WANTED Felt THE BLUE.COATS, AND 110 W THEY LIVf.D. FOUGHT AND inn Fun Tug, UNION. Keene, and Incidental In the Glint nebell.nn. Comprising NI irretivr. of Personal AMeatnrr. Tbr ll• Una Inrldrnt, Dor ing exidotte, iterate Deeds. %Venda:Nl !;.apes. LI% hi the thtilia. Field and hospital ; Adventuteree 411Plee end a.nuis tagrther with the Snag. sad Ballathi.Aneedottaiit'd HomosiNio locidenui of the War. 71£4, SPLCNIMPLY 111,116TRATgn Trim flloo raga I'ONTRAITA AND Denuriruk. iNCJIAVNOP. There a a tannin portion mt . Mil war that will never go into the regular histories, nor he embodied to romance or poetry, which lee vary real put of it, sod will, If gratified. convey to accosting' gene allele • b. Par idea n( la spirit (tribe ruatirit titan lii many Jry report. or rereruit ramp. the (do, the pathos of the war. This illustrates tie characters of the lenders, the hiliner or the ealdfilleei the 'log Of women. Ma brarark of Inert 1$ Pinch nriff belay. the Malaita end bartlebige of the &Wien , rtin Valiant and Nt11•11 11114fted. tka Pleturesipto and dantattc mai Witty end Mikreetiotill, the Tender and Pathetic and tbelVanlit Partorania of the Will ere here thrillingly pertieyed la a aiaterly menet, at once historical cur caplets, adoring It the most ample taiga, b Ul.rt iteit oilable book that theta, bits • ,tiitt f Arearemeat it& well so Instruction Nosy la awed in every page, as grapals detail. brilliant wit, int authentic bietort. are ebllrully Intro waves In the work if !near, art lltna tor , o Ant P/111 ear arias, sea a &wort) gi haa tamot. Aajr,o., IoNES ENS ar.l)o . tlalPtab. Jau,tary IS 1467-4 a CM 1 . 1 01. 0 plo.Cll.eufir, noleg feft4Niatton of .ua water' UPI°. lime, to I h. ywing 111.14*. it tcabos Avrr %hi bong'', may be , oeobeimishl. thr ootria r.0pi4144.4m.1 115 twundi M. yout.s irty Dv gri.ll.inwu 1p11641.1 INI4 ttpit addleo, 04 tee 'iv* * enrol iromtt ;V. tyl go sum wad. did INes P 11. Ors 41, ih Troy? K, V. kale it len—ty • GRAC CELEBRATE!) ; 4 Aff - ;: - E% Poem .U. 2.lmlcier, Peipl itiaatat as Y.J~dssy. Men, .1 bairn ton , ' it.tualnd rtr it 4 4 44 how" roatetithro oatiaapt , y, se , 4 . 4 1Nelion411 14 / 4 414 1 111.. netins the .04, , t1Wir It n.ator...t• tt,of tiatnn than usual ruttiattlly. if‘,l AM 0448 Of It have pact nt tit (.4111.../. w Ittieut op. Itpu nt 1044ri.)1) , 1404.4/114. t lOW the 011 , 114‘144‘ a. /writ of Iha t-alar .• PVT U. W. rovar. k 0,14 t.y all Littliuttti. at oOa 111 Wa. fit 4 mot tut 0 ob. KNOW THY DLZITI:Zt tdsirs C. 7. "fbreetar thr ' , sot te:lish Alit,' • stint. Ctslirvsysst 11.1 riPplalattle Or. nu Sinn ortoolobed Ohs srantalSe. 0/intro of Its Old.Wor'.l• bas troy located hose( It Ilsolsoolt. t. Thorldtss possesses rya viouatrful Osbert of Asc.- Otd sight. a to ftisUf ha to istesn hourrisigs Of Ibs grill at I.r.ports ace 1., toe ,ra=ta or inarrie cf slither ros. Whirs to it slurs of rrso:n. ats /fat ta stes the very !fistula .1 rtis person you urttu st• ry. sod by th. sad df so rnetrusaut cf r e IN Sr. k tolVit ft us the rtYther , e4rortit. #trareuteed a pre. duto a Itfullke Octavio( the future btlabatt.J cr • I. of in.. syphast.tagetber with Set. .f I.11 . :00. r.. rs lift. Isidro( traits of rharartyr. ht. This in tioLumbur, estunwsads M Utititailljals tan se• eat Siva 00 dead whirs desirfJ s reward eatel. Lf winks 41.11,1111idt. lbst the pistons Is whist at s tap*, ts tr,tl. by erteturfur women tMS sf tals. sad 'ruins ;04,0 or :orb, an.. etspartroo wad stab. ',wk. / 10S erretrt•ing ORJ !tali salt 14 . • v. slit:rested ti reriett los aria filter's' bre. tars sod #.rsirrd rufortnittuar. II retied tank. Alt scraruseratscr.. ,strs,lll eadlisollial Address to orttes. 11A0 Shit: L. r.111:11NINX. e. O. ll , * 11,11941 11. Y. • rye* a 17-1? A YOUNG .LADY REICIISINO 'lc let town* DIM*. ages t tojr:o• of • f,. tooliifts to the City. wail tiatdir 'sent' told bra (sr, sss. in prig, ni I 'twilit. rums a3.te4 foe. self ks 4 s Sac ruby rsa.c!serat of Wool tasib.• iimootitoess. lad 140841 of twaoty.tlisbe oho fo•VY si reuse but slgt) Ctnn iz 441 r) as to al , : 61.2114 of to great Li:One, ibe plenty 1. , :/ ••• the Circaootta balot.und comodote• it Ito to • Ire litgili&ttioo to any I.ady's I , mitt 8y tif urn tisy Lady of Gratloloba cis imptote ti tor I , 4lroona spr c L f acy butsjt•d Y.?". al, gimp:" 10 Ha MU , . blUlalre. Ili %%Ware betia:! re iiMple, )rt uncaps's sd la its revs, in Eta. / IMporillol ft , e. alto kesiteg.cistuolng beattfyloc Olin and mu. ?Wire. Sr tio4itecteettost 0.1 an C4l/41* h ifirre (um It Mt ate fhlorettto, ktod:y ileo'sr.g the time. mud !.awls{ tlis sarllst• so Natote tot.a4of it sbotill 14, sins,. boil. itaotith saJ Jr:motif 111 Frio* M. ring br rr.islor caplet& OS Ifetipt of on by W. 1.. 1, 1 ARE & CO. Chttolots. Ni tv.qt S7,IICUPC. N. T. Via u,vrzr (a., the. rats of tbs emWC. tree slile7—ty rFucrtin I SUFFER NO MORE; Witt* by lift of, of lA. invivit,Lva P.Ltap " years,* be cured peutseently.•42 at • trtel,no eon. Th. Worth hie; mugs enteb het ailed 'ocl tn's lavatur►te reelltetas foe Pb7•tesl end atitrvouo eseners.Geperil Debility and Proatrota`O Los, of :electors, Ensile. lotPdterte7. or aO7 of the cco tequencoe cf yoetbful indircretton. v. n4ete ft lba Most vslash!r preparation!' ever the es ern& It a) teurove all nervous atter/sac deereseldn. ezeJtorount reeitosettv tovlodl or bootees., loge of wanton, eenfa i lon, tkonglits of scltdestructirle. fears f Insanity. •a ...twill tomato toe uppettta, renew• tbs 'want] of chore wbct beta Jetitrayeu It by eeolual exceee or evil practieue. Young men, he humbueged as more by "lantlit boctato" and I enorsnt erections ro. but rend re Item t de ,y for ma Ea l ir, slant, rt.tnrild to b.i/ibi and bappinime. A ova to guarauteed in every putance, pries $l. or foe( bottlhe t one se dross. $3. Ono itcttle tf 'Attest to ,tistt► turd la ell ordinary cues. Aiwa. lit .1.12v1.1e4 Ppeitill.: PIN. Ca the speedy tad permaneat core W tionorrhes. 4 : vet. lfrafittat tabergit. tlionel Stricture tad all affection or tn. Kldttayi sod Bladder. Curve effected fa from One to days Thar ere Preoerod from vegetable carnets that ore baptises uu the oyleaut a , ,d never ' , animate int. stomach or imprrenste the 'meth Nn ti,Uttge oi Ott to newt's') %title wand tint, oat does ibrlr sctiou to any manner toictfars sl.h bud• nese porretb• Nee SI per arm. hither of the strove e , eotto•tsd stiletto 'lilt be wet 1. , oily addlerr. I 1,140.1 y prated, sad pirtyel4, by ut cremes ou ?varlet of prate. Addeo's' 11l ae• dare to botuk.a. 6111 , TTV Cu, Cberstiots, N 0.1185 Writ rt.. Ito,. N. V. free 117..67-Iy. Wistaro ilitiboni of Wild Cherry rOf the curs r 4 Crush.. Colds, !keratosis, heist. Ineuesaa, Lroap. %%hoopla( Cough. Crosch,tls. Yredirpoaltlna to eor sumytt4n.dic.. kr— 'l his put runady is too wall knows and Is per forirlng too much good to malts It necessary to to In• to an elaborate diacuss ion of its merits. Surge* it tn say (bet It still maintatrts Its suPllSlncrY In carat dt.. of the most obstinate character, and tb,t all who rids from the stove complaints, afar has• ins tilted this remedy. 'lsidore bare ucessloa to rt awl to other appliances (r 4117 re a I teat t 7111,40- Utql to health Tinotry of rena e!! Wits? Morino, De. 1), 1350. as VC, root: 4 eem, Dome° Gasttesso.--ituring the winter of Ind" I was vary mord nut of Leiltb, afbieled with s ...lire Cough. Frio la rue tide odd Longs. and 3 a•aerel doorossfoo of health to sorb as extent id greatly to World my self and friends id to tie result Idu.i ng knit time tried stipend highly rocuniaiendoo remedies. with Mlle of no anal result. and bad tot:N.l44d to try tho direct of • dimilternellOtoli open my Itosith ; bo6De• fors tarrying ihi•Fesointioo into cited. I tt as ed by the Uricr.l of your &sant, Yr. Hsiittoy to floe l'r. Moor's tlaleum of Wild Chst• op a trial. l did eu• and t.i iuy gait joy fourftt tti won't.. nut permute nt relief by the net of rinty ado bottle. and I am now in as gn'4 hdolth Ad ever.. I believe your bottom sue of thi mat remedies. f•r Cough'. Cold.. lid all Lung Minims. now to We, aid toilicaritortsly tic/M.140i Ills such . Yours truly. lfraCß SHAW. Pr: pored tV rowt.t ac sophisTreal rot e t . tad fur sale by Lirufghte A Positive Cure tbr Reread*. In ill 11110111111(014 imma. LW. Haan oa, V. 4. 14 Fere erthier, won ern, write. to pn Ander. .Inty 3, Pra, ea follow. • had 37 Ruining Vic.' re Shen I cocaerh.avid .111%. log ynuot India' Water, ae4 Ira tioW aaliteit farm' al Scrofula." Dr. Auders, lodtotft *Nutt* • pure sul trton or 7Mtne, .itivat a 1515101.00 moat ,p4werlel Vitelaskeg Ageat as I lia•taratiall tam& rircultri tie.. J. P. DlNllllolte. Propth t+r, 3: Del titrest. Now Yolk. Sold by all Diaayst. Jammu 5,11.-44 a. NEW BAKERY AND (.I..)} . EL: TIONERY uziosatui4tuunsts3auzaapart ON THIRD mTRELT, BELOIV MARKET, BLOOMMUILIiti, I'A. I. P. rox. horiletornf Ole estargiehment. tertali torPeeffilly farm.. Ida 04 and new raatnarrt., ho be everything Stied goat Mr arm mead in re , aPie him in furnion them with PNEAU, OAKES. AND efiNIVCCTIUNCILICO, et brretniore. ZT lirreaftsr all r 4 room who have here I*mila' rd with Ala, Law hear, mid Porter. by the %heir, half. or qvio{nr barrel, will pll viom ummuitt, at Min Salaam fa Ehivele Block, Main Etrcet, wl.a Art t .4 to o". 1 oto woo -1411104 ITO: I I,' „ t. 4, , 5..11t YON, , 4n: ..• nr.— I op r 1( E 4 REA tr. slt s , • ; Iv, v.lll. lh /14.1 I. 11,n it , • 4 s.• f i t , 4 t' 11. 1.,‘ 4.0 , 14 I ttril t. 1. , h141• r os w ,,,,g„ UP , , sys. , •413 f • ry portolottlit IV .ir V 111 retHtl , d vvil 01.14,0013 , 1. L.' , " Ili I• 9.1E411 to boo psis Massaro f t Dag 13 %* • ,• s. tHO Issoist c d.bßy *sisal. a etql.Suossiens Of the J. 1 4 Iti • Arm 3 , , 10/I. a