Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, January 15, 1868, Image 3

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    tointilmtig pturouni.
Wdneeday, Jfan ! taiisiff;
stir Sheriff MILIARD advertises hs. thiu
ISiir,o /riot of looa, nituatu in !ft. Pkuur
aft.lpwithfiip, for u%lo.
lit p, M.,l4xrus publishes.a (tU in this
;11)(1; tot: A 'voting of the Tun:cher* of this
tkingth . tb f5llB A row:hers' AssOciation.
like'There will be a Cotillion Party hold
at The Pff 04 House 'of CHARLE4 H. Liar., on Friday evening next.
en: Vt. Iwon Your, of Mifflin, the
newly slot* Treasurer of this County, was
sworn into office the forepart of last week,
Mr. Joitli .T. - 871014, of Benton, retiring.
Eooe•—Everybody is eotnelaining of the
high price of eggs, and inquiries are made
as to the ottuw. A farmer informs ue that
the hens are °DA strike and refuse to shell
SSP Those of our atizens haring Ice
Houses are busily engaged 611iruf, them with
beautiful ioe off rishingoreek. Now is the
time. This mu be the la4t opportunity
thie aellXll2.
I. A movement is on foot to establish
a Mercantile Aseixiatiou in this town. Sub
scriptions an: taken at $ . 25 00 per share.
We learn that °onside' able amount of stock
has WU subscribed.
oar The rush still continues at Brower's
Store• The people are determined to carry
sway all his gts.sis, and compel him to go
to the city in a few days and lay in another
taxi heavier invoice.
Mir G. M. RICIIMIT, of the Pittston Ga
zette has associatod with hint HENRY WIL
hoN,, in the publication as well as the
editorial management of that paper. They
I.ubfialt a firet-class Weal, family newspaper.
General Pas/tenger Agent of the Northern
Central Railway Company, will pipette ac
cept our thaulot for an ANNUAL PAIN over
014 Rniirood for I stA The Northern Cen
tral Le one o: the boat managed road?, in title
Sir We r6tice by the lan: Let Anne Union WALTER li. littins has associated
HOWARD ELLis, Es Q., with him in the
siitin4 of that paper. Mr. Ellis is a gnotle-
Juan of fine abilities, an i is a v a lu a ble ae.
qi,inition to the elite:jai department of the
O&ia P. Gums has elosel hie
loot and etsoe shop, ou the North Ea..t our.
of Mbiu and Iron Ste., and changed his
p:see of busioess to the building of Dr. II
C. flouter, (in the berctoent:. Poe. Girton
is LI good workman and those desiring a neat
pisoo of work done will know where to find
lir At the Cow: onion of tbo 'treys In
Eue" in l'headelplita last Wed. (leasers+
thtasr was declared to be the' choice for
PreeiJout en , l - As nnrw (I. et:1111,1 for
Vice Proident. Grant can't be electotl ;
eaomas, Elould be 1 e be successful, he
would be a very ea..) man for the Democ
racy to capture.
Si' Our Weettrn eub , cribero aril please
remit the amount % , f their subocrii tier's by
mail at our risk ; but in all cases should reg
ister their letters. We can't trumt these
breadluml•butter- brigmlo•ruen. They are
liked upon as the moot contemptible set o
men ; bat there an a ft..* botterahle excel>.
INNIP HON. C. H. Duckum bee our
sUooks fora copy of a speech delivered in
the Senate of the Uoittii Stata4. nn the 12th
of Deeember last, by RtV TIM!' JOHNSON,
of Maryland, in reply to remarks wade by
Senator DRAlit in supNrt of his Reraution
to censure the President. This speech is
ortrumintice and conclusive, and should be
Largely circula ted.
kir Will the Chairmuu of the Columbia
County Democratic Standing Committee
call a Convobtion for the purpose of elect
ing Representative and Senatorial Conferees,
to meet similar Conferees of the other
Counties., to select Delegates to the 4th of
March State Convention, or will ho act con
trary to the ozpremoil wish of the last
County Convention ? We will see.
It is proposed to build a large and re
epectalils Town Hall, during the coming
Summer, on the South West corner of
Market Square. The lot has been purches•
f x l for rislo, and it is reported that a ma
jority of the stock (at $5OO per Aare has
,Iready been subscribed. Twenty thousand
dollars is the amount required. It can end
will easily be raised for eo commendable an
GoOD ADVICIR. —A cotemporary advises
Ilia readers to purchase only at stores that
imbontio, in his paper. We hardly think
It neee . ssary to give our readers the same ad.
iriesporfor the community has about quit
p 'ng of urn who do not advertise.—
knows that the place to get goods
t o of litsman who if enterprising enough to
infotal•publk of the feet that he has
TiilQ MATTES. Subscrlers
plain about country nowspa
: more ratling matter and
' If' the patron b
1 , 1 be placed in .the tame
publiehere awhile they
c rown For thi&
ruggliag to koc p above
d dare not refuse
rllipay. They . aro aheohate
. ',loop up the show." .
rather than take ncuse•
whom:afar from coughs
• lironehik) tube' or
will find in 1)r.
I.)hotTy t remedy
lifectual in rw
a pleasant
it is s mit
:1411,84 it
"! aro. a miiiii,t.orddittthn - 1, hut
been appointed 11. W. INatrint 'Deputy
'Omnd Mutterer the fith Mmonie Diettiot.
. .
Wiir. 'rho Not Yot
;elves 'tbat tho eh*
their oatiaidoto. for
pm of who. k nom.
winded blockheads."
MT 00V. (h tag's Meanie wassant,itr
.to the Legislature on Wednesday of last
'week, before that body was organized. It
is unusually lengthy, and a regular rig
'tnarole of 1101INCIIMU. It was received too
late for the first page of this week's paper,
and as for 'flitting on the second page, we
value the space too highly. We will en•
deavor, however, to give a liberal synopsis
of it iu out next issue. It is not likely to
lose any of its merit in the delay.
Se" On Wednesday night of last week
the prisoners—three in number—at this
place broke jail, by digging through the
wall, and escaped; and on Eriday of the
same week they were recaptured : Frank.
lasteller in Sugarloaf Township, this coun
ty, and Atuandus Seybert—the horse thief—
four miles this side of Laporte, Sullivan Co.
Thu third—u boy—returned, the next morn
ing fur his breakfast, and we., again locket!
up. The Sheriff offered a reward of 11125
for their rearrest. The horse thief W 24
re-captured by James M. Shultz and Thos.
Masteller, of Sugarloaf. They neeived in
formation leading to the arrest from Mont.
Cole, ono of the County Commissioner*,
who had heard of the prisoners having
dapped over night at Mr. Issae Davis' iu
Jackson Township, at which place the prim
oners parted, the horse thief going towards
!Anent., and the other, Frank. Nlasteller,
who belongs in that section of the County,
did not go fir and was soon picked up, by
souse parties knowing bins, and brought
back to jail. Ile awaits a trial for riotous
Meeting eight. Columbia County
At a meeting of the Columbia County
prisoners, held in the Church near the vil
lage of Benton, on the 2d inst.. to select.
Delegates to the National Meeting of prison
era, to be held in the city of New York. on
the 2.2 d of February next, the following wore
their deliberations :
lion. Smiles 31'ffenry. was cho.en Presi
dent ; Joseph Coleman a n ti Saulac! M'-
flenr:F. Were chosen Vice Presidents ; b. L.
Chapin, H. F. Everett and Daniel 31 . 11viiry,
nere chosen Seeretttriett.
The President, upon a call of the meeting,
stated the object. whereupon Daniel 31' lieu
ry offered the following :
Resolved, That it is expedient that the
Political Prisoners of Columbia County
should he represented in the titional Con
vention, to be held in the city of New York,
on the :2'.!tel day of February, isds, anti
that thirteen delegates be elected by this
meeting to repre.ent us in that Convention.
Reavilrftl, 'That Samuel Joseph
Coleman, John J. stiles, Daniel kiletiry,
hr Mileffre, 1.). Is. (lapis*, it F. liver.
tot, James M' noun K. J. :11'llenry, Elias
IVnt. Applentan, and -Montgom
ery Cole, be the sari delegates.
Ite"frot That a bound copy of the "Nub
Mountain Dstk" he presented to the Con
vention and tiled among its proceedings, as
containing 4 succinct and oorrtatt history of
the "Columbia County Itinusion." and of
its results,
On motion of Ehas Mlle:try. H. F. Ev
erett, P. L. Chapin, IMniel 31lienry and
John J. t4iles were appointed to procure a
brief btateateut Nut each Port Mifflin Pris
On motion. atilournwi.
JAMES 31 . 11ENIIY, Prot
I). )I'lltxftr,
U. L. CHAPIN, SeCretlltioi.
U. F. IitiCKLIT,
Swim is hereby given that the following
persona have made application to the Pro
thonotary of Columbia County for Tavern,
Restaurant and Liquor Store Lieerms to be
granted at the coaling February Term :
Bloom. Widmyer &Jacoby, E. House.
Remick. Reinard Berger,
do Henry M. Heckman, "
Catawirsa• Gilbert 1,. Store.
Greenwood John Leggett, Hotel.
Maine. J. K Longenberger, "
Roariagereek. John L. Klii.e, "
Prothonotai;v's Office.
Bloomsburg, Jan. 8, I 8 8.3 • f
Six Vs.—Poets—Painters—Preachers—
Playera—sPrinters and Politicians—all suffer
from Dyspepsia. Nervousness, Lose of Ap
petite. Liver Complaints, and all disease*
which they may cure or prevent by the use
of Plantation Bitters. If those sufferers
took these Bitters, the Poetry would be pur
er, the Paintings grander, the Sermons live
lier, the Acting truer, the Printing neater,
and the Polities bonester. This splendid
tonic invigorates the system. and enables
the brain to work healthily.
Perhaps no article was ever eo well endor
sed by all who have used it.
MAGNOLIA WATER. -A duligtful toilet
article—superior to Cu!ugne and at half the
prire. No. 46.
On the Ist lust., by the Rev. Nathaniel
Spear, at the house of tho bride's father,
)Jr. Franklin Triblobis to Miss N3rill A.
loortti, both of lireenwood Columbia
On the 2Gth ult.,nt the resideneo of the
bnde by the Rev. P. Tustin, Mr. Samuel
Stonier to Mrs. Nancy 3ltuion, both of
At Beach Haven, on the '_nil inst., by
Rev. P. F. Per, Mr Charles Hendershot,
formerly of lilnostithurg, to Miss Martha S.
Brytner, of Beach flaxen, Pa.
On the Bth instant, by the Bev. Wm. J.
Flyer, Mr. Abraham McClure to Miss Julia
Kreps, both of Danville, Pe.
Wheat rer bubhel, $2 40
1 3
Ryn, I
Corn . " 1 10
Buckvolwat " .. . 1 00
.. .
..,..... ..... ....... 75
Clnverwed " 7 00
Ras Peed, ..
••• Ho ••••10, 2 50
I/ri'd apples " .........v 111 50
Flour par barrtil, f 14.00
Butter, N••••lo 4: '4O
pe &ion :
' ..
. '
T.r oi , pa ...•
r pound,. . ' I. ,il
amp". n
trultlers, " 5
I •
~. .. . ... .... .to IX)
ey, irth
verdict upon the misrule and madness of
the Past, lint much more still remains to
be done. Never was the peril of the coun
try greater. The Radical party still decrees
the death of repttsentative seffgoveranient
in ten sovereign States. Armed with mili
tary despotism anti wholesale Nest; o Suffrage
it desperately grasps at a permanent lease of
power, in defiant() of public opinion, at the
cost of enormous taxes and of crippled in
dustrics, at the cost of Union and Peace.
To the great battle still to be fought THE
WORLD will give all its efforts, all its ener
gies. It asks of its friends in their turn al
touch ; it asks of them more readers and
a wider influence. It asks this with Ma/-
dunce in its claims as a newspaper and as an
organ of opinion.
The chief use of a Newspaper is to give
its readers all the news.
Fur this the facilities of The World are
unsurpassed by any journal in thts United
States. It seeks to excel by an accuracy
and candor, a spirit and freshness iu its
news columns which shall commend it to
readers of whatever party, sex, creed, or
As an organ of opinion the, The World
is the unflinching champion of a liberal
progressive I)etnoeracy, whereof' the corner
stone is Freedom restrained by Justice ;
Freedom pure and simple, in the Itrgest
collective measure the office of Justice
being to protect Freedom from encroach
ments; Freedom of the individual ti izen,
in his rights of thought, speech, religion
and locomotion; in his right to choose his
awn food and drink, in spite of meddlesome
temperance laws • in his right to make any
money bargains he thinks proper, in spite
ofany foolish usury laws; in his right to
buy and sell in all markets, dottiest«) and
foreign : in spite of unjust protective tariffs;
in his right to representation in the legisla
tive bodies which tax him, in spite of un
constitutional exclusions; Freedom of col
leetive citizens to assemble fur discussion of
grievances ; Freedom of all law! communi
ties to manage their local affairs without
central interference ; Freedom, in every
section of the country, from the arrogant
and unconstitutional domination of other
sections. 'Phis large and comprehensive
idea of Freedom aunts up the polities of
"'fhe World." which will never be found
wanting to this taspital interest of the coun
try and of the human race.
A paper published in the motmpolis is
natiorallylooked toforeareful Market Reports
and authentic information, and inteatecot
discussions relating to trade, commerce and
In the.e fi•atnrrr, "The World"
co: iparison with any ocher journal.
The Weekly World, a large quarto sheet,
store size as Daily, is now printed wholely
in large type. and (since its union with the
New York Arglos has the largest circulation
of any weekly journ...l published. save one.
It is an unrivaled journal for the Penner,
Live Stock or rershice Dealer, Country
Merchant, etc. Published Wednesday.
The Semi-Weekly World is a large quarto
sheet, :,tore size as Daily, which. by -.milting
the great mass of city advertisements from
the Itaily , contains everything else that
ilppearS in the daily and weekly editions.—
Published Tuesday and Friday.
The Daily World affords a eotuplete cam
latildimn and disuussi,m of the news of every
One copy, one year, $ 2 OU
Four copies, 1 yr., separately adares . 4l 7 on
Ten copto, 1 yr., sepatately addres'd IS uo
Twenty copies, 1 yr., to one adtlres% 25 up
Twenty copies,' yr., se paraly addetal 27 00
Fifty copies, 1 yr., to one addross SU 00
Fifty wide*, I yr., separately addres'd 55 00
One copy, one year, $ 4 00
Four cosier, 1 yr.,separatelv adtlrei'd 10 00
Ten copula, 1 yr., to one address 20 00
Ton copies, 1 yr., tieparately addressed 22 00
Ono copy, one year, $ 10 00
Cl.lll PRIV.
Fur Blab of 10, to 1 address, I Weekly, I yr.
" 50. " 1 Semi-Weekly"
" I .
100, " 1 Daily,
Additions to Clubs may be made at any
time in the year at the above club rutes.
Changes in Club Lists made only or re
quest of persons receiving club packages,
stating talitinn, 'mat office and State to which
it has previously been sent, and enclosing
taenty-tive cent , ' to pav t:►r trouble of the
change to separate address,
Terms, cash in advanee. Send, if possi
ble, Post Office Money Orders or 13ank
Draft. Bills seat by mail will ho at risk of
We hare no traveling agents. Specimen
C o pies, Fosters, &c., sent free of charge
werever and whenever desired. :Address
511 orders and letters to
35 Ark Rum, Xetv nrk.
Mika troolot ?cavil is Aoorando of H0u0,0,,,:r:0 .
If it should be suddenly announred theriughout the
United States, C 1111311311. the Wool Indies and Span
Mould he manufactured. end shat henreforth the
Grind opecidc for dyspepsia, and preventative of all
inalarinut dlnensus would be lost to the world! The
bili o u s , the feeble, the despondent ; the traveler,
the vnyagi•r. the miner, the sedentary student; the
settler on the frentssr of civilisation . the toiler.
cooped up nt crowded city Memento . the intiva•
leseent, needing nn invigormit ; the milvering vic•
tie: of ague. rind the nervous of both ewe every
where, would !vein with trier. too deep 1., 1f woral" ,
That the 'nest eel ••brated corrective, invigorant and
alterative n' tits ige, had been blotted nfl of este
tenet. As n preparatoty antidote to epidemic. die •
east. a general stimulant, a prprnoter of cono l iu.
WWI vigor, an appetizer, a stomnahle, and a attic
dy for nervous debi Illy no Medicinal preparation
has ever attained the trinitetion of 110STETTER'd
fIefTLIKS, It is the HOUhCIIOLD 'IONIC of the
A M ERICA N Pet *P{.C- hits loth so fi , r oxen cy }oars.
and in all human probability will .n so ler centuries
to come. 't'he magnates of Itcienre recognise Its
mortis ; end That it is eniphattcelly the medicine o.
the looms is proved by Its vest and test intrvasine
To the Teachers of Columbia
County, Penni':
Y; •re hereby remierted dt mert nn the rimn
DAY of FEHLLUAYY, Min, et ir o'finek, a. m..
In the HALL of the alloolosburg CAt y laethute,
fAf the aurpoen of organizing A County Trainers'
**reflation. The attendance of every Teacher in
the County Cu earromily ini felted.
V. Y. DATE% Chairman of C
Bloomsburg. Jan. 13. MI
A Ignitions who re early Ilfs woe a victim to that
debasing vire so common to youth. which resulted
le Illeoinal Weannees, leeniremity finilealona ■nd
lesreetea Prostration and dme me foetus day.
is hopeless wirer,. After tieing ationtirone rein•
elee without eeeeete. he obtained Item a friend Ewe
simple rules amid prinerriptione*t affeeSse a pet.
gitaneot cure. On behalf of 'sabring her gym, hi,
Will seed UN NMI tree of charge to all who 017
doilrs 14 *Hew EMAIL TRitif.theß.
Mask* P. OHO tinitas, New Yore.
No•cnbet b. IMO
Mina -ROTE* M
Sean,* and lesldes4 in the Grist 1110•1110..
Comprising Variative, of PeriKAM Advansma,
ling Insidruia Daring Ravioli., HOMO: pad.,
WondrtriJ leas/was. LilPn in the 'lamp. raid ,
and timpani ; Allocations...s l 44lmi nag
Donuts logstAar With the &rigs and
liallads Arced maenad !tumorous
lnaidsista ur Os War.
dri.SNDIDLY ILLUsrrIl ATOM win emu 100 rims
There la a aortal* portion of lb* war that will
never go Into the regular Isietnries, nor be embodied
In romance poetry, which Id a 'Off 101111 part of it,
and will, if preaorred, convey to aucceidine gene
rations a bi tier idea of Hie spirit ef Ihn conflict than
an, puny dry reports or carerul loaa/P, the fun , Ike
pathos or the whir. This Illustrates tbe characters
of the l e ade n , th e humor of the soldiers, the darn
lion of women, the bravery of Inca the pluck of our
hermie, the romance aid harclehtpa of the service.
the Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Piciureeque
and dramatic nod Witte and Marvelous, the Tender
and Pathetic and the Whole Panorama of the War
are here thrillie gly portrayed in a manterty wiener,
at once historical and romantic, rendering It the
mut ample, uthun. brallart and readable hook slut
the war has called forth.
Amusement as well as instruction may be found
in evert page, an graphic detail, brilliant wit, and
authentic history. are skilfully interwoven in ibis
work of literary art
Rend for circular. and via our terms. and a full
Oescrlpti .a of the wetk. Addrcao, JICONIgtg DtuTii
Mtn & Cu., Philadelphia. Pa.
January 13, 1,1117.—aw.
By virtue of a mandate, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Columbia county. to nie directed.
will be PI posnd to public sale nr out cry at the
C 1.111. 1. I'M'S& In 01,00141218U110 on MONDAY;
the TIM!) day of PLHRiI ARV. 114114, at one o'clock
in the afternoon. the following real estate to 441.:
All that messuage. piece or true, of land. situate
In the township of Mount Plenunt and Message, ID
the county of Colombia, bout/ilea and described as
follows to wit:—llegirining at a pine, thence by land
of Iltrom Bowman, South 00 degree. West, 5n per.
rims to a white oak stump; thenee by land of Herm
Bowman, South 1171 degrees West 73 1.111 perches to
a stone: thence by land of Ilamitel Maarten, South
473 4 ,14444c4 W. , 41. 17 /4 IV perches to a pine stump,
thence by land of John Crouse, South II 3 1 degrees
West. 114 5.10 perches Is a pima (grove); thence by
land of the mime. Pooh 41/ 24 degree, Last. 41 5•Ill
perches to zi black nab tgroire`; thence by ;wpm{
marked -A". North 57 degrees gist. 17V perches to
• dead pine; thence by land of b:dwarrr 311clionry.
North M degrees West 335.10 peiches to a pint. too
place of beginning. Vgltlll.ll/10,
57 Acres and 6 Perches,
strict nosovre. To be sill au the pruparty 0( John
Crour• sod ethers. ruri,r prgeaod,ap In
in Me Coutlitits Pleas (4 raid County neColisaibia.
elogoobliff. Ju. I.
The attention of the Democratic and Con
servative citizen- of the couutry is called to
the Daily and Weekly issue ot this witle!y
circulated jourritl. The diseetnitiation
,e'ond political doctrines eli
the earnest attention of every true friend et
the Union and the Constitution. The
events of the past political year are full of
sibndiemee. li,e Nemec; u, phi p.. , 1•1•
opposition to the de:am:the 'whey of Its i
iettlisni, clearly shows that the imueses are
determined to restore again to power the
great Democratic party, every page of whose
history is filled with the glory and prosperity
of our common country. o more effectual
method for presenting the Truth can be de
vised, than in circulating Democratic jour
nals. It is the intention of the Proprietors
of Toe Ana to make it, in every way,
worthy or the support and confidence that
have heretoran: teen extended to it. 'm
ime:meets are contemplated in every de
pertinent, !Ind no pains or expense wilt be
!pared to keep it in the front rank of Amer
ican journalism.
The DAILY Ai , ): contains the LATTAT
WORLD, pith articles on Government, Poli
ties, Trade, Finatiee, and all the current
questions of the day ; Local Intelligence.
Market Reports, Prices Current. Stork
Quotations, Marine and Commercial Intern
gem:, Reports of Public I ;at licriti v , For
eign and Domestic Correspondence, Legal
Reports. Book Notices, theatrical Criti
cisms, Reviews of Literature, Art and Mu
sic, Agricultural Matters, and discussions
of whatever subjects are of general interest
and importance. Besides special telegrams
it has all the despatches of the Associated
Press from every part of the United States,
and also the Associated Press despatches re
ceived by the Atlantic Cable; and the news
front all parts of Europe brought by the
steamers, is instantly telegraphed from
whatever point the steamers drat touch.
The Weekly Age will be a complete
compendium of the news of the week, and
besides the leading editorials from the Dalin
will commie a large amount of interesting
matter prepared expreolly for the weekly
issue. It will be in all respects a first class
family journal, purt:culaily adapted to the
Politician, the Farmer the Merchant. the
Mechanic, the Family Circle, and the Gen
eral. Reader, having, in fact, every charge
tertstio of a live newspaper. At an early
day will be begun an intensely interesting
serbil . . by one of the most popular and fas
cinating authors, and it is also the intention
to publish. from week to week, in the course
of the year, three or fear or the beet and
latest novels.
TERMS OF THE DAILY.—One copy, one
year, $0.00: six months, $4.50; three
months, $2.50; for any less period, at the
rate of one dollar per month. thyment in
variably in advance. Postage on the Daily.
thirty cents per quarter, or one dollar and
twenty cents per annum, to be prepaid at
at the office of delivery.
TEn:us OF THE WEELI.Y.-01:18 copy, one
year, 11?.; five copies, ono year, $9; ten
copies, one year, $17.50; twenty copies,
one year 533. l'o clubs. where the papers
arc sent la one udtirees, the following reduc
tion will be made : Five (*pies one year,
0F8.50; Ten copies, ono year, $16.50 ;
Twenty copies, tone year, $3O. A copy will
be furnished gratis for each club of ten. or
more, to one address, for one year. Pay
men( required invariably in advance. Post
age on the Weekly, five cents per quarter,
or twenty cents per annum, to be prepain set
the office of delivery.
sfir The above terms will be rigidly ad
hered to. Drafts on Philadelphia, or Post
office orders, payable to the orders of the
Publishers, being safer, are preferable to
any other mode of remittent*. All who
send money by Express, must pre-pay
Ex pre , o charges. Specimen copies of the
Daily end Weekly sent gratis, on apidlea
lion at thk lea*. Advert:sealants
at moderate rates.
Address 41/LIAM oli rt
43u Clivtittlut qtr, •
i c' ' •
et ate ef Dania *WM, as ✓ rranklin ?Wessel,.
ColeysMa Cesstp.
Letters of Adminlst ration ou the estate of Daniel
limitle, Isle of Franelin Township have been
(ranted by the Milieus Of veld County. to Reuben
Knlttin, residing In sold township. All persons
baying rialtos cultist the estate of the decedent are
requested to present them for settlement to the ad.
mlelstrator and those Indebted to the estate will
mote payment irllhout delay to the aodeuinned.
KIIITTLE, Administrator.
Franklia, Deo,ll.ll47—tw.
All parolee 'mewing themeeleee Indebted to the
undersigned, ere requisite/ to unite priyainnt without
delay J. U. 111J17111, Act)
Bioseisbog, reb,l3
O as•vtaits
sty lit boobs.
111 1 11147A1. ,NOTIOIIII.
• Winos% BLINDN4 9 9
Aid 47e1sith t Itestell with the 11041 Oiseees.Jty J.
ISAAC'S, N, D., Otellet sad Arrive (Rtteierty *Miry.
dee, Rettilida Et MIR Illeteet. ER 111.41 FR....
70•1 1 4 0 •Ittle. trio the most rellaids kOlifCte Is the
CH/ su Courtry Cap be sale at blot ollee. The mud.
teal faculty dee invited to areehedbity chairpettaite.
Si ha has as tbereli Is hie yostetlee ARTIFICIAL
liesertiod vreptoilt rim. Re chills lon esau•
April U. INee.—ly
A largo 6 pp. Cfreolar, Tales laforatitloo of the
stemma Importance to the young of bulb poles.
It teaches bow the homely manitecortre beautiful.
the deopired reapertod. end tho for aaaaa loved.
No youag lady or gontlemee obould 1111 to pearl
their athireas, and roceivo a copy poet paid, by rm
tura mall. Ad.frers PU. Drawer, 111, Troy, N. Y.
Yob 17 181;7-1y
Prom Mr. E. Tauber, Depot MIMI, at Salisbury,
.1 have been troubled for year, will, a bad humor
encuetiutea outwardly, arid acinielition Inwardly,—
During the pail summer II carairetted Itself more
than usual outwardly. and I used your Wales, All
sign' of it hair. stnesi disappeared, without atfixtlut
lain inwardly. Indatailog. I think, the eradicating na
ture of inn Salve "
14E711. W. FOWL& &SOY, tows. Proprietor,.
Mold by all Ortaliti, at iS cis, a bus. firint by wail
for 35 cle.
Madame E. F. Thornton• the great English Astrol
ogist, Clairvoyant ■nd Psychometrical, who has
astonished the erientific slaves of the Old World,
ham now located herself at tiudson, N. V. 1111idscne
Thornton post 00000 such wonderful powers of sec
ond sight, as to enable her to Impart knowledge of
the greatest importance to Om single or married of
either ass. While in a etate of trance, she deline
ates the very features of the person you are to mar.
ry, and by the aid of an iestrument of Intense pow•
er, kuown at the Psychototrope, o tees to pro
duce a Ilfe-like picture of the future husband or wile
of the applicani,ingether with dine of warringe. pop
sition in life, lending traits of character, ke This
is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can as.
sort. She will send when desired a rertilied
rate, or written guarantee, that the pl tura I. what
it purports to be. Ky enclosing a small lock of hair,
and stating place of both. lgs, disposition and comp
iesion,and enclosing fifty teals and stamped eovel•
ope add r. .d to suorkelf ion will receive tbe pic
ture and desired information by return mall. All
communleallutis sacredly confidential. Address la
dente. MADAME E. r.morrroN. r. O, D o s
lid umele.N. T. fro, d '67—ly
To her wintry hem., after a eoierara of a fear
sauna■ in the City, we. hardly recognised bs oar
Mende, In place of a course, rustic gushed face,
she had a soft ruby completion of almost marble
stsmothness. and instead of twenty ahem! she really
appeared but eighteen, Upon inquiry as In the
of so great • ehange.•he plainly 1.40 them that she
mead the Circassian Halm. and considered It an in•
valuable arquorition to any Lady's toilet By to Wig
any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal
&proton , an hundred fold. It is simple In its C. 0113•
broattoa. as suture herself is simple, yet unsupeee
int to lie efficacy In drawing impurities fr ,n 3, also
11114111 1 / I .tleinislog and beatifying the skin and corn•
po apu..
I. its direct action on the catii.le it Ora**
Wood all rte impurities, kindly healing the tame.
and leaving tie surface as Nature intended it ehnuld
be, clear, eolt, smooth and beautiful. Price Si. sent
by emit or express on reeelpt of an order by W. L.
CLARK et CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette Bt.,
Syracuse. N. V. The nnly American Agent. for the
sale of the mime. tub 97 1 111-17
A Fru ("nu i
When by the ago ml DA JOINVILLIES eLixix
you Can be cured permanently, and it a trifling cost.
The •shma.hing lacers. which eat stleuord W.
Invaluable lii•dieltio• for Pliyaicel sod Nervous
%%roan's., G•neral Debility and Prostration Loss
of Atneentiir Bormry. Impotency. or goy of the Con
.. , :tteners of youthful indiscretion, finder. It the
Most Valuable prapanoirm °v.. Ji •••••• ...
It v.. 11 nonove•il iir cootie elections, depression.
recite's/ant. iernsacity to study or business. loss ..f
memory. confosion. (tonight' of sclf.destru.:tion.
rears of Insanity, We. It will restore the s ppptite,
rotten; the health of thorn who have destroyed It by
sensual mere or ..vtl practice..
Voting turn, bo humbugged no more by -Quick
Doctor. - milli Ignorant prectootore, but *end w shout
delay for t h.. Elia ir. and he at nue,. re •tore. l r , a all!,
Pad hillii•me•s. , ri...“ •et elfe is guaraetesid IN
goofy bottom Prise SI, or foot Poulos to one ad.
dreg.. *.. 1/11e lOWA , 1. .10th,... of t• .LI .1 .. i tal , 11l
all ordinary ease,.
Also, Ile dwiseille's Specific Sill.. fi.r the epordy
god pstataftent cure of tionorrbee. (Doti. Creihrul
itioebaries. Gravel Stricture and fill Rif. cliche 01'
the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from
*nein Nye dap' Thee are prepared from voartabla
artifacts that are It quarto on the syment end never
Nauseate the tumour) or impregnate. i.e breath No
*hang. 01 diet to necesuary while won( the itt, nor
does their action is any manner interfere with busi•
I nets Foltallitv Price $l. pet bus.
Father of the above inentlnierl article. will he sent
to soy address. closely ttaled, and post.peol, by
isiail or expreas oh reetilpt of prom Address. all or•
Jere to HIKKGER, lIIIIITTS k Co.. Chemists, No *3
hirer St., Troy. N. V. (Visto il, '67- I.
, _ . • --- - -
Whaars Balsam of Wild Cherry
For the cure of roughs. Colds. Dram rte.e. Aethosa.
billitoosa, Croup. Whooping Cough. Uronchitis,
rirldtapoalttall to Cot sumption . lie .. S r.
Thia petit remedy Is too well known and is per
Nanning too much good to mole It ncrOteary to go sip.
loan elaborate diaeuslituo of its merit , Suffice it to
my that h eilll maintains It. supremacy to curing
digests+ of the most obatinate character, and that
all who %near from the above complainte, after has.
lag heated this remedy, seldom I/3“, creeneiou to re•
sort to other appliances to law.. • yeast I vesture
lion to health.
Warr Mortal% N. V., Dec. 11, 1.5i0.
liner.. P. W, rOWLII & Sti, Boston.
Gentlemen.--During lb. winter of IRS.] f was very
much out of health, afflicted with a germ Cough.
Pale in tut nude and Langs. aml a general depres.iou
of health to such au fluent as greatly to &tern my•
rielif and friends as to the result liurt erg lhi. time
I tried tiqerni highly recommended remedies, will
hitt., or uo good enroll. and bad Concluded to try the
effect of a Southeru climate upon my hoolth ; but. be.
fore earning Ibis resolution into effeet. I was indite.
ad by the urgent solicitation of your agent, Mr.
Huntley to give Itr. 46'imar'a Italitem of Will Cher•
ry a trial, I did go, and to my Vent joy found irn•
wediote and permanent reitt.f by the use of only en,
Math.. and lum now ill a. good health a. ec..r,. I
believe your Haltom one of the 00. t Itinedi,••• for
Cough., Cold., and nil Lung, now in use.
and coneesentiously recommend it es Web
Yours truly. raft *HAW.
[`Nimrod by W e'OWLE & NOM 111Thetnhnt
!Milton. and tor male by Lirnalato levendly,
A Positive Cure teriicrOtiiia.
In all it, manit.l4 forme.
W lISKNOR. Eci, of Yerkrruhnta.VS..
Mitt , '• In Pr. A+•''•r. I.llv A NIA. n• tnllgnis
'•1 CAA 37 Rushing Ulcer' wise% I commanded tak
ing you lodine Water. sad Ain now eutirely cured
ul ',crow's."
Dr. Auders, lodine Water
le a pure onl Won of Mine, withont a solvent, the
in 'Pi pheverful Vitaltting Agent and Sotto/mire
known. circular, free.
J. P. DINSMORE. Proprietor, 76 Dcy Street. New
York. itold by all Diumate.
January 8.1614-40.
B. 8. STOBIEO , Proprietor.
Thi. u . new stand lately lined op for Iterate:Ammo
the traveling public generally. situatt.l on
)fain 111. 'I. a few doers above the Court tinny.. on
4.1 , is wh a. the -liobbilten property." It I.
,ir,411) lvv,ite.l in tl e town, aum Ist pleaaant place
•top beside. being in that part of town
o here th, inujorliv of the business t. Aping 4one.
prt,prietur feels erinatient that he is preparest
to gene,a i onliiifisetion n hla rani, 1111d would
solicit a fair portion of the public patrocap.
Ilinotumburi. May 15. Itle7.
Onward lerocintino Ileporte. for YOUNG MI %
on the or POI 111111, end die ILRORI►
ABUtiEll ■rJ DISLAMII which din/troy the manly
powers, awl ergot , ' Impedimenta to MAPIIIAGIS,
trite rare wino of tailor. Item In sensed letter en
velopes, (me of chills. AINf.OIOI Da. J. iIK JUAN
NOIIGHIVN, Howard Aseiheistlen, Plloadel phi a, ht.
June S.
b. W. aall►a
elsesitiati. July 111. IN&
kP every deocri , Bonn for safe lit tbie °Mei%
Tb• eletle of youtliftl fadtsceinisis Mame ble
happiness, rtiles hinnies/spine enjoyme n t
alluvial" end tbe parsnlt of limelneia sad ends hit
life In mlnery , but by the Uniely nee °lraq Innyy blind
..d reitbrol remedy
8.9'. Specific IPills,
be may recover his hcaltb. Wake therefore n• de.
ley la using this remedy. It sires wed). relief an/
will soon infect a TON la all ( rlewinel Weak.
nese, Siefisnone, Pleywaal and Nervous Debility and
darangrinteito of the %foliar, orgy's. Sombre bele•
Et le derived by icing a Waite boa. ft Ia entirely
vegetable and karuhew and lie change Of diet Is
oecreeary wbilet aping thew.
Price rine lkillay per boa will:114h dirwilons.
Sold by Druygista generally. Ie placer whe'
dint cannot Inv procured I will wad tboni by wall
post-paid and 11 , 1"1.1r. to ■ OilierratiON On rapist of
U. nroway, Address, J. BRYAN, M. U. 1119 I.thome•
wee Naw Yea/.
Private' and conidestlal circulars will be twat 4+
gantlowei.. free of diary,.
bill Broadway, New York,
Gives SPECIAL TREATMENT la &Hearn or
ual, ?Iran al, Urinary aad Nerynua Disallows In male
or fouials. Aartca rata lad curraapuadaoes rtatrtLY
To Loarrunala.-1 will wad my private arid road.
(lapilli' circulate Ives e charge, .nd fur 10 *gnu •
&huller trestle!, on ikatiaal Weakness, by err. ..oar
E. Esti.. ItEl passe.
To Lvaiu —I laid yen/ wiy Private Circular with
Anatuniical Engrarleas frot of *Urge. and (or 10
cents a valuable treatise by Or. Jute Hamm con
Dilates lirspiistaat laterautiaa oa all subjects CI • in
ter/tot to UN Des,
Your otioot/Go le called to the meet Meeting,
remedies ever known (or the removal of eilattre.ksum•
end deraegements Incident to the female sec
Dr. Harvey's
Iwo Moo uud for upward. qf ma?? roue with
unviifYiiiS overtop. The Ern Ildspted for all orth•
guy cures &ad htl to Omit octioa f f takes to
Dr. Harvey's
ere intended for epeelel mire regetring more power-
They are fear deemed istrrmg.r Orin
the erdtherY Wee sad ere pallidly Parmleei and
If you cannot tet tbem of your drugetst I VIII rand
thorn by return wall, pnet•paid and ~care from ob•
serration on receipt of the money,
will also send na Illustrated and Conlidsatial
cirrular to Lathes un application.
Address J. BRYAN, X. U., el Hanaanrar, Nate Yana,
sp I J. BROWER, (Cor. Main & I ron sta.)
Is sow Wads( to tho Public ►u STOCK or
aoaaiitsag in pat% of a fill Ili• of
►lee rluth■ ■nd ea•airrre for I,arlire coat..
Handowne !Ir.*. Goods of all rallerno and qualities.
Dvlone bull Print+ of v•rious qualitie“ ■nd pions.
Bleached sod aftIIVII Aloalioa, Lidice 'math Canada
Good emierlatclat of Ladies hod children,• Gaiters
and Boot,.
/teal Urucermi •nd New aiwortment of
Glass and Queeaswue.
I Itsc gm! is nile half and ono fourth &ureic
%,,e, it ih,. time r., mot• your selections, as I era
nEerioi seeds at very low prices sad oar motto is
fair deallcg 10 ill , and not to be umierinid by any.
J. J. b1i.01% Elt.
01(Ainseburi, April 30, INI7.
rorrogite THE En/COPAL CHURCH.]
On Main Street, Bloomsburg.
Tb. subteriber tate, pleasure In itnnouncing to
toe pc , plc o Bloomsburg, awl eluaitf, that to baa
on band a large •nd Ant savorttnent of
for India., and gentlemen's wear, to suit all rantos.
•• ,► 4. •.r .►. brat .tnalltv. and
most rattsble anaaafactarero ; DO twine a pact/cal
workman 111111 4004 Judge of
0113 4 1.1 4 4)Z8LIM40 1
ha it not hikely to he imposed upon DI TOtuiirini
inuterial badly made U.?.
Thorw Argiritilf RIO thing in his line wnisli An well
to VIVA ilm a salt, bbfora purebasial dleewbcdt. Ma
pails a
and at prices to suit purchasers.
All W►atna oho demo flight or hrovy work mid.
to ot.ler can Do accommodated at Itl...tabloatovnt.
(J AIR., relining will tm done with neatnnas And
An elogant of lAdtn• elf.rint and Aum
u s er dime,' on WO. A. ili/i.t.Loca.
Aprils. lEIII7.
IMM!!MI:ZM'f;Mfi g „
underalaftett ►eepetfu)te announces to ass
mune that he harapened a ovsk t'lnthlnlsud
tjeutlemen'o rtteniohtni Num.. in M. Inwrr ' , wilt 01
the Hartman !Whims, southeast corns% of !tats and
Market Purvis, Ifiluowshurg. Pw
Heringjon nturcd from rbiladelyP • vritii stage
and Vt'inter Clothiug
and Grnilsinen's Furnishing Geod., ike.. re. He Het
tete niuiself teat he um plisse ell. His stock one ,
iturli as
V Zirr3,
f Ca P CND
cwskELL.4B, ,
and In fact sverythiag in tats Clothing or Furnishing
Iron it
Very hem /Waft.
In addition to the above he has en elegant asiWt
meta ni
Clothe. 4. Camitnerm, and Vestinr&
lry. Malting wade to nider at the .hnrtest
tall and see before purchweiwg •laewhere. and
October 10.
Orangeville, Columbia co., FL
The etuhscritier relheetfully infnrins his
friends and ths publk. Wilt he ha, taken the
above well known
and will he pleased to reeetve the ruatnizi of all who
will favor him with ,tall• He will keep
ri Per well etriebed with the beet of Livierr, And
every effort will be 'made to render entire votirrec•
tine. JOUN
Wense.tille March' e lttl.
4P w.. raid at pvi•nia Nal& a lIOL'OE
and I.lrT, situated nit elisth and RAilmad
1 I . nb:1 1 1 " 16 i rl t r t i e n t run Lu " esn t h e
1 ; 1 11 n :1 7 4 trill: ofa
new frame Middies, two stories high, with caller,
and well finished. The lot is M . good Ma., in as•
salient condition, and wall p lanted with every do
ucription of chap. fruit. All sec &&&&& y outbuildings
ate erected The terms wilt ins road• littoral, and
Pod title given For Cooker pariii ular• inqufro.
this ogee. Nov. 11. 4.14.
mann of eft•ptiono to Itts ~pert of Auditor. CO
diatrikation or the rotate of Peter Itvetand. dierreased
&panther tills, IVB7. O. C. ashler. lgoa.. appooomd
rosamleslosier to Mks lloothaday. ay Um 170101
CertiheJ from the itekor4. Jaw Cs snow. l Mua.
To parties intirrinted In the 01 , •/. Ctrs take :I:l.leir.
that 1 rhaii swore Ihr the pringrea ormtttlPEirt•
anstat. et my Am). la Kool Mn p, na F.143y, too av,
day of Iforomaaa. W. at Ido'flork•
l a.
tt 1141 1 .0. &after.
MU tall!.
of alt kiddy fresh even/ day,
CllRltlTalAtl cANDtes. CHRISTIIAi T)Y$.
call le solicited. as 011/1011111400 Vila id Siam.
teed. ,
[TUC twat motet]
Or AM'.
Attar atom Litra
wank* in th 1111111101414f1
Install Roods to roactlanii
conddanew itr 'kelt atipirla
market, Rae laity
all in On Brat or dial In *ern
laficitoa Own any caber Skirt ,
in viri ry trauset. "Mawr.
woke a not* of dila 11V0fr wh o •kai
slaps thrill a trial alininrlal do so willowl funks: AZ
Ovr savortaisul mimosa ovary WV's, look%
iisa Mr Latham, WI spas and Caltdraa, At.., al woo
MADE Ttt ukbklil.althrad and repaired,
Aol Mr "Hopkins' Owe allaka," sad boo SDI direithr•
ed. Sao t bat tar tailor "H" Is scans Os tap_r_O
aatwava a.ra tsar ill Pawl* "W
T. uorKINs. Ildanafadurer. Nd AKA FIVIINL Phila.
do lybla," sport flick tape. No irtaara aro Itallaras.
Also, conotanUy on baud a full Ilse of pad Ws*
York and tailor* Mad* 1111,11, at vary isw
Whobeale and Retail,
At tan PHI LA 0/talll A HOOP. SKIRT alaillamirtery
art Irmperitial,ria.o4l3 Arab art «U $
Oct 113, 181117.-10wo.
10.00,1MBERG, PA.
J. F. MR, rtnptletorq thluentehliehmett, VOL
reopoctrolly Infoins hie old and taw cartote•re, for
b' has ' , "o"thine Ned opal hlo now i,isad to ii•
silt. him in tlunlith them with PlitgAD,UAKlea,
AND CONrECTIONIERI KW, it heretofore,
rr He hie slide arrengemente by the isle
Mrdsd, with VI w. Rename, who keeps a Coaucties•
cry Stole directly opposite
where perredta &rearing bread can be ikuosotiodata4
at all
rr Hereafter all pe wine, who halve been teals\
ad with Ale, Leiter Seer, and Porter, hy the ara r ,pi,
half, or quarter barrel, will call qpou WILLIAM
CULIWOILIC. at We Saloon iu
Snivel' Block, Main Street,
who Ass been authorise I by Cha ultrler.itched to srlt
the sense. Its win en■mantis have s supply on hard,
which will boholcl at the tomtit mirket rows,
Mr, F. tins. in connection witbibis Bakery aid Cvo•
tlOnory., fitted up rooms for the eats of
to all who may favor Alm with their custom fle
is also prepared hi nixie Ice Cream in large auanit•
tie■ for parties. public or social astbarlagw as the
case may be. kr rrything pertaining to big line le
busirmes will tf.f.Oilfecareful and diligent attention.
it HP is tbeakftil to in., (uotourera n" past !a•
?NI. end most 40101101 y solicAu acartlinuance ottbe
0111110. J. F.
ira opening a large and halt
meted atom' of Drugs aad =MI.
les, Print.. Olio, Glass, Dye
ifts Varnishes. Lamps. Lan•
Chaneleller.,llbliansys, sat
Nryge variety of toilet
re only depo; for the foirmstria
indard prepariitioes thistler.
!MR ICE vim GI
Ilataam of Ilurehoand, Aprilo rnd Sweeny List
menu, Hair Tome and Cologne. American %lair Ya
Molar. ry. K. Tonic Sitters.
voNfroi7NO WILD CIIERRY 8111 UP,
Phims Wine of Iron. Prescription' twirtfullf own.
frounde.l at all bouts.
%rms err coyarettor9 eteallitstrte999.
Pluottutourg, Oct 9, ltd./.
ebliadelpisla & Erte (tail &eat
THROUGH AV) rot tat: r aoura 6ETWRIU4
rum A byt.rii HAR•
On all Piatit
On mud 0110., MontOA V. No1'1:311/•
Trains nn thn Uret Usti 11044 will
file tur..1.16
MAII, Tit:ill.l I
i'n,iathalplila 11 15 p. m.
" arrive At Er of 9 On p. ira
ERIE rxrtmais leavus t'aliv:opti:a 19 07 noon
ftlorthumatrtati..i t 44 p. a.
•• atrivd at En.. 9 43 a. to.
E 1.1111115 MAIL .Irfivt.l Phelan. , lo,l 0 no
' •• " Nortbtitnhpc4L,J p. c p .
" arrive at 1..,ek Ilarea 7d3 p. to.
NUL TRAIN leikvos Erie M 23 a ca.
0. NGrehoothrtinod 111 A. m.
arrive at Ph.latlelphat d 5.5 a. m:
ERIS E.IPSCSaI leaves Erie 4 p. m.
Nartaumberlaad 39 a. co
" arrive II Philadelpbra 100 p.
ELMIRA MAIL leaved Lock !raven 7 10 a, m.
Northumberland 10 10 a. m•
arrive at Ph,i,i,lelphie rlO p. at,
Mall and Express bungee with all I f , me on
leaviug Pbiliplelploa it 16 00 M.. arrive ai Omelet'
et AHi a re.. and Oti City u• SI SO a. .
Learina PAttadelplila at II IS P, M., arrive at Oil
City al 4 3.3 p. tn.
All trains nu Warren k Pranklin Railway wake
Ow connection. at Oil City with trait,. fee Prank •
lin end Petmletwa Cresols RAGGAi..E CHECKED
Ott. 30, I.
Ina undaraigned wou'd rtapmfully aancunos ki
the putatt that n.t bu opened 3
in lb• building lately occupied by Bernard Stoitect.
where ha la prepared to fursi•b aU klads .f
RALIINS, ice., &C..
In abort a (011 ■a.ortment or all kiwis 01 huotia la
his has of burtnial A great %arkty of
DO Ll.B, ToYel, &c.,
aulttble fur the Ifolldaye. Particular atwallas
C. OU W E 11,
117110EO11 DINTIVT.
RffilIPEA TFUL IA offers hie prefeag•
falune) services to the Ladles and gentle
men of DI oweburgead vicinity. He le
plepar..d to attend to nil the earlobe
opal/alone In the lino of its profession andie provided
NW htlie Inteetintproved POkCELALN Ti TN; *Era
* II be Inolted on gohl.platine,eilver and rubber Maas
en 1 nole wil ea the newel tenth
hillerii plate and birch tecih manufactured ay' , ill
en epticno on teeth...Art*llly and properly a Heeded to.
Ke.leence and nfOre a few doors latelll the Coat
ti •n•P .e me ride.
111 , malebura, Jose 0 11163
The Rev. EDWARb A. WI /PON will "Raj (pros
nr shares) in all who deelre It, the proacribllnn *On
the directions for molting And Doing the tdietroe
remedy by which he was cured or a long stream
and that dread dues se Conautoption. Hie only oh.
pert to to henedt the satiate/ and he Spines every
vulferar w ill try this preseriptiwt. as it. Wi'l odd
thorn nuttithg, and may prove • bissairia. Malin
address, Rea. EDWARD A .wiLsos.
. 'GS Routh lionand littetot. Willihntehtlet, NS*
Informatics goaranteed to produce a lindrialit
g 'meth n( bait , npon a bald head :Of ,beardieso AKA.
al , o a reeeppe frr the retnnycl of rho* Rintrbes.
E7s o ttsup. Ste oethe clua trading the Male Sall
dear. and heautifal. can be nbuoned with,iut charge
by addressing Tr'Oft, F. CHAPX4N
Fca Broadway. ' , PIN Yell'
Arit Ma
/lOW Lou, 1101.1 Restoici,
Just Published, s sew edition a
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