Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, January 15, 1868, Image 2

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' l 7"' " '
' 'OM U. SWUM Editor.
Wednc da', Jan. Ib, IR€*.
air Jtmets; IlterreEn, lately of New
Yea, 'add not of enviable reputation there,
Dow a prach'eing Jigige, in Alabama, was
shot by District AtMrney Martin, another
eminent loyalist. Martin had been concern
ed in some Whiskey frauds, and, a present
ment baying been made by the Grand Jury,
theozosse was to conic up before Ilusteed.
Two shots were fired, both taking effect—
one below the breast bone, the other in the
kg. The shooting occurred last week. We
know this men Bustced and if he is a no bet
ter Judge than he was a soldier, bo must
be a very poor one, and the sooner he is
"pet out of the way" the better for the
eountry. He would like to have played the
band of SHERIDAN, bill Cong v ast w ou ld n o t
confirm him ns Br;zsiier general ar..l after
his rtgoction by the Senate, ''the late la
mented Immoute' Made him Judgi..
learn from ai l exchange, that a colored
man named joNEs was winvieted of rape
upon a white woman in Frederick city,
Maryland, and was sentetwed to he hung.
In paiiiiing sentence the Judge said, that
went legislation (relerriog to the civil
rights bill passed by eongrewd rendered it
necessary to execute State laws with the ut
most rigor. The crime was oonitnitted a
kw days previous to the late election. We
have Dot yet !earned whether P. John and
his man Friday in Orangeville have applied
to the Governor of that State fig a pardoa
for this "American citizen of African de-
cent" or not. The "astride" no doubt ha.
the sympathies of all the "loyal" people in
the country whether white or black.
-. We are pained to announce the
death of Mr. Calvin Aelletsbuelt, lon-in-law
of Mr. Cathcart of this place. lie died at
the residence of his father, in Orangeville,
on Friday evening last. At the time of his
death he was a member of the firm of J. T.
Fartaton & Co., in the Mercantile business
at Money. Ile WWI a three year's soldier in
the late war ; received a very severe wound,
and served his time faithfully. lie was an
intelligent young tuan and possessed exoel•
lent business qualifications. His tlidesme has
been Pronounce,' com , remptioe ; and it is
supposed he contracted itwhile in the army.
Everybody who know him, knew him but to
love him. "Peace to his ashes."
kr The Bedford Gazette's first choice
fur Vice President, if that offme is to he fill
ed by a Pennsylvanian, Cow.tsr.-
formerly United States Senator. Jl t . t'uw.
AN proved himself to ho a vett. pawl nib',
while in the Senate--was a respecter of law
and order—stuck close to the Constitution,
and opposed many measures that were ruin
ous and wicked; but the Democratic party
had no hand ur lot in electing him to the
Senate nor never claimed him. and while
there be did no more than his duty, as an
honest and faithful itepmentative of his
constituents, having doe regard for the obli
gation taken upon himself. Guess Knoan
can't be taken up this time, by the Demo
cracy l'ltere aro men of our party of long
standing, in whom the Democracy are yet
willing to place confidence; hew it is not
necessary that we should follow iu the foot
steps of the Republican party and take up
men and place them ttuenour ticket Wito are
known as "reneAa4ka". It will not answer.
The Democracy will not endorse that kind
of "policy."
TioN. —At a meeting of the Democratic State
Committee of this State, held at Harris
burg, on Tuesday evening, it was resolved
to hold the next Democratic State Conven
tion, to nominate candidates for Auditor
General and Surveyor General, and choose
delegates to the neat National Convention,
at Harrisburg, on the •Ith of Ittrett next.
There was a very full attendance of the
CodnMee, and as this was the first
ing since the &ions achievements at the
last fall elections, many happy Congratula
tions were exchanged,
Mir ConventiNi of the friend+ ofTem•
pemnoe will be held in liani-sure, begin.
ning on Tues&y, the 1!..1th of rebriary
next, at 10 o'clock in the morning. All
persons who desire earnestly to combat the
yiee of intemperance whether delegates to
this Conreation or not, :ire cordially incited
to be present. The State Temperance
Union is advertised to hold its annual W. 3•
eion ialfarrisburg during the same week for
the selection of officers and managers fur
the present yelr.
EM I:=1111
Ileft. The Norristown Rryistar, thp oldest
and leading Democratic organ rn Montgom
ery County, came out last Week in a new and
peat dreas. iVo are pleased to ace evi
dences of prosperity. Quite a number of
our Democratic exchanges have been drew , -
iug up their columns within tipa past few
weeks. They, are making timely prepare•
don for the Presidential campaign s , ) near
at hand. SUNNI to theta as well as our
Tha t•iu.!uurg Daily Plot came 10
WI last week, euniaini ng a lengthy editorial,
ekongly declaring in favor of the
tioo of the lion, G mita E 11. PENDIA .. .ION.
of Ohio, fur President, ti the only out otpok•
NU ropreseutttive for paying the national
debt in tiAtiebal tunny—greenbacks for
bonds and. (quill taxation. The that is the
leading Der,o6oratie oilers in the Wotan
pun of this Butte. Our people well
world support Pendleton with a hearty goutt,
Will. Ile is no time-eel:wee.
1111. The e‘s,3l, weight of all pon46rable
bodies may Le truthfully noartained by
to the highest premium wag awarded
at the l'ariJ Exv.mitiOn
Alvaha l m
het ;1i Wilmot mob
delay. In Wang moved
Wong 101001 GRAMM, of
rat onager. Ile ban
- etilre 0 0001 1 1
Itionerely, of Philedelphin, 'wee roeleated
Chief Clerk of the Stints for the fifth or
sixth tiara to the beet of oar recollection.
In the Rouse E. IV. DAVIS, of Philadel
phia, was not elected Speaker on the first
day, as was announced in our last, but ,was
chosen to the Chair after time twenty odd
ballots, on the fourth day. It seems that
there were Pottle nine Republican Members
who retlaseil to go into the caucus with their
party friends and support Mr. Davte. They
gave their votes tp MCCAXANT of Blair
County, and continued their opposition to
the mum, nominee of their party until, u
they alleged, Mr. D.tvis gave them such
"pledges and amuranees" as they were aim
ing at. The bolters held that Mr. Dials
MA not favorable to the passage of a Free
Railroad Law, and that he was identified
with legislation last winter that had been
very ruinous to their party in the late idea
thn. All tle:oe wera tviax;sl out,
and those men will, no doubt receive favor
abh on certain Committees.
The Republicans elected all the officers,
of course. James 1,. Selfridge, of North
ampton, was elected Chief Clerk, uud Ed
ward G. Lee. (an oil Member from Phila
delphia,) Assistant.
The Democrats voted for Richard L.
Jones, son of lion. J. Watley Jones and the
jtoungest and best looking Member in the
Ileum, for Speaker; and for Chief Clerk,
John McFadden, of Philadelphia.
The Monis!, after receiving a lot of vetoes
ftom the Governor, appointing a Committee
to contract fur the painting of the Rreord,
and a squabble over a copy of Purden's
Digest for esdt Member, a d journed to
meet on )londay evening last.
The Senate adjourned on Thursday last
until Monday.
1i or revival has been in program at
a church in Wuyne County, Indiana. and
twelve converts had been taken into the fold,
when a company of rude and reckless young
wen disguised themselves in the shape of
horse., and. with bleigh bells and harness
attached, broke into the house of worship
just as the minister was Opt nine the service
by an appeal to the throne of grace. The
scene presented was decidedly fantastic.—
Honed, with pasteboard heads. flowing
manes and bushy tails of flax, and necks
covered with hells, sprang over the seats
and rushed up the aisles in a most threaten
ing manner. The minister bloke off the
thread of his dis;:ouree to the throne, and
besimght the intruders to leave the house.
They left, hut the services were no sooner
reolteeel. than they egein entered and set
up a hideous neighing end pawit.T, ii tt eel
with such G reptiotn of fint-H-r SIAS
never heifer- heard suelt a At this
Wand intrusion the preacher became utter
lydisgusted, dismissed his ermgregetion, and
left the scene of his discoutfisuee.
A SAP (ANC.—Early on Sunday morning
a week last a woman's dress, wrapped
around a pair of shoes. was found on the
river bank, below the dam, at Lewisburg.
The same twining Susan, wife. of Win.
Gibbony. of that place, was missed from her
home, and it is stated left behind all her
clothing evcept the articles tbutel at the
river. It is feared that while in a tit of
melancholy she committed suicide by drown
inß induce l by causes, it is rumored,
that may herafter be investigated. She had
always borne a p.oti character. Any infor
mation or her whereabouts. or of the dis
covery of her liiHly, addres4ad to Nicholas
Ernst. Chillisquaque I'. 0., Northumber
land County Pa., wilt be thankfully received
by her friends.— Sunbury :Interim of th , .'
11th inst.
Iwt. We learn farm the Allentown "Mao.
rat that a man by the name of
PEAmosr, of that town, berate tired of
life, and on Friday, the 311 instant, went to
the Lehigh and drowned himself. It is said
that. (:.e c:,u-c of this 'hell act %%as brought
about by his having been unfortunate in
business, to the extent of a complete failure
sonic years ago ; and unable to recover, or
ice any prospects of menrering, to the sicale
of his accustomed mode of life, coupled
with family separation, legal involvements,
siAness and poverty, he chose this mode of
putting an end to his troubles. Ile was 48
years of age.
Sir The prospectus of Tl,r itge, the
leading Pentooratie paper of the State, is
published in this week's DEmoctin. The
attention of our eiVhtfen 10oulred readers is
directed to it. This journal deserves the
encouragement of all democratic and eon
serrative pmple in the country. It has
stood up fearlessly for the Ruin in the
faeeof tyranny and despotism, nucer sway
ing to the right or left, but pursuin g one
straight.forwurd course, upon a "constitu
tional line." The proprietors get up a most
capital weekly for $2.00 a year.
I The Democracy of Ohio held their
State Convention last week and appointed
Delegates to the National Convention with
instructions to support lion ; (honor
PENDLETON, of that State. as their choice,
for the neat President. This suits us pretty
well. It is the work of the old fashioned De
mocracy. Mr. PEN DLETON is ono of the
boat men in the Democratic party anl if
nominated by the National Convention that
party will fled votes enough to elect.
EN LAUDED. --Tho Bellyinite utchman
has been considerably enlarged and chang
ed into a quarto form. We aro pleased to
see that the business of that establishment
warranted this
. expensive improvement,—
Mr, Mwmc.publiahos nn , of th. most\radi
calla. Deter:erotic papers. in tho ,tote, lie
liaservan ThoDttn..toracy of Centro
Ideated him to 'ha Legialaturl last fail 14
hallthOtllo majority.
•.•.. .
R' The Democratic party le not dead I
Neither is it ready to booome Johns united
Couldn't afteri that just now ,
AV magazine, issuoil
on an entirety new plan by Mesta grans A
Prom our knowledge of the parties ell
gaged in this enterprise, we feel justified in
asserting that their undertaking will ho a
succetis, and in all respects satisfactory to the
In addition to the attractions of a fresh
and interesting monthly, containing articles
from the best authors in this country and
Europe, as the title indicates, the
draw upon the whole world for topics of
intent, and offer u inducements, (if such
were needed,) a "dividend system" of an
entirely original character, in which all their
patrons will participate. This department
is under the personal supervision and exclu
sive control of Mr. George G. Evans, long
and favorably known as a gentleman of ex
perienoe, capability, enterprise end probity.
We commend to all a perusal of the "pros
pectus," wherein the distinctive features of
the enterprise are fully set forth. feeling sat
isfied that the result will be an immense
circulation of their new monthly, "The
World at home. Full rartieulars arc sent
free. Address Publishers ''The World at
Home," 814 Chestnut street. Phila.
State oaken.
We have already announeud the tact that
lion. C. E. Boyle, of Fayette county, has
been Kopeks] nomination fur Auditor
General. Two other candidates for state
offices have since been named, and we pre-
sume a dozen others will soon be added to
the list.
Gen. W. W. 11. Davis, of Bucks county,
who was the Dettutemtiecandidsto for Aud
itor General in ISO, has written a letter
expressing his willingness to accept a renom
ination. Gen. Davis served his country
gallantly during the rebellion, and he con
tinua the battle for the Union against the
ttaitors at the Northern end of the line.—
He has nll the needful qualifications for a
successful discharge of the iutportant duties
of Auditor General.
Mr. .1. M. Cooper, whose natne is pretty
well known to • the readers of this paper, is
recommended by the /mammy fatelligeseer
for the Democratic nomination for Surveyor
General. It refers to his long and active
service in the Democratic r.uilts as editor,
and to his experience in the Land Office,
as reason in favor of his nomination.—
Hold Robbery of a Hank.
At half-past four o'clock in the afternoon
of the 30th ult., the cashier and clerk of the
First National Bank of Independency. ItIo. ;
were sitting by the stove near the back door
of the batik building, conversing, having
just closed the front door and windows pre
nio-toey for idosior no for the .--
Suddenly the latch Orthia &mr must. and
two men entered side by*Pide, with pistols
in their bawls. One of thew said. as they
entered, in a low but very firm voice, "Not
word, men, or you will never see your fam
ilies again." The larger man of the two
held a pistol in each hand, nearly touching
the head of the two olliecri, while the other
proceeded to close the side windows and
pocket the cash. lie did this very deliber
ately, and after cleaning the vault, as he
thought, turned and ordered the officers to
enter the vault, which order they. of course
obeyed. The scoundrels then closed the
outer door of the vault and lett, locking the
back door of the building after them, taking
Loth the vault and door keys with them.—
The house and vault both being do* d. it
was some time before the prisoners could
make themselves heard. The clerk's wife,
who was up stairs in the batik building, be
coming impatient about Ler husband's delay
went to the back door two or three times.—
She at last prevailed on a gentleman to go
with her, and on reaching the door they
heard a noise inside, which proved to be the
two prisoners striking the door with a bank
seal that happened to be in the vault. The
alarm was then given, the door of the
building timed open, and the situation of
the cashier and clerk made known. The
cashier had a key at his residence belong
ing W the vault, which was quickly brought
and the door opened, to the great relief of
the pent-up prisoners, who
: was suffering
greatly from suffocation. The loss of the
bank is about !Jl,oooaudwithprivatefunds
and special deposit 4, it is supposed that the
robbers got about 17,000 altogether, about
$2,0u0 of which was in gold.
Attempt to Break lato a Hank.
One night last week an attempt was made
by some scoundrels to break into the
hpsburg National Bank. Three of rho iron
bars at the cellar window were wrenched
off through which they effected an entrance
into the cellar. They then undertook to
undermine the I;mndation of the safe, and
lhiling in this they attempted to get up
through the hatchway, by boring out apiece
of the door, but Whilst at this they must
have been disturbed tin they absquatulated
leaving most of their tools behind. Eas
ton Sehthiel of the 9th inst.
SotmtaN Soctrer.—This is the name
Of a literary journal lately started at Bahl
more, It is issued weekly, and its terms are
a• follows: One copy, one year, 14 .00 ; six
mouths, + 2.50 ; to clubs of ten or more,
$3.50 a year, and to clubs of ten or more,
for six months, $2.00 each. Address :
"Southern Society," No. 220 West Balti
more Street, Baltimore, Md. Pr Sped
men copies sent on application.
for The Philadelphia Dolly Nutcs has
donned a complete dress of now type, and
comes to us looking as gay as o butterfly.
It is ono of' the ablest edited papers in the
City, and although net as pretentious as some
of OA :mac important rivals, it generally
manages to say some of the host things that
arc said The :Vera is a Jfilimon paper,
but on all the great questions, it is in full ac-
cord with the Democratic party,
MO- The bondholder name Johnson for
l'rusifient 40 , 1 litinfwk `or Vivo? Pr.jtient,
3; 1369
either how
ate RA4 e
Ite In the
ditml eel%
the ease of
ed in Oar_
the Fenian raid.
tged pat
The report of the majority of the Elec
tion Committee recommending the exclu
sion of Mr. Brovrt l / 4 a Representative elect
from the State of Kentucky. is signed by
Nlessrs. Dawes, Upon, .'bellaber, McClurg,
and Cook —ull Radicals. The minority re
port in favor cf' the admission of Mr. Brown
will he signed by Messrs. Kerr and Chandler,
Democrats, and Scofield mid Poland, Radi
cals. Both reports will probably be made
The Senate Military Committee this
morning heard the report prepared by Mr.
Howard in the case of ex-Secretary Stanton,
but adjourned without taking any definite
action thereon. There is no doubt that it
will be adopted by the committee in its
present shape.
At the that itable fair recently held at
Carroll [fall, a gold beaded cane was in up
by subscription, to be given to the ;Kitson
having the largest vote. The vote fin. Andrew
Johnson was the largest. To-night Hon.
William K Robinson, of Brooklyn at the
request of the Managers, presented the lame
with some appropriate remarks. The Presi
dent, aecompanisd by Colonel Moore, was
present, and received the cane, making a
brief speech, which was received with fre
quent applause.
Mr. TRtmout.l., of Illinois, from the
Judiciary Committee, in the Senate report
ed a bill amending the bankruptcy act, re
commending its indefinite postponement.
Mr. Mewls offered s resolution of in
quiry, which was adopted, calling upon the
President tor information whether the bill
for the further security of equal rights in
the Disttiet of Coltunbia, passed by both
houses, has been delivered to the Secretary
of State and become a law; more than ten
days haying elapsed since its passage.
Mr. Slienck, of' Ohio, offered a resolution
calling the attention of the Committee on
Military Affairs and of' the Board of Man
agers of the National Asylum for Dioahled
Volunteer soldiers to the idea of making
pprovi.•ion at the Central Asylum and its
branches for furnishing and repairing here
after artificial limbs, five of coot, to disabled
soldiers, the work to be done by me c h a nic s
who are inmates of the asylum. Adopted.
JANUARY tt, 180.
It is understood that a determined effort
being made by all the Democratic mon
is' of the Pennsylvania delegation, for the
removal of the present Collector of the Port
of Philadelphia. Several prominent gentle
men have been mentioned for the position.
Among them are Stephen D. Anderson,
John 0. Brenner, John W. Linn, and one
or two others.
The Finance Committee's LW to repeal
the law all o wing the Seoretars - or the Tresm
ury Ts.tire or cancel Utsite.) z . !Latoo uotems
cawe Up us the r.-:eustte to-uay, spa wtpi &-
bated until near four u'eloelt. ulnas an exec
utive session was oideretl: Mr. ressenden
delivered rather a strong .speeelt in opposition
to the measure, which bad the effect, at
lvasst, of preventing a vote to -day.
The Senate today concurred in the House
bill providing foe the collection of the tax
on whiskey at the "still," and abolishing
the class "B" of bonded ware houses. It
was amended in one or two particulars, but
the amendments are not considered impor
On motion of Mr. Morton, of Indiana.
the Semite tool. uu 116 reohnion to iw.t,tatt
the ~,,, aid to
abrogate exiNtiint State Itmerniiiiitit , in thi.
`ouch. and provide pruviriona/gtivvrionent,
in their stead.
Pending the further consideration of the
resolution, the special order. the bill to pre
vent a further reduction of the curreney,
nas taken up.
The question was en the amendment, that
after the passage of the act the authority
of the secretary of the Treasury to cancel
notes, de., shall be suspended.
Nr. Sherman, after sumo general remarks
on the state of the country, and presenting
some statistics of bank circulation, &e., ad
vocated the passai:e of the bill on the
ground that it would satisfy the public mind
that no further contraction will be made,
and quiet the appreliemion felt by ninny
that it would restore to Congress power too
important to be (It:located to any single offi
cer of the government. That it would place
the entire responsibility or management of
this quest ion, now overshadowing all others,
on Congress. where it properly belongs.
Mr. Wawni, of lowa, introduced a bill
for the protection in certain cases of per.
ROOS making di-closures as defendant or tes
tifying as witnesses. Referred to the Corn.
mime on Judiciary.
The bill providse that no answer or other
pleading of any party, and no discovery or
evidence obtained by means of any judicial
proceeding from any party or witness in this
or any foreign country, shall be given in ev
idence, or used against such party or witness,
or his ppipeity or estate, in any court of the
United States.
The ao•calkd Reconstruction Committee
have had two meetings this week, and will
no doubt report a now bill at an early day,
continuing the provisions contemplated by
the resolutions introduced on Monday lastby
Messrs. Routwell and Upson. It is stated
on reliable authority that the Radical roan
berg of the committee have fully determined
that the managen►ent of the so•eadled recon
struction scheme must be put more di.
reedy into the hands or under the control of
General Grant.
It is reported that slessrs. Randall, Boyer,
Glossbrenner. Gets, Va. Auken, and Wood
ward, of the Pennsylvania delegation, waited
on the President and the Secretary of the
Treasury to-day in relation to the removal of
the present Collector of the Port of Phila
delphia. The result of their interview has
not yet transpired.
The President sent to the Senate to•day
thu nomination of Col. Charles G. Greene,
6i . thc tu Le Assistant Treasur
er o f t h e l' 1 ; !e i St.itt sat Boater. Colonel
Greene is a well•knewn Democrat.
In the Criminal Court, to-day, amen, who
hadjust beenconvieted of theft was tentenoed
to the penitentiary for two years and a ball,
drew a knife and nude a lunge with it at a
lon in
with haunt to kill
Mr. Harlan, of lowa, introduced a bill iu
the Senate, providing that the appointuients
of all deputy postmasters, for o&et where
the compensation allowed to the povttnaster
amounts to $5OO, and of all railway clerks
and paid agents whose com pensa tion amounts
to 411500 per seem, bhall be made by the
President, with the advice and conset of the
Senate, all such commissions and appoint
ments now held shall cease and determine
within thirty days after the passage of this
act, provided they have not heretofore been
confirmed by the Senate.
The morning hour haying expired, the
especial order being the bill to prevent fur.
ther contraction of the currency came up.
Mr. Edmunds, of New York, moved to
amend by adding at the end of the bill the
Provided, That nothing contained iu this
act, or any other act of Congress. shall au
thorize un increase of United States notes or
other lawful uioney beyond the amount
thereof now outstanding.
Mr. Sherman said the amendment was
unnecessary, us the volume of currency.
could not be increased but for a particular
purpose, for the reserve authorized to meet
temporary liabilities.
Mr. Edmonds, of Vermont, said the
amendment was offered for the purpose of
ascertaining whether the Flamm Commit
tee contemplated a fltrther increase of the
dishonored paper of the government. The
inference apparently intended to be left in
the mind oldie Senate was that the policy
of the bill was only to suspend the reduction
of' the volume of currency.
Mr. Sherman argued that there was no
law authorizing the Secretary of the Treas.
ury to issue a dollar of legal tender notes ;
except as he had stated.
Pr fll.lO SOllOOl.B.
Mr. Stevens of Pennsylvania, reported a
bill to establish a Pystem of schools for the
District of Columbia, that shall serve as a
model for similar institutions throughout the
nation. Postponed, and made the special
order for Wednesday next, and until dis
posed of, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Farnsworth, of Illinois, introduced a
joint resolution in reference to bounties, to
the widows, children, parents of soldiers
who have died since the '23th of July, 1866.
Referred w the Committee on Military Af
The so-called Reconstruction Committer
will to-morrow report a bill, which if enact
ed, must inevitably bring on a collision be.
tween the President and the officer designa
ted to execute its provisions. The first see
tion provides that the civil State govern
ments of the excluded States shall not be
recognized as valid or legal, either by Exac
mice or Judicial power, or authority of the
U n it e d Stat e s. The second sect ion attempts
to confer upon General Grant the powers of
"Commander-in-Chief of the army," which
by th.. Coustitution are vested exclusively
in the President.
The Howie Judiciary Committee have
agreed to, and wilt tu-morrow report the
Senate bill defining a quorum of the Su
preme Court, with an amendment providing
that the concurrence of two•thirds of the
judges of the Court Auntie necessary before
any law of Congr,:m shall be pronounced un
conititutional. The obicet of this measure
is to prevent iudicial interference with the
so•calltd reeonsti uct ion acts.
The joint committee of the two housemen
printing, will to-morrow award eontracts for
furnishing 111,Ait) reams of paper for the
public printing during the on rent year.—
The bids do not show a very material (io
dine in the price of the article.
Mr. Van Winkle. of West Virginia, pre
sented a petition of citizens of Parkersburg,
%Vest Virginia, for the interposition of the
United States government in behalf of per-
sons held for trials as Fenians.
Mr. Sumner, of Massachusetts, introduced
a joint resolution, that
liltraos, The amendment to the Consti
tution proposed by the Thirty-ninth Con
gress, known as Article 14, has already been
adopted by the Legislatures of twenty-two
States ;reciting their names); and
1174(ertu, By the ennstitution, an amend
ment duly proposed and ratified by three
fourths of the States, is declared valid;
Roof,INA That said amendment. having
received the requisite ratfiiestion, is valid to
all intents and purposes.
Mr. Sumner said it seems important that
the count* . should know whether that arti
cle is valid as a part or the Constitution or
Cwt. He thought there was no question of
its validity. He hoped Congress would de
clare so without delay, and that it was their
duty rather than that of any ether branch
of the government. It has been the custom
heretolbre fiir the Secretary of State to cer
tify the ratification. In hits opinion it came
properly within the cognisance or Congress.
no pint resolution was referred to the
Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Doolittle. of Wisconsin, gave notice
that when Mr. Morton's resolution to invali
date the existing governments of the South
was again called up, lie would move to
amencl'hy instructing the Committee on the
•Judiciary, in any bill for reconstruction re
ported by them, to insert a proviso that in
any election of' officers, or for the ratification
of the Constitution, persons voting must be
possessed of one of three qualifications :
First. To have served in the army one
year or more.
Second. Sufficient education to read the
Constitution of the United States and sub-
scribe his name.
Third. To be possessed of freehold prop
ertv to the amount of ff2so.
The proposed an►endu►ent, which is sub
stantially the resolution heretofore offered
by him, was ordered to be printed.
Mr. Barnes, of the House addressed the
Committee at length on the question of the
national finances.
Mr. Kerr next addressed the Committee,
and proceeded to discuss the principle* in
volved in the question of American citizen
ship, which was now justly agitating the
public mind.
isle. The tifidereired inCere for situ upon the
lowa tenement., term., at Me plies of burinere, In
BENTON, COLOMBIA COUNTY, one handfed thou
soled shingles and I lent• Ipt, of (mins Ifolirds, of
the very beet lulling, both Ole aid herniae*
Penton, ?Any P. IW.t
rr Dl•intah. tlitet , ex*
14 , 101 the tln.eeil ucl tag by J. 18 AACS, M. P.. rithhil
sad Aari,t (foray rly of L , 3len, Holism), NO. 004
Arch Street. itliadelphfa, Teatlaioalal• Trost the
meat reliable mutt la city aid taaa n trs an be seta
at ina The Neekal %salty are laviuld to aa.
aompany their patients.aa,Sa hY as weeste $$ 111
prude*. ARTIFICIAL ETES Interyed 10)1_414 pa,
No ebeft" oleramatioa. Mae. 13. tar.-1,
ter that the men
alt and battery
L us -A -6i:
no. Sr
0.14 C
*Ol M
rentb, IfttS.
CoLK,A.tri, PrHbonotary ,
elroommbill An. y. MK
relapse Orem ry.(lark,Satagf .11641 air nev. , isemer.J.
Letter► of adosieletration on the P.llOOl of David
W. Clark its M Montour Township, Cnitinthin
County, detested hay , • bi , on yraniPJ by in* Rest tfry
of cud County. to it el. Iltbomas, Ia c%liirtsaii. Col .
County. All permits haying chitin/ bgaleit the re
late of inn &strident it. requested to preen t them to
Ina adminiatretnr /Of settlement. and More knowing
tbem►rlrea Indebted to the masts ttntuedi•
■tu payment to the undersigned.
J. M. SIILIMAN. Malloigtrator.
C■tatvlara, Jan. 14 1888--4 w.
In the Orphans' Court in and far the County of
cow turns. vet the matter rd the ilotOle or Will / 'lO
flushes, late of Memo TOM bahlp is said county, de
ceased. The undersigned, Auditor appointed irjr lbw
Coed to make diritibutlna of the kalmice in the
hands of the administrator of bald, decedent. will
meet the parties interested fo• tho purpose of his
sppotntutent at the ogles of Robert F. Clark Bei. in
Bloomsburg on fistardny the drat .lay of February.
lege!, at It/ o'clock /1. in. An puttee toterested are
requested to sttend on that dey end present their
chinos. or bu forever eicidded from soy part or
share of said fund.
CEO. 8. CULLMAN, Auditor.
January 8. 1801--Ow.
tun:REAP, the Nos. Wtwatai 'Went.. Prneht.nt
VI , lodge of the Collet of Oyer and Terminer and Gen
etal Jail Delivery, Cowl of Quarter Beittiona of the
Peace and Court of Common Pleas and orphan's Court
is the 911th Judicial Distrirt, compared of the run Aties
alColunibia,bulliven and Wyoming and the Hon 1r.,.
Dere and Peter K. Herbein. AmemateJuthres,,re e h rte .
bra Co., have leaned their p recep t . b eam/dare th ,,, v ,
dry 01 Botissill th" year of our Lord one tivermind eight
blindred and eirty•aeven. to ms directed for home ' a
Court ofoyer and Terminer anti general Jail dellyory.
General (thinner Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas
and Orphan's Conn, in thoontiburlL in the comity of
Columbia. en the liret Monday, tbving the 3d day, ut
Yebruary seat, to rontinue Iwo MINAS.
Nottee is hereby al vtm. to the Coroner, the Justices
of the Peace and Conatehlee dt the said county of Col
inane that the) be then and there in rbtur prone, rt r.
son at 10 o'clut k in the forenoon Mimed day with their
MIAMI', Illipititiuris and other remembrance to do
three things 'with to their Maces appertain to be done.
And those that ant bound by iscogniunce, to prosecute
against the prisoners thnt are or nine be in the Jail of
said county of Columbia to be then and then to prose.
ruts them as *ball be just. Jurors ars mouttated to tis
punctual in Melt attendance,egreesbly to Gator notice s
....." i Dated at Bloomsburg, the Yid day of Dec.
1...8 t in the year of our Lord one toeu e and eight
.."...... )htladred and city snd lathe ninetieth
you of the Independence of the United Moto ' of
Atomic'. ( OM) soul Imo 001.110•Witik1T111.)
mtatuacm MILLARD. tgleri?
Ibluumslmrg, /Amity 0, 1888.
BLOOM— Jnrob Schuyler. Milts Deily,
RENTON—Jacob Ultdenh
BEAVEll.—uforre P. Driesba,9l.
HKIIO% BORO—John book, nurse Katcher,.
Lewin Lake.
VONVNGHAM—Lana 117. r.
rATAWISPIA—Jachb Shneara. John Fibar;lest
FIRIIINGVICEK— men Campbell.
FKANKKlNl—llerniltun ('lark
I.ooll l lT—Pater Yocum.
Atil4oN—Henry Wagner, Ji,coh 11.01:too, G4o.
w, ithpplee.
MAI ?1i lit—Ullman John
OKANCK-11 K. R oan
Pnilin•ir. •
14C0TT-9110ore Cr nr4lMr.
SUGAKIAPIr-George Prat. Claroshan L Rua's.
Rl} CRY TERM, 1648.
Blonnt-John K. 644.1% Passel Jacoby.
Heaton -Pismo Alma/re.
Centro -Aaron Molluset.
Callawioaa-G•orge UsMort, Jacob
redllllll3 11411r0.4olleph !troller.
riohonAcrook-Jainet K, V4tteron. Hiram Koss.
F ankhn-Wllh,rw Roarboth
Iliternwood -(1..orlo fir/only. Nirtlonks
holm ‘1,1; I e n. Tbd,m a p,
Jackfoo-Julau J.•nf y
Jot. VI. soma Ifoor•IL
Modfooll -11(0wrt .k 11110414. Netegniab Woll.ver o
Offillifo- (km:. W. Ao, lewnn. lama 14. W.soda.
µ.....cmgcrveh •:/tnunl 111100.. :C.f than Lorleaba/k.
Amu tub,.
Pcuit-Cisieles i.e. Ito eph WilMollt A
egrtforr. M. C 1 1 10:411.for Wril,oftaG. Camp:wit. het*
Trrwilliter, Jose K.rescur, Telma* Dolesuito.
tlegarloaf-Jaaues Attrard, Arad//ow Liabisett.
bersiclit lioru-Jobe limpert.
PLEAS, FEBRUARY 10th, 1603.
,t roam--Martin V. Woodward. liftwton W. Barton
Thou, as Noon.. Jobs Wolf.
fkr.t. k Neiman. hookah sawrr.
ilrourrrerk--Johei WAikaltb, Delki Krt.:hoer
t:iatre.r• —fiIAMIDI John Kvlrnr,
oro , ll. 11. Wallin*. Loot. Vetter.
111111, lomAo Hee' , tllttiton 11. !bete.
Cue y T. Mettrown.
Es ettinsuctii—Joseph Col/163n. l'uottne Haub
lieinholt —Win. Leidy John Applettm. Sohn
slavish William IleMalLiel. Jam. W. Crier.
ldreilet—tt in. falsest'''. %Via. Hughes. /Stars A
Pos. Perry Meaty.
Mettle—A Med linters,
Mitlhu elisti B. lows. Lamle Clow.
°tunic—JAN Weiste.
Pine—Luther A. Gamma, beep, Trsiblabils,
rrott--James Lake.
Mary K. Crease vv. Robert /1141 cll. el, a/
• ' vro•-• • mt. 11' . Imolit , at I.
3 W 191999 A. Mr'n .13111 e. (tyke.
•or ... v• the. Kdiar.
3 James Ilannoa v•. Michael Ciento.. et. al.
li Tlimas r
SUS ire Sylveher J. Fans,
Pomo. I Wa.eta va. George Willett..
elatilum Wale/11 VIP. GOolle
11 John Tiembly h. Co VP. dory C. Crean.
hi John MtV.naiJ vs. Lowto honer, et al.
II Wee Ilronch lii.izernel• co v. Pi lug!) U 2hive.
12 Edward McCall ..t el. vs John Fwsouey.
14 Pew Werlibeiser. Adam Ras', t:t al.
F H. Permit) v• Andrew FttaM
11. F 11. Persrn ea John Oda.
17 Jambe 'Janitor vs N L. Campbell.
IN Gbilecra Arndt v• John 11. Leiby.
111 William Jailer r• John Havana, e 1 al.
SO Ushiel O, Ent'e adtnt, vs. Wm. tV M.inkai•
111 Charley N. Miller vs. ilie Too wahip of moos.
aft Ileuiel fetter Vi. loner Vetter, et. .1.
22 .I. , •tali l'lnonas use vs !Ivory C. Friar.
24 John 11 Letby VII. Olden') Avoid'.
16 Ceiba' in. thug v• Ete p bew mkt kt i.
Henry Yost. et al vs. George Newt. Li, 014
VJ. •I HirsletJti se. Henry . Hmtwan.
114 Canty Knapp vs. Michael hike
19 Wlllllll3l Clark vs, Robert ILL'latk.
novni Ilrlrrt6 vs David
31 John Cooper r • I.) tel llowir.
Mary Mckteavy vs Robert Gone% it Co.
22 Joieph lice. va. Praino Cvetatt.
/DAM.: CW.1621412. Mae?
thloingburi Jan.,. lOW.
In the Cohn of Common Moo in and for the
eou lay of Coluniblo. In the matter of the bolo of
the real estate, of John Perry hy the elheriff. The
ondernigned auditor arnuttited by the Court to sake
distritnition of the him/ in Cowl. among the
lien ciecitora of John Perry, *III meet the earlier
Intrr.•rted for the purpose , , or his lipp.inunont. at
hie Once In ItloonvoLuri, In said Cookie. on Monday
the ',nth day of January. A. D. Irit.o. at lir o'clock a
at, of that day. All the parties inlefebted ■re rc •
quested to attend on that oay or he forever debarred
how mum. in for a pail or 'bare of said food.
IKYLKIL Auditor.
Ditx”obstiri, Dec. 23.
-IPMRIA COUNTS'. Ratite of William E. Roberts'
Illtana . Jackson township, Columbia Corny. Thu
undereirsod, audit or appointed by the Orphan.'
Court of i;olumbis County. to otitis sad 'Must the
labia and proportions of lb' &saris of the elteadear,
in the hands or Abr them Yonne. administrator of
William B. Roberta, decoavad, to and anions the
creditor. in the order established by law, will inset the
creditors of the decedent. and all albite persona in •
terested, at the ()Moo of the liaeordir of Deeds In
Bloomsburg. in and for sold County for the purpose
of bu iippuintruent un lanturday, the iath day of
January. War at 10 i.'eloeb, a. m ., of said day. All
peeler interebted IN rtqueated to lobed on that day
and present their Claim.. or be Ammer debarred from
i.urtaiug in fbr a part or share of said fund.
JOHN a IhRIEZE. Auditor.
111notostrarg. Dee. U. 1067.-4 w.
ipuerEtt FOR SALE.
Ihe oadamanad 1• about Tall Sp a
~,hp PENN MENACE Mitt), and trlq OW to
tot public ONE HENDEE') 101 Ewa
Sowla statist While Planter,
'moved toady for us' Iq . ltalitigot to salt pottage.
Mi. at any boo him Lim *rat of Iltniroh newt,
1, ti. NcNlNCii.
Ca4wlHa, is* a 1J1157
PvaLlt) %tie
of Val uablo
enhuss n O O O j & e a t*? et tm arms.. 0o
el ► Volork p IL, Cyril( tel.:haul aid Oilolottio
ilifmlnletritots or twat Walla* ISIS _NIP
litodl•nn Tnoo.hlp, meta oel
oontv, •uoped,lol9ll.
elpfNIA In 001 Of public vonfloe ,03 lA.
Imo fallowing illserebod Real Ritstu to wit: aU that
IMMO In vlndlonn tnyin4hlp 6oinnhen
hnindled An th• oast by land. Al Innetin Titnnt* M 1
nano 1111611160. on the north by tend of
Preen, nad John ditanffor. on the trodkr=
ine•b Ontoor and ',tenth MIN 1001431111111
env, or lege. ton which are erected a two olloey
(rain, dersliiiiie hogs*. bank barn and other nit
buildings. I good twine and wall of water soar lb.
the door. load apple and paint prettily& and afttern
semi of wkleb Is good titotrerml land; late Me
*ante of said dseaassd. situate in IN, Toaraokip
Madison and County aforeasid.
JPAilii COLEMAN, Club.
Bloomsburg. Doe. 6. 1M67.
l'onulTioia.—oes•thirkl of the pawls** mann,
be secured on the perinlires derlog lbs liredian* sat
the widow of Isaac Keleher& Ortwasst), the inters/at
on the same to be pald annrially nos tbs Ibt day of
April and the principal at bar davit to tha belts of
.aid deeestrii. 'rep per teat, of ope.fnerib of IN
illfehaae luaf , ii shall hi paid at the striking down of
Din irlyirty. the 11.1,, Narlb leis tae (.0 per roar. it
ihn cr.ihrraailin Ma remaining this.
touts nt one re , r lin•reafter. witb Intermit from the
cuttertimtion *Lt. aLt Ataadaaa gloss by the lan
EVIL altinti ARO,
Madison, bermaber 2). MGT.
GooDs! NEW 0001)31
The putilie should boar la ailmA that
Aatc conetautly op Land
All klado cf good Courts CHEAP for cash es 141111
Ily ri)deCe.
Llibt ltiwt. Nov. $. ISO
Th. untierotjned meal re•pertfolly Informs her La.
dy castouora, and the palate is general. that she bale
Wet seded to ker ilitsis large Lad varlfkil aaaort•
unto' of
A NEW SUPPLY, well anti taitnfully aele tied fnt the
prertnt sad ...NNW, season. tier MIER IONNET4
AND 11.11 . k are calculated to take the bed In thIO
rnie* and bicioity, bia yvkrythiag forod Ia
Alilliaery & Fancy Stores,
and mokrs op tad or:11 at r anode upon the most rta•
oflublevrlo4 Woo Ur a mat ringsososiso to, 14*
Must of guado. LIZZIE DAZZLE!,
/STMTS. Main Nom, tgarisey building.)
UtiC4l477 Z 3, 1.,41. BlJoiasboari
NEW (ASTER ta. A L():11,
en she bailment of the
CI °IP 21Ilaartik.% 110@3lp
Porith °petite served up in every stela awl at
bourn ; With all the int,er .•Pains" Good ia &at
gimps a 0.1.111111111111116
XX Al. loh.tanttv in Mid, tosetbtr with cola
Liquors of every Otend.
Es.itthlar in tlp•top ot.:er about .to. Paws.
Bon dyi,:tl bat t. , 1../.11,•J 11i SAW •111,1 we Ofalooo,
in glean Stilt or ler.
pl o oosskai. New. IA 1/67-3m.
cna lutsWlpMal POI INsinatitiorf•
760.71 P ARCH Mil VET. above 7111. MIL uetrnt A.
Hive vow In Ithici airy ows Inaponatian ant
of the Wiest OM Inauufs
wecilvt.. if
fur iinties' and t'bildren'e Was, in the CM. 41.3,
I 6110 ia,soltuient or Genre tar Ohne* and Colic /
I ftiU enabled to dioptire ct aey *undo At very reuen.
Mil. pri,o, nd i would theriavre ouivit Audi firvm
my friends ril Coleornie Count, and vicinity
I Remember fin Name, Number aid litrecit I
; NO. 111 ARCH It, Above 7th. 'curb Aide Pr.rt.A;;l.
n" I H '%a MO 'l' . non c.,:net..-rien 141111 Ma
i ohm! PI oce Vi PIINLaDttrIII4.
1 Lktober d, teor7.-4r.4.
• - •
lIC wb•ctiber, pwprfe►nr
a the Nero 1111111 ed et•
e.tsAllehment,t• now
repu►d to matte orlon
All Kinds et Machinery,
Mr rtdletivi, Platt Turnacts, italloshvy
$ll.ll, kC . &C.
Ile ir Irian impugn IQ matte ?Jltui es. all .tsco
ellitonik• fr‘ow•lronr. mud evt, ytblug usually made io
j NIA clan/ Coundflek
Him elf !nrovt: facilities and prarilral workmen. a Re.
.eat hl.ll in rec,iving lbu tarpon coniracto tha
rea•vnable tunic •
tintin 0(.111 kinds wink.: taken In exchanst for
VIP This astablialltielt la 101111.6 d WA tin Ladrana.
na A Illoam•burg Kaltman Lela'.
rxres siLExxsa.
ill , •ousediurk. es«ut. iron).
' N EW wrovr: AND 'l'lN SII01".
ow .1 .117 , 11+TREST, A NC IRf.Y orpthutz
alll.LEht BrO/Y.; 01.003011614.3. PA.
THE 'Jndorstilled Ail wt itted up, and opeara,
bit rwio
In this plan:. where he is prepared to sinks up new
Tlr %V ARY. of sll kinds in his line, and do glipair•
ins with neatness and disp4tch, term the inenW wia•
stumble ',till', Ile 11110 keeps OR hand drrovas of
various patterns and style*, *bah be will sell Upon
trrint to suit our , itseere.
Give Ho is a good meetanie, gad de
serving of ihi nbils pw onist .
Blonambitrg. dept. 9, 1/136.—1y...
re Medirince. at John I, Moyer', Dig nuts
enrou 01 Maio and Muirl titrtet,,, ApH ankh
Meat of
Medientec Paints. Oslo *led Virtual/co, always eel
hard. end will be sole cheeps, than at easy ottlet
11Prt g Btcfree in news.
Peese.riptlone tunefully etattyouteeted at Mateo
Prue Yore,
Ayala aid Jaynes bledieluai sold at %loyal's Drug
Wirhart'a Tir Cordial. Dakirea Cart Livia 'CH!,
Winalow's lloutbrag Py rup, sow at hurryrune Druz
Fur any reliable patint roodklasa, eel it iseries
Doug 'tort.
Li alter of all binds, wholesale sad rotall, at 7. a
loyer's I'•uy Pore, Bloouetburg, Pa.
Mar se. trAf. —if.
- _
GEO. W. DIAEGER, Proprietor.
TM above well•inowe betel hut reeeetly midst
pee radical changes in Its internal ortetireolustr
and IteatropnttOr ant notate a 10 late Prollellt,elletelle
and the trtvolling puelle that bit atteationollatteare
for Or caramel( hie guests ma sacoad SO neltdin
the country. His table will alwaye be frond pep
piled, ant nel) srltb tuttetantial Thei r hi with al
the Michela' of Me octane. Hit awful tad Helm*
orocont that poptilar Deseret* Niemen es lAisilbartl
purchased direct helm the importing haters, asedor•
tlrelr pure, and Ns trim all pnisOnetta
to thankfla fer a liberal wrote,* IN the Pelltpalti
• 111 eoetiflee to dents* it in the }lmre.
otosar. w. MAIMS.
JUAS 13.11100.—1 f.