Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, January 08, 1868, Image 4

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    TO TATTFIX roirts.
Upon this eabjezt I caa bat give toy own
"aperient % whichWWWnutbeenlitnitcti. The
coop in which they am eenfine,l slatthl be
rowan;"; eo that they will not be etrodeil ;
And as light is essential to health, it cer
blit l o9 not be tot in a datk plum. An
open riled is suitable to in ott.ct it nom the
weather. I prefer an open coop with a alit
bottom, to that it will keep dry and the filth
eirop,throtty,h, By leaving MT cue side shit,
a stationary trough can be fixed outside to
feed in, thus prot:urinx cleanliness. fly
custom is to have a moveable one inside for
water s afro a Dos for gravel, ashes, a'c. Itt
the selection of fowls to fatten, rare should
be taken to choose those that are matured,
and of neatly the &MO , A'. If any are
quarrelsome they Fhoal I to removed, a. ,
quiet in a fattening coop is a cleat, coneider
s.tion. If fowls are in good liceit at the
time of patting up, with pr , per e.:e they
will le fit for market in ten days ; 1 • t it is
poor comlition tea wt. ka will to v „i re j
As for the pr, - pi . rfo tto fatten fa•sts,
have found the wia«h corn to do na
ulth each en etTalort..l f,:ed of
meal will be re11..1e.1; ?! ( 1 ),”1
for a change. Never allow th; ever
ted, At,ret min tom much they will eat in a
day, and dire it to them Ia three. Ned Kin ,
of morning, t.c , an and towar.l4 ni„ , ht, F. c:h.
clew, %rater Avail 1.:1+ en at morning an t
noon. Cray:l itimt L'pt within their
teach. althoueh in frtrr n weather I t:ae
found col aches to uo=wer every } urpose
Ant a thing worthy of note is, that th e
to whit , l; the ashes were a.!. wed at the tiara
Of killing were free flan) vermin,
To purine the course I ha', twit ea,
paya both the producer and cot umer for
a porky! brings bat little, and is wc , ..11,
nothing f.a. the table, e teas a tot one ti:; ,
the pocket and makes the
X„,and Orcupita byrcuei'!3.
The tent< t'..t:tt and ht;:nr tt.trairo to inki!d
keott fdcce in :t "tre qino:;
ti ory itt ni of Ciil3 CO?..
tho len v h • y r:nol i 5 atrltier
item c n tti; of
1101 :t•••:•,...1 1 :,;
1 - ,:e • i•
VA tit,J,
:t Vsea: tro. .V..;! .114 . . ,,• •
Ith•o., .:itititv a ty'ton • it A l!
tho ;Vv.: to,nl
i t W a s c:"Tplt ! ... the t H lCtr teeth: 't
va , .. , •.t! • tor ' I
• t• . •,
I,:.‘tt t• it v r ' ..t
t.t0a , .., !,, 'll • t+
a 'sand out. r. 1,1 A f'• ' ' on ,
rods bow: I •••.' !t•
tz. I 4.•••:
fote, , , •-•••:' .16; .1 ft ' •••••••
at.r2s ot, L. I • 1 , th! •.! • t•
r: , ~,, 'N‘ i • .!..: , ~;'
t ; it •
4 •• •- ;, ;v1•• •
„. '.. .., t;,..,r;• . : • Le
1:: .• ; : . 'I :•; • '
rtiloraDr,V.MM; ;
A. thlir Lt ' y t • pr e , . runt
0,1111-111,• c-m!t or ati
;mew. .•
vad y. Fttfivitni
zertrily it; •utito
Cit. re: Wt.. .•
j'4811: 1 ft , I
vi s l::;11 Ica* r ro,
ar.tit). 'Tett , ho t., 1;.. ~
the dri , . t an:! 11 , .t 1 . : r
avant nf, * f
: .. .1 LI. 1 • , 1 1•
• . 1 r,.:.. r, It'. I •:1.;
Jr irit • • ! n:, ;
11,11 , ! I , •t.
an .1 vv, . 1 . 1?; 1 ; 1 ' •
it 11.0 ''.'• "I . .t . • •
1 , 1 t t ; ' • ;: f
't rq
U:'.l.xl:!' '-' ~ ~ ... .!i
t•• tl.•• •: , 11:, •
,t 1•1
•. • t
t.'sptaly, ti; ; ; :; r • ,
121,1litit,- ' t:,•••
. 0 . • : • t ,
f0,14t ill or.. :1• ,, ~.4t. .
tlltC'rt6.• 1.1. i. •
il.:1 4 .0e:3:! !... 1.• ! *.1.•
!Ascot. 51.1.1: , trt,:.:t.F. ~ , la 11,,•
rural ititprov , -. , , , rit '2.•
to our A....iut •I• r Z•) tab •
or a 7 , 10.1= i!. • • ‘. ••
and curet •
ti,, ,
be procured th. I ,
How TO : 4 m T y
persons who tire in the habit of tryshtnin:s
mackerel or salt fish, rarer diesel that time
is a right and a wroug k i .o it. Any
one who has r, , en the rr: evarortition
going on it the salt w known (kit
Uhl to the house: J.. t it is in the an
where your nsarkerai c'r white fish
dog ; and a sit lies with skin and rill th wo,
the ,et will fall to tin/ shin, a d ren.a:n
there, wl - .en if placed with the f.. , h side
down, the salt fails to he laktn n a of ti o ra p,
mid the fish collo out Id o dieu.t.l as it shlal ,
in the ath.r else it is nearly ss 91t RS when
put in, If YOU do not believe this, test the
matter for yourselves.
Clatati SHEEM—The mo't arrrovtd
furs in :heel) is general rounders, :, of ,i,ape
and fine/tole of how. The chest shouLl be
bread, the ribs troll ached, the back and
kilns broad hat end ttraipht ; the litels'
Fbould Le eh-., pr -dam to the body.
the head enrOl. Coin, th 4, kin. : soli
*!”*. ",, to the tett& Wok,
eantein well forward to the fare but not
oottering it. The Awe and forehead should
be c l o th e d with short hair, ILA the PP'S
should Vile a lively expression.
DP.. .1. R. I:VA NS,
Pbssfcian and Sargeog.
AVING I".•wvii ,rtlonfirtilly on Atoll)
r K1.t)f)34:•11111tt; Tre s umut t i in
al* ant thlbitottcogrally. tyat 142 4j proprire4 to
Olen/ to 411 hipatteiP.l . 4llllllllly Did 111%4C10011y thot
iinty b. ititilillillta4t) OA WWI 001144ettlitt
tarn wiftt OP Thaa t . • -
re Ite tatyt vtlict atteattom to attrytty A: welt
Eligliet wuht. vtrrrnos MENA
Ind thn priatiag aitialial he
tout rant nag itorSety Matt etlo
do his **n rtattatt I, way.,
MAlvita*, and caraply. '1 erg a , k
00 aiill.ple i It roaOt ir al . Iva that
11 bay IS years old can easily
manare the fastest NW«
RN t., Print+ a insituctaaa. ars ins*,
il • e.. 1 With tack utilre.tuabtata ma
picaaati alga at Waft with ,
nut a preva , ao kaaalcifee o
OWN Widths. A sitttiliit Contala
ihs NH 004.'10100. Nitro.
sestssionials Sic . iwnt troo
w aft our siwcinwn sbvt6s
ppiNTFR of Yti• Cut*. Sm. wn 66146.
k 6 • • ADA A PuLAs
2A Ann Sow,
sl4ta ty. ,11 Mil V UittC.
Announrae to tsij nutty It 1,23414 utid ttmunr~++ta is
t,up.r. % t by ,uuttuuvA toe Utimive toll.tuer* nt him
std pi.we of bUtetneu u u iN pyrlteg r. 1414(.1t*114
ItvocuAtoaaer. and aitteri con 44 ACCOMltCragi'd
Ftmawilipre,Tmu, rt. and ov , c) ; "
emit in 01 %ell r+eoll.te,l a'TCrt'ib ,j
Atii) I't%lV AKE I ,, TA I:I. , VFNII rt , Ift tit.l49.
Utit 2“l' .4rWt roti•mo.+ble ter
sporrlNO f t hion*ew nail is rug, will tie put
up ar, short to.tlre. Alwu, aY khtds or d
pr,hotot) and WWII Ittn t ferns
litr tilt° Nuys on hand a t.,r e ‘:
Pettn. Of Prttnt atrAttot an, met Leo+, tiwt
Itunttnttnt ttt 11+, 1 '1'0 rat + Itt,tttte,ttt.tA Ft,
t.l , you eutio. Give taut a calf
Juts td , Vv4l—l`.
IL?NCY 1-101
:u :ICY,
t Ircoming otscut),
N. tiViAS.ilki, Proprietor.
No r tr,b* r N. !Sot,
ir it I OF M ILA
4 . 4
Uht)t. 1111 "
.AIIN h.. ti ItloN'3 STORE,.
inlavvroci s vraitT,6„,
nlvwritlet !AA reNrard front the re-t ,, 11
til. AIUI u I.l‘e, 4 , 1•41 Ciol,ift, *WO. art;
G:ccerfc4 and Bry-Goud4,
nb rA ht < ,r$ t Earle:l,l4= ict:i
t •IV 4, t,tv al4 C*4 to ut alur itt fiats
:rt ;be
titS re.i. .imstrA t t of the t.etit
tO A t /0.011 , 4 tr • ithr,k",
t It
'`l illl4 IfrMiCty ,
A tai ; 1.1 rteli, t,114,..76. a the Ote , d , ,,:
t Of" r self Jp. tlt Ak. •.tton to o littn Ntt ttt., 1 #
a.tdcd ±x:lta..•„•,itt it it let rtietc:ll of
'A' 11.1 A )1V WA 1 ;
v.sks goods istt N4O, wrver6l new
.:rth:!••„ exteokivrCy ttrrtl
;04 tithlchot 44 (1.1,4„:
IL` at, ?rt.v 14,100 y„,0,,
F. clach Morocecess ;
,4 . LltOO'f 4.14: ..:31.11:(14
.40.14 ; ge, uovo V 140.1.1
CI filet 1..t.10 'are e.
F, CAlmot ,„ 11.41 NA,, tt.
e. r.
- i.!' , 1,.511f! t,<<rl4•• f.' :.• t•
f: • ”.• •.1 t tFipeof.'
01 ., "1 • E';'.. -7
i4:1.11 tit 10:2 , 11 t ; 4 1:
1,001% 11%1; AN:I
I Hier. iiOLiltAN
I,Vlr ()IL''. AND
(4.1 t c,n bq amvkj up to cu.tu.a,ri
sipAst it. o) 1,1:U, ramp, OR OV.
7;,e :4.lri, 4 Pt t.'V!
aa4l 4 p nrd (114414c1a“
,u•tr, !Ler ,VVO rAr Pcf , 7w.r,.
of 01 't st,t , t, (4,41
4111, X 1, f.l 11,1 1,1,1 Or 1:14. vary tlfl , l ta,t ,ttt
•V. f • (If t(t , (ittf , ltti t
Ife fro 1.11,6 W t,lllt the to:lov4ii,g
I. • attA ill di , ,1%
Nbffl bOot 9. tot., 11,01 - i'p 4ip, 0.,j1 '4
c'ro'w 00,e, 1.1 t
“'• Iro..dr,t
tk . 11,4; %V,,•10t,
~t. ee Art.W 14 . ti j 1• • CPu
01 . 11 ., ~t01,4t 0 at 41 f
r 4,1 1'4....w, ...%:{4•YI k * 4110 111116 * .i 4 ' 1 ,•
1.0..% 10,1
• 1,10 . of
I" t a.d. CA: , r, \ Tit AW +l‘.4
, t: :
, .
23 M 4. V, 4 1 1. t 1)
mar S 1 Mai I Cot al
r th o 1.114
trt 1 , (1111. , 1
the rily ‘‘itn u n" , ;,-,4tn.tqa vt lOf Rod vend l
AI 2 I 'VW` r,%;:ct . GUUlttt. welt ~:I! %twit
th bait this Ittth.
itoN NETS m 3 d , fnoUrY, 4l . o e
tit,” w .4 4 ,41 0..0ts Alt worK ,
st,tt lv , ty 511htiltt•r, 4.1011 uoflots,btr kitat,
tt quc tit itro pnltri tr. 4 4 1, , :Pak trt!trr
tPir I ttr r t-r rrrt It'll , I Ihtttuttriirg to
illrt WWI atni erltrt
eh- um itt4rt it,ty os...rid' attention to roi. , iitt7.
inNtog tkpt—lt hint , ottA titonty art iii e:I
Wittirtitar., 0 14 . iw nmfj.,,,,1 to giv wttthruction,
Nuvelvt,J ti, Pit 4,
WM. e. 8111.0.1
kl , tablished 1828.
Clftl '/Tit, ChNhiE & Co.
tt 11CI1.E' 41.1: 14:11(sf,Is1,s
717 sT. one door below elb. Fra..thumilti
PittGA. 411:141CREr4,17111;MIVAL,A,
t.. 1 ri i.V&V. I . ARNISIII.e, DYI
A:;,! 111 we an 0,14 cm,. rtaintlig to the
Lie tot 01St fiquoty.. awl Al tott
Alarket R 44,44.
IN; %V ()UAL y4%lt D.
Thy told+ , t , lontit tiivrietfer informs the nisi euo
of 1110totosi3Or$ a nd county Ulu ker p
II the dilrorelit itumhoro of Move coal Rod stlerlool
Imp ma for 101 l ihnie 0111 1 05 0 0, w bur , . nil'
v, Ntsul & O4 , '‘ ramnre ; with n pool
y+rtc litai4lov , valepoo the wi , iirf,to weigh rosl,hay Ond
MAW keu how 4411 WPM', 07 dytivcr coal
to tho#e desire it. As we pit rehnoe a liatv
aivount of coal, we totem! to keep at etwerlor et+ tete
nod VII at Uta vuiy lost oil vrirds. Aram cell and
bum putt *vie,* before Dqtri4iimilloiroWhere.
J. W. llGNlfel.Storr
All II 1.41TU 14 At A SON.
, I*llE tineersignvel win take, in exchange for ow
rc+4 Cirovrien inn roilnwirtn unorat snarl.)
nynXorn,Onto, Pqautnnoi, !ma. Pori
10r, anti areal. tat.' r. Rgp. tt4v.
11 41140 COilb Pricem, 411, Otticery najnlitjan I
thvir yn•A 3. %V. Dun., H
Arnonl.butit, prii
It enor,ily rtittthteill thst btll4 ottwitye
the ch , •• 1 14.1 ; • to 4 WON* Owosso omit plotottlet
is in intrOWlint - toOniptttottit
which bechtsing poputhr Anil with this
Mai bine thn hafd weet resehilthis uslt 4 uatoa th
rondnrtta sllOfkfirolitt titek, he cloth,
pittend In hot ott4it, nun ~fint in. Whip* etas in.mnrn•
e,l an.l On ii .444 rootiooli, ttor oosroloif
40 04.0 0h.w.0. Trios the work is spoootlN,
4111 , 1 that 4Jo withwf tifjog 1494
wm , innnut the o,i4hott, whirr 141 V. 1 1 ,41 in
toe SAttiol 4tratt titO 1413 tilit4i 4 tted 1 0 101 4 Ptkee's
wh,le lnl.ns . .t pa*.
tt , A , 0.4 r r' 1.004 , •: .;
A , :',4142Nn t Mifol!",1 nnA wni -t'l,7, TN ,
eft , it ..t• 1 4 1;0 . . 4 N.,1 liW
Ow k;ourity eihm,4,l 1* wtuo4t
Vac ,:41Wg
•:, r, • . • 4 01 co
flot , { • • . • • • , • • Lttt
• SIP ' Z s eiu
t , " • ...... . 1111;t
E. P. E.A1,1..
,11,rro 1111 11.10 TO
1%0,2 rf i'!“t,4
“,t. 1441 ,,, .! 55 hi h .41e N., ~.,10.;;
NA:Lg „It ;'
a^de:flP.:l...Vlll.4 Gtt US
, „
! •••• : • . ;,..4 V. !! •• •
t._7( i ::.:1
p 7,
• mi t ,: rittif
t 1.10. WSW z tit : • it.
r•-tt #'#.# furft:#4#
iNo#l.lo# , ##T# #llPt Vt.,
Al.l. ;CT. r."' Z.
Nio:. • •
V„, ,
,'{ I • .• • • • l'• ;• .I.• r
Ia Oat,: 1.0 :111 .1 N 1 lu. .11.: ; • •-;11%
.• Ti. 1%! F.... • I ! • • ,
f • f If• •• ••• :I,r• I .
Ei - f Zia' : 4 1 I!. :I f•T •1 .1
t If lb Ow. • , . t 1 I•Ei.
tIVT i 1.
Pi %,11, • q..%•• •1.
1 :r:'•
cif !•,". E 1%0.1.1
4 • • P I, ••r • , • -:• I r
, 11:•14 . , 7 I
4 ',I, r •
L i°. IN~iI i;R
I\l'o, • 1.:',1" t ros
511 • %EV 6% 444, .I , t ,
Inc ~••••• ••: •,: 1,1,4 ti l 1 Va lalty 1 4!
'V '.11 . 4,4
rah anti WiLier
tt i ryllt'r, LI 3 cs tlCiao*Rs
m of IFI , I
InVlit , 14, 4 : , ` .1 . 1 . 1 t , 0tt. ) .1 Ulu- ) 4 11.
, o 4 Lt.!' 4 t livi.tu t
V EW loi:Acco ulto ry,:v
£Tr jtl
IL IL Huusberger, AgenZ,
Moja Str , ei. logom th=
Aft tort} /ma Ityrnioti. , * to o'll hnme 1111JV•ibl
try ti,“f, nt Pol:allv101la lltlWeal:, 141; va,
omm,rte ARO iMPOtTi'II An 4 tot k,a t t.. nI
Statthittzt Tottort"lttt Waraatruta t,t ttrt-tt
W, , 44 • tiptt. mad all arit Pmwit,r in tits hwl:•
5,,00t ,to ril to gut,
rat, 4/44141W 41 441441191114 In Iti tiff ork rot if sel
or po . rihitnlng MO, ht triroqiug at ti t . t
11! Li. to Wit, (,11 A ,0 1" " GP"
habil rult ropply of frodi
t Peppe r , rice*, la— ate o nil of %bleb he for rash or rtmotes ,
October xi, 10+07,
rot` lionenrifth hod nottil , mettle romplosion,
Ibs Most Vnitinhte end ttprenttrattot tt -4.(ne
MOM ih.. Otto o b«sutirort ycerl.lthe Hot that is
only . !Howl in pooh. Itantekty retheree Tan Preek•
Pthille. Illott bon, MOM Motto., rothenttees
rbytione sod intoorOrtee of the skin, kindly heeling
the enlile IPOt mg the AM ahlia 4811 Hoar 41% 141101 , 04.
414 no. cannot he doh tte4 by the floeso4 moon
my, a n d belSke a Veg.tohlt preporetot.n is hoyftelly
hafoth so. Ia to Ma oily article to the $llO.l used by
too r•Pilth, Had is Oittaillf!fed by the Paeloiato es
414,44411114 tol 4 porn -t hotel Untvaftle •01,000
b olive nein wont dotane the tHat y. or. o toolielota
einttootoe to' it* ellitery. hoe only 74 cents, •
in , OL nont phict. On rpcolo of no order, by
twitfigit. SNI. r 4.) , Chetwolf ,
r, b i 7.-ty .
!flyer ftlly7 N. Y.
9s ("very lor pixie, at kw, Mee
vivristwou, OTLIES
t'N'oVCat , ,At. EA Ir,IiSNER
OF 04.0113 A C I:\ y,
r T G ,NWS tKruiti;
C. V.
4 R.
A .
.:L.t • .• '.
..... 'l'. •~. .. . .. ~ ~ [ ..~ .~
White Liquid Enamel,
Novenikr 26th, 1867.
I:3IAT 1 . 111 1 / 4 K Limo palm Tlib Noertn
4w, noon writ Or ehtlittriefic NowY" , k , NI I I 4 I
MS. re 7 l4r le, T. , 0,04413 Ar 01401.1, 1„r004,0, /0 VIP
014444 t ,1;0400, tp10043.1.1113. 1.41414114Pc,
4,P. 40.
AOll4lOOO Ha 04 , 0311014 New V•o o, t, 4 4 000' 4 '4
Al 3IA 30 004010 44 4114 Mid r roilaert ,
tos %%Ail 0001 a, oa the rran.yttneia it ail
0001411.1 arrl4oo4ol Now York ‘O, 301 000 1.1 010,4
II 404 14003340, 930 r, 0. 100.094. 1"414 taapW
111111 it OW lIYd a K owl 033 P 4, 7141,114 H. tttiout
14041 p O.
LenVe l'nrri't4rll for Ifiet4l , Mg. r , 4tAVitle. TWISt.
non, A110t0 , T44 We, AoAllsold, Note Itittre,
wit t 1.14,1 4 ,HpAtA, at din 4si Utsi IDA 'lntl to r
stsi`SlSS at tool pritortpAi way
Me 4 10 r b 0541.1040.1.11005,15 S Itr 111114•IS{SiiiS ono
4!„1,,,,b1, 1 ,,c1y, E.? s4dtwtoill ti turn
and iittburts, vin ~ ,h uyiktll. tontl StASISAHOSS it Ail
low A.lratte 'lnuit:two tot 3 33 r b.
Returning : !wave Nett York at Oa A IC 11
1 woad h ixl r I'biluort i thru It a IS 4 :4 am! 3 30 to 41
Way eAtottenntA ruin Ints4e4 Uttoladeltalon at 130 A
t 0 4 .. 0 , 0 , Rpaiftog at nYD P M etotooposot no nit
4tAto4lia 1.0044t01e at 14 14 Ax, 4.4.1 dIA r ;
hid,' d 01 o t, H.:O 11 IA NI ;lAA tt ttu P Ta.tit.l.l ut
53.14..1 11111 ISO 4A P. N.
Ito aye Polooville for Illirriplotog via 0411101(41i and
6u.ntooltanton Oallrowl 417 10 A b. ani 11 08 II S , l.
A:ossi,w+ll4lloo Truttk ; Leave' A , liot
a 1734 A t rtiornlna front Idelphla at 4 oa P
P+-ttawwn A4c4o4,olothatoo 14.0 V, A V•l'...
14144 At I, 45 A• x., to W 131114 110144e10414 at
4 . 4.i44.1,44 Knit R , t4d Ttairps leayg rtfqpiltig 41, 7 el
E St fur COlf4t4. IWlt,z, Ltiat,ll.4 4 f.
4, ithillo,, • •
: 10.111,0 rOrk ti Iv)
e.•:,• , •;•• • .t it. 444 q 313 Nil tot (M A U,ttui a
t,: ~ 1 y ; ews.v r 04 A Al t
rV 'W.' A 1, M. 4 iu 01114 it iii r x .tod 6410.1,0 g
!IN u.,d 1 15 Av# for i3r.1 , 4k0•1 4.4 i , 4 3 -U, o *,l
it 0r p i t a so. , w 4411h or olki.1 I for 1•140 a,
do , ph IA
"lls' ,neston, 11+1,l t 1 , 111 ,
440,4 1 . 114.1 , ,,, •06 4
rt...,14.4 14 , 0+449; Uitt 1,4,1001 i 401 qcti
c 1 (:. A
Tb.• tin.:erolet"t th. pub,fr
4.04 Slit:. An AIN:I4
! , „::../11 .4
lot and :=4kLockr, idatY, Cap'
aria N , 11,(1* is evrry
()or 1,1*#3 , ...* fnnaa ttw fit 4 ot , .rOl 4e con
uµ3l_l On 3 motel,
41“, qll4 1411fg tt) I,llThr , f,s. areyffittl! in oar
1,-,..t00. 0.,,a i• y
Corrrni Whole.“le Vriees.
ktl k '0:10 v: •
, C( 0;!ir Ur
iat .«..14)
*t il l A- Al :A
onl n thfre of their proroni,
Cane , laEfugry 4, 1,4
Lif„l,l , 1 , ; • ! Li. 110• i( I
t 3. • •
vp; Lutt
1111 , :m t':
t LS' is M nu t t t meal
4,, . 0 ' • •• • .g aIS Of 7. *h-,1
U't VianL*4 13nar4N
fttnrEtre itoard,
±<<s: S~ ~. ~ ~..
„ .. ,-,, .
I ~..1i ~.. ~I•
1 . ;., t 0';;; •••I ; PIS" I,l`;'t ; j;;; y
ritergi;l;•l, .; : ;;;; 'Ol ;;I: 01 ft ;;;all - 11;,f f ,
Vt ,
, 1... 7ill. 1111; * “ ."; ;OVA": ;;;,'
01 ' i , ltt•i• A 41, 6tur
P. pt. t.., 1
EV: i',/) c,f
411 H V. 1.7.1, wad Wr.:171..:,,
• . • • • • :‘l.l.
r r In sr. *rf 1 , 0,
!I• • • !~ifla.iilir - ~t of
, rrfqs. .1: , ..41631ce,
P le
The Grocery Department
“..11{ , CrOff.tit,
. vpo t itt %Outfit!, ;iir
. • m sri.of pelt , KIST Elf' "lYcu.
k.` biro ,4il e•Vt.ttit'• reitt.
CnFid townihl, tOilth
bw,01,- , nr %.4,1
11•Mtt. , ir ; I !,:;v0 g. , 6 rol 10l
i:1:1 ,11.1;
N 11.1
i• tio,t t
Ntoi r' . e, ti Al it
. Vau,, , r
i brititt. V 10! is" ,t,a hi, to Y/t.
cititt 4l•tr tttt. Li. v 4,1 ;,., pm{
ttt Or ;4,40,, he, .1 It ; t.: t titittljtlitt
tiii;ttt"'i , tics;, 110 .OVS. tot “0404,,
1,1,4 ia r tt tit a ,11.1.4 Lg ••
• Vt. 0! the .• 10 '7OO
I, ,;;,0) in. I. • 0 1 ,,r 0 , 41 4 for tot
g 10140ritikg 1,4 - 0:40,1111,4,
1 3iJ tis Jim , 1- :t,
tit O' Wiiit 000 t.•ktit,,
01, 400 ,tut:tt In bid 41411 is Od 1 , ..q• Jai
O eOPV tlf
1.41444 4 v 4444.4 r ur mr• Mt. Pfratz.itt Town
rhy, t fitioEria t!splt,t,
A 4.1 , t, IL I:- 7.
tattrAtt. cnc enial . a. , Al * Arel,AnAatlarg and vicinity tire s
Icu 1144.3 OPA a NOW
Ai TA Eft
ilr tbi4 place, %loot hn invil+•s W. old ir . onds An,
twq.mterd t"eati nod partake of bis refrorlorbts.-
ll Id 111. totootioll Id wool. be bort
L.10 , L71. 1iXEle,1:111 ALE.
tot,,,tantly !kiwi ; hirfrr, raitre.mvir ilia. Min
othi 1,11,m; linopberry Rod Iwo'
en 'eyll/1,0 , vim nil{ ya be bid I(33.litintint.
lu tiro c.ttiu hue Ne preSegis 3
Pliatto, rimlitiss Fish. Nilo st.s.l irhitkeh. Fielder
and Beer TOo4lle, 4 t., Le. fie fits° h a 4 pot
arlichr of
Ig i pirs tin,/ ehrtrlitg Aimee()
rarhh C wttolo,rg !' Give him a call,
Mcmmilbarlt, Juan 11, yowl,
19d: and,Tataned haring Intranaand and lately to
Aced tills weft 404%411 liannu. aHaatnrl ou WU NI
nnmadhindy app o add tira Vault Hdade, rcaprctlnlly
larocida Ina frinnda and inn piano gelleiaiiy, that his
H.4101s NAV VI urrlat fnt lira 41 . 0t1M. , 40110114110.1
t tilartillllll,4ll, of •Invpnrs
11. bps spared no pains in nrnpro
r r Oa ewott4i,tA 4,0 r , , , antt ahi ths
1 1 1 , Uoti•11*{ , ftt at, grid enjoy** pusi I.iotfiero , Sang . ,
qcvinusisits tYn at Ot iiwo. «WM*OOllll4 11011.,
Pt) the diftioutet rehtlemt itett fry wfrfr ttwroers
w I I pa roweyud to end from the teepeettt ritimo o
is due time to meet the tern.
PAIN F. cAnvw.
tpto 99. !so.
eduction bi volt con
1!! , V GOO Va
1 , 11'.,
1' •..•
v s,
l; NV, Itov,‘",'‘N
:~:,G,~~~r.~, a~fas~tic~x::~
K. W. 1:01.-V NAN
CiWiltitt: VANCE;
I. Phi% nn :114,4 arm
SElf INR mAciitsps
1:1)111110•1*it' it 1131r/I4C !
PALbtßiNill 4 IttAndwAy. N. Ir.,
IMO Wo.hincio4 r t VMS, POPIOII.
bltl Ow. mit !
P vI'I'44TED Ecr. 11. If- o.
•rUIR MAIIIIKR is e.onveet. , l On emir. new
priorlolco of weebnabee, peP.egriee WWI .10.
ilit4blo iIuQF V010V414 WM ont'filliillPo
by 00114001 proCuein,l eapert• Und p• 000010,0 .0
Simph'atm rend Itrfertinv
It 111.1 • Oittl.:••, 1 , 4411 writ , • Irtitor *mon.
l i m o," 1 1, ~r osts Tri•t Wont. wilt
n. Oh. r Rtv am h A V 1.1.. mid is. • Mr
101.1(,44180 perfori r WIPE .41 oVo•fll dMrrlpldq. . f
fr•fil other to tie 1 111 ••1 Nito.oo•
• 101 ... 01 . 6, 1• or .11k 11.1...1 fr... 11,, cor.tor,l
to Ili.. ti0...1 n.r.ohor Haring forlthpr Air or I.;
W 1 1E10 111.1 th , l‘nidt vanolbt. trictlAt. i: I ZilA a,
'MO O % a, War... TM.% II
glop& likv AI Xidr,./i - Xs ilelehiar.
it itt ,is key ether 'rotten@ to the tiolakel A 11.1
I wa.lto ?ours of ale tall work it olegoky. waym i l
er Injury to beam)
ll.Klr, weeer l Ati pimplitity nteett.tritt•
Win 1 , 10 , Cf. %linnet iuspieeible to an nut or or d e r.
i. Ait ANTKEit by the company to t
titr aGviii.fis• tine
f'•• r yo•elfolly. Invite all thou. !An ma, down to
+ 4 PiIV th.'ittt.lVe• With .t t art kir. to e..inv
%hi. it IV
t•n. iit,lturiltOt ie .1441r1.•at to Naito ,
any par•oll to work this marh►ne to their entire sot
Agnate wanerd ftw alt mow. • 1. tii•• Univ.,' gimes.
h..r.• ne..l.rp•a an. 111 alr.•ady eMaldwtl•ll Alen.
Cuba. )leziew. +WO M li America. In
0 hunt a Irla•ral pint will b• eiv.p•
t et:Wha MACHINE mril ce ) .
(i]R Itronadwity. N. V.
.1 etc Stock qf Clot/ling%
a114;11 . 4 I'V p:'ePVSZ (1 . 3 4
....Lb.". .
NI/rill: and Summer Goody
"14) (7.P.11, t • ;
gletr ..1%. V tr A a r 40 10/ intowN
%% u!tr,ttiosi to ht, ft4wit of cheap and :Jab.
.oaatd.: l I. Vona tt his dtore. oti
N s 'PR t: r. ntorwsnuß, , ,:.
lwidoors oboes the :lop arm. Bowe,
vvh.. / e ho l II * pot IrMeeimi from Navy Vara ttntl
nit tad. 'phis, a 101 l N.,. rtateut of
Mit :Intl t'lutliing.
ms-1• ~ i sl: Op, (t , I;iona disr4blts itutt haod
1:144 GUI 't
/lux, Sack. Pruelc * Gina and Oil (lot'
!'y►t:a, and /'ft►efa.
4 an .nrtg. ..ffitt a,lo►•. 110 idv. be • r. vter
joied hi• a•'y !Argo .Ivcll of I'4o rent tt eater
.p,rad. 09.11.'d tlild Whin V 1,11.. ,u,:1..
cnlln►i. h • erdk¢,ehc.•fr, giurod. ru•i.
411.1 OBte4.
—lf , I, 1•1•411.1111ily Oft 1:1111.I a Inge au-1 vv.!!
tttti.•ct.•Anss , .rl.;:e;tlui 1.4:41.11 11114.1
be- i t yr. pairs/ ar walk.: bp 10 c.tJ. f. sittri :alq of
.‘1 , .U101:: lin Very el.:ft Iflut. WO ill t:pl le. :If us ill.
All hi+ eloiliine b niadd N 'Acta' 4111 wl•t of it IP
f lonoc Gthoulflitln re.
4••—i• (24 5..:1 17 ....7 .1
1.34. /AA
• I it co. -•
tr. Sc. 4c.
L A I I;
1' 0 W r.;123 EM C C
1P17.1 - 11;
• \flt
Vi'•• •: • • ••••• :••••I
• • 'Z. • ..r)
a. 1,1 4z . 4 Vs 1, 1 1 , 4,• I'. ,
try,‘ g 4.1.! al I- g 1 ,
Nt I " V •• 6
mer 11,10114 .11, .1 1,4 441444 .• 1 •
44414.41, the
r• 0. , .10 W 44 , ;v0 oa, 4 .1 4: 4 ;"J• , :i•
agdafolth o, ol. 40 1 0 . ',titre 01 l it Att
L.l 00 , 1 01 ;tilt , 0.0 , , 11444 ..•
t 41 , ctn.-AC? 100 ftltfrOtt o + fur 44441( , 1.4' , ) tt:
and ran:ly . t.• r• •
ft, UMW 11614:0100.. ilel,4llfOrt) loin itC.
CittA by trst.y gyvil,-tuth
Fe . t. lit LE lit, it NES,
„„„ . 4; ter9 GO 111 , 10 1 0 HIP Cho,
..•• • .ratrti rs ~,re •
v,it! 144') IlgAtc 14rr,".•11'
t., ~ G 1 .10G , 0 04*
ct, • t r ioe
Ilke.l Lir 1,5 1.1 Mt' p , •!. , ,rt:
Ths, hiLbt. t 1,7, , this
11,1 au 4.11 14 Mt, CD Ai; Ail *TAI.e.
1 4 4142 Svcold it. Mau, IOW" Pd..
Attren 211, 1,;-0115o.
0•;VINIOUS L 1 ',E
1.1111 'r , jVH,•O mom%l r , • 44:111 , 1 4 1;44 -4 4 4
4444 eil Ilkon•• • .And the pbhltt:gtn
f 111 V. OW Ite 14.
~1%1%. 4 0 .. 4, , 141"a,'. 4441-
,4 4.; tQezltr.
0 it,
3yA V.14.14,11 t0
c‘ , 131. 41 t 14.14 111 , o V raj Traioa ~144110 4 , 44114./1 it 11i 44
41 the ,1,41V4 4 , 441, i n isiti 441..
1111.11 Ilto , 4 , 0411,4 North and gibuth on the bark,
”,b , irg
Nrw 4 11N CS are lii C 411141 eatsditi A.. 0:08.4,4
eim, 444 4,0111141444.14 le, /4.414.4. hilr. ee rr.+44allai.i« 4 .
r 4 44 4 4•4144 Witllt«g to 44 , 4444144 r sec tit , llOS
dapaft. 47 40 114. 414:41411111 4 44144tei1, 14;44 , 11 .4 4444444r1 - ,144
h.oit , 3 by leaving tiutvly notice tit ally ur the Ho
nic,ttoturg. Apritl7, fret
C. 113 IL It'eq
Tit welenOgnell hoeloS received (rum the city
ft fun aitil coulitiete slowly of
Notions. Tin ware, 11E041%314,
dos No 41V illow %Varo, Dow, CatiAnoot
(Y. "luti tVam. Tosneso, Bits sit 4
, .
:thee., Floor, &ft, realt and Meat ;
*Oren I propo.a Whoa at a eery low fignicilor
ce.h or prodaro,
qr Cali 0711,1 aea. C. C,MARK,
Plcolotburg, April 3, IRII7
i k J. fir. onEncrwprak t
Ilaa intoned a Now 'radio , Shop on Mir 3
retreat. IlloomahorE, born h 13eased ithe
ttl who tooth fiats that with thaw tallow. He Iteepo
an head► wa II ttf lotted let of Oaf los.tasofnuita. vett
thee, which b. wthipaiiii up *trawler with neethest
and despatch.
Attoroth paid huuthg aanttnm.o and boy'l
otothitth, 'Alto ouwit t dentin the Isaice. line.
Repelling done upon thott eolith, AH wvitt
r Giv ,, two , t 4 hhmat.buti clay:. VW.
f i~" r.. ~ I
• 4teq
k1:1.1.0 W W
Cu II ti II
V 41::4, FOUND'
1P:44 OF APP
gNERI.4 , &C.
tive in:promo tAi
wI n t, Ivrtaso
aprwtlfr Ylrr
e sinuoth MI
rlo y rY in —nr
mia•rable Arlo
f Co' 'll,
la all dleeast
the Luele.l.le,
ka, this ant
fist- 4 as a spreli
13.1 patting fr.
to a parr in
Ittarmi nt cwIII
will br erathrai
retlrely pre. riven .
pmrerstlra and eara for the Hog Cholera.
Price 25 Ceute per Paper. or bloopers for Si.
R. A. vouerz se, Into.,
AT TUE; 1 1
WnOT.FC I DTINi V,Plll(ltr. PFTOT.
No. 116 Franklin Si., Baltimore, Md,
For Sal. by Druggist' out gloreketpors through.
out tho Volta) Stow.
tut bate OA• .16 Mt 01
L 1' LIN 4. ,1:01 , g..z,
1404111 40144 g
Bioonienute. It 4 0. 167.- Mao
DROWN ifx. PERU r.
rialtos fut the
t'.7o tai.oigt
We 74 , 40:,1 riitits•oalle..t. ,! ;.n.!
t 9.00 MU :r(:n.t we . car, a.,
talfl.l. 7.t . t.t . i. e•t
•4•••••ent t••••misi. t••••tat - IN: CM I.'.
F EVI.I: It. • ..ittaVP. $11:n.: fto otyle A w•th h..••
••••••alue ancimalog ••n pion. emir...ll4lla
t•TYLIi C. 7 octit.e. F Nit C•Olotttn ttrev. s, I
peg Penliow hollema.1110•Wil11. - , 411,1, u, 11Th II) 70
D. 'At 11 , 41 tyre: y t.
STY 1.11 It. 7 4.• IRV •. Cur liatAl
.. 3 1 1 ,0 ri
do . flieliallain fa, ..41(01,1 I) ra (1.11.1 de,k,
fl.lit 10 , 41 I 0
1110 Ittf..Vl At ~.fa daa•aal.d in OrtrAnt
WNW rain., and 1.1410 , 1t. , . f,a) (tarn , , ,
t. (1.41. Wavy tat,i:ti. 1,. Vatilti,a , . V 047 ke) A A. ,
Iltoadenn.l 1.V ., ..e.1 01 ••1ft.1+1 , 1804 ll+ :
044%4* wove 1,4. ft.f,,t,, i.e •
II •
nook , of the bra ..t,-1 ./
point) lOW tot.,
We Mr/01..1311n sit
the formagoin9 ton ci ttic.l
tif Vow,
4..1 ex:o,
a tly. .• •• . •
ty t.. .. , •
; •'
'f 1, . ..... ..
.. iF Y: 1x•1 ~,qio. ~'ii\i aa~~ •. T
I. : '1 I' I'. 1
.. .. 1.. p ~,.c
i ~i
r•IJI0•• • J.. . •; • • • • •
. •••I
. .r;''
•1 ..,1 • • . . • . ,•••• „tt
„ .•, : or T-1 , !LOO.
L •• •••11P•r•l•• 11. , ' •
• r 4• !IV WI 4,4 . 4 i 4 1.1. 4 4,, 4•
ts , '
:•• • ITh,j••• j •. •1J4)14,•• •.•, \
, •
.1 . . I , 111-, . ••••:•Iti 44 •
I••• • .! , • .J. j ~•
r• I II: 1.4 P. 1.1" . '4
• .•
:,• .r ;To T o r
t , ,to UrLvue t,
%.,..7•11; I
i7,7 , ,e ! ".4
(*bangle 4)1
0 I N; an , i fl April VAL :1 1 r,
Ito 'otiose ;
Ti‘tiV; Gil .1 D.
t. oa. , 4 I ra 4 n N , trth `•.i 0,7 :•
C/1 , 41 MOilent.. I.'l4l'MA! :It It.. I • • ! • e
1.11:11 E! 1 , 1 0.411 ! r!%I '• • •
1:r 14 teat,'(u 9 i P. 1,11.
9 st,
4 4.i 1...4 :1 i•.• I.; • . !
ot Amp., 4itit ,i);{ ttir WAlq.# •J• %. 6 • r .
. . ~ ...
'TR AiNS sorT:iii'lll:, , ~•,.,.,, ••, e ;,,.;„,, 4,' ',f' ti t. f re' II
fi P 3 4, J 1... 1..1Ve N,),111,111,K00,,.. !„1,. i . ; • ~ . 4 1 1,, 1 , ~.. , ,
.. '
.., ‘
' .1. 1 ) ~,, 1 t , ,,,,.., 1.1h.j,, 3 4 44„,,t ii.. 4 ~.• • :.J A. 4 • . , ' . , ''' 4 4'41 , y. ita,l4 ti,,im
:,,.., ;„,, ~, . ••• • i t , •r i , ist• in rirdirt.i.*
K.,lKarore IAI r, "r, pp:t :400E. ' ,• : r , ~ t,,
I 11
If; 1,, A. % I ,,N. , rtiKkivbertan,i. .1 'ooi,i,r :KIM 4., f)..ila ) ( 'ZI ~, %it etteres., &iv 4
04+01..::, ,ir,ii iss al liar -I, , Hrg. a: I 14 C. is„, LAI. rtud :irrii,.. ...., 441 tits dret 41illi east a, i l 4.
IVO .3 , ` b4O 4. 4., P141444..1pi0u 3 111 r. -4, _ , or erkt re rl! rof trt.:l ;Ova ir. - l'Eatt,,,,.:. ~
4 14: p. O , : ..0. ' !A. ..,1.,.,0.5.., `..4.1. • I -p- 44t 44 k 411 ,,,,y of
WI., ;Ur :I , g .., thr4:,,,i t./ .4 3.• ~.. •,... 14 w 4,“,i.
li WILL \ AND WWI shill t$
,0).4 I 0 A 4 . .:.;44.141, , 14 7 441 A !/,
II ;,4' s. u 4 4 44 V. V. , r , K,Dtito.r , —I, , o, T;.;t: , . al !3100t-i.10 , ", r .4 ' slil'ai (l4l i. U•4115r,,, k.,,, 8 1, 8 , i t 8 ,,„ 8 „,
p:lns.p,iistidu:is d'r;',l,4 34 II 411, ‘tpir,r 1 1.! ~, :1, . • -f A i iK u T . ) : 4 l l l o, o J , ii , ,,,, ! . l . n `il d t 4 <; l 72 ,, v , K:: : 1 T wr i ,. 14 , , , 1 1 ,, ,,, , ,, ,, ,t , 4 4 , 4; ,,, t
, Oalltitlf,,re; +to A. 4 , eon! lltiphi, 7 41 I. .4t,
J . lof -.5 1 , 0 • L. f 4. "J. •414.• 4:. 0-4
&11l Bslo . l. flaw-as:T..ll'v. (4-1 , 11'4 0 e. Agent, i I %HI si'll at t h e 1, 0 tf., 11 ".rhst OJ-•••,:;3, I'o.ol
11111110 ml 0, 4 444 i W.*, writ bi.,t,iiii purri!Kling tn,,,WK,P.`.
14.1 A ?.. M, eir..llErt VEh IliillM,
AN: E i. 4V J. rr V
( - 1 , :1 VV , 4l.i. rn height. Apra, Marin, N. V. Eh Ailallutrl. NO. 15. V:=s.
MUY, St 1 .. "'
0 104 i --
lackaulwila & toutosburg sta ll s (tad. 4.1 )
Oar TWO DAILY TRAINS. lea JUdr published. Ml* rievls. l
/*I'M AND All'i K 3 VlitrAitV 0 8,)MG;. PAN. lop', Prior ri Lehr*. A. Mews '
V abllitilEtt TAAI,NeI WILL Itt•N .%3 I.I,MAIAVS: muss. truultruillt trod fltditilli r
Hv t nsll IS $ S -
I, it AV 11 el V U I'llll AI) it ii or juuttu a l,,,
A M I n d ucted br dull-Above ; tro.oluiltarli Eio/4114490
A 444' g. 4. -•• 4. •
IrcKVO KerKidoK, 6 .14,1 .
.„,,, pra silty dis flints . tiebOltr and, eopthm s i
in•ltl, (A SA) ,',, Morino glatetlil43 CoPielliK,JKloo, lipige4,ll‘
*. Hirprft 9,at V; rite 1 Mental and Phyeicel - jet,,p B4 4, 4 k,
tioVlU#* ..1 5 4 SAO laulisrl 4, Cal viq tr cit. 11, 0., ulitttur at Ma
Art at Nuithaibl.Men , l u 1,113 p. 34 4')" ', .' ars ' • • i
Thu uuilavurisskrted. Ammar, Ili this idfhtt,ol
A 11 titre. cleat* Plana* renal hie nem bane I 11` , 1
Leave Non bombe r lau tl, 1.110 .
,r,a l tte , hurl' mmemoremouver Isetre:etme) l o r "IA: i
Ihitivrile, 7'40 'rally rsarulrted wothantitlitd,c,ep. gm ',kiwi
f i , Lt ) ' corned limit* operittellea. bnap/bra. lneleolf
11.:.rwsi 4,, 1t1 .% r 14/
.0 r4'; ' t i n g'' " t n,PL l4ll .' I ' 4 "Th, (401 4 0100$ of C
11101$1011, 10 :14.1 11.0
),., Ls -
,rteerr ma/dein_ lagott,,o,),y wi „,„ 4 vr.ry 1411
Arrive ilt r'trintnth 1.2(4 the
Oh reaper gr 04 rvtuti•i • , s ii At tt, wiry
Trllllos 10$01011 KIO/14401) 44 0 1.0) A; 111 for E1.0 .4 .1ruu h 1 ,88 8,0 Oa' -ppriveviy an . l. ritektlty, TOM
0 0111 11 1 a *lth 'Ma it , twirl 4 ... 1 "V " 11 Pli ''' 'Y '.7, tare 'MI omit§ boon co rhousainse ood to,ir
Pareehgetr LAW/ Train SolPh gala 11111 10toti at sa. pout ne , hiediii • tow 5i.1.10,44 111 gigiliftilwri
A M Via Soo thuurhaelehlrea. h liatelehars I'l 40 P 41. . 75. 84)8 , 4:8 ir 1:8 .. r , so 441 4
Baltimore 800 P - Whshilitl oll Iti ttaP' P 1 VII au- moor. L00f0..41).. mirivo Out di prim, :4 i
vet math Philadelphia at I Ou , P M. Ateus, Cit Act. 4. ti. aLI N a et r
U. A. roNDA. Supt. HI llowefy, ?in* yore. P. tr. boa 41
Per (1. few:,. ~$• Po 4* & e'
K noon, Jan :NI tetvt
Scrofula, or itik
i a. rovititntional Atom 0 a rerrsti.tlastit
sl, by tthlch t *lt ItriJ Sevosigns sit
k. stoJ poor. Itslos in the virgules
jot 1
,ihtt %Klin body, 61,d nuty but
in inseams on on? pit (4 it. No most
f.rfol its ic Lick* nor in thereinto whivb I
: not tleAttayt The hutofttletts tent it vas
wood by met e‘iii.l .reoneet, lots livisq
ordered or onto:110.y food, 1161)1,1,v 1111
nu I 11111 1 ., tho derv/girt% viects.
II Ignition, ' •
snit vombly
w I Uwe.
ly relurlgosatl
n down ith 4 i
iplrittil horses,
voids at d Into.
abov4 uli, by tho 'enema! hiletiket.
ever ho oilgin, ft is hereditary itt ttt
, titto:ha.,(leacendius ritroulintreata iocle
the t Wad 4%1 fourth ;v.:ter:dicta ;"
.• .t.s to ha the sot' of 111111 uho say
vit.t tho iniquities of the istLers
t r cit.hlres."
.1 , II 4111 r rre.
cf 1111 411.,
incolott to
Ls effects eomtnenee by depoeition fro
liiaud of eqroupt or ulcerous twitter, whi
the end internsl omen% is t
t:borgies ; in the glands, ;
-the outface, coololoof. nr row. This fou
whico g , acbri in the
the elwrgtel of :o/ that snel,e,,v, rine
tiaps w 4 ( Suffer Dam 5i.rt,1•11..4
‘iiitk bttt t , e:y hare far ims plver
Rapes of (Mill' di , 4.414241 C
eine trig, Vet , : no , o4ors plrhh by diand
• , hid*, aitliotegli not teroftdons in their nate
are null read red fatal by thho taint la
system. of the coniumption which
elosates the human fluttily haw it% orig:n rlinM
in lid. szrofolouii (Amtaudisation ; and m
dem: ielivc .lisvaaa of Coe liver, kidoeyv, Err
inderch of all the orgativ, arise from
ate eggravatcd by the sataa cane.
one quarter of all our proplc. are scrofulo
their pt.rsoles are invaded by this
Pction, a ul their health n inidermined by
it Ineslivable
.1 , the 4insitty
e milk, It bus
prorep 4.14'
experiment to
rope tf, goon
/ of roi:k and
91.111 tweloy per
I. awl Inn o 9.4
tter Ohm eel
et. In fattening
1., Itgives thrta
tppettr , Ooe:ens
Ir hide. and
ea thwa ttatto
it frnit the lopaese vie must ro
1,14.e:41 hi au alteratlvo ructll4.ine, an
v;,;..4:4te it t y hluttily fond r.. 4 t3t
latAll:4410 we 6:41411y 1,1
Compound Extract of Sarsapai
o,c num. effectual reinetiv , which the TA
t 3 iil Lf our times cal derive for this
%%hero and fatal to:1184v. 1t is
Ivan the mrst aoive remectials that
' kon diecn•:ercd for the exptirget ion of this ,
cr,ler from the blood, and the mien° ol
from tte degtructiv , coneemot
tlould Lo employed for the cm
:y olio those other a
hich ii o from it, treb as I:nre
$71t13 pIar.AVAIS. &r. AN titONVe F
I , ' 1: OT I:ItY3IPVLA7, PI.TV
s• :4 3' oxo and Dome,Truone, Tn
• •tit it qI . C.M. RIMRIVC
.• . .1, Syrsitimc tuld
i hop DeutuTT.
C -mn .t:rts Atart3 rzot
• e ;.; The pripubur ts
• • ~! I ' e 0154" is kuidcit is is
•. ;ul a is:: .Icgeneratica of She and viltve a 11. i% 8:r.
d t,cwth b brkroesib.
c.:...._'t:a:.•1 cliztitutions.
1. 111,
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b.yei 7, a ftt-. . A
••• t. 4 Pill
d it,at d:uacc within the ter
el cm solely eeielistaud or evade t
i h •:r :ectratihir pruperterr scarda, and elo
orate vlotfy poeticize of the human
ieri, r ,lectie.g he eie4ei.acd action. and res•
‘it..litic4. As A comeryocnceaf
-; .4". the h.e:,:e.l woo itt trove,' amen
• ; :10.ilitv is astt,:;:rticti to Eti
• r t r Ste:id by a remedy et on
the ecerf•dre
be ?gent telow 1, ~ e
ery Arnett..
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Cat! €.4.14/S, Tttiltwuzi reArcrt
4 .444! 1 .. RroacT l )l(l , .
I :that for . •
itlows C
DR. .V.
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