TO TATTFIX roirts. Upon this eabjezt I caa bat give toy own "aperient % whichWWWnutbeenlitnitcti. The coop in which they am eenfine,l slatthl be rowan;"; eo that they will not be etrodeil ; And as light is essential to health, it cer tainly blit l o9 not be tot in a datk plum. An open riled is suitable to in ott.ct it nom the weather. I prefer an open coop with a alit bottom, to that it will keep dry and the filth eirop,throtty,h, By leaving MT cue side shit, a stationary trough can be fixed outside to feed in, thus prot:urinx cleanliness. fly custom is to have a moveable one inside for water s afro a Dos for gravel, ashes, a'c. Itt the selection of fowls to fatten, rare should be taken to choose those that are matured, and of neatly the &MO , A'. If any are quarrelsome they Fhoal I to removed, a. , quiet in a fattening coop is a cleat, coneider s.tion. If fowls are in good liceit at the time of patting up, with pr , per e.:e they will le fit for market in ten days ; 1 • t it is poor comlition tea wt. ka will to v „i re j As for the pr, - pi . rfo tto fatten fa•sts, have found the wia«h corn to do na ulth each en etTalort..l f,:ed of meal will be re11..1e.1; ?! ( 1 ),”1 for a change. Never allow th; ever ted, At,ret min tom much they will eat in a day, and dire it to them Ia three. Ned Kin , of morning, t.c , an and towar.l4 ni„ , ht, F. c:h. clew, %rater Avail 1.:1+ en at morning an t noon. Cray:l itimt L'pt within their teach. althoueh in frtrr n weather I t:ae found col aches to uo=wer every } urpose Ant a thing worthy of note is, that th e to whit , l; the ashes were a.!. wed at the tiara Of killing were free flan) vermin, To purine the course I ha', twit ea, paya both the producer and cot umer for a porky! brings bat little, and is wc , ..11, nothing f.a. the table, e teas a tot one ti:; , the pocket and makes the X„,and Orcupita byrcuei'!3. The tent< t'..t:tt and ht;:nr tt.trairo to inki!d keott fdcce in :t "tre qino:; ti ory itt ni of Ciil3 CO?.. tho len v h • y r:nol i 5 atrltier item c n tti; of tar:ft 1101 :t•••:•,...1 1 :,; 1 - ,:e • i• VA tit,J, :t Vsea: tro. .V..;! .114 . . ,,• • Ith•o., .:itititv a ty'ton • it A l! tho ;Vv.: to,nl i t W a s c:"Tplt ! ... the t H lCtr teeth: 't va , .. , •.t! • tor ' I • t• . •, I,:.‘tt t• it v r ' ..t t.t0a , .., !,, 'll • t+ a 'sand out. r. 1,1 A f'• ' ' on , rods bow: I •••.' !t• tz. I 4.•••: fote, , , •-•••:' .16; .1 ft ' ••••••• at.r2s ot, L. I • 1 , th! •.! • t• g;isirtcr- r: , ~,, 'N‘ i • .!..: , ~;' t ; it • 4 •• •- ;, ;v1•• • „. '.. .., t;,..,r;• . : • Le 1:: .• ; : . 'I :•; • ' rtiloraDr,V.MM; ; A. thlir Lt ' y t • pr e , . runt 0,1111-111,• c-m!t or ati ;mew. .• vad y. Fttfivitni zertrily it; •utito Cit. re: Wt.. .• j'4811: 1 ft , I vi s l::;11 Ica* r ro, ar.tit). 'Tett , ho t., 1;.. ~ the dri , . t an:! 11 , .t 1 . : r avant nf, * f : .. .1 LI. 1 • , 1 1• • . 1 r,.:.. r, It'. I •:1.; Jr irit • • ! n:, ; 11,11 , ! I , •t. an .1 vv, . 1 . 1?; 1 ; 1 ' • it 11.0 ''.'• "I . .t . • • 1 , 1 t t ; ' • ;: f .•. 't rq U:'.l.xl:!' '-' ~ ~ ... .!i • t•• tl.•• •: , 11:, • ,t 1•1 •. • t t.'sptaly, ti; ; ; :; r • , 121,1litit,- ' t:,••• . 0 . • : • t , f0,14t ill or.. :1• ,, ~.4t. . tlltC'rt6.• 1.1. i. • il.:1 4 .0e:3:! !... 1.• ! *.1.• !Ascot. 51.1.1: , trt,:.:t.F. ~ , la 11,,• rural ititprov , -. , , , rit '2.• to our A....iut •I• r Z•) tab • or a 7 , 10.1= i!. • • ‘. •• and curet • ti,, , be procured th. I , , tt.r;st How TO : 4 m T y persons who tire in the habit of tryshtnin:s mackerel or salt fish, rarer diesel that time is a right and a wroug k i .o it. Any one who has r, , en the rr: evarortition going on it the salt w known (kit Uhl to the house: J.. t it is in the an where your nsarkerai c'r white fish dog ; and a sit lies with skin and rill th wo, the ,et will fall to tin/ shin, a d ren.a:n there, wl - .en if placed with the f.. , h side down, the salt fails to he laktn n a of ti o ra p, mid the fish collo out Id o dieu.t.l as it shlal , in the ath.r else it is nearly ss 91t RS when put in, If YOU do not believe this, test the matter for yourselves. Clatati SHEEM—The mo't arrrovtd furs in :heel) is general rounders, :, of ,i,ape and fine/tole of how. The chest shouLl be bread, the ribs troll ached, the back and kilns broad hat end ttraipht ; the litels' Fbould Le eh-., pr -dam to the body. the head enrOl. Coin, th 4, kin. : soli *!”*. ",, to the tett& Wok, eantein well forward to the fare but not oottering it. The Awe and forehead should be c l o th e d with short hair, ILA the PP'S should Vile a lively expression. DP.. .1. R. I:VA NS, Pbssfcian and Sargeog. AVING I".•wvii ,rtlonfirtilly on Atoll) r K1.t)f)34:•11111tt; Tre s umut t i in al* ant thlbitottcogrally. tyat 142 4j proprire4 to Olen/ to 411 hipatteiP.l . 4llllllllly Did 111%4C10011y thot iinty b. ititilillillta4t) OA WWI 001144ettlitt tarn wiftt OP Thaa t . • - re Ite tatyt vtlict atteattom to attrytty A: welt Not:4l. Eligliet wuht. vtrrrnos MENA Ind thn priatiag aitialial he tout rant nag itorSety Matt etlo do his **n rtattatt I, way., MAlvita*, and caraply. '1 erg a , k 00 aiill.ple i It roaOt ir al . Iva that 11 bay IS years old can easily manare the fastest NW« RN t., Print+ a insituctaaa. ars ins*, il • e.. 1 With tack utilre.tuabtata ma picaaati alga at Waft with , nut a preva , ao kaaalcifee o OWN Widths. A sitttiliit Contala ihs NH 004.'10100. Nitro. sestssionials Sic . iwnt troo w aft our siwcinwn sbvt6s ppiNTFR of Yti• Cut*. Sm. wn 66146. k 6 • • ADA A PuLAs 2A Ann Sow, sl4ta ty. ,11 Mil V UittC. STOVES AND TINWARE, A. M. RUPERT, Announrae to tsij nutty It 1,23414 utid ttmunr~++ta is t,up.r. % t by ,uuttuuvA toe Utimive toll.tuer* nt him std pi.we of bUtetneu u u iN pyrlteg r. 1414(.1t*114 BURG. ItvocuAtoaaer. and aitteri con 44 ACCOMltCragi'd SV7St) F ANCY STOVES Ftmawilipre,Tmu, rt. and ov , c) ; " emit in 01 %ell r+eoll.te,l a'TCrt'ib ,j Atii) I't%lV AKE I ,, TA I:I. , VFNII rt , Ift tit.l49. Utit 2“l' .4rWt roti•mo.+ble ter sporrlNO f t hion*ew nail is rug, will tie put up ar, short to.tlre. Alwu, aY khtds or d pr,hotot) and WWII Ittn t ferns litr tilt° Nuys on hand a t.,r e ‘: Pettn. Of Prttnt atrAttot an, met Leo+, tiwt Itunttnttnt ttt 11+, 1 '1'0 rat + Itt,tttte,ttt.tA Ft, t.l , you eutio. Give taut a calf Juts td , Vv4l—l`. IL?NCY 1-101 :u :ICY, t Ircoming otscut), N. tiViAS.ilki, Proprietor. No r tr,b* r N. !Sot, ir it I OF M ILA 4 . 4 Uht)t. 1111 " .7., .AIIN h.. ti ItloN'3 STORE,. inlavvroci s vraitT,6„, nlvwritlet !AA reNrard front the re-t ,, 11 til. AIUI u I.l‘e, 4 , 1•41 Ciol,ift, *WO. art; G:ccerfc4 and Bry-Goud4, nb rA ht < ,r$ t Earle:l,l4= ict:i t •IV 4, t,tv al4 C*4 to ut alur itt fiats :rt ;be titS re.i. .imstrA t t of the t.etit CO! I EL, rs:se vet ikto tO A t /0.011 , 4 tr • ithr,k", t It '`l illl4 IfrMiCty , A tai ; 1.1 rteli, t,114,..76. a the Ote , d , ,,: t Of" r self Jp. tlt Ak. •.tton to o littn Ntt ttt., 1 # a.tdcd ±x:lta..•„•,itt it it let rtietc:ll of INt) 'A' 11.1 A )1V WA 1 ; v.sks goods istt N4O, wrver6l new .:rth:!••„ exteokivrCy ttrrtl ;04 tithlchot 44 (1.1,4„: IL` at, ?rt.v 14,100 y„,0,, F. clach Morocecess ; ,4 . LltOO'f 4.14: ..:31.11:(14 .40.14 ; ge, uovo V 140.1.1 CI filet 1..t.10 'are e. C-4:1 F, CAlmot ,„ 11.41 NA,, tt. e. r. - i.!' , 1,.511f! t,<