ficonobtivo Mtututrat II WW. 11. Jilt OriV, Editor. i•ettro,ilit?.. .1a ti. 4. K ri.11%,•?.. , troi4 rpoi *r duly aothunrnd 1.1,0 f wit and ferriy” 4 , lll , Krtp. Hon. sqlyprlvking (or thn Pfloorrof Hot., pitb• ii.hg4 at /1100 , 10 1 .Jrz, roltunbta eutwy, Thy fart Mlfa I a. and caber Mate PEIPAIIICV I 4. ;esrnge is ordinarily a passion of rapid growth, but, forttrately, in tie: H=itler of Providenvo, the period of it, dUratigti is eirmtneum:at: with the short time ti t,, toren it. full iluvelepment. This fortunate thr the human spcties, to which more particuLtdy the shove rule applies ; fur if the rule were that the pl.- siert of revenge liould embrace all titr t h e peri o d hi which to satiate itself the dor: trine of Christian thrgir, enesi weal -1 twee, rarity be abrogated, n would be &- i es, through un everlteting But while the ehristiln spirit of forgire , s *l4 to be-encourag e d a-t bein' among the hien% t of these impelling powe-,:- mr not only to ' , anion, theist' who injure n., but to do geed for -nr.; men , tivilizel tqunletnitie whore it •1 re: Vert a n '! lOr ..'”?/-1,i/gt the rule or .• ion 171 ' tliqntbilii , T :PA MOn> tither in r, t, ill roll yr, t • , • • • .tine an wrong in Llie t, : , I. r th di 11 i.. ; 4 1 of the w‘l,,iker r the st, -a I aliJ. tet.ct:i ri r,ot J P441::...11 .:.ire • 'i ntent, i s not ! • t 'a rr,s spell for thy: opinion : u , as a proper regal) tor har nu free inert must . ! d f a lunitagri vtli , „h V e u• • .; n Oil v Mm, anlirrin.:: our • ' • t, Thin" ft , t ho. wc-re indu.. IT cost 11, pal:Ft...he lin lit ~ -if th y ' tt t r kette plro • ( • • 11", •.:%• ties to be, h4l in th , citr, of y the FAritet t. to tepe .1' .1, i• di • ••••• • ti r ;et ntunbi. r .•r I . , • • •,1,•, ••• • •••.! . •i 1:•• • •• • •-, , • ~t 1:.• • • „oa r 1. 1 1 ~• • : c•.• 41f,'; . •!; • 7 , ; ;II r I . ;; . • ;, •• :,;, : • 1• '; ° (1 . 1110 •' • .. • ; . V.1:0113 Li) ;'!I 1... ; 1 1. :1 •• ‘ , 4 • f.• ••, ‘• • 1110 fittiet th..:, * :. :.t ! gti‘ • 1 • .1 r;; i ;111 tt t w t:: -; . adieu to their v vv . :e i„ try jll: a. I.' :4 r • tt3. Early /itt ttd by the of uti:iter. peteert atel tui.lote , . In Anglo, f~GI, a hattar.'n. I.f . matt ttituitte4 inky the county, wet:theft for a tittle a por tion or the quiet town of Mood, hur,:, atei were then, with all tlte pare pltert.viia of war , cannon, ant llliitit n, lc, taltelltu the... i nitro quiet sugar ennill‘ , , tf‘tll. , r pm; th county, int , the whit of a eem. '....ty of ;.taid farmer., anti there e.n the preutni , atel in the hots..c • alp to t he of . I:" 111. t eror., and of thnce, thnt 5?I'l to th. , titter trtetien of till the I.; of inoneent I,nidio'l 4 . 110 1 'r l'EV,trintiri' r , r Ff.:V -(141 dlyS' Oil the vote( th of the lwrd 1,11.(v.• of the 4 e tuls"l)histica*e.l proe4eded c.nt.t. 'pandit.; at the 'Teak of day to arret.t tdanit one hotelred of the people on tvito-:! labor they had lived. r"rty o more thego (Ad and young, tr::re teas Led off, in the tni'kt of giittt ring I..tiont tA, to r.trt 311.11ip. But few of thr.o• wr...;1 ever inought to tti.d. ertn I.;:fzne the t, and IGettnhi e'Clit 11:11;i:try Lino , of tw But who, in the ca .o. , 1 71. 114 ,1;a County 110:quiet's, was maidy to blame Not the military. ; it, tit.,v ttpoti eit:7• wide by ~,4 ;i?;/4t! 'raven hezutc#i fonot ie. t opt ; .t mod t o those in power that rho 4iti701.; ot the far -4 if region of Fishittgetcok wt.o.u, Atlx: , ! invotigatiom ern luctyJ 1.,t a :tha . ol I;cm:rah of the rho. • I tliA ti; p eo pl e u' rep ro g a g .el ottly in th 1 0 P.', furglit- , of ttgriceliural th- tete Lettelre e ro a-rt. and the forty or toot.d inteiret r Nou thee, ktja-tice, res. ilk , . be don., The Con‘ention is Melt i about to he be' h is only "the heghtnti: g el the in Vet much to vindicate the right and cloy re buke the wrong niay ice accompli.twai these outraged men on the tmotty second of February next. L t the reel traitors, spie‘, and lying' informers be totmaskt.l. fkc blood hounds of the County f Columhia, whose yelpings led on the minions of ins- Spent Ude power should he woo.d to their kennels—they Amnia have such car marks a 'would diotinguilt them for all time. To this and ht out spoken men he :cut t • this Convention. 'Lot in-five be don.: thonch the heavens raw ; legit it be ii suet not i n a spirit of re: , lige, but right. The ritt•Ling I“.t ixt tteakir;,:of the Rielien in tr0w. , .., 'Thee mote Rejuh.ican nee c%A. r 1 rots trouble from nest ycdr, r..! 1 41 are idreatb howlin; ever ilk: iir , .+.!.. 4 t tire Dcmcvatie Ma^ inrity in the Legielatare, which h t elect a St4teb Senator in place a Mr. BUCKALEW. They have 'Already tiatnel the liom 'attar 1. V MAACK, a.:4 the tltn dilate of the Vernoemey. They may well quake a - , dm mention of bia nnity.:, for if ho haa any aspiration in that direction, he trill certainly be elected. The Demmany don't mean to atop until it is in poutession of every branch of the 11m-eminent TUR AMEnICAN JOURNAL OF TIORTIVVL TI'aR.—ft required no little pluck to under take an enterprise like this at a time of' general depression, when the appetite of the public fur Inkrlnz irnm. for reading books of all kinds had diminished wi t h the eon . traction of their purses, enterprise W 413 begun, however; and, what is better, it has soiszeeded. At the end of a year notorious ly tin:'svorable in a business point of view, the magazine is not only established, but has ael eire t l a monthly circulation which the oldest magazine of of its kind ;M AI be glad to emulate, When we look for the reasons of this success, aside front the undeniable energy Uild spirit with which the business; department of the publioutioa has been con duet 'd, it is not difficult to find them. In the first place, the Magazine is not for Massaelorsetis or New England alone, but fir the whole country. It has both contrib. utors and subscribers from Maine to Califor nia. and from Canada to the Gulf. The topics treated in it embrace every variety of hortieoltural interest, and appeal both to nurserymen and to amateurs. It is espe cially strong in the department of fruit eul tare, do ugh a eem.ithArio pert of each num ber isdevotel to the culture ur flowers, awl it has an able editor for each of then dotutrttrtrnts. Since the publication of' its earlier number , , it has adopted rbc plan, well suited to make it popular, or Lrzating a great variety of topics in a Feriet , % of short article., or condensed para gliaph .1, so that thoso who run may read, reserving however, a certain portion of each nu 'ober for art icles of greater length. ; 1" tr the nmehattical evanittion of the ntagazit.e, no pitinkation of its LOA in this It( rs ha no.ov coaled or oven approach ed it, and type arc admirable, anti the inuMations pith which every nun her ahottieh4 arc always ext.:diet - A, and Often Liu the porfcetion in the art of wood • ;A;gra‘ity. Tnk , ...;„ for example, the number ;-fur the present month which is now heron. nrA. 111 S ean illn-trated titic.pky;„ tit.,447m; i in,ecrilent. taste, arid executed in a nn,tm , c hart' > to I-••• sorpa.en 1. ihcn 11:0 w ,, 1 mazie of the month then r, pre •ctit ttion ~f a tl ; n 'e•t.o Diana II en'l...; to;•:r 0.• ;to tit,: palf • rend trmr ifs v;;;; • Omit V."1:1 YAIVV, I' then a cht.ter t rt. ';•111 • ;;; . .... r... 1" • , S,Vi'Ll;', a wle.h. page • tI..•T• Pe-v, of the tire, of ' f;•‘f , t ; :.• ; d oti.ot to tit.-; ".•;)o l •• 1., •,;;s: th.ot if; ; roard Taman,: . • and ,• C.: • !:. i.• 1 : isC tr.'' •i• = ' ;1 nut;her-, tie !i, -1, a Ii sef ....Mi. , to fr-in one t • 1....;:e4 on a va:".ty of Itotlitontaral f N;;1 follow the - Nom-, runi the rnr , trtlr . Those con 14150f,0w fety short artiei;.r„ varyin..;' hone • .;•!- to a f't,w Ins, and t;;.tt !no; in a • a , 1•11:11 a*lf t! i0,.L.• -1: -at,w urn t:., • ... a•••• at L.:ln , a:, I r , • ••'. ..mal;'•oa ,, t•-• in ~t part. tits •- • • al: • , •• ti:ilnt:. agla: •az 'fl! nom !. • • witb d, • Luttyr-hoc. 4, votol tto 0•1•: - codamiant$ au i replita4, may al.l, that, ill VivW of its great artiAic excellanty, thi 4 magazine i•••t ono of tln , licapett r•riolicat. of the asra ( 4 11 SRI r, Too:1411, rnt , of tll eElitli's of the La Cro , ;:e• / 4 Wa% Idle 1 in ow 0, : .2 ter near Angola, licw hi r4a•ogn'!„-,1 by a rinz on finiter trarke , l b." The last nntn hi,r of the netho:t in, na l ~ n rny ! , .Q ,li.rpo , l In tnr , nntinst., with an e htiriiiti in uilieit Mr. l'om tinnotthro ; the r.ll I:t . t. rtmthn . f. "tr. LontitJJ. Iva.; en lips tzar cn;r, where be intet,d l.fleolehrttte. the hn"ilay. by getting married met the fate v Huh has overtaken hint. kayos hitt intenik..lbriile in an nullity adespair. ; 1,f)nt,13.t.t. As "Brick" says "Poor t'llarley! 110 WAS tt youv7 man---a writer or imblik t>iiitti rOVI verquility, nwl of ereat fature T.rorni,4. re? P.,,v,,yat will n:1 , 4 bho rc.el•rs ticiil real , :; , that u pa.asaist absent 11!)u, itslr4t. I.c iq raw to it I, et:4r '.t11.1, a 1 thn!, tlnngh hi 4 vc,ts hrler VAti latlro than tir tralizatinn or his it ot, of ea, thiy glory in that oth , r wcrid where tic aro told there isno tlarkin..s and that neither nor sorrow can en ' tt r thrrelit.— Pe r +, :Par IT on 1 Vt . . , to. , j .ertroh to furni-h our pa nots and ethers will) the Dumocuxur AL MA SAO AN!) roLTTit COMlaltif.lrll, for the year Iw•cly, at the low prce of t2o cunt:: per y. ft is a linnth,onie hide volume, out iluilitt al out ninety elotely. but II rated matter, of a highly in. ter - , :o r t ' o r. its ankle on finance, I.c-ient indebtedness of the t ;overate:lt. ant each Mute's proportion : and the compltte late election return?, com parod with the returns of hilt), are alone worth five time, the price of' the ALmANAr. 'I he work ire Nun) iled and published by our ft:. a, WO tic friends of the N. Y. Pay Book, Van Eerie, Horton St Co., No. 1,;.2 N loha u :ltreet, S. Y., who will famish the Abitoette to nerd , - at t= Itoo per hundred. en_ vo Tut .rtz C.ViAtittlrE 1 } (M AL (i rum for I stlS is a Fplendid publication, tilled with the most eho;eo flow . rs, prket.f semi and instructions in culture. His lar; f ie Feed Ware House is in Hot lw , ter New Yolk. It is said that, for many yt ars .I,Amc s . teas an amateur— vultivating tho Me e t r them only, Mu a few - 1 1 / 1 :. 4 , 1 ho curia eil the arena at , a itrtal ioual rultisator, anti also as sli importer and ;; rowvr I.i' sctdJ, hull , , etc— in which field ho rapidly acquired a reputation and celeb rity that plac'eto him in a mos t. enviable peel. tioo. This is the House to send to, for all 'lie choice seeds and bulbs. dead and get a CoM , tegtit, fhr further inthrtuation. ---The Legklatitre convened on Tues day. and elected lion. &tam% IV. DAvts, of Philadelphia, speaker. 31r. D. wits speaker enures ear! ago, when Han-slier from the Vetiango District, end bnru in the Mato three terms since from Philadelphia. Ile is a wan of no little legislative ability but n hitter partisan. The 31euilxtra stand politically Republicans, 64. Denim:loQ. 46. In the Benate, Republicans, /9; DClW crato, 14. 11 , Yruhliehn mnjority on joint ballot, 13 Communicated. MILIaItTgA 1-w Ito, by "gouda flinui" Ironton opponent' s stotrutrwts, though ihry lre "Atli oars, *NA ototeincots mu be Wolf Sucerhiffolly rrfufrd, it is weft Yea, A f t ., dear Neter, we repeat, we did ask the only public advocate or Mr. Vanderslice's elec tion, and it tacitly denied, by porpnin4y eon. miring his temperance views. When we say porpositll, we speak by the book. Dr. John has more than once, la- Melded ariblYi and denounced fiercely the room riperanee movement, When the Conn ty fieenity was organized no spared no pains to quietly advise its members to "be moderate. or you will break up nor party." When his signature we; solieued to a peti tion ask in# Cited to close the ''intionoits dens of iniquity . ' in his own town- who,* temptations were constantly open to youth, tend many were bring ruined, he answered in substance, "It will militate against the leffitxls tif , ety beVieegg, WOndt`r that ,yon ask me." - IN heti a Committee was appoint ed to ClUlVltss tr he expediency of petitioning the 1 sigislatnre thr a County prohibitory law, the My st ld e<r n was the first and the only paper in the County to diseourage action. Ilut more of this when necessary. I am st.rry to admit that 6111(a': tilt' Temithll'S and likewise republican, Tempters, in too many instanees, sill sionifice Puppet:- anee principles to party t after n anilidato's polities, rather than his mor als. 1 was ashamed of my party, crhrn 104 Pall they attempted to carry the election in ma lt y localities. by denouncing the Repub lican party as the "temperance party.' atol them enticing liquor sellers a n d consumers their ranks, by promises of lax-laws,— nor did toy chagrin abate, when in those loralitk“, the Repuldican party denied the ".' and in prool'of the denial, gave the people nominees whirs° characters were bla:.k with r edur r , ultose systems were re, king with rum. Sll.ll ii the last politi cal reilini Philadclphis. and many other places Wl' 0111111 111016011. It ' l,oll will politicians and their journals recogni?:e their true relation to the morals: of the U-1.1' , .'5? Prua , -tiATIC TwaLtre. Cataxvi.N3, I ) , 1:6 '4,7, New liampf4lsire Coming. Thera h.-Trns to k but little ilQubt that the I)emotrat I will carry New liatapsbite tit Om ouning election which takes Otto! in ... 1 1ardi. .111 the municipal 1 leetioel recent ly held in the principal eitil4 and towns or that State bac, rt -tilted in ih tur , eratie vie t,Jth 4 . it l'ort , ninnth lint, then in 'Dover, and ow.) in r the radicals have heea utterly r •ated. They carried all thow 1:11 2 I'' 1%) . majfnitie4. We here tittle clscuLt that th.. State el-etion will r..-lilt in as old 111,hiotied Pi.m ,,, .Attic tri umph iu the State, P.`Vt. ',JP. Y. Pt: Ti; , enti ft - "itlt tio .11, , i , 1.111 hl3O 1 , , aii .l a:o •r. I , t bo u eorw Ivrttt. by all • ! In this e , ,tintr;., 1 . ,:lolar limit has hem griiv in;; in favor : ':!- a t , floo male of Al-os and, Rhoii:o rolt , 1 into a hall. Their hit'h a t position in i ,I'l , .11;1.1y been 4p , , , rae,1 and fa,P null into permatieney, by Ayer's Cathartic 1111:• , , the tort 4 t;intbinatii‘n ,rmetheitie thr the ili , ote( they arcs int,l , kl to cure, that :oviettois van o r art produce. who need pill*, na lutittr be'itato what pills to take if they can get Ayrr, It /toting r,/,) MARRIED. 111 1:104:r. 4J-r.r.,7, fh ,41,01,er, I I y th lAA i, I Iv*ntkr, Mr. 1,..ct ,, Tt, 4 , f NV.o. l .*:n . N. V.. to of Op; nwer On On , 24th of ikolnl , er, by the Bev. Nathaniel l!lpear, Mr. IV, AV. Miller. iktooek, Colombia County, t o 31i.s An. ttelinn !Anita .Ik, of Fishingerecli. Col. Co. On the 21;tii of Po by the ,soar, Mr. James Everett, of , Itawpt counly, to Mlir, .%+ltTia Moore, of lrt..enwooti, t'ohoultia Coon At the re-itletwe r,f tho 1 , 1 itto' , 4 lather, oo the by the Rev. E. IV:ol.worth. Mr. lhollet I.b. to MN.; :itt. , anka 14.1hts, both of Fain/maw. Luz. co. At t h e time. by the saute. at Town Hill. Mr. Nathan la. Chat,in, or Itt e ,th ol .. ton, htlzetta' Conwy. to 31i , ‘ll A. rn:: - . or V-hintt,rvelt, Columlna '4o,tity. the or the 1 tido', father, in Mow,ltip, on the I'dth tslt., by the Lev. 11 F. Alleman. Mr. ('intrlo. , 11. Knorr. to A. Pietivnbaeh, all of Moot 'NI). lho ult., by Allen :Hann, M r. Al , rahant !farm :rah of Pc,‘- a rt, N or th. oo l h e rlawl County, to 31iA , :Mary Elvin, or Rtiarin, , ,, - etv..l., Columbia County. On the L'.6th t the rt. - 4 , lertett or the 1 1 011" e, 141 % Calvin 11 , ring. of Orang , willo. :Via A. IhAte. of Centre 'fowl: , hip. t fn tho :awe tlac, L . . t. the same. le; 31r. J. M:it.,n Pe...41T. to Miss Emtna Schieter!.v, both of Cohtt:.l , itt Ceunty. On the same Ihty, by fi l o Frono , lin} than, to Ni ,, s Dizal eth Sitter, both of t`otuthria County, 0.1 the zatne flay, by the ,auto. Mr. John A. I,Pe. to Miss Mary F. Culp, both of C;ul un County. In the 15th olt., by the s.atne, Mr. Adam Varner, to Hiss It• both of Luzon,: C o unty. On tilt, :Yth u 4., by Rec. E. B. Wilson, Mr. Wm. H. Snyder, to Miss Sarah Meek leo hie. both of Orangeville, Columbia en. At the same time, by the same, Mr. M. M. MeganAl, to Miss Robeeta Achenbuch, both of Orangeville, Columbia County. On tb 2.lth of Pecember, it:47, at bight Street. by the Rev. 1C M. C., Mr. Emattml 14.9110 W% to :kik.: lie4ttr Whit. mire, both of Columbia Cutimy. On tit.. 2tAll ult. by 111. r Jaeob Modem Numb. at the esbienee A' time la hl-'s fath er, at Ftllwater. Mr. Thomas 11. Edgar, to Alice 31elleury, all of Columbia County. On 25;11 ult. nt the residence or tin lartit4, by flev. M. P. Cro,tliwnitc, Thonw,F. 5,4 1 t vicr, of tratmevillo, to Ali's., Beulah Metplotiliall, of Benton, Col. co. On the 23th ult., at the Town Hill Par sonage, by Per. M. P. eresthwaite, Lean der Cartl4lll, of Rinebanana, to Ramona A. Reler, of Nov inlumbus, Luzerne eo. On the 24th nit.. by the Vey, 'William Ever. Mr. John Williams to Mi-s Frederica ILniine!e, both of Danville, Pa. Al 'note IEII. on ib I,t h.t.„ by Err. T. Wlel-worth, :%Ir. Samuel M. .1114 m., n. to ..‘ll El-ie Baker, both of Huntington. bezel ne County, On the 2d in t„ by the sntoe„ Mr. Elf'ord P. Fitzgerald, of Shiekshinny. to Mho , Liz zie liat Visor), of Huntington, Luzane '.uunty. WI ED. On the 14th of Deecmher,',l9 , l7 in Frank lin Township, Columbia Co., John Brooks, aged about 80 years. Madison Townoh4l), Columbia County, on tho 7th of December Margaret Detnott, daughter of daen'h Demon, Erqr., aged 45 years. Her disease was cancer. In Limeatoneville, Montour County, ()fin flematicti of the Luna, Charlie Hanniton, ron of Maggie L. and Dr. C. 1. Kralitisin. age .1 2 months and 14 ROLL OF HONOR. The following list of retstipts to the Wm wear for the past two months—November and December—is eneonraging ; but when we take out the actual expenses in the pub lication of the paper, there is a very smill margin left. To those patrons, who have so kindly conic to our assistance during the past two months, we tender our wannest , thanks. The present Volume is rapidly drawing to a close, and there is yet gn abnu dance or room upon this Itom o 1 HoNon for hundreds of names. Our expenses are heavy, and all we consume in our business must he paid for in cash; consequently early and prompt payments are expected, that we may be better enabled to meet the de mantis made upon as. Rev. William J. Eyer, t 2 00 Miles Albertson, 2 00 David K Hayman, 2 00 James Keifer, 3 00 John Fruit, sett., 2 tto Henry Carver, 1 1140 John 11 Yohe, 1 00 John J. Barkley, 2 00 I\'m. Hagenbuelt, 2 01) .1. IL Station, 1 PO G. W. Palmer's Est., lialtis Sterling. 2 011, 11. W. Creasy & Co , 2 021 • AtI..TCW I So , 30yeph Mowser, 2 INI C. Sarazo, 4 25 Jacob M. Mils:, 001 Joseph I tens, 2 00 Joseph Mowry, 2 01 Julia A. & Sade 31. Barkley, 3 87 Wm. Lemon, 2 04) I Jeremiah C. Smith, 2 00 I J. Aslin. 2 oo Jacob Herring:tom 3 001 Charles I', Mann, 4 00 llira in Ash. 2 too botcher 31. Evans. 2 01) Peter L. With., 2 no John G. Freeze, 3 Ja.tmei 31. Prim., 3 04) Cyrus Robbins. 4 (10 lieljamiti Sterner, 3 35 J. N. Blocher, j (a) Iloraee, 2 00 Elias Shuman, 0 0 Samuel Snyder, 12 00 JoS...ts John, • C. it. .Irtley, 2 tat John 1 Imo urn, 00 Wm. A. Kik, 2 00 I (haul Seliwemn r, 2 00 Mordecai Millard, 12 00 1-to, Lev,l4. 200 A ..1 * Nit ,r,,,,„, 0rt , 2 50 J. C. Ki 11cr, 2 00 lotto I I , ley Tote. 2 oo ' t' 1., 3itsno 200 Jnhn ,M0. , 1,.„1., 2110 Joh:A a .‘,,.1„ 241 C nphia (n) G. 1;311.11 . V. 11,1 Llearer s dmorpeulit 50 C 1.. Savago. (54 1 D. P. .!. 4 ifit, n, 2 0 0 4 ;corp. Zeigler, 2 00 31,me ,, , Hower.n t John Kcichner, ja, 2 tat ! Eli Kitcheu, 2 en Dr. 41. Horne. I Daniel Knittle's F•#., f. 1$) Samuel Kelebner, 1 s' , Diehard K 2 00 ni, t , eng, 4 00 11 , 4 r i t, ties hard, Jaeoh A to ., Montour County, Thomas I 4 ; roe'l'itunight , Ileheeea Vanderdi P . m F. 0 4.1 nhli S 1011,1,1!, 1 I YC. 31111-. t leo. 31. tlar tnir'n, 31ichael Waiter. ,; I la,. ('bat - its J. N 0 . ,. ii.n. Tom Thulith, ' , avid John ‘N s„lanou Uhler, i'ji,tut Thomas & (*.les Mellor:, Rehr Melt, nry, .tarots Jaeoh.lolit4on, I Ala:chant Dail, ' Coleman, Casper Hahn, John Ch , fier, John S., I Williant Crab int, L. Colo, S. John ,leheatieb, Caleb 11. Ludw ig, 5, S. Sl. , einaktr, J. S. 1 1 11 rid W. (lark, orge Strieker, Wright liughe , ., V e ,.a. National flank Of BlOolladirg, Daniel P. Palmer, Solomon Attl,y, ' Aaron Smith, ' Joseph Yorks, Widniyer & Jacoby, Stohner t< Wubuyer. St a .l,l,olo,o's E s t., Monne , 11.iker*P., :St., Simon Pt al en II at twit, John Hot rho:, John D. Weaver, 'letzten flohrhaeb, S. 11. 1 tartranct, Ceorfre John I:reveling, Thomas B. Cole, illtaKET REPORT. ‘Vbetit iwr 4144 $2 40 11‘e, 1 'LI . Corn. :. 1 10 nuekwhcat " 1 00 Ottig, 1. 75 Vlovontev.l '' 700 Flax,oed. " httatoe4, Flour per barrel, . ........ Eves per down Tallow per . .. . Nod. flan. Shoulders, Hay per tout A ITLICANTS FOR MEL, RESTAI*- " RANT AND LIQUOR STORE LI CENSES. Notice is bombe given that the following persona have vomit; application to the Pro thonotary or Columbia Comity for Tavern, Restaurant and Liquor Store Li t enses to be granted at the coming February 'form : Bloom N 1 idinyer &Jacoby, E. House. Co., Berwiek, 1; 4 .. i ligl ad Verger , " .. , , Cato% itz.fa. Gilbert ,k, L. Store. Greenwood John Leggott, Hotel. Maine. J. K Longenberger, " JESSE COT.EM AN, ProXy, Prot bowarv's Offer, t Plerin , ,burg. inn. F. I.Fcc i NEW ADVERTISEMENT& LI TNAcY. Vim tirio awl inot await of 4. rt. Miller. Coat. mines of hoheern Vandetelieit, a NOIIII4, Ali the. eon. ithero,ted will {AO lOW tast,the *comet of eath ethethittee bar tidon tile,l in the PfaihollteCity'A 0111r..0 of Volowhit Monty end t h at the Pith wawa wilt he parented to the Judge* of the Met of Conine of Noes of said coedit) , tot et:411,010160d. hi Tueeday, rebtoory (meth, Wit. Medi; thilitid AN, Prothotietali Bloomabo 114. N. lAK ADM IN ISTRATOtt'S NOTICH. Mat, of Meld /Y.Clirk, toltif .11Intoir r. p., drerditit Lettere of adthinistration on the tettftto of Pthei4 Clook late of Montour Towothlh, Voloadtio County, dereund have been plotted hp the Rogo.ter of IMO to it 24. Shuman, In Chowison. Cne . Comity. MI porton* haring Oahu' bitatAA tho ProP . 010 of tho :torodons ore rogileri VA to promoott thorn to the odoholotrator for rotor wn& hod thooe bnowiug thoutoet opt indothod to the notate Win atako SlOweitt• htft pOtoolut to tho undoreigord 3. P. SHUMAN, Aithistharator. Cntawiant, Jan. n, Au InTon's NOTICE to the Orphans* Coort io and for the Comity of Colombia, to the nether of tlel potato of Willi tut Hasher, hate of Wow Towhohip in mild chanty, de. r.eared. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Comet to make dirtributiott or the halation in the hand* of the odaiiniotrator of said, deetdout. will meet the parties lotereated Co- the purport of his itypeantuteut at the +Ono of kotrort to, Clark Rog. to Illoguroburo no Saturday the trot ,toy of Fehruory. win+, at ro o'clock a. se All podia* interested are reientoted to attend on that day and priming their claims, Wbe forover exarded from soy part ur shore of cold fund. GEO. $, COLEVAN, Auditor tnuary 1803-4 w. ,• . _ COURT PROCLAMATION. WIIBREAS. the dims. Moto s I"3.wstb, rresident mite of the Court of Orr mol Terminer and We eras Jed Delivery. Court of Quarter ttrasious of the Pear- and Court of Common Ilene and Orphan's court in Lot 31411 Judicial District. compered of the ronatn i a of Colombialtolli van and Wyoming and the lion. leant Pert and NSW K. Ilerbein, AosoiateJtobretinfroluno Mato., have issued their oma, bearing date the thi d it of pee_ In the year f l our Lord one thalPnind 'irk( Imbed am' airipperen, to me directed for bidding a Court oropi and Terminer nuationeral Jail delivery, General Quarter Sessions ofthe Pew, Common Pleas and Orphan's court, in Bloomaburg. in the county or columbim en the first Monday, , Mang the 311 day; of February neat, 14 continue two weetia. Nome I. hereby given, to the Coroner. the Justices of the Peace and Constables of the said county of col. umiriathat they he then and there in 'heir roper roe. sun at in o'cloek in the forenoon ofseol day with their reverts, Inquicitions and other remembrance to do those thing'. %atilt to their etheee appertain to be dune. And those that are hound by reco l p f g A rp.., to pro , (i . t . against the prisoners that ars or may be in the Jail or mid county of Columbia to be then and there to prose. ento (bola as ohnii lin pint. 'Wort aro rilinnitent to tin ponetenl in then sitendantemreenbly to their notices ono,on nettoi nt ttloonithurg, the ltd day of Dee. '.in t he year of our Lanai one th o n c and mitt f lot ndred and sixty seven And 'litho ninetieth year of the independence of the I mold suttee of A ow s a. ( Cant oven l' , olnOttWitsitta. MiIIUACM attLLAI4O, eller& ttlnemclArr, January d RAND JURORS, FOR FEB. TERM. &hurler. l'heruitto Deily, nr.tiToN— iemb Orden. HHAV k. GPortte Drisahuelt. • P K KOKO—John Puak, /brain LeWio Cit% '44:11 AM—Jenks Dyer. eATAWIttitA Meoh Shnigara, John Sharplsall. U.Strl I NO , AVEK— J itiwe cpruph.qt. FR. t‘KNlV—tfunoilou Lit C .011—J tsegh s'Asie. I Of, sr - Peter Vto um. V %ON. tti —Pear) %Vaguer, Jaeoh M.Girton, Coo, tV, ern{ i Mit hue! Hough. vtINK—H,4IO3II Ott IIGII,-10 K. MIL KHOut nottqwr„ r4o yr. I• Moore rrevehug„ s":Aftl,ol,l' Ge,ag,? Heitz V:, rir 11. t. V EIISE litt I(Jt ri•lit_ it I: AU I" TERM. ip6. K 14,!4, Masteri. CcmtrF•-Amon Vi llu r. ratlirwirpt-t; syt,ro,„ t P. 410 -.Joooph i'tah ink.rvnk-Jantra 14, rato,m.q. Ilirata rciiitilm -William 11444140(1i. 0r... It it .14— C . 0 ,, 0rU.5 Nhii"...o kiaaft John 1)011014n, Tlt.mi ifritti4 ,, i(* Jerksu±i-Jahn .t Atrilim.v. Mt. Pl. 0 , 41' , t Wt1, 1 411111 ,, t - ". P.,a,firtlO, W.. 1., t', &ft. 4:e•41(4 , !. W. Appiemtin. lam V`f ti'MYlriteWtit C 1161.10 Hawk.. .1.401 4.. “*.g. -t.lO/104 Lee,,..y, wiiki,n A Parton.C Mc44llltllll. ti Ja.c44p I«riv /Mitt Timm Ihilmati. tiligarl , af-Jatite4 aril, Andrew Limicirli. r **cif (taro—John Karol t t.. 11:1101IS COrla t WiMt)N " PLEASI, rEunt•AvY 100 , , I,w, loom --Nl , lrl iti IV , o,dnard.tinwtantV. Hatton Minos Knorr. John Wolf, tb:ttro.h Dora—Joao Mc.Lrui7, lothat How , r. ItesArt:ovek—John VV. Omit Hamel hAthio t: olitaw pow —Samuel Kth.tenhan,let. Joh n Kt lift.r. Winulto, Lead.. lit•tttr. rcntre—tiohn MU. tome 11.41 , 3lnirlun 11. i'...yo:dJam.ll --.n,el ;11, Kiernan. Ps *Ong, reek—P,seph 040,,,0, 1 hellos j Mud, rii".Lh I iimigtamt, W. 3 Leidy Join wo iiett,ortpt, Iv*. Pi tt'. t;41,,r. UPilt fiL:l4 Wu, IFS .1 A Fox. i' , rry 111.11,p4, Miwison—ingeph 7A.10 , 111. Marite—Altrol Vetterir, O. rim,. 0, tit - aloe—John W. 146. lq , se—Luther A. Jovph Imbitheig, 1,114 LIST, FOR FEB. TEIIM, IS6$ Nissy it. (.es.' vs, rsbs,t Ilewell.el t al ? Gsvi.l V ,• 511.• VO, 16.4,10. MI O. 3 Wimets A. NI cm James Pvt.... n,u,utAbbott is Si we It. Edam. . hones Gannon v*. Miehael Crane* Pt. O. Tailo , ll r4ill va S,vlvester J. foot. tLittortel Waters vs. 1..1 , 144 Watetts. i Samuel Ws tors vs, George Winetcs, 9 John Tretaty &Gm vs, Silty K. Gte3e, In John McDonald vs. Lewis howl, et al, II Wet.t Itraneh Instalment:o vs Simon t: Strive. ):Sward McCall et 01. vs John OweonLy. 14 Peter Werk looser. Moto Rost, et at. t 5 1 , 11, Person vs Andrew Press, ID E. G. Person vs John Gain. n James kivvivksv vs N L. Campbt II 1111.11.1A1 Asia vs John It. Leitty, 10 Withal, Iketer v. John Savage. to O. Jo Hann, G, Hers adult, vs. bones W. Stottey. SI Charles tt. 31111er vs, the Township of UlOOlll. tltt thottel Vetter vs.lssae. Vetter, et. at. 93 J.t.onit 'I hennas use vs Henry Frens, 13Int U LeSty vs, Gideon Arndt. 1.3 Catharine sittosiey vs. Stephen Niched. Ili It tot y Esse ,et al vs. George H 44111441, ett, at.) J. Itsvition vs, Ilobty C. Ilarttustt. IS Henry It Hupp vs. Mirbilel aline. IN Mr tilliam Cittrii. vs KOtihrt C Clark, Itavol Helots vs David S, 3t jl,llll Gears vs flutist Gower. et al Nary Alvitteatty vs Robert GOMM. r Co. 43 Joseph Hess vs. Samuel Everett. Jitl4sl:: CuL.C3I AN. Pi otlPy Ettatttn.borg Jan. 9, Intla. 1 t*, I I) _ , ' 1 • 1M) 2 s t Trims NoricE. A In the Cann of Cotinnen Plea. in ;ie.! (o tin rnaney of ontainbin„ In the matter of the sate of the real estate tai John Perry by the Sheriff. 'fit.. nenterrigteld andunr appointed by the Court to osiik,, distribution of the fund to l'ourt, muting the lien electors of John Perry, will meet the parties interested G.r the pumas« of his notiolotillenti ci He urn, in EStaamshurg, is Multi County, no Men.? ny the filth ant of foolery, A. 0. Oahe at to o'clock a at. nt . that day. All the partie,, ini,reoeu are cc • quested to attend on that dap• or MI forever debarred from romtnx in tar a part or shares of said fund. 11, It. litT.LEtt. Auditor. ituannboorq, nee,ls, 11467. . ) , . )50 1 25 ..1400 N 1111.; ORPIIANS" CO IJ wr OF COl4 tlAt PIA COUNTY. Estate of Witham C Cohorts. tote or Jorkeen ierrnolop, Colombia 'Willy. The ooderefehe , l. oedit or , soyedlttel ly the I tr 0,3 0 ,, .• Iloort of tlelo ehei CONIWY W ell , l :W.W.I the rut. s and polrorlioO4 of fle. Woo.** of the Oeeedeet, in WO WOW. of Ahr dhoti Youns ono otairatar of Wolisst C. Roberta, der,orsa, , amotq *he eveolliol , °rotor e , W4hIO.O , Ihy la w trill meet the credos., of the ,0 sod all Mho , ' llorewlo Us tere.itd. er llO , otheo of the Redoroe r of Heeds In WOWlMberg in tool Sro raid Costs y r r the purpose of his OppolilloweY OH Saturday, tha lath day of January lane et Itt.'mark, n. to,„ of toad dry, AU parties interested ore repterted tO Untie, on thud any and preowit their rdtduno or ho twever dethartdd from tomind id for s part or share or aid lend, JOHN 0 YHhf ZE. Auditor, illootuninire , Dee. It, IN4O.—Aw. . r t) NXIM, *AMUR SNOW/ Thu undrivigneil respeciflilly ahnnuncall that he hee rattle., F. ohop, nue 4intw arias/ Meyers Urn/ Inure, In the Hsrhans. Ulna, where tin 1,4 prep und in sanduct the barbering heels. spin NH Its breathes. Th. , art of eolorink *blotters and movelarbes I prattle...l by Mm mow ekinftilly. Ile glee eleane ppoiliat. making Inuit' look eekely no pandas nnioc, 'wen mud' respoonble tenni. 'Melee prueu►ed the prmierp nir findiliminblii heir dregor Ito it pre• pered to veil frulnee In ram where It le denim*, w put ay, or cot hair upon rennonnbin tonne 117 IlairToni,orfilerye, beet quality, need for Owing hair, kept constently on hand, and ter pate hy Ploom.hurg, Pre 11, 10b7. , tr. The oily Devilment*le Pub*lobed hi Mlle I==nited fs. THE OLD GUARD, A Nimbly Magnin:. 14evoted I.llleraluee. Felonry sad Ail, and the Political Prlneip:en of MG, INGO. C, CIIAUNCEY BURB,Editor. In off e ring to the inthlie the Proveetu4 of the Sixth Volum of TINE OLD GUAIRIL the editor and publishers Awl confident that no esplimation or the &tow to of the, work is needed. Besidea the 1,0. ruled InLitter, of grant impurtanue, bearing npolt the principles of the siippronclung Presidential l!ampaign, we shall pohlieb n aeries of artielca from the pen or I AN Lvolr, on the ammo of Olen. whicli will by lustrated by beautif al plates ul the different types of mankind. This new feature of the Magazine will greltly ineremo the Cl'? of puhhent on, but 110 bti eliarge(l , 4o , icribttrt, or now tot*. %Vs , h'lve also hail translated exprev•lv 14r thh; Magazine, one of the inuit thriliitn; pclrn lnr historical novels ever onlili,dted in the Inugintpe, covesinp the Hi-tory of the Pall of t h e iStut.eN, un , ler thr horrible rnlo of C:ezar Puke or written I y MoNti% mini', whit.), will WC art onfo.lent, ~,0 , 1 ,1 in optilii inter , eNt, Any novel to L I.r. eAt. l , etirc the Amyl it•hu durini y lita Ilc -41,24 a thrilling I , ,ve.plot. iG enr,il4, with a pen of lire, the terrible art 4 and ile.:pervte deeds whieh tyranny alway+ to in th , ttening its tuiwrit,+ upon tuinkir I TIC, groat naiyol is 1111.: applupriunly brntlffq• out in tint country ut pre ent time. and cannot titil to find,' n I 4, 11.:1t I /tiler great literary arovar in COLD GI AIR') which mil', it i 4 robl-r it cvvn more. ftwet pv... tivut ire• ; Tv rns w Coda, to td to ii i it. ! Om , copy r :on:" year 00000011 - II , • I i %to otiou 5 ,1 Four cork. , . 10„, to ~,, r tveetopics and one to rettoruvor dub 11 1 . pr i , I • t I . ” Twenty U " " " 4., E d o A MAGNIFICIAT mu: mum. AVo will rend i”trf 3440%1.r tic Balzer AleMoing 311achIne, to any tint': ulin will »4414 at an ) r:11 TIMITY SrBA'11114:1::4 tiLlt at Three Hot MTN molar rwr ::. temp.! ."§:f sno b FAMILV;*1Z1N r• ein, runs el., t: !UR!. ever ofiered. r0,;;H:p.. , ..' hilt!. • •• i • or Draft tql t.• of the Puhli i 4 th# t 10 . .• .11f10 , 1 Prilt h•• a .,,,..•..,. ;I!. , rt '"• I 1,..• II '0 tly•-o• ! .•.1 ". • t ••••• Natiolotl Lot 'r. Tht: Matt tr:t , •: ; Th. ; %%L on • 111111 .; ; • .• leak," :, thtiOnto t . ` i l th:atChl , P 0 1 ... i•u I otirol that afi t * .e. a 1 I. • tie , ',mt. , Prlst t ;owe. tionq zwir . • , •1.:1. I'. hot no titnr::: tla•eiti.: b unitor4..T, that 111 hnlau ther • thP Jlrgt.irc flit i • one or ba et b, A. 1,1 LI) 1;1%W!) i 4 bard 1, , Mthet,44113 krt:t I. and I 1. . „ 4 1 per eery:. Vol , 111. I l' , r 1:45. :?•:. Vel. . tilt V. t r t',..1„ r i e reel. I plot: rtlap.*: Twuttty.tive Ul letters 4,0,11,1 he at) I as r }?..: TAN !ARSE lionTON a co., Prnti , atm, 162 Nassau , t, N. V. .kuctit% wmited in evely Comity in the United Stites to get suket iher , CI Tr? E OLD GI AHD.. For telme, toldrc-4 PI MAC mo.SLE cf Vtt!u: 1,1 1 1 `1 A 11 1 1 1 1 J!% 1 J 13 I ft I I to pn.,=lo.*eP of ho Pvt. , of the Orphans' Court of Cahnetna entity. Pa„ 1t• THURSDAY, JAN. 9th, 185 e, ht t terlork. p to , eyro,4 nefrtotr , l ono! Sytio,frr Inrbor.l, Itholoktrator4 at lute Itetrtutrd. Int . .41.1 r* , olety, d000)voo, prprort to *al, by pubic f'diftwol drticrttoot itv3l roOlito to 'tilt th At rer' sn TILICT OF LAN pi?hate is itA i4nl Wen-hie rel o' ll ' V, tonmied on the east by 141[1.10 lelett-r n ,4 .1111!” kiiludiile, nn the north he Wel et Nfooce and John tato hirer. on the tve.l t y tatA et irtnel Joseph routamit.J SEVENTY-FIVE ACES. mote Of WM*. MI Which rife rrerliq n PV frllfi triune divelftnt !limo!. bulk barn 394 ,oi I,utldinrr, a gwal spring ttni wnii of watf:r swot tho the lour. sand appti! and p u nch orchard. and tat o 0.1 utrev of which eF tt,m,l titWorr,l hurt ; latu 13, tPiPte raf rnid deceased, olittot, in ,t Townoltip Mtviisott atul Colaty JKSi 4 . COLLMAN, Ulnonottirr, Ore. G. P.M. 05 --tineAlmd a in. ota, ht t., sY.aO , l OF t4o • tktr %COM , ' of I ,, te Itoriord, &evil , ' 4, 111 Int:oo.t an °VI rnna« Ili be tho 14 .1,4 y ot 44,1 prto oat At It. r 4Fatti to 0,0 twit.* or •aift litkrrl/t.ll, 1 .0 .1 to r rent. of Ove.111•101 1. 1 11411,LV .1.40 Ifi; 1,41.10 t x o tijlo a s Ow property ow ,0“. roitth tote ow tot pp( re r i lit the 4 . 4 1101,11,1 i. µOA 11,0 rooat,,,, t e tbren WIWI" in 000 eegr time+:tfl.,r. tc ttlt tatoo.k. 1.411 cold, aotoon teal. 10 Allot law,. ttivot t., Ito. 44 derot,tatol. crgn4 nitwit %NI : 111. • pi,AsTEB. SALE. The Hilderalgnret is db.j+lt AlO.l nn , PHA TX, qt, S itt the PENN run' Atit,l uttd wel. will. to the pub Isc tAti ht . :4OBU) `tAPte , 1,1:e. Notia Scotia il'hite Piss%tet•, tirrnrcd 'Tan.; for 'lei' in ionntnii 1n .us+ i~nrrl~aar at any ftino tilc Jitnt in' Merlin J Vls,:l* rfitto% • hot 11, 1— 7 VX VA Mil NO 1 14 E ori n 41144 p ( T At p,,, Nl , llO. PirV t rVra 111 , 1 I.llor. o the e.t.d.. 01 J. , i If , rot. 1.14.r. , a4. 41. 141 V ,14 ' •12 Cr Ph tutu h.h.p, t ohm hot t cd by Oh Al ttLtrr of +hot hut) to who reeldrr 111 .441 d 1, 411101 p ; utd nli v• Nom, in hot 1911411,* 4.4 f, lir,* thetotal' are . f , the ar 1,, 1 . 4 ." A , 41111€ r for rtatlut , irhi. nr,,f tht.o . t heW tog ;h. too tare li+ I,r 1 4 ,01, 01 140144 lit. AtChittAil hl RA,. 0141, "‘" ' f I in e ' r. tot, 4, II I f. 414 , L re• tr 1.4 the 0,41,4 e , 44044 rod Lb , ay.' "I• td.. t._:. o tot th. at for }num R. hob. - 1,1) hoot., port b... ale% Tr. 'emote 41 41, Pau o loll , 0 • 4 k itorMt" o 001 :11 ,- P •on rho Ilitttl , . t ,4 , or rop4l4';' l . vanrt 010 Mtlo4 01001, d no.ow ti,e '"" Ilstnloobnit An' lit 1467, nktannahattg. M d:ay , ta.:ol of. —. I „MAID . . 0%000 LEs ,x A LARUE ix bra/ .1 100101 r, of rart:o T-• LOT OF FENCISt: BOAUDS OR I 410.atA(n,,,,fy The 4,i 44' offore roe 4404, up on 0, n 1,4 I 14'11014 et' Adn•10i44141,4100 tlee. rotate ! appo t, 4,i iltr 0 1,,, ntla, bete of Franklin Towo.hte kn InAllolti. 4OW MIA A CorNT y,ee, ot hothlrod thou. 4 t 4 "; keytatet *nut l'ontdy; io o dd nand *fungi*** and Mee. lid of limy ~r , n ... t" , ""' 'lllnlilit in 4".4d o.toP i s ionlet the vary boat quality, both pow mot h‘toloch " v iol 4140 404 ittninin the notate alb* Ns J J. Mctir,sll3 Y. It r i o ' ool to hronent tto nt for nett toint o blP ti en Benton. Nifty 0, it snintntratot nod throw er,44 , 14.4 In Uq make 01,1 I , 4111 WithntLit delay In 4 " * igiolPr tlnnrneea, Iluntnntan At CI 11 41 &knit Heated OE3 , OEN EN Er? Ix , Asoi with the ttitiNallitki4ello by J. ittititret. hi, , rriohn. Dec. 146: t v 4. rind Aotirt to w/ IY or 1 yde 14, irnitatti.. No. Arch hitt* t, V6ltadrdyhtto, f, I I t* 1, I, OA, l`f MOO rthhOla # 44 Utetik tut and m 144441 rtn •44 11 OMCO. The Mledieal (atoll) art. taattod 40 40. 40 04401 11000 1 t hntlenta. is hoe no .411414 04 102, 0 WEI" brattier. AWN rll 1 11. t.f 14,lentorted %pilot path No (lime rotNotioatinn N.O ortti TO V OnS Nov (mow NEW onnixtt ohmlA 1i m i n d ih n s 11. CHEANW Ss, Co. * • Itityg t ; rolloNlltly head 'it LAM; KIM ;NI Li isr,- 4 TsCLErTED syocl( 1,1414 AND WINTER L1(41111. k ,t 4 r . AtS hlnjo re“J 'Ar 44 Mei Of Cala. trC prtscitt,,, !JAI ) I Milt, Sur, 4, 01, D:4 AN , rIV F.%Nrl Pt\l Ml\G' ?tor tothirrri n irr4 trrst 4r , rtrAly Nt,tht. vA. dt roolotwro. Msti the pokire refs!, thht rho bre Pia' retied th tort Wooly large *rut vlttiv.l Hitla or FANCY 111111111111 GOODS A NI3V $t PI V, W 4 11 nnd ttot futiv onterfol for tio, prnvcut so d ro,u'hs .4e4.04. of,Tt NinV etAIIE4 Al;9 11.11 ar, tyke rua ter,d in ( bp" "n' And And 4104, Oho too nvatpthrng twin 4 in we riots eic rant"' Storey, arsd ottikep np ane 4sl , t bar gooda pun Art frost o w 4.1 v a. trill nruleitathon.llo, nal* =I prim r, )114;n fltreTW, ) ott.tioa 3.i, frt4". „_ N hvy h. It SALOON, In ligo na.raut nt f the ;....,.;, 0 lak13511T12.71111)13;21 CILTZEU LCICOCK, Sten I't—ai rh , k.`t4 .41V04 "1 in trr.tV 041, Ant) Oit bsl ," 444,4 -631,4- JO tlu , t tto.taktratit.. N Air on.tvt:!v 5%44, 'OVUM, th,4,* 1.11 , 101* of Vrry 0,114.4, Lvetiittinp tit tfp 1..11 (Ho m ft 4. i.l sad ri , s ' fit rt, . . LIDS 11:, 6 4* r AL. ruts 1.1, AI .1)11% rturdnvs -• rn 1:4 4 00 0 1. 7t r, 71,• •rntt:ta. 116,1.11thlid.tYnt.1 A r to trup , rinti , in arMi •..,,r 1.,41 ht—teltalAt tArl , rY r f t 101. !' •: • 1 illt•'1 , t• * tt Pi It 0 .`,”' rk , 4,1 1 . .11 tai %•'•• 114114 :Itl{llll t ;cis • t • 4,', •I .4 t•t Nt ti'Vf rettl$••11• t•t It" . • t ct. stt.: `tt,t two i.kit it t all hula r awl itt..C.illtet :t"ttlitt,r a>F4 4trett artU t ". EIHEIRA. r!fl ..tsa AVIO Pttt'LAU' u •• t flltt tit riU =RI : ....,":- t 0 l': . ! A t, EhrNi)fq 'lt'. A t g 0- . , • •..4-JR ) ,-, t • • 1 t Nivi,.., ri) pI, •, . • ellf 111 4 . . 1 r r ,1,,,,i;„,.. pr,,,,,,,,,,, i . f rgo -1,,.. mg; ;; ; • , ... •P. 4 6 1 .1 , t, it'e ~. ..t..t- l i, b ill.•Cii i. (WAY , i „ .P. 4I , I, 1,0, , e; t., fp f villa! oulvf Al '4134::::.. 3;artit;tipry, PrelOgfea, Pinot nig titio4l, "At.. t S' COO' " ILLA, 11,431 t t • Vor - (11 , r , rf , 34 , 0 Nadia , St. t•D .,a. l Oteo .40110.1 td etmtry•Urut%ti ••xt ttotkt , twt.'tt. •: In t:0•40-•t ri•tott..t t. on tile so • •I t. Mt+. ' •'' tt.Cl t , e n rn ,gre hau l ,. 64 rm 410 , 04 od tieiir fit , • PCTIVa Uf It I cit. L'A . STtIVII D TIN 81101 ovm imt.tAtTe. 101,1.1 e e e .tx et. 4 r•obtto t; t, p t !*. wakes I I.lti• ”I , 0 lue .6 - do %tit!, •1141, IN.. Ole W. , 4 ”: 0.1 h. 41 1 ,1 STA/VI: 4 a 1•4t# ,, t0 V . o. tt cb h tt , fit s«tii Ilpo:t frrk ,44 .1 1110 1 0 r Wt. fa, 421 tir i 4 t gani ;Itvvh,tuir., ii.-nc• oth VA.; ;-."• IA 9 '6. -ly Pt * us , Purr .1. ,1 1 , R. 10nrf.r. titut 7 4, Ais • ,t fo. t 14 4.1 M 111401N14401 4kAtcy I' E DREG .06 vont*. isl'. Vhr , ,i'Or', 01.00, "rn to'4,at , 4 Will a. , poi, thatt at any ittllkt 010 t $1 in t -IN N. QUALITY GUARANTEED, pprxrriCslmla cre , :f ty compounded al Mores Prim el or, t -e ; amd . tmtr ,m:r.l a> *lf r's 01 , 01 Pt err. 11.A1 I'o4 Ltrvr ()it, Am/tho $.914 At *op 'a looms r. , t au. rtliatde ritr.d iv a, teat ..• 14 •. yoqet.,r .0 3 , 1 to- 0 .. Vkh atni 'Owl, Hip. It tig May '4, 1,44. IFOIthS GI:O. W. 31ALGER, Proprietor.. The nt.o , t • r well 11111 , W11 lower has rett.ntly wore!. etillp , /, in it, 110 Ofillit a►rnngeme't., an l it, pfttlitiPtA, attmslltirt , 4 to his homier rostoos old the tray/Altos poodle 014 his neetiounrotatiour for the rondo(' or his gu e sts We second to 115105 to c, , porry. Hos s,t , h' Hitt alnsyß tie Need sup• rittr) with sonstiiirti4i coml. hot with at the lelir,ciei of the 4,i1,1111, Hit %ine and thrown to%rtf4 teal pup tilor rv%. , rage klitsllll as "Alt noir? ; , nrch,r , rril idir,et Sr.,) Vio import Mg Loosen, are ea weir porn, anti fron ft , t 5 till poisonous rang*. Ito ti:, I ••.r ti 'it , rat 1 , 411 , 11141tP in the peel, ninl in UP' Note. tit:oooa. W. MAUtilt. —tr, , . MAriIINE. AND EH z-1101. r 4 mr-o , -ttPlitt , at , t ' V • . y, that ht , {+r'l4l' , , to txot 'OM 111N1311*, i 16?ItI1,1 I l'N Pit in tronovitium. whers. t,,tt moo ~, } Kt I'm!: 4 r-ony to do 1 / 2 11 lkinils vow' tug. m o , hoo . s . sho ,„ shoo , „„ i •- 11.... , 10, Tr trgiN,; z.rt ,;‘,; Fr or 4 ftA% AND M Arti Ma, u , no a 4 4 , 44 nO(Linithltht t I. I. the t,osL Lthltht. 11,4 14fig ttt hindlloll4.. /1111 throthlth rn the abop ri ',wt. II it too of 114. for .'rte oto.: v, art, o trtmits Itmt hI 'flying Doe he Itith .tt . :'• 404 , 4.W:0h t=t h t l 50.14 ant} IhVor nth, tte.", •`.o trt• 1 4' , ”; ' , 21. 194,1. ." I:s.S Pit"ILItMAN, ; vc: 1, 4 q. 4 Wymul 11 • 1 . , 0 1 .Ih% '4" • r ?. • s . ": . C..iitZei. MILLINERY GOODS', 6000 , 4 IL A', rocAtr ca. = =I Iron 11017 cr,mtt:t: As!4tour
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