Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, January 08, 1868, Image 1
1/ISI3tRG BLOOAISBURG, COLUMBIA CO.,PA., WEDNESDAY, tJA4r• 8 1868 • TUN burg Ptinotritt. ED EVERY IVII/NIZIMX IN ,6031:4111110, VIISON U. JACOIVE. RdVithre. If t...t Wlnllll 1111 rt+ nts itchlitforttil ill be 111<vone , iled 1111111 411 hrfrsfp, Oil t he ow lon a the IN OE .1 DV KIITISIN 1. C4Ollll WIC• 1 OW-Ik. or Ott , 10,1,1741411 • nt lopertoa Ii r. twin 13. .. .11 I 13. e:4. 3'4, El 4. 0 R t I 4 oft coo 1 10.4* 1,:o t. 10 , 1 1 14.40 t I 100 I r : 0 .) I '.l`o 1N,114/ 0 I (V I .°4 COO ii,t. 1: (4 40 11. I "64 t . .! • to ist flat N4lstit tirCMJing t ,, gyp: =SI I.hvf.hle it; n't; awe a! ror r 11” , rt = W. U. JAI Art HEY. !Wolf ,f-trg, COamhil eouNly. I.4EBGININS. r 0 , RAINEV, '• 111:4 in dr4 4, 440 4 11:.4 . - 1441 . .• • !! "• 0: • 1:4 4 1t i 4 / 4 4 . 1V 14' 4 4 , i di it ir tti• ~~. t i, my h••:,!•i Hi at~. st=, -i ~ ~ t ~ ~'a' o,lt ,111, i4t • • t 111: 1; wirlk :6* ILL?, 'n • •• ;•1 Itt 11, " • • 1 43". 0, ; lo".:111 to r. rim. 1 • lsct tti ail I, :it ‘0,4 ritoo i •. , 1 t o lo c . in .1 n; l• • of hi. J.thLtt It:, filw .vv , l A, hi, sio,r r rew Poni"tveti • •: i;l* @ to la• t rj,rr• t; , 4 tfo you. ar.l ' Li, 41,.:a, 1:1t a tivntght t•!%, ••• • 1 1.a.-Land. i••• tat:bit. at %.• to try' t,l , tt.ty to m is uro It dr , a rilit 1,3,r,„ 1,,k0 f 3 01:V k ", n t V'.tt ire ..r,c, CC f':lli ,y'•4 1%0 •; for awl [ 1.: w to tte tfr. in L.( Lan vt.o rpr • wpl he Blared tNithilitt Spi,`“%ing. "t 4 t '4lO. ; 1 ~ Ixta: ~,l~c--~, t;) y httio.:( thwi.,ht hE,~ri ii Lcrit, 1 :}. ;ta 1 not 1.% , ' a fuel, tlu rl ' , tier have y'vtit you S .11.' ioa :lad tt;;:t :tal off with a Oa have been the waking of what are you fit for ? Hero tg, able dwelled young man, ar, old, and never earned a ifs ! You ought to be ashaer• t marry' li t:auzbet.r," d man, :trtcr a ti:w e, - Nov, I've given 2tlo;',y ,ges for parting as any gir! o ham,' t thrown 'ern away 't know how tO work, she',l 111 chose Icont,t t otIQ t.ert ant but I don't, nu clionta., Chat tuy daughter de, is hale. s trealur , 4, full or all teatitxr of fine lady sil -1 of the seit!itr bright eyed, is. I did Psy that the this had been cursed her ; but tho's taken a foolish nd tell ye wh i st 111 do; tv , prove yourself to be a Yuan i' in sonic oecupatinn-1 don't it be honest; ,than come to girl is willing, she is yours." twat sail this, he deliberately hos out of Ms pipe again.t es of ale porch where he uoke4 it into hie vest pooket, 4e b.0u.5.e. Bliven4 was waiting to see et the irertita gate, their place. 'l ' he bmiling light fad ye3 a 3 she Ilia sober, k. tams well," she said, as Luke teak of his application. not sure but what he is about , right, for it sems to me thot every man, k he rich or poor, ought to have SOtile 04:4:11. Thvil, as s o uotieed her lover's grAvo look, she utbie,l. softly "Sever mind, 1 for you. 1,111"," Lillie] Jordan unhien!y ife,uppeall run lii4utecugtfino.l haunts, much to the Nttr. Pri•t' of hi: Bat, t 1,e1" ever be wort, he eartie 1 with him in hi , ex ilr th ,,, word.. a n which were rr tower o r 4tren to hip eoul, - 1:11 wait fur % Luke'" One tdritaint mornit,z, late in th•tobar, am farnivr wa4 Poliniv• th gralic•vin“ iar bisfriutt yard, that ti! • -t -t•tnal t.. break down with tha trcL ht• • dti,•d;•o, sx neat looking rart•: • v up. from whit•h I,tilio Jordan nlightod, fvf•ok, ••. 1.• rotor! him tlrilit'r ("3 lohuirety nitivoniontg. t m,f inornitor, lr. Wirow, I un titao,l that you wittit4 to hity aotor buttia• tuha 3.4 vidor I think I hav :Jne that aid jo.! :out you." are thy e" ew. 1 , l i tu to , ( 11: , ^ 41V, the gate, he pa 11 . ,. I I,y tb , ; vi'fl.2•.tt Wm:,'" nn atr "Ant I Of ti"l-n• any cool , nr in the t " Mr. theAN One ime. Th• it ch.,,'* e a . 4 1,. t down the last th,hyt. "',Vltt tat. , rut tie at ?" — Nliat t :tact) yen fer rix nonillo r, h pe=it*, h tniaLlo itt the ey• tllh) a the C.,:10.1nc , a! in 3 u a2t. iv, 1 if %se tr..l. 32 , ' .7: 41.'2. 01 ,•I ." a . 11 • L 0.,%;.• • -• -1.. sr H It •.• 4,• tt t,...:0 r • 1 •1! t- •:. .1 a I 1.,.. t• I .1, • •, 1,,•.1 • rt 111 E ME • : ; . •• . 1., :lite I' ! iir : ;:.. 0 , 1 I nitnovoi wit:: , 1::•3110, ails—tra:.hap y,fu * vv a lot. tzl!•- awl arrc;:. yvti • I ....Co! :1.:. • 11,r ut i , );.!;‘,' It, 1,5% 11 ..n.I ;1 X4l • • t ;3,iil th: f . t.i 010 ‘Vc WO; !:... ; ,: t '.,:r 1•• • •• :r • ~,,•1 1 t.- t..i 111.1.a.c. It. •,'. i , I 1.., - • •• !:' 1, , V ' , ll ••:a..“ , :0 Lt.; t r,,31:11.** 1.AN:2cA.K , ,;141,t.r Loar au, twit 1.,:t , n are on the ,trcet 4'u alau It,;;,; Leen f h a t thr,o 1 , ate 1 le WI teseil e 11`.4.1 the : , ; Utiort to 0 . . 1 h.. ;,. ::-;; i.l Lurf.tipidy halt d up as ! "I :a t th • : Lll flan log Ito! ,e 111. of at.l' ; tL t 1 :We ; ( Irv; ;rli.r---s7J will be 11; , id; , hoth ; draw iter•-,•••• the ettech:.-1 love you; drawing throo,fit tho hand,-1. haw you; Jutting it re..t on the right cheek---ye:-. ; letting it rcpt on the left cheek—no; twirlitez in left hand -- I wish to get rid uryna; twirling in right Instil—Hove another; folding tai,l l to , p..;a l :, with you ; ON. r the shoulder—follow toe; at Loth hun•h-• wait for nit ; drawing tie,:ro;4,,. the toraltead- We 1 i ark; wateloti ; placing on wilt ear—you hay,: aungtd ; nn lett ear—lhase message you; letting, it remain on the yea--sou are crud ; winding round the roreJlio,4.:r— I am em , :tfred ; Vindinz around the third finger--I am warrior A MEDP.AL OPINI )I.—Ati unfortunate wan, who had never drank water enough to warrant disease, was to local to such a state of drop* that a co.iN.,ltation of pll,, iciuns %Am , held Upoll hi, case. They agreed tap pin; v.a., and the poor patient was invited to :dna to the operation, which ho seemed inclined to do in spits of • he entreaties of hid ,on, a boy of seven years o!d. "O father, father ! do not let them tap you," said the yciung hopeful ; "do any thing, but do not let them tap you." "Why, my dear, it will do Inc good, and I shall live lot.g in health to make you hap py." "Nro,iarlor, no ; you will not. There never was anything tapped is our !time that lat.ted longer than a weak." SNP When does a man take a per to hie bosom ? When he puts a handkerchief in his bleed pocket. 11101111 Mti FOIL A P404.1333E. telearaphiedispateh from Wa4itington, to one of the Now York papers, do airt that. woitiTu tkooeratio ntemhert , row, who have hitherto been in favor of P,ttlieton for President, havo lately wine out for (I...neral liutgoek. We dqubt the truth of this ,”patch, I...oattea we furl it t.ylkve that any intelligent i!:•n,c utt t.hotthl he in Nvor of the nomini• (out of tf.m , r , tl Ilaneoek. NVlvit hang he biro to 4 • 7.10 h can of ly r::, .af..ty 0111 f 1,,,,cry by I!. • u . 0 4 ,0 :fob nto.t I•rufkrat 11. v ! ,! thi'^ ? Pr . 141r , ; it is wes , lo. rOr tivi" O l n po•!ti.on ? Why, he 1 - 0 i' . 1144, or ra!lt , •: mi! . .,-0.• I one or tw.t fe0r,..1, rrr let, of 3 erred: •hr:oo • wlinate in New ()Oran , , in th • out. of the Itorritle rer!onmtree ti,on 11 1.1..1,1•11 ; ,c t M.rmr,rel Rump. The,enrts I, toy denounce no nut only +mewl -t itotiti. :1, anit utterly sulivomivo of wh.,le tht or,y. ttil=i !.,,;rit of our roov•rri• 01 , tort as crt:. , l inamons to the last t 6 t., ! flirt o t' the. 111'.0. 111, r 111•• to•r-.1 prisicil.!e in j.„..„..p, ti.' n ow ;•oing rrn I.etwoot , :i•. .a t , I v1;01 1 .01 011 •••--B , •t- 111:. 9!! , i • .:,•• :;• 1 ... 10,Z; .. , .••merott. ••.t Wolfe man • J I . a ft »rt 'a, 1,i..0t ;I, riit , gr.l y,t that toe i•a:ltog thom• , elve. to.:•.• , ••••:.t , ace for -th:a a man for the tu. •;':'i I—arer !Itqy 1 1 ,e nort o-t.nt Tia: 5'1.0.• er !1.. Re ! ;I 4 1. - 10•,-1. ean l:. '-.llt ••• .• • . ? 1,:o rfi;) h`ll. ;1 ; • 1 t.) i•1 1 1.` • rerU. :19t !...'r : I !rue 11. 1:0, 1... r.•l, f 0..• hi: env:! • 1 1 • .:e• t; • • r • • ! • I , to ..~ 5... .1 I. r • . !:r . 1• ••• • I 1.,,1. 1 . • 101-55 , • • ei •It :1 :..11:111• 1 0, I .: •I : •1 .:; '1 ••: 1 in, .1 I , lit !1•• I ••' ••:` ••''' • • : i ./ • kit 1t• • !•. 1 0 1 .•:,.: 1 - 4,11'.01 2. 1 .fo (I,y, tool ••v 4 i : to I ikt u“.„ • ..tic•lt an net :•••iot •••fato.-orm•i.iip ..•, i n A;..1 th.• kocot: 0; • ar..o d.o• • io.f a f•• 1 1%. .. • 1;•oo....11.. I. 1 ahooi 1,; •••t It •., ; t. 4.0 -, r .. • n At: 1 •.; , : It , r•t• .10 , i t•I ren,(',l:. - . ~ .tr in or ' 1: 11 1•11 I.irr trove I ;.1 Ofthe •, ; : , rrt:tfour,ilyin • L4 - !•;', 1 • fz . c) trai!tir47. ; U. ; .. idcntia! )- ‘,. , • v r t' y : titat l• tlr3 of a d• 11.: ?:.• who dot, not )1..1 that MI itlon ,i;11,- :0 ,1 . • • . e w fir, MI. •.' S.l •'..e( .211. 411111 ^t:iti. .1, .11 .• : t:" •It at. At any tam C tiligOd to I ;i 1.41.4 V;;11 soy ID in; Ince who lids in tutie4:ne least in Lai the Van.ous and hated etiantitj tehmat. -of the Lamm its luutic t tampal,J, thunder is appo-ition tto alit he ak:mottle If, tlser€ftsre, it ho tr ot that : , taitao westcrn member?, of Coto , .. LOST gorse bobbing around alter a military satrap, it only prove , : that they are a pond decal better qualified to Lc dtad,,,cnt, of a lunatic a...hint than to be !cadets of tilt!. Democratic party in this great emergency. Ilanotadi tra, Coe fr:Ttiaan of Mr, Smratt. IL wit , im and :lining in that and niuttlerous husin , •• If he were fairly and ,justly trie.l by t! , ,' he w=ati , l Le bunged for that iced. It was revengeful, malicious markt% Nor dal the form of military trial render it any the 'tus a murder, We Prdin3 to Crete. General Hancock cannot execute the order of a ~and of asst- , tins, and then cxcn himself by saying that he, individually, had no mil ieu. lite law knows no such excuse as that. It any Democrat fOr iota a man for Pres ident, he mutt be such a Dentocrat as a Den. Butler, a Dan. Sickles, a Lyman Tre main, a Stanton, or titbit was—a Democrat who is ready to sell himself and his country Lora price. —New DA Day-Book. THE ELASTIC EC .—Take a good and sound egg, place it in strung vinegar, and allow it to remain twelve hour; it will then hexane soft and elastic). In this state the egg can be squeezed into a tolerably wide mouthed bottle; when in it should be coy. ered with water having souls sons in it. In A Caw hour; this preparation will re;tore the egg nearly t;.. it; original after wbkeh the liquid should be pourea off, end the botch. dried. Keep it Si a curiosity, to puzzle your Mends for as explanation how the egg was laid in the bottle. /1 nepubMasa Decency. 1' idol! Ptt ipa, ilia ittal-mouthed teal er of the jaeobin party who wanted every body hung. far vdking kzaing tho Presbboa, iu Idwfdo'm tinoc, 710 W wes the following dirtrrot4ul latNrr of rOrw Jolrmip; ' lihere a mohkev i t It! God, what must thft priest..,*°" If the lackey who ed out Into a Clettio,:rat only after king an d Cod Nos eiforo to make slave. , lriver,4 admit him into their moiety—if the drunkard of the filth of March—the ridinulomt swinger towel the circle—Om bloody mobocrat of ,Ns" trlNltit3--thtt fotll , ltiOtttlied l i onagw , ue broaty 22—the ,htitnek:=A pardon Ctn. L, , ‘r tho Itig Vtat Winkle who wake up in I -1t;,7 to palm off upon us, for fora :11•1;.-age. some of the unn zd mannomipt4 of Pierce or linehanan—if the e o 7 .yrool, whop e w h o l e intellectual force eunsist4 of a pre,indiee which the Hood of a hundred tights has wa.lhoti out of every honorablo omt _ l e ti? $eOJll , / Inn I M l .d who umhe take« to -ovag. ger in DaA en , t.ofrgiottm- —•if this the conqueror, how shall We (L. , nibe the three. Peon., Ilepobl;, atm Ma-ter ' 4 liallow4 and A nary w A gtmeiteeL 4 who disgrace th e s i mm ,. is cot y (1' their D.tmo..ratie bretheni in the relp 1 ',ova the bite vote ? A litt'o! of "o'd Alo's" ;, thicei f3r ";htt ii nr or a 11 , t1.! of Wetri , :irt.l rlwa ly (r hemp wo3ll fln thi4 h.-1 trutor al) on N 3 trila (.; Vtli 1 illlti,l4l , lttr tC ONLY A --0:q n prj 140 Oh, 103 n, that Ntonn KLicb 3611 thrilkt er., I* w putt - H.loy ant t,f 3 WNy 611 , P! t uon :lk earth., Vii,t 3l t h e y• ,„ 1 henvcn • t , 41 pliseft, th ther4!. is Lo can • :, t thee vault itto trail, hearing aa.ort h, i f 'rth tt,..rvat3 ur firc, V 11.4 ~ .V.lhti, * hy, of seething tutor, ;me. % r,? «Yuen g'taw o Ari,; larl thlyi a h:otai. nit the 1.11,T;t, • t.t:;:b ; ; ;1,11.!.:;f11 rtrtd thn. r:n7 :t ~•,•'i'o. I to; Nt tl r r •'.• : 1.;-;;.4 grico: ! . ; I'.:1 , - .;:; ,; I 6.;•!P . ;; ~ring ha it t.,1 th , " v: at! • 1 in tt..l •;! !., . ;;, .._ :2j`vr; ;‘,Ce. .• t! ,, y ; ,••• c .1.11 c rlor : r ; anal C. , - .t t. 1... Gl ' the f I ; I 1 . 1: bait, the kel)- ; A SA:. ..\) —0 n +Am . morn ing of Irt..t week a t . td affair nemirrei Gx Mane hEw k tinder the tollwitv, Cr -1...1; ill. itiornirg a man .• In:: 1,: • wif , . afienziml send b& mw 2 Gcßxmß 1. azo alsow, in t!•• : 1.! •••. 'nil ler Ical. Ut'kr Le - i• Luring die parent'e. the [ix.; Ugly) raving with ttrztzlzei ani fmariut tn the Led in . ha. %:43 1:;:S twcp, A!cut time &,bilk , .- were ina 1:102..) fa- t'..%.rovere , 3 the J:or arl triihout bunielel thi Lte., : r'.:eite. anti l ;tti'. iii' -t. r:!..trt.-d tii; o'.;• fo.• Ed. du. 11. :: hut owl 1 :v iii: •. the , : , rt.., c,: t: ;L: Teo% the thouLlit 1: !;;;;I : 1 , a the little g;-1 svz writ .1 in C.- • ; 1 d euet awl tuchi ~u • •1; hot tor the little one in 11., tot.', pile it.‘l ,rid that of the moth. ;Ll:q.t . : n:l but ef`ntra he de . t.C. I, ..1. k tha Fut] \vat riteg fur 1.: - •rt I er to learn snail o.lldren —I tt, :I L. ti remarks Olaf • Pri th reputati,,a of a fl-;ui , j4st !-41.)ut a 4 t,:16.;-r -pli` ;. - :;: to hat th out rotten Lndt t a ['AI v.,:i.:}l.ercuck." tea. A down ex , t girl wa: asked, net sivae, to unite htrst le to a Inisk lad, who nau,ed May tar his p,ropaials. The lady ten duly hinted i gut slay was an unlucky month fur marrying. “Well, make is June then," honestly replied the bwein, anxious to ac e mmiodate. The tlamsi paused a mam a rn, eta down her eyes. and .aid, with a Windt "wouldn't April du a well." i John Bunyan had a great 4real of pri le ; awl once, after ho Ltd preached a rcry tine :,ernton, and hi friend: , troadrd round to ,hake him by the hand, white they ex)", d the uttum.t xlmi rA ti; 4l , of ltix el v eteve, bt,:‘ !roved them r,ay ing : "Ay, you fled not remind we of ti.; t, for the deli! told toe of it boron) or the puipit...' A dilai.itlated old Markey in Mont. ornery, Ala., watching the monkey:- in nienaginie in that city, spoke thinly ` . ,Mani children 70t too much sense to vow out of dat eago : white mon cut der tail:, off and set "ern to votir; and utakin' conai tcwtieng." kir "why do you always buy a sis3end class ticket ?" asked a g, Lntienian of a mists, "Remise there Li no third class ticket," was the reey of the latter, WI" A young lady went outwitlt a rather tim:d t'cau sleighing, ono evening, and corn plat.ently remarked ,to him that she seldom went out sleighing hut what sho got chaps on the lip:. The young Luau took the hint and chapped. Cr The girl who sang, "Oh, Charlie is my darling," saw him ene night with an other feminine and don't fine it as much gho did, IN WINTER. fir 11A1tR1ta' MCFNEN KIMUALL, 'Fix rain, that ere the tnornine, Crusted the snow it ith ery.ital wind i imsbefl, do; Lir Tice tairlaispe, litith Ice.mnilea, the stately miles stnni ; And statelier yet, on either heed. no e:ro.trees lift to prouder huight Vick (;orouals of hilwrr A iiit..: 31h1 day pAst, and stiff o'ertrlt The gorm'b L.atipread. the it. Nrtioo a go I A ht.r.nti., of rft:,) , prsAiwei. I know that in tha viient night,. The wand it 4turta will take 43 iligkt And tdtMh it 4 gay tent ntherwhefr, In the blue dehert of the att.. I know trio morn ;min -t.ll To walk 111, , earth in brighter , Thd sun r tin 11 ; 4 AOry drPr3 6n-treiz...,;:aLli4Z Will triu:l3 tt;•1: fire tliu And turn to fowl t eir nJuntiu And make the hnov'q reolett lent en;.A 41,11t.10 4111,, ma, dust', VAI (..••• 1 4 t , lr,—At a • • ;i1 cc Nr"ti s prc.,,ltt: I Lt poiL4 t tl A th : 1 . ; • :.••.! cli tr.. . 14th,r, -.••:; • 1. ••• I !-.) the 1... r., r•ref.r..-.:. , . itt the t Llll,l ChaneEgti:.. Vat) o ; th• ri. - ...tt0 lof hi o•.t of 4e, Th 11. at WaB twcropor.o. :Nazi ; th:t I:nce/ It, Kr, I that he itteLtcl LI-. '.• . 'll.e •;.".er bez , •zalog A:11 i jog A• the `41'll.;: "wan silt ox t...!:irA UP th'...4.3 and Licw hi ell you 4.• e? W:1 t I there?`' B 1.1; hige , fur t:.€ , ii, a. 1, , ) "Tcuu kratiGn s' (Jit: ,cu Wa: t I there • . 1?" 'Yu., is wf.)«.,t, tll,-; Sdl,n's V. 50 irlk.r. It t7.!:.n.1S - ettik..l ct,xt tici. Tim , t. A. P., wirich-. w;11 I c noroircitel f ,1. Governor by the Democratic State Con Ten• th.m f India na, ;r sigh meet. on the Sth of ..Thnuaq. Holman, who has been spoken of in connection with the EO2- ~....r d Oft* , nn Op , ticket, tlelin-d the honor . WA— are, I,;a re , .:.itit Yankee if= Lai iii.oleccia.irtaLle. A at al 1%= . 11 inrentcel In a glut in the ..:Litte.stalk is iuqrted a mare tit of LeJr• male ie I.liot in the fire. It retaitc, warieth fcr sonic hours, and keeps, the eke- tract in a comfortall,, ecTA:tion—a sort cr — , exataination of a T.Jiti ' f • ; h.' t.thur atrial A t •ra h a eras , try wi•., the ta:tu rophed, „v,:11 vo:y aittlaneir,:y air -Ptowl, air dropped off smidonliy?" "How Ultiie he to drop off udt oly? "' mi.. 0,4 xt cploatirm. , „„tt, air ; erte sloriff imposei o!t 1..gi1.:11-1.70 4 .ieUb mature, Sr, and getting I.:m on a platform to takti a look at a ee!eut atilLnea, konekel A trap-door Urld‘r Quarries of hied..2,e reroa;! , .al,:e quality and tehturo have recently been in {weer brier (;cunt;, West VirLinia. It h.; said to be ,upPlior to the ?Arian and Zer ravEzza garble of Itai.y. Jacch cc,l citizen of Ez• vine, Lilincis, stabbed and killed both hi di vorced wits and himself on Thursday. tT Job rags su,s tittle ate but few ,ightssiu thi life mere sublime and rattntic than to sea a poor but virtuous yam); man, rull of elhi :thin fortitude, ztinktitlin i ; to g„--;w tk I:lotlttkokel2*. "My son," an affectionati , moth er to her , on—who re.i,h.,l at a short di-- twee mei expected to he married very r,r n —"you are patina very thin." "Ye-, I either," he replied, "when I c re — at time you will he al...Le to tee my i.b." CZ' in ilopertii.ent rellotv ...I fleman at a pul lio gathering u'ay be Lad Laved off his :Ide and v ane ere. I, that to ratAt Kurile n more "cheek." PT"' "When I goes I! , tioppin." 4 old lady, "I idlers ask for what I tat ts, tool if they harp it, and it's , tiit.blc, and I ft ot inclined to buy it, and it ra chev, and can't he rot for lei., I tnr , t :tilers takes it vk o ut hamporiLg ..hom, it all thy, 4.4 people do." tfir The Doston /Ist says a woman was banished from town by tho authorities or New Haven, because she allow a' 4 man, not her husband, to kiss her, but this was in 1843, now-a•days things work differently. CV" At a contlaonoe meeting reeentlY, a emmtrytuan gave it as 1,13 opinion "that if men were not born totally depraveA, they became an, pretty P^str." lam' Prentice thinks that Radical,tin Con , grew atiremblea tort intynelneent :;:,-~,: Species Pantlent& and the ,taco• Lugan °Luise,. ) 1 A e I the Inner house of Con. it re n r, and, it i : vi4,13'10 pals the Sen. ena, prat:Patin a P.Sly further tIIVIZOSSO of 'lt, MeCta la contraction racy. This settles the question as to whether any good nin ensue ont of : 7 s:tartan and mamma the Ramp Fran; tee re:ently plausable impute ,;(7. 6 r ,r,vit,.. We now find our , nne rani ) . with a 1 :arab for either side nf the iwl:roglio hetw, en the Ramp and !he e leaf : a financial whonper fur the one, dn I a ~ ...en.nrtactien yell of the firat rnagni nide f the other. Who *Jail ray after , tn;,n, that W.. e partb nas be LLL.I7WRIS to all righteouwn en not executed rin ler the h n. 2 and real of Democracy? t `errs, certainly, tat the veriest tr.: and base's a cf fen 4t.:;inni I pnlitiorl • flindcor, Ilettea eta, and I:nu/immix ! t'eat:en :1 to nr,minit murder, an to ;t. : nte n•tn; -retired flare the cen, an ontreg against the fn. nen.: rf liandhallinn 1 , •ne n.t rec. .ined from cal 'l- I.' 41 • rinti,:r." rat a man*. i an; rent• :te mania in n. 'Ont. rn..; t' :tt the Gene• rat einnint.n, and assumed , tic ;Ike le •pent.:' , ic ••ititude, laths I aa.44, no am rott t' r: to as , ,; ; • : 4:.:taine, of gist. i n . ; t' his clue. An enntra.:*.ra, Bat. ; -Lean or ebristinn- we wed. to ~sr rank. all who have the will and tin! t ta no in one resistance to the eru 'nen of the .lanina'nla pan:. r, ien, of r;tt; which t., era, ticoretary Mneello:L Ind n n ln Johnson are etnking to es ten n u , . 1a t at onou b.ief, and n iwn;,•c: while we stand ready to a. fir 44 way hoecme a seen" with Pro-ident Andy for the Southern Liberty Ainf.o-fasten supre macy, we are also ready to do battle in the e of ansimn the nrenumptuousen. croa:hatenta of a , 4lence, even w:th the Ramic:tnc. V'e are Lr the right rgain...t the nrernt, now end forever. Specie Fannin- t an Scull enough as a general thing; Lut ;.e1 it is rl,m4ei to use them as tenntinq a't of an enormous man-trap-as a ennnin devieo whereby the many are to be made the servants of the few-then we are bound to demur. “Will you walk into try parlor? said a spider to a fly," and the silly fly walked in. Tan, invitation to "return to specie pay meats" is tendered with semi rnlitenenn, an .l with mr, better matn-c. Rnwever, tine motive in this Wit is a romtien by itself, and we have no desire to 4.1-nun; it jolt now. Ent n return to specie paynnnote at thia nnlainh is not, as many suppose, anlea p•anti:alle rrnpentinta) ea:d innelne eon. c :ec to tlte mane.; of ear pen t ce the men; d: a tncno character. The; wet!: of en:traction would inevitably prenipitate a businsaa mah-or, by which !,..we would be entai!cd upon the country. The expo: , inientt of Secretary MeCulloch in this line have already bean carried far enough to demonstrate the fact that the `"contraction po;:ey" is the ruin, rnnl 4- I nn e, and i„!. For the nor.;:l eren ; we will have mote hot : a:.l an ee interest, pen,n n ,t, inerense ion belts, w a t' I he mantel in, and made plapc...-it diva hang wen:n.l:4, =l2 it, he entlarntl ? Can Jay Cooke, or any of Lis natelitee inform us? Perhaps the Rump, in in; opinion to "et ntractian," is only illactiatinn its solieltutie on behalf of tbs. land bolder-snufing repudiation from afar-a:Tn.:inn it in the ultimata issue- Fnr one, we Lave no cares o4leetian to rentnlintien 4.4 a anintina of the financial difficulties which the enemien of cur noun try in a bloody effort at its overthrow, have brought npc tas. The mom-Atoms debt which is bowing 11.; to the earth WAS contracted under false premnser3, by fraud, and Fr:deny, and 4tui - end3uz crime, and is not notary Linn-inn We have received nn enrit ; it is the, price of unparalleled ,nnarine, done ante no an :d unto our children nnte 'un hank cur country as it was when it passel from Democratic en t•)1y! Restore to us its Constitution all unsullied as when given into the hands of its destroyer! Call lorth flow their bloody Arend; our million heroes slain without cause ! Undo, in short, all the evil we havecuffered since the first election oil Abraham Lincoln to the Prod. ;Innen, and then--, bat why indulge in ,:pcnniatiens so lamentably vain. As the ease stands, we are manly for repu diation at any mown*, but an de not wish aggravate matters by martin it as the cnnietins “contraction," We go for repudiation, because we are convinced that % • . all . smonditag op t r , nid that of a Character too latel y, .' , 14 , , t.n 1 erne. is positively nu ti..' s;,n.k for miewn t ••2 d!i, • . none other. a h Dean with the aristocracy that is Icing founded upon it, and down forever with the pimps and spies -and their name is leginu-nho long upon it to keep the warmth of life within bodies that might as well be odd for aught that we can see. ISE Bert twitive Miley, of Ohio has written a lettr , r, in which he , lepreentes and denle3 the current etter.vl4 that he ever pub secured Preeklent Juhmon deny oom plicity in the arms?inatien plot 1113.-. My clear —An expression med b man aryl *We thy NtrawnrAment of ltiarrd NO. 44. Rine.