fition44,ll MJEf:E2==l Itedfictdo), Pct. 9,), tt, t. retrraott,t, 4 Co.. t atk ttoNv ;V , u^ Park r stilllo , l‘r , t frl4o'.;( I . 4.# 4 i t rcita trop. WA ;Alt OftS/in,: P.t t4.' brtlee,“ t.tted at 0140.40ebut4, Cuilatbta etoutttr, *M. DZMOCRAVC STATE CIINTAIL 'V 01 TLX.—A meeting id the Dett , ilero;. , trCc Central Committee will be bell itt Ipt th math: Club ileimh , ,;Harriaburg. oh 'Cm .4.10,k January 7th, LAS, at 7i ti'cloek p, A MI attendance le r=#,Many dvsirod WILLIAM A, ALI,At:c,, chairman. The Old Guard tor Juana Al. The 09 Quart foe Jar . :tr,e. 13 r,-,t ive snJ fully buquid3 the reputation ft w. tut second to no ti.agezi'e.e in riftY Mi.1117,' popular interett while it . 13 ell,. 11 1 11C4 neat Of the true In ewipleg of Petri This number opens with an article by tho calker, on "Trivi,.s Of Pre.4 I.lloltik ' • followed Ly a thrilling hi.torie,4 rono.'i founded upon the fill qt . dr ltftt:at, s o o It is a roniantn of great {rower, expressly for The OH Gym ( 1, I , m , ono t ,f the most distinguished of all Itali tr Krit: , of modern time, Montevertle, anl will) a detail of the arts to tyrat v to destroy liberty, ennt ,iniite; a chaoiti.! g lose story. "The 11,v:cm Trener L. en article of great intr tost, the first chapter of an original Miss Nellie M:11.42311, of Kentn,',:, stitled 'Told Under the Port..," Li ;:; ~t o of one of the met ras. inat;ng r , mak the currant year. The ftr,t Van new series ofartiele.' is on the Caueviort t yp e , splendid eelorel p;etitic of a 0.0 , 14 rt oar race. The 3rtie'o i of t, and worthy of ion for ;•••(, this ieiportant rubjoet. The and the "Editor's Table," ri,; 1, a7l' up to th: of th nmt • -e elope the nutri'ier, z ' . • the aVeet and most Year numbers Cif fi,:t pier s "•• • ' copies, 25 cents. r t !.. Erne, 'forum Ce„ No c." . • ! Nov I= A Radkat Te :!9 r f‘i . Dr. Dinutritty ig • le itrof reZ44, Radieal or mzigngwiti'eig•ii, sari as earnat adreeAte of the policy of is uut of that titat , , by frro of tste, every eu•oalled "rel.. I." lie wa2 fomoorlt of San Autenio, hag ~.erop.nek.i with th • ,Itotug ti,,w..rtior T '7OL` Z,{ HlClif'd the natty,' of to! this point, tttifi !Inv ox great di t +*1.40.1 of the lump rut , ' ghoui pr,: eel I • cornite o Starr. 4aint- tt,e_t - • • -• •'• ; , ; n3l, seuteneol t,) Pero; . .:.•• y , vious to the war to; a it.: a; . 1.. i - teen prat en got ty o -tr , o humor:dicks, and o.1'; 01. 1 ; j ! Triaoa a short time :till. , • Is4o, this Deetor -toht the -cm Reis, a well-knonn tutehor of Miss., and he ha. ilea:. t.O a th•r•t,: bred Tamil and knave, t the wort of scoundrel to be the le,der of a party o 1 cpc , tatt% and ni td , confidence or re ‘Tod of cent manic any c2n.a...11.4:y 1: • !.. yet livcd. Dr. Dig,nonit ty, if you had , SCir back would, remnr , hic ulo i ti!eake and you would not he shier comfortably for the ors fo - t dirty grub in a rotten Ram! atu how dare you presum.: to tilt yo zr f• t. , 1ig.0• against decent 'a/co y• ott loatheame worm, and avoid the ii.y . ht of .143 'fish. you difgutting thing, away, an I *inn . * 'et us hear from or of toe;';; I La Crow PPonnertd, PitESI.DLNCY.`"' 'slo in tr:opt rumeroua conuounidaion, on ti:;- • ol t et, recommending cumitlate nomination, which we ref, ;no from deem it urcertueiv row c . o. ap; • :out rt , cM uss of merits prior to the nem; nut ion a h nay be concluded with such aspr:ty a- I prevent the harmni on* ui ion which is . glary fur succor. , the tr , o , ! value or the prominent contii , lon ai;l discussed, lind act have no tittui t that th position of the !arty tv;11 be each ViH en this all its members to unite in in: t of the regular candidate, The common views of the Democratic party, the crew principles which it advoestcs, nod it; decided policy, Will be deelaired by t i ;t4 ,Nztem.:„,l Convention, and with such a !.o.'trm will be presented a candidate in accordance with its doctrines. Sucdn,s, however in:- oortatit, must not be gained by a sutitiee of -riegiple—truthful and nut :;.atittitt tint:t be Jus loaders in the fight, aria ur l d, rB r l;ol i tf , utintd satisfactory rall:-inJ, cry. vi , •to+4 be achieved. Silence nut) falsehood trill both be avoided when the time fn ta,r 11. in • the truth on behalf of the %lola arrived.—Age. e Death of Mil, r. watt. Wa more then regret to kern Ow. %.itkor Frank Bhunk, of the U. 5.:1., in,l.l.tly , 4arted this life at Richmond, on ast. We hare no partionlars. He was one if the most of and brilii 7. , ,t or" Tr: , in he regular armr. Pe was a :•,.n of . hunk—a nameentocaw... ; A .11 the . poi every honest man in the Con.:, We have timellir iv, more ti:utt to Yty tint a bereaved family ;vivo tho b;riecra sym pathy not only of theennitnunity, but of the 8 talc—Patriot if !Wen. CIX=II VS* The only bil! yet passed at this session or the Rutup, and Pent to the Prosi- I dent for eiguature, is one etriking the troll "white" out of the charter end all the city e-dinenees ofliVst,hing‘ and Georgetown. Thie, In effaet,rts the negrees in the Na, good Capitatati the same footing with the whiles. The bin gives The rirlo to veto, holdstiliat and sit on Tr, t 5 4. two ems* is fully ostshi;,hed et Was h ititon by the mu who repudiate it at borne EZI:I3 _ . The meituier of thtitrealdent, which we published tdtauld be read with rare and re , Notion ; and eapecially, it should be rend by Intimate, that they way bAra Andrew Jobtion't , vios of t h e powers and dutios of hit miles ti•atit l,is oat, words. An esawitet. ti,a) fa' hi. rt 3.400tt put. r has, to otr mind, drought strong conviction of a tio , l unfaithful course of duty on his !tint, and we shall vindicate this opinion by his testi arguments. .hits:- -In :;teakitez of his duty to uphold . , ibit ictaist 'tut he s ; —now far tlr! duty of the President to lus.serse, protect and det'incl the eoustitit j lion requires Min to t t,a, in oppo-hur art WA , vonye , ution3l at of ('.:tiers-4i, I. a very se• ; rheas t r 1 important elocution, on which I j hay ! : Nt extremely 3;IV 41;.• re te h a proper vonehtsion. j It is true that ett 4 *4 may neteir in which the Exeetitc:c stool,' he dowelled to stand on 1 118 tights t oo l W3' 7 oolll teem regariihtss of eisisiluenee4. If etsegrisis should !Nisi au Gaut tcl;ii+lr is not only in gal table with the constitution. but will certainly, it rcru Out, pecluee immediate and irr •ilar ; able ;ii,',nry to the organic structure of the co , , enment, ant it' there be neither judhittl reniesiy hsr the wrongs it indicts, nor the power in the peCyk 1.1 prefect them-elves e 'thou! ti , e otteeti aid of their iledsd de. 1 ' 0 1. 4 ; far instance. the I , H:dative De -1 Kistientt should pass an net, thro ugh 4;ll rho ham , a 'kw. to abolish rt cwordie:ite k'fir, the government . in such cases the :it tao , gt tak, the high resp , nsi. (Alice to cave the fle of the N jw , it to et, that tL3 tjbEgt; (ht oath, • 'tts protett. .4.1“1 t s,ol„. A ttt I the Ct,tetituti9n of the Ltifel the Nov.-re of hid day, amJ, W ‘sitivit 4 :4" , , , tzittg Coe ;roe, he had not i a. ti the r. -. .qui.;:o order:, to Owe. the Army in ennt l et of the rt'euthern States, the NUN'•.rilv; ion trenbi hive ken t=.Foperuttre. In plitin terit;s, if Andrew Jelin-J:1 had kept O.'. ;•,.,yred he th , iteipb, en enter ' in he wintid :lot hat. , Cf: tipecd the ro.h:.), retta the !...tlth. to carry .0. 2 t the to:iey el ti..• on 1 th' ...f.C‘. i t C mare tt t :3: iefiteret- th t• i • 11;1•••'.. 4 : 77f- :•• •• tt r„, • , ; ". "•:' P•'• I . :; ;;;•,.• • • ••••• r ! .,; fl;,1 •I; ; • ••••' , 1!". , • %. • : •• 1-;•, - . I llOni r••%1 1, ye bye!: !at tu 3 , 1.1 tic kavw, ti , JIV, 1114! h a At; ha% v. :,1 1, I. 1% !Sat Vat/6l Arab.< ,v J,.lc; . wlnit any ;law Itax., •! i t-14 rtLi vritiz t, ) 1,;',..,1,0„ hat t !ay.. art , laid, f„P„,- ooyuti-i un , i ttt t'ik , — l%•. , nr, BM," F ; (!1.11 - , naiO. it I!ftut•l' Ih., ' ;'!11 r t tr. (14 “,111 dim CSt lit :n Ft t h e +.; 1 1 r..vottth. Pt , ^i:k!„l:„ t+,) 'IA x. , 110‘31 nimlo I • ; UZIV CU C. titutizin orator, Y r n ‘, 6 l c t ito prt'nu • ty,1... , 1 v.!, ntion !fl o ltt „1„ • n;:iv work great injury to the keYie 01!cr,.• t Yin! danger to the rriCc conlf!. not 111 , 111 the power to rounive, I , nt from tin , hc,wei to flicrefore ;t e r , t that the rraniers of the Cowitution I , ..l.•Nalienr:,,i, hih , : 4 ••/:.11 • f±•,• to 111; 11,.; not lit no ,u... 11 a coutietatattiett lal.• len 1 . 1.0 n o. :it•Y full of cal=rapt tAliehtl., alrl the powcr tit rt•titove them. tho Cuu•tituth:nal givet 1.1••,- 6..4t couati-y nut •! ! A • airy •Irre a a V : h.ti , ,t) O w ift plakills: a L..!, met a rower tri% t•.: h k;J. y the Cull- titution• i•r• I a' • t! , .,! CLief*M. , , Li- trite r.w.• ..••• higheo. ! Th , • , - •' . :he ikhtlit'c , ; ., ‘11 1 :• .! I J., la l•le 'll the tration of that It rf.- rowletli/.4tiun !et IL. itak 1,1 it, th.o• tsttir ev:•li•hr, for thi.• h; a!rtil hrua tball uh 'Ai!! le 1.C.z111 . 11 to him to =reserve raieet the Lion of the: t`titol Stal;,,," awl ..h, will r 4: rvc , t, t Lis tlity .!..t tall h.,: f P. Sort It .kaRIX; - A:, TA II IA: r0.:•••414...ted by our real.r:- that ritv.t.rds tae. rraca :44—i1l February, one James orticious Ow:toter, etni.o,:? • o/ as a tieiertcr,i , ateller, was that hat , attetopttoj to art a leserter it 3 Novton township, Lautorne County, A reward of 'lCtOCia;t.of.redtic the Provost Marshal of th.. i.ano Ph , tr,et fa^r thu arrest of 1, x 0 : P. smith, cillrged with thu ..hootiu t z On Sunday t lie. toss tal,Pll AA4i3Oltia 3i0t..!a,0.y of 1 4 ..1.41tt00, conveyed to that city at: I A ontilv•ri in the lottk-up, For t f ar:it.•t *, thiattr. .\ terribb iro pint up from the publican pro*t , aga'oto, titan zotith, f i e , Ithe in nut hair,oaggravatint: as the otw uvter in Ksetor town .1114. t r : ttoty, when :%1 r. Isaw,!Sit....s;ar, I , : *mit e : t it zt•tt, W - 13 tAbol. deadllk a ailing :tong the rl.ath by these lid-hound, who were mut out from Scranton to scour the ~ountty in itt-arott of tie.tott r+. Mr. ,Sitskier was a quiet and orderly citizen, nut u de. setter nor liable to military duty was the laws, yet, them miimreant,4, without ci iti , e or o tnvo a ati ‘ Tt, took hit life at the tniti-hour of day, thereby elositur his house in mourning, and leaving dependant orphan children end aleart-hruiten wife to the cold dimities of the world. These guilty parties were per mitted to go unwhipped of justice, and an outraged community loft without redress— the military authorities refusing to give up for trial and puniqhment the guilty offenders the law, .our readers are familiar with this horrid set of crime, committed by rren charged with the execution of the laws, and it is Ally ry attention • to the fact to Bing viaitiN to mind ail Its i tad features,--= !laming Ammer*, .4,404* ( othio 11v/common min j9M. tes i 4 IC beet the Wu is int% Pere It nialiel 114 happy to know, that old m „, C t olumbaCounty with e test of the State, has awakens 1 to it. dearest and het inter ests and that it has tittle to the vonelu.ion. that ith tvOilS uttd daub tttcrs intiat be “Ittertted, That it cannot afford to lose some of its hriehtestyents and most precious treasures by allowing the wealthy to hear 01 the pain won in the contest of !caning; be• cense the poorer CllO4 has not the MOOCH to prosecute their stothes beyond the preeinetA (it two: be) of a Lolly corclvted To show that some of the brightest stars in the literary, and religious eotratellation4, have arisen front poverty we n o o t but ca ll your attention to a Frteklin of do United t.itate4, and a leather or Europe. Hut now the ic!oplo of Pontisylvania are takiug th e ir MAW Lind AIA UghterS to the fountain of k now !. edge, that they eats hate the Odra tier learn ing that nature has imidanted in them, ffis tered plue;y4r in thotr oat+ every facility for luv,ing this thipt trenched ; as tor a good AlAbSta lit OM) +.ll school Education eau satisfy the eravitt7s of a mhod pantile for a greater knowhalae or the work} in whi. it its sat roundiogs. The desire f o r knowledge is perhaps p• ver greater in a person than when a child. It finds itseif surrLurgiod by things that are as stran;,:e to it, as it is to them, hence arises the th.sire to know the name origin, and eon wiitnion tdthose thin ts. ant it on'y ana't far steno person I „ 3 . 4 v .., ins pioneer, and t ;ear the o",staeles roan it v oy, and lead it -art en in these in:teh and unknown gi..a.t. Rut we I :4 • V‘ that, 114 the Evvs toe flare.l •r. • - Th asire or ltoeletig..i , nut o' . I . •j.y :0 1.:1• ,4 e lion of tits An tHrctioe kooa:--d! ii cEuf to .1 ':•?.V./ 1,14 N in pro inotittz. lit .4 . t the twin in p•shnir-r ,131. a • !leo) s itieo.. o„ , intoll,euletl el' noy conineu,tuy. ard "is of view. that atfe , tt the ha:Tito-1s thou sands of our rt How neat ; thcr.. rore may coo the very great importanee of havieq the "twig," of which Pore ipent.• -on.' up richt th It we tuay buy, stfai. ! ,it., aid u! tree. Eaa A t:!.,v hro ait meal • . . ••.; , .•• r: ; tu. • "11,!.:!`, I• ..'!!:':". '! , •ly :,•. • ' t • t.l !;:.. •I ',llOl tll' , ll tl..y •1; ••••• • t .•t. !•11011' •'t 'AO; r‘f . ti••• Cou• i v.)l4,tati;-- I!I • C• Hit! tau t:uwin „r tbo two .3,t0, lu the ,• ! IN hid Elit.AV ttit”, tit tit C , 111'41.. titti•ot rt lb.- . 11ite't 4lat‘,:%,l'l* 1110 Cittl , tltll (H I o r 'w v0444)14. 10 tazieh rui . m. IV ha lottited he It al' Ow 'at tar, mei char•uutcr UI that ...Ay eq. trti •t 11.ealltfieun your twat, the 1...;•.1it0r itf I.•iPg not ott:y inin:o.r I A-V. a• ~ anti Ennild in Li , etiqoeial, uroltt. . • .ta'• itt d o . ‘,!•..,:. ;'lli • • 11, '' • MI th. It . 4 :ht . * 4 ,-, 4t .-- 7 , - --- 4 , •rt - St4ISTI - ; a:A -,.- • fiitivr: , front him !, f:;( 1 VZI;• 1 'WO' "NtaN;lo.ltii fins 1:s“ i•io•r • a that frrake 1 , 1 o •••;-.--. !Lk tfo t- , tP ; , tr,otim; an , l tht•-,•-••• Hitt a tug that t4,4-rapted nn l `4“1,11"." 'hl.o of i)r. l'nott which Ito ran faits iNforatatioa arS4rl4, still Ilt-ra.le dtal letral hi;N, t ay-',l er' , l.• 1,4- p.w! patriotir pal tt . ! hint an.' hi, chilth,ri 1” ,, ..q1• ...11` , ;'11!ei OM lit !AI"; Or shah 4.1,10:e 'Ol tha I . 1, 1 ,-f ; 11II :f 'C I ,/ pOttlie of the that Mt: I'l tamlzht Up a igt , :rant ;•:1 , •. 4, ' , 4-4.4)”, te4•414.11,1. A. Mr. JoLN l't NU, • v.:it *.t.4.:l i.; s,ow r Il "42,,t.i.erk`aif Uni . t 1 f1t , „..1- 1114 11.1.—"'tit • II!!1 , 1i 1.:;• ••1 111 t. r. Uttl!mun It - Ant :1-+ . l ha nu :•• f•r kit v- ;-;t I L. that tb 4..1 I.: 4 r...%.• : !bat 1.0 v‘ .%*r 0.111111 , n it a •; t.: a 411ith. aIPI • i;r, ,:• utpk! 41' T 0.' , 1%," iu•.!:1 L clit" ;0 all ftniitact it II crilotd--" /oh in ti , „ bite t 11111th •..1 I r !rut drill. Avo 1,1.; clay ht.t I not Ritil ntt.,b a i . . I 01: 4 1 '''.Vl ,7 , 41 N tim death, on th 1;:th tt A Vi).' t;:=. ;', of Mr. it ha , low: hocolitmum, f.m , 11t.0• Arran matv s it tat trieut3~ in thi, city, almr: he h 1.4 titm:t Ldmrod a , Pa-l-r. boil wit?. Elder of tlm liar Nor! lonnherland District. East llaitimot , : Cmforeive. .itis teas "ItAtt, hi par about :qr. 4 i uver ht I 1 , .•0t1 31311`. ream; iu the 3101 3 0 .• a f4itlfal au I r:Mahle a -otual prvacli,r, and a • .4.1 eiti can, ;nod many friend:. wifo 'n dau,ghtt r of the late General s b 1 tit ( ;Torn awl family are r , ::,:olent.l of Lcui:shrtrft. which had been his home for sotoe :mati, nod where taG ek.A how he %ill bo ,241, Tin; hittl. iiNAL Ft.:7;JAN' UARI 1"al u rich iu eocal ink, turf 10(4'o-fly illustratod 1,-rtrair, 510te1.... of Patric:. Henry. Tllwanl Ever. tt. Fredcr:ok IV. i', , Fitz l 4L No. "'No Arch Otto , I. Phito&lphic Teotinumway Ottlit the moot Mist& ww , tro in ea, titiwi country wto ha poon tt Itv. olOrw. Aittglitwl &rutty atp " to It umttwity Itwir r.lowttt, 44 fin has nxt sfrerop fn ti 11 , runty!, ARTIF 1.:10 bwart,..4l withot win No chore for ritmoinitwn Noy 0, 1001 y. Tin Laura Fumy, atentlSSOAvvr, Two finely executed Steel Engravings lead off the January number of this "Queen of the Moutbfica." One iguana "My Howe, hold," and the young busboy) certainly seems to be stely well sitisead with his treason* The other engraNing btu 'lmo 1 17.:awrixti Sr. aisle,,and is very seasonable and appropriate. The colored Double-Page Fashion Plate, is, as usual, unrivaled 1 in elegance, mid fidelity to the mode. The 1 engraving "Pegs will he dogs,' is first-rate ; grid the many illustrations of the Fashions. etc., all the ladies wilt know how to awe- elate, The music for this number is "The Moonlight Waltz." The literary matter is by Verginia. Townsend, Elizabeth Prescott —who begins a fascinating story, called "A Wad Man's.Lulu"—Florettee Percy, the distinguished Poetoos ; Louise (',`handler Moulton. Mar:Arc:l !brattier, Aunt Mace, t'na Locke, etc., eta. i Th e reli,heri u oiniing the Decouther number, wlilets i+ a very beautiful, oue ; pte to all N. it. Sotbsrilln rx fur 1 Re)(3. Other great indurement , i in thee way ef Preminina, &e., are pronii.ed to sulwritiorr, alai our reader Amnia send for a rani pie copy, eutit3ining all themc liberal ofror4,— Saint& envie. , will be :.ent fur fifteen canto. I 'rive ; wit It engra‘ ) P. 2.50 A yt'ur ; Four eopioi 'with one eltglltVingi "..146.10). Otto NTS or Lady' a Friend and o ne our; of ;43t. Pio Muil one enitraviwz,. Deacon &.• Potet , ,un, Waltittt Street, NVi ;-end the Dimwit vr anti the lAtrv' , l Fittl:si4 ono year fur three ihaliairs awl fifty cents. Paytiomt in‘urlatly in as %allot'. It th- st and cheapest way to take a Maoziuo, PI BLIC SALE EA C. Estrik ft' E o pur 41. r.! ”. ref t,n Oti.ILO," Co.azt et r,o..tubsa ewty, Po„ THUR SD AY, SAN. 9th, 186 P. i,„ P j, , Cana hearts. %ma *Ayte,skr Alrbnu, 4,!oriPti.lrdloto nt 1....4c I:, , wimpi Vito .1" T,,w3 , Nip. to 11:111 VOIN tr. 111,01 , ,r1, wkil ptp"-ji , ,WP, by pu , ,ite veihho .an pritlik , l, 14e , I , ro,,tet; .!Iret , d !tent ertt,ive to wit fsl3 that a Tit ACT OF LAND. 1 f ,„1,.„„ renteefeen role fy, :"ItTe" , l r=i 411 , be tint tAI of tt"t , tl. t . 1119iatt onq on tni fleeft:t 'V ifeeiff x , f fiooron Pe, enr nn=! Jono sirt-tr.r an tho wart ;31,d of JO," ;4 , 0 70",f,n,enj .14 1,1 , Wit' , 110'010. 40,0, .toro4 11,trn bui:1”,;1. , . 0 40:o: atop:i, any , I,4th OS o'4, 494 fifteen xcr,.t of h to ow.! :•nt µ,tl4,Ve in th- Madi•on ('‘;'f 4', „ai l „ • ( , ••••tiord of the •,••tri.•:tte to••tt..t. ••••• Ire .14A, !nq !!,•• Pr., 1,1*!!! , •!*rtilit II:•• 'in' 1414.• •to•• i•ttt,tv -i• •t••••on 4, •h, .gt • • •••,. ott li •• An.t•• to tr. ptilA 411/!•rr4lir i;•• 1.1 AVM nn , AI 0 . 1 ,- trir:at 4 , :e t1::1:tt t r)1", v • •: • • a••• , '. I • •, 1 T• 4 of •''opott 13f 41,, ;•••••.• $1.4,d 444 Ilie tog r`r..k V+.o r;•• 04, 6,3144 1, 144410•1••••••,iili fi r•• • the •• ..4.0,111, .•.‘ r• tht•••tt,t it••tst tty• ,•. .4 M 4,433 ...IV , I! by fr, USI • 1 “:1 . 4 .?; ‘Ril, A '”" I Mill ••,. •• 1•••, .... . . • ••-r b' • ,;•• r• 7 6 .••• • ,. ., :I I,••• ••t• •• • • . • . • ••• . h•P • Itkl kikk `I ; I.k Ul , tok kI/k• Ilk •k• afkl•lki P. th. • • cr , 1: •, ,, t (It Ift.t.,. Iliek 111 IA Ituk RI (I , ~' f• , ins 11. kknole k I I. •I to Ilk sit 4:IC prkYkttl.•ll., t 1 , •1•:00 t om , '••••7. 44tdi rablirled is skint thth Up i 149 Irt lOU tf, na=t tsf 1C Otr ; • plihiK *Oa, UM:lts 0%74 florin Nroila bile Naito' 111141 rnd rsisrV r4 , r 14144.•1't •' WM', •.4 ;h. uS =xnp 41.4-444,70 the 4 - 4.4"41 44,%,. 1,'1qt‘1,.., 1 !..1;111....,:n, ' 1 .00,0,00 iU1:Nol::,•3 N.iN A. LAttol.: )MT (F rEN4Vt: MAIMS hon 11 0 . - ,1 1 7 . (rlt . t•dle raper • ••t 61, irtar ,nl 11,0 e ,Ii M, ur *S. 1 'l.) LI '4 141 1 .1 11::%1 .uud 1 . “1 111 N,rigg 40:41” t 1.4 - 4 rn.t , Oita ~ ,,,4100, J. J. 'CCII I . I /PY. U. XI IS, tiit”titit to 11 , i • "t •i•in iitoo.,trg I 1:0,1q 11,,tf111 , t. ti,o? all, 011 up. E (*I t -t” r it tit p'• P-Y tt '''' fl 01 , 110/...lllq l= l , !ppi rest t.. 1 1 ,4 V. b. ECr.tri, NKW Ct y timiorvi r ge , 4 ..P . :Ptip, t9e 00,,p, g 14 Ipi 41104, .40 , +hp? tOri kpi p :1 *4p 40 0 1tepl pt.', 4 040 4013 ,ft 14 4'44•4 1344141 C 41.41 Or 11404441J[4 , 1114.44. , 4411 th. 444 444 ImplNg Rely% ,Nl'? A. . r •Ir• •:• , p ,14 1,4 44.44,4 pluf 0.10:044 *OO4, 0114144,' , 45),wr 10 0 0:10 ,0 44 , • 11 41 nn't ,t144 , W J.,044 1.101 u 60,04 uua wpg-p, to ruiner coal tit 11,14 , 41 , o Ito d , •e,rt' It 1 4.44 leilidlß4o u laIIVI g 10 0 ,14 4 t Avt , iOOlO kOll 01p tipr , 1 •W .1444 V 4, ry IwW.slprwt Neu, roll and eMiomlo a. Irv: , bkipro 1p.r...1.1401g044.4.14.r44. j, sV. 111:Xii/14i114/T, .41...41.4)44 •I. o 11111 T tip: qr , . • for I ',la) rtha re-o, iota (0;• , , cIC ttaausd •••- +.11,, .1, th,,•,1*.,th.t,1,it, •• • • 1.•••.4 Phut. tr.,,,01 tth•l ride meat, Itit , t, r, 11 , y, &t ,t the pit Ct•••••• 0, :•••j••thysp. va , •l. 41'. !MN:AA:4I4Or •.. , I 0 t 1I I April S, Ir , AI:RIVAL or FA .M r ti1:1)11111 ES, AT J(HtN K. taTON'S STORE., 21,00.1ASATIRG I rEltikl4L. Ise fru just retnrund from the c90..1ti t j,s witu a WI: A lOW t iioil.!V stuck of titn4ela Mv Groteriir* and Dry-GonoN, DIM rt hit h l,r t3i6 rp to tht , nivOuttALlmg r, t itirtrity av t o w i t e ran fin had td any driller in GO. uortion of the Odti , tY. tio , of the titirt talrl , li.a nP 71, 4 . 4 hh , qkhol43'.l /4314:3, 31r ,m their i.e• W 44 rt 1S I) 0/ ghat 01 , %...K t.o.‘e• RN Clirta.^4 l l4, 1.1 NS r Ili 144. rlrii x rate r.r.iiiiinititt lirti Cow. add a VarltiV chher• 14 to. 41,1.1, tit titliti ktdtla. In addii!inn in rixeinity thitird whir 4004 a tow ruirorliniint ut CE PAH IVA ICE AND WILLOW WARE: itt tw,kh ,ntlety et good* ho firs wertitiO nevi' riieG•r of n0..4.10 inv , thlimt, 0'4.194'001% turd %hem. knottu, MO Whit h 111 , 14 C. , 111.4 040 it , ir herr Ire Mee ha. a hue Xll;.ply of French Moroccoes; MO 0%0 Pr(l ,, een Limnos Mr P4114.11)04 , eti ; and it rood awrtment or ttcircanbw a re . Coin and vsamine. JOHN K fMrrcol. 1.1. Corner Welain aaJ Iron ritre , etc tlloolllPbilig, Nay. ,JO, MUN CY HOTEL, SI II ACT. 141 ntiiittg Coon iy, N. ili7aoo Propri:Anr riititib,t it NOTICE The billy reltteerritie Maorine Publl4lav4 la the United **(maim 0 Ti lid) Of_ APIR A 'Amiga). ihgatliP, nevolcd $l, Literature, eiciecteo und Art. And the INattital Principle* of 21; CIUMNCLY In ofroriwr to 'to! priH:t. Prospeon. , or th- S;v l k Vol , ittv.. of TIRE OLD GIARO, the (Ain r awl publiehert foel contidont that no o:l,l4nati )11 .4 . * the elorae ter of thin L hi n..) liettiJes the to je,il mat tor, trf grt' ituportoneo, bettenv upon tlo- of the opprottehior Pru.i , lent:4l entortt:yr . we shall I.llbli•tt trout thol , cti of VAN thn 'Macey of ;014.31, whiot ; Ic;;I It 4ratr , ;(l h h.; ' of 11,v; fe :‘,Easaxit , 1 ill , r • • 1 ,,,,y,h,, a t cl , r. , 1•••.: eltarsfeil . %)ll W • h3ce al-a tran•kr , .1 r t • • t Mo , farlto', •"If* Ltr ie. , ' n.,.;..1, r • Ito Italian , ; • v the Fall of )1.. ti ttse horrible it': r ;-. U V ;t l .1 , I ,y .11 , • 1.% I or:, t. a:•,r inter o.t. nay i n t r r ; • , :~idea to thrt:l'...! 1 • • t i ti p i • H ,,t' tiro, tb • • ti..l •••-.. • rat' di • 1, .) 111. , enine b • r • 1 •41'Cli . •I• ! • •••• Oat to di! • • • t ray, and .•••....1 I 11 :I 1., .• t r.• ot.p6ar iu ••: ".41'..e..:111..aA11.1.0 WI h N reo tra. .t. , t tlll,l 44 pro. l's.ents Cas.h. Ist 44 2 aus e. . ..... .... ~,, • ........ •.. .. ..... .. 1 4 40 t r sm , io ........ . ..... : * E' VINO • ?Or' tf 4 '; tt hi! 1 - , Ten " enty " I, M 16 NIP PirENT PRE)/ V. e3reru!.!;" i., . Gror.-r 1..1.,• Sieviring , Hut gohho frt ”f!” nn t , WINN . r: t.r.1 1 r:rlvit , t*.iit,..4 4' I. l o(!iiVirt :• ;;. c••• • . •••' • f••• • • • • t‘ :•%:4 \WA . . : •• • • 4'.. ' ••• 9%••:" !:. IC:. •• lir. 1 , ‘. A 1 Itaylblo Ili- 'll.'l r!. , . 4.. "ertii 4 . to : 1„.. • 1 , 4 •i .r Proft lc , . t .1 . o ! ", tit /!. t,.:.:! I•• • 09,1 :.11,' 44eti.. I • .'" : 1, • • i:e Si.q 1 1. ‘do'e tr 4i !tr.. I .1! , • , 1,-• • A• 1 ~+I, '• 1. • • •• ..! • tt • t:, • : • fit Ow !,• Y....? SQle • .‘, •:. • i ••.• • I ,•!• 1.. Uhl/L . 4: t =ME Ili , ^ll l r*r . :•trr II!: 11... l i rt • , ,r 1 , I ; ;. lr r 1" 47 0 , . • .; , • VA% 1,;,;11: 111!1;Tivt i «t ( ; N.• . ~ • fl • I • ' ," •• •1 • •.I'. (II .11 • ....11 " I'd • ; i v E't% ;". ‘111,1.1\1,!!! OE FANCY' GOCDS, AT 01 AS ti! . rt; 111,E, LIGUT STREIT. COM COUVL eye r• • ; • ..•••• .1;•• • • t 4,4 4-1 !-••: • . •.1 • Mu I•. re , • i .ig : , 11 , r1 0.1:1a . ,' 1 . .%N..V . . . • I 4 ..,. •.. . • .f NI, • . a. • • • • • dale „ . 4 i 4.. ttatie 4 , 14 I , 544..! .to: I : „ • •,• Sr. , . floettr•••••1 tt ;;t••••• ; .1.•. t , t .t • . l't• ,•. itt ct• tti tt 't• . • rt. ; Itt Wt, ,t ••• 4, 1. 4 7 1,4".•.(11,‘ P1.C.:"1 . ,‘ It, 1N T. ~v Cr ;•;•'OO, hp 4 ;•. : • •• 4 0,4 itt.rfAL iq • • • :1 EXCHANGE 110 TEL, be '•'; ',l •• ,•, , 44 -“ , t , 14 4 • ••:* the Nitrow.r. of 41141 ,, , t' 'l l, Wit nl Vito , 11 . t.lia,n,r 1 , srlc eq. . ;11 1 , 10trr0t.,1.4 1 4141.014 , N r : L 0 .S 1 '4 v_„ ,r 11S At 4 • kNNED rr.r.9•l - risn. i;Gt;tS, iti,+l,ole:l 1, b,,oi ~r I,IQ ES \Nlt I: ,t, it htt . 4”d up t , a t , t:!• • , Ot tAt A At IOUs; sTv Lys, rizinn, on ft ASV', ..01 0,1 ,11 tiPt Yja, t 1,811 .10:LN • 1.431, Il* I 1" .; fli'Es.ermr, r sn tlit• .+l,l t,.1 /, I ~-• 40 1 1"I'.. I I 11,4. *II . 1 10 11 , e cll I, . 1, co , ;t• ..1• • n•, qtr Ow p•• 41:, 1,1. • • :k 11.11 v; • ' •• .• II t •1141 ;1;4. • 141•11 . 4 01", t 4,1 M , J3, 141.1 tni , tnn' Own ktd I ,', glom hclo, Vho t err, nn Intor4n9, Wootnot'ot Itnnt 'tt mar q , ~/ t U stv 91141311. 141) , ..• 010 1 .', ;41,, VI;•;,.;•, tll/140 atid 1ip ,, (4.r. 1 0 10 KHIOS It 1,111,1tV H ATP, VAPh. A NH gra MV ;; ; .:)r 4 of ovory bor.!, nt the Invo , t pOeoe, both b.,ir cloth Old count ry ! mth,. lt , toe , obe. Miretioft .1. 'l4 t food*.n' Vot 01` 411Mell .=t - pttm,. but catt Mot fit, 0, pow.. t H. V. lil~titi trot. ;H.'. at'oo4%l, Ole t), W. COMMIE.* Etublished 1620. G. R. MU ENTI,II, ( lIOLE.V.4Lk PRUGGIsI 4 % 737 ,MARttEt Sr, one door F , 41 , ,W SO, 1141. A ars .;.;:;, NIEDICItiVA, iN VA I , ' , VAINTM MI GLAFS, ANNIMI f I , V .Ittre rrrr Milt apprttooro++9( 1, , 1• t.4.4f: , y. Ow t!,O ~-' ; ~_-~ NEW'nqoln NEW Goons I Th. p...1.1ic 61:WA h*ar in salad that 14% CUE,4.2T h Co, VI) THE LARGAsT AN:Mit:ST OLLECTED STOCK OF FALL AND %-tINTLIt. GOODS IN Ai.llll 4rri o * ".i t. 4 4 EF • T 411 1.;!1.10 , +.l` pc‘44 (14 oN (*UFA! fog cot* or e* ;proriurd•, 0:11 N EW Mri.LJNERV GOODO AND N • ,FA S(.'r Tn1)1311N08, ma.* r...pottrully ittfatiot :otr TA. ar..l r !'Hr in ittthm.l. that the has xuaa =,e , fv.11,• Air tt , t , ltly 11r fv crol Ynrsrd 4,11011. , r V Mint (lONS Et% OPLY 1%4,11 thigi"Ntly auienfed fv nr nwitz Orr NE'N itoNthal r 4 emooo,d t.p , fires lut,d in thr4 She tor'.l.s qv. iytinng toned 1,1" 12illitte1`c At Fa IiCV Slore4, . •,a; • • ,h,....,..4 „ 1 , . ti+ r Vmdo aprof the 1.,"..t 'ea. . -0" I. :UM Ci VI, 11 . 1 II t.III VII eX/111014 , /frf 111117 .1.,4 4 ••• ;... rid.i. LIZ:le .0 % tiELE Y. ' r 10i: 1 4 Mloin Virrt t,, 01af... y 141$1111.1.) 4t, tt,her '.' t, i•'..'• PI - , l".44tent, , LL............,.. . I N LW 1 ) 1 1 . '" : 1..E. It, `: I t 1,( 0. \ 4 4111'7. 4,`“NT. 1,13; 041 i, "# LP P c , ;•1 • ' " •••• •••.: t•V.rc AVM letri xt ;11"t ••;otic,i'" I , tl/•ti in W;ltt ••• • • r.: ^r , i r Ottw v tr ••• • 0 , 14 141.1 , ,,," 1,,,1ti , t” • t 1-1• ~ !: V:4 ro4 oy r • • r - v : L IL T. !IS' I.' Ili .1* V ' , tilts vi• J.".\ ,••, f • • .• Milt“tr3 . '9rr, •-t-ro f fa. 4 a i 'I-, • VI t id . In 4, t 'I t 4 r , r,• • • • ht!f,t ; e t. pi 1- , ra.f. vrt 4:1 Of VII" =NM AT' lOUN D i1;0.,^F . ,,„ Al; IE1; . 7r i i frIP A , 1 0 1 4 • .1. •; t , ro A:4 Xtl Kitt& ta Itarlitafry, r :a- , Pi =Q '"4 Tiirc. , lll , ,o acitiAA.:4' frt.. • :., . •• .si. , i:r. to: f :.• , •• • =ill t;. apt. M= 'IL- • utrl ANL) TIN Slitii` a . ~.. ..y..frar - - -+7 41R , (.Plr.4!Tt.l Mil 111 *'.l tin; . I ,:t T I '. sk:4)o, '• ' t• ft 8. • : . , ..• :8 t ta 01. r • „ !I. •• •a• •a•t lilt It • ••: • • :!lt ti la • rl an +AO •• MI 1 s .l ' ;. .., '• • : • • 6744; Pi H 6: IMEGQ, ~ kn~ , t+.., ~., • • LI a, ~, ~ '. • . •• • '.• M•Arrr'. Mug ! • A . ili•1,,•• • .. •. • I =MI 1 4 S(1,1:.- 0. . Prepritior. /•: . Stilts:WO S:rrtII•kI.III. .• :• s ;s:s: : 01, • 4, tom} fo:1”:11 , 1$ ,••• , : al o ays t o , Istlttlti 510, s •. sl. r ••I• s: Coal, hat %vita Al .•,.• 1414 WHO, andlll,lolol ; • $1 , 1 , . , Nti an ...11(//iory,"4 ' ,00, Jl,l LE ti ss:•• 0 ' stssllrwrlltll! pm:. .`tr"V I • 11' 41:1/10. ,' `t •••• r a •"..fott.o2o io thtt :vflt :o it 111 5~,,,, i F. , ~. _;. ~~r. i luv'E,!: A \ REPAIR :SHOP. TIM nn:,l Nast reereelfll9S are t ,, tt,o .1143 It , is (mill: it tit • • •• i• trot. • t t t. t t t • :re tiCItY".In wonnisbut here hn ~„ ,• • • ,rtII Mtadtoof releolte jot!. Nu . e•• t o r 31i l'ln.qll, pll.l lo.hnrt, 1.•••••• . • • '•• 3 - 111*;1‘4•; ANTe ,'111\t; • AV!, tn,ActtlNzity, , •• .1,,a eind Worktitaerfite Web. ev. tie•.• r• • tars,-.11: ~ • e;•••1 ',ye farronve In ••. • t • • • t. oe 11.ette of triers 10,1.0. neer • b,,rt i 1 g 900 he eve Vert IT • t:, •ejort to i 471.7 1 , ',"6. t.. 41, Ltkbiii; I:NTElibi AN, ti t 11 • • 4 • - re :r, thr hte,loo nl ittantry4l,:re grij ' • nt tttrq n i bun }got fel:V/ 1 / 4 :li leoen }.? 441 , r,tuti; and kkuludlcy IViiLLINERY GOODS, ..•:- ••• • • r; comltt in first ..23:13 '• •• . •••• •• • !'• •• rife of the ler!..} ritz . .qm Hurt Opottv*l In MO 1113......%. , ! CA • 'I e• 401inJ rt.r N, • . ':74rIVh , VP ~„•. . 0 gr,.0 1 gotmei somte t•• Of .1, n • {lt: 1.110.1 • .fi r ti - f, nr rprored. itt,t ;I or Witty the 820111 Of V.. 14, ;owl t t 1,1. rt. Plottitirh•":. ‘livy !r. w?‘. P:toit: I itt.r, hots of rropOin reritildp. ovn . t.tttttntf Attoi ,o, the I 'lnto tlith (*.hip Uflyttteq, the. Pt tio.tot. : rro.,ty. to Rettivt ittottto. r>tttlthr to N;.I tWA phts, All petlore tibt tog 4 1g , t rlt 1 , •• ~. lAhr ntthe Or iNttr tlt too tt , toototot tt, tit.r , t thom '#.114410..14 to tho tvlblott_ttt4,oo , :tott to tho o.htto ttitt oft, ko ph,, hoot o.h.t , to lite horttittenett Per ttEhl 00.1111 A, A tquittittrottot rtnt lin Poo, tl, 1 ttt1%.1144, I . R Q WraylS tt , .ro'r rvrp S,ql! A. iik% CX r sr MEE EIMMI MEM !•Y.• Mli .•, 4 m,e2onie, . 1 2, ! • .. . • Allok • ..'no rat I , tv el hex ' .h•• • rmaih h +' . .• i! .• hair; bryo r0r , .:.,t1y 11,00! =0 G: cuE, ' tr. Ft .