Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, December 18, 1867, Image 4
I vow ", 12710 . W31 1 .1 TO KT NT 660 M. EXTRA WHEAT FLOUR, AND FEED, or ALL KINN.: FC.H JAM. Clit UV JOY 14 , le 7 E. R. IKELER. NTTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBL IW,PA. t , tel floor itt Flehanue low 4 the ''f.xebettitetli , Wl. iN Vovist«ao Sated to bra haroto wrAt be oatturlort hr W to tatineineart awl care. Collector:a uouta with thr possoble Aclay. (Sept. O. Ina, W* 00 I *.4 ! N 1.;!V i(114-; The pubtte k tr., Jowl titid U. W. CREASY / 4 4 Co. have 4 . 4flt4titnity ?%4,34 TUE LARG EST AND BEST SELECTEE eTOCK OF FALL AN II WI NMI. (,00f)::iN r . Irl ET Lit kind* of gcryrr Goole r brt trrrir or mu try prorrotv. H. W. fIteASV k Cm 1.4141 dint, Nor, 6,1 M VEW MILLINNIIN f;iii)lS AN!) The nnttetolitqli n n•t tetp,tfollvitiOilfl, l, hYr te• ettittetntro, anti the pillow Ito tconraL that ktio j . 04 :thews). lathe a.. 1 t00tt , 341 RoPt.ft. ISILM of FAMIMILLINERIGOS A NEW SUNPIX. SkiitPr4;ty srlaetr 4 d (Of prenuid and eamid, #frr NEW EON:NI:TA Vit.) HATA ost , +lool'o , i to tAit it, 01, Then and virlidty, enc 4444 ot, ryttong I%.und to ti t eio—§ Mil!into; tt Fatter Sforeto, 6.411 Utt Ittl0 , 1 Rol, nod R,441$ tha %At 'OR tic 1.114100 tvtft,o Give, b, r Riga:kW voek, Lraßt: WthY-LEY. , 144141. 24:114 Pttcet. V , “161)4.) October 13, 11.7, ),1 t ..0 1100 P SKIRTS. 020. rim. T. MU% 1:11/4*, Cur Gore .teak Vett friOrt. 'Jan fivp cram , tt 1 ort,t rtanotior in frn , orartoftwttrto or Sent+ rAVALITY 1100 P SK lit i7t. wo ofirr oar }•troy rt bralnd Itortlin to tuntaltattl4 and On rattltr in ftli conlittento nt thttfr rettletittrtty or, ail tato , It. 'lt , A tattrara tt Marko. bin- 14,y a.ap 1.1 ado rt rttl who Went or deal !II , 111, bq they o:tv , Pt:qv v,rhettun than any other 4 tl . and roomwor 1 1M u, in ,‘l`q tro.pert. lioalcrn in 111,p Fttitt. wake a DM, of lark tart Eattty la tv AP" na; jtja,t theme total ttata tat .1, r OWrta.crinrent Pogta Pan Mr am+ r Whip A!att, elstrtr UMW rtt 0 , 11)111.artort , raa tatpattr,t, Ank far , •51.4 I){4 It 5 4 ako, 1414. , bt . atll .!t I,IV 117.14 the V.ovtn i t the tip" , 11 4 1‘Vn.n cr.,rb 'Mop, 41“) It, a trvv T. 11UPAIKA. Marattat tor,. 14 ' , tit `'‘,‘ tt. mill. lititta," Upon .ath NJ , tailed VI , P 15,10 4. nOnniatitly an Dann a (no lint' l+rf gnai Vows Tot it trod Earl. to it vrir, -kilo ,at v'tS * l'tvr tt-tt# Itholesale and Retail, At the PHILADELpfIiA 11011' SIC r m , n , ll.3rtot; and E - nporount, NO. t , a,tt Odind•df %I M, t,f rtrt BIRDS AN() l%\t C.1,13!.3 FOR Tht undertigne.i WA, to rain 11.1141: , / , Canary Dirda and Funcy Cages (HEAP FOR CASH The Ar , ~ 31" I: , el , rikt *Or ro, and rtr bohute they ate ref .orl tt I V the is *Ow $11.1 , 0 : the ruhhetiber I.44:#lruhr ut busing Turkeys, Ducks arid Chickens, in large and mid' qhmhtfth r. for :h.: 14 , ortrl ter othrket, thr hith Ithettl rtnes. WU. . 0 :14 GII.I4OE:L. rtAlit.l3;, atttiu Sirret. (MO( t 11:4.1467. LADIES' VANUA Ft AT JOHN rualays kst.h!:.v7 fin :1;k •••.:" , rr, 70f ARC I IT. itEMIT Hilt, 11. 14,7, 7 and Muroufm'no, op., f tiA, • : o• k.. 11.11"; stlecwou, FA v.. C I' 3 fro. I.lot , d' and Chiler er'd W , dr to th+. eitt Alt 4 a Ilia , H rt men! tot th , 4 l 0111 ell MA -.=!'ats I am .1, ttlttti tt thf tt I. V't tit , nit I 02 n call /mu ftfrm*i , nt 1:019w rt• Rtgruzitrir tt.e Notre, Number anti iireeti PR% FA It FAR I, 71.51 1 RCH 4,br A p,oth HANfi No PNRINRA, 1%6N. w,tu nit It rila , 4osl4`lll/1. OttAtt —Atts. Kw ( y Any. rtar 011.:044444444(441 re: 4 ,44444 124' 1 44 e the C 444 1 ,4414 1.44 1-4 1 4444141.041 U and e*thi 44:44 414,1 k ,, ell do different nliwiliora 441 Ftnte re,ll Oil I 4,1 4 44.4444. 4 . 031 tor 443441=1:140144,4,'14.,0+ 044 114 4 444. , tvtl.l{l. od ,1404414 tr 1414.1(44114 V, Meat k thew Vdrr“ii e ; with 3 pool 144441. litia4ll44 ortileorintl, weiirh AtrilW Like wirie 44444 4,4,4 4 ,14 e,, 4, 1 •t ,, ;,vrr e.4a4 to thorn who desire it. Aa we poi, vr , .. a Lici , pinnitat fir 1.0,11, . 4 4, 4 44r 44 , 4 44. 4 , 4,4 1i4441 veil at the very WA 4401441 n. 11 , 44 , eV10)1410 fur your horotir h, J. W. ItrAtsCliroiiir AUtiC.rtrtlrl TevrWort•lgThei: la Y NCiatt . *.• n4l tirrrerfre. tba 1 . 4,:14,1,1fr,j. 11,thit . t1 tarittiv , • Wheat. ii.941,1,0T01, Out, P 4111 ., r i••TA. 1. • 4.4! ni and .ctsto vt• • • r.; hi1rb014 , 341 pria'r. tit No 17r •. • their cunt ynr.l. I %%. illoinuftburg. Aprit ly. OMNI?. SHUN PRACTICAL 110U*1: ANII tign Painters and raper Unger?, BLOOMSBURG, PA 11 0. mg bad n lAA!, i thk kiotv, tb*•y waut,t vitt' , +/oily .tr.r tple 4 , :tv , e 0 to Pip ritrz. ui .41.11*0 0 1o.h.trit try, TOO) urn 10'1) 01 itrnda cf ti.m tauu 101:0 1 1 P. 1,4 105, tper . Or. tif.l.lllo Gq4 , 011 , 1g, naA 01l work k , 4otigintito JO , . hi 'OW 4 0411MP+, trr gracra i,dt tit thoit *hop to ill , Coati Allrty. or at tits PAckolikii tfOtei, L N. Alilrv'. brut Stare, u d t'.. , 50V4.1 . 41 Ow I Nam Starr, Will be prototolp tillituthot liormasburg, A ugum 7, 16.7. N EW I 3 K ERY AND CONFEC TIONERY la/%152 sltbllo.Ztball'a.twa OiV 'maul) hi' it 11.; ET , Lima% BLOOMSBURG. - l'A. I. F. ?OX. Profit itttat of *tint ettiA 11l I Otter Ilt , wattle 1.11001,011 Y ht 4 *tit taut tiew ritAttm*t t , thht Act h#h evorythitttr fitted up at his now tt.ttot ttt nn itbltt hit* to Dtruith thta. with DAL:AIt, eAliEs, AND Ut tiln tt itartuttnr*, He has made ar r iorment. for th 4 tufa at avoid, wit it i. tit, iliathwtt who kaapa a 0 , 111 , 1.11m1' ory Sono directly totttottte VIE "EXCIIANCrI: BULDING , ':," viola pormsii desiring bread eau be eve,n 4 n,7,b,se,' on et times. Zi . Heeennter all persons. tehn 1434•11 been fa,01.1% ed with Ale. biter floor. and Itneter, eY the whole bAlt Or qua hemn yWM !, will tall WIGA OIL Vint& et Saloon itt shiver' tack, Main Street, Who del been eothorinni t‘y ttio understood 10 14.11 the Cone, no aral CIA Moot) have it oepply on ham/. which win he 4.01 d 41144 1441.4 4141441 r4t4,,, SC Y. hoe In flt 41 11 , :e1104 ‘ol4hit Bakery and Con• tinnery., gaud op Vo.MM Pot Ma fold or c WE 4 en in WSIO Itith Olt 0101,0111 it WOO plaotttot to allay Jo Otitam t• rkw lottnto tinsretie*, ;Walt at 'lomat satttett ifg CHO be. Illorytatai pertaining to fitn, Wien it ill aveloatattattaa4 tic k.ittlitfa Na It thankful to khl 'ettt Waal* AO Pet f Vat*. Sndwn t etirdidily 104)Wld a taattiatanat Of Ikti Pirtle • J . t . rox mor a, 1607 WESLEY WIRT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UNa• 1• DININNIAT AND el'At Dulllllllll in t 417 CHAS.G. BARKLEY, Attorney ill Gan, BLOOMER% COMBIA Clh, PA. P. r $( Wok:re in - thr Fachtmore RaiWing. Nittcrow4S Wry. ortr tiwion.i & Co's. MOO, s44tutiti door abate Ilvo La t *age /lowa, laowlirtvirs. Atoll 17, 1011, M. M. TRAUGH, BL. Olast/l'}J)lii U, rd. Wol Pro Olt , in Om loverni Voorts of Volombro wml *Mot Ping romotios. Irr Lem* promptly attended floe. DIG J. Ito EVANS. and Surgeon, I I AVINti Maiti Sireo, 111,011VISWInt; Pe., u nniii is term thn public itottorrilly. trod tv , 1s ;fret/N0 . 4 to {awn,' to 011 +WWI'S farthially and punctualir that may 1,0 iOttityto4 to hid cage. Oh tOtIOS Ce %saki th, tunes. i a. Ile pars Mist attention ts Att,rre a. w tl aY 1400ritto. ; e43.—ty. AIUNCY 110`1141,, inciorw, ',yeomen,. 4 *mast), Pa. N. RUDSJN, Proprietor. ov other i 4. 1,4 t., MOOD SH L u LES & A LAMA}, t LOT OF FENCIYC BOARDS FOB Leal, DR, aodntsi t ttred (Arra for pate 01141 the aiu.l k , 1 ,40 111 , 10 IrTMO, at hin pia , e *lt b 0.4.0,4, in Itt:VroNi. coLUM A IvOUNTV,,, hundred lttutt N - wa and u J; kur fri 01 (*.Willi 4 , 141 , 14. if tro, vary I.ekt rtulity, both yin , - and bekkto, k 3. 1. Mvl9:lotY. 11, %ay 1:401. I%' LL 1... 11 , 0 v tt• tot. givs te,iistoto. t tt.t is n 111441,1r...0 141.11..1, so.l j r , ittt p3rrtt to iJ gtlis an stunt tonics opttli the ttats,t tt ason.Oit terms. nu tots had 111 It's,t; vireo. e t o,t, Ut o,^• 1,110111e6.1 $, • N.h;tintt 3„vthy 0“41.. 111 61. lilts Would .:to issit to itllll, !OW. t 4 ;1 C. N A 11 L uiu stk r and Warne) al Law. BLOOM' WURO, Pa. torg ti big filen to icy' the par,iir in tgto.o , +.‘ ti "1.1“ tag and ali 1 .141 th, 8,.c.rna,1,0.0ty 't r+ , •r m". e fling rgotg. rg", It. Y t, Im'7. . , IL V E Corr tat: I<rmtice t,,,itet,,,t tIC •t1e34 , 111 , NI fi ..`"t e , V miltft gat. kt. 044 ptioteog .1. 1 Attst ettrapty, `Hwy ttle to. tffArl , t in elMotrAt. 'OH that d ttirt tt pin* OW eln e4-ity th,, tat 41 , 24 gnat , in.trufttuon otent 1 % titCh 1/3bi me the gvirrlifowr ingn ht 0,41, t' nit .10 4 pi fl,totts kn , •Wt, dip. 0 (Via ptintiog. A tit, til,tt . lalunto mg 'oil tirpcttittott prir, x. frotittoontisis t tt, all, t ep. ClMen t ^ t ~t+ t) h " „ ‘ 1 „ 1 , r, ter Cklitl. I i 1 .r. 4 ADAMS rlitSS 26 Ann NOV Ong ". tutl7 Is L. AVA I' F., n./ Practical Itaicharilier and Jetta ..1:1.1.N 6TREET, (,war the Court ilou tt e,) 13,(AIMSBUR(1, PA. Ventetantly nn brim; s tine nenortinent of Anteeiroo and cow t sa %Vitae., cl u ei,a, Jewell;, Itsivelt% ,itr Anti 0101,“*E0 c. Nit ,lo,l3 r rittcolosts paid to the repairing , r WA! noi "40... , tie. Marko wail.: to nn ct. Att wm k %Vat rtitted. it t Apmaburg• Ai." l ' l"7 'a ri X 0 'IIANGE UOTEL, w.of C, , L1!! 4 ,11. 1 14, corSTV. • =.“ , 0 , r ,, i07r.rd hating r , tr , 8f:04.14 and Ilt,ty Ott ett M S wit 'y th, r , t , p4,lluilv Gif.o4•l *4 • Wire', 7 0•1 thf• ptitd , r, 4rq,,.4014, 1 ; ,;,4 h r. r (or .04 I on p anrn ip 1,f#1 , 14/ina the rhvirlflyte “1104. 4 :ft atirt eolfirmt of in. gq,,,t. tliß 11, p:s.10,10, Jild I goad ma at u" tows ttt tx.”.41 thi. 11 , 41, t the s;tA•rrut rt.tru4.l i)ep"t's , by 71) , 11 ttavu'etra; rout eyud t 444 tr4llrl ttut Ititalwar ou Ltt U .. C. 1); pAIN cAst.ow. April SJ. fr. 7. sTO V ES AND TIN WARE A,,nmen ,, 4 t. 4. 1 , 44 many Mewl,. and On , nt• ! oottnirem Ihn t hucc 1 , 410 , "nn, at his v /4. t utmt Ists. I ilia en.ter,art :out eittura can na acc , ntan.,4 ik , : %% ra FANCY STOVES A in_ inr.,,, 1:01.1.. etevepipva,Tinal are, (11.2 everY ::.." .... !.„„.„ „. .„,„,,„ 0 „, wail ~.,gulate.l STro 4 ,, if.. , A N I) - 11 NAV AC 1; I t , rn ta.tst. SI LniTat in the cait, , (11.4.1 #1,1114. 4. 6 zth,4 h too, Anot isv pot up nn $41.41 ht,1111 . . MI 14 . 4 repswitlor aono ..1110;:r wool b6aihi tcnha 1 , -onyo. on n larzn nniTty rit UM, f•I <3itr•qoit stinN and prienn = 'Hon n 010 , 40" WO,l V`..01 hI hM , ,,r's fl-e , altug t fter r , 2 iiiVe ;41M h Van 410 ; 1 C. //011.1:1?, t , l-4 a firot-IlAsg tin AM) CAN Smne, at lb.. t tam, nt. Mato Str , rt. ttlootil.h3r2, Hi* ~ ,t ettk it et tootved of Itw 814' tote,,t BqA teal ttv , ol , olict,.(l It) tio riti.t..ol of enitilawt Ile (WI Nur”lmil..r,att• potritC iltt t,' 601,“‘ kltot. ttvi of Pew,* 41. We raft toe4e, row, me n '', kip, , !ooLle eola, toto'a i,aolr, ltfrn'a grove rad, earryreae. glove ma I..tooorat attire, Moo', woatoo'a iI4IFA , 'A . 01 , 43* kid ISA , IOA amble. Woatetce Voce We, very Goa WOW' It'll fins pqa tu•'rnrro ha 1,14 11".)%114.0.1 # 141.1 r ., I 3 anti 1.8 I( ',brie 0, Mit nr+i Cji 'WS shoes , Mru'e, uurvo,•, hope, sn - .I ettypaty. its oleo hallo , a gr`AJ vau lty of VrN. CAP', AND *Era A W COODD of every kind, at the lowest Prices, both for cash .rr.a MOO. rtto. lido • the atrt attion is In our go.. e r,„ Pout Ye alarmed, at lin, cry of Ittytt pe.rco, but y.. 11 anti ere tor youreolvec auspeettally, 11 C. 1101VDD. laO7. Mt. C. i1t341C9, ablishod 1820. G. W. CIREENILR, HEA:k.ZI:r4t. Cos 731 Namliirr hr. one door Mow rib, PrmimurniA, blfl es it imiNtlf, (Item tr. 4 P. iNTA LAset, A1041041:0, pit CIA, Aud «vrty ~ther en iets *pp.: tames to the believe*. or th., het 'wilily, end at the toe eon Methyl Bete& M.aveh tIB, thett. NAM EL M PREN T 1613, OItANUEVII,4I,IE, PA. %VW. mat all Mods uf di.sAsss that how 11, , h i. hsir tu,suil where ;hest is 'locum no charge, 14.11vinMA to 4911101011 uf Hu pay. August 7, WO. DR. W. H. BRADLEY, (lAto Mitistialt Med Mist liiritetor S. Army,) ilkyoklon stud surgeon. ay. tout at %Li as tiDtti. iitgoOturt prataptiy sUssotisi batil eight otiti day hvorattuvi. Met. gi, tow SHIVE4I BLOCK« II ‘lllllllllll P WILLIAM LIAERS. A. M. RUPERT, E=! it WAES.I/./.' tfuG ty. VETERINARY SURGEON, 01011 4 1140010 01116 "ea• IMO 10 Rliway4 " emu " DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER which it rapidly tweettnnit popular and with thtn Mostimte the hard wort or muffing is wittitated to a tenantable and pliatiant Wk. lot clothe* are plarrit het suds . and Ant tit, White thus initnerai *id and the steam (-donned. the Manton it& operated RN aeon above. 'rho. the work is speedily. etearly and easily done, and that too WOlllOlll te3oll/ sod west,naout the ctuthee, widen to A great eatinit the ranse under the Oki fashioned rohtding tqueots ithNa lINIVERICIL OTIIES %V RING Eft the: vlOO, 1; Mr of W3OIIIOO 10 too plemetet ett• lime retool re 4 et Oh the (4.450.. e oe , ic of UV WAN t; a'lllo o.Ao:ltig . Rod 1101.Atog ttiol n rieellllt The thrt t,.< +it diewevect t V the tint IWD: 4 Ilea bill !Ott., t • , ; ~ o gttfol Fr orcrt.otty to tOtri d. No Ldosty is Hie I,...mly , mtvettqf tt , tilrlt .1)(H Y'S Li)`l`111: IVASIIER t.v , Vutz'AS, 111:4 vrfilNiTEß p,i , e of tLiclineg 113141: ax I••ilawa V oto•o•'. +•a•• Vo - wake'', • • •01 too) • • .... • Ili 1)1 No.: Wringer, .WI lU a 9 Fite 14. . • • • . ..... Sal , ) E. O. Mid.. Agent. !IN; :"•.; ly‘ network. Pa ( ' - !MODS, FOt. rin HARDWARE TRADE or colzmon caNTY, Al' Ur, NM? 1111,1 1 E or C. W. SNYDER, 111.0911SUIURG, r%., 0 . 01 tioteg rottii4 it, to row clAes So.eoe, otooleel, o.‘ hio to ate the folhowooli 74 AI II?, o.To:sit , IVAitoosi SPR INGs and IXLEt3, I',SISTS. OILS otnol GLASoI, (MAIN; awl GR,1,1:5 aad FVTIII; rN VITA, GRAIN eft ‘1+1.11 4 . U.SEEr, &r., KIRBY'S! COM iliSEtt 1[E.1,1 1 1.1 . : NOMA: 110,STETrEit'S (1:141.:1411.1TEI) I'ATLNT 11.1.11 AND TUE I` , llllo\* ['Kielty sEEDEn AL.". 1.1NKF.1161:11 . 43 a I. ruLls.ll nt ICGafa.Lle mid iietnil. GICr fl, A 4:ALL tiOrtluilkturs, June i r e,;, lIIANION BOOK BINDEBX.• Muria: eccrxrd ittr grin , evw or Mr CI, Zo”ho, nor 4,t it,t to , rt 6ittilt t to tto (twat; in till tStAte, tro ore vr,unr,i to turotAlt 4 Vfirt Minti•it 1 Vc:., 1,. f Arr. op Lit ATtlltft, 1.1011:4$ and tAiir. Ili. V, fib !COOKS 01 evert .:o,tltatio,l< rt - r•PI -1 in an y or) tr. trprrirod, or Inn woo, purport:alai atiallo( at 1'.',1100,.1!110 ter .41a110.1110,1 40(00' tad 01 , 1 nglaltad, at Nu w ork 1 1.1.. r% left at the °thee of the peepr^r rntritrOnnift tar- ,rrvr or tr , by IA erer., t'l tat at tutted to and r,virtrod if throat owlet erootry delay. E. t. Ai. 111irlr. n, Cri „ 1111.• 14. i , "6 . ; ( NEW STDRE AND NEW Goo,Ds rm citiv n. VII vicinity in 1.4 tard atst lt. n. ttoonot orw.i u ftt.t GencFRY AND CiAFrfrrloVAßY Dtr. ut d, “okt pot,to v on put , O3- , t ttiot tilted up it) btu, It you at OR: to pun l'at.o t.ttl tt 1 t.Mt., Sll.l' Att.. V I NE6 IR, . PLAIN nu" Paltry K+ )A PA. 14, CPI.II3;P:I.i. oP ry tlehwrlpt too, ao.l a gr , at .tior at Not war ~ ty +Oll.l ye test este4itok..o to Ilr ItHe.Yytton. 4..11 "OM 11, otnien. nifpoielMn*, 4 , 44 , i. , Sr.?. .1. 7 NV :‘ EII,I.I.N.EitY ()I(iODS MOO. MMIV rUItVIAV lokg 4 1, 1, 4-.llf. in ruonan; int cottron,t of ts , p. 04064,2 ttoi voeittply tam the 644.10 el rep hnwhen tnr , n ntr,,e (ben of ('di And 14'ii u ortztalteati coons s at , etnthl. nn Win Street, in Iththnioning else inviter the opertni anctitioll nt the 141h4C to het stock. Gs% it 0411 IPattio purchasing dawn here , th to• mu EW TOBACCO' AND GROCERY' 1 N i'."' TORE. H. H. Huusberger, Agent, Vida inhoc the Arnm'coit Ier*:OOIVISVURO g Keeps ort tin net ,n 4 farniArn to the norm and cow' try Wyly, at l'hOodinntsia OnweA) Prfreo. FINE I UT AND PLUG TODAITO4, InVIIr.S9'IC AVilk SIPORTEM ciamts. all kind., el So/ohisst Totmeena. Sawa». lifeerocation. add Nrisr %rola! ripe,, anal F4ll atrcitespertaining to the totte. tov trade. tlwatt tteateta vt ooW do watt to tiv.t pint 6611 in+tend of SPltlithT II Ihi eiti.o. for their booto. If Pelt bnaiag theca trar , liair pedlera. 1166140 ha ennoa nt r ntr hand si futi supply al fre.oh E COFFEES TEA NRIGARI,IIIOLASSES, sot, t tee. Pepper. $1,1.4,,.. d.rc . sit .1f which he ottlq , * a hemp for e 4.41 Of votary 'prance. Ottotal 3.3€47, By TUF USE OF CHASTELLAWS White Liquid Enamel, Fut Improving and neatits Int:the rninpietion. Ih' tenet entnatite end •te tat prenaraton in non for lairitta OP OM a beallifral lwati.kike tali *t r ack s i tints fmind in youth. It nimbly remote* Tan ht, Pininten ininthen. Meth rntrtm., eattowneen Eruptions anti im t atritien of t h e *km k i why **lain* the ante tenet*** the akin whit' and *tear as alahas• Per. Its use cannot be tweeted by the chianti ern tiny. and nein* a etrinble preparation is perfattt barmlnet. It is the may ankle of the kind used by inn I"*.etich, and in earatidolea by the Pariah**, as in• divimoilibt* to a perfect toilet Opteatda or 3 1 4 000 bransit were *old dbeititt the WI pat. * suilleleht esiernutan or its *****ty. Moo only 75 Ceuta,. OW by mail. nst•pktd. Op pl Man 44410 r. by PEKOE*. $lllOl $ kCO , rbeinntn. reb 47 tan— It IN feet ik TM!N.Y. . . BLANKS BLANKAII evcr) I,,, e r, r ,fi, w , for mino r at this .Mce AISTA IMAM; Behan', se latsin Stmt. WM. GILMOFtE. isg..Mls rate 4410140, of filwyblybittil 61W VitibitY lb•I. hi his VP MA I s New hl thie plea, What* fta larttek lfl. old Mama. snit coo,pu or. osH owl ,partake , or kis refrurtsufault a.— tt. IS 111111+151414 *lap t h e bn4 LACaR lif,,,ER AND AI I .1 .1 torn! ly eft WO ; MCA. NOW. $11111. , 1114/1114 Min Ural moor, ratio Loniotholoo. iip,• o 4, ea y and 1 4 , 10 en ey raw., an alwOrin ilad at blot Ittnototonnt, In the eating het he prasaats a 21iLrf 01 WAR), an surpwl , d In this pine', viz, maw kkatitnr* nob. Onebteurd Tripe and auvf Tongue. ht. ila also bin o gum artiolo or . pi gara Cheretag 'whim) for ti customer* C. - ,e 01v...bison rdit, illoomoburs, Juno 0, itoitt, . 6 'HEAT BARU A 1 NS MID rk CdUCtiOrt Pas Price,. 'PGo ontlereigued will oft,' to the tothlie GREAT ItAktitGAINS an ILI ►itttle ut 4..C# a 4 ClPaltlaliatilil9;349 4 *tact& as MY GOUDA. cIGCKSOW ALL, 11 A IMWA RE Boots and ailaeo, Haigh Cap*. an:! V,,tions in every worintr, titif 611.111 P r irnor tha grat of 3tiagaty, Win be COO ducted an a strnity 41: • C thin SYSTiII mot pertonn vrerhino to purelore nnythoty in our lisle eau for bo at n very slonll pereentono on Current Prices. All knob , of pooloreno4 grain taken to exchange. We eorntjity invite lOC public to VE US A CALL awl a Hhare or then patronaaP. la *I AN ratay. Oda, 3.itio4ty P'o). i LAW.'1111111 ) ! • 4 t ! IO!4 r tic fa,00114P1MO; I,F,(i CO M PANY, wool tr0t:4,1314 infoitu the public 11111 t Wry hate ttlttr PLANING MILL, it" in 0 1.'1 41.1 , 41 With nn 4 xtelaiiivit Li a • 1.11, rol4 are wicti prp-parett to 6tipply sill "'Wort' Pt *hod Nit ice aria at th, losvvat prices 'fir cribla, llheir ay. iffit.wi+it of lu ober or ti lute Pine riankiMourdso, Flooring, Nurface iituards, Siding, Hemlock Mani, lan.i+.d ar unplae.l. to twit eurehaeeis Pranie Stott Juice and • ill' OW4- Their l'lttettlit hIHi and I.euilwr Yuid ie flteoted t the itAttre.ot Iteeht. very Coltst ii,onity lot shipping lo ober bi the cargo. 1 hey are cmi.tawiy beilibluetutiou lumber of tilt owl pereinix who desire timber of every Se. mei ihUen will do well to opine tbeu stark before pure .S.lttge'*ewhere, They are oleterittitteil and tut iueetty et-Tarte to ',flat cheap nil the ilicapeit, 1 it,t s i,o ole.ore inborn the 10.1100, and e9,tiaily those wbe wWI to p.ln tot.e b,Ei still t bat l try have One Mitt spent illy prepared to cut titub. , r or itltoost ~vpry size 1104 humth required. Wiehtoe to buil.' ur ciihithitots I. t rho save money. by etetor, on it onLiot4hitof would al , * anneurce Ihnl they are meottreJ to du all Pied or fir -tiring, of Mhebiliery, co it a Thsv.hlwl slrteitioey hive, er s, heap re nod all kind.: +0 ittitieulthral impleibehtm, upon 10111,thia• bid t. ring. 0.1(e , e, hlwaholitirs, Sept. El, tethi 111',A,DINU RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT?: April 4 th, V 467 c Hh ir viNie ruom %OWN, .nd finrtb went for rhtfiloottinio Nett Yarn, *or,. l'AtAv if Ie Tahltipla Aflian.t, LOtanott. Afien• town, grietitti. r r o," Nav e ri.burg for 1'404 York. art 4...14;44.4; At 0131.944.3441194430 Aa .old and O Oar a Porn. 331 with Train, an the rrhatylvatita !LW. told and aiming at 3i4tv Yuik at 0011 1.1131 l 0 id rir „„„ 4 41., „„. OW. Pa. Mithodittit mina tila 300 A M anti 91.da M. Triattist 1410'00 rb.mue, {wave i atri.barg far Pending. Petti•vEle. Tanta. mitt, ?,littersciii , .. nod, NO. Glove, .111.mttomt ao4 Pitii44.4plott. at 8 114 A M and Y tit 41 114 I In r ", tattiTwa nt • Gamin. tot*/ 1.019 , 34 , 0 Way rtattiata ; 43 a a la, fog ,01 .11°1:111.11 ,1 1bt ilt.lit‘3 , 3o.l[l /11.13 rot t'AIIAVIAA.. 9IA1:1,04111 It ,Yana cur 9010t41 4 / 4 1S an 1.4.101 ro .!. or.. M 41.14.119 at 3 pM. tfrtarort txat , ‘ ,, tt• at 4 4 31 A A H.42 ij prid .4' Al ir.s A M `IMM 3 3.) t‘ a W.) PrOO'oltt: 3 , 4,113,t,34 t,, 3 3 , 33 M. WM '01”1 f 'AA 41 A lo*g at , .3n r m 14.331411110 at 444 14411011 A 4' , 1144 V vb. Atd 44 A 34. mad 40 ; (4414 !mot loot 33 .04 A M. Ana 4 310 ; TiIiWATjA at 9 „,. tf, I 110 Allit 6 4,7,1,, M. r. 1.141; 34.3 for Darri,liorg via EcLuyiUtil and tt , qa,.nrsittai liatiriata at i Ott A Pl. tat ;taloa 11.,011111.11 1 .1011011 'E4'43 t : wooi ng at .1,0 AAI rt , itirt.itat from alt•iphm II L ea t , unerw Trrittp trB4m: 414.44...2 443 7 UR A N and b 4;) P 41 101 Ephrata, I.t3tz,, taiticBtti.r,Cutaut4iis.. 4933,4 , .1+netwilipodution 'Erm : 144.44 . P0 town ut ti MO A, )1,, r..tAthit,"„: teat ritilatteivina ti P. M. 4 , 114114 , M Lo rat AA Train. {Pare ariltiihr, td 7 (41 , and n IS r, 4 b r Idtm, Lan:Nrs'er. etr.. rtu rloridny Lo are. New Vert. “1. ini r 51, Pnits WO AM. and 3IA AI the r A 11, tt lit{ 1 . 111 , 101i1 01111; to It ; rotts , Vdie nn AAI rn lurk 0 35 A 51, 504 IteiteLog M I "2,0 and i 10 Ali, , I,Ofg 4,111 II A Ai, iurl4o4 . York an./ 4 P 1. for Pl3 , 4 , blidtid. eya.,m riorwt and PANAr, Fro ) ) •rtrhell, friluri it glut :M 10411111 41 rtill4rori ral O. • C•ttr44o,gt• t tierktsd 01 , 1•Dr1'y. r:;.,Lool 1411 * A. NICOI.I.eI Gtiletal I N tiooDe! NEW Co01)6! Ella FALL nud It 'W BOWMAN'S CatUattocalp Ci13.227u.c50 a tx 01314214EVZ&MtVG Tait; uneor+ign , l has just freetvefl a vrry t aw and rxrrlfrnt ao.ofttowit of N-11.1. AND 11'111 Llt 10.11 tl. tthieh lo‘propttro to soil it vvry low rutej Ile /“.6 thq 6114 otattwo of cwertts, riostmr,rtcs, strbtays, cmAcor..l, hcLAt 11E44, Auatcsmue, I:llEtlfait, kc. The Grocery Department is titled %%hit the heiit qtuttiti r tit iraeh ttriiterteii 0114 priuratero, each as eihsr, nintitatiee. pour, soli, thin, haut, hitC7 , 7%, mike*. kr. 77," 7 ',malty wittier, liken in eneliainte fur houilF. fur which the highest market prie , will he given. 77r Mort tail to give him a call and *COM great bargains. R. W. DOWN AN Orunvv Nov.2 , ', 1941.-3 m. A BUSINESS CHAT. Gaud atr,rnpng, tgalra, tchfrh way with >wit . b to nn..r %Old thi 110 ti limgm air; 1 two got tons tor my 011 i %IMMO to egim a•tuire, if it is n fait queighei, wheredi , igoe get Partitur done no enee t at VItHrWO rectory. i 1 Neer Orangeville, t tell rift it pavan) act carding done there. Vance thrar tot n et.. per lb. it any take and bring aunt wool. 11.14 ra Rnilt, hie ma. chine and gat new coda on. Depend an iI no punt relic are WOO them, as hi i 4 tetaltaq his *whine Winyah' thin arninin. lie ear*, tor OH itiitiloMll6l tont for those:who lien ut a Menthe., if they soave their wont at either of the 2 4 1100.1 HI eir,ingeril le, the thine will lot attended to. Alen. their cloth Int fui• lint, reforms anti dr...ging. titer 414 yearn, mire June P.M Vance haw lowa *Wady al the hintinean. with tine regular awe, yin ups and downs lit hie plea*. Men and poor all *Piled alike. Factory Hear Or Inieviitr, in Mt. Pleasant Town , atop, tiolutobta County. GEOitti II VANCE: 111ipiot. 11, 1067. E MEDIAL INSTITUTE. FOR SPEOL.L. CABRIN. No. 14 Bond St, New York. rr hull urn 111411011. 1111 h 'be Aigkeitte•slaseelais alga. a Onak ton aipeeial Memoir on a sada oneriore rent fret. Ite more and nod for lann, mod polo mall ion rogtral for. no isdverirrino pliyolnann aro goners:lly Inv osturs without reforemre. no 'tromp, Phalli.] too Mooted. Knr Woe p stomp for pn4tai t tood Mitt' in 1111 I,4tVIIUNCIC. ND BO ccr, NOW 911( ?inv. It I —lr #1 M. 11., GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN BEII IiVII tiesopirr P4llllllle Machine ! PAl.DditleM 4 . 2134 Itrnhdoviev. N. Y., Imo IA ll•bilittlort Pt t et. Holm,. egl the. nut *lien. l'hilit.l.ll.lts.t. r % . or.Perco riot. :4. 00). -ruin crott..l.tuct...l an rutivelv m w tbrlttettari , or 010 , 111sMotes, thistly or. and rakialtle balm rerouting h4vstsr tot.rn too l!la ittur.wild elperio awl pr.,aotintrtl caucett Nah Simpricity,ind li'rfeetion Orm s id ne d. It has n et•oleht north.. priors. ',ruler lotion antkre the /...• IC or Mar prrroi. %hags trill netthrr RIP ear RAVEL. end to LIM* nn .1.4. , prawns, Perfect *rail./ on terry drrrrt. taos otetrrinl. from loather ta hr anent Neneanin Iw wits rattan. barn, or MIR 1'm...4. (twit Ibr r 1411600 to Oho oitiwbor. Miring noilflor 0A .4 Of (you %V CIO.. am, Iho Meat podonilo Mellon it Mad of 6.21m05.111111 riiirillitiCattli n Kaaeleill Midtine. Ii rP11111•11 HI rm.. 'atm cc tr. loin p..., 10 do,. It *hounds/ Ober machine In the magnet It elrl Melte years or axe ton work It itenovy. witutott &limo. or Illury to 'moth Ott, Wit and wnndrtl4l Pimptititt , ateottetrur. Non re•Wiefl. I' almost hippo...shoo to lot not of thrJrr tote I. 60'.ARANTEED by thr cmispaity to pine e n ttreentittnt Non vexpettPrilv invite nil them. irtsn pmv to .apply int r u nits.. to tom. and ~ E aosane tins 171 4 :81V A 1.1.10 t:or half hoot'. lu►tturtlou I► rottice-ot rornobir any periwo 10 work ohs. modulie to their eutire eofaction. Ag•nt• otentod for all tow • tt.” T'nit•d logo. tvt• o•rneir• are not airea,li riitahl.pli...l Alen. fw Cob*. 111olfro. and Nowt, Antolier. to whom • III•rrl disenmit Will 00 LUPINS SKWING MAcilltilt; 111'111'0 N, y. cup Stock ofeitathistg. sc2, , NV3I.II7.IZENT.C.Ito Ni)risig and toninuter Goods 11.AM= zwaritsle. NVlTl44siteatio, to In• stwk of eiscap and Nob. , finable elnlanos al tn• elide. on M. UN .S TR t ET. /l/.0(31 B C Ilya doors above Ore .din# rit an Muse, wbrre Int MP Just isoeltsd from New Ywk and Phi ladelt.ltia. ft 11111 a•sottuato of nett and 1110',6 the1,d,.,.; the most fsslifunsale. dots4le and bond isms. Dlt Ede tensiblius or Hoz, Sack. Prock. Gum and Oil Clot' Coals.tiff Patf at all farm Ow. and !nines He alto hen It. MOP. abet: hi. 110 44.1.4 twin 'Mil of r4ll and wiopir eh.% I.; 'duped snd plain V.sts, shun.. cintats, oork• outlays, handkerchiefs. gloves. sop an.l kw" attsclns. N It.—lle hns runstant I y band a taiga and well indented assorlon •ntt tweb, and w i nc h air is prepared in unlike lip to tat:tt. tot. any kind of clothing on very short nult:w and lit the brit 0(1041. nor. Ali his Witting is ulnae in Wear and most of it is of hone nnifitldfd• ..54 Lill CSIF3P aUtllocb Al t) -to .t a a . every Dein riot 1.111. Fin. and Cheap. Ills Case rf is nos stsysion..l to this phio , . I sit and el. his/credit SotUlHllki of Manning. Waldo's. lent:tr. am Be. ItAVID LOWBVIIVIIO. Bloomsburg. April BE ALE'S LATE G. viCHMISbUr7 Pa. £OWELL'S EMBROCATION, run ALL. DISEAgEs INCOO:NT TO 110t1- L:3 HUMAN FLESH, tit/ . trst , e ,11" tilt 0,0,11,1 ~r p ti , "l,,, ftt • tli t hzihnt * fq:.l ht , ott 0,0 r i nit are , t lt: c:kt ~? Ottlitn, i, Wart, t or loon r.vrt yet otfrr , ..4 to the „0, tAterf t ,,t, Ow the itt,t - it-tl , r f t recontit:en I.le ate otattitiett thut rt , tl , w•ot MO tttf a h t+ , • ti PI , 1 ttf , ,e , t t y it unite will 111.1,1 r he without It itut! ther , t.tot ste vt) nn eqtetiortice ;is the Le.o, tett of ae Obefn:nu.•., ti is branoutiCe.l Sty rAia \ Ls 2 trtsts - t 104 tltt tire itavt triedit, to ',w trt* Itttt,t ever need. 10i* C1i,h111 , 41.11311 1 , 4,11 Wit hp ttot over etths pear, rid is 1..0* tersurb the +9 :twit 14+,11114nd ig ntv tritlwit attti ttta tilot, shat 1 tond is tttott n.n I'w grans t,***ll , 4 ",,„1 tvitrott, t of cen es 11 iiiLtt, I)* Fir ail tt,tt:4l tottttrtl, VD hot., t* t, * nu) f CtU , HiV , het - n (PI t” the P 111.611 t , qloo. Sin, or , Mtge/ , tt itt h.tttt r.l toile W.', xttd 11i4 , 1y isi ty stir pr,,pt r t., .O,VO`, the tturpot,tttl t t. Itit,) hie rttct,ottltettttltt4 • P 1.1 1 , 1 1 1 ,, 01114 1 . 070111 y 111,1'41 0 , 114:100,111001 1 . 1 * (1 1 11 410," 011 4 ,c 10 )tltions.4taeficret, itO rt t 6 9 1: Ludt de ia y ho Ituvu VA, 10104, 8114 onwo ,r‘tt• to ttlltrt care of rforrran. M.; r m./ p. hto .4 Earner., 't hot wt-10, NIT io lentortt roil pat by b,i o g lot nprr., tr. unolt tine yaittttirix EtHirror atm.* tootett taz route tb the boubti to be preow s i Mutt btoisett tut to Ott p.ll.liit , . Tilot irrlOrtrq Wlttrr trXttrtistVirli tied b') 1.113: t3utauttuettt 4!tat fel the w4l. Adrrtc`.4 ail oolut to MI. VD MI t:ti nr, I. IL ttr: tSootil kletwatt eit. l'lttiwielphid, rt. March ;:11, E to , !. .1 would refve w, ttfutly fotolot• to I the ,Itirj.ll4 of tiloomehorg, 31+4 the public reo. Ctaity. tint ho is 14111014; aft 1...0111VCS I OW. la ern 11, ieNen oitti the .I,f , fr. , 10 tI pots dat I) tt4lll thy* ex,e.i.reo, to ' toiititq lIS 1511 the 114 1.4/ 6,114111 aIA4 ft on 111 e t alitiVies4 a# l4 Wiiiitmq , ,rt itsii Kwtd, and aittt that , tOtrOt NiOrth and *Ptah an the Lark. & UeatlNtilftr'3 - t;Bore in pool rendition, cconino• dines and iohtfortaLle, 41141 char; at ren,ofothie. N1•11/01; to met of aegis On If 61;404 &Wirt, can h. uceoul woo at;;;I. upon a.nem.clae charge* by leaving timely notice at any of the Ho. trla, JACOB L. OIR TON, rrnpridor Bloomsbury, Aptil 4 E)1 0 Y I, O F XZW STOPA,Z TO SHIVE'S BLOCK. flltt4r not it AIiONT 4 PoinCltAr OITIVEL" Titl; umb.r.ieme4 the. ell rereiltd from the city itl.l,ot,i complete tuttioly 8PRINI; AND SUMMER DRY GDODS AND GROCERIES, /%41 , 11N. TOll4llte. tiordwote, Ce dar and Witiow Wore, /hop, confeetot. pry. blotto-Ware. Tiotweeo Hut.. and Shoes, flour, edit. Filth and Moat ail of whir) I propotot telling at a very low tiguicitot , nr urtitto. htt" call and tee. C CAARR. hittouichttru, April 3, Italt VFAV TAILOR 81101'. OBEIRENDEIR 4 $ Sao opened a Now To/lot Shop on Main Street. bloomahtttl. *lwo Ito to Oil ha ploaimil to two alt who may Awn him with their enottod tht kt-pa 00 baud* aye II fraud lot of 'baba, mat Hl* vent hop, which ho will wake Op loonier with ',mum* sod doopsteh. Monition paid to rotting gentiontoo and bora clothing, Mao tomtit* 0000 ill the lodic*. lino, Repairing dohs upon %bolt tfOttua. MI tooth *caroled. Lr OW. hies raft.. ; 6;0000'40cl =EI OMNIBUS LI %E. C. 4'. - FOUTZ'S cat.asioasu Horso aad CON Powders. TKII V F. COINIIIS, on TEMPER. El VMS, FOUNDE 1.044 OP APP TITF. AND VITA Matti, ' ate Improves win d , Incremo the &WOW. Orel • smooth ant sitltt—itt , Iran forma t h Inltersble sketet. Acne. lu all Mama the LAtuxe, hie , ILli ern leti 14 l IlfleCt By pitting f, ope•half • r V. a parr li taunt It errin above Cream wilt tx , eradlcat or entirely yr yronutirr ant. fiat Cat.... Pries 26 Cents r !spy, arm hp» firt $l. PAMIR= $1 A. rcluTz at. 13R0., AT TS= R'nflillitt Duro AND MIDICINIE cm. No. 118 Franklin Bt., Baltimore, Xd. For Sale by Dniggistsaid Stcrvlcctper: en:mili eu time totted Stun. cr. the H.. iirui Ptor.? ut L morEit, Illouusonrg r. elonnsonug. Jan. 5, Itrfl —term DROWN d, PERKINS. Pianos for the 1%41)1. ! 420 Rs come 81., N. I' w e w o w., rats !1... heath' At ft. puloir a nd t. trade to oar elrgaet Jan emit rinsing. in tin Inf t.t : slay t:ri A. ?octave. Prost leafs mind Porn. rs. Dims ow, .1114E9. emhess Of enrvrd olts itnivis *min t . head soul on pion .. STYLE N I salve. MISR Id 6410 A rouse mould's, by With. ear yeSlet t 4114 re.. la, VILE c•werf I ra.,stj eespentine bottom, issylelngt mono o t ns fty te p. cateed lyre eft. Sets. fowl 05ev...1 Wry LE 0. :miss Scut 12E40 rannS tor.ret% AHiait4 b u k. wouidiiiin on Owl 4. 1 .1 termini., bows carve., lyre auJ dens, vest tarred testi lees he abort al V lea ...e 611 dandle , ' in et,tant wand tares and helve lba lad iron from.). rifentil MUMS, blip pedal. tweeled toy. ivdry bat e and t. y awns/ea Arend in •Mlfhtteet heec0,40 4 .N . 1 ih r 7 liana° ri.,Thell I.OW mannfartured '(hey art bade hi the beet luateridts and r.d darandil), Ciemid an evlne• of lens. t.ifitit4 11011.11Vii..i. We Melte IL.. 321e.11/0/11 u 1 le.. p.itltic, nbr d,. t oye sod the ploresainu lo a allied' eadunadliaa id Int 1101 E, r nut l'saans iLe Erdal ea uenaea ailed/fail Clan enally 440.frier and eNtleeelee N ilretneeie I'lo Oly. Y..Yrl 4.)Glitf lIIVaa Vialo4l at ;41 , 111 owls defy odnpelilian. nittle all id el.' and alltllllllll.lhtle tWfullt• 1.4 rreloyeg v juvrtimr,, nnl.•ring from a di.t 4 nee can nay npun 1.4 their. 11:41,•s• pr.mplay. 1111 ‘0.11A1•1•.11 CAI it Up ar ant alylea are 00 "hammy dralgotate.: ay llw niter,. Ad i D. Thd four 03 11. dewritno Moro. embed y ell the 9fico.lial elianlten in ...wet or A•d•l► of rave. nvhrrh are try mnry ninunfacturri. I' 43 up to tr 1104 20 put ns. 3; pot DEPIRTWEN T. Wr, r trt",,' fn'. the Vlntt Eft) fr Chfif Leti.ierri 217:d arthei.:J.soo•,D4 e 43 333331k 3,3 1 to own tilt b. 1 3 • 3 3 3 1 3 3 - of v't tl 3 . Chtir t vIll• If Aotbfit: , ke CMt ut obtaib+;A un t a woo, “-.43,3, 11133311 Tne xpori-rw, or A'tl f',".11150.11 WM«. CW11 1 '40:1 ,1 1 1 % 1:1: 1 4114, 1:1V 1'..;;,,111,1 if. , 101:1 4114 t`11 1 14!/'• )4, bo.,c, 'MA hr.riiiitnil aU nil not+ tr. to Us, I , t 1-t 111 , 0, 14.001, - for tiftolt.ol .c wok ; ;..0 c 4001.0 • C , '! tee tti , .r.) i •t t`i l• eviqtk.ritwi 1 • I **no, 1," •,. , f% .tft qv. fdt,i ty, ti! ;4114e t+.4 oamett , , , New reedy thv utis sulo.o S`vging 4 OLIDE It Sal:ft If 1411;.' I. rkrixtss Oho, of tn.-NA LuIP th,,w4r G!" , P4 , 411u Ktor, it , • . 1.1.• r (+171,, t, , nng with • 4,4 „,, a , r!re. I•EN PrlSiiit 6 -* i t^,4 , .'• • ••• th. :.• " • I Pr' errr ;SS 1 , 1 .. • ito.l " , S ,` QU ' d Uter4.l.,' . • •.• or*. RIN h ' bobs. • Y t.t thv 44. blf,b 14-ibb4, •,.• II a.t.tes . Kvorp".l... •vh. P.ato •ili.+ll: 114% ,4 1 tots i“r Lttr.4l , Mit 4.4 4 14'1 L4i 00), 441: Ag. 1,4111 •-•1 by CA' N X 4 iW, Art + 4. rot. •i `'taut. 410 1 * .t0...a, Sit !V '2' 4 ' . A , HI bbYtry tvnnt n Y*n 4 ": ""' • ;"•• t.toto.t stmt. Yl4 , • •' '• by. 4 • • WV 414.4.4 10' WY V. la 1 ' 414 414 4) Es pn r ; t "'• Ph' ti If ti.* PERK #f VS, GLN L VVN '!? I VAss ?r8 4;1, Broome 1 4 treot, N, V 1^. 3 : J, A, (,)11.1'111.:1;.N kJ, IHAUT RV, 'EI., NohTB AND SOU ` II I'4 rowil Peril'i,z)pqr, 11111 tout Citange Car. s „ I N 41.1 atihi April Tran.i tort 0. i.,14r. . Tv AIA s NOill Hit Ait i) !t , iIVA• N.11. , b!471hAt Ntryfook al pr ti , rtpal .IThoo t. urn% 13111.1,144 1,141 th 4 it 14.1 1041 , 1, t:6 1 4.34 , 141,;:it't 3 P, 11,04.1 4 I x tharoo 4 hi - r„ f,14, if CIO r, x. 445 p, as fettve N.14111t,L,11.0 'Tidal.: 44 49 44.ti0n0. tirti4l , l4 at SVlithtttvwai, ti ultra ti TRAINS Set it a, I OKI A. M., fi five N..ofinfitlfigfift.d. mopping at Nl lll . l Ol l 0 414 " .,,4 , ivi44 11ar.t.,140: 4 Ifido..mre r. Plfififit-Iprifii lOU e. No, , A i¢ ve N 10110 0 ,61 tittn . i. A1.N41.4 tit Ali At 711.00. 0111 lug al,fg, A$ t i 1 r . at., 6„3., tifimro 6 4111 P at., M 111040014 5 441 5 10 .3.pit 4 n 3t .1100113. film otc, ut fianroot,. 14 'AO p. 01071 11.0 A. M.. fittltimfiro. 7 Ott 4 'A, p, x, k;tve Vot‘lttt:Lb-tt,At•‘t. 1. 4- 'oo'll MI prtitielp4i vol , tEit , 4i ISM V 104 ttt illtrt,b , tr, I I) tittitowor.. 7 111 , Pint t I 1 lint , 4 , firliAt'“of C VI or %CV at: WI ettpl, Ottrrtsbutt, ea. livlt'l Ag. r, awl'Ht.4INfIII itoß (4 1 0 tVpit.itt Freight AM. ttt, tSuh lu, Ni . Ally, 8 , 18",:i. Lackawanna 6; Btoonisburg, o ;It oad, iiiP TWO DAILY TRAINS. -till Ooil ANI ) A l'' El K JAArAAV Is o•li:, I , As. SClAtalti MAtsa4 WtLi. AA?: AA lo14.011S: I. I: AVC Aoe 'I 11 lv Ait o A If , t It P !tt LeaCe rEllifattil, G. 36. . PI 1.4 U I , : lag +lath US a al tiaa " Hoven PM Mt " Pant oi,, 9141 a al Art at Notthafahrtlatid lo 34 t' II LLAVIi NoNTIIWAKIE A AI PM rltat'e. Notthonolgerlaud. ;JR, a IP t. ifmtiVIIIN,6 111 fliStb , tl, ~ .E 0 r M 4. $1 '' hittitstott, f il , g SO V WI tirrh . l. At Oft , IIIVM. I 0 400 In 13 l`ctine inavint Kietg«lttit 3t « 30 ,V M fitt 0011110* enittlfel With Trion filming pt "too York at V** , PasomitoptiloloBa MOOrta 140001 i 101 4 111 Stt7llolll A 111 vl*%wititOtett4 3#44hll4oottit it *V 144 thotirnote 410 e m r , o %ryt ill oo ll 10 MP 31 tea RW , putt tow% Phitatlolpitt4 iiit to '. "I' N . ti %. CQSIkA, hilt, hanfotstn. Jan. 30 +4,, Scroll].la or King's Evil , efinoltutioual elisera, a OClTtiptioo of it, 304, by nrlath flit* fiend )4,..ornea Htiet d, steak, .411 1 IN , t. 13ciu la' the ...iitulation, it pervades the o hole taunt, reed :nay buret out an on any part ot it. .No organ 4 fire hem its tctleks, 110 r is there one wLitb it :nay tit destroy. Tito ter4tatous tout it viutouaty reused by were trial dmme. low living, di... on/ 'red or unhealthy food, impure me, fil t h end trithy habits, the depiesung viers, anft, l ore u Ali, by the venereal itifeetifni. Wheit• estr ice• it f hereditary in the au • stitutioo. descending .• from parents to rbildrer ut.te the third and fourth generation t" indeed, it seems to be the rod of liiia oho rays, " will visit the iniquitiva of tla fathus tipt,n tluu di !dial." TWI4 prepwrstinn, mg WA hrwinly mown, will tlior urhly reinvlgerato iroken down slat Jw •spirl 0.4 lawww, Womb Asia latwo• tuts It Ii a sure 1 , 111. 't ollvu of ail Jir ILMLIP Ipe I !!:1 Its offsets mistime. by 4!eposition from the blood r.f corrupt or UIeCIJUA matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal miens, Is tamed tidtereles, it the glands, swellings; and on the unitize, eruptions or sores. Thia foul eor rupti.m, which gondola i., the blood, d e p r e s s- 4 the energies of life, so that scrufulous cotuditu. time; not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have tar lea power to with stand the attacks of other thseves ; come• queatly, vast nwntsers perish by disorders which, although not scrub haus in their nature, aro still rendeitvl fetid by this taint in the system. Sfo.t of the consuitsptiim which do. - etrnates the human family has its origin directly in age at roftilous contamination ; and many dtotreetive disease, of the liver, kidneys, brain. and. indeed, of all the organs, arise how G 2 are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people AM &cranium i their persons ere invaded by this lurking in. f , k tion, and their health is ondennined by it. To Orange it from the system we must renovate the Mood by en alterative medicine, and in. viglrate ibhealthy food and exercise. Such a m edicinewe supply in Ayr, Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the rat,: t effectual remedy which the medical ckill of mir times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined :rum the most active modish; that lava teen for the expurgation of this foul dischler from the Wood, and the rescue of the specie from its dmtructive consequeoce.. it should Ic employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tiJra which arise bons it, such ea Earielva and Sala Diseases, Sr. A2l2noNT'e line, )toes, or Earster.u.s, Pnert.m. Pesrette. Iltoteites, 131...1NG and Betas, Tenons, Tee n nr.d Sett r.tst. Seems HEAD. lit'inwm`'. It nellleTVW. SYPHILITIC and Menertuai De r stira. UttOrit. Devrerata, D 2,1111.122, and, indeed, Att. C24PLAINTS at OSSO raois Vlttl. Tr) n t 130234 tWOD. The popular belitl in " firettnPeefrie Veal" it fbuteltd in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the bleed. The etaticuler purpose and virtue of this iiarosps. rills is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is Impact* its ecutstoinaitil ext:itutious. nation Is invaluable improves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by ac- tual experiment to Inmate the quam My 01 *IA and cream birtnty met. and make the better elm and Owed. In fattening eattte,lt glee. theta an appetite. Worm/ their h de. And makes them thrive Ayex's Cathartic Pills, lit? ALL TLE Eze:r.3 Of A FAMliv .re so murposed that smelt if/Intl:in the ran;Ar cf their anima can tartly uithatand or cad them lhe;r penetrating popertits search, end cleanse. and ;,:trgerate may j. oaten of the knisan mear rim, correeting its Maeascd action, and multi/ g iu Leal by viLlittea. Ai a conseguenee ui thew properties, the intr.lid who ra booed down with plin or phy‘lesi debility is estcmished to find his health or energy mitered by a remedy at one. so el.r.pie and invmg. Ass nit du they eve the ewery•ilay maple:rt. cf crery Jody, but Ilho many frinnidadg and daszen:us iisentern ha eat bclov wi l t Ve:tied to :llntish grAtis n' American Almamtc, centaitirg certhat meg of rhea curer sad alter:liar, for their use in the &los Ins tome , . lots: CilfireP re f ,. titattilarrakariatAt ariziotgpari km, Omni htono °eh. \'aru,a,h, ehgettion. haulm anti 31^r:iri Isda,iten of fit Pcia.:, Eataltnen Uri Ap . rt. tile, Jetnedire. and oilier kintind eemplaista. orb mg from a low &tare of the tody tt OtottiWetlCA obis facetious. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR Tlt rsra, CLR:. CT Contrbs, Coieta, Itasenra, Herr-cam, Croup, Urnochitir, lucip , eut Coasemp+ t:evs, nud fur the relief or Comm nave Patients in advanced stases of the disease!. So aide I; the f*.tlittlf It, uttor;t:reet .rld.eo t; 1'1.7 , t 1 a it* C4:1, ,, t theorat et lc - , 1...m.1 . v 0' t mt.try Kloutef; tr• elf:Q.4s T.Ltb. •!, ;; - f' 1% i ron ret.tutttif:er.; «"li. C.' 'i'CiC2 of the hills bt . . - tt r , . prrref 'r corr ti if tt.o tipp.t• , 'tnt to Nl:apt o' !! ..t tittuez tre known, ttLI rtui.7 :•••••• !.;•%-r t raid.ate to emplot for the , •': flreCikiii. »cot: to our c:irtrle. r • : v int r 'A..t tltt ict upor. rbrr. trtat,wraV : inSCP:Cda. thii -.r. ;•• : • ri!.1. , .r b , ertorl t tettits i.i .• l'!tv •tt :tteet• fergrt, otti rm. a ti te rr".fAr ... ay CIE oItA.NciEN ILL% HOTEL, CO I.Ls:BLI COUNTY, PENN A. ttq rut. t L NI UNI rdi EY' ill "I tVr.:Rr:# T.l Sae I .; •'' 11‘.. r t !hag.. *I Hoe will *tow* 4n4 V,•4IS-•“' t.'t,t,'Ottit'V tit rottlt3 Ata tt* t 'IV V, 434 Itto wthlar in e t 1 . 0, that to , 1:-.1** vtati lair, (4-et Atr the ti.* t -. as a tor e'r, r*vow tin *44 t‘i Or t thr* nifty ht. , l 4610)4,1 t, tor 1;.1/ th , l r CU rt.**. :tot Vlttettlie ! , *••1 tr , ra ritar , ti to , ttvt , 'lV•l:l , 11.1 . 4 ft:4.l rtar Ci•t; taigni,•llt s , l vltet. t , it 14 Vv,tottti! 1114 Prat • 4 0 •:' " '• vtf. , l),t , C ,, Mfort.„ tl* is a VOW MI% illt4 ;Ili If r tr. 4*.tty attaaynt la put*** the palr.l“. .-.? it.irtrill ;. , t0t.!.... itwaieteri With th* bent ar l.Titti - *. and hi* table With Mt heal the total , het nth*t's. !Stit.A.E.L M &LUX CY virtii, April ,i,7-tr. A. J• k iti*S' CLO WING MPORIUM, ,lea 1 . 3 ti, ktio, the color I Chu,/h. CLOIIiINU OF ALL ii Cltll'l iU,ti z. 111 Mock tt et07:0.,,, d of fin* ito,thittv, trotil;: t , I ftpd t*** trell--odotrti to toeisstts. (411.1 ‘R anis. tie hos tho tottlit, *lrks ri th ;erg OM —4 floe I{liit Ott tat ta ttf overcoats and k aan's Shaw Croat low tr tits very hod iii‘ itt.hb.nt?b'e owl wen If rde, Itt 34,111kt0 to niy stw l / 4 uC tsiViy•uts iu dotal I /*ay. , pings gouda rut ru*tunt Odom Chitaifol Casainatres t &e • BC. And navuta Mit of Mr Ora duo outtobt. t .44”.4,4t ow a ttt in ig!! , ;.141t, and site '404410100. Aloe s eitwty ai is oOLL'N AND LINEN shift Htouttir a,, ti= ekttor, eeitets. *sac tiantiktittiii44 —evet)thioo to tits toottothOo . t.l“to of etetitint. Psis, Uo'rty 4441 4 , 4;43, Tit 4444 4444 1.411 , t wits crll 41 lal*Pt4 4404..4 prieoc rksic Itarc at ,,, r wi 04,,r0 rut. ho•iltit el*tAsh*rot. A NII,KM EVANS. Kw , t4vAlurig, Nov iN, 11 A NI tot ID LOFT,; HOW &la Ziti _itel ooirlOtbo.t , is i soothed cAT; ir o l t r i t t a l in2 6 4 ll : * * 4 l za 4 rt sl i it t ; I t: I " . &tail nat ti(116$0111,111417t 110.110 1 4torIlt +l. lotioscror Ftl 1 411- rttototo ; toroloatotry lboorroto to. 1 ,4 ' poovorrr Nstowto 0 4thility tic bap -d m , ito 0 moiriael tolierfill) ; V onteklitipitoti. rorilep4Y, l', Fit* ; Melo 41 1 , ,1 rt1,111:1i I ntiP 4,o o. f" . I ' oi3ll 1 1 ti 1 , rort:11, Ai, 10„ iiiiiit ue 4 4 tb, •c;rtt , 1 .1. .., ml.l r. 4 I WV III I alhterir. 11l 4110.44 mos',l, 10%* Itite. • ..i,lt 1 1 .w014 MOM bio olorralpeolott.o.lh,4! tt, • rir 1.1 ~; . . .rememottli of Sombess may its ril; toolty toottoo to to lthoor. Otioolicroirt `tad with"' olertruo wow oloor.otioso. Wu** ituartoontiii rto2l. or torttlato. tookoritt. mita, 14,),r0 4 clet,,,, *moo or daft, SIM akitovoill, tot vow * ‘ ,,,,,, t y $11..:74 iwn tltiltktt 0, 1441 blk Oftitttitlik titiks bc 4 " f Ch• hiptet.lf elioSpiy. privitoy opt nottcally rtlib,„,t,, VitiO *Ol W. 11 40041 10 4141101.1131* 11%4 to 4*".--• 11110 11t4t1At 011 t 4 114 roltho TO ou a pfioill 1 , V 3; 01% rooll ot Ott otoroyr 11 1%, Or 00.11(11040116. Also Of, iltettst WWl** Mtftlar 6/1041,4*OrOtret.. Aoldtros, 0,4111 J,u.Kl•lss.p...i IV/ ntellOvt . , . , . Du. J. ''. t . vEct c 6. LOW! LL, MASS. by -I- ',I the Coetry• ,?[. iv -- I'R~~Y'*lif<.7fc note teIFATOREM