Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, December 18, 1867, Image 2

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    foomobitvg tatuait
WM. /1. JAI:0111, Editor.
Wednesda", Dec. PMT WM
$. M. rga IT7IIIILI. R Cn. :I; Park now ?kw York
a,. , dill • authorised to 0,1 and rewire wob.wrip•
Ilan l ati4 xdverileing l'of 111 Persterrat lF Plar,pub•
it hod at Ilinotowbiry columbht month ra.
The impeaeherN.
An xehange paper rum ihima the follow
ing as ihowing the status of members of
Congress on the impeachment question. It
ought to have ken arranged as showing the
black wen, the white men, and the mulatoes,
for there am three divisions hi the body.
The resolution was es :
Resohyd, That Itiolrew Jotwee, Proi
'lent of the I nited Bintes, he impeached fur
high Clulled and tuiesirtneanom
Anderion, Arnell, Ashley. (phi',?, Bout.
well, 13roinwell, Broomall, Butler, Church
ill, (lark, (Ohio), (lark, (Kin.), Cobb,
(',,burn,Corode, Donnelly, Eekley,
Els, Farnsworth, Gravelly, Harding, Rigby.
Hopkins, Hunter, Judd. Jordan,
Kelsey, Lawn:tusk (O.), Loan, Logan,
Longbridge. Lynch. Iklavinini, Mt.Ciure,
Mercer, ' , Linens, 'Myers, Newcomb, Nunn,
Orth. Paine, l'ile, Price, Schenck,
Shanks, Stevens, (N. II.), Stevens, (Pa.),
Stokes. Thomas, Trumbull, ,Trowlari,lge,
Van Horn War,l. Wu.),
IV illiams ( Ind. ), t Pa.)
Adams, .lilison. Ames, Arch.-r,
ASWCY, A Xtril, Bailey. Baker, B&W,
Banks, Barnum, Berman, Beck, Benjamin,
Benton, Binbant, Blaine, Boyer Brook.,
Buckland, Burr. t.'Jrcy. Chandler,
Dawes, Dixon, Dodge., Eggleston,
Eldridge, Eliot, Ferris, Ferry, Melds, t ; r
field, Getz, Glcsalyrcnucr Golladay, Gris•
wold, Grover, Haight, Ualfcy, Hamilton,
Hawkins, Hahnan, Hooper, llosehkiv.
Hubbard, lowa, [Hibbard. W Illibbarl.
W.Va., Ilubbard, Ilulburd, II um ph
rcys, Ingersoll, Johnson. Jonas, Kerr,
Ketchum, Knot, Koontz. I.afiiu, Lawrence.
Pa., Lincoln, 31arthall, Marvin, McCarthy,
MeCulloeh, Miller, Pa.. loorltead, :Morgan,
Mungen, Siblack,
l'oters. Phelps, Pike, Plant
Polsley, Pruyn, N. J., Randall; Robertson.
Robinson, Ross, 6awym., Sitgreaves, Smith.
Spaldiu, Starkweather. Fit:out, r;zrrw,
Taber, Taylor. Upson, Van .Urnarn, Van•
A ukcn, Van Trunii.. Van Wyek, Washhorn,
Wis., Washburn, 111., Washburn, Ind.,
Washburn, Mn.... Welker, IVilson, lowa,
Wilson, Ohio, Woodbribge, Woodward
Tho Pennsylvania delegation is tl►n
marked :
Black men with white skins voting yea.
Thadden4 Stevens, Dom, illia ms,
Stephen F. Wihion, John M. Broomall,
John Coterie, Kellev, Leonard
Myers, Charles O'Neil, Ulysses Mereur.
White men voting n 33
J. Lawrence Getz, Adam J. Glq4. brenucr,
damsel .I. Randall. Deniamin M. 11.7.-ert
Daniel M. Van Auken, Goorgc W. Wood
'.‘fulattoc: cotia,g nab
Ileorge V. Lawrence, William U. Kromtz
fieorgo F. Miller, James K. Moorhead
Caleb N. Taylor.
fiLEAsos's LnEttAn CostrAXtox.—This
valuable Literary Weekly will comment* a
new volume Jaimary ht, 180, in grand
style, with new type, and an entire new
dress throughout. The "Literary Com
panion" is an elegant, moral and refined
miscellaneous Fatuity Journal. Its literary
department is filled with Original Tales of
the highest excellence by the most emi
nent writers in our country ; popular Tales
of Sea and Land ; Choice Miscellany ; the
rarest Gotus of Poetry ; Sketchy of Travel ;
Home Aniumociits; Wit and Humor, cto.,
ti. :In unrivalled corps of the ir4it writers
an 1 artists have been cup ged for the coming
year, and every department mill be plaeeil
on the intiA finished and perfect sy item that
experience Can devise or money product.--
Each number will be l.oautifully illustrated.
In size the "Literary Companion" is seine
fifteen hundred square ineby, firming a
mammoth weekly of sixteen octavo pipe , .
and making a volume of 57.2 pages each
year, containing nearly trice as nowli road-
Lig matter and of a more relined eliarac:. , r
than any other weekly paper. • No money
or pains will be spared in order to render
"Gleason s Literary Companilii" for lillB
the handsomest and best weekly papa era
produced in die United Slates. Terms--I
subscriber, one year, l; 4 snbreriber4, I :
S subseritsys, one year, *2O ; and One gratis
to the getter-up or a club aright. Sai..ple
copies will be sent free by aildressiu;
G!oason, 40 Summer S rot. Boston, M;iss.
Tho.itmocttAT is the Deno.
credo paper in the County that published
the President's Messnge entire. The GO.
zette of Berwick, peLlished a very
synopsis of if, while the Columbidn, a speci
al Johnson or_^•iu in tills County, did mot
publish one line of the Mciwage ! The fte
puhlican paper of the County dial better.—
It contained two or three annuls of the
What's the nuttier with our dOWII town
cotemprarien ? Has a new dream eomeover
them ? Don't they see things as they once
did ? Democrats of the County desiring to
read the Message call upon us for our paper
where it is found in terse.
Kir The Alabama black anti tan conven
tionisis have determined to submit what
they ridiculously call a constitution to the
people—i. c. to the darkies—on the 4th of
Pebrtutry, 1888, simultaneously ehlt a tick
et which they hare put up for General As
setnbly, Congress, and State and County
officor4. The State and Comity officers are
to assume control immediately after the
"election," anti the "legislature is to:mem
ble on March 18. The vote on this was
ayes Gti, nays 13. The convention has not
adjourned yet, awl is not likely to, so long
as there is any money left in tho Treasury.
I The Black Republican editors har
ing Gen. Grant's name at the head of their
column+, would gladly have the name re
moved mime the General gave hie teatimeny
before the impeachment committee, if it
wore not that the whole enuntry aro watch
ing their movements. Johnson has Tyler
ized that party, and Grant Fitatiirk ready to
Johivionize them, Will they give him an
oilinttunity ?
EntToit :—The Editor of the Re.
publican mistaken the object of our last
week's lecture. It was not him, but his
premised, and conclusions that we attempted
to controvert, and correct. We did vote for
Chalfant, but aid not know that he was "the
Scoffer at Ttimplariam, and the own dom
ino!, of Whisky," nor, that "kanderslico
was a friend hod advocate of l'empernoce."
We read carelltlly ettel, Issue of the 16 pub
aim, the Lady paper in the County interest
ed in his sumess, but tbund no such macs.-
dons ImAro AIvIA , R. Perhaps it was an
oversidt of the Editor for ho must know
that lemperance is a qualificaion that goes
fur toward iolluenciturhoacsf men in voting
We holy to be better informed at the
next election, end trust that in the mean
time Editors and politicians, whose lid,-
ellee ' doeM 80 much to mold public opinion
will decide to give open sympathy to truth,
by using precept and example in favor of
"total Abstinence," and "total Prohibition,"
the only principles that can save from moral
ruin the institutions brought with blood.
What if it does "break up .our party," or
"yours." It is high time all parties were
broken up and dnven "headlong into the
Sett," if they are sustained at a yearly sac
rifice of sixty thousand lives, a biflion and a
quarter of treasure, and untold suffering,
both in earth and hell.
"So let the curtain go up, and the per
formances proecc.l."
A DEmocunic TEMPLAU.
Twn finely execitte,l Steel Engravings lead
off the January number of this "Queen of
11 1 0 Monthlieg." One is called "My flews•
buhl." and the yuang lusisnia certsinly
hi. 3.3113 to to very well rstiqietl with bis
The other engraving is a Pclam
SNATIN(i : 4 47i;NE, and is very sesEmiab lit and
appropriate. The colored Deuble,Tage
Stt t - 1 Fashion P:a;:, i., to usual, unrivaled
is elegance, and fidelity to the mode. The
engraving 'Dogs will he (logs, - is first-rate ;
.uid the many illustrations or the Fashions,
eto., all the ladies will know how to appre
ciate. The music for this number is +` he
)lentiliglit Waltz." The literary matter is
by Verginia To:voend, Elizalash Pre , cott
—who lei a fascinating :story, called "A
Dead Maa's !lulu"—Florence Percy, the
diptingaished l'oetes. ; laui.c Chandler
)Isvgaret 11wu1er, .lunt Alnee,
I.'lcl Locke. etc., et:.
are ,en I ho I%,cenaTT
roiniter, is a Vl'Ty 01W,
to 311 SqlJA,•itcrs fur 1568.
Other great lulu:cult:lgs in the tray cf
,CC., are promised to hubscribers,
end our readers r!hould send for a ransple
eau, containing all these liberal offers.—
zLnnide eopies will be sent for fifteen cents.
Price (with engraving) $2.40 a year ; Four
eopie4 ;with ono engraving) SG.OO. One
copy of Lady's rriond 1111t1 one copy of Sat
urday Evening Peq (and one engraving).
;MAO. Address 'Deacon R Petererm,
%Unlit Street. Philadelphia.
We will rend the I) aril tile
7,ADV . A . riIli:ND 0110 year for three (161larm
and fifty eentm. Payment invariably in rid
iq the best atrittreapest way to
take a Magazine.
Artnineft 31,11:AZINE
nary number of "Tug I To 511; 31A0.17.1:41:,
opens ‘‘illt 01..; first. with a new series of
Tempernuco Stories by the author of "Ten
Nights in a Bar-Boom," entitled "The Son
of My Friend." This story exhibits, in a
narrative of deep and painful ihterept, the
evil ofd, inking at fashionable parties. No
one can read without a profound impression
of the social wrong involved in the custom.
bliss Town end, alwnye a favorite with the
reading publie, begins a new series in tWs
manlier, entitled "The Milan:ls," which
opens with a splendid promise of Ford
thing= to cow. Besides they the number
k crowded with good rending for old and
The I ionic 31n,71Lino — claims to Le n-
I ,.. 7r i ur le, an itA ;AN I,ormic.4 1:) ba !-
lence and interest of its reading matter ;
while its its fashion and household depart
tneum, everything IA contained that an
American wife and mother could desire in a
periodical. 'fern's-62Am a year. 3 copies
PnbliAted by T. ;4. Acthar,
r AND Drxrtt.--On Satur
day hot. John Owen% a miner, employe]
by the Penna. !ma Ilmapany, while blasting
in a mine near the Company Flouring Mill,
was struck by a stone from a blast. nil the
bark of the heal fraetnrin; hiA skull so
badly as to eanse till death, flnCr three Jays
Ile i= represented to have been ;t
very worthy imlustrious num. Ile leaves
twa orphan children.—/Astirile
The remains of the deemed were trought.
tti4 Ova this former reaidenee) on
Thnrsday last, and interred in the Welsh
burrial grona.l by the honors or the Odd
Fellows and the Miners' Asweiation, of
whivh A... , ,etations be was a worthy and re
evoNed member.
SO' The Lally, with u bright cap, re'
Avd hh n k, plaid shawl, who entered the
dwellint hooso of air. A. m. Tate. in Arm
strong's biiikline faEt night whilst they were
absent at tiongli's Lecture anti earritsi away
up Fourth Street, Eilver Forks, Knives,
Spoons, Butter . K Dili!, Ten and Canister, 4te.,
is well known and was watched hi her re•
retreat, and will only escape orrest undpooe
Almost, by immediately returning the miss
ing goods.— Lyromiirg Standard:
Wonder if the local editor has net made
a miztake in charging the theft upon a lady?
Hasn't Bon. Butler been seen in that neigh
borhood lately? lie used to wear a cap
with a "bright" piece of gold lace around
it, and a "black" coat somewhat ream.
Ming a "plaid shawl." But this lady way
have been ono of Bakes lady coukdonto,
if nut Ben. hinwelf in disguise.
11 61. The. DaPm State Ottartl—the new
paper ut Ilarrisburg—la dhetelsonie publi
cation—replete with li , gisktive, political
and local news. It is decidedly the best
and moat reliable lewd paper published at
the State Capital. Barring its politics, it is
an excellent paper. The getters up of it,
aro practical printers, and vignrous and
ready writers, but support nitn and 11lektUrell
we cannot endorse.
BARN BURST.-110 1)3111 Or
Snyder of Upper Illnhaney twv., Northum
berland county, with the entire contents,
was consumed by be week before last. In
sured in the Farmers' Mutual of this place
for the sum of at, 460. The fire was caused
by a small boy setting fire to the straw in the
burnysasi.--Dati rills lotdligenctr.
The following is a synopsis of the pro
ceedings of the second week's Court, coin
' winning On Menday, the !'th WILLIAN
President, and his Asociates,
Irani Ihrr and liter Ji. Hertrin, on the
Commonwealth vs. Lawrence 11:Lacy—In
dictment, not relittirilig road. Indictment,
quashed. Prom-cuter pay elms.
Coto. vs. Clinton Dewitt, James, Dewitt,
and .101 in Lazarus— Itsliet talent, Forgery.
Not a true hill/mil the County pay costs.
Philip Ott vs. Jame.s Lake—Appeal.
On motion by Counsel fig plingiffa Rule on
Defending wail granted to show Cllll3O why
the Appeal should not be stricken off.
Elias Krum vs. Daniel Kruna's adtu'r.—
Debt —Jury called. Plea nott-antimpsit
infra ge.e annex,. Plaintiff non-suited.
Jleuben Miller vs. Isaac Vetter. Debt.
for Whisky.--Jury called and sworn.—
Plaintiff recovers $115.24. Jackson for
Plaintiff, Freeze for Deft.
David Yeager vs. Clinton' Dewitt—Debt.
on Note. Trial—Jiffy fitiled to agree, and
was dismissed. Little for Plaintiff, Clark
fur heft.
Samuel Matz ell, John W. Clark. Re.
plevist. Settled without trial. Judgment
takun by Pell. Jackson for PITT., Clark fbr
Simon .1. Feldman rit Isaac Vetter—
Debt. I.4ettleel by the patio , . Judgment
for PIM From fur f)elt.. Clark for PIT
Sylvester .1. Faux vs. Willard C. Greer'''.
r.— Ihebt. Settled without trill.—
Judgtoeut fur Plff. Clark lbr PK, Freeze
fur MD.
Jacoh Iran. t WiMull C. Green's
admr.-0,14. Settled. Judgment no I'M
David 11. Fry vs. David Amnon—Tres-
Now, tie• home anJ Rule for 9'641. Jury
caned--Vertlict. for a $3OO. A Hale
was panted to show eause why a rpm , trial
should not he granted. Clark for nod
Little for Pert.
Samuel Watero vs. Georp Wittita—An
Action or Kicetnient. Point raitteil in the
eve was the to t eotien of Fee Tail or Foo
Simple. Court decided Foe Simple. Vet.-
dirt for Dehold:lnt.
C. W. Campbell, et. nl. vo. 11. W. Mc-
Reynolds et. al.—Ejectment. Plaintiff re
[Fewo the l'hiludelphia 1)41g :1;0.1
The Committee or Wap; owl .‘leatos. nt
tlwlr locoing this morning. di4ett...ecl the
hit.liey tax generally. awl elievially the
Ite:t ite,t loot if reoltevting it. The }}d:u►r r"-
c:►mmeudcd by Commi , sioner Bonin.; were
cowidered, but no definite conclusion rem:ll
Nxrrn.tuzen CITIZEN?!
raid that the House Committee ms
Foreign Aflair% have determined to report
bill &wincing the rights of naturalized citi
zen., or the State% while ahr oat i. It
in dotaht col whether the [louse will entertain
a nicagure so cxeltuively be:tatted to white
I 1 , 1 11X eLI• I) 11: MITI • K 14 F. 3tl)
The Election Comelitre° have taken no
&finite aetion no the cn•eanf Mesar: Brown
Tviintric, and Yonne.. or the Kentucky &l
ig:mien. They cre etill kopt out er their
seats, but in view or the heavy majorities
they received, it is alitlieult to imagine upon
what petett they can be much to gerculu
Jt'llY 811.1.
The bill giving neTroes the privilefre of
serving iin juries, tke.. in the I tistriet rd
rolunitia, which passed the Howe yester
day, was delivered to the l'resiiient this af
terneen. IN will return it to the Senate ere
the expiration of ten (la?, with a veto mes
sage that will hit the Radical party ene or
the hardest blows it has received :anew the
fsll elections.
There wits enwe talk a week or two nmi
about the Abolition of the Freedmen's Bu
ren'', and n rawhideo of inquiry conemming
that institininu was referred to one of the
Ilowie committee:
The rimer is current here that Mr. Mond 4
oar minirtcr to Turkey. will roan be reenlkd
and toi,igned to another diplomatic post.
Already the re are quite a number or ea:Ai
da:es lite the vavaney thak Pirated. Among
them i tlAtteral Mott, of New York. who
set red in the Army of the Potomac during
the Into war.
Mr. tietz, of Pennsylvania, olTervil a res.
oNtinn reviting that the eities. of Boston and
Pittsburg had eleetc,l I , C1:111C retie Myers,
flout isaliotting ' , pith of di-loyalty whirl'
shotild lin prom ,113/ aultm , 4etl, and direct
ing the Ccantititim on Ree.tlititrttClloll to in
quire whether Massaellusetts and l'euneyl•
yania have republican forms of government,
and do not need recon , truetion. I) rate
arising, the resolution wetwever undor the
A cant All el' Radical Senators Was lull to
take hilt' 0104101111(M the proyriety n
new elei- tire of' oflieers or am senate, nn l
Sergeant-at-Arms, in place of
the present incombent. Alter an e:tpree
rimt or views an adiournment took elate tut
der filch circumstances as to produce the
impression that the whole FltitiOet is indefi
nitely postponed. there king no disposition
on the part of the majority at this thee to
make such chime s.
The eoneurrete.qt of the Senate. to• t ilty,
in tie I have reFolutian providing . tbr a re
cess et* Congrew tints the '2olil II)
the Gat of '%lBllllrtry next. postpone, all int
ronant busines4 tintill alter the last I/1011•
ti0111)(1 date although an effort will bn wade
this week to net upg,n •creeel bill?, now
nearly ready to be reported by the eonitnit•
tees having them in charge.
The communication of the President in
regard to the:nu:pension of Mr. Stanton is
before the Senate Military committee, the
Chairman of which. Mr. Wilmn, deserted
his Black Republican friends at Richmond,
awl hastened hack to the city mound to it.
Tho President's host friends consider the ex
treme cautiousness in the matter as wholly
unnecessary, and exceedingly impolitic.
Thoro is no doubt that the Semite will disa
gree to the reasons assigned for the tappet].
SlOil of Mr. Stanton, sod then under th
teture-of-office act, which the Pri; : idettt
stems to !MVO recognized he (S.) - %ill Le
restored to his old position.
In accordance with th.: understanding of
yesterday. the Ilpive transacted no business
today. The setwon being devoted tospeech
making, thoe were only a score or two
ineinbery present, but several speeelie4 were
walla on the defunct question of impeach.
n.cnt. A number of Itadionl nienibeil4 have
prepared long diwourees on the subject. and
hereafter, when the House gees into Com
mittee of the Whole, they will endeavor to
enlighten theeountry upon it.
It is currently reported that the l'retAtlont
will, in a few days, send to the Senate the
nomination of lion. Thomas 11. Ford, of
Ohio, to be 3linister to Ecuador. 'I here
are a number of applicants, as ttmal, for
the position. hut the friends of Mr. F. are
tangiiim' of hi nomination.
1i S tnrm. cArcus
c..)sonr. , ;:stioNAl
The Democratic eaueue whieh was to have
Wen held on Thursday evening le,t, has
boon postponed tt, Rome ovonitiv tbi4 week,
andprobably limy not he h-ld until after the
bo . litlay recess, it is understood that the
nubject for consideration will be
the nominating convention —when awl where
it shell be hold: The general impression is
that it will finally be decided to hold it at
Baltituore, in the Maryland Institute
A petition ;slating numeroualy Kigned in
Maryland by medical men and other* recom
mending the pardon of Dr. Mudd, mow con
fined nt the Dry Tortuga* for alleged com
plicity in the assassination of Mr. Lincoln.
14. is announced that a conferenee of sol
dirre, repreventing the so-culled loyal :.itateg,
will he held in ihie city to enn4iler the pro
priety of calling a convention ROMP time
mixt year for the purpose of nominating a
Prtegi.letttial ticket.
ADMlNiiiiilf()Wi \VERT.
&lite 01 &nail Fs! , lir.. hire of Franklin Tooredip
l a tflou ill'Viti j•irilljein nil the 1411 , 0 or Daniel
Mottle, I;4 n of rrit4 lin Townxiiip have broil
by the ftvgi•ter of totifil I otittlY• to Reithon
Ii 4,1111. rr^uifry+ In Pni.l Inwilooliito. All weld*
ht*Vltilt ilalpl. ov.iort the estate of tile decedent ore
pr,•riit Mon: for ilioWe mein hi the mL
hinletrlior oh I Moon hobbled to the retitle W 111
4.1 u toy to the unite' atittool.
ItE1'111:N KNITTLC, Aihnini,tr. nor.
etriotklin. Hot, 11. I tii7.-Tm.
R EAPING 110.‘1).
Norr.mber 25th. isC.
cltftvr rpreai 1.14 e Flom
ittod Nan It 111,.•.t for Iterd•
inc. I*.t will I. Taingrytin All. n•
WWII. Malan, Erbraia, blNa. Louvartrr, Columbia,
Trains leas.* Ilarritobotec for Now York. ne llniva:
Al 3lat.Stlandtl 10 ax *O3 103 VIA Is psi mime. t.
iO4 With Vintilat Tritielle MI Inc l'emet•lvanto
ma* and aro ivini at blottat York of 310 nail le 13 anti
1 * x and 3;0, 030 0, x. Sleeping ear* arrntupa•
ming the 300 • X and 033 r I§ll. TIOII4II wilhuut
Lento* 4arctotlture foe ("flatting. Nottarttle. T.nn's•
ono. Mittetter Aolt'anol. t'ra•r greet.. Allentown
0114 rbilatlo Iphta. at n 10 * x and 703 and 4 In r y.
totnprolng al 1.0411000 1111.1 pritICIPMI War *Went.
the 4 10 e II ntabltivottionertium ter anti
entomb** clay. P••r Eett‘rille. blebuyekill II •ern
en* Atsbotret via 1/charlarill and estrquchantla R*ll
ow..l.leute Ilarthlture at :1 43 r u.
(I.tUrfall:s 1.011 V.. NPIC Yark at OOna X. 12 V and
5Pa aa.l a tat rst ; 1'1t114.4414a4 at IS a 4 410.13 33
%ray rAPIMIIItot 'train lea vaa at :31!
a. trta nut. (rain Illtathn. at 1 NO • a otapplux at till
station.; l'ottAaill.! int 45 A'. and 4 4.5 r ; Ash.
111,1 640 A fa.Mlll I/ WMn4ld V. 1M r. : Tanioqua al
Ma. of , and 1 Ott and N 15 r. n.
l vt. r..ti.villfr fvr l‘atrobstra via Srharikill and
fa.liraanaa r.aiir..,4 ;4+l ia V. and IY W I 101•11.
Reading itegolotta.nlation It : I.lMVei Rfia.fitil
617311 A st ;Normal f Philadelphia al 4 00 r
jt.ttmorrtt AretatifismintiOtt 'Yearn : I.olllyeg POtt..•
b.* 0 at 1141 A. 14.. rutunung leaver Philadelphia at
3 IN) F. Pt.
Iroi!Within Rail nnA.I Trains !PIMP nPIIPIXII at 7 00
A. X and 1. 13 r. n for Ephrata. LitlA. Litaruster.
LAntable. te.
tut nutotayo : Leone Vow Vorl. 31 F 01
P N. rho..
tit•lpboa ego A 11, owl :1 13 P 11. the M 101 A M. MIX
71.1X.X11 only to Reading : !'ott•ville tI Oa A M.; liar.
retrofit 3 13 A 31. 4 la and g 33 P n and a.• at
ISM an,' 7 la A It fot llartttlettz atoll tlll A 31. and
11 40 r a !or htw York aO4 413 I' 31. for Phi Fop
1:01. mulnliurl. 1•i1.,• ePalntl. SCIIOOI 1111 11 Clent•
.i• , 9 Torkrto. to 111111 11.111 /1111 111.111. ut reduccil
boasomo rtirckud Giur ough lOU pound, ullowed VIIEII
Passeo.rg. G. A. AIiIG,I,S.
Geticrul Port lutondeut
G:f:s f.:r Ilwistmas & New Years!
FITIF RH o'ol% or rIVE I:01.D ANA frihrrit
w.'l' Hrs. Al.l. WARS! %IVIED To A%h
711 0 1:ot*GION tecian..vrr.D. AT 11IR TAM'
of $lO EWII. AND timoricrius
4:4JMLAN lEt ll._
litfi trnio W. 51 6, 441 vin to vow
lal MAW Ca...41;0d Wl&ltre. «.0 t.) am
lab Irrdr••.' Mt to :NM
AO 4.41 !helmet* C2eirommt..terW.taw.,l,:m In :t
son novi alluding fngN•A I,:Vrts. :VII in )
909 (~,I4 Ith.osiiii 131, to shin
Ma GA .t Miklos/ :twitch's IVatchtio, 101 to J3O
WO Silver Hunting I.i.vhr.s. Ato 139
SOO eliVer Pllfting, 7510 g5l)
Laitiose Watch , e. SO #.3 CA
1000 Gold Hunting Lepieor. 80 W IS
I at. Mir• SI.Vof Wanda . % AO to 1.9
1.9.9 Ilm.tu g Wsztcheo. 1:3 In 34
011X1 Amt,9tr.l 3,1 ■iadr. Id to :3
The above sleek VI ill he filapo.rbi on the
00 priCO iihn. giving .?vierT patron a Arse riovil nr
solid oily., Watele for ent without insiint In
Wawa, 140 A Co. way Vete Vat C. re IA
to to .4tately disptoo nt the nhoen multuttirent etrult s a r ar aa . g a mins the article:. aro placed In reah'.l
Mile.nprn Maui 101 . 131 wiled llotdora ern entith.,l to
ttio artleto• 1111111141 i II thu It (enfant... upon mown,
at 'pen imityurs, o,h,,thor I he a watch *mot 11,101
nr nue *will less. The return of any ul am crati
dente. eolith's pm ta tau netielea itatattl tit.renit.
upon parts.tft. irrA4pective of it. rorth, awl an nn
Whir Valif NI Ines than 1110 if awned on any rertiti
tutiv, it will at mute he cern that Otte in Ile lowly
bar I ml,,,i;ht rativaril legitimate iimpt etsati.
way a.; pas•ina.,rei P, u•Vtul by the wont faatidioaA.
A Piugle certairoto w ifi to. .rat by snot!. poet p.ol
•fiat 0( V% croft.. Ave hie $ll. 110111/011 (Or $
Ifirly tbfrr an 4 elPgaal N 11.1 1 ,114 Oaf O. ohly
via mote Comblr moon: Hu far $lO. one annated
and lan.l Ploptri. Wahl' for 11.5. To aunt, or thueo
v.t.lhog riaplarmant. this h a rITII 1 , PCIUMIIIIIY• It
I . a I'rilllll , llo-iy choltofted hoe !Hoeg, duly authoris
ed by Ilia Varnal".4l. 119.1 „i.% 11. Ike Karr.
NI hymn, 4trltom seat by Cxpreer.
Inf I 1 , 110.11 , 11.1 J, lIVOTV, lid dint 110 elms:therm:lton
5.111 potooLly wow Try th. %0.11r.0t0
111111:1.r. mutant:it & hupoo,r,.
Akw Vori
Obi. VO.-31110..
%VIII be nspnonl In nails. by pnblie nendlnr. (In Our
for.infmr. nn IC►h.
1 , 47, at Ir o'clnrk h. M.. iwn rr'r►+ln lan, or ground
rilN•rll. In tllololllell entunibia rc.nn.
sy. ra )loin rtn•rl own! ihn rnbisa *wan On
'lw opp 1. '►pried ri Parr.. stone og 1 1.4114 1 , and
moor ord4rialbline a and noon ollo.r a gond frame
stable. ilia front of said 114 111t1.1.01...d 1.4 being II
woe, 111.1111i411. filth... for t.. 1.14114. ittt:pered.
A 1.., on 10.,h111f day 011 e elher n•nls.: 4.14 10. of
f10.111%1 .114.44 OD U.LICII 1114fe1. ID fll.. s:•1.1 MOM of
pd.auldirg. in the timid,' aforesaid, *bolero• is
11 . 0 clod a *904 frame divelll:.* boos* and other mit.
Ahn nn rtlglnF.Utn:.+k c`ny of Deeemb•r. IN:7„
of ID fee lork A PA WO 1 b.• eXponll In only by bombe
%quoi, .-a fOo to 11•111 1 101 l 111 II 1 . 1111 1 1 f 11 Wansbi: , . wt
ff SI 111 . 110. Of 1 . 11.11116 J. Van/Into! we. a ref tom
farm or ;tact •r( land c.'olwlainrsiltyhre Nero* wan
•f ler*. In be sobl to Ono parcels of about Mir ty•boff
nem,' each, thou weld...rood luadl la from I•iute Pvth•
nt - .rr.rh badge 111 Bock:torn. and t throogh
ea hi rem tb be Itl 114 tine. Ibr %hole traet
rev Ibis wo.l I xrelt.oat sod for farming l"
e. beefet thew besot Nom Ibe OOP Mall an alt
riled by pal.' fowl. la Ice and. ronvenieut build the
of eves y e.:111111011 ; bit" a 10140 11,10 eery rblu
ab•e {,,,reptooo .marry, •.pen 111151 111 (rain 11'141011j
sarsler. Upon Ins! ol her 141144 as divots.' aforesaid.
Ihr7•r it atrn /6 tory valmoble litytAyylo loyaty, cue
two, large lime ryo.m. two good lime kilos. talo of
w basil Ir saa 11111 Waist at Illas parent
ti the raw. day sad on the protnirdw near
torkii. to. u ill be .old at bohiie ninety. a cefloill M
of graaslisit lowsiship. WI/CW/3
11 1 41 bri but I amnia hII NOON or John A eviromm, Ju•
so !farmland mat. e s s. vanillas aaz about la enlyarivat
Imre. spasm of Irsr• till law 111/: tadn in of liebectil
V1444/teuthee, drCoarsd.
CoporitoN ne Pri* r rein oin4nottitlif
thn pintlioxe inunev to tn. t.aid m. Uni day Oforite. ont•
posith lea the lop pig' trout. 011140 ips day et April
1 ". 3 . Ilia Iternatalast t4ru• f. Ratko an awn annul puy•
Surma. late PIN the Bust or April POI .11.1 other
on lirr Aril day of Aptul. 0.70. With /irter , st na 11 4 e
mount anatatatni tolituad from the era* day of April
The dead IV 6144.4 to ha ex. ralt.l and delivered
la the purtAteser Of fourebalers ..1 on the
melt'nl Il.n one touslfl less lite len pet &got. on the
Ares as? of Api it. ter:. when the Iminnre of tun
P . . 414111161 Walley atoll ha 44 rtiro.l by in,letaral or
P.stllltot et the option of Ihn pregsl;lsl owner•.
I'orptsolollilineil on the Net dny of Aprd. 10 ,4 .
Putehaser or purchasers , to tiny (or deed. and atempr .
Julllti 11. VANDEtitettleti, jor the heirs.
November 27. leer.
BOOT AND slim: 8/lor.
ImprritYly Infirm* the, poiblle that ha to pow pru
writ to anantaarrur• all Web of
60 the L WES7' ;
rit ono untic, and in rhn %rry herr end Weer elYiel
Alf, G14101 1 .(110 la Wrli•itnown In Hloronoburg,) hit
had many yrato of torreennfol exiwri, nee with it rep•
Malian for Rood work, Integrity anti lin:lore& deal•
ire unsurpiottred.
tarPlnr. . f tw.lnoas nn llnnrh Eng' Corner of
111ron and Iron ntrentr. 0,411,1„ Coition." PION.
I or , arbor g V. 10. 1010k..-0111
.(I..xtr. UrWant Medical Drfettnr tY. B. Anity,)
Physician and Surgeon.
nme. et the Itorki llnt, I. Bl:mmehers. re
promptly ettettlrof to both night anft day.
UIo Roe,
The only Denineiblitie Mairnuino
Published In the tufted
VOL. 6.
A Monthly Magazine-,
Devoted to Literature, Wiener
and Lit, and the Political
Principles of MO,
V 460.
In offering to the public the Prospeetus
of thg. Sixth Volume of TUE OLD
GUARD, the editor and publishers feel
confident that no explanation of the entree.
ter of the work is needed. Besides the po
litical matter, of great iwportanee, bearing
upon the principles of the approaching
Presidential Campaign, we shall publish a
series of articles front the pen of VAN I.vttrt,
on the Rates of Men, which will be
iustrated by beautiful plates of the different
types of mankind. This new feature of
tbc Magazine will greatly increase the emit
of publicat op. but no additional price will
be l'hartrell i:lllYrriber , or new acetyl. We
have also had translated expre—ly for this
Nlagrazine, one of the most thrilling perm
hir historical novels ever published in the
Italian language, covering the history of
the Fall of lho Italian States, under the
horrible rule of Cr , var crgin, 141ko of
mbie, w r itt e n by ittomvrartcr, which
will we are confident. excel in popular inter ,
est, any novel to be brought bcfrro the
.1u nears public, during the year 1.4,5. Ile.
files a thrilling lovc.ple,+. it ulivails, with a
cot of ho', the terrible arts and de'perate
du 1. ,%hish tyranny always resorts to in
faswenitur its miseries upon mankind This
groat noverl is most appropriately brought
ou r in this country at the present time, and
cannot Mil to make a profound sensation.
her great literary nov e lties will ppnt!or in
o,toixth Voiumt.4lllllEOLOGt
which will, it
irinis belb , ved, render it even
more aro.. l efe to tie: fireside titan .
Terris fa4k, in Ads ante.
thp. vol.y one year 13 (V
TWO velie4 5 50
16ur c0t . 4,... , ,...., . .. . 10 tio
Five colecs and one to getter up of club 1I U 0
Ivn '• .' II {' .‘
..ri no
Twe , dy "
4 'A 4 41i 1, r riff' ENT PREMIUM.
W„. will sem; per c , ,,pres,, carefully hoye,l,
a t & ILker 5'44 'l4 ittg ;Machine.
to 0i,t..! who mill fiend us, at any one time,
I V SrIISCRIBEnsto Tiff; ou)
(:1' (IN) at Tit ECC ',Whirs each. The
re4.ular ntanniaetureri' price is 55. No
witch nrportnnity to etrculate a superior
FAMILV );.17,1NE, and secure
ran/fly Sewing' Mactaitsr, wte:
ever oirrel.
Tn remit tim!, br mail, st 3'o4Fi•T
or Oration Nov York, payable to the order
of the I preferable. to bank
:.•.h.,u1,1 the OMIT', q..l)rht't be 10z..t st,.Jeti.
it eau he Nikon d without loss It' 'wither
of' tip , t. can procured ..411 , 1 rnitol
(4' National flank :dote., in
Tito Mag;a:".ille i< AWay.. .4011101 Wool tho
ti,o 'vim or -oh-L.ripti,o exioro.4. It is trout
,•• -try t t aive notice of Ilkoetitinnance.
Atl.littea t Anlnnt Fifth rate!4. it ta3t
r rdir-1 that all the tataitioirj of a Club
at the ::acne Vest Office,
s a t„,: r ipriet i . com'iletiOto with any
toucher. When ita time iN9t e t?iiit,i, it will
t awierstood that the subscriber wisl'es to
begia with tha Jaawary totailter, the lira..
ono I.l* the voltw2e, awl back rauniterA will
be sent nevordity,e,iy.
OLD stereotyped,
hark nenthers can always be furnitetl. ()N.
T. an d IL at $2 50 per copy. Vols.
ha. 1565. 3, VIA. thr .'"? II Vol..
r t 17t;, $4. Al T: e
pleto :**.et $l5. r , tage I au. :`role core.:
Twelev•tik et!tti.,
letters -11-11:1 e !revel • Cull , .ex
VAN LI RIC ittilatiN
l't, t u N. T.
ler wanted in 4 It 7 CtitilltS in
St“te: 4 tll et 4414114.4 4 1ittere 1;4 4 11
MAI t l l . .llll ) .fair b a t adare.!q; Pub
1,44;04 of
Ipw pe0,11.. It.q,qtilly. that .he Hnr jgst I , Ctivcil from
w . ;10.4 - 101 , C.4 4 frt. her
spring and SOMiller
elo.k 4r
CO111.1•1! , 17 of . aU srtietes ONPOliy roOna itt first r!1.•
)11Mtipry su•rt , 4, /1, , r pondk at(' Or tHa 1 , 04 ptutsty
ammig most an 4 ", o t:
to,loitmine them for rofirwt,
-hr,31,1 ivltt ethokin •
31tH':FrqefOiolfi's 14-rk of roam 11.0 , Ptf toaklrs
tootle,, On no! Ofilott,••t 901 W.. or vpair.l.
rtort cn %No 3.1 4 or betuw the stare or
Mentiodualt fi 030,0,
ilicom.bar4. 314 1. Pr . ll—tr.
" 1.(111N E .1N I) li!';l.AlJt IIOP.
1141: 11,14M - MS/flOit Wf',l*,4 100.1 1.'4,41..01101V 31•
1,00,,,t , 10 111 p po4lta g1.111 , 1'4111V. 111:11 0 , 14 prepar,l
to 1 , 1: , 10 , nti Miff!lo or IFIACIIINI:11V. at t4tsCl'll
*II A rOt AMIN' .I'l 11.0, , ,.0 , 1w:r. trntrc h.!
ton :•Owlttii ha rWIII4 P•a'v , to ati lowts or rep- rt•
Ilwo«kinr: Ala , ttLrms, knit to ..hart, aII
kio4 rallllllll7 I . ll`llSik. Tl'lt'sttNti AND
11011 e nn short not Ito., I o n knot wnittuutniike mark
wt, nolo tha most moottoolv
IDA 1414 eXvVrlvlo , lllllllo 1_111.111”ei, 1t foroorth to
tic ati itl of to'wio 11. Minx of tht4 •o, for 0.. r
1110. ilf , llii*lll , o that ilr 0.19
,mare r' , l.-I:wtion to :WI wti, tray fav or him with
twit work.
innalu4 , l.l, I. Pant;
Thg tm!;,<Nl7o..r Iming purchnfeJ thn *Pallor)
ropoov of Botany. Era.. tvoni , l Cly to Oa
tfoolt +ha ',Nitta, hi. naptaiotaat.a, an,l 11;0110.
lie goof:tally. Mil to , tat* oda to ^kerp n At m.'.
titth the afrotatotatationa and comforts of id ItoLaa,
anti humhly rohetts their patronne.
14;te of Ito 'tlithitho noaaa, P 1 , 0 ,140004.
Loth Itoloo, Dec, la, VW.
GI:O. W. MAUGER, Proprietor.
. The /41.11 VP well known hotel has recently tinder.
;Olin radical changes iu ita internal arrangements,
and its prapthitur announces to his Pithier ruitora
and the tray ailing pantie that his accontmodattano
for the eiestatt of his guests are ACCOnn to Mint, in
the routitry. ills table will always he (hand min
pthel, not milt with substantial bind, but with al
tha delleasies of the season. nit wine and Hugon
( et* , 0 that pagoing beeerttge known as ..Velfrarp,',l
purchased ditett tram too importing tonsils. are aft..
tirsty pure, and Erne from all poisonous drugs. lie
m a thankful tat it !instal patronage in the past, and
will continuo to deserve it in the future.
hillolttigi W. MAUUCH.
Tone 13. PMfi...t(.
Petro Madirines. at )(dm R. fkinyees pm/ o va
corner of Main and Market titserts. A good ke.roo
Irma of
maw.... Nom.. Oils and Voirliietww, Alwity. on
hni tl, 'NA Killh NOW chcoper than at apy other
Dill Otani In inwit.
rrrscriptioss 'Awfully compounded as Moyer'' ,
Ores eillrP.
Ayers Jaynes Medicines told at Moyer's Drug
Wi"hartA Tar Co►din!. fisksrA llnd !Aver Olt,
Win"low's Noothini 'Syrup, sold II Moyer'. Drug
Vor any reltablo patent medicines, till at Moyer's
Wog of nrn,
LPOlllitr for ill wholeeelr and retell, eV'. N.
Pollnyrv'l Om, Store, Itlrwm.lnug,
WI s, tete. if.
11: 4 7 4 X1TA, WHE.VI' 11.11111,
(1,-forit Erma I:nr,vo. lifter an MArnea of
0t,,,,,,,,a,urc July 14 i'44,7,, three yaars) where tlol hove peered L.
, , ~,,,
- - ogre neatly Ito tine 11.10,21 4 , 441Weir4, EMpe.
E. 11. I.Ell
, , rora. raid 'Nobitity The 4,f OM World.
inc fatiiATret miNittili; OF THE ACM
ATTORNEY—AT-LAW, l',,ar I,mitiNl and Fyunnetrieully follneil
I W. , , ; tin 4 .rArt.i.%10, iri MIMATUni
! 'r ANO nrsowNED
()Zee, ',201 floor. in Cvairloge 111,A, hear , (.; E M
s, rpf ni Tilt NIB D wirr
Ow "Ex.r4pior.o Hotel." • • • • ~
itt Llt
ielftnost Oared fa Me firaete w;1110 ce r t enoS.A (,001 MODORE N rt.' ,
ibi. it 3.1 1,,,,p1i,iii ,tdisy. fsi , pt.trt 1,67, AND
NEW GOODS! NEW (...moDs!
Tit 11%.;i. Dtl fl ait,;.sQrEs,
AcTE TSU:3ll,>':,
tiottil:4 Thr. LICIT *ad PLEXIANT IMESSEA.
and 1
ebr of DIANTON't 1( I -11T S r 1 1 1) 4. 1 w th orn hefore illia the nt
var coll iotet ection
Potentates, of Etr,
- - • It - • ;-al! 4 which are introduced in these
Ail Lltt,ltt a good Gorolit t'llitAl" far cash ur totiw popular havecq cost aver Tiffltil/ ThOlLlthltet
try pro 1t0.... 11 , 4(r. lq G4l,
H, vv. car un - a. co, !Mies and children are eowiderately ad.
vi.vd to attend the Day Exhibition. and
t 4 avoid that crowd and contiodon of the
" v= , I lert4rutance4,
v EV; MI,INCRY 1;1 !( WS AN 11;0 Day Itnee4---atirnicsgion 25 r•nbi ,
Ft.NC V J DIM M N 4 • Children tnider ten. 1104'Orrei
Ito to , "fo , o,rood o est Map( Worn , . or I ' 00 , ; ti!,4,s. en nw i nt tnn nr , t „
„ 141. 4n4 rtitti, O .To rat, that Rho :ot 1) , _y et
114 at.. 14,1 to r /1:; I'4 ty rv, ao,l vorted tt.o,rt• Ohn ,. eriormaimq 1'44t1 ill to XII
~t of !. 4 10. of tie , Iloro , , 2., matt , . Children
Wive wrri.taistly 01i lisit I
.S11:01%. OE F. ,4 i1.1, AND NVINTER
tz•t- , t-
INI t" Cfli
A ":EW St tq't.T, writ nab t» =P tf ft3r
prf,,to and totoit.:tr AC'S llcr: , :r.r
05.0 to
110 t ro ut 10
;Oleo amd v:rmily
tioat, , a,a
Millinery & VailCV Stones,
And makes np awl .14 !Hl' anwia 'lwnn alo mog,t
rmintfte trumi Give her a vat mtt:muffle her I' , N
Of Oa at eiyidit. LIZZLE SARKLEr.
STORI4II PII , Ml• O'lar,tyo m B.le,tnig.)
00,,her 23, IPfri. ItmAmt t.
rio mom trmit , t
'2B, IIOOP SKIRTS. et „ In re%4 by 3, ISAACS. M. D.. Mullet
‘ o, C;i 4.l ' ono rlc of I.rydrfl. Unillini). :No.
.1e; !rt.'s), Vetimnillul• horn Mit
I'tYl. T. 114Prifit1s1: rrttnhlanauraafntitenndatuntryrnnneecep
at 111 .itDre. The nie.:ien' Cooly afr invited in Mt.
C , ,,r Oren 313,133." ; t , qg th.or notiente, ae he hto no nerteto in nen
ramie. mrrori..m. F.Y1,14 inneite4 nOliiit pain
eb;sie , tar examination Nov. 13, 1d1.7.-4.
+/tun Rye prgrr o.ipt.v.ere PIO r[;rrri•
uttov , manta:l,lw of STRICTLY I SRBT
Orr ALlT''' . IIIJ.;P SRIWIE4 t'c ofr , r oar trt.t ly rrte -
vNt. ro rnerthf,nt4 and the vt.!,tir: in Pt!'
eonfoletwe al 41, if pope, toptly over nll other , in r,,
Amenctio tharlul. one t:wy are e•t at Itooole , 'lrd ny
all a bn wonr or 4, of in 'brio, no tiftl etv, mop , ,nt
idactfun Own oey 14111.1
in ,y ,p o rt, ileaier• in Hoop sl..irti iltotthi
(111111 tt flf thti tort. K.V.-7 14.14 . %s ho hex lll
given them o ttiNl Phttlthltlti pt. .% ttjtth;
tour an,rri,..4 , 100:10,4 ••Vt tot \ ("0401 11114
w l .-^ lot Lt) 1 1 , .. I no I.ll,ldr,ii. A leo, rrLia.
DK PI and trpaw.l.
k Maker," 4 9.1 1,11. lrnt derpiv
10. eet IhFt tit. PAIPP "ii" Ir NoVe , ) 01 thr
fi , {1%(,11 r,r h h..V that they are plan god -
tit, )Itatifa,lart, Attrit Elith
Irlua awl) iavv. athtta art st , noo ,
t aa&tanily ott bane., foil of go , t %ow
r.r k hard lise.tera Mao+, nt vrry low prievtt
fl holtsale and Retail,
She HIiII.AfIFIt.CIU 4k noor Mst wirmlor)
411.1 F. tlotiqui, No. V.:t! Arch 1. , ,r1 et I N,1.
%N , trehoo.
(rl, N.
1:11Ws F.AINCI
's CAGES For,
The a!,,1, Oral , f r cdo a I+4 han4,o4n
Canary Birds and Fancy Cages.
etrrAr rOR Th. time are I , f the be“ Qin
and for hexisty thty nre net onsTaveet ine
4 lvd A I.S(11 the subscribet to desirous nt buyv
Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens,
in Loge. and *twin viartlitirp. for the
fall and it•in
trr for orbit 11 he wilt low the
Ittui,ih,g, Main Street,
1104er '2l, 14;
(v,,1 1 , 41:0,4.11/41 VCR Motqfito , T,
", 71+^ A ta'tt MACE. alotve7th. lln:r.rltt
tlO7l $? r• of roy mwn 'n41.001.0:1 atil
hire , i4nr the latl4 , •ht au4 OW; inAVVIN,
ror P , t4 C100141,W4 11" in 0 , env,
ft wt t 4 Grttt a Irv" Cl+ vex
I nal ';flAtOle , i trt di+ ri,Z. rt 1,1 Veo , mx ht v Rry
and i "a , Sara rolte#l a oil) truo3
m CAI (Orifil amtv3aiu+tV.
RC:40414n Vt..: 1 , 4:13 , :i•er and Street
.1011 N FAREIRA,
; St). 11: , 11 ah , u , ;11%, frnnt) whir . Puts..t.'%
ir, i" z tirh Prftzt xrut ',W4NECTiON WIT 3
:;Toni tti rICLADII rum.
i ooutu.r
l'hp ppfor rebpv , tro', l 4 '400014a
of litomp.lpt r.; and Cr,lotpt.l4 0.000 ty , 10, t p
olt the ,:iir , tehl o:,,ve roll ft
lamp thahl Pat hamhilt , parpo.“, thelt wharf', a.,
J 0 011 , 4'; MCrott p, Neal ,tt.C.',*rhrhhee ; tvittt a thha
pair (IMMO° er.tlce Mt the ft n cln,A tval,hay and
*traw 1, 1 1 / 4 pixi.. bot,,,e Aphi warn to ,taliver n a il
to 4009.. Wt. , ' 4. pi rt. it. AY tre purehh 4 e
tutattat 6P ton!. UP 10 N. 0,1 4,0,0 0 a vwrwr arl tele
31 the very refit end
eannttns (Pr ,tharPt lees e par, bo.lottellwtt.
J• tti, It IA tifttttt #l . •
A reTus 11.1t1.vs,
11•*• , ralened ti ill £ ke, €n i.xilionr,e for roil:
tit". t‘dloning 1111,1,1
CS hsa6 it ye, et , rd, o.stA. l'otAurs, bard, 11 $11,41
l'kr, and min. Pouter, rive.. liay• 407 • at tba
prime, x« his ar , eq
,ird. ttl.MHAtz..thlf,
Pl. ,, ..hurv'. April 1.`,. J.,e;fi,
i 46" 4 *'' -
. .. r _ . ill,o(
- ,/,., -., - .-4: -..; LUMBIA co,, PA.
' gr 1 '..31 -, W !t, ,
/. IF PV ‘ , -r,, ,' 'll It r..nb , rtibor, m n pri f lo t
1: . ' l a -,,,,..,
~ I or 11 ,,, al,t , v, , Haltv , tl ea
I .T„, . .' ( .", '-, . to43,ivp egiMv!OlittrnL it tIWIN
, ..A,„... • , r , l , nre,l 1, , P - 11 , ' , 1e vt , fru ,
.. pi.,
c cursor. HAStinT
tII Kinds of Rinchintry,
for Collette., Most rurnar , v, Rat notary
M:t.t.s, VIP MACHIN CH, &C.. ti:.
al., prepared to make glow, * all 04,, and
gi l lt t v: t z li p t ' o n ,, vv; n i d r i lt o ta s . and everything usually made in
Ulu wit Alvivot avni oviniveal wo)ampry,
,ant tow in ree, Mos the largest ethitravts ea the
t brat rp nmeohte term.
rp. Wain oiali kinds wIU bo w o o l i n elicilukt
ra , rbk , „ tahli ghp,..„ t 4 !wax," star tl+; Lackm;
ask Slot , lllAltit Railroad OPpot.
PETRA 1:11.0111:34.
Ilt.hottstrirg, tlept. hr. INII3.
(I , lmA INF aTß on %tiro, nprostri:
i wronc. ) ermumduuß I,
THE uniirroistml haq J‘t.l 6 , ted sp, and opew , i3
his new
to thin plooo, whore he to itrepoto4 make tip new
rir tV 111.1 , 1 or kind. in 100 hot, and do repair•
toil with twatorao nod opoo thr otroo
aariatipi torma, Ito ohm hoop: , on hand wroveos uT
earnnta potterwo and i+t,} too, which he wilt roll opoo
term to tun ourrthaivirri.
dive , IL iio ts n goo! tnechanie, end de
serving of its orbtle putrattoge.
JACOU gra&
illoonisgorg, $.44.0, Mgt,— ry,
111. (1 * 11. () ST S ITIG I ijr t i I ittINTIS T .
' RtstitettivuLtY ottrshi4 proOltop
tonal Perifirea to thn Indlaa and g
ttT . limen at Inocom4alts and I. Ott !my o r
• oat prirpotrrd to otttood to ;tit Inn vnta*
Or.tfitl44ll , iiitt Of t*l4ptakossatt indiripto ibot
oottt Oro Imes improved PORCOMNR nterirt whiph
will hit ioyarted on itraplatittcopity e r and ru h b e , e
tetikkOMit nf.the nalulal 100.1 r.
Mtootal plOtO Oirui block len‘h ntannfacturvi at i MI
dittOOVrefilitY 1 ai
t ldtbffrd tr.•
itirVidellre and t row d o
obOt Volitt
ff •iptwe. $31116 Ode.
111 , 0%ttoholl. /out
roa rwmip By
Ir fortnivi
The purh!le should hrar m n4tui thret
U. Illt1;.Vilf
4'. "" "0" 44'2 ""41 in , •.1 , a , •••1* • ,- (!!..••••:t pnin by a new inttio)). Tt
itlrinlase end ie (.11
V. 11?) ac , 11 4 .I . r pa. MI broaden,* of
ib.taiotr** wton,l”.l 14 la the hite.4
east O.IA approved ail le,
one door (gilt of tram'
!•4, , tr, 1:19 , 4110,4,c Stm.
01\1,1y Vij
Pnsit ivdy Ow Day Only.
%too:n*lmm Fridley Der. *AO, *417.
Two lxv Pr 3 AY,' < 0.11.4)(
Their ft eqniiitively enchanting
rrirneitree-: int! l'Ahibition4 never fail
i;“1:1 delight, every kholder. They
Eii . 1' , Ii I :11?) Ts 7 )
sLi rge o n Denti st,
nit. E. W. WELIA,
OIL F. C. trAntusos.
tr, t 1 nrn at 'te• Atalerfran AU or
'l'9. 10. I.'l he ittootot ptiy attended
N Ew wisTER
in the hfloiehleol of rho
:fil Zii 1 l'i ;'il A
BILTUR I.l3tOtt, strri
rre4lk Ovateril trt , rit eery ,tyle itrpil of 01
:lir eOiCr tviilid ill 410
, Ll=t 4 arilln R.
\X %N. ew , ol , li'v mr 4111 , 1. tor char Rith
1.0 1 , 10.0 .1' I vt-,y
in GI ,
lioNrty4.ll 110 tt , l 'N. , ...) r nti , l it4ll
let 4:1 fYrni 1t i 1 F.
4 , :.:4-:!.44
A Nl.ll. Aruzivll, Or )IILLINE1:1
/if 11
IVf4O. R K R1A111,114
tm wmtta rr , retfttllv Worm th.ritiv.n. 4 t.nts
Etn t rural vtt tit". that she tit* ju , t vim fled Futil
th , ti (W I.'4+M
u 100,40 ha l „„i
m y -%Nit I'A,YCVt lobs, X eil r4ku±att.
tr. zeil! Mt , tratlp.,
rttN.Nl-;:ft , motto loom,. tto,t rnpein tig dime N i•.
1 1; ,,1 0 , ,4 ;0,4 11,}1,1 ,, tt, AU ,t,1% tto
61,1 “ n d pu,rt tnen Hthf,sler. 14,41 F.,10.0i1301.:
ri , ! , ..l"try iv pryid to Arevv mlittitts, pi's .
ti.i VA" vs vrt
fit.; I,adr, un!him: i-t Bain cil fl p.
,•!! .; ; 70...1A t er•ion to rOntine
4 , 0 tit.' WO ipari tote "ft ht 14
,t c , vi,t, den tiit g. v shit' sladlun
r•lc)it N P+10411114.
Not .2”,tArr
cums. l l A s: fmtosTmAs!...
11. • rARrANCY Tin!!!
to, 4:1 kto4t- to so,t ttte
.m ;uu ;
• y-•rcr: =r Inv. yin qc.4,lr
ii 111),111:11 Si. JACOSIT,
3%,t•-r{<ret+'ra .7!
AND 1 , 11A1.111i 4 lii
EN.:hApp, DlOO4, Elttr,rtm cz , re
4 , I:ANGII.+, LEMON: 4 . irtIANO. PRUVO,
ttl Re1?17 ,0 , t,sYßft P
or AU, NIN.Pi:
t* NO4 ArortY,
Nns, il . 14-1.
The tot tattler troe, 'tee rt..'
Witt , V, tat tt large ;,U4 OZIA *WO; cf ti , tt
Groceries anti Dre-Goodli
st hit h he ofsla td the tatlxctra of inottlatbof 1 " , /
vicinity a; Idw 41. tan I.e had of any dealer
eertkltt ff the utootty.
oo,tat a of the varlet let of
tti't; aft, 't
r 1 : 4 11 tot row tat 11:17.,1.
to (3.)sit NI tt, (to their ovation... l
itotert „Ott, Uri ottAcKsar4
mf‘i' 4 r A %ULM. Ate., tie., COFE4II:.
Co I. R. 1.1 , 0315t1i 0141,
;a t m a Mee issattlitt 01 . ttry ftitotht aad 1:1 "
loot a fan vatitatir , WOMp.ottata Wm"
of older kinds. tat
added to ilia taloa a on asettetotest of
i" " s•g •
It hich vatitty of tnnotor NI Ivo ST"' „ 0 4
atitottto totAaM fittaattost, ette*sheell
'whet.' knee**, doll *INA nottaioooott iNit ar
tie 4101 114# a tins silisply
French aloroccoil
acid Ittwr nr Stftv•ten thitor t fff tiyltt
walk ; and a Food eitgortimmt 44
RIO C en WO ' a re •
WO %Ail anti ktemllitthr
, 1,1 ronler ef Mjall'o",Vie/%11...
11410 m Nor. gp 1847.
TO 1 /ROWFIC' 4 TO Pfl rcpt 8