Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, December 11, 1867, Image 3

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    Mlaoluoitutg Remont.
Wednesday', Dee."lll 4 IIUIPV.
vra %I I thaoh our readera for all total arVir .
V* l %lllll *belt loonsdkis !orsllit.s. If they an not
Slosits to 111111 r, h toshnothlratton for the puhlte rye,
ti Om rood as s rthtenotot of et erythloi of
ipt their theorems rowtottolilei A het o
0ct.1110..15, flrre, !mown' e, host -
14 0•4 hanger, Ate. We will poi totio In form. The
lizo.f. bets of 1111 h ki n d he rho rig the lolter It will
vitt tip and rue ryholore. Who *Aldo A r
To ADMITIIIII.... Persons wthhinliodrortloeyfooto
nierthri. mull howl them Is Pori, on Toerilsy snow
I ay to Wean their lotertion for 111111 t WM.
tai" The accounts of the firm ofJaconT
IS; SIit:MAN as far as cent out for collection
aro hi the hands of the following persona:
IV(Ofin nteaship.--.Jonw If. IlraLEttj
6.kmur.t. entusit.
Br.orer.—llFSJ. ZIMMERMAN, P. M.
Roaringererk, (!entrulia. and Ashtuna.—
.TOlll l l ITARBER.
In Sugarkief Township, bill s for collection
havo been placed iuthe him& of MoNroom
mit Cots., to whompayment is requested
tole mile at the earliest convenience.
In Scott Township, all persons knowing
themselves in arrears lirr subscription. and
•nil e vertising, to the Damornxr, will please
make payment to JOREPII
Madison,--WILLIAM Me N t NCR.
Ruhrsburg —Mathias M. Applernan.
• imir A few burhela of new corn will ho
-taken at thiA office on aulocription.
itet.„ Thar are one hundred at Al fifty'
thousand teaelaers intim Cuit4 Statza.
these two-thirds are women. .
lIPL. Major Turner efLiltby prison notori
tty in liritig in poverty in. lA:Ann, and Jam
rot wine back to this country.
lOW We learn that Capt. George
Brown has sal his hotel property, at Ru
pert, to W riter Tubbs, cf Luzern , : County.
In— William 11. Gilmore his Sny
der's Ilall for one year. Parties desiring
the use of it will hereafter apply to Mt.
The manufacturer of a patent beer
in Berlin, who is one of the most. exten4ive
wirertisers in the world, pap a tax on fivo
accumulate) in a fay years.
TM. Henry Ward I.:etcher defended once!
Writing last Sunday e.vcatitte. on the grenad
that the parables of the Savior were little
SW" Judge Etwra iinnnouneed WI
the December Tenn of Omit in Monne
County. commencing on the :nrtl
Judge BAnttures Di9trift.
M. Court is still in se4sion. A sylillsi4
t.f last week's proeseringi will he foam! in
to-dar4 DEMOCRAT. civil lia is be!fit.
ili,poseil of this week. Thq attain:lance is
kV. Pittsburg ie a great place f.r
Tim lan remotion fur the reporter,- i ; a high
way robbery, performed upon a Philadelphia
Cuter by an young woman,
who knoeke4 him ;lowa and roliere;l him of
greenhaelta and a $3OO cheek.
I'AFL. 'Arta. jttlia A. and Sale Vii. 110.6. y
Lave moat 5.110 n tt vid , fur toliv , 4'
tuol c,iats. Tio , y viii nntkq thotn up to suit
thri Intent ftsC,oto, che,tp for e:',4l. I*, :w
anything of the End it i 4 the 10 , 4 1.15 , !u iu
town tO Can. StsirQ. .I: , kr.le. 011 3L:r4
PP. On Tuet4ty uvu la>t this
visited by guiles heapy 1411 of snow. It
will hardly make slehthing. Our nr.chan,..:: •
speak of loot sleighing iatoc , section- of
the country. The tine , art JINNI when
robea and halls ahould be brought into
V,,r7" Eckhart iamb% Confeetloner nod
Baker, advertise.; his articles in the DI N°.
ORT. He has a large and varied as.ort-
Inca of plain and fancy candies on hand h.r
the le.lidays ; also. nut ;wend, ke.
to all of which he invites your attention.
Cite him a trial.
Ve./7 - Our thanks are due those of our
, übseriliers who called upon us last reek,
, luring Court. nud paid their subscriptions.
Dour fifths of our mbAeriberl hava not yet
paid this year's subvription, and rainy yet
vumin unpaid for last year. This fahorthl
it the
M. The Coratub , s4mwri Moi,te;:r ; ),'
unty hare ileebted tai 4:' , 1•4'n4 prupe, ty her
er at its fail Thine, itrl4(!ati orone-third,
jtn4 been the rraeti...e heretufur,.% he
of to vutit,n will be r. ducted nne half
t the luxe.: will be ttl , ..nt tr.rnprly.
nte orm 5,101)te , 1 in l'Hatl-1,1,11
Deectuher term of our flo !rt
. t the tit::of our Comity Ut.itt
- in 0ut1et...6.n with the 3eketiOn
The newly eletal Jury Cotoulbt
-1 mr..t nu the lath inst. f the
arranging the Jury for the Rth.,
, The law makes it incumbent.
Cimmi...tioncrs to draw the
fe whole number or qualitkel
County at lea. 4 thirty +I tr,
1t raAg ei7on tit tt them
ranting or the SharehoWet.
re Mutual. rzavine, Pima
Iteeom her the 20th
at the ofrre. of Samuel
lytt-o or lotion line the
Litt:tato nr the By-
-no 0.
1 1. t a
0 li
preceedlnels of the Columbia
County Temperance Society.
Tho Columbia County Temperanco
nicty met in the Espy M. E. Church Le
molten. 51 h at 7 P.:11.
Provident Waller being absent, on motion
‘Vm. Sanders took Cho chair.
I'lle minutes of the previous session were
read and approved. The constitution and
pledge of the Society was read and an op
portunity given to person's to sign the same
and become members of the Society, eighty
mo.were added ; during the taking of the
signatoros Rev. S. C. Swallow was called
upon for on address, to which he responded
in his usual earnest and effectual manner.
The committee appointed at the previous
session to v.:mynas the expediency ofpeti
tioning the nest Legislature for a. prohibi
tory lactror thie County submitted the t'W
lowing Report.
Rooked. That we deem such action pre
Rooked, That we proceed at once to
memorialise the coming Legislature of the
State to enact a law submitting the question
of license or no UMW' to the popular rote
in each township, ward or eleetien diatriet
throughout the County at the general eke.
then, on the second Tuesday of Oember in
each saccessire year, providing that when
ever his,;:oiity of the cotes cast shall hi;
oodeat li cens e, no license shall be granted
by the court, or any other authority, in
such township, borough. ward or election
disniet. for the space of one year. And
that where a majority of the votes east shall
he infor . or of license shall he regulated in
aewrdatice with existing provisions.
liodrrii. T hat a committee of three be
appointed to draft such petition, and for
ward a copy to the township managers of
each Township. whose duty it shall be to ob
tain as many signatures as possible, amt
forward these immediately' to the
Li gisi„-
+turn. Signe I by the Committee.
The report was umminemsly adopted, and
the committee called for in the thirst resolu
tn appointed. The following is a list of
the township and borough maimans.
Monte—Dr. Bradley, I. T. Sliarpless,
Berwick —W tn. Woodin, Isaiah n e wer,
Bearer—Buiattuol Persing,
Benton--Partin Masters, Soul Haycock.
Center—N. L. Campbell, Elw . tl Hughes,
Catawistst—J. 11. Creasy. Geo. Manbardt,
Locust-43Na Johnsen,
Pine—Chandler }''Tess, James Masters,
Itearingereck—Franklin Yocum,
Fratikliii—ll. J. Render, t` Sc bc .l o ll 7 ,
Madbou—sl. Hendershot, li'lt's Sterling.
Montour—M. W. Monroe, Jon. Motley,
.lirksrm—John Rants. Theodore Smith.
::,'oft—Thoinas W. }Agar, A. White,
Brims:reek—l tiibert Fowler.
M illlln —tits°. 11. Brown. SAM' I ere a I‘-.
Headrick—lL Bombay. U. W. Irriesi;ssels.
Mi. Piensant —C. H. Mason,T.J. Welliver
(lreetswoetl—fir. Heller, Perry Black,
j Fishingetso!k —.I. A bilersorl. VV. 311. nt . t .
- I 1 /range— 11. P. liline,Prol: H. I). Walker.
1 Som.'. ar—.l. Swartwort, A. lausbneh,
On is;o:inu it was re , olvesl that an abstract
!of the. provoedings I 0 publiAlsesi in the
j County paws. A (sinuous:to was apt!nisst
! ed meet tteespeskerA linr the next meeting.
On 'notion wijnurtsesl to meet at Berwick,
! l'lssinslay. Ps•hrttary Ws. at 7. P. M.
Tintusdiate'y alt. r Aourntneist, nor. T. P.
I Hutt, who h o d hee l s etwagetl to deliver an
Imistress and had WM to be itresuit earlier,
eap t rel the ham*. The 41141101 We again
rams to order and Mr. Hunt tank t h e Iln•sr.
! and entertained his heareri for two hours in
his usual lively and impressivn ninntour, I,
Ireton! undnisistedly infused new energy in
the temperance cause in that Owe
stir Ir you feel debilitated end "worn
out," and want son:Eating to tone up the
, 17,;tem, instead of using stimitlenti, take
Pr. 11. D. Antl.:rs lodine Water, a must
vitaraing agent and restorative.
It permeates the entire aystem, and it, eflm
is permanent.
tc.",?.. A EtATAall Scult; trairlaa:<",,
trot of the furniture of evely
louse-keepf•r. f a enaliliog ono gtt
the 0.34 PrOpOrtiOnS In cooking, pregerving,
; etc.. it will more than ptyitseost inswing
|«Q wt•i t ,!ht flow the homie r an d groi4 , r ,
cr The , livision question of Brinereek
I Township WM (ropo , oti of lAA IIT01,:a'
A ai in OW ta4e wiro rea d t o
the Coati, by one of' th, cona4el: after
which both of the Caa. Wt . re fag
Little for the eNO , ptins awl Freely f4r the
; petitionons.—when after (he eonrat
t he t . ,'otut rpfele thtt Report ankl appoint
, etl new r,oomi44iinter, a 4 Kt
Atickt , tts, of Orang.., Wm. 1' KU‘j(l , , or
Sawa Walter st.,tt, R Catalviisil.
0-1,11" "Wt. ‘llll.l W r.s.‘ c` '
I 2): itttit . 1196 k, eoutain'ing t grn :t
.le4l of intt" 41.);.r, awl Aunty
sides evoything ustally found in Almann, , ,
rebtive to the slim or the wcettlier,
Priev '2l) P M & IV)" r iet ale ovs. Ihtbiialtrd
I.y A, Wineh, Cin , tn , tt St., nib,
(;:n. tnettck ha; thrown a b anti
;loll into the ibtilical ttoiks by tlitelairimas
that the Ac:crietin pettple notst still be free,
that we an+ stilt ectithttl to tho right of
trial by jury, protection in
person anti property, and other franchises
iat'sly gal - Twirl by Thelical politician; to be
At , lc.
Jefi hi v . v..). bail bond is litbc,grapb
:fild Fir ; Ow In
At‘t* - (flt:, entil9ntli :a thy -xxis
ttc ';' , l a wook.
hat per kit. $2 40
Rye.l 25
Corn. it •
1 1f f
II ; lekA / * 4 ea t " i
la .. 9
eluverso-4 " 7 00
FlaT , et.4. © 250
Dri'il apple , " 2 50
tatoe,, " ..
110;1r per Larrel., 14 00
llitttor, 40
Ezvs per 40zen MI
Tallow per pilltud 14
1.0e,41 - . 15
11u. IA 23
ShOliblerl, " 15
24 per ton ......,..,...,..... 12 0U
W ft, Prciidelit
31t t ►runeville. on tho ZAth ult., by the
Rev. N. scar, Air. Wells Ilion") to 3.lims
Lizzie Kline, both of Greenwood, Columbia
Court Inoeeetlinp€
tel to the Court,
tithtens of Conynn ,
Aehenge in the
in sahl Town
2to Ito held
by instead
1 on the
:11061410 the
A t the ranie time, by Om some, Mr. M. 1.!
Kline, of Bunton, to Mira Mary E. Rubor,
of rishingereek, lolumbia County.
0 I I; II .
. . . . .
At Light Street♦ Columbia Count)) on
Wednesday, the 4th inst., of Consumption,
141 r. tinattpat MAAR, in the 33th year of
Denville papers plow envy,
11. 4llk ET REPORT.
111 It It I E
The lirotrialgrard rimpoctfully stinosaturt that he
relllttud • slop, on* door 'plow Ilayar'n Hrup
Minn, In Ike Earhaugn Mock %burl ha is prrprrag
to conduct, Ow barbering burlutar lb all Its brainclins,
Tbr art or emoting whiskers and sautodschnn in
prartiend by Mira molt akillfblly. Ile shin rimes
el lhlnp, making thrum look Pearly an good.. iirw,
wpm, thr must rrbruntabin tarsus. Having procured
ihr nervier. of it I.rablotiable hair dr hn I. pro.
PurrO to •isll 1111111 , 11 In air. *kris it Is (Nor robin
in par up or rut Parr upon rrrinounine irroin
Ilalr Tonic r i eke very brut quality. ward fur
clasping bight, kepi conotruily on band, and for iris by
U. C1,11614N111,
Plonniaburg, Lira, Ili 18117
_ .
Il AIM 4 MINTY. Prieto of William R Itobaflot
int., or Jarkitun towoolity. tbiluinbli County. The
undoroleut.d. audit nr .ippoiniod by Um Orpbllll 4 l .
Court of i'olntobin county. to 0100 nod ',Until the
rat.* and proportion* nr th.• ainteta or th* d , eminnt,
In the Minos or Abe .hotri Young. *dint itititraior of
William K. ,frrox**O. In and moon( lb.
e ouAltar, In ito,,,,dpragisiolisbad by la w wit wet 11141
Crud' inru of lha dnendrul, i i i all nlhnt peninti. In
0 4 44 , 4414 , 41. at inn riffion or tba Rerorder of ll)*rti• in
Hinton •borif in 11141 for ' , id Cnu tty f r tiv• . 0 . 4
of lti. appoinimant on gainrday. Ihr .4.511) day of
inntitiry, IMP. at IA "'rine*. a. m . of raid day. All
"""" or. ".111"gte,1 to attend nn On' tiny
And prctintil 1144e1f elniopt or br fornver tlnharfed from
coining in ('(Sr a put or 44111f4 el said (tint.
Illoom*lnirg. We, 11. 1101.-4 w.
c oN FECTION ell Y.
Tire trador.iitand would revretrully annannoe In
lb& publot Ow he be. opened •
coNrixTioNeav STORE.
in the building lately nernpied by Rerun rd sto hoer.•ve he is prepared to Ilerai•b blade 01
PLA I k rvicr comonka. .
KAIS INS. &V . hr., k.C., &C.
■Y 11 , 1101.10A1N ISTAIL.
IN OhOr% A ruleo..mtotent of nil kin I. of gond, In
his /in. of buotoe.d. A !frost vari , ty of
DOLLS. TOl/4, kr.,
eieltehle l'of the flolldaye. rertitolar 'Mention
glycla to
of Ali kind, frebh every day,
A call is nolkited. ae i eati.fattpirt will Ida sunran
le 41.
1,.,. 11. lota. Frith Ala J 4.(OI14.
Ede Nail Road,
Tnaorail Av) mitevr sours tigTwcts
11 4ALTIWiR1t.114111.
1.11,1:1114 W11.1.1/I.IOWWIT.
alp 1111
M rEsvivi.v Ali IA
On all N,gil Mins
On and atter mom) Y. Niiit FABER %Ph, 181, ,Ih.
Trhins nn Itii• l'hioadriphle k Erie Roll Lad
rail, as IrollOWO:
IV RS= A R it
PAIL. TRAM' Inaar•lmlnlploin II 1.. p. m
Norlhumberlann 5 5.1 a. m
" brave at brie 9 90 p. m
unit: extrtEss leareaensladatinn. nn H o n ,"
•• •• pinmhonmartand Ii 14 p..m
" arrive at Kele It 4 a. no
MAIL ',aver 00 a m
.• • Noritimphm43.l4 4 •:•-• p no
"' " arrive atlt haven 7 45 p. ra
NAIL TRAIN leave. IE6. 4'; •:.• /I RI
I. " " hatllhOMbellarld I ..:1 L. Ili
11. " arrive M Philadelphia #Si a 11l
EttiE EXPI 4 I.M4 iiti,f 04 IWO 4 ..ti p in
0 .. . Northilinlwrland ..:I•: 4. In.
aftive at Plul4o..liolilu 100 p. in.
El.lllltA MAIL 1,.,,04 Lock Ilavrn 7 10 u, us;
.• hunhumherland 10 10 • nn.
writ , . at l'N'ailalpho OIU p. no
Mall Gad a:%1.1.00 cattaerl ailb all 11011111 nn
WASHES la ruAmmi v 11411.14 AV. Fitaailigera
Irattai Pitilipli•lplain at IS tat M. atm. al Irvonetoa
al a ab a en.. and 0.1 CO, a' 9 `..1 a en
FittlaA•lplita al It 13 P. M.. arrtv• at (hi
city 11 p. go,
.11l Immo on Watrrn k Franklin Malin ay
ria.•••• r..llllPirlian. at 114 Illy anh mina (..r Fri a:4 •
lii, ;ma priralanat •••••1;a• 11.%R12.AMC
A. I. TV LER. Geinial 1 1 40 tile.
linwletter's enitril States Altuanor for PM. for
I tiltleilintion. /ratio. thel.tothofit the rah. :1 Mates
I ro.t itti civilized countries of the Western Ileums.
1 pher , , we Ibe publiehe I atelt th^ first a : mew r .
1 .4 nil who wish to unaerstaid the trot. philosophy
of health should read awl ponder tho volt:4610 sox.
geoiohs it resitnins. In odithion In en mholrable
Medical treatise on the causes, prevention and irate
lof a great variety of (liaises. it embraces a large
, nin,eet .sr Inform:11;0a intoretting to the merchant
t thr tocr hank, the miler. the Wince. the planter.
j sod professional won; and the etkolat ions Awe
j been wade for such meriolins and latitmlits its are
, mist suitable for a correct snit comprehensive Na
• WON tIL entemyea.
The tlalate, ft.oft, and OCttar4r4iUMV 1401it1ty of
fret* of eorvret rims sTo4, l krif errrepti, 01,
.molt intnr 4 , 4 nttoretivo of more than halt th,.
Ch.iethili traria. ore folly oot forth in tts 1011#41.
2.Traten ioterapermol with vninaiao toroth,
hnotoroem hmeAntow. mot other tommietive owl
&muting coding matter original filth orterted.
Among tho Amnia +4 44 wolf watl tow opening of
the )oat, tidy moot he ono of the ma-t usoful,
moy af hart for thr nAhe,!. Fend rot copies to the
Ventral Mnonfartory, at ri,thoury, 1 . 4., or to the
noormt 'moot for IlthiteT f:Rat trrov Alm err
Tees. The nErflinti ere mita in (Tim city, town
and einano of Ito rotted ittatol.
Itorombor 11, 1.07 rA,
Likr the voirBno, tail give ivvite th ;he NO gm,
fiery contPota of Ita deep integor• To remove the
rnfo, of engh ..11rerinc it ik only nert.osary to vita.
tine th. fIN - 14,4 by *.troMym,7 mettll ith, Mot's!.
'it protected *motion of the Peotoxide or hoe , will
du tni4 ettxtoilly. and give soyszil, ri;or fin,l
EvraecT Or A LAIVA . r. tv. Mot “to S. Enna,
r•Far veva I woo o .atif•r^r from Pod*, ■n mil my
hie boohoo wedrioonie through th , or frequent rood
or t &VIM heft : flanriv Uen rho or to feinted to
the email of my bock . Doting Ito prtta t ha o io t a. 0,,
of , crotopoitod tlpsh w I'4 t.v..ry doe n• two not :111kny
mutt Ow powwow-to *MI U , 10 . 1111 o.l,lth:tore of hh •
rtt,,tt.ot ,Aero great. Ileroro I had re rove rod from
this attack two vomiter nertittnehts broke not higher
Hp. arid 1 woo twill ihrratrood with it rocotronre of
the otitforinge to which t had en long been ',objector{
It wow tOrthir ti Win that 1 onion enred totting the Pl
Mir! AN SYRUP. letuolnhedtakingit WI I had
flood the bottlas mice 111 , 111 I hoer had notion; I 4
the kiwi For year* I woo +air Or the greidult roof
f or e., Other medicine. Naar no partial and tempo•
rn,y rote', but ;hot roaldn remedy with ro kind
awl intuuve !moo. wont directly to tho rot I or OS
work with a thotoushinios worthy or ertt tl,thhhatej
As 3 page Pamphlet tmnt. free Tio genuine hag
Perovivi Syrup' • the ea ,
1, P. PI:WSW/it E, Proprietor.
3ti !hi th, Nth York.
0 , 4411% , All Oruggios
cir•A in a vary alma lime
CUTte. PI`RVP, sCuLflii, WOUNDeI.
tlrn,l,o elltYPlrta,ed.
It I NrilViolt.3ll CII II AS lit., hot La
1110/.011 11$, et:ILIINit. CHU.
NI.AINd, &n.
to IA prompt in nrJnn, reinnvea pain at pace, end
reduces die moo entity Wobble ewe llinga pod i c a 4 .
motto., as if by nocale,—thus rffurding refiuf and a
10111010 'llO7.
$lO II k MN. Hewitt". Prooripiort
by ail Iltagairte, Greeerc end at all romilrY
starve. lh c-tuber 11, lent -.lw.
BA , Lost, How Restored.
Just published, a Hew edition of
INGHWEI,IS Celebrated Ili"nv on the red •
Ical mire (without
teatWeal:nem levolontery elemin al Ineette, Impo•
wary Memel end l'hye;cel trimmer:lly, Impartment.
to %twinge, air. ;Man COnsaloption, Epilepsy, and
ril e induced by aelf.lndolgence or dermal yeshiva ,
cr Price, in a scaled envelope, only n
Thy encirated intim! 13 thie admirable cooly
clearly dimionetratee, Item a thirty 'more' encettee.
MI pretties!, that the elerming ramorquencee of anlf.
Gauge may be radically coifed without the Mosel.
OUP min of internal medicine nr the application of
the kiilfe—poimilie eat a elude of cote at tome ohm
Me. evtlein, and elfectuel, by means or which ever'
&offerer, no metier What hie minditiori may be, may
cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically.
Or Tine lecture sobould be in the halide of every
Yeillh end every man in the land.
tlent, under • oil, in a plain envelope, to any ad.
dreor pool laid, an receipt of ilk room or two post
Akin,e oho pathogen.
CHAP, J, C, Nina k
ISPRow,ory. Row York, PoosoMoo Wk.
VON upp.-3
And Catairb, treads/ wW► Ms utonnit dirges*, by J.
'HAACK, Y. D., Oculist and Aurild (furanrly of Ley.
ilun, flatland.) Ns. 319 PING Mutat. rft I LAIPA,—
Testimonials. from Ilia sent reilable imam" Intim
City and Uoveitry tau be rum NI bl■ °dire. The wei•
Ical Welly arr wvltad to areuNipsey
as be has Na eeereli hie pounce AUT11 , 119,114
EVEN, meerle4 witboel PAIN, Nu thew for rtrn•
April $,
A large A pp. Circular, Orin: Information of the
grimiest Importance In tbe young of both rater.
It females how the homely rosy bee onw beautiful,
the derbieed repperted. s ell the (Dr e am."' loyeil.
No youha lady or gentleman 'tumid fall to tend
their 'diluter, and reedve et Copy poet pet& re•
turn mall. Attlee*. eO. Drawer, 91, Troy, N. Y.
r.b y 7 1147—1 p
Yrnm Mr. IS, Zoeller, Ottpo4 istatur at Militbury.
..1 here lieen trituhloll for yeas with II had humor
1101rartliy, and soniciinice iniverely, -
During Ilt• pea rnunurr it nirilifeetiql Itself ante
Phan ulincl , iule nrdly. and I c.0.,' our tialer. All
ion. Of it worn Wilco iiicipperivid, withotit
mo iiitairdis, Indicates, I thick, the acclivities tic.
lure of the tialro
NKTII. W.VOW4E,I NOY, Horton. rroprlelart.
$414 by all Drug/iota. at th CIO. U bus. drat by nail
fur 33 ale.
Pladadrie E. F. Th o rnton. Ike great Eaglick Aetrol
ogitl, (ash royant and Pcychumetriestri, who bar
satonlehed the menu fle el if the ()Id World.
hen now located berrelf at Hudson, N. E. Mad line
Thornton pntvnee 'web wonderful pow ere or rec.-
and eight, er to enable her to Impart knowledge of
the g 1111p0f111114Cr la the mingle or married of
elates res. While In a mare of ranee, the deline
ates the terry feature• or the person you ere to mar•
ay, and by the aid of an thetrument•of intense pow•
er, kuown an the Parrhotiqd rope, guanrantma to pro.
dam a life like picture of the future husband or wile
of the applicant. log, Orr with dote of toarriage, pit
lotion in life, leading traits of cher actor, ate. This
In en humbug, an tkourantis of trAtiooOfele can an.
aert Ric will rood wit , it d. curl a eertified certill•
calf., or on Wien guarantee, that the pt. flit, la what
it put poll e by ••neloring a imall hu•tx of heir,
and arcing Ware of try b. lige. dirproittinu and coin.
I !calm', arid Porto. int fifty coo* end clamped envoi.
ripe chit( acrd tu your.o..lf you will U." lc, the
lure and duetted 1131 - ..fUVILIMI t'y return mall. MI
gctuanueleatirint weed ly ronadonalia. Andoolia
di.nor, MADAME C. r.Timmtvirec r. U. Bug
Ildnaun.N. Y. Well 'ta—ly
To her country bow, aAer a sojourn of a few
months 1,, the City. was hardly roc...pipet by art In plum. of n YOUTF.. Pottle durlied fare.
rt.e hat a soft ruby completing or almost macho,
suouthileas. and instead of lwonty•thren she really
appeared but eighteen. l'proi inquiry/1410 the Miele
of Pa areal a change. the Mantle told them runt, ribe
geed the Circassian Hahn, and rmisidered it an
Vatnahte arnnisitton to any Lady 'S 16141 By Sly use
any 1.n.1y or Gentleman can improve their personel
eppearatire nn huu.lrru 1.)1J. It it simple in Its cutt•
ligitimi. as %Olirs herself is •imple, yet uasnpasr•
eid in Its efficacy In draw ins impurities fr nn, also
belltine.rleatisiiiy and beatifying the skin and cnm•
pluaion. Ily its direit Aaiun on the entitle it draws
frnin It all its hurtling.% kindly hesting the came,
anJ ion *my the turf:Well% NRIIII,O PlOllOl4 n photiirl
ha, clear, salt. and twautiy i e. p r i re
by toad or ritare*e on rem Ipt of an outer 1.7 W. 1..
CLARK ai etognist*. lid. 3 West rayetre At
N. V. The n. 17 American Agent. for the
sale of the same * &Feb 27 I•n7—ly
SUFFER NO 40111 7 , .",
When by th e goo 11111 3911 , 8 V I LI.EI IR
ynit tan be ettiriail priniatteally.auil :.1 a Melina c , .0.
41,1"til•Wng .411trolee Whit h lia•ittlenned th
Inv:Oda:Tie tioadielite I'llY•i , tl and Nr, v.,.
Weakitaos.Deiieral Debility and Pro, ,,nii. LnFs
of *midst gttairay. lutindenry• or ally or the Con
Orill,hte .f nut' fa • • ! Iran. r ,
0u617;7i., p p...!.ryrilitim vierithrisVcrv.l.
It Vi ill toiu.ivv Ali A,prettlpb •
in 0.184 •)? Iwo .4
.•1 'atr•dpslrtKliei,
rearai.4 in.aoiry, &e. It will p 'tote the ippviite,
renew 11w b , •e46 611 , . hat a Jrtlrupe4 It by
Artionsl etc.* or • v.l prArtir..s.
Yr. el we, be httelbstetest en Mere by ..Queeit
thseturs - aod.paaantpracuoneu, but re sot es about
delay for for Elixir. most ue oiler ra,tori.d to health
and barlossere. A vesper' cure It euerassteett in
every storstarsest. Note SI. or Nor 'antlr Vs sops Ass.
dm.. $3. ktue ' , WIWI Is SU& sent to .Ik. I ► turn is,
all ordinary eases. s
moo, ter a,rinyttlea Feriae ro , . (.r the speedy
and frwrinin. , nt etifr , ut Genet rheas Gieet.lirei hut
tito.haraeo, 14..1(.1 Stricture and oil attiTtiona
the Killer) s sot) Madder. Curer effected in hem
nee to five trey." Th. , V are pretested Trion au:viable
t Nieto that, are h reties' nu the «poem. and never
naoocate the ottritiertt nr impreanate the breath No
thong+oaf diet iv 6 , 4,11#111 , whiff., noiug them. nor
dre,thrir 11111001 in env manner Interfere With bust.
twee ported'. Priest 151 per box.
Labor of the above Ingillie**ftot articles well he sent
to Noy addreatt..,looel, sealed, and p4l4+ Ey
matt or e‘ptem, Oft fo , `Cipt a price. AllitirrSo sit (Ir•
deer. to MAAS btt. eltirrrsd t.b.b, ^ .n4
hive' met.. Troy. N. V. tech 0,14' ly.
. .
B. He STO %Eft, Proprietor.
Thio Ik a new etan4 lately fitted up for the neerimnio
dation of the WI VPielit Wait: gelPflettiV. en
Math Street, a lew doore ehove the Court 'Meet!, on
wpm i n sp awn pr the ..ttptibleou property." It 14
rrntrally located in tie town, ain .0t toitl4olll, place
for Lev.t, to aloft beettlett helot in that part of man
t ymeit the majority of the lontimme IN hems gene.
The me p ete ip t reels eentitteht that he is !impart 4
to siva semen I wythtfitteloll to hie sonata, and would
*often a fair portion of the public pattoutige.
Canonsburg, May IS, 10a7.
Pr. .V;(0„ or Nub., one of the moot eminent
odide of Europe, said :
rife hood ednionding revolt, nine he anticipated
when indite ran he dnoolved to note writer,"
Or. N. ASl,kk*,lltWT fifteen year* of enientifie.
genre', nod experiment, hoe eneeeefted in itireolvinrt
one end fine gunner or iodine to en. if fold (wore ;
wartr, and Mr moo eoeundote reliefs hart fetinirift Ire
tre, part icotorly In :kraut& and dinetnen therefrom.
Or, Ware free.
_ .
Dr. 11. Andes' lodine Water to for nate by J,
01:0411061.1,36 trey ern:et. New VIII, and by aq
Druggiete, Nov 13,
C 11 BUR Y.
Collets. Odds. frioachitts, Astatine, Croup, /Cheeping
°tough, Ulieroxy, and the nouteruma as well as danger
tote divesture of the Throat. Cheat awl Limp, prevail
la our changeable climate at ill aemonis of the year :
few are footnote enough to emeape their baneful in.
gnome . flow. important then to have at hued a
certain antidote to all theca complaint*. Experience
motet that this emits in Masses Rataeat to en Olt
let ( not rotted in arty ether P. wetly I however mtliere
they the applitailen erthic «loathing. Meal.
int and einniierthi Eahatn at ooee vanquichea the
diamixe end textures the mutterer to wonted health.
nr B ALOWI/I,I . IIbI4VNG COUSIY. N. V.—writeel
" I was urged by a neighbor to get one bottle of
the Paladin for my wife. beteg assured by bun that
in Cll.ll. it did not produce good eithem, he would pay
I've the bottle himself. On the st length or simb prue
Oral a.V1i11411:1` of its merits, 1 procured a bottle. My
wire at this tune was so low with what the ;Myst•
emus termed *mated Consumption as to be unable
to N oe herself from the bed. tonithillil constantly
add raising More or teas blood. I eionmeneed giving
the Balsam as throated. and was 50 much pietsed
with its nprratu 11 that I 0111.1111ird 11111414/f bottle,
an d cont t n . H .A swim i 6 Reined this bottle was en•
Orely used, she mused roughing and was strung
enbilla to sit ttp. The MO bottle entirely restored
her to Mmith doing that which several P(1)1101111111
had tried in do but had Weir'
Prepared by W. PIMA gs SOS. 111 Tot.
good wt., Boston. and for sale by Druggists generally
Alt octane* koottiny themtelyea irttlohtel tha
otiatattord, ottv mutated to mode payment without
delay * J. V. RWlTtift. M.O
tilomott.hurgt, Feh.l3
A itentlevien who In early victim to that
deritteiiiir 'ICS um votontin to /youth. whirl' revolted
in retwittiti Woolliness, Istvolontary Collation. and
ldcrvuuv PrnfifilllOß and woes NW' wolfs; hie day,
in bootees toleery. After using MONII,MIS retitle .
WOO without success. be obaatiria Irate friend wow
wimple rules end proorriptioselbat Weald a per•
maiteut ware. On Ike& _r of eekeeriee humanity he
will wind tha mato fee elr Mom 4 ell VIM may
daelte It, A.40 - we ifXlll#lll - YRIgegitININ
motlerfb, Biblo Hoot., Proof Yore.
Ireeilebore. 107,
. aloAsits BLANKS 1
I)tV/v(/ de/00011(10(110/ inoe, wt this office
A Unottrwan who marred rot pm?* hoot Ilattstio
Y►rnutare Parity, nod all tats patois or
youth NI fudlottethot.44ll, rot iho make or 'aortal/
humanity, rood free to all Who nerd It, Oka ',collie!
and dirretivna rot Nokia' the .041pla timothy by
talitrli ha wan cured. OUlfurarit within' to profit by
the adotrilant'a oxpetionon, eon do to by afidttaothe
p•rfrrt anutidenen i JUIIN h. ►XJUIOI 42 Vo4ar
illrect Now York. hlay 29, We.
14 ederessed envelnns .nd V renicsnd I will send
yen now v • In ehtv inkumbilnn tlm v. 111 please you.
Addlll,lnnvi —l ress M ARY MIMIC, ovil Brusdivey. N. Y.
T"githffilY 0? MAN IA OITNENGIIII. A yenile
man Mho suffured for years /root Nervous and
Genital Pelrlllly, Nightly It merlons, and &nuns!
Weakness, the result of youthful Indiscretion, and
enure near enilins Ills days in hopeless misery, will,
for the smite of outfrring win. send to sny our sfltict•
ad, the uluiplr MrIIIII used by him, silo .(Tented ■
earn in R laoW Meeks tailor the failure or numerous
ntedicin, s. tend it directed reveler/ and sisal and
Will andt you RulMnd. Address,
1601.7 Ag Tit EMAINI. Miti St. N, Y. City.
Frot/m - 1 by the Ude of Pref. DELIIIKI'X' FMIMKR
LK ell EVF.E.X. one spoil/ith* *Narrower* In curl
the moat ottainht and **unborn halt of tither 0 0. X
Into *envy ringlets, or benty untroive curl'. Has
been ligtd by *he in•hionallt. nl Farb. btl.l London
Within.. too** gram - yin, ',quits, Wes no InJury to
the hair, Pelee by mit, 'tilled wild 1...11.114 11
irirotlars mailed Iree. Arbite.finENOKll,
Ofjurre k Lo,, I heunits, No. Millet, ht., Troy,
N.LY Agents for th e lluited Meeere.
Feb.ll7. 1047-11 y.
• CIIAB T }: LAIt '
IlAli EXTP.I9II4 ATM Pfd gilellftlf suns.
num,* HAW ,
To thebadle . netrelally,tUlalnvtluahle depititnry
recontinentin 11/01 a being en alliinat Indlopensikle
snide to female beitniy. le nullity applied. aloes nut
burn or injure the akin. but seta d'rettly on the root
It to M scene ten to remove superfluous hair tram
low fort head., or trout any part of the L, dy, rout.
iileiety, totally awl eadlaelty estlrpalloe the triune,
teavnie the akin euft, month and natural. This la
the noy real article t oed by the rreneti, and Is the
enly real etrectiat I depilatory to et tat.:liee. Price 73
oral per package. quad poot•paid, to any addre n a, on
of order, by itratii.R. stiurna Ar.
Feb. j, '67-Iy. Cbamiats, sni liner Ut. Trey,
There enmesh glad tiding.. 4 Jun to all.
blunt and 10 old, to germ lied to ;
Tie beauty N'hirl) align WA. an pier lula 41 , 4 Tarn.
Is Dee kr all. and 111 may he (air.
Oh t Or war berstifel a r d 6111.
WWI starry vyko. and rariimait per,
Whmui tarring tamdrlls soft. era wino.,
Socisateled th., re ry hrart mad wind.
1.311141Pi11t Cfpnit.
row ckatiss tt t e thur ! jrithel. iHt lath IYsry IMO
Gloaby Rtn.sorio or sfc.v7
Mt...tire Curio.
Pr eta i thi. eriklr Leitira end (Irml•rren ran
be ft stiry ihemonl,.. • a thna.enJ lAA It is the only
aelliele in the et milt that a ill co ri rhn¢ht hale. had
al the anew tow gtvr it a 6 , 411(40, 0.,6% appear.
*am Therein)... Como tuft obi) , earl• the heir.
but in wiunrute• !want plea snot eloaft.e. of ; la Wahl,
font dolialfitlty phrtenird, nod t. the tondt rompfele
Article of the kind 'y r , ode r..tto the Awe drat. polo.
he. The erte)er eame will be aunt to any wide•.•.
Orland and piolpslit If or 111 AJdr.•sa *ll d..r. to tV,
L.l.3.Ame. & .eftelaiilt, No, 3b% «►f Vorette Into
Nyman. ei. V. ro, 17 v7—ly
trim eel; ATell I iTt:ll :it
lu front 10 in ♦1 hniir
Wehatesen Ointment rtlt•fl / 1 11 Tteh.
Wheiton's Conttrtri cure.. Pan Minna
Wbeatun's Oirtmeht .rune. Tottq,r.
Witenitmen titnisnent Barbers' Itch
Wheaton's Ciitlimnid COW. (XI Fetes.
Wheaton's thalsrol.t row* Emory kind
of Mum tike Meet.
Prle«, Sla mitt Fl , l has by RUNI,tal rode A 4dreili
WEEKta K IrtrITIA. X , . nu W 3.11. a Wu easels.
Pustms. Mass. 1 , 01 , sale by all laroggi els.
trpl. VS. Iso.-1 tr.
forre.4 to twAv upon the emeneb..t fees in from
their t., five. 46,0.9 1.1 , uoitig Dr riorsienelit Itee
-1311131.1? ( . 13001:11rr. t he 114.16, Wolldurrill derpflWritfy
is /modern pe area. op , n Ilse Ileatd see flair
In an .811nora ilitraro.lota• maunr r. II has been Heed
by the elite of Paris and London with the mooed.
tcrsog auccc.a. ;Nome, of 411 purehatrrelll be
tegiaterst and II 4.1111 r.. Is not given in
ea try money wise be rheerfutly refund.
el. Price by !owl, resale/I and po•toaid. el. Dee.
cnpUvr , treat aer and te4tisponinle piastre Ilea. Ad•
Arras Fll ssiUrrs e. CU., Cherwela, Nu.
43 Nnvq elje . .lie Troy, N. Ir., Sole hernia for the
United elates. (Eva. ter,'—ty.
111 thAME.*MINI:TONT. the world maimed
Artroioput and doconamaulitull uoicanyant. white
in a Oaf rvnyant etnto delineates, the very (patting' of
the pose It you arc to malty. anJ by tal alit of en
lloottigoorai of ititrineo pi , Wer. Snow?: es the p.yrao
mdt"lnr. gOire""nn to hitviote a rerfoet nod life.
ilk. ph tut c of the Anon , ' iiiiiihand or vele.. of the ma
'Meant. with date and morriAta. occupation. leading
traits and character. cit. Phis lane 111,40/Rion. ste
testununtsla without number roe arrsri. tip 'netted
place of birth. are. itirpositioli. color of eyes and
hair. and one losing coot* aod stamped envoi.
eye eddrasasJ to wilt redone picture
by rip sh i f wail , logvlhrf a ilh deviled! infosOlotioll
Addrosa in co ifidenc... MADAN,: faiRTIICINB
semisarswv. T. t). 8u 07. Watt fray. N.Y.
Feb.ll7. 1067..-ty
Inguhr of oteepeloof to the 'hero' of Anent.* fo r
Mettihnttion of the poi/deaf Ppter Lvetan4. dereahrs4
Septorotev rith • MT. 0. C. Wah:er, Eel., appront.d
.Mom{*'ion.► to take tertittinny. Hy the Court.
c er rieled rre i n the Rotor& Jtna Cnt.rBol. Clerk
To par tie.. intore.te.l to the ohne, e•e mite notice.
!bat I .11401 attend f a the petee.o ,p r .,1„ 1 ,.
hunt. ei mr ••otter , rn IthlnlPot .Jrlf, en P•iday. the ell,
do, of Nnveuthet, Ite 7. at In o'clock. e. nu.
U. C. h.IIILEK. Ahd:tor .
Oet. Id, 00,7.
TN& linOrrOialld'il will pay the hiehett market price
in ♦tehnnee fur cloth either of Me awn manatee U.
While ihlerwort, or Illy. Helm; on
your Wool to the Mount Plverent Mill.. •t Mordant•
trill,. Cc J. 6 MANUS.
®opt. 4, 107. •
The Wee. EDWARD A. will rend (free
of 011 , 010 all who dealt" it, the preacrthtion with
the itifertione for mating aed omits the riinpic
r..teetly by which he w•aa eared of a lung Affection
and that dread dieenee Cononmption. Die 0111• 1111
Jeri la to benefit the Pellicle/ earl he hope,' every
ei l iaorer will try MIA preerriptititi. PS coat
them hothiillf, ntld may prove a blceelnit. Pleas*
addree• Rev. EDWARD A .WII SON.
No . If South Second Neat, WilliattiebutS, New
V ore .
ferrnstinn !Runyan ice.l rn orndoes R htrnnant
'lnstil of hair noon a hall brad nr fens.
RNA a fßoßip• f.r lbo rric..ssa of Pimple+. Blotches.
Ns,lotionr. cre.. cwt the skin leaving the same rofl
Amt. and twanuful. can tot obtained wtthout ebaryo
by addireowng Th(ll l .r. ell A PMAN Coetntat.
tria Stowaway, New York
woodeyrtil ksvetstions %Web, the Meat Arty°lnn
alit. MADAME; 11. A. nituitv). the ovoid.; ie.
nets no nowtl ever knee.. the 'retorts In hapvpl•
ot,„ those who (non tel events, eataitropiten,
entrees in love. lose of relation, and friends, lose
.4 money. kn., have become despondent. She brings
together those long separated• gives inforataithe cull•
ermine ati.eut friend. or lovers, erelong Tout see
ettilt.n IttopiqtY. MIN you the humors' yon are heel
qualified to pursue and in whet you will be tenet sue
'moth , ratters speedy Maulers and !rile you the
very day) - sera will ninny. gives you the nettle, Ilke•
ores and t hariatsriatirs of the person. /the reads
your very thouplite, and by her utmost supernatural
ittiNers not ear( the dark and hidden niyeteries of the
future. Ernie the stare we eve in the firm iment—
tint malefic stsri that overcame or predominate to the
ronflguralt••n•-from the nthoete and positions of the
plitiote and the foul stare In thin heaven's at thetime
or Meth, shot doduces the future destiny of men. Fail
tint to elinehlt the Crouch Aetrultelipt on math. It
rode you hot n trifle, ar,4 yon may never ninth have
an favortihlg. an npportuttity. Consultation fee with
likenese end all desired information, Pardee
living ■t a downs tan commit the Madame by mail
wi t h &go o 'a rmy and sattoketion to theumeives as tt
in person. A full and explicit chart. written nut.
within Ingiurics answered and likeness enotoevd,
emit by mall on tee• ilk of prim above mentioned.—
The deleted seeliwy will be maintained and a'l con•
respondence returned or deetroyed. References of
the hipheal under (Welshed Omen desiring them.—
Write plainly the day of the monlb and year in
whkh vet were born. enciesing 4 small loth of hair .
Addrese, PIAIIAMg IL A. fLitillitid.
fll I v P, f) flrawer Retitle. Y•
, -
Howard Ippociatinn litopooK far YOUNa MRS
On ihn (ir POI tTIII r, mil the 11:111110101
*ROM and 1)114hAtill1 whin% fs•froy thp manlyplow's, plow's, sea M
pronto inshodietnnate to ARROW!,
srlin ours wimp IN roller, liPht in roahid Whir on
voihspop. Opp of elms. tleldpoin ftl. J, PK ILLIN
110111111 1 . 011. Howard Arnotiiitiut Pbelabeipkl a. h.
Joao S. WV -IA
The victim of youthful Indlosistloo dootrnyi Ala
happiness, rains him prospects for serial enjoycnont
asorrioge and Om pursuit of 4421n001l aid sods I Is
Oro in onloory ; but by its timely us' ago loaf trlo4
sad faithful moody
Bell's Specific Pills,
he may reeover hi, health. Make tbereihre 110 Ae
lay la using this seined,. _lidless w eedy abil
wit* iimu elect a core In IP easel n!denting, Wenk•
Zrolmilnie, Physical and Narver, Debility Mid
derangemento or the urinsry angel., POSIISS
AI IS derived be using a single boa, It a entlreiv
vegetable end harmless and no chaise of dial la
neceesary whilst using diem.
erica line [Miler per box milkman dkeettems.
Raid by Druseiets generally, 1n places where
they cannot be procured 1 mill send Wilma by mall
post-paid end ~Cu,, fry at elmervetion on rate4st ert
the money. Addrees, J. 6NYAII, M. U. WV 11401110
w•v Naas , rOlll.
SISIVIIu and tonfidertial tinnier, wlll *I aeM $
gentlemen fres of charge.
Ult. J. lilt AN. cONSULTING
819 Broadway, New York,
Gloom PM:IIIAL TREATYIrxr in Orates or fir ml•
oil, !googol, Cnnar and Norway, gbroorror In male
or fregialo. Armco Foss and turiergundeoce gram:TAM
irannamari.-1 will sand my private end 'ORA •
Attalla' circulars Pro of ,Aar e, and for 10 cent, a
valuable irvolisa nn e/lnlnal Mesabi's., by Dr. Kos
St. 1.1rt.i.. lOU page..
To Lams will send my Private Oranfar with
Asatuoileal L'neravialts Poo •f Marv. sod fur 10
toots • valuable lrratlu b., Pr. June D•vvvY cce
talolag lUip rivet laluristatina en all sultiocli IC -
Wrest to ler key,
Your attontlon lo called to ilto vomit olleortooo
ronlcdier ever know. rnt tht removal .robstrucU was
and Miran/pimento loch/rut to (Da atolls sec
Dr. Ilarvey's
bees been tamed for upward, of THIRTY TIMM with
. 1411 Virlt fue , e.S. Thi y em sempurd tot ell olds.
navy mita and inciter fed lii 1;1m &Elkin tf talon in
Dr. Harvey'•
I --
see intended for 'peels' eau' reculrlec la Of* power.-
NI iti...!.r.ina. They are four decreed dtrancf e Oran
the nrdlr Ra kind and ore perfectly hermit's and
It you cannot get them of rwir entre' it I will tend
them by retire a ell, pntt•patd peq ',cote Item ob.
eetvetton on receipt or the mouey.
I wttl alto tend en Illwatteted so 4 C0n62,..u1tal , tar to I.aot , sue ippletatwm,
AJdreve .1.1311 VAN, hi 11..1119 Hanes" .y. Kele Veal
Th• rublir bye Arr. by ertjhod flint the followteir
prnyric, br too g illy to +, W. /nob a.m. Contra Tnwtl•
obtp. Was Nol4 WI rb.. lirt of Oetther. Ifer; and par.
thn.e.4 by lbe and. r,tgrind, viz 3 Ph.. I ivnw.
Gunn (:,.otint rtnrc. Ani 011eW
Centre twirnsinp. Nev. S. 1P67.
J . ' li. BROWER, (Glr. Nan & Iron stse)
Is sow olefins to Om Fablse Ina 6VICK Or
tolimiolifigg le reft of a MI i:oe of
Tins rlolba and entairn.rn fnt Laafra. mita.
Qant•mnn 11,.,. 'Janda of Alt Patinae's and qualstlaa.
111011111 M and Print', of %Annus ynaArera and porno.
Illeafbed AT,S Drown Pnualine, La4las rinnab Unreel.
0060 t►anrim•nt of 1...1a1ts and childiene palter,
and e. 0..
Pftrh Orxen*• •nd ;ipi:to New aseortmesat of
Glass and Q4reuswarc
tx.tio, I Itararre! In tor. half and one fourth Ramis.
Now fa th. mu* t 4 nuke your reNetiono. as 1 an,
nQeefuß ?...1a at my low prat, and ..u , mono is
fair dealatqg to all, and not to be Judo rsot.l by sty.
J. J. saw % CR.
Illooestbarg. April 304 1F47.
(oprost 11: Tile eVISCOP Al.lelti:11.)
On Main Street, Bloomsburg.
Thy sultartittfr t:ik•a pleasurn in tornounctoug to
ti. Opt pie .I ram m•Lutc, and •trinity, that he hat
en band a limn and dn. impartment of
fir ladies and iaallamen's War. In Poll all , aaerc
Ilfa City w.rk ip ul ltin Levi quality. and Ir• ni Lite
moot Otani.: mancfnetntrra ; ha kale( a practical
workwan and a load j.4,:40 al
I .1 3 .11).1:11=0 .
ha Is not liSsly to be impowd upon by rfteiviag
w.tobiNes ntriorial badly wade ap.
Thos. dnsinnß.i Clung in his sine would An writ
te ail, a dim s all, before pnrehnoing elsewhere. 111
CM •t pri.e• to roll novellas. r•.
Mt p.q•an• wha iteeire light rig heavy work MUM
to milt r r•n be action iiinvlateg •,
T r A14(1, erpiiii!eg w 111 be dime with neatness end
ititeallatt:3 tf 1» Ales ?swing %Pet Pntq
Whets en heed. A. eitt►.I.LLICIL
;with. IWO.
TFlCotedersighed reryt.rtfulh, ann 000 eo • to Air
many (rived. that he has nye nu' I Roll Cloth In 7 aud
firnilemen'r Munch! rig ftwuc, in the lower c”nro of
the iiiinmhs thitining. s.u..fttit.t tot rt, of Main and
avid d , Bloom chi' rg. la.
HivinsJuot returna flout rhilactelph d wire a large
Fall and Winter Clothing
end Gentlemen's furnishing Gr.rir. &r.. &e. lir fiat.
this biotic!! that hi ciao please alt. Ills stock sour.
nub as
and In fact everything in trie Clothing or run:lshii!'
line et
Very Low l'Wee.t.
In addition to the *hews he has an elegant assert
wont or
Clothes. Castainers, anct Vestings.
ccr Clothing made to older M thn 'honest notice
Call and err berms purchasing elsewhere. and
J. W.
Cielaher M. las.
!INS Mtn norm)
Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa.
The Vuescriber rerporifully infnrnis his
friends and the public, (net he has taken the
gbotir well known
and will be pleaerd In rearm% the custom of all who
will favor him with Reel. Ile will keep
A GOOD T 111 LE,
far will stocked with the boot of Mutters, arid
every effort will be inade to render entire 'misfit.
JOH hi eltlY DEL
Oramriatille March 20,1147.
—a" , •
WIII ha tali at privets Bale a lICURR
ii tgArii
and I,OT, eittlaieri on diet', and Railroad
Minute above Iron. our the 81110101 Will , f
nbhins ac Co , lit eloninebers , The hone la a
nrw frame Imiltilit, two 'tales hlsh. with cellar,
and well Aniseed. The lot le of good elle, Is. e;
eellent eortditkin, end well planted with every de
'Meilen of chore Omit. All necessary nutbot 'dints
RIR pre , ted . The terms will be wade liberal, and
sone title sires. rot furthei pnrlnular• leenlre ilit
this olioe. bor. la. III 17.„
nit Ire Al O. A. TOM • no • I. iblea
tolved •by &Auto; ousel. & A. Fouti
D. R. TOUT,: I. hereby arthetheed in oft*
Oleo IN Me Mr amt. P. A. ? ID I. WM.
bAV Mtn:
/wird 1. $67.
iWILL coot/mud In the WHOLESALE. billa
AND efidellNlE 111 MMI* MANI)/ ACT ri•
Itet) M EDICININ, et the cid Flare. h.
lie n 4010113 .(trot. under the sun. and ohm of
GAO. A, molt.
V7l/.1 Witt all "Ws of dl.entem tbst 11 , 1 , 4
11,•N or Om to, snit voUre Mere la iluevre, gio oloup.
Opal. IN mina 10 411 Maws or so pay.
A two et 7,147.
errata ethics* lesatte ?mama tree TW7.. StPCIIA I M
N44le. to be.eohyhorn thee letteer titotamentary ew
the estate Of Jacob Kara,. devoted. late W FI•IbIng•
creek taw alahop. t plumb's County. bays Neon mat
ed It, the Neel .1., al sate County to Plerlealt Kerma
who r. Wee to bald toe itattip sod all persona hew
los (lain,. artelnet the t mate are tenweeted ha preet•
thew to the ..aectittit for or memo., sod these know
tag th ern/elves to lw ittnithted will wake payment.
August 19. MT.
Nettly !improved
ActuvutvtAncirn To Kg. 1115 117:31'
London Prise Medal end highest roamed' to AMP
kit rOteirpd.
i'dototitutia sod attend hand Planets Moak.
Arril PO, 1867-3al. below Nth PIIILA., PA.
71.. N.roet., having reeersted end raetted all
EPTAVAANIT, in toe Lear:tiara a the
he w(11114 MOO T , 'pitifully solicit a eontinuanna a(
, t hue OM toilworn., nod otrdially In
% tine teuttl.m 5111111 4415 to olio ttfreeltmlmho
no fallow':
SI)ELI. OYSTERS, ill o tip
ntivp,tl OV9TEI9. FICSII nen.
Mate tows per week. MAY MID
EGGS. TRIM. RUl.AllialA. Wet ter
ir yttet• ran he mead up Cu cultivate's at I
lawneate nnrio.., In
Wean the Wu, a( the epleratfas.
illetentoberg. August W. TM%
White Liquid Enamel,
I" cr berms ire end Reatil• in z the Comp . /P*o , n.
I hhp mart voimt, , e r•:. 4 lotel7erpreon•7ton in UFA tvt
giving Ilie Otto s beet:taut peerl•lthe lint that Is
nn' retool In youth. It vickly ertonvee Tam Preek •
lie. foh^lee Sloiches. aim); Pmeber, Peroweette
1 i.raptioni and etnonrotee of the eeln. k i wily Mello.
the same leaving the skin *ha. and dear or 'Wow
let. Ile use cannot he dp:ofled by the clotoet pen•
i tiny, and he ing a vegetable preparation Is MARV,
1 hattoteee. It is the r-PI y %mete of the kiwi need by
to. Creech. it nd le esoeillered by the Porosion an in•
' dtee" , rlsle to • perfect mellt. Cowards of :10.nOn
bottle. , ‘ ,1, ! 0, 4 d dnv nil lb* pact ytor, a eatheleet
iganat“ of it. elfterey. Pyle. not? 73 tents.—
' Sept by mall. lisnot•pod. Me re.elpt of as ord.,. tl
tiEROR.R. litill'iTS k CO • Cheotooa.
Feb t 7 1t167-17 PO River dt.Troy. N.Y.
H. H. Hnnaberger, Agent,
Alin Street, below t?' Anv,ri,:an Howe,
31001kIllitIIRC !
Ecrg,4 nn ban!' itne, Nrniahra to the ' esdempye
try trade. at Philadelphia (invircoe, plictii.
nrmarric AND rmrcorrrn email. all k n et
p rnn hing 'rob/Kens. ?Jeerer:ivied. and Briar
Wood riper, and all 'Mild, rational,' to t!le oboe,
eo twit. Small doaltra would do well to et vlehlell •
call en.t , d4l of Heidi est to the eitt••• for Met soopllto
or ontt haring them of traveling pf
Ile iii/o OOP tolliflOtt f CAI 6
Auld r hill rupply al fresh
gait. F {rt. Fi.pp•r. Ppirar, &S.. of which he
01T••ed etre, 'or carte Of eaustry produe
Ektolbet 2i. IdGT.
A. ilft of the Untestate of Peonstl44Pl4. 4P
pm/el Oth any nt Aecti.lB6l.rnittle4. A Porther
inpplnment to an Act for the tesulttion and nentin•
Unncs n 1 a ey+tern of C 4.1.3001 441 Conputen echncls.
&C., enact, an ((dem,:
ter.:. “That Oa County anprel^lan.titnt of oath
County in Ow Commonwealth is hereny authorised
and ri qUiccd. onre In each year. at eit , lt time sod
place Ile he. or a rrope•ly Ittlthorierd CerritoWe* of
Tracker.. actin, who Mtn. teat dram moat ennvent•
sot. to cell upon and write the Teacher, of the Co.ek
Irret Schools and other Ineilllation.. of Irern.O.ll.ll
Ale rOnaly, to serenitile logrtre r and nrenniza them,
swami into a Teschrro• Ineittute. to be devoted to the
improvemsnt or Teerclo,rs is the 'tierce and art of
ediication. and to continuo in session at Nast Oro
Asys. hirinshag a half day for point to. and a half
a day for returning from. tla. Pug of meeting." ec.
If c 3. Provider): " That all boards of Directors
may allow the teachers to Orly eltooly the privarge
of attending thr•e Institutes, wnhout oolong any
deduction atom salary. and that any teacher
who absents hiinscil from itie institute of his Coon"
ty, without a good rellikelt. may hoer his Want .4
prnfersinnsl spirit and zeal iralicatsd, by • lower
mark on his rertificate 1p the practice of teachlai.
than he would othorwist hare received,"
In amordanca with the ahem, cited act of Ark...103r
the leac hers of the Common Pchunts, and other to.
of learning In l County are here•
fur invited to arilin...l.le for the purpoce abovu silted.
an the Hall of the blinding of the Ilaorristitirg
ary Jrctltute, at litoncisbarg. on StoilLtY. ha Z.Sta
day of WOVE uttf. R ISA?. at lu o'clock a na.
Mr. J P. WI, kr.shum, Supurinter.dast of Common
sehoole Pennoylvants. anti other eminent 'data.
tars. will be in atiaausnee ro suldralit the I. , origete.
1:3U3. at. lIMUMET.
014101 t;o1.
October a Mt
An npen;ng a ;arge an! *en
looted stork of Drage and mik.
Point.. Otis, Glass, Dye
Varniaere. !,snipe. Las•
mns. Chendettere,nhimilaye, sad
large variety of Toilet
he only depot for the following
, tandstd preparatrons Header•
Riloarn of linrebnuml. Rprltn end Sweetly !Ali
ment, Hsi( Tome. and 1:nln1lne Anwrican Hair Rr
literati() K. Trusic e.
Phime Wine of Ivor. Nogellption,i eusrilfl4l l / Cots
poundo4l At all hners.
D' Smile art emerrturr Cuomo filpilloltilk.en
11110oinsbuts, Oct , 9, Mb?.
wt./. Anltolitortteliell not Out untnte o«.. 1 ,
W. p ow ,. la t . Clown To'Matto. nilgirliM4l
Comity, d*oelsod, tap Yuen granind by the Runisint
or rain County to BaHid !It ellOntof fletillock TOW% •
.MP. All Mit, ,, na harm/ ri14111.141410111 SM.
of Ille drettlAed rft gni rb,m flee a dn.inz A
for for i•OlomM1111, thou itiMitilid to the
will wale Itniundtate payment to the onderultnatl,
Ot•t. 0, Int —Bw.
13 tnr e 1.7 given that we. the uudertigalia. enema
of Hemlock Township. Colombia County, (ism sk t i i ,
data (0.111,1601 forbid any person Of minions tees.
Paula/ on nor lands. Alt who are foiled so dell%
will be dealt with &decoding to law .
Mathias Applemas, I Dr. 1. R. Buses.
Isaac 0. Puree', William Shelving',
Hoch D. Mcßride, Pp/ester Pam,
B. • W.. C. Ittsbart, I leer* Assad,
llcorbli Beals Wm. Wiaterstsegi
Druilork. 'dept. 13.151.7.