Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, December 11, 1867, Image 2

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    Who hold them. T are giunerterely as
a trues fur the publicnefit i awned:nee fur
a filed period, sometime dune good beha
vior, bat generally they are liable to be ter
minated at the pleasure of the appointing
Fhwer, which represents the collective ma
sty and speaks the will of the people,—
e forted retention in of ee of a toogle dis
honest person may work great injury to the
public interests , . l'he danger to the publie
eorrice conies not. from the perverts) reifieve,.
but from the power to eppoire Theme ire
it was that the teeetere of the Constitution
haft the power of removal unrestricted, while
they Barr the seol.lo a right to reject all ap
pointments which. in its opinion, were not
lilt to he made. A little reileetivri on the,
subject will probably saiiefy all veal hive the
geed of the country at heart, that our best
course ie ye take the Corisete(ion for our
quilt, walk in the path marked out by the
teen tors of the Republic, and obey the
rulesauele sacred by the observaace of our
/MO prieleces.sors.
TN: presort corelitios dour finances and
cirri:lame medium in ono te which your
tarty consideration is invited.
The proportion which the eurreney airily ;
country should bear to the whole value of
the annual produce circulated by its moans
is a question upon which political mono-
mists heve not steyiel. Nor eau it be con
trolled by lecisletion, but mu ,t be lett to I
the irreveeahle laws which everywhere reg
co mmerce amp trade. Thu circulating
medium will ever irresietildy flow to those
Yawwhere it is in preetest denimel. The i
law of demand and emptily is as Interring ii
that which rectslatee the tides of the wean:
and indeed temente-, like the tides, Las its 1
ebbs and flows throughout the commercial
At the begiening of the rebellion the.
bank note circulation of the country anoun- I
tea to not much more than two hundred
mallows of dollars; now the circulation of i
Nitional Bank notoa and those known ii., i
"kcal tenders" is mealy ' seven hundred j
millions. While ie is urgeil Ity :erne that
this amount should he men:ascii, others
contend that a deeidefl reduction is aheo I
hit* ee.cntial to the best intereete of the
country. In view of theft di: vest- opinions 1
it may he well to aseermie the real value of
our paper Lanes, when compared with a
metallic or convertible currency. Fur tide I
purpose let us inquire how much gold ant !,
silvereottld he ifurehtufed by the eel - cutoff- 1
drel millions of paper money now in eirett-
laden ? Prol,ahly not tunic than hall* she i
amount of the letter—showing that ellen i
our paper currency is compared with will l i
and silver, its eemeriereial value is efinferee
led into three hundred and fifty minter's. 1
This striking feet maples it the obvious they 1
of the Govermeent, as early as may be coil l
sistent with the erineil I:e of a emit polithe I '
et:enemy, to take sneh lueesuree AS Will I . ii • I
We the holder of its netee and dime of the ;
National Banks to convert them, without
loss, into specie or its elit'velent. A r„-
ductien or our (raper fireulating medium I
nee] not neeeennly lollow. This, hewer, er, I
would depend upon the law of demand m i d !
supply, though it should be borne in mind
that by reeking legal-tender and bank metes
convertible into eoin or its equiv.sient, their I
present specie value in the hands of their
bottlers would he enhaueel one bierlael per
• Legislation for the acerimplirlinu.nt or a
result so tie,irabla ileinamled by the high
est public eunsiileration4. The Constitution
contemplates that the eh-cohabit; medium o r
the country shall be old:brill in quality, and
valoo. At the time of ihz formath•it et' t h a t
instruineut, the country 114,1
from the war or the /let oboloo, and na,
Flattering fruw the effeots o' a
awl worthless paper currency. The
or that period were motion.t., pnio•et ti w i r
'maturity Stoma the cm M %sliieh they them-
ACIVC4 had extwrioneed. Hence, hi PriviJ•
ing a tirculutins medium. thy e Atfurre,l
upon l'otigros the pima coih money and
r e gul a te the value thereof, at the same time
p r ohibiting th e States from making anytilitig
hot gold and silver a tender in payment ci
The anomalous condition of our currency
is in sti ikine contrast with that which Arc. -4
originally fesignol. Our eireulatim now
embraces, first, notes of the National Banks,
which arc made, remivable tar all dues to the
ilovernment, excluding imposts, and by all
its creditors, execining in, payment of inter
est upon its bonds solia tlfe seeorifies &m
-otives: stsemel, legal-tender notes, issued by
the United States, and which the low re
quires shall be received as well in pay meta
of all debts i'ttweeu citiaens as of all Gov•
clement dues, excepting imposts; and. third,
gold awl silver coin. By the operation of
our present system of finance, however, the
metallic currency, when e sleeted, is reserved
only thr one ele-s of Government evlhors,
who, holding its bonds,
interest semi-annnally re
ceive their in coin front the Nation
al Treasury. 'they are thus made to (wee
py an invidious position, which may he used
to strengthen the arguments of these who
'out I brine. into disrepute the obligations
of the nation. In the psyment of all its
debts, the plighted litith'of the Government
should be inviolably maintained. lint while
it acts with fidelity toward the bondholder
who loaned his money that the integrity of
the Union might be preserved, it. bison!'" at
the same titne ob-ierve good faith with the
great 111:04.4 of the people, who, having res
cued the Union from the perils of re lwliimi.
now bear the burdens of emotion. thst the
Government way be able to Mill its en
gsgenicnts. There is no reason which will
be accepted as satisfautery by the people
why thtke who do end us on the land and
' , Toted us on the sea; the pensioner nom)
the gratitude of the nation, bearing the
scars awl wounds received while in its sery
ice ; the pithlie servants in the various De
partments of the ette:ernowilt: this Elmer
who supplies the soldiers of the army and
this sailers' of the navy ; the artisan who
to;is in the nation's workshops, or the me
chanics and laborers who build its etlific,es
and construct its torts and VPAS3I:4 of war—
should, in payment of their just and bard
earned dues, receive depreciated paper.
while another clam of fli;:ir colincrytuen, no
mire deserving, are paid in coin avid and
Equal and met Instire requires that
all the creditors of the Governmeut should
be paid in a currency poneat ß ing a enithrin
value. This can only be accomplished by
the restoration of the currency to the stand
ard established by the Constitution, and by
this means we would remove a discrimmt
nation which may. if it has not already done
so, create a prejudice that may beeemedeep
rooted and wide-spread, and imperil the no•
tional credit.
The feasibility of making our currency
correspond with the constitutional standard
owy be scan-by reference to a tiny fads de
rived from our commereial statistics.
The pr o duction of precioui metals in the
United States Irma 1849 to 1557,
smiunutti to $579.000,000; fmm 185 i to
180), itilllasiye. to *137,800,015); and front
1861 to len, inclusive, to 09,QtNt;—
tt*pekingeking the grand aggregate of products
slow 1849, 81,174,000,000. •The amount of
specie coined from 1849 to 1857, inclusive,
was $439,1/30,000 ; front 1858 to 1860, inclu
sive 125,u09,000; and from .1861 to 1867
inclusive, s3lo,ooo,ooo—making the total
coinage since 1849, 8874,000,000. From
1819 to 1847, inclusive. the net exports of
specie amounted to $271,000,000; from
1858 to 1860, inolusire, 8148,00000; end
front 1861 to 1867, inclusive, 8322,000m0
making the aggregate of' net export s since
1810, 47 000.001. These amp show to
wow of product over net snorts of $483,-
000.000. There groin the Ties 11111,-
000,000 hi coin, something more than ILO,-
000,000 in circulation on the Nellie Coast,
and a few millions in the National and oth
er Banks—in all about 150,000,000. This
however, taking into account the spode in
the country prior to 1F49, leaves morn than
three hundred millions of dollars which
have not been accounted for by exportation,
and therethre may yet remain in the noun-
These are important filets, and she* haw
completely the inferior currency will super
sede tho better, forcing it from circulation
among the masses, awl causing it to he es
ported OA a mere article of trade, to add to
the money capital of foreign Linda. They
show the necessity of retiring our paper
money, that the return of gold and silver
to the avenues of trade may be invited,
and a demand created which will CMISO the
retention at home of at least so much of
the productions of our rich find inexhausti
ble gold-bearitiF 'Hai as may be sntricient
Cit. purposes of circulation. It. is unreason
able to expect a return to a sound currency
PI long us the Goven»nent, by continuing
to issue irretleetneble notes, fills the chain
nols of circulation' with depreciated paper.
Notwithstanding a coinage by our mints.
since Pitt, of eight hundred, seventy-liter
millions of dollars, the people are now stran
gers to the currency which was designed for
their use and benefit, and specimens of the
precious metals hearing the national device
are seldom seen, except when produced to
gratify the interest excited be .their novelty.
If depreciated paper is to he continued as
the permanent currency of the country, and
till our coin is to become a mere article of
tratfie and speculation, to the enhancement
in price of all that is indispensable to the
comfort Attic people, it would be wine
economy aboltidi oar mints. thus saving
the Damn the cure and ex peni,e incident to
such establishments, and let our precious
metals ho exported in bullion. 'I time
has tome, however. when the Government
and National fl mks should be required to
take the most efficient steps rind make all
necessary armaments rter a region:aim,
of speeie payments ut the earliest practica
ble psriod. peeie payment having been
once resume d by the Onvernment and Lanks
all notes nr bilis of paper &seed by either
of a hers denomination than twenty dollars
should by law be excluded from circulatio n ,
so that the people may have th ee b ene fit
and vonecuienee of n gold and silver corm.
c 3. which in all their business transactions
will be uniform in %einem Inane m u d abroad.
..E cev y coon of properly and indus try ,
every man who desires to preserve what ho
honestly pos.SOSSea, or tii obtain what he can
honestly van, hits a direct interest io main
tai 'ling a Adel ( Ikeda tog medium--sue;
sitediein as shall be real and substantial, not
liable to 'brute with opiiiion4, not subject.
to Lis biewn up or down by the breath of
soccu:altat but to be made stable and se
cure. A disordered currency is one of dm
greatest political evils. It undermines the
virtues neves:fiery rir the support of the so
cial system, and encourages propensities de
tevoctive or it ; happiness; it wars against
industry. fingality. and economy, a nd it
fluters the spirits of extnivitganee and
. ; ,),ecitlation." It has iateit asserted by one
our prolimmi 3341 most gifted statesmen,
tint 'of al the could vanees for cheating
the bilioriog slaws of niatikini!, none has
h wn more eilisAttal than that which deludes
6e:it with i.aper money. This is the most
clime s ! of invetitonis to fertilize the rich
taunt's fields by the sweat of the poor Ilu d n . ri
Inow• Ordinary tyranny, oppression, OA*
cessivis taxation—these bear lightly on the
ietopmes: of the mass of the community
ir,l ll ;psred with a liar dulcet currency, awl
!'i beries einewitted by depreciated pa.
ker. Oor own history hae recitaki for one
citettgl., pod inert time turmoil
of the demoraliziog towleisey. the itijustice
and the intolerable oppression on the: virtu
ous mid ts...llolisposini of a &waded paper
currency, authorized by law or in any way
c o onten noe vd by Government . " It is one
of the most suecvs•tal devices, in times of
peace or war, expansions or revulsions, to
accomplish the traustiw of all the precious
metals trout the mass of the people
into the howls of the I'm, where they are
hoarded in secret places or deposited in
strong boxes under bolts and has, while
the reople are loft to mitee till the ineon
venience, snerif e. and demoralization re-
Piddle , front the use of a depreciated and
went/Joss paper money.
The condition of our finances and the op
eration of our revenue system are sst forth
awl fully explained in the able awl instruc
tive report of' the Secretary of the Treasury.
Oo the of June, the public debt
amomited tP.47s3eltll's,B7(); on the 30th of
Suns last, it was (4...2,m2,14.4y2.15, showin g a
le ducti o n doting the listal year of CJ1,224.-
60. During the fiscal year ending June
30. Ng, the receipts were it4'.0.1,6:14,010.
and the expenditures $3411,720, IV, leaving
an available ear plus of $143,9(4.880. It is
estimated thud the receipts of the fiscal year
ending June 34, INS, will bo $417,101.9 . "
and that. the expenditures will reach the
sum of $3:13,2,w,226. leaviog its the Tr ess ..
ur,v a surplus of t 123,592,702. Eor the fis
cal year ending June 3u. 180, it is estima
ted that the receipts will mooing to S3SI,-
tino.UoO, and that the expenditures will be
$372.009,(4), showing au excess of 0,00:4-
U:it) in favor of the flovernment.
The attention of ConereA is earnestly
inyilei to the necessity Or a thorough revis
ion of our revenms system. Our interel
revenue laws and impost system should be
so adjusted as to bear most heavily on arti
cles of luxury, leaving the neeesearies 441 . lifit
as free from taxation to may be censi s t eh t
with the real want of the G e e e r eim i li t,
economically administered. Taxation would
not then Pill unduly on the um of moder
ate means; unit wink none would be entirely
exempt front agiessment. all, in proportion
to their poeuniary abilitiee, would contribute
towards the support of the Saute. A mod
ification of the internal revenue system, hy
a large reduction in the number of 'articles
now subject to, tax, would be followed by
results equally advantageous to the citizen
and the tiovernment. It would render the
eaemiution of the law less expensive and
more certain, remove c . rtstructionm irides.
try, lessen the tom : tenons to evade the law,
diminish the violations and frauds perpetra
ted upon its provismus, make its otromtions
less inquisitorial, and greatly reduce in nimm
bore time army of tux-gatherers created by
the system, who "take from the month of
hone-t labor the bread it has earned." Re
trenchment, relisrm and econemy should be
carried into every branch of the public ser
vice. that the expeedituree of tho Goverm
meet may be reduced and the people reliev
ed from oppressive taxation; a sound tem-
Tneyohould be restored, and the public,
taith in regard to the twined debt sacredly
sAserveil. Thu accomplishment of these
important results, together with the rester:
taken of the Union of the States upon the
principles of the Constitution, would inspire
confidence sit home end abroad i n the s m.
Way of our institutions, and bring to the
nation prosperity, peace, and good will.
The report of the Secretary of' War, a d
interim exhibits the operations of the a r my
and of the several Bureaus or the War Dc.
put The aggregate strength of our
military force, on the 30th of September
last. was 59,315. The total emanate for
military appropriation is 977,124,107, inclu
ding a deficiency in last year's appropriation
or $13,600,000. The payments at the Treas.
ury on aoeount of the service of the War
Departameut flem January Ist to October
29. lailt —a voided of ten menthe—amoun
ted to 11109,807,000. The expenses of the
military mteblishment, es well as the num•
ben of the army are now three times as
great as they have ever boon in time of
peaoo' while the discretionary power le
vested is the Fateautive to add millions to
this expeediture by au increase of the
army to the maximum strength allowed by
the law.
Thu menacing attitude of some of the
warlike Lands of Indiana inhabiting the
distriet of country between the Arkansas
and Platte rivers, and portions of Dakota
Territory, required the presciwo or a large
military foram in that region. Instigated by
real or imaginary grievances, the Indians
occasionally committed acts of hi rbarims
violence upon emigrants and our frontier
settlements ; but a geleral Indian war has
been providentially averted. The Commis
sioners under the net of 2(lth July. 1867,
were invested with full power to adjust ex
isting diftellithlB, Itegot late tmaties with the
disaffected bands, and select for them reser
rations remote from the traveled mutes be
tween the Mississippi and the Pacific. 'They I
entered without delay upon the execution
of their trust, hit have not yet, made a ny
official report of their proceedings. It is of
vital importanee that our distant territories
should be exempt from Indian outbreaks.
and that the constriction of the Pacific
Hailrewl, an olticet of national importance,
Should pot be interrupted by hostile tribes.
These objects, as well as the material inter
ests and the moral and intellectual improve
ment of the Indians, con be mosteffeetually
secured by waist:liming them upon poi•
!ions or country set apart for their exclusive
use. and located at points remote from our
highways and encroaching white settle
During the !sit fiscal year seven million
forty-one thous:mil one 'hundred and four
teen stems of publits land were disposed of,
and the cash temipts from sales and Nes
exceeded by one•intlf million dollars the sum
realized from those *purees during the re.
ceding year. The amount paid to pension
ers, ineluding ex pelves oftlisborsements. we'
6 4 . ) , t156, and thirty-six thousand f,mr
hundred and eighty-two names were added
t o r o lls. The entire number of pension
ers on the: 30th of Juno last was one bun
nod tiny-five thoti.tatid six bustdriol and
s e t e:Hy-Tour. Eleven thousand six hundred
and liity.tive patents and dttdetss wilkt issu
ed daring the year ending September 30,
11457,1111 d at that date the balance in the
Treasury to the credit the Patent fund
wa- s2Bn, (Sq.
The report of the Senetary of the Navy
states that we have seven squadrons aetively
anti httlitionsly employed, inelor efli e ien"
and able commanders, in protecting the per-
NOW furl property of American citizen,
maintaining the dignity and power of the
Government, and promoting the commerce
and business hatereids of ottreountrymen in
every putt or lint tro:m. or the tw o i nm .
dred and thirty-eight ye. sets composing
the present navy of the United States, fifty
earrying five hundred and seven gnus,
are in squadron service. During the year
the number of vessels in h i m
been reduced twelve, sad there are thirteen
Ice on squadron duty than there wera at the
date of the last report. A Into number of
vessels were ewnmenced anti in the waie
of entritruetion when the. war terminated.
awl alth o ugh Congress hail made do. lov-
CFROty appropriations for their emnplseion,
the Department has either suspended w o rk
upon them or limited the slow completion
of the sat a‘n wise's, $3 as to nis et the eon.,
tracts fir machinery made with privote es
tublishments. The tetra expenditures of
the Nave Department for the fiscal year
ending June :in, 1$1;7, were 830,034,011.
No altrqtrestions have been made or re
quite] the Ow of the war for the con
tarmaiisn and repair ofvessielssfersasiamesm—
ehinery, eidnanee. provisions and clothin,:.
feel, hemp. Ste.. the balances under these
?evertsl heads having been mere than sufli•
tient for current expenditures. It sh o uld
also l e seated, to the credit of the Departs
Went. that, besides asking no appropria
tions for tore above ohjects for the last two
years, the Secretary of the Navy, on the
:loth of September last, in accordance with
the act of Pray I, requested the See
wary of the Tniasury to e.trry to the stir
phis fund the sum of sixty-five minions of
dollars, being the amount received from the
sale 3 of vessels and other war property, and
the remnants of former appropriations.
The serest of the Postmaster-General
shows the !nosiness of the Pt StAlfliee
pertinent and the condition of the postal
service in a very favorable light, and the
attention of Coneress ealli•11 to its pincri
eahle recommendations. The rweipts for
die Department for the year outline Julie
1857 i tad u ne all special approuriat ions
for tea sin! land service and fie tree mail
matter, were $l9, 978,693, The expendi
tures for all tatroseit, were $19,235, 483,
leaving an unexpended balance in laver of
the Department of $743, 2 iu, which can b e
applied towards dot expenseS the Depart •
most for the earrent year. The itterOalso of
pion' revenue, independent of specific ar
propriatioas, for the year 1897, over that of
route, was :?Q 50,1!A The increase of reve
nue from the side of stamps and stamped
cliVelolit'S was $783,401. The increase of
expenditures for Ml', over those of the
previous rear, was owing chiefly to the ex
temien of the hind and mem mail service.
Dining the past year new postal conventions
have been ratified and exelhanFed with the
I'nitt•ti Kingdom of Brent Britain and Ire
land, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzer
land. the North German Union, Italy. and
the Oilman' Government at !long Kong,
reducing voty largely the rates of ocean anti
postuve to and from and fithin these
Th, report of the -Acting Conimihutioner
of Agriculture ceneisely pre/Anon the eon•
anion, tvanto and progress of an intere4
eminently worthy the fostering care of Can
grow, and exhibitA a large metontre or well
results achieved during the year to which it
The re-cOriblishment of pew. at home,
and the resumption of extended trade. travel
and corn nierec abroad, have served to increase
the number and variety ofgoestions the
lepar t went for Foreign Affairs. None of
these questions, however, have seriously
dignrbed our relations with , other States.
The itepublie of Mexico, having boon re
lieved from foreign intervention, is earnest
ly engaged in efforts to re-establish her con
stitutional system of government. A good
under-sanding continues to exist between
our Goveniment and the Republiesorllayti
an d S an Domingo, and our cordial relations
with the Central and South American
States remain unchanged. The tender.
made in conformity aitha resolution ofVon
gress, of the good offices of the Government
with a view to an =Waldo adjustment of
peace between Brazil awl her allies, on one
side, and Paraguay on tho other, and be
tween Chile and her allies. on the one side,
and Spain on the other, though kindly re.
caked, has in neither ease been filly ac
cepted by the be ligerents. The war in the
Valley of the Parma is still vigorously
maintained. On the other hand, actual
hostilities hetween the Pacific States and
Spain have been more than a year suspend
ed. I shall, on any pyoper ovviation that
may wear, renew the conciliatory recom
mendations which have been already. Bra
zil, with enlightened sagacity and comps
hensive statesmanship, has opened the great
theehannels of the Amazon and its tribute
taries to wavered commerce• One thing
more seems needful to assure a rapid and
cheering prolmine in South America I refer
to those peaceful habits without which
States and Nations cannot, in this age, wall
expect material prosperity or toile' advent.).
The Exposition of Universal Industry at
Paris has palmed, and enema to have fully
T.*kW the high expectations of the French
Ouvernment. If due allowance be made for
the reeent political derangement of industry
here, the part which tho United States has
borne in this exhibition of invention and art
may be:mord:A with very high satisfaction.
During the Expoeition a eonference was
held of delegates form several nations, the
United States being one, in which the itreote
verriences of eon:mere° and social intercourse
moulting liven the diverse etandardsof mon
ey value were fully dicussed, mod plans were
developed fur establishrug, by unit erred con-
Pent, a overmen principle for the coinage
of gold. Thee:: itonfereneee are expected to
be mewed, with the attendance of many
threign State* not hitherto represented. I%
report of these interesting proceedings will
be submitted to emigres, which will no
doubt justly appreciate the great objere,
and be ready to ruble any measure which
may tend to fireilitato its ultimate avow
plishment. •
On the :LA of February, IRO, Congress
declared by law that Treasury notes with
out interest, authorised by that act, should
be legal tender in payment of all debts,
publicand private, within the halted States.
An annual remittance of 113e.000, less stip
nbeed expensca, accrues to claimants under
the Convention made with Spain in I stet
These remittances. since the poem of that
net, have been paid in such notes The
claimants insist that the tiovernment ought
to require payment in vein. The oubjeet
may be deemed worthy of your ;mention.
The West India Islands were settled and
colonized by European States sininhantems
ly with the settlement and colonization of
the .Itnericarreontinent. Moat of the colo
nies planted here beeame independent na-
Crns id the dose of the last and the begin
ning of the present century. Our own
country embraces communit ies which. at one
period, were colonies of rent [Wain,
rr e n t re, Spain. Holland, Sweden and Bar.-
The people in the West- Indies, with
the except Me of those of the Isletel of
Hayti. have neither attained nor aspired to
independence. nor have thee heemne tin:-
pared for selfelelimee. Although possess
ing considerable comm.:rein' value, they
have [seen held by the several European
States which colonized or at some time core
grieved them, chiefly fur purposes or mili
tary and nova) strategy in carrying nut Eu
ropean police and designs in regard to this
continent. 'ln our Revolutionary War,
lons and !whore in the West India Islands
were used by our enemy, to the great iujury
and embarrassment of the United States.
We bud the same experience, in our second
war with 4 ireat Britain. The same }lune
ran 'policy firr a lung time eseludell us
even from trunk with the West Indies, while
we were at peace with all nations. In our
recent civil war, the re' e's, arid their pirati
cal and Lleehade-breaking allies, found fa
eilities in the faille ports for the work,
a hick they too successfully treconiplished, of
rejeriog and devastating the commerce
s bleb vve are now ere:aired in
We labored especially under this disadvan
tage—that Europeun meant vessels, employ
ed by our egolibir found friendly shelter,
pretectiondWid supplies in Went Indian
ports, while our own Hav e l openeie n s w e r e
neeerear ily carried on from our own distant
shores. was then a universal feeling
of the want of an advanced tiara) outpost
between the Atlantic coast acid Europe.—
The duty or obtainingsuch an outpost peace
fully and lewlidly, while neither doing nor
mconeing injury to other States, eanrestly
eterege , ) the attention of the Executive De
pertinent belbre the close of the war, and
it h a s n e t been lost sight of since that time.
A net entirety - diveimitar •
ed during the same pertisl on the Pa
cific r•ore t. Tiro required foothold th.oe wa4
thrtunately secured by our late treaty with
the Emperor of Russia. and it DOW aeema
insperati‘e that the More otwious 'memo &
tie, or the Atlantic coaA should not be less
earcfully provided for. A good and conven.
jinn port and harbor, capableof easy defence
will supply that waist. %Vali the p o p: N i s i ° ,
of such a station by the Other' States+,
neither we nor JOY Oilier American nation
mod l o ngcr apprein.nd ittittry or OfttliCO from
any Trans-Atlantic enemy. I agree with
om early sloe:mien that the West Indians
tun orally gravitate to, and may be expected
ultimately to be absorbed by the Continen
tal Stau..s, in:Audi/it; rm. own. I a;,-ree with
theta also that it is wise to leave the goes
tion a such absorption to this proms, of
Immoral rAiliesnl gravitation. The .land 4
of St. Thomas and St. John's, which eon
stittst- a pat of the group called the Virgin
bdands, .scrinerl so offer us advantages HIP
desiralile, while requisition
could be secured in harginmy with the prin
ciples to which I have alluded. A treaty
has, therefore, Levu concluded with the
King of I.)entitarlt for the cession of those
Wessels, and will be submitted to the Serrate
for eonsideration.
In connection with this subject, the at
tention of Congress ht reipectfully called to
a singular and clubarmsing conflict of
laws. The Executive Department of this
bieveristuent has hitherto unithrmly held,
us it now holds, that naturalization. in con-
Ibrmity with tlso Constitution and laws of
the United States, absolves the recipient
from hii native allegience. Tee courts of
tireut Britain held that allegiance. The
courtier (twat Britain hold that ulleziance
to the British Crown is indefeasible, and is
not absolved by our laws of naturalization.
British intiges tire clown:and lawauthorities
of the United States in support of that the
ory against the position Lehi by the Exec
tive authority of the United States. This
conflict perplexes the pulslie mind essnectit
tug the tights 11 r naturaliaed citizens. and
impairs the tuitional authority abroad. I
called attention to this subject in my last
annual message, awl new again tespeettnliy
appeal to Congress to deelare the national
will unmistakably upon this important ques
The abuse of our laws by the clandestine
prosecution of the African slave-trade from
Ameritain ports by American ci t izens has
altogether ceased, and. wider existing cir
cumstances, no apprehensions of its renewal
in this part of the world ure entertained.—
tinder these circumstance it becomes a ques
tion whether we shall not propose to her
Nbijvay's Government a suspension or dis
continuance of the FtiptilationA for main
taining a Una force for the suppression of
that trade.
WASIII,I UTON, December 3, 1857.
0371- Tut: Lung CORPORAL tor Decem
ber is a capital number. it opens "On the
Hearth Rug." "The (heat Panjandrmn
Himself:" "Jennie's Memory Siring, "
now "Rhyme of' Little red Riding Hood,"
the conclusion or "Camp Bruce," besides a
number of sparkling poems, among which
is a perfect gem, by the Associate Editor,
Mrr. Emily Hundington Miller, entitled
"The Baby's .Stocking;" rnusio by Geo. F.
Root, a letter 11. om Theodore Tilton, and an
Editorial dust:gibing the beautiful process by
which Cbrom oa are made.
A new volume of the Little Corporal
begins with the next number. Thepublish
er hus determined to continue his offer of the
November and December numbers free to
all now subscribers received during Deveni
her. Terms 11.(10 a year. Sample copy
free if sent for before January Ist.
Addr At.ruLD L. SENCLLI.,
Publisher of Tus Luna ConrosAt.,
Chicago, 11l
Oomologg litmocrat
....,,,.:,. .i...,
*lc iii*CORY; 11411 Nor.
y, Dec, U, mit
rr, M. PoTtoooll.l.. 1e CO. r Park Rota Yew York
N duly oolkoriltad arrilnit and rm.olva aubierin.
'lona and advartltlaa jot DeN•fral pub.
I bad al toolmaker.. vithsubsa rowdy, pp,
Tux PiurslDENVe MISSAGE.—To tho
elusion of muuh other matter, we give place
to the alb, dismilicd and Patriotic 3lcssege
of President Johnson. We him neither
time nor room for comment, but ask for it
a careful perusal by ail our readers. It
in by far the ablest document which has yet
issued from the poi of the present Execu
GnAN r Avn CuirriN.--Altnnott every Re
publican paper we pick up has the names or
somebody Onusd at the hood of their col
umns ns its choice for President and Vice
President. We observe that the Freeburg
Couricr hoists the !MOM Of Grant and Cur
tain for those high oflice.s. This fact will
doubtless be of great aid in securing their
ittir Weston, the pedestrian, arrived at
Chicago at 10 o'clock A. M. on Thanks
giving day. lie has accomplished his tusk
of walking 1214 miles in legs than 2.4', walking
days. and gets tit lu.tam. less 15.1,ti0n ti‘rmit
for Miling to walk one hundred miles in one
hundred consecutive hours. Such a task
would probably have killed the most power
ful horse ; but the Inn has thrived under
it, lie ha , aver:m.ol fifty miles a day for a
s t retch of one month at a time.
TIIE!WREN'S iittrit-tr .Ilayminefur
the. Ville Oots—olitA by T. S. Arthur,
and published by T. S. Arthur & Son, No.
fititt &q I Chestnut Street, Phila. In two
volumes n year, beginning in January and
June. Price,l. 5 a year, in advance.
rive copies, $5.00. It is the best publica
tion or the kind we have ever poritsed for
for the little children, and we heartily emu.
mead it to the reading public. Every
taunt; should stiteeribe for it.
St ponds of the Court Proceed
The December Term or Quarter S e ,, , ,,j orr ,
barn Derr, Peter K. lierb.iin,
.I,soelates. on the [knell.
corn, v.:, Chas. A. Shuman—indiettnent.
A—toilt awl Battery. Not a true hill. hos•
ventor, Ifenry Laatzer, levy the Nods.
Com Henry. vs. timitor—lndietinent. As
sault and Battery. Not a true bill. County
pay the costs.
Com. vs. Parvin Eves —indictment. Re
jecting the Vote of a qualified elector. True
bill. Bail renewed to appear next t e rm,
c ool , v ..„ I ; c o, W. NJ:wen—lndictment,
llejeetiog the Vote of a mutinied elector.—
True bill. Bail renewed to appear nest term.
Com. vs. Win. Stephens. Ezra Stephens,
ebief. Continued to next term.
(*um. oh Henry} Knapp,—assnit ;ail
Battery. True bill. Vordiet, guilt; . Sot).
Tntugh and Clark
for Cow., Knorr fir Deft.
Com. vs, Allen Mattn—ltuliettnent. Adul
try and Bastardy. Not a true bill. Prose
cutor pay
Com. vs. Christian Shuman—lndictment,
Keeping Bawdy House. Not a true bill—
Proveutor to pay the costs.
Corn. vs. Joanna Sluminn'indictment,
Fornivation and Bastardy. Not a true hill.
pro-etiat, ir pay costs.
Cont. vs. ',Latin Hummel— indictment ,
Selling Liquor to minors. Bill ignored.
County pay the costs.
Cont. v 4, Mnwrer— Recognizance,
Desertion of with and eltild. Defendant
fou n d :quite, Sentence of the Court. that
the Vetinufant pay the sum of ten dollars
per ottni) for the support of his wife ; five
&dials pet month liar the support of the
child ; counting the time front the first day
of,&pteutberlast, and that he give securit y
in the sum of one thousand dollars, with
one or more sureties, to be approved by the
Court. for the performance of the same.
Coat. vs. Adam Diettitick—lndietment,
Adultry. True bill. Defendant entered bail
in the sum of five hundred dollart for his
appearance at next term. Tratigh anddaek
son for Co m., and Clark for Dell,
('ow. v 4. John Moran,—Dneognitemee,
Surety of the Peace• Seutettee of the Court
that the parties pay casts equally. Traugh
and I; Vac for Con., Freeze and Mary for
Cow. vs. William Koder--recognisance,
Surety of the Peneo. Proven to be II lima•
tie, utis remanded to jail by order of the
Com. v'. Cecilia MeDowell—lndictment,
Fornication. True bill. Cause continued.
Trunele and Jackson for Cow., Clark for
Cent. vs. Allen 11nel:31°w—indictment,
Assault ats.l Num. True bill. Verdiet,
pike, Sentence of the Court, that Deft.
pay a fine of $40.00 and the cogs. Ttangh
and daeLesi for Cow., Freeze and Clark for
Com. r Charles C. Green,—lndictment,
Lareeny. True bill. Jury called. Vet:
"not guilty." Clerk and Traugh
Com., Buldy and Freeze for Belt.
()mt. vs. Amoeba Heyhert,— Indictment.
Stealing horse. True bill. Trial continued
to next Term. Traugh and Little for Cont..
lkeler and !Nell°, (appointed by the
Court,) for lien.
Cem. vs. Cecile Leib,— Indictment, For
nication and Bastardy. True hill. Verdict,
"guilty." Trungla and Freeze fur Com.,
J. Velle for Deft.
Coe, vs. Lawrence Carey,—lndictment.
not opening a Road in Conynahatn Town.
ship. Thin bill. Traugh and Clark for
Coni, Little for Deft.
Cone. vs. JAwrenco Cara,—lndictment,
not trpairing public road in Conynghsto
Township.. ',Cron bill. Indictment, quah
The following is the Report of tilt) Grand
P, the Iffmnrahle Me judges op he ('cart
,y° C ommme pl ros• pow enniprimig a (hurt
of (bonder Nroims tif the l'eace in and for
the County fif Calinelna
rri,,! (, road Inquest of the t'oni onwos I th
of Pennsylvania, inquiring in and for the
Comity of Columbia, it:spectrally report—
Thut we have examined the public build
ings of said County, and find the same in
reasonable repairs, except the front part of
the roof of this Sheriffs dwelling andjail,
which is in a leaky condition and should be
repaired. We heartily repeat and endorse
the remumendstions of former Grand Jur
ies as to the enlargement of the Court
House, thus securing suitable Jury Booing
rind Offices, and to the procuring of suitable
Desks, Tables, &c., for the Prothonotary's
office; all of which we respectfully submit.
kin. K. thurrst, Portman..
Grant's Testimony.'
The teatintony of Gen. Grant, before tine
impeachment committee, is published. Wat
regret we have not rnou► for it, merely In
show our Radical friends, who are d►t
nouneing President Janson for his restora
tion policy, that the man whom many of
thew prefbr ihr th►► presidential nomination,
not only approves the action of the Presi.
dent, but testifies that it iv the identical
programme laid down by Mr. Lincoln him
self, and which would have boon carried out
by him bad his life been spared. Ninny
counts in the indictment against President
Johnson are for nets done which General
Grant endorses, and if the Eadical editors.
who have his name at their editorial mast
head, coin see in him tt candidate after their
own hearts, would it not look a little more
consistent for them to cease their howling
against the President? flow they can com
mend the one and denounce the other,
while the two are working in concert, per
fectly agreeing as to what should be done to
restore the Pnion and establish civil go e.
erument in the States lately in rebellion, ire
more than n►uat honest men will be able to
com prebend.
THE DUAL or JunnsoN DAvrst.—After
a great flourish or Radical trumpets in re
gard to the trial olJefferson Davis. nt whieh
Judge Chase was to reside. it appears
that the affair will not come ofT until May
next. Now, this is simply a pitiful cva ,, ien
of a solemn duty on the part 4,Na:re Chase.
Ever since a trial of Davis has been spoken
or, the Chief Ju.dice has. by one &Op and
11001h,r, made it convenient to arrange'
his affairs ati to render hia attendance appa
rent ly impossible. The reasons are ohyiow ;
Judge ChatAt is the Radical candidate for
the Presidency. and it. is tie.triti*ti to Inc o"(•
fleeted that he will thee himself in a l o
tion where he will be compelled to give an
opinion that will have a bearing upon his
political prospect 4. It May, thevefere, be
e „ n fid elit t y 11.1,:erted that Jefferson Dark
will never be tried---at Vast not until Judge
Chase's chances ra the Presideney are fully
The great hope:it:bumf fizzle is over ;
the vote taken anginst this hydra-headed
monster was nearly two to one I It stood
to 103. What a feeble attempt after so
long and loud a roaring in and out of Com
gross. Thus ended the most infamous a tvi
ridiculous f a rc e the country ever saw. The
Member from this District, Mr. Mercer,
voted irPli t& impale/0:A I how insignifi
cantly small they must feel after receiving
such a terrible rebuke ! The names of these
patriots should net le forgotten ! They
should be written with black peneil upon
every wail' W will publish the mums
of these miserable creatures in our nest.
IIII!•07,%.„ At thi..ya•-on of the roar. when to
ninny of our people ar sniferbor from eoltb.,
uo call att.:mina t ,, Ayer' 4 Cher ry
84 a sure eure not only for eaugki anti efdtb.,
but all affertioni of the lungs anal throat.—
Having tt4eil it in our family f o r many
we can speak from pertmal VIMtI:4; of it_
effifieney, Thor , m y is other remctihs
that are good. but in ail our experience thiti
be. riNved to be by far the Le-t. It. rpo
ities are uniform nail wholly reliable. It is
pleasant to take, and shoal be kept a' com
mand, by ercry family. as a prettalie
against a class of complaints which se-cm
harmless in the bQinninK, but bcour ee
afflicting and dangerous if turgloototl.
4V:7 Oar re , cier: retivse,t,,l d
the original tale etantneneed on the ilf , t
page of the IiFMOITAT and finished on the
t:gettild. It is front the pen of en eminent
anther and 4tateonin of high ebrnetor.—
Forney says JraltY BLACK wrote the piece.
If thet k 3e, the Pre,ident and hia Cabieet
h are their good tests; in pr uting so
able anti learned a scholar to write the Met
sage. It i a fine piece of iitt r tare coin par=
eti with the !ate tantenteti Lineoh a )1e..14.
ste. Whene'er I take my walks abroad,
how n►any poor. miserable dyspeptic people.
I age, who would be healthy, and rosy. and
happy, if they took Plantation Bitters, that
patugon of preparations g►r giving tone to
the stomach, energy to the torpid liver, a
joy to the nervous system, and streNpli in
the nmelgi k It is an admiral:le regenera
for of nature's wasted or neglected functional
powers iu either unn or 'cumin. It gently
mites and pleasantly toalies. With a
bottle thereof; every nom may be his own
N All N 4 , 1.1 A WmEtt.-1 deligtful toilet
article—rmperior to Cologne and at. halt* the
rtioe. 40.
Will be espexed to ante by htilidic vendor., on the
Sronillica. 1 . 111.34 DAV. PFVOiIiER TUG 1901.
ta.T. at 11l o'clock a. L. two certain lets or around
aliseate In the town of Illoono.borc Colombia Coon.
ty, rn ,nn Mato Mart 11..3r the Public &mare Ili
.h, n or la .mated eitlP 01W , •11ii nt )O.OIIW. SOW
w w , •11141 Hpall the other it 41104 1 4 31114
shard , . the frmat Of ' , aid la t 111 , 0101).1.1 lot bobby a
vary armva6l.• camel t.r building 11U.1,01.1.11.
Alto. on day. our olio I boner 1104 101 of
monad aitonte on (toot ateeel. in rho rood town rtf
monio•hoig. to tire 1441111 y isfiiieueld, whereon I,
erected it good frame 11Wfiil Olt button and other MO,
Alio on Proloy. the troth 4ay of Deeendier. /. 4 47,
at In o'c :orb A. • Will be spored to male by polder
vrrohle. on Irma preintrea In Hemlock towitahin.6l,
thr residerter nl 'l'll..iliaa J, Varhleralire. a certain
Ittrut Of Inlet of land containing sixty live one. mum
.r Ivo,. to ta) sold in turn pareell of thirty lour
Stns.. each, the pivot , road Wadi II from I natl.
itillcreek bride.: in Illackhitrn. and 'worths throdds
: bp m old tario to be tar divolitig line. the whet' , trart
briny very rlrh an.l excellent NMI for forgoing par
-I,..aiare there loins Urt,l, the our tract a di
;i dr d by raid road large anJ convenient bialldlna
of Ere!) , d. Se/ epli"D ; alrr,. a large end very ably
eblr Iso.o.totie quarry, open itod It, good 'ironies
"Ha Vva) Ine other I.act divided afore/old,
throe is afto a v.ry ‘aloahir Him •111111" .iiinrry• one
good law lime holm.. two good how Woe. one of
which it it lull blur at the pr. Hoe.
Al.'', no on alone day nod on the profit:lee near
liitclihrtis, will be add at !attain ornery. a certain lot
of yround ritual. in Ileralliek towarhip. prlocipsil
lair 14(VA:rate land:. of John Appian'', In.
cob fla a
rri. nd other, eontriolor about lomat, .11va
Mart .4 leo,. all late ant ertaie of (tobacco
taa.nrtuas or Oats.--Tea per cent. of one.fourth of
It's purrimi.e mono. to be paid on the day of vile, on..
Werth leas the tun par rent. Ott the .1 day of April
linot, thy retoatnina three•lohrilia in Mt, cluld
111.11 14. Ohl! not Ora It,rl d. 17 of April IWO, the nl he r
rot the. And day of April, Oc7ll. c ith interest nil Or
amount remaining mastoid from the Out day of roped
11 110 a•ail tloella In bc rLecated sad &livered
In the porebneer pump ' , era Inert of nit the pay.
mom lii the one hwl' icor the ten iwr lent. on ill.,
tint nay or April, Poi!, *twit itie Whiner, of 11111
porchare twine% 0101 he ii.eored by friellonent Or
hoothaar, at the option of the prearnt owner..
pit too Oren OH 1118 fleet day of April. lore.
Purchaler or prirrh•i,r• 10 pay for deeds still al.icripa •
JOHN H. VANDLittII , II.4% Jar tar litter.
November bl 7, 11147.
The 'vetoed sortsnment of the lest sulltertlttinn In
the illtomsll,4ll Litutary Institute wee duo on the
first of . (Metter. retweellwre will please per Uttar
retPectlse erat , tilito, end °Mlle all rstlol ,
1, D. lIIIPS.III'.
Get 9,1047
Posit ively Cue Day Only.
leoineburg, Friday Dee. 20, )27.
Return from Europe, (after as absence of
twee years) where they have appall be
lore pally all the Kings, (Nee" 'mpg
roil,* and Nobility of the Old World.
toe OfltiVredT WONDEVA Or 11 Aat
Km beautiful awl Pyinuictrivalft formed
GEN. TOM T 111,73113 AND wrrE,
uniquo and esquisiticely eudianiing
I'arfinn►unc©a and Eimildriuqui terror Nil to
charm and delight ertly Leboider, They
appear in
soN( : 4 , It U I)ANCII9, COMIC
Tit irks, BUR 14FISQUIN,
AND coN11.1)11s IN
A 4.11;1{18TIC COSIUML9.
and dna brilliant cognation of .P 1 AMONDS
wai' before the entiotut Potentates, of Eaa
rope, all of are introduced is those
popular Levee% met over Twenty Thousand
llollfrrs (iu( d.
Ladies and ehiltlren are cortaideratoly aul
ykod to attend the Day Exhibition. and
d iti3; ,y;,ht the err rd and conintion of the
Evening Perform:lmm.
To the Day Levees —admission 2 cents ;
rhildron under ten, 1, cents. Beano]
Seat 4 (pro.; Children under ten 25 cet.4.
v formance —Admimion to all
law+ or thin 25 emit& Children
moler ten, 1 5 e4ml4,
TY, it 11 J 112 70
u mean Dentist,
ilfrtct.o teeth ~,, Wont pain Iry a new one l / 1 0. It
nol,cr&•rtiy harml• , ia and ii 11.1 W a•td
IcA ‘g „ r i ll s . t ' f 4t l , ' ll7}:„ * lt ' il A l l „i it 's :n i l:tali
ono •truss a pprovrd otpr.
11n , r4..nr0 43.1 ~1 31,..:. "tt.. thttir ~ , ,t.t. or Eir4rt..
Cl4l hius Ktot 4. Illtrattoittog, Nov. $3, tWi.
thrAt riks.. PLO MM.* Afig CATAillta trnoto4
r it inn won ion* nni lry 3. 11 4 4.101. M. P.. Oculist
and t to , t t a (Auden, itutlnn mu. nns
%rrhl' t.i n. , !1 , 1; i #t I non jg from Me
im,,t wino #ra eft y amt country ran 11.0 seen
nt hip othr,.. Tha Medorai family ara iiillll,4 40 44.
enntpun} tiwir ainnt , .nn ttr nnn iw onttrla In I . o#
puvlire. AnTtr tow. wer.s wilhot pain
Nu hatitt fur n alien Nov. rt, Inn:.—!y.
Dv. E. fl %VELLA',
SUCCL , 4 O, I * . To PR. C. iTARRisn.v.
ill*llll o lllosl at Iti” fir 011601) An or
evr4 felt Lbcre wilt Ise t.romptly 4toAdmitfl,
hlotutOmni, (Jet. an, W.C..
N U'it:Tl:it SALOON,
ih V:" haretneht of the
• , ADEtl3:l 4 i:Wil IfbrVg)'l )
• • ••-i,.• . - . 4 ' • .•
I'r h oroery rrrvr4 , )p in Cr'va style nnl nE all
with to) the other * . in.a**Joneg in em
,xx Yffid. twthlr with OPiee
,01411 A 14aud.
Ltvryil.itiv, fn tsq tip altar? 61,40 tRi•
01.1.1 Vi Atnt fitoi %Nun
in N•an n•ni or ler .
1.140-”10.4h3rg, Noy, 13.
g I P I rANcv G . OODe. AT*
Lim sTnixT, coUMBIA 10011%
evvut,l req,•,ll*.,lty ilrortil the rill:9le or
strnat:m4 vs,,,wity. thnt shr 034 •‘%. , l r. e,trneti fmet,
tee ,ity ith of ran hntl winter
N 1( i.I • I %i , 14,4" 1:103.ti 600,t/S, writ tat6thitt4
tJ ottt Wl* tr
imetiLro •••,!; t n rr , Trr, Ln4 mp*iri Tit done WWI
neat •ith.} "IN'Ord in tyre
!it Nit tr+uy 110 it ifttllnltlibif tEilfigt
r.,,OPLInr "'nitro is pa ,, s l •4 Att‘ri , making, PIUP
pATT;Avis j. , eoptiorl pc rtasuiNg to
tiic• trade, awl oq
nt=n pay attention to ealorlng.
!,:, ploy to 15.4 rn Ilia art in an
tts f•atithi. rit In atnlrlf satlarlittlear.
Worekia'.> Vwl‘thins.
"ivvenitrer O.
bti k 44.010 in #l4l C. 4
C IZISTMAS TR .3.1)1.:
cV: 4 ll.lO+ BY TUF CAN 41. Arr ott, mm,
10,1 TEO 4. JACOBI',
atasufatetere of
rielnilt 1404. Iltinogriourf. pa
ortAscga. Le.mux9, RAisisp, put•Exe,
ortDi., , rwai.. LiV La I CCU,
cITRON. MP, nous. ac.,
runs 'Amer.
riIED S. W1031Y1112
N:onmaistg. Nov. QO. ma.
11100111111SURIlle PUNA.
Tice setutrupor U•e jest niems4ll firma t►e elltlPrn
eitfri with • dn• sod choke •fort oCtirgt clam•
Croceriea and Dry-Goode,
kittich kit ORren to Ike ti , l2ens of flinontobing and
irtelmty 0. low a. can Le liuJ ol any dealer la au.
OM lion Of the County,
eon.l6.ta of its; boil enflOilee of
rldH (of fine ynnlity.l dPICEd,
OKI AIFATii. (to tkelr .wneen.
lither(ll. AND tvIIIIIICILACKLIArt i
411,11. L LIYBRkb oil t,S.
640 a nice nesortuamt Ihy Good. and iii,nipq.
and n (.111 vatiety of the inner elame. and
of oilier 1114.1 d. In addition En *Neil le has meat,'
added In hie alma a One ainarineseee ut
In 'a hicli veririr of goad. he has aw.ral new
°Melee of noulotn Invention, eatearlvvely eat I
whein known, and which tonsil late awl bete
Lit oleo Lao a 0110 111:111) or
French Moroccoen
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JOHN K. a s
A. R. rnrner of Melo mail 1,011
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