LOCAL DEPART Westmeathty, IMPL ST' WIZ WI Ittemll owl teiamm for l t jet*l mower• ewer le itlioir Imenmeltee tecelitiee. ettov en'net .It. In erne a coll,a,untealson for 4he puutte este, them eevd us a brief otAteetert cif eTtgythlng of ten et In Melt trvectier cometime#l4. • A lilt 0 attiFires,4•Utlfs, 4.0,411 **•, iefPf.•/•1•10,1 1 1a, bee. •re changer. 110. 11/14 wltlpntMm In hon. The • 041104041.14• 1 61•1141 k, tree Itai the belle, II will 14 er metromireemdete, Mho Wen An It t Alelltßeeeliee.-JPere,leetmehiee nnipe i•440.41tik nett. cortemeel IttoemlttemAy Ott TimeeltYmmes • le Mute lb. r tlemelelete wer fYtA iiredk• - The inreastrtaldf the firm of JATBY :firktAN as far as scot out Sur collection io the hands of the fillowing is:onions: Township.—JogN ii. Erma; bWEL Car4ter. • eser.-11EsJ. &ion:Axial. P. M. fain. —U. J. CAMPBELL, P. M. ‘,,taarisca.—STEPHEN BALDY. nnringervie, Centralia, and deldand. HN lIARNER. n Sugarloaf Township, bills foreolleetion ye been placed in the htunts of MonGnm• Y COLE, to whoni ruyineut is requested be made at the earliest convenience. In Scott Township, all person' , knowing qnseires in arr4ars for submeription, and vertieing, to the 11EstocttAT, will please ke (>141)8i - A JoSEPH LLLLLY. lienfroc,--PANItL. HARTMAN. Orange. —MICHAEL KELLER. Niodivon.—WlLLlAM McN NCH. ileedock-1/ANIEL NETOABT. itiohrAurg.....lintilias M. Applonan. Or A few bulthele new corn sill be ken at this office on subscription. *sr The friends of education and literary ..te should not fail to atteini the evening etures this week at the "Teachers Insti• NIL J. J. Fox. confectioner of :Me town, ill plen4e tweept our thank , C.: a nice guess f whiter salad. prevnte'l us a few Jaya go. It was.veqr italstalite. iiicar FRED. D411;01.484 delivered a leetnre t Welder's 11?.11 in Willianivort Iwo. week. fire w 7.4 !iertnitted in the dwing its Jersrei Shure Herold. rifikr To-rmwrow tllturstlay! ii thn day piviateu lAy Preoideot Johneon awl (inv. rpm Gettly a: , a day or Thank•qtiving. It to he hoped that our eitizooo SSW properly Jl:serve the .lay. 11" Jnilge Shar , cio.l tried hi* la,t .Jury 'A....! on the 802 inst., before taking, his seat ~ 1 the Sus.P.see P.estoh. It is sal.' that be t.n•-i it:tl egret the Di-trier Court twos y att '4:Nt.ts months. Wit. We enjoyed th.: I , :v.:%tra: of Jae I uoaday eveum4 et 16tenioK t. , ) the lecture Prot: 11. D. Walker, at the Ito•titute .uiltlissg., nn the :•111,j0 , t. raphy of the ()cent," I'..t Walker diJ comfit both to No w& attal the eubject. lII= seirlT you derive to save money in boy in; y . .ur thocelittA !et no aMA • e (.V0 t the want or the rciali cud,. prevent you paying a visit to C. C. Mart's Ste..e. h• you don't have the money it all! ps>• yuu tte 1 ~ tr;IV it at tWi.ll lwr i•viit. a month. mei 1.1.;...• at t!.:.1 est..!AiAntent. lit,t 11 , : 1 , 1,4;11 the to the nnitter t p." eiIWC: ,ily th.; v.h“ Ns, wtr Everything wt.; iss 4.tir ne w .;• Ewr., c0. , ..“ , rf1ik to r thu Printer , 4* 1.ol:- Ild'l3 has Nash) t:4 osoi,r ul,ll rattiw,m to him for tt tine, Lit tl'kv), fur 1ikt,1,7660g (I:ty, winch our et,l l ” Ale) tho 1:0 4 64-- uatt+3 Y hx.i..;:.±,,0g .1.. J• Prower n Ind a In't l'ar= t tilt the ladie, vlrca,n thr or 107- eeptitbie trs‘it., Crowds ftf p!otti., vi it l 7 tr store daily awl carry ctr gp:4 o f hi, cheap goods. DROWSE:I T1L.4:41y tk; '"Us ati4ool! 1 , 1 . :SI. SS . r , , t I .per, this by ch.! ilb tt ut UN: sr. 3WI 3V: tl 4 ' he tr rents. har.:: tht• 'a. tilt t!ntirt: conottly37 th,ir A PitEnaltB. - -The • umpil6 lotNitiopm, town an Oath v txt , 111,o(Nt of FA i )1- t *:‘1"..5 LES, 3 :11 , , is two 4.! valuall+ :•:1 , ; ,, 0 to thi, tCrnt ger the • 1. ose. tly p 111 ' ; ISE S• les 1.%.0 in the a:- n I,y 1!: I)* in; I kr I:eN, wirlll,l I.,cv a.”, 41 , otpelloi to oino ofc.ct or tion in tAtt.loin:. nor redi , P atun w a VIA uses To' iu thi t 1 its tent. iii ut hie ep d ;will eif.k, Wig to d aro t. %aril , 1 (Ind oho I 86t4. - 110 W TO GUT A SEWING MACHINE WITHOUT l'hl UNITING YOU ANY MONEY. As Cosy, Piensoet, ond (Yogis Way. The publi:theri of "ARTHUR'S /TOME MAO AZIN E,' and that 441011 d and &trac tive, periodical, •"THIC CHILDREN'S HOUR," 'edited by T. S. Annutt. wake the following exeedi egly liheral offers: F.yr fitly I , übitriberstu "The Mame Map' mine,"l'artua $2 yearj theyilllll mend a W/1400 It 'OMB& a NVHERLER 6r. WILSON , or a HOWE SEWING MA, CHINE, forth $55, umoutactaxers cob pries. Fur imotftctifelfibberiben b "ThiC4lll - Hour," (rerun $1,25 a year) they trill fiend one of the above machines. For forty "Children's and twenty "Home Magatine," they will scud a ma chine. as above. For 'thirty stthaeribett 'to " Ohddren's Hour;" mkt twenty-flee to 'Hume Naga line," they will send a mating machine. For $6O they will send ten Home Magas tine's, twenty Children's Hour, and a sew ing machine, tut shore. The httl,• , :ribers need not all be sent at one time nor from the Ntme office. Sri` Specimen numbers of' "Home 11tega tint'," 15 cents. Specimen numbers of "Children's Hour," 10 cents. Uri W a n k accompanying them. giving full particulars, and ennbilning Moilthat other um, vtry al froctive pr n,iumeirers. "Thpilione Murazine is ton well known to require special mention, and "Tha Chil dren's Hour" is pronoun() al the purest, most beautiful and attractive Juvenile not va sine published in thit or any ratter country. In almost any populous neithborhoml. or town of moderate site, enough subscribers to get a machine can readily he obtained. A little concerted attenfon among the friend' of a poor, industrona woman. anxious to help herself, would wily get her a sew ing machine. "The Children's floor - is so beautiful at. tractive and cheap. that it can be introduced without trouble itato almost , ally family whom there are children. tier Po not be deterred from making an effort for ;ear it will he inlor lost. fie all the subscribers you can, and. if the number falls short, then write to ns, and we will let you know what eaditloilsl sum of money to send in ardor to secure a machine. e will Owns melee this sum as anil! n't 1)09,4140. It will range betnten Ale ar.,l ki. l4 . member that the ....ash ',rice of the machine ltS 411 , lIIIt4E MAGAZINE. —E 2. a rear. :; 4 copleA, Imo owl to gr. , ..ttLrotp a club. Si 2, Is ntol Otte tQ rcttcr-up orclub, 320. Splendid l'rem fume. Mot Sumi•lr rtripies. 15 erntli. TELMA l'or Cull !MEN'S I : y,!ar. 5 corp. , tier ters. IU rut it a uuJ on, he getter-up if die., ..I‘). B9th Magazine- Ihr Yaw ! ! . . A , 1 , 41..s T. S. ARTHUR & FO N, Mit 6811 Cl.e , uurt St.. I'hiliulr•lphis, l'n. 4.).1 ::%11 111 , 4. by the Ilee. Wallet)* Eycr. Mr. Chario4 ltuuelt tu lietkott buth 1)a wills, Pa. Ott the loth ult.. by A. Prim Mr. IV. M. My.rM and 311 , e Fus3nuu Dvily. both ur (.'olutuhiu County. V. Ott the earn 2 ih,v l.v the sone Mr. N. Ti Alb g:ir of l'ilitutil.;tt Ciontity, and Mis• Lonetii i u , fir Luzerne Ceutuy Pa. On the 224 inm., iu Hemlock t6ven.r.ii, CA,lttna.i ( oaty, Mr. I ; Steekfr 'IV rat pt. r te:,ll , • , 1t,%; rrost , i " >ri'd Hour bank:, Tallio,v pg. 1 , , 4111.1 nd SinKeoier.4. " Ilay pvP NEW .40111.RTISEMENTS. Ni.::W AIN: I VAL OF MILLI ERI . IL 4 0 ,;„ FI3NCI( GOO DO, A" **RS. XVINVS, R T, lal Itli.t 01 111 ‘o;o.lr...tpo444l o lVritt:k 4 1,4 1t .4 I Met,' 040 114.• ft'oll , l4l II . llty Vl . ll r I I 4 .0 f 141 1414.1 11,,, AM) r 4Nlr Gt H.) O, 1111 ratt.ll 4'. ./001 , 1111 , I rvtlk!.. Pi o+. N. 11 tr+oldl r, 00.1 Itt3oll-”" Alt{ 41,1runil n is • Xe,-.lt , prat iiiit itli44 64,4$ st.aisovr, list tt•lits , W.islit is its in 414.1 , 1 , 4 i• - hfr7 114 ,, • 1'411,0 Vlttlltiittr, 1 intit!!, Oil 11,1 i, 101: for thde (hale. 1.1111 pk 7 vg;,l 114,042 ttwM ',urn the lir, in 4 14 4,145,b,1 I. I, stt kt. ofot itUt:itil43, Nui..tt:.rt fir 1.1 . 64)1,, ”I MC of th•• r.• on Pram , • 1,,100.t. • 111 r tro•gt 411.1411104110111 , 0 , 111. Rlttlflrlet.l tr I) 1040 r I , 4ft 414 , 4.4414. 4I 10 ittor4 , 441,114. t." 11r 11. ~ ,4 ,44,4144, 4 111111 flll4 y. , hr , 4 , 44 * rr`lPnillSf r' till .4 , 4Ai 4 . 14,4 , 41• 1 , 41$ 044T444441 , — , 444 +liasolp ii 44 4 4 , ; 4.4 144441414' 11.114 00114 , • II % Il'f. 14101 ther l It ft:, ff; t44.,te ter e etettee Aeon ,fre ,, 071.4,0 1. tit i 0.11404t01,t lit 1 . • 114144111 0110 f 144., 114 4 444fir440. 4/ 40101, try ittra- than ai h,r:: •,f th• :ere r vote= te r ::', 4 /1 4 HE, :lb t. • 4.. nr,4 . ."144—ir , „ Noir or:, 1.,;, OTICE To (1.114:1)t9t)IZS. At , p r • Ngo kt wlni trul ,, wo , l to tt gi p 1 ,114 phypp,t %%Mt,. =I rr6.13 18,7 UC.-11 AM , tAii Fiji( mALI., I I SALT.—In an adveoi.4— ' hiring to th. ..ease,i, 91 t iind an rug! t g + • 'it tit Yiltl,ll Mi r« two, &t o , I , JO”ngl. 91t„ w to um looothioug, two. high it olh 11.1 writ 11. Mt giuoit •ni.o., no t 'HI. 111 rod tin POI, .601 x.ll 0 . 011i1,4 0101 vqrr) rt. to Wit. At «Agri Puthtulotiou nod to aimooi lohgrol, aq • tothi givo u rotooh 141:1r* h «tug ~!lice. A ttv, It 1144. $ NA A .11 0 T 14.1 town, . at' I. Th i• )rangeville, Columbia Co., Fa The polbocriber .04 , fibily form* hie ',Philo and the phtthe. Witt he hue 144.11 the in abeme vi.ll kftwa H. 1 ,'I "V I NlTPTilhiNitihrr i ill hi vleiswod to rtleivi , 0 rootOrn of ill 14 hr sin limo/ hhe p till a,a I. 11, 001 kat • A I.OCli 1 r INV IRO ulth the Iwo of I irwtorx. Ait4 ivory etlort tr ill Le .1140 to Nt#tlrt ~ 8 11,4, 6.101./Lit. I irofilt Aillu MOM g 0 m gnaws:lga M%R II I 10 DI I.D. 111 It it, v:T Li rrionT. S 4 1161 I.A. C NI . I"r` R. t► =lo3ll=== MO: s reEtt floret:4 SPECIAL NOTICE*. 4 IIPECIAL NOTICES.. DEAF& R. 9.9, DIANDNEM F ROBS Or Vor Tit. vied Catarrh , treated wl* f 4. *tow" wermwehley I ; I OA WM, W. V. miewilmo mad A./04 Moppspoy nll4l. A miwwwwlo who imsfrow4i Tnr %wag. yo N.pflead., rte. uls rigid *wig IP MI AfrA 0.6111 1 t. Vr.nulur, pore*. noo mi , I'. • Ind,. of Irenthemwal...lmoniltwllll4l.l .015044, Aware., moth.Cutbr7l,l"'""r4"flP U ( 0 7 ,. 41 %,,,7 4 4. ' 4 " 7 City .54 Oalitlify d. M•011 stalmallkw. Ite etwd and 04411. rip for ;MIAMI It: . .e1,411 - 1 , . jedl 'aridly are sounialiginkft•OPll9 10911011 hr ee.em••4 Wee eirrat to elm .414 ello M1X4+11491 004arilio AirKIS.IAI. Ow IlMomm.fliMmeo irep•rmm••.(me do an mmr , Et MA/ l essad i mm a rte ali p, don t " 4e , „ me . et.thel retiflderm., 4WIIf OUll at l a : r I *reel New York. inntai. Ni 4prill d• —My_ vovn rrorrivr .nd an 1 .44repren vwfMnom and MIS tort pand INi 111 5.1 rear mop traliAl4l.• b0t0rt34.11.4. II mt visit 101. a.... moo. 41 1 1414rf pg M Aar 114m4kli, $3l 5.1011114 AY. N. Y. May 10. iMcf;—ty. ••• ~~uiia 4 s , u y Li 111 ft %one WANAPlhroshrtv, fairing 'aglorrifitiositir IM RtvlMral Nillielqa ll4 . lo 'MINI 46101 wit.. Iltt,Areetyl+tr4Yntisoarely emy berosor toesait lar.teaposailfaaapoot.l.lll4 Ala fordaten Inert Noy Ohs lady or yPiell.aian Amid TYU en semi, tarty aadyer*„ as l , f ,, C , lre a espy void 4,41.4. y f... iiifn man Ad torn P d. Llra of.y, di. Tray, ti Y. Colo a; GIt,ACE'S GELEBR4TED SALVE. 'Mall Mr. P.. Tacker. Pepot master it /14.11sbury, Ms.. ••I Mrr bOffl lenUiled rtif )4•11141 %lib ■ hit.l 1 eater .41,141411.11 01111%/01111. and Dann, the wen Npumm..r It uo.tr that, uennl 14110111,41. lad t um./ 'OUP 1 , 011.1/1 All It bar.' Faure at 4lopented. 164thrmi eff.ettwi nosotally. thurrattwi, I ibtelt.tb• tritdivetitig int• ture ui trio " PEI 11. iftr*. FtIWLE,Ak. ROY, Pkneon Proprlrlnta. 001'16Y eII prUillietil. at 14 els.% bur. Sent of well fur 31.; 0.4 KNOW Till DESTINY. Madame . S.F. tbnolton. the Treat Enillab Aatnal nfl4l, f7lativoyaut 004 Paychumetrtesn, ttbn her artnuirbed the selentille dearer of the Old World. baa Imo located In•reelf Ilunfno N. V. Madtine rbornion p.Ol. pu. b wonderful p.m rr• of s-c -ond 'ugh'. SO 1 , 1 I noble hi r to impart Ithoofoilin of Iha tronl. tuth4rthricolulflo Cagle Cr MAMA nf efiltai run WWI. Ina elate 11( .ranee, slot &line. Mrs 00 very If•MUrno ..1 the Demon yon an. to UM( • ny, and by the al-I or eft inmiru Am,* 01 enlvnilr pow. rr. k n o w II a. 111. PO) rho. odrupe, ginsylinler• In pro. dot, a Wet lik• victim. 01 the future laurol.4n(l nr %.l. 11l 110 epplirrnl.oegother w ill, dal , ~r worriapr. pn• rdr.l. in I;fr, lrnite of rh•rncler. 6r Tbia lo no Oniobut. IIWUP101 ,, I• of 10.11140101 p ern an. Pert eh , . ulll 40nd when die rid a ...110.d retort. rate, or vllllOll yonranthe. Out the p 1 flue la what 11 bUrionoto In he, 111 ouro o ,o, 1.01 of ho. r. add VR , In; Otte of bir . h. air. ei,pootiots end roan curl log Oltr erclo and at•ineed • nee? • ape Ando ofo.l to )...traelf poi will receive Om pm lure tad darired 114 . .011111110n by ro(kan mall. All etownuntr..illnlos. •/14 ,, 414 tbrahh.m.al• Addyrop in donee, MADAME E. r.Tolis NM% r. (0. N.. 1 Ild WOO N V fr... irr L7—ly YOIIG ',AUX RETUItNING Ti. bar country bout,. alto, a sojourn Of a fro wombs in trio i•Ily. wag lordly recognised b log rr•na. In place of a coo.ao, rupgt flu.ht4s We. AD. had 8 MI ruby complexion of alitioal rtiarbte outtn.tlincap. and Instead of moldy .tlittat ►be rraltr aPP"no'd but rirhte.•a. Upon inquiry ay In lbo mow ot att tr.•al a c}tange. sh. p•anll. t•da thow flit abe used the Cirras•lan Balm. and cnoaidorad it in 1e• Valluttitit nt pipit inn to au/ Lady•s toil., Ity tit a,te any Latty ur lloatlctuan eats itaftrolo' ehrl► Per/Want app....ranee eu baad►.•d Ili• simple en 'room. IlinalloP. as %wart, herself is •tmpL', yet t etncy in drum log iutporsti.v. •nl, alan boaliog. c toatotina and beat tryiet the Am ■ad row. pl• Aloft. IV II» d:rt!tt action ma lb.' cat.Lte it nroo Nitwit all di , OM Liam. and lona nip me amino, as Nat aro ottt-toltot it Antall br, cleat. stmt. assinolb and b'•intifet, Mee $l, 1,011 by wail no catir..ea ort receipt of an atria by W. A. CLAN di I'd.. !tio 3 Woyt I apOttc *lto rtyracutw. PI V. Ile watt' *workers Agents for ltic sat: of the .ante. trot ki I•b7 - it' AFFLICTED! • SUTER NO MORE!! by tit! us* 14 OR 34 IINV 1,11.VP1 VAX lit I•nu . ton b" tur. ,l and so I triehut rem. apdonf.iffni fiutrePo shst.h lbs. Pitauf•Pfl tovrtobible Wedlcolln for Phyoienl find Sf•fliffna c.lll , •lfflffy acid I f fm.frosoff Lora MuoctiPar.tolo , rl Ififpfd, , fv - y or fop of ibo con ...We 11.41... ft inc..l r 1 11:11.r. 11 Inn nowt if n'or.lll. prniforalfool,Vl'l II *if! 311 1“ ryour4llrchribl.. deprorbibb, rarrtruorlit lareuauri 10111U14 11r buribbar. la.. •4 uwluaov, confifoiffn, iffmfeht. iof orff.d.infrnetfiin. bOlps Or 'homily. al^ If nit! v opt« the bppalbm •••11r11 . lb. Iff•if fllf of who fume 4.lllttirej It by r.oo.url rialtos sit .1.1 pt., tiv•fi, own. by 11$010 by •lalbrit e ":1 1 16 1111 1 scud 141111'1 1 11 1•. , 11 ....•1 Of nit "ort, 4., 4. 4 .4 fp doff • •-• .; • ;•••••I.••tt p s .raf if. 4.1 111 • P•I ••• $l. or r. 0111111.11111.11 111 CIO 34. 1 1 6 1 : f.o , !•• f. I..•llitt tuft In ME r •itt r rtiterifie Letts. (Lr etc rti•tetk t , ntl +. •iir.v 1 rttrictore so h Aft Ohms et the ishie a,t theiteer. t t hre i kiitt to friith te Tte v me oriented (row volt t•thh ; ••ottoirts 11,4 ate h red so he the systorm and hover .o“..rpt, the AA , mactt Itff the hretith Zwn 11“fq.,:! i t 14 i1v(41.311 1.0.114: 1111,111. title .40 env monnor tined, re with that• trot, ithrtti t i, Vries OP, prr • , 2 Ai = r r,,,rro , t ed •• 1.7,514'1% fttol tyrt.t strOkt. by , :At: at eRt i'vto tot Ota, NH Of • “Na“ ,, it• di. ev.. Al) 41 , 4+4e.* rtios :1" Tro,.. N. %. Vets UM I lIE COLUMBIA lIOU6Ii. is.n.!!vroutArn, Proprietor. rfttA I . Pi fp' W 1 4 4 iti!Oy sit . P4 Co* n , !ernarto 4 1, 1 10 tho pkirtli: UTTIVI , OIV fiMutt , ti 1131 %%lin Ht rt—l. 4 It AV 01.10 th, bat to Itioqvit 0- the nrtippity " it ix In II • tow". a 14 , 0 x.oul pl+ott wtoit, twlllg 11 Ow 1.1 , 1 0: t 01. 4 .6. lv Ito i44P , 14t 1 4 - Up. IfOn4t I fit , peopro , I UI Pt«le cw,flo I ilq.l hi. it. yr+ !!,t4. gerier:y I r.2.1t04.11 0 :3 1, 1 NW! WOlll , l 11 a tilt it! Mt , I,:iqtr 1 %Ittl.loSgg. ). 4z y 10..7 ARO TO STNrUbI.E PEOPLE. otop,f rrrs.tar. tf the 4,pert iof the w ith.r n iii tLtl.4 1 I , It he fet, l lo4 ken • tf• 10 t,lthSrnt 5,1 ter ISIS motif el 14, II tV, I, NI It IN INII , II hit , ' 12 , 01 , Met 14 111, guon y' i t to twl •tt. 14V , , anti ywpr • 3„ 0 .. I ii 3401 l are ate , 4114 ra e r teat *,..t Ora ror , iiot, I 1111 I II It'? trHo‘t At *lfteell.334. No tg .11 391$ A:Vri'v V" apt 11.. It Ira° h pool 10' r•eai, area 3,0 en .rleseeired, e reatfone liAti 0, 3 hls oltnag 1 1;0 ere., may y‘ete .er, ,, r. - 1.140 00 herr inarlai, an of 11 1 ..3rraoo.ll ”0 per ;mu:tin:P.oi. to tare .440w3, the orree.t. the at arealal. n Perretenj, II an mt antineelt, ol ti , yslu toll 0.3 ler lilt 1.310.. and 'lvo It II f0}140.. 11 to to. 110 C.qia , th:ll,o4o It ter irral.la ean' ifieer at kirparV, II %% Weil riratl tieralutremeatt It efficacy ANTIVIPATIi ro” rtr . lowo , l of tootoo , rithlo; , iloo o toostlro Or , . ufinat in . drdp .. , foo ,o ot Wolf you 4..4101 oolottio: Illo . uo or not, goof/ I rrood , rot 'nowt I. lotterlooo. A toofflot o , r Otto 'it 111' ORPAT I).ekt:.9lVk MY OW lOC .44, blibi rET Ef.r.^ 4 ii)) rtatri, wIl I otrlootlli o, and rturto• our 6.44 rover. a. OW IV 110 Into Norio g.t to wMtlit. Tu. did4r uI o•dtt. 4 r glob oAbotrql to pirapiraton .01i pore Ito rot inoo. r. • o. tlt. rtorb it .t' slo% A loowoltfool t onto' art log mig, , oot is ton itee4 , nom :olio to on 00. o;;.4 o. 11 .111fot 10 Ip twertes 431 "l from Pit h 11 1 . 1111 1 1 , 1 ,. .,end “vtlitt • Lao-. hoolroln. more 11,11so1”Nroor more .1111Itoo— 1t. , 11111 , 111 m , 1 1,1 0 - 1/ 1 1 , 1101,, , 111 11 , 1' ti).pri..l4 /OW a:11, ri0t.1414110111 .1 (on , tai I,^nll, A» alit W.trietrul cooto,Cotreo So% vo b. .3 BA LSA 31 01? WILD 114,1,13% thvhs. l'ottts Brehthos Jititelng. Croup, Wheopittg tl:tt uhttott. ow ll* SS VII qv Itim,v, taw ape,* A Me TirOvi. ‘llO4 111 t LUSO lull/hit thhhgeht,l hlUanla ht al(MellOah.4 the r* . lr alv to . ht.htt ,4 .luhnth t , t .h.th try th h 4,4,141 tit. 11(1W rotputthnt Own la holVeut btati+ l 1111111qu4tlAv Walt c..u.pirnut.. exten,thhor otaa that thia vaisto in Wtatar's 141 , 4% It) aura tit,l foUtid ill auy !MO Ire not-41) ; vet' ,wVt.re n. IPUE4 4 111 11, lb. I ;II P 11.41 1bt u 1111. tkenthing, ;0411. ut owl Iltil I lUi bI, h.,. ll' *lure vio “414Atr 0 rt, re* Ow *teire , er to lovenetP4 ?rikt JUIIN WNW. n*Lvtre VIIEMCNO A ovnwrt, N writes 1 %Ito uiprrt I.) o oett/hbot to get ono boffin of be baboon for my %Ile. wood doomed b). boo that o cloa it old hot produce good ettiodo. be oitold pay birs,grte. to; tro.s4togob of gorb pray trrt ev4i 4444. of 411 merits, I procured 4 WON. Wy *W. Id this HIM! Wt*. sn 4444 14Ith wbotatho physi wog termed Smiled roto.orroptioo so to Or ortgOlo 0 tow borprii fruit the bed. 44441111441 40144140) 4 Od .4440 444 N or Os. blood i 4 44 14104 4 4 4 0144Vind no Maid 40 dltt4 4 lt4l. 41111 Odd no murk pinw.ul Mt Itr rprratlt Ii that i bbtorro a ortobwr tootopoot Orin*, It. Moro this blotto wog OW. testy ogort, slip cr rood rousistog Nor WO* 44,0 01 4 4144110 Or up. ?bo firth WWI« rotti.glY ilwtottog 101 111 befall, dubid Hod .%boob dkViold tax Writ to tin but boor (robot." tin okrar4 by Sall W. suWl,ls & 004. 1.1 Yrs. Wow VOW* sad fin gory by thirotgto grotoottly 111-Ij i rrftillfthnetY MAN 1101tY140114. A it , too , I alra 401 ., ra•al foe ph alp from 4.1. TC•q%. gnat Mall al Eansrp anal ia.laiwai Wrolknr•e.i/aa• franall of wals.hr Indlocirrloanl. $ll film, at/a rndmy 1114.1110 In .lovelvon a inv•y a 411, for th, “roltrr,illftilliati. o'll many otnIcl• anfran• not,' lay Luau, which rtraorta , al n for. Ina ft* tAr lallarto 4MOlielr.ltid medicines. Send n di/riled 011,0001111111 d %lamp 011.0 wall :n.t yam neallaanr Adnr , •o4. 61/41AR ItthllA N.lYlth At. N. V. City, 11 E AUTV A LI lit , . FLAXEN t PILSrIN rURF.A. PrOdueroPlay urn or Prof. Air r'ISNA 1.1.; ti VOUN. apyiariNhos warraiiteo la vir I ihr aom4 aitaitht mod rtviil•orit hair of Nth./ ai•it thief la 'ivy rirrtor, or firoory ana••sa, coda, fiy, Irepn urea by athii 1:11111,11mbier. Of Men. en • IR Oh fh. Woe ihrattiylllo pr• 111111, Fete uu 11101) , 4. ha , hair. Prier by Isolll. wo l tpit Ur •cylpfir• a-Hirable • mash a In. Mere r urte e 141,. No 111:111.V.0 N. V alai, Aurae hit liar L 4040 1311,11{t4 lout-17. FiCELItioR I EXCELSIOR C 11 AsTEL I. A • S HAIR rrriit VI IV 411•101! pi In RfAllitViNti rups:st • in ;P4.110,04 to erinily, flair d. pommy a. nee{ an olinuel in •1 •p• noble mu le beauty la • y•ily /replied...mei. mot L urn tar m)u•e ;be erun Lor tarts •I'rl, 11y ara lb- rot. I;Ie warranted b 1 reuppled 01111010.1...10, hair ir"hi he■.l., Or emu' any prat • (1110 It dy pl•tely. 'Mall. owl ra. l lrelle«ltllrpupag 111« vans , leaving the rain o au' 11, 114.. 4 I,yr.'sl Thi• I. •ile 44 , 1 y r 01 art.ele 1"...4.1 n. It. um, to the ruly real offl , riunl dopilootre In 4.llloienro Priee 75 rent per verbose 044,4 4sl-1 pied. In an( on 11.101, by 141:1I6 It :411 1'144 at 1:.0,.. V. b. la, t.h.q.bo-te. vb km, SI Tyr). it: ilterr entnoth sled N41'4'11441 Job In I'll. uud In old .10 [ root and to yuc.ll ; b•• twaUl, wbl..h lune.. Ma. ..0 pre' 14110 014.1 rare. la ire[ Iv? W, and all may Le 141 f. C RlBl' ER CO )1 A . ! the %rty b.fittiCil nt , l N l h •tarry «ye-, and rt,littt bale. N burr t tendril. •..4 lU' Witlf Enchained the '`.art end ud.•d. (;11i%1 ) . 14 • ,%11/11. Pat r,r 11 . 1 the 1r or either d••i Mary at.l taos.y am/tvt• or strawy M..a•sve Pr ruslnt ihia Ilflitit• Irel f .• l N an 4 nesnwspon rag, leseutif 111 , 111/I.IVVO a Ibn'+ant lola It 6, he may 01IiClie in HP' World that Milt curl stratehl Is .11, el,d at the NM. li".1 CM. It a lwasutilll gloss+ ni.yrer• seer. Th. Crishor Vows ISM "lily oar's nu. 111011`. hiss leslgiurstes banal if... , and elssiises al : is highly and 4 , 410601 port' ( bra. 1,114.1 I. She #1.9,14 fsthapepty artid o nl 1111” sea Pei./ oirsreil t'. lei* A owtsenie is Ise. The esi•ser viiins Will b. VIM 1.5 any spat.. It%d pn.lpah.l lor 111 elan as ell it to W. L. el. %NM a 131. Cur WIMP U. 311. et ' , new! at.. ryraceiw. V. .117 ty ITCH ITCH IT( II t!! SCK elm ATCI4 ! I lA. Il ITrli Wittaiutt's Ohlntent tame TIP. I,Vhestuu's Cmtteent come nett ides= 'e Ointment rums Telt*, tteaton'e itintment tert.a 11..rbere Itett Nit-ttett's t intment nn.. Old TWOS Wheason'e thesuwnt revue Every stud of Eimsterr lira Magic. PrieP. Sr Nat PI Addrrer WILI.Kti 6, PIPTIIta 610 *Aimee., st,. 9.,•0w %Irmo Inr ode 6Y 6 1 1 linail olo . rryt 65. IMF —1 yr. nigMliii r,.4r.,1 to emir Blinn thr .Iviiinthent (nen in from th.in• to Al. it...tip by ',sine lii M►{'lth«•. 41. , . tm14 , 44 , u4r 4 . 414.4144141 4. . th. m.. t Wi1f1.1..1.01 tlllt.ltyt my in /.Barn ortrtirr. nrtint limns ihn 4. 4 PM: utimopi ttlirietttettlo ttfietitipt. It it le h••. , by 1 , , OOP C. Paris n't wilts th • ti.. ,t e 1.., • tering so • iiihh•hn nil eini if ett , .111.4 .1 sin; ay 11.4 yi.rit Paw' ihr Is. 'bet . Witt ht./Art.og It .r,•01, Pl. by otAti r• 111.1. re..ti.s.i4, Ao. Ova. rnptirr ronniiiiii 11,1 tr,timdttiOt. alisilnd hew, A.:. Rugg. II & 4 IC- ebritiiptn. ho 1:05 Rise, 01444,4 t. Troy. N. V.. ow* 441 ., 1 1. (~r lAr elittcs• treb. VT. 1,4 3 —ly. WONDERFUL RUT TRUE. M MAW; Re:M*lll9i. tho oeunwnobi Astrolbriut abd 6 , olatiallaiif.ti 11:11rVelyOni 0 C.:• in a rinirrnynnt tits Very pronon you up , to homy. and M to ai t of g•I'l tiii.troo,oot of iryt..mw arm," kbaltit an t!w mot op.. virirnotro* in brq , bt , . - a peirff , nt. iik. 11 , ,:e th. fintarr boortmi rr w of Itlr pr“ - gut. with dal* , and uvvrtiok , riirnionn• ! , n4irr. mila and ch4tarfrr etc rho.. 3. uo i i1:14441{ti.11 t. 0111101 1 .4 w shoot nuathrrranti+•nri y vbroine Itltoo of Li rth. age 0141)14111W1, "tor of rya;, 31. a WI% ard ew toeing fifty r , bt. nod 'dumped ,w , rl ope r 540,00 to iirori=r:t by re elm of Mai{ mitts.. 0 'oh lb OTP4 iszfn;,wall Addro'ain rn cldrrnr. ti.%ItANIR f:Eirtrucim f: 110•Noki. P tt. oat rry. %. V. loch 17. IN THE COURT IN Till: Pteorilt , flr HI , , ert diArthMjelt, of • Ortlent ttlor f'/ , • , 1 , •0•1 th 11 , 41. it, N..mhkr. .1. or p,OOl, t 1 elOllll (owl' t0.11001 , V Ill: 1 , , roo.t 01100 , 1 from th” J.,« rot tof re 1,1 Of 1t0 , 14,v0 1 ,4,. Oa ot i ...foot ',two , ' tor th, tnlr 4rn.,t Of Inv o•Pnt n Of OIT O, 111 ll.no ~, tltrg. oft I . rj fjv, 11, :14 ilay cr . ritoolthOt, 1M67, tt, 1,, C, Alvittor Ott. Ir, 10,7. Itlt' 001.! WOOL!! WOOL!!! 1 . I,rlTrt 11 vcr r twit 'f n • nu ft.) ate Y wiro . ..1 , 4111.01 - wr "Cr Mill, N 111,1tiitt , , , ,1 Or eit , .11 4, " yoar Wwet bathe Mount 11 , eitica vtil, Pa. J. I,`, V. 41104. bipt. 4, Wit TO CONSVMPTIVEg PIM ARO A, tWit ri.rN g 4 i1 i 0 , 44 nrh , .r in it, the rf the drrwrt..nw fur mnWne mut 1 , 01.2 Ito+ •rwro , r.•, Ii by whir+ Nw an. rorK-t of a Noe fat ow: Iwo di,s,i diMwfl l.r o, ,tio.Jrnplioll Ohl on 1; 4 0 1 jort Ow Oft it floh ttpd irmOter win try thie rf+.liMplion 4, it If, thi•M /04ithig, 6ntt mly siidres Pl O. EloW OM tans , V 4. 04 Rnrnh VE.fillta 11i. tVt. Nr% I XFOI MATION. nglnti finatatitev.t to pro.ttlen n itartrih, nitnn a Isola hrsd , bofto ea. (4, l•rt a toweip." f of nu. rupplo., r eft the ♦Rtn Ivor Orr thv «nmr ..it mono, mot Naritati;. ran ity r4tinir..l by ht:Chtt 4 ll - 11.: cli PIA ANI V 43 kir anti% nY w V H; Y. THE ill )111.11 AS. Tos NI 13./ AT THE it,v, ttoolo by thy Groat Antrota toot, bt %bit; 11. 11.10.100, atop rnve ok ur cr.* to. a, uorootni eVer kitew, t,, virtu liviite V,410 01,111 lititittol eVelite Vittlivt cat ti , iti tilifi M. 04 Itias 4 noootwy. &r,, have boom.. avtp...1010.10. Elh. bring, torat.thr r.hate thug no trtrootert. 111 , 6inlnnnalhre VOll - rob., a' Melte, nr itri, ere, 'colon,. le,' 0. *auk,' tilltperty. toolts you thn botnoneea rho Vie heal MO in Wit yuu l% lit' Vit.! . . , tlt t itiVlV , speedy Niiii very ;Ivy fel will marry. ttlVitit yre Ole likt. IV Mit tit tilt* Wt.' Volt, `lie ' , MI %Iv) thooothhiy, and by bet u11n , .1 motpet.•Warn. power* oroovotrin the dark wool tut left noyoto rie.Vl 110 fella,'. Ervin thi t stsr. V e sow 1u Illy the oroottelly ntortoo that ovv.-rtante oor prettaaotroate on n cooalliarstien the nowt.' too wool yoonoto.ott. .h phooto.too Nwd lb.. Mort, it,,,,. to th.• bray.-ton at th tan , at birth. 'hot otvottlop the route With t no. not to roboath the bro Mast fthotoolowita boo antilt I catty you tad a tit e. aud yoott way a. v t hunt.% tint. wo rwv..rpbiawu 011p011111101.V, Ott tikaaarp Will all desh . ed tolfattootoliato. SI Pottt lima at olholionth fun flonyrott to. Ntliflatite by room wttlo Vita rattly Av.' lot intoortion to thelittlitivev ill partial A foil • spii.lt vi.vrt ti KIIIIIII.I ilionwertl.l 4114 11114'1Pu/I bilettteutL arm( by midi all it pri thothllastsot, 'Phi. vitivivil oftio y v. ill be aft rot. walpotattothea titithth.4l or Avvtroyiv IltvAtrvalevv of thv Alyloo AAAve A Wi to rnivhvii .** 4511.15 1 plainly di, of ibit4iolll P.m ill WW4II PIS Will* Ps eirOurilfrit nit Welt of lon Ir.' MIA DAM* it . PlOlll3OO. TIC to 10-11? . , 1111 t. Mario, la. V. i this striae = in from in 4+ hams MUSTACUFS Tlit UI ALTNa POO T 4 A vri 11+11,44 OP NWT. 17 , 1. 4.1 1 0.ffie# , I10.4, ittot II"v or thr tl'l‘ , l' 4,1 Vol 11101. ito 4 44t444114 'Milli; Alttotittt sot I 'poles Iwo% 1104,1w 9,4 4 0 '44 47 1010041., Plll ONO 40 0 444 r, 4 4 * to Anti % "O. 1444444. ettims got 44 , 4 4 14444 1144 1ri11 4 1044 410 1 44$ 44 , 14. '4votrws. Irvin Am. 4.4 1 .4. 1 +llll :1. tilt ILES N tt. *hit 44N 11. w 44 Aweeististp 11114 4 44440 1 41 P. ea. Sane S. Ilk, -1.1. 'HAPPINESS OR 'NISBET. ofrim nt voothfol 404itoleitoi 4.ofor* htN lopefor.o. rialto *to ptoopftirm 1 4,4,1* r flaw i4tio filsollo4f*lfit 40144,1:111 and .1140 404 at HaNerr INgt L th.f tiosety go crap, long aim tud tttttlttui ‘1•10.114y Be I's Specific Pill., he tnnv fteftViNt his itriillll. Voile ihorefore he Ar 1 4 y 1.1 usiog 11$.r eeoirely It '#*11 , 418,1.4 yi ilo ,40r1 n rilgft in atiVllo , ..4lr tilrlBlll 4 , 1.. L 10104004. i r hy ii it Alt.! !Very-001 tfrittiify 41,4 derenrworeeil. ni %l unholy inviter Perri,. goose u.toit x aioyi4 4 , 181 II IP .rtirAil Veietsioe and heriiileer 55554 110 iblitige of 06.1 it KifilMi 155.155* litOta Shifter per b , t *Ph lull ilivollone. plobi by yyroygiiite yeoeitiliy. I o Ittorrto Whopa priieurnii i will sand thew by oieit neat-prirri rind pot , qt. t"rlli Srirseerperion untreerpt of tbrt ra t orptv, U. n.l 1.1i4/10. %11 , 4 Y. 420 Eflteloxss.s erinhilertial rirrolere will be rent to rent 1+411..1 rte+, t tAUIAZI Sig Diva .wa), ivew Turk. (Ziv.. PO 4 AL IT AT Mt alfrasto.,4 go,L Y , 4.11 Uf.oirt and Weirvorlis 101..e4.0.ht t 1,411. nr fromlo Ytheit esttic JUN cot wooil , i,tsl ., liTstrAla te,ttu,ktmAt. I 0 ist.'" - 1 will ..n4 rnt prtv4V. owhi rtrralnra Eras of car', aLa :or In tr , PA. , xhitthie h.. 11,0. rtA,lOOO rleaknraa.byUr hos tatur.. I , *bst , 00.'4 tov Pr.vtit,l.7o , ”thr Wulf msr., Vl3/. frea of OtotiC and 61. 10 , lo 1,0 Joilz, , chivkit rco t" , t 01 14 Imp It.ttit /WWII/ .00n mi >zU ~ i O P IA4 I .11 Ao. A. '.lO LAI)IJ.+ Votstlt.titittri is nHirl ti 110 liO'l VS' 1 1.111.Wt1 tit4l ..Itl3it NO OW. .114.1 0 , 11.1“;,c1liolite 111 , , ,, Wit 1 , 1. , tettlitie art. Dr El:avers CH OtiO MAL 141.,' .N 1 iLEPILLS, flood nand Orr opw 414,1 , 1 1 rtillti IriAltr With 4nw..0 O.; rocro,m. 11, r Pro too, for ordi. dird troVer rio in Mont nntnni r 1 tnnen in D Harvey's 601,1)EN FENIALE PILLS !VC WiL6Aft.4 Mr. 11,1 , f1e,..1 for 1.1 , 4141 rare fl'q 111 p ,1 4 - 5 , ”,... CO to, 410 Me, I y fmir ofralw 0 1 ,, .1 , 0'0 1 111 , 1 1 (111 , 1 111111 Nll perlertly bora:Woe nod frit Mo. 1,4 th«nt ui fi oar til:tegn , t lIA n , nri 10 by twnnt a n 1 1 , 94.11.1! , 1 ottki now hb srtt lon u 4 nr«ii.l y I a.O nt,vr ok , foti an I i1t04 , 41e1l 4,114 Cuitail.lol.ll I. Latio , 0 at dl CRY... at , tta NOTI4 E 'rho polair t.tt , tl totirieti that tottowloy• ,hr N=n W :tit ~t to '• , ,tt r `rtl..7, „tit. , pit. tfitt--1 , A lb utoit , rttmd. rt,.t . tttv, • 00.. n tNigtio,% rgt:A6. • at: 4tro, .'B•,v, ft. J* bj; •0 Ia now 05 , 4111 to tt.e Pot hit - -Dv! 4 l, or pnri nr • Oils hat nf INGISAI‘s I. tt; (%t Pl.lti Frrtn ,10,11$ vyir 11,1iftl.ohh• , %5i1 , ,104 Om!.{ ' , Plaint+ MO Pit ,, t• u{ >-orsou. an.: print. 11. anted and VII 106 h 1114).1thv, hCh U.KIMPIS 104 DAL N.ORAL 4 1,1,1 yotimopuynt uttt hod “i,,,..ttf to-oi Mars and Quip*,w,,Jo vi M. , ;" ,, r 10i ...re ,„; r,oirth Mn rrnt~, t Yll I . !..111 1 10 , .4 1 11 1 . : n 3.3 1.43. , t ,, i. 1, LAM r AiCitt: v., ,ovoi ••,; Tar. 'OP it, On Main ri trent, Bloomsburg. The~anhxrr ..4 t.kro ro , tro , in ttl.l , 4l , leitil to ($ I4tl IM 01 01. IVO 0 , 1 , 0r0 160. Ie has tot .4 11 . 1.•• tovi km. a„«rrtut~ei of BOUTS A,N ES, faf •W't it 1,1 . -1 1 .11 weer. to 0..11 t K i,06 . .0 iii t' , 41.% thr b' 4 . 10;01;5, ihN roothi- rink ; P , 8(1.1 , .;n1 ,N , Tt tiful g run 11.4, 4 - or= , hW i 4 !p 51114111 E.y fef , aitlf 1 u .• W4dlC srss. vii. ;Alt T.t 101 44, V. , ti ht• , g i.mtv het, 11Z UOQD A itTICLZ: r , 1,0 I. am,' AUwur•ouq 11:ill. nr 1, - , vv Poit . r rah ur ..`tic1111111.1.41”.1* 41 , , •i • 0 444 ' , '.3141 tt• •• • 'l,lO tkot. 4---ortttfrt.t , %•cort and taq •41 •t r.d N io,v ri,tyi PIN A:'i.) GE:-..ti,E. MEN" . 3. 11.7ENISIIINAi STO.F.F. rHr f . I,t, Or , 1/1. , i•i MO"' r COI U< of WWI M4,141.i 1.14111: e,,, II i'.l4Prki from Plitha 110' hot*, a ail nod WinotT t'lCLising rog nOv, tke riot tr.t: 0,46 hr ruu pkm.t Ai.. NE X' 8 A B 0 1 - 8* CL rm.:vu h as triik,N6 rOITS, (OATS,rAfK t OAT', P k NTS. VC rt 4, R. 9 I COL GA 1:3, Ct:LL.V. S, I - scp , REAvrti . ;, avvrv:E. , :f.m/!;i:s r.waict.Lis ,te , and in foe romrythins on the Owning of euribafit fig Icon nt Verii 'Ain Pie's, In nildition to th , Shove he bar. an lfrenat Mt et (lobe C9f4.4111+21'S Find VcAitip , . mod. , fo CI !ht. , tOott .1 toitorl nal 11 , 00 . ticiffh.lill.;;; no , l I P. t INN 0:11.1:11111.11.1N th`i4AbOf BLSLY.I>S Crs.Vr flood nisi wiiy with ta u Knot I nn 00 12 0 010, Ft hove rit wilts Ist' my wimilin to slim: V 4 4it 44.01tre, n it is ft fsir ivtliatio, , , is hi ti did oh ,iorsise it.in, 40 0000 /, .t 00 , 4 Whiits ix that hist iltuitgo *Ole. t tilt tnn it pa7o In Sot shtilin, titer... V Silt , C 114 4 , 14 itut t, es,. Whig t sow wool. s hits rs built his mai t'lo2l 4 ' 011411:40 120 W *twits aa. thii shit o , it n t fitoo salt. we ho , nn ousts, as he is 2 0 0 4 11031 his 020 4 +0 4 1101 4 this 0004100 N« 4 0.101. tor so 40 04 114000 4 4 tom for riorp-ow to Irv , 10 n 4114 , 00 440 . 12 . 4040 , 1P04:4* 420 - it 1/4 40 hi either oh Wsr n orms at I/mot/site hi, thi -sits will hi. Mien sit to, %trio. Whitt cloth tor $0 1, hp silorshp tittil St ssettiti Mil' t 1 Wittth, sin... Istir 1143 le,swit him howl , stshil ki the !wows**, Math 000 retwitse pries, ups 000 dower itt his 'in t.*. kith d.nd 1004 till I army ofnr tltrtncintte. in Mt. Ploarent Town , ship, eoutity. CEORGE VANcE. ,Auguot,l4. GO TO BROWER'S TO BUY YOUR tX}WlDlXistio Otilturios OF coPAUTNEE. 1111 k t -Iwai t'2 , ...0: , , , ixprvls , ..,1 1 011 snot Tenth% fh, ,11.10 ilit *heti* out 0, Wile Vie tillgil noio 000$1« Incinostia, : - , PC tir. tIhAV ID i; mum. MINIM I OM 1 MIA. reettnee itt the WigrAhAte flfll 111 Atm vim. 1 Nif! Wei tit Ott hA•UrAtel VP -nu tot Th*6 et t Mel% re tt the 44.4 plum he. tilt Ceekhe oteett. motet 4be settee ene ort , . 4 II %VW E. 1. . 001f. tittlt.nowe i t 4e tit 4 I. I fit ft% A NI WE ft r WITH 1114:11TZLER ut GUION ) 14 Pon TEEM AND DEALLDA fps AtiOLIVOWS NO. 1124 WALNUT 'CET, AhD 7.0. a °RANI "r, 71 . 7 0 tEr1' pAPI{7 lin. ni,AR., GM A, (WitiN. Antrim?, : ANGEL 11• PP ENTISS , VETERINARY SURGEON, 0 A 74C; ES 11, 11, E l PA. Vk .11 Itiotht of rti-rotoott the her.. ti • 411 to rto , M Ittoo 11.11 - W, no ciwrgo, $1 , 1“ , rct.r I tto 4c hour. or no poy. Atraurt 1, 1,47. I,:,XECUTAIX*6 NOTICE E.ll , org ..coa KEAN.* FlOOO6 KV; rwrrk , ra foit•ht ttlVel th,* te.ttt r• ir. 11.11100111 r, Ml #lle b Kr, Ito d iss Wog . tAlitt hpa t uu , at.H v b'. v.4.,1 u 4 by Ow I Itt At tee rlto, I I OM) let Mt^libnh I nn. utt.itip 4+0.1 otl 11.1 , 913 t boy t'l , l 11.4 ,r j to tl th,lll 11. II • Itittx !two,. 4 .11,4 ing It. • • 10 1. Mil , ii 4a , In Ait KLisi,J. knsurt lI EVERS , Newly Improved CRESCENT WALE OVER STRUNG PIANOS, ArK , W 1,106111 T , 9 ril i Ilkt "CO I aditton Pots, Nsilati and high -3t rewards is. Ana eel I. reiyteg. MOW htql. met baroo4 hello Pinner,., Au, i 22 AU' It trrill Aptii 0 0, I'' , 7.--?nt beiuu etb Ptiit.A, Ph. EXCIIANUE IILSTALIIANT. The Prelmewe hAvitut raenyea,d and reftqed fat EA(' , to we bar 13IlltIlit of till • EXCHANGE HOTEL, coottfiga.4 - . of t 4, i etr,o pt, 41. I cor.ll4'ly ut q;,. {-ti,st Art 1 . 14' Vi• f4.1.1* eo illth+A OYSTERS Al t Et) OVSTEIZS ,44 it. it 01 epetll4. rctr,Pl r 1 4.4. / 01 0 0 0 1111 ?* Rer 4,4 ANtt Lt.“-, TRIM: 141)1, , t.iNA LrQr S AND Rl. P frot C , `% 'l4 o'l ,/ 44 a; ry, .4 . " Ot :1101 %TV, IFS; ti r tt, oft ^,?t:9 R \V, t\: 111 , 1.10 rof 00* C I,^4:oltv, p;nrtr ..itAt 4 01 1. 17 By 7.ITE ESE OF White Liquid Enanni. YI s 4 014 ll* Ow row don Op tio,“ •,„ IE,WO fat tl n . ; , ht s• 1" ~ V? git It, .1411 i fl. 14t..i11t .1,4 4 0, V. T l'ittl.o,ll ht , .lrita $ 1, 0.s . Pllent rr' 'lrmo. rtf th, ek iv I the Vitll3o 1-10,1=1V ,1,1 o , llf ISt , I OoPr Pli,to rtor.— , o— t 110 ,, -E Pro %rot 1 e io7 o vor,w 10.(fV. h3" 1 ". It q 'lo* V 4.'lV Iv V, th f , tr . w .tl.l t r00.4,1Pr. , ly 3h s .16'11 toI , I rt , t , PF•tf , of '0 ..4" Al , ' 0' , 4 0 i . wr i tr r +.0.11 , 1,t ~ g•tarou, ft .‘r, iltd, 15 .t . .',i'LP.LA.I.III." ' .• t Eng F:.;• .1- ; 4 " Z. 7 !Fr 7... y 1 , 1 Tr..y NI V. vEw ToRACCO A::D GROCERY R: 'STORE. t!. H. iltmbberger, Agent, .1 . 1 , ..-i ft7f n-,.! LY Ac the Am . ..:.1.11 .1.7.,kee, 0140503 1 :521Vitt1, Kr:p. aft krone *ne fornlA •* trr.ent hq t.“ m. rhr.pfrivt.i (o•A , *t'i p*:er* FIN r: 4 LE r iNp rt,u; tinvrt7rry Avn rvicmTcp Aff.. ale torn{ Rat-t! tchnr.rr. 4 4401 ,, Vir. , " fvf'..4llll 411 , Wow. • 4 4444 , 444451 £4ll I , rte'efert t ft. le , eke * e 4 , 33 4 , 4r14,444 91 , 4•44 t 4.• 6ld A.. iv .1 . in gICY ! 4rti C: 4 ! 114 te , 141" , ' ' ll, f 01 , , A I , thAt 0 1 .14 , 01 , i core 44 . 44 V ;1, 4: 474.4!.,,11 jl4lM,' HP al.. I Ct# F 1117 S, TEAS, S[( '4,1/01,11104>, r tfe. . of Which , , orr rh ao Ctr toll9lyy pro ioCAN Os.r4.i 10h7 • FkollEPS' At, apt te . ,{tio Loirt. l lllt.p , bi rrnio.Ore . .it l v,,1 tth of Aim. 1 - .7 ric irri. A Perri , nn Art ft oift I r •,, to alwit *.f Comm./ , rli 64,e , t,,1001.4 '5 • That +11" t r• nn , tt . Otis,-tiwnsu 'ent 51',...15 tt On. row , .5 1•.11 tt to tn ts'er tvi , asant " , Kerr •94'0 tit "r' ).5 5 4., at tat I 51 1455 so . s.•eprt rt..lllllllt , ti; 't • ,tt , ,11111 ,st ,Vt t 1190 t't• t .'1.451'• at :tot tot 4a I i l'"ttch rof tb' Awl t, 4 r of I"nrntn;i Its t , 141 . 1 ,, , , 11. fir/411'1 r /1. , 1 'O l oe;lo=== 1=0.4 ht+=t ' i 11411.0 1 ,0 ri , V to tn. r tot,''4 o 's4'l nt tenon, to It*. Proltr. 400 ft , 55..1. 1,01 40 rs, 1.f. , 0 Ott att..ll $1 '•let , 4 ton 51 44 25 ,2, 2,44 to. ItKor 5, 1,1,1 2 544 4" I" 1 r , =tot tr==ip Ito= :glee f 'Pontine etp tttatl it.•Thr.;4 ttn 4,`245•x 1 1' a U.= lintt '••••. q 2, it' tr . , 5 5 Ow e , ,0 t 2'. e Oa , , 40 , 0 Kr, 14 , 114 02 Mahan . : : • •: tltt 4 t , 11 -, 4 1.4”11 .411.1. +5 , 4,1 110 l v f Kt, ,1. 15 , 51t5 4 11 W 0 , 4 ' , fr .1 4 , 01 r .1, 4 41 041 4 43%14.• 111.1 1 5 .2.14 • I 1" , b ., . 4.5 r 7 , 0 114 , 4, at w 1.01.2. „. 2 1.25 mi ritft , Ntfr Vtnetit . " of tt,s-11, ttlnt , n nu: t otlunw ;5, no,•kt " ono= ai h ih== rl l, Ol 14 , 1 M . y •=r ov.i='=V the to the...#=l the .====etto=o- too=l oth••. to= teu.o.nu 1'=”11411, ====r.. tfrtvt Unlit , ' to 15n . the Intrata, 44654110 .tated, 04 the b , te!dlite of ISt. 1,,,y it $ . 11515, 541 1 1 4tt 4, 1 , 4"t4it `tit 11 4 )241 14,29 rl' Not' ti, , A jfre,7 o , orb :4 nt )01, t' t== -. ..15==0 r•ttp , .. e10.,44 of 114.4414.31.4 , 5. 81.0 other Mill DI ,i.f 4 rA. t 4, 4 5111 b • 1.51=1r04.0 I!: • totta , ,t 13 %21,, Y eui r 't 454 rn. 9);,4-r 1 , 4 7 scar TIP.S lIENDEItstioTT :S. NEW .1411:1; sTolzE. 191 ,, i1 v,r.l . 4zilirrrtlvit 1:01.1w. or ICtri ! • 1 3 j. 114 , t Vaott •10 Il.ur l e tX TIM w I 3 CW01 , 111,11 , ttlt ft syKrte, 'lll.O 10' .1 1 ' n Pr—elnvt , nn emn. tot 'lmo ,0 •11 s"" twt.. -n)n . 1104 T PIA "CI 1 - '11.114.11': 4 1 , 1 . • 1 1, 111 IN!., 4 11t.%1t )11:8 NOT .ICE. Grilrra or A, , ,,,ioh.tenlitin Orl theeel A,. 411 GoOrto* 11. - {Mho. 1 . , of I , loom T „„, „„ „ .1., Mbitt r o omy. Or. *qt, Invt h,vrd zi - 1 , 1 , 4 by th , .. 1 ,1 "" te, "‘".. 41, Mt; nt UrO. k {`owe ti,%lrtt! I 101110 , 41110 +lolr nt the lif,llllWli Nttt to Inn """"",„, r „ tor for U t and 0.44- N ill inotur irensmdist“ MOW 1,, this tf re , int pig 14A '{' Ailtotol,th.tor. I t. 0. 1 1 ...7 —Ow 1. herfhv given thin uo, the tnun.N.g,, r . n mn.On r r...... r tip dolts. ( -id, lath ).nriod arty I , t‘rrno nr D"r.Uti. lift now.ilig no nor i radr. tii w ri.. tr. It, 10.1 .it twits whl he dealt, W th .tec trahth In 1 ith Mitthitt. 'titittentro. ilr. 1 R rhythm. tothr. rtti ,- *1 Wttliath Ai.ot.norko, 14 1 00 1, ti, Witt t•telv.t.ive retort, R. At /troy that. ittlitit Itt nob I Wm. Wintersubm. 0 0 1 dock, bras. Illo lll r.-4wold• • ( !AFI ” 1 ,- la r zo 410 41A Lamas Lan . Ofuthdoi , oinyA. And voiov of TOO , l AND rAN , -Ir Akarict,e4 rh, wriv drpot f r t h. 8A, t 04 1 2 ityMIANI 4)reitaratsitia. H. nddrY N OTICE. E. R. ATTORNEY—AT-IA 111, 11 01.1 c `13U.ii A. Office, 21,4innr, in Errhann 131.7.% "Extllnngn [lntel," plinhi hfa howl., iota * - • to with two tituthoor and cam, Veirortintil %- MP lotiot prated* doill• frlapt.lle. 7 629. ,1400 P e2EL 0001•••11100 WM. T. liOriiiNS, Owl NAL" Attu more Anti live th.ere ritrerfeeee 404 er theehnt the stuinahvieur. *if stith7ria ! , t' Qtt #4, MTV Hi tOl* PK IR Pk WP • ir , r sir joetty tr hlefee sent. ti therehttnie athf the public ht _ neer Senn. ne twit eftheth*PhY ( +Vol' hit Mho , ' th ter then eteoh.t.*P+ ti,«V et*. *Aft's, rylipoo4,l•4 by " , iu. Welt ne 41.• al la 'IP 4. ele itsy ti,. i«tortinp 11101 env ,40)1.. 11 , sett SeNtleteete4 in .rpry *papoot. ttnnhr , in tienp pkitte eh+u•S l * not. , nt th+ reef. ever, tette ith“ hell beg warn th.ol a I.i it 01.11 r 1.1 tin sn, Oho t fether v. !or Mr. rmotit r.o.hrdfdr. edtory ntytr, toroth ow! w , . int 1..41 p, Vir.or and elttidn•th Attu, rittrts tuatlg ".1 rintwit ntttorvn ado r..pnt , ed. A.k t , r ..Ibl WS . (MO rtiO tfr. tAt 110 00 1 t: • rq Slo• 'ft t t!tr b4ttnt oVtdd An tit' but* thot Ont. mire 'buoyed I', 11 , 1PICInin. tlnttnbor . tuto , Areb plot, Sr It bra"'tJl nr ids b fop.. N+.l others Al. tr flotiltitfy on band ot rate tints , d * du i New Vor I. and i.!ltpt...tti Mona 14,60, itt vpty low prigs. Ithottaair anti Lciali, At itio PHI I.AoEl,prilA tin IP Ft:111r Men uthrtrwr othA tan Arch kiirr,. 13,110,1phin 53. 7 4:llPlCitin. nu 10, V, LW ?ITLIANERY GOODS AND PA ,"17t MMrNGS. T4O ener..l•lllWl 111,40 101 VMS 11.1 (1, c l 4 ,o ,turt.• an I the poblo4 itt gotu.rAl.ll)4l $I) 11 1 / 1 t 4 6 , 4' tr, d. 7 !... , rttOr la 4 K auci vatted initial , mot Li MA INERYGOOIN A VI:LV PPI V, well «ad tweterelly *fleeted f„,e th, prew nt and totem', eessew ;tee NceV etiVNIZTA A 'ill THAT: *r.• ealtwaterl to v,,ke the heel 1.1,0 e Red Abe bra everythitait fuisad 13 1 / 3 8 003 itte ry it Fancy Stores, s spaisi a• t s Her Ps'. HIPI* Oka must , tea t Give het CV And ntnint n. h t tttgo k . LIZZIE s, 8 A siCLEV• roriqt E: Mats strett„ltarl. , ", Lstittg t.to-rr „1,411.nrt. A.N.IItV IsIRIPi ALSO .r4Ncr (—WES FOR SALE, Th,l„.,.;roter,d IP 411;1644:nye 01. nary Birds and Edney Cages r , 113 4 ‘4 , u411 Tna t'ig44 ern gr the be.ct ging 4 , 'hut4 th-y nr , * 11 , 4 4 ugioug..4 by their 4 A lAqs, der C^airnuu ni Turkeys, Ducks and Chlckens,, in i•s•e..l. , A far CI., tart xinl Win. t• -r tiwarkrt, 1:r V. h p h y Iho "mat libtrai itr;Cmr. WILLIAM CTI.MOitE, 1 iti l / 2 tt`t, etur Uct.tirr I.ADITI;S* 1 4 ,114C;RS 2 J')l% FARCIRIN t 51 24 Pr tt ThomfloOlY. '3B A tt , 14; Kr.T. 0 , 310:10 rittl . 1 1 1 EL " Iir kk ik,.11 my fl kiArtothw•hrs• Oat, tbz : F AICY t. Li 4, We., in Lltt! City. Al•rch ;, ti<ar - a. . .1i .4 au ..14 err.i tiEstre `tit, ;..!• f Hi% vw , !.4 , t a W. 641.1 it, ,, 41 , A E.!! it ti!!!!..`i itCp3 0. 4 ) • le.; ant, Of V; ritautt,r ani J't tif.) 7'B '11'1! .1.4.1 as. sr - itti! e! , !, "i• I a CUVr.. ri4.4 wall ARV R .41 ot P3,:k nuantiA. U t,ter st. t*, —4za. 0 A y D 71, r , art , r!ri:4 r t 9 elzAra rot.th 4 rA rt3ve rO4l 314 ! .polow•la "tt (*r 9 ,,, 11111.e Weir %Mut, 1.1. • vv. Nevi - • • • •tf. .2 - 6?;::." 4tf the', 1 , V4itt . l VA n 11% , flor4o.v• . coat I .lra - t,' .. : fir ri , 141 1W . ..11 * "for !!! 4 1114 ••••• t v , rr E.o.* .t r. fur Ht 11 St ~t. . TO. 1.; rr. I!. it. t a n ~•”! 411 , 1 , 4 CFO. , Ulfl. at . , the lk :10.41 rrik,...l, l' - tnarg 514 i f en..,1 W 11 , 1 t. itionni.bur* VI. 0.4 —Wr t ! l s trtri:! , 7F, ~':4 SiIiPMAN, PiIACTICAL LIOUSE AND Sit raWicrstlid P , pfr Hangers, I; I, 00M 3 B 1:74) G, PA I ,. ne th 41: q;•il wfr,l,l I , vnr to tho 4 nix ottotttl.hoo2 41 0. 1 / 0 1114i , tt. C.t Pl` t , • i••anil klp ttt tto-PP , Ptof tAk.ll rotottotat. e;t41,11, WI is tk 1,414,o000: at tot Pa lOU og , tot. mop... 17. t7rter. ry ir .h.t;r I k tho 11* , y or A ttt rwittn2o 1,, lime N 44 4 ,+ . ittt , t . trtv. , r tt*.t4 , 4 • Aru tott.tol , , ottoo , O , .1 to 7, IrG7, loEV; ti 00 L EV - % . C; 00 DS on-I'4 hear in !II:ad that EL. W. & Co, A.tt ltattd lIIE EAR° E.T AND BEST SELECTI:D STOCK OF N.M . , AND WINTER GOODS IN TAT ' ir" LiGH. S tREET• .% I 3;ln t. , f at ~,t 1 6 rit RAP for caoh w coup irk 1.710114‘e . W. ClteAsir a co. I,<At tirroPt 141 X.TRA LOUT FLO 1:11,, AND FEED, OF ALL KINDS FP:b SALE riil,AP LY vit 441tioil It *Siff g. 444 t E W N. NEPA* AND CONFEC -4.1 T(C N F. 111: 7.:1..2411)1.1. 4 1.Q)D1).teraaa130.% ON 'r Xll It It Writ tifiT, taro Alf M AftKrT, 1111.00ASBEIRG. J. r. P"X • or•: ,, k. torn( t4i.eloahP.Omont,avnto4 14f.,01, nuar neW e1ird.,111.14. that h • Ita.l , •r. rvittt*.t lined Ito fit hi. new viand In en 4/ 0 •• ttttn tar fhttoo4. th**o w ith Nit 44), CAR E 4, A NI) , 4iNirtifn .No Ett t Et* th•t00440., •• ,yr- 2te te l . made art 04:1••Tos44,1 for 114. , of ..14.4.1. n.ll. Vk li.. Eraeln keep* a Coaled...an. ; 'l'; I N ; ! 4 ; B11141 1 1SOS." h*re pop*•.,‘ h L+54.1 hfa . ti , . 4.P1 141 ;4.10,i., V, h 111115,A e A oins . 11/et, 1)10 ur At WI , . •.44W tt . . M4hlnn4s4 hives' Block. Main Street, .10'11100 11.111041.11.1trae I bit flu 444t410`t0d to 001 1 " 1 1 II %% , tautly have it supply on bawl. ht: n ill I dt the 10w...0 marks; rose At hit **oily mut GOA. I y 6netl up wmos rot the oh+ a t" IE SI e. 4P %vim tutu % soh If visitant nu t. I.l+ll pop 4 stn IC • Creme no toe aannlt. in 01'5 h ktlh, 1 1111111 • of onfiNl Wieling/ .14 111 11 inv rncy h • EY whine p. 41,01,1 9 ,11 In Its Haw et 455attw, a 11 lit r r..4Vomp•fin Xltfmeggiph p.111..00.01 0 hi* .11111eHM4 fer pull (4 vin., My.' nano curatoky *Ache 4 ••••1 1 1 . 11 11. rsiz i x. 1 •• Ae.r.l3, WO. If., witr.erirtinn vi th. 111. ntaoh.sta 1.040. mm ,% I: hi nn 1118 Orin A( ,Itlithrt 1160..rrib're will plrom. pay thaw ttripleilvot reauunts. tutd .1.11 fr• DO wr pato.. sur, rrsepluiss. 01.11,1647.
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