floosobol 'writ WU. U. JACOBY, Editor. Wednesday, Nov. WS, MT. A. It awaravelm. Park Row Vrw Yark Pr duly antionrlard sarrllrot and rowrlvr antrwrin• Ora, rndorlyrreirint Or Ow Ornwerat gar, pub. II oiled is niarbusbura, %kW Labia rkuklY. ji CONSERVATISM. One wine of the Radicalirty is just now engaged in endeavoring convince the country that the organization to which they belong, and which hoe brought tke nation to its present unfortunate conditia, con !motive in its character. They repudiate Stevens, and Butler, and Sumner, and Wade. They declaim against impeachment, and denounce the idea of forcing negro suff rage upon the people by Federal authority. They go further, and declare that military despotism and the destruction of States find no warrant in the Constitution, and that the attempt to make a second Hayti of the Southern portion of this land, should be condemned by white urn without dimiuk - tion of party or political faith. This movement is on a level with the ac• firm of the Conventinn which assembled at Chicano in IRAO, ani nominated Abraham I.'neo'n for President. That body pro the nation that "the maintenance '• iu, io'a.e ~r the liars of the States, and e.peewile she richt of each State to ordi r •ol I eootrol its own domestic institutions o.lint: to its nwn Judgements exensive .entbd to that ballanee of power 4 rhs nerferlion and endurance of :'e Fabric depends." This was a i.sition. Mr. Lincoln accepted : in l in spee c hes and letters .lia the party to which he belong- Q .I hat no do-ire t.• interfere with the rivhte il.e sgtates, and no power under the Com -..itution to do an, even if such a movement was considered necessary from a political point of view. Then the Radicals acknowl edged this to be e doctrine of their party. Rot Mr. Lincoln aliandoned that position. He di I interfere with the righits of the States.he did adopt the most radical groan 'l4 ugain-t this question of State richts, nn the party followed him. and forgot all its ideas of conservative action. The same course wap pursued by the Radicals in the spring. and summer of 1856. The r n portion of the party talked conserva tism. Put did they act in that manner af ter the clectionl were over? Stevens broach ed hi , livid theories in the House, and Sum ner and Wilson domineered in the Senate, an I the party fitowed their lea I. States were nedden under tent, white men nut under nem rule. the business intere-t of the country wrecked by Radical action, and yet the men who were urging on this column controlled the party, dictated its policy. nominated its candidates, and compelled the rad; and tile w vote tit them, and thu- en dorse a party which was ruining the country. There was emc , errati-to to he seen in the action of the Radicals after the election, no imit.cr whit night have Len said On that z..ubjuct 4111 ring the elliva,4. Tll,. ree , nr .f the Radical tatty ha , again um lc cou•ert atism a popular word' among 1 certain portion of that organizati , n. But Stevens awl tuniier and Boutwel! an d Butler, and the men whn have disregarded all ideas of conservatism in the the past, are still at the helm of the Radical party, and will steer the ship in whatever direction will hest serve their interests. They are the bitter emmiies of all conservative aciim er, this question of restoring the State under the Constitntion, They are fhr tearing down, not building up. The interests of the masses are nothing when compared with the future of the Radical party, and they will levislate for the latter, no mutter what ef fect thos e movements may have upon the former. The only way to procure true, lr gitimate conservative action, is by theinv in power the lleumeratie party, and ileo,rny. in{ the influence of Stevens and hi , faiition al coadjutors. It will hr of „„ to c ,, n . tinite power in the hands of the men whn tow enntrol vonzross. They have been trio I ao I tL to I waving on all questions h ive a timpervative bearing upon the affairs of the nation. The Deinneratir party the trite ennservaiive party. and that hopes of the cowry are eiintere I in its ap , :eid,y re turn to power. No Chance for Grant. Y irk lierirq, one of the fir-t '.•v,rttel advocates of General 4' I'rc.•i,lennc, comes out strong ~,cation of the “Negro Canven o the 6euthern and euiphat- y 4hwhires - li . General Grant acrepta the Itadieal , roniumion upon suelt a plaifilui as the Itadiea iror t real he Miff 'At Ileale, hi , 1131i1 , 111, i.opularity mid his masterly re tionee. Generai Scott was defeated where there were similar but minorarineiples in volved, and President Pierce stepped into power. The !brad generally managea to ref upon the winning hide in every Presidential contest. Bennett knows full well that th white people of this country are utterly op• posed to anything like negm dominating. and they will defeat General Grant nr and other candidate the Radicals ntay Peleet for the honor of martyrdom in the approaching political campaign. WHAT NEOHiI SIMPTRAOH COSTS,—The Radicals admit that the cost of voting tht• negroes of the South will net be less that. SEI ENTY- El VEMI LLIONS OF 1) 0 L LARS tier the present year. Let the whits• workingm en of the North think of that. E v ery dollar of it is wrung from their toil. and they will have to pay it by the sweat of theif I)mws. Jost think of it. 875.000,000 a year to keep ten States impoverished and aid stilduot to semi-barberian negm rule ! How lone is this mate of things teenntinuo Thu workingmen of the country have the rent , 11' in their own hen Is, if they will but tt.e the htlh. t.hnx iu the way that coca- WWI saw points out. 7 Mgllll, AMID 111,41111111114.1. *PA SWINIDIAL The Int*" of the people are literally groaning ander the load of taxation and cost of living imposed upon them. Still thousands on thoupands of them are unable to explain or understand the cause of their troubles. We can `tell them it Is the Bond and National Bank swindle that is crushing them. There ant at least twenty-five hun dred million dollars worth of U. S. Bonds that pay no taxes. Rich men whose money 1 end other property roan formerly taxed its i fair proportion for the support of the public burdens, have put their property into Bonds to get rid of taxes: Of course this crowds all the taxes upon the shoulders of those who own no Bonds. To illustrate. A. and B. live side by side upon two pieces of real estate. A. proposes to sell out to B. The price is fixed and B. takes the deed and pays over the money. Of coulee 13. is then taxed for the land once owned by A. But how is it with Mr. A I He invests the money received for hie land in U. S. Bonds. and of (etree pays no tans. B pays the taxes of both, and A pays nothing. A more pointed illustration than this could be furnished in the cases of the rich capitalist worth his hundreds of thousands, and the poor laborer who owns only his small house and works tiny after day to support his faun i Hy. The capitalist pays no tent, because his property is all in Bonds, while the labor er's house and every article of his living is taxed not only to support the government, the State and town but to pay the interest on the Bonds owned by the capitalist. It is the most monstrone injustice of the world No wonder at the tmeasinef:s of the laboring masses. But the laboring men is not only obliged to work hard and live poor, but he mast take his pay in depreciated currency, while the bondholder gets his interest in 1 gold. At the present price of gold the working man must pay the bond holder, el,oo fin- every dollar of interest which he daises on his bonds. But not satisfied with holding their twen ty-five hendred millions of Bonds, there are more than a thousand millions dollars of other government debts which the capital- late are laboring to get funded in Bonds so they may make still further investments and pile an additional load upon the tal -1 p a yi ng people. The interest on most, if not all of the present Bonds, is compound every six montbs• Or in other words, the interest, is paid at six per cent, in gold twice a year, and this interest is reinvested in Bonds. In this way all the capital put in- I - • • to these bonds doubles itselfevere ten years. It , :omen to ;Ilk that the laboring man is actually compelled to pay the gove-mnent debt over and over again every ten years. It should also be born in mind that the Bond-holders bought their Bonds with green baeks worth on the overage for the lia,t eve years, only front forty to sixty cents on the dollar, so that that the present twenty.tive hundred million:4a Bonds cost them only from twelve to fifteen hundred millions of dollars. They now demand dollar for dol lar in ilold, which would give them from forty to sixty cents pventient on every dog liar they invested, say i ng nothing of the go:d linterest ' 1 they have drown all the while.— ' These Bold-holders and their radical back. 1 ers have the monstrous audacity to cl a im I that the faith of the government is pledged 1 to this spetle,l of extortion front the labor i of this country. Shall the toliug mullions this be tow.t the boasts of burden , the pack krses of this class of aristocrats for oncoming title'? lEnt i..,•s is it about the National Banks. I those -;upettdoe.s rec,nopolics eomiarctl to 1 which Ow monster killed b A re lree J es t : - , on, was only cti infant in swaddlim.t. rer ! a long time duriog the war g.ild was worth 42.51}, or to speak loose correctly. pat et matey and U. S. Bonds were srerth 1,1 : t it) cents on the dollar. For , me honored dol . isrs in gold the Bankers brought two hum died and fifty dollars in Betels drawing six pa:r cent. interest in quit or fifteen donuts per year in gold for every bemired dollars they paid for their Bonds. As soon as t h e National Bank Act was passed they took their '2.50 in Bonds to Washington and depo,,ited them there, receiving lack z'2.25 I nr ten permit, less than their Nee, in Na tireed currency to loan through their Banks to the people . Or, to enlarge a little, a National Bank in Cornanouth &posits sltsn,o; , o of the Bonds in Washington when they ens: the bank but s4d,ttoo in gold.— ! The. , Brink re , ..—i i'e , batik upon 1111411 to de h e i n eee, L-0,....0 in National Batik Bills. They Iran this sem to A, B, P. ;.oql I) al 1 7 ;1. lo per eent. in ad i oce, or the nice sato of nearly ~ T.toii itnetc , ,t, wltieh is again loaned at. I :.;.i 0 per cent., anti sa Oil indefi nitely. :1 , 7.001m the original investment is nearly its per cent. At the silme time the liiihk draws 6 per scent. in Phi on the $1(x1, Imo in Bowls deposited i n w,...l,j upt , w , which is fifteen per cent, in gold on the original investment of *43,000. This 4.5 per cent. in gold is worth at least 22 per cent. in eurteney. So the account stands thus,— for every dollar in gold which the Bank has invested in U. S. lionde, it re ceives t 5 per cent interest in gold, or 22 per cent - in currency, and an additional interest or 18 per cent. in currency on these origins! investment by loaning their Bunk bills to the people. So it will be seen that the Leek actually extorts 40 per emit. interest Inn; the people. In these caleidationsi iv , have made no account of the large deposit: of' private individuals and corporations it, these Banks, and which are l o aned at an al vanes. interest of 7 1,10 per reef , addim liontands on thousands of dollars to their pi ofits. Such is this monstrous Banking scheme now iu full blast in this country. And cv cry dollar of this all-consuming interest comes out of the toiling, laboring, tax-pay. ing people. No people on the fate of tht Ihntstool ever did, or van even stand such s burden as this and live. But when we talk of taxing the Bonds to help support the government which protects their holders, or propos to pay them up in the saute kind of Vise, which the people are compelled to *se, and thus stop this enormous interest drain with what horror do the Bondholdett . mad Bankers roll up their eye& They bet low about the "Adui 4,,the government," just u though they are the great all in all of this world, and the people are obliged to support them in luxury and ease until we all bums *gam at their feet. There never was invented on earth such a gigantic swindle as the Bond and Bank system in this country to-day. It is taking the very life and blood of the people in ev ery avocation of life. Deeds thirty millions of dollars every yeer, to simply collect the Internal Revenue atone s when it might he done lbr a tenth part of that sum by the local State and town ewers, But there must ho a vast army of radical nfkee•holders fa-tened like vtutipiros upon the vitals of the country as ringers in and barkers 0T loy alty for the party in power. it routs more than thirty millions a year to pay the inter est on the Bonds held and deposited by the National Batiks dime. And now the moni ed are pushing to have nil the greenbacks funded in Bonds drawing inter est, and give the National Banks the entire circulation of the country. They wonld cap the climax of oatrage and oppression, We desire iv know bow lung the laboring masses of this country propose to tolerate such in iquity and slavery ?--Portsmouth, Y 11., &eta oat? Ur: ice a. DEMOCRATIC GAINS. The following figures show the Democratic acttml and estimated, iss :curd :min- Ler! Nvw Yolk 63,r510 Nos 3 ery ........ ... 15.00) California 30,00) Ohio •to,nou Penn.ylruma IS Ma I otliana :Maine 15,0011 31a ,, sachusett. 4' OW New 11amp,hire 3,vou Wiseomin q 1 ins) Kat ea, limo) 'WV! S,lOO 31ury!and ..... ..51"),(10 , J Mss.ouri . oip,ont.) 31h:big:In 41),000 31innemota s,o01.) 40Am Total,. Of course P. John will pronounce these figures incorrect. brit nevertheless that will not change them. These Denavetntte gains will still go on until Radicalism is swept from the land. The "nigger" swamped the Republican party, and as long as that party holds on to the (Jerky they will re main awatupcd. Negro Life at Tickshurg.-• of what Body Politic is Made. f Frean the New Orleans Mom] The Yieloburg nugroes take to their har rows iu the Mile as naturally we "white tiaeh” used to do when Federal eliell 4 were flying incessently around. The Vick.lairg Tel( graph says that all over the city and mm der die city their hut.? and ''hnten tots" are to be tnund• 6otue are tolerable specimens of architecture, and in them a few colored people might ciontlotably ex'st, but the ma. jority are very rude imitatiims and in um a CI them fruin half a dozen to nim natnernblo inultittelem Whom no man can vomit . ' live and move and have th e ir L e i n; ;, 31 any of there men Hi not, neither do they spin, but the Freedmen's Bureau feeds them. The males of these burrows arc entitled to vote, and some of them claim cabin pa-sate on steamboats ; but in general they are Intrudes:4n. ground 1 1 0, 2 .:, an d equa lly a ., Ret ire in habits agreeable tit the smell. In the catfish SV:1 , 4111 these voters fatten and do tvell, and in winter they draw rations from rite grrverntnent I.llld chicken, Flom the ti itih- J t00: , t , . In all !•:::1..011.. they are ( happy a nd enincoted and in , pection (It their parer , f abode show ut ore cad. and hahiniticao to el,:diarg.. V "• The brutal (murex., committed *.dtatitet tt flew uteni white wont o front time to tithe ~eetos to be spreading north. ward. The Latilarster hollt' f p , oc. , r of Mon day a week pubibdte. an :recount of a turn.t brutal twinge ;won a )011110 white girl near Penn;ny.tonville. CLErtcr County. The ne. gm has beet arrested and impri,ened imait• ing hi:. trial. It is hoped his sentence may be made sufficiently severe to deter Atm of hi, dal,. frot a,:tz, which have conic t.t be very common of Into Hadn ' t Samuel M:ate:lt better look after this negro? THE PI! BEVAANIVAI, JOCKS'S!. FOR PK rEmhtft a lituiftS 1 7 nc.rt adistingui .101 men, with their hit,grui,Me,s—t:earpc I),a -14,f1y. President Woolsey. Dim. llowe. Oliver Cromwell, Rev. Dr. Wtwee , ter, ChAdreTY Clic-, Able! Silv,r, .1. IL I liblostd James P. Stuart, J. C. Alter. W. B. Hay den and others. The Sulmn of Turkey. and a Gimlee at his Emilre; Our Social Whitlow ; the ha:, e%position; 'non) , rierl ; Wk i ir Ash We Ito with Old Maidw? Ili,tory of the New Jerusalem, or Sweden- Lor s ian. Church ; Saints and Sinners ; and and touch more instructive :natter. End of Vol. 46. A new volume begins with the nest number. Now is the time to subscribe —only $3 a year. Address S. IL Wtm,s, 35.1) Broadway, New York. Tho `Twit:hers Institute" now helm: held at this place. The lecturers and ela,iuminctors are Prof. Wickersham State Soperintendem, Prof Carver, of the — lPoomsburg Literary Institute" Prof it. Walker of the — Orangeville. A,Nelcmy — C. W. Walker of the — thecutvc.od Setni• nary" and Prof Spaulding of the "Cata• Academy." There i4a goodly 1111111. her of Teacher.; prosolt, but w e r e gr et 1,, ay that there are quite as many teachers in the Cionnty, who are, up to this time, al, •-ent, from the institute, of course they are not among the ;iest teachers. 1115‘ A negro in Orange, 'New Jersey, house servant, reeently made a most brutal attempt upon a little girl, eleven years of ape, a daughter of his employer. Thehlnek Least was beaten almost to death ly the father, who is one of the must prominent and wealthy citisens of Orange. The little girl had been in the habit of trying to teach the negro to read—an imprudence which appears to Levu been allowed by the par ents. CONGRESSIONAL. ADJOURPPD SPOION-RIMMART OP PIW. Both houses ansembled at noon on. the Dot interim, and an in usual on such mot. violin that Capitol wan filled with vi44itorn. Wnstuncrrort, November 21, in 67, The Senate met et noon, and prayer was offered by the Chaplain, The following Senators were present : The President, Benjamin F. Wade ; Messrs. Anthony, Camernn.Cattell, Chanel. lor, Conness, Cole, Corbett, Conklin. Craiin. Davit. Dixon. Doolittle, Draw, Edmunds, Fetatenden. Fowler, Frelinghuysen, Grime, Harlan. Johnson, Morgan, Morrill, of Ver. mont. Morrill, of Maine. Morto n , Norton, Nye, Patterson of New Hampshire, Patter son of Tennessee, Pomeroy, Ramsey, Russ, Sherman, Stewart, Sumner, Thayer. Tipton, Trumbull, Van Winkle, Willey, Williams, Wilson and Yates. ' Mr, Sumner of Maasaelantsetts, asked unanimous consent to introduce a bill for the further security of equal rights in the District of Columbia, He stated that it was an exact copy of a bill passed ut the last session, but not returned by the PrCA &lilt. It therefore' beeline necessary again to pass it. The bill was read, as follows : Be if enacted, etc., That the word "white" wherever it occurs in the laws Mating to the District of Columbia or in the charter or ordinances of the City of Washington Georgetown, and operates us a limitation on the right of every elector of said Distriet, or of either of said citie-, t' hold any office or to be elected, and to serve, a.: a juror, be and the seta is herel,y eel mid. and it shell be unlawAil for any person or otlicer to cm come or attempt to enferve -aid limitation after the p a s s age of thi act. Mr. Davis. of Kentucky, ohjectioq, the bill vas laid over. Mr. Sumner, presented a petition signed by twenty-six white c;tizens : The undersigned respectfully reprr:sent that immediately after the last mancipal election in the City of Washington, Lk C., ninny cmployets discharged their colored employes, to the number of shoot 150, for the alleged reason or exenrcising the right of elective franchise. conferred upon them Ly the late net of Congress, thereby causing: touch inconvenience and suffering to the families of such discharged electors. We. therefore. earnestly pray that Congress will cause such itetioa to be taken as may he deemed proper to mire an equitable proper. film of the employment ut on the govern ment works, in the dliNtrlet of Columbia, to the colored laborer. 440,000 The prtition %yes referre4l to (he C o mmi t till on tl n hi trier The Senate that aiijnurnel 111 irtir. EMU:SF:CT:I'n 'FP The house as:.etelded at noon, in continu ation of the filet regular t.e. , ion of the Fortieth Congress. The attendance of tub.s wa,- unusually larg. , 1111.1 the gal. levies were eronth4l befere elevet, o'cbtrk. Murry ladies who could not ehtain seats in the [adj..; gallery were vccotn nindated in the gentle:nail's gallery, Mr. Ste-..n... of Pentolvania waF in his teat, apparently in rts good plip.it•tl e,,ndi tion a, h- w.f....it any time The proreeedioe , ware opened with t.rayer by Chaplain Boynton The only politioal allusion in it 'WM art expres4m of thanks for the carrying out of the great tourism, which Wag to give to every cla=w and eoteli• tion of men the exual right~ of citizonAip. and bevatve ere k.mt the rights every trite-hearted and loyal man ty.inl secur ed and that every .such man n7)11%1 he re stored to his 1 , 101.er relations to the pvt-rn ment. The Speitker then nlinntineed that the reve , s havng f , xl,retl, the lion.e re4utned its session, and the tint hiv.iness in order the Kilda* of the jourina of the 28th of Jai); The rending of the journal was dispen,Fed with. :kie,Rrs. Woodward. of Peenkylrania, rind Cary, of Ohio, rotoelor, dell, rota to the Sl , eaker (leek and took the oath preftrib. t.l by joy. The eight ructobets elect er,,to Tr`rrn =gee having been called by the Speaker to take the oath, and having approached the Speak cr . % chair ibr that porpo.4e, 3 , 1 r. Elthifige, of Wi , eoti.in, oldatell to the tOministeriog of the oath to :qr. Stoke:- awl moved that Ili , . crulential be referred to the eototoitfee 1.11 F. 10•6011,.. Mr. I triii.k • oljeeied to the administering of the molt to any of the THnieswe dein. :.:4tion no the gitonals, tirst, that two, if net !tithe, of them Lad I.een guilty of tree nn to the xovertel.ent, and had taken the ~, Ith of' alle;:ianee to the Confedmate goy.. onment awl to Jeff. Davi ; and ,eeenth that there doe, not exh.t in the State or Tenne.i. , ce a republican form of government. Lingliti.r en the Republican pick I After enmiderahle dioeussion, the Ten nessee members then, except :Sir, Butler. were called in front of the Speaker's chair, and had the test oath nolemnly admioi,tered to them. The r.peaker announced the next business iness in order to be the execution of the arder made on the limp of July last. that the Jn t liuinry Committee report fortlinith On the question the proposed impeach ment of the President. Mr. Wilson, of lowa, Clia;rman of the Judiciary Committee sfatod, by tlireetion of the committee, that its report in rofer to the proposed impenehment of the President tote not complete, but would I complete by Monday next, at which time the committee designed to mit to the ILAN a report, toeether with the evidenee and views of the minority, in making this statement, he represented the views of every member of the eommittee. The llouse, in consideration of the state. ment, postponed until Mondainext the 0:- petition of the miler. Mr. Minima, of Icsonesve, made some re marks in denial of the letter which had been read vilest him, and the Ilotem, at 4 P. DI., adjourned till Monday next. WASOINOTON, November 22. 1867. ADMlaatoN OF lOUVISIII IMAM The Radical party naanagors of the Snit. CUDIKOL SPNAT and Renee are cmovaming among their fliiode on the ;Realm of admitting the Africanited States of the South, as coon as tloy shall present theme ph 61dek Republi can Conetititetions. They hope to yet in at least one•half of them ere the ulnae of the next regular sesaiomb South Carolina, Georyia, Alabama, and Floridaparti already singled out fur admioinn, whrn the above condition pre( "dent ?hall have been complied with. VIE corrrix TAX. From the very general expresxion of opin ion ettong uirntt ere , of Congress in thvor of the repeal of the tax on cotton, it is inferred that some legislation to that end will 14' brrmeht froward early nest month. it is pml able. however. that the matter will ba compromised by reducing the tax to one cent per pound, in preference to repealing it Ain/ether. ME NE(ittn JT'llY BTT.L Mr. Sumner's hill, introduced in the Sen- ate yesterday, giving negroes thhe right to serve as jurors in the District. of Coluu►hia, will hi' pressed to a vole at an early day, the objeet being to get a mixed jury for the neat triulv►t Surtatt. TVRA(INAT,. Secretary Wells bas so far recovered from his late indisposition as to be able to sit up. His friends caved be will lie aliie to atteud to his official duties in a week or two. While Men h u t Ruler merica: CLUBS FOR imis---cLUBS FOR 186 A. THE SPAT SLW 1101111 WLEKLY PUBLISHED. 311 i IN 101. k It 1 -11.0011 i FOR IS6S. THE NEW Tonic Iktv-Bong is a straight ftirward, Barbell Democratic paper, with a lamer circulation than any other Democrat ic journal ever published on this Continent. awl i. enters on the t bre 'hold of laeig osperous and rifle hopefUl of the great uu uit upholds than ever before. Stand. ing on the cam*, it upholds than ever befhre. Standing on the foundation of the Declare dun of Independence, that "all *Or) men are ei eared equal," mid then:fore entitled to equal riuhts, it oppold to all thrum and degrees of special lepOtitiori that conflict with this grand central TRUTH of Ae•too eracyS, and over all, and above all. does it combat that monstrous treason to American liberty. which. thrusting the negro clement into our political spoon. MUST OR SECO :HIT wreck the whole mighty fabric left u s by our fatlterA. God has ereatal white men superior and negroes jut: riot, and thereffire all the efforts of the past six years to juiuusit His work and equalize with flp• {trues every law violated. every State Vo n . stituloti overthrown, every lite tiacritired. and every dollar expended, are neet.,aril just so litany step- towariti national suicide'; and the simple and awfutprohletti now upo n us is jut thts - shall we recover our MISIM and rwraec our steps, or march un to lott yreli-tai, social anarchy, and the tatid ruin of our country. TUE DAY-Bunt. therefrre, demands the restoration of the 'into,, as it was"... A rEION Co-EQUAL STATF.S UPON Tlll{ WHITE BASIS, as the onb hope, and the only means possible under heaven for raving the grand Ideas or 17741. and the fundaniertal princi ples of American liberty, and the earnest b Hever- vn that sacred and glorious tau W in which th e en .4. ibe.Revolution o ff ere d up their lives. will now labor to expri.ee the itnoranco. delusion sod +moon o f th e Mon grel party, IT WILL Ell CEV.II, Mid the white liepuene of W wham:ion be restored actin its all its original kneticence and grandeur. Tut: DAY-Ilailig will, however, hereafter be more than ever devoted to all the varied purposes it a sours paper. ('orations that it r t gehes thousands of families who take uo other journal. beyend perhaps their local paper. it will continue and improve its "NIWS OF TUE WEEK" Summitry. to 111: to ptesent a transcript of the World's events in each issue. ha "FAMILY DE.PAIIITMENT" Will ritil.ritias the I est ori g in a l a t e d af f ec t e d shirks. Its **Atte trt*Llt'll Al. IIEFAUTMENT . ' Will lie rtilty PuPttini.4l, eitui being the o n ly paper or it- As , . nook up EXPlttittiLT tier Country circulation, it 6 cmifillent that it is worth double the price of a weekly hur riedly repritetsl Alms it doily. It gives fall awl complete Reports of the NKw % EtC 11111 ALBANY CATTLE MARKETS ; GRAIN PROVIiIIoN and UtriTos MA It K mit. and a Weekly Review ,if Financial )latter, to. tether with with the larkets by Telegraph. from New Orleans, Chicago, Charleston, phtl a d e f e hi g , &e., &e., up to time of going to p• east. Terms—Caen i• Advance. One copy POP yefir .. .. . 4 2 tat Three tqiries one year 5 50 riV I . C ONP S one year and one to el; tter no of the doh 10 00 Ten cop 4 N One year and one to getter ep of the VW , 17 50 Additional vo ile. 1 75 Twenty envie= one year. and one to the getter up of the dui , 30 00 * * "Specimen copies sent free. Soul for 9 copy. Address, giving post office, county anti State in full. VANEV It PI, HQRTON & CO., No. 162 nv , ntu Ntreet, Nov York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FAMILY GROCERIES, AT JOON K. GiUTOS*4 STORE. 3Loomssuzio PEntilA, ' lw rnß«rrih«r his juot r«turnoil Oran It* ta.tPrei CAI. • With m Wee mod rtmiee otrwit riio.chwe Grecerics and Ilry-Good%. %%bob be Otero to the ritiono of Olt onsonuta and viritote e= 14 - 1 W to, fen I4t sl44s 01 any dealer tn tbse "tycoon nI she roomy. Ilse loos+ commas of the beet varlet SeP of t'l ge. moLnaseg. ell) to.. ttA FISH (of hoe quelisy.l Oki Mt %t Al'.t sot Utrir ormdlis ) H 4 isT+l , 4 ADD Itl Itat rhAeh nI.AP A ' , III R.' At &e.. t sAls & 1.1 %Sian OILS Wm) a [444* ilhot,l4lll4itol 01 Pr) (MOO/ eon 'in s tal , end a s* l l Viltlrt) of Rooth, 44 ch. , nb..ve el4 l o, ono of foner Mnote. to 411111.414 M la bl.sllCh hr 1/1114, teasnits added to to:ketosis o Asa oetartotoot of 01 . 41)Alt IV IRE AN I) %% 'UMW WARE; to stbsch variety of etlo.te he bee tevorat nese artirlo. of etootan istvattiott, eareeteivetty Iw; st hew known. Alta wineb viv.t cdua into 'sae Pere He allot tote a Hoe eoapty of French Moroccoes ; •n. glen of Morocco Unions for rhoomokar'o *art ; r4A n /nod oroorloorot of Quee asomn re . rr elm ono eidwin,! ir k.(ZIWTYWV. V. It Corner a Main and Iron emetic Eitoomoburar. Nov 40. - 10MINISTBATORS' NOTICE. I rtfrrn of AAminiatratinnno Iho mut of lllonln. nun Fon Irf. law of I Hove wo gifuvans4l hawr hys Is ninnirfi by tlw R. r 1 Meg obis 0 'manly to Thome., I'. Pow ler our Munrr vr«v•tine et *mutt Tor" vioblp. paid CNN,. A 0 n•reens hxv• iap el.llllla onsinso thr reinto ae r 0 1 ,1•04.4 to main Moo blown on ing , ifuninFltiiiMo awl shoo indell. lb. 11111111341 Will Nook« olmoNatip payment its I ,, UMAP• C. roW I , ffAd..s. 11m11111 LAIVIL ING. "-'"" 0111111 ii Ma Mit •••IN. NEW APVERTISEMENTS. INAAL4OO/111: limo Lod, Bow Reword. Jail eablielo4. • new editime oy Da. CII I mr t lat ..ay 04 the mi. Ire! ear. (ylOllOOl iliqdiroun final leerol..titary venni. el i i „p a . scare Pleotell Reid Vhyprel Incepai,lly, I muidluiri.i. 110 lilarthuau. rle. ;Wu" I: o il.ol...pitiol. 1 p11.1.y, aud inilueed by eel( Indolence ur eleirual raur.v,4 ranee tr, Prier, In a verd.d envelope. only ¢ teal.. The I. author' 11 Ode arliiiiral , o really duariy driiiotdratee, Irons a thlity year.' fat prod It.. 11101 the 014.11104 •it or If. a 0.... may he radically cored with , isa ILn dips el. Olt. MOW al internal wiedictue or I n.:Ppytichkion hr tau Cu,. 111 w i c t pf CHlthilll. and arc , tuel. by mean, of irrhirty ....11"ur.ie. no 01411 ,, r what C 11411 , 111 may bp: tali cure bhu.alf .deeply. privululy. stud radically. Thor irelafel ba In the hoods qr every yitaiti end .very 411111 to 10e drill. undue • al. Ili u {lvo env. Ii ye. %., uhy dram. pail un receipt yr iie or two yO.l stamp.. Adder's tou ouldlobere. ICLINP..4I 1% 1 . iv emery, 141.• York. a. a. 4580. Vuir 17. .017. Jui ISUBLIC SALE a OE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, Wsit br ftpdae.l wool. by public yroduo, on oho prballbe•, ou Kell/ tY lIECKYIitt.:III 'l'll I.; Ira:. at lo a N • INN errotn 11 4 . o f a..wud •hoalr to lb.' too u I.( I I. itittrblttg. 1'0111114i., ty, l'a , Mna Pont , 111.. 1 4 .inara lie .1„. aim 1,, a large 514.11., 115 Wen." and tither not 0011.113. Y god 1111.01 rag .01.'1 4 gurr 0 . 1111410 atoll, the trout of t ...• nti•al J 1.14 hairai 11 V.ry dr•1111•1' cot Ito, WI htlite.!ng A 1... 1111 Illy rll.lll. day nue 15 11 r 114 14. t of gromuti 011(1415 014 (ttim.4 ',teeter, In rho .141,1 1.1.14 of 14..i.w.htitg, 11l the ...UI , I) 45.1..4 , 41, II he'l.. Is 1,,v(e.1 ■ sami blabs@ dwblllufl 1.11110 OW utile( tail but I..tuar. ai.o tog ItiCay inn Nth day of Dereint...y. a t 111 wal.,bl, 4.a , te,dl be I. 11.1.....1 1,1 ../46. by l 10 . 01.10. 1111 Ihr I.f. 11 4.0', 111 udock toy, mo t { ~ at 111 roolarttto Th 1. V.. I.4lllfdlif - ... a ye1t4..11 f 1411.1 C.... 1 111 SIRS Itby ter Ito thalra o..id In 0... I.trrelit tot 40,01 thy ty tome ucre.a P 41.1 .1 the P. 13.1.: t... 1.1 lOU 11 I 1 11.1 a 1.111-.'Viol • 'pact, htloge t.t Iftitilh"fli. Nit I eUun tag II:1eu;.11 5.114 !ma. be IU. slow tattlit 100 lar %ht.'. IFNI 1111115 0431 11.0 444.1 rAfeneett 5 , 11 1 (411 14 , 11,11 45 roc 1/ , •11 , 141 tb• upoo 111 i One %b ac ), afl 01. %men by fluid 1151.1 taiga and conyosto pt it,' it Ingo of rrr.f Oferipleids „ alter. 11.1.• Imo v goo tgig 6•a it. • 4 .11.• phony. .•r a 111111.1 1 • a•nrd Wt. .... to der. ll:pou Ind In 1..• t I 34. t Ili ottri•••••• at., ItalY In, t • bleu a slily aalumblr Ito••ettale 44.17. .11.. good Willie tO • Vol hneu tnua. two of when I. in lull WM4OIOIO Ofe#oll U ac l. , 41 Iha palllO 4.4 *llO Ida rowed.' h•or hoillllll./111 Will be *old at !Wale outcry. a cyroms 1.0 oi NI J .Runt.. ta 11 , 11111.01 10 % 11.61 0.. p.lnlsr4l ~Let I.lt, 1 WV , Pit tug NO.. of J.efs.. A pi. pup. Ja• r. , or line r.. Onel OlUrrlr tnl•ull •dtey 1.11 . r ,. 11.0.0 "1 1141•• ISIS tall Ilia notate 411 i drib 41 is `'..i. 0f4.11. Ut.Dilom or 1 0 4L.c. Ten INT real anr•tautih• ir Ih• putt 11...1 lauue t.. Ya pal•. OH Ulla day uf.alu Otot QUIN ilia tea pet EMIL on Ilk. lit wo ul Ap• .1 Ir. p, O. Ir.nrloll.y thn a-I..orilin 111 tWo •'.loin pay• brut. One 011 liir Ilnt day oth nu lu. 111.1 du) at nprll lead Willi Hll •seat Oa tee autuunt tetuauuur uuprig litou Mt prat a/I) on Aprili ion acid or ere.:e to be naivete., end d. Le tee to , irrilaWnf 1,/ per..ll4 , re thert it ..ta the pa}- nu'nt el ton oh. , I.4lllll , rwillbe I-41 V•1e...11, 1411 !Lot - ay if b. Il tiv bilsetp .. .. of Ow pUfdlii•le , moan. ante be enier...{ by Judges al of lontliagn. at tIo• opti..o of the pr tant•. Ou gtivti Ile the lirst ••ay u 1 Ales' 14.44. Pervortenv or porcbenete tll ray 611,freglovvfl .t 4.11;.• JI II V ANWillw.i4:E. pr tis ban. ?teetotal/et ta, Mei bilodrlppia 11 Erie Hail Head. MATER TIME TABLE. Tom wait AN , ' logo r Rou re utrwtor lA. 1 4 41.T1 WIRK: 11 as R►d.:CRl:, W/ 11cirt/MT, aO.O 4111411 T lea, NEGIoN GP PediRSYI.V.OI4/1. ELEGANT fitLEEPING CARS "n His N.gb, r ON aiMl aftet MO%1) % IN:Tiiklat 1111 b let-7 014 THOM/ ..11 the ilmadrtpGl• r Fria Kalt &had Nut rtusiir W Cs. T W AR D V All. TRAIN Mar.., 1'904.h-1011a It •3 p all .. •• . ?1...thumb...111ml 3 3a a, u, •• 11.11 VP as Erie s4%p. in ERIE I lI•CF;H.v Icavva l'hila.telphia Ia 04 Nona •• N .uhvwv rano.. 44 p is. .. •• at.iv. at t tin 9 1.3 is. in PLtIIRA *Una 1 Mit/411401i I+ ti.) a LI $. . •• ♦artnn , .A rland 4 *Li p OO '• •• arrive at I. d.k 114V.31 7 4.; p 14 E 48 rw % um Nl,lll. Tit alai b•sgal Erns I. 49 a tn. •• ?“ , ititami.riaad I VI a 111. •• • arrive at illoaanipista sa.3.s a .t. En 1E EXPI , ESS frit est k.tta 4 I • p m •• hatshamaarfanl :N n. to. s' arras. at ishisaa..issata I WI. rt• ELMIRA Al %IL ta.trea Mica Haven 711 a. ou: • N 5.5 littipiwri,..sll.l Ito It, a as. t• .• anis , . at 111514515.550n5t Ylup. at Mall and Inisgsrr.sat u•mlivrl 1111 h all tr,:m4 •51l AK111•1 4 4 r lit iN1(1.19 11.411.%Al tsa..auautra laavitsi Pstelaslalyasa at 14 sal al. uffIVIII st Ir% 0ti5543 alb 41. a 5* and MI I:sty a. 9Su a at . 10•11Vil511 514 5 5151 , 15•11•41.1 at 5I lIU P. IN.. art: 4, at Oil I sty at 4 7.3 gt u. ii. trxiu. ail Warren • Franklin Rolla sr make at (111 City Will, ir tin* r.. P.i.,k Six an•l P.•trnlenxt eextra NAG•; WI; •'li. Tit...kV:lL A. Genas..l dart Ilet Au, ern7. s I MUFF'S SALES . Hs rim „ , t.t4tett MIS of the r.mift of l'otooittron Pkits of rolutiobia I °MI. V I•t OW 41 , 001 , 31 I o