Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, November 27, 1867, Image 1

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411.. I •
,e—flon. IN'tll,
I Inn Derr,
Peter K. Ilitrhein.
ttf (:ourts—JemnikAtujun
c : conkr—Jahn U. Prway,
( Allun Mann,
John F V , 41t..:%
4;1 Snydt,r.
ha J. Sti
hthiel +kr,
• Rupqrt,
ohn P. Ifiatonn.
K 6:11 0 .610:ii4
luirtwy 11.
, drai-er- I 'apt. tier, BV. 1,;(.t.
~r-. 1 Ken, A. Delkitt,
null ll.ekr.
r0t:4,11.90-4144z. G. Prs.rklv:..
tal Ilyvvtintl- if, I, (1, 1 ,1.,
Th ,
IL I /hon er,
• .1, 11. ILi
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E AN! , sz,,nl)P
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j”1 1 ,, N, Th,c^Pl'A prrttC rani
A to,t.:
Dlt Vi 4411,
Vgr.l , hl , , ,%/V,W,rft
Cheaelf r twut ¢t 414
compwintled at 540er
601.1 qt Nio.y , eo DolA
dill, ILIA tov , r' ()U.
Pirrop, 1.1.1 qtr., t;r14::
r.S.t ail ot Moyer ' r.
A. %ow, Ant:. nrld (owl, at".l. R
RimsmA6t4 ,, ,,, P 4.
HI ou %IslitiltG,
M r
tlle ,wh+criher, prnprigor
of Ow
tim.jvp Utt.r.
pt,p4rt,4 to tetti.a
•,; of Machinery,
.Ir4lrilltemi , P141141;110 Engine' ,
40 tikso.l. Atoves. n ue
Averything 11A11..44 litadM in
otamiteri w+re k 1 ,it nr.
feet rtilitrArte tar
near the Leeketen
Vtoototntrg Ramat.
111.noNAIO'no. IIY
flu in ailannee. U teat 104 Within
' SIX tif 0;1'11.4, .r. 41 he riniraeii.
04 . No SOW r itionntiened wolf eN arreatiitto4 ,
are paid ezvent at the orlon "r the edi.r.
HATF,4 4' A OA'
UNF• rfN • 17R0 7 ' r uht• RICK.
CH, .:1; or • • • Inortt.“4l.. ..
Lvet . 1...”
ilttt tttittart, t ttt,trt I 314} 1 0:11 10 to
. ! 101 ; 9,90 14. 41 0
700 j rail is t tith
, tquarro, .t I PO 1 1 1 . i :1100
ow. l Ur 0 0 1 , 14 , j
Ore r, t . I 147 j I &ton
~'»z~rrn•~.' , • ritld gduerr La~ratzar~ nt~t~n++.
o.rffl *n , ' • . _ _ . S
tni• r w . . . inrrritc•ii t.f
r , ,,,11, A
• :•• r 1 ti.'s✓r rf ikt.L.,.l,
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tal,nti . .• • . ii , .4 •,tt.
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AO.l tritm•
r+',ll f 410 WV
`4.1/111W% .;.411111,
LIGHT AU) caLtli,ol%.
iriweoe peat, h :••• , 1 ?soh wu.
11 Jove to Ltt•v ; • • .. : .th th, t•t”,
I' 10;11 y
Go 541.11 ii Irk tdi
u4L hight ;
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ii;tl!'•(l'.f! • }:i•
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110.461 t
Le• tt.;" 4'c ;
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kit V.:
I I i;:4 b hat'Y—
Tlw t%Hrl.l
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i NI" !•• i, :it 11;.B . 4to
j"„ 1 .1:!1, I lUVC
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Bi t• • , •
1.1 ti:i it ,) -r :
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A c••:. ,t! .. •.1 1 , • - •.yr t
CI ."' • 111' t -
A tri .
. • • •1
, g • .•it
. T • i ;
L„,,i,1 rr. ]•,',
ere• : c her hoe!,
wel- e0:101
I ; Vro ..01 Iler
,r iody kvti,ll,
itev : "Thu. a,l are
Their 'Still v !le
: Pl iiii TIM:" they
Ti Om , ia ucatit vt.2
Life to the jov , ttts seems tits best;
weary uttiY lottg thr ret4.
/ .s.:reroitg
K 11,40141 A yomo: TAnAtio ,
IVillicrri t'lis V . „ LAW King of Eiatntl,
trig n Prine,..! of Wales, a n d during if; , -01-
vivo off the entog of Ct nada, mat) to . vx
urAt,n into Cprcr Canadatinniernr, , t,l nv o i
to the ,:4tate of Lralcut. He entered n
tail„r•s Any. ,•o , ee:ng the tailor's witi.!,
an exe.erdin; ho,otiful wuntan Ito without
veronono u trout the lat 4, tuft'
rentztat d:
worgoi that
nt Itingaed, has kissed
Yankee taihr'..; ,"
!Johan':ly for him at that moment her
hmiband, ti.- tailtir; appeared (*mint he back
roma, an 4 being a stoat Mho, gave the
scion of royalty a tramentiotta itiek arid et
eloined :
"There go and toll your country Ist; inen
that a Yankee tailor line kicked the sou of
*he King of &glue
Ina late speech maths in N©u York by
(rtiormon, Esq.. we tiud the tul
lowing relinence wade to Irelun.l lota the
South. The parallel it complete, a n d is it
historical lesson that rhoulti net be forgot
'lreland, at one time, was sweet from
end to end, by a great soldier and a great
statemnan, who formed his idea that the
only way to held Ireland in Beare was to
11.tutibilitt , • its people. It is two hundred
ears sinee his traek blitdol that fair
i.hatel. and yet tittle are many men amnia.
ye 1. a has. raw , I hmk upon tonight, who
know that in Irratal thew. is no more rt•
ter i , .:ietjon in the Irish tongue than
• CHViI uweli on you!'—
ri.•:.41. not- , :r rortnor t groutneli ;it tt,r..r
an t t.l iron bawl of that grim ehi,f
t„i„ ko,p•;'l ;•rippql ;t t,o
- 1 t tl. ,, p , tfarlr;.--44. ant
• t w t,r ,, :,n , ;titan that 1`1 , 14 , •. It IP
!f. • 101 , , canto
CO sr lotth iHtII the b,..1,. • • do t •
i,• • Ike from amp-4-41E14m to aim;
and ~ .loot ollace,l while it exist', while
tt !, i, you wistt
!:4 IA al with the Saothern States as
Cromwell 41( alt. with Ireland's :( ie, of
no.") Talk to 1411 Entrii-li statesman—to
any man e 1. • vci of
fie riot, - ((di ; "`4%'u; id t o
that, t Cromwell land
ti.ovor t ut..o; ruined Lind--
vry. , ' , ` hoi dealt na,,ro
Wonhl me Col
tl the 11441 In ,1 1 d. •
;; war, we 14e , 1 •ra 54 •1 th n; in
; • .o:en tit: n! t•• •• ' 1.• • ..r; I
fit:,••• '• T• t it di , to, a, we oo,i;,; oal v
lon:.' 1.4 i; thi , pm: th. ,•4
• • te. -.14 , ..,4: "T. a lt:
r•••• tic'
• : , I . 1 . 1 j North. do Vol- want that
141,„1,.. • , 1 ~r
f,•••! • "a.•,: late." D4l y 04 ,1 y,;,1 1
t 114•444 • I , :foatvi iv., you tram
hot 4•:,t, a.ted, when
' 1 ".1 1 11 h 1111 , 1
ll,' 1 , ".• i 1.1 •• . 1." VI a, fel
; • I.
• ..•'lilV. Z•; 11 , with the hart
:•*, . "1
I • i
• t '
ti -, uu f
.; ti . : 117
env el, :1 • not e ., ; ,, 0m u
al , : ritlu 1, In sir —Ul;go
iU '
17tiVc , t thy ;:oilih , :it! tint
H.huit tii r tth.l
them 1%.4 !Trey!! yo,, a n d rings
you will have no dillivolty iii ,!
your %o h,. IlLy ought to be
Arid tog% fart well, Iti o you to ,
I t05 , ,1 tit •.iv in the kindly old tinte:., - 4.1!)d.
spec u all. Ile !gluey:- go frow
t!v. who t,ro hint !. told the
ilu. hight6ll, of th! - who ,!•!..; :,IL o .
',- , !.31t1 :311, Au tiiu. nay
1, • • ;
!no leg huge r seiecd
_ , 'hi,- great ppubik this
1.1, 11, . 1•..1 it' -
: tu.. • . ::t .
. .
• • • , ..!:1!' , ! LI 1.1 111:4 it.:
.• .1 18
8 ! • •
6 ' •• ri" r•Y:4I.
;le t ! r.l .!!! for 1! "'II thire'2i2D,
• irx,i dil'0 4 01
r:,:!•• 14114i:14r .6i1 , 1 C . llll . !! ' 1•11 With 47{1.,
~ 61U66,z. 0; . ii• . ( 1 ., 4 ill , ' utajt , she
IV steer4l roprot.ez iook4 without avail,
'',biked ;it i I` e but p•Le
At han.„lll ,in flirting her handker.
efii-V hew the, she dripped it too.
evidently not aoehlehtly. lostautly two or
thrtey,,tnot PlTurla roan their sad.
t ihx t o l a tura ri hor lYr hat!, but the
awful voice rovaltV rat-ht.tal them. "s 4 too
ikendoletn, - cxch.ine.d the (been, "leave it
in t w h e y., it hc. Now, ow daughter, got
down ftoto the carriage auii pick up your
Th,r, vtaQ nu help thr it.
l'ht, royal hattonot let down the stop for
th- royal lady, who proceeded to MI
front the dust the pretty piece, of eautbrie
and !nee. the hiushol a good dent, though
she tossed her hoot snot*, het the worth
t'ying lesson aia,V have nipped in the bud her
first impulse toward coquetry. It was hard,
but it was wholesome. How litany Anted
eat, mother: weold he equal to such a piece
t!lpartatt . a, : iptitic ?
Forney thinks that the Democrats ttl
l't.ttsylN v.:t mill soon "fight like flogs two
t Well, they e. , rtaittly have th.tu.,
snitch. ttl . Luc heaps of radical bonott to
tight over.
kir At Hartford, Vermont, there is
wealthy atol torh.crly farmer who quarreled
with hi%wile 1;) year.t ago, and though they
live in the same housetwei
,eat ta the 1111M0
tithiO, they have nqa rpOltellito eaeh other.
Two daughters, weffah4litifiairthirthta,"
Vamploto this "happy
,M 6061
! . .
.it • .!)
..> r i•
A Sea Sick Tragedian.
Sea sickness is a sad leveler, to which the
,t r e e pst mind* soceamh, keying nothing
but the desire to touch terra firma again.
Au eminent artist, who 64 recently made
a mostleelMsful tour in California, return
ed east by steamer. Scarcely had the ship
got out of sight of lionl before the Thespian
was kid by`the heels With ma de ?nee. Tn
the depths of his dispais he called for the
Captain, and when that worthy arrived, the
tragedian gazed at hint fur a few moments
and then asked :
%-r.r-e—you the ept,tin ?"
hove that honor .aid the on of
N nee.
" Vtir-ty wrll sir. I want pot to run
tliio blasted ship Awn % nt pi t y thr bor,
hut], ton ititis' and tiaren,"
11“ Copt:1;: , n,ih an.l ti,M his unhop
py po.,enp. ,, r it
“Vt.r.r.y %.41, her rock,
01,41, and -top thu 1,1a411,1
MAW! I. ,, Urvi that 00, V.:V. 31,4)
-Pol.:, t ett;t rtstitr.l to hi- oh:
:vo.a.!, awl lying thtint hi nior , :d
he WA rind tll/ that 111. 2 ' ,. '.141/21 to it
Bath uud tlll4l
it MU hapiwned that the Itcc, 7itr.
Chadhand, who hal con- a large
iitioiunt of nion‘y ;It California, to purchase
tini,l tooth i:ntnlis and tracta for the Dijirer
Itiliate., was on his way to invest hit
, end oerttttit.d the ,0‘..;; roont next to
Ibirrifit , I :At tie: niara of n
li at, he walked into his .taterootii
. 0
a, he het nll another wilier or :that
cateetiA ; “). 0:! fiLltit
'1 r.
Si, at Et •I. 1./ {,ll,Vr. 610 r e.
J r yt Nuth Lan-
• I , • carat.-boa!
"'mit ham! it. sir, Imre
fur: .1 in idt , 1:i for throe throv
• clythimi: ro-ifk , , tool it I 113 ski ( :my
loboi r, our , e d oft tinul,
throw up my (1.;,,001ut.ut is Now York.
0%14 tho ,oa ewe
my : 7 , -, nr sir, don't cure
,war ,
t: •!. .r.. Itot roil hiAght.,
the.:lol H. 4 htitr. al be n...ratitt, reHlt-1:
..•litelit tit tis
1. 1, • 912 d I s , oIC.
•• ..s tisat,
: •••; i that any tnnre
•;:i dirextiou ‘suuki tpst
rat sort ritice.
to mac the vi :dew Furci,ett
y,, , ,Leritiy, :in l %h. , tat c n:• a ainni r. f
wet,t ;btu a 'teller Larb in the mi.-ruin • : sie
4 ,41 1.1 1 1 %P. l, Lt4 I ,:ICAI snit ChAtt , fl :mill run
he c out oeet-itin :I'y till dinner %+e , ,
Vittn :11c lidPc4 the gi at:imply
t -it l,ia. Soo I thoarltt th.:t rather
k it as a , rytept...,l
-. a nd p o r,„„bati-il,h,„ast , ...
pig /4141 I that", .;
had coitkeril it on purpose Se I grcw
particularly cheerful, thou 4lit I eMill
tutee it in her. too. So (limner uldit,
-ittitg close belittle th. tt Aim, I finctittl we
4 4.0 h ! . =lt tatie,X C la:,;—I:low
41.1. I kit that I had tiil. ,1 o,:er head and
e titm ;ti hire t-ith lice, :,tul I iti.a from
(tie W 3; she lonk4d.:die had fallen is lore
with we. She appiared jt , t, for all the
world like thc th-unlit it w that
I rtt,'lldi
:t. 11. 1.... , .1 • I nu
h.r r. , % ,1„. :1
I ,i, in ; Patniii , t news.
ti-n ti 11.1 t,..1 into the
I. I t. thi•r. n . ee
' r
Karl toy ()awl en in 01l
10 , ,Aine ns,ly at .•• 1:1t the
:one vp hule, .I._ Aid, :u
nwltitt• end.
we 3 our load, ,u 1 i itn
it on a utueh botti.r
In A monsent, itr rtptinti, 1 corvi-intol, and
iakino , toy hand, %ht.: trilitly, very I.Nutly and
q uiotly !did it ors my head—awl lon .1 iato
rinuing in toy car, yet.
"Now I t told this to a )4 z soul
but you, and by you notili't but I
couldn't hold it' any lointer Ito l you i
but mind, it uitiiian't toi any Author,"
I Save Mr but n Munient.
She wore a batokottie (Tinoline on ll'
day when flat w met ; anti she F,, , t1 Wed
like n tvlitamer, with a cloud of eativas
r.llO Ago along the pavement, with a
grandeur tit to kill, I saw her but a moment,
yet tont itioks I SCI; her still,
The %rim' was Oil a bender, awl as
as a witch, and it played the very diekets
with dust. dimity awl sieh• The gaiters
were delicious, which her revt were made b.
rill—l saw her but a moment, yet methinks
see her still
She Mtooted Emma tho itornr, arr,l qrunlo
ing out behind, her crinoline and calico were
romping in 0,0 wind ; to have kept them
in priAition would have battled twice her
Aill-1 aw her but a moment, yet wethinio ,
1 acre her NA.
lAut ley eyes tretuenjus, for I t
want to seea dibpley of pretty unklee when
it *lsn't meant for me ; and until I !many
lenses I am sure I never will— I sew her but
it moment, yet uwtbiuk I bee her still !
Xobile Times.
[From the Detroit Yost, November 7.1
A Maniac on Board a RallwaY
A gentleman who arrived from Chicago
on Tuesday morning gives the followingpar.
tieulary in relation to an affair which trans.
Aired on the train, and it' the eireutustanees
are as stated they are sad indeed. A mid.
dle aged man cattle into the sleeping car just
after leaving Chicago on Monday bight and
ordered a berth, and it was observed by his
fellow travellers that he seemed in great
mental agitation, and would often prey his
hands to his temples, at the seine time tunt•
tering to himself uninti lli Bible w0r.14. Aft.
ter entering the birth he monitored gtoan
ing and than ivied the catt•e of his
tioul shoo he staio , l that he w3t, ties
captain or a hn t selti t 1,431 or” ror the
winter ut ha had mid
...°.°:l'eoo ter :~'Hla, hat 1511
0.. ab: •., oEt;. ! ieita a ‘4.0t0.1 ,
41, i tl•••;t• C: ! , •ri P • it•tt to ttl sharp.
er s •,l f:4)-"„I game knoNn
Pt. Lint
Ili.; ho
cv eitmtuh to:4 , zr efrth.,-.. , to Daira!a,
where he hrs a ti:ree children,
piing winter
Bras to have hew . ) the mole v he had brit.
He repeatedly ' (* CY,/ my poor
flintly, what will 1 , tioa
tor? They v ill st . y will starve
lie th , optild di ce r,:..: . „ing Mom t t oi t
heard of hint for 'roe, %%Len the con
de tar Leallh!:
he tan 414 and rtn)kiat, the heel)
o r ti e: tmb rttmate, man found that be barb
tint win,lov auil was endeavoring
t o climb tba . : -, nala lie - At! lin again
!.hen it rasing mat
'lbw. and it I crate e eery to 1 in , ' bite.
lit, ravings art ed a.s fearful, and
uitoi ited.oti it v..; Rented
taiy to r:rooro him fete
•.•:•••. to the eutliaritica fcir safe
A Great Natural 4 urtoslty.
The I.freat Sunkr , n the
:'it-e!i•i , 'utirintaitoii. ,q.venty•five
tiothe:o the hiotoo:
nil the It is thnueht
to t4'3.• •• t Wit th • 4 1.4111' •et down to tie
wider all mound. Thee are
running into the sslter
The dpi , th w . l t cr
iosi its
i: he so 1 , 1-1••-ith tha
, 3101
• cif t:•.: air enn.e.ii
in nit, ; .t ton. i
;t• t. , 1 * will h t .,
h the I,siiitiq to, It the.
-dent, dill and tit ,, :terirt , .. in the l' -urn of
th e bilk - like a Ur•I!,
j the hand. of the grtet tyrtill
, r It o eiennt it in. iii unknown gi.tu hr
aml .its lit the finis& Kurt It gins
w..r 1 are ti-ci big The ty tired
a ril• v rel tint.. intik the water, at au
r t)-tivc degrees, and vie:re Lible
trdi. : ,nii•onibi at titnie fr,dni tha repent
of the gnu until the Fail ..truck the v•itier.
`unit ...tine , incredible, Int it is tienclied
1)1 Kittle eintd reliable Lid.- nu. The lake i,s
vie eciq ma:ink:o2e tittrionity,—
O, 7i
IssrtypitoN.—The Laneaster Astons:goo
rte. su l igest. to its Ilupablicen friend., the
t'ollnwing ineription tho (nub of their
black bantling
Ilero lie*
Th e Lily at
Born •1. D. ISsfi,
Died. A. I). 1557.
Autql II year:i.
%n extrnent Ittidtvifit, TTortw, b
tl3lllO, pre:44od it hirt h.
T rij , on , Vi.enr.l un‘l Did Pion wore
the i•r• Ilk early years,
.% frnt , 't4 ilhl unr put rnitt4 )))1;111e. lira.
linherv. Thdi pro) Inintort.dit...
diptinviliphei his little). dank
An nvcrlnvi . :" 11.1•
inini-terocl in I'mnvykinil
1 , 1;61).4 Snree. Sinmn enmenin
Thuchien* Steen.. *Well b /I fillat
thy kidney s invoinetti
• by the frapinents= ni' the (:.)n-ti•
tuti.n) tficking +herein 1, , oat.).
Ilk grave was due. October Fr, I=B7.
Ilia Ludy wa therein depo.ited, Nueutaber
'Fla hag font ht hii last 1164 Le has rev]
his lost battle. .
soutil will awake him to plunder again
By thin time. ho *inked).
The filn•Ot lovking woman in the
1 e. w 1,1 is being exhibittel in a booth on the
Champ tit Mary. Thmo who visit her are
a.l,lressed by her in the following modest
style: "f ant the mos: beautiful woman in
the wolf. No empress, no queen. Con
rompare with me. You ore at liberty to
touch me, messieurs; pot will Etna that
there is no cotton utout me." Very ft of
the visitors, however, avail themselv,ts of
This permission.
irt'ir A 'lovely pirl," in IVisconsim re.
tvettly reeovertAl *I 1,400 'damages In a
inrush of promise suit against a perEdittu
lover. Iler lawyer congratulated her of
the snctum, when she exelaimtal, Kith it
atrocious glance at the mulcted defendant
.mod (dwelled her fingers, "I'd give ever)
penny or it just to Lave oue good pull at
his hair.' '
ItisaYa A 111811 in litatryll.l, Conn., adver ,
tiseil recent! on the receipt of a certain
sum he would by return mail in-trust any
ippliennt how to make a tbrtuno. Hi di
rections were, "Peddle cigars, half Havanna
and half home made, as I did. and if that
fails, advertise as I del, that you will in•
tt root tithes how to make a fottune—aud
pocket the proooedil
A, Frightful Tragedy its Russia.
The batilid Rase of the 27th contains
the following account of a fanatitall sect in-
The doctrine of this :cot en ists in an
absolute negation of all earthly property.
An adherent possesses nothing whatever,
and according to his notions everything
around him is evil personified. Such ideas
naturally prompt those unhappy men to
nets of frightful despair. They believe it
is necessary to constantly implore the
mercy of the Saviour by every mean , , for
it is lie alone that can ;-,sve them, The
cccused person, who was 27 years of Vq,
killed his Lion, a little boy of _oven, in OP+
conviction that the art wo n !! h. &im p o,i“
Eto the Sarirnr, His. own account of the
crime i One left so
,fromily that the hnoaan reec :111 t , 11:m 1 could not gut a moment's
rake and lighted ;
4' ore • f the •ai'ots. a , • ; iir-er
ing myself on my It nee; an; ; I • —ll
Faye • • ~.• ••
the nft'ln •-• of oscine WV
eternal ‘l,lmati.•n, at this only CE;11 a
boy, end finer than u act bays
"I %eel that be r nold ber'rue after
toy death, the prey of he!!, and ( deter
th;owl to Nat.lifice hho to the Lord. Filhel
vitt) thIF idea I ent.tienrA to pray. I sli,l
to myself that it :hp It'll tuy prey.or the
thought of htlerifieing my to tiod Cattle
to roe fi..on the right Adi• I wour.l
on th;: otrary, if it epue froto the
'-ft, I % . ..c0 . 4 1 . up; 1-r a-col-line to <lir
atite , whinei, thought which erowN
fr, !! tive ri)r ile is froto our good angel,
and flt Jt !Imo the left 1: the ttion of
the drtril. Aftßr him; prayer, the thonght
Catlin to toe front the right side, and I re.
turne=i foil of• jot to the zoom where my
boy stet •t hy the -i tit,f
that. the e r uid nm,r;sit (le Qaertfit , e which 1
ilt , tl to offer to r .1, I rut her to the
', l ckes to I..ortha: , e pr-,vision4, When she
kid roil t I rwoke toy chill awl said to him,
Get up, my ;on. and put on the white
that Io ny Idtoire thee.' 'non be
had rbtne this. I laid hiui en the I emit, an I
d t .d hint ,aecral in the , bliouth. -
The chill, in situv:-lints, fell frequently
npm the knir, and ' 1 t f - tund Al,l
with w.tinl, fath.?r, it seen, , ,
'Ain.- to to! - • ' l .le
• hi ' •' . h r
:loot 1w rc , l for a little while. 71.;;
f:ightfu! 't t.tetl lust sunri-'e.
says thiq itlq as: the din :+1
oiled his last the rays of the sun .hole
u e h the le; l idurr, and in a moment of
w..tnet. he fell on F. , knees Val iroploi ed.
C, to on. eifoly r ve vice his
Ku!-in -mtintied in his miri.ative thcge
tams . as 11.trl thrown myzelr 14-
f,a z and as fir
,14. t i. . door rip ned and, tut?
wife :4.: it.-tantly :zai.,r what ILid
with, 11-. 4 .rar, she fell
to th • ;:totml, I raise 4 her and
aid . , t Mayor and tetl him alt.
I :is: to to r
We learn further from the tuasi tit Jour
nal that Kursin, after ho had be,. , ent to
rt:-..n resolutely refused all kind of nour,hs
ishment. and died of starration hell 're the
~ e nter,e upon b:ot could he executed.
The Band-Illoldend
There is only one patriotic eourae fin'
those who are in In-session of Governmett
bond. to pur.ue. Th wit d
in the field 1-y the "Loys in flue — in suite of
the efforts of contractors to prolong it in
definitely. mei it is now time that those who
profited inn pecuniary sense should.ln some
thing tow,trils remedying the treat of that
tel union. 'The niilions of bends in the
hands of those who Milli-bed the g men
moit with adultetate:l nn,l it l ortide4s Int zd;„
ewes tor the sii , k ant wminded ; in the handy
of tlose cunning Yinikees who su ppu e d th e
soldiers with paper-soled : in the
',midst& beef contractors. who the
army, gathered np the w o unded and d ea d
horses and sold them to the Government as
beef: in the hands of those who sorplied
the government with worthless shoddy. in
stead of comfortable, legit ;mote clothing;
in the hands of those tow/ individuals
thought no sacrifice on the part of the poor
man could be ton great. but "ere no
to saerifiee themselves : who pmnii-cd to
roe that the widow and the orphan shon'd
be eared for. but who left t Item to be or
starve in the hands of those reverend
senuoilrel. who from the pulpit annthemiled
the Constitution amt hounded on the tel hue
to deeds of violence and bloodshed ; in the
hands of three military f i ends, such as But
le t , Pape. Schenck. Geary. and last nod /east
Josh Owens. by and thr etch where incom
petent*. thousands of lives were sacrificed
should now Le laid urine the altar or obeli
redeemed country; and we re Tactfully hug
goat on the 2sth inst.. Thanksgiving day
all such bottlers of' Goveinnient Bonds con
sign their ill-potton wealth to the names.
tis A most extraordinary niatriniwiin
arrany (Anent has lately been consuintnatil ,
in rhiutgo. The three brideutooths ni
brotherit, and the happy bridPs are sister..
and it was literally the tnarriaye of lira en.
+ire funtilits. It was an eennon i gal arrange
lent, thus wooing and nsarrying at whole.
lu--a great r•acing in light, ful 111 d the
peoilltr. thc aoltling E,:stiritios was cf . -
Ifter There is said tube an nld Irdp down
13 Long Imlsmi m) vary fat that tl a !wish.
re use her .hudow for griddle greeting.
u keep her from clip log out of hod, her
Stoma In the 'Merl anelety.”
The autumnal equinox unually marks tho
the dividing lif the fashionable world
between the min at the sea side and the
bun on at dm city.
Thtattaill breezes that sweep up front
along t e share, the noisy waves that attend
the periodical storm, utter adtooMtions to
society that it is time to return to their
tor (venom. And the fair and fragile pack
up their putt, mer fineries and set the caravan
in motion timer++ the city. And the cm
!decency an I iTlill'erenne with which there
ohs:ages are made front the country to , the
town, and flout the town to the cr%.:ty
az in, and 311!ti'1,4 the shining marks that
I,llu, how in I::feh.l4, the generations about
r;:d., : t an ; are to these sacred eon
! ti'.nts about which are so often in
t.Lo hearts an I 4. ,*lttl3 Jr our grantlfa,
, t; the ;Lung girl of the "Best
ncletv." is changes her clothe:
and -it.4s. V, Vhat drew this tonathrtaLle
cod uni.titudo that wo
Irivir. up lies their cottage on the
; L their tnanti=et on the uven , 2.—
; Home! These ancient ladies and
e..:oute.n who bow and smirk and smile,
th heir ilgsnitiatic pain; at each GO,-
errub their poor old toes with Cannel
, , ,
a , .: themselves with the idea that
th,y ham //owi—which elevates, which
. h.: t got, which is inde.Aponsible
wl. ..1 makes bib undo labia. Or what, of
:::.:red Home, know thisruttling, chattering,
el group of the younger aristocracy?
hello:; And gentlemen who have learn
el tints the most tangible and ntemeation
e role right of Mod is the possession of
and who are considerably more
dmayed . t.. pen=i the latter than to beset of
the fanner. flume, after all, is not built.
lird.ks and mortar make it—m.l yet
' auras bcf,vod woman's smile may create it.
It may not eXi.t, within the marble manor of
the rich en 1 great--coal in the t I,y cradle
th=at ;oil& the iJul ot two lives it may be
found. It is the la ietmt spot of earth
inyt;t4l4,l , r, fhr it is the halowed earner
the tl4::ing of our affections is.—
:to is the Eden earth. Since it is no
yr hose. The babe 6.. 4 .4 it upon its
, at :se.; on and it may abe recognized
wale w ove. by the re pm lAe beat-
LT* a ilea
the yoen: man cr the ton, is
the place wh4rs he can't swear an I mustn't
wake, *r..t- gloss these staring facts
over with ail the honied phrases in the
world : anal try to heat down accusing con
, scle.-.ce, but the truth still remains; there
'is no such plase as home in Society. There
is no family patties ing beneath a beaming
mati-n's eye. as the humble daughter
1 and.l the nal! life knows. No ad
and tt“zeptance of advise, between
parent and 0.11,1 slot looking upon the pa-
I oeltia! threi.hold as a sacred altar, within
which all the 4} , n.,1,4. 1 ; of grace and purity,
honor chastening pica.ure are to be
..e,,,o; i r,:se 1 anti w,t-shinteyh
A Cvpital
Governor Soy'nnre b a wit as well as a
Statemnan. The following extract from a
speech recently delivered in Brooklyn gives
nly.t apt illmtration of the folly of the
policy of attempting to coerce men into good
morals. temperance or religior., by acts of
ANsetubly. Ile said :
"Our Republican friends believe in tbn
power of governutent to do that which wo
kliove is best done by every won 's own
1t.010,4 convictions of rinse+. But I sok4ort
to the language of )lihen. who tea not only
a great met, but a great vtate : oltan, that
ton can have no great eiviltta io I in any
land where men are coerued in all aetion4 of
Ih. it life. I once asked a man if he bAiev.•
el in the 4y,teut of erten:ion a o oom plerely
shit if a man would not &ink tir ten years
heettwe the law would not let him, he would
be a temperance man thereafter. He all
M. slid. I. said, :.uppo,e you um :e a law 145
that he world not. be guilty of any
toi.mleoteaue• wha•ever, would you not con
.itier that bettor .till? lie Lehi he would.
Stippe4e you snake a law so perfect that he
...hall Ilse. retire. labor regularly, read hie
Eihle sary d4y its his bedroom, go to church
twee a day.every Sunday. empire in no im
moral conversation ; and be subjected to no
friliptation: would not that be the perfection
sir your ? He admitted that it wou2.
Well, my friend, said I, if you go down to
Sing. Sing you will end a thousand men
these living miler your own system, and if
one Pl' jl gilt m.eaped to-morrow and your
hoop ? , wa4 hernial. he would be the first luau
you would iterwt."
See:ng Me Sun at 'Mated.
In July, 1363 Hon. J. H. Campbell U. S.
3liiiister to Norway, yeah a party of Amer.
an gentletnenment far enough north to
see the sun atillrtinight. •It was in 69 de
grees north lel ado, and they a .een led a
cliff 1,000 feet high above the Arctic sea.—
The stone is thus de•etibetl : "It was late
;tut still sunlight. The a.c a co, an stretch.
I away in silent vastpe4s at our feet ; the
jmnd of the waves warmly reached our airy
nano! ; away hi the north the huge old
Imo strung low along the haniton like a
low f eat of the pendulum tit the WI clock
ia our gratulfathid's parlor corner. We all
toad silent looking at our watches. When
nth hands came together at twelve, mid
right, the full, round orb hung triumphant
a b ov e the wave— a bridge of gold m
idair doe north spangled the waters between
tot and bi tt. There he shown in silent majesty
which knew no setim.;, We involuntarily
off our hats—no word was said. Corn.
him., it' von can, the most brilliant sunrise
vo't ever saw, and its beauties will pale
fore the gorgeous coloring which now lit
the ocean. heaven and mountain. In ha f'
a i hour the sun had swum: un perceptibly
n t its beat, the colors (immed to shoos or
owning, a fresh breeze ripled over the
fl irid sea. one songster after swam pipA
up nut of he e , ove behind no—we Md at
into another clay."
NO. 39.