MS*l4l _._ _ .__ ►i. _......a. r n_ _ ... 'v LOCAL D~PA* TMSN I!, Wednesday, %ay.* ti% _ . CT 1011 WI I Mann earl ronsloro fnr all Intel Aretil , ',ellen la Ihelr launndlnlo Inenlltloo. If they no not &PIP' In v 4 IrllP M Mr muulennon for the public eyu, et thorn 0.1111 uo n brief 'Worming of overythlnn nf 111 .1 1 itto Lh eto reoportlve rnionnUnillpt A hill 0 Mahn, neeldentA, Ilmr, rentove:o, bunt. moor thaw', *.r. We will put hent In tarn. The mor. feet, of thin kind we ran gri the better It will null no and our Who will doe II I Tn Anveatini Rt.— Perron, molting ntiveriloornent• 041p1 jiooll thew Jo curly un Tneollay intim I op In 1000F0 thole In/olden for that wait. 11i' The accounts of the firm ofJitconY & SHUMAN 48 fifT 48 Knt out for collection era in the bands of the following persons: NWlin Tramltip.—JotiN H. HEWER; SAMVEL CREASY. Bearer.—BENZ. ZIMMERMAN, P. M. Affibo. —U. J. CAMPBELL, P. M. Catutrtisa. —STEPHEN BALMY. 16nringereele, Centralia, and Ashlad. JOHN }WINER. In Sugarloaf Township, bills for mliection have been placed in the hands or Mossonx- EitY COLE, to whom paytutint is requmed to be made at the oirliest convenience. In Siam TownAip, all parlor's kno , ving themoelvo in arr.tirs ror mulocription. f:ri advertising, to t w o DEMOCRAT. Win pluv,sa wake payment to Joarot !Afar. Ben fon.-I)ANtlit. HARTMAN. Orongr.-311ellAEL KELLER. Madion. , —.ll'lVl,lAM ifrOdock.—.l)ANlEL NETILART. Rohrspo'4l-31Rtitia4 M. Apoleinan. tip A row Inp.hols of Hon corn will trthcn at this office on sob:ciiption. There will be two woeVe Court :It this piece, communing en '3lemien the they' of December. • Ileq" Thy papers report sleighing at Ban gor, Maine, and even lingly cold tvaather for this se;-on of the ye:tr. VS" l'hc pop of lio;-:(,n are ;iving a fond for ti: flintily of Ex-Governor An drew, Llceetind. f t 11.3 nh•eady reached s7s.ivo, und it is the Ii tention to make it Clno.oo. stir Attention is directed to the wirer• ti,en,cnt or John K. Girton, Grocer, in tbk town, ne rpiplenidted his stun: f' C ttiott Wilitoti Cokmati has built a hand s•one and sulAantial bridge the war er-enurse in front the a(l,yle wing to his livery Ratite. Ail sueh i:npr:+c , untiut,s are votuttientlable. The,: ‘vho Itlffer £r nn cough!), cold, I.ronyhiti;4, croup. influenza, or whnopinF, cough, will fild qn.e relief in Dr. Bahian) of Wild Cherry, which hat unw been in tme fur nearly half a cemury, and untintains it. 9 long eit ti bli,h v i reputa• lion as the greet revne , l3 - fur s.'d ,ji. t . ev ,,, c3 of the throat, lungs, and rme.4.: =E= Thgro arty svvt,t„. , l new dwellir frP pine up in thin piece Alen will n't tie th:‘ Ea on, the u rger brick I:,msea in enarse 44' ereetion et , the iiallutsing : John fun Norn.l:: Willette and Kreamer Brothel 4, The aceseity brick will !sec; a few back till next reason. = SPA. Wititoyer l Jacoby ha-, on band, and for vale cheap, the largest and moat var ied nmsortment (d . !Lim vicar, and fulcy anntra3 ever offered in this nuuket ; Imaides all kiwis of nuts, toga, 4.c. ke., for the i- , the place to bry your Chriatwas prcsentz,, Dealer as well as individual 4 would do %sell to purchase at eqabli,,hment. tiO"' The largaat Earititie, and iris. I,itgaA experience in manufacturing, enable the house of Fairbanks & Co., to protlu le the best scale, at the cheapest price. Ere Every tandificati ,, l of a weighing 4pdratili iw made all cif the hiche4t exeelhmec, es wiz.; sham by their receivin2 the first pretniunn, at the Expreiti P JJu(IN::.w lik e t h e 11 0 , tiontt atlai.ttal by dm Tempi ranee Coiiv tiCH :oriOr4Wvi I at Catatsihea a -bort time pito. gem tivit haply @ "to!..,rt ver:cly pragor !bioka bbi party lt , e N*Aer. or two by kiwi or strana.:a4 G tlw temperance;-.. Of oollrst, t q uestbm , is,na are of tnor . itai,,atiOwe than radbAltt.mper arm utovetw , nt.,. «eaw a tbootirt AMER Crci ..ov,rel to ~ on Monday evertinir last, . Chia, favorably known it as a ..“7,ting ~r Ile had been lingering the With eonsuutptiou, the it it; believed, wort; sown rice of his country. lie died anal of a blbsfull inintorta% a takes pliwe front the retti. for-in-law, on Church street, '3 ' Cka Moat, 0' tae r - denco of this oftt. on. FATAL • • it twin the One day teat Turtle Ores • W e clip the fullot • : . M Pollock, readin e Pittrhut it, an 1 sistel• .1 " "4' 41%;•1 wstiovt., WKS g ..t: ta hL fire. S'6 tome witp:pl! •r threw it uppn her Pohl , .n ' u her ilroum gmennied. bra bucket I for nun*. out into hufbre. upon her Alter I ouy, lit RT. —A Is, O 1 Ih l :Awaniss ' lie 'gilt ear n the video' t, Ilia MI trieluurreATiii *LW .. Opt' AOO PubnouNumy rot 1868—now ready—contains a rich collection of original and timely articles, among which are the "Marriages-of- etrali* chi. +affects ;'! Advancement of Phrenology ; Cireattia, and the Carcamailms : Jealousy—lts cause and cure ; George Peabody ; Senator ; ; P•uet Cartwright; Victor Hugo; Miss Braddon ; How to beemne a Phrenologist ; Monseur Tenon, 12 Moira duns; Mind Limited by Matter; Two Path's of Womanhood, Illustrated; Bis marck ; Tu Phrenological Students; Phre nology and its use. The whole profusely illustrated; pp. 84. Price 25 cent*. Ad dress S. B. Wru.s, 359 Broadway, Office Phrenological Journal, New York. 1119. The stalwart Democracy of Centre Township rklYgi a hickory pole at the I Dull May tiou.e, on Saturday last, in bon ' or of the victories achieved by the Devi,- eratic party in the late elections. The "old Democracy," the "time-honored Democ ' racy," the "imprisoned Democracy," the "copperhead Democruey," yea the "Jeffer soniin P^morlncy" ore urd yet dead I They Kaye net ehatt7.l their name, seitlor they ..atehir , 16, in spite or the solicitations and pleadings to.olc hy "policy," "expedi ency" and - PhiladelphiaConvention" twee The old Deumeentic Party ruled the roast in this county for many long years, to the [(metal satisfaction and welfare of the coun try ; and they have it in their power to again take hold of the reins of Government, and once more place the affairs of this mt• tine in a peaccfal and properous condition, and they intend doing it Aftrentic Laid of his wound, "irt was not Os tkep as a Wen; at Os tc,iie As a [Ol , O, would do." P.antation Bitters will I u miss the dead. But they eure the sick, exalt the depressed, And renderlife a thing to be enjoyed. We believe there are millions of living witnesses to this fact. Dyspepsia is El hor rid disease, but Plantation Bitters will cure it. It is a most imieurating Wide. fbr Weal- Hers and tiolitt:l tlespondettcy. Those who are "out of sorts,'' should try Plantation Bitters. MAWNtiniA WATFR, —A tioligtfol toilet article—superior to Cologne arad at half the price. No. 36. t+~ c° Mr“ . TN, •• . 1 "1! , :‘,4!"V : . ')11 A it Li. STon s;.r.d h /444 Las , Saturday a age ab o ut : 4 0 11) 1 . perhdleed that orprist. .1 all who witio., , .sol it. i'iotur.. .nier in Monroe township was driv ;*ng ttn: aninird when he attempted to run sem.. a VA 52 fat .11,e,. th a t way Coe. rod only with boards. The lovida gave way and his buidlin went down head ferennwt fiftet so feet to the bottom of the well clean out of algid., As it was evening, and it being impraAble to attempt to get him out that day, the owner called in the neighbor , : Sut tv.rninc. There nds a fulittirn.. eat. They tackled the bull with rope-: and `lves ;ht. tint up. Though the had •jipped 311 1 1 OVA/ :" 4 : 1 / .e and his he' see that I.: eouldn t drWr a breath while Line; when again on earth h.; walked away though nothing hcifi. bappQned '.— Si. lits 9.*01T 77 tic,: NI AM KEN IitEPORL Wheat ...... Rye, Cum,* Baebs Oats, Clover s- • Flaxseed, Dri'd tipples " hautovs, • How pcsr burr„?. Butter pt Tallow tsar pont.,l Lard IJnni !E L . - per Oeto Rev A. It. Rat; nNn.;,. W 1 :01W, "thin), Itau IF. Oar 12b.:r, of On the [lLl%Strionolit. Mr. \Valiant it, t .ter. n Iltunbwit Turk t ,,,ll:p Montour Count v, and :%lir.t liebeeen C gart, Towto.hilt Cnintubia Co. Tuet.nay tiro 12th ite.t.„ at his °Dien in Light Slr,:t.t, by Joseph Lilloy, b. 1.4., Mr. )year it. Pico, of 14 . 11/1.: ithlge, to Mists Ettnutt J. Pichtehieifer, of tha former On the 14th ih t., by this Rev. J, Eyes.. Mr. Owen Cheringtnn, to Alms Ili.tabeth Rahrit7, holt of .:tingettAtk township, ColurnbiaCounty Pa. On the =ante .hy the ern.:, Mr. 3 . , re mini) Snyder, to Miss Prohniva Sitinvr, both tit' C..ntrahn Columbht County, Pa. lit Wadi [liven, to FOlay night ;ash Sanowl aged ;„ , ,:ari month% and 21 days. 11. W ADV ERTISEM ENTS. Dr. )4V001„, , •1.7 a the icon Gi3rau~tp at I:urtpt: paid : ,00y ttsr outioTot,,t ;Mitt,3at3 It: tlieenteogl le pore Water" Or. U. Atsatt. utter dritMi yeah' a( scivotir.. t tpt r tyrt•::, tat tte:*-4 , -: •t !!• ' • . • . b• 1, •rja and ,10° " 1 . O “'• CI, a 41e r Ur. It A•••li.r.` kat", I,l":tter is Pear oak by .1, P. to! vsNioRL, J (hi VOIL 4114 al I rut,.g.••: • Nov I:3, tr 44 dro:4 iu 41 lot checked, Vurnt liter lh fest tLys itt C II W SURGEON D82411111T. nOcri: his lirot'i.cs. *** l "*.. , 13(141 OC:.111 tee the Indic- mid auntie - axon aPtti .trilichitionil tie is Yr. prr p4ra,i.a nt urns to Mc within: 0 0 1," 0, itli provi , lco * /',ACRE itdy 7 . 10:7"11; whet w •in .1104 on eniii.filittinn.vilvvY rainict or 81 t i t its,“sw• It oh: tlho tintho:ll tooth moil of Mr dly hurt liat art! the his was tha WI ter it mete and ttlt et( teeth manufactured ar e atl tin tie uenntl.ool, and properly :Wended 6 , teettee and oiled it few doors above the Court II tu +P.lfitt nude. 111 mat eletru. June t ieta etano on tilt prPtilist of tonne Arwine. In Centre tholog tota hi middle of 14 1 1:t Meat red tutor. ;bait t b tines. and about twe years old. The 4 41 1 41 . 4 owner 18 requested to cease onward • et FhEpe ty. FAY charade , awl take hint sway. swiss be wail be disposed of so the law direr's. tdA4O ARWINIL !miss/ (,1,11307. 'aiL4oZitV Gi.';111.0::. $2 00 10 . ...... ... l 10 I 00 70 i 00 250 MAIt It I 11.: . E;;;; D I F: U. 110F11" LA. DENTISTRY. Ed'FRAY. * Ars • And Catarrh, Ithionied wUY lb* Olio/4 Heenan, by J. II 11 04/141.41, . 1)00114 and 0101101 0 111100 114( 0 1 1 .by. den t 1ia11100d1410.410 44108 *mat. 011thiAtrA.— ipasioajoisiilr. R 9il 611141 . 10110 110 eelthilell in the Cloy and Country can bi anal alibis Mee. lira wow. tcai faculty are maned 10 afainsinany their wining,. as he has an ancrata la kir manila* MITI mom, gy Es, own e d Without PAIL Ng charge tor eltlllll. (April O. Is4ll—ly to 1 1 ; TO EVER 1r D y A large 0 gp, Circular, giving information of Inc greilicet iiroilortanco to we young of it setae. If 11.0.4,.. in.* Om homely way brtooto buoutlful, tha araptoed rowelled. and lba refumpo b c , young lady or gentleman Mould fall to send midyear, and raeQlva a copy post bald. by m. purl, 11111111. Ad.lrera PO. Dra war, 41. Troy, N V. reb R 1 1131,7—1 y GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. From Mr. E. Tom Mir. Unpgi modem lit eillohury, at ner. 'me been troubled tor year,' With a bud butunr ontwuttlty. and 'motet smug thwart:ly, During the vast COOlntl' It toniiir...trd ttopli pinto than urlialouluordly, and 1 mold yintr tatien. All 4.1 It 1141Ve Wlthinitt Str..rtini 111, think, the erkihentltil Ha• t re o t this bode," SIMI. w. rr)WIrF:. & SON. Nuatou Pmprirlore. $r 1, Uy 111 Drugpats, at V. 5 ctn, a bug, Samt by snail for 33 OR. KNOW THY DESTINY Madame E. F. Thornton. the areal Einaloh Aotrol +whit, Cleit voyaut and Poyeturnetrituat, who has astonished the relent' tic clauses or the Old World, tufo now located herself ot !Nemo N. V. Mattoon Thornton $1.111401414/0 oath wonderful power* nt sees and sight. ao to ruabit Itrt at Import kitowledge of the won't importance to ." , ale or Inhiffied of china .elt While in a. owe of , rotwe, rho deline ates the very features Or the person you /111/0 to mar ry, and by the aid of an toottriment of interiare pow. s i r, howls ac the / . /10/0/..04r9pn, fllntatnneo to pre. dote /I life like picturts of the future buoband or wild of Cu' 41 1 , Phenta.natethet with dab of tearriage. pro *Moo in We, tendthe mita of ehararter. &c Tido to nobutuhitC,arlhounanda of testimonials can ao. sett Oho will /fend when deolred a ....roiled cortill. eate, of Written guarantee. that the pt , tort is what it purports to be. etoliedne a small lock of hair, onrf Ca'in; pinta of hlr'h, ago. A/pint/wktt and rom , I I .)l o a.aad tairloring arty rents and stamped « osi e r ripe addressed ta pm; you wil! receive the, tore. and &Hired inf"rtnntion by rct•als WWI. Ali counauak atioao , arn dly Mad. Addro oain &nen, MAItA3IN F.Tot OINTON, Ma ft.; N Y f y A via:Nu, 14.1.1)1 RETURNING To kr lu:finery tome, rfti'r Of MOlith 4 tt• tht. tAy. veto. hardly TPC3UIIiI4III ty 111 q tri"lt.• In ohm. of A taunt... ruAic tiutheit fare, eta had a loft ruby totophi.4iiiti of altacot canrbin iiianiati,noss. and Warmd of tavcnty•thrtiti rho wally but rißi tern. inquiry whin the attire trr rn petit a change., thaw that, idle aaW tho eircasheite Ua1m.444 Cs ldelerad fl AO t , thitheite taiiittiatitiiiih tr iitiv h loilog„ My Ito ‘4,0 bktn..rf iiraat ii t ioapiit,ikis in.!, alto hr ;rig, clratt tai srii h t i,ia if) mg this thin and (rni, tiiPhion. fly Oa caiitit , it ittawo ttnin it nil ira mrprltieoo, tiit; at it , inoniti ,ta,f)4l4 and Midt ifLil. Nice et. ti , !til hr rudt rt e sia,sa 4,1, tip , at at. Allier by W. it LA N.* 44 CO., Su t Wi t ray V, oily A iii,ritain A 0 . 401 rot the 4:11 , : of the haw'. f rith h 7 144-1 y A FFLICTED! SUTER NO MOUE!! When hp the ssre of tin iolsvit.t.tro y„,, .88 Ge rurPd purmiowlitly,atni ct n tritrivng The ftitofil,hlll4! ~1 1ccNA411111, A 1 1in,111 ., 11 rIT Physical unit N+tvov9 Do.51;Ily Of Mil Enrrre coti hittr* i 3 tke pttl/ar41,1)11 ever it %i!1 nvunvu 01, lit lb ilins/ aire+olollo, e , 16; , 4111,111. taraDarity in study V/t btiptdo.pi. ; 110.1110,V, cilvjoi#lllll, t omit:AlN =4 e.,6*.d0btru,..11,4, fears of tthqtatty. I. tt to. 140 tedt..6* lif.mttli (hoot. YIIG it:twt .I, , rtt.t.‘ i yo,f it dy ket..tiat ettela nr clot Inttettreg. Vototts weft 44 tidittltotte.t uu by "Goack Duct 344" and lianorwit prtiettorom Lot two, , wittiott t 1 ,, !;r ; istr tn. Eliztr. lit"; 411,,e rt*.toreo tteastli 411.1 11.1. 1,1f1,40. A perte.::: ill •vry inetanlY. Price $l. Of 1.1 hntltlb to UM! isti• U.. ttfte buitto in ..tfrt t a (we to CrlApc Atom, Itr 1;;Ittvilloo4 tiperihit Milt., the oreelly unt.l pertitt;;;;wit CIAJO nI iit101014 , 21. eanct. (:(0 , 111.11 Wray; I Stricture (10.1 n;I all. Ototio rf il;;; 4.11;11141e.f. Pir”, tO rron. NW 10 AV*. 4;:yo 'Tatar tiro Prrotin , *l I..toin velorlahle 4..1.4544,0W at.. h rittlorw utt tiso ry.lrtu 4 , 01 ..311410. the ot;;;;;;w1; iho 1514.13 th No eh , or , ..1 ;lug t. rwowoary wlitht tiotor thorn. hut Ohio thelr nOthit it. ithy 013t0nor ;Mule= with bust. LW** 1041PUji, rm.') SI pot h;ht. Litlier of the sbovt! Mrlichta will be Pent 1.4 alit' ,1.14e1y rwitled, Midikit.l loni.l. by radii 0( ekreat. tr;•=1;114t pftlT Atbiri•-40 uli or• LO.r. 111.:ItGtf.ft. erit:Tr64iCu.. rhiwoioto N.t *teri ItiV;.; Tow. N. V. [1 0 ;7417, '1 4 7 , -Iy. '1 , 111!: COLUMBIA 13 is U. U. STOUNIEU, Proprietor. Thislr tirt•W 01 , 104 1090 ritIOI 0040' VW ilie , at the e ., 01 , 011". .ifitatoo , an Mani u tl.O Cowl I ion an 'A ilk) Iskunµ 0 ur t;te st..hineott If 1 , 4,o01) HI ti a t0‘714. u 111 . 01 I titt..l. , u 1 +.lOl. hrailli r logitg ilts.l part of WWII here the 0100irtIV If 01 frelii confider,* that la, rittie•trthni rri his gitt,4o, aLd Wuuid a lair Iffirth.ti 4 Owpnkit.c p4truttler iramavrLurV.. 11 4 14* 1 "4.• " CARD TO SENSIBLF Pr E • • Rol iot , firittiOr. t 4 ,, p”.l I ,t If W ass VOA not hie lOollvir e'lineitnt to Will• tan• Mit Wit host flit "vere. , or nn un,hr.HH, iihce 1444 r , ,reou. I, 1 hen 10 tetiele i rl !frolifiirir in Chet belle• • . 4114 ht. Heine I•npM•ss t• 1 than Fs her of the... et 1,43 • y`• , nr 01,rottirb alt.. el,n."•iii 40'001014 y.vs, Itv.r a tid rain' poi.= all relen ire Met. Min riloe'r Vl . Oll intllll.o 11-e I r 4 ., 11.1. 14146 , 1 441 1 It ter . IiWTH I 1%8 et 1 4 9 s hi 401 111 1 "111.R1 4 . rh ,II yon nar,t y ~rape the whM•h 11p 44 11 14 , 4,1 tie nn , . -Sothtr and tt,pitt ," • the pmvert. lot* ••Ito e Wien! th,q y.. 1 tour oat lit , ' rr Vier 4141 t if".- Mid t piertralion. thi. 54 the 14,fe.d, Iha attrriet, the nti,bl ;al, A. , a rinti"'ityi it+ reill nx ap aht Owe , t"r fevvt had t4411e, had bw r 451.444140. litr.m in on coot44snftll, , n MI Wearinha! wiler,4tc, It itfoorut kanwn w tairlt eV , OI a41.,4 , 1 , 10;0 , 11 5101 Literal? ANTicIPATIi TH EtitiMV eleinani nt intinoornhinlueit•o•A fort. afloat fh 110 . 1.111 tie nn. Will you ,i , •fOrld 110•111 or OM good r , q11 , 1..1 i Tlcil fp, the querlion. A bottle or 1,111 01 1110 Iu'RAT r.k.rrinnit Y•kisl4 . l%r• or lug An*. CH'S lllTTliatt4. oil atm hroc,, op your toulty plitiVrta au to 011411 , 41 hilleb ft spljo. otmrti. The or t.sll Maltpr 0b1.4 pia oxinilo4l in proHkaatton Ihrinq it your pure in oorootirt, tatich tors 131Jw A pnivrtiO, 01:410. nf . fllig rv+fit to I heir r••fs 1101.14. mid you have it in it 1$ Cl' yaws 14TTE. ii They 10 , 111.1'01V 111 • %eerie , ner•ii trust tutu il,Stlile 0000 %to., Witt rrgmate 111 the m•crot• W. , , •rgal , ••• NOthlild tin .re 1 1 / 9 1, harmless of nime 11v:1101W—cnning au ionoto to provotA or rare tipl•to.ot fever and dill vuo,tipa thto Uilii int dr bttily. u 4 this Iruttittlftti Garrett Wit. N0v4 . 11.10 4w, WIST %WS I:ALS SI. OF 1111,1) CHERRY. 11444110. Ord.. it... 4000, Adams& 0100, Whovisir tho 40 *lllO 111111 , 'A ' erucr, Ch , ol k iiulaty at an of the: year Av me f,r10.110., enough to t. mit • tlwit Ittift , 4o 11111.4110 a 01,11 ilLitsi 01111.1, a utidata iu 4111.10 n. n 01 1 4,11,0 , 1 4. Esin'tio'io plow, that rltla nzt.tei In We. tdr',4 fid•eth, to ail int I tint found iu Pity ether itoqty ; Wm, evt,r sevrre, the ~ t itri ridq. tic II 1 , itt I. It of Mir Snot bine, hni,t• g and oetetfui tiiili.aut ut inn vangttl tii Ulu etAitiil Oaf to wooled Mil JOIN 1112N1"t COInfIT, N. V.—write,: - I wits urea by it neighbor to gel one bottle or the Dobson for toy %%I e, enured L? 111111 111111 lit co. , it did not produce good itihirte, hr would pup lyr iliv Witt!. himself. (hi the .1 ',Nob .tt• pv „, tient .'5'111,410. 01 its Merits, I w00er...1% iodide, My *iv, at tole Motu Wit. so low with %but the phy.i Wile term,' *WWI be misblit to room lwrolf from the bud, 110 1 1. 1 1tIll eiiu.LCII )' tied Iwising morn or less Wood I VIIIIIMPIiweit giving tho llultinw no diverted, wilt Was tie witch piox.rti ueh it. • psittlit it flint I 1.111 Wort: uurdhuß Waite. 1114.4 totitow(ed Living it Before this 'menet wee no• tool ogee. OVIIIIIOd teNlYbllll WNO sirolll4 eituoilli to up . . Thu firth batik. elol•ely motored her to he/alb Woof met Which see Oriel l'hyemiene hod 16110 to au Loa hod fulleo." en/prowl by ONTI.I W. VUWiel; ht ilk)1 1 1 1$ Tro• wok 0... Bugloss wed for Oil by UnilYiptill yelberbilY BLMIKB I !WANKS I of •worr Affromptiaan for 0410, at MYi4 office SPECIAL lISMEIL4 • ERRORS OF YOUT.R. A OenDoman who oullhyod for yeah holljortrotio Prelooluon *way. sed oil ONO Olheto ii( youth fel holloloilvo OIL Do the rake N..oufiwriou howunliy. Prod Don In all *bin noi9ll Is the trades god for alaklar th.l *lmply 'rowdy by blth be oar rurrd. Oulferiwo widow, in prldlt ay she advorlio. osporlotow, coo do on by_ Ililoweristil In portent reeillopow., * JUNIN N. OGIONN 411rodar idiroot. Now York. May OD, len. I °VEIN /IV AND FESTIVE BOYS, rrNd aa a lid•Irrowoo Vllllololllllond i 6 ernis,soil I will ...114 you Pomo valuithle iofiwohoiloo itist ;drupe you, Aildreyo MARV MOLINE. 41 lauedway. h. V. May IQ, ItltNl—ly. friIIAOLONV OF MAN IN OITNENOIIII. A ' , NOP L WON who euffervid OPT rat" ONIN POMPON"' WIN (UMW liability, Neptilly fnlbrtnpr. end dendlisal Wenkneee, the revolt or vaathfd Indirereloiii. and reline near online hie day, in .inpeleve pnMny. will, Pie the sake of oulirt (mg with. Fiend input/ nee killtot• ea. the Onside WSW' (Med by blue, Whirl, effected e core to el few 1110 , k. WWI' the 4t41111e if antitereate inedirinee. Send n directed envelope end MOUlp and wtU :0.1 pm ndUthrg Aildrcrp, WN;AIt IrNEMAIN. MIN Nt. N, V. City, 11EAUTYI GOLDEN, rLaxra a 'auto: rum. Produced by the hoe of Peet Deitite,l'X' ImlttElt Lti eft tiVEC X . 4 the apolttatine tVllllllltiten to col the most oltaiiht and ettibborn het, or *Abet see into envy ringlet, is, henry ottereive eerie. this been Used by the tnotonanhoe, oh Pm, Ltilllloo With the onset outfit, tne re.ilte. I eye on injury to Ulu' hart. Frtee by wail, roalrd aad postpaid Si.— Jo.eripf it+ro (*INN to plaited tree Adores nEttGEO, 4111 IT let ft I 0.. NO, ley It'Ver At., Ttny, N. V ,Note Ag me for tue Lotted Suites. Feb. /t44-Iy. IPXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR ! I CU A ST ELLAR'S HAIR EXTER 1%1? P!! TAT! !!!..'tloV INo sump: % =1 the Ind ie 4 es smelly. this invelnehle depilatory recommend' , itself es none in Mantel in'il.pensinle emir'.• to femme beauty is easily 141.0.4. otwo and burn or injure tho skin but tarts irmily an (hi lout., It is weriented to rettinVc sopa/10mi* heir front low ler hem's, or grow tiny purl cr tile b dy. Mu. pietely. tatnilti 101 , 1 rudicnho eitirpidient the paw , tenet:lo the rein "mit smooth amt witural This is the Only ft NI art. de u.ed by the rt. rich, and is the ealy Pqr^e.lntil dettelmory tu existence. Voce Vi emit per beeititee. nee( pn•t•ppaid. her cdthwee, nu ,pt of order, by HM UG+ it h 11111.4 L'eb.'si, t. bendsts, she'S Utter Troy, N.V. Thcre cornett' Wad tidings of jot , to all. To y,ll.Slift and to "id • to great owl to ;morn ; The Mandy which once was so precious and rite, In ire"; for till, cud ell easy be hot. CRISPER COMA. (lh I she retie twatititul end rein. tOt i,b merry rye., and radiant 41 bnnr wring 10.11d01.4 ref'. entwined, Ei.Cll34.fttil Mt! Ve ty cut and tuittd. 440mAk. Par etaiitig ill« flair of tkith..r riox Int.s IVavY and Utog.y Kutrl«tr at itravy hiphootve Curt., mintNv thin mit+. Lulli..* and 0014101 ton ran In:notify thaut4olvt.* it 001.0 t.. 1 It it 'Me only itirlicte in tile Wori , itilAi Wlii rut, Anititlit ;Wit, sod it the otionv ti 010 a It n toqintiltti ittnsitt appear. ape", I.olp er; r nut only ciirlo the emir. int oAyninintti. brutality , rail ; iw t.gtily , vorti IC .il t• , • , 'T (0 , 1 , Utildrl ni tt a kntd t 4 , 1 ,1 , it4'frti to 111 , . A.lls-n. 1.., Th. 4 . , to let 1 lOW, tir tll to=l..ot ht guy 11.10 f okate,ll.“4l wo.tpaiil 1 trill Pittnr.o.flit iiritor« %V, 1.. tit h & .11.4.1tut,te lu. :l tAe...l rovrito tor ti4Cl.l4r, Ai. Von ..2; ty I'llll I ITCH I I 11111211 ,44 vrcn t iet;ItATCII :1 ctta cti if, trent su to 4$ home, Weba , nn'e ninftninit cure° The Its h. Wheetet.'s Gleams/at ones tiatt Mem= Whentnn's Oinmient tun a Teller. Wileelen't Ointment tame 11.rbors' Itch Wheaton's ("Minima cores Old sores. trTheMeti's timoxient curet Erary kind or humor like Mairtc. !; 14 "ft; XX "x; by fraXtit,X) CPtittl Addl.Og3 WEEKS 4 X).;Elin Nn Ill" WllAhltigiOU litmus 8001..11. :4134.35 tem , oble by lilt Ibrugbist‘• brpt. 4,1;7 Yr. rw,„ , .VM) MUSTACHES Forn,l in rtnw Nina thr in from tri t e, or tiro , Dr r , eri,lubwo ft,b tabrator ',Oil rut, tit« mtioit wonolPrriii trlciriwyriy in moilirtto itotitio Hrob ftw 8.47 , 141.4 0:11, tM SID antromt tairas 41 lOU* llflltl 11Pr. ii ha* beet, iSOPO i+v lien liltnr Pomo awl I,tin•lon with Ili , . nigni ti trios iilltteaL . NAN , * of regislerint 4 . orlitlfor poitlerit trt•ii is not ditra 10 runty ifigatme the looney will 10 rlintirtirly n 11044- , 1.0, Priro by mall. real. ti anti b , p+tbbbl, $l. Uea criptly« virrbla to and o , lliniiniabi Mailed Ail• diniim IV MM. sllUrrtil &, 24 Rivet blrett, Troy. N. V., tithe oventd for the Utiwit State'. Fen. , .--- WONDERFUL BUT TRUE.. aiosimrrolit. the w»td renowned Astrologist and dontnionhultall Clairvoyant. while in a rtkirvoyant state delineates the very features peralort you are to mart), mid by Oct aid nr en inetrument rif lnti ooe powet, known en the Prychn tootrope, gulrantre.: to orwinee a perfect nod life, like pleillf•! Of the future hurbond or wife of the ap , piltant, with date nod inarrion. Occupation, leading traits and eharecter rte. this in n u iniponition. as tvottinnistals witinowt number ran rared. Ity stating plate of birth. age. diapoaitinn, color of eyea Mid heir, aro one Wog Oily cent, and stamped ore anitrevand to youreett. you will receive picture by return of milt, together alth &aired inforoirtt ion tar Allol'l4l CO ttirlience, MAN E:tatruene k M P u, ills d 7, tveot riot. td. Y. Feb. ltkfr—ly DR. SCHENOIC'S MANDRAKE PILL b. A Solmlltotte fur Calomel. neer. Pan suss compel:l cs various root; hosing the pure: to rn 111 the Orrear:Otrit of tho Myer t prouyp•lr and rdetartaly as 1)414 tell or mercury, and althout producund cur o those dlancresable or OSOCOTOWI effasis %Men *lieu toposr the we as the In all Mow Ohm:nem those Pins mar m u d adth man lento. so thti promote the tflechorge of vitiated b! 6, and re:46re ikon, obetructiono from the firer owl bibary Owns, aro the mute of Mona Orectiona to reaem% deIIKNCK'd bIANDRAICI; PALLS cure tick, lieadachn, 111 , 1 , 1 all diaorder• ibeYor, indicated by sallow Jan, aoatc I Maim canlyeatya, drawykleck sad a pnoral learn; 01 wayvlneel sad aml t. ibiOwin4 that thZ Uyur is is I torpid or aba.ri rd In short, thaw I lii 1141A9 be need with ad • tern In all cerce whnu a purgatlvo or &town anmllaine a reitere,L, can uh Itpr Sebenak's Mandrake ride,' 44+4 °Lorna that the tyro Ilkeareare ce the Doctor are Oh the ‘ eterap-4.4 when In the last mita ent.ntuilkloa, and the ether la hid prostota health, SJ'd Ly eil Deeteette sod 'Were. Pea 13 ants per Lim miss to. OfNee. No. Lt. Non& 11th Bsreet, reticlelph's, Pa. ',mere Amentat Ii mw Berm & II Park Row Now Yerx 8. 8. Mum, NM WIN lit“ or Md. John u. Pad. eor. et Dyad. and Woi. , au! 8 . Cine muter, Ohio; & TeAor, IE4 sal VA W5lllllO Avevea. Claw.% !IL . Conine Oroilial, southwest corm I+ NANO mud Vg6e Mb MOth A ,-, tio,ii A)(; V. Tin': IVO it 1.1) AS . , 1 ON 1S111.1) AT TIIE +v0:1,1 , 41,11 11,,,tutmn, ,1,1.4.1 1 the Great Antrobt v int. Mt Jr 016 if A. put.. i GO. oft.. r..v....1. ... crett Ito nimiNt .flyer !then'. *nil reillorieu to iiiiiipi n e 4 o ifitiue who from .Iteertil Plieldll Vatilidrifillied vflisoleik to love. lone of relation. and friende. Will .f MOW y. &to,. Wow morose ot t pnnotnt. tithth,,,,9,. b.:moor Mop tong es.teentell. Niro; information note rerittite rib, alit frfetoie or 'mere. reidli/00 told Ow 110114 , 11 drfild'rlYi telt. you ilia bilethere you silo beef qualified 1.0001411 e and In Velldt 1/011 Will he 10'44 td4.• .ee e *o , teueee *needy unitithery end tette you th. very Orly tea will merry. rtiVea yon the name, like nes. lied tharenterteiine of tiro lieriiiiii, vise trio. your yell thottyhti, no.l by her nttrinvt enbereeturel nowore inteeit the dub used filddeit Mysteries of the haunt. From lilt .tar.. We see in the Orollinitillt... tilo monde *Ante thin overcome or protlotniitete in the ceollittiratien from the Report* tied porttione of th. pinions end the Axed eters in the heaven, at tiortituo of birth, rho deduce. flie future fIPIOM3I .- Or MOO. Vail not to native!' the foretell Aetrelenist on meth it mete you but a ttifitt, awl you may ties •tusitia have ito rototablo no e nnortunity. Conettitetinii tut with Moults* and ail duairstd information. Si • Piati** lIVOOI 10 it diatom* tan rtunotit tb. Mattoon , by mai , with • quid safely nod gitiataimon tit Outflow' vna snit in person A fall and .11.11.11 chart. written old. with ail hiquittra anovimi and Okamoto °Wound. salt by mail on tea ipi of iiii.iit Minna matittotturt,— Tha ottittaat man y tititi is wthatalatati mid tin Ow tuntynntiontin fawned Of 4001,411451. ROTOYOOCOO Of Ai the itilimin order futainAmitiaota shwa Mom.— Write MaillY Me r'llay at twapoo too year in willoO you Ivor* b0c0,04410414. . It of Moir Add,.,., ' oiANAiog 11. . 11100, fob II lif-II Y. o.pooloor $ AI% N. Y. nimommt. *oo* 0114701NWPOW MW 00 1 / 1 1111 OP *UCY. flowir4 t.snrla nb , rne "Toupin URI ow MP ritimiVPlP .411111 I*. and Hip IPPON ANUSISS mai *Nob flo•troy 11w ivalal powefo, etPlllO IsopodOwinlo to MAIM %OK, WIiP mum await, io 1.1 I m 04401 111 oPotell lootror ro- Wallow. Otto of ohoto.. AO4rfis 1/11. J. 1 11 1611.1.114 Hi silly' 11 VC Howard Association, Pliiiailolyblr, 11% JUMP A. NWT -1.4. HAPPINESS OR MISERY. Thu with's. of youthful lostilier.;l6ll7 110 4 1,0 Y 4 blo INN;lnurs. ruliso; hiloptimporl• Nr PIN lot Niljnym.,;;;; lishrthine ud INN pilirmot b44limps and vial. 11. 1111$ IN itiliery ;hut by Um llinoly usu ;Id Mu lung Mud mad &sinful ruusonly Beil's Specific Pills, Inn may Meaner bl. nenbli, Viand Ildniecnre nn de hey In nolo,/ Hilo remold,. It nevem •prrdy roily, ali4 will ;moll PITIVII n vino In tll eIIIPPO fit Onsdin d i W. m b 11wlr•inm. l Ybyalrml Mid Norl/1 . 1111 Ikhlluy 111114 firrlllllBllllollloo or Ins winery mann. bsus• Al I. dynyed by u•isi nom It i• .1111ruly v 0.011410 and nimulnos and no fame, .1f dint id neer•wry whllot sidian thaw. Niro i Ind Whir psi butt Mull by DriFigiolo 111.11.11111 y. 1.1 yip/I,p wher, 2 111.1 cnnnnl bn prmurdil I will read thous by 511.11 0001.4111 611.1 0.1 . 515 it 1.11 ol 145 sagnipoy. .%difirrs,+. J. nityn 5, "I. U. dig blindb• WAS Scw• Ynns, unfair and tooliacctiail circulate will Cc rent to Itiliallequell (nosof rharlo. La. J. PLIVSIcIAN 819 Bro.tows), hew Turk, Uivar r Pii I At. TR P.AI'SM:I O .I. In nif..ase. or Semi. Inn, S.-euai. Urwary and Nervous Ltb...a.a.. in Innis or 6 . 111141+1 A OM% N'Attr, and tome poll/4411er ST/UV/MY url.4FlimNTIAt. I u Gatertainvm. will crud mt private and man iletiltal wildfire fru of acre, otol :or In came a taiuuule it. utter oti etllllll4l Weakttrae, by Ltr. . M 0.... int/ page:* le LA bits wilt *Plot my rriyam Circular with Anatomical ...:naravince fret of charge. and roe SO i elite a valuable bi pa John flancay ei.t* tolonot tom nom entirrui diva on ail einuecla n r in -1,/,..11 10 the ora. 0 AMES. Your attention I, etillo I to* thq OtWot eel( At' 10010 rt 110 . 410 0 rvrt I.IIOOWII (r the removal ternhetruett one eon nerungeinent♦ incident 1.1 lOU tottittir stl. Dr. Harvey's CH HON 0 Tit Fat MAL VEMALF.PILLS, have been utool Cur upward* It" •riu*i UMW With tinvaryinx rorre.o. Tifry kW a. nptini fur a❑ ord. Miry (linen and tovet' Calf fa their uctiutt it to WO th Dr. Haevey's GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS Fmk: DOLLARS t Pre Intentitti rtof OP.TIIII Vitfwe requiring wore Power ful tLlelifellso, a buy urn four arrow.. xtrenp+•r th, o Ilse ornioxry kleJ stud lan harialtou uud rebook!. if ye a r cannot get them of your drnsglo4 I win rand tho Ho by ' , turn n '4ll, fttiml.pittei and sects,* Kum 14 f'S at if.ll lilt rarctyt of tba uumry. I uni al.o nr 1141 !111 I ItuwAted and i.'ofllidsl.lila it tiha No Ladle, on ditioltrktioot. Aohtrooe J. Mt var. +I . de. v‘w N °TICE. Tbry public prn ben-hp noliged that the following to K. %II oin Contr. Town PIM!. WOO Mild on the 't !At 0$ I Wolter. INV). and ptin abia.u.l by the itiolootenA, rou I • int!, rLoVV. A NblttAll 444,1,..p.werg0itp. Nov, fi, IMVL .1 I • J. BRIJ W t, [Gr. Main d Irtl,l „Os. '; „ow cir,r,ots to t!t , At: qty t , rork, O' Sp it ING ((JU[)S cal ,Iging in piitt of 8 fait lion of MOW, WOOL & RAG CARPETS. Pine hr 11:d (11r.i11.44 10, tnni. canto fiord onto tore Au thooto or NI , NtterelAohdionlitoog. ItoWu*• and Priot. nr yarrow,' owl mires, tll..hrfied hot' t+rown *NORIO, I.tiltuf. rminal eurovii mod BALN,ORAL SKIRTS. G o od oworino lit of Lollies and children.* Mw, and Rom w. Freon Grocerira and Oinkna. %kw naaortment of Glass and QUPelisiVare. Et- Vc., I ltn+•varet in om• half And one %trot... N o % in tho eittio In make yollf 9 , V 0 . 11,11111 , m I nm 11111th. $ll vrry low prwoo and 'mtunlin j, lair 6/fling to ull , au i 11.4 tiv any,. 141,0. t filoommoirg, April au bita. St)l. 1 1!; 1) 11'S 11011 T AND N 11101: Wro' BE, orrinii re THE Eriii:ol' %I. C111:10:11,1 On Main Street, Bloomsburg. Tho othsrtitwr CAP* ptsa+ltrr itt itittiotttivitto to o lam th,htt f v. amt t• to Wily, that Itt. has tar:** and tin. ationrtutPut BOOTS AND SHOES, for Whet+ nod aentlomen'r wear. to rail all retries. Ilia rote vv.,* ta of the best quality, awl It w the most relianlo loanuthetorera ; he tellig a Ptitilrni orkuirti and a 'nod judge of 4. 4.1 4 .SLog lio la not !Moly to 1w iiiipotoot upon by reviving watililos4 material !may wail. up. 'now alit Ilona in bis Idle wnold do well to &Ivo him a tali. Wort ptilvitaoing otoowlwra. Ito act!. a GOOD ARTICLE, and cl prieNt to otit porch 4.'l*. All irevoto4 t ho &o w. light or heavy wi vk made to tri.ter ran he aremlimilikte IP. enlaliii4+llll,o rci ♦Lit, lug wit! 1w done with ohm 'Mi. and drop itch, o tit mi.,' *moot of Lhdwo tlichtt and Mites Yluu•a nu baud. A. $1 )1,1.i pt if A. la" 7. N MV CLYCHIN AND GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE THE iiinfersigned resiweiffillu rinnfitmeer In his fount: frienne that h. ha opened a nen Clothing nun *knifemen's Furnishing More, lit the miser r 0111 ul the Hui I 111414 Ituthitint. southeast murtoa of Mufti and Market Vise f to, hininmturs. INvingjust /theca front rhiladelpt• r with a tarn amok of Fall nista %Vinare. Clothing 0,0 Foroioir oft Good*. kr . ALe 11« net. hos himself thst he COO pieat4e Lti. Hie *lock cow prise* MEN S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, turf' he bit Lss cons, SACK COATS, ‘Nr e V, UM/EMMA DRAtt'ICK& CoLLins, coLlotßs. HOSIERY. SU , PENDERF, fIANIIKERCIIIEFS WIRREI.LAS. 4•C . and in fact everythioa in toe Clothing or Furnistiing loop at Tem Low Ileicea. In addition to the above he hex an elegant Resort went or (lathes, Cassimers, and Vesting s. re 1.3415144 wade to miter at the ohothert natio ca;) pire pal `it ekerA nem alul :41;:t II 1; tiabbill" tiNN. J. W. CIICUPEOIAN. amober BUSINESS CHAT. which way with yaw boodle. ea' wool 1 011 my woy home, ait ; 1 have got ran. for toy oil Wnlti,ol t.. apia; Wall Slung, if it is a fair question, whose did you Fn 40011 0, at V 4014 '3 Who le 0 thst Near MA 101PV Mr, t tell you it pay. to get eordina dna* there. ItAier cards for a et., yeti you 111111 bring your wens. s has ea built Wit ant. rhino. and got new 41,110 OIL D»54.11 , 1 PO it tin prow roils we woo therk. as ho is Wisdom his tutodillsV himself this assatto Na any*, lor Yo. iirroonmada lion for e di/dodo. it thoy Novo wont ont atAttie, of Ow 140,114 t )t,01040010,, the .ate will h. litton tint to. A too. their Cloth foe tel flog Morino and dressing!. oiter ei year., sin.* June 184. Vow* his Woo Wady at the burnoose, with one teenier pito, Vo ups and donuts in hie ptic.s. Bich and peat an served *like. raceme tent (Unwiring, in Mt. Pleitaint Time ship, Cr 'UMW& comity. camps tititez. Alliust,l4. GO TO BROWiiiiTo BUY YOUR awanigag. ,„..; • DUR.,IIt UTION OP OOPARTMER- .. Gm Th. OM or P 4001,10 TR 6 PIM , 1 1/01bliP'•1111060. rolrnd by nohuil er.nePot P. A PIM% WIWI. II R. rrnlo boii by WWI lied tit•Fillo the buo* ....In bin Mil bison. P. A. !Nut% nAvio rpm mamma I NM I WILL emeilnue to Ikm WHOLIRSALI DRUG 4 Ntn MP.WrI%R IGISINMI MAAUPAI.TUR INU P . M OWIA VI lbp hid Ow. No. Menklin girt.% under '6l num* nod nbrlP eir DAVID IL PutlTt, Anms.i I. VOL IaIIIIIJEL EVERETT WITH HERTZLER di GUION I 11414mm* AND DEALLON IN WINES AND LIQU ORS. NO. 114 WALNUT EMT, AM./ NO. In GRAM STP ERTL HARRY HEIM/LPL GIRO, A. GLIIUM, Alaimo 7. 111117. sAMUI434 M. V ET ERT N NRY SURGEON, OBANGEVILLIF:, PA. I t 1 IM. ttnat all kinds of diaarapea that kin , r fiaah is hair tii. and *kora *Alan. i t , a u eytr, u o c i kar s c alliav in toted in dei hours or no pay, August 7, Idn7. 14 1 IXECUTRIX S NOTICE. ESTATE 41' J Acne KERN& FICHMOCIIIM Twp.. Danceitn %older' i 0 10 0 70°4 Pivot that lettern the .i.tgie of / ;web kerns, dr•ro reed. late. • of Fhhing Up eh town ohlp, tWing hiis l'onstiy, have been tont ed by the hi et 40t 01 read t Punt) to Meribah K. rod 0," tee ider Io onitt it it : and a il pt wool 100,t0 log If! 0 to. pgptooll nw 1 11 4 1, era f 0 quota* ato prepen lle•iti In the r /I , i ot (IX ilof P 0.114 01.111, :Ind those know tug th mordker to ind• bled It ill wake narusent, MkkIMAN ltiLlthh. Eih vitae August 2eq. 1067, 3 1EIVERS9 Newly Iniprowed CRESCENT SCALE OVERRTRUNG PIANOS, ArKll4 OIN LEIDUIII Lri DE 1 II K I.nniMst Prizq Wiled end bigliedi inward@ in Am r ice evrei kl./..iou. and perlind lai Plonno. 140. 7dl ill' II ATRIA:I' April PP, 11.7-Itn Ucli,% PM P1111.A.. EXCHANGE ELSTAUHANt Tilt^ Proorwitir bsoinX renovatod 1104 /tatted to, IMATAUR A VI% In tith liattAuttiti or tile EXCHANGE HOTEL, hr Wtoild most re.pertfolly ps.licit a coot um awn or lilt' PM t..c.utr his Ohl I UptiMiWne. 1-41/1.111,1141 t.tlW Ulf .4 to h.s leti,,itu t ilto aY 11/11 , 11i : 1, OYSTPRS, •• CANNED OYSTERS stir, IS OVPTE,IIIO. YRFaill Fl 4 ll. /1111111011111 W littpr thief, pm' 11. 1 111 ANTI LUG.. TRIPII 1:01.011.1VA loo , t or LIQ )it 8 AN 1.) CIO ARs. n f=v-t , " Can tA , derto'Cd up to ctottni.rts at 4 whim ei uraac, in V t 111 0!' , 46 %TV sTrwl,n, cum') rßten. Oft RiSY =I Joao r. cloo.ow. 111,01.611 re. Automt 1.41. BY TIIE 01 , • CIIASTELLAR'S White Liquid Enamel, Far Imaroosona nit(' 8,3111 inn, the r'nh'platian, Wart %Windt.. en. •te ir Cif...#.)ll'ooo j0.....rnr Riving the hcalototol, pcml.lOlte loaf that la may rooms in plata. II anock.y Tan 'rcr k Ivy. Pt 10.11ra 111.1 rh0.... Moo It NW nary Fraptimon and imooiritten of the akin h i nolly healing the *HOW Ain whole and clear an Mahn. ter • Ilu dvtMebSiti h 1 lilf. rlonent •orrll LOY. ili,ettolab , .. preparation in peri..,ll ) it Ya ille ~,4 1 y 'mkt.. of the kind 14.geel 11ir r•clirii. afoot in conneotereot by the Parinian R. in 1111.pankible to p prtp rl 0.10 rpwipy.f. of 10.000 Wool., tore nab, Moo .los pant roar. a natileies.l goluranoce ot lin efficacy. NO. only 73 rent. Scoot toy onail, pant pato, of an nr•ler- etttiElt. Mll'3l & , rhemt•ta. reit i —I y .1./ Hover So Troy. al V. NI.'IIIIT,AT.ACCO AND U wear H. IL Hnneberger, Agent, Main Street te/rne the American limo, XLOONtirittßa s PA, K« , 10 nn bend and rorokth-o to the home and Colltl try trio«. nt Phi'mlembin (lowool) priooo, FINE ET AND PLUG TOBAITO 4 , 1111HFUITle ANID lit I ()awn SiIIARSI all kiwis al trootklon Erhart.., throlEa ntaerartmon end iiri'ir W,4,4 ripe., and all "guile.. pertaintme In the inner. rn trade, Odra w 0 ,14 do, writ to giVro him 1. esti in tend id •rndtnnto the rifles OE their oh.Pii • or to.• haaton toe o' tray , hen pedlars lie stemlime rnhatnntir on - hand No supply al 4 R flash TOFFEES, TEAS,SEG MOLASSE 4 , I 4. r, Pspp, s. Spires. Bic , tire , nil of which he *Orr,. Mean ntr rn.h or country pristutnr October 21 151.7. EACITFRS' INSTITUTES. An am hr the Levi...mute nr Penhoyivanth. 111(4,11 Oth thl of Aprti. We:. mit '10.41. A Ftlittp*r rt,ploputrol ton* Art (, fit , f•ichlut tan hihi twain ot x Pv•tent I:duration Chtumou Bch htl4. Ike *mart. b. CUT d. That the enmity Pulwrintetni o nt o f .41th roomy to Mi. rototitottwentth it barony nation nod t gutted mica In oath vont. at own Mao and plan as ha. nr n DroP,'IY authorised Committoo Of 4 . 4 4 6 , 41.16,, tiering pito Mims owe Opetif 1110.5 4 4 4141V 4 4114 501 to roll anon and tactile the 'Nacho , * of slot r7otii. nom Schools at.ti mart loom!lion* of learning in his roost y. to sesettiltio fOifetlior and Oralltiao theta. felVr . into 4 T• 4 l4there'llo4lll4lto. to be devoted to the iiiipr ,, voinont of Tear:hors in OW 6,11 4 0c4 4 and art of t 411. 1 ,411011.114001 to condone In 041 4 1 4 614141 at least Ave day*, $4 Itl( a ins for going to, and a half a 414 y for ro,r,. iog Wont the dlarre i t meeting." ace„ 3. Provide*: o That all tomtits 01 Director* may sllon the teacher* In 1144 it ronoloy thu forty ti ga of ettettditt; the r With" tll, making any #4.4.1 , 1101) from their saboy mid that any touchcr who absents 11111i•telf from tile Ingituto of Ina roan. ty. wittwat a Mont 04444464 , 41 11144 Y have his Olaf 4I" profe**ional *pint and 24'41 ht a tower mark on his c. nigh ate in the potttiee nt tanatung. than ha wanldotbarwtse have t0 4 464%631." In 1601111 W above cited art of Iraantlitv the to. c berg of life t'unon.,n orttoola. mutt 01114 4 4 1114 01111114 M h of knitting in ' County, Aro here. t tucited to it-oe.ottle 14 the purpose sh o ve "'Oile d . in the Halt al the nutlitina at the 8 o m• to g sty Initltoto, at t‘inialiabont uu Mtrtit AY. too MA lit at lit We ark A to itty. .1 P. Ikl.‘f'4ll.lllllo. Pnpurinlsm.ent , 11 C. 11111400 1. 4 4 1t4 , 4 1 16 of t eittioylitoolo. two other anon nt «data* to 6. sill b. in attsitgoine to *ll4rass lb Institut .„ CHAS. ta. 8 tan,. Y. Ottoloq 23. tali; atugl "CZ. TIES DERB bUTrB NEW DRUG STORE, -in.t. Sprit n ..u.l eifvwvty Li., S. 11,41,Tonie nn.l l'l.lmtilm. Americanlint , ite. .caret. 11 K CONlrtsUNit WILD I:11E0y syttrp, phi," Win, or Stan. p,e, o griptama anr•!Cuily tam pnntltled nil Winn{ ti:7. Nom, aver roopETVIT Cu*LA* $lOl.OlOO. 1. 1(.4111411111.11.'t . 9. itita• NEW MILLINERY GOODS Mn. MARV HIRMAV toll.o ploh.nre In Annann; Inv In the eitis..n• of itilw,mrditifi Rn.l voquity tint oho haliJuoi roßlamloßod inn Creel, lArio Anti ol Fall and if Isle, NlLS!atilt 4005 11 1 1 AI lor obi *Nod. nu MTh, P reins. In Sloninthitri *hp ',mi.,' the ppriebil ourntINIII the plait'. In hor stork. Glro WI A Cull balm, portharing elerwtwre Uct.9. 11107.-4 w. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I.ortoro of Admisiotrolloo on rho ',lore Of flootoo W. l'olool. oar , of Moron Toorniihip trolorohr* County. dreriorol, Olio* bmiopronto" b il tiro Rotl.wr of wrid roomy tr. DAltio 4 lrt orlrorr o rioorlat It Telwg plop, All. worm II too* siOrrist i em ilh' 014 •111 o f rho *wood Min pfsVoolll - 11100 We . orromiihrlro. rot for irolltoroorn and Woo 10 ebilolo will mall hillavalitpi issowatoWt ' NAOMI. ITIOPILUIErr 1 11116 eit aa rt. On. O, utrt.•4lll, AM oppoinig a largo and %et, plecle4l.intit of Drug* and , P. int.. two, Gliwo. 144, tuff. VArssl4ltoo. 1.4111 pd lean Colslll.llol Oa, I thi uktypi. . 1 ,4 taw variety or 1'1%0.4 AND PAVeY Ati ittolv driest f dr^ taurbtrd propetintoiso Wilder. .110 re .111)R ICE WITIII3I .... I. -11 6 . , . . kTroptirirt. A. 6, BIMONSitt -PA IV 9 AL . Moe, 2edfleet in KO% NO*. bolll the 9Reeheemt . 9 - All bottom tolOt* **111.140 hi *Of ta*ft. M tr lilt proloptootii toot oileth biiiiethowii. Ina riotilessA phatime delay. ( 1 141/1-!3. MOM 619. HOOP IHEHITIL °Sao ♦vat. T. liarKiXs, '•Oar Ors Ago:* After illeofP than I've years oaperierins bill raprrl meaner ta ur.. umarlafartera of wrllll7lll.Y t INWt qv Ai.rrif woo? NII IK'M. we ~f fer earJlM', hole 'braked tondo lu merrloanto end Ow publie in MI , OnsiNdsoos of 'Owl, ateporteelly over all la Wi American market. ant thoy ere in ackaaarladrd by rill who *sofa, do al la ',bop Si shay figaa wore not I.fartlap lama any Mbar !kW• and reamtearad then , In "prey r"olloot• lleadera In liana skirts shoal. labia a nolo of Ibis rant. *vary lady arha hen ant elven larch Is ohuMlddn at. wittinr.tfurtbrr dslar Ilhir anorrteralat rnahrneo4 svery stylo, hoisth so sow lor 4IM*O. Milner and Chddrea. Also, d'art. MAP?, alltrod end Are far .•11nykine cowl' Woke," sod bn oot elocol% See ilea the loiter -II" is *omit on the lap between r rh briesp, and that they Ira *tamped .0 , 1 'l'. lIIIPKINP. Menufeeteree. flee Arch otraot, ?bile de I pain " upon no It !nye. No Micro iris erosion. Also, cearthally no hands full Ilan at iroad Na for I. and Kaatera Marla fakir°, Si rely law pried Wbodenale and Retail, At thP PHILADELPHIA Hal? /KIR r migniihrior 141111 E'llpOr 111111 . Nn, *Aga SHIM Plalisylelphia. IA it T '4UVKINS. Orr .1,, 'EW MILLINERY GOODS AND FANCY TIIIMM I NOB. The, n1'0040041 Woo tertpretffilly informs her Li dt rholawre. end Use, pubite in atetwpil. that she hit Pig nA'4lml to 14,1 , tiready latgr and Muhl OM= dicta of ?AI V MiIitIIERVGOOI) A NEW All ?PIN, wet, .nd Dist#ffully sPlecte4 Orr. preaent and coluitts **mum. Der NM NONNI: AND DAT* ar.^ ralcu.rite4 to solo) Dm land In place and mistily. fide MS ♦varythlul found float thoo Millinery & Fancy stare 4 and to 'kilo opined oelia het geode upon the inest eremble tiers Give her I asll and eiterairre her r etirett of gigolo. LIZZIE ISAANIII,rt, rTling. :dein 68/.1 It October v 3, - Whim 014.340411 r cANARY IJIRE)S FANVY I CAGES FOR SALE. The uaSsnigaeJ Were far see a tat Of be tt: Canary Birds and Fancy gag ClinAP rAtlll The Oietto are of the best si beauty they are not curplocsoti by th Olud ALOO, %kb robe:tribe( tr desuotte of tw', rutkeys, Ducks and Chicken in large MU, small pilltititirit. tar the fail ant alt. inutitat, for w bleb ha i elb i eay ltral peke.. bitildhig, Mitts eitto , L Weber 23, WO. ttleattob ,4, LADIES' Estrtur *Tab! %T J 301% PAREIRVi Ciid tionut.i.rj Flttt stnnotiirtory, N 0.7 1. ARrit i t ER above 7th. VIII 1, 11tELPHIA ;i ns I+ol. thy owlt ti portiotitis aft maauta,lar.. URI 4.10.1 awl WSW toniltifitt sPleottoho 4.1* MUM! for I and WPMr in the City. dtod n Onr n.rort.oolll 01 I . :PMI'S EH I,llo'ven And %Mut, 'wood to dispo.o .4 my Mroair et very retteer Mo. hirer, end t wm.l4 ihrreMte milled at: i feat my fund• 4•I C01..114 444 vicYO iy. ntinotnba. the Nam*. Number and Sweet! jthiN PARElith. 110.710 SRO, St libovtlth. loath o, , ta etntta'a. tri- I HA% t: sl* cc:twitTM wee* cot 41111 MMII , MIP. IN Putmitemyitt,i, cidehte j lett7 —4113. N ;OAL yA AR The utt.l.PaigroPft f4l) , l . rtrotty Intorno* the eitiredi nr tliminisbers and CuWinkel enemy , thm /my ke t it the eittereitt ttootrette of etot e twirl un defected coal Ai* sari 'bier pitimesee. nn taw wheal, *.t i t ma ft s %frK,,,tv y, 10,41 ISt 00'1$ Far letro ; Wit!, II lOW pit I f Bittritio malt* nh the tr, helix* weigh eiiiil,hay and *trim tilte oei• n ham 41,0 writ nn. t.i deilver teal t,, 'MOON Nttuo4: re it. Ag wnpitreliimie a loran alnngnt of roil. we retettri to keep * or art KN. trod telt At ttet yory,L r- est*Wes. Pier*. call and examine (.tr }i:nu:tree beton! neeehaetniieterwbere. J. W. liEllitiElidifirr; ALlGUeras mAtIOX. 11 , 11 F. iont l ,trsfirtted will take. la excharlim for end nr o ....rie* the firiirrwilig named a titans : Vlwitt, Rvexarit. 041,4, PotittfUtP. knrd. hon.aboal der. euA tiriti meat, nutter. Wig* itay, &c„ at itte trigNem rarb pricer, n t hi 9 Gemety Sore., euljPining th. or emit ynr4l. .1 W 11ENDE8rucrr. Bkoolufbull. h pit IL 11106.-1 y 1t v 1 & SHIPMAN, PRACTICAL ROUSE AND sign Painters and raper Bangers, BLOOMSBURG, PA Flavin" had a long atwrir.nem in the *hove trard• th-y frf•Mipft/tlUliy .Aker their OPlVitee to the .v 414 of atntuh.hnrg and andrrounding ea la. try. rh, , t tre , t to do AI) kinds or Hotta. elth stet* Notting, Poor U. tirratithe (Htthttig.Yretetholg, nod eft rk belonging to the Pa to Hog (I'7 tpitero et ID yr Anil HI the OHM Holm Alley et 1 the Kkeltkoke HOWL 1.. V. thrter'd Drag there, and . ktnyder4 turd war° Wow writ he rrhoitAlt atianded 10. BlootasburA, A thrust 7. WC. N E'V GOODS ! NEW 'GOODS MP puwie eanuiti twat is mad that U. W. CREASY & Co'. have conntantiy on bond IDE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN LIGHT STREETi All Itln JO or geed Goode I'HRAP for roeb ur coon try produce. H. W. CIiCASY 4 Ca. IdQbl dirret. Vu•. A. lein E XTRA WHEAT FI,OUR, AND PEED, OF KINDS roe, sm.c CII Lir BV U. W 403Bilei elootaribura. July In. IDD EtV BAKERY AND CONEEe. J. lIONERY :-ErilasusavJolltiatitlaumano,2 031 THIRD PITREET, . *BLOW litdooftsittlio, J. r. rnX. Prop, rotor of thin ,tabilahment, woai , rp•pretrotly Inhoor his old and now cualowore. that h has rverythiog glued up at his new prond to en. AO. him in tarnish thorn oath 11 1 11EAMOLIKES, AK I/ 1:1 IV!' /V."l II s: lIKA, s IttrelolOM rr 11. bile maid. arrangetnalilla fn lbs situ of +lolell. wit 0 vi ni. Croolua Who hoops a CUlllettjtin• ory defEctly THE -EXUHANGE BUILDINGS," wit• re inqPnllll de,i MIN tread can bu accommodate., all 37 iirifartei all oerune. who have keno Ituralote .1 wish Afr. r hart. aid Porter. by trio wholf, half .1r .plartor harm!, tail upon W111414,A011 oil 4VI V., al hi. rliaiiroo la hived' block, Main Street% oho hoe Ife ,, tl 11.11111111110 I by tit under o llll lo 4 to urn tit. , emu , . 11. coo ionoll) , have a simply no Pam, it Will will la. otlit at rho loworit millet vales. Mr. r .h.. Iu emolooo Nithhis Ihikery end Cue, swingy fitted up rr...ui• ter in rala.of I 4 E 3 11l KE % .11 , to .11 who only Mirror him with 111411 C WINO I' le OM prep feed I.44pirku led Vreaus to Mutt fomplir flee ral o.o{lll orilali •or Wall, 17 1 17 7 0 IN V*. 411 tfln nny b'. IR. pertaining 110 ills IWO 4 bu li mic' silt rergrociirefut and ilitteent Ile I. No 1.6 bls rualostier: vora, and moo curilleloy solicits a oust MO .4111 P • , April 7., 1067. DR. W. M,ORAOLIRY, ckfek Uleetitst U.i. Aimy4 aka. kse, Entki, mow. 14=4,0001 .441.441110110
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