Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, November 20, 1867, Image 2

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WIM. U. JACOBY, Editor.
Wedncsshiy, Nov. SO, MI.
P. M. esvirrong4.& M.• 37 PRA RIM ltfrov York
ar•( 1 10111/ 11111110111 Mi On pnlien mud ■nhrr rlp•
tlono be lkoorral 4 Afar, put/•
owl cl w o o.ahu v., 17nhi tub le foxosty,
There are such accounts reaching us from
the SOSlib as fully establish hi the minds of
all candid men, the fact that those noror
tuaate creatures, the negroes, are, since
their emancipation, fast relapsing into the
idolatrous prautioeo of their native land. We
allu Ic to the watter with no partisan object,
for, viewing the negro us a partially irre
sponsible human being, and the creature
which is being ground to powder betwixt'
the upper milletoue of a civil war and the
nether millstone et' radical reeonstruetion,
our sympathies are, to some extent, with
him; and all our abhor,ence is for thy c
whose measures of "reform" are having
the effect or destroying him as an intel
ligent being. Freedom, with the negro,
means license; and we appeal to any intel .
ligunt soldier serving with the northern
armies in the south to say whether or not,
in the contraband camps ouch rites awl
ceremoniea were not practived by the blacks as
were shocking to any man having a spark of
resod Attiliiialimil;y!w4 efdnettion. Now
th_,t 110•". if - r t
Out wore boldly, A correspondent of the
~l ; /c writing from 31imissippi, speaking er
flw fold orgies of the,
There :are several various species, awl as
to .my different ceremonies. One tins.; 1 , 4 , tr ,
its detrion to daueing a wild dance, to wit
ness which eau .es a shudder ; another ehpis
in forming a large ling around a priest,
who sits tote• a cauldron sad boils 114.015,
he mutters in an nra:iproeialde late
gu tirea , onte jargon or gopher words to Whit h
the disciples of the new faith listen in fear
vol trembling ; but then there are .o malty
(lift : mutt utoluA and sects, and their fultis
%ary so much, that it is impossible fire
to give an intelligible and adequate exp.,si
tion, and therefore, I will not attempt, to
pursue the sul t ieet further.'l'ontot •••
County, in the northeastern pint of the
.Btnte is said to have ha -t more of its Tit': iIY
population relapse into its barbarism tiro)
any other county in the South The sr r•
Aiti•ffi prty.ails there so generally, alai
its such au all absorldtte, albeontroliite:
t'tcnct over the negro popr,!...tion that all
no has 14i andoned entirel.,, and the
edieine men, as the priests are cLiled, hold
tl eit perpetual oart,ivalt. the celebration of
igiotts rites interlining. with ad retmlar
.tontdoytuent, and tl farms going to wreck
tt , , a consequence.
While the negrues were under control 01
the whites, prectivcs were lbrld•ldeu
I.l•Klei revere 1.• t$ ion! were earakd
• uly in the inoa sCert.t plat et: W.. 1,,
11,0 n iil4l,Vll t rat c.t tl,e heeditlen . m
reau the li3alt of day FAMIS to be pre , -
- titutti - tr - tho - purrwr. ernf - thia unholy idola
try. it tLc cluito.T.m world woke 3 note.
NO .11.111 1.11 WllO.
The recent rltetimi ; indicates that
r eopk of' the Not th haw deter), itosi to
defeat any candidate tier the Presidency who
will Ey upon a platform containing an en
dorsement of the Couto essional Alibarn Lin
of Southern Reconstruction. The country
cannot bear the ignotamy which would at
tach to its history, if tca k obit ,
were to be placed under the dbutiniett
four millions of Negroes. No matter r h
nary be ih eon lidot.o who consen t s : t:, run
upon a platform e n dorsing this enormity, he
will be baton by the most °rem heltnitor
vote ever cast ag.tinst an aspirant, for public
office. Military prestige, statesmanship,
money, official patronage, nothing under
the sun. eau tm ye the omeince of the party
that endorses Negro Suffrage. In these
times, men are nothing, principles every
thing. The people have given the Radicals
timely warning. «iii they heed it ?
tiaT. Wu call the attention of the one
hundred nr mare citizens of Columbia
County who were arrested and draped
from their homes in August, l'ett'el, by the
military authorities, awl Indeed in the dun
geons of Fortlfiffjin, tn an art inle in another
column or our paper. where it is proposed to
take weisures to obtain redress. The out
runs which the victims of a tyrannical 'gov
ernment' suffered are not to be forgotten,
nu! wa hope rior f' , 4ends here who sof-
I slow; with the oppd4red
•eo!i,ias, n.- ,
01 A..' th.'iu minions of iikeal r that
though the day of retribi,tion it
is nevertheless sure to come,
oir On the 21 of Netanber thr , rn.i will
appear a new tqlper in Ikalaine?, (-dim
the / ) id:, ,Flute Corral, in the iiite.ut
the Republican party. The proprietor, v
.1. Robley llunglimin, Wein Kirney, ntri
Lori li2Unllan, all 111 the.confidence of their
party. Forney's Peevs nays: "The want
of a lirst-class doily Radical Journal in the
capital of our State, devoted to the interest
of no ring in faction, but to the maintenance
of' the great principles of the Radical I.4iien
party, hap long been felt. - This is a slap at
tha flcirian whip runs the NO' Tekyorrh,
The new enterprise has ~rna.3 backers and
is likely to be succeed'''.
The election Ibr ,Mayor and other municipal
officers or the city Y ork, rig be
held cu Tuesday RieJoilmi" Two
invade emididarca for th. 3 3.l3yoralty have
been placed in nomination—JOHN T. Hort%
MA.N, the present isicumhei , t, by the Tam
minty wing, and FrmsANDo WOW) by the
Mewl wing. As the Democratic majmit)
in the city on the lth inst., was larger, by
o:er two to one, thin the *hole ILiieil
vote, thhi division in the party cu weal
qneatiouir l exposes them to no danger of a
to The Demo Navy have a majority of
four on joint ballot in the .Yaw York State
Legislature. Willy thr that. NOW'
units will so to work and repeat of the
obnoxious taws passed by the Itadkial
latuto last whiter.
The teachers of Columbia County meet
neat Monday the Vith inst., in the hall of
the /1/oonuiturty Literary Institute building,
to organise en institute under the law as
enacted last winter.
The exercises during the week will con.
Riot of lectures esaays &o. intended to give
instruction to teaohern They will be bow•
ever of a character to intetost all persons of
literary instructions, while the touchers will
secure important ideas of their labors and
duties, the educational spirit of the con e
munity way be fully awakened, and we
doubt not every one who attends will ro.
ceive full compensation for time so spent.
No teacher in the County should fail to at
tend, lie who attempts to engage in any
pursuit should use every opportnnityafford•
cd to become Inure and more Porfout in the
work of his occupation. Skill in any call
ing of life secures to the individual honor
end profit ; and skill cannot be acquired
without action and thought.
The law requires an Leeitutc, and though
it dues net absolutely compel the attendance
of teachers, yet it plainly makes his attend
a duty. lie who avoids the institute, is by
the law wade lower in grade in his profess
ion. Columbia County has a body ot' teach
ers who by their work may form an insti
tute equaled by none in the state ; and such
should be their desire.
Wendell PlMllpi on Grant.
On Tuesday of last week, the ''Friends
of Freedom," which means the Radical
abolitionists, had a meeting, at Kennet
41, 1 ea r ,.., (looter County, to considtw the
.0 ;) , A ,M , Sr7 et;"'Pr er to
tied huhips, whodelircrel st
ecy , and conservatism. He oppost. , the
nomination of neral Grant hot' President,
!t; a's i tut on this subject
Mr Phillips said he l.:01 no enmity to
wards General Grunt, but he was do( idedly
eppmed to placing a man in the position of
Pit,ident of the Hoke,' States wh n aa , st
Gott ins were unknown. He pleaded for
re ~t doubt. and did not tr;;nt to
e uu. i:: relit p , '01,10 cheated the reel rnd
tone. G ono "i liwitnt was a Pewnerat and
I.Vm , t Pointer, two elements ths,t, have
t arot.; loath : a radierl. roil when you add to
that that he lat-sed threttch the war, and
has never , boon the unmistake hie catishascc.
and tint-spoken and impulsive sympathy
with this Ishotiect with which you and l ate
identiOed, it is a doubtful care. Ido not
meats in arty Criti , '6ll4 to hurt General
aniust to hito, I claim the right of
an Anoli , an citizen, Lefore be takes the
rein , of p,ott r. to know whore he moat's to
d Aopirm, 1 hav eumbel t 'i
ces public mitt. with whom 1 Iwo. tom , in
(—comet, who knows General tiraot persmo
ally and intiiti ',o h% but I brvo never yet
tound the titan who would undertake to say
of his own knowledge, that General tl ran t
was a radical in his tiett , .. of the future pol
icy of this country.
Phidits and hi , friends need not be ntittaa:,
about their nomination of General Grant
Amp the New York election he
td,addo t ,a wi:11 a tort -fiat
Itet - t" 6ur onier realer will re
memb:r of - falling Stara," in the
y e ar I':; . 'lh.o. di , ;flay wai the tno:4
"cognition , . the 4 iod er , -..r known. On
, th , rt.
Jatiou of the ram,: Lin
her„: t.c4* 11 14 oielrt
and 5 morning. ''he
papers various parts of the ...outcry
are full of aeez, ,,, Sae:nit:le and other
wise, the plietionsanna. We extract
front the repcut of do: wattlit„r at the Dud
ley ()1 mervatory, VII any. Neu Yolk.
The ~ „ re',.ttest num). r 1.,%1 A. M.,
when forty.tevon were omitted in a Fingle
"Monte. IMring the, !klakinultu of f , •efeteney,
rnatrtititttva •••;), cr eight would hung nut
sincdt,ineously, making one of the grand
ett flights we have aver wituo-e.d. Mom
foor in five o'clock twelve hundred had
noticed, but it is re-tuned a large f nuiho
useaped 4,6ervatnni. the total "lumbar
counted, up to 6 A M., tcas thirteen hun
dred end one, and from that hour until sun
rise only a few brilliant ones were observed.
Wt. Po tit LS AT TI! E INSTI ft TE. —We
have, been d that Prof. Henry Car
ver intend , ataaoliogfim, valeatie 1 4, .;
to those of his students who tualo tat
greatest advaoetei in their studies, at the
close of the Bloentsburg Institute, on the
rth of :Hominy next. Ttiey will ho given
to thOAt who have PM& the greatest profi
eleney in the following et , alrie-, viz :
I. (nn position,
3. Penmanship,
4. Reading.
l'itov. CAR% rn destrveti credit Icr le
willingnces and energy which he ,limpittym in
developit re the r.. , c,•4.7 intellect of the ettur
t /V, nig pirr,rfc
A:y lora: fro
nneslrupli, and the ii+ing gerierati'm will
reh.tnit. r hint with ratitn;lc.
Purnisit tzt!sc.--Wo an: , in
of this topitiar Lady's Magazine for
December. It is ;t sph ndid number. With
twn steel t - ngrat Inntomoth fashion
pat tern in Berne wa g b, and
w ai : fifty wood eat, of hi - aiding awl other
patt,irn., and lute fashion.. Tho Publisher
say., that, in Peterson's Magazine
had 7)1',1 nltl'll/0 then all 114 other
Ladi,4' No / v.44mA (onti.nifti. — We do not
wonder tit this, for it really gives MORE FOR
stories arc by the rely best writers and are
written originally for "Peterson." The
mammoth colored fashions are the newest
and latest, the Principal Editor having gone
nut to Paris to secure patterns in advance.
About a thousand pages of reading will he
given in istie, when the Magazine will be
greatly improve& The terms will however
remain ho, dollars a year to single sub.
scribers. To clubs it is cheaper still, viz :
five copies for $B.OO, eight eopiesfor $12.00,
or fourteen copies flir $20.00: astonish4tgly
kw. To every person getting up a dab (at
these rates,) the Publisher will send on ex.
Ira eop g t patis. ti4politiros sent (if' written
for) to Y isliieg to gt t np clubs. Ad.
dress, postpaid. VUARLES J. Prrtstteorf,
3oei Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
'IV II Ar A fill 7 IMTIFACIIMENT ?--Congreva
wanta to inipeaph the President; but, in
the uman•thue, the people, by their votes at
the late elections, hayelippettehed Congres:
Who is going to be tried gm "bigh orioles
and mindommon r—Rtailing Gm*,
We heartily agree with the proposition
that citizens who have been patented,
banished, or thrown into hostiles by the
, Lincoln despotism should meet in the eity
Yorktheof Feb l
of New on 2 2 d Febr uary-- h is
Mlle day ! to organize a society whose pm--
pose will be the vindication of law and ilia.
ice, end the prosecution of the infamous
tools of the accused tyranny under which
Ithe country groaned for km long and weary
I years. The day of justice, thank Heaven !
is coming, when the wrong shall be righted,
and the pimps and spies, and petty thieves
and radical house-breakers will receive
their deserts. If law isi ever again to be re
spouted in this land, these ready instruments
of a law-breaking, Constitution4violating
baten must he dragged before the courts
and made examples for all coming time.
We are glad to sec that ex-Senator
of New Setsey, has come out earnestly in
support of' the proposition, and in the hold.
manly and fearless style. so characteristic of
the man, exposes some of theatmeities per.
petrated during the Ittign of Terror. Ile
suggests the society, to be organised on
the 2241 of February, should be called "77te
Confrotreat're o f mots Pawnees from bl o c
Lincoln 11,m16 , 4."
In his latter on tfais su bje c t, Mr. Well
itieturco the tortures, m.natal and physical,
to which pri,a , otrtt in the Lincoln Doodles
were subjected, at. fellows :
"Then will be made nianifest, to a A n ti.
tieriug commun ity, how political prisoners,
when they acre dying, were refused the
consolations of religion, and even the press.
once of their near relatiteo, ho ortltattmt or
tien, of William fi, Setsard then, as new,
4 , r ro`,,iny . define; nin*.•
thrust into rk dungeons, several feet me
der water, daoh, with green mould, 'tit rod>
for toads to vendor in,' and there confined
for days a Atom light or tire. with nothing
to l i tt,heb the thirst but stinking watt
Then, too, will be stem how men imprison
' ed without cause or accusation, loot their
; reason beneath the terrors of stab impris
onment, at el died raving maniacs within
the, walls that were intended to he the
, b u l war ks of th e nation's safety and liberty,
hurt were turned into bastiles to l,ile frost
the world the victims of the political prrse
, cations of Limit, anti his astoeiateo Then
; will be dtea h sed b o w orders went forth front
' t h e office of the So t '. tart' of State and
promulgated in every prionner'seed "That
t he eni plo g i nent of entitled would be COll
- an sg, - ;Tas tool f their cases, and
itt every instancy would sol t iect the parte
who was hold enough to hoed it to much
heig- if11111;*"Alli , 4It: * * *
the 4 .merier:n people bare only
I'dotest remcption of the fiendish cruelties
-harmful onoagrs and indi g nities to a hid;
state pri.t.a,crs were sul,jtsarsi, either by
the ditisa orderAof the Lincoln government.
or by it s i;141 od nen ,rieseemcinnotpunishing
the authors when diselosed. This insolence
d' power and attlistions cruelty will all WNW
bare through the age n cy or the areintino
we have named. There is consolation in the
feet that :; , 111.h tyi ratty bus alwal s its Neme=sis
behind it,
`the eternal law,
That where gait is, sorrow shall iitwer
; tlo-tie.• to the eoilty ; justiee as. a warn
'l,g to w•ai:•1 t y rants : itistiry tt roi
; dent for future. thec•,--tnisi,whr“ oratit
L this irwhat we, must have. for law plat
n•mrr l,u kreture if the violators of
ciur ecnopirators against the
the • willies and plotters
a. do.; pettnitt 41 to
ap• TrAti,ti .on-t he punished it vie
would ls• r—that treason of
whiefl `~tatitan and lJ o h 240 diVit P.swriates
I in erinie have been guilty— treason against
the tight, of citizens- -treason that trunftleti
down law, and at the tinkle of a bell con
,'signed Boots:olds of American fro onen to
the thingenn or to exile. We 41311 reach the
real traitor, yet, if they don't stet nut of the
way in time. By all ierans, then, let "The
Confruternaty of State Prisoners from the
Lincoln Bastilts" be Jrganiztal.—Xsol
TYE. lokOY * . *u ['Ott Pyt
This i% a lumber—and a magnifi
cant ono. The Stet I Engraving called "THE
11APPiim Tom. — is a beatv.ifui nod charm
ing deA,rt. and executed in beantiful style.
The Sti ti Hate, "TYE Immootrat,Cvmscx,"
also ea pressly engraved for this iliarivirie.
W.l touch a solemn but joyful chord in every
heart. Both of these Steel Engravings are
of the very first quality in every resp. et,
Then we have n handsomely Colored Engrav
ing o r n and Pin-cushion:"
and after this the usual refined tool elegant
Double-Page Fashion hate, finely engraved
on Steel nit a mere tithograaph or wood
engraving- Then follows a timber of wood
engravings illustrative of the Fashions,
Needle-Work, ►acs.. with the usual piece of
Nusie, worth of itsels the rest of the book.
Te, - b;„ I Lee
a wonnoi 11:,dHer was,,, by Ezzabeib ; "German by K B.
Ripley : The Oil Maid, - a Pneta by
Fhweneo Perey : "Preserl•al Flowers
"Iti:-illq-ion; tar 11.(ry nr the Mill and they
enuntt: . • Maria," "Flow,a: Stand and
V:ee," Editorials, &e, ke.
Er indocemunts in the way of Pre
mittts. fqe., are promised to new subscribers
?hid Otir frilrrg jhr a pnapie copy.
confab/hying thcsc liberal tprs. Sample
copies will be sent for fifteen tents.
Paice (with engraving) t 2.59 a year
Four copies (with one magravi ni: i $6.00.
One copy or Lady's Friend an I one of
Saturday Evening Post (and ono engraving).
$4.00. Address Deacon & Peteraon, 319
Walnut Sired, Philadelphia.
Conyro ,, s meets on Tleirsday next.
The Lump wll talw up th e "ni l _
and strand the whole session to no good
purpose either to the country or tho black
gentleman. "Impeachment" is still talked
about in certain circles, but not inn very
menacing manner. The people at the late
elections "impeached Congress
CONSrtnAcr IN VlnovetA.--A
negro plot to kill certain white and colored
wen who voted the conservative ticket has,
it i reported, boon discovered near Lynch
burg. Va. The negroea in Mecklinburg
and the adjoining counties are said !oho de
bating within their secret ancients; whether
ter nett they ylutuld seize the lands on the lat
or January they aro not then given to
them by , Congresq. Weal delegates are
pricing 'hop to take thirbbds, sod very few
=groat will jeittr out fiu. wa ell.
iymni 4,1 opho Mum)
The lexecistiok Onreal SPerresey.
The execution of Neal Devaney, for the
murder of his wik. Catharine Devaney, in
the woods at linaleton, on Wednesday night,
July 24, 1867, took place in the yard of the
minty Jeff in thin borough, yesterday No
vemer 12th, Devaney was a young man,
apparently shout 20 or 21 years of age, of
passable intelligent look for one in his con
dition, with the effects or close confinement
somewhat apparent, but would not have im
pressed one* a character utter* depraved
and so tlatisly rained with crime. But that
he was guilty of the crime for which he wan
tried and executed, there was not the slight.
est doubt from the beginning to the eml of
the tragedy. Our readers will remember
published at the time, the story of their
voyage to a strange Wel. how a young and
tioitly wife took the lit of her hard earn
ings to pay the passage, the selftdenial that
induced her to engage as a domestics on their
arrival at Ntw York until her husband
should urocore employment in Ilarleton,
his criminal intimacy whit another shortly
atter he arrived there; the letters that pass.
ci between them during their separation;
his request for her to meet him at Easton,
his want of money to pay their way to this
?amity, her willingness to perform the jour
kry o n foot, his revelations in regard to the
girl he contemplated marrying. awl his fears
respecting his own safety should his previ
ens marriage become known among his ac ,
, l ordatetc.oee awl rt. 0.0 1;1 4 , be ?a.?
his strange coroltrt nn tfir fads and their
mached there on Tuesday. She stop
ped at the house of John MeKelt y Cath
arine confided the secret of her troubles to
Mrs. MeKeivy. On Wednesday' she met
her husband persuading her to meet
hiin near the Catholic church that night.—
Mrs McKelry, knowins that Neal was en
ga:,..refi to be married on the following Stuidv.
urged the true wife not to go. She went
however and never returned alive. MeKO
vy and wife made their suspicions ktauvn,
but Devaney nets not arrested until Friday
afternoon ; and immediately following his
arrest searrb Ulajt: for the wissoly WU'
wan and
near where she bad promised to meet her
hosbatitl. • thottit vats cut as with a
sharp itostn.m. a: itrarLs were upon her
breast as though shot of some (lost:Option
bud struck without penetrating the skin.—
In her trunk were tbund letters written by
people in Hazleton for Devaney to her in
which he calls her siuter, which agreed with
the statement she had made to Mrs. MeKti
ty about their agreeing, on their arrival in
New York, to pass as brother and sister.
thinking it would facilitate her chance fur
procuring empioyment.
ras found upon the coat. rest, bat
hatelkerohief Devanoy. atl,ool
- ! for this by saying that his nose bad tat it
bleeding. lie denied being married, or
ever hating seen the deceased. He wt. s
lodged in cottitty :ail on Saturday, do •!. 7th
111 1.: TRIM
On the assembling (tithe coat t on Thur.--
day. the sth day of September. the ptis - mer
WAS placed upon trial. The DiAritt Attor
ney, 4,istt 3 by MesArs. IL:Art nil. and lit gam
conducted the I+m-4:tition ; W, G. Ward,
of S Tatum! and Messrs. Odatruc and
Mahon the defence. The evidence in the
caw was purely eircerostaotial, and pretty
difficult to come at as everything Catharine
Decatwy had told Mrs. McKelvy. with the
exeeption of :ovine, her name, was derided
not c ri,kn At an d rul e d ont. On Friday
afternoon the Judge charged the
The officers of the Court were tiltliowneti
early in the evening by the Court Matte
bell, and by the time the Jury was ready to
enter, every foot of space was eccupyed by
an anxious and nervottt audience. The
Jury was admitted and every sound hushed.
A. expected a verdict of
was pronouneetl, after which the prisoner
was eAindttet?l to his veil. On Saturday
of the law was pronounced sifter the usual
tmestimt "Have you anything to say why
mtence of death bhould not ho passed upon
you ?" After an iutcrval of 511ence Devaney
replied :
"I newt committed the Prime. tarn
a child u n born they sold toe for
mom, ti twat who said he ssw site worth
in, toy if, tit t.:rw toe. I ta"...r i,{54
that mart is toy lifer
Judge Conytutham asked, ''SV'to , re '6 the
Catharine Devaney , you wrote to ?-
`'t don't know," replied the pt isnot
crineitm vomiderable entharramicnt.
Whoa: were you that Weilims, lay night?
- I eat my supper about eight o'clock and
wont up stairs to bed. Owen Ward came
home drunk that night and didn't see nie. -
"flow do you aceouut for the blood found
on you?"
"My nose bleeds very Lad, and I went
them to wash myself."
After repented asfert ions of his innoeenee,
he was interrupteb by the Judge who pro.
cetiled to pronounce the sentence of the
Court. When finished Devaney : "1
think that's it brutal fan, and willing to
r. l %sill sec bind, but they liztY , ! sold
thefr souls. I hit ye nothing to say niei,
the low, but these who swore we away will
never we tied, but I will and mu g lad of it."
Potaney putted the last night of hi,
earthly existence comparetvely quiet and
undisturbed Rev. Father Fitssinunenn, of
the Mundt of the Immaculate Conseption.
his spiritual adviser, was with hint a abort
was cloudy, cold and diungreable, with ocea
sinusl spirts of snow• The streets presented
a lively appeamnee quite early in the day,
many coming to town thinking to hear cr
see something of the execution, end it being
Court week numbers were here on bueiness.
lather Fitzsimmons was with the xissan
during a Shinn iii . it: The
Sheriff and Deputy were ineemently
tuned fur ticket/ or oulinierion to the jail
yard, but caul duet, &mime, accommodate
all nor the quarter of those who sought ad
for the execution were completed in the
morning. The sumo gallows upon which
Wiley Peered the penalty of the law, for a
like offence, in March last, was used on this
Wyoming Veteran Zouare.s were out by
direction of the sheriff. They turned out at
9 o'clock in the morning, formed on the.
Square. went through guarilmounting, and
during the execution, guards were stationed
in and outside the jail yard.
The crowd was donne just about the jail
and yard was full of ettriousaight-seers, At
0441 o'ulta the prisoner R 44 brought to the
scaffold, the German Catholic Priest ascend
ed first, followed by Father Fitzsimmons,
both chanting the pmpur service. Then the
prisoner, a mere boy in appearance, bolding
a small gold cross in his right hand at on
which his eyes were fixed, Sheriff Van
Leer and ErSheriffiCoons ;Talking on either
side, and his counsel following..
Devaney's step was firm and his bearing
unconcerned. After a short service lie
spoke a few words furgising the Judge, the
Sheriff, theJwy, the District Attorney and
every body. but ono witness against hint and
he forgave hint too. Ile admitted his guilt.
nese ntterling t;;;,!:, ,v;;of bin' and
the rope hnvioe been adjusted hastily, the
drop fen nt fire minott poi. one, Th. ,
hoot ,=upped behind find death wo-, not sud
drn, althouzli hetraTol.ll bnt 14th'. A
quiver ran Oil 0101 his frame and all W3'
rill;Ct• 11 1G minutes he was cot down,
Drs. Wagner and Bolkley pronounced him
dead. Tiff: crowd dispersed and the -
ry disarmed.
The buoy was given in charge to the un
dcrtukcr and the rare show was over.
Neal Devaney was borne in the North of
lreland ; came to this country a year ago.--
Ills r. a widow, still lives in the old
country. Ile had no relations in this coup
try except two uncles livite: near Hazleton,
which doubtless indttecd him to seek that
place after landing in New York,
Yesterday be sliNied his shackles. which
it appears were rather !urge for him. The,-
were humedi replaced for others more
se e m-, It i,,, don't lid if any attempt at
escape was contemplated tlay he seemed
pretty well rec0n.44,41 to fh:o, and all
hope of any extension of life entirely gone.
He spoke of slipping his shackles as a go o d
joke, Pining the latter days of his life he
seemed pleased to tee visitors, and was quite
He seemed inclined to make confession of
all he knew concerning the murder, but was
constrained therefrom by direction of his
spiritual adviser. Poring his confinement.
froth before and after his trial. in fact nn fa
within a week or so of the ese , ottion he
strongly asserted his innocence; but as the
da. (lieu near- and the eilanet of tilt'
grew daily IMP, he remarked that he bad no
nicncls ! )y him, and it was about ai
we'll to let things take their course, and
although not 10.1bliely admitting his guilt,
his innocence was not insisted upon with
anything ilk,: t h e. same %Tilt:menet) shown
during the surlier part or his imprisonment.
The hollowing, perporting to be Devaney's
confession. was the streets on the
morning +•t' the execution. It wasdelivered
to imilkey Shevlin, the evening belhre.
W as born In ('m in ty` Ihmegal, in north of
1i and ; way, 21 years of age hint March ;
don't know the exact date of my birth ;
cannel read or write ; labored on a
titrm un
til I left for AnterivA; reached here Sept
18. A. After landing we concluded that it
would be be.ter fbr her to remain in the
city, while I should go to my 'datives, near
Hazleton, we the being nearly out of mote).
There 1 became acquainted with Mary Cal
laghan, from my own cr ;Amy. Daring this
time I continued to arise. to my wife in New
York Mary's friends found out that I had
been marriad in even then *hey
cleared use to marry her. I %tote to my
raise to meet the at Fli,t.„ll , I failed to
her there a.' arranged, but rust her ut
Mauch Chunk ; walked to Penn Haven ;
took the cars to Hazleton a n d talked the
whole matter over. On the road from
Mauch Chunk to Penn Haven I proposed
to tdu ii If. but ,h e wooto not v.ment it;
it. Artr r this I was reArly crazy with
trouble. and 1 told lily wire that she had
Mauch Chunk and stay
till Friday. She started, but the eaes not
going through :Ito got off the train. `Than
she omit to Mrs. %Achy's in Ikeeton.--
I „ct her next day; in the evenint I took
her bark into the woode ; said nothing al om
killing her until I got her there, and oat
than till 1 shot her. Even alter being shot
iu the breast, she would have escaped from
the effects of the bulk, if I had not attack
ed her immediately with a knife and cut her
throat. The knife I got from her a short
time before. I did not use a razor. as stated
by souse. It was . be,twecn ,S and 0 o'clock.
I then returned to near my uncle's where I
boarded, and stayed around the garden un
til booming; then went into the hint .%
I alum: committed the murder. Patrick
Ilooincy, the girl's cousin, whom I accused
had nothing whatever to do with it. I want
the public to know this before I ant execu
ted. 1 tun sorry I committed the murder,
and 1 heron to be forgiven. I ant now pre.
pared to die. his
ber number of thin valuable end practical
fernier's paper is received. It is filled with
:nformation for farmers, and the pre4ent
number contains a full report of the New
York and other State and County fairs. It
is the cheapest paper extent, costing only 4 1
a year, (lower in clubs,) and by sending your
subscription now for ISO, you will get the
last two mouths of this year free. Address
John Tumor, Put Usher and Proprietor,
&theater, Nor Yak.
- - moms.
0611 E AND 121 FOi SALE.
.....".• Wil; h. mill 11 Wrote , Pal, a Timer;
NI mill kin% rimmed nil $llll, Noll lialinind
. mileeele iite.veltun lunar Sher Minx 1114 f
1061,1,in. & rii .in Minnin.b.irli. The h.' l l" if' a
in w 14 , 4 w, hoodhl. rwn Amin., Monk whit callow,
and wrll Annthril. The Int IN of grind lemon en
reiletil ennalllow. mid 11001 011110011 %Mt evrty de
wrlptinn ol choice coat, All nerrigoirt oulbaillitnin
nee rrerird The Winn wlll lir lunar Illirrnt, mini
inwl tile elm ror forth nr Nirtil idol ` inq me 111
thin odlrn, Nlnv. rl, 1-4.
It. wipes, Dentist,
tattoos teeth withnot pain Oa wily nielliNl. It
imint:wan* liarnifrips and 1 , 4 n u ts 11 ed
411th 01,0 ti punt s. All home iiiia of
ibi i iiim,v iiii , iiiiiiit to In ilia Wept
alio .iitot opprov-il tit)lii.
R4Ol/1/Hlter and tonirtl, utw door 'ilia nt Evan.'
Mania, ettnrc. Mitoreshistil, %..r. - 13. Wit.
in th
111LRATIe bate:anal of the
t*,. 415. 1172/134129
rwiti oveh4o•Prred lip in every 400 anti at ail
hour With all the (45e7 "Sates" found in Oral
class tit Oa.
XX Ain trtn.trotty nn head, together Pitts chsire
Lignorp of 4 terry bond.
litprttPing in rip.i , p rrtier shout tido tlni. , on.
non tly sont 1448 tolorated, Cep in gni And tug eptoon
in rlpnu npni
gipottionuri6 rtno, 1111
ettltiKart , Asti I AtAltßii trentr.l
vvilh the , trumci ..irtry by 1.10 % 10 4 ,11. 1). I lok1;4
ft;fd A. 1114 rly ol Ley eon, Ifullawi; "4
Are!' Ofirtl. Phil:1 , 11004c T.. -.1101.0 14
Wood Oinbie 'Miro . , to till) , 1.1714 country rxn bn 101 , 41
Itioxf , y at. MY
1141 , 11.41'i 0ti , .4t0, a. 1,114, 1w v«atria in hie
NnAirr 111.'1 A !, litti•rtod pal 0,
Nit t t, ,trgel' , r Nov. t 3,
hrttrr! of A tittli . ii.tratto” rn thr rotttn rf
riox r. r ~
t:at'a r , r.lia! , Rop; ; ,,,r
4`,t' Cr: qua
or 14 rlt fl
%.•f. , ;1. .1111} , A 1 . pl 1... v •
:tiettb,l !Wt.' tirN f ••••0;.
...710141i 10 1b".1 , a / ' r •
I! SO the t•.7•!:W.! tit , i• - :`talv 4.:ll.itreat 1.1
/*KAI , U.FISHi.tL
MI UHL; It Ei '
In Ism
PLAIN AND 11114 • CANDir.s
or aii kind. to sett the
h2)cn ,
A su DrAl Eas
i:xcharie MN*. 111 , Intrebutg, P 4
onAscrg, Lcuoro, umAsp, PRi•vi
CITRON. 1108, 001.L,r4. &c.,
by a.irnfY.
W. 7. ~!fi
11:1:1VAT. OF Fllllll l ,l
0/00400112 , 04 PZMNA.
The iiiihorriher hag the , 3 ,0 ;11
COW w with add tits:
Groceries and Dry-Goodst,
bfie ri'sr , n. ni ISO 01414.1,u:1 ,and
winds. 1110`11. (01 b.f WM 01 ;111y 111 , 01er {t) ;10 1
nI +OP t' -'m:
ths 0.0 k 1-101,1100 Of tha beat varlr Off of
rt..o fifv•
1110 if S. ,fb 10:11r 60.10,11
10 !STUN A `‘ , B Urfiftft. ACKE.bri.
4I• &.• V.lll E$ *t.c.., talrißl t',
ttA L 6. LI %SUED
0100 A nice to , nttinint of Drt nnado unit ilr”orri.
pee c. tttti Vnri , t! or annth. 4.r the atmv.• and
I.Dia. Its ndsi,linn u. which II:, has recebtly
fbief.,l b tivc . .. ns.lrlintlnt of
in which variety oP gnmhi hfl bnv fi , Veral flaw
,orlith, »r' uu. d••rd 0.% eq,l imi, emen4iro•ily
e here kin) Na. i+t 1:0.0 f IMO It de 11 , 1" ,
He ahu ut file v:‘; of
French Moroccoes ;
and a1. , 1 More , do Lining* Pit Sanemanat%
worn ; 13 , tafg 80114101.1 n
QUIT 11•Wil re .
COT IlMt ri Matti and Iron 4trectz
\nv 10, 1:417.
Irtv vitt.* of $.011.0v writ,t irwaeel nut of thr rOocf
Or eOlIOOC•11 of olnutlitz t ton r t OP• tfir , rt.ol
fl to fn,«. at Inn $ Welt", in
n0., 00 .,0 04 ,.. 00 1440.10 y, tit,* 24 day or
w /lt Sit I o'CIOCk to Iric oftcrnotit.tho ,!ttt•
Sd' /fled penp..oly. l , f
0,. tv.o 0010,n two. or 00441 of 1..04 tviot
sn+l hetott in the t wil s h por J 4 kwo.t, ift ti.oi`. ataxy
of roStioiol.l Not of P0nt,„0,..9.t .53 olio
of 1 4 01 reomo.,,i on 0 9.0 ••C s
Pit d/c !Or' qt . -- Pe k«r an ;
tyre «P/its SACldes of .I•CoOt • tt,/ldfdd
inv • , /Cf•II fits ~r Ic/ , —//o• s. sod 4.51/;•0
land hcIIIO 104 /./dic /It the t • N••••41p. r /stay aO-1
ptA., h•ouotra ew latovr4 : 1 4.0140.4itt nt
tt rp.l 'Ot td Joist , rhc•cll.ll 4.01011
74 dnr.... /cnl follcy = r po.t :
'WO 1,011,5r.d0, 011•115 13 degccc•• Wcsll
wl./S• C•q ° 1•••••to II /00 4 /0 th , rLo f,nn
1110 a i.htl re to f hr • /51,1'0 it: lit `CPC $O-44 th,
il. - 4`54,4 e«t,
to a toot : 'Iwo& t , w th • won.. north 13 (hp
„ I.s,t in 1 ti;lto ; theory
by lost .4* John Corioitnn twilit -4 cleat...lL, r 4-4
tonsdllsidlti :/sc,fl/01$•Iff for
nett OCltt•- of land awl nilow.oon of sit p y wont l's
rctadn I t r , „ {ro, II•O 1 4 '14 . tdit, • I int I , .Lies
tpitt /mit to isti 4041 550 111 prOporty of WtOttitn
Out .teat 444!«y, 0,4 n Int•trutor of Matta,
All eorlsin tenet rtr worm.' 41" tar* in tho to en
F lop or It.,arioger... thc r ol.obbirl
1 , 3.9110.0 y 1•101,101,) b»ulldnd an 4 1011 , NibOribo
V .1.. on Ltle u..rto joi th y, nn the Nilo
by lb iin of /aeon *no. On ell • *el 01 by I 0 y
jimlif , I tt, ntrd Oil lb. We. , by 1114 I itt
rub/14V, o N toorior ,, d qiirl five
per. 0. r ,,, ;0 1 ,lom lo.exor. , tloll wd to bb roia 1t
(Ito otoperty cf Tboln IN Milks.
A rertein trsot of tend 54;041. in the Tinveabilo
iivtot , . elt bud ( * ono.); 41 dint* hi , 7 1e, ennid rnnteiu
ohnot ono tt ndrod lj• • 0•1 J , ••'• It •11.4! nU4 11 0 .eri , ••*I itY
J• 1 the anon bY tend s'of
nt vnn Ow LOW ( i jett
Vto'l rbil - 1 , 4-r on tin. -.nth land of .1111111.1 Itruglet
Hood on the tve, , t by land ot-elonit not %bid, hp.
• re. t.• 11 fritito , {two. /I banA Ni 14, tbn appu ,
letttlllek4 11 , 4•110.41,141teti and to u.
*old ao the p r ,,i.r.rty or Awillotte I .110 A. athailtls
trawr with the wttl aunvsea ut litho+ lkiihuallu.
thathrl rprtaiu inii Win* toe am"; an M In, or pie,*
of Grmtnd situatit in Brig , tier k fog t atm - tibia
com it y sill Sitior from
nnii tiotindoii bi 13nti or slim '040110.1
loop. , and n half .0 4 1. rn i aw hurlriirrq
beitik imirtiit t n font rrta.•d taken
Mtn ekatiition and NI be 40iti as di* poupt.rty of
elieusual Nitter
A pertain 101 nor erriiiid «honk In the siorniash 01
l ohunh h Colimy, ennotholong twenty IN/
P•et i•u Lowyel Avenel" and eli Is. ins h.., trupe
4 onoth toliret nue Ilialidred end route fret 10 lii aiIMV
whoo , ll a vr. Owl .1 Iwo • tory femw olteelholl
honer with the ■Upurletletwr.. Poiied. taken into
wound to be sold RA int PrOpity of Edw rd
NOVeoober ri. 1047.
• f .
vir than. witunty twatdi.ltotittitynt
Jodie ewe +- ativt At Oytry and Triad (ion
trill Wort et litisitst &set
Prate dad rout* or Ottawa Pies. and 0 n's muttin tbit titith dttlicial District, enstipatud t fealties
of elistobity.Sultivan dad Wymaitift mitt !bit on. I .»M
Pert stet PO" , K lirrteitt, Aneeiettqe , ittee4C , )tem.
his harp 'wird Their prereptdottrinit date the th
day or . itt.l year (limy Liatil it thodahnii eight
tittadyed ado ditty ore It trt tad directed thy holding n
Court eft ler et& Terminer and tietteral Ail dative*.
General Quarter Maartour drib* Pam r comninn iles3
end Orphan's chari in iiinattlyitury $1) ti county et
Volnnit,in = on the flrot Monday. It• Kt; the 2 1 ,i Ow) of
Derainhey nett. t• emulate two toot.
. ..
VoWO' it hereby titer n, L,,, the I'm .;!, , r, th,; ,frefrri
or thr Pence And robot:Wier a 030 roll roomy .1" , 'et .
etebherlitit they be 919 WO I ttete hi their :rrep,. pet,
too tst 10 orrie,r, In the rieree.ett t5(414•14tty with th'-r
r..,.0rda,. litopkwitri.ll4 IttOr grthSt tettlettislWlre to 00
Meow Mous %V talc .o Omit OW. appellate If) bi. ,, C4 , C.
And Ow t.t that Or: hotolit by ttreletteore, to PrOo' tlt' ,
01t4i10 4 tto hriEntrre that it rft or roar tw isrthe j. lor
pew white or eoittllthot to to , t h an etre Cole to p! ,,,, ,1.
eute tOtrrti tot oboli IP jttat.. Jotortt are renheldth re to
pnert , tal io th II nttebitattre,errer,bly.tfrthAr thoirer.
...4.04 , .. ) D0t.41 ttt V tottmttotrit, CO• V th eV fdt} , t..
L. Al iv th the y• orr4 her Ler ~P .' th ,, lrtirri , •Itht
....v.... ) holn,trett and Ili Airy sob en ,n 1 in thy 01..ethAt,
year of the independen , !e of thr reit..., slow, of
A. lei. '', Uo. P 4.. tr. Tint roX4tit'wtiV.3l2. :
ft t 14 l'El, PO:Vitt:R. dote I.
tflooresharg. Weber, 30 ted7.
OFAVP.II-0 bt flartlrr. fink
thstm pplent;" riL , '7.l.
t.t»Yit-h•hn K nrata.
NntrawpKEK -J9rtathan A G , rforr,
(.A1 4W Ir A -Jutob Kantor. Jowl ".'rithvt
CK AMA 114)1t0-Jcbn P Datoon, D W Wertocrtr.
IKE -hurts. K 71 ,, r.
CON V NON 0. ri-prtml: go,let n.
i'K 011; k LIN- 0 : , ..4,104 Anfry,
t ft riti C:Antont,
41 4 1..id7.
AI 'kW IV—tl ~,r 4eG, l ty. Hiram tinker.
XlArgi#l”:- 1..!, p.,rt,t...0 wmtarir
Ni - J 0 ,4 Krut , . r. lows. Mittgts,
MX. Itto.: l .k Otetwra nee..
lkor . 40 e.
At.rskf ,tti qtlet , qt , .
I•..ft..j•ittett 8 iltpolA4 dc./e:/:1 ;:tutekb^u".hitit
11/0/.r/1 J//bl4 t itstt.iay.3may Flritept^ll.
/', s .".o . /tr , •at. t,•—. 3,4,4 r . 114
1 'rt,l•ll.l j) /gum
I•••yrot:tpti., • j/•49
t'etatalitl th•rt ti••ary . l.;
Ow , 1.•,` in 34.• v..— • Prc••••••• Piti«tp Win't42
J111 ,, P.4
Nit n..l,}y,
t.' , ".1•-• tt `sr! e t* :% ,* 2l'•
M,Or. -1••
hotlrr, rtint,,«
le , qter.
14 , 4111,11 , hlow• It o..era.
ISt) itr4.
rlort:tertee tettl4”.:,/41—•
s t ,•ts--/' a r con, 1 4.,a.0 Si tia44 , t, ,hrtt•b 3tt/4
t /,:o/ttrt
nam IVrtvrits
t/i/tttivAtt L %-ss.
rictu,,l-441 nsrn ttas4x. Jnr6Pk'fl.rtmll."
tv*lritiVnt, A= SlSTnxgSa,
%•:,2r,r. 'o44 At• , P
I,votro—Jubn , lnihvetrit c.l.4pbe; , , aleadeat
4 , l:'Atr
CA.; vo h t, 141.14,1 7hvy,,
i.burc ;ul.
Cree* , l John Toomr.: , .
P P-1 , 11 Wtekit , lftrr.
4.1 true, CenTft , For. - er,
- K.•'.. ^, • •-oh V
VI, ,•••• r: ,intt.
Shalt 0;11'1 MM..,
At'mt!) Ahttlter, PArtta,
°r after-. A r•",•?!) hr , /^1 r;ilt , , M2U, I) rid ,14. chettAttftb..l**,
Octobvt '
I .5.401.1 M 1"1/ vs 'o'l't
, p 441 i 11. rt.. • yr Itc,;;;; , r A., if hr.
4 lii towv» . 4!*”.., I'
4 IVri7''rlif p•-• tor r
10 , ,rocrt,,
..4 1;•.• Gr 4 11,r4r1 M11.4:1.
7 :boom 1 , ; - ;•':;11 , 1 s - 1 •
rqq...r r,
r :4 WHIOI , OI.
rir LW. Krita• pr;: en ,c4 l orp.
tl 1Y ul3tl a, % Mlrr . 1 , 990.
is •I'hnlzra^ ,), i.".Bnrlo, .
1:1 ...A 4 = 54..17:44,1
II .14 ajun,
11, 4 1',4• I'.
17 J..r.L. : . • .!1 .; , I; ;•.:• • x,
; • J;;;; • (~• ; ,•• • ; %1;;;. 1 ,.• '1 am t rd.
I . foo” , 1 ti • , :;•••••••;:te3.
t ••••• yr; 1 . IV, AJ1,114.64.0.
$111,41.4• s ;00..4 it
13 At 1... 4..• r v• 3 , t110 1:,11.!4.0.14"
!...I}i4( N 4 r tomorl :ter.
14'14P a .1 4 4 Gr, , rzo 44:rtet
43t TI-111”:th tr.,'Ne.4.r.r 2 t . 4"..t.
Ssitowt tS t;rr ;:. y*,
; a.".0r0
;.sitiottrl 4.' ;;;.;,10
33 'Cr, ~., 1 1v 4'n ye, :^l:rt• 11.—eve. M 4,16
31 Alt 6,1 234,..rr .r sa i44ro it, ~ - Srr•
it lark St; rt. et It: v 4. Ei4 4 nt: G.
32 It; horst: It •;,tt v.. 41vt r r , 1, lirp,t
31 F4trOtit3 S. :•,;44; vr t 1 Pirtel r•tol,
3,S Kilt% 070 ~; v . .I„n i .,
36 V:'nrt Itottat t v rit;
37 I; am Kolrhttrr ve Jute traewr,
31 NI; lt , rt ~ r +l.
3•3 .1•;4414; 14, 'Mani u W 1414 v. Witlldoi ,S; , • , „A•
40 Rn'4" I 1.4 , me a , '..! v.s W.`.1.1 4e, cll..
4' r It. 0 .,..5 . 40 F.., rt.
4: I. H. rt , rn , Se 1t.h.4 141 in.
cly Wept. ;:fli,ti 4.. 13 .44.3t44 1 .
41 IVll r ett: 7 rt.
45 r^raz 141actc4 , y 4 5 6 sr 14448.3.
urg, !')rows 1'44441,
r irrrh #soolllit et CO. yrr J. s.
S ax 1,11.4449 A 4.1,410.4 98 Jt.or oh F. •
Is. ht.t.“ v y.
r!,,arler N. Milk: vs. the •i' n v..:.lr44 nt 430013
S, haul i VII r'•rr
J. 4114 M'r.,-.41 J N)
1..4, 4 ;
; !ter v.; S.+, P i,to..
XI HO: itt ilanp I 4 4 3.144434.
1t.0.4,1'. G. 0.411, r414i4'1 ,
/:rtrt,ir..9.',i,r4r• • t
.11;z 4 i1E C9Lt..11.1:1,
Liwien , In ers 4 4-17.
Gdo los thtistwas Nov ears:
nv C(M) vrn
t: Al I. %V.i, hit INTUt.' To RP.
Tfrogot`GrO ttUGITGArrA, AT' Ito;
Ith. 'OO
th.:4l fll•lll,.::tvatchrs sefirm
4 . 14.11/1 44. 11 1. 4 r'^ h , tt. 250 to peer
499 1.491..... Wine" ooantvi
ao Co" -tivrt O'rW.trhoo.9,3' , to 9
t , " 4 .1991 1119. - .4! rll2 l l ti b Ver... 2 '.l"
3911 41 . 9 , 110 id 1911 4 1 , 41 h s. 1541 in
bo o r;..1,1 44u.. 1.o.! 44040. ILA 1 0 104
Con P. v, now' ng 1-• MI to 41
1.00 lvvv , r 91911.9; 73 to ISO
50 , .1 19 f tetiet t W= t.l) a, 30 to 5.":1a
ono (1..14 l'iiene 4, 4 or SOO
199. r49 , ...914 9, , v r Wat4rws. 30 to Pi
45,0 Hiv.tivg V'r ti T ottv4,. i*.; to :4
S 00~nft' itetO4 p kitt l o. 10 1,0
11114 1114v' sO.OI 'WM rr di gn ,. 4 o on the
Pt, 2.4199 army 94419)41 4 044 04 d c = r,
r Wot n Tor $.O without roghro to vatro I
ti o 3t um. wry, Now York. wirh
to in o i o P4• 4 ' of iho Moore taort. tlici at stork
rort.tiont..N Noting plAaott in roriaai
cote noon go., wog toixad N. t0 r .,,, aim ta n ned ",
tut boot i n It , if entaficato upon t nyowt,,
I' fen orot o rN. oit hi a wotrh worth 1111,000
ar w.O wor4 v.O. The .tintit of 841. of 044 949 U
01.1.0 Witted y.O Z.* the iirtiepa 11441.4 I.oprwiii,
spun oayin-at. rfrina .aivo ieorth. and as no
.otirte 4.0 r inn* 114 to ttnnivti ~1 11 *by certift
n will nt .11,.'a In. i.” , •4 Ilott this Is he tottery.
644 serntaht r..PVVtl l .g4ti u+sic willow...non which
wai b,. v% 0 4 1 1.31 441* wog far. ti.lirttr.
A ring), h. io of ay mail port pos4_,
rtt •'; roe ipt rat ON coot.. fly • Olt St. .*invert fOt
r i or , , ro o 60vani proitiiion ins E. slaty six
111 , 4 14991` V 991419 ., 144.111411.9 re, 1.9. 044 99...d04.1
n+. 14.4149 , r 40. Of* .11 , 014
01c:A .0 tin.•it V. 9.91 ..1 t,,ry 0 4,0 trtgooty it
80 41 lekN , tnstcty C.. 0•30,1 #O,O, ,;.icy 3 • .1 . 1.01r,
°,l Of lbr b a. rimer t. an to 'ha moo
tm wrotipp N t 11011..• root hY Express, with Litt
ar twit an livory. No .b o t tto dissatisiettio4
can pu~si•.lr ortUt Dry as. .I , l3teri
ihr T. Mirlicn ALt u , thiorure.
lei ItToutiway, Yos
Tho p.,11, , ,enr0. having Porl l l l Y duOtioatalkaot haen•
nv hot in .4 io Neltle the hallmico ot *GO ourylitadot
with Tronenyer 44 Columbia County, by the 4th
11 , cenilwr owl?, withdut delay. Thu dog Ina,
eopoeisily it flooded on new, no well an old dayili ,
calm. l'oltect,wo limy 41,, wa ll by cmuplylag Mint
Coo uutico. Uy bider nt'
34,111 V V. IrrIWLER.I
ydowy, 4•4 Cornea .
ilte.t, DAVID YEAGCO., S
W KNICCOMM. elnrk.
Uluutuobutg, OM, 3t). teo,
lice tr ken itnnme 111 'he A 111046411 Haulm AU 411 ,1
*no felt there will he preinpUf stidaddd Id.
1/10411ildri. Uct. ad. DWI