I , 4 rrr + Good health in dometflianimels, is al. ways a matter of primary impurtanm. As bud health in parents, transmits a ten• ceuey to diseam in the offspring, it is portant that every kind of animalswe desire to continue on our fern's Avoid be kept via• emus au►.l h e althy% As domestic animals are a source of hu• mini fuel, it is of greet importance to pre more them in a healthy condition. lfiscast d meat curries its qualities into the stomach of its consumers. it is a serious objection which vegetarians urge against the use of animal loud, that the artificial circumstances in which animals live, and the had treatment they receive, render them unhealthy. As an unhealthy animal dues not consume cued to as good advantage as a well one, it is ceonmuical to mill disease, As comparitivn tuisury and dismnrort at company disease, it is hninann as we:l as vennutuichl, to so , that tin , animals under our mire onjoy as Ihr as possible duir cut ure evinrurb,. Itiaa of these eireumstanves is a , uflivient reason for guarding with scrupulous owe ; the health of the animals we feed ; but %%heti we derive milk from att;mals, it is doubly imptatant that they are kept free from et cry a' q iectionable taint. A sickly cute not only yields a diminished profit, but she yields a r«iekly milk, and siekly in a higher than her ilesit. It' the cow cat; anything that has tstruug tikagret.tge odor, it altaj cars in her Intik if n cow ou'dititiai it titiw, out in her milk. Ti Ow is feverit.h her milk shows it. If she has sores about her, pus may he found in her milk. If she is fed upon dot: Ned or di.e.t•ed food, her milk Silwe ficilvCd from her hod, will be imperrect. It is a:, itupo,•4l,le to male goml milk from bad food, a, to Hoke a good building from rotteu tiniber MILK AM , ONloti .11:1‘ 1; is Pnorsv•- - Poctor I%lntier, a French physician. relates the Case of a man who was afflietA wiih leneral dropsy and a double dropsy of the t hest, accompanied aid] great d:tliculty of breathing and other distresdit;; symptoms. Various remedies had been taken without any 'apparent benefit. Dr. Panlier then prescribed the following treatment. Three cups of milk porridge to be taken each to be followed by eating dry bread and row onions without any drink. This diet was persevered in for thirty days, but Lc fore half this time had elapsed the patient was able to leave his bed. In the fAlowitig month nothing remained but slhrht puiliugi of the Pet and ankles. generous diet was then prescribed, and in another 11u nth a (0111plete cure was effected. fluor. tl.vt los mom Rfovrs.- Euot p;mtfh bit ffeely gyuwn fri,m small pieces of roots ut from the parent. Very few amateluN are aware how easily they may increase their stocks of raspberries, blackberries . , or seedling pears, apples ,quince=, cte., lay shut& pieces of the roots. Early in the spring, scrape the earth away carefully from mound the tree or plant that you to propagate; then,' with u sharp krnik, cut few the Mtn, pleet.'m front an ikwh to three inches long ; tale thew to a piece of well prepared ground, raked smooth on toJ ; lay them on it, at distances of three to six it.- Ghee apart; cover with nu inch deep of clean sand, and then about two inches of peat muck, alight rotten leaf mold. Nearly every piece or root will grow, and in th e full pre , cut you good strong idantA. CI.FAS I I.irr eiMtMENrS.—ltid, PLOW E#l3r , Upon the Wristband.; a n d eo ll ar .., mid dip them in Wiling hot water or ne►% made tudti, and serub thou► will with a brush. Then go °via the dirty and greasy place in the bane. way. Get fresh su d s and wet and brush the whole garment the tight wal , of the cloth. Stretch the sleeves, pritikeits, and pocket boleti, wristbands and rollarti into shape, the same as ironed and put to dry. They will look a , well a. new. —Gen/mourn Mertruph. Ar The benefit derived from frequent rtirring of the surface soil in dry weather, especially if it be of a compact nature, is derived from the admission of air remain ing moisture. Many cultivators think that all that is required of them is to keep the weed from t,row ;De among their plants, and they never stir thee soil except tir this purpose but our Lest cultivators have learn. ed that frequent mowing of the soil is very beneficial t all crops especially itt time of drouth. MENDINu iluottEN WO To half pint or milk put a sufficient rtnnu tity of vineear in order to eurdle it ; sepc r its the curd Erma the whey, and mix the whey with the whites of four eggs, beating the whole well together; when mixed, 'add a little quick lime through a nice until it acquires the consisteney of a paste. With this cement broken vessels (Jr cracks can ho repaired ; it dries quickly, and resists the action of fire and water, Porl.l RV 1%1 N RE. - The pv.)1111(1.1;1: power of the droppings of the homely are very great as compared with ordinary barn yard manure, yet many farmer:, with a re ore or two of 'lbw's, take little or no pains to preserve and apply it to the purpostm of vegetable production. It is an excellent dressing for gardens, and will repay, a hun dred PAL th 9 care aad expense of preser v . ing and applflng it. II V TO SAVE YOUR. Snms.—Pegged bouts, if occasionally dressed with parole- UM between the soles' and upper leather, will not rip. If the soles of hoots or shoes arc dressed with petroleum they resist wet and wear will. The pegs it is said, tat , not affected by dryness after being well satura ted with the liquid. fry- Con% should always he milked rvg ulsrly and clean. =IIIMII I. Never tip your beaver top fine la , ly pa 4 a root lady vittiout ter thin; mace Mr. tfORNEY AT LAW. °Oka set DEMWMAT AND ern MOWN; en SHIVE'S BLOCKS March IL '47. ' mmovianurto PA, ED CHAS. G. BARKLL Y, Attorney of Low, PEOOMMIRO, COLOMBIA CO., PA, 04/oiu thicarnovs rscond OVIt Attdifior vo torv, dectokl door Mono t h e LI change 1640. lAtiounborg. April 17, M. M. TItAUGII, A TTOR EY-AT-L.i W, Bt. 0 0.1/AST ERG. 111. pri (Ace Colin* of Columbia nod adjoining counties. 111. MI outeetnins promptly intended to. inne tl). Mt« I 11. EVANS, Physician and Surgeon, lIAVING located pvrtnanently on Main : 4 tteet. PI,OOII4SBI I IW. Pa., would in form the t ihtili e gehemtly, that he in prilitamt N. atfrthit un buaittasx ftwitituity and putictuitily that pixy he thirthwed lo hi cite, ott terthis commenoit tate with the tithes, Ile pays strict atteatioa to tiutgory as well se 11,0,1 k-tn.., =LEM AIUNCY HOTEL, 11111NCV, I.yrosuing County, N. HUlniON, Proprietor. !liik‘oNilk., 1..11. 100,000 SUING LES & A LARGE LOT I FEN('INC BOA 11 DS NOR sate. The uhtlet,tgaed torero for 11.110 alma the to .,t p.a..aawlita frllllo, of hi* tweep business, iu Ht; AT I Col,A.Mni Aet lUNTV,Oan huatired ttuut• atuti altiuttlea and a farce tot of feuttna boards, ut fhb y beet Wit pine and attack. .1. 4. MattflSKY. Puritan . May 9, M99i., W LC, I) I 4.;' et IN r; The Huth - lota:lied give* waive to the public. getter a!!) thst he is a rat tical WELL Vlti GER., 0 , 4 ig pr, pan .d t,y di,: 0 11 On 14if kit 11.41ce o pun the more traooltat , term« flu has had in Int lung rlpai cure In I 1'1,4 tumarknitic teirrxr 111001 . , tttrhitr an} thin; 4.1011 v 11l boo lint? would du weil to gar !awl u trial. EV11.1.1.111 11 04:ERzt, 141,,,,m4htire June. 12, r. KAIH,EII. Counselor and Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. ►Gantt! titotottnee to hie frtelete ant. the ;beetle in et: 'weal, that he has 1i.1 , 11111+ , 41 the Nociwo of Lon again, coot a }e t tletttg and ell I , Ettti le testa ate steutttptly tottottlett to, CITICE, in II Exchanivi liailding. *venni( Etory oiriq fii.litgodur4. May I, loCi EVERY With the eorTAtu MESS and the printing matetini lie i (impish; Mg it,lii. et y MILO (014 It" boo ewe printing Li ntly, M pe kly 3tel < toe4ply. 1 boy tor xiiiiiiiipir in viiiiiitriiti ion t h at a bow II years Old C3ll ”011, tonnage 1110 largiiiit .irxr. HIS Print< d on.treetwee .41 , pent welt each "thee. enabling the pit. haeil toga et v.ork IA tth on? 4 previiiiiii knowittige 0 OWN ptintieg. A ...MOW contain Jltg Nil deeerigruon, priers, ii-otaitionials, kr , bent Iron to all, Out Specimen shed. PR I N I) or Pe. Cuts, Sm., ton cents. 'I • ADAMS PRESS CO., 26 Ann Strom, NOV YORK. 31nr,11 . E. SAVAG rraclical Waichm3ker and Jeweler. MAIN STREET, (pear the Court House, 111.0031Sill'El;* comstnntly on linod a fine ansontiont or American and Fo taa Watellea,Clotko, Jodetry, ttilvert% toe and rtliemdeleg. Noir:oar attention paid to the repairing of loaf , Watches and Jewelry. Atvotste Marks made to !,r. Alt nark Warranted. Oluum.Nuuil. Aim , 17 lAA. Nzw 'RAINER SROP. Zhu undereigned r.•aprctfuily announce+ that he bas rchitted at whop, Otte door (plow Moyers Drup Store. na the Cultung, Mork. where !Kt is prep Ircd to conduct the barbering oe in nit its IrflaidlVP. The art of coloring whisker* cad nionotathes Is practiced by him moot okillfully. Ile :don cleans clothing, waking theni look homily as voodoo new, tipto. the itiot reasonable terms. Gate him a WO lint,' Tonic of the very bent quality, used cleaning hair, kept conot,ntly on hand, arid for Halo c. t. 01.1,,1N5. ttloomAtirg, Augwt 7, EXTILANI;E HOTEL, 1110031dit,elm, coLUMBIA Cul. NTY, PA The undersigned having , nu m 11141.04 oud lately re lined thiN WeII ,- known Moose, nitunted on MAIN 51 . .. fanned nle , y Ntheeith the Coen thew, n'gp”Ctliilly inb , rinw Lip frrently, and the nondie generally, that Ii ilmiye in 1411 W iu ,order for Uhf Ilccottilliod4tOtt and enterlnirment of irnvelcra. Its has «Rued no naafis in prelonfing iiie rt,ctianPe the entertainment and entufort of hi. gavel,' iiht i1t , (130 is spacious, and enjoys a geed business iuca. lion OMNI run at a'i times between this !louse and the did', tent flittrOfill itepti.to, hr which trattekts will he conveyed to ann tram the rt . :psi:me Stations in due tints to 'nest Ws cats. April la, SD) VES AN I) TIN WA II E A. M. RUPERT, Annontwca to hit many friend,. and nntnerotto t uo thlllterN that he CMOIIIIII , O tibovk iunnnr.r at hie old ploy*: of tiop,itn.rts un MAIN 0111,r1'. 111,00)10. 81 , 14. ilia CtlMMliefs and others call be /11'04114110d thd WWI FANCY STOVES oral), kiarl,,Stoverliptit.Tiakt itre, Bed every article lon o in an we rci l uinind STO 1:1; ' . - AND IN IV AHD INTAHLIbIIAMINTS la the citico. awl OH the moot rea,orialile terms. erotyri NI:, for holism, and h no, will he put up no short *mute. Also, all kind* of repairing none promptly nod noon littoral terms. Ho also keeps nn hand a large supply of Milk Pans, of ditfornitt trises and price. ; aattmsut of rt.bee t t ratettt- Fruit ere sort log Choc Girt' him a call July it% intiti.—tf, 11 , C. 110WEll, has opened u firet•class DOOT, b•DOD, MAT AND CM' STORE. at the old eland on Main Fusin. Moonlitham Ilea Flock I. ocolpOved of the very latest and beat vty . C4l over offered to the citizens of Co iumbis c o mity, He can accommodate UM pablic with the following kilos and at cheap po s e. : glen'a ran fusee, fine, men', kip doable aide, itoytio thild*a booty, Men's glove kid, Congresa, !ten's glove kid thilvaOra( shoes, Men's. women's boys'. and mistime glove kid lasting gaiter a. Women's' glove kids, very line. Wonwn'a fine goat morocco ImllUttradv. Women's men's Morocco and calf slows, Common shoes, Mievia' and vbrpov. Men'a, women`-, miser'. Wye'. and child's ',tippers. tie also keeps a grant variety of FIATS, CAPA, AND STRAW HOODS o f .vpry kind, at hat 10Wegt prices, both tot tab 404 C4lllw , y prortner. itreittetutter the attraction it in our goods. Don't be alarmed at the rry of 40 prirta, but cull atta vet fur yourttives. Iteopettfully. 11. C. HOWER. sepl. 4. Iftl7. Wm. c. mimmccir. Established 1828. G. W. GiRPENTEIp SIENUE V 1k CO, IV HO LES 4 L nil flu GIS TY. 737 Mongol di, one door bi•low Lath, )'gWbt4f Nil, DRUM, MEDICINES, MIMI ICA I,s, PA UNIV. 0110, Gildieql, V ARNIAIII , 3 I I, oyes!, And every other art tele appertaining to t h e business', cnr the hart nnalliy, and at the lowest Market laws. Mara 7.8. 1084, I WILL GU TO ROWilliAll TO IVY lITUODS, it le generally cusraileil that "the rook= Thu theti pro% ;" and that Aphis the ea, is Nairn in int radioing to the public O U 3 A` .1 3 $ WAVIER which is rapidly becoming popular and with this Marktus the bard work of wmthiritt 1a milistood to comfortable and pleasant Omsk. ho clothes are Mooed in hot whim and shut tn. While thus limners. ed and the strum confined. the Muslim is operated QM Mken ObrlVl.. Thor* the work is speodtly. slearly nod rosily done, mid that too without tearing and westing ted the clothes, which to u refit extent is the coos*, under the old tashiuuttd rubbing process With a VAIVEMAL °TIMES WRING Elt, thrl wrwle taint or wughlnt hi but n plett WWI pas war compars,l triththa fornutY mode i,f itt!attis;(4 AND : 1).1K Pit). nn,i swfedn and wrinttlitO. dirt i+ 00 .11.,,,1ived I y the 1101 811E4 that hot little Ertilllvollooll twreoorty 101.41,1411. No 1:111111Y it tli County 111110111,1 'tiro prices trf thew. Macilitww rallige as lallOWO Faially nixs 41"4a10.t. • • • • • $ll 11.40 Sae . . lii Pti ramify .17. e, 70,1 Wringer, r+ ttiin Ito. 14, • • ... • . lit 4'.l bold by L. IL 111:14. AVM. March 17 k. Cu A NFM STOCK OF (MOPS, 41k. TIIE lIIRDWARE TRAK C. IV, SNY DER, BLOOMSBURG, PA., • oh,' OM:* ~ v err nolo ("and in a no , t rhea rinnnig %%W I+ ' IRON, ;nod , OrRINGS and A XIXII PAINTS. u11,r3 and MAAS, GRAIN and 4:R4.0 tIVTUCS, and SYTIIII tIN %lIIS, ORA IN CR ADLEA. IR A ki & KIRBY'S (10113INED \PAVER, liosyrrrEit s CELEBRATI , 3 O PATENT BAI',HOLDEE. AM; THE IMPROVED EIIEHRI7 SEEDER. Al4 l O. I,I‘IOERCEIV:4 Otl. POLISU tit Wnulecd,! and CiVll 111 M A 011.1... Woontrburg, Julie 19, 1.67. ishlladtlphia & Erie Hall Road, suIIMER 111:11 - 1E Tume. TOR,OUC 111 REC tt(HITE BETWEEN NH I. A DELP!! lA, BA LTINME. II AR ISBU W 11,1.1 MbTORT. AND TIM GREAT OIL REGION ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On and MO I)A%'. APRIL :nth, Trump nn110440140n & 140.1,1 will rim 4,4 6/11104 VA n. TR IN frit vat I'hthvb tphla i fNt p Vattianatalland at a, al tt arrive at, Erte 4 fie p. W 1111144 1:X141:4444 leaves PStil+uielllhia l 2 On noun Ndrthatabarland it 44 p. to • '• arrive at Elie 0 44 a, in ELMIRA MAIL le a ve's Philadelphia $ nd 4 I 4 •• Northinnivii:onl 4 l 4 p. Id - - ;twee at lA4'4 lilt v,ii 744 p. in BUFFALO 175 P. leaves lialtitnard In 311 p. on .. Nur tliii otherland 6 te.l a. 111 MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 3,1 25 It n$ Northunde /lend 31 An a. In. •4 • arrive at Philadelphia 7au IA tr. EXP:41:146 Iv/IVII4 I;ria In 13 a. HI karthamheriatia I 03 0, 10 " arrive a rittitttief phi,* Ioop. m. ELMIRA 141.‘11. leave* Look Haven 7 1$ a .• Northumberland 111 Itt t m arrive at Philadelphia A4O p. LA. 11AV ACC. leaves Luck Haven lAU p bortbatuherland S 10 p. at, arrive at Philadelphia 11 An p, Al ail and Expri,a connect with all trains 00 IVAII,REN k FRANKLIN RAILWAY, Pa4eehgerii Iraviug Philadelphia at 44 00 art ive at I rvinetun at a4‘ a 11/4.. and Oa City a , Ad a in . Lem lug Philatlvtplua M., arrive at Oil City at 4 1.3 p, All train* on Warren & Franklin Rails ay make dose rounottion. at Oa City with train,' (ar Prank hound relitri• ItAtill AM; Pl KIS 'IIIRUIIGH.TV LER, Geaeral aup't Loin. JOHN Y. CASIAJW July 11, P.O. SCRANTON ROOK IBINDERY Iluviug *erore.l the sert teen or Mr. It, 7.0.. fir, n ue of the toga Wooers to tot fowl liu th Stat.*, e ore prrUurrd to toroNs to BANKS. IN:Wit:MT. COMPANIES. M EIICU ANTS, MANI:PAC/U(111RA, COAI, OPERATORS. I.II,PEES and others. ‘,llll lII,ANK BOOKS nt veer), description, no short notice, hound in an y style desired, in the snort suhstaistiat ortutner,„ at reasonable Magazines booed, and old books rebound, at New York prices. Orders lett at the elute of the mar pulthshing this advertisaao u ut, or *eel by Express, will be at tended to and returned without oeheversary delay, £.s,kl. HILL. Serainou, Pa., June Ist. 1867.—tf. . NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. 'tits ciiiseua tf Illoomibuta and vicinity are in• formed that N. tl. ntohner has just owned a Mat• class otitterßY AND CONFECTIONAKY wrong. to the ' 6 OlO Robinson stand," lately purchased and titled is , fry hen. It you snore 10 yardman COFFEE, YEA, SUGAR, ISIOI,APPEI SALT. PEPPED, DPICES, ate., ALAI°. VINEGAR,. PLAIN and fancy 50.% Pd. Ts HS ACCO, SEG AHD, S!IeACK Ettg, DAMNS, CANDIES. of evr ry ileseriation. and a Peat variety of 'titer articles, Notion*, Ate., cheaper Men at s ty Mbar re tail eatablithnitat in tins fection, cal arm IS, H. v4TOIIIOIII. Olnrimatitivi, Armlet 7. 007. DENTISTRY. =I ILIC. Il 0 W E R, . 1111R0130111 DIINITIST. II POP bitTPULLIt name Ills profiler INltonal service, to the Indies and gentle men or Illoonseburgand Manny, Ile is prepared to alleod to WI 010 Vil dome opJrallone In the lino or Ids prefeesien.andisprovided mantle) leteet Improved PtaCir.4drie TS/grif; whit b w II bolnomteill on gold.plainCillver and rubber be e to I oidiwull as 'be da t ive, teeth bli , terul plass pit illifrek Mein MititMlbetdred or. 111 ettlf* or f. ratOli 0 oi ttellilly tad prOperlp elle ivied to. um menet sail ale a tom 00 n lamas the Conti If in . CMS sift. i P 1 jr,ashorg, /rig 0 -Oil c, ~, h.+ ,~ e s~ Nay's cI,IVTHES WASHER will 11v. UNIVERSAL CLUTIIES %VI/INGER I 1 ' OF CORMOLI COUNTY, AT TOL: MiW Irrottn or or PENNSVINANIA tln isN Ntallt'rratua r;:rriv A " orrice at Lock iiio/1:11 EASTWARD. lip • • r iiitobt #4 I V! R to 2 worn* to* 441141114 4140044111144 444 vicloity tire Ma ha* opt "id u New, RESTA VR thi * Pince, whom her inVitom hi* G ANT, idodd and ttil+Minro tollall add pAirialot of him terrrobsount4.— Ik sa hi* lotodifddM4 iiody tho hoot b 4 G,A L RADWR AND ADD, constantly ottjana L A IOII4 Porte% clarsaputtln. Mtn oott Watnr, moo sittlitoidas, nsatotrry and Won 0104'01ns, 4 . 411 •life*) , * bit bad at bis iteataunths. Id Os satin HOC WS pirCiebti I !RISS Qat TAXI, ant ourpiasstid hi this ears , v picaiad ()plop clam, aartiloaa Yialr, Ilia humid Chicken. Pick Tripe wail Dail Taligua‘ tie attaiti is a gum artiela or Papaw and (Viewing lidozetfa Cur 6ix euxtauxrx. ti fl iwe him 4 c4ll. June 13, istiti. Gi l KAT BA ItG A INS It eduction Ist rrices. Thu Huderpivewil will now in l a w p u bli c In all finite or 3A . 2 (39 Ira" Ch En Una 513Q94 u I u DRv ROODS. DV EVA SW A R E, HARDWARE, Boots and o.46ays, Halm, Caps, and Noljtmll in rutty Vnrirty. 00111 . (our toiillVslll 01U Un i t Of downy, Wilt he von ducted WI a Idrkily CASH SYSTEM. and Pers o l l . wirhinitto purchase anything in our lIIKICAO du 110 at n Vllty %midi puterOtagoi 011 Current IV +/- luslesissle Prices. All kitili* to proilitee nett Neale taken In ekeneege, ILP" Wt eordiAlly invite the puelietci G VE VS A CALL and a attary of tlt , tt patroaalt , '• MAINCII k iota/ *IAN rotawissa, Jwiliztry PO. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! rl ir, ith oo mmulm Lutitscltm comvANY, i wood ttopectfully 'atom the pubis.: Ohl thp) Wm: then PLANING MILL H o wl. opers,irat taltit att catottatVe aatiOtiattalt nt and art. 114,N prepared to sit pply sit orokrs nt fhort funk* and et 111 , .Ce.0t pri,«4 hill , ea,h, Their al. .orthwilt ut ill 9sber cotheittoc of While Pine Plank, Boards, Flooring, SnrCiee lioards, lieublock Imoled or ooplaned, to roil porebn.er a Elmo , Atott Joke nod of nil oiste4. Their Pinning Mill gad Leother Yard )4 eitaatea at the ro..e a t, very cony , aiPlaly tar *hipping In -abet by the f:Mrl4 They are rnoNtkorly 111411alnet Iting lomber el all boobs, NlAltorlicoot who 41'Sf , r ifinkbor every Ott Witt online stack before pare twang eh.ewhere. They are oh terminetl oat ant• ia,spy pr+ . pared U. veilrie v%oalp ne the elopapeet. 'l'ht ) nle., de.tre inhale the poblie Witt l'elwcially Ob. , weer al.!) to pap iniKe iaiYetallabYt they have kitw. Afill 4Wrially prepared to cat Itto,r. or attonwt ev‘ry nod length repored. TIWO , Wl4lll to build or ,onirnerolo for tel ran rave Money, by peeing a+a , ail air) nom e that they 401. 14 0 1 , 4t,1 Ullllll. ottepairiug art Iferhto,ry, garb tb , Tie ephilitt ‘lndillieti "Wooer,. Iteepere and ail hook at uSipaillotal buelethente, Nam fv,tmayp btn term+. Atbh ea , 4. it inum,blug. S. pt. 11 left; READINCi KAM 110 A SUMMER ARRANGEMENT:: tint:AT Titt"%li LINE rnot NonTii and Vorlh iet twl for rhowt w , lIA , POUIVO le, Titifialqa 44+10411 , 1, Letiztrion. Allen town. Lphria4, Idtia. Laptast,r, 04,thon, TrAna leave Ilarrtvhurir fur Neve York, o. ratlinvv; At 3 Oa, P 404104 935 a 0 and 10 nod 9 udrm Atottnrk t I ttZ 44 11:4AI lAII tar Tinto. rte the t'vuoy.y a,t)l. 'MO nod arrlt 404 at Ni-w Y or;: at 499 and lu lit A 4 and 4 34.5 4I and Itti3 rO. t;iptitiog Cur. FAO mona• nvurg the 300 A 14 and 009 I. :4. Trona n tinaut r twerp., }Mit , Uarri.ditirg fnr Reltdiug, roltion'ti.. Tama. 3fiaerevrile, ..i.v.hcand, Pine Grove, Allentown aO , l I'llitad , dphot, at 0 10 a 0/1 and 14 19 and 4 10 r .inipinit at loyin,iii nod principal Witt. ; the y 10 r m 111:6,4114 entineetons for Pluladi , ltilii4 nod Coininhia Fur Put4,villn. Schuylkill II wen and Auburn, 1.54 rvendylkill and Saaquehauna Kati rot d, Ware 114rti,hurrr at 3 10 r $ l . Returning : I.ravrN , vc York at 9 00 4 0. LI 31 and 5 Orland 800 rm, l'hilai'clphia at P 15 a 41 atid 330 e M War Editscoirr I volt 183 rei Philattelpluk at 7 30 A 4, trio 'mop Irmo Itradiktr at ti p ptopprog at tilt PlatrooP; rott , rt of 8 45 at, and 45 r ah taint OOP and 11 311 a 4. NMI 1433 e. m ; Tilitrveht at 9 43 A. WWI HU WO 0 33 v. 0. Leave Pott.vtlie for 1141 1 11/4111tH via Schuylkill and 111014 4 / 3 11 Al 7 00 A .14. ,VANNHNNNIN(IO(II : Leaven Reading at 4330 a 14 rolormok from Philadelptar at 5 MI P M. (*OHIOAN 1110110311 Traial leave (leading at 7 au a m and ti 15 P n 101 Cplirata, LW; Lahrustr r, Columns:a. rem.tnnoi Areolirmodation Train foray., PottA i 441, a Id 0 1:0 rtturnto; leaved Philadelphia at 0 30 r, 1:61tio.6o0 Rnil Ronil Trains leavf, Rending :d 7 00 , and I. 1.1 Y. 41 fur liphram. 1411.4 Z. t•aacaatur, 0.1'1111111 , 1, &C. tht Suudayo : twat , Nem York at AN r dolidda sOn A M. and :1 13 P 111, Il $ 441 A M. train running only to Roadtu,..o ; Pottsville 00 AM. ; llat• to..ntg 0 33 A M, and Pennon:, at IN am , 7 Id A U, tor Marti...burg and II AM, tut New York and 413 P for Phi 4440 , ,1phm, Con imitation, Mite , ge, ttewtott School and Ctoou r " wa n d If um all points at reduced lad”*. !luggage tnecked tit ough ; t 0 pounds alton tot each eitAsettger. G. A NiCt ILLS nelientl tittioiontelifien t Bill NEW (mops! NEW (mous! ! FOR FALL and wirmitle, E. W. BOWMAN'S ORANGZlfilitta. Ptlk uttilerrighPd hut. jul.t mcovell a very lam owl ,s.rellent netaortmeitt rm.,. AND WI NTEK norms, ono, I,, , propoet , a *Olin very lulu rifted lie has 111 e best q0:1111/1's 01 CLOVIS. CAS:4I)IEI(VA', stust.ixe, cm.icoEs, CII WKS, Sce. &e The UroeerY Department et filled with the hurt qualify at frerh groeerier and proeuttonr. Y. - urn:ol roger, niolhuotr. HOW. raft. ham, baton, opterevi,&r, enllotry pro.fiteo taken is eathanee for good.. for which the 1111044,i ntnrke•4 prig. Nisn he given. v 1 Von't rail to give aim a tall and retate great barirsier, R. W. BOWMAN 10116.-3111, attoooD : How Lost, Hop) Restored. loot Publiohed, a new edition of Da, CITINCRWEI.LM Celebrated homy on the rad • ical cure (without niedicine)ofSpermatori hoes, gem, iron Wcakneow, Involuntary Seminal Lesson., snipe' lenity, Mental and Physical Incapacity, impediment* to Marriage, etc. ;also Consumption, Kpllettsy, and Fite induced by self•lndulgence or Sexual extrava• gimes in Price. in a scaled envelope, only d cents, The c•debrated author is Obi admirable vainly clearly deitionotrates, from a thirty yearo'itacceos• fed practice, that the alarming consequence* of self abuse may hut radically cured without the ding o• Muo non of internal medicine ler the application of the oat a mode of cure at Mice Ow pie, certain, and effectual, by lIINIIIII of which aver: autferer, no matter what his condition may b.., way cure Wowed' cheaply, privately, and radically. tyge This lecture emoted he ilk the halide of every youth and every man in the land. Sent. under 0 cal, in a plain envelope, to any ad• deeoo pool•yeid, on receipt of six teats, or too post Address the publisksrs. CH A 4. J, KLINE & IV Emery, Nast Vary, post Wks bt rt. Old Esc 19, letia. REMEDIAL. INSTITUTE. FOR 111 1 110LINICASE5, No. 14 Bond et, New York. Il'7 Full infiduntinn, will' the Mike lr lesainenln/s also. o Book on peels , Marames In s sealod •soda's 01411 free, tri- No et/rend *out /or Ow, rout Oil rill *AM fir* a : tor, as eteertleing pkyrkiene ire peoratly tel. postora, wititimst vitomisikv NO ittililet *bawd be treated. Roe In** a *temp for eesi t yld 41 to WR DR. LAliNtle, 14.0 it NINO Rtet. IV W YORK. Neir. it Mit AL .. CM GROCEttlts, t. c.tt, r*y. At tit Stb. Ni; DE:I-11Nraa, 31ERINOES, GREAT 131111011011,Ni IN SEII I:VG lisimili re Maul' lc Machine 14/11.1:$111)0\1 4 . 5:16 Hron.lwoy. N. v., 250 l'he. mtl et wet. Philadelphia. P VICNTED VII. 14. ISO. Tllll4 11 ACIIINE 1. colipirtirt.,l nn entirely new priotalplee of median:mu, pit Inc muny 111/11 and 011 Fthie Imps V0111 0 (114. 1111 VMg et3mlng.l by the moot profound elperlo. and pronounced ‘o be Simplicity oat! Perfection Dontidnetl. It boa a straight needle, perpenoitreter s. line, evokes the 1.01:K or VIII TPLK tITITIIII. which will neither RIP am RAYS!., and in iVike on both .ides ; p, , ,thrtha f•PT reri PC 14' ill, on every tlereriptsse .4 tocofr roe' front Leather Ito 'he fittest Nassonk elusion. with rott,oli, lines, o► silk thread. (rum ii,, °oases* In the flote.t toolieloo.r. Having neither VA% or COO Loh! the Wan possible friction, tt rusts as so 00000 th a. ata•.. anA Emphatic,.Uri a No;Airless .Ifm•llL,r. 11 req Ore. Fl rrir 'PER 4:elm. Ir.oi pow., to defy lllbuuuurifrf iswelsitte fit She market A rirl ISlrlvr or n o ego work It ofrotli.y. willlolll &now or injury to 'omit Ito Strength owl wonderful Simplicity aeon ti MO!. thus 14.114 ,, t1 to gel out or order. soul 6.I;I I AItANTEL:I) by the compuoy to stye en. urrnn4•rne 11;•• romsoctrultv Invite .11 those wipt sony dratto to oupplylye* with pollert r art o , 14•. to come host r.shied I', Mir1.1,1:10 to A1:111 losir hone+ in.trtut too 10 xutfici• 111 In ...sable any perrom to hork It, nostlitot to thotr ootirst ortt• idfsettots. Aa..ni• ante.' for all low,. I t the Vnetort h. , to Atooriso• ore cost 41 reiply 50tt...1 for r 011... Melly's. Contra' and *tooth Americo. to Whom a littoral diswns. will to. liven. SEWING luActliste, Niro Ivo.. 53ii Ifinnidway. N. V. ew Sloth of Clothing. 2 3 1111-Egl9l lINI'LII4 Spring' and Summer Goods NAVIT/0) bWaYlb'ilels. 'mem ion in lisp puck of cheap mild ilivh• imouldc Cloth/ha el kid Eihwe, oil ;11.1/.V 87WEXT. 111,00.111111117 C. two doors above the dinorirao Bosse, here he haw Jim, received from Ne W Vora and lade ipnia, a tun ao•orhmeht of Ml'llllllll Boy's Clollititi::. mr.1„,,,„2 1110. t 6,111. , 11141.1.?. Anrublc nuJ hand Du EA:4 GUIrDA, 4. , ,A0,48:4; At- liar, Sack. Frock, Gum and Oil Clot' Cores. and l'arriN, or till %arts. esslosea. fin .Naha,. 1. 1,1011- I.lsett Isis aliaosly •tork of rim 4114 tilusi‘lll; %Wiled. APIs on 011,11.1100 Vous*. .hiss., otorki. eoliarr. hatolkurtbsolo, glovve. sow p 0040 1 ,0 811.1 (miry toto-10.„ 11.-110 bar ronelnisfi) ob baud • laver and went *elusion :••••srssis o us of elsslihs 811.1 Vemt'mu. WitlEll 1401.0004 to make tap 10 0rd..,. int o any Ississl of clsnliiiis tot vory .11.Pfl 11nurr 411. i 111 Ihst beet of uusti• lief. All Ins clnlhins k wife to woo and moot of it is of 4 ~,,, c wu nn ( rclufc• 4.r.):IQU. 'CJFP awl za• ..ita Gt) A N 1/ cEir riteURP ,r r. pry tiporriptlots. A4.11'11...41, 1114 I•.lar of is hat siarpor..l m ibis 1. .111 NIA r*. a tutu*. Isla gellrfil a Uoflrn Ilt of Clothing. Irwnlry.lc. IiAVIU 1.. A F.% AL Uri Bk.agebutg. April A 1.11,14. BEA LE•S FOWELL'S EMBROCATION, FOR ASt, fiOOLA:zES TO 1101t,1:14 I= HUMAN FLESH, ngnirtJ 4.4., or an ,sivricii Titl4 lIPW Ciwipoothd, 4 40 0 piroollolll r„11 irr hit the obbf f V ti.bi e4tli !Ng ref Wit I lentree yLto 114 nrthjpll. 1;111111§.14 niirt.lll,l , 4 to elreo.l allphiffil I§r fire 4 .11.4 puil l lo` 7ta 4.11 ‘,,tibrzbif. :4 Noll raf bm for Ihr r. , t Willett ft 11. I , ltomill , ‘“Wit. 4Ve 1111, rbrab.fift , f 1 , 1,0 it IS ii wnrk rte "wt . , rwri Ito' ebob.frio., nl r,lt oh" Who 11'y it Obbb 11111 l.t . br fie 10 . 1 %how it. and nlO ICIOI4 We rOY Off bAltertellre an 1110 heat t. 4,1 of it- It is lgoboilslo,l by „A„,,ILE2 I,:ad IA 2, 443 awl all I , !n hate ined it. to he tip , b, 50 , 11 Son tli u. 1 1 .11 tv . ntio itit %111 , 1 , If c.miltry ttflei • ICO , I 3114 tzviodottil ua.ulu Itor ptlell4, hc~&r.,Ac. N(tw ready the new eua.lay SOtortl Stligtng 'rig Ci /.1/Eli I'l{ol2lllE.' By K. Pctitmv,s, A.tittf.t er sa. red Lot , . Flut,hy Ottawr. triew3) t3tcu 13vtek. Psalm King, kr , We will semi it x rrpomn eopy,. pest pzjj, to tiny tweliti (trot , . Tho price of vw04,..• StHeig!,ol.lfr*, in paper covert SO 30 By Um leo ••• • • .... ... 1011 f , •110 . A. . ... ... Hy the lOU ..... 3U.ce Stirir.; * ller . er/141/ ntrici ior.ooliced, And befog o• , oploil by all Ii 011,0" in the 10011010 , urc 0I I'looo4. rov 14c. VA ct y a Plano thanlll II:tv0 t , 1040, of for ilicidoio, Don 14e uMI psi! fiat p,rltcul,ts 011 , 1 direrliono. Application,. Cro Turril.ory oml ApliClo4 received I.y ttltufVN A PERKINS C..f,,r, t 1 Apeutr fur tlio UitsWA, 1 . 1.Aat04, 4141 Itrooole Slrtod. N. Y • ul,ny per.up4 iu Uw ounittY tcauttn Pla via butte, awl a; 00 urueta cPunol bu s o frit 1- , Y wiwra Chop , waia up, hod coup of 11,0ry OrdereAt, 111 ,, 111 , 01 0 yl w , tract ' , if% viya by c pres, vbarp-s pa 1 far $.6 par dx nut nut-, tC 11.,71KiNs, GEN'L, Ati 41 1:Nlmo ATI:S, No. tfroonse Sto., t, S, V Mt. :N. J, A. NORTHERN CENTRAL r 4 ~44Q. SliZro.f.l.':.r e DI 0E44 horr 3; NORTH AND Souni ri y;it to in 1} 0 11I7n(l1l't (I Change of Ca* nN 1110 an , r April Isth, 1A67.111004 rut' ‘,../ 11 lullOvir.. THUS 1011THWARD. t 3 A. Si Icaptr Nor.htittitHql3l.ll, AlNtintitt t prin. Opal stAirm, ;mit we ft 4104,titetttott, I 4:1 4, H., .1140 1 . 1 Int norm, ll!,ttr ~ ni.1,,.1,1 3 1.3 p. tt. , r 4 4.1 P. )1... Ulti r taio 9 Li p. M., rt4,ly,tra t'at:a 9 Ott r. M. 4 45 P. 4. leave Norlllualtmrlawl. st.,pplag at Ali At:Mt/Mi. arrivlo4 u 4 Wilictooyolt, 0 4d r. M,, Mita II 0.3 P. N. THAI VS SOU TH WAR 11. 11 03 N. M., Nave Nnrthunibi,rbind, stopping at uriorthal station*, arriving at ttarritthatlo 31 A. At • Italtionge 11 9u p m PhitiOntenim I no p . m , 10 va A, g lea t. u Northumberland, tinnping at ail statinna, arriving at Millsboro. at I ti P. la., Ital. Moore li WI P. u.. Vlll Imielphia 5 .10 it. 5 10 p. M, leave Nothnabartantl. *topping at ail Plat v log at Marrisbit ro tt. 30 p. a., l'lnlanat phis 100 A. a.• ((*tumors (NI 5 a. II 44/ p. M , leave Noribuniborlned, sopping nt paineiont otations. arriving in (15rMborg O. 41 A M. • • NI 1111101^0 7 00 A, M • nit On Iphi 7 10 A. Al, J. N. MullAttlt l N, YOUNtI. Gan') Supt. liatriaburg, Pa. (Mil Non, Agent, Baltimore. and NAAC M. )Cltettiffitt MAIN% Men'l Western Freight Agent, lliitraln. N V, May, 8, NW. Lackawanua & Bloomsburg Railt oad. 144501NMS NINE tiar - • TWO DAILY TRAINS. -visa no AND Arlllt JANUARY 20, Dolt, PAH, ti t3I:NIIER TRAINS WILL 111,111 AS FOLLOWS: LNA V N SOMT 11 W A It 11, AM AM PM, Leave, Pr rantllli 330 7.10 4,19 Riaptiai, 11.11 B:10 UM Rupert 11,110 14,17 Manville, 941 0130 A rir at NOTthddlilPrlnna 19,30 9,33 LEAVE NORTHWARD. ' AM PM Leave Northumberland, 7.00 3i w ~ Maapillu, 7 , 19 600 Rupert. 11.13 r m ii xi i. Kingston, 10341 0.30 003 Arrlvo at Hermann, 1;110 two 19 13 TrAlfld leaving KlnHoinn at $3O . 1 1! M fin Ilerawn gamma with Timm arriving at 111fiw ?Art m 310 PA•oemor.4 tak 'MI Trtlid *oath Irmo Scranton Al 3 511 A 11 via Piolthumilerhod,fruititilarriAltriht 30 P M. Rannontr 630 P M., W.lowigt. , n 10 00 P M pia 1 ', 4 Vert tooth Philadelphia at ; on I` M. 11. A. rosun, eum. litigston, Jan 30 IPO7 prepargllon, g and farlirgbly iwn, will thoc• hly rtlnvigonite 'ten.dowu And -,plated hors , /strengthening cleansing tl.o mach aud lotus. fiure pre• altive of ell dlf• ears* _OO I 4PIt to CATIIARTIC PILLS () PF.ItATP. by their powerful influence on the internal vit vent to purify the blood and Minim hite It Into healthy action. They remove the obetructions of the stomach, bowels, liver and other organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular action to health, correct, whereter they exist, such derangements as are the first mows of disease. An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, Physicians, and Patients, has clown cures of dan gerous disenses almost beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of such exulted position and character as to turbid the suspicion of untruth. Their certificates are published in my Amerivan Almanac, which the Agents below mimed are pleased to furnish free to all inquiring. Annexed we give Directions for their use in the complaints which they have been found to core. Fox CoenYeats/oh—Take one or two Pills, or such quantity an to gently more the bowels. Cue liviitiemi is frequently the nograrating cause of Plum, and the cure of ono complaint fs the cure of both. No person can feel well while under a costive habit of body. Douce it should be, as it tan tve, promptly relieved. Fon DTSPY.PtiIA, which is sometimes the cause of Costiveness, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses fromone to four— to stimulate the st o mach and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and the heartburn. budyburn, and 80/44/41 of dyspepsia will rapidly di,rippear. When it has gone, don't forget what cured you. For a Fl I L STOMACH, or „IMAM Inartano of the Bouoels, which produces general depression of the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills et first, and smaller doses afterwards, m.til activity and strength is restored to the system. Fog NIKToVANIVifi, Styli 11YADACHR, NACAtA, rain in the Stomach, Bark. or Side take front four to eight pills on going to bed. If t i ter do not oper ate sufficiently, take more the next day 'until they do. These coniplaints will be swept ant (ruin the system. Don't wear these and their kindred dis orders because your stomach is foul. Fop SCROFCLA, ESTRIPHIA4, and all Diseases 51 . the kin, take the !'ills ft. cl:. and frequent!), to keep the bowel., 011011. The eruptions will Komi allv soon Istain to diminish ;aid disappear. Itianv dreadful ulcers and sun.,, have been healed up h . t the puryiug and purity lug effect of these Pills, and some disgusting diseases which seemed to *morale the whole system bate completely yielded to their influence, leaning th e soapier iii perfect health. Patients! tour diity to society forbids that you should ouriole ‘oorself M•otool the world cotered with pimples, blotches, 44144141 , 4040/01, 111141 all or city of the loo.leiot di-eases of the +IMO/comae you, ri)stests wools cleansing. to pe tutus ni t 8 t ..... they are the hest nietli elite ever discovered. 'they slinuld be taken freely and ftetimently, aid (i.e iugnnrilirs which smtv seeds of incurable will be *wept out of the at stew like chaff before the wind. ily Ilii+ property they do as 'veil good in presenting sickness 114 the remarloilile cures it hish they are making evei y where. station is Invaluable toprove4 (be qwebky of the milk. It been proven by ac tual experiment to Inert:kw the loan. lltq of milk end cream twenty per ant. sail make the butter fins and sweet. In fattening cattle, it Menthes an appetite, loam their hide, anal makes them thrive lavEst Vonytylwr, Jsytimer.and all 8i40'4 AKertiosta arise from some derangement—either torpidity, eonKcstiou. or niAtittetions of the (Asti. 'torpidity and eotsgestion %Witte the bile and render it unfit for digestion. 'flans is disastrous to the health. and the ssasstitution is (resiliently under mined by no other CRU') flifiligt.tlot) is the flo g ) . 10»1. 11611'lleliolf of the duet whirls empties the bile into the stuntarh elluttes th e hap to otcyltoop into the blood. 'VIM' produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of PI Costiveness. we alternately costiveness and diarrhoea, prevails. Fet Kish srmptmns, languor, low spirits. weariness, restlessness. and melancholy. with sometimes in ahility to sleep, and f lometio l oof g r e at drowsines s ; sometimes these is severe pain in the side ; the skin and the white of the eyes lice a greenish yellow ; the 5t001...1t acid; the hostels sure to the touch; the whole system irritable. with a tendency to fryer. Ireoiell tom turn to billows fryer, bilious colic, bilious e. A medium dose of three Or font Pills taken at night. followed by ten or three in the morning, and repeated a few days, will mum a the (woe of all these tloables. It is wicked to smiler sorb pains whets %Ins rim then' lot 2.5 cents. If If)) It t t tt 'I, 1 , 1441 WI /111111101 , 1111110/ y sill hp• rapidly oiled by the pnrifliug i^tretth of -theowßillss-rtpots they attisrd to the vital Is -iple of Life. For these 11111 f all kindred cuss:plaints they should la taken in mild dosses, to 1111 l ve the bowels gently. but ft rely. Ac a Itimsen Pitt.. this is both agrembse ono 11.40. Ito )'ill can he made t. ;ore pleasant to take, and certainly none has been wade mote effectual to the purpose for whirls a dingier pill is employed. rotLeAttiao DR. J. C. AVEllt Oi CO., Practical and Analytical Chemist' A v s A t r oft TH , Fro. In Asp • AIM tits itt - of IN rs rktu tTtSI. os to LI., As); rt Ht.)tltt t hA pa 411)1.1. Pt 1 hit, Itrta .AO O E. Pt-tumiru. I 1):).11‘)11A. )% • ett,,)))••• ft r sot, if R.:. 0.0 rAVEIIA ; 1141 At ?) t • A:t ))) ftttlitiS.T)Sti Is 11;14,1A tt ,tEnt•SI, t ArAto BC lkm mumitlk up Atl tlks ATM 4)%0 I hi"- ellrelhe w•vi.reia • i hill. lluA fryer, awl it halt Ho gr. lit 1411 I lit ot • r thillicittus. that w i t without tho paleritt. It iin• •r de h. pitiritiii rulotaner, our 04 any inititioti. flr , cl %%ha. , br,tihr to of tilt• atiny r 1 tilt. wtait,try it :to i y 1‘ 01,1+4040. 110111. 400.000, e A V Erit & CO., Lovartl, NW. , 61.,1 ~ 1 ,1 by ,-01 trruttgists and tivaltrd it medic itht rt'tart o twtv 011ANI;EVILLE ItOTEI„ (1)1KM1111 CorNTI", PENN A ISRAEL MUMMEY, PR tt PRIETtt !itl'ilX4:4oit TO SA Ull% evr.acrT, , h. 14 %defy t tkea charge of obis aelt known and van• t , i“.,,tly in!rtH , :d atand, renpeetfully inform,' hen 014 :04 wolf ha new, and the wdi,. to tenet that bows isin r umplPie order for the he • eanano , la ;ion , hntrileea.and the (10 1 0 , 10011 . 0111 Flll+l elifrrlallillit ni or 1./ay.11 , f4 tooy tort dtopstood to Moor 71110 tvi:ll their ru+tom. No espew l e has vti 10 01 , 1111(1111 10Is Motel rot the fllter latnnteni ..f 41.101 , 0411111# 101 l he wowin g . tin 101n1,4 , r to their personal Comfort. The lot,ttoo, at wot no thy hiteldiatz is n good one, and 011 t 011,104 r Is »mply 01141110 d 10 ideo.o the puhke, 1:0 His IL, aktit% he hirtitoited with tits hest of ti hit tattle with tilt hest mar . ket lettAai M 1:31 MEN Orinth• rule, April 3, 'l;7 ff. A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING r MPORIUM, ea , 11., / tiosite ih Epi , feopal Chu, di. mo MING Or ESCR PTIONS. A niacß s « ci , ,,,,p oAe d of d!1 rtothin Otrdiolllll al Ulf 11 tow pricoti—adaPted to rift rnaditioryg, ttlAro gitot wants, He has the latest styles for the owooott title itt sort weal of overcoats and Gnilegato's Shawl, from low to the very best ih, Good, art 1 , 041 0 10d e wirf well situle. In acilittioa to ley stock of reo4yonit le clothing, I have riere goods for castom or,ttr i t, CIOS hot, Camgiuterc*, &c, And harhut row of the nrot 0400 cutters, teen fit io ail eases and give motit,faction. Variety of WOOLEN AND LINEN SAID 11, Cantors, Stocks. Hamitic:relit*la —every lain* in the sitiiiiiinitin** line of clothing. Al-u, tints, stens and Shoes, Trunk* and Carpet bugs. I hill WI at the lowest Market prices. Please vivo we u cull twiwn purchit.ths elseu here. ANOREM J. EV MO 1, nimungburg, Nov. 15, 18115. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, JUST published. in a smiled envr , I lij lope. Pilo! 6 tents. A lecture on tbn nature, treatment mid radical cure of Seminal Weaker:we or Stwromforhoes. finincen by dell-Abuse : Involuntary Kiniessitne, lw potency. Nervous Debility and, I inp , diments to alarriaae generally ; Consumption, Eplinoy. ow l ' Fits • Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ate. ity Robert J, cuiverwell. M. IL 441110, of nil 'ol£o4 11004,* &e. Tim world renowned author, in ibis admirable Gee. tura. clearly proves from his own eaperieure, that tin awful consequences of thill.Abuse may be effort• natty removed without Medicate. anti utthoul dam mous 44111C41 0t14,011400, boogie*, instruments, rin g *, lir cordial*, pointing out it 14.4 k of ewe ax once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, tin 144%111 what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply. privately and rasionlip, This 1.,,. tura will prove a bums to th0i1444411144ii thounwh, 1.1., 11 1 under Ann' I , • 1 , 44144, is It plaineisvelAte. ‘,„ , • •.. • ~ 1 1, 0 1 er two poetise suutipo. A.. , tit. cut , ,VfNett's Mettle Go niNgrtet IS talphti. Address, VII AA. J. t; RIAU a, 41„, f- el flowery, New b orb, P. V. box dot VA, Ci, 1%7, -f) real 1. Va. LOWF.LL, MASS., .v.i) row liv Sob' by ;tll Drug:ire-6;in the Country May ty, 110 W RESTORED.