Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, October 30, 1867, Image 3

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Wednesday, Oct. ad, *WM
tap wit *U$ Thom. nor mitten-Pt MI lout Occur.
te twain theif itomediat• implicit. If they 00 not
deaden to write a t ensitiOnitatibn for the pabbn eyn.
et CHM rind In n brief atatanteut of tYPrythin: of
loth st in their fe*ppetiVe enononitiee.
entirriages, deaths, net:ideal a, give, tetnnerta, immi
nent. atinoees, &t. We aiit not 'bent 11 Pole Toe
Moro Ade or thin toed ,en, gof twifrr ii u
tuft tio pod Pot tendert , . Whn al!' 40 it 2
To itovaretatitl. , Petadoe eve Wog mtaa r lisamenta
insetted, wool band thew it early on Tom* worn
tit in bloom their insertion for that week.
spur The amounts of th , firm of j t youy
.& SIitMAN 8. Cra
are in the hands of the folloiriim porsoni:
ginomhip, H min
S lutr. CRY
Beaver.-13) , ..N.1 ZI!!:;!ERNIAN P. M.
Muth.—U, J. CAMIIIII.I., P. M.
11 ), w/10pr/tel. - , and
30 1 1' 7 If Ant:;.-n.
In Sugall , fll 14111, for collection
been ftlat<rtl inure lintvi.of 31teiroIM
-9:'l!' CG; whottr plytufmit rivw,tel
to be Nude :re the en rlio:4 vonvenienco.
In Scott Ton te.hip, pet , on4 knowing
them-Ave.; in arrtntrs for ritle , erintion, god
advei trtiog, to the I I Plot n vr, will !dogs,.
ne , ko pay mow. to .I.),:rtli J,
Ilc,ttou.-I>A.tta, 11AatmA v.
Oronge.—.lll , ll.ttl. Et.t.f.a.
tiatit'son. ILI Lim m 4 .N nwit ,
.11 , vin tele. N El N try,
Rot rttote l l Math in $ 31. ppletnatt.
OW' A Pew Int..hels of new corn rill be ,
tat,on at this offt , zi.! on 4ntmeription.
al , :fr The Court 4drertisetuents appear in
:mother column of the Itmoun
' 4 hir new t`otnity c o i on} k4„ l , vr ,
DAN' in N. EA6tat, of . LOCUSt, took at: oath
of office on Fridly iso. lie will twil , sn
of the board o f Coimilis.
1 1..
"WI ,A d'; ~ a y T.
Brewer hart .11SCItclanotlier lot ()rotor p,-,r0d4..
And I'm gobaa. to buy, for 1 ec nearly
everybody el .t. going tlatoe,"
torr PETnitios for tb month of tionnni
Ler is a handsome nmnber. all
othk of foott‘i. mended. The ladit.s
worship oqweinll 3 all thn. o .
u Int ta , ..e a Fan ;•: , 1 • roditA !Aar,'
Mt 7 1,.. . :New cunt i.. t-tlitt..t it, th,,
inoittt!. tot t • •.t.••.1 t,tii.•
priet.t. Our ;atilt ; - I• • I r
ht . ing Ugh'. Or :LI 1" • t, • ., tl•• • • , lit
atttit trot•ti Tlitt ,t. rtt thy
westoro• witittli iv:11 ht.. ,
!'of Nov -11.1,•1 ‘A'4 4 r=- °'AVa , l
v1e!,.1 a;;.,), %%3.1. Weleonjel b, oar
vtoh laateholil. it i a vapitni Humber
mrd phoulit br tai (q,'Es table in
(3ni) $2.19 ;
tho I , ,,nrit or CoUt,ty remmi.•sitmer , (.11
:Fritlay 1:14. vi' (Mien baviio.
01 an wao leitteMiltoly svnitm
in, fir. Maim th..tie tt illtiVll 1 etter and
more ovdiudile th3ti W:1 ,4 IlliticlpA.• 1
by his pelitieal (USW er .
tiri" .1 great PI munotion it. Idght Strcei.
11 W. Creasy & Co. are :wiling cotton goods
tit more than remarkably hoc prices. They
eertainly are leading the market with cheap
goods. (lice them a call anti be convinced. *
Ilonk”ft 4n,1 lleamiten4 are
lu e 'to th e public. and. in Ow lone rnihttio,t
profitable to the 41enlve.
Settles are nuotcil in e,!*
funiiAling, reliable teltininny in
disputed weight. In misfit inn to xi% ing
theae genii stile; hig6r. , t iiroaitt in at the t ;teat
Expwition 11.4.111;11
'them in their award ;1..! he r.tainiard seales.
00. Lvm ir tor X.iVriethr,' hit,
renclied uur sanetithi• tuff fi;i•li with ellnio ,
reading and Irstulsynie 11P1$19;t plit'cz. This
is ttte best tungiti.ine roevivo.l ‘‘‘,
hbouhl iwipe the Ic.ruet4;
....Mal it justly ttwrit,. fiend tint) gut it.
try refe , :ric.g to ,mr ei
ntim; it may he seen that the Comity: 4 lmo ,
inteudent has ealled.a meeting of the teach.
era of Columbia Comity. to assernMe in
Illooweilmre, on the. :nth of next month.
The County institute Miller the law of
Pennsylvania, as amended last whiter is as
much a Part, of this school system 11,4 the
schools sic The lee requites the Institute.
.0 makes !.t•ovision for the payment of
expetves. It alco makes provision by
which temshets . Wli.) are netire, and
who are usulli found attending Institutes
and other educational meetings, may . re
ceive ereilit for their work. while others May
he discrediv.d. do "live tea Che - will ab
sent himself frent the Institute without just
cause, and he who is hot a "liiv teacher"
yhottfd not fiat to attend
* Rosiness is hot if A brisk a. it tlioted
he. The people have Andreie.Tolinson and
the Dement.) , to thank for it.---Ropriblicoit.
Thank you New. What have the De
mocracy to do with Andrew Johnson. They
did not elect him. Ile cos rot nominated
by Democratic delegates. Ycu vdted for
Johnson in the non/inning Convention at
Baltimore and afterwards boasted of it.
What business have you to find fault with
rho Deumemey, in connection With Andrew
Johnson, when they had nothing to do with
making him President? They support him,
as they would any other Rem:Wean Pre,d.
dent, whenever they deem his nets worthy
Of support • Then, on the other hand, who
controls Congress ? It is not neemary fir
ue to state that Congress stands too thirds
Radical. They could have passed. and did,
any weasel' , tiny wished, over the Presi
dent. If they did not pass such legislation
as the business interests of the country
na phild, it was no limit of the Democracy,
but -
use they could 011nk of nothing but
the . lie occupied their whole time.
The will change Congre ss at the next
A n t or which the business interests
,f t he entry will wit be neglected.
Slowasbuirg Literary Institute.
The p , t term of this Institution will
close ...
..f . day Ammon, November Ist,
with pin exercises in Declamation, Com
redden, and Music by the Students. The
exercisisewill eouittionee at I i oolock P. N.
The public aro invitsal to attend. On PA
day evening, Novembortith,..ite oitArlentit will
give an ,miertaintnent, eunsiotibg ul ,CulIo•
gni , ii, Music, &0., to which an admittance
,ir 'MON Y.I',VE CEST4 Will be charged.
Th 0 .1 v4i IN of which will be expended in
furniture for the stage. The Students and
Faculty will he glad to see a full linume, and
will 4 , / what they can to ii!oliv tlwir iamb
T 4) Whom it may Concern.
NAtIONAI, BANK or 111.40otsuritG,
October 25t 1567.
The following preamble and resolution was
'big day adopt od by the Ihreetors of OIL:
Bunk ,
Whereq,s. The Comptroller of the Curren
t y has decided that it is illegal for National
Banks to tosume the custody of inisetilla
nenus parcels of value.
hitsofetti, That all slit+ parcels now bald by
this Rink be removed. as scion as practicable.
to the owners thereof: and that from nod
utter this date no inure such part is he re
c•ciro,l can spet•ial deposit.
All uwocrs t pedal deposits are hereby
notified to aware their packages without
3 P. Tr ATI N (14.1h;ei
The Chanibemburg Releetiter.,/, the
Butler County Ptc.o.,. Noutenr mericon,
t4imhttry Anti, :t on, and other %Aleut
ropert., have hui;teil the name a Cu tN't
for Pre*idoist. What my those new (I)Pmn
crOje) Johnson pru4ses to 016 mth wood ?
Isn't the liadit als tampering. with their
VD"' The potity of tin, Don:townie pasty
Nai r SOIRO year or more ago, to not accept
°Mel , awl it , croolounash front Prordelent
JOHNSON, but with rtf tma aspirants alaitu
Kto ho Democrat.- it i:, quite clillorast .They
will receive all tilers oats get, awl no matter
tir The Dew Silver Tips retputly intro
litteetl by th:. A tip:tie:to Slig , . entpritt.:‘
:tr., ornamental. A mot:tl
a , h,pt.lll. to find-digs Ii '• hos ICH3 h t pn
Gtr jp•t i will wt,:le Kuhr ;it Ow
tut .4 ~I'vvett the, 16 . 4)104 004 411 '"ut i" a r'w
proteetel by ,I;,)4
t 1 I.- is it • !Lit
I,i: tat- iwi t i.l l flout, itt that thiti
twain, in a }width).
or 1,..11. eire: riurr.;‘ to the
I. Th-I eruci,tn.4yrttp 4itpplie; than
1,!.) ! this vital v144111'14, anti cke.
:th , l vi. , : ftr to the whio!o
It is titre at 184 plootiun thoro
Wert. 597, - ,; i, %foes ttoUel, and at our tato
oloot;on v0t0...: at falling off of (12,.
420 votos. Downer3C, party fill
h,rt of eiym , T*. otti *2:2'204.
fignr.l , io oitlrr th lotr It lothikin
qi .11 !, •: 4444dit 4 , 1011:" thalt thru.
',arty wa.:,10 - -. in 110 Pretthlt! rAtt the All
VOZ., varlotNuayi to ehatteo
V. eAIM stet expect thane %TOM-
O:111s - for a change" to
ouuii tit rho nolk au-1 voto our ticket. That
winild lava i.of ! “ too much, gut they` st,til
or , h 0...“
GOT rim 11/AM.... 0 1 . 0d or the high tossed
nigger equality organ at dais plate. as we
from the firm anticipated he might do.struek
so high n key note that in aft..epipling the
stase be gut sus lofty dint e% en the "refined
mid ru.1.4 here. tissw fail to -es: it
au 11-isr it this or the ''new and
cisrelstessed riex," whirls Ise Smith to
O+ •, ' th. u. 14 1 1 ..litiele* ill
liotV kin!: given. it IS t:1"a"
hi wtich V— w;th c , ..):1! t:nl pil!.
big towanh the north pole and hie Dole to
the s•futli —ill the flirt cam' of Dr. I'.'ff
letto pantry - with a flea, which on instill
:omit of the :•trioeigest inagnifyhtg powers.
would till to make larger, sticking in one
car. , the beni:fierinz cry of Iti4 hungry
en.fiitori tingiol jut tile other.— Iripmtiiig
'l' wit %ix ras you Num,mt.—Lofts:. AT
11114 11 IT FAL —Wo have received the A wt.
icon ,Ign*,-,fPoriet for Oetoher. We wish
that all cm. 11444 could see thi4 paper.
Ws. keen of so way in which so hut„.. an
amount of truly valuable, interesting, and
instructive reading. mutter eitthl he given to
a family at small a prim as the subserip•
tiro to the Apcientincti4t Each number
contains ;i2 to 40 large quarto pages, and 3i
to 50 lbs engnivitigs: many ,ir them tutu
costly and beatitifid. Ibarc, in th^ Omillser
number. we find, in addition to the great
amount cif valuable information. hints. Aug.
gestions, etc., more than au engrax Inge sev
eral of which are among the must expensive
ever Prowl in an Illostrated Journal. This
number is of kis& really worth a year's
subscription. The scat ~r the American
Agriculturist is only $1.50 for a year, in ad
ranee, or four copies for that. The publish
ers offer that Taltlible journal free for the
remaining tie months of this year to all attic
subscribers for ilBo, 27,) who send in
their subscriptions 4,111171 V die month ft( oe
tuber. We advise all 0113 readers to steure
it on these terms. It will be sure to benefit
all fathers and mothers, and interest and in
loud. the (+Wren. Sulwriptions should
be sent to the publishers. Orange Judd &
Co., 245 Broadway, New York.
Novimrit—containing line Portraits, with
temuratc Biographies of General Samuel U.
Curtis ; tkorgo Brown, D. D. ; Thomas 11.
Stockton, It D. W. Collier, D. 1).; R.
I ;
rooks, D. D. ; Realm, D. D. ; A. 11.
`springer; John Scott, D. ;
W. Reeves, 1). D. ; Alex. Cls u A. M. ;
Knight, A: M.: Joseph J. Smith,
A. M. ; U. IL Dorsey, M. 1). ; Jeremiah
Day, D. D.. LL. D. ; Jas. P. Beeltwourth,
of Roekey Mountain tistne . ; Julia Dean ;
and original articles on Matrimony among
Author+ ; &location of the Heart, by Hon.
Schuyler Colfax , Saints and Sinners, Who
are They? Thanksgiving Day; How to aavo
Money; Who shall Rule over us? etc.—
Only 30 cents, or 113 a Address S. IL
WELLS. 33? Broadway.. New York.
seis The ehio Docaocoaty....have carded
nine of tho olohoresolo*Otrioto repo
noted by Radicals. .4:o4Sling to this
changed condition, that Btat should now
have 1 %moors% to 7 RA** but, until
next Congrossionnl elretinn, the dologution
must. stund—Denownas 3 ; Bids O.
ra.. L.T. Elitattm.ists haR Just wired
a iqrgo soakor Dry Goods, Groceries, &C ..
and is didiataed to id Om oil Ohooo for
mi.h. This tithe phase tosat the barsain..
The ontlereitrnett onto fuf Kto a lot of handsome
Canary Birds and Fancy Cages
41111 AP rott CAOII The riyiis are of the hoot Otto
and fter le , noty they are riot clowireil by tb.if
ikled. A Ltoth the ottbaerther to rooftrees of bevel;
Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens,
in log. ni,l for the roll and wia
or.ilut, fur whith he will rev rho moo liberal
pricer. WILLIAM 611.140 RE.
Shive'o Mne
October ..nt, Lori, illoieohoro.
The 110410/11*d moo ronwrlnfitythArritl4 fief LA.
,iisrumer 0. and the public in Wonor4l. that Ow 1.44
:04.t oiettr,l to her ilitcmfy Inrgs^ oud t WOW, t•
1111:11t of
A NEW SUPPLY, welt kodtakterelly IWlactod far tio
preeeni end einnong .IPaonn. Net PikW IiONYKTS
ANn um's are euirklated 'eke the teed iu thin
Water and etereity. She him ter Whir% filitHdl to
Aiillinrry & Fancy Store*,
and noskeo up and p„, ppd* upon ppm tti t cea•
nnrrhh t , rw. Gave lor a call and eA4IIIOII , 11.4' mute
*kirk tit goledg, LIZZIC BANKLEY,
ecrOttC, bturn tiiteet. tKatnxey thothittig,)
Orichpr 1.467. fisoologburg.
EW 11)11ACCO AND 4; Y
4 .• SToltE.
H. H. Hunoberger, Agent,
Main Start, le/me t/,e infrtiotn Arne,
11400XISIMS.114 ItAv v, tr,thP home and r+ , llll
ty rifOudelphia kiftweial prtres.
oo”crriv A vfl 1:111'011T11) Clll ARS. till kirtilik at
Stoohiire Tutincrioi, SOWN, Ater roc timte and Omit
Woo , i ripe,:, Rod ntt hrtifil4 prrtatniuß in the Whim .
4 0 tlatlO. Stool' , loiderii w 0 ,11.1 to Rive Imo
roll 111.1411,1 0 1 oradiri ro iNn eiiieo for Moir Ruupiiaß
of poc hosing there Of
11 ,, ante teas AottotAot4 oft ,Crtit
haw! o Nit of troth Zir
1 , ire. Popp , iir. titio 40., i'. l l of which he
Oat'n ch ,, rip for rush ur toootry
ot lobe r I+6'.
An are or coOhtlire of 1 . .1:160% an:3
'h.'bth 1 , 07, entitle.). A rotthor
t.ortVou^tit to no Art (or tII rogolnt ton and cormo
two , ' 01 4 r'y•teilt (f Pdttentton of Cottonton Selv.olo,
tine.':. - That tlft Vottot fthhetintentleitt of oath
C.knoty in 1.111. CoutfottotVl titth iv hereby alfl totr 'kat
, to t riotteed, our.* to each year. HI Old, IMO' ..
1et1o•n riA he. Of a lathe' ty lost hortrol Committee of
Tcat ,her. at Mot who aloe deem tao.t root , II
tan. to roll ohatt and Oleo.. Oa l' of the Coop
int‘n 1.4 heWit 3 01 other 13,4 of to:intuit to
10.1'0111()'. 1.4 arotothte tool her. :Ma
soft o.* Into n'lent:liefs inAttnto, ICI he tio voted to the
itttroo o tt:ttt of Teacher.* in the 'noise , Nutt ht. of
o , l,ontian, cad to (to:tome in eee.hat at Loot don
tlote. Welts ettog a half a 41%1 •,t going to, and a huff
dap int P . 1414112 00111. the elate of oteettot.'
Ri c a. frot etre' That ail bontata of !treetop ,
tors ;1,1..07 eft' 0.0(10'1.4 4n I if* it 1-ttipPoS the pray II gf
tot o hJen* ttoon ieeto a one. tvnhnet um : uta (ally
tithut *toll from their *Oat v. and that 371 , 1 todaltr
who In: , itilloelf Coon the Itodfluto of 1114 1141,i.
Wlllllltlt n 110144 t41..,0r.. 11111 y have Itie %DM t
prole, eteeat y , ;..ttt *, roil tothcatett, by a b=oor
watt , tat tom t elltticete to the 4 to:windy,
thuo to: Wrill :139e
In InTornmien flint to , Ann r Weti act of A.114•1111.1V
the WIWI"
,A a 41/.10 4 of I. , :sifilf,l In 4 ontottou County, 014 1111,111
V 'anted 141 11 111 / 4 411111 1 tor the purpose outwit metal,
in too Hot of too tottiding of the atoemihttfg Laic.
ary Institute, at ttloonfohtint, anMONUAY. tun 23th
11*.) of Nt Wet tI11f:11 ItittL nt in 11%11tek It in.
Mr. Witkof thton, re4tortotenflont of Cotonou
Sr hoot. of Ponneylvaniu. nod other rmit.rnt odttelt
tats, will he in attendant , to .111111V411 the Inutlfut , t ,
CHAS. G.siltit6kY,
O tohet Nft7 etttp't ot Col. et.
N Ely :11141,1N Er, ;(,‘ )11S.
Mee. MARY 111.31.0 A V fehee 10e4<•:. ,
'Jos to s Ito eithenne of ithhon.bwit 519 , 1 vartutt) that
Ititopll4lelll.ll , 4l her alma If largn 54iftft of
fall and Ilinter
rattAtilir.P.7 coots,,
ftf i n too stftft,l. ott Ahtil Street, in 11:0 , . 11. a irf
ehe melte, 04 f4l , 4l4liitterdplll pf tho , palate whet
rusk. Oise ker t sett befete eleeell4l4.
+ALA. lso.-.4te.
Lothqa Admiui.toklion on the rstkU. 01 6.4,rge
W • NOUN% 11110 M 11100111 1 . 0111 . 114 i lip. 'Wit MIMI
Cloudy, deo:aged, lure 4 .ro arasa,..l t.y itu. Keg
401 .aid County t« 1141110 lilt 11.101 lirioil.l,k
PAW All Per,ok• h skulk' ng4lllol Ili.. 0.4410
II I Ih , ' precut limiu I 114 11111. 14 .
lur fur trUlr fuent. tool those lohlootr.l at tho o.tato
wt 9 11141 , 0 tasawaislo pa 'twill to Col atoloraatooa•
11 I.; N I)M:KS ...
1)RI:(1 STORK.
Are np .00v a 1• •• :•• :111•1 treif
+1.•11 , 0 1414 , 30.!
ow , . Pi 00., I 1140
•torr. V • 1•, , o. 1 “ , , LoloV.,
n••••• 11,toololi
rlo vats..ty of rolirt
Floe eele drew f•a• the hdlon gn:
,t„ndird pr , tlttlunn Itynder ,
~ b oa's
Her. nund, Sprit n nd Sweeny 14111.
mont. Hair 1 1 00, ofol looticun Hair Re.
r). w, 'conic hitters.
tvdinit Wine ,r Iron, pr 4 serieDuno curaully tom -
pounded nt 811 hours
Nos,. Wit 4 omorryN 4•• 1. 1 1.61ikA 1 ,1 ,10t0ir:31.,
lonondourg. Oct 1607.
POMP:1111Ni: NEW. Alr•. Juin. A. mitt Alias Ststle
M. Ilnrelny will open oh the enrtipr of Mitt rind
we.t Itimenehurg, "ti the ninth day 01 Qe.
AL4 nits' andirliti.DßlWO /A 41110114 nix 11.0111. arrtis
With an ciiiiroly of the Will
lair,' and most Inshionahje gond*. 01111 Mid
'ray lea in thatch, and at reaamtuble ?Mem, oily hail...,
theutoal vett thd I hey can nvtannmalatn ilia pnbnin to
every particular.
j Para that4lllll and ttpai'Ane Vlnak. dune i a
Ihe 01,nrinat now.,
Row I. in. lint Call and and I.MllllllIc I.llf ft.('
MI petite( ~•nlit patt , taa. ii. irn;.
Thie medicine, linen* tv Dr. 4. 11. ton
sf Intifindr'phie, le Itvenrici t, dir.m:re the loud
make tt into chyme, tb, find pro , noi of dil.ett :or,. Hr
entwine the *emelt with 5. - hew.L'a Mtuttnike
the Ton:o won restorte the ftir+.4lw. cod 144
IL tt ce,141 a N be ell.e.s I oiarr wing W wit t o cll3l
C.mtuu.p.lust cannot he rare) hr If - , treek't Pot
:aortic drrup an. , A the mom:A end Itenr it n,ft.ll
1143311.1 w mud tit. , ep:llltn motored, hence the rOlf
end Pills are rettuir.•l In nearly enrr., troy 1.1 r
Iritiptlou. A halt durvn LottYvof the tittAWEFII
I attd three er four hexes of the MANI/RAKE
PILLS will cure Nor ordlnsr, rise of •ry,p,:e.
Pr. If ultim( met.• pro'retlcnat Oat?. In Neer
Yolk. Liu/tot,, mid at lite prloe:pal ()Ince In l'h Watt.
^v " rv. w^tk. t i e" dolly paler, of each p ace, or
Mr pamphlet ou couautuptloo tor hu de,' tor rialto.
I'auar • obreero, when purrhaolug, that the two II ke.
Item., it the Doctor, 11:0 when to the hut OW 01
Conwsuiptlon, and 'be other as he now Is, In perreet
beiltu, are uu thu Goreraruent estop.
amid by all I)rossitte and healers, rico SIM tier
bo.llo. or (OM the halt•doaea. All totters tor aahrlro
should G oddrewed to Dr. dottartuaht Dratelpal
Odom, Ni, Ih Noth Ah Street, PhUadatobat, Pt.
General Wli.tiate A l nuto 3 Don au , '
N. V. P. P. Mace, Daltitunre, WI,: John
Pub" l'lnelnearl, Oblet Walker h '1 . 41..t0r,,
wig , . Li'. ttitlino Itm, hatle. tr^
ft, Ir. t3i, 9nr. 1; t.
.11141 CIA 1 -
. 1111* 111:".141: 34 0 104 — iifiri ngT ;1 1414 :kir janorkT
PITT A I. 1111 AT 11111Iff Is all cow of illotalAol.
!stool, ['Unary and Notwooo Olosimo in moll or fo•
mob.. Advko If too md owns/mediate otolotay
110011.1. (Jon. 0,
panoply, mit free. No copilot 'ONO. 1441 r, or
Centime/in con earn front POD to ChM poi( day.—
Porloon otorop.ood witen'
'nor a CV.. Eighth Rt., New York.
Jon, 0, 11407.-17.
Tbe oty;t4 too, orthe oppoatte set may be gained by
(Wowing ritopie /oleo, Ind nil way ma try happily.
it dertre.l, withien regard to wealth, age or beauty
Send directed envelope and stamp for particulars to
Madata 1.11e1LIA: ORM ARAL%
Jew 0. 1 , 406,- ty. Bible house, New Verb.
If you are suffering flout the eireete of Youthfit I in.
*hotel ion and have Seminal Wooknoas, Ettilioriona ,
kr., I will ',wild you, free of charge, information
which if followed will rote yea without the old n
H. 1,010101. Aditreaa It MIRY AtiI3DYN,
Jun. O, 1141.-IY Station tl, New York,
And eutforb, treated with the u!moot flocepro, by J.
AVIA, M. M. Welt*, twill Affirirt (fottorriy of Lry•
den, tiotiond.) No. 319 PINT. Mitt. Pit ItAtP4.—
lOC from tha nowt reliable 'oeuvre in the
Coy nod Commie rain be open 14116 office. The med.
ii... 1 With y aro 'tailed to aremtionny their 110'00*.
ft* he hue tio 'sorrel* in hi* ptattict ART Ptt'l:lh
iuserte4 without rAts. Nu charge for mutt.
April ,41.
". pp. eimilor, giving informotior of too
arrataat impottaura to the young of both retro.
it teatime how the homely noty - barator tototiful,
the iiialioaod raspartadi and ilia foricatrea tove4.
Nor nsfig lady or fralitleinao should fail to Nana
their *Arras, and rao , irti a topy post-paid, by fr.
torn omit A+l irera P Mower, 11, Troy, N. V.
PO, V 1.07
Tka oepetwato nr the peat ten years hes demon
. :trali.d the fact that 'ilium way be plated in the et
(leery of
bell's Specific Pills,
fat the speedy and permanent rare of domino' weak.
iteo bctssionn. Physirol sod Nervous debility.fut•
pot pace, 11 %out. Or pOWtirt the rnsult of *IOW Bs•
re,g, to Youthful Indothretion.whith negleethdrrulno
the hoppittoos. nod unfits tho sufferer fur Bus - Bless,
Social Society or Mivintre, and often terintontes In
on untimely grove. Make no delay in seeking the
tottordat. it is entthay tOstttitto hod harmless on
the system. can Ott soil WI ItiOtti &greet ttM or inter
reroute wtthhustlietts pursoils,sud no ollanle (Witte*
is tWeetettlfy What . , going them. Price, rind Dol ar.
li yon eftitgot get MOO of your druigist, send the
looney in Its. J. Oryott, 819 Broadway. New York,
nod they wtl be telit COO (141IntrierVation by return.
4 loath
rt y eirrithlr , CeottelVert sent Cr , * on noph
I Minn. 1 Jan. ii, 10t.?. ly k Co.
Oft wise twat:l4o and taw.
Wrilr otarty ryPo. and rndisu4 hair
who. rtlnilig leol4l - 0.4 44 4 11. eilMlnea
F~urhainud the. ~ +.1, ) twat t atol uriud.
4'110,11g Ow Hair nC etilwr 1 4 ,.x into Wavy' 410
till*O.V if iiNkts or Heavy
ISr 41/4111# IN* ariirin Lndira and riannataell ran
SaaataY 1114.1100VV. 4 4 4 a 1 , 0.1,th.1 told. It to :Se anti .
lintel.. on the u a,!.1 that wit' .trataht hair, 411441
at the sawn /OW 1 4 1 VP It a benntrirnl,ll o ,ol Plwor
wwq, The 't 11,,,yer Clllll4l, Ind 44111) 111)10 1111 4 1.11111".
We hat ittoratr«. beam tie., and cleantw, ;is loahly
and 111 1 KVIIInd. anti neat town , ete
utiirle at fire otter.' to ll,a Auterienn
he. The cruller Gotta will be 41 4 4411 In ant' adarloo.
gaoled 'Una phrtpain I tr 11,
nrdern In W.
I. 1 - I,Mtii at. CO .Cn*latat* Nn. l We..i ravotre. fist .
1!VV1 4 r 4 44 , V. V. Fart Si 4+7— Ip
A I 1(1 I. 1)
Nt) M()111,:!!
Nieto by lino nee of lIR J01•11,11.1.V0 ELIXIR
you 1.15 br rurcol 141r1.1101e.1,11y. nail et a DOM rig
The anions. Meg ratter,. *holt has ..... Moe
looralaable roredlrolie Inc Pily•KAI 1111 Nrrv uur
WeAkliPprt. Ormond 111 . 1.11i1y unJ Prertralion. I.ter
et Molecular Energy Inlpwrary. or any of the ran
PrAlttllrl . a of youthful Mill lush, rt adept it (Inc
IliChrl vrinahtr prorarattoo ever Orton:VA.
It 15111 re..... .ail or, veer nilerlseor. dr loreselon.
m11.411.'111. $111 . 110111.11V leSlndy or blArinoer• hoer of
111.411.0 V. roarooson, Ileosibto of •,11 . -lertroction.
A•irrr el moonily. kr. 11 frill ri 1.1.. re the uppeltle.
ten** 111.• health willow We.,, have olcetroyrol it by
41.11y11:11 PSI:Me* a. r V.l prlfrilted.
I' 'mu men. he lotionhoterreol no insure by °Wench
Moony," /1 1 ..1 11111 1 .1 real prett ..... et*, 1.4 r.e 1. .1 trilit , rl l
delay lint tbe r.tivir. nod bt at Miry rett o loll ur11":1 111 .
3 ' o harlohlroor. A rorpett mere its gharanice , l
• o
cry 1110/.llce, Prier. $l. or Nor Waller to OW . Wl'
(01 r, 111, line bottle on euhicorool In relict a Lure in
all intimacy ran. , r.
Alm Dr Joinedlterr Pprrifir (..r the opre.ty
nod pertioruend rure or Gonorrhea, Wee', Urethral
Iharurr, War. I Pleirture and ad anectieue io
the li.i.torpo nod Madder. flare Peet (4•4 in Au'
Ono to Urn days. 111 On are ' , weaved treat
cuticle I hat are h rodeos ou the s3,..frat and never
liiitteolito Ono Pt ttttt aril or impregnate 11, breath No
changer", wet t. oeree.ary chile hpio: thew. hut
arialtiselt attiou la any n in bust•
arms por•a it.. I'm« $l. pet hot.
lutist r tit the above uterdroood arti. Ira will li' seat
to any toddies', rlo,elio nent.:•l, and ;out plod, be
mad or erre** on forrini of price, Adam,. ail or•
Sr.e lir urd:Grdt, ar Chensiota. No. ens
rt.. Troy. N. V. ;Yd '67-1Y•
gp m.E.t.siou! EXCELSIOR ! !
(iii4J 'f L A • S
vxtEitmt %Tint Pon ItEMUVING iiI:IIKA
CIA-0116 HAIR!! •
7.1 11i1.tat.lWA . iiiiyhteelif .1,p11,1„,
II c1.a.M..11.1S it!. ll }
av belt.; an nlete.t oi•ILU,
MAO. , to female beatify. it ea.ily applied. coee' nrl
beta ur ittlete the alum. bail aids d'uralli uss aho feet , .
It ta n imitated (4 remoV4 stlperllsoMlS hair r,.u,
low litt.lwaJ.. Item any Tart 4.1 tufa.
t‘Mtitv and rulteitt!V etlitritlfet ,
Stitt lel NV +0:1. ~,,, ah and unusual. 'l hu.
Its., testy real article wed by the Irreeeit. and the
ehly 11.1.111111 , fy in et I.lelu l'ruer, 75
met per package. eeht lord paid, to 7,n v uddrra.. on
noript ofolt r, by 1 1 1:11(lElt. 1 4 111' riot is Cu.,
IT.'G:-ly, CNv uli.l , ,tik.i %iara It. TM).
'll. , tro coamtk glad tidisato or jay to nil.
young and la 014. to great +tnd lu
lr•anty v.:loth once IP 44 pirCeilails 14 tla rat , '
I. Irew lUf all. and all allay toe fair.
Ikl 1,7 S T .1 C II ES
ra f t.a sgT , IW upon the iiisnothe.t Wee in Alms
ihrpsj to nem: Dr. Perviene'r
taurntettr 1 . /11111:41re. the moot winged's/rill shotiVery
in thests•fil sciehre. WINS 1111011 the Heard and time
in en al ettrarttleur 111811110 f. It huh. heels ewe'
by the chit. ..1 farce and I.stiolois with the upo•lllit
ierifig Kiscoel or nil Isilfrhti•irr< will he
nitslttlest and if I mire pelisfecttote it chi given in
every inetanee. the eetney will be cheerfoily refund.
ed. Price by men. reeled dal portant'. $l. Dew
trlptitre circulars mid ir.1i1111.116111. misled Pee. Ad•
thee. Hh.HIiEIL . SIIIJ'ITS di VD., clantlete,
2.3 Rivet Street. Troy. N. Y.. Polo 111 , 414 lie the
United 81 sty.. Z. tot; —ly.
Wonderful Revelations Node by the Great
plat, MADAME, 11. A. PERNIOO. Phe reveals
cooto no luoitol Port knew. Ylito fe•tOroo to huppi•
Iwo. Shoo. who (foot olo!aul Pointe. eittootrophro.
.rumen,. to 1,,r0, loss of rideiloo. and friends, lose
•.f motley. have become despondent. glee hriogs
together thole' lea soriarated. klvice loluritutlton
reining absent friends or lover.. roolortoll loot oo
pinion prop. , rl), 11.110 yin 1111. business YOU 11f0 beet
qualified to petiole uud in what you will he Itehd•ae•
rrerlii , toIII.C. speedy 1101ifiNi 1. 11 and tells pm the
very iley )he VPI narr,y,llvoo you the 11111110, 11ke•
fir /ellllll rilefOClerlelo.o or Inn 1n.f.1111. she reale
your very thought., 1111. i by bw alineet supernatural
power, unveil , the dart nod hidden mysteries el the
Were. From the .tare W.. Iwo In Ow hem:moot--
the 'toilette that overeolon on preolnialaate nt the
~tubs belles -from the SWUM. end 1111.11t1 1111 . of the
ploorto hod It,. flied Mare 10 tlw holvorio At th etpnn
al I,irih, r deduces the future anew'' , of wen. Felt
not to rousolt the *realest A itruiudilst nu earth. It
runts you hilt a trifle. awl you may 'lever 41504‘11 have
eu isvurtibis an oppottiotilly. Cosoultallon fen %%1111
liketore and all desired referianDea, $l. Patties
lit lit et diidatice can consult the Madame by wall
with I quill safety lied .01.tartioet In I beateel viii ss i t
A full and rAiltell chart. written out,
with ail legumes nue wered and Wiener, eneloced,
sent by mail 011 IreC.lo of prke above mentioned.--
The otolt.toot otwinoy will be maintained and &lent ,
reiteohdoece ' , tweed or de.troyod. References of
the highest order furnished those &siting thetn.--
Wrlte plaloly the day of the mouth and your ht
vtbleb you were born, enclooing a smell lock of halt
Meese. MADAM , : 11. A. PENIIIOO,
PAW ly I', O. Drawer 299. N. Y.
rhyoltitita and Pitirgeon.
Lt - y. ut 1160.1, eleMMAblt t 4
I.'llllll promptly iittro4ml in bolt' eight mid Op),
MOOPYrIlloq. Nov 'pm
.... .
effieoff 1 0F Y 011 tit.
, A OnillioniAte on t 4•4lfeng Aim If nvit r
Drhilloy. isturoi r, a tku offirisho
plonk eel hiAlownion. oil , MI like of onllhning
hunmanny. send Imp hp all wihn min. 14. 114* nun',"
nod diracUons fog mink" tha, nilwlle felinity fry
meek he wan coml. fillnkinrs WlWee Injiart 10
Or admin.?, esperionappern 444:7 ; pesoing
in pedant toilidencu, 41/11101 S. IL Veto
1114rael. New York . M. Itat.
ndilrepoen envelop* end tal evittclintn I Wilt *end
you goon valuable inrorenololll4lWilf Illeavevon.
Athiroolt NARY mooce, N. V.
May in, innn....q.
enwitir WIAhtIirtIENGIII. A gentto
mon who otartml for twits from Norronn and
Genital Debility. Nightly Bmittootie, and &initial
Wookoons, the retook of youthful Holismltots, sod
runic sear entlitis ht,r days in itoyulorti tulnocrt
for the inky or suff , ,ring moo, mold to soy one nati,t.
tiro Outdo moans woo by hint, which effected a
core in a few week. niter the failure of M11110 , (040$
UOVileilleN. Vend It directed sot/slops and clomp arid
will atut you owning. Address,
SMIAtt Tit KHASI% Mb At. N.Y. City.
.1 U !
Produeed by the use of Prof. ( lIIt bIiT.X . PRIBRit
1,1,1 Ott:VI:11X, One application warranted to curl
the meet ettnight and stubborn hair of . eitSin *as
into wavy rittfth.t.,, or two) , massive carte. elee
been need by the faehionntries et Parts and Landutt
with the moat gratifying revolts. Pee. on injury to
the hair, Prtee by mail, eeekd end po, , teuf , l
ne4eritiVe eireeinra mailed free. Address titUtOP,R.
ritit:VEN /lc cm, t 01.4114 vet St., Troy,
t 'nta ter the Petted Staten
Peb• fl, PC— ty .
rt,do Mr E Tracker, begot muter at
`'l have horn 11 ' 01 1 1 04 Inv yftnro will, a had Want'
antartiows watt ardly. and powwowed inwardly,—
Daring; the tfaot attintner it natinfsated *WU' more
than UMWO 411/IWilftllY. and i natal plat nititm All
Magna at it have Wary aintilllollllW. without atiatitui
we inwardly. indtenting. I think, the eradicating na.
lute or the Valve "
Pirrit W. El MLR. 1 SON, Hagan TrOprietol , ..
SOW by pti DalaiMS, tit 05 all, n box, tbnit by wail
lot CAC
WI INl)EitFtt 1317
NI ADA Mb; it :111 NOTON. the %err ld renowned
Aetridogiet and Smunambulititi'! Clairvoyant. while
in a clairvoyant state delineate% the t try feature* or
the person you are to merry, and by the bid of an
instrument or intense power, allaWa as the Psycho
motrope, sllltaalaas to produce a perfect and life ,
10,s pieture or the rotate husband or wife of the ate
nlieunt, with date and marrlape,oroupstian.leading
traits and eherseter, rate, rids is no imposition, nit
testimonials w Ohms. number ran assert, By Mating
place of birth, age, disposition, rotor of eyer and
hair, and eni losing fifty rents and stamped envoi ,
lupe addressed to yourself, yea will receive picture
by return of mail, together with desired information
FF Address to co Masers, MADAME cit itTisC ttCs
RPM, Airtimr. It. „t go:, Wert roy.
Feb, 'Xi, lebi—ty
To her country home, niter 4 impart* of a few
f1i0001 , 4 in the Cloy. was hardly reeognised by her
Mends, In place of a course, rustic flashed faro,
she had a soft ruby complexion of almost frlilrble
sintdhaess. and instead of twenty 'three she really
to uncured Wit eietiteee. t'pnnitrlaityasldtheuause
of *0 great a C 1 1:104a, !Ole 0010 Y loth Cleat that she
Used lila Circassian Huhn, and considered it 4U in•
Te4fOrtif+le ftelitir , lS fon 1.0 any Lady's laded Hy As Up*
any Lady or Glefilleltiall can improve theft person,ol
appearance an hundred full. it is 01111114 iu ftscom.
I,!ltaffOti. as Nil tie firr*Of in dimple, yet enseyees.
..41 in its o theory in titan ing impart:los tr on, also
bealiay„cteaosing dlOf beat ifying the skin and rein.
ph Mow Ily its duet t 4Ctioll on the entitle it dffsWo
Irian it all its impurities, kindly healing the tame,
and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should
Heat', soft, Sti4oool and foutlitiol, price $l, nerd
by mail or express on thecipt of an order by W
St CO., Chemists, No. 3 Went rAyOUP Ht.,
NyrfOli.P. N. V. The toothy ;thethitan Ageing for the
pale of tine thine. iFeb tr /117— ly
tund.on tI. r. Thwton n. the great English Artrol
opal', Clairvoyant and Perehnioetrtrun, ho has
astonished the smentt tic classes of the Old World.
has now lei utvil besets ni Hodson, V, Mug lige
l•bornt.,n p , iy.loll4lOrot ,11031 wonder ful powers of sec
ond sight. as to enable bier to import knowledge of
that greatest impnrinnc.A to Ihre stalls or ruirriod or
Oct.cirhet While In a «tare of trEttirr, she define
atm. Ilia very features of the person you are to mar.
ry. and by the not of on instrunienteof intense hon.
known so the reyrholvatrove, guarantees to pro.
dare o life like Oiling ot the future husband or wile
of the applicant, together with dote of,,
in lire, lending traits of eller. actor. rz. e. TM,
is 5, us limo:mods of testimonials ran ae,
, ert the it iti octo tsto.ti Mrir..4 a reitilleti ..1 trill.
con. or n rota tt aoa,.intvv, that the mourn is what
it pvilmita ity er-1..111g u email lock of
and rtalley place of Itch, og.-. disposition and
I I , NAOI I , flan enklo , illl liftr rOik. wt.! ,ta.01.641 en r
Otle , 34%11145 - ell to t ourself. you It tit ree.. t ve the vie,
tore and , ,l 04 . .41 , 011mi by return Mail. Ail
crmitnutitriAtioo , sattedby con tidentini, addreta to
dvtice, 01 \I AMC \pia. l'. tl. ttvt
lid r, h 417 , • ly
I mu middy in the paher.
Irwtrviv w0.4,1‘.4 4 tin'
4; I. rim '. in lin. *lnin nit tt.nincr,
Litiginty 41 the storm inid win v.,
trPtitrono on 'he Nthien tii: qtr.,
A. it 1.“11.P. tiw (1,44ty tirittniln
WWI 411 nud hartu ttrt to UV 1.44
Ant r. ;or a plotiotoc
1... re I it+Ye my eruude•t
4.i,0v vox to 111 . • Slot my
She.A.6itt4ll4, itt 41411 , 4v.f.:, 'twit .
ftoT 100 too fly
SY, Mt' ft , oto,ft hydro. toot t
the r0,. 0 uP tte.fltlf owl hit
TaAv tArz choeh, flo t i hum
.pf , Prt3 ' ay Uh 1141,11
V 1.4, nro ,r“, 10,1
Inc lOVe what htulum navire
, nly eser twede4-nrite..srit '
Slut It
tel iii
what :rid toy
to ,
I II than pair nit iintn I herr up ;
1%010, *trio i.iinn..l,ying n o ;krer.
"I'l. tbs /mood • rn.f:yronn enßuf.
1:10! PERUVIAN/ SYRUP in n prutnrlnd nolltt.nn of
the rf ,, t ,, noi , Irufi, n uuiv flinenn* , * y ui medicine
thnl storm”. nt 1110 fool 0f ,iinonno py .orlOyitor thn
nit On i Ind I,Hariptr ut l U term
io* nrtitline ban “I'vntun ifF tl Woo+ , 10 1118
r. DI Mallon; Proroi , tor.
NO 36 WV t£t, !New York
old Vv nit Driir.26ts.
From Mr, itura O'RM 011AMtlelltlf. MAO.
I was atonal with every Wen so one of my
and Oitd many romealea WitHoUt reties'. My
*limos ifutmuM mo to apply your naive. la two
daps ettneted the intimation from by tinker en
us to enable me to resume my work. I can almmt
may tht.l the Palm. worked like maw. for it eiforted.
a (Wit without ItaVillg a treat. I unheadotinkly
pronounce Orate. , l!'lere an eteeltent remedy. and fift
nut doubt it will bo appreciated throughout the
SOTO W. rOWLN tr SON. Coston, Propriettry
AVI4 ity M0tt144%01.4 4174.1 titortra attomtly .
Oct. Itl, 1,07 -»4w.
tr ynn require a reliable remedy In r rector yon,aad
tvimAr Itteaultkr hire Or ()helmet inn*. why not ore
the beet years experience hoe prOV ed tier
Dr. Harvey's Female Pile,
Imp no n , pral Of Removing Mistruetinna and Irreg
nivrtilov, No matter Rom what native they mom I
They lifeworu and aura in (leo' mot. Price, One
Guitar, par box.
Dr. Harvey's Golden Pine,
le o remedy four 'leveed "kronur then the above,
end intended for loped& Called of lons standillf.
Price, rive pullers per nolt.
A looltee' Privelo Chicoler, with goserivlPlP, sent
in* on "pollution,
if you tune% got the PIN of 'nut dtuPrlht, and
the money to Vr,J, Ripen, MP Ilrondway. New '(irk,
and they will be emit Iree from ebwerestion by 10111114
of moil. Jam. n,
l'be lowed enrollment et tho sobeeelptton to
?Me Nlromsbum Lltermei Institute is Mte on the
brat nr 'onto, . Itobreelb+re *lll Pitmen ply iMelr
rPrpwell re ameente, sed abtip itljoiller.
Oct 5,10.7.
!Inward AososinSinn Nemto. One YOUNG MEN
on tho 11$1111)1 los* rho 12191101
AlOlBlll see IlliAtAnnl wnien as stIOJAIns mud!
and croon. inipoilinresos so JIIARRI AGE.
wins mule insane of Pali Its pestoil fetter en
rion_pus, fora or char. AAlrees lIR. J. SICILIAN
1110110111111JI, HOwurn Assoc.:4l,M Eli, I adeliphi e, l'o,
Juno 5, 1007-1.4.
The entowttbot has talon *Me pains to tepieeteh
his stock by need purchases, tett he is now mitered
Bell as low as any Dealer
in this section of country.
call aped him. by coy person atm uttifmuutvta
the price of goods, tititi the finality of the same.
will mike tbis, rid I in.. ettottot tef one nevi!
hay meows they are entirety satisfied< Ile will to
glad to pen hie friends cud the yubt,u vuutehy
whether they buy of Hot
Ms Week tontiNts of the foist varieties or
effr PEN.
$Ol tic,'P WAA
rhAtt tut" tine rutity,) MUM,
OKI KO II ritTrt, f in their 'lesson.)
In WON . Vitt unligtt ettitottatm.
s taA & % DI.ES 4:llfDde,
la A I. k f; kitOl Ls.
afro a Orr arroetaffirt of Dry floods and noraery.
and a fad ,variety of goods of the Mow clout, and
of mbar kinds. In addition to which ha bus recently
added to to* stark es fine mottmlLt of
in'sshkh yarieiv or armada he has sewn* new
artielva of ~**,dent invention, elk:Min/01y um*li
where known,which 14014 vOitil into 0,4 Ltj
lie also has a don su4ly or
French Moroccoes;
and of a or Morocco hininew for :140' , .t0,tr0,
o ; and n good Nasortment of
, a,tirlawioe
3oliN r f;lp:rov
ie. V. Col lwr >f Main ithti 11.4, bit , t4t,
Mown , ..burg. A irril JO, NO.
J . BROW t )
lx IVIA Offering IV ttil ral)11,; I,i , 'PUCK:S
congiriong In part 61 A C.ln `=. nc of
Fine &Wile and earevmera for Ladies' coll 4.
her,,. G 4.144 of all fatlerna and qualities.
belalow and ['not* of vannus gaalifn• and
Bleached and Brown Muslin*, Ludic...lFront% Gorge*
ConJ fir. to. IA of Ladies and rhildr#l,- (p l ai nt ,
and Hoop,
ruah WortriPo 1v,,! Spire.= NP. , ,t , rsuo.!ta.rt or
Glass and Quetuswart.
Et No. I Atarserri in ••ni nnif on , l one ronith t 47 rerl*.
Now re titr time to mak/. your Arlfirlioo, a* 1 am
Orono* goiolo at very low prier* aril (mr aunt, is
!air dlgailig it) 411, and MA it.11:43 hV atyy.
J. J. BROW rir,
VAni,mi!otsg, Aprit 3tt t
1,111317, N UTS', 4:c. , , V.f.
Wholevite and Retail Dr,tter4 p
rota ap! Muck. etnom , bqr.;. f.
or,ANtic.s. Lcmcom, Eitsiv. PRI:ENS,
ilomn.butg. June 26, 1:1,1*.
rnrrltilre THE Er iscorm. nwitcH,l
On Main Street, Bloomsburg.
The Inietrribur Wire pleasure in putireineina to
me Pe. t•ie .4 hiPunir bum, and vicinity, dint he h.i.l
on baud tt lam; mil tint noonotineo Of
00Ts AN!) SitOli
Et,t and wear. to ktil I HU !armor.
City Work tx of OM hunt and Win Ott
team tool - 11)1W urea ; he beutg r praerrekl
0141H:to aad n gt,Ml Judge tot'
zzgact , ),:m= o *
be to not tt4ety to be itnpntrol 14,01 by vnenvving
nnt!nrlal badly unitt
:on- thing in Inn line wrnad fin wef
a.9tv,,+ bon n rnti, io 141 , , lfl t ns nJ frb,volt4re, Ihi
:4,46 4
at. at ititrem to ottit wasB't/4
All 1p:room; whn 4toore 11 0 11 or h r OVY
1 , 1 01. 1 er cart be Ett , '"ftSlA:Stml 6e , 1114 4;0445104411 'A.
lit A i*te, tfttillt log Will tot ettuer wait nentnexa and
r?... p /Wt.
elegant ro. , ...rttst4 fit OK. 1 , 01 hum
am *". 1, ..t ., "It 11,01 , 1, A.
,00itY. lets 7.•
umforwerwd reFnertfullC arittoUnemi to bix
many frirmix that lIP has of"..uts.l it 4tt , t11,31 , 01111::
tient tOirry f 1 .4 Furntshiu. kil44rt , 111 Utr ifiWi turn nt
the Itrru».au Utz liar, cut ta 101
Mittse.t. etitet,„ El..tortimre
o,v ono moo. to.ototo -, 01 Unto' rholi. 0 0lr'oo!' a %oh Olite
totnek fq.
Full and Wittier ollothiPg
and t“ , tillenucti**, rUttelsh..t4 Gornla, &r., &r. tip Ant
Wt. t It that hr ran please all. Hu stuck roue .
tVU ous I newt vt;
01. t , 40
sill( (OATS,
L'R.dU R.
fOL L.! €tb
fT r R
t '7 I
.;•.PA.."VDE:R! .
r. 116 L.f:S, fir.,
inn in fact rveything on the Clothing ar fnraiithing
lint at
riTy 10AV MOM
to ad4til on to the above he has as Jet great
nuent of
Clothes. Cassitner , , and Vesting!.
' Cluihlng intl.z to order nt lhn ohortpoi nnliee
call and sue before purchawing olM.%herr, mid
October 10, 1 , 44
The Truth about Dyspepsia.
Whoever says that dyspepsia Is incurable, WIN a
—shut is to say. makes an egregious mistake. More
than ten thousand aggravated races have been cored
by nosurretve STOMACH SITTERS. while the
combos that have been prevented from coining to a
head. by the some mesas. is incalculable. le this
season of she year, when the appalls is sometimes
tun vigorous fin the comfort and surety of the stomach
indiaestion is most prevalent and most distressing
to the appetite to pe balked to 'acme nadate the dt
Valise organs t Not so ; for thole the frame would
teak its due proportion Of 441111110111 1 tin thing to
he done la to hasten rotor ens stonsett, tone the liver
ant put the trowel', in perfedt order. Nothing will
do this so Oh:loony, re rapidly,
pleasantly, as HOSTETTER'S 1111TERS. This po
tent preparation trims and balances the sy tom. and
Clothes it, ao it W , qo. WWI 44'440'4 armor. CrirenlC
dyspepsia, titer complaint, and fever and quo era
navel known to Minch those who are wise (moo.; to
invoke the Al 4 of this great preventative.
Catcher, la. bfr7....ste.
Bhmktil4l3l,Atlics t
UI !wry dear vrtioon for sale, *1 IS unite
• •
Complete • , • • , and
ratite 'Fist 7 An,
to Ott Otot
Oyu 20.000 cony % sot)) i$ I stormy.
We end oldrenteirre ep AMMO. Aktl l lll4oo 04 OW
Poe jar (ay.*. ern 200 toscriptloe fall POOP.
'rapt* new of Mr teepety. AWL
P rope • 'Rd (Soria/Hwy s/ Sari/rev awe, ited
To pvollp•CtiVo and wipers is Aim opm
Vt'crit. ' (liitneyof Chet not and Ihrtllo ,o(1
will prove us 111V0011016114 eeelvtanco, eittplpini ea It
dose a ergot lona 1015 or II 101, authentic Pad Mid'
ableguide to climate. alit, prodoctc. 0411110 Or Irian/.
arr.. ae„
AUENTS WAPITED.—Pend for QomNri led los
our 11111111 M, awl fall any/ difilfe. of Or venrk,
/Walvis NATION Al. P11R1N1W,13.001,.;
M`•i ItileislOW, es:
August, 7 , 1807-4
NEW GIMPS.. s,'N (stst/W1
The puLtsc bent in ttind th2o.
hain militantly 44 Hand
Priefr Or GOMM IN
kHJ.i of good Chods. citcAr fur tub br etua
try prcr:Ut.n.
1.'441.1 vitro:, 11 1,17
[6sariloN OF CriPARTNER ,
TiO nflt% of A. A. Mi,TZ & aPtO ir ,ehir Qs y
snivel rby rt,arcai er 0.144. rt. A rwar. rrltritig,
I) E. /1.11 , tq im1;'.410444 WWl*ttit tIVA.•
W.:#.4 in hia P A. PClttr7..;
le."0/10 r, rourz
• .5 7
I t WV. • N. %OW:XS %IA Dr.1;111
POLITZ'A M CDICINF.Y. at tho nI4 Nur, NI.
rratildin ato ilMin" u u J OtSO
IP %VW fain Z.
ffidt inorr. t
MANGE'. EvLatrir' ir
1., NAM. Rd
¶0 124 wALrorr STIZEIST,
,krit) R 9 nevvre num
HARRY =tram
A •Ippit 7, lei:
T WILL ati kttHls dianast4 Ibit
11 , 41 is Wu In And wGate lotto Is uvula, no -Amp
Wpowin cored to 4N hump or no par
fittaust 7, 11.. , A7.
E x la! tiltl .\*OTIC,
Z. , TA rt. el , JA Oh 41.. 11,1 er t ry . T u r,, mrouni,
`,N; otitis j $ l l ereliv giver. Cher letters 10.1AnSellIIile
a ft o t.lnt 4t of .leach KerDs. tieteaord, lite or riots*
Creek toweehtp Irohmilat have boo 'stoat.
,rt by the Keel stet or stthl roomy to Meribah Nom*
t..itics Sn eiid township and *II priors hay
Pet the (Attite ere rt.415.11t04 trl preen
atom to the exeeet ro ro, oettirment, rind thous Itoo
lug Iht , ereelees t”. tifitehtett writ wake partolit.
Mt:ltlta% KEA: rucotriy
A.twe t l‘ll7
11E11 CRS' ,`...!• f„1 I . l:,:slostrj
KNOWLEIW Cr) Tu Or 1 lir
Pop; Medal end highest tewurds to AVM.
jea rers,veil.
Melodious uutl s' et hr+tot PLUM
Wow *ttt PHIL A,. r
pr ItiG7-
"the Pelvtirtnt tiat log renovated and Witted lam
RESTAURANT, in the trivictscot or the
he ;'oald Meet p•Prectfully solicit a eotitianatw
the putrnhete or hiq {upt.nnera, and cordially in
rite the nithuti<a of IItAN +Aft W hi» mfrcrimicitte
as folialtz
141 , 1.•r3) ovsTnßs. ratsT
—7 ;41 ,4 in IM, Z7t; etil ' "A"
t.r• Opt, rs ~ a n be ,reread tql to rotxtouvers 4.0 a
tho.oettts Matte.
ferovt.o. rntrr., oa a ,tr.
04011u:014o, r
tv , 44,1+ tug, Aavvt 89 bier.
to. V Vt . . OV 'Prat A; SOSfi
RA W Boy H:
Phowhate of Lime,
.11 .1 _.,\ - 4 FA (.7 rr n Ems. riac vs . ,
r. , .titc rt. loovi t ki,"
By Tim
White Liquid Enamel,
rot Ininr n slns and Realm it the Crimple rine
Ills most sailiome 1.4 pe f Uprepiraton itt nseior
mots the akin 4 hen:pool mill jug tint, t h at u
01101 r' , lllllllll ' ,, nth. It infield} , rtIITIOVeI Tan. e'er*
1 , 1 , 1-,les tiootaKc Mow ballownesa
Prtiptinne.ini ffooBfrities of OS skin, kindly hub**
the some leaving the skin *bite snit riper as afghan ,
let Its nee tannin. be detected by the desert eerie
any. find *woof a vegetable pfeintration Is perfectly
1111F11111111.1. 1114 1110 only ankle of the bind Used by
tne French, and is enovnlnted by the Parisian as In -
ttlei ensible to .4 perfect Intlsts t7tiwityle of *IUIS
unities afire sold dift-og lb. pnot, year, a SUAteint
guarantee of Its eifiracy. like only 13 tents.—
Sent by mail. no.o , Dahl. On receipt of ap Wet. by
EF:1151.14t,, sli*"l - ff. & Cu , Chentiate,
Feb in ift67—iy ?As River St.„Triity. N Y.
it 1 tE6.
31 m - sifß
Light Street, Colombia Co.
MIL Witinre WARS
Woottl anromme to the eitmeos of Light Firm alld
'amity that rhe has opened It
O. Fancy Stole,
hieh 114$ stocked Vlith a Mese 4 04 new iegeee,
meld of Wintery and Fancy Cootie. from tha mama
Mitre, hit the. Swot; and 7.1.401 fuer tiwit.
UPI .1.01 r.tialoti nf ALL ARTICLES tenth! In
tires rhea mi'lnicry store*. WI gools nte the Wet
and wont handinainn In the tnerket.
lIONIVEITA made In of dvm and tOPAinnaltone. With
moaning« and &snatch. MI worn t mend in the
blast and moot tasty manner, upon tauvuo•Able Wet
Parlteuter nrtenUon it paid to dreev malting. no
Imo Arl'EßNei or every deerrtpti , m
the !lade, oe baud And (or lilt) ciiolo.
l'lnrir hat a tall Rota is Wottitlew buthiihrorallala
I.llely oat opiat+ by ?dives Jul Altar.
A Itki7:-31a.
111111 ! ITCii 2! ITCH !!!
sott 444 it Ant scst ' bvit:t tt'
tq from 10 to 114 Nov,,
Wbbat4l4o4 4:41.140144114 CYO'S Ttr- itch
WI: -to 04tynt11t care 4-44 rthontl
Wheaton** Oiraitent rnrrt 9 . !to r.
Whotsion's OittlYaiga mute B..*Coars'
Whotonli CUtttnuit rot*t NA{ 1.44441
Witokon's Ointment tor. 4
of *IMO, like
IV 19.11,1 ea brit; by mall,lo mats. Addreaa
as porn& Na . slit wbomigtos steno,
Beet Name. Par ..eis by 1 11 ib lu m, t y,
erpt $l6 101.-1 yr.
Ot =CAST 41. Co
RLwr or crorp+
n 11; 113.LAR 3