Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, October 23, 1867, Image 3

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    §totr.o l Otti Mtutticrat
Wedn#6B64, 4•!.18, 1467.
IC' . Wog wilt tom; stir renders far u t ittan twertt «
ft:OMNI in Melt iintnedinte InauUti.ii. if they no tint
desire) tA Write a coointonirntoon frit the puhtte OH,
et sheds ',Yid Wit tAtirf ntittentent of orntraing, of
lOWA 'en renfiective toinottoiltlen, A lint 0
inntaggoll,Vatha, strident*, siren, nennlynic
1101ititheilVIO,1ke. We will put them in fittni. The
flictiCtir Mix kind we eon eti the, belief it will
roll Its nod Our fruition. Who will do it t
To A PVEKTIO:AS.—Tetsous w whine ad toot nn mem
inserted, tow( bond farm in early on Tuesday mum
ay to Inoue their inerrtioti fr.r dint week.
Se The accounts of the firm m.JACOISY
StirMAN to far as scut out for collection
are in the hands of the following persons:
Vornsh;p,—JoliN 11. HEILER:
jt,fwer.—BEN.t. ZnimEttmAN, P. M.
Man.-I%J. CAmPum.L. P. M.
Marialereg', afralAr t .Isl4,hind.
In Sugarloaf Township. llsflarcnllamt ion
have Win plaeed ill the howls Mf t",•ri ;tot,
ERY 011,1:, to whom. 4
payment is re.pti!..e-.1
to he male at the earlieo.eonvotiono...
In Scott Township, all per nn rowiotr
lhotnsolve.i in arre:o.:, find
t lilvertiAng, to the DiNoritxr. plcaic
'ittitko payment, to JosEPII
114,111r1 —W pim
..elomiwk.—DANtrA, Nrvu. %RT.
Thhrsburg---Mathia: , pplotnnn.
Dom"' A row ha-11 , 4 , 4 earn will be taken
of this oiliee on sub:...ription.
11. ; ihil,ire nrlrcrti sc
ehoiee birds 11.rr f,alo pager.
Mora •vat t lion's at .1. J. Brow.
er's Store. People aro rtelting after t he new
and elteap goo 11... It is real?lx, aatoiri lain
vihat cheap goo Is are sell nacre.
WootlwarT o ron?orit) in 141-
zerne is IS4I. :111+1 k+.+Wll:llll'S inni.rity
SuNuaanna 1V0.• in.tjo:-
ity in tho dit-trit.t, 611,
Kt. I'. John k a Vvry t ro, :,?-
ual according t,) the ,liao.! allowed, and tho
attention paid, him iu th 3 het V thwit
ter - The Award Lit of the Agtivuhural
Seeiety, published in this paper, prevents
us giving our usual amount or nt.W.ti 41;111
Politi,,al matter,
Matue wr-tob or or. editor sw: , that
rainthor mkt to the pte , ott , 14:
the hair talcs th
their feet
C- - ;)"' ltcnd tha filvoi ul , lO. cc Mr.
l!eofi'crs a I . ~!,
viatnYthm with 4' la: ).
Norttn;latt ha: rv,tt tine sttncrtill,
ti charming wintlwr, ; a trit.
.-4-4 r-i 0444-44
hart: it,
rr.r . \I parr wtotn4
butter at tsv ee;,ts a viand at that
WI I egg , . at f'ourteen e dozen. %re
%could be glad to quote a b 7,, ehang; in ow
The poor !I !lows who h 3v ••
. ; 11 . t
turned all tattered and torn, I*.au tt , vol.l
bleak bluffs of . 4 alt. Elver, w...d ‘vell to
call at EVANS' and get a gnod loth
cheap fcr cash.
Tho ivutlibia coludy
w in hold
on Tlinr,laycronin,% the t (~Ctill,7cr,
according to a re,olution paneled at 1, 1 ,1
meeting, in Liloom. , ,tur;.t, Atli. 12, 1,67.
*a" The party that svallt. , rti!e this
cuttittrY is the party that watite , i t.l resiu it.
...—1 x'c Urge
Exactly sr), the people hi..l di 1 . “; 1 1
filet and voted, that "part," tio,rn
day, the Bth.
air At the lag regular Wht`c CAW, of 11.,`
B. M. S. rUnd A , “ elitt
of W. H a
artmn, a, on, of r-.
was tendered, and aeeept. , l. IL, v..aoy
was tilled by the election of E.
Esq. A. good seleetivn.
tAir I'Ve will Le thank:nl to perohs
troughout the county for information in
egard to all local oceartenct A of general
iu If you feel that you cannot write
r the public eye, just seal us the touts, as
it:f as you choose to tell them.
&V". Friend 4 of Sheridan and,
to for Judge Williau.s I—Erdooo
The above nanoil d tloadied ,at.-11,-.
*dn't appear to 1
.tre many frit•nkk ;.14
icians in Pennsylvania, if we may ju lg.. I y
he vote pond for 04.2 higher-law
ler We learn that the Deno,eraey of 41
yeetning County intent having a grand
bilee and ox•roast. on Thon,lay next, at
envy, in honor of the great triumph over
e Radicals at the late election, Can't
me of the'Culumbia I) e moeruey ;it ?
gam* The County Commissioners are
dug some of the maple trees taken out
he Court house lot. They stood too
k. The thinning out of these trees and
ming of those that are allowed to n.
0, add much to the general appearance
.0 lot.
?, On Saturday last the Rooks of the
msburg Mutual Saving Fuld ssoeia•
";re open for the Pale or sharer, be
the hours of 3 and 8 o'clock, p. m.
t h ree hundred shares Nvero taken and
, ney paid, which was lounvd out to
lw4 bidder, upon giving approved
: fa the PAM e.
'mtg.— We learn that on Thursday
'ct a fire broko out In Catarvia
' me gal& with their mutt , nts.
sty, sa far ae we have learned, b e ..
lip S. eesboltz and Lewis Fetter.
105111 g several hogs, and a
mount of grain and hay. It
.lott the ire originated. Re.
; ,was no *tanner ou any of
11,010,, One evening lad week the office of
Mer,tllv), Neal & Cu., at their Zit nue
near tide mutt, tea entered, through a
window, by itOars. They all luta* to
open the large Iron Safe but fail ,
net attprov.t d that they were "prOrc.
but persons win) were 'unaware that the
Company ire nit in the habit of keeping
money at this office. Their adventure and
effort to commit robbery were entirely fruit-
re 7'Bally. Poys! owe more, and ollotirge
home nivm the guerrillm,—Efehrittle,
We haw: 013 honor to report that a gal
!ant charge was made on the nth emu
pletvly touting the enemy in the Keptmoe
and llnekeye 4inttictt , anti the capture or
over 600,000 or their fi;rees,
M. A Itichiminfl special dispatch !MSS it
WA been deobled to try Jefferson Davis in
November. trial will probably com
mence 4)11 the 2411. An effort will ho oracle
to obtain a white jury, as the one now em
pmne'ed, stands nine negroes aril three
11-.. Y" The Post ()like Detrirtment tve
itba s' Standapl Scales, their eorreet
n-.... and convenieneo giving them prersglmee
over all +nhers. Ch e mi.ib, Am* yrs, Bank
er-4, and all requiring delicate apparatut , ,
lied theta entirely sati4ttory.
Salvo is eufloo , lt . ,l by all to be the best prep
:.o,6,l'll for t h e yore of outs, bu rn s womid4,
:w1t141;-. sprain:, and On:MVOI.IS fli: , PB , (7s and
eruptions got , rally. In plaot, diAmit from
modival aid it will be found
iii the nursery it rltou d alway, be at hand.
IVit.kT MAN.--fit our
410,1 .4 rtntrY tha in , Yh an _1 the
11 , t:1 11;..t*,11111 1 Y th. 111. 0 !VV! , to PAIN% if th"y
11%0 tiUt 11011 iu Clitt ‘‘{ll} WO3l.
th.o:t and most tit hionat Its, 1 . 1)0 ANA:WV:CaIi
tlfoobarli 110:441Y it. in hi , own loYpin?z. --
I ho in I , wri rt., it,t.i.tY an 1 iittolit:f
Fore of inteliko , n, ,, . trout
to :lay. a , cytTy wan waytrho will ;
aronnt to tho bee viitio . y au Ito tit.
tito gill: Or thq p`,)1,10 arct
thr , Atil aids; open to hhn. 11 „, y ,-
wd , a :hoetnalsor; 11 , t,ktinin rrani,:ill a
print, , r; Ahraliant Linooln a rail- , plit . t r
,johwon a tallr. ;opt yot their
htnal , :o ptsrotit iu early hdr to
thoir a 1t:0, 0, m , tit to hon w t'.o i.
Lot the
tildn that, in thi ,, trot , country
of ofir.t - honor all l Nino front WI
ri^o. “ hit vtorth, t h o worth
intygrity anti ititt•iii , r , two that
0:t: th tri at' !i'i It
t I wiflion ho trilllitil to
t or
- A ti'grcot
t 11;c: Ilt , aa• glati.O. -0111 t,
v; 1 1 at,p, th:01
61-10:at ,, a r
t:t*V••T s' • , 1 real, 11!' ri 414 it 1.4 -
1 1 y , p ntr Liver 'ottip!a • ilit. CAliatt
Com. 1 .111.11••:••,, for a want o f
I.c ,1 , pr0, , m. It i 4 nti av:ro
-.l.“,u'Amt, i. , t.) point!.
1 -, •••••• • rfr —Frrirrtrryiryfrit*.,---441;t-
ly it, ti,o
WATri:.•-- 1 d-i'L•rill
rto ;:I•1 b:dr thp
i At 1 E. L.
we v I . ',Art'v. I
I' 7. Pr• wtH ,
1:v-" i nticte.• Wei' ft.lopt
1 .;...1 Of h... ther to
,• U... Pr ,V 1 ..1...rr I o'oll lit ft+
1 , 1,1 v rr,on our 0. 1 .1. t, I , y the
1 11'0. 1 +.1.1 KATI: I*;', t, our
1 ~ cl' tsar 4 '''4 91 .4 1 .
C4l 4 ' 4 . • 1 1 4 ' '
hat a , rt 501•,• , d %V hunr
n<<•,' to Lor fi41.:14 in the %viol of in
hn paw-. and w,'.l C Ver Cht'l 1 , 11 in our
Akorthy virlu, , s, and
-ho uil he nl—cnt 11 - •• In a yuf., by
v.]:l I; t b," 4,1;;T
we. a, n
ro. uru !.. ..• • •.+-o
tho n-olior. , e,
L. .1 L.; von.hol, tovl von-olation.
that won'
11. , ••/...1. wo 4looply sympotlii , o
With C.:. 444 Ta4ol iu thi, th, ir
itt:.:r h-r t, "nom.
th. r 11,r vo , nrort ition to our
1.:11 I 1:i all thing,
'l'ltst a enpy ttf tlio al , ove Pre
an,l)'e • tlotittle, 14! "440: Ly the NO
10':1!V rOlilY of t Ito doeeaKti. anti al'o
to tho Churk.l4 u:/1 1 County paper, for
Altll 1 1) .
: 4 e! h. .2.41 h. by the Rev. A. I),„ll,qt e ns,t,,i n ,
NVi :him 11. 11 , , rat?, to Miq , t* . tivilla
f hipoall, t * 4 t,to , :ovilio.
0 . 11111, to . Ow NUM`, Chll4, )18 , tVikr,
to Mi-s ea•harine LitoLlotiuth,
or C0e..0 , 20tt0.
hy the game, at the to,ihettoo
plreoh-, t.:terhoo Pettit , to Miss
Frokse,b , ,.l, r.;wre.
froo , o,t ore. eweine. the
I7th y the Pot. Them. 11. Callon.
31r. thm.ll 11, rquvN. of lksneillc~,:n_d
B;:rsir, F. Wilm, of the forworphee.
The (*air eouple have the legit th: nk.. of
the I ntvi . - for that delieitot4 enke, mot
they ail !min in wi.hityr th , tut a Joni f
itht , nre aril ha 'Timm
At Light Street, Columbia County, ly
.11.weith Lilley, E , 11., on Saturday. Oetnitor
if,ttli RG7, at the re.idenee or the bride*. ,
motlo r, Mr. Thomas Bear, of England, to
Mk s Linie Pughe, of the former p!a4.1..
Dl F;0
✓ Near Potter:nip, North'd Cotntv en
IVetinesitty, the (;th tn 4., Mrs. Littlde
Freeze, at t he Witealleed nee of Ito yeurm•
caNmi sa, on Welt 4 4 lay morning, the
lilth itt , t, Mi 4"; KAU EVER, aged 2,tt y'ears,
s 4 mete h 4 a umi 2 days.
.51 ilitliET itErORT.
wheat per hp.liel, $2 no
1 , ,, . ..
" o t, 1 10
Coro, 4, I (4)
llookoheat " ~e)
(tat,;, 4, 70
Clovers-A " • 7 00
Flax-e<,l, " 2 50
1)6'1 unites " 2 (4o
Potatoo, " Co
Floor per barrel, 13 00
Putter . 'S
I.:upper dozen 25
Tallow per pound II
Lard '• 15
I'lnms, " 23
Slioulder4. " . ...... .. 15
Mlper ital.—. ..... ,—........ ... ... ...... 12 (X)
The under*linvA oit'er6 fur of Ittno.erturt
Canary Birds and Fancy Cages
effrAp pOlt t'Afht The Virds nrf! 41110 htllt ne
oyo, nod her homily they nru net Puthowit4l by thoty
kind, ALSO, the oohortihey to dosittoto of boyflig
Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens,
in large nn.t nn+nit HIM the full tint win.
ter m••tket, fur whit h pm , th , t teent liberal
;Wo , . WILLIAM etti,ll4ol4ll,
Phtv'o'y hutltitog, Main Attoet,
Oritewr V 3,1,44, hmmhoto.
• •
NNW mitiLormtv aooDs AND
Thn simiers4;ttimi 'Hoot tvmpertfilltv irtfilmB I t o r
et, ritionmero, firld t4c toithlte is getwt 11, tit it Ow Into
ju*l lo hitt already kw and VitviisA aa,urt•
Mt' II t of
A NKW ;41' PPI,V, well mid trtownoty .4ofretift) h
and riMitflg .011.1 MI. hr 7 , 41 , :tV MO; r;4
AND DATA We ctirw vett to take Oft 1,10, 1,1
lw , and VICIIIity, tille halo evkrythliq fottotAl
first e 151,14
Millinery & Fancy Stores,
and tin'k, , s irp tnul $1 hor goods nyna the moat rit ,
sl , ll.llito 1 , 1 , 144 I.lOVtl 1)01 a cal I and twr w
bt,,,k pintl4. LIZZIc. DAIMAY.
r'roltr,. Minn Strf, , t. {ltAri. , ylt , twilrog.}
Cloutier 13. 1417. Itmommtirs.
1 ‘s'lm.t..l) AND cdtocEiti
4 ••
i • Ohl*,
L. H. Hunsberger, Agent,
Man St reel, In hnil the Me ricon
t 0 OWISOU n rA
KP,tl , l rtn halo} and rintl,ol,4 to filo holtio 31141 cow{
try ttadr, at Pirt:wh.lphid (100 - eml) 11l
FINE: cur AND PUG 1011 Ail OS 7
17077VSTIr A'7:77 nir WlT,llll7lAW.:»nklndnnl
4,0 liri,r
WI, riper, NMI poMmwitt 4e 11, whuc
Wei, rtmai4 alet,. W. , .1 Irl W= II lir glen Illot FI
t 117 ;11 O . :141 Oi lo 111 ,I COO,. thy their 'one& *
er POO 00.f1114 too 10 II
lie iro. r0n.4811 , i e •
lut , l a PuU Stippiy of {t”.iii
, kc , nil f..f .
1, v 4.1, ur r.otifttry 041.11'1
1:M111:1; IN-MiTTES
.%!'l D,( of td+• nvitrto , !vin,a,
y or A im !, 9tr 7, rwiti, 4. A osm o r
Stipp olt - mt let Aro A , 4.#.1
ilalro 111 teill 0(Y.4111 , 410n1 Wi CM11:10.111S111..1,44
eliNcl h* 140,..,.
et* e. "Teot Ow Collette Seperinten feel of pnrti
ronoteoloceolitt i,. hrrrly 40stitorle , o1
, tnirrd . ote, in 1 . 0 , 11 4 1101 11141 , Mot
plt, 11,10 ,, or 0 iltope , h ,
1 . 4,, her., Yrt lily Nit,) Imo, tome ei , efo too., voolo'lll
- t.i 11, Torivh , « os" o•
moo and 1 , 11 , 1 pr 10+ , 11.1 , 1 , 0.. Of 1 , 1111102
I'l4 1 , 1 4...0 0,10, I,!, nO , l 0114 ouraaaell,, , lll.
.rltr. Urlo u, ,! to 111“
1111 p r, 13' 1...33i , 131 to (v 101, 4. , a *ll , 01 .
anq ICI 1 , ,,1 fit ,
j,,113,! 3 1.01 . 3 d, (4' v. 0111!! 1 , , 810 II 1144
,I , {' for 1 , 1 'l'l, , ~, ~/ •‘
o a. th, I
4:1 • t. , ,c1.4 , t, Ir, 'lO h-y 111't.Y Ik a a
MI • 14- ft •. WWI .1 40,1,M: .11 , y
%Iv 01 , 1)00 (rem . .•1.1 Intl 41.1 t.•arlt. r
is 8 , .
tutu 0.. T;,.. , 4 ,•?,.
t). W1111"1i1 n Clllll4 h hi s
.Is/$ll 4,4 4.. d I,f
~,,k 1111111' „ 4 1(4. h , : 41 .
Ii" If .114 5.1110101. , ”
10 141 Ills llll , lyo II 0 1511 .1141 , :1
t to s 'l 111 , 4 . 1.1r.”1,1 $55151,111, All.l
. 1 ,. .,002 0 . 11111.:4 C. , lllilv, ,t 0
ttiv,t , o Hie, for in•• purl att•t%t•
itt la • ift,!: th•• !tot ttur 4f OW tiA but:
A Cloont•ti•ttret em Mi tiNtl'AV. tat.
t t; St Oenl,,at t li ttt lit Wt.,. It a ta.
‘‘ :1111 , 11111,t4 .• lit of 0 1 01111 , 1
I/1 ,Wirr rst
lots. 4S d I d t ifo• JOotllnt
73,111it1.- Y.
eup`t at 4 0 Co.
Ui-tnbcr dJ. 1.0;7
1 'I
M r o, :111 . 1T,11% , AN am: 'mac
.it Viel4fl9 Oat
:it , ' it:0014 t.11(0111,t1.14 to diftt•ty I tryto ,tote.l4. at
rah and illater
4 rio %It :„7
;411:14 C. 14 tri . "
~1,1 nn 111,, 0•:o0t,1
C, £ 1 11 11'1,1 1.1 11... 1' ; 1 011' 11111'1'
1 1 1.1 I *£
1111'1 . q 1 .11 1/ 4/11"
4 , Lt . 0,
Adminirto 01 , 11 an tbe v.t3t ,
W. Cht , O , r, 1,11. + , l 11 , 41“) 17;.i.tnuaa
v, 2, a by M.. It, 14-4.,r
of sni C.Wolv b. Baitty ^ 1 , 4111,4
101 , 0. All ;, 1 Soh. Ii teat/ j:1,0,4 ;,"; th,
r 1110 it= r 'l‘ pt ,, ht thetil 115 Ito ildYeinlftX'.t
her to .0.11Ivhi , •111 :104 th“, thA , lit,' Pi fiat ?•Ldu
V% tit 1.:14,:04.1 I i the 43 I,
I:AI.TH ILI.Vvi, ,t4i1.1.1i-naur
thl. 9. 1:+61 w.
llh STiEIE,
Op , 11111: a 1,-2, , ant tr~ai
~0,,,,,i stoe4 0 , I.r i;* 800 0 , ;I ,
'''.....•.. ".". Pt ill` .. ! td,4., (;!•1` :.• 1' , ."..
I t.
(.7 . ' l traiirL.; , ',.. ', 4 T.; Vat 0141 , ,, tamps, 1.,:,0
'..k4.,„....-,." ' {l l .l l / 1 4. 4,.110/161011,1 a. f 'lliineys, a I,tl
a 1:11 . : , 1, all , ty .1 . Too, t
AND PANCV Altilt”,,filt.
1, - • •
p.1 4 -`",,•• •• '11•.4 mily ,t0,,,*. f 41. GP foG Ai iog
, A , :.
__;.. : . 0 fa , :ar,l pepalatlona Ilmaa.r.
' L,...." 001.'4
COrti`OVNI) l'Ampitim 14. E. min GI Vt.TlliNn.
P:1 1 .1111 of lloreloo,l, Syron ..0,1 P4VP , CnV l,i.t i
,a, at, ft,,r T,aa.• and .' , .l. , Via, illitori , r , l Gulr It e•
t tnret. I) X 'Frau , tatfrra.
(1011 , 1)1'ND WI 1,I) ClinnaV SVIMP.
Shim* t1:111 , of i om. Pr••-copoons car , i3Oly cum -
1001.;,I co nil 11.)14
Cr. N,,,. w 1' t'natn , l'EAT 4.l.ltaita FMNAVEI3..C . :2
111,-otodblog., 01, VI, I. 4• :.
. _.., .._ ...... . _.._ _
1 (10K 111.31 F. 1,A1)1 F.: 4 .
tit O{II.ITII Nt; Ncw. Mr+. hi ha A. and 11i 141.1”
.I, Itarehy oppil I,q IA • roi.o.r 4 MIMI 4114
We .t al t,ets lii ni,hu rg, On tilt' !wall 4i) 01 oc
A Lunt» andieuuaonrv•e 4SIII"`i BE 11. , Alt PATIUS
With tn.
110 , 0 rill,' 111 , 1-1 414itrcrwritkr urrrirtre. WWI putlrrrtlrr And
pft.l nt reaaallatlle frilr.rt. trio) , fIIUMr,
iht . 11144 . 1v 4 ” , 11l tiiiiy can actnniand.nn th woht lc in
making and rtlaatiag flaaha Ilona In
th .41 a-1,-e male,•.
N+tv t+ll4c lime am, land fmr Pt"ek,
4.t )011 pattillif rfetutwr 9, tr.ll;',
A Substitute , Jro Calomel.
Them Ild**re oomportal of various root*, having
the power to Pt tho twretions of the liter MI
proutptlY and etfml'unlly 114 Moo pill or mercury,
and without producitm any at them disagreeable or
dencrrout *Mete which otters follow the are of the
In all Wilms disorders these tins may be need with
non admire. as they promote the diseharee of vitiated
bile, and remove limits ohdruetlons from the liver
and binary duets, which ore the canoe of bilious
affections In general.
Headache, ands!! disorders of the Liver, indicated by
mho* skin, coated tongue, costiveness, drowsiness,
and a general feeling of weariness and lassitude,
showing that the liver is in a torpid or obstructed
in chow, them Pills may Do umd with adrnn•
We In all rum when a pumativo or alterative
medicine la minima,
rotate aalt for "Pr. debencf.'a Mande:the MO
and otenroo that tho two rtoneofes of the Pooler
are on the Government. ataine—one when to the hen
step of Conzumption, and the other to his preoent
fluid by 611 I)ntrrsight cod doolerr, Pero frif cent@
por box. pml 011 Ice, H. lit North tZh Strout,
cumuli; Wholesale Aerate: Timm Mame
n Park Row New York: 0. O. Haw, 1(0 Bald.
worn di., Balthiote, Md. ; John M. Fmk,
cor. of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio;
Walker k Taylor, 114 and PA Withach AVQVUO•
Chirorn, III.; Conine Brother., sontliwtst tweet
ett &mid sod Vine Ste., St. Louie, Mo.
Mit Lath w. es. we. I yr,
0, W. ko3ni NO.
Bloom Ours. hey 10, 1007.
DA. 3, I3itYAN, ( 70101011b111:PhPioiniu
rpm .1A r. Titl!'iT1011::S1` in Olt WWII Of Ptii , lllll,
14,x141, IJl innry and INN t veto* ntiorinwg ill tulip or Pa
mtae rrve awl rowephoduilat st;P:ity raft
Otlvti WO.
eck , UpliPs optil IVO, No ettioittl roierod. 1.114164
Oliqttt,tootrsto writ nom VW , to COMO Iwr
Elif 1040 11t111,11.1111.114.110.011
TRIPP & iJiA., Eighth $l., New York.
.foo. 9. 1007. y
The affection* of the opposite see may be gained by
following *flank ruins, and ell nosy ton rry
,r 4 6,,0re.1, without 'regard to wealth, ng n or bona ty
sow directed envelope mot *Now for ltilirolar* in
Modal* t,t Mfr. MAI Aitail,
;mt. tt, VOtt.-ty, Illbia 110,140, New York,
If you aro marring from th00n .,,, 1 4 or vontbro to
, 16 „retion and hav,r B,onion weak cm ,„ 0 „„„,
&,,.., 1 nu, ant I ymt, tree or ottaruii, information
whirli if fillowoil mill rano yOll Wllhfillt the Ida 11
tioltritior. Ad,li lIFiVIIV .10
Jan. ft, 11.4.4.-Iy Flamm 0, New irm h.
And Catarrh, tremed with the ntnood idiecettio, by J.
IsA,Arpt, it, ft, t.Muliet and Anritt (rettherite
den, itolland.) I: turret. pit
l'eletilW•111310, (row 010 MOM riiii.l l 4l, 4 , furc ,. o 111 the
Illy and e4mittry CHO he 'wen at hi, tithe, The med.
mt t N v oly Are tottited to nreompany their witiento.
a. 4 he 1100 uu oe retxinhieprtel l et rocrirtrim,
li.Vrs,igtortftelluittiout PA te. N. rhi4ro
April 11,
( 4 11 t 'I'O EN 1:11 YBO 1)Y.
A tarp , t. pP. rirrolar, giving inform:gam of the
Crrao•st to:nommen to tiro yoaou of both yezeo,
It lei,ellyis bow the homely may twe,),.. 4..utirto.
fhr degplsrd re%refroi. n rid Oa iitrAdMPII loved.
NII ruh: holy or gertletonn xhonld fail to send
101 !ivo a ropy ito4t pill, by 04,
torn 1111111 A l In= el l n. pciwyt, Tioy, N. V.
rub I.; 1,14
or ill« pa.t tc i y”nr,f 111 , 4 armor'
atrar”4l that that retiattno poly bb p140! , 1 is the nf•
, . ,
Dell's Specific Pills,
fo, She nth! p. 4 town:tailor! of 14.10,,,1
lo'l4 1 . 110,1010., Pbyricsi :1114 NO:V:0110 110410 1 ,110
10 , 1* , 0r0, 1 r 014 1 , 1 1101 , 111, Ihr , rn*olt of tn-xool V‘•
El',r, or Voollaal lodn,cr,tion.neltichll l ll l4ll ' ll mint ,
1,41.111,0,4, :111 , 1 11/1111111w Non'nrnr for Buono«,
s. ar i n t oly or M 11:111,11', Arid OflVll le:11,111 1 111 , in
on 1111111 0 ely Ur:IVO. Moto. no May in setting
rnnnnic. it In *AO IrniY Vnt.lntabln and itnrolle, ,
the nytanio. can be 'fond with.dt Artnclton or inf.'''.
tenth with 1,111111111 , 011 pornonsonni choo,rn of riot
10,11114,, ,, 01ry While no fir, ovm. Po, (N. molar.
If pvlenlimot stxt 111” m pone xkotfd the
i ,,, WY to itr. J. grvan, rt 7 t: , weltely, New Vara,
and ities a 111 ite s o at free Item a:,,stsgataa Gy retata •
of Nail,
Ptivate eittnlias to aMtiPtit. StIA free on aplOi
inn. 9. 1: 9 .7.- tr —J. C. M
C.“ I .* 4 It t' M A
eutliog lh fiat. of .dri p ;Ho Miry WO
t:b+e+y Itnj. tv or lioliVy
By 1131 , r s'ht, krt.!, i.nttk itYA t,rtt °n rnn
tIY it 1.1414 i'l4 1 ,0 . It 1.4 the 1114
,y 1 j, c 31.1 ot4t.!lit luriv, 31:-1
;,1 tho qc rive tI it i4pre,4r.
he Crlse,r 1110 1"1,1'•
1,0 i.l 4"i ef'r 1106 ,
anJ fiel., o O , ti • 1 , ,to 111 , 1110 , 11!
111.1 ,‘,lO p
. c to 1,1 tt , !Wilt
'llO t trlZt `1,41 *V,
i. t'l•MO ., k. cu . Chemist* No. 3 HI
S 1.7 1y
%Vh-o by do 4 otro of Mt lINVILI.%'S It iXIIt
y t o t t
111 r&tttql vt.tttwit'ittly.tyttt 34 3 4rltit44t4 ,-0,
11 hut:: .4104' 44 . 3k hi , II hi.
in 0,141,11 , 44 1., 1 N.'r V 0 ,4.
to! P oo.trnlutn 1.44,4
ni 11,1 431 , 31 E:rrr••y 10414 , 3 3i ~ 414 aup• ui I t :•• [4Ol
0, 14 , 1'. fuel f fl,O,
1i2.•,! CAP , "
it a 1 , 1 it ',,"t , = - aft n. rcfur-
%, 11 , no• lt I r ar ill 1 . 1. 1 ,,,. • - C
.1" 0.1% ,, 0, lii iti I,li,
it 010 0 it :1110 ltr
11, .11 II ut tl , s4 , wlio 0
•• tr I V r 1 Ili
101 10 , 40
Pot it! 1 $l.lll ra, 10,1. .1,4 15
to ,. 1:.1111r A !iat .1 tIC Itt lit 1111
it , . r Ite4,, 1t 01 10•11.
"C 1 , 0 , 1 f IC , tltlrr to Off” OA ,
too,. I,„ttl, (Cl rIG - eta LW., ill
WI 01401.0 r 1,0,1111,
Pt 1 ,, , , ,,,111 , "%i Speritie r*.r the liniie4
14.,1, raki,-taw nal ad off
eare. rite, hal in twat
cu day* v t,rc 1,11 , 1_ , :ai
extra-1.0w! ate the .4etien. Wel linvar
taupe-ate 1,1,11” 4,11,11, 11, ,, 4111,
change ol diet le w. nor
:ne e their action in any niattn, , r Mint
per iix,
eleive ninninined ;irliden will tin
to any 114411,, ,1,1,:1•1* $1,11, , ,1, 4101 1 , 0,4 WWI. by
1,1411 1, ,, '11,1 nY Imre, nr•
,L, N• V.;Pub: ly,
1. 4 1 XCE14.11/H! !!
e II A LI, A
ti %Iu I.XTEJVCE IV %loft 1141 ficmovlNG dl - pt: t
.10 the Judie t est'retally, tlit*lol,olooll l o tlep•latotry
rer/0000.0.10 ',if tio torteeg an uttni,4
11 , 91.1ty, pootty app1•00, 1114
1.010 or (140 'kill. hot or to ii • r• • tly nit 1 111, 1001..,
It is is ill talaPti 11,11 ,
tow ft 1,4 , 1 , , or 'von o ,, t^ taill I 41y.
pletoly, ttontty ti , +l! ,, , 'Jttne , ,tnit: ti. "'tw,
I , ,tt 'nu 00.1 tr.uit Thts is
•0,1 u• at at ltd.. .0.1 b 4 ill , rr• 0 , 10. art.l is II
enty rvol II de ,lialf.rt • •••• Pth , 7,5
kap" t, ..t p0.t1.1. Ve nitV
t0,t1.1 00 stair, by in.Rt:',R I.lll'l
b. tr;,1 , : ,, 1y, 11 , 0 River .et. Tray,
trh, rt coattilt tOttl thimaa jet to all,
vomit., hod 10 "id . to ;Heat alai la small t
Inataly watt It 1,114, tins so ' , recitals and rare,
tot all, ;tad all laity are ttir.
\V i i 1;•' LitS )
Tnrrt'd to Craw' npr ;t the i•he , fi - ‘t rrw a
thro, 11; ISvn 5v0,1,1 by utintt Gr P•ut,,
Mlrmwor tho moo w0n4,141 di,t•ov , -ry
oloarrO ,011 , 1 , , 801;4! lipoll thn rivArd 1141 r
ul nn ,lowo mit oflll.ll, inattlivr. it lit. U , rn 11. , 1
be the elite of Phllel and Latharoll wWt tho mist OA.
2.12,2, 2 2,.1 , 2, a all porch:ow...4 wait Ile
nroNivrc.l Nutt if ulllll , +aits(fl tt a it 4 024 git-rn in
cv, tv be clwerfmly'rel4oth
York 11„:= 111411, 41.4 211111 11 2 ,22112: 2 2d,
rttplivr ,,
-5 Itiver 2'110112 Tmy. „:•• V., s
1.1 the
rioted slVilc, I Ft 10.
AsTitoiA it: V, `l'll E 'IA"( )111,1)
'ft )NISIIED Al ".1111 0 ,
tVondrriirl R. vOlotlno» Hndel.y tin Croat Arttolo
kW, iP %Mkt 11. A. I'Lltalnu. 864 reve,ris s 4
(pas 110 0101 1,11 over knew. ~,,totr, t.. 11,00
Ileoo anon Who front do'etni events.
Iflrlsteil to loon, 11114 of rol3toott and tri , mk.
of 11.10,1vy. 11110 e become 1.1, , ,,p00de01. She hang+.
logMbr r those took 4010n3331. Vivo* thOtrlllll 1010 0 , 111•
oel.lll offroht ' , Wow , or fortls, restorer Owl, or
ptnleii ofof,riy, lulls yttil the 1010110,0 pot are Ife-tt
ti t tittetio t i to itttrktitt 111111 in WllOl peit will he 0104 000
1000111, I'll 1 ,10,4 11131(1,10 , •0 11111 Ills 311,11 tlic
Vet) , day yOll 0.111 (119(03.0 1 000 y‘ , ll the moot!, Ilk,
of tot 110,1 t 11:1n1rletlislIco of Ile. 31 (511, , 111.
your 10r) 1 111,11;111,1, 1111.1 hy lwr utoost ofporont t t r o
pots err uutt , tl. the dark toot hirrion os , torfo t tt4 the
foloto, Ft (ho riot , tee ,100 111 rho Ylnnoincnk
iha um krie r00r,,11111111;ervi,om or prefkriniiint, to ill"
othfouratt-it -101111 the ;I.:rev 14 11311 1/0.11 100,1 Of the ,
ptnlllo 711111 the 01 , 1 sins, in th,hoorro, at the too!
of birth, rho 'Wow., the ("foto itrototy r tt
11.4 to eooru4 Ihr fprott 11 Aptroiegist ou eilrlll. II
Co,to, 3010 hot it 111 11, 0101 )011 11 1 131 r llO, 111 trnvr
110 I . otVer„,hle 131,1 .111111111•. 1111110. 1:00.011 111011 fro whir
Itkottosto trod all tletticod thfortwition, St, Vargo.*
IVltig Okiratire ran roorult too ftlfottotot Ity totol
wok '3031 ithiely 41111 .111 I.lltel 401le , 1•s.'iver IS 1 I
111 neuron. A (fall 011,1 rApiirit Omit written wilt
'6111'3 , 1 ItOffifrior norwero3 a n d 111100 .0 Iqll,lOSOll,
soot by moth on rue, tin fo . Oft, 3101111`
11 " . will he tonittottoefi tool 3'l rort
tokpolowore returned or destroyed, IteWeent3 , 3 Or
the 111010,3 "Met 10r111.111111 1 1.10,01. 11,01 (till
Write pluifdy lite 4111 of tint 10011 1-11 11101 prat In
which . y . oll We 10 hoot,llyrh: 11 0 013311 hock of hub s
Adams*, MAOA ME II A.
Pcio , 4l '11?-ty P. tt. Orawer 03, hid till, N. Y.
(lode Arristnet Medical Director U. H. hrtity,)
(linen at the Earlto Hotel, Bloomshunt. Pa.
Cull* promptly attended to bolt night and day,
/Si ißeilaW.r4 NOW V Ott.
yorNI; MEN.
ttittt watt 5 , 0101 H titt , l fair.
111 , it ttt,ltt) r.:iltltt 444.
tio•wer1111`1„: 16 , 1dfli. +.ll,
4it Its P. 1.04 4:6,1111,
!'• EIINO 3101iE!!
r Sl' A C ES
Physician and Nuravon.
1 - 4 4 mum s nv Y rr
A fir 'Mutt an who solterrd for yoora from Nervoiso
rr y, awl HD the etholo of
h , lll lid Will 010 lion, will, tor the sake +4 ouirerittg
heemetly, sew! tree to 01 OM hoed Ili MO treetop
loot ilimclioir for tootwoot the Orop m
le reedy by
hit tired. stits here wlshnis to httint by
erootirow.`rou WO hy
hi iliqfrot bp, It, Oa hit V. 11 redo,
*two*, New Yntlt. Atoy
(ATLI' citti.s AND rusTivi: !toys, pout Att
pitil Nowt on t. !loot: unit sa /4 . 1111..11mi I wits stool
you 'otos vortiorls 11.11011.1,11.1.11. at w HI woo you,
Addrrrah MANY Mflottl:, ral iitomtway,
may Ili, iNi6 —ly.
. . ... ....._ ........_
Tlwo wive or MAN 1$ writ ENoi 11. A genile
, no whit gulf,r4.ll fur ) , 111111 trillill NRIMMIP )110
i enittit behility, Nwlitly Eittioo•lllS. anti SPolitint
Weakne.o..., the remit( of vont 14 , 11 indireretion, ni,d
e n i f i t , nen, entlinn blitdo)o in libnelesti intiery, witt,
for the puke or .064 r tug men. send towny int. With",
led, the 'motile meet.* n.ed by hint, %bleb ettevted n
(titre in li few woks alter the 'dilute 1 , 4 nmi,, r ,, t ,.
medicine*. bend n directed etiyeliine it lid *MOW and
WM 404 )401 nothing. Aiireii..
EittlAlt THEMAIN. !lett, St. N, V. City,
Autsunsr, Goixam. FLA x LIST & HILKrX urRES.,
Protltstool by Ilitt timt or Plot. littitit Itt,it r itttix
LI; 11l I , :r M.: X . 100 , 100,10 001 Willloollol 10 iv.r
1110 111101 sl1144(10. MO 0111;1000 hair citb.•r
111111 I ,llvy um:frt.. or ;wavy 1.155111,1y0 viols, Um,
ttotot by the to.lottottbit ot Nn nu NW 1.. 1 1 , 10#1
1111 111” ttood strtillry tog rr.nhtn, bias o#* tnieirY to
Ib, boir. PrI , V by 10011. p. 001.01 1111 $
111 , 0 131/liVe rirrvtorn naiih•Q Iree. Add!,
Irst & 1 tl., I b,owt.t. sn. t:-.1110 , , ,, f LI, Troy.
N.„l' Alt lit, for the Übitvd etaivit.
C. 6,17, I`4l-Iy,
From Mr. Tun her, Pivot ttittmer at Halittlory
I 113 V. I,lql Itoubleil for yrar4 with a lota humor
WM4IIIIII , tostuartl , y, and tootwttotett inwardly. -
Horto2 tto , pa.t .ottooti it , of ltatdf 1 1 1 11 1"
111311 1 1.1131 1 311031f111V. 111111 t 0t5.,1 vont , rtalvt.. Ait
rden• of n 101V 1 ' stare atiamit.tatol. without atn , ll4l)
ton touot,tly. 111111131i1114. 1 °milt, the efudioltug aw
titre of tlo , raltrt.
W. rowt.K. & NON, tto.too
Soh! ay an Ortagas.ta, at 1.1 eta. a bum. Seat by mull
for 35 tta.
NrthAmt: tirmivrrroN. the w ronownini
Antrolonini and rhirvoynnt. %bib,
in ti oMir voya , it slam doh/Mateo the very teefores or
the prrsnn y o , ;rye to marry, and by tit, oil of 4111
intent p o wer, known no the Pslehrt
toottope, gli tr att , ttett to pftelore n perfect
lib, in, Low of 'O , fntnre 11000110 or WIC, of the
plicarlgt, 0 WI dote and marria:r”.oreopoliml,
trolls tool elrtrar ter tie. Nos is no tin
test inwo lals '41.0140111 l'.lllie'r ran ns* err. 1"4 otatiog
place of biult, oge. Moimoitioo. roll of Plots told
boo. ood too lostitg llfty toot** i td otnu+ptd enrol.
opt a 41,41,4,41 to yragrsrtf , yott tt ill receive pirtote
by return Pf 'nab. together with desired ittletlention
Ad , trett it, tfitlettett, 11.11):k Ml'. GEllTltillitr,
cmivrrov. P. it 1.1‘4 227, Tiny. N. V.
dire 27. I r b 7 -
T. lint' raantry Dnnre. aknr a pati , rara or a r,•14..
..thi tti the hardly fan - n-ta.ant by 10. r
trit , ods. In placv tlit•anni (net"...
%II- had a sot ruby fratavitaton of alia , tst anahfr
Pala. 11111 ,, , 401 , 1 1114t , VA or twtatty a'unn rally
nri , rarvil tint etant,oaa r l pnn inanity dal, thn canna
of Nn ;rraf a rhatn.„ , , , .lin Wanda 6 , :a than Ittnt she
need the Ualat, an,l ronsokr-,t it an in.
Vanyht , waniAttton In aeiy Lady', Inilr t ry Ifs IV.
any Lady i ; r (teat:. WA!) nut tnil , r. , V••
ttata.,,,mt. , silt tetaW,d r•ltlivk
bilsAloo. a. N 8 1 ,3 r hrreulfi r t , .111110 r, tit
ha If} Oil: 0 , 0 , 111 :111.1 , * 0
',:et I, 4.11.1au OW 4,1'410 it draw.,
Rona tt 11,1 tta iiitvorits , r, lofir4 11,..1,1,q4 the tttow,
•,,,t.tolq the ..ull .1c,.: 11N "11,010.' Ittfrit 1 , 1 it .110111.1
rll•ktr, eft. anl,roth ,(1 , 1 .em,
, 01 an or,kr by W. L.
CLAIM At. 41).. rh , 1110 , 14, Si, 3 Witl'”) , tie St.,
S) favorite, N. V. The tt!) .i.ovrira .1e• M., for the
11,41, of &Ls aarile. t); ly
Matiatite P. P. ThotOt.ttt. ihr great thittotit Itt.trol
(Vint, t'Llityttttott and l',..}dtoottrirart, o tot intst
rtotottitt.lic.l itto trt,olttle cldst.t-tt t Ho t toil tvt dd,
la v now form+ I! Itetsoll ttt 10*(01 N. V. 11a , 1 tote
Tborottot 0.0ttP,,P4 WlOl , l , 041
Midxisht. f,ll.ttrebi , , brr to ttopart kotto 'edgy .1 .
oho L;p, warritot of
otto t t-t.x IVoito to a zlate nl trnu, r n, .110 4,1,111,
alt. Ike t r 0 y' 14 141iiti'ii •ir 14et per-.. 14 Mar•
ood by tlo all •rf all V/110 .
, 1 4 , 1110- pitlolol4 1110 bailie , 11 10.101 or a Ito
11iii 11.111Itito I..ault,z, et"
trait" of rbataeler,
litifirtilltlllZ, :4 0 1,1,111.141•110 1.-Alt./Willa,/ rail 00.
11111 0111 atur6 doorpol o
pioaoieo, to ,t Ike 1o• to t e i 0 tolurt
it putioot fly 1 to Icolog o 01.1011 lock cf !tun',
mil she log plaro lit clrspotosoo nod colo.
xion,ooffiiilierrit,;.: P"y 4,1t.:1,i Stotliplrl
co, to yofirrCif V 1 111 rear - Ico , 111, -
ar;;; iof too by re , 01411 toll!. All
cimiiiiiitticril# , tot *, I rt l YruU 16. 110411. 111
4 1 4 fire. AI A IIAAI I: C. 1.". It 1f.%
11.1,11.41 N. Y. 11
SONG or Jaw'.
I nn Mi.:1115 in OW 01 1 W r
ivreoly IN 1;1 , 00 4
If'll. , lift Inr Pllllll,l t .1 , o Met'
oultiog ni thy et rot yoo warn
ruatiloi,ila m th ,, pr
Pt4t, mg m Nw ih*Ottott
Ao it Wt. :141v 411)1010,1
ttil. 1,0 Ittl,X. 1,“ 10'
11,11111 ,,, f e i. a 0•41 , 111-4
1,..11<',1 pint or
011:W:a 101110 ItArl witt,t
Slit, I, •i 114, 111 , :,1111.; , eti Ilqat
111, , 111 41%1 1 11111'11 .
Sr, 111 , 1%1111 1,1 1 111 Iraa tlow :
th, nl>c "I" 11,,Iirt
Tuke Ow tit,ek aria Itt.W
11 V. 4 4 !.. tt t PliFt! fly r. , ool}lllplettft
1116 aro r r•r4fir, I ten oh y
JrO 1 ove what L 11v, II &Ire
Only t vtlr u , c,1‘,1 SITVS,rie
FhP!I Wirat en+ro - NI
I F:111 IhUA )am t tte t
14,4,1 0111 r-ref.
"Cl* Or Initrr rl `Tiltrsf
. I'll • rt:llV lAV SA Uti . r }ft ft pi fi , r t,r
tho 11 , 1 lilt , of It'll 21 tivkv alto,t
;,1111,. be .1,10014 thy
10,04 woo it- Vara irtary: , nr ifrr rtum. 0;, /1 . .4
140 1,” ht.° h lAN iVitt P * t,lrttl tl to th,
J 111 VS 'lt 11 Non i 'tor.
No. 36 Nctt yo,k
ty,o,t IrY itti 14.17,1 i au
(41titt'in4 EIGEI3E: i'VED s
v.., tit r.J.mvxt " cefto , •f Amt pv•vv,
• %, very !on vv ow , (7 10V
wvr, nmd iri , ' , t rem.. jeit W reher.
I la. , ' 10 0 1 0 01 1 1 1 1 V your In two
the tzwit liner Hn
ry. t , 5 . - 11 , 1 W r“.ii,ite toy 00 1 Ic. I
1,11 d 1 1 ,1,1
vay ihr.l w++rtv , i It • fgrit
a • Vtv molt at kaviw: n sl,ll' I
ptomain ,- fira , r',. in 0%4,1.1104 rounds . tool Is
,:oubt 4 will to I,lTrrciatcd MrotiOwat thv
Sg'lli IY. tOWLI: A So N, Cotton, prop t i e t o #
sod by ,44 , 111.11/ Mee f ne:aity,
oth /6, 0.67,--4w.
TO L.11)II'S
IC yon to piirA n rOint,h , tetacdy to reAlote ynnatnd
remove I rrilieler iev et Okf.trnetnnotr, vt fly nut UM:
(h.! I. b«t C 71utly rsr+axperieore bud ptov
Dr. Harvey's Female Pile,
!me Ho I pita tor Removing itin.truriionti and Irr. g
Nn ninitrt from WWII. ritmt , they mtge.
They Alfe, and aura in every Vim!. rrice, One
Dr. Hat•vey's Golden
1«.. it it tiway k n it mover than thu above,
tind inteu i t for op., jai rm., of lung ,thoducg,
r 1 ye lioNto per hot,
A tit( Oat, with Ciiittlivingit, SA , IO
re on npriirtitnn.
il' you canaut kit Urn ping of your &wilt, semi
the nit et) , to Pr.J. liroadoey. New York,
sold they will hn emit Orr from obsyryhtkou by retu r n
or mull. I Jim. 9, Is67,—ty.
The fermi enstaliment of thy Ida puhorriptiim to
Hsu lilf faiodurg kitothry Institute vino dia uo the
first of ioaala SubtaOrr* will Wow< pay thrif
respective amoisubl, and rtbtips itt yArtivot
1., O. RUPLKT, istegident
nrt. a. Mit
siarcesia NOTICES. THE MIS
T I ; — "" Conpleto Illatory of the :;1; vita
LINGt bor„
AND 'muss or*, ov. rerritnrieo, few* the Ili ,
en the (heat Itreatiti
ifolottrel 000rintion Nottortoe mar flea MEV
,11,111 1 .111' D. RD lIIANOSaN.
l AlL' „ l , o:F . : . ,i''' , l , 4:4 l "l:l4 , l4' ) c . .m: s ite sior 'sa l :r w i lill7 t :d li t i t t 7 , l 4 , ro m y . l
A i l it tn i n 3t i s K A tt ir o n:l;c: °rim 20,00 0 cm
, tiouy,o4,ll
with onro tontine of foliof, solo to Ogled 1110-0, OR. /91: and Aft 'our's 4* r}nt4o,,,nsotptio cid t 44
veleopt». Agent . Hinton. Aftiltithe HR. J. PK I VIA N pee- efr roe t ll' atr>'fl -10*-triplirt 014 I hot*
littUrt II I ITV Ihrtyar4 Aniorlntlen, ritinololulatr, Fa. d roll hi. 11(11 of 'ho Irll'l , 6lpv 0004. I'o,ol Albtiv.
Jl/11.1 3, MM7 p o r .pt, fit+ t rttrAlrh tf Or t two end m i yiteettl,
T.` I: l6 .llrrhyo olnittran , it mot exit to lit On 'Per
N EW GOODS N thi, thot vent /11111 It Hite 111i1111
131ef)OMS1314/0 prove ton iorrimittle /111.111.11311110. ounitlyine na it
he 0 0 014 Icnu ton ht auttolitir 0,0
spbo,tihp, hoo takon +moo With* rtekelf te ' e r
hie bock by took purgAnses, and ho to th t ry yrciture4 11 4 10 10 • Ipio, .
t o ion„
A tiENTei A ‘*l'l:ll. good for riitoillilte aatl pia
Sell as low as any Dealer out ittOto
104 Ilam-riplion of Worif ;
olato %ATP iSI Al, Pl' fl IV II 1 +.O
In lAN mortion of country.
IV Minor 14 Plittitotelphin, lif
A roll upon Iwo. by any peoroon 1014111 1 / 1 101010111111 Ansi , , 7, wo - ,
lb. Imre of 0 0.44, and iho rilinhty of Oto owner,
nal! mono thin Tic* plniti. Of coupon no one noott
MO' ;Woo. that' ern x 1111,40 anti one& Ito it ill no
tot to ,too leto Montt , * and pubt to gootoreilly
wtoMol thoy buy or not
1i0 , 11 1 .1c41.111/$lll4 of thee boot en tletirs of
xlsn fit, Tr: A
l'lrtlf on Ilan , yinllty.i
MI I Ilit Mt Alto (in the:tt 1 1 1 1 / 1 11 0, 1.%
11 1 111 r N.AND Ii on,.‘cK riot
to. I A ,
ttAt. At IA ASKED 0115.
nbto n It It a ,, ,orlioi lit of Itry ttoode *TO Iteolieery,
1. Nit V 11111.4 of gt,riitl/ 01 Ito uhnve cia.m., and
of other ht.. 61. In to 0411 , 1` he 114$ 11:1 0114
011th'', h t 11.1.4 , 11.'1 , 1, itt oAloont of
‘V !UMW \VAR!:
in "Oho-II V4tirtv of 2ttadn Ito lots * , •v , rol now
olo , lero hi% cotton, ~1,1/ , (is i vo l ly 11(01
0 hen* and Which !W.A. Vnti lituitt hie*
trip noon 1140 a Moe rmnyty of
French Moroccoes;
and mar t of Marmon 4it.itte.4 for bhootunkeets
atk ; W/ a good asykartitwili 41(
joint K • Glirn V.
to. V. Corner cr Malts att.l Iron Strc+q
Olooto.tourg. April M. 1 , 167.
J. BR( AVER, (Cur. ilfan rC iff)/2
1* - How otr, ring to the , roblo bre trrocK OF
con coding in part or a no =Pntl 61"
I . llllf rlbr 1,11/11.0' ((mi d
thro,,m, t.t . all l'all,rm,;kod ~f
011,1 Pr t g,t4 Irf v aroma 'trio
111 , 4,111A1 and Uratru Altulalot=, histl.tur ti t'.u.rto
thoot p•portmoot or Lothoa and clul46 , l“i'
fresh +;tar.Cwo New neitntioent of
Glass and gneensware.
ex-10, Mar‘rtel In TM,. tor poo on Rnrrelo.
tiost is t h,, to, 1.• wake yoria .Pit , (1 . 1 , 111%. :14 111 1 1
121,iht et voty 101,, 1.111'14 011( 1,111140
fair auto% to 4:1. WO tug to bt:
‘vrii 30. P 47.
i 1,4 ,„
At .%V trwrrtl:l::4
Wholt-ate tol.l I:Ptail I) , a.kos In
A it i?1:.At.3?f:.4 IN
riaIEIGN Efir E'rti I TS.
Pitch asu Mork, Gi~na;•Lur Pi
oItANGCS,Ns. t:Al,:iNs,
errßenr, tm1.f..4, A. 1%,
EVIP4 jjvoftv
rtt Lit Willi( V ER.
Imp , 16, 1:1,7.
00 T 4 , 1 DP4I3 0 E wr.DittE,
it , VPOSI WA I, rfintcu,;
On 'Wahl Etrcet, Bloomsburg.
ilii.1 , 011" , ill tifilltellltrllij (to
n..irutC, and t irttsll),. litUt 1:.7
oft tlf
' •
BOOTS ANDS 1101. • :*•,
rAf gvntle•ificli',l•V , 3lf. U. w,,N 411 , ',1114 , ••
It, k 101' iha to , t 1.41111. 4114 if Pi the
~ntot r',ll,ttik• 1 - 11 , 11111fat1111 , 40 ; 11` , bring a p , w
01k111:111 urd 11:: , Pitit1 , 1,14,, if
taw *boo %L0h...•
he ' i* net tit, ly it, ttepe.ed v otrim by reretti - t;
, otttlititt,;s t1141011:41bully tu. to 1111.
Tett, ear thing tt - t Itt, two wouttl 00 wet;
him a tll•TiL piltthAt+llq et , WWill're.
au , t at pri,, .olit purrttasPru.
p ligitt t r ttemep wnrk tttivfx
ht ,o,t,r rats itc ni,,ltimi,ollo,l 1-1,..0.5101411,1,11.
t t% Da done wnh twattivo,r nto.
Et? 12,
11. , ortalevit or laplico 'epring and nut
;0 1 ,4,,, Hind. A. $01.1.1,1)13t.
Ato 11 frt
N ENV , 1,01111.1 ILL-
4111101111r , 4 , 10 Pit
to. 11" ha' 0W . 1114111 fir% 3,1,!
“It..tir , lC. I .1,101114 V $t rr, lit the iwo,r 0,1
.101tva•t. lea Ile, of Nitilll.4ll , l
)1.0 I r , ll. 11l
k`.l ifunf 11111.tdelvt . au , iffi a large
Fail and rrissocr Clothing
and I:oni'l•tuPit'o Ntni , hlng notrtrts, 4 r
1- , * that he fait pfcaad aii. ills trtUt k or•
' 1 3,
Yrs 1
Ilf S etl
PEN fi rric,
VIA in I',ICI , OrPryOIIO4 ill the Ciodwig
HU , kit
rery Lou' r
Of ndtlitj f 10 the 436.34 , lilt ff:t4 an Of gant fOft
iticfil of
nv,l Vestiny,4
lloth,ne marls• luovletni Ilse police
810 so.± hviore purl ttkev, here, And
W. ciaNß
ortnwr 101.1:41,r,
The Truth about Dytp
Whir Vet ray'.: (hat dyspepsia I i 111017 t,l, On. n
—that to to say. wakes nn earenioas Mors
'hot ten thrusind ansravatail o%* L , Mn rar.~d
by tichlycrllitt'd st rum Atli MlTtltd, whits tho
otldtht't lIIIItharC 1.011 VVIISA t.l ;hem , ' t
hist 4„ tiy ths *ants nlrat,r, is illeltellhble. In
~,,ton or the yi tollt'kt the tI p toe is sOlil. , lo,woi
ton vie”)(ls (Or thy tontrott and nab ty of the .totrinch
inihtt sto nis m o st htst id , ot an i MOM * 1 1 ,, 4 - •*ing
to the amulee to pit Mill 41 to itoesai na tats tta dt
seAlSt, (gam. ! Not ao ; tar then the rums would
lark its doe proportion or ontrlnw't The thing to
is dons in to ssitotWillt:4 van stost It 11, Otie itt.t dyer
MI I toll Ito - towels in iniireot order, kliithinn wilt
do this etreet witty, so rapidly, to goo tty, so
an 110S' LA TIM'S turrEas, This po.
tat t preparation Irina; oar linkmen the systsw, nod
eillthezi it, wilt wore, withdeGtnntve armor. Chronic
litet esemphioo, and hirer and AVIV Ara
never known to nt Melt those who ern wins town,: to
myelin Ow till or this pant provout also.
boy, in AW.
;01 snit descriptionn for tale,' it ilia Wilco
N - rw e64)I)S I N
The 'nadir thou Id War in mind Mot
hove rottitantly tt,e
Till; I,A illiEsT . A
STO(;K (WWiliini iY
1141t,1 1 1.1 I SI it 1 4 1 4 1
for ramtr or tuft*
tcy produce.
LisioPtivet, 7 sly 10, 161571
The firm 10 er. A. ['Or"/. A ORO 01thia stay Ilk.
KA .11 . 4,1 '1W0114 , 41"t. S. MU*"
11, E Ertl TZ rr 104 , out 11 ,, f 14.1 , 11 WM.
1 , .."}" in 111.4 01/JOII.V-I+, 14, A ro)1:
11.1 V ID C. F4)UTZ.
Aug+,At t •
I WILL rt.titllllo. 11w WHOLL , 'A 'MUG
a yvft orstvcs,l MANYPAtifr 111.
1. ht the '• 014., No.
lib rrahkll9 street, 111,a,int.atta
Ila'lotion , . A ni4.l f, 1 4 67,
NO. 111 ,t 11. 1 i wr 17;
n,Nlr NO. W ANl3'! ST111114:
ItAISISV 1111 1 17.1.1Nt.
(ILO A. 411,1 4 /A.
Alw,t+44 7, I+4o.
Oil A rct: EV 11, L 13 ) PA.
t tVSI.I, 1r,,,t 311 k ;1.44 14 diwngmr tfot 11°1'0
tle4r it!l+l whrr. :t. - re ie Ll+) clItC, {, C
Vlll eV r , d In lei
Ai.;plig 7, I'4.
J ..1104 , 4 1 . 44/ pr, R 4 .4
O% , 'D flirt t• 11 , 4- to lil3ls , Lt3P,' ati
1' Jatz' d. 0 4,11. tnl- ffl
r ( 1,614 ,f fl 2. 4 4 1 .
Ij, 410 ,, r 4%. , suit t , t M , tl!..ffi K,rtl4
.if lvii 14.411,6 4 , 4 till s nnsib had
IV, t.. 1444. Or., ( 4 ~ /,1 n.l l tei W. , I.
' for awl 111,, kii IA;
• W a,a iti4.•10.1 isdi 11 - 404"
Air,n!nAll 'Ai
~ t . !'67.
xevlti int9rcis rat
•"" Cl:l:4el•,'N'r
Artoi.,tv LULU: rat
ttwl blelo: A a Aetfir
Al awl ber.“l4 /104 V I,jr,
Nu. 71 , 1 4.11.1" ti .
(wk.% '44 I I:1.4, r 4.
A 1 , r i I .
Thr r•fifotdell and rotated
Er'r t • NI , ttakt
rt , 011110.4114ff er
I:. void r~~n~lnitp is
‘H.H Nir Htt,t.ti , H •.• htW I,lsl, 4 ,, Lill lOU
S h E L VS'r E R
oi:uttns. PItR it rI4II,
th* , e ••%, 111 4 .31 AND
Tsopr.. voi. , v;NA,
Hot' t) s A N eici A
.! • (I)`.••411 'wised Up E. al
, 111 ,, 1111tIond. lii
VA 0101'4 STVILUS,
sTrtv !If Ar1:11. 111113), Olt It tIV.
to thv
filmttoghttrt, Aavtst
x mi it YE
So?y►er Pivisrludo et
lf .1 V 1 "LI I Ile If
W Li, fat .2 P 1%
12 , irwrt , Avga# 7, 1,,67,.:w.
BY THE usE or
White Liquid Enamel,
linproi lint twit RratilY fnR ow rompu. i ,,,
'l6r root rli , n4htn and pn r et iiropariaim in nig. f',q
Uit . l , lo, flat ow, n ltrayiltyl r 44,11-1.4% ., tint Coat 44
onlyltnutrl ylicAiy . ntev , vew 'lan frank
lea. hal:tient nittt. Nen, ',11,4 rah 11 , 4 r'lithl4 t,tat44
thapthtan tiba 14',.14.11f fan tho r . 4 0„ kl „.: y hentiug
I hi` C..+111 , i,aiuta OW NAM xhlt. and itittnr if.
ter.ll4 ti.. 111.1,1 b== ..I.loril. I lib e 1 ,041,4
tin). nn.l t” In, a Ve.rzt tattle 1114 , 1104ation (tetittetly
hi r‘. 0 .'1.4. It to Ow only the kiit.l need by
ill rfl ron•,l bylltn Paraniain fin la.
dtprtateat.ln In a Italt riettailanof:o,o44
too k tti the pant tzar, ti etttritittrt.
ttwttattle, ni iit tilt ty, lh i.n rntly 75
,0 1, 4 t i. retatipt or ail of net. 1/(4
( 4 111 1(4 t: lworli.,lo,
t• r ty It .Troy. N V.
11111811 I rs
Xf.rd" TIES,
Light Slrert, Cohimbin Co.
las.xra obialtri
efln'oe ( e..” to the eititesho of Light Etn4l, nni
vica,ity that phe Bas "rile,' 4
& Fancy Mort, --*AI
11'0: Ow hog onritert M lot » ta:v and vt,w 44.00,
moot or Itt.4 Frowyl;...t, I N , ta the till:4i Al
t It.r she Spring 4114 iiitiatii+lr
nor *fork rooroW, of Atf, ARTICLEI4 fund in
nr , t .o*reo. ifor voole hry the beat
.111.1 wove in the 0.3001,.
I:0 4 4 NI: r 4 'undo tnnt(lo", nn4 rrptiirtrirf kfor,t+ eieil
hil.l I.l..:4ltairli. Ail ,%Ilek a th,,
MS,/ 1110,1 Limy stiatiti..r, 111."4 eraautclhie terms.
Purl ul,l4fr ait , intirn is paid to drains aiaiout. klha
044 PATTI:UN:4 ui ev,ry pertuining to
tlitt trridq. un Nand ttn.l Pa' sale
Gha.ll ,, r call—Shao buildin tawins
Imo% use upt,ti by Ntios Julia
etivnl :lib 1 , 67. Ibt,
rtecit! ITC:IsS Int 111 St
scil scovron r 1 iirttATl7li '
in from In to t 1 h",litr„
Ilthltiwe'4 (• : utmtnit !We The hob.
Vlltu.t, , irs Oiptizeht CAMPS t t Ait Rheum
Vllieetiin'e cirtirrra l'W”ii Tinter.
Woiiii t on's t tillittitt/t furor 2) ‘ rberi' Initt
Wiii.kii ,, ies Ointment vomit Old lmes.
Whimon's Ointment coot Limy WA
of Kumar Illm leaste.
Prim., 30 COlit.ll ;Ay mil oto -*onto A4Wre
111 st
k P4) I R. No. VP/soihnitoo soft
&woo, AinNl. Por solo by
I %mitt rER.4
V ETEIUN \RV Sl*llitE4),
Erpcirr p.‘
tr, , ,pke or crows