flamoburg tentottat D%r - M • - WM. .r.ficanlr. Editor. 'Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1,461. 41. Potrown,u, 37 Park Item New I'm* am duly milliormed to.nlu l au•l lerrivn "th. mo . 1101111411tilrolverli•ing for 1110 liontorfrAtt k strlr, pub. 6pbu.l nt inuumeupuro. Culumblu i ounty. =MI TIIE STATE orrzet 41L. ofiteial vote nt" the State exhibits different tignrem than Were announced a week ago. The villein] returns as revel VOil nt LTnr risbnrg give 114)11. fltx3anr. Stwwwoon 1,202 majurily over 117eibtom This, in nil Probability, is correct : and wakes the Fain for the lkimoeracy in this iititte . over IS.OOO ,iriro last Fall, The itemoorney are romilvhat aNtoni:licd us well as rejoiced nt NO great a victory. COZZI Asnitymt LEAw.—The eiorornment has kliscovertif I an ontrammits thacd perpetrated ley treacherom, tiff% ermnent empkyors in the early part or tho war. SiOIN are lecing tilentofurrttout t 1- guilty part ie... and br;im thorn to pitni-lonn howl , r,l ton.: orshell ha v•. hecn retnrood to Pitt • I .erg, to nutilled and ,stored. The worismon havt. discovered that the work upon thew 14. tv.t itarim riots. as ;:rtv: dusk Ind been powdor in the ',Topa-Mimi of prm jectilos. How many t hominid of them !ittt itrirly fir:Ni were tit'nt at the rebel forces daring tte rar it is impossil,lo to calculate. NOT SAMIrtrE MS' INV TO tit: PPESIDENT.— t eneral Butler has publi , hed nht ter in re. ply to trioids who want to know if he would make a good ran 'at.! for th, Pre.iideney. holding the vie vs he ;loos on financial and political questions. Ile says that his holes or expeetations of prefernictit have nothing to do with his views. an that , he %mold not saeritie his independenee thought and netion to ho trti time% over. Ile deelav 4 he will speak his t old Tie WS no matter what t h e eon,et t u , noe way be. This is ratlwr spony itar Outler. SAi3 l'AsE r,v Itintwm.N4:, --Ott Wedne day evening last a 11•1, aged along 11 ,vears, , on of \Villiant 11yerly, or this phtee, beemo inhr hie, when the tire hell„ were rung and a march in4itute , l to rat I hint. Some p er ,„;,,n, htd seen hint list on th hatdo. or the carat' and the sum.oAtion wjs hr t had au 1 was drowned. hirtioA dramal the canal through the night, an lin the morning , : until aheatt u'e'm 4;. when they trout,' the he Iv in the I,a4in IT Eckman Oil Refinery-. Th e little t e Eow. no doubt, ha I cal!en iri while playing co the tbli• err, ititir The or the . i d owatni st 1,14- ar,l %vas hon , ,rol ve..torthr; moraine. with a • . raciallrmo three emmrnt Dem , wrat ,, awl dititrznishoi gentl-mon. Th, te; , ,, , q1- t4t.tol of Joilge tan, ex-Chief Just LEirts, antl ex-Goremor 1'.141:1:1t, the two lap , t mono! gentionon are old editor+ and practical print+ N. Jtrlgy I,t:w Ls, who a temporary rift to his obi trimrl.4in t hi: , city. and is tho or oar frie7ll Jt. L?f , v a d irr , only in:living niellil:cr—rx. ceptinv Thorlow 1 1 6 ,, t—0r the New t , :wilty in IS!7, a litt Ir. over fitly y, a-: and we are rr,:oivetl to me t him to-day in go3l h altlr ctrl apparent youthful vigor, with his woeful high legal, moral and 1.414- faettltles dart/. Roosters!, clic. Our country e.V.4l:tow , or the Pethoeratio perension ecine to us highly ornamented with cannons, rampant roosters, tags, and other emblems of vi. tory and joy. The cuts of these have long lain useless on the FlielVti of our rej Mein eotem oftlees and it must he a relief to them to he thus brought forth to the light or day to symbo lize the gladness of their long-‘ad owners. It may be, however, that some of them have been borrowed from °Jo Radical edi tors, who, just now, hate no use for than. We have not seen a rooster in a single one of the ihelical Journals tit' , fall, though many of them are tilled with other /tell thing , . They are not in th chiekcn awe% as they were, and th love f , ,r ant great gnu , 01. • to have greatly ahated.--/7./h,d,/,/,/,iq rtn-- One el' the most pitiable :pectael- , ever pre , cmcil in this Or any fah, r eoninim nits, is the peruhar condition o f the R a di. cal loaders. since their defeat on the st h inst. ear after year the Demooraey of l'llliadel phia were beaten, in many ito tanees by open and noblashing frauds, mid they bore their dims - en:lmre like men, calmly f bloat their flints, and 'neat again at their the with re newed energy. Yet ono single defeat has tet the Ilatlicala howlitnt and whining' like whipped spaniel -4, and camel them 1 y their pitteens whines, to make themselves the "laughing stock" of every sensible man woman and child in this city, Now these poor fellows had better en leavor to call to their aid a little practical philosophy, an d sate themselves from contempt, if they can not from defeat. Many more disasters like that which bend them on the second Tues day of October are in store the them, and the sooner they get tt. tat to them the better. - I,p. or We learn that the Democratic citi zens of Denton and vicinity, on Monday cycling, 1 41t, 1 urned a lot oil mxe and bar rels over the crawl victory achieved by the Democracy in this State. They enjoyed themselves hugely, while the Radicals, ns matter of mum, took "back seats." The County Superintendent, CuAn. G. BARK LEY, being in town, was called upon, and came fi)rward and delivered, in hit env and pleannt style, a congratulatory speech, which was received with much applause. The Democracy of Benton are as true as steel, and always alive to the )SSUCS Wore the country. E=111:=;;111 Thu Republicau premi talk of Goner. al 1:1)4bc3 S. Giant for the Proirlenry. Pennsylvania Um Spoken. Pennsylvania has spoken ! The will of her people has been expressed through the ballot-box, end to-day, ihe is "redeemed, regenerated and discnthralled." The long night of despair and darkness is over, and the glorious sunshine of liberty and inde pendenee dawns upon the white men of the Keyittene State. The enemies of the Union and the Constitution, and, worse than nth of their own race. have been ignominiously beaten. Their loaders and organs may at tribute this result to this, that anti the other cause but we tell them the ground-swell of popular indignation has commenced, and will continue, until Radicalism isawopt from power in every nook and corner of the land. For the Nimes, misdemeanors and outrages of the Radiettis against the rights, liberties and privileges of the white men of the whole country, and especially of the North ern Statss, for the past six years, they will be held to the strictest accountability. We believe in being magnanimous in the hour of victory ; but magnanimity, with the many mimes committed by the radioal lead• ers in the sacred name of liberty yet ringing in our ears, would be the veriest cowardice. Thelhlooeratie party must hold the Stan tons, llohs, Stunners, Wades, Stevensiiii and a host of others, guilty before 'High Ile iron of the ineareeration and death of many good turn in the Lincoln bastiles, litr ottereta reason than that they differed f r om theta in political sentiment ; the Democrat iv party wet held these men guilty or the mobbing of Democratic editors and the sacking of Democratic newspaper otters by their ignorant and deluded followers ; tha Demoeratie party must hold these men guilty of perverting the objeet of the late unhappy war, andturnip; it into a crusade 14 the freedom of the negro, and the de struction oft he rights c e the States heettie- of the white man ; the Democratic party must Laid these men guilty of crew tbe pre.-ent enormous debt, which it gill till.- ; 7: tar rat to pay off ; the Cy.. 01 0. vre:o party nom bald the .0 men guilty of vrtat:ll4. a Itwaaoa ari%toefa , y. rind having mate ,her rivit eau tieher awl the poor assn motet% In short tirorbt all the critter with whieli tho coun try has horn cursed for the pa-t six year s cot lie laid at the doors of th o se own. What their voirlemnat ion shall lie let an outraged. insulted ; 1 etrayed people answer. TII VIVE LEG ISE, vralt E. The 1 ) .111.:(Tat. : rived tic , ) state Sena ter:- and • ;yid 1. ntatives, at tho late elcoti,m. Under a fair apportionment they would have caniell a majority or the liotise au I gained t lac • tn, re ,Settaton-. :As it is however, the re.Atlt point,- to a complete re eon:aractioltof 1,, tit branches next ear.— Th e ildhetring table •Itow, , how the new lxg i-laturc star nl,-, compared with the tact: I k; S , mite. . I inqir3l , , - —4;2 441- letiltalat , , 12 4 :Majority, 9 24 JOINT TS 4,,C.L6T. 1`67. IS6':. I kiln wrats, 31njority, 11 , 11 , •tion ~r nm!)rity jt,illt lairo,t, II O. 'Flo full hlS•tal rote ~f thin i 4 not y e t trlVl , he I,ut the tjt a ,l:. 4.411 14 t;ovprnor, iw generally ennood, The lateNt an I r nvike him no:p,ri'y only 1711• Thy Votk estim3: • t• tal v,,te Stab! a 4 Ill! h'fi , . /:$ rt. Vot, in I: 67, 1,..1,2,‘ , 50 21,),!Nt0 V..to in I` ,. fi, 2:,i,,,',112 21'..,,,',.16 nepul , 'lcztn 14,4, 1,1,:',112 Pewnerntie gain, 26,:g+4 1I this ogitnate be enrrcct, there wor:4 452.000 votes pnliel, or nearly motto more than were ever before east in Ohio. 11.1:1i1SLATI Dent) prints the twines of Inentiwrsehe,ek: to the ne t Le, suture, awl wakes the resnit as 1: : I V" Settnte, St.i.fC 17 49 11ctrawrats, 'Rep. Linj. 13 31 umj.3 tutoilist si t trra g , , allicti , lll;,-lit to the ;:tatt c,, w o . o u tio n timatt. , l at Hut than e,rt.ooo, and rn:ir re tcl, 90,000 ! • f rlt , ) t - 111 I: Watt F.V. —.l serious eta broglio in our relations with the Divan has arisen, as Sarkis NI11111:41111, who has for many years acted as the resident agent in Turkey for the side of Dr. J. C. Ayer and Co 's tnedieine , , driven by the in crease of his bu , ine,; , 4 to a necessity Ibr nor:" vaunt , built his whorehouse in Constantino ple several stories higher, after having ob tained the necessary permit (' the swivel- Th u im an 4 of a neighboring which overlooked the premises demmalod I true present in money, which was nsfusetl. ;Cues then applied to the Grand Vizier, for the enthreoment of an obsolete law, which had been disregarded two hundred years, r st ui t in hint to take down the building to eighteen feet, which was granted, and they commenced the work of demolition. Nan avian then applied to the American Minister who notified the Sublime Porte that m property could not be thus trilled with, and that the demolition must cease. Then csonmenetul the usual redress. Finally :glo b-ter Morris informed them that if their depredations continued, he should order the U. S• Ships of War to enter the Bosphorus and Messrs. Ayer's medical warehouse would not be alone rootless. A stroke of his pen coda have bud the whole city under th e sweep of the American cannon, backed by men who are not schooled in the lessons of fear. This brought them to their senses and speedy redress. Manasian has now arrived in this country, to present the ease to our State department for indemnity. At length it is something to say among the people the earth--"C am an American citizen " Exchange. LIST OP PREMIUMS AWARDED TWCIAFTII ANNUAL EXUINTION e01,1731r11 % i`f'UMTY AnIIIPM.III7IIII., 1101ttl AND mrxivol tem. A:Mo.:1)1110N. AT BLOOM AU R Et, P on Wednooday, Thersdey. Rod Prl4fily, (Maher uth. 10th, witi 11th. too. CLASS I.—HORSES, Best bed. mire & colt E. Mendenhall CS 00 do lit trse colt between 2 & 3,y ears old E. Mendenhall 4 00 do mare do 1& 2 do E. )londetthall 3 00 do In trstt 4,HIL 1 &'2 do Jar.es F. Stucker 3 00 2d do bed. mare am) colt, A. Boone 5 th) 2d do pair draught horses, Gerard 500 do colt between 2& 3 yrs. old, T. Schuyler 4 00 2d carriage mare, ('handlee Even,2 00 do colt under 10 8, licilay 304 Best pair carriage mares. J. Fleury S 00 d o d o d o h oi t ss .„l„ W. Wintersteen 8 00 tin ma re colt 3tk,z 4 yrs.olti.M.C. Vara c 4 no ts.ti tin pair carriage mares, W.ll. Koons 5 1,0 241 tin carriage horse, T. Bailin:ln 2 00 Best carriage mare, C. Ernst 4 00 do hair draught horses, 41. (`Avon.; S 00 do tour year old stallion, D. Ervin 12 of) 211 do d o do do Elias lira m S tut do carriage horse, %Vie. Pettit 4 nu 24 tin pair carriage loam, L. R. Bill 5 00 Bees , . Win. Schuyler, C. Mend-nhtll, Wm. Winter,teen. t 'LASS 11—C Arrix. Durk qui St , ,ok. Jet bull elfttllia. K. Applcman $1.2 00 d hull 1k yvaA.ll. an.lcrslice 300 4.10 salt" uuiler to W. Bowman I 00 Perm' Stork. Be4l cow 24 3 feat"?, C. 14 , r.0ti 4 ( 1 1) do heirer 1& 2 yvart. do do 3 rug 2tl d4l do tin do W.3l.Buckaim 2OH .Ihlerng Sinele. Bert Lull 2 years. 11. 3. Waller 3 UU Ile)4 Lull. John K. 1104 Y, 12 nu do Leh) r 2 & 3 year-, J. K., 11 root 4 0.; do do I& 2 do do 3 0,1 dd eow, (.'. 11itn n dcr n 0 ) 211 do 110 do 4 )) ) '... , 1 do heifer 2 & :1 yelp.,C.Wirtoribender 2 lln 241 t 4) do I SI 2 do T. NC. Ila Nt.huell 2 111 1....4 wilt' mrler 10 nto , .. I'. Patton 2 t ,•) bo,t loll! 2 & 3 year-. S. 1 leidlity 1., o : ...;d do do do E. Kel..l:l)er 3 )." Xtb . r, i , c,t pair twin rAlvt . , , , , :.”11:: Fl i ttnore vllit'k 4 tto itn.t nos', do do t; 0 , 1 1.• rt httir , r railer 10 may., h , Dillon 2 1 1 1 cww. J. I:. Vatittrdiee, 4 0.1 beg Heiler I S'_' yto . Vatticrslint:: tt.t It'lgvs -- AllitT Web , 11. Jo so Hoffman. G. 11. Fowler. Chestoreo: white hoar, .1. Dial; 5 no do 3 do do Idgm..l. I'. Conner 3OU do do 1 . ,04r, Philip I ).4 1: :y 'lva Now :1611 3i.hrt bit e . 6no do riuiuearig, NV. Clark Sloan 50 .Judges-A, P. Young, Isaac Ike!er, Jacob Nester. CIASS - SIIEEP ‘, • I 1,0. 4 south Dowu,bo , lo,p,C o uri er 400 -----t-ort i ddo do A:tro u Sinitli 3 of) 1 beq ewe. Donk! Vanderslioe 4 pro i2d do do Aaron Smith 3 ero 1 , 0:d buck, Jo , . P. Scmtv-Lool 4 i; IA do 2 ewes, Samuel 3 to be.l twe, Alron Smith 4 1,0 2d do luck. Elias Kium 3 cl) 5.) 60 Jittr , •s— Mattel , Even , :, Thomn; J. Van derAke, Mathias Shuth.r. V —Poi - lain. best p f dr Covidti A. Pntti.r. illoi.e/tm.o:4 do lot Sc...‘ iatitto!“, 1)• 1 tut do Cull:try 14+1 , , (iihnore : 4 11;110'1i vlii.4CuN, \V'.lf 'wort I 00 d'Nclay Pmdtry, An t on 2tr.r itc..4 r do do d o Pr.,i,t„tt Pn“tea clicker.. IV. J. Itili4;a!otr, .eft , I; , phty ember 3 trt . •:4, IP* t %V. j• iLit.kakW 2 oil V.ltart wait 1 (Pi Dmataa eltictitci. IV. Frca., 1 So t do do E. V. 11arttnau Fitt hest pair ducks, NVm. 13;avill 50 CLASS VI—GRAIN' ANI) SEEDS. Lost bn gourd seed corn. John Dialy 1 50 do Itia , cl 1 So do do buckwheat, Jacob Cierard 1 50 do Ado red cob pAltor corm do I oil do • A do swcot corn, J,t Acraril Afto . . 1 yr. 2.d 3 do timothy IV C Wilma Ino 1,114. tYV. \ rpn kmdcr I so do do smokcil corn, I'. ilarmiloicli I T dodo rod wheat, P. White 1 do yellow corn. 1. K. Itildine 1 50 d o t, 1,1 1 :,;locur i.ceil.F.ll•llagualowh 3 Int d o d o tioilli% Aaron Kesler :I 00 do pop corn. fier.ty 50 .11vtzv4- Mousier. IVcslcy Bowman, Evc , ... ILA s;A 11—V Di ETA 11LES. =I 1 c.t. lot.. w. s. p‘dato”.. C. Dayton .10 do do early tiombieh, do tin 5t I do do See Becks, do do ra I do do calico, do do 5t I do do rostycn't pinkeye do do Mt do do Harrison potato N. Richard tat do do pinkeye do W. C. Wilma 50 do do cu , eo do W. Correll 511 do do garnet Chili do O. A. Jacoby 5o do peck sweet potatoes, P, 5e,,,,k oo do imi.potathe.,, 11. Bit tenbender .1 I„tir. t h, dal riam Antra pot ato, S Melliek tat do it field pumpkins. .1. ids , S yr. Dil lli . ~ do lid buckeyes, W & A Dialy Si. do Tildom tomatoes. N. It Ivltatl I Ott do long winter squash, do I to do : , Idlllllo men :. , 1t ash do St do Kspv do do ,`,lO do mll4 rr do I 0 , do Iv aft canna(' wer do Si do Lima beaus do 100 do 4 bus. parsnips do I tat do lot eclerY, Jesse Coleman, 1 nn do mantel wurtzel, Jacob Gerard Ino do egg piant d Chm. 1• 4 1,,44‘, ~ ! f ir. I pear do 2 (its. ;tong 111 , 311 , . Aaron Kt•ster I 0o do swevtlotomkin:. GSA. Putter 100 do sugar beets, F. Moats 1 tat do 3 heads drum cabbage: do 100 d o 1 bus. onions, Jacob Terwilliger I 00 do bus. potato onion*, Chas. Sage 50 do do field turnips, J. Bressler, ho do ;sweet pumpkins,LStinematt Ay.l yr do '2 sweet pumpkins, I... Shoemaker 1 I.;0 do I bus. carrots, J. Gerard, ..Iyr. 1 yr. do bus. (mono potatoes, G N Willits 1 50 do doCoalbrook svoll'ngs t 4lNWillitsl 50 do do ropporinino do 1 51) do do Gleason do I 50 do do Monitor do 1 50 Judges—lL I/. A ppleman, Solomon Shutnan, C. Ilittenhemler. John Hartman. CLASS Vlll-110USEHOLD NAM!. Best cradle quilt,T.W.(lunton ilgr. 1 yr. do quilt, Amanda guild 1 no do silk quilt, Miss M. J. MeNick 100 5d do roll eurpei, Mrs.A,Kreosler Agr, I yr. do linen table cloth, do Arr. 1 yr. do 0 yardd cloth, Mary K Cramer, 150 do wool ehilt, de Crurnev 1 50. lII= CZ= CM (In r, I, .1 ,S"tck 11;,1. do knit word atoeiting,Mrs.P.llartnan 50 do pair linen b& el Margaret .Ailtmen Afrrieaturist ly ao oubio wool enyerhit 1 Oil do lot flannel, Mrs. D. Vanderslice 1 bo 2d do quilt, Mrs. Peter Ent, Av. I yr. do limey quilt Mrs. l'. Bechtel 1 50 do rag carpet, Mrs. J. Schuyler 150 do 20 ,ydl4 wool Chain enrj.ol,3irs. S. Scuds I 50 do hair wool mitts, Martha Abbott bo do cot hal r hose Mrs. P. Christman ho 1)0 linen hose Mrs.J. Coleman 50 do knit gorkors ' Miqs M, 31' lielry do wool, Mrs. 11, M. Appletuan 50 do knit hose, Mrs. A. Hendershot 50 Bonnhoy, Rebecca Kline, Hannah K. Kester, Sarah Hartman. CLASS IX--DOMESTIC MANUFAC TURES. Best currant jam, Mrs. P. Brown 50 do gooseberry do do Z 0 do peach jelly do 50 do do marmalade do I'M do quince marmalade 50 do strawberry preserve do 5o do white currant jelly, do do do Apple Butter, C J Edgar 50 do Ketchup, Eliza Totten, 50 do crabapple jelly, do 50 do raspberry syrup Peter Bechtel 50 do tomam butter, Mrs. J Coleman 50 do citron preserves, Mrs Wyukoop 50 do do jelly do Sit do canned huckleberries do 5o do Rhubarb jelly do ;;0 do preservcd r.,d cloraot,,, (' Sage ;Ai do do black do do 50 do Siberian crab preserved do 50 vo pre.ervud Rastatberry do 50 do blaekberryjelle S E Knapp tit do peach Lotter Miss Title Barton 50 do quince jelly 11... C A .Sloyer 50 do !war butter do 51) do preserved pears do to, do canned sweet hart cherries Miss Malaria do quince jelly do 5o do canned (mince, Mrs E P Lutz 50 do preserved crabapple do no do grape jelly, do 50 do piton butter, Mrs 14 1) Case 5o do cherry do Miss 31 Christman 50 do apple jolly do 511 do preserved grape do 50 do canned plum .MN li It i(3!4i., 511 do preserved cherries Mrs P Christman Sit do currant jelly do Si do q uince butter do t. , do catilic«l strawberries, Mr. BB Frew( 50 do clierty jelly Mr. , . 11 I> "lenagh tor di, eon am jam do 501 do pear mai maltnle (1, , tAi d o atim ;cot 1 rewt",,o do ; . ,ti do plum do do 50 ,i,, g o, i. berry do do r,'l titl grape Jam, do hi) do vaho,d cherries d,-, hil do d i amictits do 50 do do plums. Mrs L 1) Case tot do preserved peaches Mrs P Christman sit do do quinces do 50 do canned peaches )1 1 ,„ A W e bb 50 d o quince pickles 31rs F Brown s+i do spiced cake do ho do cup take do tilt at yt-ast do 50 do lot candies tVidtr.nyer & Jacoby 1 (H) do rural rake, Miss 31 Weaver 5 , 1 ib, citrus do Mrs B Weave r s'i (L r sugar craekot s Mis,'3l Weaver Sit d o potato staid). ,31r,; B w Wynkoop re) do loaf bread Miss M .1 Mellick :, i do roil looter Hobert llichart 1 loi do hit lii.enit Mrs. C Barton :, i do pickle cucumber.. Mrs A Fester t4O do sorghum syrup 1:1i,, Eves 3 (..1 do ham 311, A lleuitersled Air'. I ii,'• do apide hitter tart 343 II M Evani r(o (I() (1())(glinw)) 1111 :10 (1 , 1 :Thief 1 quinves Mrs E P Lutz :',O do d., otiit , tlB d,> rp) (b) piuearda do rit I do II two' syrup N .1 Hendershot :io dotqange do do :(4) do orhodal do do 51) du rasi)krry do do rg) (I() hair tonic (1, - .) 54) do cologno do 5o do calophor:4l , —plyrerinr , do 54) do giogcr kale 3lrs V Witlmoyor 511 du tip )4414 rids. , 31iss 31 (lirif.tutan 5o do :Thivo..l iduon B 11 Freas so 1 d o imo a to 1014144 T do 50 , . , . 0., i50%.4)1,:K „ ieti 444) 5 , 1 do spired peachis 31h—: M Chrhdr ) an ;`,,:l du el,i'l moil M:-.. , S 31c11ick 54) 4L) Illsd do 31r1, liChriqmito ro) do rAkila cake Mr.', (ko VOA ty 1 41.) pickle cabbage Mrs S 11i4114.man 5» 41.)!..fT. , r4f4'1041 pit. MN . A I leader:44ot :4 ) do chierhorry Fyrup Mrs Bp.) Vo;-t. stl .1 ut:4-s-41 11 (,uiek, Mrs. S F Tarsal, 31rs Ilatinah 31 31aster: , , MI'S EliZabeth Eves, 11 %V BricAach, %V 31 Barman, 3lr 11 1) Applonitto. TIN CLASS X-FANCY ARTICLES AN!) FLOW,ERS. Best chair corer, I B Scott 1 00 Ito hosiery work, Miss M Abbott 100 do burr do .10101 Tot ten lim do do basket, Mrs Eliza Totten 1 to) do penmanship, Mrs E W Wynkoop 1 00 do Milner' s wreath, M iss M (1 Meliick 100 do ottoman cover, do 1 00 do ladies' hula cout.Miss S Barkley I is+ 2d do '2 phi cushions, Miss A Barton 50 do tatting hands, Miss T Barton 1 ot) 2d do sj.ceinem penmanship, I' Koons 50 do only, Mrs B 1' Lutz 1 ot) do mum ) embroilLiry, Mrs S Knorr 50 tb silk do ' do 1 00 do wax fruit, Mrs P Christman 1 00 do picture frames ft Hayman 1 00 do worsted tidy, Lizzie Sharpless 1 0)1 do oil painting, Miss F Barton 1 00 do pin cushion, do 1 Od do toilet mats, do 1 to do embroidered !..li pliers do 1 00 do velvet chair seat, A Kressler 1 IX) do soot cupdl'on, do 1 00 do chair do Miss Mary M'Kelvy 100 do Jitney sheep skim (' Foster 1 (Ni do sweet jessamine, Mrs F Widmoyer 1 00 d i vari tv dowers, Clara Van lerstice 1 od do was flowers, Miss Sarah Carver 1 00 do do water Idly do 1 00 410 do crms do 1 to () do roses do 1 00 do 2 picture frames, T W Gunton 50 do 1. cake doily, Mis, )1 W ear er st) do frame wm k tidy, Mrs E Weaver 50 do crochet collar, Miss M Abbott 5;) do bead collar, di) 50 do crochet I Ott basket, Mrs II Ralston 50 tin toilet mats, Mrs E Deihl :t do bead necklace, Miss B Appleman . 50 do pulse warmers do sti do timid insertion, Mrs P Harman 50 do crochet work, Mrs A Hendershot 50 fqo ornam'id picture ferns Mrs Pdolin 100 o braided pm cushion, Ctrs B P Lutz 50 ito pair Ottomans, Miss It Bowen 100 do ottoman, Lizzie Sharpies., 50 do worsted tidy, .Miss F' 'Barton 100 do knit sofa pillow Mrs C U Barkley 1 oil do fancy thread franic,MiSti A Rupert 5o do collection dahlias, C Vanderslice 50 do do bons flowers do 50 do dried moss do 50 do Won't straw flower, Mrs 3 Coleman 5o do 2 elephants, 14 0 Snyder 1 ou do sofa tidy, Mrs M C Ralston 50 do burr frames, M J Mellick 50 do wood fruit, do 50 ~ . do cott, braidings, Mrs Lim Diehl 50 do rose tidy do 50 do bead cushion, S B Knapp, 50 do do satchel do 5o do 2color'dcray'n pietur's, A Barton 1 00 do Indian nuasar:ons, Mrs P Harman 1 00 do nut url straw flowers&tuoits B It Burr 50 doinfant sack, Venn* Kressler 60 do linen tidy do ad do knit lanotet i Miss West* 50 do knit shawl, Mrs 1,1) Case 1 00 Jud 4 gosa4tre 11 Mats, Mrs I) gess, 31r. C trawler. CLASS Xl.-FLOUR, fiTOVES, WARN, *lv. NA 2 parlor otots AM 'Rupert 200 do Ita nn•warc the 2 00 do lard can Jacob 3lctz MI do tea Wile do 50 do cook stove Peter Ili!lnner 2 00 211 do parlor stove do Ayr. l yr, do wheat flower John Beagle 3 4)0 Flo rye ilo do 3 ou do buckwhelt flour E 'Refer, 3 no 2d do wheat, flour Peter, Eut 3 00 do corn meal E Ikelor 3 00 Judges—Al Critz, John Kistler, Win Richert CLASS Xll--ACSICWITLTCHAL 131- PLEmENT4 mut IIN Kitt Best side bill plows iron beam S nal ter 1 00 do right hand plows F P Cosper 200 do horse shoe H Homboy do grub hoe Girard 50 do buckeye tnower and reaper Slifer Walls Shriner & co 5 00 do hay rake Wolf & Bilimeyer 2 00 do corn plow I Kirtz 1 00 do grain separator & thrasher Gofer Price & co 4 ne do hand corn shelter Marsh & et , 2 00 do unfolds spear bay litrk r S Purse! 2 (a, do grain drill Reese &co 400 do corn planter W Morris, n 2 00 do Excelsior mower and reaper ram. Hued Soilierling'and co 4 00 doir'nax!' firm wag n Brobst&Kvails Is( do display farm do Pi Eves & Bro 5 0( do firmers spring wagon do 2 00 do Valley c o self raker reaper and mower I S Mitr•li Si co 5 Go juthp.:— NV Powell, A 'Mom .1 Mastery. CLArs'S Xlll--I'EGICLES. do shifting- top bugey,3l(' Sloan& Bra 2 00 do t.pring wagon, do 2 0;1 do open buggy, do 2 0., Judoo-1 t (AA Pnr•cl, Daniel Yocum, ( It bunter. CLASS XI \ - -REES AND BENIFIT Bost 2 sw'rnts I tnlian bet-s, I I WCreaq (It) do I tlo native tlo do 2 tNI 2d do I do do do do Agr. I yr. do :dde-o,;enitn t ke hive do I to do Salliph 4 honey d o I n , traw bee hive h. Krim) Ayr. I yr. Aiktwip. CLASS XV—IV I NES and Lt( l rons. ,b. bll, eurrant wine, C Satre, I do red do do 4 I do eberry wine MN 31 Appleninn I do tomati, win'. Geo. Vo.t. I do hlk cheery wine (leo V1,,,t I do 1.10 , rry wine 3lrs A (It nitond i nt I do Syberian crab wine Mrs. IV. 11. slioentaker, I do grape wile! do do do I do dewberry wino do do I 2,1 d o grape winfk I" Dillon, I 24 do ellerl erry do I .2,1 do blaek berry min , ' E Conner, ror do elderberry du do I 2d do ralibilry do do I 2 , 1 do lidoon grape wine E Krum .50 do do do do I do ritlikirry wine John lire dor I 21 do crttu•ant do Mrs I) Varttict; , liee girt dir eider vinegar E do iln do Mr- W II Shoemkriti di, white eiorint wine nir , iihn I I I. Pottier. t'lilSt 4 XVI—rAmNET TA I IA )IZ.-1, t t rrtll twat rrtii~ lot cart litirn ware A EM ,lo 1 do . 1 , iloz I ,ft dii 2 door bolls 1) 11!onoli:00 IYlploma du ,pti : lt solo 1 11 5. , .t0 tery,Yld etdf,kills , I' Cliti:qutau do kips do do il:•er skins P For.,tor do kip lawt:= Hiehart do ealf d 9 do du ,et win , l4lr chairs .1' Terwilliger du 1 , 0 .to!, roekiagellair do do upper !rather P Christman .1o(1.10. P Masten., I P Masters, I B Seatterxmol, CLASS XVI I—FRUIT. fro-t grtp..t4 th.“ e I•siltellagrapes tb YO4 do em i ttord do Mrs 1V I"liovinaker 1 d, - ) 411 do Hyde's Elizb k 5 do quint-es Aas do variety !wars 11 Znppin:zer 2 do kolzet ptlirs M Chemberlin Ayr. 1 y th.) do applm , M is 4 M. 3 Mullidi 1 baldwin I K Hibline .Iyr. I y do dwarf' pears 3lrs A llentWiot do t oo, ravberries Mrs II C Hartman 50 k~ is quitmes John Leaettek 5o do 4. huckleberries Mrs ‘Vynktiop, no do do apples Mrs AR« rho 51) do do ravlwrries 'Mrs A I) Guild kmais! dierties Mist , M A Davis 50 ba , ket fall apples T J Vanderslice Ayr/ea/tit:4:4 I mar Judges—T J AVat,on, R t Rich, Hartman, 1-atte CLASS x\-MISVELLANEM:B AR TICLES. do powder keg, 1 S :Monroe. & Son Dip. do Bowe sewing in:whine t' S Gould Dip. do patent E Eves & Oro 51) do I set buggy inthi:, do 50 do window spring, P. M'Clpre Dip. do por. oven & drier.lt 11 . Clare Sia do iwt, water wheel Samuel Shive do elai.tie stitch ;rover & Baker sewing newitine, Grover & Baker 11i p. do leek stirelt Grover ,St, Baker sewing machine, Urovere Baker Dip. do 2 bunches sawed shingles, .1 Schuyler Ayr. 1 y do rustle iron fence S B Coleman 2 Judges—ll Wynkoop, A Mrlliek, Parvin Eves. T Hartman, CLASS XVIH-TEIAL OF HORSES Furni,l4 Vqt. FIRST Tiun. best trot ll:triton Who no sEcoN TRIAL. best trot Trunk Jackson Judge.; —V Fowler, QuiA, T J Van derslice, \V Shafer. sPownxi; LisT. riirsT Tula. best trot II II Boni} sso SECOND best trot Daniel Pm.Fel 40 Judges—W Shafer, A Fren4, K Gratz JOSEPH P. CONNER., Prest. L. It. Brvine, Sepy, 028, HOOP SKIRTS. WLL 028. WM, T. HOPKINS, "Oar OWN Nati." MIN . mow. thee 4 0 0 yearn oxperjeltoo 11114 PlOOll - 1 i the tononfiwtoro or d"1'ItI1 ri,v rIBST tat `A MTV fluor NAIR O, we eltr ,, t *fit ingt 0.1 ." !mood 40.1,14 In inprelifini4 and phlolic in full confolens , 'brit totwriority trio' mho). 30 the A owrierte me.ket, OM! Ihry are *I rwlreowle , r/ev A by ot I 3311 n wMe r ot deal lit'lrwn, 0. they g," 33+515' r thinirfncGna any 511,31 .4111 r, r..0.11 , 11 , 41J r*,1044. Wider., in Hoop Shirts Arnold itiOw a 11411. isr 1001 (401., 114.1.00 In Iv who 118,3 ',or stivHi them n trtni oloolhl oo 10.3 fotth , t de Inv. t 101001.141,014 toohratt , i ..v l . 1 11 Id} to , 1' ,140, o"d overt Stloovo nod Vettdrvo, Also, Etta rto MA14,1 I'll rAlllttlt, uttered no 4 A ok (two 1 4 " not derriv. rd. Sep that the kite! , -If" to e et , n orr the taw,* 10 , tweol v di hoop, 4041 thattrey sire stamped N 14110141.14 1 .04 62rt Arch ,itool, 11111.1• 11011.1114 " 1/014114.1110110. NII rolowo ere geonion. Aloe, toe prowl)* on hand it full 1111 , 0 f cowl New Val k crud Leotertt Stereo ektrte, tot veil low pricey. Wholesale and heUM, Aa the A floor $K (Rl' Mourn , wory k:.upor win, No, els Atah Wrest uorKINS, Oct, SEW ADVERTINEM 1:111MN. Py Onto of e'Wrul writ♦ of tempi Peeing notd ("mita Pro rapfullloo, i , strird out r t Court of VOW. WWI Nina* of Colotolittt ("suety. to Inc Otreelpot, Well hn pwiAo4 flatoir onto at rho Coto tpoivo, to p3Mt4lll , lifl A tto PAlltftp t:ollt 01 PI tech - 0h...1. ' . the folovAtott real .filqhl/111; All Out rennin Ort4loll o nod Wirt of Imo ,itoftlit In Iffroffnou Tottaybill to the f 'aunty no state o nto 1111t4 bottO4eo lOW litmetliMot MOI I IIIOII AO n aline oak failfrf of WWI or E i ,Opp o q, Den roof CArn4 Cromer, °town. north rift =live deureole wyot. Of 3 port h ,, t to it wog ; thew" try Infol or trY,lYriek Wry south twr my two nun st buff wpot,lll Jo/repos ton pool ; Wove youth rtyltty4b reel nod Otte roOlritt tiepretom Wept UM 1 ryll-4 lu p P.O I ; 111.'111te 014111.113Y , 11.01.411111111.0Wr ;WIWI 0fti0.,4 co eat. 1.914 iwrrhem t 1 11 pop; ; *Mown by land prey tt eplide With forty , PeVett 11114 ntle•htelf tll 14* ell 4. MO f 1 , 1 ,4 in a [Oa ; thump by 1404 of Joint Swlnlwr tooth *l'lo'o4 oliirtql4vgevoi , naol,lt , porch , , 0 to o poor there* by boot or control et;tio , r rearlte ten flyArtoro flPirttlfit ter 14 IMO ; thence 'myth rely three nod tow fourth ttettretp east, 30,7 perty , ' bt n ptiettitlit *OA ; iltettce north twenty mid ;MP 1.011111 01111.P1111P1 Int perrbe4 to rho p rote of bentfoontt, ronfninont 011 P hnfirlfrif see,. 10 I.ly $1 . 111) p "p p , pop' 1111 hoottred loot cloven twrproot tit blip nit. Woe ptelittoex ref wlirh A totrett , Stow tanker rlie,l •o•torol awl %ilicit attar prottedolllll in wiribrort WWI *old by ordor of Ottilsaloy* t Intel to Julwon Hotttort 1114 1111 1 11111141ttor, upon Witiat otorproge t,1141;111 to occurs Cie onto. Word trot or the pouting* looney,) Sowed. Ot.lllll CSNI;11.1.;11 011,1 to tor sold SA Mu property eef Alwilnyl Coon and lean frn.into, ALSO AU that reenito nodding forato.l rrR k lot or pivot nt g r mind in Mgmintitt lily. fmiti,alitil rolmohk County 01111 blillt ntt pant of frt.. NO. 3 and 4, k 1 in the nfideidild Motil.iii4 I 'hi). hind id Oh I t v and a half building tieing Mond itixiiwn frig tti Onnt by *wooly five 644410 ,apt h. , Tt , 111,110 010010 to for oulti4 tote htrstixhrri (or takon in pxoroitoti nod to tot 101.1 110 Uit Prlo'rtE of Pet. Al,BO A certain Int of ernoon , i onlintn in floo , nornomb or c 010043 coo., y 1,. onol twenty lino , fay - t „ r ,„, t „, l ,„„ tu „ o ,,, tfr , t Mg V. kit II I. 0 ,, te,1 to 11‘. ot"ty Dame 114..1 W 111 Ih litqw,to,mo ro 11 , ,w , t3 lot of on Ih. wr~t lsy Loch-1 Avpio.,l“ the !tot try [4l of Jan O ", va tr y roor,l the 44.1 by oh 14nt14 of tb , f lotentot Mount and 'nonparty. Itito u Not colon and to he 000ld 44 131,0 property or tiittto l Mot, ..4“ totilla - .11 Shogilr 0 I. her 2. I() VARY; EELS TORRIN' TON & HODGKINS. vxt , Acruitixt OF t • .9 Zie j IAI SUPER PHOh KAT E NAP 1,1311% SIN2IIIIII, PCSVA. A.II!P fo ;own io of 444441, ar Afar to 1110 rim.... au pooor illo t to t it, ate a ft;rl4hi; 'r for Not, f 'off*. PttCtiot-1. ken. rano. lot extol fkili 444.44 unfit II OM if nMO.rnt olperefee of ill kootta of aoii. not sx4sl4l top a o ,y. II fli, not fill of 11100414101 to 4 ono bet 1$ ta•tiog ie Ito 4 41i ei., x 444-11 by 4t144 fistototi of C ttotitcr and Shit , ; atse of the f01,f.U.01 of II 13.13 to and M. 1 0 1404 43444 i4lO O n4Yd oar I.l4lllol4ifillnfo 4 4 4 Of. 1414 . Par., VVlrket, 440 lbot per ace , . Wire,' ar eowh bt•*4 4 44444. For Coln. 1144 In ;IN lb.', per firm dropped In 14th 11l 1140 of pbtniinti; Via Ito. p , '?" net.. bria.lootti, 4014 acri , . 44 41t; Ott! in the TOW. For G10KA.111111,4 pet arm, so a trip ifirOliiinr, Imieto nu Genye 1.44 44 x1414444n1arr an ill crop of 1 to 1 1 t. , ns par at (V. tilt , " 11 i, trial! We bo ot y tt, t t up, 1,04 11111 be 1404 4 to gag,. of ¶'43 his. earl) et 137 re teen th , m• .at,; 1 4 0, 4 .4. ;rif. nor 1141011iiit,Ii.. Nitothrt 4 4rret ; stk. inontittlit , liipped in 1111 point. on AL & 410 44 4. K. 11044010. 44; lit. AgH.t. & Co Ago ot. Illor=mosar;. Jtity 31. 1 5 :17,-3,15. V 1•'.1% BAKERY AND CONFEC TIoNEI: i.gt3 t .b..U.sa 1 0 A Lna Ole THIRD STREET, 01:1.4 *t Rai (.04;32 PA. . ‘4. , wo,od r,lA44# It'. "1,1 ;o0 11 ,, W eq..ll , llWri, 11 , 41 Ire W.+ , 1,1)(111 , .e +tp ni Ai. 0:11111 t. 41 th trt %Oh N. I ;1 1 . ;1 , 1:(' lA, :1 1444,1"1"1,. t 1 Th tomtr srr.lng,terrra—mr—rtm—rtte ts ii I. 1t m, hecps it c,,i,fe , ,tion. Or , CO) witol..lo, THE ••EXCIIA:SI;Ii Br11,1111Nr.: 4 ." 11 , 10 p•'l4 , itiyA avyi flog lAteild u4ll 1,1" ticumotwrklale,' ail ii,r , 0141 rdl p.rgon. whq %to. 14:12 , r r. and Porto'', by tho boto bob% or loortor barrel, wolf tail Upon WIL.I.IAM GII,M1 , 111:. at hi. : , ..10,004 in ti hives' block, Main Street, wh. fa, , l 14 , au wrlrr,trineff try $.l: th«. 'ram. %k 11.4fiLl %lb! , A Sill 14..00 at it' , low,/ mark.t fli r. F too in ith Ituk , 'ry atul rolot 'Omer!: , up OM* 4 1 4 L It 1 ,1 PH who too.' him w,t4 their oattqm 11# is rol•tr,lut 111 hire ' irutlir•l. 11,11•114' lit 010r1,1 Vithettlloll ••• Itto ,4 ^'' . 4 "1 b.'• , " 1 • 111 ;!' t.+litsog to 414 Islo* 111 t•Tt - 1,..1 , 041.1 41,1111:U4 tit 3lielt•,•01, It” tw U,+rn#tut to htt. r , b .t: r y Otitt %,114.'114 3 COtttino tloo nt lIF f..011^ . J. A r ,., t tI.II . :4NIL 4 S Ch AT coma Spurs, triea way Trish plir rhi 111 . 1 Wety Mit ^, S Iwo, pi tdUr f,t , 44,1 10 PM... %Vol if it is 3 tsir Whet* did you art cartis3: doto , Aiwin ), nt Vultr+ o l f'seti,ry. More if that t Near ltrang, vitt**. ttll ;tins it nt , yo to get rardlog wor for i rite, per lb, it pot lake 4.4 bring poll' 'A , sir h.* , f•.t•liii h i s MI. 411.11 e and got new fardanit. 1ht,40l on U nt ponr reil. tie to.eee Wet, al' ten I, (NOM,. IH t marl. utv him. , df the, season. tie *Rte. , . for 41 nereielll44- two jot thil4e,l4/erliVe stn th,tallee if Ibry tenter the Neel 41 either of the btor," tot tr..nn••fll lb, Ow oalee eel to, Alto, livnr chat for 1 . 61 Siny~ , -„ Hering and ate,eoeg, 141 I '44 v. -art., gin , .! Jno” Pl 3, Vance holm, town 1e.,•.0 . $ at the ietatia,., wo:ft elle Inuit( petrol. opr, and ilea% tim to WA wits*. filch nod poet Alit r.-reed al tit, t actor!, t Of ingestlic, in Mi. Pfeil Pant Town r6tif, C.1)4114,1:1 Cotibty August, 14, 1,!-Z7, Boob: tiL Will's :WANTED To "ziairat Ordere fi)r o New Illoatroted MBLE InCTIONA HY. (rnmpl.rrc t rtNI: 11:tioNkttv einhothoe the rettoh. or the mord rrrvmt .nniv, Selitell. and itivt,ttg,,tion nr ttlo,t l spot tier ni" the must enttoe o tont tnivatteed fiihit Eat it!rhottt , 11 ,, W itYing, l'lcreyown N . Of tiontott ttalom, ma' , V , it, and apart it or , tho bee tort: r.l" Ito kind in th, Litettflt 1:1DP11110e411111 entt whtela mth( to be to Om !mints of eVet) fable l*AJE'r In the hut. in rirrnintink thin Work. Agent* will find k Oral' Wit MO profit ;Ode employment. 'rho MiI(WWII*. w kirk firl. !wooly opronolored is orllthir 41 ,1 iliAtY W ,, tkik will hot exirt with Itkr. on tho filtiltafrtlicifilfag+llo . 4l and frionMy nid titt :wend the oinking htu labors Nate , ;Ode. oroll.o, and loriativ... Laden reared U lergymen, Frberit Teachers. rarmet.r. Minieritt, 4n4 air lothiTt. 40141 rofinuiti mietuv, nee uttittrul to I'Ma to envy .otwa an 4 Comity is the country, to whine tan utast taa•ral tudartawats tt, iii tie tith red, Vol lititticnturii, hurt% VA, itt Widrvii4 AiIMAI 13.; mitErimrsA, eausomt?tret,t, enn, Stypt.`ls, ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Letter, of A olminktrat inn tot the rotite of 11140- non Punier. late of retcre • ownAlup, dereitrNi. 114% I, oven granted by li*. Ite isle, of Cnhi;tthin Comity ioThnwae C. Fowler 411111 ,Nittore Clevelinth, of Solon Towtt,inp, said Comity. nentrim liii tog ti (13114111,14 the 0.1:110! 111 . 0 rP , 0,1p4 to make 111 , 111 kilitWit to the. 1,41,11141441'itif1r4 and those tmleht• mt to the estate will mak, r" " 'l,4 it. tamer, btUiilti t" MAE! October tn, I N THE ORPHANS' COURT IN Tit r, matter vle , otioof to the report Or Auditor rn` 434111.1,mm or the rrtatt Pet , r 411:041.Pd pll'Oitit'r C. Kahkrt E Sq.* aPPffi n ted POMO!, xi t Itt COO Im.ttoot ,, y. Ity Om Court Certdo ., l from tit , . 11 , 4 CotrYvt civil, par 110 a .11114're.tl , i 01 lip IlitttVo tlit.t. 1411 P moire, 'lt .1 1 otu.lot 1 ,, r th , t p4tooso of my optmott , towitt. At my m o tor. itt Inoo , r,tora, on i'mhay, tor, :^ , to Owl of Novttwtter, I:41, ut to tieltwtt, tt, to, C, Atidttor, 0111, 11, 1507, ESTIRAM SiIIEEP, Come to the preinieeii or tint auhroritior, in Ventre. Tow nohip. en or Rhino tho Met or Joy pm, EivE miAo MINYA The Pr • Milifirt ned Collt* On Wl* t: g Preen Property. nay rhitrinie toot takti 11 " 11 "AY otheilektre theY will be Myosin et enceriti ng ar 1111W4 Wttd.thN HILL teetre Iterattitii trot. th, thht—hw. fle 040ahhabilag Mutual gOigg ,rogit 4•Notioßla4 1 0 1 NO* tail* PO ro 4. l lo f#Merlo lianr fro wrack. Apply o+ll, ). P.s.theth, is hir atera, p ittthl raoililtrt ellfis alma, A Ktintr , rcs.r+-wry, at hla orituot• it►lh 11/4Lilf tho thr,thr hr 4.lo4thithm. • g Nogg, 8, 1 " 5t ., y . • awe to the Oroteen .4 . the IIWA/1404 in NOP* 1 , ,P14,10941.. 11 , 41310 11114 ,11 nu, o f 110014 , 001P1, a 13 1 III1' RMIt Pup. ngooqt to bp shoot It month,. tod. The 0041" P 10 , 00401d111041,0,1 0414111 . 4. prove , 110111 , pa) 41411 , 4041. /441 t oat. Wm ii7,otherwtso to ttt iota invading to few C 1.114114 04010(84CM O. .0 , , 0, tobrr STOLEN. Prom tho *OW 0 1`111. olilt.oril;. an tho flight a asthe oth foot., a I.IOIIT ILA V HONK 'Moo your* uld loot wino; blot* mono and tail gm,' omit $0 hooolo iti;th . 14 reooooohlo reword 18 ill to paid for the rot orio of the horse, 004 0100 G.t tlw thief. The Woo woo roronorly monad by 11rewun Kline. S.VAN 111,%X10.114. Town Mil, I.ozoone Co , *pc 14. ANN-3w pd. . . W (:r at, 1 . WOOL! ! WOOL ! ! I r• LOT II E iCIEA NtI Rtt fruit wno TOP uttriepittine4 0 in 1 0 1 Om ht7gltert mhtilitt pried in ezehatiet rhr r Witt either of hie "'Hutt arty Wbiu+ih.er :411114, tViiiiuru►ieurt,sir ity. your Wool {utile Mount riwtottot itliile, et Mordnits. v ro. J. £ d %kb& dept. The. Rey. POWARD A. Wll A.ISI wih ...tit! ((reit id chop.) to alt who dettirt. it, 1.10 w i t h 0 0 44..01,0 4 fo.' 1110,1011 and littlOV the plippiy t 00 , 4y by which he WO* Cll,oli of d two' nIl mod end that dr. al 4.! t..” 4 I'mtp4milttoti. Hr ottiy , a 144 twrictit th , all)l4 frs h'lti 14$ lu.p , >e e vprf oldrel et wits try *Wit prepmption. or it 41:1 pot.' them Mid hely rwvo 11 , Pk rter a.tdlext._ 1.11 , V t. It A . W11.8,0:‘, . +.lCSBuuth Yttuit4 Stotitt, Wiiiiiitobitg, hew 1114110411 , 41 R 144141141, 4 ,1 ir= pearNre. o tntu.irtnt to of halo iipun 411/414: 114 3:1 a Srr 0 1'11:0 00 the tonqvul of 1' 1, 411+9., l'lbtr, tor, K.nptinnr,r•te,antheOm teal, mi., 1.1 • • .« tuft rferr, Alt,/ belll/11r411. (11:1 1 • . chrrßr by a4cite.mitig '1'1111:4. F. A MIA'. •, , • O•lot. t•l3 ittoudwrty. infA INFOUMAPION WAN I'ED. Lot his wow. to tolut,k i!ennily. no the. morrtio: , 1 the CO of July 13st, a WI ag^t tty~,rrt.lVO on %Owl, i,r halt a WAAA W 4 011140, rtletli suit% AASIA4 an , t a gray cost toisteoltrably uta r st tt • wear, 1104 A.IOAOAtiA/ %44 dark hair dark eys s. with rath , r CA' skin. and is * out bawl. Any infrutro.-/e of MO isherealellaki will be f erin void by hte AOlll , OO mother !A INCA. horn P 4 MAIMAHLT P41'01:111 f. t r tre7. ArtgToitS . i'Oti.r3tll 11 , valt I z4lll. Acrirvrona TAW '111” 1. ',trivia. ^(1, tr app., ! tpr the nu , PL. !Pt ePprt , r v of I 'iS , iuuhia. to mile dis. 'foto:toot of thr h ilttee to the hetple of Johnort tip+ r -f 01:h 'Ot 6 rrrM 044 , 1 ten halite .ta a totted to 4 . / s o. 1,1 al , ,41101.t.t. It N ff.:not* nearlaot, tit the order 0! ttfishc,l ;ov Law arts Altana at hot 441 re in Maoe atet's as rhitre.tr,v too te , my Mat Oat' of I *.tvPut'otr A' p. It;;`, at to ,A , rk A. : 1 1, far the r oritose t narmitnit 1 , , the nottam oS hit nlyraott.teht. %hail a ed Whoa* Ali pool , * oneo , ..ttof 1, I artite:i to pr oterit Wet, ef.ttov , h , doh trre-1 loon rtnni n: in the a ehare of the I ovi, K. K. IKEI.OI. 11,,pptpr,,tre • t, tl. INP7,--rt„ 3. F. TiIIMINATOV tat 1101k6KINtl. l firrr!tr ;tyro Mitt tr.. 'Ate tottirrrtgartf. nt tirtol , rtt Too Cototty, frlun 0114 4111 , ' -rot. 1.41 t , slrl4l4:tv forroi or :40.0,1,14 %tee. p1 4 #11: of) Wit wtw p,r o kw.; so dwas . .rill PI, dt•nit w 111 er4e ,r,tiog to I. or :smut.. p t danae, Or. J It EVltoo, 1,03+ the'+ill7; irl . o l, Ma'S 114teIl 10 11 ,, 1ph0. ?+++yft oft. r I . hr**l., R. kW. C Rtt bun. I I+lcgto 6 , 10 t, a , I Wm. 1,I; iat