il E ■ li M 20111 LOCAL DEPAATMEN T. • ednesdat, Oct. 16, vie:. C`" Wlwt I sheet our meets per all lorel reran 1 414 ( 4 111 is Moir Immediate inratillei. If they an oot genre lOAlk comniuhernloni for the public eye. et they 'PO nip a Ink( vistrinent of everything of Oli , ltro le diet' , roioettive emmooltine. A het n tnai row., death.. aeel•tentr. firm roinovntv, howl- DPP* hop'', Ike. We will put them In fowl. l'he more Aug ‘f the kind so rag get the better it vi iii roll it t soul rut letiatp. Mitt it 111410 it 1 To A OVIIIIIO 6 NC— rr.bins n.;vr►t b rmenta ifiseri«.l, t aw band them 'llllloy on Tureen; Qera• I ay to Mourn IN Ir leeortitet for Mot WWI. vier nic accounls of tbo firm of Sitcom . 811VMAP7 OR fitr tut Font nut for uollertinn 'aro in the hoodoo' too fotowing IsMOOS: AnOlin lburnohip,--.l6nm 11 'SAMI;IGI, CREASY. lie:wen—BENJ. Zutmrnm r. Sl Alnin.—U. .1. (Lotriumt,, I'. 31. Vor t irisso.--STF:mittN HALM RO , rrivereek, antenna, and 411 Janel .- 02N 11.1104 En. In Sugarloaf' Township, for enllretion have been placed in the linnfis or oNT. EMT CoLt, to whont vomit, is rerpt,:;,teti to bo made nt the earliest convenionea. In Scott Township, all persons kitlwina themselves in arrears for sulavriwion. and 'advertising, to the PEMONIAT i Will Viettm: IMP.' payment to Jostoit Lux's% fienton.---I)tatti 11A WM AN. Ornnve.--Mtclit rt. K MIER. M •N t Srll. Ilentlacl,•.....DAN ILL NET BART. Rohrsburg—Mathias 31. Applentnn. In. The liat of premiums' awarded at our late County Fair will appear in our neat ri per. It wan not pr: pared in time for this mutt. Mg. Itobt. F. Clark. John 0. Proem John K. Grote, and a few other.{, have gone to the North Muualain tohmo ad ec reirlial. 'Spook) venison will be ehrap then they 110.- The receipts at the Fair lag week amounted to $2200.00. Pretty good. amount. paid nut as premiums tray over SIOOQ.OO. The best premiums were urea by parties out of the Conn ZS" Every variety of Apparatus for woighing according to all known Ftntst!nrf: . may be Lad from • .ho mannfactery of Pais banks' Standard Seal,), They are, i n a." all over the world, and.renelve.l tlwElita proatiutua at the great Paris .I:l44kition. Thom of our inareas who called' on la4t week and paid their Fuliseription, will pima ;wept our timaka and thoiw whu did not will pleaso attend to tivi mater bon.. The batik eitbncrintiona abouid all he raid within a short lime. Ermanit PI NARY C N NCr •--Th P diantetor of the earth 111017.11 . tal 108 gives the diameter of the mot ; the (name: el of the sun multiplied by 108 gives the men - aistanee of the earth friini the Stiti; 'MIA the diameter of the moon multiplied by luB Rives the men distance of the moon from the earth. 1111 Ir We aro authorized to announce that the shareholders of the Bleouvharg Mutu al Saving Fund Aodotiation will I c required to make tho first !lament nn their stock tbri liatorday, Oeteber 19th, F o r v ep en th e Lours of 3 and S n'ehicfc P. M.. si the off:T of Samuel Knorr, Esq. Porno praeuting stock eon do so Ly caning on au of the Direemrs. adir We wade up villa at the close of the Volume and idaced nnn3 of Olen) in the Imlay of different pci3:on , for collection, but ar yet have received a very small return. Thee bills were male up of subscriptions due dos firm of Jaconv & SItUNIA:4'a interact' and must be paid. We are deairoul of hav ing the old ari•ountr settled up as aeon as porrible. We hope all who are in arteara will heed this notice: I Ou Wednesday last, the Saw Mi l .l beloseig to Maj. Limo 8. Monroe, of Cata. !isms, situated at Rupert, this County, wa% destrupd by fire. It IS not ktowit hew the mill took fire. It wtOnot running at thq time, nor were there any stove with tire in or about the Mill when the Ilameshro'Ke out. The Lackawanna and Bletuw,burg, and the C'atawlsea awl Willinutsplrt Rail. 101(13, are both close to thi3 property, a wl eparke from the Locomotives may have set it on fire. The lobo i.. quite heavy aul the insurance Dslto CR ATle . 1 .4 YETilia.—On M..nday evening, the 7th inst., a Democratic ;fleet ing was held in Creasy's Seim! House, in (Intro townillip, which was well attendld, considering that. it was an evening meeting. The officers were as f,llows: Pre-ident, Leq A. Hutchison; Vice Presidents, Henry Shaffer, Aaron Kelchner; Secretary, Wik s Ilagenbuch. The meeting was addrosed ty Lieut. M. B. Hicks, Capt. Cooler and C. W. Miller, Psis., In able and fervent speeches.— This meeting wound up the Campaign in Columbia County. FATAL ACCIDENT ATZMILTON.. - Tll3 *union says that on Tuesday a week la.-t, sad accident occurred at the new Lutheran ('beech on Malion:ng Street, in that place whereby four men were badly injured—one of them fatally. Tho walla of the church are up and st the time of the accident do ti( ph Welch, Charles Krum% Jacob Full mer and William Waltman were on a sof - folding which had been,ereeted, runnirg from the rear wall of the Atwell to the gir der which rooms from the ride walls about Or*. feet from the rear, and ITCre prepar ing to raises roof-stool, when thescaffidding i ge, way and precipitated all of them thro' t hikeond story, where the joie ti tfa b een irsjp, Let no floor we, yet i m p ' l ' l llAlllrner and Waltman lodged on N I got .• 'Welch, who was n very heavy • e of the joists, and falling to lard ,'Plumied between two joists and gia a %ottom oftheccllar,adistunee iiheet • feet below the spot on which ino hen the accident nee erred. 'llO severe that ho died in a ; in accident. 'the others „ , input!, $Nt. llovornor Oeary hM loud o war: Clllocril r.tnt tbt the °Motion of Neal Deveney, of Luzern° County, on Tutiotlity, November 12, for,tito unirdor of his wife, 3My 4,,last.— iftkitObrithit exeention of bona Miller, of Cleartie CJunty, on Weilll'3,4 , l:ly, Novena. her 13, for the murder of her husband by poisoninK with arsenio, administered in coffee and food' at %%ritual times during the month lweeeding hie death, which took place July 1 2. Notw•itli-!nnding the "Democratie patiT )intro carried the Petonpyl via). and taro the Radical+ a hard eha•e in Oh*.o. J. J. 'lmam toil! continues to Nell gools cheep. and 1113 not refwe:l to re c eive grettapre, l 3 n 9 p4' for tim rOlllO. Brower's goads ore going off by thocartiond. climvp mrcirwit, —An mileage rare, fOr:the liwtqllt, of thoma who bate occaaien !o use mgoilagO we w mhi impart the inform.. don that by procuring any of the gams that owl° from the peach, p:tun or elterry tree, and which is fealil to cxl,a in quantitie3 On Binh lre!)8 in elm 0.4 evar;" garden or oreliwd end dismlring . it in water will kth,' n. gon4 toroT)te ne can Lc pmeured in nry Antioenry store or mattnfaetory. !laving tried it tae :pink from esprtionee and lemur. mend ail others who may have doubts on the .nblect to do likewise. Ilm Lyn i NW The Undiesls of both town and emt.try are eansiderohly taken aback over the result of the cleetiorm They had not ontieipated any such Waterloo defeat. It 14 Ctict!tAl to Mke theal red plat. Only to think .of it! They having over 17,000 ms'ority last. Fill for Goan; ontl but a few (lays op.. to bo routed by a thousand or more, is awful to mmtemplate ! The old Kityitone Stott) is soundly Democratic when propeey managed. Radintlisnt newer had a foothold in this State. honettly gained. n'r I m o« will hive. White men will yot rule in Pennsylvania. Tho people aro only waiting another opportunity when they will put n man in the Executive Department who has a few bnins and less negro-cquol• ity ideas. ttir Richard ninth, who name three or inr weeks ago, met with a horiiide aetsidant by tm explosine in ono or the ore nines near t swn,dbed on Saturday last, and was buried on the following thihinah by the order r f 011 in °motel y. at this place. IL , was a pearealsle and reveetalh Mum ; and hir remains were cotewell to the guilt by a large o nocourne of fi:11140. Ffetra the nature or I;i4 hit Nee. rek, arms and hands b-ine: rretey mangtaf-he have seered terrilsly. At one tore it was thoeght tic nagiii recover; tatit Ow Hulot time he was gra , biely s'aing and tin s it ) , death stopped in and r,9 sceNtins frcan nil etsrering and pain. A restetahle family lament his drills. The burn! a •noon was peetr•hed by the miplaer a ill,: Lutheran Church. of which Onto+, 'e understand, lei wall it ttlnift rra si a ru3n forte Gtl,l -ears of nee. Itk. Can it he possiblo tht we hare men :n tiro County who will ptist in earry:l s r, out the int.”ltion of an morsii!trionel law —a law th;t-11 ha+ long she been proyontn e,d Ir. , one hi i! ho.t Cool ntretteit:vio. al end w:thout cif, e: ? Itwmed uooni a". A' late elee'ion in A Town , hip rf tireonwo , rl, the rues of. 4 lthna Paris and Jobu Lawton we , o rust ley Perrin Eves, Judge, end A. E. Klhuama of the iwireo tom th, rirmino 114, on the ground thud tiles." soon hal heodmfted and did not report. Thee men TM at the same rdls tat Fa nr.4 it•Ar Ti ttvti to vote was not one.tiomel. Thee:ection eau not plead ignoraw: , Too many decisions b u y,, I can b a d Pm the different Courts „r„„, thelaw . shoull be brought to jmoice. fora Or? IRON. t 1m mid in the .Iber, Ow t•..• bum, Gu„,,, * et ti • Ontwist 0/1111111ef. Ligolg .01111 twit ware. ream „. in ii 4 riliv - • Wart. is,,vo In th" %sin .4 rod. It. i s rice. MP . 4415. llChtnlnt Carl leg DU .I h ,i.'+ , l t. Mg 6.1. PO Alt k 4 ens . s . • ,,,,„ 4 won I list. ii pwlyer. ci,.o lOW 11144'.••l M . N. 11 .. .4111 J. I. „»r'. 11...... t. 1 0.. 0! 0 4 .,. in. fly di* n... 11 Oen Ito by•liir it, ~ th, i s.. ssi Is...JAR-11 b••' %? Ws. UR elks* out ht..W. fi r. ilyn"Peell ! Cy et 1 ft Ift • nr.• Cf 11111.41 iraith r, r lit- %lea how.v. • rt•tlt tl • tl ore. t •IPT73•141111i rav• i In want tient rt./wt. pri lan* you, up 1 pelt t i llonlItut• dytn4 rour.rrr. thu raw 41 ..l'antri prat?" Th.,n l tV V lAN 61r n priOriett imtaliun of iron. a new disnortly ta that otritiou Ittlho 1001 of .11,01.... by ALorplyird ty n bt u ., With it.. riia pqatiple lift oirniint.— frau Ihe 'uvula , . W. i•Pultimiaa !TRU," Oil the slots. l'ainyliktr riot. J. r. DINNVORg. Propirtor. No 30 Dry el. K. cock Sold by all D7otgidye. . . . GU ACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. From Mr. Min lbws of ACIVISITORT. Mau. • l We, p tie WI With eeevere 14.10 e ee one et me fthree... aeri If OM many rem.. lie. TVII.I - Oit Viler My 1.1.•n:h e,l me go apply emir !WYO. 110 o d t•. cl 44 Darted lie hilliiiidlino (coin ony nherl co ~0 to pH .bJe mr IA r•ctIONB my work 1 COO :I I Mitt Icaf 11/161 theSeive work...llole wolf. tot n ea •ei..l c . Ore Wilk 111 hiving • Pelf • I uoilit..l 10.•• to Tw ill e nareljent /co.' f met Je 110 00041 it as.prkielble.l tbro w uglioul. IM 14 , 1 J." UGLY 25 corm A 0.. X. sETII W. rtm so%I. 1:u•toi. Sropriehrs P.m by Apotberari,•• 0113 (7 ru,bttil i roaraity . uct. .6, .447,-4w Tho 't t i about Dy~p pile. Who: Vp' Mu 411 dysvpsis is incurable. tells a —l . llO toss?. Oakes an egregto44 mistake. Moro tiro lira Ilicactitil NtOtlllfated tas..s have. been VIVI' IiNtrETEEIVA vim M Act* Ili r 11110, *hilt the ntin•ltet that have bren prevented from einnimi is a krael.l.y Ike cams means, 14 Inedeidabld. In ink eintiom of Cie yr ar. When lb NT . tile ti Dim Villatake for the cent fott and sully rif he etomaoh enair.nitiett ie most etevalent and moat distre.sior Ca the appetite to pe bilked to enema a Ado OW pP•tiv. lantana 1 Not on ; Ina tiom tho (route would lark slit due propOrtion of nutriment Tito think' to be done to 6111.110111rN ?NC ret ott tor, tone the .1 vet An I lilt lIIe u..vvos in p4rfetit nrilot. N. think %ill do this so str.etually. se Inpidly Do gilfret V. 111 pleasantly, as HUAI* ITE.R . P‘ t t irrerts. 'nil, tin. teat prperation trims and b., Marna the system. and elothee it, a. it were. with aive armor. 'Wolfe dyrorpoia. live, einaphotnt sod l'.vor and aein, are never known to nt lock thoso who ern wigs Laouj to the al I of tilts pout prevent dive. ( ember, Hi. etv. The aoconel enelallenon% In Iho NU ennaleurd Lorlary Modulo olio due. on llen Aro{ of (wok.. will pin p. pay ttluir tospaetiva anuoluta, and °Wye all polity,. L. Prosidemt. (lit 9,1 K?. NoTIJz. 028, HOOP SKIRT& - 628. 11 7 111. T. 1110PKINS, ..Orr Ors Mac" Aller mntn than flu rearm experleneman4 aXprol ;namng Ign mannnottirs o r Y ST IIA i I,II'Y II(o)? !WI A. we f On? snr jn ly le Witted goad. 1,1 nintelinni* end On Indoile in NH ennfl.lenen of thalr oupariarliy mar all ,1111, , 111 Inn Amorlyna alarkyl, aria they err kill nOW all who w•arnr deal In 'lvan, a. 'law IrCitlicor than any tab r tklr . nml 'Taal nag Iq ..very rn•onet, ii,.onrs lu 110111) *lfoold tool, 111 wa. , a tali fict. HYPO , In In on, lii Hut alyra gloom n Irbil .11.011.101 n •ntvalin it lurinrr May. Oar no•crlniolit luelmiee• ry.ry alp, 1..1.011 and PM , lea 1.410% Astoyya and Ultildrea. A laa. ekl rt. 111 Aiwk: fa' 4)1.1111:1t.althroll Wild nptllnd• A.M rnr Owp lotoke," anoint. not oleeole• y.l a...• a hot the linter ..111" I. is °spa on if,,. 1nf.... , I• ch mat lb it t 1 1 ,! ), CrO 01:411411.11 .• HI I.N IN& allawlfaitra• 141 AI, Iqlll.l at' "IlPollrellth ri NO oikors ere innuenn. Also. consul/poly nn lain I a full for at' 'OW York and Diatara bland at Yer) low pricy'. Whnlesale 1.1111 Eclat!, A 1 tho P1111,A1911.1411A 110 11. SKRI . Ma n ar tery S rwd lipurrutu.No . bid Arols $1" a' I ' hila l " l l o,lar • , queKlNs. Oct. lA. 18d7.-1014% 1 .4 00 K . funtatoll ig NE .W.' Mt*. JaiIIA A. Anil Alio Raft. M. itureLly wel' On forn , r or 1811,, West intata, flloitiusbuel, 4.111 the ninth duy 4,1 • LAME' . WWI( 11141 , ftre• ►•/lIInNAa'.S CI. •11 AND DRE•oI N7411t11•• 44 entirely no w asoirtinioli of tho bout u 1.1.1 fit•il ion thin tiontism. wills patinnn and aty Inn la liialrla, awl id into rider. lun7 SOW. lliailixolver lad ni•no -I do tile piddle in VV.111) 111.11irtrAr. r INC.* Mieti mg owl U i ding Clnaki fa- .boi 'Hot 11.41 e...• IW..W dx TMN TIIC I'4ll MI rad Nan, in., Elie Plata and reinirt ynlll 1.411.11111. lictobot V, 174 a. MLLLLNLILY GOODS. Mrs. NARY rIYRAIAV 1404• to nonnome ~ tb.•rlUi ur nit no in•ty 11111 .be In. OA rcyleui.h d finr 4:04 ty 11114. Audi of tea, Pall and Winter Wa. 7,lT.VlllBzltif Coon g s 41 I cr nn at nn Street, in i!. , 4P.A4lllllenllno of 11.,•p.11,14, 1 , . h••r stock. 1.1 s,•• lwr 4 ran before pureli doing nistionri, cwt.% AD 1I ISTIIATOIV 8 NOTICE. Letter• rf Allynlnfoly nth* on the rotate of eten►t!r lr. Pittma►. fide of P 1.41111 Toormohip rohyyrtod roomy drrom rod. barn gellitli it by Ih.• K.•t.•tor .40 o,lolty t*. (talks vtilitt of I ttonhnk 'M+.. Ai; p.•r oils.* h grotty ..1411111, pQijn.l Ihtl Pollale 011 ha .1, r..aord It ill p1.•+'111 Ihe IA the 11.1 1 / 1 1141 . 10014 ill int sell letuoftl Mill 11 01111. ilmight4.4 gj the 414411 e p 4), mem! to the no.l.trydtmod. Wl ' . RLIYq. Aduttnionot..e VIC --ant. f N1)F , 11811 () T T' S NNW 1)1Z1:0 STONE, • Ay* nannina a lama an 4 wan • owlech.4 11.11:rngoi and sno.4. • SP, 1111*. 4116.11, Ilya.•,- .• • Ana'. V.irm , ,kra. Soaps. Law • WM, C11:111.101 d/11.# assayth Mill • 131 U.. VJIIMY To.• ; • AND FANCY AWYDN•FA • ;41 ..•••" v d • 5 k7 .4,01 41# 111 V rpel. onnaafd peparallsnua flonlor• • ' olnar• 'l'Ml'ulivu, Axpnttit Ice WITII al VCERING Xainne, of ftarefimmA. tlnfinn .al. fvfe,ny 1.0 utent.thit an A.:Oat:AO 1541( Ca • •1•44 f. 0 X Tnni, COMMIUNU WILD ill pyitrp. Phim• Win , n( Iron. Prlweriptions covrAly tom - eniet.k.l at lel It,tara u ti ..v t tor e.spirrt.r CLenics ItartdoTtP. .„Cd 1111.uhtelit6. tt . t . 9 : 4 4. 1. R. IIik,TER, ATTOR NE Y—AT- LA W, BLOOMSBURG I PA. Office, Exehapgre Bloek, near the ••Dtetinn k ro Hotel." Alf fiwirmrittennt tr hr. hfiwttit %MI hr ttliWirtri to with pr. Mriffe••med cite. leilltreirgii made with the tee t t p..estWo delay. 'Sept. /S. hi4Z. . . REPARATOR T..oeor wore 7 rile' friozos leer on - WheY. !mar wig; th..itiirtiv or ni! Iwl weyth : efostt npe.l. ♦ar•..a Ire) Wad fair. And rojnite in )mr► ono hi %aslant hut. it EPA!: tTO t!t cAIPIMA. 'or n 040.1101 bait uown bald 11•adr (I' nbn•erer tons. li o.oy , •ay.• tall. 0 0011 and 101.101 si Strebwth or how stools 11, fort*. It ha• no eclat. It sill home iins ►meld ta grow swoon list! OsisOsilliessy Nee jos from G►o 10.141.1 if flpass 1111 1 11,1 , 14 111 ftflos 1110 to II: too amnia.. A law ten./ant practitioner* bay* awarted gloat llonoso ta wothisse that wsll lonr. a or haat. rm tin• %%%%% 0( Ilia hair ar io.oasol. Tlo•1r arjo.ji Out o,l* V 01.,. as 110014001.1. of lovinit 01010.0. 0 .0 Omni lh. is *l3.ol3loier; eld brat v / 00$0. boot wan, nisi pay. bon ate we to 1 1410:0C 1 14,1 the grllll3llo from tho oislaso Ist i Ii CeStolltly 14 Olftlessit 01105m0 5 .1 5 1,,t Use .ttlYs . P . ltlrlt , ptWittsso aol yes wood far the bzje joss.l WAN are anginal). 10101140.0. and you wow have t.•nte Throws, away larsownintint4 Iu th'•lt salratiadoss. Toluca we a wild say. I.c We It, ;meow. I'ololll. It 01114 , ,0 1.3 0 .11 1 011111111C1i1e 0 0. 311'011y rlolllo, up 000, .If puff Ittftlelpit• nov. ISM keep It. 11011.1 110 ...... 111.11 at 41111 Nit Will torWifit It. powtssost. 104....10../ . 01111 a tHeript li•r lb. 111111101. 0111011 Will Ise 1010ined y .111 110 101.p1e.008014. 1ruv1.1101; Cubs!. 01.1.. C 1 ,1 1 ,411. Pal ale A.1.1,...1 W. 1.. al. AM( ok 1.11• sr Ist.. \.1.1 Wet roys , ltsS it. sayracaso. ,S. Y. rob ti ly TO LANES If tan 1....10tt0 a trltablrrpineily toff'&lore you And otoove Itteto.lll , Hite of Obotras , tioos. ruby out on the t...t t y. a t/ > l rnenee hag ;trot, culla.. Dr. Harvera Female Pilo, t „,.„ 11r, r4u I tlhortiftoomi and W.'a uldritica. Kn MNU. , froth what t/tuou they atia• 14.1 are inte and aura in every ease. Price, One Millar. pro t•nit. Dr. Harvey's Goldon Pills, is a four deems, stroller Than the above, and interned for spucial mass 01 lung stunning, Pries, rive tiottar• tisr Ito!. A Ladies• Priests EiteuUri with engravings, scat on atiplicsii.tai ihrpj, "n ho g i,ot the rate of your druggist, oott ,l end 4 1 1 hr . J. ttrYon.l . llProadway, Now Volt. • —, vlllbo Pohl free from obkervation by retort. of stmt. Jim, war.— iy. FANCY STORE. Lighi Strct, ColonOin Co. rano. raz. raartz Would announce to the rit ize vicinity that she hae Opr Light Elm , ' .04 a 1111111nory &Fancy • e. w hi e f o oho too pinekrel with n tour neb moo t o f M l i`olsrvy o Few , : Gemto,fromv. oo t o l t dime. for the Spring unit Saintlier tru.te. MUSTACHES . rnr,, , ,1 tit Vole lifinn the etnnethert faro in front throe to live week* by eider Or. treivigne's Kerr tier:ore:lr otoilfore, the noel wonderful dirrovery 14 iii...i..n. *ri..iir.., ili'llil upon the heard sod Hatt in an Outer( miroeuleur inunner. It bar been Hoed by the ewe oir eatis and Louden with the newt flat. teriog rorreer. Nimes ~r all fourebererr will be , resimoribd toot if entire ratirfaiditni is net given in every instance. flit noihey will be elieertetiy railed. ed. Price by mad, foetid Anil portraid, Si. flap. rriptive rift-Warr lied tertimenirir indiled 'roe. Ad. di, re 11l H MR, sii urrA & c)., Chesoirts, No. 1 i 35 River Street. 'Frey. N. V., Solo econto ter the Vthteil State*. (trey. Z. leh7—ty. tioNiititrt) made to order, sail towlines done with - - - .......... ;.r .. ..........M ., ....."........ nea k ti O S 4 61141 oeupat,h, All work ereeuted in M.. ..,,,,,, e i rrip rpiviril ia..,ar t y , t t ._, lillroa. and Wait tasty tilantleii upon reironaide terms. "' s r 1.11ULA.P..11. /II lir it I.7liLit , ..Cl3- ilt TONSIIED AT Tlik; ow. ~, Revit lotions SNOW. the areal, Artroto. fret 4 nnt M 11. A. Pkittilfio. she reveal. an OP'" H6 ot everknew. .410(i frol.noli to h.,.40 Croi‘e' o I n from rhdefol ' , yenta. esitartrophes. or muster ' loot or routine, and (Hondo, tors tnet'llti *, Ili ft i" vP new ilelp..titli.lit. Stir benign " ii " 1 "" ghs "ithitritteti. et..,,e term atetiqn rmo. mew.. prthe'r ,."'e Y. , e,ei or loverr. restorer lost or uoulified to purloin ..ort the 'torturer yet oft! bill( willlviiiiit,uld:,,yit,;l:hilircia,ll:ll,li,inti,Hir,:l4ltev..„,,,ind t:7llnoto,.ille,, your ver) 111;10011c stir." "" the "me , like . . .. .tte p , reort. .the Vft4l. pnOrOVrIIIIV I. I I. the dim tt, .., , i , , 1,,,,,, .. vto ,„ , h ,,.,,", vee t,ii nin eupernatiiitti tar' lie n : : r ' i f i l i v e ' U t r ." :4 4,1 1%? 1 1 ; 7 , rii ' l ' , 44 .' " I , hn t, l l Y ,: tit ; 'r ': '°:fi i : : l , ' ' , 31. 1 t ., 11 7, " Weenie idol the Mod due • t , ii, tt. g qtioitv 01 Ile I}l h;sth, who. eertilrep the rolOte -'..e her I D rerh,olt she us etstert. APii ffil ia 01' time t a trill' , et il YOU lailyV r 'on. riiii ii... 1... yora lai . i i. ~.. .ill It my faV..rabitaaii 01111..tifilliti.. C 011.0.1 .', . IsLetsers nod sel sterlrett ieforinatinto".", ►Dant' livlissl Isi i. ei.dnone chit roo.olt the Ntuftr".. , will %slit s .11.111 Niiiai y and .Itit.fitettssfi tOthessrk - `,""" its PPS rots A fill and ert•titit flout wtttnntt Irrish4 , l. Inetotrteir lillOirPrvit Itit4ttlienter'ert teSP it no d OM by moil on roe rapt Pr hhove liirshisrsq. fhe h im sem phtstsey. *ill the siteintostised ssulti stet_{( . rerposhlehrtr tetklrsthst or de.troteti. Upterettheit the blithest order rtorttilsholt 0044 tiessit IMO thettl loVrtto puttoy the day i.O the mbuth nod year w eke you ware burn. teetie****• elm* lid 4 lin Athlreite, ~...hittltAitit4 A. PUURIOW 'el v-tif ',lpiemurishirito3.ltuff.titi, N. y ttar •Irk ennsists of ALL Ani'lrl,r,S Aral elan. no`loory 11.. r anvils ere then end omit handsome in the mug ket. Partlrt,l3r nlt^olinn I. paid In Arrop nniPing. She a* PATTI:Rs:4 or Pvvoll Orreriptl”ll pettaloitig to ha 'ride. no ham, and for sAe OWN M. Give hat a fall—Store in Wnritni's lately mermen... by Shoe Julia elhfrer. Avid •40,, Intl7:-3111. DRUGSDRUGS, DRUGS. , Pare hln f tleineo, at Jnhn R. Mnyer'y Pray :NM' gtf 10.1 f 01 Meta awl Markel litfette. A yowl flaw tutu% or Pl'Bil 1)11 IrGM, Medi...fres, Palms. Oily teal Varitiohno, Owns.s nn Oxl d, find will he void rbealier than al any I,lfidf lin it dlmnr tit Ilan. QI J I.Vl' Y GUAR AN T RhD. Pr...m.llloM* carefully compounded at htoyer'e Ilrot Atom A et+ end Jaynes Meilielnei geld at bloyer's Drug ?owe, Wo•herre Tnr i!nsellet. %%WA p3g I.tret 01%. *gimp, 11.111 at leogeee litug dwrr For nny reliable patent Imelda...toll at Moyer. llrus etiore. le sthoi of nil kends, tebolteale and retell, sip. It. loyPeit Pros Anse, leloninsburg. l'a. May 1. I 00,600 & A LAl4O}.l I.OT OF FENOIYG BOARDS FOR tale. The untie reigned *Pre for MAIN upon the Meet renreosnle terms. al Ilk plate of buPlorta. le 14KNIT011, CQLUM Ili A C0111:e'r , mot, hundred thinw mend shingles and a lane ot reining boards, the miry bait quality, both pine and hemlock. 3. J. Melt/ALT. tents, May 11, INI Dn. J. BRYAN, Consulting Phygoian, 819 Broadway, Now York, MA'AM. TRV.ATIIIENT In eV come, elowlnal, 14ex mil. thloori and Nervous Dlreaare In mole or fo• look. Adv Ire Vire and rorrestomdroce otrletty can Ildential. f Join. V, Iy. AG ENTS WANTED. pampir, stu n I'r•e. relived. !Allem or tPnllrosok coo can, new 11:100 to 1010. 01 t per tiny. Hook" 014wp.eed ndln•re pp & co., Zisbtb Pt., New York. /ace. 1017.—1 y.. LOVE AND MATRI 310 N Y. Tile slrecilona orthe opposilol iseX muy lie Rnlned by following Fitnrte 1411,1, Plitt Mt my MA rr, 1( desire& wpbmrt fell4rJ In wrulth, ege n. I,Aiu ty dead directed eavelope Uld *lamp for oar , i cu 114,1110 11411d111111 MN:ILLS ',Km A 11 R I:, Jan. 0,140.-17. bible tiotioe, Now Volk. AVOID TH PI QUACKS If ynn are mufforlng moon lhotlfuels of Youthful In dloorellan end hay,' Ar noon! Wonknroo, 4 , 1..1 will ruint you, frou of chary., Inforomllon which If 611u0.0.1 wsll owe you ivabout iho ulo n mOdielnr•c. Address !way Atithgv, Vurk. 1)1'.\I NESS, )11.IN DNESS, A*4 Catarrh, treated wide the utmost anthems, by J 14AAer tiettlieland Anti st thmoerly nfl.ey• dodo, hind.) sin. Ald Plain !the et. IVA Tostliunninls, (we the nth* reithide .ounce • ■ fu She (MY an 4 roistotry can he teen at his niflte. The med• test fortiiiy are ueen.ed to are °input.) their patients. as he has no secrets In his poottice AlttlYll,lAl. inserted 0 itlmitt patio. NO chilli* ler eaaw• Watson. f April 43. IS4ll.—ty FREE TO EVIVIZYBO D y A largo 11 pp. cir,uhr, riving Information or lA, iniptorla Ore to tto• yowl* of both •ottes. It trnrbro how lite hoar. it Inny bercruo bosolifot. Or Arno/m.4 reoprein.l.on.l the for.oken loved. NO y. uo2 lady or gertlrrooto ohould foil to soul their out ttv.ivo r espy you pnid, 1,• turn wall A.l.lrroo (I. Priewmr, 11. Troy, N. V. Vrb M PO— ty YOUNG MEN Tha .tp.rlattee ahha peat tan years has demon ptretad the het that tanager way be pineal la tba ef nary of Dell's Specific ring, for the imee4 .stud permanent cure of te. outwit weah• nee , . Ilmoomons. fbysivet stud Nets°lis deldlity,lio.• potence, ur nous 01 porter. the result of Sesual cent. to Youthful Inolmeretion.which neglected Nine the loppiners. and unlit•the sneerer fur iit,Pllieen. st.•rdal Society or Miff ill:" sod often terminate. on an to sitimely grove. Nunn no delay in seeking the remedv. it is entirely vegetable and harnileer ru the system. can be used without detection or inter• frivoler, With buoioree ptirmitsmnd no clornge of diet I. necereary while owns Wm. Price, (Me frollur. If yO4 rennet Out them of vomit d,ujaid. amid the money to 11r. J. Aryan. 019 ft•nadway New VorL, and thee wilt be Vat free trotootiw!fllilltin by return• of mall. Private eftralat• In netillellarn pent Ave On appli Mina. iJaa, 9, 1814.- Ir 4% 411. Tat 6 - 6 31 - A. Oh 1 A. wee le.mullfrl 8 1 1.1 Cdr. I.h elerry eye., radiant hi ir. h o p” c tis r.edri•. oat. en 111411104, C 11 4 ,11.91 the eery hem' etel iul44. irer 1.• It COMA, Pot Curtin] rin• Heir of eith•r Oet into .%avy spit t.losoy or Heavy IthOSIVU Curio. tte nettle this ustiste I.ndies and nentlsmen see heeetors themselves n itin-ootoool A.M. to is the only mhos In the wethlthst ts/11 Teri strati:lst bait, see at iht paint! J:lye It a beautiful. pluses speeer• 'inc.. Tilt* ecipprr yews list Olgy vorl a the hair. but inoolgooinien isell.ll,oo asra eleisfspro it; a 1•111/11, mat ,Iplegt fst y 11•11 , 11•4•4. anal I. the men seetiosse artiste of the load errs eth.t ad to ill± Anouticaos p. 16. j•j0e11.1...0. Cum, ...1.6.1..AN-J4- • • 16.1.1 I , 94lpiessl lit SI 44.1,. ON OH Ordf,rll In W. I, Act:4l. Chruilste U. llt vibt IllTrtte dyt. , 11:111/“.14. Y. rub la — I y AFFLIVIEDI SUFFER NO MORE!! When hy the nee of lilt fitINVII.I.6II 61.1X111 ym• ran be aur.ql and nl a Willing env. • I•hn neintwohing swume a hell line envier* thin tsionlitehln medicine for 1.4.11(11 and Nervous IL veer, Generei nod Prontratien. loon Of blitomiler Inrrgy. loipin.niry or any ofche set Crypt:rim of },alum! itigo.l rt 'eters it the most calanhle 1144 1•11 rat I 011 ovAr an" (Iyegee: It sill renieve all 1141 toes eiteetimio, rtria•iient. ineavadiv In Ow:* or his.itiess. loss •.f liteniottr. roltAlSion. Noughts of a , •tl'.deurna4.rn. Irmo Me. It will 'rotor, the appetite renew the health rot floor who lave deilrq•eJ It by teenticl r icer" or rr.l V milts own. be hwich.igeen no more by ..Q•mek Porters" mot Intorno, pact voter*. biit send wlthmit delay for the Kirarr. and he el enc. re 4nred to knelt', And lllMPilmee. A ncrp.esi core in guarantee•, its every instance Pricer, or fi n er tmb's to one dress. 13. Its., bottle Is ctreet a curt all ardluary there. Otto. lit .1..1. oiled Izo.eilic far the speedy and pernomonot rule 01 ItooOti boa. !Bent. Cri•thrill lhoehareer. Gravrt Si/Inure and Oil Offottloto , Of the twine).* 4414 0114.1cr, risces rife. rod In f nor. in five slaps Ter.% are prrenred from vegetable az urrnintbal n•it b reit, to rat the oyotrin and ney..,r NON trate the otintient or impregnate the breath No Miaow. of dint is nreen*arr nialu tieing (hem. our donr their mitten its any manner Inteffert lestit heel. hese pursuits. num $l. per bin. Low, / .4 the o bove mentioned aft ItICO lOW be to any address, thtstly er.eleft, nod, by t tpremo on rerrlyt of preen. Albirrin. iii nr. . 4 .',0 to /KNOLL Nilirrrti ebtosside No. ICS River et.. Troy. N. Y. reu /7, 117—Iy. XCELSIOR I EXCELSIOR 11 Cll ABTELLA FL'S H . % in E x T ravvvm psi -Poll REMOVING SUPER. ........ =E= n fh. In.he Cs' ihia hivalonbtn th.piloonry itanif as a..J , i nu ulvort..v intlirt...vhstblol Ni tido to fehltde br . sthiy. vo ess,ty Nom rvr Mare the .111.1. b.n Arta .fr...tiv nn ttpr /nista Il va warranted In ' , whiny, ~,,, pa r p.w frons upy pot 44 1110 I. .Iy. pieta') . totally ova radieulte exit rpa.1.1.1: the IPRVIIig fllr shin ISM Pllinnth sod hoist/O. This h. tho only mel 11tIltie It•vil by the Fr' net. anti r. Ihrt eiaty real Plf-rtnni d , lnNiely In rti•trow... Pm.. 73 rent per ingeltait.. pent ye-t pqnl. In any aAhrinr. nu rest..ipt 5.1 nn ny.lcr. by Unlit R. Plitll"rtt Al C.) Veb.47. .m,) River Elt. Tot, Them cornett. glad Wing' joy to all. Tn Y 3.1114 and in old. to igr. nt ond In 418111;1; 'I h aenuty tiff I. OM , n go precious and OM. I. free nu all. and all May be calf. ...---- W lIISKEES AND DR. W. H. BRAOLE Y, (LAO Allaitelit Medical Director U. Si, Army,) Pityskiait and titurgeou. I,lllce at Om Larks Howl. Filonrusburs ra. Calls pranialis stissJed to WY akahl sad day, inaaroa s par. U t** 0 # , . . . . . A notittenom whit soifferti wryortroltoat Njornotos Debiiity.= Proittetlit. 1 , 401. • 11*4 tlta_antshi or youth fUI lUdiselottion.*ll4 r st or mallow homanity. and font total await ths Inteitin and tinsels as for notaat the 'tittlait 'von' by ahob he IVIiM niintotern w ishon to p t by The attwertbrer'o esarittaisit,enn do sit by nallossiton in pourert ennotosiiu, ‘tnintl U. OnOtiti. 4d ("sitar Street. New York. - Noy SO. 1147. ()YEW 0100 A 0. r i tATIVO 00Y0, *Pod an .4 " 0 " * 84 "II VOlntil 115 rvnicnad t will *NW yna awn% alauala It al n 111 please ypa. abl Add In, rons MA A' 114001118001 tlrouttwo*, N. Y. y Walk —ly. -•-• • -- • Tit ma WRY of MAN IS ortarticri IL A gentle man who town'ered for yeihro:0011; bIefV,HIS and Dermal Debility, !IDIOM, iltabhitatie, and Oeyittlyi Weakness. the retell* of yey4htai indiecreciati, and frame (mar entH na hie depo 11010t1011,11 iutocry. Gtr the sake or peering man, sand to any one alliwt, tal, the, simple maims hyoid by him. which effected a rata in a few weeks Oat tith Ware of nuntemiy metheines. Send a directed eakelapa and *tamp and Will that yea nothing Addrees, rugVAIN. lent s t. 111, Y. City, in this snafus* or ono iit rli, A oaf tianit him, by slog' person itiM Ottactatala , ls tio. price of it,,,,,4*. and 414,4 ypaity of the some will mote this (Het plain. 01 Tolltao tit out need buy -Weis they ere entirely *Misfit , * lin will 4e Wad to sae his Wend , . Nod the public gooecell7 whethor they boy or toot tits slosh omelets of the best vnrintien or califElilL, alohAulikfli, . lOW SO, 'I LA 'kw (or flun gosh fy.) SPIVev, ItygAtiTY t oitinti 111.,ATli fto it .t . . the' it n.U4 .t 001410 N, Asil/ 01 'UM ChAffghitte. A* lit LAI' lac A'* if Llin fir., ere., 4:111,3.:4,1, AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLA It" 4 811 4 1 rN CUlt KC COAL h. LI SAKI: 1.) fit Ls. Uncti:v. PRlerrt "it IMO weeernetet r lilyit. 4 lit Produced by the use of Prot Pi: -- --- - -, Cu d . (..,,, , "- ''•nd' • nt. .owery. !X 01 lIVIATX. Ma application Warreetee to nnf 1 _.,, _. , I V I TOkY o nt nOnnill id 1141. MOW N C and the most nit bight and stubborn hair Of Tither Net r, 7 1 e , r . %n ot . , 1 * .140 i o n tH , iha. i.,,,,,0) .4141•411 II , it rfile 4.4.lrownic er into este, rem:Mts. or heavy amesire " al "' b " . I oaden "c* , T TT T . Utah 00.4 Orilla 144101401111101011 0 rain Duo • ChuAlt NN Mt r, AND * L . -. to with Ito. nowt orettfyitie rerOlts. hoes no .11.. m, , WI DILoW WARE._ the bait. Parr by Mil. snafu* and postlmM C. — , r . , Ire.croot lye circulars inaileitiree. Addrr , ecnEttftsl. 1 id ki v ." lo) ,"rikt, or soo 4l l be POO tweerm ra w Still , l - it ar. i tt„ 4 licalp.tte.'pin, Stec Kivu ur,, Ttoy, :016,4 04 modern Invention, eSteesiyetly 18., K ,1 si,,V,,Sole Amoos for the Witted litotes. • wi,,,, au am/ which 000 t tuna , into Olio huts r,b.l.l, lull —ly, lie aid, .to ~' ithe lIIINOY of .. ..... —...—,..._ .. ~..... ~. GB ACE'S ('ELEBRATED SALVE....Nt ii",'ent7h. oroccoes ; ('rum Mr. V.,Tairker. !Mum master at Salisbury. Mud al " or mon', I. t 'lini • I for bir+ewa ). ee. Ma... work : and a gone norm:wont ~,, .1 here been troubled for yenta with a had humor QueensV:a re -...t0w,. outwordly, and sometimes loworelY:—• !hiring the poor* summer it 140011fratod itself moo. o .* Call and etallallie, Iloilo m 4140 OlilWatillY. and I nand .T4OIT 1 41 "- Al. Ticna of it have stereo in ninnentred. without lacettud me Uncanny. indwell'''. I Wet. the etrathootimt me tore of the rmlye .' Stall. %V. FoWLE. & BOK, floatart rrapetoart :tom by all Wm'4ta, at tal etc a box. Sent by snail thr 15 414. 1)11. ECRINOWB MANDRAKE PILLS. A Substitute for Ca tome/. now Pills ors composed of various nob. tumbllt She power to roux Iho oecrollons of the user as prompt', one oeratually es Nutt pill or niorretrY, rate without praluelne say of gem tilessrematell doneerono offecte which often follow the ups ol the toner. In ►:I blltona disorder,' three PIM mar he wed NI% Go etWonre, w they promote the .Ileeharie of ♦lt!►ted bile, awl remove limo, oGetrectlens from tbo hoer on 4 bibary 41146, which ►re the a►use of haloes affections lu general, 111111friNliK'fi MANI)ItAXE PILLS anal eh: lloadtcho, and ail Cm/viers (gibe Liver, Indiestod 117 fallow skin, coated longue, enati , iouest drowolusfo, •ad • poorif ftrifue of mn•rlu•w and IwIIIWq showing that At liver 1 1a • toryid or obotrurted touthtfoo, jlo abort, throe Plllis maf NI used CUR alran• Yee In all GLIM when a pupils, or onornilro Leoliolso Is ropf.r,3 Prove oak ter ••Dr. &tweet's Mandrake PIM," and °beery, Mit the Iwo Ilkeoemee of the Dootor ere on Ike OtaVratwtht millemp—P3l/0 when in the Ma Yee of (leolon.rileo, and the Ow la Ids Forme Utah. 844 by alt Drusexta and deb'ero. Pe.eo XS cents pro box. Prirorpot Offt,*, No. 15 .I , broto 4 Robot, rObsdolpb:* Pa. rugger*, Whe:roato Astute Danes aerate & Cs.. M Park Raw, 11.^ta York; P. Mum, PA AMU. ware St., Bait:Late, 16d. ; Joku 1.). Park, N. A. sor. at Fourth and Walnut st. elnekkeeti, Ohio; Waite: 6 Taylor, 134 awl Wstare, revu* (Thieve. U. COI:i1111 Brother*, southwest corset Seoeud sad Y. 5,.. ot. Lauls, Mo. OM* taL w. silo. 1 yr, VIT N D !trot, iwT TREE. Nt AM:l4g RF.I.IIVOTOI I / 4 7, the w3iht rrnowno A ntrologint rtairvoynnr, while asiniruny.arttakLau 'aluttlizas“ 1,144-44 ,, ryfs , Utn por,o , n you ar.- to ntrrY, and. by Aid Of on inAtrutoria or intone pqrwer, known nb the Prpehn mmplw, rimrin.reil to produen x Ortre,t, nod lire o picture fiat fro ha or wire or the np 'gleam, with date nod Marrht:n,rirciipminu, tending trusts nod character. (qr. nll4 in no impo,iition, no without nunihrr catt ounort, Rg statttnt; plxre of birth, . ago, Lisposition. rotor or cp , s nod hoir. oil .or !o.,ft+r, Orly Orditil and nin t'll”Ci• oto , ridd(On#n4 to ;I'nir.oll you wit; rwnive pictoro bp return 4 4 watt, log , ' htr with cloolited int.:row ion Gi Adar^g• in to ifidenrr, NIAILANII: OM:ILL:HE REMINGTON% O. Ika IPP,% ITria Troy, N. V. Feb. t 7, A YOUNG LADY RETURNING Tr, her country Miami, ItitOr a sejottrit or a filw months to the rity. w*. baldly recegnised her rromilik In plate of s rOtiritei rustic flushed fare. she had tl soft lull complexion or almost nimble 51(0 , 4tinota. and instead "1 twenty •Ihree she really appeared hut eighteen. Upen inquiry no ti, the comic of en great it chinas, tie plaints. told them that she used the eirtztosittn Halm, and timisolersa it no in. valuable arqutsilian to shy Laity's toilet. tip its oss nay Lady or GewOontan ran improve their personal aopitimance an }Mildred lAA. It ie ei topic iu its bloating.** 'future herself is simple, yet onshpassi et/ in its efficacy in Mow ins impuritim, remit, also healing,cleatising sod Imetifyiti the skin and com plexion. py its 4 irt%tactlatt at the vitiate it draws from it all its impurities, kindly heating the t3lllO, and Mary tog the ant race as Nittivre itatimAmi it 'Mould he, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price SI, sent by moil or express or reecipt of an order t , yW. & t 0., Chemists, Na. 3 West Fayette Syracuse. N. V. The only American Agent,' for tha tale of the sante. Lich 187— ry ITER' FORMIC FOR THE 11.4111)RMICRII,T. rhalou'a "Night IMlckotulog Cercas." Planles , * .I .lllght Bloom:its etratiir.), Pbalon's Meonsing Cerous.” rimlon'a "Night Blooming Cerrno.” Philea•s "Meat gloonsisig Cerciet,” A met imgttiNte, drllealn, and FrMß•6nt Terhunte, dliti (min the rare and bettstlfei 114wor tram wh;ol. it take Hs flatus. Minaufactrired nnly bT MIA II ON & MON, Noir York: DEWARE or COUNTFAFEITR ASK FOR PFLAI.OK'S-TAKE KO °Tara : :I ITCH !I SCR krCti I SCRATtIII t t SCRAT,II in from IO to VI hoary. Wolotion's 031111:nen! moot The Itott. Whotton'a Ointment cote* Salt Risen= Wheaton Ointraene mess Totter. Wheaton', Ointment ran•o Barbers'ttch Wheaton's eintnnent tares Old Sores, Wheatnn's Ointment etir. s 4 Every kind of Humor like Magic. Prier, 59 tents brit; by ormil,r4 rpootr. Addrrrii pori.Eß, Nip. 17u Vl'rpdhlrictem Street. Sow.. Mari. Por 'Me by all Dructicto. weep*. '4, 1417.-1 yr. KNOW THY DESTINY. Madame E. F. Thornton. the saw English Astra (VW, rialt*o(tfot and Psyeloonetrione, who has natonishal the rartutflo tissues of the Otd wood, has tow torAlPil 'ferret( at Hodson, al. V. Ifindave 1114 , t1A4 , 11 poaressea aura wonderful aosrartfof oric, no d a t a nt, oa r,' roabt* hue to impart ituowtedse of the wettest ltopottenre to the stoat or married of eittlef Fes_ Whit* in 011411 or t Met*, alto deli to ates the eery features or the Ipet,out you &miaow. re, end he the at& of an 14trinnunt or loten.iftstoie. er. ammo as the Pat , thruetdame, guarantees to pro. dere II 4ifuahMe platoon( the aware mrstaaat or two tt the • goottt, together with date a( r a ardspe. Ife, leading Oats of anuattet, ate This mg, as thousands of teationottal* ran for will send *hen desired arertifed milt,. morn gueranter. that the tdetere• ta *hat lobe, fie ratios* a watt - trait at hair, ; fl it an or Meth nut dispiiitldh and too. Ind elosinit • reinteludstamstalaatral. ourself, yousrill moire ill* Itlft- AmnstsitkOt by Math gait, alt triaia. 'OW 0004141051. TUX LI - - POO I 4 zi.;',ltattrenc or swwi Howard V'entehigen Report*, for iftIUIVI low; ot*►he::oltlMY, tberleltnal 110U1 . 111114, and tho Litiogot AeUdIGI oml DISIKAP4i6e whit** do*troy Mit moldy Puvrwro, eteatelp t ilininig** to MAORI WO, Iti *tin Iwo feaflii orr***,, oppirit PA- Wept**, I'm 0.411;011th 0,1 'Munn I trol, OWtirij Allanvatioo, Ptritmllphie, Jul*** 3 OR * VIM GOODS IN .4‘ JiI,OOIISBITRG ! Thy* enhserth«r hto 01,110. puhro , to re e l MA t 4 Neck - by esipb pur4k44144. 4ka ktsl4 kuW $ Sell as law am any Dealer JOHN' r turner of Shot and (CM Str"util. Moomkburg. April 10. OW. 1 J. BROW ER, (ar. Main tt; Iron sit J • la now offering to the Public his tiIIICK or SPRING GOODS connoting In pa r t or n ball lane el INGRAIN, WOOL & RAG CAIIPETS. Fine Oaths end eateltnern ri,r I ealee' tont/. Band-hate Ihreee n t ems ur al l'Anornp, find foal., 1 4 , 11,111 - 10* and Pfilltv , fira riuur yuthtgo. and prle ,a, Bleached nod Brow h Murata., Ladiea reheh Coraketil BALIV.,ORAL SKIRTS. an..l of und cloAttisir atitets and Ittbot4, hosti Groceries and Sntees. Now airlytment or Glass and gareasware. its-No. 1 Stacterel in ene itutr and one fourth turn;,,, Noss i* ttio thus to make tout seteettinm us 1 um offering' goods at seiy tuts priteS and our tflostri is fair dealing to ull, 10:14 SIM to 11S UO , l , .rfialti Iry nu*. 3. 3. I:RtM K U. lillootnnttrt,ll 3U, 1,467, 1 0 >.t FECTIONE It FRUIT, NUTS, tt.e., Izo WinnVEC: ti, JACOBI, MANUrAcTehttlS, WlA:evai” at, net - tit 1 1, 44 in PLAIN AND FANI V CONVECT:ONKRV. ANT) !?SALEM Ei ron EIGIV rat. IT.-; AND ?:L TS. Exellanto Mork, I:l(v , m , burg. Pa ORANGEN, LESWNI, 11.-IPIN', Fitt WO ROCK CANDY, I= Poi. BREAD AND CASEES, o ALL KINDS e. 4 jlecoly, E:.1.1 E. IDM 'V tit lonmeLurg. Itute LOOK 10 lOUlt INI:L.IIMT. NEW cuiii %awl?. J• H. RATES RrßerctTnifT itiliritt, the public grtn . ll - 7 that Le hnn opened s first clan* CHAIR EsTADUSIDICIT in the OH Arcade ntiildi ,, r• ;over g.nrn,l illoontnhurn. tt her. he hen Ind ttenive4 from rhsia. dopfila, a WV lititiOttslo;llt of ntereatok, *t sidle, 9tor ROCKING CHAIRS. trursr mums, 47/Mt SEA TM CHAIRS, Arm Chairs and Vllorisor alt of whoa) be of. fora 141 tltr putOir at Cana r ttaa 'ham, platted to ord,r, tt ar kiall of ft ft 1.1114 danr 1r 6.01 i t „„,„ , pool mil to Vaa hula a rail aria /WAN ;teat bar mina. Monmebitrir, Nov. 7. 05C, A . s 0 L LED E lI'S 6100'1' AND SHOE STORE, Toprom TIM r.ll:3oorkt, C111:1WILI On Main Street, Bloomsburg. Th otit.pero , er pfruurt. in nnyinunring IL, pir p ttri 1118.11,,,im r e, i.d v friloitY, 041 ht hat oft hand n ItintO %tut lint nouttineia tl BOOTS AND SHOES, for Indies And ratlontors'A wear, to *oil. all freer*. Ilia ray work to of the trot Tontity, 6;14 If nt tho moot rrlsottlet ttlatmArtarf•ra ; be, twtag 1.4 p(crtical 011.111411 and a gvo4)l4ki of at 3 `• . :2 4 41) h, la not hhfly to hp 11 upon by tymiviay avtrthiowa matermi hndiy Math' up. Timor , 4 , ./tiritte hnrtipnp ui 114 lint scnula du typll giveto lum a Call. lu•riu e pa9oitiong ellittfiltil`t. lit redly a GOOD ARTICLE, Wad et prices to suit porchnitsra, An parsons who &sirs litiht or henry work. !AIWA dt tmlor ran he acconinied‘to4 a: 104 r.tabliltilill•gt. f ir A loo p tarlatans will be Anne with below:on and &epoch. An elertnt pt}Ottinellt or DOM. tl prim: and !Iwo met cilia+a on hand. A. 0411.1.1.1)ER. A toil X. lOC% N EW CLOTIIIN AND GENTLE- MEN'S FURNISHING STORTI liederaigned reaper/tally itnitnenemi 10 We tunny Privinia tl//it he has opelttS4l n new (140 1 0,2 mid Grabenee'a Forniehing oisnre, to tb.• ItMer the If 8,111011 Molltht ;lig cuturr of AleSn aed Market einfts, in.,,,41,11i0. Pik tiarinpSnei ymoted rilibedeirt ' 4Witir L'.llo .i"t of Fii I nod Villas ter Cialtlllug and 4011thlitlette. Fornialii G o nda. ;to At. oinottit that he can pion.* ahe. Els wet 0,41.• limes MEN'S AND Bors' CLO2t!IK7 I inch Ai . . DRESS COATS, SUE CCATS. tat. VOA tlk, PANTet VEM, NUM, umnannißTS nftAwrns, VOLUM COMM MUM, XECKTIES, smr.K.ArnERA, XERCII MPS tati. RUMS, 4+C., And in fatt eyetyihing in the einthing or Furnishing lipr " 174 rati ' IV /Wee& In n4141;111 to the ntiogi'ho ban an olegnot Won wont Clotho Ciaalin' era, and Vonenp. v. Clothit ki**telto`rederst thn Alwrte..l notice Vitilatoi mot lotrOutpairohnsina LI iris het*, and It tuty AT RARGAM,.. 1. • 411 w. otnitistaLtit. °color NOTICE TO CEEDITOES. AYI proms linowiti, tivitootiOnit tOdtt*Ant to the Vm4mA ars tegilatoti litittnywitiont .0 argiliburt Fabil3 OW. .'ciritories• fr om Slut `rest 16.1. ty (oreat 6 cenn. _ ET . A 1.111.0 D. DIIIIIDDSDIC W 70,010 041 vim s sou) is 1 Siiiikrit. 100 Olf 41#01 ,1 0 1 r# 1 on Prigrlo." 4 so4llo n u t Pt,CcONIIVis oar SVO blooripts#o mot PA6O - row plow* gy gita 44enoy. /two* Apo, p 'thoggOltit, If tAgg,Aktig Moo nod Virritirtri. py,s.rfrektp jimiffrefit a add Isottlforo lOC $ll , l oPeto Wool , " 04 itiory OW riot and fortito ttmien wilt promo igi! eivimi post , tistir,d loofitplying oks it otwo a Vomit lotto* foil of ot toothoototio Had tot , too& video too "mita, 00. vttoottiotoo. ttorostioo of Ora% tol. Ati kol„ PolVll4 W ‘11111) —Oloonoi tt3r Iltoulooroo pod 0040, our toomoo, and boll ftf Moo Wok- Mooorytooeu.s.impfLeo.. AK Afloat dr imapt poit,, rot A,,Vot. 7, I o? , O7 - NEW 0001)S N II 00 DS rto put,lic 'hotel 1,,,nr in mind thAt U. Vf. CREASY & 1 .41 , 4) con ognity 1,4 , 0 nit tAitt ir:T AN i qirAT intiThint STOCK OF (100 Ds IN LIGII r 4 J Ir Ail kinds of pod ir;Pner ell P for rub ur crvit try prodisett. ►.lghl Nino, J ily i4r.! lIIISSOLLTION 01 , ' COPARTNER -811111. Tfio firm of ! ,,4 rw:Tz aav wag 0,1 4 f.v woift A. A . Vr0.12 it 11. rouTz to.otk Ih 1,34, bin fo.ft P. A FIAITZ, It C. FULTZ. August I ;SC7 I Wilt, continua In th,, Wltcgd m :gx DRuti 4if D SEI3I iVr II'r , INCSA MANI:PM: 4 r IA Iv) FCiV4 Si 1-Actri Nr.di tat the #,ld Wore. No• n rtatAlin nttue4. untkt 111•0 191 00.! nt tio!) FOUTZ. Oultiwurr, Anxiust 1, I 67. sAnualli E 14 ITU lIERTZLiat & GU 'my ; immsTclL4 AMA iMALLII I I bpi WINES AND 1.101.10tS so. 1,14 'WALNUT 841tEnr, Ali) MI, IV OKAMITE syttr,ET HARRY 11::'.TZt.W, ULU. A, GI August 7. Vntil• siVNIVEL N. PRENTISS, IETERINNRY tiUr,.GEON, ottANCEVILLE. P.t. If Witt. tr.*t t3.nr4 (I.oti ie hair tu, ti{t4 *lftt*t•• 111*** , i*hurlite. NO ct tipagut 1$ bofirl or he Altirce t*.;7. 1 4 1 4 XECUTRIX'S NOTIC,;. r:11 Jail 0? J4 rw,R Klll7ot, rififli , a OMR rti la herr t,y PArra fait I.#ttr. the ~tll4, ut .1,41, , h KA ., 1 14 .11, ,,,,,, ,f. lit, tit e r ,k ins tt.loo, °Wit?, 4pi t,y the Prei#4,l,4 0# .a#.l eorialy to Nfriibth 1 , 101,1e , * in wail 1 , 4114 hip unit atl ps,r 11.11" ILA do hu,c agaor# tats rotor , ar### r###pleatel to pr. #,-# th•a# to Vl* , 4trir, for ~,, , , t etne at, and 1t0... , thy 111 , (11Ittr(fl ttl4l , loe P Itt I.ike oar f ro#,,l, :rtirlf.ll,lll k:Vp,stru, Ihtl7 1,1 E» New,;.?' 3proco , d i _ scaLll OVERSTBUNO PIANOS, .1 , K".••• +3l 'IMP, f9"--1' t • •• 11 , 14 , 4 , tti tritt - o. ten,it 14 Ir. A Kt* 1 .. ..4 •—•• 34 • ,• 7•.!.; A Nil .?•, 1- • Excl . ! I N :-; Yft 1.. ri - . % UP. .:".. - *' - r•• •• . , r • • •• ,• ••ilred EX CI-I ANG E 0 TEL, , r • ,••4%, • • ,1 4,, , ,10,•••. , • I , •:• 7.4 . • ••• i. • • • apt (.4.1t1 , •1 t 1 Le ft Lit, telt+ tioto; r . ShiII,OYSTERS, CA f NN ED 01'1'E St St* 11 *Wirfit'o4. P 11 1 ,171 rt , W. ) 1 4149191 11 'win , tow, ' 4,..; erp..*: NAB AN!, Eq;(l 4 , TR PC. lh tl,..ifiN A, tooot of ',IQ! ' ORS ANP CIO AI:S. t in. o$ n ,tn,n,n, Vlll bql - tamed 01l lo ef oi ; • t % 41 . moments mote*. ft , ' I ' 4 I§l.lo US STYLES, STPWCD, f'ff A PM. resen, CR It All% tolpo of the hale* or the rpfeut• cm nlowir. *l.OO t 9 jog. J . I.MN P. C A Bf, Wolf, ri,o ritx - roni & WPM RUPERT PA MNITACTVIZETIS AClriT4i. FO. PALE OF 11.1i:011 A. :WO RAW BON is tiaprer rhosp!sale of Lime. AT 1114XCFACT.7RERS PRACEN, %MIL GIVE 40 PER (TNT. im . nr,%sr: or ettorzi titprtt, Amilytt NEW irrolltE AND NEW Ira rttivTo t f rio”.lolltrit and virintty are in formed that it. Ct.6rv , hnrt has jitst Op :11.4 a rift , f f 'DPP ER(' ERV Atli) entifCCTIONART *T, Iral, 1* Ih* trate Rettrai t uto sts*Ut." tu*Ty trardrat,thl 1104 Arbil itp by him, If )ott tICO" W tu u ndras* it trlreN, Ti; A. i 11: AR. 1110f,A**K4 S A IX. e Kee RR . EP IC ES, &e., it,„ AY,PO, VINTECA a, ' ricKI.ES, Vs#,Al 'A ttt".i (Mu, 1 44 , s icy ., TOTIAC."4I, Fr.': A h 4, cll ACKER'S. R ASI NA, c i*llt r-1 Of evrty drateript OM, Anil 4 strati turraty of clot; urtntrat. Notions, k f . ., rfoltp , i th 111 at 4 i V tit' , t ro. tun esttrattshutto tit tu thts lueinut, can upon 11, it. tqtgl::rit.4 111notottorrg. Auguot t. teti7, scB.ANTON BooK BINDERY, 11:tv;tir oPti,rt.l the owl vie,a Of ? A viv.; two 0/ UV 6,4 bintkto tol, ,, hwh h mAto, tea sra preproted to furbish to tsANKR. iNistiRANeE4 MP,tR fP,t, Ettell N'tti v MAN fttliM Ct.).%1. OMR auras and others trim ifirLANK HOORN tw•ry nrtnertytink yborr 1,1nn4 in nn y otyry &Oren, iri IEO remit subr4rtritial minner., et ternyorinttle prinoc Murry inns bound, con old bunks catmint!, n Volk prier 11. tit4ert loft of Ow nifl ar ih piper ruhlish;itlf 004 Artri44o4,, , nt, nr 4011 by WOI 4, at tended to and ,uiurnod Withrtin 111.11oft= t 4. $ l, ranton. Pc, June 14. le4l7,—it BY TUE 1:1 , 111 ar CHASTE:M. ‘ll' White Liqui d Suite el, rot impt.virs sad 1010114.101600'4Dentrop den. 'the mot anflif ble ettEtlif attn. ' , Cream% tmr glviee tbo flan it 11.3111 t ttott.ltete tint, tll4l to only intfto in youth. it Twill, rointlytos rtocit • PlitTleo 1/10111104, !UFO) l'Utt.2lol/ efillitWlo4ll tlyttlitittit# and 19..irit ir. I , r RI heittjac 11{11004)1, , iitini tho olottrit , 04, 11444tt elottltit tto Ilt.t..ruott by , 110 ffr.,Ft tiny , nibl "NI t,i,•parotiott 10 yttiAtelty ha Mom. It is the 0/ /hi Kin 4 Viulif Hy C.eneli, awl' ponAdor.,l by Iti.! thitto.ttititthr o frecktt 1011,1 MCI* WlO/40 MAO root yt lir. .1 nivittintue 0140.1,, Pri, intiy cant by unlit. 000104. O 071 11 N recoi of all 011, 111111G11111 01 • . ?et 1810...1e Weft* Y. rtJ ,sy a El in Z:Z W. utrAtrA co,