Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, October 16, 1867, Image 2

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    • -
WIC U. JA - COIFIV, E 411 or.
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 111067.
R. M. Partaxamt, k Co.. Y. Park Row New York
sr . duly author,ao.l In aolirtt feerive pubtersa•
Items and advertiving for the thaseeal It Star, pal).
tirbad at Utottiabefl. Cala tubla county, ra.
Pennsylvania Redeemed.
. The Democracy of this State did • Ruble
work cu the Bth taw., is the election of
GEORGE SLIARHWnOD to the office of Jude".
.or the Supreme Court. They have carried
the State for him Ly a handsome majority
over the Rudioale—tbe real enemies of the
country. The official Tato of the counties,
sixty-six in number, gives the Democratic
candidate a majority of Sevitu Hundred
and Forty-four. Tbi3 is a gain for
the Democracy over die black Republican
party since last Fell of stout Elgthlren
Thousand! A pretty good job for one
day. The Republican party rosy attempt to
count our man out in spite of the expressed
will of the people at the ballot-box, but let
them try it. The people will not tolerate
such work, but will administer to these dist
logal nuit a tows suiror3 re rthe titan
they received on the Bth lost. Let thew try
no more of their high handed am! bold
swindling in this State. The Constitution
.and Laws must and will be preserved.
Internal Revenue.
On Monday, September 30th, closed the
first quarter of the current fiscal year. This
is, therefore, a good opportunity to make a
comparison, to ascertain how the receipts of
this year will even pare with the last. During
the month of September of the present year
the receipts at the office at WaAington
were $13,184,606.66, while for the same
month io 1860 they were $33,714,718.60.
showing a decrease between these menthe of
$20,539,111.67. The receipts for tho entire
quarter during the present fiscal year are
955,760,314.42, and those during the same
'quarter a year ago were $88,837,162.55.
The decrease during the whole quarter is
843, 071,848.43. This ststernent does not
show a very pleasing state of affairs to the
tax-paying people. A part of this decrease
accounted thr. as was stated in a former
article, ty the fact that the animal and in
come taxes were collected earlier this year
than heretofore. Aside from this fact,
however, tl►e decrease is too much, on ac
count of the heavy debt rearing upon the
-country. The monthly etateruent of the
public debt for September shows an ineretve
of $2, 494 081, but the amount of gold in
the treasury has increased. One of the
unpleasant facts connected with the internal
revenue is the afirounling frauds that seem
to be committed with impunity. if tobacco
.and whiskey would pay the fultanount of
tax they should according to law, many
other articles could be Owed on the free
Express Com poi n
The old Express Companies are now reap
ing the fruits of their ceaseless war upon tie
Merchants' Union Express Company.—
They have used every means honorable and
dishonorable, but mostly base and dishonor
able means, to overthrow the Merchants -
Union, so that they might continue to im
pose upon the businem publio. But the
.Merchants' Union Express has triumphed,
and the stock of the old companies continues
to drop. Last Saturday's Taunt , contains
the following significant statement in the
money made.
"Ewes; stocks continue unsettled, 'M
OMS' falling suddenly to 5.: from 63/ yester
day. The recent advance in this Company.
which leads the market, was the result of an
.effort to strengthen prices to sell the shares
'of the other old, which aro dam
aged by the Merchants' onion. There is
nothing in the condition of Ili_ Express war
to make their stock desirable at pre!wnt.—
Assessments as affairs now stand will b,;
gelled tor from m 4)
.1111111» com
petition with the Merchants' Union."
The Merchants' Union is a fixed fact, and
now the practical question is, why cannot
the people of Bloomsburg have the benefits
of low express eharvs? If proper °Sorts
ware tuade we might have the Merchant,'
Union extend their lines to this comity,
The business of Columbia County certainly.
ought to be au object to any Express Coui•
viz- The Legislature of Pennsylvania
trill stand a little more Democratic than it
did last winter, the Donnelley having gain
ed several members in the late election. It
is already known that Philadelphia has
elected wen Democrats to the lower llour.e,
again ofitro: and Lycoming district Three,
a gain of two. Thou gains alone will make
the lower branch stroulXit , , , eLo. Itadit els to
furllmme DetuncratA. In the ;crenate we
have neither lost nor gained. That branch
stands, wire mistake not, ticehT Democrats
to tteenty-oar,
CAtrrnr4 TO V ETLRANS.—Our exchangr:;
are cautioning veterans throughout the
entntry against parties repre-tenting them
selves to be sent from Wit-It:Raton, pith
instructions to soldiers and c laim agents for
the collection of additional bounties, and al o
stating that the salters of Isrl are entitled
to one bunked and sixty nerc4 or land.—
the object of th-se partly, appears to be to
obtain the need. r tee"ment at d
officers' signature 41.1 ar lipoll
charge papery; with the. d. 41• tr4e'l up
pliestions fur pay would probably be made
11111.11 , 1 itirevaltiq in loiterwt County
el ec t e d d w i t w h. i p, thi Tito the: _
earraption, (reed, elvt ip.4 that were 1t,e ,1
to de* o, 1.04,,0 a it, The County
flame hw about the wood whilo
the Congressintitil ticket Iltilitofi tinsel! hearer
polling the full Democratic vote tli3o
Anticipated by ninny who 1011, warm fir its
mow Woodward in elected to Cyngrfists
ly a liawlsouito majority, awl Linterne hay
in the legialetive hulk of the nati o n a mon
to reprceent them who will command the
remind and atteetioa of tho whole country.
The official returns place the election of
Judge Sharswood beyond all doubt. This
result, great in securing such a man as
George Sharswood upon the sopreme
Bench, and greater still its deep significanae
for tbo future, brings Pennsylvania once
more into the demoeratic &auto. 11 meted
from the hands of the corrupt and infamous
cabal of Congressional traitors, who laid
their seerilegious hands upon the Constitu
tion of their country and attempted to tear
from it every line and syllable, which bars
their way to power, the "Old Keystone"
now nobly takes her stand on the aide
of the people and the people's rights,
and boldly proclaims her fealty to the "com
mon bond and common brotherhood." In
a short time New York and New Jersey will
add their voices in behalf of "the good old
cause," and increase the general joy by
showing their devotion to the Democratic
Tie Democratic Victory.
The calm, prudent, and orderly manner.
in which the Democratic party have accept
ed the victory resulting front their labors on
Tuesday last, fully Justifies their claim to
the title of law, order and the Constitution.
Of course, there have been exhibitions of
hilarity and scenes of fun nod meriment, but
no man has been molested in his business,
nor insulted for differing from his fellows.—
The right of free speech and the exercise of
a free ballot, have been held inviolate.—
Contrast this with the conduct of the Radi
cal party for the . past six yearn. Have they
conceded the same rights to others which
they claimed for themselves ? Did they not
mob newspaper offices, and attack private
citizen., slander the absent, and trample
upon the weakiand defenseless? Did they
not t;neu societies for the purpose of injuring
the business standing of Democrats, and
leagues to undermine their private and
social standing ? Were not the wires of
Democrats . reviled, their children hunted
from schools and reproached in the most
cower* and unfeeling manner? Were
not all these things done by the Radicals
in the "pitch of pride ?" And do they
think such wounds hare ceased to rankle and
smart? They have not: but the Democrats
in their hour of triumph respect the law.—
They remember that invading the rights of
others is no way to secure their own. They
act up to the great American idea of the
right of every man to express his opinions
at the election. and repudiate the practice
of Radicals of insulting and outraging all
who differ with them, as to measures of
men. The Democratic party isa party of
principle; the friends of liberty regulated
by law. Tiny obey the law when in &rent ;
they renpect it when victory crowns their
efforts. They appeal to reason, and are wil
ling to trust their cause in the hands of ere
people—to the sober, educated, second
thought of the manses. This is the differ
' epee between the Radical, and the Deno.
cratie parties, and it is full of meaning and
' significance.—/Wedelphia Age.
TIIE LADY'S FRIEND, volt NovEttualt.—
This number is remarkably good. The
Steel engraving "Learning to Sew" is a
sweet, quiet home picture. The Fashion
flung is stylish and gay; nothing in the
country is worth looking at compared with
the elegant refinement of the fashions as
shown by this magazine. The Wood Cuts
lead off with some captivating skating cos
tumes, and some illustrations of a novel and
most convenient kind of hood ; and include
a wonderful variety of things interesting to
ladies. There are two pages of Music--
"The Pearly Stream Polka ;" and the liter
ary matter is uncommonly rich : August
Bell, Elizabeth Prescott, Aunt Alice and
Eraak Lee Benedict have done their best.
Great inducements in the way of Premi
ums, &e.. are promised to now subscribers,
our miler; should send for a simple mini,
cwelesising an these liherul offers. Sample
copies will be sent fer fifr , cm cents.
Price (with engraving) $2.50 n year
Four copies (with one engraving) VIA).—
One copy of Lady's Friend and nne of
Saturday Evening het (and one wt.:iv:n.7l
a 4,00. Address loearmn nod Petvrron, 310
\Valuta Street, Philatle!phio.
rigt- Dsay on 31rtn. By Alexandm.
Pi e. With fifteen original illu , trationa,
Notcg by S. "Volk, On. r o b, 12no,
iliney cloth, IA:vele:I boards, gilt, $1 paper
r.A.) ecre
Whatever may he said by theologians
concerning the orthodoxy of this greatport's
religious views, hisll;Fay on Man will con
tinue to he regarded one or the master
pieces of English verse, and will attract the
attention or, and instruct the intelligent and
The views of Pope on the Groat Creator
and His wondrous works, as enunciated in
this poem, are unsurpassed for grandeur
a n d deep-toned thought ; and no writer,
either of ancient or modern times, has SO
Waged his senility nta and spirit into the
literature or his nation by a single produc
tion, as Alexander Popo. The publisher of
tbis new edition, appriviating the lack of an
illustrated Essay on Man, and willing to do
the piddle a subst ant ial t'avor, has roused the
work to be earefully ilitt<trat.!t, nun woad
from the Phretanlogival point of view, and
printed in an attractive ;tyle no suporier
paper. A suceinet biography of the poet.
and his Moldy esteetned``Universal Prays
er,” arc i 131)1i4I'' with the "Es-ay," mak
ing, together, a very desirable volume for
the library or the center-table.
ltie- Pr IT. Anders, a German chemist
and member of the lilediouiraeulty of Nor
York city, after fifteen yearn' reenareh and
and experiment, hao discovered a method of
dinnolving lodine in pure water. This prep
aration tDr. U. Ander" . lodine Water) hats
cored mon.; cones,(' aomfals, Weer'', concern,
tie,, that had resisted the action of all other
Cot , ,yrrttyrrr Goelitorttrmr Boma
blow. quantifies of wren thirty boteim, sent
to 11%*tvititettott to be exe h ae .- e d r oe r e .
tmenty hotels, bare hl..d diAeoreml t Le
eoonterreit. The howls are shid to be the
b e , l e.meterfeits ever executed. General
iblemed a slight imporreetion in the
WOW F is Itifti OM. T he brokers and
hqnke of Next !NI; rind IVushinston here
suffered M b
t,* orehestoi the spurious
bonds. 11
The Columbia County Agricultural Society
held their Twelfth Annual Exhibition, on
their grounds at Theo mmburg, last week, com
mencing on Wednesday and continuing until
Saturday. The managers of the Society,
so far as we can learn, all agree that the
Fair was a saooow►—that they reeeived more
money— tbrit a larger number of people were
present—and that every person teemed bet
ter pleased—than at any pervious Fair.
The display of machinery, we thought, was
rather limited, and did not command much
titilation. This department is generally well
represented, but at this exhibition there cer
tainly was a lack.
The stock department was meagerly filled.
Our farmers should have done better. There
was the poorest representation of stock on
exhibition we ever saw at any of our County
Fairs. A few of the young cattle were pass
ably good, but the majority of the horned
cattle were of an inferior grade.
The horses, though hot very numerous,
were generally of a better grade than were
the cattle, although we have seen a much
.better display of horses on exhibition, at
previous Fairs in this County, than was pre
sented hero last week. There were quite a
clamber of most splendid horses on the Fair
ground, and why they were not entered for
premiums we are not informed.
Of the swine, sheep, and fowls, we will
notspeak, farther than to say that, they may
possibly have compared favorably with those
on exhibition last year. We have seen some
very fine sheep and swine at our County
Fairs, and this department should not, in
the slightest, be neglected.
In the ladies' department. the fancy arti
cles took the lend, and attracted more atten
tion than all other articles on exhibition.
Their table was well filled, and with some
things, too, that were really a curiosity and
displayed rare genius. We will net speak
of any particular article as there were very
many on their table worthy of special no
The display of' grain, potatoes, and vege
tables generally, fell a little short, in our
opinion, of what it was at lest year's Fair.
This should not have been so; the crops
were excellent this season and the premi
ums nmple to warrant the bringing of the
finest specimens of grain in the County.
The trotting was not as good as we had
expected to see, and deserves little prake to
those who entered their horseS for the differ
ent premiums, and appeared as though the
races were agreed upon. The 1,40 premium
was taken by the " little sorrel," owned and
driven by Peter Eekreat, of IVilkesbarre;
and the 880 premium was won by a brown
horse named "Geary," and owned by the
Barry Bros., of Lucerne County.
The time made by the respective horses
was front 2.38 to 2.44. The track was in
tolerably good condition. The corners are
short. and the distance two or three rods
less than a half mile.
- There - -was—nc—laek---&—the-usual -1 1 '•
shows," (calculated to clean up the "spare
pimps") admitted on the ground. The re
freshment stands and "dinner tables" are
approved of—they are a necessity—but these
"monkey, snake, sword, and pony shows"
are an intolerable nuisance, and were we a
member of the Executive Committee, hav
ing control o'er these things, we should use
our influence agnimit their admission on the
Fair grounds. What signifies a small sum
of money obtained from these " showmen"
for their admission? The Society must bo
Amiens for a few dollars when they assist
these "traveling cut•throats" to swindle our
honest farmers, their sons and daughters,
out of their hard earned money. These
swindling "concerns' bestow no credit on
any Society that cceeuragcs them.
liorrible—A Vanua Lady Abduc
ted and Uer !lavisher Skinned
Three or [bur days have elapsed since the
dark and horrible <transaction narrated below
transpired, at or near Fiewelling's X Bombs,
Mississippi, A young lady of the highest
respectability and most amiable character
was proceeding to n neighbor's house where
a party, to which she had been invited, was
given, when she was overtaken by a negro
man and forcibly drawn from the hielt road
into the woods, her cries st:ded by a cloth of
some sort pressed over her mouth. Taken
to a secluded and desolate spot, she was tied
by the negro, and there detained for a week,
whiie the Melt sennalicl effected his vile
par;Jose without the miserable victim being
aide to offer the slightest. resistance.
Two to n, who were out hunting. unex•
poled!) , came upon her, still tightly bound
an I alone. lfer captor had left her nt the
moment either to procure food or pursue
some other purpose. Learning from the
wretched girl the circnmstanees of the atro
city practiced upon her, they concealed
then s:lves until he should return. Nor
had they long to wait—and upon his com
ing they at once seized and secured him.—
Beieving that the viethn should pronounce
sentence upon him, they awaited her dertm.
It was to Cay him olive. They at once pro
ceeded with their hunting knives to relieve
him or epidermis. The forest resounded
with his cries and MI preeations as they sti
pol the skin from the solos of his feet to his
body. By the time they had progressed to
his waist, he could stand it no more, but
completely exhzusted, yielded tip the ghost
--the monster dying a horrible death. The
waszirl conveyed to her home, where every
thing was done to relieve her sufferings, bat
she died the next day in great anguish.—
..161Np/ 41 (Man.) Avalanair,
ter Dr. E. W. Wells, late of Wilkes.
lame, has !mated in Bloomsburg, Columbia
County, having purchased the pruotice of
Dr. F. C. Harrison, the first physician hi
the place, who retires from the practice of
the proli , ssion. Dr. Wells was engaged in
the drug business here, and although not
then in the practice ofhis profession, his
reputation as a skillful physician kd many
families of his acquaintance to insist upon
his ministering to their wants in sickness.—
1 serne VW° 1.
De- the Democracy are good for 2n,000
in this State nett Fall for their rowlidate
km the Preeidantrr.
Bloomsburg Literary Institute.
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the Bloomsburg Literary Institute, at the
Library Boom of the Institute, September
25th, 11367, on motion. John G. Preeze was
called to the chair, and Conrad Bitten!fen.
der wan chosen Secretary. 11avingegatutned
the Buildings, fence and grounds, at the re-
quest of the Building Conatnitteo, and vial.
ted the Panels in which already tutu he.
Bred arid thirty students arc attendingunan.
Besolosel That our thanks are due to
and FREDESICK C. EYER, the Building
Committee, upon the completion of the
Blonnuttotra Literary Institute Buildings,
and the arrangement of the grounds and
fent* about the same, and that as such com
mittee that ho hereby discharged.
Reroireli, That we are greatly indebted to
the indomitable perseverance and energy of
Prof. Henry Carver for the splendid success
which bee attended the ereetion of it Build
ing and the inanguratton of a first class
School in Bloomsburg, and we tender him
our hearty thanks and continued mifidenee.
Ragarotl, That we can new taw to the
public. !he advantages of a &hoot second to
none in the State for beauty and healthful
ness of !ovation, for convenience of amass
f rom all parts of the country, and for tiler
mighless of instruction in all branches of
J. G. 1:11.1.:E7,14, Chairman
C. liirrioniEsi)rn, SW:rrtary.
We have not the time nor space to give '
an lengthy a notice of this Institute as it
deserves. It is but a little over a year ago
when the Brat pick and spade were struok
preparatory to its erection ; and to-day the
people of Columbia County can point with
pride to the Bloomsburg Literary Institute
as a first class School in most successful op
eration. Its location is a very desirable
one—the very best in all this section of
country. The town is orderly, cleanly and
healthy ; and situated near the Catawissa
& Williamsport, and the Lackawanna &
Bloomsburg Railroads, thus affording am
ple facilities for those at adistance toattend
this school and return with but little ex
pense and vexatious travel, compared with
what it would hare been a few years. ago.
The plea t is sufficiently large to accommo
date with good boarding a(reasonable rates
all who may desire to attend a Boarding
School. At present over two hundred stu
dents have found accommodations and there
is ample room for as many more. We
would recommend our friends to send to
this School, instead of sending .theireltil
dren a great distance and thus prevent
heavy and unnecessary expense.
The Faculty, with Prof. lIRNRY CARVER
as Principal, will compare favorably with
any other in the State. The Principal 19 a
man of large experience in teaching, and a
gentleman of high honor and respectability.
He came here but a little over a year ago
and took charge of and established a school
under very discouraging auapiees. Ile found
no suitable building here in which to under
take to establish a first-class school, and be
sides a lack of interest felt by the people of
Bloontsloirg and vicinity for the necetnplish
tnent of the same. What is the state of of
as rs - tirtiresevt -- bg - threihore Resolutions,
adopted by the Board of Trustees, answer.
Morin Roll'lD IN TITT. DARE.—A tray
eler once arrived at a village Innaftera hard,
day's travel, but the landlord said they were
entirely full, and that it was utterly impos
sible to accommodate him ; that his wife
had to deepen thesofa, and himself on the
floor, but lie would see what his wife could
do far him. The good woman being applied
to said there was a room he might occupy,
provided he would agree to the condition,
viz : To enter the room in the dark, and
leave it early in the morning, to prevent
scandal as the room was double bedded, and
occupied by a lady. This ho agreed to.—
About two o'clock in the morning, an awful
noise was heard in the houseand our friend,
the traveler, was heard tumbling heels over
head down stairs. The landlord on arriv
ing at the spot, inquired what the matter
was. The traveler ejaculated, as soon as he
could speak :
"Oh, Lord I the woman's dead ?"
"I know that," said the landlord, "but
Low did you find it out ?"
At 3 meeting of the Trustees of the
Illionicturg Literary Institute, held at the
Lll, rar y loom of the Institute, the lion.
Leonard B. Rupert, Pre , ident, in the chair,
the following Preamble and Resolutions
were unanimetply a d o p te d
irlimes, Our late benorrd and beloved
associate in this Board, Witlima fifcvnit,
has bet n removed from our midst, by the
band of Beath, tin rehire—
f,/, That we will attend the funeral
of our lamented friend and t'ellow member
in our official capacity as a Board of Trus
Roam!, That in the death of WILLTAM
SNYDER, this Board has 'o.t an efficient, ac
tive and zealous member ; the Institute one
of its earliest, most vigilant and liberal sup
porters ; and the community an honorable,
high-minded. and public t.pirited citizen.
Rom,len!, That we tender to the bereaved
thmily, our condolences on their irreparable
loss ; and that we will wear the usual badge
of mourning tier thirty days.
llem/red, That this Preamble and Rest)•
lotions be filed among the archivea of the
"To or riot to Gr—that's Nkr queltion."
Whether to mttl'er with mental ttngui4h,
Foveriah lips, eraeking pains, dyspeptic ag-
And nauieless bodily suffering;
Or whether, with sudden dash.
Seise a bottle of PLANTATION' lirrrEm,
And, as Gunther swears, be myself' a man
Gunther said my eyes wore sallow,
My visage haggard, my breath tremendous
My dysposition tromblesoine—in fact,
Ile gently hinted I was fast becoming.
Quite a nuisance.
leeur bottles now beneath my vest have dis
My food has relish, my appetite is keen,
My step elastic, my mind brilliant, and
Nine ',email+, avoirdupois, is added to my
NA NO MA WATER. - A deligtful toilet
article—superior to Cologne and at half the
prke. 2 w.
D. IL-101111110.
Illoomobers, July
• • •
: : .
8eaver......167 20 167 20 :67 20
Houton 174 51 174 50 174 50
Berwick.... 62 97 641 92 69 90
Bloom 280 264 269 273 269 273
Rriarrreek.l4o 54 142 61 144 49
Calinvissa-137 150 136 133 135 159
Centralia... l o9 77 107 77 101 77
Centre 168 68 176 60 178 58
Cony ng'in. 131 33 129 32 129 32
Fiehingcr'k229 56 226 58 225 68
Franklin ... 51 48 51 48 51 48
Greenwnnlll76 142 175 145 175 145
11uu►10ck...149 62 151 59 151 60
Jac100n.....102 4 102 5 102 5
140e0.0 217 96 118 96 219 96
Madison ...189 39 190 39 190 30
Main ........110 11 107 12 109 12
Mifflin 185 39 186 39 187 38
51nntany ... 61 49 61 49 61 49
M t Plen.ant R 7 65 88 65 89 54
Orange 61) 139 60 134 64
l'ine.. ..... 148 29 87 29 87 29
llonringerk 50 35 50 35 50 35
... ... 123 122 121 124 120 123
Sugar) oat' ..128 18 128 18 128 18
T o tnl, 3453 1696 3448 1994 3442 1890
51ajoritier, 1757 1755 1752
Treasurer. C. Corn. J. Cm. Ambler.
• m 44 w •
M • - 0 0
Pe 9 r 9
. . . . .
• : :
8earer......167 20 167 20 167 20 167 20
Benton .....174 50 174 50 174 50 174 50
Berwick.— 66 92 66 92 66 92 66 92
Bloom 9 70 273 270 273 270 273 270 273
Briareteek 143 50 142 51 142 51 142 51
eatanissa..l3s 1514 136 158 1:;6 158 136 158
Centralia...lo7 77 107 77 107 77 107 77
(Jon( re...... 176 60 176 60 176 60 176 60
4.10nymem..129 32 129 32 129 32 129 32
lishingcrla.:6 38 226 58 226 58 226 58
Franklin... 51 44 51 48 51 48 51 48
areensmodl7s 145 175 145 175 144 175 145
Hemlock...lsl 60 151 60 151 60 150 60
.1a0ka0n....102 5 102 5 102 5103 5
Locust •'lB 96 . 217 97 218 96 2114 96
Madison —.189 40 190 39 189 30 187 39
Min 109 12 109 12 109 12 109 12
Mifflin 186 33186 39 185 39 186 39
Mouton('... 61 48 61 49 61 49 61 49
M tHeasant 87 65 88 65 87 65 88 65
()range .....140 60 140 60 139 60 140 60
line 87 29 87 29 87 29 87 29
Roaringerk 50 35 50 33 50 35 50 35
Scott.. ...... 120 124 121 124 121 124 121 123
Sugarloaf ..I'2B 18 128 18 128 18 128 18
The Democrats are set in SMALL CA rrrALs;
the Radicals in "Roman."
The vote on the county offices foot up
about the same as the vote on `•Judge" and
The majority on the State ticket is lin,
an increase on the majority of last Fall of 139.
The Democracy. polled 130 votes less than
last Fall. while the Radicals polled 269 less.
Wheatper bushel, 22 00
Rye, '' I 14)
Corn, II 1 09
Buckwheat " 20
Oats, II 71)
Clnverseed " 7 00
Flaxseed, " 2to
Pri'd apples " 2 50
Potatoes, " So
Flour per barrel, 13 00
Emrs per dozen,....
'tidies!' per pouna,
Shoulder!, "
Ilay per ton,
In Bloomsburit, on the toth inst., by the
Rev../olin Thomas, Franklin Brochyee, of
Scott Township, and Mi.s Ella Dietterich,
of Centre Township.
On the loth inst., 17 the Rer. D. J.
Korinith Mackenzie, or Itleenikhnry. to
Miss Caroline Kempton, of London, Eng
In Danville, on the 10th into., by the
Rev. Mr. —, Stephen Polio, and Mary
A. Hem, both of Centre Township, Colurn•
bia County, Pa.
In Bloomsburg: on the 12th inst., from
injuries received by an explosion in the
mines, Richard Birch, aged 40 years.
In Bloomsburg, on Friday, the 11th
Wtt.t.rmst SNYDER, aged M year,, 7 months
and 10 days.
To our readers in Columbia County it is
hardly necessary to say that Mr. Snyder was
one of our best known and most highly es
teemed citizens. The family name, although
a common one, is intimately blended with
the history of our County. His father was
well known as having been the chosen rep
resentative of our people during our pro
tracted struggle forth° removal of the Coun
ty Seat ; and he was equally well known, in
the Legislature and out, for his stern, im
yielding honesty. Mr. William Snyder, the
subject of this notice, copied the virtues of
his father; while there were few defects in
the character of his honored ancestor which
he was called upon to notice in the forma
tion of his own business and social habits,
and in the adoption of a line of life eonson
nnt with assured success in the Preterit,
and eternal happiness in the Future.
Cam. t, the premise. nt the sult.ertber. In rows)
nn.w ntoltit the ]ht of July
kit FIVE HEAD OP sit F:Er. 111.
nu ner it , requested In come furwlor.,
' 6
OS i ll r r"N v i"1 1 :w"n' 1 ) . .";" Y o'l A r Tiw e lee h"g l a hey ni selli l t
dlopused of aceobli nig to law .
Centre Towaohlp, Wt. 11. leo7.—Sw.
Lettere of Adtiliniatratinn no ' eptite at Beni*-
min Fowler. late of fle ielre ship. dermas...ll.
have totem 'rented by the . iiter ,1 Columbia
roomy to Thomas C. Pewter sail Moore Cvvelint,
of Vivant Townithip amid County. A I rieraena hlv•
Isar claim, Rattiest she rates. are 'equaled 'to melte
thew know' to the adoitulattatere and 'hove incleina
ed to the ciliate will mike Inteteolate payment 1..
1110MAtte FoW 1, 1 It -1H Ad Mee ow's CREVIMING. •
October IL led7.—Ow.
matter of •seeptlonr In the reporter Auditor M I
dielrtholmil of the ',intent' P.4.1' I:Vehind deceased.
Pl..poeinher nth, WO. 11. C. Kehler, Esq., appointed
mood •11 , 11,/ to take tertlitioey Ity the Court,
l'ertufw , l hot', (he Record, imam Mica 4p. 131.0
T,, par ilea Intern Led In the above can, Ulm smite,
that I 'hen attend fair the fitarpose of nty vpoint
went at limy oflion. in Olooleibuel. as Friday, tlieste
day of November, 198 7 ..1 1 0 o'l4l *C e. M.
(0. a. ZAHLIIR, Auditor
Out. 11, ISe,
STIER! FP' 8 8 A 1.1;8.
fly !Prins of nevems write of Lrearl Paclu and
!spray. 4.4 *PA out t f the Coart of rout•
/Imo ph t ap of Colombia luwely. In ate dl rrr led, w ill
b e plme.ed to wattle mkt ag Ilia Court Monte,
ei.064481t51, an PAVITRPAY, ( i ii thitil Mat
et 10 o•giogg, Al. M , IM (attaining real etlalia,
is l et gatieln meetompa and there
hot eidtrumnsto
411 44 o 444nd p demib h l a n ln t lan•: r f s /pn o ng .
Si a white net corner of land of rerolarich i/41/
410 rertrad Cramrr, Thence north anvil , . dr/melt
wont, 41.:1 pertto.• to a part ; thrumr by land of
pr,,,,rtea D,rr loath' twt my too and 4 half tlegrres
w 0.1.74 porch., to a pool; thence 'loath elghty•th rya
and one fourth tivirot.4 Went 104 ;to/citrs to a poet;
thrncr 0 , 11111 illty.lleVl.llllll , l 0 11 r lollrlb deg F. 1.11 WPCs.
19 ('etcher la 4 port ; In , nen by land of bear/•,
Den a P.l 11, onnitt forty 400511 min one•halr dogma
en.l. 1001 parelme Ina pall ; Moira by 1411,1 or John
OhOletwr borth eevroly ra•ven degree', gaol, lid perch•
as ton poll thermally land of 1:010/4d Cllllll.f north
lon /levers *Yet. Inarmen parches to a port ; thenea
north dlly 01441 and one fourth deer.-, east, N.?
prpriorn 10 4 el/Pignut : theme north twomy fort
pew mnr.lo/14 dryers call We perches to Ito, p tan
twelnnlng, cntlllollllll OA* billitteril and tw et? •
raven n..rea, and nra hundred and alarm potehrs (It
bring the mime premiers of which Atolieed lllwe
maker died tetrad and whirl' after pruenatt.tts4 In
pittletton wen wild by urtior of Orphatte Four! to
/adieus Thaw, hie adamtletratar, open w,,ich a
mortgage wg, 115.11 to lacuna tho Dan tlitrd pirt of
the norehtme ~only.)
tube" to tio.ftl'intl no., In NI IVA Is the
property of Stehairl Coon mid (MI tettlitt .
All that erienitu flull.lina hooted on a lot or pleas
0 1 , ground in Montana City. ll'onssicssio
Colombia County and built on pct. or lot. No, 3
Sod 1. bloat in the oloternid Middens City and to a
el .tv and a lis , t handing. losing *bout lOstssu fr , t in
(root by %wont) . floe 11.. rt in depth. (The mauve et.iints
to fi n 0 ,31,,iais famished for maid liairdinp.i
tlelo , fatten it. to PO sold as tIN
property of I'rfre
A I.fin
A curtain 101 of ffroun.i riots's, in the Itorangh of
ri.ntm In Colniubin t musty twrnty frrt
flout l nd two bunArrd re , •l .Irrp ion n 111,1114 eteete.l a
Iwo wog , frame hone w th the Ithper 'ensure'.
It.audrel ..a b) 10l n . llra.,:".„. th
we.t by I I,ei t Aneliet be the %mai by jot of Jam.,
Natty and on the rill by l h .• Nude of the 1.00.
Montstutn Coil Inn Wm rung any.
psofitipd. 181,11 int** sta Dillon and to be told nu tho
Pfurffy of llnfnpy
utAllft U. FYYDER. t3Lerit
0 tuber 4 intl.
Lg 2 .11EINSgr Liz 03
AP tat le it n l. tee Mir!, ou the terrnera
mu lottolr 1.10..0,,te. -which. se II r rtit.zer for
Wren', Corn. I/4t4, r 011110"•. ate . own, he (mml
led, add warrant It as a IllirffiVt.f e 1 all
Itinda of root. (n , 4 mow inr any ) It doer not art al
a wont. ettnnttant. Int on. crop Ohl, bit is tastins
tit tl. eff.etc whuh ran I. proved Ly the farmers
of Theater and adjninlog rountlea. of 'hoe State ; also
of the nuijacont cointse• Pelawate tool Maryland.
olio have used in, 111411161CialrO , forth•• In .t yen , '
rur Wheat. 3043 Ib. p.r erre. &u 1 ed or soon
rig morn. 130 to MI lb.. per acre, dropped .In hill
al time of p n
rut Ualr. 150 lair. per arr.. gawp broad/art.
For l'*latirea. 4W itis. per acre, et artcrad in lb*
For (100ps v,llO lb. per 11 0 1 P. 110 a top ilretwor.
quantity au Wm. will Nudges an Is.
errs... on Ot.. crop .. 110 1.04110 N armm.
Give it trial tT• know taut the. 0.111 will be
Sold en hate of IMO W... Path al p-r two tiviii•
fowl pi.uuila 01 nor !taw Illanulactney.. Lim *at
Patin Punt prosy" •biopril to all polish.
es tP. lk L. I. k V. N. U. slut %. K. Roads.
S. IL Ll' LC Agent Bluuo.bere. &LLD &
Anent. Danville
Bloomsburg. Ju Bt. 11107.—85.
ON Milli writEET,
J. r, rox. rtnprirtnr of thin rotsbliohattnt 11
tooport bully inform !no nl.l and now etnotomor., that
ho ha. everythinz Hated up at iv•W V, on
able hint In formats Ih.n, wuth DREAD, CAli LI,
AND ColireillilNlEßlF:l4. a+ hortinlorr.
It. logo roao. arrnnEwot• for th. sale of
-- Protrif, with Km. flro.rhoe, MIN loops • CuoiasUon ,
sty Miore dlrrttly appeals
where penman deri ring bread sae be accommodated
It all tswe.
27 HeroinPr sit ptronna, wan bare hero (neni•h
thl with AIR. lager Kerr. and Parlor. by the, whale,.
holt Of quaritt barrel. will tall upoa 1Y11,1.0111
im.stogug, at In. Nokinnot in
Ehlves' Block, Main Street,
who has been authorize 1 Ny the undereianed In melt
the ewer. It wilt ear rtantl) ha•r a /lonely no halal.
*bids will be sold at the Inwert marbet rains.
*lr. E. has, in connect inn w ith hi. natl.., avid Cos
tienery , lilted up rooms for the 'ale of
4: 1; CUBAN,
fa all who may favor him with their custom he
10 also praparett 4t ulako Ice Uiraim in 1y,40 , rpiami
0.1161 wales. alibi', or sorlal gailie tinge. .. lb.
mop mny ha. Gt•rvihins pertaiiiiii: to his iris rf
huaness will pt.t.e cou.C.ll Ind daltiont nitenton.
Co' Ile la thaatilol to his ruitop , rry poi f
awe. 484 rod cordial., 001jejui a toaUmlante ul the
gum. J, V. FOX.
April 5, 10$?.
..... 23
.... 15
.... 12 (10
Read mayelog. Pow., whit* MI with your
bunillee of wool 1
lin my Ivey home. air 1 havio (el rail. for sr
old women to
Well Squire, if It i• a fair Inertlintt when did roil
get ea, i3O done 00 0000 I
at Veered revery.
Where Is that I
Near Oraiogeville, I 1411 444 It papa 10 get carding
done there. Vane* Hrdr Rat 6 etcper le. I( yen
take and bring your wool. ill ha. re built h.e aut•
chine and ant now titration. Depend on it nn poor
roll. 110 mad. tarry, as he fa tending his amehlit•
hi tiit iotr ono arponn. lie ram for an arernitinntia•
ulna for tbrweArho litre at a dishier. If they
their wont at either of the Olivet to Or4llotilia. the
area will be mien lee tn. rl lsn. their cloth for (al.
he/ 1 .0 1010114 4011 dir•mus,
000 0 1 , 43. Vance has been
steady at the 0110111000. with aM 1•2014, pete.. No
Up/ and downs in ha plebe Bich end your all
nriory near or inmate, in Mt. Mumma Town
rbip.plutnlbia l'ounty.
Gsoitas 'AMC&
August. 14. lea
To Sahel' omen Ihr $ New Illuetrsled
Title Ilitcrioassr einhudtes the revolts of the meet
repent study. rr.••nreh. and invertiga.ion of atom
Mitv.ttre or the moat Pfeifle it an•l 1101vrnrod Mblf.
rat S^hnlar• living. Clergymen of nII denami
natnna apprn Ve It and r•gar•.ir a• me b ee t 1,,,g of
it. kind In the rmillish language. and on! Which
mirk' to he iu the hands of flog) , thhfe realer in tr i a
In circulating thin Work. Agents pleas
ant and rentable employment. The nut...roue oh.
Jeri i nns Mk Ind, are 'tonally conote,/ d rn sense/
ordinary Werke, Will not rd•t wilt tiu,
lint. an the contrary rur.•urag•tneut and friendly
aid will attend the r %gent. malting bid labors agree•
able. maw. Still In N4UVe.
I.tutte•. reloed Gleigymen, Fchenl Teachers,
Canners, Plnerul•, and all other,' *he it
eneciy, are wanb•d to aa•i•t in Cilllenvelfla • Very
1 • nwo led rnuthiy in the e iuul ry, IU whew tae wort
liberal n duremenle will he offered.
Ci Per pailictll4lll. tipple tn, oi lidron,
PA HafAl.flli 11110 . 111 CRP,
722 Nattiest Stoat, t filladelphia, Pens.
Sept .13. IN
my (..1 ,OAL YARD,
The un•ler•iroed reopertftilly Inform, the citizen,
of re and ri.lunibi* Mit they hee,,
the ilttreeeht namDrre or e lov. coy '
lump anal (or ello)hlot purpose, on 'heir wharf. nil
101 ,.;„ ‘,..ko vv , Noel &Go*. ritroare ; with A 111111,i
pal, (lonia ernire no Om wherry. jmy asd
111,11 W Lik , o ime o warm. to deliver coal
t o 'hope who desire it. An we porrhors a 'erste
amount of coal. we Intend to beep ill eoperinr Afflelo.
nrd . 0 1 a l the very low cal prime. I'lra•e call snit
eiktuibll fur yOurielves before porrhaelogeleett bore.
J. W 11011111011Ita.
RnOersignifit tat.. le •sehango tar Vaal
I arid Oramorina. the. Nitwit's named
Wheat. ItYir,thirit.trata. Pawner, Lard,
Or, omit aids meal, Huner. 14p. Ifor. ta., at the
hithi•at rash privie. at his nr.wetV Pore. adjoining
th,• it real yard. .1. W. ileNDElttilltYr.
Oluoinoburg, April O. 1448,—1y.
111 C. 11 OWE R,
e 1517ROEON 1 1 1314Tt‘T.
RP00.11( TFULLY otte r . hi, mfr.,
illM loos' merrier.* to the ladles and gratin
it .. 11 of 111 ,nonaboirirand OH nit,. If le
4- prepared 4o alicad In nil Ilia rarity
nrirailono la thy lino or lola prof...lon and4”reortirrel
w,th 4he lowa Improved PO/bre:L.llh TIO:THI lOW
vi , 141.4.1 n .arttl at' gold.pletine,ell re, nod rubber be 41
llt i rwit w. II as the natural teeth
MI ler 41 plate and Week teeth moriulherh red or. ail
ssierntiee• en teethteerehlly and properly etteeded M.
NeeltgelleP and taro • hie dotal above the Coen
Nolte*, earns erop,
Ilre.sabari. Also • INN
Tt(l.—T ho thoorthrht lirloal baring F
11 eosoefellon le stow mil, to falltelPS Slam
Iloilo for sloth, A POT to J. J. Ilrowst Primolive
too ovr.. F.. P 1.13 , 11r0.00v0r ot Olio item. • lb
'foreleg y. rt his omr., or to rry of the ottrecestee.
order ef the erseetative, • litelfh/t. leeretee
COMO to din promisee of the ande.ellecd le re
Tiltglertlshitl , OWlit' (IMO lII,(Hit lb, 4,
eliptninher, a I,IIIIIT It gl) t 1 1 11.1.,
vertir to bn shout IN m e ete e , Id
ovrtor to 111141/0/1 4. 4 soma in. roue e ,e ,
0 t. .," pa, ,h a ,gp.. No I ink.) lulu stogy, tither.
by 1.1 1 be oot4 setording Id tow
LLlrllfli HAI/ILIU.U.:
co 'ro o.tober 9, Itto7.
_ ._ . . -- _._..... _ . .... —_ —......--.
810 LEN.
"IMO lb. gable of the Intireriber on the nip
also tab inn!. I I.ItIIIT KAY !alkali. t
Uld Splint black online magi
wag about hand/ WO.
*VIII A reasonable reward will he geld I Q ,
return of the holm end Oro fur the thief.
b et e. wa s rinser ly owned bl etepbwo Kline.
Tows 111•11, Leifer/4 Co., ow. 11. 11,14.-7ee p 4,
001, WOOL! I WOOL 111
t.nT n EXCIIANO O D FOR won!
Too tariJrtroioned poy die bishort onr►r,
in rscliniogo fro 4114.114 to. von, inupo..,
w Wit Wiwi UM*. wllNtmq•utt, or I ay. flr„ii
your Wool to tile Mount Cloitisot Mite. ot
Prpt 4. IPG7,
The Rep. r. DWAIN'S A. 1% ll.foY will irana t ;
Of aliaglr; lo all *via, derire 1., the pertrildj u D
Ilia film:igen, at MAW, 099 veins the ~
',Toed). ny winch h• area cured et a lung
and lint afraid diwelie reneureptind. lii, en ly
frct n to lienolit lhr arnittuil and he hoi,re •
o.,lrerer wan sty Una preotrialion. ea 111 wlll
thew ',Wilms. eau may prove 9 bivouac. I".
cidres• key. VD V 4 Eli A . WILK.
ti• .Its Sonlb Sr CYad All aft, Willtatuding.
Inf , emetlinn innfantred to prneuee a lose;
ernerth of Inlr upon s baW heat nr berrettn i
afro r revels Cee the mauve' of Pimph'.,
f:,nptiaose.eie . °tithe elm leaving the ram•
Nene. sod resold'''• fen ra ofonsned witnnot rh
additions Tiatio. P. en item A N rneenn
lereradway. h►w Yoi
Lea b►s bar►r. Township. Mow
roomy. on th• nrivising of lho tab of July I
!Si:VOMIT a lad Aged 14
on when he len a whoa *Mho% shack ithist.
van'. ant a any coat enosiditrably wars* of
elan. and barefooted Th. lad has dark bail
dark •yes. silth rather fair ibis. •od is of
build. Any roforotrolon of bis Illhervalmuts wii
thankfully received by bra *salons mother at b
iota. Pa. MAlltiAßL'r
Lift 41. r A. leaf.
Ill'f()ItS' NOTICE.
PINTATII itnorriv.t. fMITt t. Its at ft, i 11,1,061
he sonderetyned. Aniline appointed by the
Johan' room of the iNoenty of coloottn& mulatto
ttoN•tonn of the bolonee to thy hood, or Johnso •
111ter adoloontstoator of 11,0*,01 A t ooto ! R t. of t.
law/mop &rennet, to and among the rem
Ira re•dionr• of the ofterdo.nt, on the wool' ebtahlo
by Law will attend at his niers in Rbohnothur
Thooteoli.v Ina two ply first day of keoresanor
In at Itt dOelnek d. M (..r the pot pow of att..
to the dostolo of ii. nonot•otatent. when and
*. l wimp intereeltd ant ' , elven , ' to poseeout
e1h14.4, or be debtors/ Aiwa editing so (of a aloa
the rood.
illooonsburi Rey I. 11. 11140.—df.
V. 1 4 .,A• eiv.lo Ulll9 we. the uederrlened. oil
f Ren.thelt Townehth. Va.ti:lo , l4 youn.y. from
Rile (.• pt. Van I tnthll e••• fk!!•011 N penine•
pneeins ..41 nit. len.le. 1 10 w . ll are tOYu4 gel
W ,. 1 nr draft w•thi ice .r4tng In low
Mathias A ppressthm. Dr. .1 R
lease U PO/Ml. 111 le:ilVn Af5,1,11
MIA yiereter YYINI
R. & W. C. Richer',Jaeou
Metal In Reuel,. I Dr 3 IA 141 still.
Hendork. Sept. DI, INT pd.
a. U. wroNA ER, "'repels
Thi• tea new Mind 'strip thte.! up (...r the err
dation of the trareliiia publse peti•rollr. •,
Naps retr..l. thrw dent* elr.v• the Court i.s
whet is known se the ••Rpbtulion p»potty "
ee..treffy lerstr.i is If • Coign. am MI pl.e rot.
Mr i.ii•etir to .tip biiiii.!•• beteg se tliti pi
whet. lbw n,Wlm, of the Immerse is bow'
At propestior recta renfiArnt Wei he n pr
to Wee Saner. I satiehltillaa in bra sweelp. mud
lerlieit a fair putt.* of tie pedalo pareesess.
Bianameacirg. May 11. IWO.
AR► Alsralist.ired (rent rue; reete•iete
d the .t•nlerd of rte,itente. r
y ell Orr,eere. Van be hid at Catem.tea.
burg. lailt Otreet, Mom and in regulir
ihrouithoul !be Veguty.
They keep ennotnriiy nn hand fli^miral
Mite. PO. end Miner 1 , 10.10.
(Z 7" Orders loolieltell. Hit. I I. lOW
(TUB um.. norsti
Orangeville, Colombia Co.
The eleheeriber rnprufull, isfrrete hie
friend• anti th• hebtte. Wet he Ass takes Iht
sleeve well known
and will he pimped to retelve la• euuWm •r
will favor him with smith Ile wiu temp
a lbw well rmr►ed *llb ►rrt d t.ln
e*cry •Uri will 14 mad* so eteder wire
Ildrany/11141111ata4 to IM!.
014 6►ublirh.4 Pt 'K lalknutiwor
tin.7la Amen SMUT. allow. 70. I'lll l.‘ I
Kart ungr is t+tnr• oly own Impert
Kastifiegprp Abase( lA* eeriest •u 4 west
aeliesseas of
for Ladles' and Childree's Wear in the City.
ft floe a,eart.ornt of feet's aur t:lote■ and
I ant retealed to deeps.. of oty 8.8.4. at eery
eh:. 1 Ines. and l leo old therefore 'olio' a e
m) fir. who of Colomfoll ovtoti and ateIo.11•
Renumber the Name. Number and Str
VO ARC!! It above 'NC south sum Pr
re I nave No COO CONSOCces
IN rumamrstB.
WA:4w t Ma? —Mt
Siga Painters aid Paper Harm
flawing hint a long asperionor in OP all
nee, ors at nold rnapsellnlly nfrer thnir yr
Ins ett moll., of hlontaokuri and emir! ,undi
ei• er3etrel to to all It nide
Ntcn Painting. Par•Pring Graining, Olesteg.
awl all work Waltrip, to the Painting %pi
cjo Orden left AI Choir shop in Inn tie
Alley. or at the fathom /1* Hotel, 1.. ` l l.
I.lrns Nioro. and , Snider's thud,
Will he I roteptly attended It.
Illeemoh.ore. koirriet 7. 1 0 47,
/MIT hubliolrtf, lo a
,C: 1 , 1 4-:: lop!. Frier t t cynic A I
~,, fit r.. 13 #l•l9tn, trnatinest tnJ rod!
flnnnnel %Vs./antes of btnf
(militia by f l / 4 .11 . -Abuse : Invoieetorr E
cillf.ney Nrievoia• DeWitt?, ant i . imp
glartillie gentian ; ronoumpoon. f
Fn.• '
Mental 11111 l'hysteol Ine.plt
linhert J. rulvetwn 1, M, D.. author of
110 , 4‘,• ik e,
The World tohnw Ned Onthnr, in thloll
NM. ethArly prnVell (torn hi. own , 1 •
the awful conoequeners a seii.Abils ,
unlly removed ialthotit Modleola. ROO
Remus ouroiral operations, bouehb
'lngo. sir cordials. tuflittlns out IRO
onto , chltoin and elfectoal, by oho!' #
nn mailer 'hal hie entiAitinft nuif
hinievir eheaply, Write!, and 54641
torn will prove a Was to thooontal ,
Flom under sett to Nay addirpid, 1•1
no reenipt of Dia cents, or ton
Molt Dr. Colverwoll'o Mortise gia :.
Addeo's'. (NIA* 1 . I . li''
197 Pnwory, New 1 ark, t
Pea. 13, 1.67,-1, h.., di en.