Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, October 16, 1867, Image 1

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    VOL. XXXI.
ProAitlent J wig° —lion. William Elwell.
Associate ,T udgos—lnn Derr ,
l Peter K. i llerbein.
f'roth'y of Courts--Jesse Coleman.
Register nod Recorder—John Freese.
Allen Maw,
Connissioners— ti johu
Nlontgoatery Cole.
Sheriff—Samuel Snyder.
Treasurer—John J. Stils.
Daniel Snyder,
Auditors— 1,. II Rupert,
Jelin I'. Daimon.
Conunis.ioner's Clerk—Wm. Kriekhatun.
Commissioner's Attorney—E. IL Little.
Mercantile Appraiser—Capt. Ow. W. Un-
County Surveyor—lsano A. Dewitt.
District Attroney—Milton M. Truogh.
Coroner—Willlant J. I keler.
County Superintendent—Chas. O. Barkley,
Assesurs Internal Revenue—R. F. Clark.
(John Thomas,
Assistant Asseisar— .1 S. B. Neuter,
H .
J. S. Woods.
Collootor—Benjautin II artui;all.
m fern err. (Nip: +MS OPMAITH
3111.Ligiva gruff v..)
THR stiderslimed has jut Oiled up. snit opened.
Ids uno
por4)vr, AN a TI a PO 111411 P,
In Ibl. plan. whom ho i. prepared In make up now
Tit W Alt, nr kmd• m In. line, and do
11,1 wlih 11 , 111114!o• And dl.p ,n h, the nolo r
imitable iorio, :lion keep. m 1 hood riTilVt'al 01
yawn,. pniterne an,loiyloo, winch he Will will upon
tor,* to.ull eiirebinvre,
Gave Ile la a gnoil mechanic, and de
serving of eh r.bllc patronage.
JACOB mzrz.
Rionfis•bieg. Sept. 9. 14411.-1 y.
The *Wend pied I. Oen Mime at)
et lb. PENN rIitVACH %MAP. nod wul titrrr 1 , .
Ibu pe,bl3r U li IJUNDULD ON'
Voila Scotia
prepared toady far are 111 pruritic• In Pail putt Win
are, 41 'ray fr the fist at n. %t.
ratawhan. Jan. •23. IPri
Ile.perifielly Intones the poWlee Mot be le now pre
pored re warsuercurro ell kinds of
at the I; n ire.c:r ;
ti +cbnrl notice end in the very bort end Intro,' .1 v tor
*Mr. (ne la wen.kneny n in Itiontuitorri.) ha
ad miaow par* art auremsfril papr•rir nee watts a rap
Online fin vine work. integrity and kouorefsle &al
nt 110111113• Med.
L.P' Darr rr ba.lnsss un ROllllll F:**l Conan of
;mu and Iron +met J. K.Uartaies 'turn.
(tlro+wrb•bd. U + ,•. UI. Irlo—tua
;OItKS 11011:1,
GEO. W. NIGGER, Proprlefor.
'net eletre writ Omen hotel bat recently etbler
.weradical chantlee is II Wino td-
II l
lleloltrieter anienntexe Ie hie tomer ce,i,..11
tlet irevellitic peptic that his accommodutheo
'V tits coutliillof his Parris le Seib. le
to uitary. 1111 labk , a iii &heap. be leuod mp
ted, sal eel) Isiah eubetuutsel Cont. bet With 11
• delicacies of the wawa. 111. WllllO a `.. 1
f. kid 41011 IMplther beverage known b. .Atellenrg.•
rtliased direct front Cie itnitorti:.a !wares, art? ru
%IV Wife. and tiro Dom all t.or. 44444 nig drugs. !It
thankful I . or a Unocal patronage is the past, sad
H tOUHRYO to 4 • II 11l lb. &taro.
MW! A.!
wht 13. 1P44-11:
HE aiArr.tterd grimed nowt trt pertfully an•
nitre to the put Ise lrnrn,lly. that hr in pi. oared
Oa all kiwi'. o•t 111,1111INIt.ft Pt,q:l'l4
It PLUS' rtouNPI V. in Winiiin.bu , g. it here hr
aiware pulta,l ready to till all tied, et' ft pair
. In. tudieut Threolhitoa 11ia.% kale In Amt. all
At of ratintitit TUttil%ii AND
011.hort notice, to a good %mho/make ma
. upon
I i lung rapt ,t..urat in the hurto , •da, fa(.lll.ta Ia
Of iiiewio IL Ifni' or thia eta ear aver
year.. Wuraal, a to sepia: •hat Is CMS aiv
sr, autialuctioo to all a•ho tau) ea% or haw with
, work.
1..111.06011, NOV ti •
ir. osiborilber harhss purchased We ••Faltoa
Iluvau:' la
•city or E. W. litwesy, Bwt. , wculd fey to the
OI0( tha HOOOtt, hie eepteletetteem, and !bp pub
tblti be tnu•uda to .Iteep a loiter,
the seeefethodetines sad comforts ut a [loom,
qoukly sulitiutheor pAtronage.
bale of Ow Mallionn
k !Immo. Om *4 LlthE.
'mild announce to the When nt 111^4111.blirC and
pabHa generally, that rho has just moved troop
0.4.40(11 Mier her
Spring 41141 Summer
Riot k of
toting of all orticw o uonally retied in first Oast,
ivory Motes * Her geode are Or the hest aaality
;mma the Most handsome a n d rifoapoot to the
MA. Coll sad eV - IMMO thorn for youroolven
-,body onoot•looron000 ,io , of rU before olaintn.
tlisq Petereetiee steek et goods Beeneiti wade
ne the shortest metre. or repaired.
on art Win Ntrel,l, 3d 4 or below the store of
dohnsfl k Itupvrt.
,Ingburg, May
Prot below the "-Iniericon Anne,"
soloosll4Ntiliti f PA, *
. 10 * oh hand, and forotolteo to the home
wows trade. a t Pluladtdphid (fewest) price*.
cplC MID flgrnltTED CIGAR all kmdo nl
tisouvi tit TOD ACC%
• •
Vomebonlft and Briar Wood / ipra, and all
0401110 trade.
dhasil rt4all Minima in eiaara and chew.
.4 0 to e him
rant AO china for sivory mildewy
, •of Wan country podium
lot I, Moyeee Drug Ater
et Strode. A loud awe
VnrnishoP, nlway• an
. 4 ' per than at any othur
sill 14
11 w u.
' .pautWed at Mope*
''.•, . . . .
- . •
li oomsßußG
liti- , . , . 1 i11 7 1,,,,,
•" mom .....,* .1.4.1 i ^ ~ rt
•••• . 11% 1.%:',,j, .^ , '..
:. , . ,
. •• JO; ' Wirner---- --* -
.....,'V .. ' - -....
boot burg fflrinorrat.
WILLI he "180111 11. J (COPT.
TVIIMA.—S9 oe le ad . If ant pole within
SIX 111(iN1'1101.....11 rent,. e.ldlpnhal will be alerted.
`LP Mo lower all.ll erreeresee
are paid except at the option of the 141ittir.
'I An I,olei effinelline fa A 0601111.
One AlMite ene Wir three {n0.'11011.5 50
Elfery Alibaentient inirninn Irnl Ih.o 13 ...50
SP/CS. IN. tin. 3N. ON. IN.
fln. owner*,l 0.10 31k I I
I 4 011 &OD 10.10
Two olulare 4, I 3.00 3,00 I 0.00 PAW 14.10
Thro e " r I ,00 7.00 P.I OO I 1".110 10.00
raft r cllsturi. 0 1 0 1.00 10, 0 0 I 14,011 90. W
Hair 'OlOOlO, 10.110 I
IV.OO 1400 1$ 011 r0 1 : 10
line column. 13,00 in 00 ,uo I 30,00 INO
Varruutr • r Will Adountnarlinf4 Nnitn , . 'tat
Asn linr4 Pioneer. ":A
111 hr/ aulvertlansenlitt burled according In rprcnil
/limners entice*, Watling, adveri kentrnt, twenty.
ccrt. pm , lino.
rrnn• inivertiowntenta flnyahle in at Km, all
nth, r• duo nner the firpl inpertinn.
OITICE —ln VinVO4 Mork, Von. or Main clan
Iron $l/rrto.
A correspondent or the London Daily
No=tes, ru the course of a letter with refer
enee to a historical and legendary tree
—:-Iyrne's Oak," :rives not only
metro intmstin,7 liieti abort the tree it elf,
but also :at explaNition of a natur a l plie
110111V113 io cOniseLtloll with It. Ile says :
' • Al bily w).,rk big up a portbm of this mete
or:o,ly tree into covers Ihr the hook I hav e
written on 4'4 liklititY, au 1 l»oking on the
end, I observed a great peculiarity, namely :
The annular rings accumulated in a healthy
and vigorous manner up to a certain' point
when they suddenly ceased, beeano almost
imperceptible, then increased in size twain
till they attained nearly their former witch.
afterwards gradually diminished towar,i...
the outer edge of the tree, where they finally
became indistinguishable."
mentionin; this phenomena to an
intelligent gardener of fifty years experi
ence—without infbrming him in what wood
I had observed it—he said that the tree
must have 1)0(.11 struck with lightning or
Mighty," in some tray, so as to have stopped
ITS prat'', otherwise melt 'an appearance
would not hate been presented."
"It was in the nature of trees, as it was
with us, that when they arrived at maturity
they began to decline, the sru to as we did,
but it was generally a gradual process ; the
rings in the trunk would beeotnesmaller and
smaller by degrees, as the sap flowed loss
and less up the trunk of the tree."
"I have since examined the wood more
closely, and from the healthy part of the
t►ee to the outside of the piece, I have
counted 1111 annual rings. If to these arc
;tilled twenty for the sap that was wasted
away front it, and forty-four years, which
time at least it is known to have been dead
we are carried back as far as 103(1, as the
latest time when the tree would have been
scared or blighted. How meat earlier titan
this it may have been, I ant not in a position
at present to prose ; but, considering that
the rings are so small us to be scarcely dis
cernible, and that some of the outer portion
of the tree has beeu wasted away, I submit
that it is not a preposterous idea to AMMO
OW the blasting of it happened in Shaks
peare's time." •
MS- Notwithstanding the lies put forth
by the "loyal" prem. the Dem ocrats will
elect the United States Senator in California.
'Choy have a majority of twenty on joint
the new Legislature. The Radicals
majority in the old body.
id at,royees pros
to Uad Liver oil,
4t, moyer's Drug
boy's idea of having a tooth
drawn may ho summed up as follows : "The
doctor hitched fast on me, pulled his bort,
and just before it killed me the tooth came
id Moyees
NW. R.
l'tount y, r.
When the liainid t•liadows gather
Over all the starry speres ;
And the melancholy darkness
Gently weeps in rainy tears,
'Tis a joy to preas,the pillow
or a cottage chamber bed,
And to listen to the patter
Of the soft rain overboard.
Every tinkle on the shingle
Ibis an echo in the heart,
And a thownn I dreamy rancies
Into busy beings start
And a thousand recollections
Weave their bright hues into woof,
As I li•ten to the ismer
Of the soft rain on the roof.
Veers ha fancy ensues my mother,
4le U. 4.4 to yens
To survey the inlistst
Ere she luol lett them till the dawn,
lout I , e her !.ending trer sue,
AS t !Weil to the :straits
Which is played upon the shingles
Hy the putter or the ruin.
Th e n my little seraph sister,
With her wings and waxen hair.
And her ',right eyed cherub brother,
A serene. anzelie !stir,
Glido around my wakyfitl pillow
With their muise or mild reproof,
A 9 I lien n to 1110 murmur
Of the toll raiu on the roof
And another comes to thrT ma
With her eye delidous !Age ;
T forgot. while ptie2llg on her.
That her herrt was all opium ;
I remember that I loved her
.1 4 I may limy love awiin,
Awl my heart's titiiek pubes vibrato
To the patter of the rain.
There is naught in are s Irarotras
That can work with such a spell,
In the spirit's pure, deep fountains,
‘Vltenee the holy passions swell,
As that melody of nature—
That sulklued. subduing strain—
Which is played upon the shingles
By the patter of the rain.
The Map en the Oak.
[From the Louisville Courier, October 3rd]
Tiro noted characters in Limbo— A intrrh•
ind i tstanc., f t f woman's , Ince and liffec.
The two young men, Ryland Shit& and
Charles Kelly, whose arrest we mentioned
yestereay es suspected felons, pmvcd to be
the perpetrators of the daring highway rob•
bury near the Nashville depot a short limo
ago. Shuck was arrested in New Albany
and I:elly in Cincinnati. They am both
young and handsome looking young men,
but, no doubt, two of the boldest and most
adroit thieves in the country.
Mr. William Osborn, the plain and hon
est old farmer whom they attacked and rob
bed, stated that it occurred about 4 o'clock
in the evening, but was not positive as to
the exact time. Ile was standing 'tear the
depot waiting fir the departure oft he train,
when they steldenlj approached hi m f ro m
different directions. Shoek demanded his
money, while Kelly grasped him by the
coat collar and flourished, a knife. Ile pro
tested that he had no money, but they told
him they knew better, and ono of them ran
his hand into Mr. °idiom's pants packet
and drew out $l7O, after which they ran to
the corner of Ninth street and turned. The
old man followed them, but they were out
of sight when the old man reached the cot.-
ner. Ile hind closely observed their dress
and also that Kelly had lost one finger off
the left hand. Mr. Osborn lost no time in
lodging complaint at the jail, and he gave
the officers who started in pursuit of them
an accurate description, which led to their
Shuck was found in attendance at the
Cireu t Court at New Albany, before which
tribunal a suit was pending divorce from
his wife, who is a young and beautiful wo
man, with two small children. The heart
less husband had sueeeeded in procuring
the divots* before his arrest. Notwithstand
ing her ill-treatment at his hands, and the
fact that she was no longer his wife, with
that true devotion which clings to woman,
even while suffering under gross wrong, she
appeared in court to testify in his behalf,
and comfort him in his dark hours of ad
versity. She testified that he came to her
house in Portland at 4 o'clock precisely cm
the afternoon of the day on which it was al
leged the robbery was emanate-I, and re.
miine3 half an hour. The object of his
visit was to hid her cud the children a final
farewell. lie was accompanied by two stran
gers, who waited for hint outside the door.
She admitted that he hail sent for her, to
glee her testimony, and that she had an
interview with him since he had Loon in
She appeared very much affected, and we
observed the glittering tears that stood in
her large blue eyes at intervals, though she
endeavored to suppress her grief: Shuck
seemed to be quite indifferent to the result
of the investigation, and smiled pleasantly
at the cross shooting of the uttornies.
Kelly is a bright and sprightly young
man, and evinced a nervous uneasiness, that
told plainly Low deeply he was concerned in
his Sit nation. lie lost no opportunity to
prompt the laver and aid in establishing
a tuistakeurdeutity. lie is very ready anti
Cunning, and has, nodoubt, been before such
tribunals often.
Mr. Henry Thomas test:fled that it was
only thrs=',ltick in the afternoon when Mr.
o.l)nrit CM to the jail, after he had been
robbed, witilh proved that the old gentle
man was mistaken in the time of the occur
rence, and also that Shuck had ample Niue
to go to Portland, where his lute wife re
sides, and get there by 4 o'clock. This ev
ideinv, completely upset the ant which the
114ense endeavored to prove by the evidence
of Sbuek's former wife.
After ably reviewing the testimony, the
Court announced that it would hold the
prisoners in bond of $2,100 each to answer.
As the prisoners were leaving the Court
room, the divorced wire embraced and affec
tionataly kissed the man who had promised
to love, cherish and protect her through
life, a vow whidi he had broken in less than
two years after their marriage, and availed
himself of the Indiana divorce law to set
her adrift with her children on au uncharit
able world. It almost seems that a decree
of Providence has visited this swift retribu
tion upon the base deserter of his wife and
innocent babes. Such instances of true
womanly affection as the above are not un
common and called forth a beautiful senti
ment from his Honor Judge Price, who has
a heart capable of appreciating such& not&
attribute in the nature of womankind.
A Dorms. NENE-MO.—AO old Dutch
farmer had a handsome daughter, named
Minnie, who lately joined the blethodist
Church against which the old farmer was
somewhat prejudiced. The young minister
under whose instrumentality , Miss Minnie
was converted visiting her frequently, excit
ed his suspicion that all was not right. Ac
mrdingly he sashed the church on Sunday
night, and ted himself , unobserved,
aiming the, ann.
Soon a ng his seat, the minister,
who was preac lug
. from Daniel, v. 25, re
peated in a loud come the words of his text,
"Nene, 'nerve, tekel upharsin," upir which
the old farmer sprang to his feet, seized the
affrighted girl by the arm, awl hurried her
mit of the unman house. Hir:ing reached
the ehurdoard hu gave vent tv his feelings
in these words :
"I knows dare vas something wrong, and
I sehwitre to 'em."
"Why, father, what do you mean?" re
plied the bewikeered and innocent girl.
"Didn't I," shouted the old mnn, striking
his fiststogether and stamping with his foot,
"didn't I heard. parson call out to you,
'Minnie, Minnie, tickle de parson?"
A few nights since, toys a Washington,
D. C., paper, au army ofticea, under the
rank of captain, vas standing in fiont of
oue of our city hotel., deeply meditating
on something only known to himself, whon
he was addressed by a colored individual,
who asked him it' that was Captain C.
Upon the captain answering in the affirma
tive, ho was informed by the gentleman of
color that there was a psison in the r.hape
of a female, who wi-hed to ace him at the
corner above.
Now we will may here, that the brave cap.
tain had ken struck somewhere in the
region of the.heart with an arrow from Cu
pid's bow, and that he had fixed that very
night to ask that same question which so
many have asked, viz : "Will you have
me?" But still be was ready for bottle ro
mance it' it mum it) this way. lie acord
ingly followed the dark individual to the
corner above, and there s►w a lady deeply
veiled, so that not a particle of her face
could be seen.
When he came up she asked him to fol
low her, and led the way to a public square
where she informed him that if ho would
be willing to be blindfblded and led some
little distance, he would meet the lady he
intended to propose to that night, and
furthermore, a minister would be iu attend
ance, ready to pronounce them one and in
separable. Now the captain had fispd him
self all up for the oeca-ion, so there was no
difficulty in his dress or looks, though he
did not like the blindfidding part ; but he
finally consented, and a dainty little hand
kerchief way placed over his eyes, sweetly
scented and worked all over.
His thir pilot then took his arm mid es
corted hitu around corners, and filially stop
ped at a nest little house; rang a bell ; and
the next minute the captain was in the
pmence of a lar g e company there assem
bled, he thought tone the wedding. When
the handkerchief was removed from his
eyes, he found himself the centre of all
eyes. At one end of the room (which we
wiil state here was a elereytnan's house) was
a minister already to do his part of the sr
rangemeut. In a few moments the door
was ewne.l. and in came the pride elect,
all ilre-ed for the ormion, but with a
heavy iirt.k on, which she informed the cap
tain would be removed as soon as he had
promised to "love, honor, and keep her
for better or worse."
They stood up, t h e captain all anxiety,
and the mitiister tommcneed. The captain
male hit rows, and when the Indy was
about to do the same, she removed her
mask and said to the astonished an 1 morti
lid groom, "John, I could not let you have
another wife while I was living." The cap
tain n. 4, looked down, and who should it be
but his wife, who he thought was out We
aud not dreaming that she was near; hut
she having heard of the attention lie ha I
been paying the lady in question, had come
or. and arranged the plan which was carried
out. In another moment in rushed a curly
headed little boy, crying "Papa, papa."
The cal:Laiu, who had conic w, near doing
smiething bad, th.ding he could not pet out
of the scrape, gave in, and started away
with ItiN lawful wife and little one ; but be
fore doing to, he 'vied to FIC the fair, con
ductor who brought him to the house, and
von can imagine his amazement when the
lady stepped up, and he thund it to be the
very lady to whom he had intended to pop
the question that night. The curtain drop
ped here, and the last we saw of the cap
tain he was stepping into a carriage with
his wife and child.
Moral—Gentlemen, never try to marry a
second time until you are certain your first
wife is gone.
THE WOMEN ALL MOUT. —The Nashville
fidon and Dispatch relates the following
incident, which demonstrates that Southern
women are not only all right, but ready to
work :
"An incident occurred recently at the
Greenbrier W hite Sul pher Spring=,Virgin
ia, that illustrates the independent spirit of
the Southern won►en. The head steward
belonging to the immense hotel of the
Springs dressed himself from top to toe
and presented himself in the ball-room to
dance with the numerous guests there as
sembled. The proprietor immediately or
dered him out, and demanded what such
conduct meant. The negro replied that it
meant equality, and if he were not received
Into the ball-room, he and every other ser-
N ant in the establishtne►.t Would leave. The
Idy visitors heard the circumstances, called
on the proprietor and told him to dismiss
E very # .;ervant in the house promptly, and
they weal!' serve in their places until he
cou ld proc ive others. lie did so, and the
ladies from every port of the South sojourn
ing at this justly popular watering-place,
went into the kitcl►en, chambers, lomidery,
dining -roots, &c., and filled with perfect
satisfaction every position until the pro
prietor went to Charlottsvillo and procured
other servants. These are unblemished
VW An exchange says : A young fellow
w . nose better-balf had Just presented him
with a pair of twins, attended church on
Sunday. During the discourse the elerg7-
man looked right at our friend, and said in
a tone of thrilling eloquence:
"Young man, you have an important re•
sponsibility thrust upon you."
The newly fledged dad supposing the
preacher alluded to his peculiar home event,
considerably startled the audience by e: •
claiming :
"Yee, I have two on 'ern,"
A firlde.ta the Wrens Hod.
A newly married pair put up at the'Speneer
House—they went out shopping—re turned—
bride had left some things—she slipped out
—round her lust articles—returned—mistook
Main street for Broadway—got ,into the
Madison for the Spencer—it looked a little
strange—asked a boy if she was in the Speri
mr—boy said yes, not fully understanding
her—she told him to lead her to 48—she
partly disrobed and got into bed—expecting
husband momentary—fell asleep. The oc
cupant of 48 Jladiron, en Indiana merchant,
returned from the theatre a little tight—
quietly went to the room—to bed—to sleep.
!low long the two reposed there ride by
side, with only a foot space between them,
unconscious of each other's presence, is not
exactly known, but probably about an hour,
when a tremendous noise was herd in the
apartment, from which female screams issued
wildly, piercingly and certslestly.
The hotel was in an uproar, proprietors,
clerks, waiters, porters arid guests, dressed
and half dressed, were at the door 48 in a
minute, blocking up the entrance, and ask
ing each other eagerly, "What is the matter?
For God's sake tell us what is the trouble ?"
The C 41140 of this outcry may be in►agined.
The grido had awakened about midnight,
and putting her arm over her husband, it
fell upon the Indianian's face, and the soft
warm touch aroused hint at once. He did
not dislike it—in a moment Mrs. It. said :
"My dearest husband, where have you been
all this time?"
. 11 u 4band 1" echoed the merchant, begin
ning w see, like Lord Tinsel, that he had
made a staid wistake here, "I'm nobody's
hitsbniel; I recoil dear madam, your in the
wrong bed."
In the wrong bed— horror of horrors,
thought the young brde. %%lat would her
lord—what would the curious world say?—
And Mrs. R. screamed terribly and sprung
front the couch just as her companion done
done the same. Ile was fully as much
alarmed as she, and entreated her to give
him time and he would leave the apartment,
although it was the one he'd engaged—he'd
make oath to that.
Scream. scream, was her only reply to his
kindly proposition.
"3ly God, madam. don't yell so ! You'll
wake the house. Be recsotkable ; I swear
it's only a mistake. !lave some thought of
the consequence, I don't won't to hurt you ;
I swear I don't. You will get me shot, and
J;►st at this juncture, the crowd outgide
presented iteell at the door and behold Mra.
IL cowering in one corner exercising her
lungs magnificently, with a sheet wrapped
over her form and head, and the Indinuaian
in the middle of the room enveloped in a
coverlet, and ejaculating, "My God, madam,
don't !"
The junior proprietor, Dr. (ashill, tem
there must be son►e mistake, and rtqueseng
the other to retire, called the werchant, went
into another room, nod there learned the
whole story. Tile doctor then sent one of
the ladies to Mrs. ',lt., an I the entire afrair
was explained greatly to hn relief, though
she was overwltelund with confusion at a
circumstance that might have ruined her
reputation forever.
Under the escort of the doctor, she was
eonveyed to the "Spencer," where the tow
band was found pacing the corridors, with
frantic mien, and halt' crazed grief at the
disappearance of his wife, whom he believed
had been spirited away by a villain, or mur
dered for her jewels, in this "infernal city,"
where, us he expressed himself, they would
kill a man for a dollar.
As soon as the spouse ow, he caught her
to his bosom, and wept like a child. He
was melted with happiness at her discovery,
and told her he had searched thut city for
intelligence of her whereabouts.—Cinein
sari Enquirer.
An Incident In a nurse Car.
The horse ear is the witness of varied
life and incident, which aro often not only
interesting, but worthy the compliment of a
little priuter's ink. An incident occurred
on Saturday of last week, while a car was
on Tremont street, which is deserving of a
paragraph. A lady passenger discovered
that her pocket had been picked of its
portmonnio and contents including a gene
rous supply of cash for shopping and 801110
other little possessions. On learning this
disagreeable fact she said, with commenda
ble emphasis, "Mr. Conductor, I have had
my pocket picked since I entered this car,
and as no one has got out the thief must
now be here. I want you to call a police
man at once and secure my property." The
conductor, in a low, drawling tone,—"l
guess, mum, none of the passengers have
got it—you might have dropped it in the
street—such things are very common—
'twouldn't be any use to call the police.
These passengers all look honest, and they'd
wake a tremendous fuse if I shut 'em up,"
The lady, "But I insist upon it—the thief
is in this very car—l have had my port
monnie in my hand since I entered it. I
insist that the police be called. It is my
right and I demand IL" At this point a
short lady with a keen, jumping eye, and
with s brisk movement, almost leaped from
her seat, and said very sharply, "I declare
it is really too bail that the conductor will
not call dm pollee. If there is no gentle
man in the car man enough to do as the
lady wishes, then I will." She thereupon
made a rapid exit from the car and shot
down Winter curet like an arrow. She wits
the pickpodert !—Amtlon
t A little girl hearing the remark.
that all people had once been children, art
leasly inquired : "Who took care of the
nun WeWand the Tom-Cate.
Here is one of Mark Twain's good sta 433 .
Ito knows how to snake the . reader laugh,
and if the following does not provoke a
smile, It is because there is no mirth in man
kind during the hot weather:
I knew by the sympathetic glow upon hid
bald head—l knew by the thoughtful look
upon his face—l knew by the emotion flush
upon the strawberry point of the old free
liver's nose, that Simon Wheeler's memory
was busy with the olden time. And so I
prepared to leave, because all there were
symptoms of a reminiscence—sighs that he
was going to be delivered of another of his
tiresome personal experience—but 1 was too
slow; ho got the start of me. As near as I
can recollect, the infliction was couched in
the following language :
"We were all boys then, and didn't hare
no troubles, and didn't worry about nothing
only how to shirk school and keep up a re
vivin' state of devilment all the time. This
yar Jim Wolf I was a talking about, was
the 'prentice, and he was the best hearted
feller, he was, and the most forgiven' and
unselfish I ever see—well, there couldn't be
a more bullier boy than what he was, take
him how you would; and sorry enough I
was when I saw him for the last time.
"Me and Henry was always pestering him
and plastering host-bills on his back and
putting bumble bees in his bed, awl so on,
and sometimes we'd crowd in and bunk with
him notwithstanding his growling, and then
we'd let on to get mad and fight across him,
so as to keep hint stirred up like. Ile was
nineteen, ho was, and long and lank, and
bashful, and we were fifteen and sixteen and
tolerably lazy arid worthless.
"So, that night you know, that my sister
Mary gave the candy-pullin,' tha started us
off to bed early, so as the comp'ny could
cave full swing, and we run in ou Jim to
have some fun.
"Our window looked onto the roof of the
en, and about ten o'clock a couple of old
tom cats got to rehire and chargiu' around
on it and earryite on like sin. There was
four inches of snow on the roof, and it wav
frozen so that there was a right smart crust
of ice on it and the moon u.Lishininst !might.
:1.11 we could :et: them eats like daylight.—
First, they'd stand off and e-yow-yow-yow,
just the same as if they was a cussin one
another. you know, and bow up their backs
and push up their tails, and swell around
and spit, and then all of a sudden the gray
eat he'd snatch a handful' of fur out of the
yaller cat's ham, and spin her around, likea
button on a barn door. But the yaller eat
was game, and he'd come in and clinch, and
the way they'd gouge, and bite, and howl,
and they'd make the fur fly was powerful.
"Well, Jim he got disgusted with the
row, and 'lowed he'd climb out and shake
them off'n that roof. Ile hadn't really no
notion of doing it, likely, but we ever
lastinly dogged him, and buliyragged
and allowed he'd always bragged how he
wouldn't take a dare, and so on, till Meek
he 'listed up the winder, and lo! and behold
you, he went—went exactly as be was—
nethiag on but a shirt and it was short.—
But you ought to have WO him! You
ought to see creepin' over the ice, and digin
his toe nails and finger nails in for to keep
from slippitt ; and above all, you ought to
see that shirt a fiappin'in the wind,and them
long, rediculous of his'n a gliatnin' in the
"Them comp'ny folks was down there
under the eves, the whole med. of 'ern
under that ornery shod of old dead V 1 ash%
ton Bower vines—all settin' around about
two dozen omen of hot candy, which they
had sot in the snow to cool. And they was
langhin' and (Ain' lively, but bless you.
they &diet know uothin a! out the panorama
that was going on over their heads. Well,
Jim he went asneakin and sncakin up, un
beknowns tn them tom-cats they was a
swishen their tails and yow-yowio' and
threatoniu to clinch, you know, and not , m
in' any attention—he went a sneakin' right
np to the comb of the roof, till he was in a
foot and a half of 'em, end then all of a sud
den he made a grab for the yeller cat! But
by gosh he missed fire and slipt his holt,
and his heels flew up and he flopped on his
back and shot off that roof like a dart—went
a stnrshin' and erashin' down through them
old rusty vines and landed right in the dead
centre of all them company people— sot
down like an yearth-quake in them two doz
en moors of red hot candy and let off a
howl that wan hark from the tomb! Them
girls—well they left, you know. They see
he warn't dressed for company and so they
left. All done in a second ; it was just one
little war-whoop, and a wish of their dresses,
and blame a wench of 'cm was iu sight any
"Jim he was a sight. He was covered
with that haul' hut molasses candy clean
down to his hcds and had more busted sas
sere hangite to him than if he was a injun
jrinces—and ho come a prancin' up stairs
ust a whoopin' and a cumin', and every
squirm he fetched ho dripped some can
y !
"And blistered ! Why bless your soul.
that poor critter couldn't reely set down
comfortably for as much as four weeks."
sir Everybody knows that a very high
decree of culture is insisted upon by the
Indies who are the head of our fashionable
female seminaries. An undergraduate of
one of' there institntions—we shall not pay
whether in New York or in Brooklyn—wa4
one evening in the parlor, when the conver
sation of a small circle turned upon the dra
ma. After mention had been meth and
criticism indulged in, so several of Slinks
pearo's plays, our young lady was %A w l
"Have you ever peen Booth ?" "Nu," wits
the reply. have seen Boothplayed, but
I have heard it veq highly !woken of. I
intend to hear it the very ifirat opportunity!"
She hail done what she could. This
Language was used by Jeans, to the peo
ple who were with him at one time, an •
he was enjoying the hospitalities of a man
named Simon, who Lived in the town of .
Bethani. A wontaeente in with a box of
ointment, or sweet pertinent, fiery costly,
worth foTte dollars. She broke the box
and poured :he ointment on Hia head. She
had this costly perfume, and she was willing'
to use it for this purpose. It was all she
could do. The people around were indig
nant at what they thought. to bet foolish
uct, or a waste. The motive however; of
the woman was pure. She loved Jesmi
and was willing to show her regard by this
act. Hence, she done what she could. She`
brought the best she had, without reference'
to cost. Selfishness was a stranger to her'
bosom. And this act showed abe wanted
to do all she could to add to other's comfort
and make them happy. My dear young.
friends, how much more pleasant would be
lire's pathway if all would let upon' this
principle. Throw selfishness aside,,and do
all the good you can to others. Idaho hot,
a happy spot by this course: Yield
own feelings and wishes to the comfort and
happiness of father, mother, brothers, and
sisters, in a word all in the house. Then at
school, or in your daily occupations seek to
do others good, and thus make themhappy.
If you were to do this bow much more
pleasant would life's pathway be, how many
wore the smiles, and fewer the tears. Al
ways be ready to speak a kind word, to give
of your moans to relieve the wants of others.
Whet you do may seem little to you, but to
others it may be great. This little box of
ointment the woman gave in the sight of
Jesus was great, although to the multitude
a waste. •
Do all the good you can. Tho whole of
life is made up of little things:
Lillie drops of W %ter. little ermine of sand
Maim thn mighty wean, and the beauteous land
Little deeds ,d hinders', hale word, of Ines,
Naito our earth an Eden, lam the heaven above.
Ella L., was a little girl. She wanted td
do all the good she could. She was always
pleasant at home, tried to make every one
happy around her. Always had a smile
and kind word for every one. Often this ,
cost her an effort. This, however, bmugh
with it happiness to both herself and others,
as such a course does. She gathered a lot
of children around her wherever she twit.
At length she formed a class of little ones,
younger than herself, and taught them to
read and sine, and thus became a little mis
sionary. She was fourteen years of age, and
gathered a like number into her class. Who
is now teaching them, and they all lovo her.
Oh ! how much good is she doing.
Try to set a good example to others, and
whenever you can, aid them, no matter who
they are, or what their condition may be.
Itementl,er Jesus loved you and did all he
could do for you. Ile died to me you. He
asks you to do all you can fur him in deeds
of mercy and of lore. Above all he asks
your heart, as well as eLrvice. Will you
give it hint ?
Asmcnews: ot• OLn TISIES.—More than
fifteen years ago, the Supreme Court of
Massachusetts commenced its sessions, early
in autumn, in Lenox, Berkshire County ;
thence, the arrangements were, to hold
sessions in all the Counties eastward, ter
minating at Nanteclot and Duke County,
embracing all of Massachusetts proper.-.
This was called "the Fall Circuit." In the
succeeding spring, the circuit of theDistriet
of Maine was held, thus completing the
Circuit of the year.
At this early period, the Into Judge P—,
one of the Court, invariably traveled on
horseback. On one occasion, preparatory'
to meeting of the Court at Lenox, Judge
P—, jogging along, not knowing exactly
the localities of Berkshire County, fell in
with a buxom New England girl, on horse
back, and inquired of her if she knew
where ho should turn off the main road to
get to Lenox.
"Certainly," said she. "I know every
inch of the way, and can guide you."
"Well, said Jude I'—, who was not a
little eccentric, an d withal somewhat re
nowned for his grldriiese and (mum man
ners, if you are going that way, I will e'en
jog on with you, for poor company is better
than none."
They did jog on, entered into conversation
and had a pleasant time!' it, which had the
effect to destroy the consciousness of distanoc.
At length the judge felt that It was 61313
to have arrived at the point where she said
he must turn off, which at the time of
his inquiry, she stated to be about two
tu des.
"Madam," said he, have we got near the
place I am to turn o ff r.
"La, yes," said she, "we passed it about
a mile and a half back."
"You hussy," said the judge, "why didn't
yeti tell me ?"
"La, sir, the reason I didn't, was that I
thought with you, that poor company teas
bcitcr than none."
Atrzric FACLTB. —Homes are more of
ten darkened by the continual recurrence of'
small 'suite, than by the Aetnal presence
of any decided vice These are appii ,
reedy of Very diminular magnitude : yet it
is easier to grapple with the one than the
other. The eastern traveller can com bi ne
his force and hunt down the tiger that
prowls upon his path ; but he caa scarcely
escape the mosquitoes that infest the air he
breathes, or the fleas that swarm the earth
he treads. The drunkarl has been kn own
to denounce his darling vice; th, sl ave , dress
and extravaanoe, her 'setting iris; but
the waspish tempor, th,3 irritating toue,
rude, dogm 'tic manners, an I the hendrod,
nanulois neglig.enees lint the heniity
of association, - have rarely done other than
proceed till the action of disgust and grad
ual alienation had turned all ihe currents of
af f ection timtu their course, leaving nothing
but a barren track, over whieh the quirt
skeleton of oompssiotiotii,p silks goof
NO. 33: