•••••4 Himal EV swarm: ; ree hag Sews. Every farmer is aware of the great liabili ty to loss in getting a litter of pigs through the first two weeks of their lira. The sow not unfrequently devouros them as soon as dropped, or if not, they aro more or less liable to be killed by the mother lying down, before the little grunters have acquired sense or strength enough to avoid the dam ger. The .1 1 , , rirtfitural Review gives some sensible advice in regard to the management of breeders, from which we extract the l'oh lowing; suggesting farther Oat the litter should, after two or three weeks, be allowed considerable out of dour liberty. It does them good to frolic on the grass and learn to stick their little shoe hummers in the ground.—Ger. "The food of the sow should be varied and moderately salt ; abundant• enough to keep them thriving, yet not sufficieut to fat ten. It is well to give than churoial once. and a trifle of sulphur. The slopq of the house are good feed. All this wink to keep the appetite in u healthy state and to destroy the tenancy of the swine to de vour their young. They should not ba closely confined—a small yard at least should be attached to their sleeping pens for them to go into at will. Change or quarter. eq. rectally when near the time of g . tviott birth to their young is apt to work Injury. and should be carefully made it' nevess.» y. 'They libould he supplied with a great abuinlance of straw or other suitable bedding, and al lowed to work it down si,mi what flue all Clltul,avt, and into a lied of Nil own Rim. in 'winter time it re q uir e ., a warm per, and nasals bedding and care to lake the young Ogs. It' poles are mound t h e sides or the 'pen high enough from the floor to give room tor the pigs underneath, it will Irequcntly =save them from being lain on and killed, ns the sow cannot pre,, close t nough to the wall to injure them, and r he is not o apt to kill them in other po,dtions as in this one. During the first week in the ng,i (Write pigs the mother should he disturbed as little as possible. Especially strangers should not approaeh her. Give her warm drink, and but a small quantity of foed. is she is doing will and is quiet, and takes care of :her young, let well enough alone. After a week's time von can feed more, and when the pigs lie gm to come to the trough and eat, yon have ample space kr all the spare meal and buttermilk your premi,.e. afford." Tenants or rams. We hare seen lately in our agrieultmal exchanges several communications on the subject of fermi tenants, all going to show how cautious proprietors should he in leasing 'their lands, &e., and generally complaining of the conduct of tenants. Now we do not 'think that all the wrong is on the side of tenants. We know that a large majority of them skin the land of everything t h e °y can get of it, leaving it in a far worse condition than when it came into their hands. Let is the proprietor not in soul.. measure —in a great measure—responsible fa. this? If he would adopt the true system in leasing hip flatus he would be able to obtain good ten ants; but if he will continue to restrict hi tenants to yror it , 1•0.4, be must expect ther e : , to pursue this very cour.e. If he will Ave the tenant a lease of faun five to fifteen years, the pr.,ptioter can tirnl good people to take thorn at higher route. and such being the ewe he can impose such condition , : as will not only maintain the land in a state of good cultivation, but will be sure suceesss to the tenant, A system f long !ones is the only system that will work to the benefit of both parties. It will then Le the interest of the tenant tr keep the land in good health and the fences, the buildings, and the premises generally in good repair. No farmer but one: wilfully blind council but see that the annual system leaAoi must result in the deteeioration of his brop erty. We have seldom known it to he in cruise. The sooner, therefore, all this is changed the better it will be t r ail e mccem ed,—&cinntatoirot Te F, .70 • Bleaching. Clothes. We copy the following from the Ircwkiny 1, 0101 ,p ..--"Those who lire in eitie+ or lo calities where they have no grass-plut are sometimes much exercised ns to the possibil ity of min bleaching their white clothes.— As it is the freshy,t, whitest, and least in jurious method of bleaching, let me tell you how to accomplidi it under such disadvan tageous eircumbtances. Thoroughly rot your articles in cold water. Then rub on soap until it makes the Ftrougevt, kind of suds. nave no more than just to cover the pieces, and spread them out on a clean, smooth board in the sum When dry, souse them into tie suds again and spread out fora couple of days, or until tl u stains lire out • Then rinse in clear water and wash in the usual way. Your clothes will look white and smell fresh." SAVING Cullum . ..Q.—Select a dry part of the garden—dig trenches of sufficient depth to receive the root mid stocks up to the head—into these trenches transplant the cabbage, heads up of course, fill in the dirt carefully about them up to the heads, plant four short posts, two of thorn being shorter than the others to giro a pitch to the root, nail shingling lath, or strips of old hoard from one post to the other, and another board halt way up, lay upon this a number of bean poles, and upon these throw straw, cornfoddcr or bean-hauls, protecting also the aides, and your cabbage will keep in good cond;tion until May. Where there is a fence, only two peas will be necessary, that Loing employed as the apex of the cover or rod FIRST HORNED CATTLE IN AMERICA.- The first horned cattle brought to America from Europe, were imported by Columbus, in his second voyage in the year 1493, con sisting of a bull and several cows. The Portuguese took cattle to Needham/land and Nova Scotia in the year 1563. In 1604 L'Esearbot, a French Lawyer, took cattle to Acadia, the same year that country was settled. The , first cattle introduced into Virginia was previous to 1609. In 1520 Sir Ralph Lane imported cows into that colony from the West Indies. In 1611 Sir Thom. as Oates brought into the same settle- Silent one hundred cows, besides other horn ed cattle. n ~~ i ATTORNEY AT LAW. 01Re* In DEMOCRAT AND STAR. INll4ls, In EIHIVE'S BLOCK; Much b. 'B7. 61.00651jR0 CHAS. O. BARKLAY, Atiorney nt Law, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA, Mare in the eXthango won, rimy, over Stolnter k Co . n. Store, lbteoad deer above the lA. change lintel. libgitnihurg, April 17, 1n67, M. M. TRAUGLI, vim° IV E AW, BLOOMSBIRG, itilirttre lo Oa several Colitis of Columbia am; wli.iimoa (mongols. IL, All Collortmos promptly attended to. Jima IV. WM/ IHt. J. EVA NS• Physician and Surgeo9, AVING located portnanninly on Main a a Sireeii HLOOMNBIIIiG, Pic, *unlit in form the pulthe 'enmity . mat he topeoprore4 In ot ten,t to all fruoioeos nothfutly and prthethorly Nast oily ier ith rooted to /UN CM. 00 thews coottoethth rote with the timed, It 7" Ile letle ' , Wet attention to Sugory us well Sr modiethe, Nov.zs, 1 e03.-IY. NUNCY HOTEL, t NCI?, I,yronsisig Comity, Pa. N. ITUDSJN, Proprietor. 1 1 / 4 ,,v..4441441 44, 1:4414 100,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF FENCING: WARDS FOR eale•. The nrate Maned oiler• for Hale Hann the toast r•ve~euanle Innun. at his place or husitiesa. in itElip Col.t , COUNT y, rt.,e hundred than nand :liteple ft and a I t lot CI fencing boards. of the very hest nnaltty, both pine and twitilovic kleithAlLY. 11 , qtion, y 9, D , 64, V(1 L L 1) I(4 la i N The 11114e/flOll/n1 give* inn Irn to the pahlk!tenor• nlly taut he iv n practical W NM. UItHIEtt, and io to did welt* MI *amt lank*. npnn tIl count knoonnnie Itllll4. lle /Inn lind In hi. 1011$ expert nnce in the siukinc,i rcntatkatile *acne** Tltnon n.liing anything nlnin In inn fine Wutad 4u to give him it trial. WILLIAM ROGERS. Bloomnbarg Jinn., IL Inn:. 0 . C. KA II H, Counselor and Allorney al Law, BLOOM3BUFG, Pa. ti wold at:hot/nee to hi 4 am' the putdie in 0 - '1.t4;1 1 . that he hag rerouted the Pructire or Law again. Cott% 411.0.1.0114 tud Alt termt bAtitttotti promptly attended to, ( E 'P. in the Exchange Railding, second story, at or Eyor & Motor's Wog g 1 .40r0. Ilinomosig, May I, lOC, EVERY With Ott I!OTTAGE 1113$8 and the printing material as , ~,,,,ps s , nig it,every WWI 1"1111 ilti hill fIWII iltillinto testily, MAN Wil'illY all./ elleiiply, 'Elwyn's 01).10110c ill ri , llolirtitt ton that t% bov It lil'iln, 11111 rain Illlillay manage the tinges( mtge. 11 3 Piton 4 instructions are sent with each office, enabling the pottloo4 to go sty% ork with plot II provvots kno , 01+ dyte 0 MI/ ptlntinit A ttrotior c‘ovinto mot toll dere:44lon, prte ,, s, teolionutnatil. ate . rent Otte to no. con , svrim..n sto,t/ pp INTEp or 'I AMS r t..esc., / A htso co 26 Ann Street, li=6" I.IIV YORK. G E. SAVAG tactical Watchm ker and Jewel, r. MAIN STREET„ (near tin Court House,) IlLOOMS111:11G, PA. resp.tailtly rm ballot a 11110 B.6 4 l , ftliWiti. of A tiltlirtitl MIA SH 1“ , Vl'4o l lWPo.llo..k.i, Jt city, t.IIVetWUPO 41141 part erttivir siltentimi wild to thr rejeibritil W,100,4 awl Jeri Pity. Mit.imic ,Darks Made 01 orf or, ,kti I%w k War ttl"oton6ott.4. Apia 17 0.167, N XIV BASS alt 0107., toutenittned rrapectfully automates that ho has forillioll a stop, 0,0 ticinr below Morotso bras th the Ex. - bailee Mach ahem he to arqt!rtol the 'lathering ill UV SR iit12101....A. ry^ue art of 4 , 4ortah whiskers and ataitstarhoo is Ito:tow-oil by that moot okillthily. Ile also deans clothing, tottottyt th e m look nearly as sotola a, , w, epos trot,l r , :t.amble temus. I;tvt , ?wit a trial Ilatt he very host tSVOity. 4,0 , 4 fo, ckaoiag hair, kept 11/11,i, on hanJ. and 1., S. U OLLINS. AltrlSl. IM, V 417 JXCIIAN( 1 h OTEL, tjA..15144 CRC, COLUMN! A ent ',Nti Y. Ph The llllller , diteed having purrbar.44 and lately re. ultra this well nan 11011 , 40. sitllsted on MAIN ST.. 0P9 ,,, 114 , tha Calm llama., ruaprrllulty find Ihv I.llllhe pellelellY. that WA !hots.. Is HOW SO order (o the IsccoOtriotaletissi and eiderlf/ju0.,10. th. Ituer ounred no nano" in preptitina the Exchrinee r or the eete t tei MONO( and roillfOtt of hi. rileo , till His Hawn i 8 wpficiouh. and cohi),liu good bomot , 4 'ocu• non tt 4 El 4 run nt att time betwnen thto. Holton 1,.1 the ditTer,nt rut Iriohl w - hiuh trave , ero wall lie cony d t nun 110114 the reepeeuve Shia Jug it, tine IMe yr must the Vac April lA. 11.17 sIOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPEIIT, Announces to his ninny friends told I ~,dere, thin he eoitliiiiiof the shove hasittet, at his oldphot uf business uh Alst IN brttliErr, iILOGNISt hftl. Ilia cuek + ~uera anti others cast Mr aceolorriud tied WWI FANCY STOVES .• . armit,,,,,,,stovt•piptto,Tillu are, and avert' rosind rn alt well repented STOVntir. AND TINWARE IslAl3.teu M ENTER in Ilte and Ort !tin ranrt renooriabie tcrolo. tr - 7 4, sl' n rrl Oas hop matt and U limn, will bri put op on short Polite. Also, nil kinds repsarisr dime promptly and upon titters, Patina. Ila Pis s keeps an hand a larite na ply o' Milk Paps. of ittirerint sixes and pricon ; Sap a.. Witt merit 10 1%01(0 . '1. l'otssa stalialksslipg Film rte. owrving Cutts. CiiVe WIN a call. July In, Inikl.-0". H. ILO ER, has opened a first class POOT.PIIOE, HAT ANTI CAP STORE at the old stand on Main Street, ftlentwtherg. His stork is composed of the very latest and twat steles ever off,reit to the citizens or Cetwelee County. Ile ran ittrislolllo , lldo the public wills the following snots and at 6 , 11 p pfiCPS: Alto Cit roll boots, fine, 1T1031.$ kip, double sole, Roy,' t boils, Men's glove kid, Hoosiers, *c, Men's glove kid Vol u med shoes, Mews, woonin's boys', and tei,ees. tflovp kid lasting gullets. Woolen's globe kids, very fine Wonten's fine goat inrimero bannerols, Woolen's metre morocco and calf shoes. rommon shoot., Misses'.lll child's alines, Men's, witnion‘., nurse.', boys', and chitty slippers. He also keeps a great variety of H %TS, CAP,, AND STRAW GOODS of every knot, it the lowest price., both for cash end eons. 'Y produce, Itilltelhber the attraction is in nur goods. Don't be alernied at the Cry of high prim, * but rail and are fur yourselves. Respectfully, Sept. 4. 11. C. HOWES. Mt Wm. C. swan., nen. w. canreN•iee. rmtabliehed 1828. G. W. C4UPENTER, BEM ZE V O, CO. O , IIOLESALK IMUCWISIe, 737 limier sr. one done below sib. Psitakinsiomik. DRUCK MEDICINES. CIIEWICA PA !NM OILK.OI.Arbi. SAIOIIOIII4 DYER, Awl every other nit icle npprtilUUins to the buninnor, itir tow quality, yid la ow lowest Muted kW% March VA. ISOG. I WILL, GO /V TO BUT NT (MOS. WASHING MACHINE. It ill 10 1 1 0 ,11/1 801111111114 Mk, bull to elvenye the ebony* ; ' *het, 11K Ihe Mine geten plueeere le tattoo in intriinteini In Vini ;Wilk DoTro CIAYEHES WASHER whirls le rapidly heratmnr pnpalnr and with this Machine the hard work of *oohing is militated to a enNt( 0 1141)10 and pleasant teak. the clothes 1411 Owed to hot stoic and what tn. Whlle thus Pd And tit., Wain ettartned. the Strieltion i. Operil#o , l Rs seen rhoye, the wort( Is speedily. stools and easily done, and that tau ViithOin tsarina end 14111 001 the tiothes, whirrs to a afoot extent is the cense under the old fashioned rubbing presets With a ITNIVEIisAL C, °TIMES WRINGER tho whoto %Imo of woohitto is but u t , tit W lilt OW former MIMs of a I Ntl ANU ,MAKING, 311,1 twi.ting Rea wrieritie *l'he dirt 1 0 eo dierodved tv the MN RVUt Met hat btOa compooottrpo io otece•oery to espel st. Itio family in the Comity sbiedd he witheet POT C LOT lIES WASIIER Priccor of thcke Vac Who. range as retinive: "'amity Waph.r. • • • • . git flow! Sm. • • • ... • . • . rfttoly *lto, ,NO.l Wringer, if 50 tut. Nn. fs. • • . . .... . . • to 1401,t hsr fl. B. BULL. Merit. March 17 Berwick. P 4 A NEW SI'C)CK OF (;oollS, THE HARDWARE TILIDE C W. SNYDER, if oomsniunG, PA., anal Wing or every found in n fret class Hardware Shim. among which ate the following: IRON, NAILS. and WITEI , %V Autry SPRINGS and AXLES, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS, GRAIN And OR %SA SVTIlErit, and IaYTHE tog %MS, GRAIN CR A RAKES, kc„ KIRBY'S COMBINED lIPAPER & MOWER, HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED PATET !LW lOLDER. AND THE IMPROVED ERB Y SEEDER. ;N . • ....ra 1.1% CIL P01.1:1/1 at Whakcill and GIVE lIIM A CALL. lonnoAurg, hum 10. rhilittitiphia Erie flail Road, $V 0111 lat I Ri TAD!. E. TilittirMl ATM mucr 111;TWIIEN PHILADELPIIIA, 111 ttCNtl, WII.I4AMSVOUT. ♦ Np 1111 C ELEGANT SLEEPING CAIRN fen and after MO ND AY. I.9th, 180. (1w Trains tin ttw iltitadOptlia st. nr/II ((tail /03J w 11 run a* f"lDisii RAIL TRAIN( leaveA PlPWlelphln 7Onp. at " .. !...' alltatulaqtaald 1 ala, at. naive at Erie 4 tar, p, at, I:Rttt EX Mt ESA loaves I'S ilvetar ph is 11, al ~,,,,,, t• .. •,* pit,rtithena ,, ilaal ii 44 p W. .. .. arm , : at Veto ft 4.3 a, ett, 1:01111,1, MAII, 1.-ayes rininselpftia $ tat a in ~ .• ~,, lt,itteittattat-rtand 4 'it..) p. to . ~ arm.. m Lark Haven 743 p. M. BUFFALO BAP, fritVll.l !JIM more 10 110 p. In '• Nat Oimaheriaml 8.03 a. m . ... arriv..s, Lark Haven ii SP a: in . LASTWABO. MAIL TRAIS leaks Etiq 14 V 5 a m NmtlitglettoMMlM I 50 M arrivf. at I.ll,l4.lelphin ERIE EXPSEt4S Erie • •• plortrpipalwrlaad b WI a. to arrive at U p. ELMIILA MAIL Ituovea Lock !ha l m 7 Is a , at: Nottbumberhaid to 19 g, m arrive at Philadelphia 5 411 p. lIAV ACC. leaves Lock Haven ISh p in, Narthandwrlands 10 p. in. tlffiVo at Philadelphia l 2 Su p. in Mail and Exprel.o connect With nil li•Af Hi on WA ft Pi EN at FHA VI( Li 51 tt All. tV AV . Paapeagera leaving Philadelphia at VI nil 51. arrive niltvinetun at ti 46 a, in..andtailthyanQ shn in. Leaving Philadelphia at 7 30 P, 51., , arrive nt Oil City at 4 p. in, ,411trainn nn Wattrett & :IF make dome romatrtiont at, tell City wnA trnUne ire rciPlk • lin find I . ol4.l"itit Vt•Oktf CiiE43l4l) l'tlltntfCll. A. L TYLER, tinheral Bap' t Etta. July IL oil Joint P, c.inow 628. HOOP SKIRTS, 628, IV SPRING STYLES, 1.11 41'11 OWN .~JAKE. " Etflbriltitlf every New 41 , 4 tksir ible size. 'lyre nod rh.spo of Plain and Trail Hoop i 4 kirts,-1,1 1.4 et, 33.4, 33 1.4. 3 11:1 3 4, and 4 yards round every length and sue Waist: in every respect FIRST QUALITY, and especially attested In west the wants of First Uses 115555 tenet (asthenia& Trade. "Our Own Make," or ;loop Skirts. turn lighter. more elastic, more darnhis. nod Really Cheaper than any other mak, of either Stogie or fieutari Sprats Skirt in the Allieftedli 311trkta, '1 hey turn Worrnosted in every reigieot. sod whey ver barmiest...igloo ant versa; satisfaction They nro now heins extensively form by totthoirs, sod every lathy sheath try theta. Ask for "ROPKIN'S OWN MAKE," and one that earn Skirt is Stamped • W. T. llopkin'o Munurardater, tort) Arch Street. noladelphia." No *Vitro are tlenuinr, . A Catalogue toottuniog Size and Retail Price*, soot to soy oddre , a. A Cud Awn and tiberat ammonia allowed to Outliers or. dere by mail or olloduige. promptly and rarnfolly Wholorale out Retail. at tintiottletory and dale rooms, No lids Aron Street, Philadelphia. tants food.. to order, altered and repaired. Terms. Net Cush One Prire Only blotch dtt, 117-l Unto, WM T. HOPKINS. ,t I ILLINERY AM) FANCY STORE. LIM Light Street*, Columbia Co. Srriati3l Would announce to the ciliates of I.lsht Street and or unity that she hos opened DIIIIInery & Fancy Moro, whleh she hes elothed with a terse wed s new 1 1 ,0 ftri Of MIIIIIIVFY U. Fancy Goods, frees thi, remora cities, hir she Spring and dimmer Made. flor .lark monists of ALL Airrimrs tnpind In drat 01444 tuillinary storen. MI gouda am the boot ono must butotoutou lotto) toar►ut. llONldelll mid. to nrder, awl rrpnlronliela,th With lieettletoos and clemprirds. All work etacUteel lei elm bell sa d man laity dinnlint, upon romonsonle terms, Particular nitration la paid to itrorr Inatina. She hag PA'rlfilltAlit of ovary dararipti , ia partallitill tin lead,. Oil laud and for male afloat,. Glyaj o i l irtnes 10 Warden 'sMoly by Miss OMR. April Mk hi. orlel thn InCIVETWAL CLIIYMEN WIIINGER 11113 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, AT 'nit: rim erotic: or GREAT OIL REGION or PCNYSVINANIA. 1)n 1.11 Night Trm too W ISM AR ft NEW JUCSTAUItANT, highlvien Wolof, Si, Main arum. WM. GIL.MORE, InfOrmy thy ettlylip Kaboblobby' nod virinity by bus up nitoi U FATAITIIIANT, to thia plate, where he loving' his aid (Fistula wait eitetiiseara to cell awl oarlike of hie refreehoortte- It to hie lutetium, to .eitti the beet LAGER IiE'ER AND ALE, coartanoty on howl Imo, ?prier, illarrapartllo. Ater oral Water, Yancey trenolastlai. ilarobarry NMI 1. n, co Vyropr Wally. lot bid at km *rota uroot. in tka rating Ira a at attesalt eta* or 'Awe not 1111131110•Pti lu lino p 1440. yit, Plakind oystnrr flaw. OutMoo' FM. flottode4ol Pock VI Trsoo and Hoff Tongue, kc, Mood I* a gum artitio of Mors turd Plowing Mown fbrhfr cootanters;',"" (live tam call. illuuntwhitto, /Imo 13. MAL , . G REAT BAlti .1 A INS AND Deduction In Privet., Thu owiderrigniql will Atror in Ihr Roblin GREAT PIAIiIiAMS In nil OWN of I.T.S onrcooLtatsauallo.23cs) 4 sudi no !Inv (mow. 41:EENdWAREL 11A110W.Utt2, Boots and Shot's, flats, Caps. and N„ tine. in evory (hit bi 1 ,410.4 rr ultlru nr.torJanuary, will lot eon. daete4 an a ottl,tiy C sil SYSTIN 1. .41 pgrowng wiohing gurgling. gnythlfig in our t," t" wiry tittitA retti'4lU4oo Olt CU rrelS I 111; la 0 I ena le Prices. All kindo, of o,o4.seomot grgin taken in =znhuaga . U.' . We Cordially Wine MM=I awl a ahate ttwlt pattaango. SMI al AN ratay.iaaa, January S. llNii. LUNIBEit ! 1,UN1111 , :lt ! ! would reqivrtriilly Ihriirin the public Ihui 'hey Imvu their PLANING MILL now in operniion With an ritniisii i ir iiiionriment of Lt a TZ , Liu 1.1.1. mot aro now pr o:trod to aopply nil :HOP: :d Mort 0014 , and nt itt o Nweid prim* for rash, l'heir no• ~altneso ai bother eott*lot d While fine Plank, lionr4lN, Flooring, Surf ee Board's Hemlock Plant.•, Landed rrnmti Josef, 40.1 ”It eteee Their Plantiw Nrli and twitther 4` ur , l if fititrito4 lit the Itutirreol very 01111001111'111 1 0 li4 01111411114 lit ober tiv ruorri, 1 Nlare 4o4ol,ll ff) , utmoolneturing !moiler of alt 114 1 1 1 10 ; 0 040 %Vim stelitee Washer of 00,try 14 - f 11.11411 willtb 4 , 411 tn,snnti4r, theft tiro k herure pure infitts el Few bore. They Sr.' 44010044mA and sot ineptly prepared to 1 1 011110 000411 ns the etie.iperst. The p 440 desir. In f Worm ihe until ir. and erlierially oh,,,pnrrlrnsrhstl.ol,44 . l.ll4o they have tint. Mill Irc i a tty 1 ,,par.1 1,, rut tauter• every Pilo 41111 tenant requit,d, fans., wirhrns to build or rootruttoto tor builsitisrl, raft nave homey. by riving rs*ri tail The suoleroisruert %mild Oslo nuncurree that they do all hood of Hirai mot of Machinery, soorh 40 V 1114,111112 Mnehiltef ,1144 stint all itssirk •ri *gni ulturirl implements, us on rearussia• hie term.. Adttr...4, 1% RYER, iy.•e`y. lowii.imtg, !..1, pt. N. I+t% lilmatpbara Pa READI.Nui IL111,1:0AD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.'; nnr.AT TRI".IIi I,lvn tsnomr T 111; and North West fi , r Phdadrinitta. New York, Read. Taw:l.on A.. 114 3 ,10, 4m5441. LOlllll4, !Atli. 1..ti03430.r. 4atatabl4, Tr.tao teat, Ifartio , barg for New York, as 001 0 w r ; At 3 tat, 10 and I , 35 A4l and tld and 9110 PM rolltirrl- 10 , 4 V. 4th 141144.4 TIMM. tvM 110, rron , ylv ma W.ll. runt and arriving:a New Vet* at SOU 111 10 A d and 4 01, 3 :dr anti 444 t 5 rn. E4lropt,l2 C/10, a,roo t o. t . ~yi r ,g the 3 tat A M acid 9MI e M. 'Pains r. it bout f•orriAti,,, , , tor Ileatilthl, 1 1, 410ve10, Teetv eaa, Adt'antl, Plt. llrnvn, Allemewe and Phitatirilelllit, at a 111 AAI and 4tt and 4 111 ^ta slttrptint ui t.riruarn aad urtnt, Ittal \Vat staltans t h e 3 to p a log volufwriimis for 1'11113.1.03104 10144 4 ttioathin tatty. For etntsr 11111, rchaylk 11 tt, , a turd Antrum, VIA tahaylkiil 4114.1 8v0ti11,11.111114 KAI! rter tt,lt•atte flartt‘ltara at 3 hi r n. Itetatuttut Leave New Vatic at AOa A, la, 14 M hart 3 110 met eW r etttlat'eloltitt al rt 13 M and 3 3 , 1 e way paettetta,e t rein leaves Phtladelplita at 7 30 A M. 101111111 U from 1114.-hot. at ti 311 r staltous ; rottsvoltt at e 45 AM. Ito 145 Pn ; Ash land It tit! and 11 3u AM. and 103 r, ; TittuaTid 0 1 945 A. al , And I 11l &PI 4.5 P. At. Leave, 4'014.V1114. fir 11+44.wittirgr via tie hut ha 11 itll.l Nwir,,,v) at 7 tal A a. Ttsttt ; Leave* Reading at 13a ANI (4111(fiiiii 01.01 PlaittOphi ;11 - 41 p • •thoull.v. itioltrwid ledve Ur,llllllg At ; MI A M 411$ It 13 V M rot ctilmlll4. Pitit,towtl AIT.+MM.011:411011 Tralti : 1.e.141e0 tnau :It ti AI A. M., felallfilig 14411,14de1i11114 at O 3u r. M. Colutobta Hail Road Traitor Oruro Ile*ding at 7 00 •. Ai •Und u IS r, lc fur Ephrata, Lltts, Luoraidett ton Sunday.: Lonvo New Pert. at P ai, Phita• dolphin r all A Al. and d 17; P 111 the pi up A di, min ' , ma m a oozy t.. 9..0.00g ; pottavillt: ft OU AAL Itar rts...tra 9 A Al, Nll , l 1:ea1i..,34 at Ita am. 7la A %1, for ttorrv.bord and It d." A M. tor New York gad 1114 P uptilatiott. Vide , fie, tgoadott :Adorn' god Neut. rims Ticket', Wand I rn of Its at ti , l'iKeti Ung{4,ls, tatttted tttt wugh; tit omnd* attowed *quit Patiato.Nr. It. A. Nir4ll,lA SUperllBlo,ll4ll ❑O m N.F.w Gomm! NEW (MODS ! ! Volt WALL mad it. W. BOWMAN'S 0 5 43Eittoca11) tMaz.nposk sk TUC ORANOZArtrofir, unilerrigoled hoN Jost reeetwett it very largo and 4`xepti.ot nssortpuenlof F`Ai,L AND WI NUR 600144, t% Nett he proposes to Nell ut very low ruler Ile iota the heat qoulities of CIMVIA, CA9:AIME:IMP, mveuNtl, LICOEIuf, V N 1;:f. Af GNI NOllif, II ECK A, Ate, &e The Grocery De pa el lutist is 61IeJ with li ft , hod qtuility ot Intim tuoret . O.o Cad pthvi.iimo, :orb wolootwo, Mow, POW, 11141, ham, tmeno, wee., &t. f rp country prfcluett CAP% in evlowitte for AoOdo. for whirl the big Iwo market priv , will he gfveu. Don't WI to give him a Call told *acorn great WOW*, orangevilia, Nov, tl4, 1866.-3 m MANUOOD Thor Lost, flow Restored. Just Published, a saw edisissi of ths, eIIINERWEI.L'S Celebrated toway on the rad. Ical cork (without Wed 'duo )orSpe rotator t hoom, Solo insl Wea&nera, Involuntary Sentinel Loeses, Impo• teney Mental 111141 rhymeal Incapacity. temediewnte to Marriage, etc. ;ewe lloneumption, Elpilepey, and rite induced by sett Indulgence or devout esteem*. Rance. itTr . " Price. in a smiled envelope, only d cents. The c debrated author in this udmirable mow clearly aentottatrateo, from a thirty yeast' *fleeces. ruf prettier, thin the Warming ermemptences or pelt. abuse may be radically cured without the dans et• our use ot . 'internal tunditine et the applimitum or the 111,46, —"POintilli Olt a mode of cure at once Mop plc certain, and ermine', by mean* of which ever: withiret, no MOM, Whitt hie conditiou tufty be, may cure Wilmer cheaply. privately. and radically. tup The News owed be to the hands of every youth tlollevery MOO to t h e 11111 d. dent, under O. en', 40 a plum envelope. to any ad. Mese poet .yaid, on receipt, ur six cents, or two post *WOO* .1,11 , 0 rose Ow publlihers. IfilA .J, ICONS & en, 127 flowery, Niei Yuri", rust "Jakob' a, WIS. Dia. 111, wok REMEDIAL, INSTITUTE. VOA *MLA UMW. N 0.14 Bond M t New York. Er ruin nformallon, with the Aitieet testlartalete pie& a Paoli on Alperlel Di 505455 In 5 oesled eisrehme relit free. ;13. I. lOW 01111 i and fin , laan, and p.s will boo ogre 11 : lar. ao narortlolno payola/aim arn gnaora:l, tal imorn. Wllhoul onforoneoo no wanton , *Maki ha send. Nankin I stamp 1 . 17 f pttstioLlMA dlinot In IL LAWIINNUN, Nu 14 DONN man, NNW oax. tiny. 14. lesi—iy.s. M. P. GROCER! EA, A !oil .nth, 1:•67 R. W. BOWMAN GREAT 1311'11,41V1.;31ENT IS SE II INf; 111Aell llyr s. Empire %Willie ! Wll+. 3:lei Broudw , lll. N. V., 4.511 /4•11111 /1.1 tl ere, 1 1 0.1.1. 4211 ,. . ‘1 . 1,,V11:11 prit. T wo MAcilist: 1. con.truct...l on anti,oi nrw 1.. 111,1 1 ,1. • .4 and ybigni.l.• Inns. rrumnl. 111V1,111 tort.n Of !MI lot !I by the nao.l profound c% pen Eta pr•mooonv..,/ Cb bb ,S7nti,Veity mid Per6etion ord. It WI. n at.,iislii needle perpendirtglir *ions. nears the nr slit which will ii her RIP 111. r HAVEL, slid is n.iit a on both rides; peirorisis perfert reoics on every description er wirer/sr, frmss 1,, tither in lle doerl Stinson/I muslin. with loino, or silk 'timid, (moo ib. roliwag to thr Noel number. itairiod io•lthiq VA , ' or Olin VV %%Et. rio 4 the/Asst POloihlA it Mho alp oinsooh nr ituoi.. nrnl I. Enfidirrticano ft iVrilifflettg It 'imputes pirtv PER ciorr. drive it rk.ur wily olio., Miasma' in the mulct A girl iweive 'anti of if. rail Work it Arn.li , r. &lion , . or Injury . to !wall!, 11414 f ...0h tint wonderful Pinipliruty ofiroorirne• !..,. I imp...ibir to V.. 1 not of ord.'l'. and MIA It AXTIMO by the enniptioy to give en. lire Sis Mae 1... n W.. u•dr,i.lniltv Invite All 'hewn who may depi re to oupply sinlinwrlve• rill a •11,11., aril W 1... In ening awl rziwoolnr %hi • V IV A 1.1.1: 1, IA Acltl Imo NO holue, iu. , nu lion 10 oiniri. , lll In I Ilithfrl any proms to rw of k lh,. m.,chlutt t.) ilwir rialto, tit. Aes.ts wonted ('r ntl tow... I tho Itnit..4 state., b../...gettre... tlf not al ttot , l y 1.'4314,611va Al.', rishq. Motiro. Crntril Nn,l Numb America, to will/111 M Silterfll aiiofoonif will ht. riv,n. „rIaeuKWINU MAVIIINK A ew Stock qf Clothing. mums Eizzrzal oaf Sewing need Nnennier Goods. IDA= ItoWariß64l6'll.. cheap and hob. 877 t E7', Ill.lllOlB'BM ri. 4.0 doors abort. the in, than Home, Wll,•rr h.. h 3. ter,ive.l from New Y. , fk and iplisa, A Mal ur Niro rind 4 14)11iiisg. ~,,, .1 fed0i..01.01.. Atiralslo ouA hand DH reel conplotilis Box, Surk, Frork, uteri Oil Clot! Caufa, mod of 411 .0r10..i50.. ittol roloro. nlon hi, mitently .lurk of pall and w im p, tihsn l.; .tripod. Alta Mil 1111 4 plain Ve•to. .hires. etsvnio,.l..cks. eollnr•. tool*, ;Iwo*. solo froodor• and No-, ortolo.. N 11.-11. basron.h n dl) ..• haul a Nolo and woll ..1.41b4 and wherh he I. provosord to wall,. Ho to or.b r, tutu Imo of elothola on very ill 'it not', 'Ana in 1110 best of to .11• tier. All he. rh , thing wide to near and swat or it or boo.. sfi#cw cf_t 4 clPir ara zo Dm as , st) A N I) cLTLd‘3;s3o * Lei2*Llß`sueo evr•ry t ipipm. nn4 1111.17asw .1 , 100.11r1 I• 11011 thi• pinr.•. call nfi.i hla aisOrtuitut of ch•lhiu;. Watcblt, leo Hu, /ice. I.OIVESUURG Blimiwaniri, April tn. I-W. BEALE'S LATE I'OWELL'S EMBROCATION, Evit ALL IVOSEASEA jAIPMENT TO Itolt, co AND TON HUMAN FLESH, the auu of an eUvrtra airpticallem, C. 04.11110, prrparr.l ti) 1i prartical hiliti2 g lull k non Ic•lan of all !Ili , tood teal tattoo.: of cacti nlorrdural blot 11111 ru Ito it. romp''. Watraotod tr, caroca a»ythinti of 111 i,p ; ,l )ot 00 Ott i!Alotioil oppli :or tho o,oeitoo , o, Wo oio 40tt8i.„ Idol It wit , work Ito two rOO , l eotiVoto o of' Olt It , . It, aII. Iti!oco a Or ti euceaill ru , Vef to, a opoii,, It. dud thoteloio +OO e ar the best It to pr,ll. , tift, , ,t ly .41 6 1 . 1 . 1.1 Ltj, LI 2 43 • otot Mt tOtVe trio,l it, to au Inc bcol application ever 11x,1 . Tri t o Eed,r,,,rroo bar. liven pat up for over rititt piano, fail It l otdt through tile inEfoostiip ilativroot 004 urgent relotA of thy ! hot I twilit It fottli 00 1110 Brood fritioolol Itttetit fur 111 • iliftiatil CO to tOllllll that 'whit . nod uxeidt w•tIool, the 110t , 0 ,, 1 , + , luny re0f , ..10, , 114100 1.14.11 OM rod to the plailie • *'toter aitlererot fur,, 5. gimp. of I /I wo , are ipput o tpi, ! others. %I lao , t Of ionic uoo. owl moor to Itoity pap, r 01,0%er thy orryorea for whielr.they urn recemOiewletf A jailictinis and really norm' comproxilioix, free !rout 11w , e objeetr , m ,, , has llllrllttlfiltit long been 00! cited by minty grutieutan Whit Ittvra IVA VA 1111 LIE 11101{SCS, and are 1111lt tium in trust theta In SIM tare or design• one and pr:rrrarded P"arriers. Tbetr wishes UN at length luny gratified. by klh, 'Seale) being preediled upon to talon tins valuable thatiror atom (W Welt has proved so eine dims le the eariints diseases) to be `• prepared Mid Word:lit nu to tba pflbjje I.mbrntalioo W7Ol extensively used by the Government during the W.ll'. Addreus tdi order to Ilft. MOON() fin tat cod eolith Seeoad et. Philadelphia, ea. Marched, `117.-tittio, OMNIBUS LINE. Tilemider,ittnerl rtoinnofolly announce to i the i own. of tiloontabutg, anti the public gen. amity, that be in rotottott lllt t)SI%IflI $ !ANL. tween Mt* I /ore nod Mori 7 7 7 7 _ ...„.4 . 4 ), t.' recent Wit/ tton.l Itept/It/ the. ~..faTedjitottpattio ty, (8.0; rtys eAcepted) to --- connect With the set/ tul Tfnin.4 fining South n Woof On the ratnwista and Willtatunport Unit wain. tint won ihno , golitit North and South on the hack. 4 tiloontAtutnt Road. 110% 11{1 , 1A *es nit in nomi rcuatitinn, rummy. (lions and t toofortahle, and charter ranstwable, (E:7"' Persons wishing to meet or See 11.. if frfrildS ghliart, can be acetoutoodated. upon ten/ton:4/1e clones by leaving timely notice at any of tbe llo• lets, JACOB L. Pruptintor. Moontsburg. Aptil Ise* REMOVAL OF C. C. IV A R R'S Nzw B ronx TO sHows BLOCK. FIRST DOUR AHUVR • , DEMOCRAT OFFICE." int , tereitned miming viteived ham the oily a full and COMPlete ailliPlY uC SPRING AND SUMMER DUT GOODS AND GROCERIES, Nothing. Tinware, Hardwarg. (*e dge, and ttliHow Ware How, Connienn. thagg•Waro. ' Tobacco, Hats and Rhona, triour, Salt. riga awl Moat ; aft of whirl' 1 pronoga salting at 11 very low Ilitttellor coati or pottage. UP Call and age. C.MARR. Maouighttra, Aprit 1, IM?. NEW TAILOR SHOP, 4 d. N. ODERENI)ER, Ilan IWentld lt New Teller Shop on Main Stmt. thenenehurg. where be v 4 111 be obereed to nee ell who mu hens Mon with thole elation. Ile helve on hind II WI gi . Iftied lot or elm he, eeepi - nero,' vett Ines, Wlliell be will Nuke up to ardor with meatless. 1111141 deepaich. bioetilon pale to rotting gentlemen end bors elethlngAlso eultluo gone ill the belle,' Hoe. Nepalilog done upon short notice. All work 'oriented. Q 7" 011ie him ini 1. tllloomoNstig May MAI" < PPOUTZ' e CSIRBILATIO Horse ill Cattle Powders. rkeleton bore, In an &slates of no Luna., Meer, kr., Vag article act. av a anerinc. By rotting from one.halt a paper ton paper In a barrel of twill the shore disvov, , s will be eradicated or entin•ly preven. preventive rind cu Price 24 Centi per Paper, orb Papers for $1 O. A. 1 7 '0 T'F.Z ILMO., AT TH LIR WHOLPAILE HIV AND MYDJ(PIE DITOT. No. 116 Franklin Bt., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Drugaitts and etureleepers through• out the Crafted 8%4141. Ltd lor lilt rt lot of. E' l'left 1310 TER, ,ttu Pa Iliontosiong. Jan. G. IFG: =I MHOS l'Ut the, 1 t ('()I)1!?, 420 Mourne St., N. Y. .W. wont,' ra il Ib :11tClitioite tot tit^ !Miele and OW Welk , u. "Ur Orr Wit New Seale haw., m the rt.il o w. hit .lyler : 'ITV.% A. 7 Ammo, Ifrisrit r , rn. pion ri.e, ritliPt Worms' or curved 1.14. otrailllit fortiori,. Iwitif moue llnr on plinth OTVIA IL I .Maur. Mime a► •up with Sr, p.•allnr, Moulding Or pittli.l.4l , Ved Wird:tad lyre, sue wry ix IL 7 orlhVir. ►tnnt Core.Ptil Large Mend .tllprnlllle boo mune 4.00 style 11. rowed lyre [Ma Sleek. (gory veered lege.... MO STYLI.: 11. 7 atriat - ••• rellr larva round corner., ilni.ned bark. monidinge ma tins 1 , 11114 11.41111ih• perpeelree berresin eirrVell lyre and desk. ele• SUM carved will leg* (WI . 111 e itle.lM PI) lee are all ilielabeil In elegant foes , WNW ag tsar, the tail Orel rf.11111.1. Fr.lrrh furl l.• 11. harp pedal. ton. Ivory keys 411,1 key trwor and carrel w overairaea 0.1111/1. arty all We (9,14•6 Plasm. now wicipir4rtier.4. 'lhry MI) made Isl 111. beet 1111.1 for doiali,abiralislity. purity 1111111 of 1 •. eammr b, W,, Invite the aiienliou ot the pnbhr. of dealers and profeaesna. go a ell ef111111111416111 of the 10)00 .sr eur Pliese• Ity soroultot% tl.r Qtvrl olvenst , ott.Nulatit upon co.tly laclorteo 1111 , 1 vltrll•lte IMMIMMIIIII4 111 111• • roy. llr otr torthhol to o:ror ilso,t, howls at srt• rt+. which c••mp••Ilb••n, a1..1 garde all to toll and 1111 l 0 1 11 , •••• lo•fore lost rhasiog rltett 'writ". Motile► Dv sletiolt from lance tom WI) 14 ri.r..st limit tuft... otonspily, and IS., a..if.l.r+n• c..m nti•r It. HIV 01Viell Ore .0 diothis. IL wignstud by toe triter , ' A U 1: D. Th.ll ,lll t st)lm. .let.etibed Ahem.. eltlhoily ■lt the I/ow/IWO ellahyro lls ea. fiof 01 ruse • . whie.lo Ant ley •.limy WlUUlattureio 1.815 up to 13 W! 1:11 uroll,l tr.perti”Ny (101 the tdt,tittwo of choir 9,,01 rme r. 141.- liflil , 11 tiia 411 r.. 1114,1 '1 4:4w0 q%te Wre .11,1 nlll,Ol 14+ , 4r* t 4,1 be 01/141114:d int MO illObt t doLratrtt . frilsl4 Th,l ,, m7, ,, .‘prri-or , of wor ”r, N.12,10,45r in 3.11/ 410 1 71 , 0V , 111111111., 1111111 S. Ili, 01111'111t It eea, are I 1 ., 0,i , ty. s , lie,t,..o:thl*, 11111110 ,It , titlvire 11u