DIAb alicai °giraffe. ar - ifspiiAtteatptito' Coins& a Rate l7pon int'4l Ludy/ 1-11 e terms a Kw',/, will ?lire tte et to Ufa her Heart out = Oa Frilay evening last, as Mise Nora Viler, illsa‘h ter of Captain Jos. Filler, was patio/ from the lower part of town to her ham ), a row bun tired yard* distant, jot as she stepped from the northern end of the "wire bride o," o ass met by a negro man who walked past her, but immediately turn ed about, and sal zed her, attempted to gag her, an I dins* hor to the ground. It was then lust dusk b ut a cloud had arisen in the it an i a Villa lit storm was approaching, whioh rim lured the evening rather dark. Still there was sufficient light for Miss Filler to . rezogniso her assailant, and she called .bou mania, begging hint to desist. lie TCliliod that ho would begging her hear out," i sha resisted. and "would shoot her if she told on him," drawing a knife as he isid then; words. Though friglatmed almost to deals, the poor girl struggled heroically . nil succeeded in keeping her fiendish assailent at bay until lie heard the 'Approach of roues etudents going to town, which drovt? hitu away before he had accomplished his pur pose. Half dead with fright and terribly bruised, the young lady went lowan) har home, 'shrieking and crying, and 'mired the night ins state of distraction. Parties who -visited her the next day, lammed us that -her lace was much eut, and that the marks of the acmes efforts to gag her are left on 'her throat and cheeks. Miss Filler. on Saturdg evening - , wade information Were Esq. licodeiuus, charging John Brown, a negro lately a hostler in the stable of Mr. John Little, as the perpetraitor of the erica. There .was unaccomaithle delay in making the Ml:inflation and the affair was kept so quiet that but lbw persons knew of it until Saturday evening. When it became know, howeve, there was a universal express sine of horror and indignation, and every effort was at once made to arrest ths crino nal. A reward of ma hundred dollars was raised by the citizens, and squads started out in every dirretion to find Brown. At this writing has not Iseeis arrest id. I f is a short, thick-set. Froop.shoulbre , l fellow with a goatee, and ix about twenty-Ova yie.rs old. I Inc of los hands was cut in the strug .gle with Mks Filler. —llet/fisill We publish this and another similar eve occurring in auetlier state. The are since of the moral results of the working of the so called party of "great moral deeds." Ever mince the army of the South was dis banded, the negroes of the South have been puffed with the knowledge of their freedom. Their ignorance leads them to believe that freedom means a privilege to do anything and everything, and under the goverment of' the Freedmen's Bureau system thoyhave been permitted to carry out any fiendish designs they may have in view. Cases of this character have frequently arisen in the Southern states, and Imo bum treat- I by the boy's/ people as a just retribution upon the females of the South on account of the rebellious spirit existing among them. The negroes are made to believe they are equal to, if not butter than the whites, and their insolence leads them to the perpetration of fiendish conduct. The Freedmaa's Bureau officers, and the Nailer). 'Despotism commanders, sustain the •conduct of the blacks, and punish by order , of military courts any whites who may at tempt to restrain the negro population. These arc the pleasures of Republican rule. They are now being felt in our own State, heretofore noted for the small number of crimes committed within its limits. Should Radice) administration be allowed a few years longer, we may expect the continua tion in nuutbeys of these grevious otl'enee•:, or we may have the extermittativu of blacks by a war of races. fly - Under the provisions of the internal revenue law, all goods, wares and mot chan •disc or articles manufactured or produced, (except What may be produced in a Sltlllll way lea: than :? IMO A year by a siligle indi vidual or lirtu) is subject to taxation. In the case of small tuanufaeturers, whose pro. ducts arc less titan e 3,000 a year, only the CIcCaA above taxed. But it is not the small manufacturers who supply the great market of the country, and in all other eases, except those I have just mentioned, the whole annual product is Sabi , ..tet to taxa. tion—even such as the manufacturers con sumes himself. For instance, bap, peel' as all limners use for their grain, are subject in the manefiteturera hands, to tt taxation of five per cent., bonnets for the belies, tax of two per cent. on their; candler or any ma terial, are subject to a tax of five per cent.; clothes, of any material, (except flax or jape) aro taxed five per cent. on their value ; clothing from two to five. per cent.; boots sad sheen, hats and cepa, two per cent.; sewing machines, in which the ladies are in terested, five per cent.; fi4c, preserved in cans or kegs, five per cent.; furniture five per cent.; iron from fie to f 3 per ton, and coal oil, the kind sold fur illuminating pur poses, twenty cents per gallon. These are mere specimens selected fro.o a lung list of articles in common every day use subject to taxation. Now, who pays these taxes, the manufacturer who producom the artlelep, or you who boy and consume them? Can the man who makes cloth, for instance, afford to pay five dollars tax on every lettelred dollars' worth be produces and sell it to you for the same as he did before. Qf course he cannot, and does not. He adds it to the price of his cloth, and you pay it when you go to buy a coat or a pair of pants. The whole system of tax on ma n nfacturere, which has been sometimes vaunted by ;gnome or dishonest men as a tax ou capital or capital ists, is a tax on labor and oz the whole mass of the people. TUE TAXED AND TUE UNTAXED.—We lind the following little itetn iu an exchange : Jay Cooke made over twelve million dol lars profits out of Government seenritios during the war. He pays no taxes on this amount, but draws as interest in gold, each, year, right latoulnd arid Arty lhousond dol lars. Quite a little contribution from the taxpayers of Americas. 'We do not know whether this statement is !strictly accurate, or not. Very probably it is an exaggeration. Still, it is worth thinking about. Radicalism exempta Jay Cooke'a bond fortune of two:ve millions from taxation, insists that it shall not be taxed, and stigmatizes as "repudiators" those who want to tax it—eveu while it wrings an annual two or three per cent. tat out of John Jones' little house and lot, and. Sara Smith's household furniture. Do John Jones anti Saw Rosati) think this is altodpc • fair? The Intelligence of the Kew► itClltrent4 of the South. Tho following letter from a registrar in South Carolina, received on the 20th inst., shows what eon of cattle have been vested with power to rule the South, if not the couutry : "Just after receiving your letter I was appointed, it the request of Geosull Sickles, one of the registrars of this State, and I have been basy ever since, waking eitizens of our new found brethren ; cany k t. them, in fact uearly all of them, Lad no Mee what 'regkering' meant, awl, as a natural consequence, the most ludicrous scones transpired. Quite a number brought along bags and lulikets 'to put it in,' and in nearly every Jarmo there was a great rush for fear that we would not have regis• t rat ion 'enouugh logo round.' Sonic thought it was something to eat ; ethers thought it was something to wear, and quitea Illlttl- Ler thought it was the distribution of eon &ea te.d. land under a new mune. They were told that t hey Ivere to ic,,ing befiwe the board of registrars `to reeoive their elective fran chise ;' hence all the mittukes above men tioned. All were sworn, and several, on being asked what was done when they were registered, said that `De geniblin widde big whisker make me swan to deport (support) de /11W.4 ob United Souf Celina.' " Negroes hi Schools. We learn that negro children are now :O mitted into the public schools of Middle town, nod enjoy equal privileges with will:A wilds. This will soon be the case every :vb.:re it' the nero loviag Radicals are not, checked in their fanatical career. il'ogroes will he thrust into the pnhlie schools, into the jury boxes. into the halls of legislation, and upon the benches of our colds. na is now t .,oi cam. in -011Ie of the Southern 3tate3. If the people want such a state of affairs here, tbey can nemitipli , ll it by refine to ir.t t'o., it•Oiell revolutionists in in:incr.— /W/4'JF and Union. The above article is published in the Iletriut tinion and copied by the Law miler Inktligeneer and Several other papers op if there were something unusual in the anneuncerm nt that "negro children era now ndusitio I into the public sehools of Middle town, and enjoy equal privileges with the white pupils." Why gentlemen we h ire enjoycl the bene fit of this "great moral idea" for two or three year past. In part we believe the junior citizens of African descent have in one or too C:lso3 tit i ken caminand of the stdaol, t.st,:bers mil all, an I run tha ma v, : ne n short time, until convinz.4l that free !oat did not empty the right is govern h, wheel mistress. But there the she imale negroe was di :satisfied, and we imagine its her wrath she muttered "I don't care wheth er school keeps or not," my children may go home with the big girls whether white or black. Alas, poor Torlrk 2 The Selma (Alabama) Thnes publishes a card signed by three niggers, who offer them Aces al candidates for the State con vention to beheld under the military net.— The darks invite Charles A. Colby and W. 11. P. Randall, white men, to become can didates with them on the People's ticket, and, like two of the most aproved dirt eat ers, these white men announce their con sent. This is negro dictation in A practieal drupe, and we trust that white men who are assisting to promote it may get enough of it. Disappointed Dopes. A l e tter to the State Avon writ from the I United States Legation at the Hague con. veys the heartrending intelligence that there is no liralf estate of #711,0‘0,00) ia Holland awaiting the arrival of American heirs. This dreadful blow is struck very heavily by the American Minister, Mr. Ewing, who says: I "In answer to many letters on the sultieet I have wade inquiry, and found no found*. tion fur the ruttier. SJllle of the writers I state that their ancestor coml., a largo 04. i tate in a ccrrain portal' Baden, winch was eaufb , mted during a religious persecution. and that the government was prepared to re fund. The Minister of Baden mfortus me that to pich p?r , ceution of eottlscation ev er oeettrrod. and that the rvartls show that, I at the tuna and Own apt-willed one Hans (irati was in tnseession of a fisrm us tenant, law had no estate in fee. As I am touched that in many parts of the cv.uttrr roomy is laid out by, the family, amt as I find it impossible to continue to notice their 'tu morous lettere, I be to suggest that such publication bo authorized by the Depart went a.: will answer their inquiries and save them further expenditure.' The Leeds and Hull cases are Mill in doubt ,• perhaps they will turn out like the Gruff Property. DEAD.-Mr. It G. Horton, ono of the editors and proprietors of the New York Day Boole, died at Dobb's ferry, near that city, of congestion of the lungs, on the 2wl. ma death was sudden and unexpected.— Many of our readers are familiar with the writings of Mr. Horton. lie was an ear nest Democrat, and in his writings and thro' the ce!unins of the Day Book, and perhaps ahead of nil his competitors in fighting the battles of Democracy. In ralition to his editorial labors, Mr. Horton was the author of several publications—a "Life of James Buchanan," a "history of the Tammany Society," and a "Youths History of the Great Civil War," which has had such a large circulation. He was also au active zealous member of the State Rights Society, a committee of which accompanied his re ' mains to Fishkill, where he was interred. gtir The Little Corporal far October pre sents a beautiful table of contents, always original, sad always popular, pure and ele vating. Ohio Boys and Girls, will take especial interest in the Little C'orporeal, as Mrs. Emily Huntingdon Miller, the associate edi- tor, resides in this State and Mrs. Eranoes 1). Gage continue during the cowing year her very interesting articles on "Early Times in Ohio." Now is the best time to subscribe for this attractive Juvenil e , a. the publisher offers to send the November and December numbers of this year free to all new subsaibers for 18G8 that 'resent before the last day of October. Great inducements arc offered to those who raise clubs. Price, one dollar a year. Sample copy ton cents. Address, Alfred 1 Sewell, Publisher, hioago. A Tale of Awful Outrage. Brutality Uunaralleled— A Negro raeietet a Lovely liptu7 Whits Wrl—Artrrw•trili he teqrsissr Ns:pee OW Apt' the rent—hs vial elk a porilm4 of o. of most chocking and horrible events ever known to history, occurred last Lek in Maryland, by which the daugther of one of the moot prominent and wealthy citizens of Cutriberland county, has bent redinvil to a condition a thousand times worse than death. Mr. Charles Dean, a resident of Brlttliti Mills, on the Baltinto and Ohio Railroad, a gentleman of edam. lion, and possessor of the large mill and other property in the village, had an only daughter, named Bessie, a young lady not quite seventeen, posliewd of refinement and of every tirtue and aecotuplishment which nature couhl give or money procure. She had a of exqui , ite symmetry andwritee. and a rare voice which cultivation had train ed to produce tbo most perfect harmony; she was indeed a charming singer and belle of the country. For same months past there has been prowling around Bratly's Mills, a most eget , ish looking mulatto, supposed to have been formerly the slave of a brother of Mr. Deane, living in I ;corgis. This monster has lived hi a filthy hut at the foot of Bnuly's mountain, with an old woman who seemed to be mistress, mother anti housekeeper, all in one. No one knew his name, but by the wags of the town ha was designated as Dan Scrunch. On Momhty the 21 of September, Miss Bessie being at home, having left school at Baltimore, where she was attending, on ac count of the serious illnes9 of h'r mother, went, unaccompanied to spend the after noon with a neighbor, some distance away, and returning in the earl• evening round the mountain, n sudden thunder shower came on, and meeting I),►n, was induced by hint to seek shelter in the hut. Alas ! poor child, no sooner had the door boon shut, than the fiendish demon seized upon her, and despite her piercing screams and struggles and in the presence of the old witch woman, he committed upon the chaste virgin the foulest outrage of which the Truman mind can conceive or man is tsmable. lie then dragged her insensible form out of the hut. The cool air revived her and again her lips uttered a shrill cry, when this savage beast, in human shape, standing upon her pro Aruit form, with the ins:ine idea of put. (big it out of her power to tell of tlsr crime, crashed open her mouth with the heel of his boot, and with his 'demi claws, he tore the poor girl's tongue front her throat. A small boy driving some cows in the vicinity, hearing the steams, gave the alarm, but be fore help arrived, the fiend had fled. The excruciating torture of' the delicate sufferer and the frantic anguish of her parents, no imagination can conceive. She is said to be in a dying condition—mortification having set in, and her invalud mother cannot lung survive the shock. Dan Scrunch is still at large. The old woman was taken into custody the next morning and stated that the brute remitted once during the night, when ho actually cooked and ate a portion of the taupe and again fled. The we are being scoured in uvecy direction and he can• riot long escape. atir "Jae, why did the Republicans elect Andy Johnson Pico President "Weil boss, Andy used to get excited some times when he was Military Governor of Tennessee. Ile held en office which he know VW unconstitutional, but he consider ed Military Governors a military necessity when the rebels had a large army in the field. The robs also held offices which were unconstitutional, and the robs and Andy used to twit each other of the facts, on the sante principle that "pot sometimes calls kettle black ;" so Andy made a speech when he was a little inooherent and when he was spea!,ing of the robs calling his office unconstitutional, he said "show me a Mall prating about the Constitution and I will show you a rebel... Andy was exercising military power to preserve the Constitution, and the rubs wore using the same power to destroy it, and he was speaking sarcastically of the rcbs who complained of him far us ing unconstitutional means to prevent them from destroying the Constitution. When the rebellion ceased the military necessity erased. The Constitution was preserved, and when Andy became President, he took an oath to sustain it, which oath he has kept as well as he could, being sur rounded with thieves, liars, political preach ers, harlots and law breakers, who had mis taken his sarcastic Speech for his real senti ment, and who actually believed when they elected him, that he, like themselves, was also an enemy to the Constitution, a traitor and a usurper. Tho Radicals loved Andy until they found out that he loved the Con stitution ; but they have hated him ever siece. lit l',/ ra.k yr A. En OF Ct it NTERFEITERI3. —Doctor M. V. thirteen, Nat Kenny, and a Miss Ca:olitie Heron, were arrested in Philadelphia on the 27th ult., on a charge o!' manufacturing coutrerfoit batik notes.— The officer also siezed twenty two thousand fire hundred dollars of finished notes, and a hundred thousand dollars of unfinished notes. They also captured the plates for printing notes on the Fourth National Bank of New York City, and fifty cent fractional currency, together with the presses, ink*, &a Since the arrest of Dr. thump, it has ascertained that ho hail a co n tract to supply notes on the First Netball' Bank of our city, to be executed next week. German is supposed to bo the man who first issued counterfeit fractional currency notes. The parties had a hearing before the United States Commissioner and were fully commit ted. It is said that the Doctor has issued more than ten million dollars in his time.— Ile is a capital workman. tar The postal law of' Congress forbids the opening of a newspaper by a person not addressed or authorized under a penalty of' $2O fine; stealing the same is puninhablc by imprisonment ; inclosing letters for memor andum therein, or writing thereon, $5 fine ; publishers or their agents, for sending paper or periodicals unpaid to other than regular aubaoribara, fins, , • vtomointvo peulocrat. El 'WIlf. H. JACOIII4, 111110 r. Wednesday. Oa. 9, MT. S. M. trataanytt. 6 Ca.. 3? Park Row New Vett at a duly aullmriand to aolir.ll and retalva imarerlp• &on. and aolvvrll.lna for the thitierat I Stir, pub. !Robed at likoomauur I, Columbia county. ro., TILE ELECTION. No election to the hosier our recollection passed off more quiet and orderly than did the eleetion at this place on Tuesday lag.— The vote was larger than at any previous election. Tho whole ground VMS canvassed and nearly every voter brought to the polls. The result was 1110 at cheering for the Dem ocratic) party. The Republican party lost heavily in this Town. At the last general eketion the opposition tarried this Township by a majority of SHP ENTY-0 NE! And yesterday the I/m -oored° and Conseevntive party carried the Township by a majority for 4eontie SttAns woon ()I' SIXTEEN I a gain of EIt;IITY SU EN votes. The whole poll last fall was 535; and yesterday 544, an increase of NtNr. This is the first time the Democracy have been triumphant in Bloom Township for many yearn. They bore their success with less than the ordinary amount of shouting and hat-throwing. The Brass Band was brought out into the Streets and played a few very excellent and appropriate pieces. A large bonfire was built in Main Street, in front of the Reim/Awn office, of barrels, boxes, &c. &e., which was kept up for several hours, making a most beautiful illnn►i iii ion. l'he Radicals, with some few exceptions, wore terribly long faces; the large, bright fire affording all an excellent opporteuity of seeing the elongated counte names as they appeared outside of their houses, stores and shops. At about ten o'clock there was not a Radical to be seen ; when upon inquiry as to the scarceness of these individuals, some wntr, remarked that they lied "gone id their holes and drew the hole in after them." The words "copper head," 'traitor," "sympathiser," were not PO readily applied to Democrats as in pro vious elections. There seemed to be.too many Democrats ; the epithets not Wing suffieient to go round. The Radicals being so completely routed, they were as tame as doves. A glorious vic tory has been achieved. The Democrats are jubilant. Radicalism put down ; and fair indications are that the State is redeemed. As far as heard from, the gains are on the side of the Democracy. In Philadelphia the election returns are most - encouraging. The Detnoeracy have gained largely in most of the wards that have been repelled. In Allegheny city and County Williams has not made. the run was anticipated by his friends. fa` The Bloomsburg Literary Institute Builditurs and feme Leine now fully von • pilled to the honor of Prof. 11. Carver, the principal of the institute and the officers and managers, and the school in complete opt ration. it only remains tbr the subseribers to meet. the demands of lalsw, and those furnishing materials, to put the whole school in the very best working condition of any other like InAitution in the country. We can say without any pretention to flattery to the principal or any of his teach ers, that we never have seen anything in the way of school regulations carried nut to such perfeetioa and with so much satisfaction to scholars and all concerned. The great aim king to educate the students in every re spot, not only to learn them to rea.l, write and do a sum on the blackboard'', hut to educate the mind to study, to think, to ma• son and revolve these things in their minds nil to I:niploy their time ; yci their whole yet not to over-tax them so al to break down and disomrage them, yet all the titno to stimulate and encourage, that the minds of the young or rising generation may be' profound thinkers as well ns readers, writers. or arith maidens, and not he left to idle their thoughts as well as their hands. tar The results as far as ascertained show a surprising gain fur the Democratic Party. The yoke of Connecticut last spring has been echoed hack by not unly our' far west ern sister of California but by the Puritanic States of the North East. If Pennsylvania has done but half her duty the election of Judge Sharswood is an undoubted fact The returns from Philadelphia have not aruat been corroborated hut from the ac counts we hare already received decide a Democratic gain, if not a majority as con fidently. expected, WI - A letter which 1)r. John did not not write to himself: Tuesday Evening, Oct. 8, 1867. HON. r. MERCUR, TowANDI, Pa. Biontusburg gives Sharmrnotl only In Inajority. Many thanks fur your speech here in the Court House. P. P. Our oluments cll this election "ii septter." The y are iiiis a hlten: It is only stitimer;" the "settler" will coma next P. J. I=MIIIMI Ittr Some of the bi)ys, at a rather Into hour, pulled down and portly demolished the barber polo in front of the shop of S. C. Collins (eolored man ). 'Ai+ was wrong, and should not have been allimed. Part of the pole was stnek up in front of the Republican office. Don't do the like again, boys. lThe Now York Store did well on Tuy%lay night., furnishing dry-goods boxes for the bonfire in jubilation over the ekv tion reiunis. R®' A certain down town merchant "blowed" and "pawed" about considerably, at the bonfire, on Tuesday evening last, to the great amusement of the boys and disgust to his friends, Nnw COALZANII, Sept. 18. A Nr.ono Junutt ON run BENcn.—A entered Jndge presided this morning thr the first time on tho bench of the Met Theriot Recorder's Oontt in this dy. RADICALISM DEPUTED, DEMOCRACY AND CONSERVA. 110 , 131 TRICMVIIANT. The White Hogs In Blue Hove Men About, COLV MU SA Cl/LINTY GOOD FOR 11200 OIL RATH.: M4JORU'!'Y. Ton STATE itEDIEENIED. Large Galas In Every Quarter. GEO. NUARSIWOOD ELECTED. As Pennsylvania goes so goes the Union in 1808. Bloom Township has given a Penmeratie majurity of 16—a gain of eighty-seven over last Fall's election. In Fishingoreek Town4hip the Democratic Tivket. liss I 73 unjorily. Orange lirrH given Sharswood a majority of n large gain for the Ponveravy over lust Fall's eleetion. The majority for the Democratic Ticket in t;rcenweed is 34, a large gain for the Democratic party. Benton has given the Democratic Ticket 123 majority; a gain. Scott had done well. The mnjoriry for Shardwood is I. A divided gain. ler A PK' !NT$! EN T. —We learn that Dan iel Mullenry, of Fishingereek, has received the appointment of Aiisihtant Revenue AF %N ow, riceJ. 8. Wools and J. H. Ikeler. Mr. Mellenry has received his COW In 1,0 ion. TIRo appointment is 11 pod one and w e ll do. "To he, or not to 6r—that's the quetit ion." Whether to suffer with mental nuguish, FeveriA lips, erseLing pains, tlysi,eptic nem!, And rrweeles‘ 11.1 ,e l fr er i nt ,.; Or whether, with madden di h. Seize a bottle uY BI,S I'ATIoN BITTERS, 0,4 Gunther awear,i, be myself' a man zigain• Gunther said my eyes were My visage haggard, my breath tremendous bad My dyrosition troublesome—in fact, He gently hinted C wasTast becoming. guile n nuisance. tour bottles now beneath my vest have (ha ;ll,lw:red, My Pml Ims relish, my appetite is keen, .-tep tavrie, my mhel Nom pomele, avoirdupois, is wild to my %Night. MA(INoLIA WATI:II—A artido—superior to Cologne and at half iho prix. 2 w. 111 EL ET E PORT. Wheat per bushel, $2 00 Ilye, " I to Corn, 14 I (s linekwheat " So tho 4, o, 70 =i2lMEli!!!! Fla ssevtl, 1 /W(1 apples " potatoes, " Flour per barrel, Ilutter Mims per d0zen,..... Tallow per ...... Lard thous, " Shoultiorx, " . . ..... 15 Hay per ton, 12 00 On Tbur,,tlay :id inst. in Bloomsburg, by the Rev, D. J. Wallrr, Ream) Wyrkheiser of lleinitA to Bettie E. ilauglner or Mr. Savour( Artm.trong„ of West, iiem:ovit • September 191)1, by Rev. J. A. Price, 311.. K. C, Ent and Mrs. Lucretia House knecht of Bloomsburg. Ou the 6th inst., by the Rev. William J. Flyer, Mr. Josiah Darlinger, to Miss Har riet Hower, both of Locust Township, Col umbia County, Pa. At the Rectory, on the 2Sth ult., by Rev. H. N. Lightner, 31r. Jacob J. Snyder, and Miss Mary Rudy, all of Danville, Pa. Comm In Bloomsburg, on the Bth inst., at the residence of James Thomas, by the Rev..l. A. Price Mr. James McDonald, and J Emma J . Porker, of Culumbht County, lin. -- in Locust township on the Vtitls a.Sep tenaber. George Mow. aged 73 years 11 mouths and In days. In Philadelphia, on the 28th ult., Sant); G., Wife of George W. Meuffer, Esq., and daughter of the lute II us. Andrew Beau. wont. In Main, on the 13th ult., Mary wife of Stately John, Esq., aged about 51 years. In Port Noble, Bloom Township, on the sth inst., OKontig PALMER, of fever, aged about 33 3 ears. P. JOHN In Hemlock Township, on the 6th inst., Jacob Shoongiker, ugod—yore. The luorevtl4 1111ThMatillteltt 14 OA tact tutinstrlption to the lll.•ronshusa totetery lostindo nue due on the eret of tresonor krubstritrre will pitnro pay their respective ithltitillt4, and üblipo all partial. In 0, IRIPEiti, President. 00.0.1867. LOOK lIKRE LADIES. somEpuutio N KW. Mrs. Julia A. and MIOO NON M. I relay will quill no the r‘ininf or Min moil ‘Veit *twig, Illoonimbuit, 011 the ninth day of On Mow, A Laurel' indicenorien'e rannewei44 cyan IPATTIRM AID 01111114 'TORN. With Do entirely ne w aPrilitineht of the bold. 'Meer end ann.a isoninnelile (mole. wills enter., and DOW, lo match, end at reapnreale rate'. 10/.7 nolor theepselvee Ina Olt/ Mn 41101.140141144111 Ow public im every perticulnr. ay- Don male( mid replant Chwilbl done la the 11th'. New as tug toll, Vidt and and examine our meek aid tok!,l r•wr petunia. ()ambe r st, ESA WHEAT FLOUR, AN!) FEED, OF ALL KINDS, ,fit IVA MgAP MY D. W. ZOOMS& Olsemabirg; 7117 111 W. q , ) .. . , . I" (i) r~ 111 A It 14 I It; D DI ED. NOTICE. NEW APVIMETWESENTI6 TIFIII IT'S Bki 14'S 1.4 4 • I fly vi - . 4 ettyetal *rite of Law( illiVe Ins and aiti .',4,pOW. I-sped eat t ( thi!,1:001 0( Com. : P alyilibbiChasolly.to *lf dtteetahl, will "** in: ilk to at 411. 0011 rt itatilte , to bps 1 t - Oil P . l'unifAir. *fr. ifllb 1 9 ' 4 . lIIC O . 11144 AI . sly_ tolluiO4; MO eat#o, via: PI (01 a Monneltne 1104 rod or tall Outwit: Su, ad ' iluelbibip lb th. t'uonty obi Sotto otruru• rail bu 0 OS *too: b ed le l# , ll4(W* : Drittntheit it Ss whit* nib corner 0( land nr Pteslettes, Dot( and Vuutud Cramer, ttyistsee north tif4 See (Sestet* welt. 04 .3 F t+IIPI la a poet ; thence by 18;;;I 0( Prodariek Ova fioulb twenty two *MI a halt fiestet* Weet,74 perehee Su a pool ; SUM* WHO* althly.th toe and ant. (010110 drarees went 100 petehoe to a pool; thoacenifilth t*sly.ieven cad one 1001(th degree , * wort. 790 riche* 11.. a plot ; 'mute by lend td Motif , . Oat, a thdate *oath forty -even and car*ltair Bearers uu.t. 100.4 pert hoe to a poets 'hunt* by hind of John Owtehor north ronottoty , neven destestoottet, I* pettir• ea te n prat s tbetwohy land of Eatitaa Cram,/ north 1 00 ,hirreoo w..et, fns teen yotelber to i; pool' ; ;hem* tuoth Arty stoop lOW fOlib futittls *eve.. tag, 3i perrhow to a chestnut nabs thence north twenty ton slot ono (omit ittontoos Pitt lIPP 4 IFO*II to tbo P ' 114 " be beisbnina, etiantitting nee hatt4tod and tw oily poem wipe *IA 44 , * ***droll soil Piave., vireh,a (It ION; tho earn- ptetntwot of *Men Andrew riffs , MAY, tilegi ilWtool.l 4114 which *lto, otrantouhaes in partrim* was 0014 by order of Oryb,oll4' t hurt to ; 40%00, 0 1 140 tits hilt 1141 , 14Mtdr 4 t 0 f. ttpust Wul(St Is us+.(lo.ate . 4 et tr,sk , •n wafture the atte.thll4 y lit of the tiorrh** , molol.) 1 , *.ii,, ,, 1.. mkt.* in 1.110(1/40,1 ant be hrt **ld is the pruyeity of bliettgel 'Sum suet Wye Sturm tr. NA; All that rWriill 1101 14110 g 104014.4 one 14 or F11. , e4. hf irooo,l in 01 001000 t lly. I onyniptain roloool Ilia 1:0001, NMI 1. /.111111 rxr perl4 of IMS NO. 3 and 4, 1i1.0 . 0 i in Ibn NlOl 4,01,1 MOOlOOO Illy and 10 a el my and a half 10/1 Wing. being shool 01210..11 1114 In Mall by twenty 134,, $.4! in 4,10 14. (liar 01,041. a 101 me so for wow 111=o liatisioh...l for 4440 0011.1 14.) 140.41 In 191..culluu affil 10 bit muld as the propels, 14 INlvr Ilowor. A1+(1 A certain Ito of ' , Meld 01 1 011 0 0 in the noffloth or eeettro lot. Coltstobta county betog twenty flee Yeet hoot I hli two buttoted fart tovit us. a bob to e'ar'ed 4 Wet ettay (nowt bootee wiU the eppotteitouree 11t.w.#104 an the eaatit I* tot or Not, Stet'uttot. on the west ay Laced Mellor no the tooth by tot of /Room harry tout mato roes by th.. Weis of the Ix oat ttiotektoin Void and Iron Vern;Nifty. e 4 used, tak..o two go 1.• {MOH rod to be cold as the prtrp.rtyaf Money dletwwly, ttAtIC F/4210.2. ahead' O 1-. bee S, tet27. TO FA it n E 14 TORRINGTON & HODGKINS, MANVrAervit fati OP 4.4 - 17.7 5.:30 SUPER MIOSNIA tE OF LEM IPENN'A. At thr PrIWO Is irt hand. wo 4,0;4' to the runreles nor roper Phosphsio, whirr*. as * rename, lor Wheel. Corti. 4, 0 r. Potato , r. Ste . vino. he 'moil led, too* warrant It as a pettliallent impprnr. r or ill limos or soil. (not esrepi hip any) It d,..•s not art as rhoostoid for use CrOp only. but is lasting its %VA 'on be lowliest by Co. (amen orCbesterand itrlpiiiiing tomtit.% or this Ittsle • oho) the adjacent rowdies 01 pelewirre irn4 P.I/0 bare 11004 oar 104011161rIOre for the lest r years, For Wheat, 3141 Am per lyre, OriVatil or sown Per Cora, MO to to lac per tern, dropped in pm at time or pi:taring. Par flute, IA lac per acre. sewn braaJrast. for Portage, 4UU ltet. per acre, rcettered in the For (74nin. Ind Inn ptr sari, sol A inp Thoi pintitity on OM!. Lands wIl I prininer an in , era.»e 011 crop In 1 { 1 4 olatftt. 4 itt". tt U mai: rte knnn tliutlina result Will be 2 4 .,11j in O na or troo run rr two 'hon. auto inAnnia at MU New Idoitorfartory. LAO filo' 'Atorko4 Street ; afartr 11011.1 , Vy .nipped 10 all (tonna on r. & r„ f. & 8.. rl, iF, atu4 kt %. ii. Itiqpis. J. K. EVIA. Ak.tht LiobmNbuti, 111,11.1 ft. Co. Apra, Mimile. J. 1.1 Tonumnrov, ED 31. 1ta117.-3m. lr v‘1 1)‘ 1 1 ?.&' 1 ! :, RY AND co F EC- Lai st.t ...waLwllasoarma is , mart ON ICU It ID Will CET., Aft K CT. BLOOMPi BURG, r 4. J,f. FOX. Prom kw of tithi ratabliiihmont, weinlot to , partla.ly lataia. how ,aa Kt.l 1649 a taat.aaars. that It haa , varythiag tip at hia nrw litan4 shh. htth to furnish than with narAIo,VAKE:4. AND •'nSWBi i prvErt KR a • ',oral atare. I" Ile loin :s'4lo .11,1figOtIO , ”10 00r :h. ar ,‘ ft h N It, Era. mutt. b , rove A Cohl , tlittn , ,re 1. , 0t a thr.f THE EXl`ll.l Nlll7, BITUDIN( 4I . - . r ran 1 , 4 artacarne,latoW at al tim*., ;, alt roraaa. A wha hare area fernt ulth , Al-, r tket, and l'hrter. hy the whet , . itt hithe'et 11,1frel. NM tall Naas 1Y161.1,1 nt hi« Snlit,in in kihives* Block, Main Street, , tvhn has he.•n nuthntite 1 ht the , nwtotiqqned to sett *l, MUM!. Ile veil eon Mahtty hare* *ripply nn hasid, whine win he vdd at the toffee( mirk* , l rate,. Mr, F bull in ronu..etiun with his Pnkrry and Con e, taw ty , titled up rowois rur tbs uole nt 111;lk to on whw may (him, him with thoir engtwm (le 10 Wow prepared to 1141110 le* Cream is large qoat.ll tins filr porno*. yothlie or *wend gathw rings. /0 Iho ewe, nery he. Everything pertaining I. hit lint f t Imottrooo lrifi receiver:lreful awl rtifigonr oirerrooii, FEE r,- tb jr thimhol t . hi• ',wm en! Not part fa ♦ot.. snd mint tocdttil 'ohms a ton t moque* of Ito sans*. J. F. FUX. April 3, 18117, BUSENf.Z.,S CHAT. finrol moraine. Sprite. 'which way with Twit tniadi. n( wuni r my way ry..rati. sit : 1 hart. gat ratio far my old wamau t« +pH: Well Spilt.% if it a fair question. where did yea get rattlttig tfolie go CHM 1 I), at %MO Fitctery. Wh,re to that t Near nw 'we v alp, IWI poll It payout pet 'sults/ doe* ihere. Naoee eards for It rte. per to. it you take and Win, yaw wood. ha• ra Wit hie nma• claw, and got aaw rar,l. on. f) aid 04 it no 1 , 0 , 4 rll.* Are matte there, a* he is teadtar his mach ins htnt.e•lt this senol.H. lta says, for an Areilimimotta. tam far ihaae.wls tiro at a diatanee if I lyky leave their ward at either nt the effet" la Or 4 oporio le, the ' , aloe witl he atten ied tn. Moo. their Meth far f;NI• hog reforms and dressing, Corer IN pifo, *tore June th , l3, Vence has been rteady at the hurstiese. with one maw. p u ke. No apt and downs to his privet. Mots sod poor sit ferret! alike. *dory near Orinseinlle, in Mt. Pleseent Town 'dip, C. tumbia County. °mum YANG. Attrust,l4. 800 K AGFATS :WANTED To Rohm Ordow for a New !Notated BIBLE DICTIONARY. iVOMPISTE IN ON?. VOLI:SIt, Then Inctini,4ss , l ClAittiOt. tote re.tot, ..r the meet Wood *Way, research. Ptld owe:411;040m of sleet sixty flue of 5 . 1111111. it and v.l srholars mow hying. Clerayinen of all &noon mobi l e apprise it snit rotors II A. the bent work of its kind in she !Minify Nothings., and nee whirl' snieht to be in the hands of ivory UMW reefer to tint to Herniating Me Work, Agent* wilt tend a Ors* not nod 1111th able employment. The noeroroos oh. jerilow. which AV. olua'ly encounters,' in selling orilitmry storks will not exist Wills OW, on the eitrostimo aunt and friendly old will attend the .10914,11114/Littit his labors agree able, useful. and lortotivo, Ladies, /Moot E wiyymen, School l'enen•ro, rumor*, Siltation', and till Mini , * nto pose.** energy. are **nod in assist in l'anwn*Anig orery Tt,wil said County in She country, to whoa' the most liberal is dorm:oils will he offered. tr For parts.. Ws, apply to, in address 1%4 nittativita, 722 Sumo eirevt, Fhiladolpltu, Penn. MffMM The nadersigned respectfully Worms the anneal or Itio,,IIIIIOWITI and Columbia tounty,that they k eep ell the ditrerent 1111111116ftr0 401' ante coal and selected lump coal for swishing pfirl/o#o*. oil 'heir wharf, ad. Joining Mafelvv, Neel &Ores Furtive ; with a good pair WNW grates on the w Wargo weigh eoei,hey and strew Likewise a !WM) and wagon. to deliver coot to those who drone it. As we purchase a large swoon* of coal. we Intend to keep a superior onsee. uerl sell at the very lowest paces. Please raft and Glilfiltatt for yourselves berme W. purchaing elsi 4 where. J. A Vta:riTan AIAnON. to'offtinnott wilt Ink... in enchant!" for Cold I fl ofol l o.o.trioo, the following mooed ottrolo.:— Whoot, nyo.Corn, Ont.. Potatoo., t.nrd, Pion. Shoal 41rv.ond *inn moat, itutiot, hilj Hoy., Ate, at tho hinhont rash priers. la his Orneely Stop , . adjoining UPI, coal yard. 4. W. tigNosasturr. Illooninburg. April 28. usNustur. 1.0. HOWER, • 111711MT011 DIIINTIST. mrprecirrut.ix orievp his profess. OMRleant sorrows lo the Indio* and gentle •en of lii nnooloirigand vicinity. its is propsrild to attend to all Ms oaring e sydniSions in the line of his praftsiona.sadis provided lII , 'In I . .e lowa improvs.l POLO:141A MATH; whirl w II 1.,' In wirtsil ou snithplatisa.sil vet and tubber bika to lookw. II ill Ids militia , tenth Mi mud 01004 lamb teeth manoThetured sri 40 of sitiliign stop lisOla.catitamilly MI properly atiesidmi in. Itirelotineo ild An a few doles, slots lb. Court IlOrea, immittetilmh Inoll l oolberio nes 0 INS X A DVEXTISIENI orrs. ila licts.-1 , he ititeteebely *tutted leaving Pe n d AN ilkyyntlettue hp hale titter to melee yeheetip . 1101111 fIIN/ 01 sluts,sluts,e. 4 Apilyin J. J, ferew.e. President, i n 1 4 tu his o 4,s l“" "Imo , at his stint. et KIWI'', il'ClTtint. St ISinetot, lit 1.1 Ott, ,d thy etyylo r y i t , ureyf i9f 1110 100000001,100# te KV )6 ft, *set lay.' Elan AY. Came In thrirreastara tit the undet iffyned in rantre togrartirip. sow« It ths aro at ' dayitausture, a LIMIT !M D KULL, ru;,. onsed to be *bunt id ataatho chi Tao --' turner is requested to emu.. i.rwart pp, party, pay chars, a, an I take': t. lin away, -Ahoy/ um 11* will es twist accenting %4 taw 63,6611 A HAUL:NOUN. Centre, October It. Oat r • STOLEN. !"AO tlot OM* efilmmoilreariber on tho stris /of aeMN OA Inst. * ion" 8 Y tionse Mr.* , :::::„.. ...c : . ,, , , , , , i;, ..,. : : :::::::::, , ,, , and about lb hopprotet. tottmt ttf the tort*, Old *tin rot it OW. Th,,, bores wait Ittent*try °woad by ifrplio: Kfmr, at AN ill 4 Ahf.l4. Tow. .11111, Lysergic, Co., lept. to, 1v,1..-3w pt. ._ . 001, ! WOOLI 1 WOOL! 1 ! t * (JIVE EX ft Avant) iron wnnt, rst 4010rolimed won pay O. highrok mark - t “tot in "du0:060.10,k aiihar ttr hen own 111 , 111 ,, iQk ors, %Vint. (tent' tt tiltatooport. m ity, ' g un your Wang to Mt flaunt Eloasaut NW., at Mu? • 414. V MO, vs . J, E EAattP, Faitt. 4. )$&7, TO CONSUMPTIVES 3 The am EDWARD A. Wll.Siolf win erne (tree of charge) to all who deeire it. the weird. the with the gieeethitie for making 41110 being the minpla remedy by mhith be wee curet! of a lobe *tattoo and Ihet erred dieee►e rfttligilhll4,oll. illy toy oe jert ill to benefit the elided end he !tepee gem, ruirerCt wilt try thie prinieroptieri. me it *tit rem them notitiog, and moy prove a Mooney. Nesse &Melee. ker. NOWA nlt A .Wti ni . ICS South Second *tea. Witham*burg. Nivt INFORMATION Infnnnnlhin guaranteed to proem.* a latarialit growth at ham upon a teobt head ea beat throe Nei, oleo a rteaise 1.1 the removal of Emilia«, I teha ll , I:Thut tone. ate .on 111. akin Mewing me . • ..,0 eon clear, and beautiful. , an hn ntnained ~ •tvga by addresatug Thin r, 411 PMA4 Ca'-het, tett Roadway, New loth INFORMATION WAN LED. Len his born. in Umtata o rnthir, the mantas t at m tty tart, TIMJIINNtbt AN e lad asp,' Nteara. Ita4 na w hen Ii Iptt a whit., wool hat, ah ek etaq, darn pinta and a gray teat ensteiderobty warn ht tha da..e. and le,rebado4 111. le, 1 4111 dark hod and dark y, at ith rather rem *bin, /1114 le al ot oat Nord. Any Int dionadk nr h.e a ;washout* vet.t ha thohkftl., f 0111141,411 by Ms anebot• &author at duct• Earn IN. MANtaAltrT SSA IIAthI. Uri 6. r2, MI. A I ' IIII.IIRS' NyricE. 0? AMIWRIA Fllllllll L4TIS nt rllrcler@SD tirt COLO' SI 4 4.. 49.'411 PGC 11444 hoodPrPiAto , elt. An,lit:or appniato4 by the ny• phiine Court of tun~et~'yrinitnen.ll. !• , nI4IC , in trthaton or oho bailflCS in the filth+, of inh,,nn 11101:" nthninttlrlint of acilWl+l iate of s , •n• wond manAlir 4«getwimrt in and nniont 11, r.tn,r!. ire rrediloota of the detegkst, in tit. order rodettielo4 tor Lfi W 8111 'lOl at hit flea In Aboottmoorco 114 linirnl4l , NO w,,nty flint oh, of !c0 r ...,,f,..r A. h. trib7. nt In o'cinclo A, M. fa the t Of ettf , Onf en time dutiet of hie nT.,torytraL when run ii twrio all pnetie• ina.rnated r.,,utire4 in prep" it 111 ii rlaiiittol. or b.f debarred (inns coral n" in Int Is n s,r of the (hood. Id, R. 1K14.01. Per 1 ti. 14E7. FE tV °TICE. Pit that et”!'. Oa un4,ll , Len.f.s; ,, sone n!' Ifrudoot *1%.14 - rothip, ttd 11111 1 11111 tilloe l y 611111 1 11 11 date (-vpl, PAU any VI pen Of A": nyl* liret• p“.* log on 0111 181$1ily„ •110/314 If* 4141110 110 daft . 101 , 1 he rlralt yr th eta .rdois In 1,110. j It walla, liaste It Psra6 Vt*:.fism App , emos s IWO !14rlitt+10. Pyivroter Puree, R. kW. C Richert, f Jieen!, ;Mead. Pith II lien h. %%n, Ntr.t.vdaat Ili mock, P. pt. Ift, feet —.4r,..pe: 'TUE COLUMBIA HOUSE. U. a. siOUNtn, Proprieler Tfiti• tlt A nett' "tone, 131 , 17 e1t . .1411.f.5r the totraltat t.t e.tr , ttoot , ltag o.lti. 1.00/0 If. 111.101040 Ati,l f I, a Into ttt to : oo tart t, , ttrt vattoot• a what to 4,1$ ci• ti , " • Ito bittAott 01/,'lt.ettr " it ut,414 f. sawn, aln tot peaorat Dl te for twat* L. h otaoo hotna we, .ha.l Vir!tPte [he tttc nt the torAihrso Ea, prow/flirt fr.,{ ottnat.trat 0.011 , to i t rpar to pre lOW' , "rt big gaeats, ,i 4 , 40 ,o;trti 1 , 4 Nir pot ipoc or tato palrlts potoostso. fitanalioarg. Mao 13, 107. SOAP 4t. CANDLE 3!ANUFACTORI SBA EOKI N, 1' r.TEn.T R Nrzor. Iit:IIICAL T'Ati:TE 501P3, AMR Van , tfett,4o,4 from pure nneerinta .n 4 hi. 0, mookiiter d ths at la,tar4 of extelleney. rqr 11* by hit 'how., e'en be bed at eaten/testa l'sinent hem Light Street, tap', and an regal*? Met snotoithout the Comity. They !ohittihtly on hand rhenNeal Yrs** t bemired (Hive. P,.le and Miner limp., enders solicited. Meal. 11. 11417.—1nt . . THE SWAN HOTEL, [THE UPPER 1101.441.) Orangeville, Columbia Co., Tha noasertber nrapectrally fahoma hio friend. and the public. lust he his liken the • abase well bnnwn Vl* 11 1 .14 1 11 OF EIaTitIIT‘INHE'VT. And wilt ha plen a / 4 1w twelve the ;..!orn af all wit favor tom with a awl. 110 aln keep A GOOD n tut welt '10444 with the bent or 4 Omar,. Very 'MO will be made to tinder entire ..hr lino. JUNN &'Y DLit INARrAiiiis March .10 LADIES* FANCY IMES AT JOHN FAHEIRAI QtA itwa.bli*lwil FVK Nilo nufnetwir. Nr 1 ,716 ti el riteeT, &wive:o.l44ll.lllEL , Ilave nuts 1111 Otfire for 107 own imptwoninn 110ronfAwtnre . one of Ito law Sent 104 Met halo teletttoos nt EMMI for I,n•tte* . en* Ch &iron's West in tee City. Al * fine a•anrtotrnt ott thitt'a Yur Moires and "ion* I not naUled to oievotsnf my gond* lively tete Id a« i tire*. and I n. old thereto,* *alien n •••' it 11W At iptv at Colon's* egoirlty ah,f vicinetv it‘1444113601 the Name, Number and . vet! JOIIN FAELItt NO. 718 ham St., altairto 7th. *oath tlide Pat it 7" I WAVII NO 'Part NIL Mt CONitarmat IWO otat a At nits IN PUMA onna. tt,tottet 1. ItNi7 —4th. ERWINE tt SHIP MAN, FfIACTLCAL HOUSE A. Sign Painteriand riper Unger,' BLOONSBURO, I'A Paring had a Mop etnerfente in the armee be !leaf' they would elserwetinliy ram their amerce the mimeo* or IlloomeLora and ormrp,do,rjel en try, They areprepared rod r kmda of lleer Sign Painting ,l'apermitt,aminy, Profit and at work belonging to the Painting mleinert L.' 7" OrdPre lett at weir *hop ie the Carr 11 ' Alley. or at the Ettll4l4 , 114401, L N. Wl* Druz Mom. and Papier** Hardware will be promptly *Wearied I.e. Ilfromstmul, AnikOtt T. 1.67. HOW LOST, DOW REST On El • , Jt! ST published. is s 08.04 leg/. P. tope, PtrP,o 6 tents. A h ewe. •eKeiii" natur'.le;„tmeatlord reliteal tleu..n. I tVi oarless er Permeate lodured by Felt-A..41e ; involentary petenry, Nervett* debility tee. thertiage 'mitten). ; Vnii.elet• Pll9 ; Neutpi and Physical leieveiteitY. Robert .1, culvermell, M, D., author at itei The world room no 1 author, la 11110 admire hire clearly pm •11 from his nwh ettpottoM the **fel conermiences of abill,thuse may iv ually removed withoet Mediate.. and vi,the /ems suremal roeratioes, bonitos * tr. ~tit rinds, at "Id ” ` 41, 14 P"intit4 - nut a node of uric, certain and edemas!, by which emery e on nimter a hat his evitlition mcp himself cheeply, privately end railleetty, tore will arm , a boon t , thommarts and that Meat under seat to any addrese, is a plain en on receipt of atzt rents, or tampoetaan sl Moo Or, eolvervielei ittermite Guide,prite PS • Aiiikese, CH Am. J, C . 14Ltairt 4 167 flowery. w York, P. O. box 43 'Vb. 1 11417,—1 y Peas ie Co GO TO BROWER'S TO BOY y COCDOBEIDhO: